Master (2022) Movie Script

(church bells chiming)
(birds cawing)
(sighs softly)
(cheering, excited chatter)
We got a live one.
Barely, after that flight.
Last name, first name?
Moore, Jasmine.
All right, you are in room...
She got the room.
-Should we tell her?
-What's wrong?
Welcome to Ancaster.
Buildings and Grounds?
This is Gail Bishop.
Yeah, my door... the lock is jammed.
-Well, of course I tried. Obvi...
-(door opens)
(door creaking)
(suitcase thumping)
(mutters quietly)
-You scared me.
-You must be Jasmine.
I'm Amelia.
I like your style.
Ancaster College is crowded with them.
When you go to a school
that's nearly as old as the country,
you can expect to hear a few.
Like, maybe you've heard that
FDR was rejected from Ancaster
and had to settle for his safety school...
Now, while I can't confirm that,
I can say that two U.S. presidents
and an army of senators
count this school as their alma mater.
Perhaps you've heard of
the legend of Margaret Millett,
a woman hanged for practicing witchcraft
not too far from
where this building stands.
Now, that is true.
But believe me when I say
the only thing
that will haunt you this year
is that extra slice of pizza.
(light laughter)
I consider it a huge honor
to be stepping into the role
of Belleville House master
for the first time.
As master,
I am more than just a professor.
Consider me a confidante,
an ally, a friend.
And if you ever need anything,
I live right there,
so I'm easy to find.
We start and we close every semester
with something called the primal scream.
Get your lungs ready now.
And my last fact...
You will never go back home again.
When you head
to your hometowns over break,
it will be as visitors.
There is no returning to what came before.
So, all I can say to you now is...
-Welcome home.
-(applause, cheering)
Are we gonna play this? Oh, shit.
Can someone clean that up, please?
The kitchen roll is just there.
Here. Can you do it?
(hip-hop music playing)
Uh, so how do you all know each other?
Oh, okay, well,
we went to school together,
and then Libby went to Dalton.
-Ow! Why?
-I went to Dwight.
Okay. Sorry.
Libby's my friend from camp.
Camp Chappaquiddick.
Dwight. I didn't know you went there.
Dumb White Idiots Getting High Together.
Can we keep on, please?
Yes, ma'am.
Never have I ever...
...joined the mile-high club.
(others whooping)
-- You did not just...
-- Oh.
Not true.
You were not like that.
It happened on Birthright.
Okay, I actually have a good one.
Never have I ever pissed my pants.
Tonight's not too late to start. (laughs)
Uh, I can explain.
Um, long story,
but I sleepwalk-- sometimes.
Oh, my God.
Do you ever sleep-eat?
-I don't think so.
Um, anyway, last spring,
I spent the night at my friend's house
after prom with a bunch of people...
We had the sickest after-prom.
Next thing that I know,
her mom is waking me up,
and I'm sitting on top
of an open dryer peeing.
-Fully, like... full stream.
-(chuckles) No!
-Stop. Okay, actually...
-Fully peeing.
So I didn't just piss my pants.
I pissed everybody's pants.
Who found this girl?
So good.
Shoulders back.
I painted Dean Maroney when he started
as master of Peabody House.
Oh, wow. Nice.
It's quite a step.
(bell dings in distance)
That sound.
It's a good time to stop anyway.
-We can pick back up next week.
-Yeah, okay.
Thanks, Josh.
(door closes)
-(bell dinging)
(door squeaks)
Broccoli there for your nourishment.
-Thank you.
-You want some mac and cheese, baby?
-Yeah, please. Hey.
-Little right there.
Hi, baby. How are you today?
Aren't you looking nice today?
All right, Jacob.
How you doing, baby?
Yes. Good to see you.
-Well, have a good one.
-Oh, thank you.
Hello. How are y'all?
-Come on, smile now.
-It's a beautiful day outside.
How's school going?
(indistinct chatter, laughter)
(chatter continues)
Okay, that felt derogatory.
-That was so rude.
-(laughter stops)
-("Orphan Child" playing)
Oh, chill.
She's not gonna do anything.
Who are you?
(chuckles) Okay. Um...
