Matador (1986) Movie Script

We'll speak about the art of killing. has to kill well.
A bad kill disgraces the man
and the bull.
A bullfighter must honour
his name, 'matador'...
and mustn't betray the
bull's courage.
The bullfighter watches the bull
and knows how to lead it.
He knows which horn it will use.
A good thrust is the result of
a great job, and in any great job...
there's a time when the bull asks
to be killed...
expecting his death.
The sword, according to the rules,
must be sunk behind the nape...
in the 'cross', between
the shoulder-blades.
This hole is called the
cleft of the clods.
The sword must be neither flat
nor straight but well directed...
to sink into the heart and lungs.
There are three basic ways
to face the kill.
The first one is to kill
when receiving.
To kill, the arm must be straight...
the sword must prolong the arm...
the hand must be level
with the heart.
On sinking the sword,
make the 'cross'...
for he who does not
is taken by the devil.
Slowly, we move the cape
to the bull's muzzle...
and bring it towards us.
Then, still looking
at the muzzle...
we sink the sword in the 'cross'.
But don't think that's all
because to kill it as it deserves...
not only must we use the sword
but also the heart.
Don't you undress?
- I'm not wearing anything.
You worked well today.
Maestro, we want a bull.
- So do I.
It's not our fault you're lame.
We're throwing a party tonight.
It'll be wild.
Want to come?
- No, not tonight.
The man's dead beat.
Those chicks want a good time.
We should go out one night
and see what we find.
Why? Don't you dare on your own?
- I've never tired to.
You've never been with a chick?
- No, never.
Chicks are just like bulls...
You've got to hem them in,
then it's easy.
Give it to me.
- But why?
I was going to fry it with garlic.
- It's amanita mascaria.
What is it?
- They're poisonous.
How do you know?
Because of the hood and the cap.
Pick them up and throw them out.
They're very dangerous.
I watched you while
I was speaking of killing.
You felt sick.
Clouds make me dizzy.
Could I have a glass
of water for a pill?
Yes, let's go upstairs. But pills won't
make you any less frightened.
Death doesn't scare me,
my own least of all.
Fear is good, at times
it gives you courage.
Were you scared?
- Yes, but fear is part of the game.
You mustn't be afraid of fear.
Your girl? - It's Ava Gardner!
Don't you go to the movies?
No, my family is from the Opus Dei.
I've spent my life praying
and exercising.
I know her.
- Do you?
She's my neighbour.
Do you like her?
- She's very pretty...
but being a model,
she's stuck up.
No, she isn't, not Eva.
- You know her name.
She's my girlfriend.
- That's funny!
Listen, how about a game?
- All right.
You're really successful
with girls, aren't you?
Knowing I was a bullfighter
turns them on.
Why do you want to be a bullfighter?
You're not like the other kids.
Well... I don't know.
I suppose I like danger.
I mean, if you've got to die...
I want to do it in the ring,
it's more exciting.
Don't you think so?
You're too young to think about that.
Age doesn't matter.
At your age, one thinks
about killing... not dying.
Your turn.
To tell the truth, I can't play.
Besides, I told my mother
I'd be home early.
Angel... You don't happen
to like men, do you?
Why do you have to ask me that?
It just came to mind. At your age
a boy has been with a woman.
Always my age! I'm sick of
being taken for a moron!
Just forget it.
- I'll show you I'm no fairy.
But I believe you.
- I'll show you!
What are you doing in the dark?
I don't like you to lock yourself in.
Where are you going?
- For some air.
Open the window.
- I won't be long.
Don't forget that we eat in an hour.
Chicks are like bulls...
You've got to hem them in,
then it's easy.
What's going on?
I'm sorry.
Why don't you shower?
Come on, hurry up!
Stop admiring yourself!
The money I spend on stockings!
Oh Lord, bless the chicken soup...
the sole meunire...
and the custard which
we are about to partake.
You're a disaster.
Did anyone see you fall down?
I don't know, I didn't look.
By the way... when will you see
your spiritual director?
I don't know.
It was one of the conditions
of living in this house...
or had you forgotten?
What are you waiting for? You haven't
been to church in two months.
