Masumiyet (1997) Movie Script

...To Her
An independent production by
Zeki Demirkubuz & Nihal Koldas
My name is Yusuf Gnes.
I was born in Erzincan in 1965.
I've been in various state prisons
for the last 10 years.
I've served my sentence now
and will get out in three days.
As I lost my whole family
in the earthquake...
I have no one left out there.
I have nowhere to go,
no profession, no job.
That's why I'm asking you for help.
So I can spend the rest
of my life here in prison.
Otherwise, like it or not,
I'll have to commit a crime...
in order to get my
sentence extended.
But I sincerely believe that
you'll be understanding enough...
to make this unnecessary.
I would kindly ask you
to consider my situation.
Your photo...
Are you scared of your enemies?
- I don't have any enemies.
- Well then?
Like I said, I'm scared.
It's been a long time.
Don't you have
anyone out there?
Only my sister and her husband.
And they've moved somewhere else.
I don't know what to do.
Aren't you in touch with them?
My brother-in-law
sometimes sends money.
He also came to visit once.
So you're saying
there's no other alternative?
I had a friend in Malatya prison.
Orhan. He was from Istanbul.
His father ran
a coffee-house there.
He said I could go and help him.
That we could work together.
You have his address?
Yes. But then they sent Orhan
to another prison.
I never heard from him again.
That was years ago.
So if we don't let you stay here,
will you go and commit a crime?
Well, what kind of crime?
Have you decided?
Look, after I read your
petition, I got interested in you.
I went into your
whole case history.
You've been no trouble
as a prisoner.
You've had no
disciplinary offences.
The guards say you're quiet.
You're obviously not
a difficult person.
Plus, you're very young.
It's normal to be scared.
But it's a bit absurd to want to
stay here your whole life.
If your life's in danger or there's
any other problem, we can help.
Otherwise, what you suggest
is out of the question.
Not even the president
can let you.
If you insist on committing a
crime, that's up to you.
But then they'll raise
your sentence.
You'll get another 8 years
on your regular sentence.
You'll never be a free man.
Not even if you try.
Since you trust me as your elder,
I'd say, don't do it.
Obviously you'll regret it.
So will we.
Just wait and see. Give it a go.
If things don't work out,
do what you have to. All right?
Don't be shy.
If I'm being unfair, say so!
- Get up!
- What's the problem?
That's for you to say
down at the police station.
Come on! Get out!
Move it!
- Did they have any bags?
- No, sir.
Carry on then.
- Welcome...
A leg was broken on one of
the beds. I had to fix it.
What was he doing to break it?
He could have said so. Idiot.
The kid's sick.
She has a high fever.
Her parents will be here soon.
They're always late.
She should see a doctor.
She's soaked through with sweat.
You have your ID card?
- Where did you just come from?
- Adana.
- Where are you going?
- Istanbul.
- How many nights are you
staying? - I don't know yet.
Well, all right then.
We have free rooms anyway.
The prices are 350 for a single,
275 if you want to share.
There's a quiet boy. I'll put you
in with him, if you like.
You pay the first night in advance.
Sleep well. If you need anything,
I'm downstairs. - Thanks.
You're right.
The kid's in a bad way.
And her parents still aren't back.
- What should we do?
- She should see a doctor.
- Is it far to the hospital? - Far
enough. I'll go and call a taxi.
Excuse me!
- She's faint with fever. - It's
crowded in there. Wait here.
She only has thin clothes on.
I'll get another blanket.
I'm beginning to get worried.
They wouldn't stay out this late
without saying something.
Come on, let's go.
You're exhausted, too.
- I'm looking for Hasan Adali.
- Who?
- Hasan Adali.
- Just a minute.
Here! Come here!
This guy is looking for you.
- Yes?
- My brother-in-law?
- Yusuf?
- It's all over then?
- Yes.
- When did you get here?
- Last night.
Come on, come in!
Have you said hello
to your uncle?
Come on, get up!
Say hello and kiss his hand!
Can one be that uncivilised, Yusuf?
She made the kid a copy of herself.
Every night he's in front of the TV,
while she goes to the room...
Not a sound! Not a word!
Come on, turn your chair round.
You must be hungry.
If it wasn't for this,
I'd go crazy here.
I always look forward to
this time of day.
Hey come on, eat your dinner!