(inhales sharply, exhales)
(chuckles softly)
(Tyler chuckles)
A Williams sister.
Serena, maybe Venus.
Nicki Minaj.
-(Tyler laughing)
Wrong, wrong and definitely wrong.
Oh, my God, game over.
She's my roommate, obviously.
It's nice to meet you.
I'm Tyler. Hi.
-Hi, Tyler.
Oh, shit, so you live here, too?
-- Duh.
-- Yeah.
-This room is haunted.
Some chick died here
in the '50s or whatever.
Yeah. Room 302.
Yeah. Look it up.
The whole school's cursed.
By the Witch.
You haven't heard about Margaret Millett
and the witch trials?
Come on.
Okay, you're-you're gonna have to try
a lot harder than that to scare me.
Seriously, it's-it's real.
The Witch chooses a freshman every year.
It could be one of you.
This girl our year, (scoffs) Treasure...
Oh, shit, I forgot about Treasure.
She lost it.
Jumped out the window.
(taps window)
-This window?
I mean, what-what happened?
The Witch shows herself to a freshman.
And then one night,
at33 on the dot,
she takes them with her.
Takes them where?
To hell.
You're so... Oh, my fucking God.
But it's true. It's all true.
-It is true, though, mostly.
-Shut up.
You're gonna get us in trouble.
Hawthorne went HAM,
I think we can all agree.
I mean, let's just take a look at Pearl.
This little girl is 90% symbolism,
ten percent precocious statements.
What do y'all make of her?
Professor Beckman?
Call me Liv.
And just chime in.
Raising hands is for high school.
I think it's kind of ironic
that Hester named her Pearl.
How so?
Pearls are associated
with the color white,
so we connect her with purity,
innocence and all.
Pearl should be read as innocent
because of her association with white.
Who agrees?
Well, um, Professor Beckman...
I think that, at the time,
the color white was connected with purity.
But then there was that part
she was screaming
at the village kids in tongues.
obviously, some of her behavior
isn't supposed to be innocent.
Or that's exactly the point
and Pearl is basically the white woman
come to bring Hester down.
Hester representing
all nonconforming women, of course.
Brilliant, Cressida.
Let's go into that some more.
(jazz music playing)
Here comes our host.
Welcome, welcome.
Hello. Wow.
So, did it sink in yet?
Ah. (sighs)
Well, I didn't sleep at all
the first night, if that counts.
It's amazing, Gail.
First Black master.
You'll be president next.
Should we call her Barack?
Oh. (chuckles)
Oh, no,
I meant of the school, but, you know...
-I mean, not Barack.
-Of course.
-It's a man's name.
-(Diandra laughing)
No, yes, that's... that is true.
It's all... it's very exciting.
-It is.
-Yes, no, it is, it is.
Well, you would know.
I mean, you've held this position.
But it's not quite the same.
Welcome to the club.
Thank you, Brian. (laughs)
(jazz music and chatter continues)
Ugh. Shit.
-Mm. -Oh, my God.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-I call pepperoni.
-All of the pepperoni.
-I have...
-I'm so hungry.
-Come on.
-...paper napkins.
-Oh, my God.
-Thank you so much.
And it...
came out to about 20 bucks.
Oh, I forgot how cheap it is up here.
Stop avoiding the question.
-I'm not avoiding the question.
-Are you two dating?
Wait, are we talking about Tyler?
As usual.
Okay, we're not dating.
We're just cool, you know?
'Cause, like, it's early.
Dating's a lot, you know?
It was actually like 19 bucks,
if you guys want to pay me back.
Does 19 even divide four ways?
I mean, if we're gonna do
that whole thing,
that wine you're drinking is mine,
and that was $8.30
if we're gonna pay individually, so...
Get it right.
It's 8.3 recurring.
It... Yeah.
-I'm not even gonna...
-Oh. Hang on. Hang on.
-Sorry, I-I...
Where were you?
You look like you've seen a ghost.
(groans) I just had
some of the other masters over.
Damn. If this is
what you're like after a party...
You're right.
No, I'm overreacting.
I just...
(inhales sharply)
I just felt...
Like a house nigger.
You think I don't know?
