Max My Love (1986) Movie Script

Yes, Dad?
Would you answer that?
If it's your grandmother,
tell her I'm not in.
Yes, hi.
No, she's not in.
I don't know.
Who is it?
It's for Mama.
She's at Hlne's.
But it's Hlne who's phoning.
Hello, Hlne?
Margaret's not at your place?
She was supposed to visit you.
She must have changed her mind.
Yes, I'll tell her. Bye.
Hi, Nelson.
Hello. How are you?
How are you doing?
Where have you been?
I was at Hlne's.
It really is quite simple.
Your wife has been renting
a small apartment.
- I have the address right here.
- She's renting an apartment?
Yes, in a working-class area--
fourth floor, no elevator.
She's there every afternoon...
for no more than
two and a half hours.
Well, she goes every day,
except on Sundays.
Do you think she has a lover?
Well, if we rely on our experience,
I admit she may have one.
Who is it?
That's the only problematic detail.
We don't know who it is.
Since we started our investigation,
about 10 days ago,
- he hasn't left the apartment.
- Not once?
Not once, Mr. Jones.
But... how can anybody stay
in an apartment for 10 days
without going out once?
He might like to stay at home.
Or he might have legitimate reasons for it.
Maybe he's hiding from the police,
maybe he's seriously ill,
or famous.
- Right.
- We knew a singer,
a real icon,
who never left his house.
You're a diplomat, Mr. Jones.
You are aware of the fact that
we live in a dangerous world.
We're all looking for a place to hide.
Can I get a duplicate of the key?
Theoretically, that would be illegal.
- I will pay accordingly.
- Speaking of which,
here is our bill.
Nothing urgent.
All right.
Something you wanted, Camille?
The queen is coming!
What, now?
No, in three months' time,
on an official visit.
It's still a secret, but I thought
I'd let you know right away.
You have to plan
the entire cultural program.
Right. Okay. Thanks.
I can help you, if you like.
That's very kind. Thank you.
Will I see you this weekend?
Can't say for sure.
How is Margaret?
She's very well, thanks.
- If I may...
- Please.
Not a word about the Queen.
You can count on me.
Of course, if we manage
to shed some light on that mystery...
Of course.
What mystery?
Oh, nothing.
Margaret? It's me, Peter.
Margaret, do you hear me? Open up.
Open the door. It's not locked.
Sir, I'm this lady's husband.
Get up, please.
Do not be afraid.
Let's not make a big fuss about this.
Please get up.
I'm not armed.
Where are your clothes?
Please get dressed and let's talk.
Where's he from?
Where are you going, Peter?
Are you alone?
Just the two of you?
Why, yes, of course.
And the other times, too?
Yes. The other times, too.
I can't believe it.
I simply can't believe it.
I think they're waiting for us to leave.
It seems completely
unreal to me.
I thought I knew you well.
Then suddenly, this.
Peter, can you ask for the check?
Just tell me one thing frankly.
Is this monkey really your lover?
But it's unthinkable.
Margaret, what's happened to you?
Have you gone
completely insane?
I'm tired, Peter. Let's go to bed.
I just find out that you're
the mistress of a monkey,
and you say to me,
"Let's go to bed."
But I want to understand,
Will you put yourself
in my position for a moment?
I want to know everything,
right from the very beginning.
What, for instance?
Your sex life, for instance.
What do you do with him?
I don't question you
about your sex life with Camille.
That's not at all the same thing.
Yes, it is.
Why did you choose a monkey?
He chose me as well.
Shall we go?
Aren't you going to leave anything?
How much
do you pay a month?
- What for?
- For the apartment.
Oh, not much. 2,000 francs.
Why not bring him home?
You're not serious.
We're not children anymore.
We'll have to find a way to handle it.
What about Nelson?
He'd love it.
I'm absolutely serious.
We can all live together.
It's out of the question.
What does he do at night all alone?
He sleeps.
Margaret, I'm sure that it's possible--
That we all live here together?
Jealousy is a sickness
that no one can control.
If you really want
to make me jealous,
then leave him where he is.
One day, I'll take the gun,
go and shoot him.
Maybe you're right.
Maybe we could try.
How did it go?
He's a little frightened.
