Masquerade (2022) Movie Script

Giulia, in this envelope
is an account number.
There's enough money to last you a while.
Lots of love,
Adrien and Margot.
- Well?
- He's not answering.
How do I look?
I love it.
You lecher.
And how do I look?
Not ridiculous?
Don't do it!
Oh fuck! Help!
Get some help! Please!
Leave it to me. Be patient.
The trouble was the wind.
It blew leaves in the pool.
She was stressed out
about the costume party.
It could rain or be windy,
so no candles.
Wait, ma'am! Let me help you.
It's not your job!
Where is that numbskull?
Claude, you idiot!
We're going by the home
of Martha Duval, famous French actress
once married to Tomasz Adler,
the great British director
Hello! Hello!
Bunch of yokels!
It's me!
Martha insisted that the kid
finish his novel in Tomasz's study.
It wasn't a study, it was a mausoleum.
Nothing had moved. Their wedding pictures,
his collection of rare books,
his shirts still on hooks,
his cigars in little nooks.
Now I'm making rhymes!
Martha was the only woman in Paris,
or in the world,
who didn't know Tomasz was gay.
Four years ago,
early July,
rumors began to make her wonder.
He told her
he'd rented a small office up in ze
to work in peace.
He left every morning
and came home at night.
It was, as they say
An open secret.
For five years,
he'd been with the Rougier scion.
A hunk. Made me jealous.
It was her first summer at the villa
since the divorce.
We'd only just met him.
He'd spend his days in the master's study.
Supposedly he was working. Sure he was!
Just a second.
Come in.
She asked me to give you this.
What is it?
She gave him
a monthly allowance.
Things were clear. He was staff.
Just like the gardener.
Thank you.
A lovely late 19th-century
stone mansion.
It had belonged to Somerset Maugham.
Tomasz bought it in the 1970s,
just after Finale made him millions.
He kept paying the mortgage.
But upkeep is costly, believe you me.
She started selling off
furniture, paintings
Oh dear!
She wasn't doing movies,
but she was keeping up appearances.
Did you reach Tomasz?
Yes. He'll be here tonight.
Sorry piece of shit.
You really want me to wear this?
Why not? It's a fine suit.
I rented it from Gurin.
I look stupid.
It's not the suit.
Oh, I'm joking.
Do it for me. It fits the party theme.
And if you're in white,
all eyes will be on you.
Maybe I don't want that.
Well, I do. I just bought you.
Oh, lighten up, won't you?
Who's coming?
Get any work done?
Uh, I'm making progress.
Not your book. The piano.
Look, it's ridiculous.
Stop! Then I'll be ridiculous,
and I don't need you for that!
Maria! Now, where'd you go?
"I wanted everything to remain immutable."
"Every day I said,
tomorrow will be like it used to be."
"Yesterday, I was still waiting."
"Today, I no longer need wait."
They'd met in Paris.
She was reading
a Marcelle Sauvageot passage,
a monologue about heartbreak.
She performed it hoping Tomasz would come
and understand how she felt
since they'd parted.
She hadn't been on stage in 15 years.
It was almost moving.
Come in! Have a seat.
I'll open some wine.
I'm so happy to see you here tonight.
I almost feel like I'm an actress.
High time.
Pleased to meet you.
Thank you.
Did you enjoy it?
Very much.
I thought you were incredible.
Even more than in Lucretia Borgia.
I thought of you while on stage tonight.
We're not acquainted.
Maybe that's why.
See my parents there?
They're not my real parents.
I don't know where I'm from.
That's why I'm an actress.
She'd have slept with an armchair
to get her mind off things.
A month later, he moved in.
May I ask what this young man does?
Uh, yes, of course.
My son was a dancer.
A professional dancer.
I know.
I watched him dance until he was 20.
We were so proud
when he joined Alain Reynaud's company.
He was dating Yasmina.
I'd warned him.
Careful on that bike.
His ligaments were shredded.
He limped for two years.
I found out that
his girlfriend dumped him
while he was in the hospital.
That's when
he started drinking and taking stuff.
He said he was in business.
He'd always give us things.
A rug for the living room, perfume,
I met him in 2012. He was 25.
Or so he said.
One of those young men with luxury tastes
who do nothing to provide for them.
One day his sister spilled the beans.
Older women
I couldn't look at him.
So we stopped seeing each other.
Adrien's a novelist.
Can we read something you've published?
Well, I'm working on a book about Martha.
You'll make me blush.
I truly think Martha
is this century's greatest actress.
Last century's too!
No, honestly.
Through her roles, she's managed
to inject more humanity in our lives
than most great poets
and even great musicians.
Lordy! Keep him!
You taking him to Nice?
Possibly. He can swim.
He even lived there several years.
He's better than last year's.
Not as cute, but smarter.
Yes, he's wonderful.
Only love's missing.
He admired the actress.
Then he met the woman.
Franoise, close the door, please.
We offer new one
to three-bedroom units
with a terrace, balcony or garden
starting at 400,000 .
Delivery: March 2021.
400,000 , you don't say!
Why not 15,000 per square meter?
Who you gonna fleece now?
No one, Simon.
We know you!
Another concrete block of shit
like in Menton.
If the mayor backs me,
it's not to build more crap on the coast.
I come this far to hand you
exclusive sales on 14 apartments
Hand me?
That's poison!
Want me to call the mayor?
You can stuff your project.
Look at this photo, Simon.
When your brother and father
Shut up about my brother.
Who caused his heart attack?
I won't take part
in shady real estate projects
riddled with construction defects, got it?
When I go home, I don't live in fear.
Or in luxury.
What do you call luxury?
Your corvette? Your nip and tucked wife?
You'll get eaten.
You always have.
So long. Love to your wife.
No. She makes me sick.
What did you say?
- Whoa!
- Hey, hey, hey!
- Calm down!
- Let go of him!
Here goes.
What a circus, I swear.
- Good evening. How are you?
- 'Evening.
- Remember our daughter?
- Lucie.
- That's right.
- Wow!
She'll be married soon.
Stop! We were having a nice evening.
You're horrible, Dad.
Damn, it's her. Excuse me.
- I'll be quick.
- Seriously?
Honey, I can't talk.
We're starting a run-through.
About two hours. I'll call you after.
Oh shit! I don't believe it! Maria?
Oh, leaving so soon, Simon?
Sorry. Urgent business
to settle in Antibes.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Good. Love ya, honey.
Later. It's starting.
Your attention, please, for just a moment.
- Cut that out.
- Stop it!
Our dear director
of the Nice national theater is here.
We had dinner a few weeks ago,
as we do at the start of summer.
You talked about your plan
to put on an Alphonse Grimaud comedy
set in the '20s.
