Mayor of Hell, The (1933) Movie Script

- How's that?
That's pretty good.
Hey, Stupe.
- Watch your car, mister?
- No.
- Yeah, how much?
- Quarter.
All right.
Check it, Stupe.
- Do you want your car watched, mister?
- Can't you see I'm locking it?
- Let us watch your car.
- What do I want you to watch it for?
I just locked it.
I'll give you a buck to polish it.
- All right, sure.
- No.
This ain't no garage.
We just watch them, see?
All right, tough guy.
But don't watch it, see?
Hey, Jimmy, we better be careful.
He looks like a pretty tough guy.
Yeah? What's that got to do with it?
Come on. Get on that back tire.
Hey, Schnoz, take that radiator cap
and throw it down the sewer.
- Give me some of that.
- That's Navy Twist.
I know it. It's for my old man.
Help. Help. Police. Help.
- What did you see?
- They took him in the ambulance.
- Yeah?
- He's bleeding, Jimmy. His head's busted.
- Guess I showed him, huh?
- Maybe. Maybe he was killed.
Maybe he was.
But anybody that says any more about that
is gonna get a smack in the mouth.
Come on, let's divvy up.
Is this all I get?
Don't you like it?
I was gonna split it up, Jimmy. Honest.
You were, huh?
That'll teach you
to lay it on the line after this, see?
Hey, fellas, beat it, quick! The cops!
Scram, you guys.
Let me go, will you? I didn't do it.
I swear. Let me go.
- Well, if you didn't, who did?
- I don't know, let me go.
Come on. We'll find out.
All right, don't...
You kids told us that...
Hello, Mom.
- Hello, dear.
- I'll fix you for getting me in here.
- You didn't have any place else to go.
- Why, you little...
- Fred.
You mustn't talk that way
to your father, Jimmy.
And when they call on you,
speak up nicely, will you, dear?
- All right.
- Step inside. Find seats there.
Hey, Pop.
- Huh? What?
- Don't fall asleep here.
All right. Okay, Tommy.
Okay. Okay, Tommy.
"Anthony Carmonotti. "
- That's my boy.
Stand up, please.
Anthony Carmonotti.
Allegedly one of the gang to rob the candy
store of Frank Partalas on April 17th...
Attaboy, take the chair.
- Face the judge.
Lmplicated in assault charge...
...said Partalas having received
fractured skull resisting robbery.
The hospital reports Partalas
out of danger, judge.
And I can't find any past record
on this boy.
What's the matter, lad?
Are you frightened?
You needn't be.
Just relax and tell the truth
and don't be afraid.
Come on now. Come on, come on.
Tell me all about it.
- Were you with this gang, Tony?
- Yeah.
Well, what have you got to say about it?
- I didn't do nothing.
- Yes. Yes, you did. Tell him that you did it:
I didn't mean it. I won't do it again.
Judge, Tony's not a bad boy.
He's just a little bit bad.
I got my first papers.
I'm an American citizen.
Please, let him go this time.
All right, Mr. Carmonotti,
I'll give the boy another chance.
Thank you, judge.
Thank you very much. Thank you.
I want him to report to this court
every Saturday morning for three months.
You hear?
I betcha my life he's coming.
All right. Discharged.
Come on. March. March.
- Thomas Gorman.
Hey, Pop. Pop.
Thomas Gorman.
- Hey, Pop, wake up, will you?
- Now, what's the matter, huh?
- He's calling us. Come on.
- Who's calling who, huh?
Come on, step up.
Thomas Gorman.
Defendant, take the chair.
Both face the judge.
A long record and the same story.
The boy hasn't a chance.
Mr. Gorman, you promised us
three weeks ago to stay sober.
Who's sober? Who stays sober?
Thomas, I'm going to send you
to the reform school.
No, you ain't.
You can't do that to a Gorman.
You ain't gonna send my boy to no school.
You ain't, I tell you. You ain't. You ain't.
All right, buddy. Come on.
So long, Tommy.
Charles Burns.
- Charles Burns.
Step up, please.
We've about given this boy up.
You were in this gang, eh, Charles?