Come on! Are you waiting
for an invitation?
Don't be so pigheaded!
Come here!
Sit down here. Eat up!
You'll watch it later.
And then, they decide you're guilty.
Get up! Fuck off! Come on, get up!
It's been like this for years.
I'm treated like an enemy.
I come home at night, and one goes
to her room, the other watches TV.
Does anyone ask how I am,
if I'm hungry or sick?
No, never.
I may as well be a dog.
You know.
What have I done to them?
Don't get the wrong idea, but
you were much better off inside.
After you went inside,
all hell broke loose with us.
The earthquake took away
everything we had.
You should have seen the
misery. Hunger, homelessness...
Anyone with money left town.
Folks like us were just left there.
There was nobody to look after us.
For years we scraped by in misery
among the ruins.
OK, let's say it was God's will,
but what about her?
She made life worse for me
I was accused of being...
a pimp, a whoremonger...
Every day I find a bunch of thugs
outside the house.
They're after her. I mean,
that's the reputation we have!
Hey, get up! Go to bed!
Take him to his room!
Look at her. It's like you killed
her mother, not her lover!
Don't! Stop it!
She didn't even cry
when your parents died.
She didn't even go to the funeral.
So they were spared her, but...
This is your brother. He spent
years inside because of you.
You didn't eat a thing, Yusuf.
Stop acting like a stranger.
Then I decided to leave.
It didn't matter where I went.
I travelled around a bit
then ended up here.
Whatever I tried, I couldn't
tame her.
The number of times
I contemplated suicide...
Tell me if I'm being unfair, Yusuf.
What have I done to her?
It's me who had my pride hurt.
Me who was cheated on.
I haven't been able
to face my relatives for years
I'm asking you,
what have I done wrong?
I've acted like a human being
and taken care of her. Is that it?
What have I done to make
her treat me like an enemy?
You ignorant bitch! What the
hell have I done to you?
You dumb bitch! You whore!
You've been the death of me!
You've ruined me! Destroyed me!
You've killed me!
You buried me alive.
What have I done?
What have I done?
What have I done?
What have I done?
What have I done?
What have I done?
Good morning.
I'm not disturbing you, am I?
No. I was awake anyway.
You looked after my girl last night.
The hotel owner said.
Thanks a lot.
That was really nice of you.
Don't mention it.
How is she now?
Fine. We took her to the doctor.
Her fever's down this morning.
Come and have a look,
if you want.
Get well soon.
- I'm going down for some soup.
You had breakfast yet? - No.
- The owner said you came
here from Adana. - Yes.
- You're going on to Istanbul?
- Yes. God willing...
- What for? - Work, if possible.
I'll take a look.
What do you do?
Nothing right now.
I'll look around.
What were you doing in Adana?
I was inside. I don't know there.
It's just the hotel owner asked.
- Were you there long?
- 10 years.
A long time.
But you look good.
What are you doing here?
Visiting my sister.
On my way to Istanbul.
You're staying in the hotel?
It's a bit complicated.
- What are you doing today?
- Don't know. Go for a wander.
Right. What else is there to do
in a town you don't know?
I saw you on the
bus the other night.
They called us in for an extra. We
got in a fight. The bastard...
grassed on us.
Sari, get me another.
What do you do?
There's this trashy club. We
play music there. Saz and that...
Get me some soup.
And water.
- Been at the salt this morning?
- Leave it out, Sari!
Where does he get the idea
for this stuff? It sells well, too.
We're in the same room.
His landscapes are nice though.
Sari! The soup!
Have a good day.
- What are you going to do?
- I don't know. Have a look around.
Then go back to the hotel.
- I have things to do. Come, but
you may get bored. - No, no.
- You see to your things.
- Come to the club tonight.
- We'll sit and talk afterwards.
- Sure.
On Istanbul St. Ask
anyone. They'll show you.
- Orkide Restaurant.
- OK. I'll be there.
- OK.
Hey! I forget to ask your name.
- Yusuf.
- Mine's Bekir.
- It's good we met. You seem nice.
- Thanks.
Bring us some raki.
Thank you... Thank you...
Ladies and gentlemen,
There's a 10-minute interval.
We'll be together shortly.
- Welcome.
- Thank you.
- You're Yusuf, right?
- Yes. - Please, sit down.