Out of coyness or foolishness,
you didn't offer me the role of Adelaide!
But when I got home,
I got hold of the play.
It's delightful.
So, I'm going to burden you
with a sort of public audition.
I'll sing Adelaide's song
from the beginning of Act III.
To do so, I will be accompanied by Adrien
my wonderful partner.
Come on, darling.
That's too high for me.
I only know it like that.
Take it down a key.
I don't know how.
Me who can call no land my own
Not one!
Not France or anywhere
I play the piano at sundown
The ivories I tickle with flare
I've tasted all the poisons
All the felons
And danced naked on many a table
But as I am nothing but passion
To love the devil is all I'm able
I've met so many faces
In all the wrong places
That became flushed with ardor
In less than an hour
Hear me out, I'm not a bore
Believe you me, I know the score
Isn't he a doll!
Where'd you pop out of?
Do you speak English?
Isn't the view beautiful?
You too.
I'm going to kiss you.
- Ex excuse me?
- Yes?
Right now I'm going to come closer,
and I'm going to kiss you.
Wh why?
Because you look quite beautiful.
Do you like it?
Can I do it again?
Come with me.
Get in the driver's seat.
Why speak English to me?
That's the way it is. Don't ask.
Here's what's going to happen.
You're going to drive,
and you won't brake until you come, okay?
I don't have a license.
Doesn't matter.
Go on.
Go straight. I'll tell you.
Okay, okay.
I have to brake! I have to brake!
If you do, I'll draw blood.
Holy shit!
Wait a second. We're fine here, aren't we?
I need a cigarette.
The water's rising.
Okay, so you're crazy.
Whose car is this?
An asshole's.
His wife's, rather.
We're stuck. It's jammed.
And it's rising.
Don't you like Titanic?
Okay, I have to go.
- Good night.
- Thanks. Bye.
Good night.
Wait for me!
Where you going?
Who cares?
It was a vintage Jaguar,
an anniversary gift to my wife.
Can you tell us
about Margot Hansen?
I hardly knew her.
Where'd you meet?
At the home of friends.
She was flirting
with a real estate mogul and arts patron.
He funded some of my shows.
Public theaters aren't as well funded as...
Please, Mr. Bardin.
She was sublime.
In my line,
you meet lots of pretty girls, but
So I asked if she'd ever done any acting.
She seemed uninterested.
After that evening,
you never saw her again?
- Never?
- Never.
Good night, Maria.
Good night, sir.
Sorry about the piano.
I had stage fright.
I wasn't well.
I understand.
Have a nice evening?
Did you?
That girl was pretty.
And Bardin's car in the pond
Yes, strange.
Sleep with me?
Not tonight if you don't mind.
Too much drink. I'm beat.
I've never met a musician
with no instrument.
Tomorrow night, then.
Good night.
How's life?
So, how was the joy ride?
When you think about it,
the area is depressing.
The very rich are bored stiff.
The rich pretend to be very rich.
As for the others,
they're consumed with jealousy.
No tip from that pig Marsac?
With all the money he makes
Next time, spit on his fries.
I couldn't help
stopping by the hotel at noon.
Why did you do that?
Same clientele as ever.
I saw Sophie Courcel.
Sitting in the same place, drunk as ever.
And Carole and Simon Laurenti,
the brother of that asshole
who rigged the contract.
He didn't dare look at me.
Spineless jerks.
During the war, those guys
Madam Giulia
Hello, Lionel.
Don't make such a face.
I'll just have an appetizer.
- Giulia
- What?
Can't I have lunch in my own restaurant?
Why torture yourself like that?
Who hired you, Lionel?
You did, ma'am.
What? Gonna hit me?
I forgot. Never in front of customers.
You did that in the wings.
- Look
- I'm leaving, don't worry.
Thank you.
I'm gonna kill him.
Stop thinking about it. Look ahead.
Says he!
Did you have a nice evening?
- The same.
- Okay.
Does she spoil you, at least?
We hardly go out. She hates to realize
no one recognizes her.
I spoiled you.
All those weekend trips.
Rome, Florence, Positano
- So long, Luca.
- Bye.
I won't suggest taking you home.
You want to?
But I wish you wanted to.
And that,
I can't afford anymore.
Good night!
The Dumatel boy
kept prowling around.
Don't be silly.
I knew almost all the guests.
Where have you been?
I thought you were beat.
What's going on?
Jewelry was stolen,
and no one saw a thing.
Search our rooms if you like.
None of us three went out tonight.
You really think I could
No, it would take brains.
Good night.
And you, come with me.
I'm not sleepy now.
- Bring me another?
- It's not even noon.
Maybe. I don't have a watch.
How's it going, Brigitte?
And you, sweetie pie?
Your peonies are pretty.
Not as pretty as you.
I'll take one.
Take it. It's a gift.
How'd he react?
Uh, who?
When he saw wifey's car in the pond.
Thanks, Brigitte.
Uh, he was livid.
Did he cry?
He's the sort who bawls
when you touch his things.
And I touch their things.
Do you have things?
Do you have a house?
An apartment?
- No.
- A family home?
Not really.
- A boat?
- Nope.
A numbered account?
None of that. But I can buy you a drink.
- A drink?
- A bottle?
And after the bottle?
Pizza at the Safari. Best in Nice.
Lucky it's the weekend.
What do you do on weekends?
What we're doing now.
Stupid, pointless things.
Wanna join us?
You live here?
I wish!
Why's that?
I dunno. I think it's chic.
Hotels, houses,
cars, boats
I think it's chic.
Take a picture of me.
- Here?
- Mm-hmm.
A book?
Yes, a book.
Do books pay?
I dunno. It's my first.
Then why are you doing it?
She likes it.
She thinks it's chic.
The singer?
She's an actress.
- A great actress.
- So I heard.
I love her house.
Know what I'd like?
For us to live in that house.
Wouldn't you?
But on separate floors.
Two of everything.
Two pools, two kitchens, two living rooms.
What for?
- To not see each other.
- I see.
Do you breakfast by the pool?
Yes, when it's not too windy.
What's she put on her toast? Marmalade?
Make me dream.
She prefers pancakes.
With maple syrup she gets from London.
- Sorry, ma'am.
- Be careful!
You're all thumbs.
Where you going?
Elsewhere. I can't stand your tone.
Then beat it.
Two-bit Robin Hood!
Are you saying you're very generous?
No, no.
Oh, that pancake story made me hungry.
Want to eat a fancy meal for free?
It's beautiful.
She did everything. It was in ruins.
How long did it take?
Eleven years, and now
she's not even allowed in.
Man, what an asshole.
Speaking of whom, there he is.
