Mat Kilau (2022) Movie Script

Please have a drink.
Thank you.
Who's that, Mother?
All of you. Come out now!
Come out now! Don't resist!
Don't come out, Salmah.
Hey, what do you all want?
Allah, Dear!
- Allah.
- Dear!
Move! Come on!
Move! Faster!
Move! Come on!
- Quick! Quick!
- Let go!
Why do people here
like to give the British a hard time?
You dare to defy the British.
Are you all not afraid of our power?
Be like a buffalo.
The buffalo can live
because it obeys its master.
It's the same for you people.
You need to obey us.
This Malay land has its master
and officers that look after it.
But there are three buffaloes here
that dare to fight the British officer,
Mr. Deaborough.
Rebels, you have no idea
what kind of punishment you'll get.
The names I'm going to mention
must step forward now.
Where are you?
Where are they?
We don't know!
The people you're looking for aren't here!
Don't be rude and create chaos
on our land!
We just want to make a living peacefully.
You'd better leave.
I said leave
Who else dares to defy us?
Now, spit it out.
Where are Mamat, Lazim, and Seman?
We surrender.
Just arrest us.
We confess that we were the ones
who went against the British officer.
Move, come on!
- Move!
- Move!
- Down!
- Down!
There is no such thing as Malay people
rebelling on their own land.
We are defending our rights.
You come to our land
to loot our natural resources.
We will take all the resources
of this Malay land.
There is nothing you can do to stop us.
Do you want to fight the British?
Let me see
what the Malays can do
to the British government.
We didn't do anything wrong!
We just want our land back.
That's all!
This is a lesson for the Malays
so they'll know the consequences
if they oppose us.
Infidels who are cursed by Allah!
For the sake of Allah!
For the sake of the Messenger of Allah!
I stand on this land of Pahang!
Under the heavens of Allah who I uphold!
You, you, and you
will witness the rise of the Malays
and our retaliation
against the cruelty of White colonialism.
What more do you want, devil?
I've surrendered!
Allah is the Greatest!
Kill them!
What we're worried about
has started to happen.
Letting the invaders run rampant
is like allowing the enemy
to perforate the walls of our houses
one by one
until our identity, customs, and religion
are all removed.
So rising up and uniting
to defend our homeland
becomes obligatory to us
who claim to be believers.
What you have shown just now
proves you are ready.
Your regulation of breathing and energy
must always be parallel and in tandem.
Remembrance of Allah
is the fuel of our fight.
Preferably, we should always
be ahead of time.
"By time, indeed, mankind is in loss,"
Allah said.
For the sake of time.
All right, Father.
We cannot change the time indeed.
But we will try to use it to gain blessing
with prayer and knowledge.
We will overcome all our weaknesses.
Glory be to Allah
with the greatness of His creation.
Whoever is more prepared,
he is the one who will have the advantage.
The weak
and those who like to procrastinate
are the ones who will be defeated.
We already have enough time and strength.
Stay away from harmful things, Awang.
Don't be overconfident.
Actually, we can only plan.
Have you forgotten
that time is also Allah's creature?
Being silent does not mean we lose, Awang.
Kilau is right.
The blessings of time and knowledge
are the most important.
That's the key.
That's the characteristic of a warrior.
Remember, guard your religion.
Guard your nation.
What's wrong, Haji Sulong?
Bad news?
The British have already begun
to show their true colors.
The Malay land is in danger.
Hurry up!
Get up!
Come on!
Don't think that I don't know who you are.
No, Mamat! No!
British assassin!
It's not that
I don't want to be with you all.
But look at my situation.
I have greater responsibilities as a son.
And history has proven it, Kilau.
The Malays will always be conquered.
History remains history, Usup.
The future is determined by Allah.
You can side with anyone.
But now, those Englishmen
have become more greedy
in seizing the land of the Malays.
And we must defend our land, Usup.
What a bad attitude for a servant of God
to allow his own people to be oppressed.
Kuala Tembeling was attacked
by the British yesterday.
Many of our people were killed,
including women and small children.
Us? Keep silent?
Turn a blind eye just like that?
Really, Usup?
What can we do, comrade?
Don't blame the British
for entering our land!
Blame our own people for giving them
the opportunity to colonize our land!
You guys are the only ones
who are zealous.
The rest of our people?
They just sit and watch.
That's it.
Eventually, we will all die in torment.
Let us die in torment
rather than die in vain.
Don't just be good with words
without looking at yourself.
What's the difference
between you and other Malays?
You aren't a Muslim
if you are afraid to fight.
Rasulullah SAW said,
"Help the oppressed.
Of course the conflict will continue."
Even the prophets could not avoid it
and had to go through it.
Abdullah bin Mubarak
was not only the prophet's companion.
He was among
the great Muslim warriors, Omar.
Outside the battlefield,
he was gentle and patient.
