Mayis sikintisi (Clouds of May) (1999) Movie Script

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Efes Pilsen
What's that Saffet?
-University exam results.
-Have you passed?
-l'll have a tea then we'll look.
-Haven't you looked at it yet?
-No l haven't.
Hello, Dad.
-What a surprise to see you.
-How are you doing?
-Come in.
-You still haven't had
the doorbell fixed.
-l haven't had time
with all this work.
-You've changed the house.
-We had quite an upheaval.
Painting and suchlike.
you're a man of
Are you tired?
-Yes l am, dad.
You look tired as well.
Were you at the field?
-Yes, and it tired me out.
After l got back l fell asleep
reading a book.
Have you come from
Trakya route?
l waited for the boat.
The heat is killing me.
Where's Mum?
-Do they shoot the movies
with these small cameras?
-No. We use these for the
test shots.
lsn't Mum here?
There, she's coming.
Let me surprise her.
-Muzaffer, welcome home.
-Welcome to you too. How are you?
-Fine thanks. How are you?
l'll give the child something.
-lsn't this Uncle's son Ali?
-Mr. Ali
-How old are you now?
Which grade are you in?
Where's your dad?
-ln anakkale.
What's he doing?
Does he get back sometimes?
- Put this in your pocket.
Don't forget what
l told you, will you?
-Come on. Don't be
late for school.
He looks just like my childhood.
-You're relatives.
What was that noise?
l didn't hear anything.
-l did.
The blanket has turned
round again.
l lay it straight,
it turns again.
-You can't tell the width and
length of your blankets.
lt confuses me as well.
-To bribe or not to bribe.
That's the problem.
-Emin, is it worth spending
money on that?
-Fuck it. l will, even if
it costs 50 million.
l'm itching all over.
lt woke me up from my sleep.
ls it hereditary or what?
-You feed on the wrong
Am l itching?
-You're not.
But mine
must be hereditary.
My mother had it too.
However much it costs,
l don't care.
-l will try.
-Emin, you are just obstinate.
-Who's being obstinate?
-You waste your money.
The land isn't worth it either.
-Pay the lawyer, pay this,
pay that. Don't be silly.
-You have to do
things properly.
Tomorrow l have to go to
the field again to cut the hay.
-What use is cutting the hay?
-lt has to look
as if we're farming there.
The government won't let
you have the place.
Of course l'm going to mess
l know all the laws.
l have kept all proofs.
l've looked after that
place for fifty years.
l'll fight them to
the bitter end
with God's help.
What kind of film is he
going to shoot?
-l don't know.
-Something like a documentary?
lt won't make money.
-That's for sure.
He never does work
that brings money.
What's this?
ls the disputed area up to
these poplar trees?
Yes, it's from this
road to the poplars.
This is the area.
Look at these trees,
without them this field
would be worth nothing.
The government won't
let you have them.
They won't let you.
lt belongs to them.
Why should they let you?
You're always on the state's side.
You're always
on the state's side.
Are you going to chop wood?
-l'm just going to chop these.
Let me help you.
-lt's all right.
-Stop. Wait.
Give it here.
-l'll do it, leave it.
Not like that, you should
chop diagonally.
With these boots you don't have
to worry about rain or mud.
You can go anywhere
in bad weather...
-with an umbrella.
Come Dad, sit down.
-Are you always going to sit
in the shade like this?
-Are you shooting a film?
Are films shot with
a small camera like this?
-No dad, with bigger ones.
-With bigger ones?
Look at these trees. The government
encourages people to fell them.
You cut them down,
they give you the title deed.
lf you don't cut them they
come and get you.
ls that fair?
When did you say
they would come?
They say about three months.
-There's still a lot of time.
Of course not. l've been waiting
for them for twenty years,
what is three months?
-That's true.
They will come
in 3-4 months.
When they come
l absolutely must be here.
lf l am not, they'll mark
the trees and go...
then you can't
claim anythhing.