The guy with the big snout.
How was everything?
Perfect, thanks.
Whenever you are.
You announce it just like that?
Settle down.
You're splitting with that slut
and leaving me the kids?
- What am I supposed to do?
- Stop it, honey.
Don't count on it!
Don't tell me what to do!
Don't cause a scandal.
You're afraid of a scandal? Is it me?
Am I the scandal?
Please what, huh?
Bunch of hypocrites! You all knew!
All of you!
You're leaving me with three kids
and droopy boobs?
Hush, honey, please.
Calm her down. Do something!
Sorry. Forgive us, really.
That's enough now.
Don't touch me!
You lunatic!
Sorry. Forgive us, really.
I want that one.
- With two sails.
- I get seasick.
Too bad for you.
What now?
I'm hungry again.
Stop. Stop it!
That's the trouble when you like someone.
All you do is eat and stare.
Suits me.
- Stop it.
- What?
You're messing me up.
What did I do?
I'm ruining my assets.
You have it easy.
No, she tries to stuff me.
Thinks I'm too thin.
She has lots of paintings.
Dare to steal one?
- Why?
- To stop screwing in the john.
I like you.
Sure about that?
Maybe you're not real.
Everything's fake here.
You're the first guy
I've enjoyed kissing in three years.
You're the first woman I enjoy kissing.
It's true.
I haven't always done this.
Done what?
And before?
Yes, sorry.
I was on the water.
Friends with a boat.
Tell me quick. Service is awful.
Why so impatient?
It's a nasty flaw.
No, I prefer the Negresco.
See you shortly.
So, what do we do?
Swap numbers to sneak a pizza?
I'd love that. Not you?
What's it cost you?
See ya.
Take it down fast. Fast.
I'll call you.
Right now. I'm calling.
So in short, it's long, boring,
stodgy, grueling,
and it's the Palme d'Or.
"So you're back, Pomponette!
Back to eat old Pompon's soup!
"Tart! Slut!"
"Piece of filth."
Good evening.
Good evening.
How's my poet?
- Fine.
- Hungry?
I was nice enough to put a bowl out.
Nice and clean.
I've eaten.
Then eat twice.
This is a home, not a hotel.
I'll get a paunch.
Make yourself puke.
I'll show you how.
25 years of fingers down my throat.
How else would I keep my wasp waist?
Wasps sting, you know.
Eat properly, darling.
I don't know how.
I never learned.
I watch you. I try to do the same.
But it'll take years to be like you.
You're all
so very chic.
Still, the jerk has nice eyes.
It was interesting
to see the guy develop.
Months earlier,
he'd apologize for existing.
Then some mysterious force
turned him into a prince.
See that house over there?
The pink one?
It's my stepdad's. I'm buying it from him.
I'll take you.
Evenings are freaking awesome.
With pleasure.
I'm coming, man!
You wanna play, do ya?
Cut it out!
It's cold!
- Good. Hardens the nipples.
- They're fake.
- No, mine are real.
- And you, lovely Margot?
- Show me yours!
- Get lost. Get lost!
It's all in fun!
In you go!
Leave me alone!
She's wet! She's wet!
Come on!
Get back on. It's just for fun!
Did you expect better?
No expectations.
- All those dolls.
- I like dolls.
This is what I live in.
Not very chic.
But there's a bed.
It's almost beautiful.
I don't dance anymore.
Then you're lying.
You were never a dancer.
You can't own just being a whore.
Can you, huh?
Come on in!
It's really high!
There's no risk. I come here to sober up.
So you know it well.
Don't think about it. One
I want us to stop.
Say what?
It's ridiculous.
We meet and call all the time,
like a couple.
So what?
You're broke. You're always wasted.
Been there, done that.
I've already been in love.
At first it's nice,
but it doesn't pay the bills
or make you happy.
I'm happy.
It doesn't take much!
I love you.
- I love you.
- Stop it.
You're just horny.
You think I'm hot,
but in five years, you'll split.
You all do. You split.
My dad, my ex, my stepdad, all split.
We age, put on weight,
you hit us, and split.
That's life.
I like older women.
Because they pay!
Stop it.
You can't help it. It's genetic.
You all turn into pricks.
I followed you
to your Marriott rooftop meeting.
I watched you.
Biting your lip, chain-smoking,
looking at your cell,
waiting for my texts.
When I wrote, I saw you laugh.
Isn't that true?
I'll find work.
I'll quit weed. I'll move my ass.
I'm not alone.
Who is it?
- Mommy.
- Thanks, Sandrine.
You bet!
Bye, Sandrine!
- Have a good evening.
- You too.
She was at my mom's.
I picked her up yesterday.
I missed you, baby. You know that?
She's pretty.
She looks like you.
The way I had her is sure to turn you off.
I lived in London.
Worked in a very select club
to pay for voice lessons.
I hunted modeling gigs by day.
My boyfriend was dirt poor.
A wannabe rocker I thought was great.
I paid the bills.
Till he clubbed me.
- What's that mean?
- See that?
This big lush came every night.
An ex-tennis pro.
I was too young to know him,
but he ruled the place.
He was always blind drunk,
but every time
he left with a different bimbo.
20-year-old girls.
Believe me, it's disgusting.
Especially that swine's.
It was that or going back to mommy
and her crappy life.
Paternity test, lawyers, and all. Alimony.
So, you have money?
Clearly, I don't. See where I live?
I don't understand.
I got the wrong guy.
I don't know a thing about tennis.
I'm not interested in sports.
I see.
That explains the dolls.
Don't believe all her talk.
I've known her since junior high.
London's a lie.
Margot invents what she'd like to be.
Other than that, she's fun.
Who is her daughter's father?
I think it was Quentin.
Her deadbeat in Grenoble.
One thing's for sure,
I'll find a way to give her a good life.
That's the plan, you see?
Her and me in a house.
No man to hassle us.
What's true, on the other hand,
is that her stepfather beat her.
She hid it, but it showed.
Quentin beat her too.
She's too beautiful.
It drives them crazy.
I'm going to sleep.
Can't I stay?
What for?
I have no heart.
Go home to mommy.
Come here a second.
Yes, my dear
Who am I?
Lopold. There are two characters.
Yes, my dear, I betrayed you.
Betrayed? You humiliated me.
All the better to come back.
"You willingly agree"
You willingly agree
that I cannot marry you.
I'd be crippled by debt and you by guilt.
I'm happy to share your life,
but not your creditors!
On the other hand, think about it.
Paris is a basket of fruit
just waiting to be tasted.
Let us together
choose the juiciest of them all.
You will be a cuckold,
but we will be rich!
What if I help you?
Who's he?
I can help you!