Max. Max.
Come out now. Slowly.
Don't be afraid.
Don't worry, I'm not leaving you.
His name's Max?
Yes. His name's Max.
- Who is it?
- It's me, Maria.
Calm down, calm down, Maria.
This way.
Wait here. I'll open up.
Here. You can take him in now.
Come on, Max. Go on.
Go on, Max. Come out.
- I'll go in.
- Go ahead, but be careful.
Chimpanzees are really strong.
Yes, I know.
Come on, Max. Come here.
Come here. Don't be afraid.
Come. Come to me.
Is that a gorilla?
No, Maria.
It's a chimpanzee.
Don't be afraid.
Come here. Come to me.
There you go, Max.
He did it! He went in!
Here we go.
Good bye, sir.
Do you feel any better?
Hi, Dad.
How are you?
I'm fine. And you?
I'm okay.
Didn't you go to the embassy today?
What about Mom?
She's still in the room.
With Max?
And everything's all right?
Wait just a moment.
Margaret, it's me.
ls everything all right?
Everything's fine, Peter.
Don't come in now, please.
So, uh, you don't need me?
No. No, not at all.
You coming out soon?
Yes, in a little while.
Leave us alone, would you?
Oh! I didn't expect to find you here.
Uh, what is it?
I was coming to see Margaret,
to chat a bit.
To chat?
To, uh,
to chat about what?
About you.
Well, uh, Margaret's not in.
Well, may I come in anyway?
Actually, I've got company.
The detective?
Uh, no. Not the detective.
What was that noise?
It was nothing.
Something in the kitchen.
Why were you hiring
a detective, anyway?
What were you trying
to find out?
Oh, nothing important.
Hello, Nelson.
Hello, Camille.
At what time
will Margaret be back?
I've no idea.
I don't know where she is.
Here. Give these to your mother.
Are you hiding something from me?
Of course not. Why?
Will I see you one of these days?
Of course you will.
We'll see each other tomorrow.
I will find out what's going on.
I promise you, I will.
Why did you say
that Mama wasn't in?
Nelson, where are you?
Nelson! What are you doing there?
Come back here right away.
I'm watching.
I already told you not to go there.
Come back now, Nelson!
No. I stay where I am.
Today we're going to try
a little experiment.
We'll have breakfast,
the three of us.
Is it true?
You're going to let him in?
Yes. Yes, we are.
But make sure that all the doors
of the living room
are closed, right?
And if you see him
moving around,
don't get excited and don't move.
I'll go and get him.
Max, come here!
Come here!
Let's go out. Come here.
This way.
Hi, Max.
Come this way.
Come. Sit down and let's eat.
Max, come here.
Come sit with us.
Good boy. Come on.
What's going on?
Who locked the door?
Nelson, would you open the door, please?
We're attempting
a little experiment.
Hello, Max.
Shake his hand.
How are you this morning?
He's been with us now
for ten days.
I thought it was time he joined us.
I've read they don't
like children at all.
Maria, don't be afraid.
He is not dangerous.
- Give me that.
- Maria, what's on your face?
I don't... know.
It suddenly appeared.
Have you seen a doctor?
- No, sir.
- You should.
It looks like eczema.
And her face is all swollen.
Come on, now, Nelson.
Be quick or you'll be late.
I'd gone to the zoo
one day with a friend.
I don't know why.
I noticed him.
And he stared at me.
He just stared at me for a long time.
I gave him something to eat,
and I found him very beautiful.
The next day, I went back alone,
and he recognized me.
And he stared at me
again for a long time.
I spoke to one of the guards
who said they'd bought him
from a circus that had gone bankrupt.
But he wasn't happy in the zoo.
He was lonely.
He refused to have contact
with the other monkeys.
The guard said if I wanted him,
I could have him for a good price.
That's all there is to it.
Kind of love at first sight?
You've got
a little scratch just here.
It's nothing.
She could have picked a better day
for her birthday party.
Don't forget the flowers.
Do you want to go home?
You're taking a while, Hlne.
- Doesn't it fit you?
- Yes, it does.
Are you coming?
The Betchels are here.
Tell me, when you say you're coming
to see me, who is it you're visiting?
Is Archibald back?
