Maya the Bee Movie (2014) Movie Script

What a lovely dream.
What is this place?
Hey, who's that? Ow!
Be patient, little buzzer,
it's still too early.
But I have to tell you
about my dream.
There was this big,
bright round yellow thing.
And all this blue.
- Bees don't dream.
They just don't.
Now rest. Bees never
hatch until the sun rises
over the daffodils.
Why can't I just
do what I want?
A bee do what she wants?
Patience, little bee.
There's plenty of time
for learning later.
- What's a bee?
-A bee is a good little girl
who does what she's told.
Rock-a-bye bay-bee,
in her wax nest.
When nursie says,
bay-bee will rest.
Good baby,
go to sleep...
That's enough, little one.
In you go.
A bee who does what she wants?
- What are we making?
Now listen here!
We're not going
to tell you again.
Go. Back. In.
Everything is fine.
- What a sweet little bee.
Now, what was her name?
Baby-Bee 396.
She's where she belongs now.
Hello, busy bees!
What is this?
- This is fun.
-Bees don't have fun.
Get off.
Help! I can't see!
- Excuse me!
-Hey, what?!
I can't see.
I can't see.
I don't want to see!
Listen to that buzz,
Your Majesty.
That's the sound
of good little bees
keeping this
great hive efficient.
This was so fun!
Did you see?
I was all the way up there,
then I was like, Bzzz!
Miss Big Bee,
you've got something
on your head.
- Is it heavy?
Clean this up! This is a hive,
not a filthy hornet's nest.
Pull your stinger in, Buzzlina.
She's just a baby.
I'm sure it was an accident.
If we allow bees to run amuck
like this the hive
will fall into chaos.
She is right.
Every bee in this hive
-has a role to play.
-What's my role?
Patience, little one.
You'll find your place.
You just need to learn how
everything works first.
But she broke the rules.
She must be punished!
See that she gets to
school safely, Buzzlina.
Of course,
Your Majesty.
"Every bee has
a role to play..."
We must do something
about the Queen, Crawley.
She's not fit to rule this hive.
Right, you little menace...
- Halt.
- What kind of bee are you?
-A marchy bee, like you, silly.
I hardly think so.
Bees don't behave like that.
Fall in, soldier!
Whoa. Beautiful.
Like a maple tree
in the fall...
Oh, no.
Too syrupy-
Oh, so many colors!
Simple! To the point!
So many colors...
Nothing is as dull as
staying inside
Kid, that's great.
Where did you learn to write
songs like that? Hee-hop!
It's like you're seeing the
world for the first time.
You've got music in you, little
buzzer, and what goes in...
must come out.
Come on, try it.
Save some for later.
- You're a funny green bee.
-Green bee?
You are seeing the world
for the first time!
Pardon me, little miss.
Flip the grasshopper
is my name.
Roaming the meadow
is my game.
What's the meadow?
What's the meadow?
Kid, you got to get out more.
There it is.
The meadow...
my home.
You live out here?
Not just me. Lots of insects
live in the meadow.
Big, small, funny, smelly.
You name it.
It's everything you can see.
Up, down, sky to ground from
your hive to the tulip beds,
all the way
to Gorgo's hedge.
Where no little bee
should ever go.
Because a giant
bug-eating monster
named Gorge fives there.
But enough of that!
Where are your friends?
Bees always travel in groups.
I don't think
I have any friends.
No one in the hive likes me.
Maybe I'm just
bad at being a bee.
Sounds serious.
Hey! Hey, what are you--
Do not disturb the
great Dr. Flippenstein.
You got a good heart, kid.
Say "Ah".
What do you know?
Bees do have teeth.
Beeswax... Promising.
In my professional opinion,
the diagnosis is bee positive.
You're a good
little buzzer, kid.
Don't let anyone
say otherwise.
Maybe we should get you
back to the hive, little one.
No, Flip, can't I stay?
Approaching marigold
Commence pollen
collection procedure.
What is it?
Hold on to your buckets!
Why so shy?
Well, well, well.
What do we got here?
Greedy little fluff-balls
nabbing all the pollen
for themselves.
Hold onto your buckets!
Thieving buzz boxes about!
Take that back, you
hoity toity hivecrawler.
Hornets don't steal.
Go back where you came from,
We're shaking in our shells.
Lucky for you
I've got a camp to set up.
See you around... neighbor.
There goes the neighborhood.
Hey, my bucket's gone.
- You see? Dirty thieves.
-Back to the hive!
We need to report
this to the Queen.
Oh dear.
No, Flip-Bug, can't I stay?
It's all so big
and sunshiney out here,
and it smells so nice.
Here you go, little buzzer.
I've got to hop.
Bees don't like other bugs
hanging around the hive.
- No, I want to stay!
-Don't worry,
you'll see it again soon.
- Really?
-Sure! Flowers and bees
go together
like spiders and legs.
But if you really want the
low-down on the meadow,
you just call old Flip.
You can find me...
Bees don't talk to other bugs!
It wasn't another bug,
he was Flip.
See you next time.
Flip, I want to go with you.
Bees don't leave the hive
on their own. Now back to work!
"Bees don't, bees never,
working bees, blah-blah-blah..."
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
As Royal Adviser,
I must strongly advise you
to repel the hornets.
But they did not attack us.