I know people here.
Remember my friend
with the bistro in the old town?
- Mm-hmm.
- She has dirt on everyone.
You gotta pick the right profile.
The guys you see wanna have a good time
before going home to wifey.
Gotta kill wifey.
A tweak or two, and they'll stay.
Gonna teach me to seduce?
Because you think
you're seductive?
I've watched you with guys.
I've noticed you fake smiles.
As if you were laughing at them.
Because I am!
Well, you shouldn't.
I told you, I'm not an actress.
Time to get to work, then.
Is it marriage you're after?
It's divorce.
I don't know The mayor?
The mayor?
He has nothing.
No, politicians are done.
They're too exposed and don't make a cent.
And he's faithful.
Gozlan, then?
Won't leave his wife.
She's stupid and ugly,
but he won't divorce.
Why not?
I think he loves her.
It happens.
The guy who owns all the beaches?
Have you seen him?
That's not nice for your friend.
That's my opinion. It's up to you.
I don't care.
He's about to get married.
Someone got to him first.
What about you?
What about me?
Can't you get something out of her?
Maybe not the house
But she's loaded, isn't she?
At that age, they've had it all.
She won't give me anything.
She's not in love.
You can work on that. Can't you?
Kiss me.
You're kind.
Are you crying?
A little.
Will we be happy?
I promise.
Bruno, I'll be back within the hour.
Excuse me.
It's here for the flats?
I'll call you back. Excuse me?
For the apartments?
Apartment. Yes, that's me.
Margot Hansen.
Pleased to meet you.
Follow me?
He always wanted a rat,
and I think it's cute.
It's the only rat I can bear.
- It's a Chinese rat.
- It's nice.
I don't think I can do it.
Of course you can.
I thought you were English.
Even your name works.
It's Danish.
It's speaking French
with a British accent that's tricky.
Go on, show me.
What should I show?
Man, I love it.
It makes you vulnerable.
A girl with an accent invites protection.
Even Russians?
Except Russians.
Sorry for my English.
But I was a very bad student.
Yes, I understand.
If you like
If you like, I speak a bit of French.
Much obliged.
Is that so?
Wow! Terrific.
Beautiful, right?
It's one of our finest.
And look at this.
The terrace wraps around almost entirely.
Is it for you?
No, um
I'm visiting for my parents.
For your parents. Okay.
Yes. I'm visiting Cannes.
Oh, right. Um Beaulieu.
Yes, and Nice too.
French Riviera.
For me,
it's the prettiest place
In France.
In the world.
I'd like to live here too.
Well, welcome.
Look. There's this vast
open-plan living space.
The dining area,
living room area, kitchen.
The bedrooms are upstairs.
And you'll see
You admit
suggesting Simon Laurenti to them?
I don't know. Maybe.
Why suggest my client?
There are much wealthier
and more available men around.
Less married.
In fact, at the time,
he'd just become potentially rich.
His father had died.
His brother had died.
Overnight sole owner of the agency.
Which made him vulnerable.
I love it.
Me too.
To be perfectly honest,
I almost kept it for myself.
But my wife didn't like it.
She found it too glitzy.
Too expensive.
A place for drinking wine.
I agree.
Have you got a bottle?
No, not here.
No, but if it's a criterion,
tell your parents
I'll sell it with a full wine cabinet.
- Saint-Estphe. What year?
- Doesn't matter.
And write down Pauillac.
And Chteau Lynch-Bages.
- Chteau what?
- Lynch-Bages
Martha's favorite.
Yes, Lynch-Bages is an excellent wine.
It's my preferred one. It's my favorite.
Are there good wines in England?
Some, yes. But not the same.
Do you know where to drink good wine?
Yes, of course.
Could you text me a list?
Of course.
Did you come by car?
No, I'll call the taxi.
Your French is perfect.
Oh, it used to be better.
I studied literature at uni.
French literature?
- Yes.
- Ah.
And what period?
No, Romanticism is too clich.
I recommend 20th-century poetry.
With poetry, you can recite lines.
Oh yeah?
- I'll prepare an anthology.
- A what?
I'm kidding.
Do you know Paul luard?
I hear it's beautiful.
Um, yes.
The sea has left its ears upon the beach
And the ridged sand
The scene of a perfect crime
The knives are signs
And bullets are tears
Beautiful. I don't understand, but
it's beautiful. But I don't understand.
But it's beautiful.
Oh, sorry!
The apartment specs.
- Keep me posted?
- Yes.
And I'll text you the list.
Thank you. Bye.
My, my, my
- Yes, honey.
- Everything okay?
How about going out for dinner tonight?
You and me?
Yes, you and me.
But where? We haven't reserved.
I don't know. We'll improvise, huh?
I want a glass of wine by the sea.
We forget to enjoy the sea.
All right.
Love you.
Love you.
Excuse me. It was Simon.
How is he with everything that's going on?
Is he running the agency alone?
Yes. It's a lot of pressure.
Huge real estate deals.
- He works much longer hours.
- Mm.
How long have you been married?
- You weren't born.
- Ah.
Let's not exaggerate.
Do you love each other?
Do we love each other?
Yes, just a question.
It's not obscene, is it?
Of course we do.
Like people who've loved each other
a long time.
Do you dance?
Together, I mean.
I don't mind. She's not bad looking.
Not bad?
Yeah, not bad.
The right stuff in all the right places.
Just my style!
Thank you for the rug.
- Maria will help you put it in the car.
- No, no, no.
It weighs a ton!
It'll be my workout
For the dance floor.
Thank you very much.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- What are you doing?
- Whatever you want.
- Are you playing with me?
- It's not a game.
Or if it is, it's very enjoyable.
I'm too old for this.
You are the ideal age.
I think you're superb.
Please get out.
Firstly, that's utter nonsense.
And Martha's just over there.
Didn't you see me stare the other night?
During that ridiculous song?
You had a gorgeous dress.
I wasn't wearing a dress.
I was wearing a blouse. Wrong!
Please get out now.
We're sick of each other.
I'm just a minion among many
in this house.
It's none of my business,
but why do you stay?
I'm waiting for summer to end.
- Maybe I'll kill myself
- Excuse me?
Could you drop me off in Nice?
Yes, if you like.
Thank you.
Stop looking at me.
- I'm not.
- Yes, you are!
No, I'm looking at the sea behind you.
It's beautiful.
More than usual.
Cut it out!
All right.
You're right.
What are you doing?
I don't even know you.
I hear the water's clean this year.
- Really?
- Yes.
Eric told me that.
At lunch,
he grabs a sandwich and goes swimming.
Good for him.
I was wondering
why his hair was wet every afternoon.
- Excuse me.
