Maximum Conviction (2012) Movie Script

(camera shutter clicking )
( helicopter blades whirring )
( gate buzzes )
( police radio chatter)
(guards conversing )
( gate buzzes )
Last day.
So it is.
Sorry, boys,
there's been a delay.
Where the fuck's Bradley?
He's taking care of shit
at the airport.
We've got a flight
to Mexico City to catch.
We've got a delay.
Why don't you guys
hole up in town for a little bit?
There's a nice little bar there.
We'll meet you at 1800 hours.
Got it. I'll tell Bradley
to meet us there.
Until then.
( Both chuckle)
-( distant prisoners shouting )
-( gate buzzes )
Mm, Fields.
Here you go.
Hell, something
smells good there.
The woman sure can cook.
You got yourself
a lady in the kitchen?
Well, the way you're eating
that burrito,
you should marry her.
-( laughs )
- Why not?
Nobody cooks
that good, man.
Yeah, but you'd have someone to go
home to every night. Think about it.
I'd just get bored.
Yeah, well, being bored,
that's the secret,
I think-- bored,
but being happy, like me.
You're happy?
Yeah. Don't I look happy?
An exciting life
is a good way
to get yourself killed.
Remember that.
- You heard?
- All right. Hey, you want one?
No way.
( Knocks )
( lock beeps,
door opens )
How are you doing?
Man: Open it up.
(guards conversing )
HSO team just rolled in.
I said we'd meet them in 10,
at 1300.
Yeah, but oddly enough,
transport still hasn't shown up.
We're waiting
on the marshals again.
We're waiting on
the fucking bus?
Guess so.
God damn it.
I still can't believe I let you
convince me to come here
to shut down
a couple of bullshit buildings.
I usually make
the mess, brother.
You got me
cleaning this one up.
See, the thing of it is,
you're getting old, man.
I got to let you down easy.
But the thing of it is, when I want
somebody to cover my back,
you're my man.
All our guys-
they're the best.
The way I look at it, you'll be
down in Mexico in the next few days
and there's 4,000 ways
to get killed down there,
so watch your ass.
Thanks for trying
to cheer me up.
( laughs)
Last time was a real
clusterfuck, wasn't it?
- Lost some damn good men.
- Yeah.
Army brass should have never
pulled us out of that shithole.
Man, why do you act
so surprised?
That's the way all these highfalutin
military pricks is, man.
- You know that.
-( gate buzzes )
We're the first guys
that they piss on.
Anyway, next week
you'll get some payback, man.
And speaking of pricks...
Every time I get another stack
of bullshit paperwork,
your fingerprints
are all over it, Cross.
Yeah, I thought your job
was bullshit paperwork.
- Shut up.
- Negative, Warden.
I ain't got to shut up.
Go hide behind your desk.
We're done here.
- No, you're not.
- We kind of are, man,
'cause this bitch
is fully decommissioned.
I took us off the grid, man--
computers, satellites, phones-
Transport will be here soon
to get the detainees.
We're done.
No, you booked in two more
high-security assets last night.
You reopened block D
right after you and Manning
permanently shut it down.
See, you have to
understand something-
this is a black site,
specifically designed
for people of interest.
No, no, no, it was a black site,
Cross-- was.
You security contractors-
you're all the same.
You think you're hot shit ex-soldiers,
big fucking heroes.
Well, you're a pain in my ass.
We already had four people
of special interest here.
We don't have enough MP-s
to legally hold
all the fucking interesting
people we got,
let alone the two
who came in last night.
When you signed those two in last
night, you took authority over them.
That means signing them out
will be your job, not mine.
I would enjoy the process.
Well, the transfer unit's late,
so you're going nowhere
till all the detainees have cleared
the gate on the way out.
( Gate buzzes )
( prisoners shouting )
Step away from the bars.
Detainees, step back.
Let me out!
Detainees, step back.
(man screams)
What the fuck?
Fucking liars!
I'm gonna fucking kill you guys!
I'll fucking kill you all!
Chow. Bring him in.
Fuck you.
I'm not eating that shit.
Don't ever touch me.
Code red.
Backup in the courtyard.
Repeat, backup in the courtyard!
Code red.
Fucking killers!
( Man shouting )
Open the courtyard gate.
Open the courtyard.
( Gate buzzes )
What's the problem, man?
What's the problem?