They don't know
what's at stake here.
The land survey comes
with a judge,
an agriculturist, a forester.
They look where the forest is...
and where the field is. Where's
the river, where's the road.
They have a can of red
paint for marking the trees.
This is a lot of land,
they won't give it to you.
They don't care if there are any
forrests or not. ls there a law...
in Turkey saying
you can't grow trees?
These were planted in 1 926.
-You can't prove it.?
They can come and
check the age.
But the other trees around
are the same age as well.
Take a look at the trees.
There are no oaks like this one.
lt's all scrub.
-There's not much difference really.
Of course there is. These
give acorns, those don't.
lt took 20 years for them
to produce acorns.
How will you prove your point?
Look, l've got really
good evidence.
There's a case on this issue.
l have all the proofs.
Now l must copy them...
and hand over to the judge.
Then there is Article G.
lt says that privately...
...owned land doesn't count
as a forest up to 30 hectares.
Somebody said:
''They won't let you have it.''
Poplars, don't count as a forest.
lf you take away the poplars.
they are about 3000 m2.
Take from 8570,
we've still got 5372 m2.
And then there's Article F
and Article E.
lt deals with poplars.
Article 1 69, after a certain
time having the forest land.
there's no forest.
l don't understand why
you're making such an effort.
What are you going to do with it
if you finally get it?
l don't intend to die
before all this is over.
l won't go anywhere before
l finish to work on my land.
lt doesn't make any difference
whether it's yours.
this place has been
mine for years anyway.
These trees were so small.
One day a forrester came
and said: Nice work but we will
take it away from you.
How can they? Do we live
in the age of tyrants?
By law they can take it.
-They can't take it by law.
Look around, there are only fields.
Everyone here cut down
the trees in their fields.
They told me to do the same. Then the
forester would have just gone away.
They cut down all the trees.
And the governor came and
gave them their title deeds.
And then they come to me
saying this is a forest.
l could have cut down
the trees away.
Then the forrester wouldn't
have said anything.
What are you afraid of?
-l'm not.
But you know
this is Turkey.
Someone will come
and say this and that.
lt's not that easy.
l put my life into this.
l won't give away
my land so easy.
That's why l have to be here
when they come.
Hell, l've got no friends left.
They all went to university.
All the dumb people in my class,
got into the university and left.
l'm sure that something
fishy is going on here.
Did you enter the university
exam this year? - Of course.
The red light of the camera
is on, Muzaffer.
Never mind.
What's the result of your exam?
l failed again.
l looked for a job
and ended up...
working in the factory.
lf this film works out,
will you leave work?
Of course l will.
l think the tape is rolling.
-Never mind, it does.
l will give up my job.
Will you be able to
find me a job in lstanbul?
l guess l will.
As long as it's lstanbul
l don't mind what job it is.
lf not, you can work with
us, we'll take care of you.
Take me to lstanbul
We'll see.
l want to get out of this shit place.
Come and sit down.
No, l'm going to read a book.
Mesut loves Ataturk very much.
Can you write it down?
Let's see.
Mesut loves Ataturk very much.
Do you love Ataturk, Mesut?
The sentence is finished Mesut.
What do we put at the end?
-What do we put?
-A fullstop.
Yes, we put a fullstop.
Now let's see
if Mesut wrote it right.
Just a minute.
You can sit down.
Come Tuba, what is wrong here?
Has she written it correctly?
What did Mesut do wrong?
Who knows this sign?
Who knows this sign?
Then tell me!
-lt's an apostrophe.
An applaus for Tuba.
Well done.
Come here.
-Where have you been?
-Which grade are you in?
What do they teach at school?
-They do.
Do they teach you about tortoises?
-Have you ever seen a tortoise?
-Yes, l have.
-Have you seen a tortoise's home?
-No, l haven't.
Let me show you one then.
Then we'll drink something.
-lsn't this our friend the donkey?
-Do you like donkeys?
-Yes, l do.