Us sisters are an endangered species
on this campus.
Let's get out of here. Boston.
Let's get drunk. It'll be fun.
-Come on.
I'm not going to Boston tonight.
Don't worry.
Look, I'll see you soon.
Be safe.
I don't know.
To me, it's faux woke.
He always does that.
His books always feel so sorry
for white men.
Dude, how can you say that?
Have you read Disgrace?
Now, I think you could
make a case for that.
JOCK (laughing):
Oh, come on.
...let's reach back to the Arendt reading.
Thank you so much. Good work.
The fact that you all were able
to put that together...
Oh. Oh, we-we just...
we thank you so much for coming.
-Oh, yeah, no.
-We love you.
You're our favorite teacher ever.
Thank you, Sascha.
Such creative work, though.
I'll see you on Tuesday.
That's Margaret Millett?
Clever girl.
We're doing a whole series
on the witch trials
ahead of the anniversary on December 3.
They said that she died
at33 in the morning.
According to the legend.
Anyway, that's all a long time ago.
Oh, no procrastinating here, I see.
You've clearly got
a good head on your shoulders.
Figuratively, maybe,
but dragging all these books around
has completely wrecked my whole posture.
And head, shoulder, neck alignment.
How funny.
Your family must be so proud of you.
Have a good one.
-(alarm blares)
That happened to me last time, too.
-Could you come back?
-(alarm blares)
And we'll just...
We just need to be sure.
I should take this as a sign.
Can I just...
Sorry. (chuckles)
-You know, just...
-No. No, no.
Totally understand.
Oh, my God, are you deaf?
What are you doing?
I asked you like ten times.
Sorry. Sorry, I, um...
I-I was having a bad dream.
Was I saying anything?
Oh, my God, I'm not doing this with you.
(door closes)
So, I read your essay.
Uh, and it's good.
-Thank God. I...
-Hang on.
Didn't let me finish.
I can see your effort.
It's just for
an entirely different prompt.
You didn't address the topic at all.
It's impossible.
I-I mean, a critical race analysis
of The Scarlet Letter?
What's the issue?
It's-it's not there.
There-there isn't race
in The Scarlet Letter.
Oh, just because
you're not seeing something
doesn't mean it isn't there.
Whiteness doesn't have to be
the default, Jasmine.
I get it.
This is advanced stuff.
It can be really hard
to make the adjustment
to a school like this,
especially for students of color
coming from...
Wh-Where do you think I'm coming from?
I didn't...
I-I'm from the suburbs.
Okay? Tacoma.
I-I was valedictorian, class president.
I'm not some...
You-you don't even know who I am.
You don't get it.
You're wrong.
(door opens, closes)
"By choosing its first Black master,
Ancaster is taking an exciting step..."
Uh, you know what?
I think "thrilling" would be
a better word.
All right.
"...thrilling step into today's
increasingly inclusive and diverse world.
-As the woman chosen for this honor, I..."
You know what?
"Woman of color" would be better.
"...chosen for this honor,
I am humbled to be
"a part of Ancaster's evolution.
"Even so, there remains
a lot of work to pursue this goal."
-Mm, good. That's good.
"And it will not be possible..."
Uh, wait, wait, wait.
-"And it won't be possible
without the help..." -Better.
"...of donors like so many of yourselves."
-Gail, is everything okay?
Yeah, I just, I scared myself.
Okay, well, I'm gonna let you go.
-Uh, we need you fresh for tomorrow.
-(vacuum whirring)
Uh, listen, that donor meeting
with the, uh, advisory committee
is in the morning,
-so let's try and leave early.
Can I help you?
I need to look something up.
What happened in Belleville room 302?
"Tragedy in Belleville room 302."
"Louisa Weeks."
"Class of 1968."
"Found hanging by her roommate.
"The death of Ancaster's
first Black undergraduate
brings an end to a promising young life."
(shower water running)
-(lights buzzing)
-(water stops)
Can someone get the lights?
You okay?
-Liv's a bitch.
Well, that killed my Sunday night.
I spent the whole day on it.
You started this
the day before it was due?
I was at the Ache at the crack of dawn.
I wanted to give myself time.
