Maya (2010) Movie Script

Liron Ben-Chelouche
Gil Frank
In a film by
Michal Bat-Adam
Shiri Guedani, Alex Ansky
Miki Warshawiak, Ori Levi
Sound: Tuly Chen
Editing: Assaf Korman
Mix: Israel David
Music: Daniel Mizrahi
Director of Photography
Yoav Kosh
Produced by
Moshe Mizrahi, Michal Bat-Adam
written and directed by
Michal Bat-Adam
Now I understand, Kostia,
that in our profession,
whether we're acting
or writing,
what matters
is not fame
or glamour I used
to dream about,
but the capacity to bear
one's suffering and believe...
I believe.
When I think of my life
I'm not afraid anymore...
You see?
From the first moment,
there's a person.
A world.
She knows who she is...
where she comes from,
where she's going
and she knows where she is.
Keep working.
You're on the right track...
- Yes, you.
"A Streetcar Named Desire"
Tennessee Williams.
When I met him, he was just a boy
and I was 16.
I discovered love
all at once.
There was something different
about him.
A gentleness which wasn't
like a man's,
although he wasn't
the least bit effeminate.
He asked me for help,
but I didn't understand.
I only knew that I loved him
without limits,
and then I found out...
- Maya...
That's okay.
But you don't go on
stage just to be okay.
Acting is not just reciting
a text from memory.
It's nothing, only words.
We're halfway through the year
and I don't see any progress.
Talent isn't enough, you have
to do something with it.
You have to touch,
to move,
to shock...
You have to dig within yourself
without fear.
If you're afraid,
go and work at the supermarket.
If you go now,
don't bother to come back.
Where's the houmous?
You want tahini?
Aren't you working today?
What time is it?
- After seven.
There you go.
How's it going?
- Not great.
Mom, I'm at work.
We'll talk later.
Something happened?
No, it's just... My boyfriend.
What about him?
It's haunting me.
Excuse me... the check.
- Right away.
When I met him, he was just
a boy and I was 16.
I discovered love
all at once.
Check for table three.
There was something
different about him.
A gentleness which wasn't
like a man's,
although he wasn't
the least bit effeminate.
He asked me for help,
but I didn't understand.
Mixed salad!
- I'm coming.
I only knew that I loved him
without limits,
and then I found out...
- Mixed salad!
What did you find out?
I came into a room...
There were two guys in it...
Two specials.
One Latte and a Filter.
Anything else?
- No thanks.
Here you go.
Afterwards we acted as
if nothing happened.
The three of us went out
to have fun.
We were a little drunk,
laughing, dancing...
Suddenly my boyfriend
ran outside.
A shot was heard...
Everyone ran out.
Someone grabbed me and said,
"Don't go! You don't want
to see this."
Then I heard them
saying his name.
He'd stuck the gun
in his mouth and fired.
It was all over.
- When did it happen?
Where's your sister?
I told you to leave her alone!
Cut! What happened?
Can I look inside to see
if she's there?
No. Don't look!
Okay, standby!
We're shooting!
Scene 17.
Shot 1. Take 9.
Why did you stop?
Come here, it's important
for the scene.
Who this guy's sister is?
I don't know anything
about her.
Are you crazy?
You stopped
the shot for that?
We don't have time
for this bullshit.
I have to know
who I'm talking about!
Imagine someone you know.
- It can't be someone I know,
It has to be someone
I heard about...
Are you trying to kill me?
We don't have time
for this bullshit!
Let me finish
this stupid shot!
It's a stupid shot?
- Of course it's a stupid shot!
It should've been shot ages ago!
Where are you going?
I don't want to be part
of a stupid shot.
It's not a stupid shot.
Come back.
Get back to your positions.
Enough already!
Let's move on.
I want to shoot!
I'll get crazy by the
end of the day.
Scene 17. Shot 1.
Take 10.
Wait, wait.
What's he doing?
I don't believe this!
Why'd you stop now?
- It wasn't good.
What wasn't good?
- My acting wasn't good.
You don't have to act!
Just ride the bike!
I'm in love with the girl!
You're not in love with her!
I can't work
with amateurs!
Why are you moving?
Get back to your position!
I need professional actors
Sorry. I wanted to go
to the bathroom.
You won't get anywhere
without discipline!
You'll always be
a mediocre actress.
Don't purse your lips,
you're a statue.
Come on, action!
How was it?