But when facing the enemy in a holy war,
he was a great warrior among them.
This Muslim warrior is impressive!
No wonder you told me to learn silat.
If that's the case, teach me as well.
I also want to be
a great warrior like you.
You're even scared of lizards,
but you're dreaming of becoming a warrior.
Look at Mother, Father.
When the time comes,
I will pass it down to you.
But I need to tell you this.
It is not to be boasted.
Now, go to bed.
We will continue tomorrow, all right?
Yes, Father.
What about the things
that happened in Kuala Tembeling?
Can't we do anything?
This is what happens
when our nation is divided.
Foreigners take advantage easily.
When they fear death,
the cruelty in front of their eyes
is justified.
I don't understand our people.
Why do they fear death
when death is certain?
It's better to fear whether there's enough
for the provisions hereafter.
What will be the fate of Malay generations
in the future?
Maybe by that time,
our land would have been colonized.
As long as I live,
I will fight to the death.
The Malays here are stubborn.
It's better to end their lives.
Despite being beaten, they still resist.
You are going out again?
Yes, I'm going to Tok Gajah's house,
there are things to do.
If so, have your dinner first.
I already prepared the food.
Never mind.
I will eat later when I return.
I'm running late.
It's always like this.
Lately, I see that
you keep seeing Kilau.
You know what I'm doing, don't you?
If we rely on the villagers,
only a few of them are brave enough.
It's good to have Kilau, at least
the fate of our people is defended.
Dear, I'm pregnant.
I really need you to be with me.
Who else can I rely on
if not my own husband?
Please understand what I am doing here.
I can't just sit at home
and not even care
what the outsiders have done to us.
Imagine the future of our children.
I do not want my descendant
to be a slave to the colonialists.
I understand what your intentions are
for doing all this.
But don't you forget
your responsibility.
That's enough, Kiah.
Don't forget your duty
to be obedient to your husband.
Don't wait for me.
I will eat later when I return.
All right?
The outsiders who are allowed
to enter our homeland
do more damage
than benefit the people.
They were given the power.
It's even more unfortunate
when the power has been abused.
That's why we need to act fast, Father.
We can't just wait and keep silent.
If not, they will become
more arrogant and conceited.
We have to defend our dignity, Father.
What happened to the neighboring village
really tested our patience, Father.
I don't want the British to think
that we are afraid of them.
They think we are a weak nation.
Let them be.
Let them think whatever they like
as long as we know our roots.
No matter how low those White people
think of us, I'm grateful
to be born as a Malay Muslim
and a member of the family of origin
in this Malay region.
Never mind, Awang.
I know the spirit of a young man
that burns in you.
So I hope Datuk Haji Muhamad
and all the other lords
will be wise in their decisions.
Especially when choosing the leader
who will lead all our warriors, Father.
And if allowed,
I'm willing to step forward, Father.
God willing.
I can't bear to see
the tears and blood of our people
spill on this land anymore.
Enough of the suffering
that our people bear.
We can't keep silent anymore.
The English are increasingly rude now.
Within two weeks, three villages
in Kuala Tembeling were invaded.
The intention to help develop our land
is just an excuse
to fool the Malay rulers.
In the end, we are trapped.
Not only do the common people
become their victims,
but the scholars
also lose the right to speak.
If any of the scholars dare to oppose,
they will be arrested
and they will vanish, nowhere to be found.
An agreement with the British was made
and agreed upon.
We leave it to the sultans and kings
to decide the matters.
Pak Deris, do you think
that our law applies in today's situation?
They have breached all the laws
that has been agreed upon.
They are clever in covering up
the atrocities they commit.
Their only intention here
is to monopolize and control
the resources of our land.
Just wait and see.
Lipis, Raub,
Semantan, and Pulau Tawar.
It's not impossible that everything
would fall into British hands.
We cannot remain silent.
We must come out and oppose them.
Let's declare war on the British.
We fight!
With what?
What weapons and strength
do we have to fight them?
Do we want to see more of our people dead?
Never forget the incident in Pasir Salak.
How many of our people died
due to their hasty actions in the past?
Sultan Abdul Hamid,
the Ottoman's caliphate,
urged all the colonized Islamic countries
to unite and expel
those cursed enemies together.
After discussing with Raja Muhamad,
the person who will lead our warriors
is Tok Gajah's disciple.
Mat Kilau.
We believe he is capable.
Mat Kilau is still too young
to be given such a huge responsibility.
Mat Lela is more qualified
to be the captain to lead our warriors,
not this immature boy.
Besides learning from Tok Gajah,
Mat Kilau has also
sought knowledge from me.
His knowledge of Sufism is good.
His memorization is good.
His knowledge of trueness is high.
There is nothing wrong
if we trust a young man like Mat Kilau.
I'm sure
he can shoulder this responsibility.
To be fair to everyone,
we will have a duel
between Mat Kilau and Mat Lela.