- Go ahead.
I don't know what came over me.
It caught me off guard. It's not my style.
Ma'am, believe me,
we are certainly not here
to pass judgment on you.
We're interested
in the sequence of events.
Did you see Mr. Saillard again?
The first and last time.
He'd been insisting for three days.
I accepted, intending to put an end
to this nonsense.
- Get dressed.
- I'm hot.
I detest this sort of thing.
Nothing's going to happen.
And stop texting me. It's awkward.
I'll stop. I'd rather see you.
I didn't even really want it.
Why do I feel guilty?
I must be old-fashioned.
Hi, honey.
How's it going?
We have to talk.
Tomorrow, dinner
with Franck and Lucie, right?
Aren't you saying anything?
I am. Are we still going for pizza
with Franck and Lucie?
Yes. That's the plan.
Damn. It's the last thing I need.
I love my daughter,
but I'll be bushed tomorrow.
I have a very busy day.
I understand.
Me too.
Oh man!
We have to pull a Peter Glau.
A what?
He wrote her a big fat check.
She doesn't need to work again.
- Did she hit herself?
- No, she asked her brother.
It's very violent.
For who?
For this poor guy.
Oh, sweet man.
Poor thing.
He had it all in life.
No wars, no illness.
Are we supposed to cry?
It's late. You gotta go.
Get moving.
She'll dump you if you never go home.
No, I don't wanna move.
Have you ever wanted
to find your biological parents?
My file's in a drawer.
There's my mother's name, I think.
I've never dared open it.
I've always pictured an elegant character.
An aristocrat. Swedish or Italian.
I was too afraid of her being ordinary.
It's too late, anyway.
She must be rotting six feet under
in some sordid suburb.
I like you with your hair pulled back.
It suits you.
Think so?
Tomasz said my forehead was too big,
that it made me look mannish.
Tomasz is an old man.
You should open that file.
It'd do you a world of good.
Physically, this is a disaster area.
It keeps getting worse.
You're beautiful.
I'm old.
No. You've been beautiful a long time.
Ah! It's him.
You've got it bad.
I can see it through your sunglasses.
Exhausting, isn't it?
I know. It happened to me twice.
Last time was with you.
I cried for a year.
I see her every day.
At night, I dream of her.
Even awake.
Take a Valium.
I don't know it. The Abri Ctier.
Perfect! Bad food, very expensive.
Good evening.
How are you?
- This is your preferred restaurant?
- No.
I've never been here before.
A fantasy of mine.
Can I give you some advice?
You know your stuff,
but I've been around, and I know him.
Let him choose for you.
- I'm famished.
- Say you like everything.
I don't know what to order.
That you want
to taste new things.
I recommend the grilled sea bass.
The sea bass? I should have a bass?
Be enthusiastic!
As you like.
Okay, I'll take the bass, then.
Men like to think they flavor
everything we eat and drink.
Don't drink too much. He's an ex-wino.
He had a helluva time with it.
Feel free to talk about
your parents, your exes.
If you lay it all out,
you've got nothing to hide.
My exes?
Right. Your ex.
My ex-boyfriend hated fish.
Guys his age
haven't evolved much.
Even if they deny it,
you're easily a slut
in their subconscious.
Were you together long?
- Five years.
- Ah.
We almost got married.
But I think I was too young.
He was too.
You're on good terms.
We're friends now.
He's like a brother.
I understand.
Drink sparingly
but stay till closing time.
Another glass, and that's it.
look around you
and say, with a childlike air
Oh my god, everyone's left!
Ah, talking I'll ask for the bill.
No. No, it's on me.
- No.
- Yes, yes.
You pay.
And claim that
Next time, you invite me.
Like that, we see each other again.
Before parting, be very honest.
Of course not.
But admit that
I wanted to invite you up for a drink,
but to tell the truth,
the break-up is recent,
so I need more time.
I understand.
I'm married, you know.
I don't care.
Hold his gaze.
The longer, the better.
I don't know many men
who don't feel potentially irresistible.
On suggesting my client's name,
did you mention
your history with the Laurentis?
Did you tell Ms. Hansen
my client had no part in it?
No part?
He knew and didn't speak up!
I begged him to defend me.
It was his brother.
Yes. And it was my hotel.
Men stick together here
when they're scheming
or skirt chasing.
They sold us the hotel.
They were hand in glove with my ex.
When I sued to remain manager,
I asked them to testify,
they dropped me like a hot potato.
I don't doubt you felt wronged.
But does that justify
destroying a man's life whose only crime
was his last name?
I didn't destroy anybody's life!
I simply gave a name.
History has proven that giving a name
could have dire consequences.
Your Honor, no further questions.
I have one!
When will this trial become his again?
Madam. Sorry, miss.
Madam, please calm down.
We've been sniveling over cowards,
notables, rich men.
- Madam...
- Over men!
Madam, be quiet.
Yes, I know you'd like me to be quiet.
Margot, wait.
Are you spying on me?
I don't know. Do you like him?
Stop it.
Two and a half hours of real estate,
his eldest daughter,
a project with the regional council.
You think I enjoy smiling at my grandpa?
Did you kiss?
Shut up.
Be jealous, but choose the right guy.
Have you seen him?
Scared you!
No, it's okay. It's okay.
We're too young
to sleep in separate rooms.
I want us to live like a real couple.
Don't you?
I asked Maria to move your clothes.
And know what?
There's trouble with the set.
- We can't rehearse for five days.
- No?
Let's go away together.
Come. Come here!
Stand behind me.
It's so beautiful.
- Look.
- I wanna puke.
- Already?
- Yeah.
"You would not be a woman
if you did not master the art of making
and remaking a soul"
Gimme a sec.
"from nothing."
I'm gonna croak.
Oh no. Not yet.
Start two lines earlier.
Uh, right.
You were, my dear,
if I remember correctly, willing
I hope for a more forgiving audience.
Waiting to hear from the little whore?
- What?
- The one you kissed at the party.
Who are we talking about?
I love sailing,
but I can't help thinking of Natalie Wood.
The one who drowned?
Officially, she drowned
after drinking too much.
But they say Robert Wagner did it.
Why would he? She was beautiful.
For her money! What else?
Oh my God.
I promised your parents.
He inherited everything.
Sweetheart, pour me another?
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
No! Let him.
What? You want to kill me?
Go ahead.
"You believe you are doubt.
You are only reason."
Do it!
"You are the great sun
which makes me drunk."
Paul luard.
But I understand that one.
I hope your parents
won't take the apartment.
Because I'm liking it more and more.
I left her.
The whore.
This cordial is nice.
See you later!
Know where she is?
She's hooked him good.
What's that mean?