The hotel owner told us what
you did. Thanks a lot.
- It was so nice of you.
- Really, it was nothing.
Anyway, you enjoy yourselves.
I have things to do. I'll be back.
- Well, what did you do today?
- I walked around, ran a small errand.
They haven't served you yet.
- Sorry, Yusuf. We treated you badly.
- No problem. We're all human.
How are you doing, Bekir?
- Good thanks, Memet. You?
- OK I suppose. Busy with work.
Want some tea? I just made it.
- Great, if there is some.
- Sure.
- Hello.
- Hello. Can I help?
- We're waiting for Mrs. Ugur.
- She's upstairs. Shall I call her?
No need. She knows
we're waiting.
- Sit over here. Some tea?
- That would be great.
- What's the matter?
- Nothing.
- You're not going anywhere!
- Out of my way, Bekir! Sit down!
You're not going anywhere!
Stop interfering!
Go and wait in the car.
I won't let you go to those
pimps on your own!
Bekir, stop interfering!
Ugur, don't do this to me!
I'll make sure you regret it!
Do it then! Go ahead!
- I said I'll make you regret this!
- Let's just see how, you pimp!
Ungrateful bitch!
I wrecked my life for you!
- Now you say so pimp, huh?
- Bekir, stop it! Don't do that!
Wait, you bitch!
Wait in the car!
Go on, shoot!
Shoot, you son of a bitch!
That's the way it goes. Don't
forget, or just fuck right off!
I'll be back at the time
I told you.
Bekir, drink this.
Take this as well.
Try and get some sleep.
If you need anything,
we're downstairs.
How are you? Feeling better?
What's your name?
ilem. She can't hear you.
She's deaf and dumb.
Get up, Yusuf! Time for soup.
You've been bored for days.
I'm taking the girl out.
You're coming too.
To the Secret Paradise. It's amazing.
You'll love it.
It's great drinking in the fresh air.
- So here's where the depot is!
He's a film guy, the bastard.
He makes sets out of this lot.
Actually, he's a spy!
- What are you talking about?
- I'm telling you he's a spy.
He's watching us.
No way. He's just some
poor guy like me.
What about Istanbul?
Are you going?
I don't know. I haven't decided yet.
Don't hang around here too long.
It'll become a habit. Ready to go?
Keep an eye on the girl. Don't
start drinking and forget her.
Like she's a lighter!
There's no telling with you.
- Bekir, hurry up with
the breakfast. - OK.
Good morning, Yusuf.
How are you?
Fine, thanks.
We're going out for a while.
I'd come, but I'm tired. Please
keep an eye on ilem, will you?
- This maniac can't be trusted.
- Sure. Don't worry.
This gun doesn't work!
Here, you try. Go on.
No. I don't know anything about guns.
You don't have to.
Just pull the trigger, that's all.
- No. I can't.
- Why not?
You did murder?
They don't stick you in jail for
10 years for no good reason.
Who did you kill?
My best friend.
The day we finished military service.
Out of jealousy?
My sister was married.
They ran away together that day.
I found them that night.
Your sister?
I shot her as well.
The bullet hit her in the mouth,
blew her tongue to pieces.
Then she moved here
with her husband.
Why is the girl deaf and dumb?
She was born like that.
Actually, when Ugur was pregnant,
the father beated Ugur badly.
- Where's her father?
- In Sinop.
The guy in jail?
The other day I saw
Ugur going to the prison.
Her lover.
Is that why you're here in town?
- And you?
- A long story. Complicated.
I grew up in the same neighbourhood
as this whore. Mevlanakapi.
Her father was a policeman.
Alcoholic. A sick man, died young.
She was left with her mother.
In poverty. A miserable life.
We were doing OK for money.
My Dad did something or other.
Then there was Zagor. The
tenant's son from our old house.
His father worked in film.
He was a pickpocket, a thief,
but a likable, good-looking kid.
Ugur went and fell in love with him.
I was a well brought up kid.
I was at school at the time.
That's how we grew up.
What the hell. I always looked
forward to doing military service.
Eventually the time came.
I was drafted.
Everyone back home
seems to wait for it.
When I got back,
they wouldn't leave me alone.
They fixed a house, found a girl
and all that. We got married.
Dad gave me two taxis and a store.
I sold furniture in the store.
One day this bitch showed up.