Well, no, not yet.
But if we let them
set up camp,
all the other
hornet tribes will follow.
They'll surely
turn our meadow
into a big
horrible hornet's nest.
They'll kill all the flowers
and bugs. And then...
Oh, and then
they'll eat us.
We must show them
who's in charge.
I am in charge,
Your Majesty...
That's all of it, Your Majesty.
This year's royal jelly harvest.
Crawley, what's the problem?
It appears to be blocked,
Your Adviseyness.
Of course it's blocked.
Unblock it.
- Me? But...
-Just do it.
Of course, Ma'am.
The royal jelly!
That smells yummy.
"Yummy?" Do you realize
what you almost did?
This is a year's
supply of royal jelly, child.
The Queen's life depends on it.
She can't eat anything else.
She can't eat anything else...
Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
Ladybugs aren't always ladies?
I'm thinking this royal
jelly is the answer to our
little problem
with the Queen.
- I'm sorry, Miss Queen.
-My, that was quite an entrance.
- Are you all right, my dear?
-Oh, yes.
The flower-fluff was very soft.
And tasty.
You're a wild one, aren't you?
I can see I'm going to have
to keep an eye on you.
Which eye, Miss Queen?
I told you to behave.
And I told you to
take her to school.
Er... of course, Your Majesty.
Buzz, buzz, Buzzlina.
The meadow
isn't all flowers and sunshine.
There are dangers, too.
Like hornets.
Hide, everyone!
- What was that?
-Oh, Willi!
How will you ever
recognise a hornet
if you're always
asleep in my class?
Me? No, no, no.
That was just my eyes.
They take a break sometimes.
Stop that infernal racket.
Bees don't sing!
But Why?
Because singing
leads to playing,
and playing leads to laziness.
And a lazy bee!
Gorge, the bee-munching
just loves lazy bees.
Thank you for that
colorful description.
- We've been expecting you, Maya.
Well, yes... That's your name.
I like that.
Maya the Bee.
Come along, little one.
Take a seat.
A word, Buzzlina.
What are you doing?
Sitting next to you.
But nobody ever sits next to me.
I mean, excellent choice,
Maya. I'm Willi.
Stick with me.
I know lots of things.
This is my third First Flight
coming up, you know.
You must know everything.
You're not like any
other bee I've met.
- I keep hearing that.
-No, no, no.
I meant that
in a good way.
- We can be First Flight buddies.
-I'd like that!
Miss Teaching Bee, when do
we go on our First Flight?
My name is Maya.
Patience, Maya.
You must learn
about the dangers first.
We were just talking
about hornets.
What's a hornet?
Why, just a
bee's worst enemy.
Great big scaly things,
with giant claws
and red eyes.
They like nothing more
than dipping baby-bees
in pollen dust for their supper.
They change into horrible,
howling beasts at night.
Their disgusting fuzz
hides parasites
that are trained
to attack hornets.
And if you let them get close,
they'll suck your soul
right out of your body.
Son, you're not going to cry,
are you?
I haven't raised a
bee-baby, have I?
Dad, I hate bees.
That's my boy.
Play safe and stay in camp.
Bees roam all
over these parts.
Dad, no fair!
I want to see one of
those dirty soul-suckers.
Maybe when
you're bigger, son.
- I am big.
-Look what you've done!
- I barely touched it!
-That's the third time today!
By my shiny shell!
Stay where I can see you, son.
- But, Dad...
-No buts!
I said stay in camp.
- Look what you did .
-Move your pincers, lazy bugs!
I want this camp
up by nightfall!
I'm big enough. Hey!
Who wants to join my secret
Bug Hunters' Club?
Scaredy bugs.
I'll go on my own, then!
And remember, children,
bugs eat bees and
they don't say please.
And that's why we don't trust
any other bugs. Ever.
But what if they're your friend
or they're really,
really pretty?
Or you need their help?
I would rather die
than ask another bug for help.
Isn't that kind of silly?
I guess it is.
Miss Cassandra!
I'm warning you, 396.
No more interruptions.
Something you want to say,
But I just met a nice bug
and he didn't eat me.
How can the meadow be
so bad when it's so pretty?
That doesn't
even make sense.
And really, why are
hornets so awful
if you haven't even
met them either?
And who is Gorgo, anyway?
Why can't I laugh or dance
or play or leave the hive
when it feels so good?
Just because of some dumb
old crinkle face who's
a funny looking bee
and won't even
-let you si-ing?
That's it!
You're banned from First Flight.
And all other flights.
Follow me, children.
Stay close.
And remember to
flap those wings.
Hey, what are
you doing here?
Why aren't you
out with the others?
I couldn't leave
you alone, could I?
Oh, Willi,
you're my best friend ever.
You're the best.
And you're my first friend ever.
- Huh?
-Nothing. Nothing.
What's wrong with me, Willi?
- Why don't I fit into this hive?
-Fitting in is easy.
Just stop asking questions
and follow orders.
That's what the rest of us do.
Of course, then you
wouldn't be crazy,
funny Maya anymore.
You'll be like every
other buzzer.
You're right, Willi.
I'm the problem, not the hive!
I have to tell
the Royal Adviser.
From now on,
I'll do as I'm told.
Maybe don't say
that it was my idea.
- Maya'
-She's '
Crawley, you sniveling sneak,
show yourself.
