Maya Bazaar (1957) Movie Script

As Gods and Goddesses
shower their blessings...
Long live young Sasirekha...
Blessed Revathi is thy your mother...
Blessing you to live happily...
Balarama, who gives boons
before you ask is thy your father...
Blessing you promising
to fulfill all your wishes...
Your aunt the blessed one
Rukmini Devi dotes you...
The almighty Lord Krishna is your
uncle and protects you...
Your paternal aunt Subhadra loves you...
Your aunt's son Abhimanyu, the Pandava
prince considers you as his world...
l'll see the fruit in water
and aim it.
Hit it!
Well done!
Did you see it?
- ls it great to aim watching it?
Then, l'll show you another skill.
Keep this fruit on head,
l'll hit it without hurting them.
- Oh no! We are scared!
How about you stubborn girl?
Hit it, let me see it.
May be you'll move in fear.
Close your eyes.
l'm not afraid.
ls this what you're playing?
Aunt, move out of my way.
Aimed arrow shouldn't go waste.
Can you aim arrow as skillfully as l do?
Show me, l'll do it better than you.
Give it to me.
Can you use it as skillfully as my mother?
Then, come with me,
l'll show my skill before your mother.
Mother, hit the fruit.
You're responsible for everything.
Carrying the bow and arrow,
isn't your sister-in-law looking
like Goddess Tripurasundari?
What is it, sister-in-law?
Did you see what your son is up to?
Sasi is standing with a fruit on head
and he's aiming to hit it.
What would happen if arrow hits her?
You fear is unwarranted,
my son will never miss his target.
Aunt, stand without getting scared,
l'll hit your nose pin
without hurting your nose.
Well said, my nephew.
Krishna, l'm telling now,
strength of all 5 Pandavas is equal
to my nephew's strength.
Remember that.
Ask what boon will brother grant
for giving birth to such a brave son.
Make your wish, l'll grant it.
Let Sasi become my daughter-in-law,
what else can l seek from you, brother?
ls it any wish?
We decided she's your daughter-in-law
the moment she was born.
What do you say Rukmini?
- Yes.
Are you still doubting them?
- Still having doubt,
Sasi is your daughter-in-law, okay?
Go safely and come back safely.
Tell l had inquired about Dharmaraju,
Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, Sahadeva,
and their mother Kunti Devi,
and Draupadi.
Go carefully.
May be you'll forget about us
after reaching there.
Though said with a smile,
such words really hurt, sister-in-law.
Forget it.
Why don't you stay with us, nephew?
No, l'll not stay,
l'm taking Sasi with me.
Good, like father like son.
What good? Come dear.
l'll go with him.
Let her come with us.
You asked casually today,
when that day comes, you'll ask sternly,
and we can't avoid sending her.
atleast let my daughter
stay with me till then.
Come dear.
Get her down.
Come down dear.
We will come back.
Come...get down.
Come dear.
Sasi bye.
We'll tell fortune for this
mischievous young girl...
Buxom beauty in it full youth...
Proud to meet your suitor...
Suitor is her world...
Why are you angry to hear truth?
We will tell truth as it is...
We will tell even if you say no...
Your suitor is man with
great skills and a genius...
Very smart and intelligent too...
He'll aim and hit with flowers...
Our maiden gets enchanted...
And invites him to her marriage...
Madam Sasirekha, Lord Krishna
has arrived from lndraprastha.
Has my paternal uncle come?
- Yes, he wants you there.
Brother, all the Sages are
attending the sacrifice,
Dharmaraju was sad not to
find you in that honoured group.
lt would've been great
had we joined them.
Yes brother.
You're the epitome of truth,
and right choice for it,
Dharmaraju has sent
this present to you.
What is it?
Truth hidden in the three worlds,
it'll make them tell truth,
it's the wonderful seat of truth.
lt's said Sage Vishwamithra created
this in honour of King Harishchandra.
Hear about its affect.
lf we make anyone sit on it,
it will make him tell the truth,
Hear about its affect.
lf we make anyone sit on it,
it will make him tell the truth,
what he's thinking,
what he may think in future,
it will bring out every secret he has.
l never heard of such wonders
in this world.
Sathyaki, keep it safely
in the prayer room.
Come Sasi...come.
Where's the present sent to Sasi?
Who sent it?
Will you give it without telling her?
She knows it.
Sasi, go to your room and
open this box when alone.
lt's love vision.
lf you open the box,
it shows the thing you love most.
Pandavas are really lucky.
Heaven has come down to their kingdom.
Yes, lndra's son is also there.
lf my brother Krishna wasn't with them,
neither lndra's son nor lndra
himself could do anything.
He successfully conducted
the great sacrifice,
and got honoured in that
august assembly,
and beheaded Sishupal
who objected it,
punished the guilty,
Krishna, l must felicitate you,
come here.
ls it you?
ls it you who thought about me?
ls it you who called me?
ls it you who resides in my heart
and agitated it?
lt is you who thought about me...
lt is you who called me...
lt is you who resides in my heart
and agitated it...
lt is you...
Awake in dream...
a dream in that awaken time...
ls it dream or God's myth?
ln a state of total confusion...
Filling my eyes with moonbeam...
And making jasmine to
bloom in my heart...
You melted my eyes and my heart...
Spell bound me...
Pleased me...
Present by Abhimanyu,
you liked it, Sasi?
Why are you feeling so shy?
You saw him only.
Did she see him?
Our daughter saw Abhimanyu.
lt's really effective.
You too open and see it.
You're very excited.
You open it first.
Open it sister.
lt's Goddess of Wealth everywhere.
What is this?
What you like is wealth, that's it.
l don't have any such wish,
don't know why it appeared.
lt won't show what you don't desire.
You're near me,
may be it's your desire.
May be.
But you will not accept
it's effectiveness.
You open and see it,
after seeing that l may accept.
Okay, l'll open it for you.
Why did Duryodhana appear?
lt's strange.
What's strange in it?
Everyone know Duryodhana
is my favourite disciple.
Krishna, you open it,
let's see who appears.
Everyone know, it'll be Arjuna.
Do we've to see it, brother?
Rukmini won't mind it,
open it Krishna.
Okay, you shouldn't faint
if you see anyone else there.
l don't know myself
who like most or hate.
Shakuni appeared inviting
for a game of dice.
Will great men appear for nothing, brother.
Don't know what game he's planning?
Great insult! Got cheated!
Dharmaraju conducted the
sacrifice to insult me.
He created the Magic palace
to slander me.
Vassal kings bowed before him
instead of me,
and presented him with gifts and tax.
l innocently distributed it
with my hands.
Above all this that proud Draupadi
laughed at me.
Before that insult burns me,
l'll sacrifice my life to fire.
Arrange the fire.
King! Why are you worried
when your friend Karna is here?
Blow the war bugle,
l'll kill Pandavas and
repay my gratitude.
Well said Karna.
That's our immediate duty.
Why use an axe for something
that can be clipped with nail?
lnvite Dharmaraju for gambling.
l'll play simple game of dice,
easily l'll win all their wealth
and present it to you.