Inmate: Come on, man.
Want something?
(grunting )
Boss. Okay, boss.
- You all right?
- Fuck you.
Sir, I found this kite
in the corridor.
I don't know if the inmates
are trying to communicate,
but I thought
you should know.
All right.
Be cool.
I'ma get you.
Fuck you. I'ma get you.
Let me see that.
( Gate buzzes )
The name on the manifest
says Rick.
The name tag says Max.
You want to explain that?
The truck rolled
over his foot yesterday.
Um, I usually work dispatch.
Short-staffed, so...
Almost wrapped up here,
so let's get it done.
Sorry, you know, I was trying
to sneak in a bit of overtime.
Wife's birthday,
you know, coming up.
Why don't we catch up
some other time, all right?
Just get on with your job
so I can get the fuck out of here.
Sanders, guard the fort.
(machine whirring)
( metal squeaking )
( metallic rattling )
- Don't tell me you fucked this up.
- I don't know.
All you had to do
was push a goddamn button.
Sounds like
something snapped.
Something snapped?
Is that your professional opinion
or just a wild fucking guess?
Shit, I'm gonna die of old age
in this motherfucker.
Get the truck, pull it out.
We need to take a look.
Pull it out.
(engine starts)
Kill it. Kill it.
-( Engine stops)
- I'm smelling diesel out here.
The truck won't disengage.
Something's definitely stuck
back there.
You might want to call your buddies to
come down here and give you some help.
( Chuckles )
Yeah, good luck with that.
Friday night-- everyone's
packed out till Monday.
Manning: Shit.
I got it.
I'll see what I can do.
(gate buzzes, lock clicks)
Hey, bud, it's Manning.
Hey, listen, we've got an issue
with the garbage truck.
Something's jammed in there
and I'm smelling diesel fumes.
Well, you know, block D
is on the same ventilation system
as maintenance.
Yes, sir, same place you booked in
two assets last night.
Fuck. I'm gonna head
down there right now.
Anyway, I'll take care of it.
I don't think either of us
is gonna make it out of here tonight.
I was about to contact you
on the radio, sir.
I'm smelling diesel
down here.
Yeah, I know. I'm moving
the detainees as we speak.
- Where are we gonna put them?
- Unfortunately, block G.
Those fucking guys are gonna go crazy
when they know about them.
Unfortunately, I don't have
much of a choice.
You know, it's only
for a couple of hours.
Everybody's transferring
out tonight.
So let's just do it.
All right, girls,
let's go for a walk.
Let's see your hands, girls.
Please listen to me.
I'm a foreign national.
My government
has no idea where I am.
Cross: Right.
And you're a political prisoner.
I know.
I've heard that before, man.
Every motherfucker in here
that's wrapped in skin
is a political prisoner.
I'm no idiot, okay?
I know what this place is
and I know where
guys like you come from.
If you don't help me,
then I'm dead.
Went in the boiler room,
grabbed some tools.
I went ahead and shut the heat down
to G block while I was there, FYI.
Sure got some ugly janitors
in this dump.
- Who let the hooker in?
- Fuck you.
I did.
You deal with your mess.
I've got a garbage truck with my name
on it waiting for me.
Call me.
It was CIA this time.
Please listen to me.
Look, I'm a courier.
My contact was
assassinated right in--
In private.
This time it was CIA.
-( Men jeering )
- Look, I'm not bullshitting you.
I'm trying to tell you
that if you don't listen to me,
if you don't help me,
then I'm dead. I'm--
Cross: You just gotta stop talking
in front of people.
Manning: Please tell me you know
what the hell you're doing in there.
What's your ETA, man?
It's gonna be a while.
The prisoners are locked
and secured in block G.
I'm meeting the team.
I've got something to run by Bradley.
Radio me if the transfer unit
shows up.
Will do.
Well, fuck me.
Man, we ain't never getting out
of here at this rate.
I'll take a look.
Man over radio: Target in place.
Commence extraction.
( Blues music playing )
Man: Come on, boss,
have a drink.
These ladies have been waiting
for you and Manning all day.
Oh, thank you.
Cross: Where the hell is Bradley?
I gotta get back to the base.
Bradley: Hey, sorry I'm late.
So where's Manning?
I thought he was
coming with you.
He's fucking around with that
trash compressor or some shit.
And he's happy about it too.