I'll never forget. The moment
I saw her, I felt this pang.
She was wearing a printed skirt.
Knee-length and no stockings.
A blouse that showed everything.
Fancy Hair.
You can imagine, she was a gem.
She asked a bunch of prices,
started kidding around.
She got to me that day.
I couldn't stop thinking about her.
The next day I asked about her.
It turns out there was no one around
who hadn't fucked her.
But she was crazy about Zagor.
And he was behind bars just then.
One day she passed my store
all fancily dressed.
I started following her.
She went into this shop, that shop,
took a bus, a minibus.
We ended up at the prison.
I felt tortured inside.
I figured, of course.
She was going to visit Zagor.
I felt all weird. I was
jealous of the bastard, too.
There was nothing I could do.
I married the other girl.
Meanwhile, Zagor got out of jail.
Then I heard they'd run
away together.
They disappeared for six months,
a year...
But I always dreamed about the bitch.
I couldn't forget that day she
came to the store.
I even got to the point
where I couldn't touch my wife.
Then I heard Zagor
had killed two men.
One was a policeman.
He slit their throats,
both of them.
He was tortured
at the police station
They were getting revenge.
Did the same to the bitch, too.
First they thought Zagor was dead.
Then it turned out he was in coma.
All this happened in Ankara.
One day the bitch turned up
in the neighbourhood.
Zagor was inside.
At best, he'd do a life sentence.
One morning I arrived at the store
and the bitch was sitting there.
I didn't recognise her at first.
When I did, I buzzed.
It was like getting stabbed
by a screwdriver.
She was a wreck. She'd lost weight.
And her face was white as a sheet.
But she was still gorgeous.
Like the women in Arabesque songs.
She stood up, her head held high,
and said she needed a lot of money.
She wanted to get Zagor a lawyer.
She said she'd pay me back later.
Without thinking, I asked her how.
She said she'd go on the game.
Or be my mistress if I wanted.
Something cracked inside me.
I started crying. And God, did I cry.
You see, I believed the bitch that day.
It's been 20 years since then.
Anyway, Zagor was sentenced to life.
But even in prison
the bastard didn't sit still.
Either he stabbed people
or tried to escape the whole time.
So he ended up trailing
from one prison to another.
The bitch went after him.
In the end I couldn't take it any more
and I followed her as well.
First I lost the store, then the cabs.
Then my wife walked out.
My father shut the doors on me.
I hit the road in search of love.
I know nothing about business.
I have no skills.
She doesn't care.
She started on the game, but small.
Then she got used to it.
She'd close her eyes
and get fucked by everyone.
I kept begging her to go back.
I said we could get married.
I'd convince my father and
we'd take care of Zagor. But no.
She followed the bastard around
like a dog.
I couldn't figure out
what he did for her.
I went back to Istanbul so many
times. I swore oaths.
Saw doctors, hodjas...
But nothing worked.
Every single time I found
myself going after her again.
Once I went back to discover
she was married and pregnant.
We conned the guy into thinking
I was her brother.
For some reason I felt better.
That I was breaking free.
She seemed to be straightening out.
She was only interested in the baby.
This happened in Sinop.
I went back to Istanbul.
Just before the birth, Zagor
got mixed up in a prison riot.
They sent him straight off
to Diyarbakir prison.
Soon the bitch freaked out again
and went to Diyarbakir in that state.
She disappeared for three days.
The guy lost it. When she got back
he beat the shit out of her.
That's why the girl's
deaf and dumb.
Then she had the baby.
It wasn't obvious at first.
When she found out, she got stoned
and stabbed the guy one night.
She took the baby
and ran back to Zagor again.
Luckily the guy turned out to be
sound. He didn't go to the police.
I was driving cabs in Istanbul then.
I carried on doing that for a while.
But I still dreamed about her
every night.
Around then I heard that
Zagor was in Diyarbakir prison.
One night, I got a big bottle of raki.
I drank the whole lot.
I was shit-faced of course.
I opened my eyes...
...and saw mountains.
There was this kid by me saying,
"Wake up! We're in Diyarbakir."
I really was in Diyarbakir.
I asked around.
There's the castle area there.
I found her in a shack.
She wasn't at all surprised to
see me. We didn't speak.
That night, I thought to myself,
there's no other way.
You'll endure.