You've quite a record, son.
No. He's not a bad boy, judge.
Not really bad.
Give him a chance.
Well, he seems to have been given
every chance, Mrs. Burns.
He has an extraordinary record
for a boy of his age.
Robbery, shoplifting, petty thievery.
It would be good if we send him
for a year to a reform school so he might...
He's all I have, judge.
Let him come with me...
...and I swear...
...I promise he'll be all right.
On March 14th,
he was arrested for striking you.
The neighbors heard you crying.
Called the police.
Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute.
Not so harsh.
My dear, Mrs. Burns...
...someday you'll be grateful
we sent your son to a reform school.
You... You can't.
You... You can't!
You sent my first boy there...
...and he came out a murderer.
No, you can't. You can't.
You can't. You can't.
- Come, madam.
- No, no, you can't.
- You can't.
- Please, madam.
No, no.
Let me go.
No! You can't! No!
Charles! Charles, no!
You... You can't!
Isidore Horowitz.
- Isidore Horowitz.
Step up, please.
Judge, Your Honor, I'm a man like this.
I'm a busy man
and I got troubles of my own.
What reason there's Cossack like this
come to my store at 8:00 in the morning...
...and make me sit in this courtroom
all day long like a fool?
I'm asking you.
Were you with this gang, Isidore?
- Certainly, he's one of the gang.
- The boy has a bad record.
Of course he's got a bad record.
He wouldn't go to school
and he's no good.
Then you agree that he should be sent
to the reform school for a while?
Uh... What kind of school?
A reform school.
- Well, what's doing there?
- Well, it's just a regular school.
But in addition to their studies,
the boys work in the shops...
...and at farming and so forth.
Uh, what does that cost?
Ha-ha. It costs nothing. The state pays.
Oh. It ain't a prison, is it?
No. Of course not.
You can take him.
One, two, three.
That's three of this group committed.
James Smith. Step up, please.
Evidently the ringleader.
Why, this boy has
a remarkably good school record.
Up until this year.
Then look what happened.
Can you explain your son's
sudden change, Mr. Smith?
No. He ain't no good, I guess, that's all.
- Oh, surely as the boy's father...
- You can take him if you want him.
- I'm sick of supporting him anyway.
- Yeah?
When did you ever support me?
You can sit down, Mr. Smith.
Can you explain your son's change?
Oh, if you'll only let me
take care of Jimmy.
Mrs. Smith, you've had every opportunity
to take care of him.
- But look at his recent record.
- Oh, I know.
But I can change him again.
He used to be such a good boy.
Well, don't you think it would be wisest to
send James to a reform school for a time?
Oh, no. If you'll only let me
take care of Jimmy...
...I promise you
he'll never bother you again.
I'll... I'll set my foot down.
Mrs. Smith, I don't...
I don't think you're equal to the task.
Come, madam.
All right, my boy.
- All right, come on.
- I'm coming.
- Joliet Hemingway.
- That's me.
Joliet Hemingway.
Yes, sir. Coming up, Your Honor.
Come on here, boy.
The longest truant record in the city.
Why don't you see
that your son gets to school?
Come again, boss?
I say, why don't you see
that your son gets to school?
Excuse me, boss. I know that's
that judge up there, but who is you?
I happen to be a lawyer for the
Children's Society, if that helps you any.
Now, do you know why your boy
hasn't been going to school?
Well, I think that, uh...
Never mind what you think.
Tell us what you know.
- Well, I think that...
- Tell us what you know, I said.
Never mind what you think.
Excuse me, boss. I ain't no lawyer.
I can't talk without thinking.
How many you got there?
Six, huh? Here you are, Bill.
All right, out you come.
Come on, hurry up.
Step on it. Line up, right there.
Come on, hurry up.
One, two, three, four, six.
Left face. Come on, follow me.
All right, boys. Come on.
Hurry up. Come on.
Come on in here. Line up down there.
- Move on.
- Take your caps off.
I want you boys
to get this straight from the start.
You're here
because you're petty criminals.
If you behave yourselves,
you'll get on all right.
Do as you're told
and don't ask any questions.