Sol heard you might have
something for me.
I've got a kite
that they seem to have recovered
from one of the inmates,
but I got a funny feeling that this
looks like numeric and Arabic mixed.
And Arabic is your deal,
so have a look at that
and I'll come down in a minute.
Yeah, that's exactly
what it is.
As you know,
ciphers are numeric-based,
but the Arabic is unusual.
Fortunately, it's one of
my specialties.
Hey, the wagon
finally arrived.
Looks like we're out of here
in the morning.
Control unit to Manning:
transfer unit has arrived. Copy?
Control unit to Manning,
transfer unit has arrived. Copy?
Man: Manning is still working
on the crusher.
I'll let him know
when he comes out.
Let's get Terrence on it.
Terrence, this is Control.
We need you in intake.
The transfer unit
is here. Copy?
On my way.
Wait here.
( Blues music playing )
It's complicated,
but my best guess is
that a dirty guard
has been passing on information.
That's basically an itinerary.
It gives the exact pickup time
and the route the marshals are going to.
Okay, so what
we're talking about
is a high-risk extraction
in the making,
and it's coming soon.
We have little time.
Where is your gear?
The gear's still at the airport.
I didn't think we'd need it.
Well, always gotta be ready,
Listen, I'm gonna go brief Manning
and jump up ahead of you guys.
You guys go tack up.
Meet me there.
Go in the tunnels
off the motor pool
and nobody will see you.
Keep your eyes open,
your head on a swivel.
All right, gentlemen,
we got a fucking shit sandwich
coming on real fast.
We need to tack up now.
- Let's go.
- All right.
-" Happy days are here... .'
All right,
let's see what you got.
I don't think you can handle
what I got.
Come on, bring it.
Oh, damn!
Now, see, that was pure luck.
A pro would never take that shot.
Captain Christopher Blake,
US marshal, prisoner transfer unit.
You got two female
detainees for me.
Man over P.A.:
Personnel, be advised,
please remember
to catalogue all boxes
according to the official
government itemized checklist.
How's your Friday night?
Yeah, this all seems in order,
but there's only transfer papers
for two prisoners.
That's what it says-- Samantha Mendez
and Charlotte Walker.
I heard you were supposed
to move all six.
That's news to me.
Well, I can't authorize
this anyway.
You're gonna have to talk
to the warden.
Take Marshal Blake
to see the warden.
I'm gonna call Esmeralda,
see if she can stay late in the kitchen
and get you boys fed.
You two stay here.
You're with me.
I've been through that thing
from top to bottom.
Nothing's wrong
with the crusher.
Gotta be the goddamn truck.
Fire that son of a bitch
back up.
-( Knocks on door)
- What?
I said what?
ls everybody deaf around here?
Warden, Captain Christopher Blake,
US Marshal,
Prisoner Transfer Unit.
You have two female detainees
for me to pick up.
Well, I sympathize
with your predicament, Marshal,
but it seems that nobody has
any concern for mine.
I got a schedule to keep.
You got the documentation.
I'm not asking you
for any favors.
The detainees are going
from a military to a federal facility.
Your paperwork requires
the correct signature.
It doesn't happen to be mine.
We can fix the paperwork.
I'm working in cooperation
with the CIA.
They have a special interest
in these two detainees.
- Bring it.
- Want some of this? Huh? Huh?
- I don't think you do.
- Come on.
- Oh!
- Oh. See?
- Want a coffee, loser?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, okay.
- Hey, two sugars this time.
You lift me up
and carry me away...
Put in manual access,
back in a minute.
( Gate opens )
- Cross: D-436, anybody.
-( punches landing, men grunting)
This is headquarters.
D-436, anybody.
This is headquarters.
This is MP Terrence Davis, sir.
What's your status?
Davis: The transfer unit just arrived.
They're talking to the warden.
They only had the paperwork
to transfer two detainees.
Where's Manning?
Davis: Still dealing
with the garbage issue, sir.
All right, look, man, nobody moves.
Wait till I get there.
Do not release the PIs.
Do not release the prisoners.
Nobody moves
till I get there.
Davis: Copy that, sir.
Sounds like a vibrator
my wife used to have.
Keep rigging it.
Something's gonna snap.
No fucking shit.
That's the idea.
I want to break
whatever's in there.
I'm not staying in this
son of a bitch all night.