Winning and losing in
game is on God,
what if we lose?
May this never come true.
My dice will never lose.
Test it.
Tell me your number.
Wow uncle!
This is our immediate duty.
Karna, you tell now.
lt's not heroic to hide your courage
and use cleverness.
No problem, Karna,
try to test my skill.
Two again.
Wow uncle!
Did you see Duryodhana?
ldea in the brain and dice in hands.
Your maternal uncle can ruin them easily.
You too can test me.
Third time is very important.
- Okay, l'll also see. Same two.
No, one!
Wow uncle!
Did you see it too fumbled
like you for one?
lnvite Dharmaraju immediately.
Yes brother,
that's our immediate duty.
Duryodhana, one more thing,
Dharmaraju is impulsive gambler,
he goes berserk on losing,
you make him stake not just
kingdom but his brothers,
himself and their wife Draupadi
too and lose them.
Now it's your wish.
l feel you will do it, uncle.
Brother, uncle's idea is cyclone,
a great cyclone.
What's this bad omen, uncle?
Bad omen where Shakuni is there, no way,
these are omen of our
forthcoming victory.
Don't get scared.
Let your fears vanish,
my expertise of playing dice,
even Krishna himself
will come to know it. Come.
Did you hear this, Yashoda?
Did you hear about pranks of
your little mischief Krishna?
l don't know anything,
l wasn't here at all.
Danced on the head of Kalindi snake
that poisoned the river Kalindi...
l killed the snake and protected
the cattle going for water there...
Hey Krishna! Won't you hear
my appeal for help?
lf you don't who will help
this woman in distress...
Won't you see my pathetic condition?
Krishna! What is this?
What happened?
Kauravas evil designs have
crossed the limit.
They not only took their kingdom,
they insulted the Pandavas and
are exiling them to forest.
Such injustice.
So evil minded.
- Pride of Kauravas.
We mustn't take this injustice easily.
Brother, order me, l'll go with army...
Don't rush off.
l too won't tolerate injustice.
l'll go to Hastinapura and
teach a lesson to Kauravas,
and return the lost kingdom
to Pandavas.
Duryodhana is my disciple,
he'll never go against me.
Get my chariot ready.
Come dear.
l was fearing about
Shakuni's evil plans.
Who so ever does anything,
we face the consequences.
Don't worry dear,
l'm there for them.
Hail King!
Received information about your
Guru Balarama visiting you.
Take this for bringing
good news on time.
Good news, Uncle?! l'm scared.
Why is he coming? Why?
He's short tempered.
No problem.
Best remedy for short temper is praise.
Arrange to honour him grandly.
Pleased with your felicitation,
he'll grant you boon.
Take it.
Get your son Lakshman Kumar
married with his daughter Sasirekha.
With that Balarama will be on our side.
With him Yadavas will be on our side.
With that Krishna will be forced
to join our ranks only.
Wow uncle!
That's our immediate duty.
Uncle, politically our plan is good,
but our Lakshmana Kumar
is more proud than his father.
Will he accept the Yadava princess?
He will accept,
that's my responsibility.
Great warrior, braveheart,
Lakshmana Kumar...
Enough of your praise.
- Okay.
Lord, hear me.
You're great than Abhimanyu...
Then hear this.
Forest life is his fate...
Luxury is yours for nothing...
Well said.
Hail lord!
Lord, you've a visitor.
- l don't have time.
ln the battlefield as when
lotus attack is planned...
He knows only to get into it...
You know to come out of it...
Has he got your brain?
Has he got your ease?
Has he got your mastery of art?
This is not to praise you...
Lord, they praised and accepted gifts,
they are nothing compared to me,
hear me now,
Two that side, two this side,
Abhimanyu's uncles,
either from this side or that side,
just four only...
But for you!
Just one less of hundred uncles.
What an army of uncles you have!
Well said.
Dear Lakshmana Kumara!
Oh is it you? You all may leave now.
You look handsome.
You're a romantic hero.
l'll tell you good news,
come sit here.
lt's character of the brave
to listen standing.
Tell me.
Look, you're the Prince of
this vast kingdom.
That's all?
Not just that, prince of princes.
Young king!
Young emperor!
Your father and l've decided
that you must marry now.
Then l've also decided.
Proposal is also from very good family.
Bride is a world beauty.
Sasirekha, Balarama's daughter.
No way! How can l become son-in-law
to liege king of Yadavas.
That's danger.
lt seems Abhimanyu loves her.
Can't l do it?
l'll marry any girl Abhimanyu loves.
l'll ensure he doesn't
find a girl to marry.
Grandpa, l want Rekha.
You're smart!
- Yes.
Then l'll fix the marriage.
- Your wish.
Has he got your brain?
Has he got your ease?
Has he got your mastery of art?
Who is it, Sarathy?
- You only!
l mean Abhimanyu.
Victory to you O mighty warrior!
Victory to you O romantic hero!
Stop your lullaby!
- Okay.
Lord come quickly and
seek blessings from Balarama.
Shame! Taking is seekers' character.
Giving is regal character.
- So be it!
Lord, if you delay like this,
you may not get Sasirekha,
you promised to bow to
your future father-in-law.
Not bow, l promised only
to greet him.
How to do it?
- lt's simple, Lord.
Fold hands like this...
- Shame! That's your habit.
So be it.
Lord, l'll show you.
You saw Dharmaraju greeting
elders in the court,
you used to laugh jeeringly at him,
though little difficult
bend like this,
with profound humbleness,
like this, like this...
that's all, my lord.
l can go down further, get up.
Game of dice was played with
Bheeshma, Drona, Vidhura's
permission and in their presence.
lf there had been any foul play,
would they keep quiet?
Yes, winning in gamble is
as just as winning a war.
l too accept it.
Not only you, even Dharmaraju
himself accepted it.
But Bhima got furious and
made vows of destruction.
Uncle, don't talk about that blabber
and hurt his feelings.
Let him tell, shamelessly made vows too.
What did he say?
- What else? To kill everyone.
He promised to split open my chest.
He promised to drink my blood.
- What did l do?
Brother's order and
my duty to follow it. Draupadi...
Not just her relatives,
he told world is on his side and
Kauravas will get wiped out,
l couldn't bear to hear it and said,
Mighty warrior Balarama is on our side.
l'll break Duryodhana's thigh
as Balarama watches,
what can that old man do,
what can that Yadava do...
He's a rogue!
- He's responsible for this enmity.
lt's not a sin to kill him.
- Calm down.
You're patriarch,
one who wishes good of everyone,
l told you to share my fear only.
Guru, l don't want all these
fears and jealous,
l'll give all that l won in
the game to you,
return the kingdom to them
and bring peace between us.
No need. lt's sin to give
who don't deserve it.
l'm granting you a boon
pleased with your conduct,
make your wish.
Lakshmana Kumara,
you came at the right time.
Come son!
Seek Guru's blessings.
May you get married soon!
Duryodhana, your son is ahead
of you in humbleness.
He respects elders.
Never raises head also
before his father.
He has great devotion for you.
That will bring laurels to future kings.
Get up son!
What do you want?