This is not a boarding-house.
There are rules.
I will not subsidize
a life of luxury and dissipation.
If you do not take the right path,
I prefer not to see you.
Loneliness does not scare me
because I'll never be alone.
What is it? Do I bore you?
- No, I was thinking.
About what?
Nothing... About the storm.
The storm! You certainly are stormy!
At times I think you're crazy, like
your father, may he rest in peace.
I think I'm crazy.
You do?
You should take me
to a psychiatrist.
You don't need a psychiatrist,
you need your spiritual director.
You'll go and see him tomorrow.
Now eat.
Eat, I said.
Allow us to experience, Lord,
on receiving the Eucharist...
peace of the spirit and the body,
through Jesus, our Lord.
The Lord be with you.
- And with your spirit.
May the blessing of
the Almighty be upon you.
You may go in peace.
- The Lord be blessed.
Tell him you want to confess.
He'll be pleased.
I'll wait for you at home.
Go on!
Go to the sacristy.
I want to see you go.
Good morning, Father.
Well! At last, you're back!
We've missed you.
Father, I want to confess.
Good, I'm glad to hear that, my son.
Wait for me outside.
What do you want?
To see the inspector.
- What for?
I want to admit to raping a girl.
Some girls have all the luck!
There's the inspector,
holding a picture.
Thank you.
Come in.
Well, what is it?
I came to report a rape.
You were raped?
No, I was the rapist.
Are you sure?
Come in, tell me all about it.
It smells good.
- It's paint.
What do you want?
- Police.
I can see that.
- Does Eva Soler live here?
She does. Why?
She was raped last night.
We caught the rapist.
My daughter? I doubt it very much.
She'd have told me.
Better luck next time.
One moment, Madam.
Somebody's coming.
What is it?
- Nothing. Go to your room.
What about her face?
Come here.
I slipped in the mud.
- Remember the storm?
He may do it again
if you protect him.
First of all, he didn't rape me.
And if he tries again,
I'll cut his balls off!
Please come with us.
But look at the state
the house is in!
I'm painting it and
I've got no one to help me.
Please, madam.
I can't, I've got a casting.
We've got a casting
and the house is a mess.
Be quiet!
Don't you scream at me
or you'll be in trouble!
It won't take long.
If you don't mind waiting
while we dress.
You don't want us to go to the
station looking at sight.
The worst isn't getting raped
but having to tell everyone.
Make yourself at home.
I'll close the door.
Please sit down.
- No, we're in a hurry.
Get to the point.
Very well.
Are you Eva Soler?
- Yes, I am.
Do you know Angel Gimnez?
- Yes, we're neighbours.
You didn't behave very well, Angel.
How can she work now?
Madam, please don't interrupt.
Did Angel rape you last night?
- No, he tried to.
He says he did.
- No. He came between my legs.
I see.
Do you mind telling me
what happened?
Madam, you may wait outside.
- Who, me?
Yes, this isn't very pleasant.
It isn't, but I wasn't born yesterday,
and Eva tells me everything.
Besides, this isn't the first time.
How many times have they tried?
Three or four?
- Three.
What happened?
I went out. I suppose
Angel followed me.
What time was it?
- Eight o'clock.
You're positive? This is very
important. Think about it.
Absolutely, I had a date.
- Very well, go on.
He dragged me to
a dead-end street...
and threatened me with a knife.
You know the rest.
While he was trying...
he ejaculated.
Anything else?
Yes. He said he was sorry
and then fainted.
What about that wound?
Did he hit you?
No, I slipped and fell afterwards.
Can we go now?
- One moment.
Do you want to report it?
- No. What good would it do?
But you've got to report it.
Be quiet, you've done
enough for one day!
Your poor mother,
she who is so pious!
I'm sorry, Seora, I really am.
Well, control yourself next time.
If we weren't here, I'd tell you
a couple of things! Goodbye.
How strange... he seems happy.
What is it?
You've never seen a dead man?
I've seen a lot of them.
Why are you shaking?
Did you know him?
- Yes.
You did?
How did you know him?
I killed him.
At his place.
He was very excited.
He just wanted to possess me.
He undressed right away.
And when he was about to take me...