CIA can shove their gratitude
up their ass.
Cross signed them in
on his authority.
You need his signature
to get them out.
I'm not here
to make your life easier.
Boy, you got that right.
So where the fuck are they?
(song continues on radio)
(humming along)
Put the coffees down.
Sit in the chair and open
the doors I tell you to open
when I tell you to open them,
and nobody gets hurt.
Fuck you.
What? Wait, no.
Begin phase two.
That's our signal.
On your feet.
Light it up.
( Chuckles )
It's working again.
Ready to charge now.
Everyone stand back.
Charge, one minute.
What's that noise?
Time to charge.
Fire in the hole.
Password, password, password.
What the fuck is the password?
It's inside the crusher.
- Man: Clear the blast zone.
- Clear!
Get down.
This is Terrence, sir.
I don't know about Manning,
but I just heard an explosion.
(siren wailing)
If the MP and the security guard
are dead,
then, yeah, we're secured.
Driver: Easy payday.
Why don't we get the girl?
Where are they?
I don't know what you're
talking about.
Who the fuck do you think
I'm talking about?
The two that were
brought in here last night.
Oh, yes. I can tell you.
They're in-- they're in--
Where are they,
God damn it?
Cross reopened block D.
Block D.
Light up cell block D.
I want to be out of here
in 15 minutes.
It's that way.
Control, can you see us?
I see you. Hold.
What's the problem?
I don't know, man. He must have
put it on manual when I came in.
I need the fucking password.
I need your password
to open doors.
I don't have a password.
Then I'm gonna find
someone who does.
Please, no.
Control room-- in the control room,
there's a fingerprint scanner
on the board.
It gives me access to all
the sensitive systems in an emergency.
What are you gonna do?
Move, God damn it.
What finger?
Warden: No.
- Which finger?
- No!
This finger?
My finger-
you cut my finger off. Fuck.
- Do I need to cutoff another one?
- Please, please.
I can take you there.
There's 50 keys here.
I know which ones to use.
Let me show you.
It'll be faster.
Please don't kill me.
Suit yourself.
Blake over radio:
Control, I'm on my way.
I've got access to the board.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
This one MP,
This one MP,
the security guy-- Manning-
looked like ex-special ops,
a big, bald asshole.
No offense.
Just find them.
Confirm that they're dead.
(siren continues wailing )
Here's one of them.
- That's him! Waste him!
-( rapid gunfire)
Secure the area.
Max, with me.
One more idiot play like that
and I'll blow your head off myself.
(steam hissing )
( door slams )
(rapid gunfire)
( bones crack)
(rapid gunfire)
( door slams )
The main gate
to the holding area is secure.
Who are you?
Special Agent Watkins.
I have an appointment with the warden
about some kind of
narcotics activity here.
We're doing a high-risk
security transfer here.
We're gonna have to
ask you to leave.
All right.
Fields over radio: Team two.
Respond, team two.
All right, head up, Bradley.
We've got active hostiles up in here.
Bradley: 10-4. En route.
Fields: Team two, respond.
(two gunshots)
Fields over radio:
We have another issue.
How many parts of your job
have you managed to fuck up today?
Not me.
Team two
has been compromised.
What's the damage?
Got some guy coming in through
prisoner intake, came out of nowhere.
Whoa, whoa.
Fields: He's changed into full tactical.
This guy means business.
Shit. Let's go.
Control, we got a security expert
on the loose--
Manning-- conversant
in special ops.
He went through the south boiler.
Can you track him?
Fields: Don't see him.
He must be off the grid.
I need access now,
or I'm gonna start blowing doors.
And track Manning.
He's bad news.
Blake: Stand down, Collins.
That's an order.
Your priority is the target
in cell block D.
Fields, do you have a visual?
Nothing but empty cell blocks.
Blake: What about
the rest of the prison?
We have two internal MP-s
in the ultra max sector,
no threat.
No visual on the target.
Blake: Find her.
- It's this way.
- Let's go.
Yo, the guy from the cell blocks
is moving.
Blake: Track him.
Let me know if he stumbles
into our kill zone.
We'll isolate and extract him
after we've secured the target.
You understand?
Fields: Copy.
(engine revs)
( tires screech )
Cross's last radio transmit said
there were active hostiles.
At this stage, we have to assume
it's an extraction.