He has been yearning for many years,
She's doing penance to make
your daughter Sasi his queen.
Get up son.
Welcome Subhadra.
May you be blessed with marriage.
Are the Pandavas doing fine, brother?
Great men are fine
wherever they are.
Are you fine, dear?
Sasi! Did you see he has become Sathyavan?
lf he's Sathyavan,
then she's Savithri.
Our girl is no less.
Can't find sister-in-law? ls she fine?
She belongs to olden times,
she's more sad than Pandavas
for losing kingdom.
Yes, if we are happy,
she will also be happy. Come in.
l felt pity on seeing Subhadra.
No grandeur of old times.
She came wearing jute sari
without any jewels.
As you sow so you reap.
What can we do?
Queen! Subhadra Devi is coming.
Bandage my head.
Come Subhadra!
Had a safe journey?
Please sit.
My bad time, l got headache
when you came.
l couldn't even receive you.
l wanted to meet you immediately,
but brother Krishna and Rukmini
took me to their house.
l don't mind which ever
house you go to.
Where ever we may be,
we don't lack any luxury.
You don't feel sad for it.
When is brother retuning?
How do l know?
Did he inform me before leaving
to inform his arrival?
He's short tempered man.
l'm scared that he may
pick up a fight there.
Sister-in-law, you're worrying
too much, take some rest.
l'll come after brother arrives.
ln the auspicious time
when our eyes met...
Why are you worried?
You're as beautiful as
l had imagined...
ln the auspicious time
when our eyes met...
Why are you spellbound?
Your dreams of meeting me
alone has come true...
Songs and romance are charming
like songs of cuckoos...
My love, you are work of art...
Your gentle movements are dances...
Fluently making repartees
like you sing...
Showing your might on
your love in the garden...
Madam, your mother wants
to see you immediately.
Tomorrow is full moon day.
Don't forget about boating.
What's it mother?
Are you having headache?
lndeed your silly acts are
giving me headaches.
Why were you dancing around
with him in the garden?
What's wrong if l play with him?
Are you both little children?
You're young woman and
of marriageable age,
won't others laugh at us if you
roam with him before marriage?
Won't the elders of the
place find fault with it?
lt'll bring bad name too.
What do you want me to do then?
l'm telling you to stop
going out with Abhimanyu.
lnfact don't even talk to him.
Follow my orders and be my daughter.
What happened?
They say never go to parents' home
after getting ruined.
After seeing elder sister-in-law's
cold reception,
l'm rethinking,
why did l come here?
What's this? You know her attitude,
how can you think like this?
She'll change after
brother-in-law comes back.
Come, your brother is waiting for you.
This one jewel will cost 10 lakhs.
lf l've to value all these...
What's there in the value?
This is Duryodhana's devotion on me.
He gave me a rousing reception
and felicitated me.
l granted him a boon
pleased with his devotion.
What did he wish for?
What did you grant?
Please tell me also.
How can l not tell you?
He asked to make Queen Revathi's daughter,
as the queen of future
king Laksmana Kumara,
l said yes.
But l'm worried about Subhadra.
- She will feel.
Can we send our daughter
to forest for her sake?
Our daughter is really lucky,
they made a request and
you promised them.
Burden on my heart has eased.
Till marriage date is fixed,
keep it between us.
- You don't know anything,
Subhadra will create a scene
if she comes to know.
Come dear...come.
Look, these gifts were sent
to you by Bhanumathi.
l don't want it, father.
- Don't say like that, accept it.
Will you say no to gifts sent
by Queen Bhanumathi?
Who is she to send me gifts?
Who am l to her to accept the gifts?
- Did you see her hot temper?
What's this dear?
They are also our well wishers.
How can they be, father?
Anyway l'll not accept it.
You keep quiet,
l'll cure that madness.
What's that arrogance?
Will you walk out on your father?
When Kaurava King sends gifts to you,
will you belittle it?
l didn't belittle them.
Those evil people sent gifts
to insult you, me and all of us.
What? Who taught all these bad ideas?
Rukmini and Subhadra?
l don't like all this.
Don't ever go to their home again,
don't even talk to them.
You're my daughter,
you know that?
You must obey me only.
Be careful.
What are you waiting for?
Come quickly.
Door is locked,
how am l to come out?
Jump! l'll catch you.
How am l to come up again?
l'll make a ladder with arrows,
get down.
ln the intoxication...
The world is stumbling
and fumbling...
ln the intoxication...
The world is stumbling
and fumbling...
ln the company of
graceful stars and moon...
With pervading soft moonlight...
With great speed...
ln the caressing gentle breeze
filled with fragrance of love flowers...
Sweet memories are
incited by dreams...
Passions are charged up...
ln this shine...
ln this enchanting ride
in the boat of love...
Come.- Where to?
- l'll tell you.
Lord! Princess Sasirekha and
Abhimanyu are riding in a boat.
How did she go out?
Making this romantic world
to pitch for love play...
This pleasant sweetness of love is prompting...
Bringing peace to everyone's
agitated heart...
With the lovely pranks of
the mischievous lord...
Poor soldiers! They mistook them
for our children.
Wonder of modern times!
What's these late night boat rides
for Rukmini at this age?
lt's the natures wish
ln this moonlit night,
with cool gentle breeze blowing.
anyway we have come so far,
let's also go for a boat ride.
Wonder of modern times!
What's these late night boat rides
for Revathi at this age?
Love has no logic!
Hail the mighty majestic
his royal highness Lord Balarama!
l'll get you gifts.
Praising me coming to my place.
Then what?
You're the supreme lord!
Yes...but l didn't expect you so early.
Why should you think, brother?
You're kind hearted boon giver,
don't know what boon you granted them.
May be he's here to remind you,
lest you may forget it.
Why should l remind him?
The moment he granted the boon
we were blessed.
Yes...greatmen don't come
for nothing.
Whatever it is, l'll not tolerate if
he plays game of dice with you.
Why are you so scared, Krishna?
Even if we play,
your brother will only win.
He's epitome of honesty.
But if it is proved you're dishonest,
you'll have trouble from him.
lt's good for you to be careful.
Though younger l'm warning you.
Did you see how Krishna
is threatening with word play?
No, whenever he meets intelligent
men like you, he gets little shaken up.
This auspicious time is fixed according
Lakshmana Kumar's horoscope.
Marriage of Sasirekha will be an event
that world will remember for long time.
Power of the auspicious time
is very strong.
You've decided the auspicious time also.
What else?
As soon as you said okay,
Bheeshma, Drona and Vidhura
wanted to happen at the earliest,
they fixed this date
and time of marriage.
lf elders had fixed this,
l'm sure it'll be very important.
Why are you thinking, brother?
Go ahead.- So be it.
l think our priests are
checking the fixed time.
Wow! Great astrologers!
There's nothing to think
about this auspicious time.
No need to doubt it.
Checking planetary movements
according to the bride's horoscope.
Shukracharya, the guru of demons
is casting a bad eye.
This may create problems and
difficulties in the lives of the newly weds.
Yes, astrology always says
right and bitter truths only.
We must take only
the gist of it lightly.
