Maskeblomstfamilien (2010) Movie Script

You look lovely.
Especially in that dress.
- Who have you dressed up for?
- You.
Who else?
- They'll be here soon.
- Who?
The people who are coming to get us.
There they are.
There's nothing to worry about.
Thank you.
Tell me again.
From the beginning.
Are you coming to my birthday party?
This year it's color film, Adrian.
Black and white is pass.
Starting today, color film only.
If I have time, I'll come see you.
If I have time.
Shall I help you pack, mother?
Should we invite Emilie
to your birthday?
You were invited to hers.
- But I didn't go.
- True.
Is this new?
Don't say anything to your father.
Have a nice summer!
Come on, Adrian!
Now it's just the two of us, Adrian.
As long as it lasts.
Adrian, aren't you going swimming?
- Have you seen my mirror?
- No.
Could you rub lotion on my back?
Let's surprise dad tomorrow.
That's what we need to find out.
- Father doesn't like surprises.
- Can't we have some fun?
Thank you, Adrian.
You are so kind.
Aren't you a little big
to sleep in your mother's bed?
Is Adrian asleep?
I've missed you.
I've missed you too.
- How is Amund?
- Amund? Excellent!
And his hands?
His hands?
I haven't seen them in ages.
Adrian needs
a new doctor's note from you.
And what do you want me to write?
The usual.
That he has a hernia and a bad back
and must be excused from gym class.
And when they find out
what's really wrong with him?
He's probably already figured it out.
But you've never
talked to him about it.
If only we could send him
to boarding school. In France.
You can't keep it
hidden forever, Lillian.
You could have chosen his gender
when he was born.
Instead you left him to fend
for himself. Want me to write that?
Or that it would have been better
for you if he had never been born?
Thomas, please don't go. would have been better for you
that he had never been born?
But you've never
talked to him about it.
You can't keep it hidden forever.
Wake up, Adrian!
If only we could send him
to boarding school. In France.
You could have chosen his gender
when he was born.
Instead you left him
to fend for himself.
What do you want, Adrian?
Let's dress like elegant ladies.
No, Adrian!
I thought we were
going to surprise father.
Don't be so boring!
Can't we have some fun?
Happy birthday...
So, it's a costume party again?
- You win for best hat.
- Thank you, dear sister-in-law.
My, how you have grown!
- Stop this. You're embarrassing us.
- Am I?
Get rid of that costume.
Allow me to present
Gunnar E. Holmsen, my new inventor.
Another one?
My wife, Lillian, also an inventor.
Of strange notions.
Who is going swimming now.
He loves to swim.
Please, come inside.
Emilie, come!
Happy birthday to you...
It's French.
It means "The Laughter".
I can't read French.
More cake, Adrian?
I'll translate: "Certain deformities
unfortunately provoke laughter..."
Enough, Edith.
- Do your hands hurt today, Amund?
- No, they are fine.
He's had that rash
since he was a young boy, poor thing.
If everyone could sit still,
I'd like to take a picture.
You don't remember it, Adrian, but
you were born during a solar eclipse.
Nonsense. It became overcast.
Plain and simple.
- There was no eclipse.
- The birds stopped singing.
Show us what you can do!
Watch this, Holmsen.
How long have you been there?
Here you go.
I didn't see anything.
I can hardly see in this light.
I won't say anything.
...Better for you
if he had never been born.
Thank you, honey.
Adrian, my foot!
Thank you, honey.
You are so kind.
- Thank you for picking us up.
- So much for that summer.
- Hi, Adrian. Did you like your gift?
- Thank you.
I'll take the umbrella.
You're tan.
- You sure aren't.
- What?
Why are you so mean?
What is wrong with you?
Why hurt poor Emilie?
- It isn't her fault she's like that.
- Is it her parents' fault?
- Go down and apologize. Now!
- No!
Have you no shame?
All right, mother.
- Do you know why I'm so mean?
- I didn't mean it like that.
Because I have no shame.
Are you worried?
About what?
- About starting school again.
- No.
I worry constantly.
- There's nothing to worry about.
- Thank you.
I only came down to apologize.
Solar eclipse.
All the birds stop singing.
What is it with her?
And finally: Adrian Wang.
I can hardly see your eyes.