They're gone for the weekend.
Hold on. Just a sec.
It's ringing off the hook.
All right. At what time?
Okay. Be on time, or it's no go.
What do you care?
She's not answering my text messages.
Of course she isn't.
How was your cruise?
The theater is packed. Wall-to-wall.
Oh my God.
Honey, hand me a cigarette, please?
Cut it out! I know you smoke.
Why, Tomasz!
- Leave me with Tomasz, please.
- Of course.
Remember to breathe.
With me.
Yes, my dear, I betrayed you.
Betrayed? That's putting it mildly.
- You humiliated me!
- All the better to come back.
You agree a woman of my rank
can't marry you.
I'd be crippled by debt and you by guilt.
I'm happy to share your life,
but not your creditors!
On the other hand,
think about it.
Paris is a basket of fruit
I love you.
Let us together
choose the juiciest of them all.
You will be a cuckold,
but we will be rich!
- Madam.
- What is it?
I said not to disturb me.
Yes, but it's Mr. Charles.
Our first fruit!
This parlor over which I ruled
is now riddled with traps
I thought I had set.
But only I get snared by them.
I salute the sensational return
And I weigh my words.
sensational return of a great actress.
That's enough, please.
I've had my fill of applause.
For tonight.
You're out of your mind to come here.
The water's nice.
Coming in?
As nice as in Italy?
No. No, no
And the idiot blanks out!
It was beyond trying to remember.
He looked at me like a poodle,
ashamed it can't shit.
Excuse me.
I'm going up to write.
A chapter in progress.
See you later.
He had her.
The little twerp had her.
I don't know how.
But she was wrapped around his finger.
Her goose was cooked.
The house reeked of sex.
But not in the right room.
Let's make this baby.
Yes, my love.
- But will he choose the name?
- No.
No, no, no. Fat chance.
But he'll be a good dad.
He'll spoil the baby.
And us too.
Hi there!
Hi there.
Is there any whisky left?
Keep her as a girlfriend!
Why not?
If I shut up
and turn a blind eye, enjoy it!
That's not your style.
Why not? How would you know?
We've never been through this.
So let's try it out.
It won't last ten years, anyway.
I don't know.
We don't know her or what she does.
She could be your daughter.
Are you like those pigs
we've always criticized?
Oh! Picture it.
"Here's my fiance. Ain't she hot?"
Are you gonna dye your hair?
Have your eyes tucked?
Don't become like that.
You were never like that! You can't be!
Younger women are a dime a dozen.
Stop saying she's younger.
I'd go even if she were your age.
She just happens to be younger than you.
Go ahead. You open it.
Wait. I need a drink.
Wait, wait. Don't tell me.
- You said 2014?
- Yes.
A blend of Mourvdre and Grenache.
Do you have a place to sell this wine
in the city center?
Not really.
- I would love to do that.
- Ah.
Do it!
- Me?
- Ready?
- Yes, hurry.
- Pretty name.
Tell me.
It explains a lot.
Meaning that you are German.
Greta Schneider.
No, don't ask your parents.
Having a real estate agency
has to have its perks.
You're not asking
for a 3,000 sq. ft. shop.
Yes, but I want a place for my own.
It will be yours! It'll be your shop.
"Margot's Shop."
You're mad.
Don't come in. I'm naked.
So what?
I don't want you to see this.
Because I'm ugly.
Are you happy?
So happy I could cry.
I'll call you.
Send a picture.
Depends what she looks like.
It's hard to determine.
- So?
- So what?
The paintings.
Get this.
We stole them for nothing.
How can that be?
They were already fakes.
The sneaky bitch!
Sh. She's sound asleep.
I wish I could stay.
I know.
When does yours come home?
Day after tomorrow.
To think I've always loved
German literature.
remember when I bored your pants off
with Brecht, Botho Strauss, Goethe?
Bchner. I sure do.
Life is incredible.
We can't afford it. Too much of a luxury.
Then consider Bazin's offer.
Give Bazin a rest.
I won't work with that guy,
even at 12 or 15%.
Why not?
Who's Bazin?
A friend of mine, who could become yours.
- He's a crook.
- So what?
Now's the time for you to take the risk.
To be happy.
- I don't need that to be happy.
- You do.
Flatter his ambition
so he'll want to impress you.
You see things big,
and that, to me, is beautiful.
It's crap. No cash to be had.
Come in!
Oh, Simon. Come on in.
Go on, hit me!
Do it!
It'll make the story credible.
Go on, hit me.
Hit me!
- What will you say?
- That I fell.
Not in front of your daughter.
Do it.
No. No, I can't.
Eyes closed, slap the air.
Come on!
You do it.
- Ow.
- Okay.
You can't hit yourself. It's
It's an instinct thing.
Push me.
Was that a push?
I don't like this.
To know, knew, known.
To let, let, let.
To lead, let let.
Just rumors!
Show me the evidence if you can.
I defy you to prove
that I received anything
from this Bazin.
I don't know the man.
Choose, chose, chosen.
Drink, drank, drunk.
That night,
I was to dine with Martha.
She stood me up.
Same lighting as at the end of the play?
Great. Thanks.
What are you doing here?
- What's going on?
- Come sit.
That's gorgeous!
Whose play are we in?
I went to see Bazin.
I know.
I'm starting to know you.
Frankly, a few weeks ago,
I didn't think we'd get far.
Frankly, neither did I.
But somehow, something's changed.
Yeah, something's changed.
You've changed.
You make me change.
You know, I
I'm a bit
How do you say?
I don't want to be a lover
among others anymore.
The summer fling.
I'm I'm beyond that.
A poem by Keats says
"This living hand,
now warm and capable,
of earnest grasping,
would, if it were cold.
"And in the icy silence of the tomb,
so haunt thy days
and chill thy dreamy nights."
"That thou would wish
thine own heart dry of blood
so in my veins
red life might stream again."
"And thou be conscience-calm'd-
see here it is."
"I hold it towards you."
What's it mean in French?
Will you marry me?
Feel free to say no...
No. No, I don't want to say no.
But this is sheer madness.
Let's be mad.
Sweetheart, why would we do that?
We're happy, aren't we? I love our life.
Why complicate it
with bourgeois social conventions?
Not to mention I'd have to divorce.
Imagine the disputes with Carole.
The paperwork. Lucie'd be pissed.
She's getting married in three months.
The parallel is ridiculous.
I can't steal her day.
- And we're already living together.
- I I get it.
Please don't take it badly.
It's fine. Forget about it.
I just wanted to say that
If I thought we could marry,
it's because
What if we adopted?
A child?
No, a rabbit!
Yes, a child.
Look at me. I didn't do so badly.
That's true.