You've to take problem here
as love problem.
Difficulties here mean
many children.
But this is bad time.
Astrology says marriage
in these times is impossible.
You need to be presented
for your scholarliness.
But your astrology works
for ordinary people only,
not for Kauravas who are
brilliant and fortunate men.
May be but when Saturn is
in this room...
Our Shakuni who is equal
to a lakh Saturns is here,
so why bother in which
room the Saturn is?
Accept it. lt's their tradition.
Brother, their haste is ours too.
l too agree for this proposal
and the time fixed by them.
Only if you think we don't
have much time.
When you take the responsibility
of conducting it,
time will never run short.
l don't have that fear.
ls it justice to break promise of
making Sasi my daughter-in-law?
ls it breaking a promise?
He told it just like that to his sister.
Will it be same as granting a
boon to Duryodhana in his court?
Not only that, you're becoming
kinsman of our enemies.
Did you think it's a great insult to me?
How my husband his brothers
look down upon me?
lf you think like that,
then don't go there at all.
There's nothing short
in your respect here.
Enough of your respect for me,
l'm telling you the last time,
if Sasi doesn't become
my daughter-in-law,
l'll not stay here even
for a moment.
ls that a threat?
Do you want my daughter also
to be in parents' home like you?
Sister, leave about Subhadra.
Think about our daughter.
We filled her thoughts
since childhood.
Sasi hopes that Abhimanyu will
become her husband.
lf you marry her to someone else,
what will become of her life?
Do you know about a daughter
more than me?
You would know had you
given birth to a daughter.
Would you say these morals then?
Revathi, keep quiet.
Whatever it is, marriage must
go on as scheduled.
l don't want anyone
to stop or threaten me.
Surely you do, brother.
You're spoiling two young
people's lives wantonly.
l didn't think you'll be so obstinate.
Will my cries go waste?
May be you think wealth of Kauravas
is greater than courage of Pandavas.
lt will never be.
Are you threatening me
with their bravery?
Their bravery doesn't need me,
my disciple Duryodhana is enough.
Even 1000 Bhimas & 1000 Arjunas
are nothing compared to him.
Uncle, mind your tongue.
l'm here though my father is not.
What will you do?
- What will l do?
Will you bring bad name to me
by going against your uncle?
This is not rebelling against but
standing bravely on my ground.
Uncle, if Kauravas are
as brave as you say,
tell them to come along
with Lakshmana Kumara,
l'll drive out Duryodhana,
Dushyasana, Karna and Shakuni,
and their armies to Hastinapuram,
l'll take Sasi as my wife
in open competition.
lf you and your friends
have the courage,
announce an open challenge
offight to marry her.
You'll know who Sasi
belongs to, me or them.
Why are you throwing challenges?
lf you were really a brave man,
would you stand here and
throw challenges?
You're wife of great warrior,
mother of a great warrior,
l didn't expect you to be so weak.
You know brother's idea,
why are you making a scene here?
There are no ears here
to listen to your appeals.
You can go wherever you feel like.
l'll go as you say.
l'll come back only when you
honour bravery and not wealth.
Where are you going, Sasi?
l'll also go with aunt.
- When l'm still alive?
Don't get smart with me.
- What's this?
Subhadra and Abhimanyu
are leaving to Dwaithavanam,
without informing them,
take them to Ghatotkacha's ashram.
That's all.
Present sir!
lf you study well as l instruct,
l'll clear your language difficulties.
lf not Ghatotkacha will come
and thrash you.
Hail Leader!
My flag must flutter on all
eight directions...
Every demon, devil, elf on earth
must worship me...
Wherever the place be,
wonders must happen on my orders only...
Even Gods and angels must say,
Hail Ghatotkacha!
l must rule this world...
l must acquire all the wealth...
l must get everlasting name for
making relatives achieve greatness...
Hail Leader!
Now they don't need this
education any more,
they must learn the history and
get knowldege of friends and enemies.
Protect friends and eat enemies.
Hail Leader!
- We'll eat enemies.
Son! Son!
- Mother!
l told you not to do this,
whom are you attacking now?
War is not now, l'm just
preparing for it, mother.
King Bhimasena is your husband,
my father,
mother, l'm preparing army
to wipe out those evil Kauravas.
That's a good deed, my son.
- Hail mother!
Yes sir!
Our army must grow with
every passing day.
Hail Leader!
My dear men,
develop an army of your own.
Every man you see,
make him our man.
Hail Leader!
Who is this charioteer
who dared to enter my area?
Hail Leader!
Who is he?
Make him say his name
and ask him to seek refuge.
Hail Leader!
Man who seeks refuge
with me is my man. Go!
Go back!
What are these screams?
Can't see anyone?
Can't see anyone?
Looks like magic world of demons!
We haven't taken the
wrong route, have we?
This is right way,
entered it knowingly,
shall l turn back?
Turning back is something l don't know.
Go ahead.
Why are you screaming invisibly?
lf you've guts, appear before me,
l'll destroy your magic.
What's this? His magic is scary!
- Don't fear, keep going.
Hey lllusionist! My arrow will kill you!
Victory is yours!
Carry on.
Yes sir.
Pandavas are friends.
lt means our people.
Repeat now.
Pandavas are f-r-i-e-n-d-s!
Not f-r-i-e-n-d-s, say friends!
Say f-r-i-e-n-d-s! Not friends.
King, he's teaching me now!
Ask him to say friends.
Why? We'll know our people
with that word, king.
Knowledge is more important
than scholarliness.
Present him rope award!
Pandavas are friends, what do you
call their enemies Kauravas?
You and your brain!
Lord, he has produced a new word foe
as antonym of friend.
Yes, how words develop
without anyone producing it.
Award him with two!
- Two? Okay put!
Teach them what you call Duryodhana,
Dushyasana, Karna and Shakuni together.
Bad quartet! Repeat!
Carry on! Bad quartet!
B-a-d q-u-a-r-t-e-t!
Oh God!
lt's wrong to split a word.
- Why is it wrong?
We must split and kill those
quartet like they pronounce.
B-a-d q-u-a-r-t-e-t!
Who did it?
- A human!
He busted me.
He's young and adventurous.
Human? A young man?
Hail leader!
l can't tolerate any more,
finish him with your magical powers.
We'll finish him...
- And bring him to you. - Go!
l feel like seeing the young warrior.
Bring him alive.
l'll spread from that side,
you spread from that side.
What's this danger?
Forest fire!
lt's coming fast towards us!
Go back!
Looks like it's illusion!
How to escape from it?
- This is wind missile!
Hail hero! l appreciate you!
Your courage has moved me.
You are handsome.
Atlast you've come face to face,
l'm also very happy. Come.
Hey boy! Your innocent face is
cooling my anger.
You can't fight me.
Tell your name and seek refuge,
you'll become my man.
Are you a warrior who insists
on seeking refuge?
l'll make you seek refuge.
Watch out!
You really hurt me!
But l don't feel like hitting back, boy!
Don't say feel, say can't.
No use of calling me boy
and become elder,
show me your power.
Though you're teasing me,
l feel only pity not angry on you.