Use a comb,
or frequent a barber more often.
Time for your class schedule.
Find something to write on.
Good one!
Don't follow me!
What do you want?
- You have to sign it, from Dr. Ask.
- We sure are lucky to have Dr. Ask.
- Did he come visit you this summer?
- Yes.
- Because of mother's foot?
- No.
Because of the doctor's note for you.
Did he stay long?
He missed the last boat.
Do you know what is
a greater invention than the wheel?
Brakes, Adrian.
And do you know
what is greater than honor?
That's right.
- He is dead.
- Who?
Your father.
May I have the camera?
- What?
- Father's camera.
He doesn't need it anymore.
You should be...
...ashamed of yourself!
I went to father's office today.
To have him sign the note
from Dr. Ask.
So no one will find out
what's really wrong with me.
What did you tell your father?
What did you tell him?
That Dr. Ask missed the last boat.
My condolences.
My condolences.
Is there anything I can do?
Thank you.
You're no longer needed.
- What do you mean?
- I mean we no longer need you.
- You can't mean that.
- Most certainly!
My condolences, Adrian.
I would like to propose a toast
to Amund.
la sant.
To father.
I need to lie down.
Would you rather stay
in the maid's room?
Why would I want to stay
in the maid's room?
To avoid all the painful memories.
Come now.
You could have taken better care of
him. He was your husband, after all.
It's best this way.
I want my own key.
- When the time is right.
- When will that be?
Time will show.
Perhaps when you've cut your hair?
Mother? Albertine became a prostitute.
Our thoughts have been with you
during this difficult time.
Thank you.
That's all for today!
My name is Heidi.
- Adrian.
- I just started in Emilie's class.
- Why don't you have to take gym?
- I'm exempt.
- Why?
- Hasn't Emilie told you?
Should you have?
My father is dead.
Remember that lbsen was only 22
when he wrote Catalina.
Nice of you to show up!
Cut your hair, and you might
be able to see the clock.
Hey! Who do we consider
Norway's four literary greats?
Why don't you brush your teeth?
- What?
- Why don't you brush your teeth?
Your breath is horrible.
Ibsen, Bjrnson, Kielland, Lie.
We realize you've been through
a difficult time.
But your grief is no excuse.
Grief should temper and refine, not
break down and destroy. Come here.
You were not only rude,
but cruel towards Mr. Vogt today.
- How so?
- How so?
You said something hurtful, and
ridiculed him in front of the class.
Do you understand
what I am referring to?
- But it's true.
- That is beside the point.
Should I not tell the truth?
You will apologize to Mr. Vogt
tomorrow. Right here. Understood?
You may... go.
- Tell Emilie she looks like a lizard.
- Why?
- Are you stupid?
- No, are you?
Because that lizard should never
have come out of her mother's pussy!
- Why don't you tell her yourself?
- Because I'm not a shit like you.
Should I tell her she never should
have come out of her mother's pussy?
He's going to do it!
You're pretty.
You're pretty.
Did you see her turn even paler
when you said that?
Wonderful is the Earth
Mighty is God's heaven
Beautiful the pilgrimage
Of the souls
Through the fair realms
Of the Earth
To Paradise we walk in song
- What did you tell her?
- That her face looked like a pussy.
Like a pussy?
Did you really say that?
And that you want to fuck her.
Get him!
You look like a girl!
Maybe he is a girl!
It hurts, doesn't it?
Poor you.
I'm not the one
you should feel sorry for.
Meet me in the laundry room.
When you see me go down there.
Why are you wearing gloves?
What are you doing?
No one will photograph us anymore.
Do you really think I'm pretty?
- Take your clothes off.
- Why?
It's a game.
A game.
What kind of game?
No, please!
You saw me.
Now I want to see you.
We are both bad patents.
Did you take a picture of me?
Do you really think I am pretty?
No one has seen Emille
since after school yesterday.
Emilie from downstairs
has disappeared!
- Where do you think she is?
- We're trying to find that out.
When did you see Emilie last?
At school yesterday.
- Where might she have gone?
- Probably not far.
- Why is that?
- Because she has nowhere to go.
Doesn't she have any friends?
- Only me.
- You. So you're Emilie's friend?
When she was here, no one cared.