We've got minimal gear and ammo,
so we go in quiet
through the old
hydro-access tunnels.
We make every shot count.
We good?
- Yeah.
- Let's go.
Blake: Come on.
( Door buzzes )
Intel on the target.
What the fuck happened to you?
They needed some convincing.
Target confirmed.
The location of the data
is unknown so far.
Open the doors to L block.
( Buzzes )
We have guests.
Blake: Fuck.
Ready? Three, two one.
Who the hell are those guys?
Who the fuck are they?
Cross and Manning
were waiting for a team,
the HSO team
I think they called it.
Why were they waiting for
a high-speed operating team?
Cross-- that's the guy in holding-
he's a private contractor,
trains teams like that,
one of those shadow guys,
ex-Special Forces.
He came in to shut down the site,
brought in Manning.
Collins, we have an intrusion
in the motor pool--
a three-man HSO team.
Stand by.
I'm gonna shut off the power
in the cell blocks.
Get your people in there now.
Collins: 10-4.
Team one, sweep sector seven,
kill everyone.
Teams two and three,
set up perimeter defenses.
My team, tight to me.
Let's move.
(device squealing )
God damn, it's getting funnier
every time I do it.
Yeah, well, see if I come to save
your ass next time.
Save my ass?
Well, I'm glad to see
you're still breathing.
- So what have we got?
- I made contact with those assholes.
They're after one of
the female detainees.
Sounded like she had some info
somebody wanted.
- So where's Cross?
- Fucked if I know. He's not with you?
No, he said he'd meet us
up here.
They'll be going after him.
We need to assess
enemy strength,
engage, kill,
clear access for him.
He'll find us.
You got gear?
Not much.
Hand it over.
A little more effective
than a screwdriver.
A screwdriver worked on you,
didn't it?
You need to wake up.
No sign of him.
Hallway clear.
Go, go.
They're gonna sweep past
on a perimeter check.
They know we're here.
We need to get off this video grid
and buy some real estate.
Hold up.
Man: I think I see something.
Manning: Contact, 12.
Man: I hear them. They should be
right through this door.
Man: Move it!
Clear. Dead check.
Okay, stay tight.
Grab the radio.
We can track their movements.
Got it.
-( Steam hissing )
-( rhythmic banging)
Got Cross again.
You said these guys were
ex-Special Forces?
The background is
Cross is an operational genius
and Manning's a weapons expert,
a bulldozer on the ground.
I guarantee
when they find each other,
we'll be facing
a coordinated assault.
Collins, you have got
to ramp it up and get it done.
Divert more men
to sector seven now.
Collins: There's no MPs.
Where are the prisoners?
Fields: Should be
near the door.
They're not here.
Please, no, no, no.
Tell me where she is,
or I'm done being nice.
Oh, God, I don't--
I overheard Cross and Manning
on the radio, a security thing.
Because of the garbage truck,
they must have moved them.
Where? Where?
There's only one other
open block.
G block, go.
(metal groaning)
Terrence, are you still there?
Terrence: Yes, sir.
Do you want me to meet you?
No, sit tight and keep your head down
or it will probably get blown off.
Copy that.
- Esmeralda, come on.
- What's going on?
- We have to hide, come on.
- No. No.
We have to stay low.
You have to stay quiet.
- Okay, this way, then. This way.
- No, no, this way, come on.
- Let go of me.
- Esmeralda, look,
I will keep you safe.
I promise.
- Okay?
' Okay
Come on.
There you go. Shh.
(distant gunshot)
(distant rapid gunfire)
( men shouting )
Man: Where are you going?
What's going on?
Man: Where are you going?
What's going on?
I just didn't want
any friendly accidents.
Cross, it's me.
What's going on?
It's a targeted extraction.
They're killing
anybody they see,
so we want to kill them
first, you hear?
- So we should get the hell out of here.
- Negative.
If somebody comes,
I'll lay down cover fire
- and buy you time.
- Do it.
All right, watch your
partners' backs.
They're gonna try to track me
on security cams,
so if you can pin them down,
buy me some time.
Man: Hey, what's going on
out there?
( Pounding )
Fuck, what's going on?
Man: What the hell?
( Men continue shouting )
Jesus, finally.
You took long enough.
I went over your file.
I've been in this game long enough
to know that someone
has phonied it up.
You still think I'm crazy?