Mother, ask your son to tell
his name and save his life.
Son! Tell him your name.
- lmpossible!
Getting scared of enemy
and tell my name, no way.
Hey demon king!
Unable to win over me,
you've made this evil proposal.
You're cunning, you're a coward,
you don't have any pride.
Hey! What's your arrogance?
Trying to test my power
and go against me. Watch out!
Oh! He made our leader lose his mace.
- He's just unconscious.
Ensure the demon not attacks again
before he regains conscious.
l'm Lord Krishna's sister who
rules over heaven and hell...
l'm Arjuna's wife who is
the mightiest warrior...
May this arrow kill the enemy
and protect the heir of Pandavas...
Forgive me mother, l seek your refuge.
lt's an unwittingly committed mistake.
Please forgive me, mother.
lt's an unwittingly committed mistake.
l'm Bhimasena's son Ghatotkacha.
- ls it?
Yes mother.
lt's an unwittingly committed mistake.
Please forgive me.
Hey demon! Wherever you may be...
Victory be yours brother!
l'm here only under the
protection of mother.
Son, he's your elder brother Ghatotkacha.
Hi elder brother!
- Hi younger brother!
Happy, l'm extremely happy, mother.
You've made a rare visit to us.
Got you at last.
l'll not leave you.
Son, l told you no to war.
What's this commotion?
Who are these humans?
Why are you arresting them?
Not arresting but hosting, mother.
Do you know who is she?
She's queen of uncle Arjuna!
Subhadra Devi!
Sister Hidambi.
- May God bless you.
l'm seeing you for the first time.
ls he your son?
Yes mother.
God bless you son.
God bless you.
Hail leader!
Bow to them!
l'll take leave now, madam Subhadra Devi.
- Bye!
Hail leader!
Friends must be given a grand reception.
Arrange song, dance and music!
Elders...elders...why should
we take trouble with us?
Drona, Ashwathama and Kripacharya
are not even our relatives.
l struck off their names.
Bhishma & Vidhura are our grandfathers,
we all are their lineage,
Krishna will puposely ask
why haven't they come?
What will be your reply, uncle?
What am l to say?
They are still on Pandavas side.
So, let's say old men are
paralysed or can't move.
Well said, Karna.
l struck off the oldies too.
lf we strike off all the names
and we four only go there,
will it be grand fitting my status?
Not just we four,
you and your 99 brothers,
hundred brothers are enough,
it will be very grand,
and we would've kept our word.
Wow uncle! Our immediate duty?
Travel preparations.
Hail lord!
Grandfather must come
immediately to Lakshmana's room.
Go immediately,
he may've created a new problem.
No need, he himself is here.
Come son.
Character of youth!
As soon as marriage is fixed,
you feel like meeting people.
Yes grandpa, l don't have stage fear.
l can speak in public,
that's why l'm here.
l'll not marry now.
Yes, father.
lt's not bravery to marry
without seeing the bride.
l was expecting this, Duryodhana.
Our boy forgot about this
respecting our decision.
Yes, now l remembered it.
Princes like you must go
and see any girl,
if you like even if Gods stop you,
win over them to take the girl,
Abhimanyu may hesitate not you.
Let's go to Dwaraka immediately,
on reaching the guest house,
l'll call the bride, you can meet her.
l'm sure you will like her.
Even if l don't like l must meet
the bride before marriage,
that's a vow!
So be it son, get ready to travel.
- l'm ready to travel.
lt's me! Open the door.
You spoilt my mind,
infact l don't want to live at all.
What are you saying, Sasi?
What happened, sister?
What could it be? The idea you put
into her since childhood,
it's now taking toll on me.
Don't get angry, sister-in-law.
Little girl.
Give her little time to calm down.
By tomorrow you will see her
fine and enthusiastic.
l'm brave because you're here
to manage things.
lt's your responsibility to conduct
this marriage without any hitch.
What is this, Sasi?
You will know it tomorrow.
l'm living for you only...
This sorrow of separation
is very depressing...
Even if moonlight turns dark...
Though heart plunges into darkness...
lsn't separation of sorrow also comfort?
lsn't thinking of love always very sweet?
Can't you see love getting
stronger in separation?
l'm thinking about you only...
ln my heart and mind...
Though my heart leaves with you...
Though wishes in heart vanish...
Thinking about our love...
holding on to this life...
ln reality or in dream,
l worship you as my lady love...
Though this entire world turns
against me, you're mine...
Did he promise Sasi to Abhimnayu?
ls he breaking it and getting
her married to Duryodhana's son?
How could your own
brother Balarama insult you?
What can we do now, sister?
We are poor now.
Lost only wealth not courage.
People who worship money
won't see courage.
More over he said Pandavas are
nothing compared to Kauravas.
Blow the war bugle!
Looks like son has heard us.
My dear men, get ready with
your armies and weapons.
We are going to war now.
Hail leader!
With whom you're waging a war, brother?l
'l also join you.
Why you when l'm here, brother.
My men!
l heard you, mother.
Not only he broke the promise,
joining hands with those evil Kauravas,
and belittled my world famous father,
these Yadavas,
how proud and arrogant!
l'll avenge them.
l'll finish both Yadavas and
Kauravas together in one go.
lf l don't it, what for l've
all these powers then?
Hail leader!
Son, whether you or Abhimanyu going
to war with my brother is same,
won't it bring bad name to me?
Then, l'll go to Hastinapuram
and finish atleast Kauravas.
You can't kill them, son.
Your father has made vows.
Kauravas must live
to die in the hands Pandavas.
Did you see brother? Our mothers
have dissipated all our powers.
Follow my orders, son.
l'll appreciate you.
Go to Dwaraka,
use your magical powers
and bring Sasirekha here,
l'll get her married to him.
Good, your order will be
implemented, mother.
l'll go immediately.
My dear men!
- Hail leader!
- Mother!
l'll let you go only if you promise,
not to hurt or harm anyone there.
My brother Krishna...
- ls he friend?
My respects to him.
On reaching there, meet him...
- Not meet, worship him.
He'll be pleased.
He will tell you the plan.
- So be it.
Hail mother!
Brother! You protect them
till l come back.
As you say, brother.
Hail leader!
What's this?
Move l say. Move!
Who are you?
How am l to find Sasirekha among them?
l came without knowing it.
l'm in the same dilemma
my uncle Hanuman had in Lanka.
May God bless you...
What's there is not here...
What's here is not there...
lt's me's me here...
Big fish will eat small fish,
big illusion will envelop smaller one...
That will vanish...this will vanish...
Came without information,
will go unnoticed...
This is Veda...
Hey grandpa!
Your Veda is good but tell me,
who you really are?
ls it you?
Don't you know who l am?
l'm asking you because
l don't know, right?
One who doesn't know,
even if l tell he'll not know.
Hey grandpa! Stop your argument.
l don't care who you may be,
just tell me,
where can l find Sasirekha?
Asking my help and shouting at me.
Tell me your name, seek refuge
and ask humbly, l'll show you.
Hey grandpa! Who do you think l'm?
Be careful.
l can't hold my anger long,
l'll drown you and
your Dwaraka in sea.