- I didn't know he was here.
He's about to go.
Aaron, Wait a second!
I'm sorry.
It's all because of me.
It's not you,
he's just selfish.
They all are.
- With him it's a sickness.
They're all sick.
What are you doing?
I'm going back home.
It's not for me.
One day of filming and you
decide it's not for you?
I stood there like
an idiot all day.
I shouldn't have to do that.
You exaggerate, you know.
Actors fight to get
a day of filming.
You've done nothing yet.
- It's not for me.
I'll pay my share until
you find a roommate.
And what about your audition?
- I'm not going.
Of course you're going!
You'll miss an audition
with Hagai Tzafrir?
Do you hear what you're
He's the new darling
of the theater...
I think I'm pregnant.
Are you going to have
an abortion?
Are you crazy?
With anesthesia?
And raise a kid
without a father?
Maybe he'll leave his wife.
If this were a play, it'd say,
"Maya tries not to burst
into laughter.
And Nurit tries not to burst
into tears."
Maybe you're just late.
- No, I'm not late.
I'll help you raise him.
Do you think he loves me?
So why is he with me?
Why not? Free sex,
free coffee...
the other day he ate
all my bananas.
After he comes he has
to eat something.
Let him bring sandwiches
from home.
I'm a seagull...
No that's not it...
What was I talking about?
Ah yes...
I'm not like that anymore.
I'm a real actress...
Now I understand, Kostia,
that in our profession,
whether we're acting
or writing,
what matters is not fame...
or glamour I used
to dream about,
but the capacity to bear
one's suffering and believe.
I believe.
I saw you acting...
Blanche... In the cafe.
That poor guy
really believed you.
I still feel guilty about it.
You want to drink something?
- No, thanks.
Maya, right?
- Yes.
Come, sit down.
I'm going to direct a play
that I wrote
I'm looking for
the lead actress.
It's about a young girl
who gets pregnant.
Her parents force her
to have an abortion.
Something snaps in her.
She thinks they took
the baby and hid it.
Is it a true story?
- Why do you ask?
It's as if you're talking
about someone you know.
You're the first
one to ask that.
It happened in my family
I'd rather not talk about it.
I didn't mean to pry.
- No, it's okay.
It's a role you need to get
into totally.
Where did you study acting?
I didn't really.
Just a few months.
I was sure you'd graduated
acting school.
No. Does it matter?
I actually want someone
with experience...
but I'll think about it.
- Hi.
Sorry I'm late.
- It's fine.
Have you been waiting long?
Just since one o'clock.
I don't have a watch.
You ready?
We have onion soup...
- We need to study the options.
You know what you want?
Usually, yes.
I mean
what do you want to eat.
I feel like...
A steak.
Spaghetti with tomato sauce.
You're vegetarian?
- No.
I thought about it
and decided.
The role is Nili.
Are you sure?
Even though I didn't
study acting.
It's scary.
What's scary?
I don't want
to disappoint you.
I suggest you read it.
If you have any questions...
I think I will.
- I think so, too.
Don't take every word I say
so seriously.
I might be right today,
but not tomorrow.
Let's continue...
That's the real Nili.
How are you related?
- A cousin.
I was in love with her.
She was 8 years older
than me.
We met during vacations
at my grandparents.
She was beautiful.
Then one day
she didn't show up.
The whispering started...
It was a secret
I wasn't supposed to know.
My mother told me
many years later.
Her name isn't Nili.
No, Tali.
What happened to her?
- She died two years ago.
You miss her?
I think about her.
That shit hasn't called me.
- He really is a shit.
I'm through with him.
You think I'll find someone
who'll love me?
If you get rid of Aaron.
Aaron's over.
He's dead to me.
What's going on here?
I don't know what to wear.
- Where are you going?
I'm meeting Hagai Tzafrir.
Didn't you meet
this afternoon?
Yes, but he wants to talk
about the play.
I see...
I'm not going.
- Why?
I think... I'm a little bit
attracted to him...
I like that "little bit".
So what's the problem?
I can't fall in love
with him now.
It could affect me
in the rehearsals.
I don't want to screw up
this role.
So what are you going to do?
Put it off until after
the rehearsals.
I think it's already too late.
Is it Aaron?
Aaron's over.
It's Shlomo.
Who's Shlomo?
Yes I'm home...
see you later.
What is it for you?
The theater...
Tell me.
I don't know how
to say it.
It's... It's my life.