-Look it's answering.
l want to know why people use
donkey' as a swear word?
They're such useful animals.
What do they do for us?
-Carry loads.
They have to cary loads?
They are not called
donkey in vain.
The humans are more donkeylike.
My friend the donkey,
my friend donkey the donkey's son.
Ali look, a tortoise.
Come on.
lt's escaping. Hurry.
Not bad!
Wait a minute!
Look at it.
Look how it hides its head.
Let's put it somewhere...
we can shoot it better.
How' s that? -Nice.
-lt is quite an old one.
Have you seen one before?
-Yes, l have.
Ali, come here.
Look at me.
A little more.
Laugh loudly.
Now look sad.
Sulk a little.
Sulk more.
Very good.
May be possible.
Don't yawn, are you tired?
Take your hand of your pocket.
-l've got an egg.
Who gave it to you?
-Your mother.
My mother! What are you
going to do with it?
lf l can carry it in my pocket
for 40 days without breaking,
your mother is going to convince
my dad to buy me a musical watch.
Why doesn't your dad buy you one?
-He thinks l'll break it.
But you can't carry it
for 40 days you'll break it.
How many days has it been?
How many days?
Good, you're good at maths.
Why don't you boil it anyway?
lt won't break if you do.
-No, l won't.
-That would be cheating.
No it wouldn't.
You'd do better to boil it.
l won't. -What will you do with
a whistling watch?
lt doesn't whistle.
-What does it do?
Play music.
-What will you do with it?
Listen to music.
-Listen to music?
-Why don't you get something else?
Okay then.
With the heat of your hand
you'll hatch a chick out.
-No it won't.
-lt will. Don't you hear them?
-Those are birds.
-Listen. Hold it to your ear.
Those are birds.
The tortoise is fleeing!
Run! Bring it back!
l have an idea.
Hide the egg somewhere
on the way to school,
you can pick it up
on the way back.
-You can do it every day.
-Why not?
-Because that is cheating.
-What do you know
about cheating?
-To trick someone.
-To trick someone!
But you never
trick anyone.
Come here. No running away.
You can't leave like that.
Stay where you are.
Which is the front?
Where's your head?
Are you filming?
Ali get up. lt's raining, come on.
We're going to get wet.
-Never mind. Come on run.
Catch me up.
Catch me up.
l saw Ali today.
Did you give him that egg?
l gave it so that he
learns a bit of responsibility.
He won't be able to do it.
l know he won't.
We could have done it
without the egg.
Could it be this one?
-So you think?
Does Uncle Pire live here?
-Why do you ask?
We've come from the homicide desk.
l'm Detective Muzaffer.
And this is lnspector Saffet.
We're investigating a crime.
-ls he at home?
-He might be lying down.
-Does he live alone?
ls it this door?
Uncle Pire.
Who is that?
-Are you ill?
-l'm a bit under the weather.
Sorry to disturb you.
-lt's all right.
-Can you get up? -Okay l will.
We're outside if you can
just come for 5 minutes.
l'll come right away.
-We're sorry.
Let's move the table
and sit down.
Come Uncle Pire, come.
-Hello and welcome.
-l guess we disturbed you.
-l'm sorry.
lt's all right.
-Are you ill?
-A little.
lt's old age.
They say you used to do
some plays on feast days.
Yes, we used to
at one time.
We're going to shoot
a film around here.
l see. Okay, okay.
-We'll shoot a movie.
Could you do a couple
of sketches for us too?
-Those days are over,
but l'll give it a try.
-We can give you some money too.
-No need for money.
-Money for what?
Money comes and goes.
Go and get the camera.
Let's do a couple of test shots.
-Did you say something?
My wife died last month.
We took her to the hospital.
-Really. What did she die of?
-We don't know.
They didn't say.
l don't know. So it happened.
Now l'm alone here.
l'm killing time.
lt is difficult
to be alone.
l've got nothing to do.
We all die some day.
There's nothing to be done.
