Matriarch (2022) Movie Script

Level two.
Morning, Max.
Mornin', trouble.
Bloody hell, Max.
It's an advert, not the Mona Lisa.
It's a pitch-winning
fucking masterpiece, my love.
Enough of that.
How was your weekend?
Fine. Just chilled.
Yep. You?
Dinner party on Saturday,
hungover yoga on Sunday.
Living la vida mediocre.
Still got that cold?
Can't seem to shift it.
It seems like you've had it forever.
Jamie couldn't come to drinks on Friday.
I will come to drinks if we win it.
We will, and it'll be because of you.
Your cold though...
You know I'm always here
if you wanna talk.
It's a cold, not cancer.
You should come out sometime.
Hang out with some humans.
You might like them.
Oh, for God's sake.
Can't you wait till you get inside?
He's hungry.
Babies need to feed.
And learn some bloody patience.
I didn't feed her
whenever she opened her mouth.
Is she always like this?
- What?
- I said, is she always like this?
- Jesus!
- What? What's she doing?
No, no, I didn't do anything.
She was breathing vodka all over him.
Did something die inside your mouth?
I've got mints somewhere. Here. Here.
Fuck off.
Mum, you okay?
Sorry, sorry.
Hey, gorgeous.
Yeah, I'm good. Thanks.
It hasn't been that long, has it?
Well, let's put that right, shall we?
Hey, Katrin. Do you wanna move in?
Sorry, what?
Do you wanna live with me?
As what?
A friend.
Which one?
Are you having a seizure?
It's from the end of a poem.
The Wanderer.
It's my dad's favorite, actually.
"Where everyone is not,
that's where happiness is."
Where's this going, Laura?
Up my nose.
Unless you're offering
to blow it up my asshole.
You know what? Um, it's late.
I mean, it's early.
I need to be at work in four hours.
It was nice to see you again.
Really nice.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
There's no point trying to sleep now.
Straight through crew.
You can do it.
Coffee is your friend.
Who's your friend, Laura?
Will you be my friend?
I just wish you could be...
- What, happy?
- Yeah.
No one's fucking happy.
If people were happy,
I wouldn't have a fucking job.
Wow. Alright.
I'll leave you to it.
Fuck. Fuck.
Fuck. Fu...
Oh, love, you look fucking awful.
I know.
Anything else?
Except we only fucking won it.
The pitch.
Nice try.
Come on, love, go on, we'll get you a cab.
No, I-I've got work to do.
I need to be here.
We can struggle on without you.
Seriously, you know
that's not the culture here.
You're ill. Go home.
I'm a day behind.
I just wanna get on with it, please.
Are you sure that's what she said?
Yeah, yes, yes, I'm still here.
Tell her I'm out.
No, tell her I don't work here anymore.
Tell her I resigned last year, okay?
Be fucking crystal clear with her.
Don't talk to me like that, please.
Sorry, Max, it's just...
I'm trying to do my job
and I got my-my... fucking mother
calling me at work and then...
Your mother?
Your dead mother?
Uh, dead to me. Not actually dead.
Oh, sorry.
Have I not kept you totally appraised
of every aspect of my personal life?
You are my boss, after all.
Come on, Laura. I'm not just your...
You must have a tissue in here.
In my bag.
No, just leave it!
Just let me...
Alright, enough.
You are done with that shit.
They're watching, aren't they?
Fuck them!
I can't stay here. I quit. I'm sorry.
You need help, sweetheart.
Let me help you.
I'm not your project!
It's not my fault your daughter died!
Sorry, Max.
What is wrong with you?
Hi, it...
Yeah. I-I'm sorry, but...
Oh, okay.
No... of course I understand. It's fine.
Forget it. Bye.
Oh, come on.
How did you find me?
Laura? Is that you?
How did you find me?
Uh, I looked you up on the Internet.
It wasn't hard.
You've made quite a name for yourself.
What do you want?
Are you dying?
Everyone's dying.
For fuck's sake.
I want to know how you are.
Are you okay?
Right now or...
generally for the last 20 years?
Well, you could have contacted me.
You obviously remember the number.
Is that why you called me at work?
To have a go at me for not calling you?
Is this... really happening?
Fuck off!
No. Wait.
I just...
Look, I know it's been a long time,
but, well, I'm still your mother,
and a mother knows.
I... had a feeling
that you were in pain somehow.