Which means probably
someone wants you dead.
If you listen to me,
do what I say,
I'll kill them
before they kill you, you hear?
Now, I don't know exactly
how you fit in this picture.
I'm assuming either you're
with them or you're with me.
The long and the short is,
do what I say,
be smart-- you'll do well.
If you don't listen to me
and I find for one reason
or another you're with them
or you make a false move,
I'll kill you
just like I kill them.
We cool?
All right, come on over
to my left.
You stay on my right,
stay a little bit behind me,
and let's go.
(rapid gunfire)
You three, with me.
You two, take out the MP
and sweep the block
for the target. Go.
Man: Section G clear.
Open all the doors in G block.
Lock everything else down.
I want my men to have
a clear run in there.
Warden: You can't do that.
That sector houses high-risk detainees.
You can't let those animals out.
- Blake: Do it.
- You got it.
( Buzzes )
( laughs)
So what's your story?
I'm a courier for
a non-US intelligence agency.
Sometimes I work with friendlies
and sometimes enemies,
but all of it
off the official radar.
My contact on my last drop
was a CIA op.
So how did you get here?
Well, my contact
was assassinated
and then all channels
went dark.
I got away
and then I got picked up.
And then I ended up here.
Now I got one message
from my handlers-
to sit tight because there was
some kind of internal problem--
and then nothing.
We'll talk about that.
Let's keep moving.
Cross: Hold up.
Don't move. Don't breathe.
(device squealing )
What's up?
Mines. Cut one of the beams,
they go off.
We can't go that way.
Follow me.
Man: Corridor six clear.
Heading to the rendezvous point.
(rhythmic banging)
So do you know
who killed your contact?
It felt like a CIA kill squad.
I've seen them do the thing
a dozen times. It was classic.
So they were trying to isolate you
and retrieve information.
What are you carrying?
You tell me.
You know the drill.
They don't tell me anything.
They upload the information
onto an implant.
It's usually
military intelligence.
Where's the implant?
It's right there.
Yeah, I've seen those before.
You can upload and download data
via a short-range transmission,
but the chip also monitors
the electrical impulses of your heart.
The problem is
if you get killed,
it wipes the intel.
Are the police at least
gonna come and help us?
Sweetheart, this is a top secret
military dark facility.
The police do not know
about this place,
never could, never will.
But you don't have to worry, 'cause
if somebody tries to come and kill you,
they gotta come through me
and my friends.
What's that noise?
Pipes, man. They run
all the way through the prison.
The inmates use them
to communicate.
I have an MP held up
in the kitchen.
He's trying to let us know
he's all right.
Man: Hey, boss man.
Charlotte, get over here.
Now get down.
Hey, boss man.
We know you got some women back there.
Just give us one.
We'll take our frustrations
out on her.
Or you could fuck her yourself
and just give us your keys.
Cross: I got a better idea.
Why don't you fuck your mama
and one of your pet poodles?
They found the weapons.
- Does that hurt?
- Yeah.
You fucking pussy.
I have the asset and confirmation
of the chip implant and location.
Cross is
right behind me.
Get to the extraction point.
How do you want me
to do that? I'm lost.
You see where she is? What's
the quickest way to the garbage room?
It's hard to say.
If you want to keep on breathing,
you'd better figure it out.
From where she is,
she'd have to go
through the kitchen
and then skirt B and C blocks.
Collins, we have the asset.
She's being pursued by Cross
towards the kitchen in your sector.
Take out Cross,
rendezvous with Charlotte,
and get her
to the extraction point.
Rendezvous with Collins in the kitchen.
We'll open the doors.
Head to the kitchen.
Happy to see a familiar face?
Manning, contact, 12.
Pull back.
Pull back.
Hold your fire.
Having fun yet?
Fuck, I'm having a blast.
We've been clearing these
motherfuckers as we find them.
They're heading for the kitchen.
You want to hit that bitch together?
I'd love to, but unfortunately
they're too mobile.
She'll be gone
before we get there.
I need to hit
the control room.
Now I can track her
from there.
We've got time,
'cause they can't kill her yet.
Another little problem-
we have one of the MP-s
held up in the kitchen
and the bad guys
are headed that way.
Shit. Poor motherfucker
ain't got a chance.
- Let me see what I can do.
- Yes, sir.
You guys, I want you
to sweep up the rear,
make sure Manning's six is clear.