Here I am,
Your Advisorness.
Is it done?
Of course.
Dear me, Crawley.
You know, I think the hornets
have stolen the royal jelly.
But isn't that the royal jelly?
We must find the dirty thieves
and destroy their camp.
Mustn't we?
But they didn't steal it.
- We--
-I know they didn't!
But the others don't know that,
do they, Crawley?
- There you are, Miss Adviser...
I came to say...
What are you doing
with the royal jelly?
Silence! I warned you!
Bees don't ask questions.
- Get out!
-Wait, Miss Advisorness.
You were right.
- I have to learn all your rules.
There's no place in this hive
for troublemakers.
No, I can change.
- I promise I'll try.
-Forget it, 396.
You don't belong here.
You are banished
from this hive.
But where will I go?
It's the meadow for
wretched little bugs like you.
Good, I like bugs!
They're a lot nicer
than you, you big bully!
Then go, 396.
I'm sure there's a
meadow full of bugs
just waiting to meet you.
Or eat you.
Mean old bully bee.
I'll show you.
There's a place for me
out here somewhere.
Hey! I'm flying!
But I don't think little bees
can survive out in the meadow.
Go after her and see
that nature takes its course.
Oh, no.
You have to save her, Willi.
No. She'll be all right.
No, she won't.
Just do it.
Wait, Maya!
Hello, meadow!
I'm here.
Oh, a shiny plant.
Hey, that's not nice.
I'm coming to save you, Maya.
Don't worry. Willi's here.
It's me, Willi!
What are you doing out here?
I've left the hive, Willi,
and I'm never ever coming back.
Yeah, right. Right.
Good one.
You what?!
The Royal Adviser says
I don't belong there.
But so far I haven't been doing
so well out here, either.
I don't think I fit
in anywhere, Willi.
Maya, you're a bee.
Bees live in hives.
Even I know that.
You can't survive out here
on your own.
Well, I'm not on
my own now.
Oh, great!
That's just great.
We'll both get eaten!
- Flip!
Now you're flipping out on me?
Flip the crazy grass jumper.
He knows how to
live in the meadow.
He can show me where I fit in.
I'm not going back
out there in the dark.
We'll have to wait
until the morning.
If we get eaten tonight,
I'll never forgive you.
Did the frogs get her?
Of course, Ma'am.
Maya? Willi?
Grub, leaf, rock.
Leaf covers rock.
You learn quickly.
- Grub, leaf, rock.
-I win again.
Nom, nom, nom.
Caterpillar eats your leaf.
You look outside first.
Well, I would have looked first
even if I had won.
That's just the
kind of bee I am.
- What is it, Willi?
-A monster.
With big eyes and fangs,
ready to eat us.
How pretty.
Are you sure
that's a monster, Willi?
Is it gone? Don't worry.
I shooed it away.
- With an attack shriek.
-Thank you, my protector.
So where is this flippity
grass jumper of yours?
Somewhere in the meadow.
That narrows it down.
I guess we'll need to ask
some bugs for directions.
You're so going to get us eaten.
Son? Son!
Sweet cola cans.
Where's my little nipper got to?
Hey, wake up!
How can you sleep
when my boy's missing?
- What's he missing, boss?
No, he's missing!
I can't find him.
He must have
snuck out last night.
Let's move out!
And I mean everybody, out!
I want my boy back!
Wait, Maya.
I'm hungry again.
Come on, Willi.
We've got to find Flip.
I'm tired.
- You're always tired.
-I'm a growing bee.
I need my sleep.
There's something
under that leaf.
- Maybe it knows where Flip is.
-Maya! What are you doing?
He doesn't look too dangerous.
He's stripy and little like us.
- But kind of shiny, too.
-I'm not little.
- Hello.
-Hey, get your own leaf.
We're looking for a big green
crazy bug called Flip.
- Have you seen him?
-Huh, baby stuff.
I'm looking for...
No, I can't tell you.
you join my secret
Bug Hunters' Club.
No, Maya.
There's an old hive saying:
"No clubs with strange bugs."
who're you calling
strange, fuzz face?
- We're in!
-I like you.
You've got guts.
Okay. Hold onto your stripes.
Cause I'm hunting the greediest,
most disgustingest
bugs in the meadow.
Honey guzzling soul-suckers.
Oh, yeah!
I want to meet these nice bugs.
No, you don't!
No, she doesn't!
Let's go, Bug Hunters!
Danger calls.
What kind of bug are you,
The best kind. Sting.
Yeah, good one.
- Really, though, what are you?
-What do you think? I'm a...
- Hornets!
- Son!
-Oh, no. Dad.
- Hornets!
Hide, Maya! They'll munch you!
Tell her, Stink-Bug.
I thought he was our new friend.
The hornets got him, Maya.
And we're next!
There's an old bee saying:
"Stay in the hive, stay alive."
These are dark times, bees.
The hive is in grave danger.
Today hornets broke in
and stole our royal jelly.
We must get it back.
The Queen's life depends on it.
But we have no proof.
Crawley, I think the
Queen needs to lie down.
- This way, Your Majesty.
-We mustn't jump to conclusions.
It's time we showed
those grubby hornets
who runs this meadow.
Maya and Willi
have disappeared.
They must have gone outside.
I'm no nursemaid.