All of that racial dynamic stuff--
we don't have it back home.
What'd you get?
Uh, B-plus.
How? What did you write about?
I don't know. A bunch of stuff.
The color red, Indians,
the French-Indian war.
The savage as personified by nature.
Are you telling me you had a hard time?
Jasmine, it was easy.
Dude, come on.
This class is a complete joke.
Liv's full of shit.
It is uni. What'd you expect?
(Gail chuckling)
(Gail sighs)
Well, your writing's great.
I wish that made a difference.
Maybe you can see if there's
an extra credit assignment?
(paper rustling)
What's this?
I'm filing a dispute.
(Gail mutters)
(Gail sighs, clears throat)
(Gail sighs)
So that's really serious, Jasmine.
I've never failed before in my life.
Don't take grades personally.
Trust me, it'll save you a lot of grief.
It-it's not the grade, and it's not me.
It's her.
(lively chatter)
I heard they tried
to poach him to Dartmouth,
but then he'd have to move
to New Hampshire,
and you know how he feels about snow.
She's taking a sabbatical
to write a novel--
a YA trilogy.
It's completely shocking.
-Heart attack...
-What? the middle of the lecture hall.
-You know, whatever, no judgment.
I just, I didn't know that was his genre.
(chatter continues)
Honestly, I think she's
the perfect tenure candidate
for right now.
What's now?
She's incredibly popular with students,
several of whom wrote testimonials...
15 of them.
And let's be honest.
Liv Beckman is a woman of color
in a faculty overwhelmingly not...
...of color.
That is the image
that Ancaster should have,
-not boring...
What we have to decide is,
on the basis of what is in here,
does Professor Beckman
deserve to be tenured?
It's a privilege.
It's not a right.
You'd know something about privilege.
Well, her published work is thin
to the point of nonexistence.
Let's be fair.
Liv has published.
Maybe not a ton, but enough.
Gail, do you really think
that you could be impartial?
Oh, she's your friend.
Are you seriously trying
to disenfranchise her right now?
I am perfectly capable
of being professional.
You're right.
Actually, I'm surprised
that you don't agree.
When you were tenured,
you'd already had two books published
and how many articles?
-Too many.
-Right. A ton.
We have all been through the process,
and we know how grueling it is,
but we earned it.
We can look each other in the face
and know that we belong here.
Imagine if that's brought into question.
I-I... you know, I-I do have...
...some doubts about Liv.
A freshman in her seminar approached me
with a grade complaint,
and she's filing a dispute
with the registrar.
Grade grubbing is like an extracurricular
with these kids.
Well, yeah, I know,
but she thinks Liv is targeting her,
so now OSL is doing
a performance review and...
This... this is news to me.
That definitely changes things.
What I'm gonna suggest is
that we table this for today and reconvene
when more of the details
come out in the wash.
Now, African dance is in 15, so...
let's give 'em time to move the tables.
Thanks for speaking up, Gail.
We really needed your voice at the table.
(Gail chuckles softly)
(phone ringing)
(receiver clicks)
ESTHER (over phone):
Hello. Uh, this is Esther Bickert.
I need to speak to you
about my daughter Elizabeth.
Uh, who is this?
You know my daughter from the college.
(sighs) Call the registrar
if you are looking for a student.
This is not the school.
It is a house.
It is my home.
-Please, this is important.
-(bell dings in distance)
-I need to tell you about my daughter.
-(distant door slams)
Hello? Hello?
(papers rustling)
(papers rustling)
(screams, whimpers)
It was total infestation.
-Looked like a plague.
Luckily, (grunts) they said it would,
you know, only take one day to fumigate.
-Consider this a sleepover.
I was always dying to have
friends over when I was a kid.
Total only child.
Me, too.
Even my imaginary friend was shitty.
(both chuckling)
I like your place.
It's my third spot in three years.
Trying to make this one a home.
I don't know what I'd do if you left.
I don't, either.
(upbeat music playing inside)
(lively chatter and laughter)
My friends just went inside.
Yeah, we're at capacity.
Jasmine, what are you doing?
Hey, look at Jasmine.