It's pointless resisting.
This is your fate.
Give in to it
and walk quietly now.
That was then and this is now.
And you see, I'm quietly walking.
You want some tea, Yusuf?
Please. Let me put the kid to bed.
I'll be right back.
- Were you asleep? Sorry.
- No, it's OK. Come in.
Mrs. Ugur wanted to see you
in her room before you go out.
Ah, Yusuf! Come in.
Sorry, I rushed things thinking
you'd leave early. Sit down.
- Are you busy today?
- No.
I have to go to Aydin.
Bekir was drunk last night.
I can't get him awake.
And I have to leave right away.
I'd go alone, but I'm a bit scared.
Then I thought of you.
If you're not busy, it would be a
big favour. We'll be back by evening.
Of course, no problem. But...
Forget Bekir. I don't want him
to know. I'm going anyway.
If he asks, say you were
somewhere or other.
- All right. Since it's important.
- Lf we're going, we should hurry.
Come on then, let's go.
Bekir is off his head again. He's
been drinking since morning.
Where is he?
He left around an hour ago. He
asked about you, then went wild.
He was yelling the whole day.
He wouldn't listen.
- Where's ilem? In her room?
- She's asleep.
He tried beating her once.
I only just rescued her.
He's really lost it, the pimp! Yusuf,
if he asks, say you haven't seen me.
- Lf he winds you up, don't rise.
- OK.
He'll get into trouble. He's
really becoming unhinged.
From what I saw,
he drank a large bottle of raki.
He also rolled two joints.
Like this...
Fuck you, bastard! Fuck off!
- What's the matter?
- Fuck off, bastards! Get off me!
Bastard! Get off me!
Get off me!
Get off me!
Asshole, fuck off!
Where's the whore!
Go out, bitch!
Bekir, stop!
You've wrecked my life!
You've done me in, bitch!
- Get out, you bitch!
- It's enough Bekir!
It's OK, Memet.
I'll take care of him.
Leave me alone, bitch!
You've wrecked my life!
Done me in!
Done me in!
Come here! You won't give me
what you give everyone else?
- Leave me alone! Get off me!
- Always giving it to them?
- What does that make me?
- Leave me alone!
Leave me alone!
Enough! I'll give it
to whoever I want! Get it?
You bastard, fuck you!
Don't get stuck on me!
- Whore!
- Yes, I am a whore!
- You're a whore!
- I am a whore! So what?
- Stop it! - You're a whore,
too! All of you!
- Whore! Whore!
- No, wait! Don't!
- I'll kill you, you dog! Wipe you out!
- No, wait! Don't!
You're going to give it to me, too!
Bitch! Whore!
- I'll kill you! I mean it!
- Don't! Please don't!
I'll kill you!
- Get out of my way!
- Please don't!
- You're going to give it
to me, too! - No, I'm not!
- Whore! Bitch!
- No, I won't!
Come on, let's get out.
Let him sleep.
Shall I wait?
Don't worry. He's used it.
I was just unwinding a bit.
He's jealous. The older he gets
the more of a child he becomes.
This jealousy thing is
new. Ignore it.
Sometimes he drives me crazy, too.
- You want some?
- No, thanks.
I think I have a crick in my neck.
Do you mind massaging it a bit?
This bit feels like rock.
Huh, yes... Right there.
Are you upset by what happened?
It's normal. Bekir drank too much.
Do you like Bekir a lot?
He's a good person.
He's been like a brother to me.
Yes, the dog. If something
gets to him, forget it...
You should see him in the morning.
It'll be like nothing happened.
He'll be all loving.
- Still, watch out if he's been drinking.
- I will.
Do... Not that you'd be in trouble.
The fool couldn't even kill a chicken.
But he can really wind himself up.
That's when I get scared.
I'm not exactly sane.
I wind him up out of spite.
I should just shut up. After 20 years
I'm still not used to it.
Were you married or anything
when you went inside?
- You had a fiancee, a girlfriend?
- No.
Better that way. It'd only
have made things harder.
Thanks. That feels a lot better.
Actually, it would be great if you did
my back, too. But it's late.
I'm exhausted. I have
to be up early tomorrow.
- It's time I was off. - Thanks.
You helped a lot. Good night.
Good night.
- Come and get me for breakfast.
- Sure.
Fuck! Memet, hurry up!