Babies are your department.
Now if you don't mind
I've got a hive to save.
No. Wait. Wait!
We have to do something.
Well, tickle my pincers!
I never thought I'd see the day
when a bee would
ask an ant for help.
Oh please, Colonel.
Don't worry, ma'am.
We'll find them.
Men! We're looking
for two baby bees.
Fuzzy, stripey, boogly eyes
and bobbly heads. Get it?
Boogly eyes and
bobbly heads, Sir!
Bart, Bert, that way!
Tex, Lex, that way!
Troy, Trey, over there!
...and Barney.
- Yes, Sir!
-Reporting for duty, Sir!
- Turn around! No, not you, the--
-Yes, Sir!
- Turn around, you on the left!
-Yes, Sir!
I meant my left!
Your left when you're facing us,
Sir, or when you're facing away?
- Sir?
-Oh, forget it.
Forgetting it now, Sir.
Just go...
somewhere over that way.
And don't break anything!
I order you
-not to break anything.
-Yes, Sir!
You can count on us, Sir,
not to break anything.
Sir, Sir yes Sir!
Breaking everything, Sir!
No, we've got to
not break anything.
Not breaking everything, Sir!
- My foot!
-I'll thump you...
- Attention!
-Yes, Sir!
- Just go.
-Yes, Sir!
Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut,
hut, hut, hut, hut, hut...
Sir, request permission
to ask a question, Sir.
Go ahead, soldier.
What was the
mission again, Sir?
Find those little bees!
Round and round and round!
I've got a bad feeling
about this.
And I don't
frighten easily.
Oh, don't be a fluff belly.
They sound tiny.
Don't be scared, little ones.
We just need some directions.
Okay. No one there.
Let's go.
Oh, Willi. Come on!
Say hello, my children.
Just in time for breakfast.
And I'm hungry.
What about you guys?
We've got some rotten fruit.
So, what brings you
little pollinators
to the House of Moth?
We're, um, looking for
a bug called Flip.
The grasshopper?
He'll be cutting loose
at the big party.
A party?
How do we get there?
Wait for the sun to set,
then fly straight
till you find a bright light,
and just go round and
round and round...
I think we need
different directions, Willi.
I agree.
Maybe he knows
where the party is.
No, Maya.
That's a dung beetle.
They say one
whiff of that ball
can knock a bee
right out of the sky.
How bad can it be?
Excuse me, Mr. Dung-Roller.
But... nobody ever talks to me.
We're looking for the big party.
I never get invited to parties.
Apparently I've got odor issues.
- You could come with us.
-Oh, thanks, Littlun'.
But not all insects take as
kindly as you to old Kurt.
You go on, though.
Parties usually happen
at Jitterbug Hollow.
I'll show you the way.
First you've got to...
Here, hold this.
So, to get to Jitterbug Hollow,
you follow this trench
then you turn
left at the daisies.
And when you
get to the river,
you've got to follow it all the
way around Gorgo's hedge,
My ball!
Whatever you do,
don't go through Spider Forest!
Go through
Spider Forest, got it.
Maya, you stink.
- You want a hug, Willi?
-No no no.
- No. No!
-Give me a hug!
- Help! Help!
-Come back here, Willi!
- Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut...
-That's it!
Any more huts and
we'd be a village.
Where are we?
Shh! I'm picking up bee vibes.
And something else, too.
Kind of strong-smelling...
Pollen? Is it pollen?
Where there's bees,
there's always pollen.
That's got to be pollen.
Come to Papa!
This doesn't smell like pollen.
And it certainly doesn't
taste like pollen.
"Oh, it's easy, just go
through the Spider Forest."
What kind of sick, twisted
dung beetle was he?
See? I told you, Maya.
The dung got to his head.
- Hi, Bug Hunters.
-Sting Bug!
We're closing in on those
ugly soul-suckers.
There are spiders
and monsters
in this forest, Maya.
Aw! You're not going
to cry, are you?
Anyone would think you
were a bee baby!
Well, er...
Thank you?
Think, Willi.
What is he?
Spiky antennas,
spiky feet, spiky tail.
Just like...
Him! There was a picture
just like him in the hive.
But where are
his big red eyes?
And isn't he a bit small?
I'm not small.
Wait a minute.
You're bees?
Get back!
Don't suck my soul!
He's changing colour!
Run, Maya! He's turning
into a spider monster!
A spider what?
Hello, little ones.
- You look lost!
-No, no, no, no!
Care to join me for dinner?
I'm not hungry.
Help! I'm serious!
Help me! Guys?
- We have to save him.
-No, Maya,
- We'll be spider food.
-Not if she can't catch us.
- Hey, what are you doing?
-Four wings are faster than two.
I really need some
help here, guys!
You flap your wings, I'll steer.
- Why do you get to steer?
-Don't leave me!
We're coming!
Grab him!
Don't worry, we'll save you!
You follow and you follow
and you don't give up.
And that, my friend, is the key
to being a great tracker.
You know, Barney,
you are so full of--
Shh! I'm definitely
picking up bee vi...
It's pronounced vi...
Vi... Hey!
Respect, Brother Sun.
We gratefully
accept your bounty.
- Say hello, my children.
Now, where were we?
Oh, yeah!
Bright lights...
- We were going round and round.
-And round, and round...
That was close.