Are you?
could be better.
I'm getting by. It'll pass.
Will it?
Why don't you come home?
Why would I do that?
How would that help?
How could you help?
I could look after you.
Why would you do that? You hate me.
No, that's not true.
That was never true!
I lost your father.
I don't want to lose you too.
This is the right thing.
A wonderful thing,
for both of us.
Can't wait to see you.
Haven't you got anything smaller?
Twenty pounds is six bags worth
and I'd rather you didn't clear me out.
My fudge is very popular in the village.
I'm sorry. Do you not speak English?
I'll just take one bag then.
Don't worry about the change.
Actually, no.
I think I'd rather not sell them.
Any of it.
Fine. Just take the fucking money.
Sorry. Sorry, Mrs. Dent.
I knew I recognized that voice.
You've stolen a lot more
than 20 pounds worth over the years.
So you knew it was me, did you?
Thanks for not grassing me out.
To your mother?
I wasn't going to stop selling my fudge
on account of you.
How could Celia stop you selling it?
I don't understand.
Of course you don't.
You haven't changed at all.
I never liked you.
Or your friend.
- Mum?
- Oh, I've missed that word.
Say it again.
This isn't how I remember it.
- Things change.
- You haven't.
Is that a compliment?
Where did you get the money?
I haven't been under the knife.
Did you win the lottery?
Right now, it feels like I have.
Can you just... not?
Why don't we go
for a little stroll in the garden?
You used to love playing in there.
Maybe a cup of tea first.
I wasn't playing. I was hiding.
Still got the rack, then?
Did you really hate the piano that badly?
I was gonna ask you if you still played.
Calling it the rack is a bit much,
don't you think?
Whatever else I may have done,
I never hurt you... physically.
Not ever.
It was just words.
Just words?
Just wo...
I've got some words for you,
you narcissistic, sadistic,
evil fucking bitch!
Hi, Laura.
What are you doing here?
What are you doing here?
Seen your mum yet?
- Yeah.
- How's it going?
Very badly for her teapot.
Twenty years gone,
but she still seems to know
where all my buttons are.
You're gonna rant at me
about what a bitch your mum is?
Just like old times.
Everything here is just like old times.
You're the first person I've seen
who actually looks like
they've got any older since I left.
But it's weird, though.
Doesn't anyone fuckin' die around here?
She's over there.
Ten years next month.
I'm such an asshole. Sorry, Abi.
Just you to say
the wrongest thing possible.
- Is your dad...
- He's too angry to die.
Go on.
Go back to your mum.
Whatever she may look like, she's old.
Don't leave it too late.
I might be around for a while, so...
She's coming back.
See, it's all gone.
Never happened.
Let's clear the air
with a nice stroll
around the garden, shall we?
I just wanna lie down.
- The fresh air...
- I've just been outside.
Of course.
Do you remember where your old room was?
Glass of water.
I'll start dinner when you come down.
Sleep well.
It's actually nice.
When did you get interested in cooking?
I did my best for you, Laura.
After your dad did what he did,
I was alone.
Being a mother, it...
Was I that bad really?
I just wanted you to be perfect.
It was so hard
to have you in the first place.
We didn't have fertility treatment
and all that in my day.
Or plastic surgery.
Come on.
You must be nearly 80.
When you're ready to stop making excuses,
we might be ready to make up.
Think I'll go to bed.
Yes, you do that. Have an early night.
I'll tidy up.
Oh, my God.
Oh, God.
No. No.
Make sure you drink up your water.
Dreaming is thirsty work.
Shit, shit, shit, shit.
What the fuck?
You absolute slag.
No, no, no, no.
That was a lovely, long sleep.
Yeah. Sure.
I took a towel from the airing cupboard.
Hope that's okay.
Of course, dear. This is your home.
This is a... weird question.
Did I ever sleepwalk when I lived here?
It's a symptom of anxiety sometimes.
Oh, I don't remember
you being particularly anxious,
but you did sleepwalk once in a while.
It doesn't matter.
Speaking of walking,
quick stroll around the garden
before breakfast?
No, no.
Fuck no, no way.
Pancakes it is, then.
You must try the jam.
The berries are from the garden.
That's my girl. Eat up.
Eat up?
Do you remember when you threatened
to tape my mouth shut?
Feeling okay?
Yeah, fine.
I'll be back in an hour or so.