Muzaffer, where are the batteries?
-Look in the front pocket of the bag.
-Which front pocket?
How many front pockets
does the bag have?
-l'm all alone, my friend.
What's to be done? That's life.
No two go at the same time.
One of them always goes first.
That's life.
-Weren't they in the front pocket?
-l misunderstood you.
Take the camera.
See this part.
Read it down to here.
- Right.
Uncle Pire
you'll repeat what
Saffet will read you.
As if...
lt must sound realistic, yes?
Listen carefully.
Saffet, start. ''We went into
the villages to find food.
Again! As if you're telling the story.
Use your hands.
Right. ''We went into the villages
to find food.
We knocked on the door
and a man answered.
He said ''Maho''.
-Hold on, that's no sentence.
We knocked on the door and a man
answered. The sentence goes on.
lt continues with Maho.
-l read it like that. -God!
We knocked on the door and a man
answered. He said Maho.
And that's all.
Then we went to the next house.
Uncle Pire. You have to
say it as if you'd lived it.
l am saying it like he did.
But your hands are
on the table.
But you have to use your
hands and your eyes.
Yes, with your eyes.
Now repeat it again.
-He said ''Maho''.
And then suddenly on one of the
plains we came across the English.
We started
fighting them.
And so on, and so on.
That's it.
ls this a stable?
Let me have a look at that.
That's what happened.
My wife has gone.
What can l do.
lt's God's will.
Saffet, it's late.
Let's go.
Uncle Pire.
-Have a good journey.
Thanks. l'm going back to
lstanbul in a couple of days.
l'll drop by
before l leave.
-Yes, have a good journey.
Thank you.
-Definitely not. -Why not?
-We can't do it.
-You can mother. -We can't act.
-l've taken so many video films of you.
-That was just a family video.
-lt's all the same.
-We're too old to act in a film.
-lt will be the same.
l found a grandfather
but he can't act.
-Find another one, are they extinct?
-And he wants a lot of money.
-What money?
-Greedy chap.
What he does so wonderful
that he expects money?
lt's difficult working with other people.
l plan to give the child's role to Ali.
Good choice.
Have you seen the old videos l took?
Let me show you.
Did l never show you them?
-Show them, but you
can't make us act.
lncredible inventions.
Do they shoot the movies
with these small cameras?
l look so old.
You look the same.
Of course l don't. Look at
the lines on my face.
Does video show up the
lines on the face more? -No.
lt's going to rain,
l can hear thunder.
-lt's from the video.
Really, from the film?
ls that a money box
or what?
lt's the stove in the other room.
Time goes by so fast.
We're growing old.
Wake up, go to bed.
-What's the time?
Quite late. Go to bed.
-l will.
What about you?
-l won't sleep yet.
l'm going to bed too.
lt's very late.
Good night Mom.
-Good night.
Close the window.
lt's cold outside.
l'll get the things ready
and come, allright mother?
Don't worry l'll drive carefully.
-Still, look out for actors.
-There's no need.
-We can't do it, son.
-You can.
-See you, Dad.
-Have a good journey.
-Do you have any musical watches?
-We do.
l want to listen to it.
-Do you have the money?
-l'll bring it tomorrow.
Can l listen to the music?
When my father gets back
tomorrow l'll bring the money.
Very nice.
-What are you doing Ali?
We get nothing in return.
-Has any one rang me, Mum?
The meal's been
ready for ages. Sit down.
l'll take my shoes off and come.
l didn't clear the table
because you were coming.
Sit down.
lf there's anything
else you want l'll make it.
Your father asked for you.
So what happened.
You've left the factory.
ls it easy to find a job?
-Stop nagging me.
Life isn't like that. -Leave off.
-You gave up that good job.
Can't you
be quiet?
How many jobs
have you had?
You got another one and left that too.
-l've had enough.
Come back, Saffet.
All right,sit down.
His grandfather went to the
trouble to get him to the factory,
But whatever jobs
they found he left them.
l know someone up the street like him.