It's inside me...
Inside my body.
It helps me to live.
You want to come over?
It's complicated.
Nothing's going to happen
that you don't want to.
But maybe what I don't
want to happen,
I actually do want to happen.
Then maybe it'll happen.
But I don't want it to happen.
Then it really is complicated.
Good night...
Don't forget me.
I'll put a note by my bed.
Is he here?
I'm done with him.
- Already? What happened?
You know that a cat knows
he's a cat,
but doesn't know he knows
he's a cat.
A person knows he's a person
and knows he knows
he's a person...
He explained to me
that when we touch
he's aware of it but I'm not,
and that creates a distance
that he's aware of it
and I'm not.
So, what happened?
- I told him to leave.
And he left?
I didn't give him a choice.
Did you fuck?
Are you crazy?
- No
Did you kiss?
- No.
So what did you do?
- We talked about the play.
I don't know
how you can.
I can't.
Let's hope I hold out.
Maya, you should sit
next to your parents.
You found us
a lovely daughter.
Watch out for your father.
My back is killing me.
Ruby, I saw you in an ad
for the health clinic.
Five of those a year
can make you healthy.
Since when
do you wear glasses?
Since I started getting roles
as mothers.
This is the 7th doctor
in my career.
We'd like to begin.
I'd like to say a few words.
We have a wonderful play,
excellent actors,
and even a director
who's not so bad.
I wish us all good luck.
I'll leave you to enjoy
your work.
Good morning, everyone.
I'd also like to say
a few words.
You know what?
Let's just read it.
Dr. Giladi, Dr. Alon
sit at the table.
Nili and her parents
across from them.
Nili hasn't eaten for 3 days.
- Almost four days.
Why hasn't Nili eaten
for 3 days?
Nili doesn't answer.
Why are you looking at me
like that?
Nili sits alone.
The doctor and nurse enter.
What are you doing here?
You're supposed to be
in therapy.
I can't be there.
Where is he?
I'll go get him.
- You can continue.
I can't be there,
it's like a mad house.
And where do you think
you are?
I'm sorry.
Everyone's waiting.
Ruby, go on.
Soon you'll leave and go home
to your family.
With the baby.
There is no baby, Nili.
You know there's no baby.
Now you remember
what happened, right?
I remember the butterflies
that lost the light,
and the red ladybugs that lost
their black spots.
I remember red clouds
and my baby who was born
and said,
Excellent play.
And well written.
Meet Dr. Biran.
Head of the psychiatry ward
at the hospital.
He'll be helping us.
- Nice to meet you.
The doctor's a little sick.
You've got a serious
I'll have a lot of questions
for you.
If I have answers,
I'll do my best.
I brought a book
that might help.
What do you think about
letting Maya spend some time
at the hospital
among the patients
without them
knowing that she isn't sick.
I hope it doesn't
frighten you, Maya.
I think it could help.
What do you say?
Why not?
It's like asking me
to betray my profession.
There's is so much prejudice
about the mentally ill.
We can to show them here
in a different light.
Yes, but I can't admit an
actor to the ward as a patient.
I'll be happy to get advice
from you, too.
You already look
pretty convincing.
Okay, we're done for today.
Riki will let you know
about the rehearsals.
It's important
to memorize the text.
I can, but...
No, I want to but...
In five minutes? Okay.
I have no character, do I?
It's not about character.
It's the law of nature.
On second thought,
I can't come.
My roommate has a fever
I can't leave her alone.
You want me to bring her
you have Tylenol, right?
Yeah, she has some.
Well, good night.
Good night.
Where is he?
- Who?
He was here.
It was a dream.
Good, Maya.
Your waking up is good.
But, when you're
looking for the baby
I see only the motions.
It has to be
more real for you.
You have to understand what
this baby is.
To understand what
a missing baby is,
you must understand what it is
to have a baby.
It comes from the body,
not from the mind.
Nili, come to breakfast.
Help me look for him.
Good, but look on both sides.
She could come from
the other side.
Should I wait with the line?
Let her first search on the
other side.
Why is she asking for help?
Until now she didn't want
to speak to anyone.
It's not "she",
it's you.
You. Only you.
You have to think
Nili's thoughts.
To say: I am Nili.
It'll help.
I understand...
I am Nili...
I don't know how to do it.
Dr. Biran...
I wanted to ask you...
Hagai is right.
It could help me if I'd spend
some time in the hospital...