I killed him.
And this one?
Did you know him?
It was more or less the same.
Tell me about yourself.
What do you do?
I'm going to college
for my mother's sake.
But I want to be a bullfighter.
You like bulls?
I take classes with Diego Montes
but she thinks I take gym.
Diego Montes?
I'm going to show you some
pictures. Study them closely.
Please take your time.
Do you know them?
They went to class with me.
I killed them too.
- Do you know me?
No, I don't think so.
My name's Maria Cardenal
and I'm your attorney.
Why do you want to defend me?
- I think you're innocent.
Well, you're wrong.
I'm more guilty than you think.
Just ask my mother.
I'll speak to her.
So far we only know you
tried to rape Eva Soler.
Isn't that enough?
She's my maestro's girl.
By the way...
call him and tell him I'm sorry...
that it won't happen again.
Your maestro is Diego Montes,
isn't he?
Yes. Do you know him?
I saw him fight a bull once.
Was he very good?
- For me, he was the best.
Let's get back to business.
From now on, I'll make all the
decisions. Is that clear?
All right, I'll do as you say.
I'm glad to hear it.
Don't admit to any more murders.
Four are enough to start with.
You're right.
Don't open your eyes. Play dead.
Luckily, the police have arrested...
Eva soler's rapist, Angel Gimnez...
Bastards! They said
they'd keep it quiet.
...who is also accused of murdering
Ester Dominguez, Ana Vela...
Raul Ordoez and Pedro Soto.
His defending attorney
is Maria Cardenal.
Naturally, several prominent
were outraged on learning
about this.
Miss Cardenal stated that any
Spanish citizen...
has the right to an attorney...
thus proving her cold-bloodedness
and cynicism.
Can you drive me home?
Who would have thought...
- I don't believe it.
If he were a murderer, he'd have
killed me and raped me too.
Poor baby, it must have been horrible.
- Let's forget it.
I'd like to but the cops won't let me
Have they called you?
- Not yet, but they will.
Can I take some sausages?
Mum loves them.
I feel sorry for Angel, poor thing!
Don't be silly, he had a knife.
Are you jealous?
- Angel is crazy.
So am I, but about you.
Come on, let's go.
May I see madam?
I don't know. I'll go and see.
Ma'am, the girl we saw on television
wants to see you.
I cannot see her.
- I don't think she'll give up.
Tell her I'm busy, I can't see anyone.
I must be alone with my grief.
Madam is out.
What do you mean?
I just heard her speaking.
Yes, but she can't see you.
She's in a meeting.
I'll stay until she sees me.
Very well. What do you want?
I'm Maria Cardenal.
- So what?
I'm your son's attorney.
My son must accept
God's punishment.
God won't be in the court, Seora.
Do you happen to be an atheist?
Shall we remain standing
or do we sit down?
Very well, come in, but we have
nothing to talk about.
I won't give a cent to an attorney.
I didn't come to discuss my fee,
but Angel, your son.
He's not my son!
Such a monster cannot be my son.
God cannot ask me to bear so much.
- Forget God for a moment.
I need information.
What can I tell you?
I did my best to save him.
He wasn't like other boys.
As a child, he had dreadful visions.
There was evil inside him.
I tried to make him fear himself
but to no avail.
Do you realize your son's situation?
Do you realize mine?
You don't happen to be in jail.
Grief and shame
are the worst of all jails.
How can a mother refuse
to defend her son?
You should know that there are
people one cannot defend.
That's true. I'd never defend
someone like you.
You always said you knew how to
shoot but I never believed it.
I love you, Luke.
Don't cry, Pearl. Don't cry.
I had to do it.
I understand.
Let me hold you in my arms.
Yes, hold me, Luke.
Why are you following me?
This is the men's room,
didn't you notice?
You shouldn't trust appearances.
Let's have a drink
in a sweeter-smelling place.
I'm not thirsty.
But I want to speak to you.
All this is yours?
I bought it from the Town Hall.
It's so peaceful and sinister.
Do you like it?
Very much.
It must have cost you a lot.
Money doesn't worry me.
I've made enough.
It can't have been easy.
I've never done anything
because it was easy.