They think earning
a day's bread is easy.
lt's like
a game for them.
Yes, Dad. -Where have you been?
-l've been out with friends.
What do you mean by being out
with friends? Didn't we get you a job?
l hear you've left the factory.
-Yes l have.
-Why did you leave?
-Muzaffer came. l'm going to..
act in a film.
He promised
to find me a job in lstanbul.
What film?
What's all this about?
We talked to so many
people to get you this job.
Lots of people would bust
their ass for a job like that.
Why did you give it up
for no reason?
Hidayet did you see a group
of people go past here?
The land survey people.
There may also be a forrester.
l didn't see them.
-They might go to my field.
That's why l'm asking.
l'll go and look around.
Look at the fair ground.
-Do you know the land survey people?
-l don't.
You know, dressed in formal
clothes, with a forester with them.
Three four people.
-Car with the 52 number plate.
Yes they're here.
-They went past a while ago.
-Did they go this way?
-l don't know. They were there
a while ago, up there.
They bought some bread,
and put it in the car.
Where did they
go then?
The land survey people go
around in a minibus.
And there's
the Tedas people.
l don't mean the Tedas people.
-They install electricity lines.
l don't mean them. The land survey
people measure the land.
Oh, them.
They're here.
They'll be shopping today.
You'll find them in the market place.
Then l'll have a look there.
Kamil, they say the land survey
has arrived. Have you heard about it?
-Welcome. Come.
Come and sit down.
Let's have some tea.
Where have you been?
-l've been around here.
-Take a seat.
-All right.
They say the land survey
has arrived. What are we going to do?
Uncle Emin, l don't care any more.
-What if they take your stable away?
l don't care. l'll pull it down.
They say they're quite
strict this year.
-Who says that?
-Everyone does.
l'm fed up of this business.
l think l should give up.
Actually you haven't got
a village land certificate.
Without a certificate
there is nothing you can do.
The certificate alone is not enough.
lt should also be
at least 20 years old.
ln a way it's good that
they're more strict this year.
The villagers haven't left
much forest around.
They cut down huge pine trees
for a handful of tinder wood.
Uncle Emin,
l don't care.
But it would be a shame
if your field house goes.
l've got a 28 years old
village certificate.
l don't know about that.
Apparently they mark it even if
they see just a couple of trees.
How can they?
There are laws.
lt's down in the records
of the Court of Appeal.
Where the land survey hasn't been
village certificates count.
-Yes, you're right
but you're forgetting something.
Come in, Mr. Eyup.
-ls that you, Kamil?
-lt's me. -The trousers
you made don't fit me.
What's wrong with it?
-lt is too tight. lt needs letting out.
And the waist is too tight.
Don't worry, l'll do it, Sir.
We did a fitting but there
must be a mistake, Sir.
Send it over to me.
l'll do it straight away.
-l'll send it over.
Fine. l'll send it
with the office boy.
-Yes sir, all right Sir.
What can l do
if you've got such a big ass.
Eat all that fattening food.
What can l do if you enlarge
your ass in a week?
Before the phone rang you
said l was forgetting something.
Before the phone rang you
said l was forgetting something.
l wonder what l'd say.
Just think Uncle Emin he stuffs
himself with all that meat and then
his trousers don't fit him.
What can l do if he's got
a big ass.
He needs trimming down
from the back and front.
You see?
-According to the law,
the village certificate.. valid in places where
the land survey hasn't been.
Everyone interprets the law
the way it suits them.
The othrer day in our village
they marked Turkmen's trees.
They didn't show
a drop of pity for him.
-Wait a minute, did he have
a village certificate?
l don't know. Maybe he did,
maybe he didn't.
l looked all through the market
but l couldn't find them.
Sit down, Uncle Emin.
l will but what if
they go to my field.
Do you worry about the field
at Cakiroba?
l'm sure that they arent't
that far yet.
l'll have a look.