-(song ends)
-(partygoers cheering)
("Mo Bamba" by Sheck Wes playing)
(singing along):
-(shouting rhythmically)
(singing along):
-("Plastic Knife" playing)
-(door opens)
-(Tyler grunts)
Sorry. Did I scare you?
No, I-I'm just...
...really weird, I guess.
-I'm okay.
-Don't sell yourself short.
-(Jasmine chuckles)
-What about, um...
(chuckles softly)
Um, yeah.
That... works.
Um, mysterious, some would say.
You sure you're okay?
Why aren't you out there dancing,
having a good time?
I need a drink.
But I was looking for a good chaser.
A chaser?
Are you serious?
No, no.
Let me...
show you how to take a real shot.
I did a semester in Saint Petersburg.
I can drink like a Russian.
Whatever that means.
What you want to do is take a deep breath.
(both inhale deeply)
-Breathe out.
-(both exhale heavily)
Take the shot.
("Wasted Summer" by teamwork.,
Loote and JOHN.k playing)
-(sighs): Ah.
-It still burns. It still burns.
Doesn't taste good.
You're very cute.
(footsteps approaching)
Don't let me interrupt.
I'll be right back.
(rope creaking)
-(banging at door)
Master Bishop. Hi.
What's going on?
Who did this?
-Did you hear anything?
Hi. Is everything okay?
Take a seat, Amelia.
Did something happen?
Someone carved the word "leave"
on your door and hung a noose.
Did you hear anything
when you got home last night?
I actually, um...
I didn't come back to the dorm last night,
so I haven't even seen anything.
Is there anyone either of you
-have a problem with?
I mean, not me at least.
It was probably just a prank.
-You think this is a prank?
-No, no, I...
Sorry, I didn't mean like that.
I just meant with the Witch
and, like, that girl who died
in our room or whatever.
I don't think
this is about the Witch, Amelia.
Well, what do you think
it's about, Jasmine?
I don't know.
You girls get along fine, right?
Yeah, we do.
I hate you.
(jogging footsteps)
(bird cawing)
I don't know. A noose?
I've just never seen
anything like that before.
Well, I have.
At my grad school,
they found one on the quad.
It was a huge scandal.
My God.
I'm just worried about Jasmine.
Yeah. I mean, who knows
what she's going through?
It kind of makes
that grade dispute make sense.
Yeah, they fixate on grades
when everything else seems out of control.
Yeah, but that dispute can control
-whether or not I get tenure.
Liv, do not be dramatic, all right?
You'll be f...
I've never seen them so close to town.
Let's go. We shouldn't be here.
Come on.
This is one of
our oldest buildings on campus,
-built in 1801.
And some of the original brickwork here
was taken from
the Ancaster Village courthouse,
where the infamous trials were held.
If you'd like to follow me
right down this way,
you can see what a standard housing option
looks like for Belleville House.
Uh, we usually house
two students to a room,
but we do have a single-student option
on a by-needs basis.
Uh, just a reminder, there is never
a bad time to ask a question.
You know, the cool thing about Ancaster is
the whole area is rich with history.
-Oh, watch your step there, ma'am.
The-the floor kind of buckles.
And there's even a community descended
from the town's original settlers
that still live and dress
like it's the 17th century.
And, uh, right this way.
When you're ready, just gather round.
Find a spot.
Okay, good.
Here we are.
(door opens, creaks)
What's this?
This is a Black student sleeping.
What's that?
That's what's coming.
Wake up!
No, wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
No, wake up!
(gasping, panting)
No, I-I didn't...
I didn't do... I just came over
to see if you were okay.
I-I didn't do anything.
I-I swear, I just...
You were talking in your sleep, and I-I...
You just scared me, okay?
(thunder rumbling)
(group singing solemnly
in foreign language)
(singing continues)
(soft rustling)
(wood creaking)
(breath trembles)
-Come on!
-Wait! Hey!
Come on!
I'm sorry.
Am I... Am I in trouble?
It's nearly freezing out.
What were you doing
out there with those boys?
We were just hanging out.
They're friends.
All right.
So, uh, when you feel ready,
I'll-I'll walk you over to the infirmary.
I'm fine. No.
Well, it's just, you've been drinking.