Now that she's gone,
everyone wants to find her.
Why did you call?
I was just wondering
what you wanted for Christmas.
I have everything I need.
But... what do you want?
- Dr. Ask.
- Thomas? This is Adrian Wang.
- Adrian?
- You have to visit mother.
- Is something wrong?
- Sunday would be best.
If she doesn't open the door,
the key is under the mat.
Shouldn't we close
the summer house soon?
I was just thinking about that.
What did you think I saw?
I didn't see anything.
I told you that.
When I saw your clothes there,
I thought you...
That you were like your father.
That you were weak like him.
Your father was weak.
And had everything.
- I was strong, and had nothing.
- Of what?
Family. We have to take care
of each other, you and I.
Because there are
many bad people out there.
- Who will take care of you, auntie?
- No one.
It's true that you were born
during a solar eclipse, Adrian.
That makes you a most rare child.
Where is your mother?
She isn't in her room.
"Dear Adrian.
Your mother is in treatment."
"Don't worry, she is in
the best of hands. Dr. Ask."
- How did he get in here?
- Perhaps mother let him in.
Perhaps it's all for the best,
after all.
Yes, perhaps.
Now it's just the two of us, Adrian.
As long as it lasts.
Do you plan on standing
for the rest of the lesson?
As you well know, Mr. Vogt
is on sick leave. He won't be back.
That makes me your new teacher.
My name is Bjarne.
But Mr. Jacobsen to you.
If you think
you can mess with me, you're wrong.
- Is that understood?
- Yes!
I will also help the theater group
stage the play Oedipus Rex.
About a man who is disowned
by his parents at birth.
Later he kills his father.
And marries his mother.
What separates comedy from tragedy?
The laughter.
Good. That's good.
Good answer.
Through Sophocles'ruthless drama
we become renewed.
Unsullied as children.
This is a tragedy. Comedies
are nothlng but vulgartrickery.
Tragedy, on the other hand,
is noble material.
Tragedy is seeing the hero's slow,
relentless fall from grace.
Ladies first.
Who will be our Jocasta,
Oedipus' wife and mother?
- Me!
- Heidi.
First come, first served. Excellent!
And who will be Oedipus?
Who will be our Oedipus?
I will!
- Feel free to let your hair grow out.
- He looks like a girl.
Wait, we can rehearse together.
- Rehearse?
- Learn our lines.
How about at your house?
Not a chance.
Then let's go to West and buy a Coke.
Don't you ever give up?
Why are you so mean?
I'm just trying to get to know you.
Come on.
- Well?
- Well what?
Let's hear it.
We have received a letter.
- This is for mother.
- She can no longer be reached.
"Adrian Wang's unkempt appearance
at school is unacceptable."
"He will be expelled indefinitely, -
- unless his hair has been cut
by Monday, October 30."
Buy candy for the spare change.
You'll do as I say?
Cut your hair tomorrow? Compris?
- You woke me up!
- I was checking if you were asleep.
You devious little devil!
This will be a sheer pleasure.
- Want to make 20 kroner?
- How?
- Cut my hair.
- Go to a barber, you Idiot!
- What do you care?
- Fine. Show us the money.
Do you have scissors?
Don't you dare?
Are you chicken?
Shut up!
Sit still!
This knife is dull.
Move your hands!
Adrian Wang!
What is the meaning of this?
Who did this to you?
There, there.
Come, sit down.
We only want what's best for you.
Who did this?
My aunt.
What are you saying?
My aunt, who takes care of me
since father died and mother...
this is a very serious accusation.
- You aren't lying?
- No.
- How can I know?
- Because I'm telling you.
Because you're telling me?
You need something better than that.
Look at me.
If your aunt has done this to you...
You need to try to understand
her despair.
Go to class now, Adrian.
You must forgive!
Forgiveness is the greatest...
Have you come to pick up...?
Can you fix me?
Do you sell wigs?
I have the lead in the school play.
This will be lovely for your play.
And you didn't turn out
half bad, either.
If I may say so myself.
How much do I owe you?
I thought you had come for this.
To pick it up.
Your mother forgot it
the last time she was here.
It was hard to give it back
after everything that had happened.
Thank you.
What did you say about me?
Tell them you're lying!