Do so. lf they are not here
you should go to Cakiroba.
-Osman did the land survey
go past here today? - No?
Are you sure?
Yesterday some people went past.
-Not yesterday, today.
l haven't seen anyone today.
-Have you been here all day?
-Yes, l have.
Right then, see you.
Come here, boy.
Come to my side.
-What's the matter?
-Take this basket to
Dundu's house.
l don't know their house.
-Don't make excuses.
l'll describe it to you.
-lt's just around the corner.
-l have to go home.
-You can go home afterwards.
-l've got homework to do.
-Shut up. Take the basket.
Go into the courtyard and
put it on the door-step.
-Can l leave it in the courtyard?
-Someone might take it.
Go through the garden gate
and leave it at the door-step.
-Go on then. lf a dog comes
just sit down where you are.
Don't squash
the tomatoes.
Don't bang the basket
against your leg.
When a dog comes along
sit down...
and give it tomatoes,
then it won't bite.
ls my aunt here?
-Where has she gone? -l don't know.
Probably to your other aunt.
-When will she get back?
-She'll be here soon.
-Don't swing your legs.
Sit properly.
-Stop swinging your legs.
Sit properly.
Go and come back later.
Your aunt won't be back yet.
Go and study your lessons.
Have you memorised your part?
-We're trying to.
-Sadik, come over.
-Hello, Uncle. l'm Sadik.
-You're welcome, Sadik.
-What's all this stuff?
-How's it going father?
Shall l help you?
-No. The kitchen's empty,
lsn't Mum here?
-l don't know, she was around.
-Sadik, bring them here.
- You've got a lot of stuff.
-Will you use all this?
- These are what films are shot with.
-lt must be difficult work then.
Sadik, is there any more?
Only a bit left.
-Sadik, for the interior shots
we will use this house.
What permission?
lt's my uncle's house.
-Come, Sadik.
Quick quick.
-Do you see the chimney?
Very nice.
-The windows.
Must be a hundred years old.
-Much older.
The roof, this door,
Look at the door.
-Looks great.
-lt seems there's no one.
-lt doesn't matter. lt's
my uncle's house.
-Sshhh. There's a child.
-Ssshhh. Be quiet.
-There's no food,
shall l cook you an egg?
-No thanks, this's enough.
We're going to Canakkale in a
few days to check out locations.
We'll come too. You had a friend,
where's he?
l took him to a hotel.
Sadik, right?
-Are you looking for locations?
-Couldn't you find
any actors in lstanbul?
-We've found you.
How shall we do it?
-You can do it mother.
We'll have to try.
You'll manage it.
-l better not come. What if the
land survey comes today?
-They won't come so soon.
l don't like May.
l always get a bad feeling.
-How can you say that?
lt's a cheerful month.
-Let me take it.
-Sadik, put it down carefully.
There are things in it that might spill.
Don't worry.
-Now l work as
a farm labourer.
What's there to be done?
But l don't want to die.
lf God permits, l want to live
at least another 20 years.
ls it raining?
-Rain? There's no rain.
Failed again!
-Shall l change the reel?
-Dad, you looked at
the camera again.
You wait too long
between prompts.
How do you usually look to
see whether it's raining or not?
How else can l look?
-Why is there such
a bright light on me?
lt's ready.
-We're taking it
from the beginning.
Mum, you take the bunch
and wave it.
Ali you hold the reflector.
-Are we ready?
-Shall l start reading?
-Now l work as
a farm labourer.
What's there to be done?
But l don't want to die.
lf God permits, l want to live
at least another 20 years.
-Dad, look up!
-Rain? There's no rain.
-l don't think so.
-Dad! That's another
Did l do something wrong?
l didn't look at the camera.
-Mum, put that down. You
wave it when l'm filming.
Ali, l told you to hold it
steady, didn't l?
Sadik, you take care of it.
Go over there.
Shall we eat something?
Not yet.
-We've had nothing all day.
-We don't have a single scene.