Let's see who is more worthy.
Even if you crush the tree,
it won't change anything.
Is it so hard to accept that decision?
The strengths of Kilau are undeniable.
So I'm not worthy?
Am I not worthy to be a leader?
Why don't I deserve to be the leader?
Kilau and I are not much different.
There is no gap in our battle skills.
If you want me to fight him now,
I have no problem.
What are you talking about?
Respect Tok Gajah's decision.
Don't let us lose hope and forget
the purpose of our struggle, be careful.
I never lost hope in a fight.
But for Kilau to be the leader,
I would never agree.
Indeed, he is good at martial arts.
But to me,
he is not firm when making decisions.
The most dangerous trait in a person
is jealousy.
That's why
I didn't choose you to be the leader.
I have made up my mind.
All the lords have agreed.
- But Father--
- Be careful, Awang.
Tomorrow, I want you and Kilau
to go to Kuala Tembeling
for you to see the situation there.
I can't go, I have other business.
Let our leader go by himself.
Please excuse me.
If Awang insists on wanting my place,
allow him.
I don't want us to argue later.
No need, Kilau.
We all want you to lead us.
Among the people,
there is someone
who seems to have been chosen
to take on the responsibility
of correcting the people.
Hopefully, you're the one, Kilau.
Hurry up, our leaders are waiting.
Count the money faster! Faster!
Not enough!
That's all I have.
Confiscate their merchandise!
Everyone, come quickly.
We have been doing business here
for a long time.
Why do you want us to pay?
We will not pay!
Don't you dare defy the British!
These bananas are plentiful.
You have to pay taxes for all of these.
Are you crazy?
The bananas I brought aren't that many.
Return them.
I have work to do.
Don't you step on that sustenance!
I was born on this land.
This land belongs to us.
All of you are robbers.
British robbers!
We can take anything
if you don't pay taxes.
We can arrest your father too.
Father. Are you all right?
This is our land.
Malay land.
The customary land of our ancestors.
We have the right to do business here.
And we won't give a penny
to the British!
Listen, British!
This is the land of our ancestors!
Get lost, British!
British scumbags!
Do you want to die, you bastard?
You dare to oppose the British?
They are our leaders, understand?
Allah is the Greatest!
British with infidel blood,
I will expel all of your elements.
Don't you dare disturb our jobs.
Otherwise, we will torture you
and all the villagers!
Who are you?
I am a servant of the Almighty
who bows only to the one God.
Allah is All-Knowing.
As a foreigner, keep good manners.
Don't ever cross your mind to be a king.
The British are in power now!
All of you will be our slaves.
Make sure he doesn't get away!
There is no deity but Allah.
What is he doing? Everyone, get him.
Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
Kill him!
Damn you!
Get out of here, leave this place
before your body
is swallowed by the earth.
Who will be swallowed by the earth now?
Are you with the British?
Kuala Tembeling Jetty
has just been attacked.
All the soldiers were defeated.
Only one.
Obviously, there is a Malay warrior
who dares to oppose the British.
- There's a hero among them.
- Who?
It's still unknown.
But we are still lucky.
There was another Malay warrior
who came to help.
If not, there would have been casualties
among our soldiers.
Another warrior?
Awang came to stop you from fighting
the British soldiers, is that true, Kilau?
If Brahim and I were by the jetty,
Awang would know better.
If he's not satisfied,
he should not have to bear a grudge.
What? Does he want to prove
that Tok Gajah was wrong
for choosing Kilau as the leader?
It's better to have a fight than to talk
without investigating first, Wahid.
Don't slander anyone.
There must be a reason
why Awang behaved like that.
Whatever Awang's reason is,
to me, his action is still out of place.
You are our leader, Kilau.
It's like one bad apple
spoils the whole barrel.
Things seen outwardly
may not be the same in reality.
Allah is the Greatest!
What have they done to you
to the point you became like this?
This is a test for someone
who upholds justice, Father.
They will not be able
to shatter my soul and spirit, Father.
I will work out the ways
to get you out of this British prison.
Do not betray our nation
just to free me, Father!
- Mamat.
- Promise me, Father.
Promise me that you won't be a traitor!
Listen here, Mat!
I will get a release letter for you
in a few days.
No, let me die here!
I don't want you
to be a traitor to our nation.
Time is up.
I want you to be strong!
Promise me, Father!
Don't betray our nation, Father!
Promise me!
Who is the Malay who made a fuss
at Kuala Tembeling Jetty yesterday?
I know he's in this village.
Answer his question!
What? Do the Malays here eat too much
that they cannot talk?
Hey, answer us!
Who made a fuss at the jetty yesterday?
We never interfered
with the work of White people.
Maybe he's from another village.
Don't lie to us.
I know.
- This is all--
- Don't tell him!
You, White people.
What you've done to us is even worse!
All the villagers.