Uh, I thought we were
getting somewhere, you know,
talking about things.
We were and now I can think
and work off some energy
and then we can talk some more.
I'll come with you.
We don't have to talk.
Please don't.
I wanna go at my own pace.
I haven't seen you for 20 years.
I'm not letting you out my sight.
Wait for me!
I won't be long!
This disgusting ceremony has to stop.
Please listen. Please.
It won't last.
Money won't be enough, and then what?
You'll be left with nothing.
Please listen to me.
And you'll have lost your soul.
Out for a run?
- What's the priest's problem?
- Ken?
Well, how do you know Ken?
I used to live here.
Times change.
It's all just bridge and bingo
in there now
and poor old Ken
didn't fancy calling out the numbers.
"Number three, Holy Trinity."
Bit young for bingo, aren't you?
Out for a run?
I wasn't sure you'd seen me just then.
I'm not following you, Laura.
Okay. Okay.
I come out here all the time.
And I live here, so...
I had to get away.
From her, not you.
You just fucked off without a word,
leaving me with a dying mum
and a alcoholic dad.
If it makes you feel any better,
I didn't exactly find paradise
when I left.
It doesn't.
You sure you weren't following me?
Even a little bit?
Your mum asked me to.
Yesterday as well, if you must know.
She wanted to make sure
you didn't leave.
Why would you do that?
But you're here now, so...
You manipulative fucking bitch.
- What?
- Abi told me.
- About what?
- That you're using her to spy on me.
I-I just couldn't
risk you leaving.
Well, you fucked that up.
Where's my bag?
I'm sorry. I just,
I just don't want you to go
before I've had a chance
to tell you I'm dying!
I am... dying.
Of what?
Does it matter?
Did you find them?
Just lying on the ground.
Oh, please.
Dilute some of that hard stuff.
It's your liver
you should be apologizing to.
It's to God, actually.
I can't serve the Lord if I'm half pissed
and He could call at any time.
He's been pretty quiet up until now.
He cured your cancer.
Yeah, sorry.
Yes to tea?
I just wish I understood it.
You just put a teabag
in some boiling water.
I just wish I understood
why he couldn't save you both.
When you were a tiny wee thing,
lying there of helpless,
looking up at me, needing me.
And then what?
I grew up, became a person,
challenged you?
You see, you learn a lot
about yourself by having children.
I learned I just want adoration.
Is that what Dad gave you?
Not far to go now.
He abandoned you.
Because of me.
He made a mistake.
I miss him.
So do I.
But why here?
If I'd known what
was going on inside his head,
I would've tried to stop him, wouldn't I?
They never found his body though, right?
But his clothes were found folded
right where you're standing.
So he's still down there?
I've never been here before, have I?
You never brought me here
when I was tiny or anything?
God, no. Why would I do that?
Don't know.
Did a lot of strange things
when I was a girl.
Mum, I've got to tell you something.
I don't believe in life after death
or God or anything,
but the day before you called,
I had an overdose.
I nearly died. I...
I did die, I think.
But something reached out to me.
A hand
coming out of that pond.
That's what it looked like, anyway.
It reached out to me and it saved my life.
It was the spirit of your father.
Is that what you're saying?
I don't know.
If you want to reach out to him,
I think I know where his spirit might be.
Dear Lord, we thank you
for our food, for our home,
and most of all,
we thank you for Abi's health.
It is through your actions
that we come to know your love,
and we thank you for the courage
to live amongst neighbors who
loathe and despise us.
We know you hear us.
We have more than them.
They have turned their backs on God.
They've turned their backs
on their own children.
Whenever you're ready.
This is even grimmer than the pond.
It was very different back then.
Your father had very green fingers.
He loved it here.
I don't know if you can hear me.
Fuck, what am I doing?
You're doing so well.
Why don't you go down to the end?
Keep going.
We never met,
and I don't believe in souls, so,
I don't know
if it could have been you, but...
I just, I wanted...
I wanted to...
No. Fuck this.
Laura, stop!
He killed himself because
he couldn't bear to be a dad.
Why would he save my life?
Maybe he'll tell you
if you give him a chance.
Get off.
I won't let you leave
until you've at least tried properly.
Come on!
There she is.
I was wondering where you'd got to.
Let me go. Let... me go.
But I'm dying, remember?
Sooner than you think
if you carry on like that.
Fuck you.