You like bulls?
I prefer bullfighters.
- I'm glad to hear it.
What I like is a job well done.
- Me too.
Can I have it?
- No. I can give you some sausages.
I'd prefer something personal.
Will this do?
- Better than nothing.
You teach with video?
- I tape the kids.
I saw him this morning.
- I saw you on television.
Why do you defend him?
He says he's guilty.
I don't think he acted consciously.
What about when he raped my girl?
He was imitating you.
You're his maestro.
Don't be silly. He's dangerous.
Maybe... but he's so lonely.
I'm lonely too.
- You too are dangerous.
You wanted to kill me?
I must defend myself
from aggressors.
Give me my pin back.
No. I think I deserve it.
When about to kill,
one cannot hesitate.
It's a golden rule of bullfighting.
If that's a wedding dress,
I'll eat my hat.
Hide that scar.
They might think I beat her up.
Absolutely not! Disfigure her?
Nobody's going to disfigure my baby.
What is this? A fashion show
or an anti-aesthetic march?
A butchery, Seora.
- A butchery?
Francisco Montesinos?
- Yes.
Such a vulgar man!
- I heard that.
I wanted to interview you.
- It won't take a minute.
All right, go ahead.
Why did you call this show
"Spain Divided"?
Spain's always divided in two.
In how many? Two, did you say?
Yes, basically in two.
- What are they?
The envious and the intolerant.
Which are you?
- Both.
I've told you not to shoot up
in the dressing room.
I'm nearly finished.
Use the toilet to shoot up,
that's what it's for.
And these models are...
She's puked all over me.
Don't worry. Go out like this,
you look divine.
When she shoots, you fall down...
and spread the cape
so that it can be seen.
Who kills the boy with the cape?
The one in red.
- Why?
Because he's beaten her up
and she's got a temper, like me.
That's why she's all bloodied up?
That's right.
- How interesting!
Don't you believe in marriage then?
Well, marriage is necessary
or there'd be no wedding dresses.
I'm off.
- Francis, the gun.
Hide it in the bouquet, then kill him.
Mum, why don't you go and keep
Diego company?
Yes, so much genius
drives me berserk.
How is it going?
- What a mess!
I'm glad I never accepted
modelling jobs.
Want some?
- No, thank you.
What are you looking at?
Ah, the girl with the plait.
I have one too but mine's
more discreet.
Lovely, Pilar.
- Thank you.
Know who it is?
Angel's attorney.
I didn't know attorneys liked frills.
She's a bit whorish.
Pretty... but then one goes
with the other.
Excuse me, Pilar.
There's a rotten smell to this.
I saw someone commit suicide here.
I felt something strange...
as if I were empty,
outside my body.
I often come back.
You and I are alike.
We both feel obsessed by death.
Who doesn't?
But not like you.
What if I hadn't grabbed your hand
What if I hadn't defended myself?
Aren't you coming?
That again?
Aren't you being morbid?
I have to speak to you.
- Some other time.
It's got to be now.
- What is it?
The agency wants me to go to Japan.
Mum loves the idea but I don't.
It would be good for your career.
I don't give a shit.
I don't want to leave you.
It would be better.
What's wrong?
- Nothing's wrong.
Is it because of that woman?
It can't be.
You left the shower together,
don't deny it.
I'm not.
Don't play games with me!
Or you with me!
Go! Leave me alone!
Very well, I will.
He's in a bad mood lately...
but don't worry, he'll get over it.
I wouldn't leave him,
even if he asked me to.
Yes, who is it?
- I need to see you.
Why not?
- Because.
Don't call me again,
I won't see you.
Don't tell me you work here too?
- Yes, twice a week.
Is Maria here?
- Yes, I t think so.
Give it to her when I leave.
What is it?
- A surprise.
I'll give it to her.
Where's her office?
- Over there...
but here comes her secretary.
May I help you?
- Miss Cardenal's expecting me.
What is your name?
- Diego Montes.
She didn't mention anything.
She's very reserved at times.
Wait here, but I doubt that
she'll receive you.
There's this guy to see you.
Didn't I tell you to wait?
Go... and close the door.
I don't want to see you.