I don't want to be wrong
with this role.
I haven't slept for nights.
I can't explain
how important it is to me.
What do you say?
Let me think about it.
I won't bother anyone.
See you later.
Blessed art thou, lord,
king of the universe,
who gives us the fruit of the vine.
- Amen.
Hand washing.
Where are all the eggs?
Grandpa ate the eggs.
Grandpa, where are
all the eggs?
He said buy eggs.
He said it's closed.
I don't know how
he didn't choke.
He's strong as a horse.
He said I'm sailing on a boat...
To Istanbul!
Come to bed.
I'm getting married tomorrow.
To whom?
- We'll see.
I had another one.
- Hand.
You had three hands?
Of course.
Be passive, listen to them...
Observe them.
It'll be alright.
Come to see me later.
Irit, give me your mug.
What's your name?
What's your thing?
Everyone's got a thing here.
Gabi thinks he's
a heart surgeon.
Irit thinks if she lines
all up
her father will love her.
Gil's a soldier. It's a secret.
He doesn't say anything.
Yardena thinks her mother
wants to get into her stomach.
Carlos thinks he's a snake.
Carlos, como esta?
So what have you got?
Anat, go back to your place!
Don't get excited...
That's her thing.
Girls. That's why
they locked her up.
That's not why they locked her up.
- Really? Why?
Because she puts out
cigarettes on her ass.
Anat, enough!
I deserve a little action.
What happened, Anati...
The doctor?
What a dream
I had about him...
She's in love with Dr. Biran.
What about you?
- What?
What's your case?
They took my baby.
- You have a baby?
Yes. They took him.
- Why?
They say he isn't mine.
- I get it.
Someone has a baby
and you think it's yours.
He's mine.
Maternal fixation.
How can you tell?
I understand these things.
From what you've told me,
plan to be here a long time.
You don't usually
recover from it.
If someone decides he's
John Lennon or Jim Morrison
or that he has a baby,
It's a long story.
Very long.
If you want to get out
of here quickly,
tell them you know
it isn't your baby.
That you merely said it.
So why don't you tell them
you're not a heart surgeon?
With me it's different.
I don't have
what everyone has.
I really am a heart surgeon...
I want my baby!
Give me my baby!
That's not bad,
but on that line,
run to the other side
of the stage
as if you see someone there
holding your baby.
It's your baby.
Nili, what happened
in high school?
I don't know...
I don't know...
I want my baby,
give me my baby!
No, it's not right.
I can't run.
Why not?
It was great.
Because of the pills
I'm taking.
What pills?
- In the hospital.
I can't run. I'll fall.
Maya, it's a play.
It has to be dramatic.
Is it okay for me to stand here
like an idiot?
Why? You want to see what's
happening to her.
Maybe he goes to her,
and tries to stop her.
Okay, give it a try.
One more time
from the same place.
Medically speaking,
she's right.
this is much better.
I want to emphasize her obsession.
The running does that.
You've to choose if you want
drama or truth.
I want them both,
and I'll get them.
What happened?
I bent his car key.
- Whose?
The Arab. At the checkpoint.
It's just a dream.
It's not so terrible.
It is terrible.
They're always chasing me.
- Who?
The keys, the documents,
the chickens, the children.
Did you tell the doctor?
Why do you think I'm here?
- I don't know.
I lost my sense of judgment.
I can't tell a human
from an Arab.
My mother couldn't tell
between me and the cats.
She'd give them the cocoa
and me the milk.
There's hot tea.
Come and drink.
You're going home again today?
I'm only here as an out patient.
I ask myself why he needed
the samovar...
What are you talking about?
An Arab at the checkpoint,
couldn't go through the turnstile
with his samovar.
The solider said he'd get it
back on the other side.
After he got through,
he asked for the samovar.
The solider told him:
"I already gave it".
Who'd he give it to?
To another Arab.
- Why?
He can't tell them apart.
What did the Arab do?
He begged to get
his samovar back,
the soldier hit him in the head
with the rifle.
Did you see it?
- Yeah.
And you didn't do anything?
- I did.
I pointed my gun at the soldier.
And shot?
I didn't get a chance to.
The other soldiers hit me.
When I woke up in the clinic,
the doctor said that I'd lost
my sense of judgment
that it's serious,
but they might cure me.
Am I going home today?
- You don't have a home.
Why did you enlist?
Were you afraid to go to jail?