I loved him.
He gave you life.
Why don't you go upstairs for a nap?
I'll bring you some water.
I don't want a nap. I want...
Maybe I should just leave.
No, no, no.
I'm frightened.
I never... thought about
what it must have done to you.
To be abandoned like that.
It broke my heart.
We've never talked about this, have we?
Why don't I make us some tea?
After what happened before?
As luck would have it,
I collect teapots.
I thought you collected cocks.
I'm sorry.
I read your diary.
Nosy little bitch.
Mum, are you okay?
Get out.
I shouldn't have read it. I'm sorry.
Get out.
You following me now?
Got a spare?
Celia! To what do I owe...
Service is canceled.
- My daughter...
- But, but...
Don't interrupt me, Leonard.
As I'm sure you're aware,
my daughter has arrived unexpectedly.
Tell everyone.
But, Celia...
Go away!
I've had the weirdest fucking day.
The only cock in the village
my mum hasn't had.
How do you know?
I read her diary.
You didn't.
She marks them out of 10.
She doesn't.
And draws these
fucking weird diagrams.
Sexual positions.
- I can only imagine.
- No!
So is it all a bit too much
or do you think you're gonna
hang around for a bit?
Why? You're not miserable enough?
I'm just not what you need.
Celia, may I speak with you, please?
Let's not have a fuss. Please?
Come on, Celia. Open the door.
I'll wring his fuckin' neck.
I made myself very clear.
You did, but...
- Who put you up to this?
- No one.
I mean, there's been
some discussion in the village.
Oh, there was, was there?
Well, it's just, well...
Oh, Leonard, you talk like you fuck!
Just get to the point.
Alright, then.
You can't just decide on a whim
to delay everything.
I do whatever the fuck I want, Leonard.
There's a... quid pro quo.
You know, there's an arrangement.
You give us what we need
and we give you what...
I know what a quid pro quo is
and you've got nothing I need.
None of you have.
Please, Celia.
It's run like clockwork for 20 years
and suddenly you wanna cancel it?
Postpone it.
My daughter has arrived and it's...
She can wait.
This can't.
You sit at the back!
Take your turn last!
Mm! Fuck me.
My God. Laura, what is that?
I don't know.
- My mum says she's dying.
- What?
I think I'm dying.
A few days ago,
I overdosed and since then
shit has been coming out of me.
Okay, wait, wait. Go back, go back.
Cecilia's dying,
but what's that gotta do with you?
She's my mum.
Yeah, but you're not connected.
- She's my mum!
- Yeah, but you never...
Jeez, okay, alright.
Find out what the fuck
is going on and call me.
Okay? Promise?
- Yes.
- Yeah?
Mum, I need to talk to you.
Your face.
Uh... Everything's fine.
Just-just wait for me in the house.
- Why? Where-where are you going?
- I'm just going to the village.
- What? Why?
- Trust me.
Trust me. Everything's gonna be fine.
You're home now. You're safe.
Oh, fuck.
What the fuck?
Oh, fuck. Mum!
I think you better go back inside.
Shall we dance?
Just piss off, please.
Your mother wants you to stay inside
while she's at church.
You brought your walking stick.
I'm not going anywhere.
Neither are you.
Are you threatening me with a duck?
A hoof.
Now get the fuck inside.
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Forgive our foolish ways
Reclothe us in our rightful mind
In purer
Fresh renewed spirits high
Because of you we will
Never die
Spirits high
Fresh renewed
Forever we will
Me! Me!
My good God.
Please! Please!
Me! Me! Me!
Me! Me! Me!
Please. Listen to me.
I haven't had my turn.
Abi, open the door!
Get away from here.
Ken, it's me. Laura, Abi's old friend.
Come back to take
your mother's milk at last?
No, no. No, I didn't have it.
I just watched the others.
I saw what they do, but it made me worse.
What's happening to me?
It's all over.
What's over?
Your father knew the old ways
and soon your mother did.
And what she learned changed her
and changed the village.
Me, Abi, and her mother
were the only people
to stand firm
against the poison of your mother.
What are you saying about my dad?
Go now. I've got to find Abi.
What are you saying about my dad?
When he went into the marsh,
he wasn't taking his own life,
he was giving it.
To what?
To something out there,
something against God.
Ask your mother how she stole its power
while you're packing her bags.
You're all fucking mad.
I just want a cure.