I have to speak to you.
- Is it that urgent?
Not here. I'm working.
What do you want from me?
Give me back my pin.
- Is that all you're worried about?
What's this? Blackmail?
- What are you afraid of?
You know very well.
Please leave.
Maria, we're destined for each other.
No one, not even ourselves,
can avoid it.
Leave... or I'll shoot myself.
Diego brought this for you.
He gave it to me when he came in.
You didn't tell him...
- No. Now let me be.
They're amanita mascaria.
- They're very poisonous.
See the hood?
That's where the poison is.
Can I take one?
Sure, but be careful, don't eat it.
- Don't worry.
I'm Inspector Del Valle.
Is the maestro at home?
He's in the ring, with the kids.
Shall I call him?
No need. He lives here, doesn't he?
Yes, upstairs. He gives his
theory lessons downstairs.
We'll take a look.
How long have you been with him?
- Ever since he started.
After he was gored,
I came here to give him a hand.
I live here,
in the house by the garden.
With your family?
They live in Toledo.
I go there at weekends.
What about the sausages?
I make them myself.
Diego likes them.
Angel Gimnez.
Two cops came.
They're watching you now.
- Behind the trees.
The inspector put his nose
into everything.
I'm inspector Del Valle.
I'm investigating your classmate.
I'm Diego Montes.
- I know who you are.
Will you be long?
- No, we finish at seven.
Do you remember
the 20th of last month?
It was the last time Angel
came to class.
I remember. That's the day the
maestro taught us how to kill.
Do you remember if he went
directly home after class?
Did he speak to any of you?
He told me he was going home
to study.
See this?
Look at it closely.
Does it belong to any of you?
Look at it closely.
It's very pretty.
Have you seen it before?
I don't suppose you saw Ana Veler
and Ester... Ester Dominguez again?
They're dead.
- How do you know?
The papers said so.
- Maybe. We've no proof yet.
You're aware of Angel's situation?
Why don't you tell me about him?
Anything would do.
Well, if you suddenly get
your memory back...
you can find me at
the Tetuan police station.
All right?
Very well, carry on,
you're doing very well.
Could I speak to you?
Go to the car.
A bull gored you?
Yes, what about you?
- It's psychological.
Do you think Angel
is a homosexual?
You knew him well.
No, I didn't. I gave him classes,
that's all.
Really? You took him upstairs
on the last day.
He wanted some water.
What are you insinuating?
So, besides the classes,
you also gave him water.
He needed to take a pill
and we chatted for a while.
About what?
- Chicks.
And that evening,
he tried to rape your girl.
What do you say?
- That he's a son of a bitch.
I don't know.
He's not easy to classify.
He's very unusual.
- He certainly is.
The other day he told me
he admired you a lot.
He did?
I don't see why.
Remember when the two girls
One three months ago
and the other, four.
Do you know if it happened
at a weekend?
There's no class at weekends.
I see.
Where did you find it?
- In the bullfighting school.
Is it mascaria?
Of course.
By the way, how are you
getting on with Angel?
He has a huge guilt complex, but then
his mother's a member of Opus Dei.
Do you think he killed them all?
Is that all you're worried about?
Don't you wonder why he did it?
Why is that mushroom poisonous?
Because it's in its nature.
Ours is the same.
Evil thrives inside us.
And goodness.
- Goodness is a bore.
People are not like mushrooms.
- No, they're more complicated.
You must feel for Angel,
even if he's guilty.
Yes, I feel very curious about him.
- Is that all?
There are always people
I'd like to be guilty...
and others to be innocent.
As far as Angel's concerned...
I'd like him to be innocent.
See? You're not as mean
as you seem.
Shall we sleep together toninght?
- I said no.
You don't have to screw me,
just sleep with me.
He's deaf in one ear.
That's why he has vertigo.
Will he need an operation?
- There's no need.
He hears perfectly with the other.
Don't bother him today.
He'll feel dizzy and needs rest.
Do you think his vertigo could
make him hypersensitive and...
People don't go around murdering
just because they're deaf.
Mental illness is often caused
by physical stress.
I know you're dizzy
but we must speak about the pin.
Was it really yours?