Don't be afraid of these White people.
Don't be a coward!
They are just foreigners!
Verily we belong to Allah
and verily to Him do we return.
If you move an inch, don't expect
to see your descendants again.
I am a Malay who will defend my nation.
Are you not afraid to die?
Even if the angel of death comes,
I am ready to face them.
Let alone cursed invaders like you.
Who are you?
Islam is my religion.
Malay is my nation.
Would I sit still and watch
what you did to my people?
The dagger is glaring.
Mat Kilau.
You dare to play with death?
You Malays are cowards!
You attacked from behind.
If you're a warrior, put down your weapon.
Let's fight, Mat Kilau.
Ignore his words, Kilau!
Come on, end that devil's life!
As he did to our people!
Let them feel the torment of our people
all this time!
Just kill that White man!
Just say what you want.
The British can fulfill it!
I want the British
to leave this Malay land.
That's what we want!
Don't think you're God.
You treated our people
like beggars in their homeland.
Your time has come, devil.
Don't think you're the leader
of the Malays.
We have no problem with the British.
No one will listen to your words.
What are you doing?
Where is your oath of allegiance to us?
Don't be selfish.
Because of you all, our people
are the ones who will be the victims.
Are you insane, Awang?
Don't be a traitor!
The British will not bother us
if we do not bother them.
No one should fight or oppose the British.
What they are doing
is for all of our benefits.
You forgot your own roots, Awang.
Has your ability weakened?
Or is it your weak faith?
If you kill them now,
the problem won't be solved.
The British will send
a battalion of soldiers.
And the situation
will be even more chaotic.
Don't you love
your wife and your son, Kilau?
Tok Gajah and all the Malay lords
Don't let your actions become the reason
of their deaths.
Is that what you want, Kilau?
Think carefully.
This is the only chance we have, Kilau!
Let us all start a jihad!
Kill them!
Brahim! Yassin!
Release them.
White man.
I promise you.
You can do anything on this land
provided that there will be no bloodshed
among the Malays.
I myself will make sure of it.
No Malays will oppose the British
after this.
That's our promise to the British.
You see right in front of your own eyes.
The Malays will not be able
to expel the British.
Because your nation is a divided nation!
Your own people betray you.
Malays can be bought easily.
That is why your nation
will always be colonized!
This is where we place our prisoners.
Including your own son, Mamat.
Those who are guilty
will be tortured, beaten, and caned.
And some of them
died here.
You are animals!
Why do you imprison my son?
My son didn't do
anything wrong against you!
All offenders must be arrested.
Especially rebels.
The punishment is very severe
for a rebel like Mamat.
My son is not a rebel!
The English made their own laws
as they pleased.
Tell your British superiors
to release my son today!
Release him!
We know you are among the people
who are close with the Malay lords.
Aren't you Haji Sulong's right-hand man?
You need to cooperate with the British.
Be our eyes and ears, all right?
I myself will make sure
that you and your people
will be expelled from the land of Pahang!
Never mind.
The life of your son
is in the hands of the British,
but it's up to you to decide.
But with the presence of Kilau
and his friends,
this is no longer an easy task, Syers.
Mat Kilau is no ordinary man.
Don't tell me
you are afraid of them, Toga.
You know how powerful the British are.
If they unite,
a million of your weapons will be useless.
Because the unity of the Malays
is their greatest weapon.
They will never be united, Toga.
The Malays are selfish people.
There are full of jealousy among them.
That is why they are easily colonized
and trampled.
We should have finished them earlier.
Awang, Mat Kilau's follower, has promised
that they will not disturb
the movement of our soldiers again.
I don't understand.
Shouldn't Awang be on our side
fighting against the White people?
But it looked like
he was defending our enemy.
I'm reluctant to say this.
But Awang seems to have been paid
by the British.
We haven't seen him in days.
Maybe we're all unaware
that we have kept dangerous cancer
in the group.
To discover human's evil, ask the enemy.
To know the good side, ask the friend.
To me, he was bought by the British.
Tell our brother, Kilau.
Do not punish without proof.
Use the gauge of justice
and a rational mind.
What is your real intention?
Are you a devil in disguise
or an angel accused of being a devil?
Discuss and settle this nicely.
What else to discuss?
It's clear that he is with the British.
- Say it!
- I was trying to save all of you today!
Instead of being killed by the British,
I'm trying to obscure the British!
So that they won't see us trying
to rebel against them.
Don't you understand, Kilau?
Before this, you were the one
who was vigorously against the British.
What changed your mind?
I was wrong before, Kilau.
I did not see the strength of our enemy.
They have weapons
that we really can't defeat.
We will attack
and seize all their weapons!
Don't try to be smart making
your own plans without discussing them!
Father definitely won't agree.
Seizing the British weapons
is like stepping into the tiger's mouth.
But what Awang said is right, Kilau.