So it's someone new.
Do I know him?
Does Peter know?
Excuse me, Hlne.
Hello? Yes, Mom.
No, I can't talk right now.
I have guests.
Yes. All right, will you
call me back tomorrow?
Take care. Bye.
- Do you like it?
- Very much.
Sounds like a collie.
What about that one?
That's a mutt, I bet.
It's probably the beast
that attacked me.
The collie belongs
to our neighbors.
You haven't been hunting
with us for a while.
I'm very busy these days.
- You're getting ready for the Queen.
- I am. But...
I think I hear a bulldog.
What is that?
That could be--
Can you get the door?
- Good evening, sir.
- Good evening.
- Are you Maria?
- Please come in.
- What happened to your face?
- Mr. Archibald is here.
Good evening. I wanted
to be here for your birthday.
Thanks, Archibald.
That's very kind.
- When did you get in?
- Just now. I'm coming from the airport.
- Are you coming from Lebanon?
- Yes. Hello.
Hi, Archibald.
But, Archie, you're completely soaked.
Don't you want to change your clothes?
No, I'm fine.
At least change your jacket.
I'll go and find something for you.
- Have you had dinner yet?
- Well...
I did, on the plane.
If you can call that a dinner.
Airplane food used
to be much better.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Hi, Archibald.
Would you like some dessert?
- Yes. I'll sit with you, then.
- Sure. Maria?
Please bring a chair
and an extra plate.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Here. Put this on.
I was supposed to get in earlier,
but with this weather,
the flight got delayed.
There must have been
some serious turbulence.
Yes, it was quite something.
Here, Archibald.
- Please, take these.
- Maria?
What's happened to you?
What's on your face?
We don't know what it is.
She doesn't like to talk about it.
- What's all this screaming?
- It's from an animal.
- What animal?
- Take a guess.
An old poodle?
Or a Japanese dog?
- It's not a wildcat, I hope.
- No.
It's only Max.
- Who is Max?
- It's Max.
It's a monkey.
A chimpanzee.
He got scared by the storm
and the dogs, that's all.
Shall I bring out some coffee now?
You've got a monkey?
Here at home?
- Yes.
- I'd like to see him.
- No, thanks!
- I'd love to. I'm quite curious.
Why are you always
contradicting me?
I think you should go and get him.
Are you sure?
Yes. Why not?
I'm warning you,
he's quite big.
10 years ago in Sumatra,
we had an orangutan.
Do you remember?
Don't make any sudden moves
and avoid screaming.
Just act as if a new guest
were arriving.
Do not be afraid.
Here he comes.
Max, give it back!
Give it to me.
Don't move.
He'll take it as a threat.
Please sit down.
Max, Max, listen to me.
Calm down,
or go back to your room!
Calm down.
Max, come sit down.
- Good evening, Max.
- Good evening, Max.
Good evening, Max.
Don't play with that.
Poor guy, always
locked up in his room.
- How old is he?
- We don't know.
But he's of adult size.
They say that chimpanzees
are really close to human beings.
They're our cousins,
so to speak.
Sorry, but I don't feel
like we're from the same family.
Oh, I almost forgot.
- Is he hungry?
- Do you think he is?
Would you like some food?
Max, don't do that. Stop it.
Is he potty-trained?
- Does he relieve himself where he is told?
- He is very clean.
This is for you.
I found it during a dig.
1,000 BC.
Do you like it?
Thanks, Archibald.
It's beautiful.
He's upset.
He's not used to being
around so many people.
- That, and the storm.
- What is he doing?
Max, no.
He's very attached to Margaret.
No, Max.
- Max, no.
- Is he always like this?
I take it it's a male.
Stop it. Stop it.
Stop it, Max.
That's enough.
Uh, Margaret,
I think you better
take him back to his room.
he might spoil our evening.
That dog again.
It's getting on my nerves.
It's always fascinating
to watch monkeys.
You think so?
It's like catching sight
of your own past in a mirror.
I'm sure that people come here
to watch them have sex.
You think so?
I'm sure of it.
I have a friend who lives all alone
with a huge dog.
She's divorced.
Everyone wonders about it.
You mean the dog's her lover?
Well, it's not impossible.