Tell them I didn't cut you like that!
Let's not get too emotional.
- What's your version?
- She came in while I was asleep.
That isn't true! He's lying!
I didn't cut...
- You didn't cut my hair?
- No!
You saw your aunt
with a pair of scissors?
- Yes. The kitchen scissors.
- I don't deserve this. Not one bit!
We found this in your bag.
Can you explain that?
Is that your knife?
So you did this to yourself?
- Answer! Did you do it to yourself?
- Yes.
Adrian, this will end up in your
final report. Do you understand?
Look at me
when I'm talking to you, Adrian.
I repeat: Do you understand
how serious this is?
Since you're fit enough
to swim in October, -
- we've decided that
you will start attending gym class.
You have been through difficult
times, but that is no excuse.
Apologize to your aunt.
And take off that hat.
Hurry up, Adrian.
Let's go, boys!
Weaponless my spirit lies.
Earth her gracious fruit denies...
Excellent! Thank you.
Take a short break. Adrian?
Never forget that
you are the central character.
The entire play depends on you.
Your acting must come from within.
Find an experience you can use
to make your performance believable.
Oedipus seeks the truth.
For every morsel of truth revealed,
he inches closer to his destiny.
It's all about emotions.
Can you find that emotion?
Can you do that, Adrian?
I like being with you.
Did Emilie say anything about me?
Why do you ask?
What did she say?
- That you're nice.
- That I'm nice?
Is that all?
That I'm nice?
And she said
she sometimes was afraid of you.
Afraid of me?
Are you afraid of me?
- Are you sure?
- No.
Let's do something.
Something exciting.
Why not do something ordinary?
What is this place?
My father used to work here.
Know what this type
of elevator is called?
- Paternoster. "Our Father''.
- Why is it called that?
Because it never stops.
Is this what you mean by ordinary?
- This is to prove you're not lying.
- About what?
About liking to be with me.
Do you believe me now?
That I like being with you?
- Are you afraid?
- Of what?
You know.
Say it anyway.
Of everything that is about to come.
Ladies and gentlemen.
This play takes place here and now.
On this tiny stage.
Just like it did 3000 years ago
in the amphitheater in Thebes.
We have a fantastic audience
out there. Break a leg!
The burden that I bear
is more for my subjects than myself.
Poor child.!
Thou art the murderer of the man
whose murderer thou pursuest.
Thou hast eyes, yet see'st not
in what misery thou art fallen.
I would do nothing
that you dislike.
A game.
What kind of game?
My birth was a sin!
My birth was a sin!
Are you In there?
You have a visitor.
- Hi.
- I'll just...
The principal held a speech
in praise of you.
- Have you been crying?
- No. Why?
It looks like you have been crying.
The make-up stings my eyes.
- Don't you want it back?
- Yes.
Come and get it!
It's all right.
What is it, Adrian?
Should I do it differently?
Adrian, what...?
I'm sorry, I...
- Adrian...
- Leave!
I'm sorry.
Please, just leave.
- Where is my mother?
- Adrian?
- Is she all right?
- Your mother is fine now.
- Where is she?
- She is here. With me.
She would like to talk to you.
Let me get her.
Hi, Adrian.
How are you?
Are you there?
Adrian, please!
I have thought so much about you.
Forever Yours
One copy of each picture?
Write your name and address here.
Please write clearly.
I'll try to have them ready
by tomorrow.
Forever Yours
Has anyone seen Adrian?
You've been there all along,
haven't you?
You look lovely.
Especially in that dress.
Who have you dressed up for?
Who else?
They'll be here soon.
The people who are coming to get us.
There they are.
There's nothing to worry about.
Thank you.
Adrian Wang?
- Perhaps.
- Perhaps?
Perhaps not.
Want me to check?
Are either of your parents home?
- Father is dead, mother moved out.
- That's right. Sorry.
Do any other adults live here?
My aunt.
But she is at the theater.
And what about you?
Have you been to a party?
I play the lead.
- But you are Adrian Wang?
- Adrian is my brother.
Your brother?
I didn't know Adrian had a sister.
Is Adrian home?
I'll go wake him up.
You are Adrian Wang, right?
Did you take this picture?
This is serious, Adrian.
Did you take this picture?
It was me.