We really need weapons.
Maybe this is the best option
to eliminate the colonizers.
I know the decision is still up to Kilau.
And I don't deny that we do need weapons.
But I still don't trust you.
To go there tonight,
maybe you and the British have set a trap!
It's up to you whether you want
to come with me or not.
Use your sense, do not rush to temptation.
No matter what, I will not allow it.
It seems that the situation
is getting worse day by day.
to the point where our people
are manipulated by the British.
Is it a huge mistake
when in the beginning,
we ourselves allowed foreigners
to enter our homeland?
It's a mistake
and they shouldn't be here right now.
That's why from the beginning,
I really don't like White people.
I am certain
they have evil intentions.
They supposedly came to develop our land
and help our nation.
They're all lies.
As a result, the dignity and rights
of the Malays are compromised.
What was written in the Al-Quran
is surely true.
Allah forbids the believers
to accept the infidels as a leader.
Because between us and them,
there is a gap that limits
the truth and falsehood.
God willing.
It's not that easy for the Malays
to close their eyes
while the authority of our Malay lords
is violated and threatened
by White people.
We still have warriors.
Who is our warrior, Tok Gajah?
Mat Kilau and his friends?
What exactly are they capable
of doing against the British?
I think we all need to accept the fact.
The British are in power now.
That is if we love our homeland.
The affection and love for the homeland
have nothing to do
with the love for the politics
that control it, Pak Deris.
We and all our people
love this Malay land.
But that doesn't mean
we must submit to the colonialists.
I heard that the White people
were making a fuss in the market earlier.
And someone saw you were there with Kilau.
Dear, please.
Please don't do that.
Don't mess with the White people.
Don't worry.
I know how to take care of myself.
Why haven't you slept yet?
Pity our child in that belly.
Don't interfere in the affairs
of the neighboring village again.
You don't have to risk your life
for someone else.
Starting today,
I don't want you to meet Kilau again.
Because of your kind of thinking,
many of us are trampled by foreigners.
Tell me, what am I going to answer
thereafter if I don't do anything?
What is my responsibility and yours
as a Muslim?
Just let our fellow believers
be oppressed?
Because I don't want you to die!
I need you.
Don't shatter my hopes, Dear.
If you want to continue, just leave me.
I'm willing to live alone
rather than have a husband like you!
Don't talk back to me, Rokiah!
Sometimes, I wonder.
Do you care more about our family
or Kilau and his struggle?
I value my religion and nation
more than anything else.
Like it or not, that's the fact.
I will never change my stand.
I just want you to be with me
and be my motivator.
That's all.
Hurry, all these need to be moved
into the warehouse.
Come on, we are running out of time.
What happened?
We are faced
with a powerful, cunning enemy.
We need to arrange our moves
while the enemy is asleep.
It's like pulling the hair from the flour.
Seizing British's weapons will give them
the upper hand to attack us.
We will be blamed
and considered a rebel.
Because of that,
I do not agree with Awang's plan.
You're right.
But what about Awang?
Does he listen to you?
What if
he carries on with his plan?
You know how Awang is, don't you?
Only Mat Kilau and his friends
dared to mess with us.
But they had promised not to interfere
with British work.
Like I said before,
they will continue to mess with us.
It's time.
Fire the cannon!
Destroy everything!
Fire the cannon!
Fire the cannon!
I'm really disappointed
with your actions, guys.
The person I trusted all this time
disobeyed my orders.
Were you both really sincere in agreeing
to choose me to be your leader?
Or on the contrary,
were you two actually envy?
Where is your loyalty in friendship?
What's going on in your head?
You would turn your back on Kilau,
our leader?
Tok Gajah always advises.
Did you forget?
Obey Kilau
no matter what the circumstances.
We are preparing for us, Wahid.
We really want to be ready
to fight the enemy.
If we don't have a weapon
that can match them,
it is impossible for us to defeat them.
Let's not be reckless, Kilau.
Reckless? So seizing the British weapons
and putting the lives of our people
in danger is a wise move?
Don't think only about yourself, Yassin.
Think about other people too.
Do you think the British will keep silent?
They will definitely strike back!
So in what way can we fight them, Wahid?
Do you think
we can fight with the British
with the weapons that we have?
It's like we're surrendering
to the British, Wahid.
Don't be afraid of their weapons.
Because we have more powerful
and greater weapons than them.
Which is our faith in Allah SWT.
Mat Kilau!
- Mat Kilau!
- Mat Kilau!
The British are attacking us,
the jetty was set on fire!
Many of our villagers were killed!
That's right, Mat Kilau!
They are heading to Wahid's house now!
Hurry, to your house, Wahid!
Allah is the Greatest!
Why do you come here? What do you want?
Where's your husband?
Tell me! Where did he go?
He's not here.
Even if you chop me up,
I won't open my mouth.
Allah is the Greatest!