Next time you
save someone's life,
try not to kill them.
Saved by a
pair of bee-babies...
- What's Dad gonna say?
-"Thank you?"
You don't know my Dad.
And we don't want to.
Leave him, Maya.
No, Willi, wait.
We can't just leave
him here like this.
Maya, we need to find
Jitterbug Hollow
before it gets dark.
Wait, Jitterbug Hollow?
It's near my camp.
- I can take you.
-We don't need your help.
We know exactly
where we're going.
Somewhere that way!
- You mean into Gorgo's land?
If you get me out of here
I'll show you the way.
No, Maya.
It's a trap.
But Willi, he knows the way.
And there's a party, remember.
- I bet there's pollen...
...and buttercups...
- Let's go!
-...and nectar!
Come on, let's go!
What are we waiting for?
What about your dad?
Won't he be worried?
My Dad worried?
He's, like, the
toughest guy ever.
My boy... where is he?
Ah, boss?
- Something in my eye.
Turn around, daisy-sniffers!
You're on hornet turf!
Bee turf!
You paper-chewers
have until first light to
leave our meadow.
Oh, really?
Hornets budge for no bug.
What do you
think of that, huh?
You'll see.
Get out of here before
I de-fuzz the lot of you!
You've been warned.
There will be consequences.
Who's afraid of those
striped puff-balls?
Keep looking! Son!
I've got it.
- Mine!
-No, mine!
Gimme, gimme!
I saw it first!
Okay, okay, okay.
Remember our training.
Touch nothing.
Leave everything
exactly as we found--
Maybe they won't notice.
Jitterbug Hollow!
Dragonfly rides!
Dragonfly rides!
Get your dragonfly rides here!
- Want a ride, kid?
-Maybe later.
Well? So where
is this Flip?
It's starting.
- Ladybugs and garden pests!
Welcome to Jitterbug Hollow!
Hit it, Mozz!
Let's get some melody!
Now... bugbox!
Let's hear it for the misfits!
What an audience
we've got tonight.
Worms, gnats,
crickets, horseflies.
Why the long faces?
- Any bugs here from out of town?
-Me, Flip!
- Hey, Flip, it's me!
-Welcome, little one.
- Did they give you a name yet?
Maya? I like it.
What brings you
to Jitterbug Hollow, Maya?
Well, you said if I ever had a
question I should come to you.
Ask away.
We're all friends here.
Where do I belong, Flip?
Oh, an easy one.
Last I checked, bees
belonged in hives, Maya.
They don't like me back there.
I'm just too different.
Please, Flip, you need to
teach me how to live out here.
In the meadow.
Here. Hold this.
Maya, the answers
you seek are in here.
Step inside the magic flower
and be transformed
into the bug that
everyone loves!
Behold the mysteries
of the meadow
as I transform Maya.
You say ci-cay-da,
I say ci-cah-da...
Well, little buzzer,
how do you feel?
Huh? Hey!
I'm still the same.
You don't need my help.
- Huh?
-Just be yourself
and you'll make it anywhere.
Let's make this little buzzer
feel welcome.
The grass is always greener
in some other insect's yard.
Just look across
the big fence now
You'll see it's not so hard!
It's not so hard!
It's easy to let those big bees
make you feel
a little bit small.
Just keep you head
held high now.
Now don't you feel...
taller than tall?
- It don't matter what they say!
-It don't matter!
Find that rhythm in your heart!
Just bee yourself every day!
Shake your bee-hind all about!
Shake-shake... Shake it out...
Shout it out!
And bee yourself every day!
Ask your new friends
around you!
they flew from near and far!
We come from the
same bug family!
And we love you
the way you are!
Life's all about the
bugs who love you!
Good friends can
be hard to find...
Red beetle, blue beetle!
Big smelly dung beetle!
It don't matter what
their kind!
It don't matter what
they say!
Find that rhythm in your heart!
Just bee yourself every day!
- Shake your bee-hind all about.
-Shake, shake! Shake it out!
Say it loud, shout it out,
and bee yourself every day!
Remember, Maya:
What goes in must come out.
I wanna sing songs.
I want to be free.
I wanna be me.
- I'm Maya the Bee-eel
I am Maya the Bee!
You're a star, Maya.
C'mon. I'll show you
how to move your bee-hind.
You. Me. Dancefloor.
Sing out loud!
Shout it out!
- And bee yourself!
- Son!
Away from that bee! Now!
What has she done to you?
My Buzzywump is the
hornet in the meadow.
Undo your evil hive magic.
I'm warning you.
Your name is "Buzzywump"?
It's a good name.
Dad, I can explain.
She and him...
They kinda sorta...
saved my life.
But it's not like we're
friends or anything.
I'm sensing a lot of tension
here. You're all bugged out.
Done to pieces.
Are you eating properly?
Come on, Hank,
she saved your boy.
This happy hopper just saved
you a stinging, bee-nut!
But keep away from my son.
Oh, boy,
you are so grounded.
Any more grounded
and you'd be a worm.
It's okay.
He's just a mixed-up
little bug like you were.
He'll learn.
I hope so.
- Royal Adviser?
I mean, come in!
Did you...
-give the hornets my message?
-They won't leave the meadow...
- Ma'am.
Dismissed, sergeant.
Yes, Your Sneakiness?