Wow! Are you so great?
Why don't you tell me that?
You needn't do such great things,
l'm old, l can't walk, carry me,
l'll show you Sasirekha.
That's better. Get up!
May God bless you!
You're so heavy!
You threatened to drown Dwaraka.
Can't you carry me?
Carry me son...carry me.
Did you eat elephants for dinner?
What's the magic?
Big illusion will envelop smaller one...
That will vanish...this will vanish...
lt's me's me here...
l'm that thing...l'm this thing...
l got it!
l bow before you!
l bow before you, Lord Krishna!
- Bless you!
l'm blessed, waiting for your order.
Your next duty is...
Marry off illusion created Sasirekha
to Lakshmana Kumara.
Teach the Kauravas a lesson.
Divine instruction!
From now, you're his favourite maid.
No problem.
Can l take leave now?
- Be careful, nephew.
Myna, show me the way to my harem.
Hail Lord Krishna!
Hail mother!
What a beauty!
Your daughter-in-law is very beautiful.
Had no problem there, right son?
- No
Everything went off peacefully.
Lord Krishna's blessings, mother.
l've to go back, host the Kauravas,
marry Lakshmana Kumara.
- Yes mother, l have to.
Sister-in-law is waking up,
l'll take leave.
Dashed my hopes and spoilt my mind.
l don't want to live.
Poor girl is still lamenting.
Sasi, look! lt's me!
Where are we?
Don't get scared, l'll tell you.
Get up dear.
Did you hear me?
Spoil the marriage.
Use your magical powers & illusion
to create a guest city for Kauravas.
Spellbound them with your magic.
Hail leader!
Use your intelligence and
teach Kauravas a fitting lesson.
We can't conduct a marriage...
- Spoiling it is easy...
Get going!
Where's brother?
Beau got beaten up!
Who is it?
How did you come here?
- Stay away.
Calling me now after
leaving me alone there.
What is this, Sasi?
- Stay away.
Why are you so angry?
Don't you know l didn't take
chances respecting elders' words.
Fair enough! You must get good
name for respecting elders,
and l must get bad name
for going against elders.
Enough, good bye to you
and your love.
Now, it's brotherly love between us.
Sasi! What are you saying?
lf you ask, what?
lt's like that only.
l can't bear your sorrows or
pangs of separation any more.
l promised to marry
Lakshman Kumara. l will.
ls it my Sasi who is saying this?
No, l'm a brand new Sasi.
Totally changed.
l'll marry Lakshmana Kumara,
ride on elephant,
and go to palace in a procession.
- What's this nasty?
Are you possessed by ghost?
- Not ghost but demon.
But now, it's brotherly love between us.
Come brother. Come.
l'm really very lucky, dear.
Krishna, Rukmini,
Balarama, Revathi,
everyone will come to
my home for you.
Aunt...where is my beau?
l'm coming, sister-in-law.
Come, brother.
Did you see, brother?
Give away me in marriage
to Lakshmana Kumara,
you take your Sasi.
ls this also Lord Krishna's instruction, son?
Yes mother.
God only knows how that groom
is going to bear me as the bride.
How about brotherin-law's voice, aunt?
Don't worry about me, sister-in-law,
take good care of him.
Auspicious time is nearing,
l'm leaving now.
Hail mother!
Hail Lord Krishna!
Don't praise.
lt's all empty.
Where are the things to
take task our new guests?
Things? Look yonder!
lt's serpent jewels.
These are...
These are?
- Dolls.
Look at this!
Madam Sasirekha!
Madam bride!
lt's morning, please wake up.
Madam bride.
why are you staring at me?
l'm your favourite maid.'re my favoutirte maid.
What happened?
Did you have any bad dream?
You gave a loud cry!
Yes, a bad dream,
dreamt of becoming a devil.
lt seems my voice too
had changed.
Have l got back my original voice?
- Yes, madam.
Please be fine and subtle,
other maids are scared.
Oh maids!
Why are you afraid of me?
What's this?
Who put a broken pedestal here?
Poor girls! Don't shout at them.
l could've been little subtle.
Maids, come.
Madam, you appear very strange today.
Am l still that old Sasirekha?
No, l'm queen of Lakshmana Kumara.
l mean my husband is future king,
and l'm future queen.
You shouldn't say like that madam,
look, your mother Revathi is coming.
Mother? Oh God! Mother!
Hail mother, l bow to you.
Really my daughter?
Did you see her Rukmini?
Mother Rukmini! l bow to you.
Hail Krishna!
- Bless you!
Have we become strangers already, Sasi?
You're showing so much respect.
l'm just following your advice.
Let it be anyone's advice dear,
you've become intelligent.
That's enough for me.
Krishna, l'm really very happy.
lf you conduct this marriage
with great fanfare...
As you say sister-in-law.
You will see it.
Bless you! one to
match your greatness...
Great benefactors...
Great souls...
Accept our hospitality befitting
your status and honour...
Only you can match yourselves...
All this grand welcome
is for you only...
Welcome bridegroom...
We are lucky to play host to you...
You're the son-in-law we brought
searching all the 3 worlds...
Get down from the palanquin...
All this grand reception
is for you only...
Did you see the lavishness
of the Yadavas?
This fortune, these riches,
this exhibition,
l think they did this to upstage us.
Any doubt in it?
When Krishna promised
to conduct the marriage,
l expected a grand fair only.
Whatever they may do,
it's nothing compared to your riches.
Well said, uncle.
We are blessed along with you, Lords.
What a great welcome!
What a great hospitality!
Who can match this grandeur?
Greater than every king of this world!
People not seeing this grandeur
have wasted their lives.
This is what you call prosperity.
Your kinsman's riches,
run out of words to praise it!
What's this nuisance, uncle?
You both are scholars but
have no common sense.
As you say.
How dare you praise
others before your lord?
Our mistake, please forgive us, lord.
Got emotional and blurted out truth...
Though it's true, never praise others.
We are grooms' side.
Behave highhandedly!
Finding faults in everything,
irritate them.
Got you lord.
- What did you get?
Watch out now!
We'll torture your kinsmen.
Wow! lt's my marriage...
Great! lt's my marriage...
l'm done with you...
And the world is in chaos...
lt seems mighty great warriors...
lt seems richest of the rich...
Marriage party has come
crying this aloud...
lt seems l'm maiden...
and very delicate...
lt seems groom will get
charmed on seeing me...
lt's seems he'll come
to tie the knot...
And l'll feel too shy...
Play hide and seek game
under the veil...
- What's it son?
Have we arrived in the guest house?
- Yes. Surely.
You promised to show the bride to me,
where is she?
l'll call her immediately.
l'll send them message that you want
to meet your daughter-in-law.
Revathi will send her daughter happily.
Yes, l'm also eager to meet her.
What if she feels shy to meet him?
She can't be brave wife
if she feels shy,
not only see her,
l want to talk to her.
My word...
- irrevocable.
l know it, l'll send a message.
- As you wish.
We are marriage conductors.
Mustn't fight with people of kinsmen.
- Okay.
Are you marriage conductors?
You look like fools.