There's no cure for you.
There's only mercy.
I don't want mercy. I want answers.
They won't save you.
And God will?
He didn't save your wife.
I'm gonna find my daughter, and you...
You find your mother and you tell her
that God is coming back to this village.
Look what you did to me,
you little bitch!
Where's my mum?
Home by now, I should think.
Let's go and join her, shall we?
You weren't at the service.
When will you get your milk?
The next time
your mum gets a bit of mine.
Mrs. Dent?
Right, I'm taking you
back home to your mother.
- Mum!
- Celia!
Maybe she's in there.
- Move.
- Mum, are you there?
What's the code?
I don't fucking know.
Celia! Ladies first.
She's not here.
Let's get out of here.
There's no one here.
Let's go and find my mum.
There's no one here.
You can fucking see that.
She said I could hurt you if I had to.
I think she wanted me to.
I can see why.
And where do you think you're...
Help me.
Please help me!
Celia, you bitch.
You were gonna feed me to that thing!
- Laura, Laura...
- Abi?
Come with me.
Abi, what are you doing in her car?
No, no, no, no, no.
You're a part of it.
She's gonna fix us.
She's gonna make us better.
She's gonna make all of us better.
Off me!
My fucking cancer is back.
Get in the car.
- No. No.
- I swear...
- No!
- It'll be okay.
Calm down.
Calm down.
Why didn't you kill me
when I just walked in?
I'm just meat for that thing, aren't I?
Oh, you're much more than that.
It ate that friend of yours.
Who else have you fed it?
I haven't fed her anyone.
She feeds us.
But the earth eats
all its children... eventually.
Come on. This way.
- Please, please.
- Stop it, stop it, stop it.
- No, please.
- Don't do this.
Don't do this.
We'll be okay.
Why are you doing this?
What has she ever done for you?
Laura. You'll have to trust her.
You don't know what's in there.
Get in!
You okay? I'm sorry.
You okay, darling?
To the end.
- Please let me go.
- We've got to do this.
We've got to do this.
Her power's running out.
Her power's running out.
Can't you see that?
Listen to me.
It wasn't hers to begin with.
Is that what Dad gave himself to?
My husband couldn't give me a child,
so he gave himself to her instead
and in return he seeded you inside me.
And how did you repay her?
By killing yourself.
So she had to give your life
all over again.
I didn't ask her to.
I didn't ask her for anything.
Not your fault.
How many times have I heard that?
Everything you've taken,
you're going to give back right now.
You can give my daughter back first.
When she's done her job.
You don't give orders anymore.
You're finished.
Daddy, go home.
I've come to rescue you.
It's you she needed rescuing from,
you and your silent partner.
Whoever you grovel to
isn't doing you much good, is it?
Look at the daughter
your husband gave his life for,
rotting before your eyes, just like you.
You can't help anyone.
Just ask your daughter.
Abi? What is this?
Get her over the circle.
You know what'll happen if you don't.
Don't turn your back on me!
Queen of rot and rebirth,
take your daughter.
She's here.
Please! Please!
Abi! What have you done?
Oh, my God.
Take her!
No more dying, for us or you.
Why would you ask her for anything?
- Stop it, Dad.
- Why would you ask her?
Because she answers.
But, the miracle...
I wanted to live.
I saved her, Ken.
You saved no one.
And neither have I.
I'm sorry, Abi.
No, don't let her go.
Take her.
Take your daughter. It's the only way.
Why didn't you just kill me?
I'm not a murderer.
Let her go.
Everyone in the village will die
if she's freed
before her powers are replenished.
Move it, you old bitch.
Celia. Please help us.
The service, do it again. Help us.
Tell them.

Tell them!
Tell us what?
She can't help you.
What she gave to you was not hers to give,
but she took your money,
your worship, and your husbands.
You don't owe her.
You owe my real mother,
but she's gone forever
and you are all fucked.
Celia, what have you done to us?
I made you young.
I gave you life.
What have any of you given me
that could compare to that?
- You've poisoned us.
- I gave you what you wanted.
I still can.
It doesn't have to end...
No it's finished.
We're finished!
We... were so happy.
You just couldn't stand it, could you?
Do you believe me, hmm?
Do you love me?
Help us!
Do you love me? Do you love me?
Do you see now
what love is?
I... am... your... mother.
You are not my mother.
You're just the cunt I came out of.