How long have you known?
A few days.
My God.
Things are going too fast.
It's going too fast for it to sink in.
Excuse me. I need some air.
What are you doing?
I found it in your nightstand.
We had several burglaries.
It's not loaded.
Put it down, please.
Are you scared?
Put it down, Margot.
I love you.
You look like a madwoman.
I love it!
We'll do it together.
At home. I can see it from here.
Garden tents. Chinese lanterns everywhere.
Guests in white.
No. No, no.
No, we'll do exactly the opposite.
The opposite?
Only friends.
- I don't have any.
- I know.
There'll be no one. Almost no one.
Sounds cheerful.
Sounds real.
No staging.
I've been observing you.
You do everything for show.
That's how you married Tomasz.
And why he married you.
For appearances.
You own art you don't understand,
a pool you don't swim in.
Even this region
You can't stand the sun.
We're going to get married,
but we'll do it for us.
In some crappy city hall.
I need that.
I need to know what you'd do
without an audience.
Pour me another?
Get undressed.
Leave your phone.
Wait. Just a note for my book.
Hey, Dostoevsky, I'm here.
What if he'd opened?
I'd have said I got the wrong floor.
Why's she here?
Did you introduce her?
He's in Marseille three days for a sale.
What's going on? Why'd you disappear?
Sorry, I was busy.
You too, I imagine.
A marriage takes preparing.
Stop it.
Not here.
Oh, that's right.
That's right. This is your family home.
Don't, please. He hates it.
He's not skimping, at least.
But he's got no taste. I chose everything.
It's good practice.
FYI, I don't like this table.
I do.
Nice job. You must be happy.
Stop it.
Don't hurt yourself needlessly.
That your room?
Can I go up?
You sure?
Holy fuck!
What is it?
- He's here.
- He's a day early?
Take Ava. Fast!
Coming with me, sweetie?
Yes, you are.
What are you doing? It's funny.
Yes, it's funny.
Margot? You home?
What are you doing here?
Came to get a few things.
- Then you're leaving?
- Yes.
I imagine I should leave too.
I think that would be best, yes.
You're not staying alone
in this big place.
Can we talk?
I don't want to talk.
Not here. Let's go outside.
Sit down.
Tell me, what do you plan
to do about the baby?
What do you want me to do?
I want you to do
what should be done.
I'm too old to start over.
I'm too old too.
Are you kidding me?
You have your whole life.
- You're a kid.
- Not in my heart.
I'm begging you.
Think it through.
- Even for the child, it's not nice.
- You're not nice!
Wait! Don't react like that.
She ate. She's asleep. I'm off.
You're pregnant. Right?
Yes, by you.
Who knows.
- I know.
- Let me through.
Fine. Beat it.
Fuck you all! All of you!
I don't give a shit about anyone!
- Mommy.
- Don't cry, baby.
Don't cry.
It's all right.
We are gathered together here
to celebrate love.
And I must say it's an honor for me
to stand before
a brilliant French actress.
As for you, dear Adrien,
I understand you are finishing
your first literary work.
If you choose your words as well as Martha
chose her roles,
we can't wait to read you.
Be right back.
What are you doing here?
Follow me.
How dare you come.
I'm seeing him tonight.
We're almost there.
What do you mean?
Not my problem anymore.
Yes, it is.
Cut it out. I saw you weep.
I was ashamed. Can't you see?
You seemed in love.
I was hurt.
All the guys I get close to split.
I see why.
- Let go of me.
- I won't.
I tried, but I won't let you go.
Love me?
Of course I love you.
Swear to it.
On my daughter's head,
on our baby's head.
We'll go far away, the four of us.
Thank you. A friend of the bride?
She can eat my shit.
Something to drink?
Grape juice, please.
But in a wine glass.
I'm sorry.
It's what you wanted, right?
Are you happy?
Where will you do it?
At the clinic
Saint-Georges, yes. When?
- Tomorrow.
- Tomorrow?
Would you like an aperitif?
White wine, please.
- We have a...
- Anything's fine.
Very good, sir.
Want me there?
This is all very brutal,
I know.
That's the way it is.
I didn't fall in love
for the right person.
I'd say rather,
you came late in that person's life.
What is it?
No! You finished it?
Actually, I finished a while ago.
But the timing had appeal.
No kidding.
To our final evening together.
And I can drink like a fish
without harming anybody.
Is yours good?
Good evening.
How are you?
Fine, thank you.
No. Don't say you forgot me?
We talked at Martha's party.
I lent you my car.
I don't think it is me.
You don't think it was you?
Never mind.
Enjoy your evening.
Good evening.
What an ass!
They say he hits on all the actresses.
Damn lecher.
The problem is, I want to devour it now.
Not sure I can wait until after dinner.
Then don't.
Not mad at me?
How could I be?
I'll be with you anyway.
Come on, Simon, please.
One last drink, and you go home.
I can't.
Tell her I'll return you in an hour.
She can leave me an hour!
That's not it, listen
She's the landlord of you, I know.
I rent you.
A tiny little rent!
Scotch and an iced tea.
- Iced tea in a whisky glass.
- Okay.
Man, that's strong! Oh!
Trying to get me drunk?
No, I want to laugh.
I want us to end laughing.
- Chug it.
- No.
- Come on! In one go!
- No!
No. No!
You must have a table! Find one.
I've been coming for 15 years.
Do you know who I am? Do you know?
Kissing her is such torture.
The price for sea views,
good wine, cigars.
Where's that dimwit?
Sometimes her wig shifts
when we make love.
And I labor to be done with it.
25 years
of fingers down my throat.
How else would I keep my wasp waist?
Margot shines
through this fog of lies.
An antidote to this scum.
She alone keeps me
from smothering Martha with a silk pillow.
I gotta go home. I'm totally plastered.
- Please. I'm begging.
- I can't. I can't.
You're gonna leave me like that?
Like a piece of shit?
Like a whore?
What am I to you?
A plaything?
You fuck me, then ditch me?
- I didn't come to you.
- You didn't?
I gave you everything! Everything!
Something wrong, ma'am?
Man up!
Man up!
Man up!
You fool. We had it all
Where is he, that whore?
He left, ma'am.
Hurry up.
Give it your all.
Hit me.
For fuck's sake.
I can't.
Gotta figure out something else.
I I can't.
What can I say?
Want to know the truth?
I like the guy.
Shut up.
I'm serious.
Shut up.
He's tender.
He's gentle.
Not full of hang-ups.
Doesn't dance like a fairy.
Stop it.
If he hadn't split, I'd have stayed.
I was happy up there in his arms.
Margot, stop it.
Move your ass!
Do something!
Now's the time! Be useful!
