Matir moina (The Clay Bird) (2002) Movie Script

Until 1971,
Bangladesh was the Eastern wing
of the Islamic State of Pakistan.
This story takes place
against the backdrop
of the democratic movement
against military rule in Pakistan
during the late 1960's,
which led to general elections.
The military government
cancelled the election results,
and the subsequent Army crackdown
culminated in civil war
and independence of Bangladesh.
Not like that.
From now on, you should use this.
Take it.
Do it. Let me watch.
No. Like this.
Allah is great.
Ma, when's Anu coming home?
I don't know.
Is he learning a lot in there?
He's going to be like your father.
Anu's mother!
Can I have some tea?
I've put the water on.
I keep asking you
about the medicine.
Asma's got fever again.
Please give her something.
I told you not to let
her wander outside,
she'll catch fever.
What else can she do?
She's got no one to play with
since you sent her brother
to madrasa.
sit up straight.
Oh Allah!
You have such long hair.
You know who keeps their hair long?
Women and Hindu sadhus.
Following them,
muslim mystics also grow their hair.
Are you trying to adopt
their impious ways?
Only for the new students,
I cut their hair the first time.
From now on,
you'll have to do it on your own.
This is called a "crew cut".
Have you finished?
Are you the new boy?
- Your name?
- My name's Anu.
That's not an Islamic name.
Your proper name is Anwar.
- What's your father's name?
- Kazi Mazharul Islam.
From now on, your name here is
Kazi Muhammad Anwarul Islam.
Anwar come quick,
you'll miss lunch!
At first you'll feel bad here
but you'll get use to it.
Do you like fish?
I hate it.
Really? Why?
I don't know.
Even the sight of it makes me sick.
What's your name?
Muhammad Rokonuddin Khan.
Anwar the animal!
Why stand there like a tree?
Play, or go away.
What kind of game is this?
This new kid's a dunce.
Doesn't know shit.
See, there's your friend,
playing by himself. Weirdo!
Gojoin him.
What are you doing?
It's just another game,
much better than their games.
No ball, no boundary...
nothing's allowed here.
Let's play! Here's my ball!
- Where?
- Here!
Here, catch!
Now throw it back.
Nothing like playing with a ball!
Let's see who can catch it!
Are you from a town or a village?
A town. And you?
Why did you let him go with Milon?
You know I don't like it.
Don't put it on me.
Can't you convince your own brother?
My son shouldn't see
all that Hindu rubbish!
You two are ruining my boy.
It's your brother
who takes him everywhere.
Easy to blame me.
I told you not to go out.
Your father is very angry.
You forgot the sweets!
What's this?
Let me see!
Get this heathen trash out of here!
I've had enough.
I'll send him off to madrasa.
Go to bed! Sleep!
Be quiet!
- Are you awake?
- Yes.
I can't sleep either.
I don't get it.
Why are they so mean to you?
You want something to eat?
What have you got?
Where did you get these?
Who gave them to you?
- My friend.
- Who's your friend?
I have a special friend.
A special friend?
Some day I'll tell you about him.
You all know about
the holy night of Meraj.
On this night, the Prophet Muhammad,
peace be upon him,
rode a winged horse
to have an audience with Allah.
On his way back from heaven,
he met Prophet Moses,
peace be upon him.
Prophet Moses
asked Prophet Muhammad:
"How many prayers did you get
assigned for your followers?"
Muhammad said:
"Fifty per day."
Moses cried out: "That's too much!
Go back and ask him to reduce it."
So, Muhammad went back to Allah.
On his return he told Moses
he got it reduced to five prayers.
Moses said: "That's still too much,
go back to him."
But Prophet Muhammad didn't want
to bother Allah any further. I was saying,
you must do your ablutions
before each prayer.
There are 7 ways they get spoiled.
Down with Military Dictatorship!
Free Political Prisoners!
We want Autonomy!
The ocean swells are rising
How can we sail through?
Allah forgive us!
I'm leaving this evening
for pilgrimage.
I will return on Saturday,
Allah willing.
When will you be back?
Saturday, Allah willing!
Please bring me some red shoes.
Your father won't have the time.
- Where's Milon?
- I'm here.
Don't waste all your time in town.
- Keep an eye on the house.
- Okay.
- Good bye.
- Good bye.
Ma, I'm full.
You're hardly eating these days.
Did you bring the mustard sauce?
Sorry Madam,
I'll bring it tomorrow.
There's a concert tonight
in the village.
A very good one. Come!