And what about with a monkey?
What about what with a monkey?
Do you know of any women
who have sex with monkeys?
No. How awful!
Why? Do you think it's any harder
than with a dog?
Oh, yes. Besides, it's so quick:
two or three seconds and it's all over.
Really? That fast?
Well, see for yourself.
Do you think that you could
have sex with a monkey?
Well, why do you ask?
I'd like to know.
You women have
so many secrets.
You want to watch me
have sex with a monkey?
No, I didn't say that.
Why did you bring me here?
What did the doctor say?
He said it's an allergy.
An allergy to what?
An allergy to monkey hair.
- Is he sure of that?
- That's what he said.
- And so?
- So I'm leaving.
I've packed my suitcases
and I'm ready to leave.
- So soon?
- Or you can get rid of the monkey.
I can't stay another day, ma'am.
The doctor said it was serious.
I could even lose my hair!
I already don't have much of it.
Listen, Maria.
I can't get rid of Max.
Not so suddenly.
Can you understand that?
Then I'm leaving.
Listen, I'm supposed to go out
with my husband tonight,
but take a week off.
I'm sure things will get better.
I'm going, but at least
stay tonight.
- Archibald?
- Hi.
- Hello.
- Were you leaving?
I was just about to.
Peter's expecting me at the office.
- This is Dr. Mischler.
- Nice to meet you.
Good afternoon, ma'am.
Dr. Mischler is
a neuropsychologist.
I thought maybe
he could help you out.
- Help me out?
- Yeah.
Do you think
I need a doctor?
I've been gone too long.
This is all my fault.
What are you talking about?
Listen, Dr. Mischler can
show a lot of understanding.
He's seen very complex
and odd cases.
And since your husband doesn't seem
to be taking care of you, I thought I should.
And you think I need a neuropsychologist
because you were gone?
You're oversimplifying things,
You could at least
tell me the truth, Margaret.
- That's the least you can do.
- Why is that?
Why? Because of our friendship.
Or if it's over between us,
just tell me.
- Then I'm telling you.
- What's going on?
All right, the digs have taken
longer than expected,
but you haven't sent me
a single letter.
- I'm late, Archibald.
- Listen.
I understand that, out of loneliness,
a woman might do something crazy.
I promise this is not your fault.
I don't understand your reaction.
Let alone your husband's.
The one thing I can tell you
is that you should get help.
You seriously need help.
A few sessions
and a light treatment--
I told you not to bring flowers.
You were right.
The dog seems to have quieted down.
They say it's Max' presence
that excites him.
Oh, he'll get used to it.
Maria, are you there?
Peter, come quickly.
What's wrong?
Max has disappeared.
Who opened the window?
Well, don't look at me like that. I wasn't here.
Maria, maybe?
Or maybe
he opened it himself.
I can see him. I'll be right back.
Come on now, Max.
Be a good chap.
You can't stay out
at this time of the night.
Margaret will be worried.
Please, Max. Do it for her.
Sorry, we haven't heard anything
about a chimpanzee
either here in Paris
or in the suburbs.
But it's a big animal.
If he really got lost,
we'll find him.
Where can a monkey go
when he's feeling lonely?
It's already a puzzling question
when it comes to humans, so...
- Excuse me.
- Thank you.
Maybe he found someone else.
Good afternoon, ma'am.
Good afternoon, Maria.
You look better.
Yes, everything disappeared
in just three days.
I was wondering
if I could come back.
Do you know that Max escaped?
Yes, the concierge told me.
That's why I'm here.
Maria, did you open the window?
No, sir.
Let's go, Maria.
Bye, Nelson.
- Bye, darling.
- Bye.
It was all just a dream.
Some kind of utopia.
I think the best thing to do
is just to forget all about it
and try to get back to some kind
of normal, ordinary life.
I know it's hard.
If you need anything,
I'm always here.
I got quite used to him.
He was beginning to be fond of you.
Would you like
anything else, ma'am?
No, thanks, Maria.
He's back!
Where have you been?
You look thinner.
You're shaking.
You must have been so cold.
You never loved me like that.
For the afternoon,
we have proposed
a visit to the Centre
Georges Pompidou at Beaubourg.