I seek forgiveness from God.
There is no true god except Allah,
the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting.
And I turn to Him in repentance.
I seek forgiveness from God.
There is no true god except Allah,
the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting.
- And I turn to Him in repentance.
- Come on.
Don't stop fighting your cause.
I want you to know
that I'm always on your side.
Save this Malay land, Dear.
When impetuosity takes control,
men compete with each other
to the point where they topple each other
or even kill each other.
Because of your impetuosity,
the villagers were attacked.
You are not good at planning, Awang.
Forgive me, Father.
I admit that this came
from my own mistakes.
I shouldn't have seized
the British weapons yesterday, Father.
Brahim and I are guilty as well.
For the sake of Allah,
we regret it
and are willing to be punished.
Punish us, Tok Gajah.
Actually, Kilau tried
to stop us yesterday.
It's just that
we didn't think
it would turn out this bad.
Wahid's wife has been killed
by British soldiers.
Are you satisfied now, Awang?
Forgive me, Kilau.
Please forgive me, Kilau.
Forgive me.
That's enough, Kilau!
Forgive me, Kilau.
Forgive me.
Apologize to Wahid, not me.
Seek forgiveness from Allah.
I'm willing to be punished, Kilau.
Take my life
if that can atone for my sins
against Wahid and also the villagers.
I'm willing to die in your hands, Kilau,
instead of dying in the hands
of the invaders who are cursed by God.
If Allah created this worldly life
without a hereafter,
this life would certainly
be disappointing.
I love you, Awang.
I love everyone and our struggles.
And I'm sure
our friendship and brotherhood
will not be severed by this trivial test.
The fighting spirit of our nation
will continue
no matter what happens, Awang.
Remember again.
The goal of your struggle is for religion!
For the nation!
A Muslim fighter
must have a sincere intention
and choose the right path of his struggle.
Where do you think you are going?
What you have done to our land
has violated the Malay law
and also challenged the sultan!
The British did not only impose
unreasonable taxes,
but your soldiers were also cruel
to the villagers!
Your role here is to develop this land.
Not to oppress and violate our rights!
And don't forget the special privileges
of the Malays, Syers!
The Malays are spoiled with privileges.
We did not violate the agreement.
But it's your own people
who break the law.
They opposed
because of what the British have done.
We have been deprived of our freedom.
We know the British want to reap
the riches of this land of Pahang
to be brought back to your country
in order to finance
your New World movement
and colonize all Islamic countries!
Then what about our people
that you have killed
and our weapons that you have seized?
Don't blame us,
but blame Mat Kilau and his followers!
If you want to be respected,
you need to earn that.
You yourself have shown your ugliness.
There is no need to fuss
over things that have already happened.
You'd better leave.
Take care of your own communities.
Shut up, you colonial British pirate.
You're just a British assassin.
You have no right to interfere
in our affairs as Malay lords!
Syers! I want to ask you.
Where is Malay overlordship
in the eyes of the British?
This is the problem of the Malays.
While we are struggling
to develop this land here,
you people are blind
and keep accusing us British as criminals.
We have Islamic principles
in judging human beings.
All the Malay lords will raise this issue
to the Malay sultanate.
Tell your leader.
The British will not last long here.
I have told you.
Don't seek your death from us.
Do you like to see your wife and child
die in front of your eyes?
Indeed, you British are animals
punishing the innocents.
I will not remain silent.
And I swear as long as I'm breathing,
I will avenge
the death of my wife and child!
And my people will rise
to crush the British!
You and your people will rise?
You and your people are only united
during comfortable times.
Why didn't you act like other Malays?
Obey the British rules.
You would not lose your family.
I prefer to die defending my rights
rather than seeing my homeland
seized by the colonizers!
I will not be a slave to the White people.
Being treated like an animal like you.
I am not that despicable.
Watch your mouth.
I'll end your life.
Well, I'm not an infidel
who is afraid of death.
Come on!
Allah is the Greatest!
We will attack them tonight.
Even though I know we aren't ready,
we have got to save our friend.
Khairun Nas man yanfa'un Nas.
The most worthy of human beings
is the one that benefits others.
I will give my life to save Wahid.
Let me be the one to enter their fort.
I'm willing to sacrifice, Kilau.
Leave this to us to attack the enemy
and face them, Kilau.
This is not the time to blame yourselves.
Acting based on emotions
is only detrimental.
How are we going to fight the well-armed
soldiers of the White people?
Strength does not lie in weapons.
Strength lies in wisdom.
How we plan, strategize,
and what we planned.
Even though we die
for friends and our homeland,
this kind of sacrifice
is required in our religion.
I want to take part.
- Really, Usup?
- Yes.
I can't keep quiet, Kilau. I realized it.
If we do nothing,
Allah will inflict punishment on us.
I don't want to belong
to that kind of group, Kilau.
I want to take part.