No, I-I'm not gonna...
Something might've happened
that you didn't realize.
You know, frostbite even.
I can't go.
It's just gonna be hell
when everyone finds out.
I know what happens,
and I'm not gonna do that again.
I'll transfer. I'll leave. I-I'm just...
I mean, I-I can't do that again.
No, no, no, no.
Let's just talk about this in the morning.
Right now, I'll-I'll go...
I'll go to your room,
I'll grab some clothes, and then...
You won't get in.
Jasmine locked it from the inside.
She's a bitch.
I hate that room.
I hate it here.
(copier whirring)
(church bells chiming)
Oh, sorry.
Don't sweat it.
I'm one step ahead of you.
They wish it was that easy to shut me up.
(Liv chuckles)
Well, happy Thanksgiving.
Mm. So, when do you fly out?
Uh, I'm actually staying for break.
That's too bad.
Uh, are you going home?
No, I...
No, I'm going to New York.
My friends are putting on a dinner.
Collard greens, candied yams, the works.
You don't have to feel like
anything is awkward between us.
At least on my part.
Yeah, same.
Just know I'm here.
What's happening?
I'm leaving.
For break?
I know. Be there in a sec.
Amelia, wait.
Hey, Mom.
Sorry I didn't reply sooner.
I've just been so busy
with school, friends, everything.
Things are still great with my roommate.
She actually invited me home
for Thanksgiving with her,
so don't worry, I won't be alone.
(computer chimes)
(alarm blaring)
Anyone there?!
(alarm continues)
Oh, my God! Oh, God.
Jasmine, get back!
Jasmine, get back!
Jasmine, get back!
-I am Ancaster.
-(gentle piano music playing)
I am Ancaster.
I am Ancaster.
I am Ancaster.
The one thing that is not Ancaster
is discrimination.
That's why I'm happy to announce
the college's latest initiative.
The Ancaster Alliance
for an Inclusive Future
is a student/faculty coalition
committed to protecting
and promoting diversity.
Using innovative methods
such as diversity workshops,
a visiting lecture series
and multicultural events,
AAIF will blaze a new path
towards radical inclusion.
Now more than ever,
let's show the world who we really are.
(indistinct radio chatter)
(birds cawing)
(vehicle doors opening, closing)
(Gail sighs)
(water running)
(door opens)
You're Jasmine, right?
(water stops)
Yeah. How did you know?
How are you doing?
I'm great.
It's been hard.
My first semester, I had insomnia.
During finals, I didn't sleep
for two days straight.
I kind of hallucinated.
I thought my lamp was a gnome.
I've been having nightmares.
A lot.
(Sascha sighs softly)
Come to the AfAm House sometime.
It's a really great place
for students of color.
All eight of us.
Maybe I'll see you there.
-(door opens)
-Did you fall in or something?
You're not wrong.
(scoffs) Okay.
Nice vest.
Do you know her?
No, um, she... gave me this.
(chuckles) Oh, my God.
I had some people try to do this to me
but with Chabad.
Ugh. Embarrassing.
Actually, awful.
Before we start, I-I have to say how much
I enjoyed your editorial.
The one in The Globe.
Thank you. Thanks so much.
Incredibly thought-provoking.
So, this editorial, will it lead
to further publishing on your part?
You know, books, I mean.
Not in the immediate future.
I'm in the early stages
of the notes collection process for...
Well, published work, obviously it's just
one factor in tenure review, so usually,
in instances where
publishing is light, um,
an application could lean
more heavily on other factors,
such as classroom performance
and engagement.
Understood completely.
I place classroom instruction
above everything else.
So you could understand
why the current dispute
filed against you
is of particular concern.
Has that reached a resolution?
Not yet.
Uh, maybe you can...
(sucks teeth)
...expand a bit on
the-the substance of the issue.
The issue...
The issue...
is this school.
Why is this administration
spending more energy
on undermining my application for tenure
than on ferreting out the racist
who's been terrorizing the student body?
I don't understand what the two have to...
Last week, someone lit a cross on fire.
This isn't an incident.
It's an emergency.
I will not allow myself
to be scapegoated by a school
that is unable or unwilling
to see itself for what it truly is.