But Her Majesty prefers
the stud farm at Compigne.
Your Excellency,
ladies and gentlemen,
that's all for now.
Thank you all very much.
Are you all right?
You see more and more
tired lately, remote.
Sometimes I feel like getting away.
Come to my place.
You can hide out there.
No one will disturb you.
Yes. Perhaps I will.
Come tonight.
I'll have a surprise for you.
- All right?
- Okay.
Ah, finally!
Sorry I'm late. Can I come in?
Of course. Come in.
Have you eaten?
No, no. But I'm not hungry, thanks.
Well, shall I heat up something?
No. I don't want anything,
honestly. Thanks. Here.
Have you been drinking?
Yes. A bit.
Peter, this is my friend Roger.
- He's a zoologist.
- Is that right?
THE ENRAGED BEASHe's written a wonderful
book about wolves.
And he's spent two years
in the middle of the African forest, right?
Two and a half years.
I assume you have
questions to ask him.
I do? What questions?
Well, I have one.
Tell me, Roger,
have there been any love stories
between women and animals?
- That's very possible.
- For instance?
We see that with dogs.
It's even quite frequent.
The Japanese used to tell
a beautiful love story
between a horse and a young girl.
A horse?
How about with wild animals?
It's not as frequent.
In Canada, during the war,
a bear made love
with two women.
How about monkeys?
Are you asking
about real accounts
between monkeys and women?
We don't know very many.
Half-naked women
kidnapped by gorillas...
that's European fiction.
But is a love affair possible?
Like the one that you described
between the young girl
and the horse?
Could you conceive of
such a thing with a monkey?
I'm not talking about sex...
or even the affection
you can feel for a dog.
I'm talking about love.
Is love possible
only between members
of the same species?
Or could a horse
fall in love with a snake
or with a cherry tree?
Not as far as I know.
But if it did happen,
especially with a woman,
it would make a terrific book.
Do you know a relationship
of that kind,
with a monkey, perhaps?
No, nothing specific.
That would be quite an event.
Microphones could be installed
in this woman's bedroom.
Even a camera...
with her permission,
of course.
It's a guaranteed best-seller.
Could a woman have
a child with a monkey?
Absolutely not.
I know for sure.
Well, Roger,
thank you so much.
That was most interesting.
It's getting late.
I must go.
I'll see you soon.
Thanks again
for the wonderful dinner.
- Good evening, Mr. Jones.
- Good evening.
No. No!
Stop it!
Why didn't you tell me the truth?
You still don't want to talk
about what you do in private.
Oh, Peter, for heaven's sake.
Are you really satisfied
with the way things are?
What would you say...
if I were to ask you to choose
between him and me?
I love you both.
Well, what...
if I were to force you to choose?
You can't force me.
You know that.
What are you thinking about?
I'm thinking about you.
As you said, you could
kill Max very easily.
Kill Max?
No one would blame you.
No one would accuse you:
first of all because he's my lover,
but also because he's an animal.
This is the key to Max' room.
I'll leave it in here.
I know you won't kill
Max just to hurt me.
If you do want to kill him, you can.
No risk for you.
Look, my stocking's running.
I have to go home and change.
Want to help me?
No, thanks, Miss.
But maybe you'd like
to come to my place?
Why not?
It'll be 600 francs.
Come this way.
I've always dreamed
of having a place like this.
I love that style.
Where's the bedroom?
Hold on.
What's your name?
- Franoise.
- Franoise.
Franoise, what I am
about to ask you
will seem a little strange.
You don't seem strange.
No, it's not for me.
Come with me.
Oh, the key.
Wait for me here.
- I do apologize.
- No harm done.
This is...
Hi, Max.
You want me
to have sex with him?
Yes, I'd like that.
- Would you be watching?
- Yes.
Do you like to watch?
I don't know.
I've never done that before.
That's why I'd like to do it.
I want to see what happens.
- Is that a gorilla?
- No, it's a chimpanzee.
And chimpanzees can
have sex with women?
They can.
All right, then
it'll cost you double.
Okay, fine.
I've brought you a little present.
What am I supposed to do exactly?
I don't know.
Take your clothes off
and get on the bed.
- It'll only last a few seconds.