What did you want
such a pretty pin for?
To kill.
Where did you buy it?
What does it matter?
- To help you, Angel, I must know.
Why can't you all leave me alone?
I'd like to be in the desert...
with no one around.
I can't sleep.
I hear the knives slipping
in and out...
pins being plunged into napes...
shots echoing in my head.
I can't stand it any more.
If you knew how many murders
take place!
I don't care about other murders,
only yours.
Angel is too tired to be questioned.
It won't wait.
He knows more than he says.
He's with his attorney.
Didn't you tell me he was tired?
Ana looked very pretty.
I had been fighting her all afternoon.
I was very excited.
After class she waited for me
on the platform...
stark naked...
and I strangled her...
while I took her.
And Ester Dominguez?
I killed her in the bath.
Where are the bodies?
- I buried them in the garden.
Let's go and find them.
You were eavesdropping.
I'll deny everything.
I've got a witness.
I didn't hear anything.
Cunts! You think you're helping him
but it's ridiculous sentimentalism.
I'd rather be ridiculous
and have feelings.
You have plenty.
Of what?
- Feelings.
Let's show the inspector those bodies.
It will make him feel better.
He can't go out, he has vertigo
and needs an injection.
Give it to him!
What are you waiting for?
In you go, scum!
Where did you bury them?
Come on, hurry up!
Look, a russula.
A russula.
- Yes a basidiomycete.
Help him to dig.
Leave the shovels, use pickaxes.
Get back, young man.
Get the bags.
What now? - I don't know.
This is becoming a challenge for me.
I want to tell you I'm sorry about Eva.
Compared to this, it's nothing.
You're not angry?
Trust me.
Am I in danger?
- Yes, but you can trust me.
Take Angel to the car.
Why must you trust him?
- He still sees me as his maestro.
Aren't you?
- I certainly didn't teach him to dig.
He buries two bodies here
and you don't know?
I go out sometimes.
Your argument is thin.
- So is yours.
Get some better proof.
- I will.
Then I'll get better excuses.
We'll see.
I suspected it but I wasn't sure.
I want to show you something.
No one's been to my hiding place.
It's wonderful.
I have a surprise for you.
Close your eyes.
Careful, there's a step.
I can't see a thing.
Open your eyes now.
My costume!
How did you get it?
Your assistant sold it to me.
And these?
The cleaning lady stole them
and sold them to me.
I must have been blind
not to see you.
When did you start this collection?
When I first saw you kill.
I looked for you
in all the men I've loved.
I tried to imitate you
when I killed them.
Why didn't you look for me?
Till today I'd no idea
you were still a matador.
At first I tried to avoid it
but I couldn't.
To stop killing was to stop living.
Men think killing is a crime.
Women don't see it like that.
Every murderer has
a feminine side.
And every murderess
a masculine side.
I've waited so long for this moment.
I wonder if I'm dreaming.
Ever since I met you
I've been unable to sleep.
I can't sleep either.
And if you don't sleep you don't live.
I don't think I'll sleep
while you're alive...
that I'll live while you're alive.
Your son cannot be guilty...
of one of the crimes he admits to.
He was in his bullfighting class and
arrived home fifteen minutes later.
Yes, but what about the others?
You have evidence.
The more they point to him,
the less I believe he's guilty.
A strange way to investigate.
I want you to speak to him.
He won't lie to you.
He's lied to me for the past
twenty-two years.
Like his father did,
may he rest in peace.
Speak to his psychiatrist then.
I'll go with you.
I want to hear the conversation.
Christ! He's fainted again.
Slap him hard, see if he comes to.
What happened?
- He fainted.
Quick, get some coramine.
He's very weak, he hardly eats.
- No, it's the wounded man.
He can't stand the sight of blood.
What? He can't stand blood?
- No, he isn't like me.
He's a coward, just like his father.
He could never wear a cilice.
One drop of blood
was enough to make him faint.
Do you realize what you're saying?
Of course. I'm his mother.
Do you think your son's a murderer?
- I wouldn't be surprised.
How, if he can't stand
the sight of blood?
I don't know.
The devil's ways are unfathomable.
Poor Angel!