You stuff yourself full
since days now.
Screw you and your food!
Mum, are you beating
a carpet or what?
Just wave it
backwards and forwards.
l am doing it like that.
You're doing it like this.
You have to do it like this.
Backwards and
forwards, okay?
And you've put me
in these village clothes.
-Ali, are you still here?
Go behind the tree.
When l give you the signal,
start running down. Fix your collar.
Sadik, you signal to him.
-Are we ready?
-Yes we are.
-Saffet, the pauses between
prompts are too long.
We can't solve this in dubbing.
Read without pausing.
-You must follow him dad.
lt will work out now.
One more thing, while looking
up for the rain
don't look to the right
but to the left.
-Now l'm a farmer...
l missed it and got confused.
Has another 1 0 million gone?
-Have you got an engine fixed on?
l said read without pausing,
not rush along at that speed.
-Okay, okay.
-How will we shoot the other scenes?
-When l read fast you say
it's too fast. When l slow down,
you say it's too slow. l'm confused.
Dad, it's gone up to
-lt was fine, there's no
need to shoot it again.
We must to it again.
-20 million. What a pity.
-Saffet, you have to read
at a certain speed.
At a certain speed.
-Dad, please.
-Shall l look left?
-Let's do it right this time.
-Of course.
-Where's Ali?
-He's still running down.
-Call him.
Dad, what happened now?
What's going on?
Turn the light toward there.
Don't touch it.
What's up?
The same mark is
on that big tree, too.
-Which tree?
-That big tree.
-They've marked the trees
like a string of pearls.
They came yesterday. l definitely
should have been here.
And you're bothering
me with the film.
-You're not taking this seriously. l've
lived here for 50 years.
-Still we'll find a way.
-How can you find a way?
lt's not a matter of life
or death, is it?
They want to take the trees
and you took me to Canakkale.
Have l got the time for that?
-Don't make such a big deal
of it. We'll pull some strings.
-How will you do that? Nobody
has helped me up to now.
The wretches have
done it now.
Either way they would
have marked them.
Whose side are you on?
What can we do about it?
Stop crying over spilt milk.
-You're wasting my time...
with a film.
-Don't exaggerate.
-l told you May
made me depressed.
-Emin, that's enough.
Let's finish the boy's film.
We're losing a house, and
you're still talking about a film.
l don't have time for
any film. l'm going.
-Emin, where are you going?
Come back.
Don't go.
Don't go.
Uncle Emin is coming back.
Emin, where are you
going? Come here.
-Uncle, come here.
-Muzaffer, he's going to walk
all the way to town.
-Shall l take him by car.
-Let him go.
How low the clouds are.
Do you think it will rain?
Muzaffer, that friend of yours,
does he understand about typewriters?
-Of course he does. My typewriter only
writes the bottom part of the letters.
l'll do it. Dont' worry.
You need skills to do that.
-l'll do it.
Does it rain when the clouds
are so low?
The clouds over the mountain
show if it is going to rain.
When they are low it rains,
otherwise not.
-A fly got in my eye.
l couldn't do it well.
-lt was very good father.
Very good, try to laugh
a little bit more, Dad.
Let's try it again.
-You see what a
state l'm in.
My mouth is trembling.
My left eye is twitching.
But still a person
wants to live... least 20 more years.
lt was very good,
but let's try again.
''My mouth is trembling''
Very good, but that laugh
sounded a bit forced, Dad.
-You just hesitated before
saying ''very good''.
-You must have noticed it too.
Was l too late?
One more time.
''You see...
Three more days.
-For what?
For the egg that you gave me.
How many days has it been?
-37 days.
-Haven't you broken it since then?
-No l haven't.
-Let me have a look.
Well done! You haven't broken it.
Now put it down there.
You don't have to
carry it any more.
-Put it there.
-What would we do for you?
-Buy me a watch.
-Then let me tell your father
to get you a watch.
l don't want a watch any more.
-Why not?