Oh Ma! Let's go!
You always bring trouble.
How can I go?
Kazi's gone for pilgrimage.
The concert's nearby. Let's go!
If Kazi finds out, he'll be angry.
The bird's trapped
in the body's cage
lts feet bound by worldly chains,
it tries to fly but fails
The bird's trapped
in the body's cage
Rainbow colored birds
circle freely in the sky
Their brilliant splendor
a rapture for the eye
lts feet bound by worldly chains,
it tries to fly but fails
The bird's trapped
in the body's cage
The bird pines with longing,
it yearns to spread its wings
It wants to join the joyful birds
leaving its fleeting home
The clay bird laments:
"Why did You infuse
my heart with longing"
"If you didn't give my wings
the strength to fly?"
Lts feet bound by worldly chains,
it tries to fly but fails
The bird's trapped
in the body's cage
- Milon are you home?
- Who's there?
Uttam, Shaheen, sit down.
What's new?
Take a look at this!
"Martial Law declared.
Dictator Ayub Khan steps down.
"Constitution suspended."
Bravo Bangalees!
"General Yahya is Pakistan's
new head of state.
"The Governor is forced to resign.
"General Yahya promises
elections within a year."
Will he keep his word,
or will he be another dictator?
- Better he keeps his word.
- We'll see.
Wake up!
Prayer is better than sleep.
Wake up!
Get ready!
What Arabic lesson were we on?
Oh yes, I remember.
Conjugate the verb "to do"
in the present tense. Anwar?
He does, two boys do,
three or more do, she does....
two girls do, three or more do...
Who can give me a sentence
with subject, object, verb
and preposition?
Zaid beats Omar with the stick.
You boy.
Explain the different noun forms
in this sentence.
Zaid is active, ends with "oon"
Omar, the subject, ends with "aan",
and the stick is...
"Stick" is an exception to the rule.
It should end with "ee"
but in this case,
stick ends with "aa".
Got it?
- Where are you from?
- Near Kumarganj.
My uncle lives there.
- What's the name of your village?
- Fulpur.
Fulpur. Pretty name!
Here is my robe. Wash it well.
Is your home far away?
Yes, very far.
Sir, what's your village like?
My daughter is very restless.
She's a bit older than you.
She likes to play by the pond.
There is a big tree there.
When its flowers fall on the water
it looks like a red carpet.
She always bathes there,
dunking her head below the water.
She disappears for a while,
but then, she comes up again
her hair draped in red flowers.
Will you go home for Eid?
No, it's too far
for the few vacation days I get.
But you should both go back home.
I won't go.
I'll go.
You've always used allopathy.
Try homeopathy for a month and see.
Allah willing, his tonsillitis
will never return.
Please come have a seat,
Khan Bahadur.
Are you feeling better?
By the grace of Allah
and the means of your medicine,
- I'm much better.
- It's all Allah's will.
In fact,
allopathy treats only the illness
while homeopathy treats the patient.
You're right about that.
For example, fever.
We think it's an illness
but it isn't.
It's just a symptom.
What's needed is to treat
the root of all disease.
You see,
how anarchy
was threatening our country.
A little tear gas and gunfire
at demonstrations couldn't stop it.
We needed real medicine:
Martial law!
Now see, the troublemakers
have been cut down to size.
Don't you agree?
Ma, Anu's come!
Isn't it pretty?
- It's for you.
- Where did you get it?
At a village fair. Don't let father
see it. He'd get mad.
I'll hide it somewhere
even you won't find it.
Anu, have some milk.
What do they teach you?
The call to prayer?
Allah is great.
Silly girl!
- So, how are your studies going?
- Well.
Is your toupee cap
only for madrasa?
- Do they feed you well?
- Yes.
- You've made new friends?
- Yes.
The other kids tease him
'cause he's different.
But you know, he's really nice.
And your teachers?
I really like lbrahim sir.
He tells lots of stories.
You know what we call Halim sir?
But the Head Sir, he's scary.
It's getting late. Let's go.
What about this tomato?
Keep it for Asma.
One night Abraham had a dream:
Allah asked him
to sacrifice his dearest one
Abraham pondered
who was dearest to his heart
Then he realized it was his son
He told his wife:
"Dress our son for a journey"
As they departed,
the mother looked on with foreboding
She wondered whether
her son would ever return
Arriving at Mina Mount
Abraham told his son
the will of Allah
His son said:
"We cannot defy His will"
Helplessly he allowed Abraham
to lay him down
But the moment Abraham
pressed the knife
on his son's throat,
at home, the mother's heart
began to cry out
Hearing her cries
the sky, the trees,
and the birds,
all began to weep
Grab it! Hold it tight!