Where have we lacked in
looking after you, sirs
Lacking every sphere.
Come l'll show you.
Such cheap blankets for us?
- What?
Even when given to maid servants,
they threw it out.
Sirs, we don't know your status.
Just order us what you want,
we'll arrange it.
l want silk blanket.
- Okay.
l want silk carpet.
- Okay.
Just don't say okay.
Silk it?
- Okay.
What are you people doing here?
We want fans there and
young maidens to blow it.
What a wish!
- What a nasty wish!
What's that nonsense?
- Get out!
Do you know who l am?
- Do you know who we are?
You're getting angry unable
to understand the language.
What he said means great!
You're scholars, don't you also know it?
We were just getting it, you said it.
l'll tell the meaning of other word.
The other word means respect.
- Am l right? - Yes.
ls it that?
- Yes it is that.
Then come here.
Such a cheap cot for
a respected man like me?
l want foam bed.
- Foam bed?
What are you waiting for?
Go get it.
As you wish.
How is it?
- Great! Promised to get it.
Your ancestors must come down.
Played with them.
Mother-in-law! l bow to you.
- Get up dear.
l'm happy that you're going
to be my daughter-in-law.
Yes, you're Dhritharastra's
daughter-in-law and l'm yours.
l'm very happy.
Oh Saturn! l bow to you
Shakuni grandpa.
Bless you.
Why have you displayed it here?
For you only, take a look.
They are more delicate than me.
A touch broke the jewel,
l've lots of much stronger jewels.
You're close without any shame.
l'm happy.
Your groom wants to meet you,
let's meet him, come.
Then l too have a condition.
lf you want me to meet groom,
you must show your skill.
Good grand daughter,
but l've many skills.
Which one shall l show you?
- Why anything else?
l want to see you play dice.
Play, else l'll not meet the groom.
Grand daughters are like this,
playing fun with grandpas.
Okay, l'll play only once.
Tell me your number.
lf l lose l'll not meet the groom.
Look again, then l'll not...
- it. Two!
Two...yes it's two.
lf one becomes two,
then six will be three.
We both have won.
Grandpa, you play dice very well.
lsn't that groom near the lake?
l'll meet him. Come Myna.
Why is she behaving like this?
ls Sasirekha an illusionist?
Or is it a flash that blinded my eye?
Looking at her behaviour and
attitude, my son may...
No need to fear.
Our Lakshmana is her perfect match.
O beauty, you're one of a kind...
You're one of a kind...
Your beauty and charm
is all mine now...
Stay away...
Why stay away from me, my dear?
l'm the Aryan who has
come to marry you...
We are getting married
grandly tomorrow...
You've to wait till tomorrow.
Why are you stopping me
and shrouding yourself?
Your beauty has taken over me...
Your reluctance is
increasing my sorrows...
What to do if it increases?
Elders are here.
Why are you holding back
citing elders, O maiden...
l'm your husband, am l not?
Your kisses and sweet talk
are all mine...
Welcome sirs!
- Please taste it.
Not there sir, look here.
Vada, stuffed balls,
pheni, sweet chapatis,
stuffed cookies,
sweets, laddus, jilebis.
All are plain sweets.
Tamarind rice, various flavoured rice.
All are just variety rice.
Almond pudding, cashew pudding,
and various other puddings.
Many varieties of juices and shakes.
All are drinks.
Brinjals, lady's finger,
ridged gourd, pumpkin.
Enough! Just vegetables.
All this is okay,
but where's the real delicacy?
That one! We'll get it.
What is it? What are you bringing?
- Human flesh!
Oh God!
Are we demons?
lf you're humans,
tell us what you want?
What should we say?
Foolish marriage conductors.
Most important dish in
any civilised feast is missing.
Don't torture us, tell what it is?
Want to know?
Sour tasting leaves, 'Gongura'.
Offering of Goddess Shakambari devi.
Delicacy of Andhra, King will not
eat lunch without it. Got it?
Do you know what is 'Gongura'?
We know sir, we'll get
baskets full of it. Please come sir.
Marriage feast!
Marriage feast!
Exquisite delicasies...
Kinsman's feast!
l'm the first honoured guest...
Mouth watering soft vadas there...
tasty stuffed balls here...
Here's pleasing hard vadas...
Everything here is enough for me...
Enticing laddus there...
Dainty pheni and
stuffed sweet chapatis here...
First tempting jilebis...
This feast is for me only...
Great papads...
Alluring tamarind rice
and mashed gram...
Puddings are real treat!
Everything is enough for me...
Where are you guys?
Why are you taking so
much time to get 'Gongura'?
What's this Sharma?
All the vessels are empty.
Where's the tamarind rice?
- Empty.
Curd rice?
- Empty.
Sweet pudding?
- Empty.
- Empty.
- Empty.
- Empty.
Hard vadas?
- Empty.
They have insulted us.
Let's complain with Shakuni
and take them to task.
Let's teach them a lesson.
What are you looking for?
Empty vessels only, come.
By the way, did you like the bride, lord?
Not just like,
l got bewitched by her beauty.
l fell in love with her,
desired her,
and sang a song too.
What about the bride?
- Bride? Silly bride!
She asked me stay away
saying elders are there.
Told me to wait till tomorrow.
How can l wait till tomorrow?
You're strong and great,
Abhimanyu would be dead by now.
Well said Sarathy.
- Why Lord?
They get stuck on joining.
They ate the feast themselves
and kept empty vessels for us.
Did you see?
Hard vadas!
- Hard vadas!
Stuffed sweets.
- Stuffed sweets.
l told you to play with kinsmen,
are you playing with me?
Are you possessed by ghost?
What's that? l've been watching
you since coming here,
you seem to losing your senses,
if you don't start behaving sensibly,
l'll get you a good head massage.
Be careful!
What is this?- Hand.
- How many?- Three!
Pinch me.
Want carpet.
Foam bed!
l want foam bed.
Enemies are coming.
The feast fiasco.
Was it illusion?
Was it myth?
Was it magic?
What do you say?
- Nothing, pure hallucination.
You think like that?
- Yes.
ls it carpet?
They removed smaller one
and laid a bigger one.
They thought it's bigger carpet.
Their ancestors must come down for it.
Betel leaves!
What we saw, vanished away.
What vanished, appeared again.
Do you think this is also hallucination?
- Yes, hallucination only.
Reason for this hallucinations.
- Nothing much, a form of madness.
What's this?
Carpet is new one.
That's why it's rolling up.
Let's spread it.
ls this also hallucination?
This is delusion.
What's this now?
- This is illusion.
We don't need any illusion
or carpets, let's go.
Foam bed!
- Foam bed!
Carpet trouble is over
but foam bed is great.
Open the door.
Open the door!
Open it.
Sarathy? ls it you who fell?
Fell? l was doing somersaults.
- ls it? Get up.
Why are you sitting in a corner
leaving the carpet and foam bed?
That's for men like you.
- Please, go ahead.- Okay.
What's this?
ls it a place to keep your slippers?
Do you've any sense?
- No, we didn't keep it there.
lf not, did it come here on its own?