Here's the coramine.
- He doesn't need it.
The moon will hide
the sun...
"The police believe Angel Gimnez
is innocent."
...stars will shine,
birds will fly to their nests...
and wild animals will run to their
burrows, believing night has fallen...
not suspecting that the sun
will soon shine...
thus confusing these poor beasts
enslaved by their instinct.
Such a strange world!
Hundreds of scientists,
members of religious sects...
Shall we go to the movies?
Aren't you getting up?
- No.
Because of the eclipse?
- What eclipse?
They just spoke about it
on television.
You're a bit out of touch, Eva.
If it's Diego's fault, just forget him.
If you wanted, you could find
a better match.
A lawyer, a dentist, or a minister
would be easier to deal with.
Get one yourself.
Don't make the mistake I made.
At your age,
I was pretty and thin too.
But Mum, I love him.
I loved your father
and what good did it do?
Diego, I was thinking of you.
Please come and collect your things.
I gave them to Mariano.
I want to speak to you.
- It's useless.
I'm having a very bad time, Diego.
- It would be worse...
It's best like this.
- Sorry.
You should assert yourself more.
Leave me alone!
Eva, darling, you've been
in there an hour.
Open the door, I'm getting worried.
I've made you some nice gazpacho.
You're so pale! Do you feel sick?
- No, it's the make-up.
Well, you look like a corpse.
- Good. Help me slip this on.
Where are you going?
- For a walk.
Like this? No wonder
they try to rape you.
You're going to see him?
- None of your business.
What can a poor mother do?
Diego's not at home
but he left a bag for you.
I came to pick it up.
I was just leaving... the eclipse...
I want to be there early.
No, you wait here.
Let me come in.
It's cold and I have to speak to him.
If you didn't go out half-naked...
- Let me in.
He's going to get angry.
He said not to let you in.
- Mariano, please.
Oh, all right, come in.
You two can make up
"Dear Diego, I love you."
Where's the poster?
- Behind the blackboard.
Don't worry about Mariano,
he didn't see you bury them.
But both girls disappeared
at a weekend.
Then the inspector knows
I'm alone here.
He suspects, that's all.
If he knew, he'd have arrested you.
But Angel knows...
- No, he guesses.
But I'm sure he won't talk.
I know the police.
They're postponing everything,
hoping you'll make a mistake.
Why wait any longer?
You, too, postpone everything.
Since I met you I've been waiting
for the greatest orgasm ever.
And I enjoy waiting for it.
You're not safe either. They know
Angel didn't kill those men.
So what? Nobody saw me with them.
I've only been seen with you.
You're my only danger.
Danger doesn't scare me.
But the police mustn't catch us.
That's not the game we want.
I'll give you the cape.
Angel will like having it.
I'm so excited
that I'm losing my mind.
Give me a week
to sort out the office.
A week, no more.
Do you want it as badly as I do?
More than you.
I've waited much longer.
You need a bag.
What is it?
- I'm sick of it.
What shall I tell Angel?
- Tell him...
Tell him thank you.
Only a desperate man
would say that.
I'm that man.
Call me, I'm in a hurry.
We'll get everything ready tonight.
Eva, come on out.
I told you not to come.
Why did you? Fool!
I heard it all.
I should never have trusted you.
- From now on, you'll have to.
Your future is in my hands.
- And yours in mine.
Aren't you afraid of me?
I'm only afraid of you leaving me.
I wanted to keep you out of all this.
It's best if you go and forget me.
I can't forget you.
I've tried but I can't. I love you.
You'll get over it. You'll see.
I don't want to.
It's that woman's fault.
You've gone mad!
Yes, I am mad, but it's too late now.
- No, trust me.
Forget me and everything you heard.
I'll forget if you stay with me.
We'll forget together.
I don't want to hurt you.
Don't make things more difficult.
Our love can be saved.
- Do you really think so?
I can rebuild it.
Trust me. Give me a chance.
All right... Rebuild it.
Let me stay with you.
Not today, I'm too upset. Tomorrow.
If I leave, you'll go to see her.
Promise me you won't.
- I promise.
But promise me you'll forget.
If you keep your promise,
I'll keep mine.