I mean Your Schemingness.
It's time.
You brought this on
yourself, old buzzer.
I wish there were another way.
We need...
a strong leader.
And you are just...
too weak.
Crawley? Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
It depends on what you're
thinking, Your Thinkyness.
Your Majesty!
Nice legwork, Mr. Centipede.
See you next time.
Alright, you flies.
No more eating vomit.
Oh, there you are.
Come on.
Flip is ready to take us home.
I am home, Willi.
- Here? In the meadow?
-This is where I belong.
With stink bugs and
smelly, stinky hornets?
No. With all bugs.
With all bugs
except me, huh?
Don't be cross.
I'll visit you.
Why would you visit
boring old Willi
in his boring old hive
when you've got all this?
I put my stinger
on the line for you.
- And this is how you thank me?
-But, Willi...
With all your new bug friends
I guess you won't need
poor old Willi anymore.
Don't be silly.
Stay with me.
There's an old bee saying:
"You can always
count on a friend."
But I guess I got that
one wrong, too.
Son, I know you think
you like that bee,
but she's
twisted your thoughts.
Dad, not all bees are--
Shh. It's quiet.
Too quiet.
By my pointy pincers!
This is bee work.
Those sneaky wax-nibblers
set us up.
Didn't I say you
can't trust bees?
But Dad...
Assemble the Five Tribes!
If those fur-balls
want to play rough,
they picked on the
wrong hornets!
Oh, no.
Whoa. If this is Jitterbug
Hollow, I'm a flea.
We're lost, Antstein.
You're lost, bug-brain.
My feelers know exactly
where we are.
Oh, yeah? Where?
Wait, wait, wait. Wait.
I'm getting something.
Bee vibes.
- Excuse us, fellas.
-Everybody, shh!
Yep, yep. Definitely a bee
around here somewhere.
Is it Willi?
- We're looking for a bee, too.
-That's great, kid,
A little shush, please.
Genius at work!
Arnie, hey, Arnie, look.
Fuzzy, stripy,
boogly eyes and bobbly head!
- A tigerfly!
-No, a bee.
- Oh, a bee!
-A bee!
And Flip! Hey, Arnie, didn't I
say we were on the right track?
- Where've you been, naughty bee?
Miss Cassandra's got enough
worries without you
buzzing off into the meadow.
Hey, don't you know
the Queen's sick?
The hornets stole
her royal jelly.
It was the Adviser.
I saw her with the royal jelly.
Flip, we need to
get back to the hive.
- Willi!
-Good work, boys.
- Willi!
-Willi! Where are you?
"I am home, Willi.
"Here at Jitterbug Hollow
I'm so happy."
Fine, be like that. I'll go home
too, and I'll feel happy.
Back to your pond, froggy.
I'm not in the mood.
- We've got pollen!
-Oh, pollen.
No, Willi. Stay strong.
But you'll be
stronger with pollen.
NQI NQ ' ' C! "Q ' no: "Q
Walk on, Willi. Walk on.
Okay, you win.
Gimme gimme gimme
gimme pollen!
Willi, come back.
He's caught in an updraft!
Those are big flutter bugs.
They're not flutter bugs,
they're bats!
We have to do something!
When I count to three, kick!
One, two, three.
Nice birdy.
Hold on, Willi,
I'm coming!
I'm coming, kids! Hee-hop!
Hey, ugly!
Over here!
Hold on, kids!
You kids okay?
No, no.
Please wake up.
You said you had pollen.
Oh, Willi.
I am so sorry.
Are you still my friend?
Of course. You must never
let a friend go, Maya.
Especially your
best and only friend.
- Where are we?
-Shh. Gorgo's hedge.
Gorgo's hedge?
- Which way is the hive, Flip?
-We're going back to the hive?
Straight through Gorgo's land.
No, no, no!
Maya, go all
the way around.
- Yeah, listen to him!
-There's no time!
This is the quickest way.
I'm confused.
What's going on?
The Queen needs us, Willi.
I'll tell you on the way.
She's got more spark then a
barrel full of lightning bugs.
We're gonna get eaten,
I know it.
Royal bees!
I regret to inform you
that after a long
battle with illness
our beloved Queen
is not quite one
hundred percent.
That is to say, well,
she has buzzed off
to the big hive in the sky.
She has passed away.
But every hive
needs a strong leader.
And that is why I,
your new hive master,
am honored
to announce our new Queen.
the Conqueror!
- Is it true?
-My dear bees,
let us pause to remember
our beloved leader.
We all know who is responsible
for this grave injustice:
The filthy hornets.
First our poor gentle Queen,
and next our hive.
Are we going to let them
get away with it?
- No!
-At first light,
we'll run those horrid
buzz-boxes out of our meadow.
This is for the Queen!
Oh, no.
Maya and Willi are out there.
That's Gorgo's belly.
He's hungry, Maya.
We should turn back.
Come on, Willi.
Wait for us, Maya.
Don't go too far ahead.
- Gorgo's got Maya!
-Maya? Come on!
Gorgo wants to eat us!
- Get off, greedy guts.
- Over here!
Gorgo is going to
be really, really cross.
You should never, ever
land on a monster.
It's just common sense.
Gorgo's not a monster, Willi.
She's right.
This is what everybody's
so scared of?
He's made out of grass.
A grass monster?