Mat be, we didn't see.
Foam bed!
What a luxury!
What a great comfort!
Did you see the foam bed?'s heaven.
Just a while ago,
you laughed loud at me.
Now, it's nothing. Very good.
May you be blessed with peace!
What brings you at this hour?
After meeting the bride,
l'm confused.
l feel like cancelling this marriage.
Did you see? That's Krishna's magic.
He made Sasi to act like this so that
we'll cancel the marriage ourselves.
Can we fall into his trap?
Let the marriage be over,
everything will be fine.
Understood, mother?
At the same time
when l tie knot there,
Lord Krishna's order that
they must tie the knot here.
ln my brother's absence?
No need to doubt it,
he'll be here as well as there.
l'll go now,
stop the marriage there,
l'll be here with Balarama and others
in time to bless the new couple.
l'll purify our ashram, mother.
Do it son, l'll appreciate you.
Hail Lord Krishna!
We all are happy that Sasirekha
is the bride...
We all are happy that Lakshmana
is the bridegroom...
As Kauravas and Yadavas
become kinsmen...
Marriage festivities are going
on with great fanfare...
We all are happy that Sasirekha
is the bride...
We all are happy that Abhimanyu
is the bridegroom...
For me...for me...for me...
Who are they?
- Our brothers!
For me...for me...for me...
What's your objection?
Remove the screen.
You mustn't say like that,
they may feel bad.
l don't care about all that,
l'm the groom.
l've every right to see the bride.
Grandpa, father-in-law,
get the screen removed.
What's your problem, son?
Why a screen hurdle between
me and the bride?
Get it removed.
What is he saying?
Nothing, it's not our tradition
to hold the screen for so long.
That's it.
l think following our traditions
in our place is justified.
Which ever place it may be,
let it be done as they wish.
That's what l'm also saying.
Remove the screen.
Great! Our boy has established
our supremacy.
l told you Lakshmana has
more pride than father.
Karna, l feel pity on seeing
Krishna's predicament.
lt's not yet over,
the worse has to come.
Carry on the function
according to our traditions.
As you say, okay.
First the bride and groom
must stamp each other's feet,
after that pressing hand.
What's that nonsense?
You must stamp on the toe of the
bride's left leg with your right leg..
l'm ready for it.
You mustn't feel so shy.
You must also do it to him.
What if he gets angry?
Why would l get angry?
l'm ready for it.
No the bride must press your toe.
- No objection.
You killed me...killed me...
Can you press my toe then?
Now pressing hand, right?
- Tell her to do it.
You know to dance well!
- l do.
Now, bride must press your hand.
- No need.
No, you mustn't say no.
Give your hand to her.
My hand!
- What do you want?
l want rice to bless.
- Rice to bless?
lt's last in the program.
What's all this, Krishna?
Modern time youth are like that.
Son-in-law, my daughter is little scared,
do it little slowly.
lf scared she can't be a worrior's wife.
Wow uncle! He gave a
good repartee to Krishna.
Keep this jaggery and
cummin seeds on the bride's head.
l know.
What's this?
- Monkey!
What is it?
- Monkey, grandpa.
Come with me.
Why are you calling
a beautiful girl as monkey?
ls it time to romance?
Go ahead.
Keep it on her head.
Can't you hold it back?
Go ahead, finish it.
l think change of water,
these sneezes are not harmful.
Carry on.
Poor guys, change of water.
- Poor guys.
Tiger! Tiger...father...tiger...
What's this Lakshmana?
- Tiger...
lt's not tiger, he's Krishna.
- Yes, son-in-law.
Mother! Why are they insulting me?
l don't know, dear.
Don't know what was my sin?
Hubby! Didn't you see the groom earlier?
Why didn't you tell me Duryodhana?
ls your son mad?
Forgive me, our prince is a brave warrior,
l'm surprized to see him so scared,
l think enemies would've used
black magic on the way.
You know everything, smear
sacred ash and tie an amulet.
Come here.
This is holy armour!
- This will protect you.
Whatever it may be,
l don't want to marry her.
lf you refuse,
Abhimanyu will marry her.
No away, l want her.
- Then come.
Oh! Prince has fainted.
lmmediate duty?
- Get him out of it.
No use.
He'll not wake up till this
magical illusion is broken.
What's all this, uncle?
l suspected foul play when Krishna
supported this marriage.
l had a doubt the moment
l saw bride in the guest house.
Now l've understood this illusion.
l'm telling for sure,
Balarama, the girl you see here
is not your daughter Sasi,
she's a devil,
it's your brother Krishna
who has cheated you and me.
My brother?
What are you saying?
Brother, don't get angry.
l've brought the seat to
unmask who is cheat.
Hey cheating gambler!
Are you here without any bad intention?
Come and stand on it and speak.
Okay, l'll stand on it and speak,
let me see what you'll know.
- Don't get scared.
Unless l say on my own,
how can anyone know my treachery?
Don't disturb him.
l must know the truth.
Sathyaki, get me the plough.
Calm down Balarama.
l swear on my dice and tell you the truth.
We usurped kingdom of Pandavas by
cheating them in the game of dice.
They kept their promise
and went into exile.
You came rushing to punish us
on hearing this.
But you're a foolish innocent Yadava.
l know you'll easily fall for
praise and felicitation.
You did fall for it.
Though you're not equal to us,
do you know why we insisted on
accepting your daughter in marriage?
lf Pandavas attack us
after the exile period,
to keep you and your brother
away from joining their ranks.
Like as you sow so you reap,
we did get a good stick for it.
Krishna, these cheats shouldn't
be left with this punishment,
where's my plough?
- Brother!
Elder uncle, l bow to you.
You needn't have to strain yourself,
l'm here to finish them.
Who are you?
- Me? Who am l?
When you were arrested by Angels,
Arjuna who came to release you free,
l'm his elder brother Bhima's son.
ls it you Ghatotkacha?
Karna...Dushyasana...hold him.
You evil minded!
Weapons are protecting their
honour by not coming out.
Duryodhana, you were arrogant
about your wealth.
Watch out, what happens
to your wealth.
Save us...
Their cries are music to my ears.
Cowards! l'll not kill refugees.
Tie the Kauravas and
dump them in Hastinapura.
l bow to you, please forgive me.
Bless you.
l never expected Bhima's son
will be so clever.
By the way, where's our daughter?
Krishna! Where is Sasi?
l bow to you.
A request to elder aunt.
Sasi and Abhimanyu got married
in the same fixed time in my home,
you must come, bless them
and be my guests.
Why are you still here? Let's go.
Come brother.
Sister-in-law Hidamba!
My daughter got married in your home.
Whever the marriage may take place,
l don't have any objections.
Repeating my words to me.
Come dear.
l'm handing my daughter happily to you.
Whatever it is, my son is
responsible for this to happen.
That gives me immense happiness.
Hail Lord Krishna!
Hail absolute truth...
Hail lord reclining on serpent...
Hail destroyer of evil...
hail the saviour of poor...
Hail protector of devotees...
Hail lord of illusion...
He who hears, sees or writes
about your divine ploys...
be blessed with prosperity,