Bring the knife.
What are they doing to our cow?
They're not doing anything.
No need to watch.
Come put your Eid clothes on.
You look pretty.
Hey Milon, just pudding for us?
There's no main course?
Don't worry!
We have chicken for you.
Just eating beef once
won't make you a Muslim.
Uncle Milon,
look what Anu's done!
You've ruined your new clothes!
Look at that! Go and change.
Is Kazi back from Eid prayer?
- He's preparing the meat.
- We should go.
Come visit us later.
- Please wait a bit.
- We won't eat now.
You've spoiled your clothes!
Can I wear the shirt Milon gave me?
You needed an excuse
to wear Milon's shirt.
Don't you think I know?
Go ahead.
Uncle, Eid is a festive day.
Why do we wear white
like we're in mourning?
Good question.
Look at the pretty flowers!
Uncle will you bring me one?
Of course.
That white one!
Abdur Rahim?
You're good in Islamic History,
Urdu and Farsi
but so bad at Arabic writing.
He's left handed,
but he's told to use his right hand.
If he could use his left hand...
The Arabic alphabet is sacred!
You can't use your left hand.
Who's next?
Muhammad Rokonuddin Khan?
You have no concentration.
You are particularly bad in Urdu.
You use Bengali words
in your Urdu writing.
But you're very good in Arabic!
Because I like Arabic.
I don't like Urdu at all.
You insolent boy!
Who are you to decide
what's good and what isn't.
This won't be tolerated here!
I've heard
you don't play with the others,
you wander outside the madrasa.
Some westernized schoolboys
must be corrupting you!
Get out!
They say I hang out in the bazaar,
with boys from un-lslamic schools.
But I never leave the madrasa.
I have no place to go.
This madrasa is my home.
I want to take you somewhere.
Do you want to go?
- Where?
- The place I go every day.
My secret hideaway.
Let's go.
I had no idea such a place
existed behind the madrasa!
Watch your step.
Do you get a strange scent?
Try to smell it.
Where did you get all this?
I just collect it. Nice isn't it?
See the picture of a winged horse?
I drew it myself.
What incredible stuff!
Only you and my special friend
know this place.
He comes here?
Remember the sweets
I gave you that night?
He gives me a lot of things.
But no one can see him.
Only he cares for me.
- Let me show you something.
- What?
Look at this!
Isn't it neat?
Her fever isn't going down.
Your medicine helped her last night
but now she's worse.
She needs a doctor.
No, she will get better.
Have trust in Allah.
Don't worry, I brought medicine.
The doctor refused to give it
without seeing her
but I explained the situation
and told him her symptoms.
He gave this syrup.
Give her one dose in the morning
and one in the evening.
How is she?
Give that to me.
You have no idea.
You know what
this antibiotic will do?
It will totally destroy
the effect of my treatment.
After much effort
I found a special remedy.
It's the best homeopathy
for her fever.
You understand?
Rokon, hurry up!
A rainstorm is coming!
Uncle Milon!
Asma is very ill.
We must go immediately.
I've arranged your leave.
Go get your things.
Fulpur! Anyone for Fulpur!
Good that you brought Anu.
Karim, let's go.
Every day,
the floodwaters are rising...
Your mother did try to save her.
But luck wasn't on her side.
It's Allah's will.
You have to be strong
for your mother's sake.
She struggled so hard
with your sister.
I remember
when your mother came to
the house as a young bride.
She was like Asma, very restless.
She was only fourteen.
Kazi was much older
so she used to play with Milon.
Kazi was very different then.
He dressed like an Englishman.
But he suddenly changed.
He became deeply religious.
What a change that was.
with toupee cap and beard...
His wife's games ended then.
A wall sprouted around the house.
She had to wear a veil,
even at home.
Kazi was a new Muslim,
full of fervor!
Your father is more mellow now.
.... We bring you forth as infants
and make you reach youth
Some of you die at an early age
... Thus you see barrenness,
but when We bring the waters
down upon Earth
the land becomes alive
with exquisite flora and fauna
For Allah is the ultimate Truth
and He will bring the dead to life
Lbrahim sir, where's Rokon?
He was here not long ago.
Look around.
What are you drawing?
I've been looking for you.
- When did you get back?
- A little while ago.