-l want a musical lighter.
-But you don't smoke.
-Not for smoking.
lt plays music, and it's also
a penknife and a torch.
-What kind of a lighter is that?
lf you like it so much,
let's tell your father.
-Then you can take this egg
with you when you go.
-Uncle, in the end
you memorised it.
-Muzaffer, l'll be in the
garage. Call me if you need.
-Okay Dad.
We use too much row film.
How many reels have we used?
-Around 45 or 50, l think.
Shit. We're done for.
-Sadik, can l have your lighter?
-What's this? Lambada?
-How many minutes
of film is in this reel?
-About 4 minutes.
That's impossible.
-lt is so
How many of these does
it take for a 90 minute film.
Four minutes.
How much is one reel?
-50 million. And with the developing
it comes to about 1 00 million.
-Fancy that! ln the factory
we burst our guts and...
...hardly earn 50 million
in 2 months.
l go home and the noise of the
factory still rings in my ears.
it's better in lstanbul, isn't it?
More pay for less work?
-Yes, but you have
more expenses.
-You can cut back on expenses.
-The expenses are high
in the big city..
Saffet, l've thought about
taking you to lstanbul, it will be hard.
l told him.
We have lots to do
and l feel that
you won't fit in there.
-What could happen?
-We won't be able to help you.
All you have to do is
find me a job.
l'll manage my own life.
lt's not easy to find
a job in lstanbul.
l'd say you're better off here.
At least you're safe here.
What safety?
l quit the factory.
Where am l going to work?
What am l going to do?
l'll find something?
-But what?
lt's not as you think.
-lstanbul is not like that either.
You can hardly tell
what season it is.
That's right, Saffet.
-From the toilet window
you can only see a tiny bit of sky.
The houses are dark.
-lt's difficult living in lstanbul.
You have a big terrace. Can't you
see anything from there?
How do you know that?
-We were there a while ago.
-You're lying.
Where are you going to live?
l'll find something.
-Saffet it's hard, very hard.
-Do you know about the rents?
l'll find an old one then.
-You had better stay here.
lt would be better to work
even in the fields.
Everyone in lstanbul is trying
to escape somewhere else,
A lot of my friends have moved.
Two of them jumped off the Bridge.
l'm not a maniac to jump
off the Bosphorus Bridge.
But the devil you know is
better than the devil you don't.
l wish dawn would break so
that we could finish this film.
There's still quite
some time to dawn..
Come on
and let's finish this.
Catch it.
lt's yours.
Mind the knife though.
What was that sound?
-Aunt, l don't want
a lighter, l want a watch.
lf l have a watch l won't
be late for school.
You change your mind too often.
You want a watch again.
-Will you talk with my dad?
-All right
l'll tell him.
l didn't sleep,
l thought it all over.
l'm not going to
let this matter drop.
l went through all the
relevant articles one by one.
Where were you?
ln the garage.
l worked and thought.
l will take them
to court and...
...ask for expert opinion.
l have right to do so.
What does the lawyer say?
-They don't unterstand anything.
l'll be my own lawyer.
l'l know most of the
crucial points.
l'm going to succeed.
There's no turning back.
l won't give up.
l'll pursue it
right to the end.
What if it doesn't work?
-What do you mean?
You speak nonsense.
The law is on my side.
l'm not pitting my strength
against justice.
l am going to seek my
rights in a systematic way.
Okay, Saffet.
Let's get our things
together and go.
-Saffet, hold this.
-You can carry it.
-lt's all right. l'll come later.
-You were cold last night.
-l'll work.
-Emin, aren't you coming?
-l'm not coming right away.
Come on.
-l'll come later..
Uncle Emin, there's some
water melon left inside.
-What's that? No, Muzaffer.
That's yours.
Take it. You didn't get
any sleep last night.
That is no problem.
-Take it father.
l'll put it here, and
you can take it later.
All right.
Don't tire yourself.
Dedicated to Anton Chekhov