We made a deal.
Eva knows everything.
She heard us talking.
Damn brat! Hadn't you broken
with her?
How did she take it?
- I swore I'd go back to her.
I knew that girl would
be trouble.
We can't wait.
Where do I pick you up?
Well, I've got to buy something.
Shall we say in the jewellery shop
in twenty minutes?
What a bore you are.
- I won't be long.
I'm off, Pepita.
- But this gentleman...
Come back on Monday, won't you?
Here, take this to Angel.
What's wrong?
- Nothing... the eclipse.
I want to speak to you.
- Come back on Monday.
You wouldn't go to him,
you fucking whore!
I heard it all.
- So what!
You're in my hands.
- Really?
You know it.
What do you want?
- Leave Diego alone. He needs me.
Don't you think it's dangerous
to be with him?
I don't care about danger.
- What do you know?
He was a normal man.
- He's killed two girls.
That's because he was gored.
With my help, he'll be fine.
All you offer him is worthless.
Diego belongs to another species.
I'll speak to the police.
You need me.
Nobody will believe your story.
When two heavenly bodies meet...
their lights apparently extinguish
But for a brief moment...
they acquire a new brightness...
a bright and burning brightness.
What a lovely way
to describe an eclipse!
Something dreadful's going to happen.
- The eclipse affects your ear.
We must do something.
I have a theory,
it's not very scientific...
but every time you suffer
from vertigo...
you're in a half-hypnotic state.
I'd like to know what's going on
in your head.
We must do something to avoid it.
- I suppose we'll have to operate.
It's Diego.
- Can you see him?
Maria and him, in the car.
They're in danger.
What are they doing?
- They've stopped.
He's buying some flowers.
- That's not dangerous.
I'll buy a car like that one
when you grow up.
Flowers, handsome?
- Yes, roses.
Help yourself, I'm holding the baby.
Take another one,
I'm sure you can afford it.
Thanks, generous.
Here, let me read your palm.
What a pity!
You wouldn't accuse him
out of spite?
It's the truth.
Why don't you check?
Don't worry, I will.
Angel says Diego Montes
is in danger.
You too?
What's wrong with women today?
How do you know?
- Angel says so.
How does he know?
- He sees things we don't.
It's the occasion to prove it.
You're driving me mad!
Eva's here too.
She says Diego and Maria
are the murderers.
Then something is happening.
We're on our way.
What's going on?
I'd like to know...
- Well, find out.
Here he is.
- We must hurry up.
Just a moment.
If they met half an hour ago,
they're far away by now.
They're still here.
Angel, can you really see them?
Where are they?
There's a tunnel...
and a fountain with birds.
That's the road to Valencia.
Get an arrest warrant for Montes.
What about Maria?
- Go to her office.
If you're doing this for revenge,
get ready!
Where to?
- To Valencia.
Can you see the car?
- Yes. They're passing a factory.
The "Alcoholera de Chinchn"
Why do you believe him?
It's as if the eclipse
had hypnotised you.
Some things cannot be explained.
That's one of them.
Home at last!
Can you give me a hand?
To have planned it for so long
and be taken by surprise!
For years I've felt that scar
inside me...
yet I never kissed it.
Wait for me in heaven, my love.
If you were to leave before me.
Wait for me.
For soon I will go.
Wherever you are.
Wait for me in heaven, my love.
If you were to leave first.
Wait for me, for soon I will go.
So we may stay anew.
Our love is so great.
So great that it has no end.
And life is so short.
Too short.
For our romance.
That's why I ask you, please.
To wait for me in heaven.
And there, among soft clouds.
We shall make our nest.
Nobody has ever kissed me like this.
Till now, I always made love alone.
I love you more than my own death.
Would you like to see me dead?
Yes... and for you to see me dead.
Can you hear them?
She tells him...
"Nobody has ever kissed me
like this."
"Till now, I always made love
"I love you more than
my own death."
"Would you like to see me dead?"
What does he answer?
"Yes... and for you to see me dead."
Look at me...
Look at me dying.
Look at me.
The eclipse.
I couldn't save him.
Nobody could.
It's better like this.
I've never seen anyone so happy.