- For real?
That's what I heard.
- Has he had sex with a woman before?
- Yes, he has.
- Several times?
- Many times.
Is he nice?
He's not going to bite me, right?
He's very sweet.
And he looks very happy.
How can you tell?
I know him well.
- Do I keep my stockings on?
- What do you think?
They're done for anyways.
Hello, Max.
See? I'm naked, just like you.
Hold on, Franoise.
Here, take this.
- Does he speak French or English?
- He's bilingual.
See, everything here's for you.
I've never had to use an apple
to seduce somebody before.
That's good.
Can I take a bite too?
I'm afraid I'm not his type.
You're right.
I'm sorry.
Bye, Max.
No hard feelings.
Who was that woman?
- Camille?
- No.
That was a whore.
I got her for Max, not for myself.
What happened?
Would you be hurt
if Max made love
with another woman?
- Did he?
- Yes.
I don't believe you.
No, you're right. He didn't.
What is it, Peter?
I need to know.
I need to be sure.
Do you know what I'd like?
Do you know what
would relieve me?
To watch you, the two of you,
when you make love.
I'd like to make love
with you tonight. if you like.
How do you feel?
Was it good?
Was it as good as with him?
But I need to know.
Can't you understand?
I need to know.
Otherwise, I shall go insane.
I can't think about anything else.
Where are you going?
I'm going to the end room.
I'm coming with you.
Why do you insist on watching us?
To be sure.
Because I can't believe
that you really do it.
Why don't you believe me?
You just say that to hurt me,
make me feel jealous,
but it's not true.
In reality, that monkey's incapable
of making love with a woman.
It's just like a cat or a little dog.
You just pet each other, that's all.
I swear to you that you're wrong.
Then let me watch.
Just once. Please.
You can look through the keyhole,
if that's what turns you on.
We were wrong.
You understand?
Completely wrong.
We thought that we
could act more freely,
more tolerantly, more intelligently,
but it's nonsense.
We've just been stupid, that's all.
Everyone's laughing at me.
And everyone thinks
that you are nuts.
I mean completely nuts.
Not to mention the money.
Do you realize how much
this simian love affair
of yours has cost me?
There's the rent on a two-roomed apartment,
the gate, the transport,
the detective, the vet, the food.
It's a fortune.
It's more than the most
expensive mistress.
So listen to me very carefully.
I want that monkey
to get the hell out of here.
Is that clear?
If he goes, I go, too.
All right. All right.
You can go anywhere you want
with your precious Max,
but listen to me carefully
because I want to make
something perfectly clear.
Tonight, when I come home
from the office,
I don't want to see
his face here anymore.
You understand?
I do not want to see
his face here anymore.
Oh, it's you, Mum.
Don't apologize.
Sure... sure I'm fine.
What about you?
I requested four tickets
for the other four.
And I've given two!
Where are the tickets going?
There must be a black market--
Quiet, please!
It's always the same thing.
I'm sure they sell them.
It will, in any case,
be a most tedious evening,
and you would all be better off
in front of your TV sets.
So I suggest that you go home
if you want to see
the queen and her monkey.
Monkey? What are you
talking about?
What? What do you mean?
Please go. I repeat,
there's not a single seat available.
The office is closed. Thank you.
Do you have a second?
Roger has something
he wants to tell you about.
Yes, what is it?
told me everything about your wife.
I sympathize with you.
What a shock.
Of course, I won't tell anyone,
but I thought
maybe I could help you.
I'm indeed interested
in that monkey.
I could take care of him
if he's become a burden to you.
I could take him to an institute
where he'd be taken care of.
He'd be well-treated and living
amongst other monkeys.
All I would do is study him.
Naturally, it'd be helpful
if your wife could visit him
once in a while
and offer her cooperation.
What do you mean?
If we want to conduct
a full experiment
and study all aspects
of that monkey's behavior,
I suggest that your wife--
Get out of here, you bastard!
No, Peter, you've got it all wrong!
Get out! Out! Get out!
It's a monkey.
Nelson? Anyone in?
What are you doing in here?
How long are you
planning to stay here?
You intend to spend the rest
of your lives in this room?
You really planning
on staying here forever?
Never to leave?