I was afraid of my father.
But it's your life, not
your father's. - I know.
So if you know...
- It doesn't help.
Parents get
stuck in your throat.
You can't swallow and
you can't throw up.
Maybe they should be treated,
not you.
How did you know when
I was leaving?
I guessed.
Where are you?
These people...
In the end you'll like it
and want to stay there.
You want something to drink?
Where are you?
I have no character.
You regret it?
I don't want to see them!
They'll take the baby from me!
What happened?
I think it'll be truer
if I don't shout...
No, her parents
are her enemies.
They throw her off balance.
They're still her parents!
Maya, you see everything
through your character.
That's fine, but there are
other elements here,
that work together like
an orchestra.
Every musician is a part
of the orchestration.
I'm building a concept
that's going somewhere.
You have to trust me.
Like all the others do.
I hope.
I trust you.
Don't worry
if it's good or bad.
You're stopping yourself.
It's a shame.
Open up... Open up...
Even if it looks bad to you.
Okay, again from...
- You'll have a visit today.
Go ahead.
You'll have a visit today.
- Who?
Your mother and father.
No, I don't want to see them!
They'll take the baby from me!
You don't have a baby, Maya.
You know that.
I want the baby back!
He needs me.
I'm his mother...
I'm his mother.
You have no reason to stroke
her head, Ruby.
It was fine.
I'm not sure crying
is right here.
You tell me to open up,
and now you don't like it.
It's not about liking it or not.
There has to be a reason.
Why do you think
she cries here?
Because she's in love
with him.
With who?
- With the doctor.
Why she's in love
with the doctor?
You're angry at your parents.
They want to take your baby.
Since I'm alone here
I'm dependent on the doctor.
I see it in the hospital.
A lot of times
it's really love.
If I wanted Nili to be in love
with the doctor,
I would've written it
that way.
Maybe she's right.
There's something touching
about her crying.
It's effective.
Maybe she's' in love
with the doctor,
and the doctor understands...
and loves her too...
You don't think so...
Honestly, I don't think so.
Let's do it again from
the beginning.
Can we take
a five-minute break?
Take five minutes.
I feel like I'm losing you,
You have to stop going
to the hospital.
You sent me there.
I know. I made a mistake.
It's only making you worse.
It's not making me worse.
It's making me
You always say
how important truth is.
Truth isn't chasing after
what's truthful.
Acting is acting.
A play is a sum of things
not necessarily true,
which create a certain truth.
But there are things
that aren't right.
What isn't right?
What isn't right?
When the parents are supposed
to come,
you make me hysterically crazy
- It's fake.
Let me decide
if it's fake or not.
You aren't even trying
things through.
How can you tell if
it's fake or not?
I can't do things that
don't feel right.
It doesn't come from the head,
I feel it in my stomach.
We're done for today.
You wanted to run the scene.
- We'll do it tomorrow.
We're through for today.
See you tomorrow at ten.
Don't be angry at me.
I'm helpless.
These discussions are
exhausting me.
I want to enjoy what I do,
not suffer from it.
I don't know what to say.
It's not about what to say,
it's about...
That I'm going
to ruin the play.
If it goes on like this,
that's what'll happen.
Maybe you should replace me.
Replace me.
I don't want to do this role.
Find another actress.
I wouldn't replace you
for anyone else in the world.
This is exactly
what I was afraid of. - Of what?
That our relationship would
ruin everything.
What has our relationship
I'm not good enough,
and you don't dare
to replace me.
You're talking nonsense,
you know?
I don't want to be in the play
just because you love me.
Okay... I'm leaving.
I don't want to do this role.
Find someone who won't
ruin the play.
I can't take this anymore!
What are you going to do?
Shouldn't you replace her?
If the show is important to you,
you have to keep all your options.
Everything's fine.
Everything's fine!
I think I'm pregnant.
Is that why he left?
I'm keeping the child.
I decided.
Did you lock the door?
- Yeah.
You know who the father is?
It could only be Shlomo.
How can you be sure?
The last time I slept with Aaron
was before my period.
What does Shlomo say about it?
He actually likes the idea.
Then take a test.
- Tomorrow.
I'm making tea, you want some?
- No.
Should I turn out the light?
- No.
Did something happen?
- I'm leaving the play.
What?! What happened?
I'm not good, I'm ruining
Hagai's play.
But you're always saying
how great everything is.
What happened all of a sudden?