I'll radio when I hit the target.
All right, let's do it.
Do you think anyone heard
your signals?
- ( Whispers )
- No, wait.
Blake: Kitchen, I have movement
by cold storage.
( Rustling )
-( Esmeralda screams)
- Shut up. Bring them over here now.
It's Terrence-- an MP.
Tell Cross and Manning
everything is clear down here.
Tell them you have the girl.
This is Terrence.
We are in the kitchen.
Terrence: It's a trap.
Mayday, Mayday!
- No!
- ( two gunshots)
We have the asset.
Blake: Get her out of the kitchens.
Send her to the extraction point.
Collins: Copy that.
Blake: Contact,
I have movement.
Looks like Manning's coming
through your sector.
Blake: I lost him.
He's got to be there somewhere.
Extraction in 10 minutes.
Fan out.
Mess with me, I'll gouge your
eyes out with my fingers.
(screaming )
(two gunshots)
Make a noise, you die.
Hey, are you okay?
You like that shit?
What the fuck, baby?
Holy shit.
My kind of woman.
( Gasps )
You think you're going to enjoy
yourself, baby cakes?
I don't.
- ( Screams )
- I'm gonna take good care of you.
No! No. No!
No. No!
Shut up, bitch!
Please stop.
Please stop.
You're gonna-
you're gonna like it.
Oh, yeah.
( laughs)
Where's the asset?
We've been in here too long already.
We have to move.
Working on it.
No. No.
Come here.
(Samantha exclaiming)
No. No. No.
Hey, fuckhead, over here.
Fresh meat.
Yes, bitch?
(screaming )
Back to business.
I'm gonna give you something
to think about.
See, you're lucky. I was gonna
kill you and cut the chip out.
But now I know
I can't do that.
It's a good thing I didn't
fuck up Cross before I found out.
So you're not gonna die just yet,
not before I get that data
scanned out of you.
When I do,
guess where
I'm gonna stick this?
( Stick clatters )
Got the bitch.
What's the situation?
Let's bounce.
Open everything-- all doors.
Get out of there and meet me
at the extraction point with the asset.
Garbage room-- show me.
Come on, come on.
I should have known you were a plant
when they picked you up from state pen.
No con fights like that.
You're goddamn CIA.
So what if I am?
So you're supposed to be
on my side.
Says who?
My contact was CIA.
Why are you doing this?
We both want the same things.
We're both helping
our countries-
No, you just want to feel good
about yourself and I want to get paid.
You're so fucking dumb,
you didn't even know
what you were handing your contact
before we capped him.
If you did, you'd be lying
on a beach somewhere by now
with a different face,
laughing at all of us.
Too bad for you.
Come on.
Manning over radio:
Cross, they have the target.
Cross: Rendezvous
with the team.
We'll meet up at the extraction point
in the garbage room.
Charlotte, where are you?
Let's go. I want that package.
Getting there. They didn't give me
a map when they booked me in.
This wasn't supposed
to be my job.
Look, you hit F block,
then C block.
Let's move it.
Move it.
What the fuck
happened to you?
Got my ass whupped
by my new girlfriend.
They acquired the target.
Cross will be tracking her.
The extraction point
is the garbage room.
Cross wants to lock down
all the doors,
contain the extraction team.
You have five minutes to meet up.
Use what you can to get out.
I'm gonna circle around the back, make
sure they don't hit us from the rear.
- All right, got it.
- Move.
( Keyboard keys clicking )
Cross: Time to lock it up.
It's my game now.
( Buzzing )
( gate buzzes )
We're trapped.
Blake: Where?
F block, covered walkway.
I've got keys, but it's gonna
slow me down.
Blake: We're right behind you.
get out your goddamn keys.
Open the fucking gate.
Why do you keep
putting your keys away, huh?
Are you clowning around
with me?
Huh? Are you
clowning with me?
It's not far.
Move it.
What the fuck
are you guys doing, huh?
Get to the extraction point now.
Secure the area.
Go, go.
Hold it.
Come on.
Come on, come on, Warden.
( Gate buzzes )
Oh, fuck.
All right, maintenance room
should only be 100 yards from here.
Let's start blowing doors.
If I'm gonna die, you son of a bitch,
I'm taking you with me.
( Gate buzzes )
Secure the door.
Come on, jerk-off,
get going.