How's your sister?
She's... no more.
- What happened?
- Some kind of fever. I don't know.
Where do people go when they die?
What happens to them?
- I think they turn into birds.
- Really?
Anu, something's happening to me.
I couldn't sleep last night.
There's a strange noise in my ears.
It keeps getting louder.
Your hair's gotten long.
Yes, I've got to cut it again.
What's this?
It's a flute to charm snakes.
Just fasting and prayer
don't make you a Muslim.
You need true conviction.
Islam is a total way of life.
Thus it differs
from other religions.
It guides
not just our religious life.
Our social, economic, cultural,
even our political way of life
are clearly prescribed by Islam.
To understand this
you need Islamic knowledge.
But knowledge is not enough.
We also need Islamic practice.
In the name of secularism,
our sacred Muslim land
is being threatened
by forces of blasphemy.
We must be brave and confront them.
We have to prepare ourselves.
If needed, we will make Jihad!
Hurry up!
We have to make 300 before sunset.
Do we really need so many?
In Arabia,
stones or clay
were used after toilet.
But our country is full of water
and water cleans a lot better.
No one's stopping you
from using water.
But using clay is Muhammad's way.
That's true.
The Arab system's still better
than the English one.
Englishmen destroy trees
to make toilet paper,
but does it clean properly?
How did you find
the Head Sir's speech?
Wasn't it inspiring?
Yes, it was indeed.
But I have
a few modest reservations.
Such as?
What he said about
knowledge and practice,
could mislead the pupils.
You see,
Islam didn't spread here
through the sword.
It was the selfless Sufis
who went to low caste Hindus
to spread Islam's message
of peace and equality.
The kings of Iran and Arabia
conquered land
but not people's hearts.
It was thanks to the Sufis
that people embraced Islam.
The truth is:
You cannot make Islam
flourish with politics or arms.
It's by spreading Islamic knowledge
that Islam will prosper.
So our mission is only
to spread knowledge?
Knowledge for knowledge's sake?
What are we doing here?
This is not just knowledge.
This is also practice.
Who is sent to madrasa?
Mostly orphans,
and children whose parents
are too poor to afford
food and clothing,
not to mention education.
They are sent to madrasa.
Our duty is to take care of them
and make them into true Muslims.
It's unfair to use
these children for political ends.
But in the name of secularism
the communists are endangering
the very existence of Islam.
Don't we need to confront them?
Then what's the difference
between the communists and us?
Can you separate Islam
from politics?
Now Pakistan's unity is at stake.
If Pakistan is torn apart,
Islam will be weakened as well.
Halim Miah, tell me one thing,
if Pakistan collapses,
why would Islam be endangered?
What makes you think that?
Did Pakistan establish Islam,
or rather enforce military rule?
Let's kill a bird with my slingshot.
There goes Nutty Boy!
Let's see where he goes.
Keep quiet. He'll hear us.
Throw it!
What's the matter?
Halim Miah!
What's going on?
It's Rokon,
he's been acting strangely of late.
His head's overheated.
Pour water on his head.
Then lock him in the storeroom.
Yes sir.
Let me see. How is he?
I've brought Rokon's food.
Let's go then.
Is he going to be all right?
I consulted a doctor.
He gave some medicine.
Give it after his meal.
The Head Sir
mustn't know about this.
Yes sir.
It's me Anwar...
Do you recognize me?
Anu's mother?
If you continue to be frozen
with grief like this
you'll break down
physically and mentally.
I think you should go out,
maybe take a trip or something.
Once, home and outside
were like heaven and earth for me,
now it's all the same.
What I meant was...
If you went to your brother's place
for a few days,
you might feel better.
If I go, I won't go for a few days.
I'll go for a long, long time.
Why are you talking about leaving?
I know you don't like me anymore,
but this house is yours too.
Isn't it?
I've been rotting in this house
for those I loved,
but they've all gone.
There's nothing to hold me back.
Is this grief yours alone?
Haven't I suffered too?
Don't I have my own pain?
You do.
Those who hurt others
may have their own pain too.
Uttam, try to understand.
It's not a matter of democracy
or national liberation,
the issue is economic.
Here lies the question
of imperialism and class struggle.
You're still spellbound by
your communist ghosts.
You know something,
despite your differences,
you're like your brother.
Kazi's homeopathy
and your "Marx-pathy"
both came from Germany.
And fascism is also from Germany.
Whether Marxism or capitalism...
All "isms" are western.
These isms & schisms
just leave us screwed in the end!