They're the worst.
Hold on!
A baby Gorgo!
Enough is enough.
Payback time.
- What are you doing?
Are you okay?
- Kind of.
-I tip my hat to you, Maya.
You taught this old bug
something new.
Come on, before
poor old Gorgo falls on us!
I am a dirty bee monster.
- I've come to suck your soul.
-Stop that.
Bees don't suck souls.
Some of them are
even kind of nice.
Sting's a bee-lover.
The Five Tribes!
Welcome, my brothers!
Eat, dance and be feral.
Because at first light tomorrow
we'll gonna squash those pollen
guzzlers once and for all!
Oh, no. Maya!
Halt! Bees only!
But we have to
speak to the Queen.
How do we know
you're not a hornet spy?
How do we know you're not a
frog in fluffy pyjamas?
- Tough crowd.
- Queen's orders.
You go, Maya.
I'll be right out here.
All gather in the great hall.
- Oh! Hey!
-Out of the way!
I don't think I like
this hive anymore.
How do we get past
the queen's guards?
Don't worry, Maya.
I got this.
Hey, you guys,
check this out.
Nice moves.
Your Majesty,
You're better.
But it's not possible.
Why's the golden hat
on your head?
Where is the Queen?
You're looking at her.
- What have you done?
-Coming, Your Highness!
Hot honey cakes.
Just the way
you like them.
Maya, you're alive! That's...
very, very
serious indeed.
Don't you know?
Our dear Queen...
-has passed away.
Don't you worry, 396.
We'll have our revenge
on those ghastly hornets.
Liar! You stole the royal jelly
from the queen and hid it.
It's true, I'm guilty.
Guilty of caring too much:
Against my better judgment
I let this mixed-up little bee
go into the meadow alone.
Poor child, she's not
in her right mind.
Wait! She's lying.
You have to believe me.
I know where she
hid the royal jelly.
Well, if you're so sure,
why don't you show us
where it is?
This is it, in here.
Poor little bee's
got meadow fever.
Now everyone can see
what a liar you are.
Huh? But where is it?
- Lock her up.
-No, let go.
- She's lying.
-it's for your own good, 396.
Now if you'll excuse me,
I've got some hornets to crush.
- I promise, she took it!
-This way.
No, let go.
She's lying.
No, the hornets didn't do it!
Please believe me.
I told you she was a liar.
Give me that!
Your Majesty!
- Willi.
Willi, Willi!
I'll have you out of there
in two wingbeats.
Make that
three wingbeats.
- You're not supposed to be here!
What are you doing here?
Come back!
Grab him!
- Stop that tubby dunce.
Left, right, left, right...
This is a waste of time.
We have bugs to crush.
Fall in, soldier.
- Willi...
-Keep moving!
Keep formation!
Don't go away.
Don't leave me.
Flip! Flip!
- Get off me, bug!
-Flip, help!
Wait, is that Willi!
Stink Bug?
You have to warn your Queen.
Dad's making an
ambush on the hive.
But the bees are making
an ambush on you hornets.
Who's there?
Miss Queen?
Miss Queen.
You're alive.
Your Majesty.
- It's me, Maya.
It's okay, I'm going
to get us out of here.
No, no, no, stay with me.
I'm sorry, Miss Queen.
It's my fault.
I just wanted to see
the outside world.
If I had stayed in the hive
like a good bee,
I could have
stopped the Adviser.
It's not your fault, Maya.
You followed your heart.
That takes courage.
You stay...
just the way you are,
No. Wake up.
- Maya.
-Willi! You came back.
And Sting.
I'm sorry about what I said.
I didn't mean it.
You're the best
friend a hornet
-could have.
Thank sweet nectar you're safe!
How did you know I was here?
A charming grasshopper,
a fiery hornet
and a brave little bee snuck in
and told me everything.
Your Majesty...
Stay with us.
She's fading fast.
- She needs the royal jelly.
-The Royal Adviser took it.
How are we going to
get it back from her?
It's not gonna be easy.
All the hornet tribes are going
up against the bees.
Take me to them.
Only I can stop this.
- We could carry her.
-Too slow.
We'll never catch
the bees in time.
I'll do it.
I'll go ahead and
get the royal jelly.
- You follow me with the Queen.
-No, Maya.
It's too dangerous.
You're just one little bee.
- Two little bees.
-And a hornet.
And a whole meadow
full of friends.
If anyone can do it, she can.
You really keep
surprising me.
I'm so proud of you, Maya.
Be careful.
Let's go, Bug Hunters!
Danger calls!
We're flying ants!
There they are!
There's still time. Come on.
Oh, no.
It's Dad.
How cute.
Little pollen pinchers
all in a row.
Prepare to attack, bees.
It'll take a miracle
to stop them now.
- Or a Gorgo.
Come on. You need to trust me.
Come on, guys!
What are you waiting for?
My dear bees,
remember our
dear departed Queen.
This is for her.
Today we make bee-story.
Enough fancy talk.
Spitball those syrup-suckers!
- Crawley... attack!
-Attack. Right.
First row, prepare buckets!
- I said attack, wax-brain!
-Oh, okay.
- Attack!
-But, Buzzlina...
- Do it now, you fool!
-Release the honey!
I said now!
Not on us, honey-heads!
The hornets!
Drop it on the hornets!