Not to see your friends?
Not to watch television?
What about school tomorrow?
Open this gate!
Your dinner's ready in the kitchen.
You just have to heat it up.
Do you remember what I said
to you this morning?
But we intend to stay here,
Nelson and I,
until you've changed your mind.
Enough's enough.
All right, Max.
Peter! Have you gone mad?
I told you I want that god-darn ape
to get the hell out of here.
And since you don't
want him to leave,
- I'm going to shoot.
- No!
No, Peter.
Dad, don't kill him!
Get away, Nelson.
Max, stay here!
He's going to kill you!
Don't kill him, Dad!
Get away from him!
Move away!
Max, hide.
Peter, don't!
Stay where you are.
Don't come near.
Max, no!
Max, no!
Max, let go of the gun!
Let go.
Come on. Max.
- Max, come to me.
- Margaret.
Margaret, get the gun away from him.
Give me that.
Max, give me the gun.
Max. Don't touch that!
Max, what are you doing?
Stop playing, Max.
Give me that.
Come on, give it to me.
Nelson, get down!
Margaret, the key, quick.
Quick! Throw it!
Peter, watch out!
Max, no!
Margaret, the key, quick!
Okay, Max. That's enough.
Max, give me the gun.
There's one shot left.
Get out! Quick!
Police! Open the door!
Max, that's enough.
Give me the gun.
- Mr. Jones?
- Yes?
Someone called for you.
Why didn't you say you were
a member of the Diplomatic Corps?
This way, please.
No. I'd rather stay here.
- But why?
- Because I deserve it.
Are you all right?
I'm okay.
Hello, sir.
Archibald sent me Dr. Mishler.
He's a neurologist.
I'm sorry.
Would you like some coffee?
No, no thanks.
How's Max?
He was very frightened.
He trembled all night.
Has Nelson gone to school?
I really wanted to
kill him, you know.
I really wanted to kill him.
I noticed.
But it's over now.
My head's clear.
I promise.
Are you sure?
I'll never do it again.
I swear.
Take the gun.
You can throw it away if you like.
I'd like to see Max. May I?
So, what do you think of all this?
Nothing, really.
Sorry, but I'm late. I--
- Are you leaving?
- Yes.
Very good idea.
Peter, I'm afraid I have to leave.
It's my mother. She fell.
Yes, but this time
she's in the hospital.
Well, leave Max with me.
I'll look after him.
Don't be afraid.
I think it would be better
if I took him along with me.
To the hospital?
You can't be serious.
Can I trust you?
She's asleep now.
There's no fracture of the skull.
It was just the shock
of the impact.
Two, three days. Maybe four.
How are things going
over there?
How's Max?
He's fine.
Yes, everything's all right.
Well, actually,
he's in the middle of eating.
Don't worry.
Call me tomorrow.
Here's a kiss for you.
He didn't eat anything.
Max, look.
Fruits of your own country.
Max, why won't you speak to me?
Just once.
You still angry with me?
Do you know, Max,
this is the first time
that you and I
have been alone together,
just the two of us.
What can I do?
Can't you tell me?
What can I do for you?
Yes, fine.
No, he's eaten. Slept.
Yes, everything's fine.
He seems really happy.
Oh, yes. Today's the big day.
She arrives at noon at the airport.
Of course I'm going.
What about your mother?
How's she?
She's feeling much better today.
She's very well
taken care of here.
She sends her love.
Yes, I'll tell her.
I'll call you tonight.
He's going to pick up the Queen.
- Is that him?
- Yes.
Why did you bring him in here?
You couldn't do
anything for him, so--
- He's not dangerous?
- Of course not. See for yourself.
Don't ever forget that
an animal remains an animal.
I'll perk him up a little
with some vitamins.
But he needs to see some trees,
a river, some birds, a forest.
The countryside would
be perfect for him.
And for you too.
Hey, Mrs. Jones!
Telephone for you!
Yes, it's me.
Well, what's the matter with him?
well, to tell you the truth, Margaret,
he hasn't eaten since you left.
No, he's not sick.
He just won't eat.
No, we tried everything. Really.
He won't touch a thing.
Let me talk to him.
All right. One second. Hold on.
Nelson, help me.