Allah will help His servants
who uphold truth and justice.
So what now?
Should we wait first
before punishing Mat Kilau's friend?
The death penalty for Wahid must continue.
What do you want?
I want the British out of here.
He is sure to die today.
Maybe he's crazy to come here alone.
Kill me now!
Or I'll chase you to death!
Kill him.
Get ready!
Do not weaken the spirit of my people
from defending their rights.
I'm coming.
Something has happened over there.
Let's go and see!
That's enough, Wahid. Enough!
We don't have much time.
Now is not the time.
Mat Kilau!
Kilau! No, Kilau!
Let's go!
As what we had planned,
we will hide here first for a few days
before proceeding with the plans.
Don't anyone dare to go out
of this cave area without my permission.
I have brought my friends.
Hitam and Kelubi.
Both of them have agreed
to help us fight the British.
They also brought some of their friends
to assist us.
I have tried my best, Kilau.
I have invited more villagers to fight.
Not many want to participate.
These are the guys
that I managed to gather.
Not many are enthusiastic, Kilau.
A thousand excuses were given
to avoid fighting with the White people.
It's all right, Hitam.
Kelubi, although there aren't many
that you brought,
I really appreciate it and thank you.
Let us remember.
One mistake we make
will only strengthen
the British soldiers' position further.
Think before you act.
And never give in to temptation.
Make a pledge.
The cursed British colonizers
and all the snitches
must be fought to the end.
This land of Pahang is sovereign land.
All of us swear, Kilau.
We'll fight against the colonialists
until all of them are expelled
from this sovereign land of Pahang.
- We swear, Kilau.
- We swear, Kilau.
Make a pledge wholeheartedly.
Let our belly burst,
but never spill out
the secrets of our struggle.
I'm sorry, Syers.
I failed to rescue our campsite.
Mat Kilau and his men ambushed us
and managed to save his friend.
The Malays have no sophisticated weapons.
But they can defeat British soldiers?
If we had been here yesterday,
all this would not have happened.
Mat Kilau has already planned well.
Brahim, Yassin, and I
really feel guilty, Wahid.
We feel guilty about
what has happened to your wife.
Forgive the three of us, Wahid.
I know.
I have sinned.
And I should receive retribution.
I won't blame you
if you're angry
and hold a grudge against me.
There's no point in tainting my tongue
to insult you, Awang.
Not to mention blaming you all
for Allah's will.
This is my destiny as a fighter.
I accept it.
And I don't care about
whatever tests that are coming up.
Maybe this is the price of a fight
that I have to pay when I have sworn
to be with Kilau.
I don't know how many more
defenders of the truth
were tortured, imprisoned, and killed.
They died in a war to defend their rights.
Since long ago,
there were also prophets who were killed
without committing any sins
or any valid reason.
Many of them met Allah
before they could see the victory
with their own eyes.
I hold on to the fate
and destiny of Allah.
I am willing to sacrifice
to ensure that
my nation's future is protected.
And I realize
that we don't call this a struggle
without sacrifices.
The British are looking for you,
Mat Kilau.
If they knew we met in secret,
we are finished.
Let my heart be chewed
as long as my people
don't scream for help.
It's time we must chase them out of here.
We will attack them.
The blood that flows in our body
has to be purified
with devotion to Allah SWand loyalty to the homeland.
If it weren't for Tok Gajah,
we wouldn't be here.
We are under attack because Mat Kilau and
his friends seized the British weapons.
Many have died.
Don't you think you have done enough,
Mat Kilau?
Enough is enough!
- That's right. Enough!
- That's right. Enough!
I feel sad with all you people.
Let the deep river flows fast
as long as it doesn't tear down
the riverbank of our fighting spirit.
All of you look in the mirror every day,
what do you see?
A warrior or a coward?
If we split, we lose.
If we are united, we are strong.
We will not be able to fight them.
Say whatever you want, Mat Kilau.
Just stop your plan to attack the British.
Forgive us, Mat Kilau.
We can't help you.
It seems that you are all more willing
to see our grandchildren
become slaves in their own homeland.
Come on, everyone.
Thank you, my fellow brothers.
We do not have enough weapons to fight.
Many of our weapons
were destroyed and seized.
How are we going to attack them?
I don't care if it's enough or not.
The Malays have challenged the British.
We need to prepare quickly.
And I believe the British soldiers
are also planning to attack us right now.
In these few days, the British soldiers
will definitely go into the woods.
We did what you told us to do, Kilau.
And all the traps will be ready soon.
Do we have enough traps
to defeat them?
Don't worry, Kelubi.
I brought some rifles
that we seized the other day.
Although there aren't many,
we can use them to strengthen us.
Sorry, Kilau, during the chaos yesterday,
we didn't have time
to snatch all the weapons.
If you insist,
we can take all the weapons tonight.
No, Brahim.
The situation does not allow it.