We don't see things the same way.
He doesn't care about
the truth.
He cares about
the dramatic effect.
Well, he's right, it's theater.
- I know it's theater.
Can't you talk about it...
Reach an understanding?
How is he taking it that
you're leaving?
I didn't tell him yet.
I suggest you don't tell him.
It seems you're just
in a bad mood.
I don't know. I can't handle it.
I don't get him.
Maybe he's panicking.
But what about you two?
- What?
You're lovers...
Aren't you lovers?
Of course.
That's the problem.
Did you close the terrace door?
- I closed everything.
What happened?
Aaron's wife left him.
Now he wants to marry me.
So why are you crying?
Because I have a new lover,
and I'm pregnant.
I killed Aaron's child
and blew $2000 on a shrink!
Now he wants to marry me?!
I don't want to.
So tell him to go to hell.
But I love him.
I was up all night.
- Me too.
We could've been up together.
I wanted you to have
time to think.
What did you think?
About what?
About me. The role.
I don't have any doubts.
You'll be wonderful.
You're the best actress I know.
Just forget everything
and trust me.
- Okay.
I missed you so much.
- So did I.
Hello everybody!
Okay everybody!
I want to begin.
Can I check the length
of her nightgown.
Excellent. That's excellent.
I want to begin.
Ruby, Maya, Orit,
Where are the pills?
Nili, give me the pills.
Maybe I don't give him the pills.
- Why?
Maybe when they ask her
for something,
her hands freeze.
She can't let go.
Where's this coming from?
Okay, so no.
Ruby, one more time.
"Give me the pills".
Please, give me the pills.
You see, she gives up the battle,
and gives him
the pills.
Soon you'll go home,
to your family...
With the baby.
- There is no baby.
You remember who you are now,
I remember the butterflies
who lost the light,
the red ladybugs who lost
the black spots...
Maya, it has to be
with passion.
She gave up the battle,
but she still has a vision
that takes her outside
the hospital...
I remember the smell of the trees,
the color of the sky...
I remember red clouds
and my baby who was born
and said,
Ruby, Ruby, why?!
You've got to stand like a statue
until the curtain closes.
She was simply wonderful.
- Open the curtain!
We can't end the play like that.
There's no energy...
It's not the right text
for the ending.
What's the right text?
What Nili
should say here?
That they don't believe her,
that they don't want
to help her.
That... she can't do
what they want.
When you'll write a play
end it your way.
But now,
it needs to be convincing.
The premiere is in a week
and I don't see the role.
It worries me.
Don't worry.
It'll be fine on opening night.
Again from the same place.
She's going to give me
a heart attack.
You should've taken
someone experienced.
It's not too late.
We can replace her.
I'm even willing to
delay the show.
You have a wonderful play.
It's a shame.
She'll be great.
You'll see.
Let's hope.
Good luck.
Is everything okay?
Show her love.
Good luck.
Bring the lights up slowly.
Go with what you feel.
Forget everything I told you.
You'll be wonderful.
Remember that I love you.
Good luck.
Be ready with the lights.
- Hello, doctor.
Nili hasn't eaten for 3 days.
Almost 4 days.
- Dina!
Why hasn't Nili eaten
for 3 days?
Why are you looking
at me like that?
Tell Doctor Giladi why
you aren't eating.
Nili, do you want to tell me?
We want to help you.
You all think that I'm crazy.
No one thinks you're crazy.
We want to help you
from what you've suffered.
I don't need to be here for that.
I can be at home.
You have to be watched.
You'll be taking pills.
I don't want pills.
I won't let you drug me!
You want to kill me?
Is that what you want?
Nili... honey...
- Dina!
Why are crying?
You're locking me up
and you're crying?
If you leave me here,
you'll never see me again.
You' II never see me again!
You're not my parents!
Let me go!
Let me go or I'll kill you!
Where are you?
Where are you?
Nili, look who came.
Who's he?
I'll leave you alone.
She'll speak to you in a minute,
right, Nili?
What's your name?
He's cute.
- Why don't you talk to him?
I don't know him.
Nili, it's me.
Are you hiding him?
He is with you.
You're hiding him
at your place.
He's charming.
- He's sweet.
What are you doing here?
You're supposed to be
in therapy.
I can't go there.
It's like a mad house.
Where do you think you are?
You'll have a visit today.
- Your mother and father.
I don't want them to come!
I don't want to see them!
Don't let them in!