We'll have to sit him up.
I'm going to give him the phone.
Speak to him.
What's she saying?
She's singing.
Oh, hello, Nelson.
He's sick.
Do you realize
you are to go to the opera tonight?
The opera?
Do you know what time it is?
Well, it doesn't matter. I'm not going.
Max is sick.
I can't go to the opera.
Are you out of your mind?
The queen is there!
Margaret, hello. It's me again.
Tell me something, Peter.
Isn't tonight the night of the opera?
Nelson. Nelson.
Nelson, quick.
Hurry up and get ready. We're leaving.
Right now.
Where to?
We're going to see your grandmother.
With Max?
Yes, of course we're taking Max.
We're going for him.
Steady, Max. You'll soon see her.
This is a mistake, sir.
We don't take care of animals here.
He's not here for health reasons.
I'd like to see my wife.
She's with her mother, Mrs. Ravel.
- Room 122.
- Thank you.
But you may not go with an animal.
He's perfectly domesticated.
He's very sweet.
I'll answer for him.
No, we have strict rules.
I'll call your wife.
What's her name?
- Mrs. Jones.
- Wait right here.
Mrs. Jones?
Your husband is here to see you.
Yes, in the lobby.
No, he can't come up.
All right.
She's coming.
May I sit down?
He's a little heavy.
You can sit over there.
Make sure he doesn't
touch anything.
Easy, Max.
Margaret's coming.
Here we go.
Easy, easy.
Max. That's it.
Okay. There, Max.
I'm here now, Max.
I'll never forget what you've done.
- What about your work?
- They're doing fine without me.
This has been an unexpected vacation.
It's marvelous.
It's been good.
- Shall we let him out?
- Why not?
Come out, Max.
Let's take a stroll.
Come. Don't be scared.
He's beautiful!
He feels at home.
Animals are more beautiful
when they're free.
Max! Max!
Max, where are you going?
Max, come back!
Margaret, you okay?
- Yes.
- You're sure?
You're not hurt?
Where is he?
Where is he?
Why did you do that?
He's never been free.
He doesn't know what it's like.
I'm here.
And I will help you.
Do you think Mother knows?
Knows about what?
The truth about Max and me.
And that's why
she let him run away.
Who does know the truth
apart from you?
Thanks for coming.
It really helped my recovery.
I'm sorry about the monkey.
- If he ever comes back...
- I'll call you right away.
- Bye.
- Bye, Mum.
- Bye.
- Bye, Grandma.
- Bye.
- Good bye.
Good bye, Peter.
Thanks again.
What are you thinking about?
I was thinking about Max.
That he's perhaps dead.
Do be quiet.
Why do people hunt?
What's the matter with them?
What are they trying to say?
Max? What about him?
It's Max. He's on the roof.
On the roof of the car?
Peter, stop.
I can't stop. We're on a motorway.
But, Dad, at least slow down.
Are you sure he won't fall off?
He's going to be fine
where he is.
Hi, Max! How are you?
Do you recognize me?
- Do you know her?
- Yes.
Max knows her, too.
But she wasn't his type.
- Maria.
- Good evening, ma'am. Sir.
See? I'm completely cured.
Will you hire me back?
Aren't you allergic to monkey hair?
No, the doctor said
it wasn't Max's fault at all.
In fact, I'm allergic to you.
Sorry, sir, but when you're
nervous and in a bad mood,
it has direct consequences
on my skin.
Look, I can touch him.
I can even kiss him.
I'm no longer scared.
What tells you
I'll always be in a good mood?
May I say who's calling?
Mademoiselle Camille.
I'm afraid
he's not home right now.
Yes, I think he'll be at the office.
I will let him know. Bye.
Some more?
I think he's had enough.
Nelson, aren't you late?
Yes, Dad.
What are you thinking?
I was imagining
I heard the bell ringing.
I opened the door,
and it was the police.
They'd come for Max.
They'd had complaints
from the neighbors
and they wanted to lock him up.
They said, "You have
no right to keep him."
"He's too old."
"He's too dangerous."
"He's already escaped
once before."
And what did you do?
I tried holding on to him.
I pleaded with them.
But it was no use.
So I took the gun...
and I killed him.