The British soldiers
have laid siege around our village.
I suspect there is a snitch
among the subordinates of the Malay lords.
What do you mean, Wahid?
Wahid is right, Kilau.
If not, how could the British soldiers
know the direction
when they attacked Wahid's house?
All this seemed to be planned.
We have defectors among our people.
Do not accuse
without clarification, Awang.
They are our Malay lords.
It is impossible for them
to break the brotherhood.
This is not an accusation, Kilau.
In desperate times like this,
people are willing to do anything
to save their own necks.
Earlier today,
Kelubi and Hitam told me everything.
Tell Kilau!
We found out there were three villagers
arrested and imprisoned by the British.
One of them is Mamat.
Who's Mamat?
If you want to know, Kilau,
Mamat is Pak Deris' son.
And Pak Deris
is the assistant to Haji Sulong.
When he told a story, he lied.
When he promised, he did not keep.
When entrusted, he betrayed.
This is a hypocrite.
Who let you into my house?
You'd better get out.
Get out now!
Intruders that have no manners.
Do not talk about manners
if you are a traitor of the nation.
We all know what you did.
What do you know?
What do you know?
Don't you make any accusations.
You'd better get out!
Not only did your son become a victim,
but many others out there were even worse.
Their children were killed
and brutally tortured.
But they are not traitors to their nation.
You should have known their tricks.
What they want is not Mamat,
but they want you
to betray your own people.
Your doing has ashamed you.
All the evils you committed
are already known.
I have no choice.
They will kill my son if I don't do it!
I don't want my son to die!
I can't afford to lose my son!
You're not willing to lose your son,
but you're willing
to betray your own brothers.
My child was murdered!
My wife was murdered
right in front of my eyes!
You used to be a nobleman.
But now, you're a despicable man!
Allah forbids those who defend
and protect the traitors.
I can only accompany you and our son
up to this point.
I have one thing to say.
Whatever happens after this,
you must continue to hide.
And don't go home. Take care of Omar.
Take care of Father Tok Gajah.
I will remember everything you said.
I just hope that many villagers
will help to fight with you.
It's true
that not many are willing to sacrifice
and jihad to the way of Allah
when the time comes.
I know you're disappointed
with the attitude of our people.
Father and I will help you
to continue to persuade the villagers
to go to the battlefield tomorrow.
I'm sure there are still many
who have a sense of responsibility
to defend our land.
Don't our people appreciate
the struggle of their warriors?
Don't say things like that.
Even though no one appreciates it,
the angels are witnessing the struggle
you and your friends are facing.
Omar and I love you.
We look forward to your return later.
Yes, Syers. They have left
Pulau Tawar since yesterday.
They must have looked
for a hiding place earlier.
I know.
I have come to help.
You all have to get rid of Mat Kilau
and his men immediately.
They fled into the Cabang Hulu Forest.
They are hiding there.
How can our soldiers get in?
We don't know the jungle route there.
I know the ins and outs
of the forest there.
And I will explain to you every way
in and out so that they cannot escape.
And you have to be careful.
They are planning something big.
After we defeat Mat Kilau,
you must help the British
eliminate Dato Bahaman.
The history of the wars
of the Rasulullah SAW
in upholding
the Kalimah Tauhid 'Lailaha Illallah
needs to be remembered
and used as a lesson to all of us.
The spirit of jihad of the prophet needs
to be embedded in our souls as a warrior.
Because to this day,
the Islamic world has never been peaceful
with the threat of the enemy.
We cannot allow the foreigners
to arbitrarily undermine the sovereignty
of the Malays and Islamic unity.
Stand up for the truth
even if it is bitter to swallow.
Because this world will be destroyed
if a man defends the truth
when he only intends to benefit himself.
We fight not to call
for people's attention,
but we fight at the command of Allah.
And that
is the real victory.
Let's go together.
Come on.
The enemies have surrounded us
from all directions.
Allah is the Greatest!
- Allah is the Greatest!
- Allah is the Greatest!
Allah is the Greatest!
Allah is the Greatest!
You're in my trap, devil!
It's time for the British
to be buried in this Malay land.
Witness the rise of the Malay people!
My nation!
You are so weak, Malay champion.
Chase him!
Chase him! Hurry!
After him!
Remember Allah, Yassin.
There is none worthy of worship
except Allah.
Allah is the Greatest.
The Malays would not remain noble
with tradition, sultanate,
and culture only.
But we will remain noble
because of our faith
if we hold strong to Islam.
There lies the dignity of the real Malays.
Oh, my brothers.
Allah is our strength.
To find strength,
seek Allah!
- Allah is the Greatest!
- Allah is the Greatest!
- Allah is the Greatest!
- Allah is the Greatest!
- Allah is the Greatest!
- Allah is the Greatest!
I bear witness
that there is no deity but Allah.
And I bear witness
that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.