If anyone really wanted
to help that girl, it would be
by ending the culture of hatred
that vandalizes students' rooms,
undervalues the work
of professors of color
and compels me to come
stand before all of you today.
Look at what's happening to Jasmine Moore.
Look at what's happening
right under your noses.
(clock chiming)
(bell dings)
-(door creaking)
-(wind whistling)
(woman sobbing)
-(bell dings)
(shuddering breaths)
(bell dinging)
(phone ringing in distance)
(phone ringing)
(ringing continues)
Last call. The library is now closed.
(zips backpack)
Hey, Katie, are you still here?
Just got kicked out of the Ache.
Thought maybe we could walk back together.
(voices whispering)
(voices whispering)
Master Bishop.
Master Bishop! Help!
Please, Master Bishop!
Please open the door!
Help please!
Master Bishop! Master Bishop!
(gasping, whimpering)
(lock clicks)
(breathing heavily)
(door rattling)
(wind whistling softly)
We got a live one.
Welcome to Ancaster.
(sighs softly)
Oh, my God.
Your mom's worried sick.
She said you've barely called.
Jasmine, how did this happen?
Someone push you?
Did you slip?
I had to get away from her.
Get away from who?
The Witch.
The Witch isn't real.
I'm not going back there.
-I'm not going back.
No, Jasmine.
Jasmine, you can't quit.
It's not ghosts.
It's not supernatural. It's...
It's America.
And it's everywhere.
I went through it.
I went through it, and...
I understand.
I was one of three Black women.
(voice breaking):
They couldn't even tell us apart.
It was humiliating.
But I stuck in there,
and I didn't let them push me out.
I just need to get away from there.
You can't get away from it, Jasmine.
It'll follow you.
Believe me.
I know.
(indistinct chatter)
(woman sobbing)
(sobbing continues)
Help me.
(sobbing continues)
We're too late.
They're almost here.
Let me get you someone.
Get your Black hand off me!
You think you can touch me?
Oh, I let you get too comfortable.
Gary warned me about this.
You think you can touch me?
How dare you?
This is my house.
This is my house.
This is my house.
(birds chirping)
Does Gail know you're here?
I came on my own.
Wh-What are you trying to do?
I figured it out.
I understand now.
I don't think this is the best place
for you to be right now.
You're wrong.
It doesn't matter where I go.
It's everywhere.
(church bells chiming)
(students screaming out windows)
Jas... Jasmine!
(wailing continues)
Oh, God, no!
(takes deep breath)
(door closes)
You look like you haven't been sleeping.
(sniffles, sighs)
How can I?
It wasn't your fault.
Mm, I mean, obviously, but...
don't blame yourself.
And I know this is hard for you, too.
You know, especially at a time
when we should be celebrating you.
You did it.
(chuckles softly)
I always thought this was the prize.
Sticking it out, surviving, enduring.
What are we really doing it for?
I know what I'm doing this for.
I belong now.
I have a place.
And all the programs,
all the positions I applied to...
(chuckles softly)
...this was the only one
that took a chance on me.
Maybe belonging is
something you've always had.
Well, I didn't.
Nothing's ever come to me easy.
My own brother used to lock...
Your brother?
You told me you were an only child.
I say I'm an orphan, too, sometimes.
They're not my family anymore.
That's why this matters to me, Gail.
(clock chiming)
(chiming continues)
(phone ringing)
ESTHER (over phone):
Don't hang up.
(Gail sniffles)
This is about my daughter Elizabeth,
but you might know her as Liv.
(quiet chatter)
I've been calling you for weeks.
You're Esther Bickert.
Is that Liv?
It's as if she walked
off the edge of the earth.
Left and never came back.
In our community, that's not unusual.
It's unheard of.
And then one day,
there she was in a newspaper.
But they were calling her Liv.
And they were saying that she's Black.
Liv isn't Black?
Of course not.
She's my daughter.
But... her father?
No, God rest his soul. No.
No, I... No, I-I-I think
that this is between you and Liv.
She won't speak to me.
The devil is inside her.
I just thought you should know the truth.
(sighs) This is a lot. I...
Why would...