So you also dismiss Islam
as western?
Not at all.
Our Islam has flourished
on our own soil.
Nothing's purely indigenous,
it's all mixed up.
Sit down.
- How is Rokon?
- He's worse today.
He didn't sleep last night.
He's out of medicine.
Go past the courthouse, take a left,
then take a right,
on the next corner is the pharmacy.
Show this prescription
and get more medicine.
Anwar, be careful!
The town isn't safe these days.
Yes, sir.
- May peace be upon you.
- Upon you also.
Peace for the people!
Vote for Boat Symbol!
This is radio Pakistan.
Now a special election bulletin.
In Faridpur-2, the Awami league
candidate is ahead of
the Muslim league candidate
by a margin of 5,200 votes.
Are you home?
Who's that?
Come in.
What's the news?
My wife is much worse,
she's been in terrible pain.
Please give me some medicine.
I stopped giving medicine at home.
Go see the doctor in town.
I don't have money for a doctor.
Please, at least blow a prayer
on a glass of water.
I don't do that.
In Chittagong-3,
the Awami league candidate defeated
the Nezam-e-lslam candidate
by 10,304 votes.
Take this money,
and take her to a doctor.
Go forward!
Go on!
Go further!
Allah, free this stupid boy
from the clutches
of the evil spirit.
Allah is healer and forgiverl
You must immerse yourself 101 times.
It'll force the evil spirit to flee.
Go under!
He doesn't feel the cold.
It's going straight
to the evil spirit.
He doesn't feel the beatings at all.
It's hitting
on the evil spirit's head!
All praise be to Allahl
The spirit was bound to flee.
Halim Miah!
Bring him up!
Rokeya, my daughterl
Milon, can I take you across?
No, I'm going to Uttam's place.
Can you take me there?
Well, I've got ferry duty,
but I'll give you a quick drop.
What a game those English
got stuck in your heads!
Games shouldn't last
more than one hour.
But those cricket games
go on for five, six days...
Our "Danguli" sport
is more sensible.
There's no more game now,
all games are up.
They've stopped the cricket
to broadcast Yahya's speech.
The new parliament is cancelled.
We should have known,
that despite our victory,
the Pak army would never
concede power to the Bengalis.
The stadium must be on fire by now.
There's only one way left,
to fight for freedom.
Politics is just another game,
there's no benefit for you and me.
If people only knew
what true freedom is...
Blindly religious people like you
are to blame for the mess
our country's in today.
What did you say?
"Blindly religious"!
Actually no true religion,
be it Islamic, Hindu or Christian
will ever make people blind.
True faith opens your eyes!
All games are forbidden
in Islam except threel
The horse race,
the sword fight
and the martial art of stick play.
Hey you, come here!
One, two, three, four. Go back!
Now you, come!
One, two, three...
Stupid boy!
You almost got hurt. Go back!
Now split into pairs and fight.
Oh Ali!
Rokon, I'm leaving.
Come with me.
You go Anu.
I've got nowhere to go to.
This is for you.
What's in it?
Something special.
I should go.
Good bye.
Not on March 26th,
around 11 PM, the 25th.
What a horror it was!
There was massive gunfire.
The tanks came out on the streets.
People were screaming...
Where did they attack first?
First at the police barracks
then in the University area.
How did you escape?
They briefly lifted the curfew
and we fled
across the river to Jinjira.
There were thousands of refugees.
All went there to save their lives.
Later, the Army came and
shot at them randomly.
We heard that many people
were killed there.
We managed to flee,
on foot, on rickshaw,
by boat, whatever means
we could find...
Ali, the Tiger of Allah,
thinks himself so handsome
seeing his own
masculine beauty in the mirror
Ali's son Hossain tells his father:
"If you only knew
my mother's true beauty"
Ali rushes to his wife and says:
"Show me your beauty"
"That you've hidden
even from your husband"
Fatema replies:
"It's not a physical beauty"
"That can be seen
with the naked eye"
Then Fatema utters her curse:
"Whoever beheld my divine image
will die in a fratricidal war"
Ali says: "Your curse is for
none other than your own son"
"Hossain witnessed your sacred self
in an invisible mosque"
Hearing Fatema's cry
Allah says: "I can save your son,"
"but no other child will
be spared their mother's curse"
Cries out Earth-Mother Fatema:
"O Allah, let me loose my son,"
"but let no other child
suffer the same fate"
The grace of Muhammad's daughter
illuminates the world
Thus Fatema's pain redeems
the suffering of all women...