They're laying into the kid again!
Hello? Hello? Fuck!
Hello, Gven? Hello?
Sit down. I'm late anyway.
- Mehmet, we're leaving.
- Have a good evening, Mrs. Ugur.
Yusuf, you tuck ilem in.
I'll try not to be too late back.
Your brother-in-law
was here earlier.
He was worried.
Asked you to drop by.
There's a great film on soon.
With Trkan Soray.
- Come and watch it.
- Thanks, I'm not in the mood.
I'm here if you get fed up.
I've made tea as well.
Give me 100 lira please.
Get lost!
Yusuf, I'm ready...
- Yusuf? What's the matter?
- Nothing.
We should hurry. We're late.
What did I do?
Come on! Move!
Sit there.
Move it!
- Get in! Shut up!
- Leave me alone!
- What are you doing here?
- Working.
- What do you do for a living?
- You know what I do!
- What do you do?
- I'm a singer.
- The papers?
- No.
Do you take drugs?
- Why are you here in this town?
- I told you, I'm working.
Out of all towns in Turkey.
Why this one?
- Who's the guy in prison?
- My husband.
- They'll give us a hard time.
- Let them.
It's you they're after.
- No, it's not. It's routine stuff.
- What do they want then?
They're just bored.
How come you're so sure of yourself?
You can't care less about anything.
Get on with your soup.
Stop giving me a hard time.
I'm thinking about the girl.
What's going to become of her?
What's it to you?
Mind your own business.
Don't say that.
I'm only thinking of you.
Shut up. You're
beginning to act like Bekir.
- I told you not to interfere.
I said I'd handle it. - How?
- So you handled things till
now, huh? - There was Bekir then.
Fuck your Bekir! I didn't
hire you as a bodyguard.
I told you everything from the start.
You either respect that or...
Are you sick?
- I said, are you sick?
- No.
- You have a problem?
- No.
- So why are you in this state?
- There's nothing wrong.
Well, fine then.
Let's get out of this place!
- Where would we go? - I'm afraid
something will happen to you.
Where would we go?
Anywhere. Adana, Istanbul...
I'll try and get work.
Look, they've closed the club.
There's no future here.
This can't go on. Pack up
and leave tomorrow.
I can't.
Why not?
Because of you.
- What do you mean? - I've fallen
in love. Can't you see that?
With whom?
Who else?
Who else is there but you?
- Don't! - Forget it!
Don't fuck me around!
- What do you want from me?
- What could I want from you?
- Stop ass-licking! What
do you want? - Look...
You want to fuck me?
Come on then, you dog!
Come on!
You want me to take my knickers off?
Would I disappoint you
after all you've done?
Everyone's had a taste,
so why not you? Come on!
Enough! Stop it!
What do you mean enough?
We haven't even started yet!
You should say so from the start.
Why put yourself to all the trouble?
Being Mr Tough Guy,
acting jealous...
looking like you
were jerking off...
You think I didn't notice?
What about all those?
- I loved you. What's wrong with
that? - What do you mean 'love'?
Stop the movie-acting, bastard!
Don't speak like that.
What can I do? Is it a crime?
Of course it's a goddamn crime!
Why did Bekir do himself in?
Why have I been on the fucking road,
staying in shitty hotel for 20 years?
Why do I let get laid by bastards
who can't even fuck their own wives?
What kind of shit
is that kid going through?
- I want it to all to end.
- What?
How come you're so sure of yourself?
They're fucking guys
there, you know?
Guys lining up for a cheap fuck.
You think I'm the only whore?
- You're doing this to yourself a bit.
- Fuck you! It's called punishment.
Who do judges sentence to death?
Have you ever thought?
Who gets tortured? Who gets to be a
whore? Who gets starved to death?
Who blows their brains out
just like that?
The trash that waits
to be sacrificed like sheep?
Or the pimps who sell out
for an easy life? Who?
It's been 20 years.
There's nowhere left to go.
Nothing left to say.
You either let things carry on
or get out of here tomorrow.
And don't say a word.
You're really leaving, huh?
If you ever come back this way,
don't forget we're here.
- I wanted to see Mrs. Ugur.
- Who shall I say is here?
- She's expecting me anyway.
- Have a seat. I'll let her know.
Ankara! Ankara!
Mrs. Ugur asked if you'd see her.