They'll take my baby!
You don't have a baby, Nili.
You remember you don't
have a baby...
You had an abortion, right?
They killed him!
They want to help,
they love you.
They don't love me.
I want them to give me
my baby back.
He needs me, I'm his mother.
He needs me, I'm his mother.
He needs me...
I'm his mother...
Let's go back...
Try to remember.
Your mother is Dina,
your father Yuval. Right?
You lived in Herzliya.
Near the sea.
- Near the sea, right.
You went to kindergarten.
What was the teacher's name?
- Edna, that's right.
You moved to Tel Aviv.
Yes. Tel Aviv.
You studied at the Pardes School
and went to Yanai High School.
Yanai High School?
What happened in high school?
What happened
in high school, Nili?
I don't know...
I don't know.
I don't know...
I want my baby.
Give me my baby.
let's go to therapy.
He's getting closer.
You hear?
Who's getting closer?
I hear him.
What do you hear?
- He's calling me.
How does he call you?
How does he call you?
She didn't run.
I saw.
- She wept and took his hand.
Stop this nonsense.
She's great.
She's electrifying.
I told you.
Nili, where are the pills?
Where are the pills, Nili?
Give me the pills.
Nili, please give me
the pills.
Soon you'll go home
to your family...
Nili, do you hear me?
You'll go home to
your family and friends...
Keep going.
You remember that you
don't have a baby, right?
You remember that
you had an abortion.
Nili... You remember, right?
You remember that you
don't have a baby.
You remember you had
an abortion. Right?
What should I do?
- Say butterflies.
I can't anymore.
I can't do what they want.
Close the curtain!
- No, no. Don't close it!
I'm sorry...
I can't do what
they're asking me to do.
Close the curtain!
- No!
I'm sorry.
I can't do what they want.
No, I can't do it.
I can't do it.
I'm sorry.
Now you can close it.
Ruby, go to the other side.
Actors, get ready to bow.
I'm opening the curtain.
Hagai, go bow.
Run to the stage!
I'm not bowing.
It's not the play I wrote.
Are you crazy?
Run out on the stage!
I told you at the first
Terrific, huh?
Come Maya,
they want you on TV.
I don't want to.
- You have to come.
Leave her alone.
We'll do it tomorrow.
You have to go on TV.
Are you
disappointed with me?
Are you mad at me?
You were wonderful!
Meet Hagai.
Well done!
Where are you?
I'm a little confused.
I can't figure out how much
was intentional
and how much wasn't.
You did it on purpose.
- No, I didn't.
You decided to change
the play in cold blood.
Let me explain.
There's nothing to explain.
You knew what this play
meant to me.
Let me explain!
You stepped on me
because I love you.
Let me explain!
That's it, Maya.
It's over.
What's over?
It's over.
His wife went back to him?
Call Shlomo, tell him
to come, before it's too late.
He's already on his way.
You were great.
Where's Hagai?
I want to tell him
It's the most beautiful
play I ever saw.
He's not here.
Where is he?
What happened?
Why are you standing over there?
You haven't eaten all day,
give some to that nice guy.
Please have some.
It's delicious.
Gabi Modan,
heart surgeon.
Nice to meet you.
Here's the doctor...
Doctor Biran...
- How you doing?
My mother...
- Nice to meet you.
My father...
- Nice to meet you.
My grandfather...
- The doctor.
Thank you.
I'm Dr. Biran.
Thank you for everything.
Really, thanks.
Thank you.
I feel like I haven't
thanked you enough.
Hagai called me.
- What did he say?
I understand that you...
- Yes.
He feels I betrayed him.
I didn't.
You knew what you were doing.
I knew, but...
- What?
There was something
stronger than me.
As if Nili took control
of me...
I felt like drowning.
- And...
I stopped.
It scares me now.
Maybe I'm going insane.
Quite the opposite.
Your instincts didn't let
you go insane.
But if it happens again...
I'm afraid I'll be like them.
There's a difference between
you and them.
What difference?
You have a curtain
at the end
that brings you back to life.
They don't.
I remember the butterflies
that lost the light...
the red ladybugs that lost
the black spots.
And the bees
whose wings were stolen...
I remember...
Don't worry.
Tonight I'll do everything
as it's written.
I want you to do
what you did yesterday.
I don't know what I did.
I can't repeat it.
You're an actress.
You can.
Paul Fischer
Cinematyp Studios Ltd.