Okay, Warden,
you were great.
(two gunshots)
Charlotte: The implant is
just below her left breast.
You need some kind of
special scanner to get it out.
Just shut the fuck up
for five minutes.
I've done this about 50 times.
I know what I'm doing.
Watch my back.
( Beeping )
I am so gonna enjoy this.
Are you gonna work out
or are you gonna fight?
I guess we'll find out.
( laughs)
No pain, no gain.
That's it. I've got it.
You traitor.
Kill the bitch.
Let's bounce.
Samantha: Cross!
- Charlotte: Cover.
- Blake: Give me that.
Isn't that the tactical genius?
I got you outmanned
and outgunned two to one.
I guess you're
not so clever after all.
It ain't the amount.
It's the skill.
The skill the guy's got-
that's what it is.
Save it for your girlfriend.
Want to hear
something funny, though?
All right.
See my smiling face?
It's the last thing you're gonna see
before you hit your grave.
Where are you going?
What are you gonna do?
Drop your fucking weapons!
- Put them down now! Put them down!
- Drop your weapons now!
You motherfucker, drop it!
- Drop it! Drop your weapon!
-( men shouting )
( shouts )
Cover me.
I'm out.
Cover him!
You're dead, bitch.
Keep them pinned down.
I'm gonna flank them.
I'll catch you long.
Go, go, go.
I got four of them.
How about you?
I got some myself.
Look at this sorry-ass bitch.
(chuckling )
Yeah, we made it.
God damn, which one of you
motherfuckers killed my future ex-wife?
You're out of ammo.
So am I.
Why don't we talk?
We've got a lot in common,
you and I--
Special Forces,
black ops, CIA.
No, I'm not Special Forces.
I was never Special Forces.
I was a Marine.
What the hell are we trying
to kill each other for, huh?
(throws down gun )
This isn't about patriotism
with a flag.
This is about money.
(throws down gun )
You know who
Samantha's contact was?
It was a money guy.
He delivered secret government funds
to favored efforts
in trouble spots
around the world.
He was a bag man
for the CIA
delivering bribes
and payoffs.
And that chip that was
implanted in her...
That contained secret
financial information.
With that, we could access
at least $200 million
of whitewashed money-
clean money.
You know what you could do
with that?
You could open yourself
a free clinic in Mogadishu
or an orphanage in Mexico
or a bordello in Berlin-
whatever the fuck you want.
You and I both know
this isn't about good guys
and bad guys anymore.
We split that money
right down the middle.
You walk away a rich guy.
I walk away a rich guy.
Maybe you really would
give me $100 million.
There's your act of good faith.
You know, I'm just thinking
to myself
that somewhere
in the back of my mind,
I kind of feel like
you're not being
completely sincere.
What, you don't trust me?
Not exactly.
Look at you, man.
You're dead.
Money can't buy life.
Money can't buy honor.
You ain't got shit.
I don't know what's wrong
with you, man.
Now you're dead.
Argh! Jeez.
You talk about
being a warrior.
How does a warrior
break his word of honor?
You know the story about
the scorpion and the frog?
- Yeah.
- Well, that's me.
I'm the fucking bad guy.
Yeah? Well, I'm the good guy.
You all right?
(Cross laughs)
Make sure that's set right.
Got a long trip.
Well, I need a minute
with you, brother.
Yeah, I got a minute.
What you got?
You know, this whole thing
was about money-
$200 million.
I got the bank accounts
with all the numbers right here.
It's all black ops money,
all off the books.
Ain't nobody to give it back to.
I'm giving you half.
What do you want to do
with it, man?
Shit, probably use half of it
for some paybacks.
Yeah, I'd like that myself.
Maybe use the other half
to start up a security company,
buy some toys.
What the hell
are you gonna do?
I think I'll give half
to St. Jude's in Memphis.
The other half I'll use
to have some fun,
help some of my friends
and my family.
Listen, in about 43 hours, man,
after you finish your thing,
I was hoping you could meet me
in Port D'Azul.
You know that place,
don't you?
Yeah, I know the place.
It's where we used to do
the mission debriefs.
What the hell are you
cooking up now?
I got another operation for us.
I think you're gonna like it.
Remember, man,
it ain't over till we're dead.
I hope you like to fly, baby,
'cause it's time to go.
( Instrumental music playing )