Missed me!
- Get off, you fuzzy-buzzer!
-You get off,
you overgrown gnat!
Missed me! Too slow!
Who wants a piece of Crawley?
Who wakes Gorgo
from his sleep?
All this fighting
makes Gorgo hungry.
- Right! Go right!
No, I said the other left!
Naughty bugs, the meadow
belongs to everyone!
Gorgo say: Bees
and hornets be friends.
And Gorgo say:
Give little bees pollen
whenever they're hungry.
- Willi!
-And let little hornets explore
wherever they want.
And how about some respect for
dung beetles while you're at it?
If bees and hornets want
to fight, they can fight Gorgo.
- Oh.
- Hi.
-She's with the hornets.
He's been bee-napped.
No, he hasn't!
Hornets and bees can be friends.
Ff lends?
Not friends, Dad.
Best friends.
- But what about our camp?
-It wasn't us.
Whoa, whoa, listen, listen.
We didn't do nothing.
Those flimsy hornet-huts,
they just fell over.
Enough with the
stupid ants.
Get those filthy jelly thieves.
- Charge!
They didn't steal the jelly.
It was the Royal Adviser.
She's hiding it under her crown.
Oh, please!
Can you really trust a bee
who sneaks around in disguises
playing foolish
children's... games?
No! Dad!
No, please!
Dad! Dad! Dad!
We can't save them
unless we work together!
grab a piece of Gorgo!
It's working!
- Dad.
- Dad.
-My little Buzzywump.
You're not going cry,
are you, Dad?
Me? Pah, no.
I just got something in my eye.
That's my Dad.
Crawley, my crown.
The royal jelly!
Arrest him!
What are you waiting for?
Crawley, arrest
this hive traitor
or I'll have your stripes.
- Crawley?
No more lies, Buzzlina.
You've caused enough hurt.
Are you disobeying me?
I am your Queen,
bow before me.
All of you
bow before your Queen.
That's more like it. You...
396, bow.
- That's better.
It can't be!
Willi, the royal jelly.
Drink, Your Majesty.
- Thank you, little one.
-Maya, we did it.
I know how this looks,
but I did it for the hive.
For all of us.
I just wanted us all
to be happy.
Your Majesty.
Fellow insects,
Maya is right.
We have no quarrel
with the hornets, or indeed
any other insects.
Ff lends?
Come on, Dad!
Ah, what the hedge?
Friends it is.
I now invite all insects
to the hive
for a royal celebration.
Oh yes, Maya.
Of course that
includes dung beetles.
I'm going to a party?
I'm going to a party!
I gotta bring a gift.
I'm gonna bring
the best ball ever!
Willi and Sting, for bravery
and services to bee-kind,
I declare you both
Hive Heroes.
That's my boy.
My dear bees,
Maya has taught us that we
have a great deal to learn.
The meadow belongs to all bugs.
Not just to bees or hornets.
Every bug
has a role to play.
Oh, and me, Miss Queen?
What about me?
Do I have a role?
Of course, Maya.
A very important role.
I hereby declare you
Hive Ambassador.
You will discover things
about the meadow
and report back to us.
And I really am a
normal little bee?
Oh, no.
You are a very
special little bee.
I fit in.
Did you hear the Queen?
There's a place
for me in the hive.
- Hit it, Flip.
-Let's boogie!
You. Me. Dancefloor.
Nobody puts Queenie
in the corner.
Buzzlina, buzz buzz.
Buzz, buzz, 127.
Back to work!
Special ball delivery.
Coming through.
I love this party!
- PoHen?
And around, and around,
and around...
Your Majesty...
Your Majesty.
Reports of new bugs
in the meadow.
Well, we should send
someone out to greet them.
Shouldn't we?
Not so fast.
I forgot to tell you the most
important bee-saying of all:
"You should always
wait for Willi."
There's a place
very nearby,
Amongst the flowers
and the morning dew;
it's a secret paradise
Everybody's waiting just for you
Oh, here comes Maya the bee
With the greatest
friends that you'll ever see
Yes, here comes Maya the bee
With a brand new story
just for you and me
Yes, here comes Maya the bee
With a brand new story
just for you and me
Every little party bee
is coming down tonight
My friend Willi's joining me,
it's such a joyful sight
There's music playing
all night long
And Flip conducts
the band
And everyone bursts
into song
We scream and clap
our hands
'Cause here comes Maya
Sing and take a chance
'cause she'll be doing
She'll be doing
the Maya dance
And we are turning
And we are waving
And we are jumping
And we are singing 'till
the morning comes around
We are having
such a ball
We're dancing all
in line
Every creature great and
small is waiting for the sign
Pay attention, here it comes
the star is in the house
Hit the lights and
roll the drums
We're quiet as a mouse
'Cause here comes Maya
Sing and take a chance
'cause she'll be doing
She'll be doing
the Maya dance
And we are turning
And we are waving
And we are jumping
And we are singing 'till
the morning comes around
And we are turning
And we are waving
And we are jumping
And we are singing 'till
the morning comes around
How I wish this
party night would
Never, ever end
When we see the
sunrise we will
Say goodbye my friend
But right now we're
dancing and we're
Having such a blast
Come on and let's
party while it lasts
And we are turning
And we are waving
And we are jumping
And we are singing 'till
the morning comes around