Come down later if you want.
There's a good film. And tea.
You want a drag?
I'm going to Aydin tomorrow.
There's a guy I know from ages ago.
He's opened a new place. He
said to go and talk about a job.
I'll go. If it works out,
it'll mean some sort of living.
Besides, I'm getting fed up here.
It's not far. Maybe we
can move there.
What do you think?
You know best.
If it's good for you...
Was I too hard on you?
I didn't mean to upset you,
just to warn you.
I like the things you told me.
I thought you were being sincere.
I never showed it, but it
was the same with Bekir, too.
I secretly loved it when
he got crazy and jealous.
What disgusting creatures
human beings are.
You don't look too well. Go to bed.
I'll put ilem to bed.
- I write screenplays.
- Screenplays? My God! Forgive me.
- Memet, what's the time?
- 11.30.
Lie down. Relax.
How are your feet?
Fine, thanks. The onion
did wonders.
It would. Remind me to change it.
Let's soak it in salt water, too.
That'll stop the blistering.
How's ilem?
Fine. She's watching TV downstairs.
What did the police ask you?
- About Ugur.
- They didn't ask anything else?
No. They didn't say
why they're after her either.
What did she do
to get them so fired up?
Ugur's husband escaped from prison.
Ugur didn't want me to tell you.
She left you some
money. I have it.
She said to wait a few days
till the police cool off.
Then you must go to Aydin
with the girl.
There's a hotel there. The Sercan.
You've been there together before.
You must wait for her there.
Then they'll come and find you.
She said not to take too much stuff
and to watch out for the police.
- Where is she now?
- She didn't say.
It wouldn't have been
right anyway.
Don't hurry.
She is a smart woman.
She knows what she's doing.
That's why she's being careful.
You should be careful, too.
They're watching the hotel.
Don't worry. Just give it time.
I'm leaving tomorrow.
Who's in charge here?
- Can I help?
- Are you in charge?
Just a minute.
- Do you have any rooms?
- How many of there are you?
- Just me and the child.
- OK. How many nights?
- I'm not sure yet.
- Let me have your ID card.
Who is it?
Yes. Just a minute.
Hey! It's for you.
Is the club closed?
Don't you have things to do?
I was looking for Mehmet Gonca.
He's gone.
Why are you looking for him?
I came to see him.
One of his friends sent me.
Where did he go?
To heaven...
What did you want with Gonca?
- I was going to ask him about
someone. - Who?
Mrs. Ugur.
You're Mrs. Ugur's what?
Nothing. The girl's hers. She asked
me to bring her here. So did I.
- This is her child?
- Yes.
- You know Ugur's husband?
- No.
He was here last night.
He's just out of prison.
Gonca is his friend from prison.
They were talking in the office.
Suddenly guns fired. The bastard
blew Gonca to pieces and ran away.
A whole 14 bullets. He emptied
the charger, the bastard.
Gonca has six brothers. All alive.
They have good
connections, friends...
By evening they'll
be scouring Ankara.
I know them. They won't
stop till they find him.
You have to leave right away.
Get out of Ankara.
If they catch you,
they'll do in the child, too.
- Excuse me? Who owns this
place? - One second...
I'm looking for Orhan Kara's father.
Mevlt. He's said to own this place.
- Mevlt?
- Yes.
It's been years since we took
the place over from him.
Then I guess he moved away.
Hey, Necati! Have you seen him?
Who's this Mevlt?
You know, the film guy. The guy
who used to own the caf.
No, I haven't seen him. I only
remembered him when you asked.
- Didn't he have a son in jail?
- Orhan Kara.
I don't know him.
The guy was sick.
One day, he
asked my father
to take over the place.
So we did.
I haven't seen him since. He may
even be dead. Huh, Necati?
Who knows?
Wait, I had an idea. Go and ask
at the film companies over there.
- They'll know for sure. Huh, Necati?
- You're right. It's worth asking.
Kopil will show you the way.
It's the next street behind. Kopil!
- Yes? - Show him the street
where the film companies are!
- Thanks.
- Good luck.
Good evening.
Is this where Mevlt lives?
Come in. That's me.
My name's Yusuf. I'm a friend of
Orhan's from prison.
You always tried.
You always lost.
Never mind. Try again.
Lose again.
But be a better loser.