Make yourself useful!
Is that all?
Be like him. Be a man.
Hit like a man, dammit!
My love?
Are you okay?
I'm okay.
Don't come near me.
You lousy piece of shit.
I'm sorry. I have no choice.
An ugly little piece of shit.
Did you like it?
I burned it.
I made copies, you know.
Who'll believe you?
Who are you?
Your husband.
Most people believe
a husband knows his wife.
No one'll publish that drivel.
Well, there's always the Internet.
You don't mind being seen as a traitor?
No worse than being seen as a fool.
You're right. It's true.
I've never loved you.
Not for a second.
I don't like your eyes.
I don't like your mouth.
I don't like your laugh.
I could care less.
I'm sorry.
I have no choice.
Don't forsake me.
Who do you mean?
Are you really going to do that?
It's up to you.
So, it was all for money?
Money's important.
You know it is.
Look where you live,
what you eat, what you drink,
what you wear.
What would you do without money?
Go sleep in the basement
with the other rats.
you've been very lucky
in life and very talented.
Don't forget that.
People adore you.
- That's something.
- Drop dead!
So, what did you do?
Write a check.
The biggest I've ever written.
With what money?
I had to sell the house.
That will do.
Has your husband ever hit you?
Never. My husband isn't violent.
- Even under the influence?
- Never.
I told him I wanted to keep the baby.
I must point out
that he wanted this child.
You've never seen him lose his temper
or act rashly?
Yes, I have. Especially lately.
- Hey! Hey!
- He was clearly under pressure.
He started getting angry,
calling me a whore, a bitch.
I tried to get out of the car,
but he grabbed me.
I screamed, but
he'd locked the door, so I
I couldn't help slapping him.
Just a little slap, nothing much.
Then I saw his eyes go completely wild.
He kept hitting me and hitting me
Did you really hit the girl?
I don't know.
You don't know?
I don't think so.
I have weird images.
I can't figure it out.
Leave that alone, dammit!
I don't remember a thing.
Not a thing.
Then get some help.
Get some help, goddammit!
And you?
I don't know how you can stand it.
By the way, I hear the girl's pregnant.
Ladies and gentlemen, I could simply
appeal to your indulgence.
I'd remind you
that this man has lost everything.
Not only his honor.
I'm talking about his livelihood.
His wife.
His daughter,
who for months didn't speak to him.
She's prepared to withdraw charges
if you pay her off.
Even to say nothing happened.
It's money she wants.
You're just a pigeon, pal.
Put yourselves in the place of a man
who's been told that all he's been through
is the result of an incredible masquerade!
And the more he searches and investigates
How much to go with me tonight?
500 bucks.
- That much!
- I dunno
What's this about an English accent?
He asked me to speak
with an English accent. It excited him.
This is Margot Hansen's voicemail.
Not picking up? Lost your accent?
I'll find you, Margot.
You and your little prick.
There's no proof the child is his.
My client would soon learn
he wasn't the only dupe
but that a real estate project
was the consequence
and cause of his misfortune.
I saw you conniving
with that whore!
All that for your project in Antibes.
You wanted to fuck me over?
Well, I'll fuck you over!
I have a file this big!
All could be mitigating circumstances
for my client.
Except that he's not guilty.
Phone records prove
that at 2:40 p.m. he got an unknown call.
- Yes?
- It's me.
Come quick. I'll explain it all.
Calm down. Speak clearly.
None of this is my fault.
You're not guilty.
- Where are you?
- At the hotel.
- Which hotel?
- The Negresco.
What room?
Room 227!
If someone hadn't told my client,
how could he have known
they were in that room?
I might add that his wife Carole
testified that
he left the house after the call and never
did he take a gun.
Where you going?
Giulia, in this envelope
is an account number.
There's enough money to last you a while.
You deserve it more than I.
Laurenti is after us. We're holed up.
We'll disappear for a while.
To a place she's always dreamed of.
Since we met,
I have worked toward her dreams.
They're not always mine, but they suit me.
Much love from both.
Adrien and Margot.
Are you finished?
- Take this.
- What?
He's going to kill me. He's armed.
The only way to shut him up is prison.
Then I'll finance any hotel you like.
Come on now! We all agree
that this version is preposterous.
And I'm surprised that,
despite the overwhelming evidence
against the defendant,
his counsel's terrible misogyny
prompted him to devise
such a twisted scenario.
Only in movies do people shoot themselves,
not the best movies.
reality is far more trivial.
The reality of a man
who is mentally fragile,
a former alcoholic
misled by his desires.
Not content to have hurt his family,
he decided to take revenge.
Where is he?
- What?
- Where is he?
Don't do it!
The baby?
I think she loved him.
I don't think so. I know so.
I saw it like I see you.
He took back the dream he gave her.
And that's a crime!
Dear Mr. Laurenti.
This letter must be unexpected,
and I doubt you'll read it all.
Yet I have useful information.
Mr. Saillard?
- Yes?
- We'd like to speak to you.
Is this your suitcase?
Uh, yes.
So, you admit this is your jewelry?
- Not at all.
- Really?
I swear. I've never seen it before.
Did you know it was stolen from your ex?
No. I know there was a theft,
but I have nothing to do with it.
Can you confirm?
He stole it during the costume party.
I admit I liked that.
That he stole?
It meant he no longer loved her.
And the paintings?
He said they were fake,
that they were worth nothing.
He lied.
Do you know where they are?
Leave me, please. I don't feel well.
All right.
She couldn't have said that.
She did, and your friend Giulia Margoni
confirmed her statement.
She was under his spell
like I was for three years.
Everything she did was for him.
We're arresting you, Mr. Saillard.
As you must know, I left
the country after a six-month sentence
for robbery.
A few months ago, I heard Giulia
got a huge bribe from Serge Bazin.
I was totally in the dark
About the stolen paintings,
the jewelry, everything.
If I hadn't been a wanted man,
I'd have testified.
Nothing proves my good faith
except that I stand nothing to gain.
If it's any consolation,
I lost the trace of the woman I loved.
And that perhaps you loved.
- Yes?
- Come over.
Yes, I'm coming.
Now you're in prison,
and I'm in a life that resembles one.
We didn't understand her anger.
I didn't understand her sorrow.
If we find ourselves in this situation,
it's not her fault alone.
It's that we are fools.
Rub it on my back.
And be tender.
The beauty of the morning
will make you cry.
I got stone from a nearby quarry.
I was lucky enough to find a contractor
who did a wonderful job.
Can I play with the dog?
I don't know, pumpkin. Ask your mother.
Where is she?
Ava, don't pester the guests.
Come here.
That's the plan, see?
Her and me in a house
and no man to hassle us.