-("Ride Like the Wind" playing)
-(lively chatter)
Oh, Gail, you made it.
Thank goodness.
This party could use a little more flavor.
Big night for your friend.
(laughs) Tenure!
Oh, hi, Gail!
(raucous laughter)
(indistinct chatter echoing)
(voice muted)
That's one of my favorite songs.
-("Ride Like the Wind" continues)
Get over here and help me deejay.
But I'm doing an excellent job.
(Liv laughs)
I can't believe it.
This is a hostile takeover.
Brian, I love you,
but your music's not cutting it.
It's time for us to turn up.
Liv, do you... do you have a minute?
Wh-What do you mean, "turn up"?
Get turnt. Lit.
Gail, will you please
educate this man for me?
I-I need to talk to you.
-In a sec.
-(music stops)
Let me just show these white folk
what music is.
-(chuckling): Whoa.
-(Liv laughs)
All right, I'm-I'm out.
I'm out.
Uh, two left feet.
Gail, you can dance to this?
Of course she can.
-(Gail sighs)
-(Liv chuckling)
(song continues)
Stop it. Stop it.
-(music stops)
You liar.
Gail, what the fuck?
I met your mom tonight.
How could you? You...
Liv, you're a fraud.
So, what are you saying?
I am saying that you have been
getting tutorials on Blackness
from a white woman.
Who you only gave tenure
because a Black girl died.
(others murmuring, groaning)
It's insane.
I don't have to prove
my Blackness to any of you.
No, you definitely do not.
And I am not comfortable, honestly, with
-the direction of this convers...
-Fuck you!
All right?
What are you comfortable with?
Oh, "Wow. Okay."
-You people are...
-"You people"? divorced from reality
that you literally...
you can't tell Black from white.
That's what this place does.
That's what happened to Jasmine!
I know!
It might not be white hoods
and minstrels, but it's there.
It's like a ghost.
You just, you can't catch it!
You can't prove it!
Gail, calm down.
She died!
Do you hear that, Diandra?
She died.
And I could've helped her.
I could've set her free, but I...
I kept her here.
I was never a master.
I'm the maid.
You brought me here to clean up.
I didn't change anything.
I didn't do anything.
I failed her.
She's gonna haunt me.
She's gonna haunt me
for the rest of my life.
(laughter and chatter in distance)
(sobbing softly)
Gail, what happened?
I... I-I needed to talk to you.
You had to lose your shit
and drag my personal life through the mud
with all those white folks looking on?
You're white, too.
No, I'm not!
That woman raised me believing
that I would go to hell
for being the bastard child
of a Black man.
No! She-she said that your...
your father was white.
That's her story now, huh?
I worked too hard to be treated like this.
Not by her, not by you, not by Jasmine.
I told you the truth.
None of this makes sense.
I don't believe you.
It doesn't have to make sense to you.
You didn't live it.
It's not your story.
Consider yourself lucky.
(Gail crying softly)
The problem is
the administration has not been
prioritizing self-care.
I mean, it's complete...
it-it's completely toxic.
I completely agree.
And I-I... I really understand
how you feel, Gail,
because, you know,
at the end of the semester,
we're all worn out and exhausted,
all of us.
Oh, my gosh, I have a tension knot
the size of a golf ball.
Well, Gail, um, you know, it's been a...
a tough semester for all of us.
I didn't know what was going on.
I feel really bad about it.
It's just-- it's a lot of stress.
Not a good time.
There's no question about it.
(glass clinks on table)
Don't worry.
I'm not going anywhere.
Excuse me.
And it's never gonna change.
Well, all of this...
all of this tension at work
and all of this-- just everything going on
is just really just in my body, just...
I think with you it's emotional.
(radio static crackling quietly)
(indistinct radio chatter)
MAN (over radio):
Report of a suspicious female
on the freshman quad.
Please check it out and report back.
Mind if I look at your I.D.?
-Appreciate it.
I'll just give it a quick scan, then...
No, I mean...
...I don't work here.
I was just on my way out.
Well, the exit's that way.
Master Bishop?
Master Bishop?
("I Shall Be Released"
by Nina Simone playing)
(song fades)
(music fades)