Look at all the flowers
on her grave.
Just the other day,
Asma used to play here.
Do you remember
when we used to run around
and play hopscotch under this tree?
Asma loved butterflies.
I'd just started wearing saris.
We were playing and it came loose.
I was so embarrassed...
It all seems so far away.
What's near then?
- The fight.
- Fight?
What fight are you talking about?
Fight for freedom.
The Army's killing everyone.
We have to stop them.
I want to do something.
I want to go and resist...
You're all leaving this house.
I've got nowhere to go.
I've got no war to fight.
You go...
All of you...
They say the Army's coming
to Kumargonj any day.
They're already in Faridpur.
Wherever they go,
they burn homes and kill people.
Don't believe everything you hear.
They're coming to protect Islam,
to maintain peace.
Why would they kill people?
Why should Muslims kill Muslims?
What should we do now?
Other villagers are fleeing.
Some students raided
the police armory,
they've taken position
on the bridge.
They're planning to resist.
What's the point of resisting?
If you resist,
you'll just provoke them.
They say your brother is with them.
How did he get into this?
We must stop this foolishness.
You seniors
should talk them out of it.
The situation's getting worse.
Islam will prevail. Don't worry.
If you wish to go to heaven
keep fear of Allah in your heart
If you want to be close to Allah
keep love within your heart
I'm just your daughter's age
I'll assume the side of sharia
to take an anti-Sufi stance
Don't take what I say to heart
You ignore the Holy Scriptures
What kind of Muslims are you?
Why are the mullahs
always angry with you?
Keep fear of Allah in your heart
You need wisdom to grasp the Koran
How can half-read mullahs
interpret intricate Scriptures?
Without knowing the text
they preach to others
The dogmatic mullahs
make a living from deception
We don't lust for heaven
We have no fear of hell
If you want to be close to Allah
keep love within your heart
You Sufis chant Allah's name
ignoring creed and prayer
You smoke pot during Ramadan
with the excuse of meditation
You don't go on pilgrimage,
you don't give charity
What do you have against
ritual sacrifice?
Why should Muslims
quaver at the sight of blood?
Keep fear of Allah in you heart
You're asked to sacrifice
your dearest ones
Are cows and goats
your most beloved?
Nothing is dearer than yourself
The supreme sacrifice
is self sacrifice
If you can, restrain your senses
and control your passions
Keep love within your heart
You roam around with women
without wedding them
You dance and sing together
without shame
The outside world is for men
The woman's place is at home
Keep fear of Allah in your heart
Woman is the seed of life,
source of creation
Those who believe in inequality
ock women into marriage
Woman is the vessel of love,
the Mother
Without her
we wouldn't come to earth
You need both man and woman
for procreation and creation
If you want to be close to Allah
keep love within your heart...
I heard the Army's already
in Kumarganj.
If the Army's in Kumarganj,
why should that affect us?
Everyone's leaving.
What should we do?
The Army won't come to the village.
Calm down!
My Anu?
What will happen to him?
He's quite safe in the madrasa.
They say
there's fighting in the cities.
The Army isn't here to fight.
They've come to keep the peace.
I heard
Milon's gone to fight at the bridge.
He's a fool!
Don't even mention his name.
Don't worry.
Things will return to normal soon.
The Army's coming!
They're burning houses!
- I'm so glad you've come!
- What do you mean?
I would have gone mad without him.
Can't you hear?
Where will I go with my Anu?
The Army's arrived!
Do you understand now?
Let's go. Please!
Everyone's hiding in the jungle!
Please come with us,
for Anu's sake.
You go ahead.
I'll look after the house.
Allah you are sacred
We bring suffering on ourselves
Let's go back.
I can't bear it anymore.
Anu's mother!
Who's there? Karim!
Don't worry!
The Army's gone.
Anu's father!
any news from Milon?
There was a big fight on the bridge.
Where are we?
Anu's father,
how did you pass the night?
Are you alright?
Did anything happen to you?
My books!
My house!
My home!
Is there anything left of it?
Come father! Let's go.
Look around you!
Your Muslim brothers have burnt
your sacred cloister to the ground.
Let's get out of here!
Let's go!
Where are you going?
I don't know
but there's no point in staying.
The Army's out again this morning!
They're shooting at people randomly.
They're burning everything.
And those who fought on the bridge?
They're all dead. All of them.
Not a single one left alive.
let's go.
Please, come.
Processed by C.M.C. - Paris