Before you sleep one night here...
...make up your minds that you're gonna
work hard and keep your mouths shut.
Now, anybody that doesn't like
the idea...
...can apply for a transfer
to the penitentiary right now.
What's your name, boy?
Jimmy Smith.
We say "sir" here.
Drop that tone, boy.
You're in a reform school now.
- Take them outside.
Well, come on.
Get moving.
Hurry up, there.
All right.
- Stand over there.
Open your mouth.
Come on. Open your mouth.
Do as you're told. Open your mouth.
That's all right.
Now, this won't take a minute,
and really, it won't hurt at all.
Come on, open it.
- All right.
Stand over there.
What's the matter? Have you got a cold?
- Well, do you always cough like that?
- Sure.
Sit over there, will you?
Over here.
Come on.
Double quick.
Pick any bed.
Hang your clothes over the bottom rail.
Come on, hurry it up. Get over there.
Excuse me, sir.
But don't we get nothing to eat?
I'm awful hungry.
Why, sure.
There's a French girl brings
your supper up to you.
Just tell her what you want.
Such a place.
And I thought I was going
to the country.
- Why don't you guys pipe down?
Lights out.
Lights out.
Lights out.
- What's the matter, Skinny?
- I'm scared.
Well, I'm not scared.
- And they're not gonna keep me in here.
Shut up, they'll hear you.
I want them to hear me.
I want them all to hear me.
I'm awful hungry.
Hup, hup, hup...
Company, halt.
Your hand to your hat.
Wait for the order.
- Ow!
- Wait for the whistle.
Now you can eat.
What's the matter?
You're crazy, this is good stuff.
- What's the matter, don't you eat?
- No.
The less you eat,
the sooner you get out of here.
Hey, what do you have to do
to get better food around here?
If you wanna stool for Thompson,
he'll put you in the administration building.
Good morning.
Good morning.
- Bacon and eggs.
Yes, sir.
Good morning.
Mr. Thompson.
Mr. Thompson.
There's a new boy, Johnny Stone.
He has a pretty bad cough and I really think
he should be in a hospital.
Well, what do you want
me to do about it?
I didn't send him up here.
Well, I know that, but I think
you should notify the state board.
All right. Notify them.
You know the notification
has to come from you.
Yeah. All right.
I think you should do it at once.
It's very dangerous
for the other boys to have...
Well, I said all right, didn't I?
Hats on.
Assemble in the yards for work detail.
On the double.
Forward march.
Come on, do it.
Hold it down.
Come on.
Go to that laundry there.
Come on.
Who's there?
Gargan, the new deputy commissioner,
you screw.
Oh. Open the gate. It's Richard Gargan,
the deputy commissioner.
Where's Thompson's office?
Yeah, the third building on the right,
Mr. Gargan.
You said it, Beesock.
Where's the Fagin that runs this joint?
And where's all those
cute little reform boys, huh?
What do you want?
- Take it easy. Take it easy.
This is Patsy Gargan,
the new boss of this dump.
- Take it easy.
How do you do, Mr. Gargan?
- Hello.
- Mr. Thompson is in his office. I'll...
But I wanna go to bed.
Well, we weren't expecting you, madam.
However, you'll find a room in there.
- Come on. Come on.
- Come on, Mike.
- Where's Thompson's office?
- Right this way.
I'll see you in a few minutes, Mike.
Mr. Gargan, Mr. Thompson.
- Well, how do you do, Mr. Gargan?
- Hello, hello.
- You're the superintendent?
- Yes, sir.
Mm-hm. Well, have a drink.
Why, no, sir. L...
- Well, you don't mind if I have one, do you?
- Why, certainly not.
Mm-hm. Sure you won't have it?
No, thank you.
See, a man in my position, I...
Okay. Okay.
Now listen, I wanna get everything
straightened out before tomorrow morning.
- Before I get out.
- Yes, of course.
Now, uh... Now, what's the layout?
What do I do to make things regular?
Well, usually, Mr. Gargan,
the deputy commissioner, he, uh...
Who's this guy?
Why, that's Mr. Walters. He's our auditor.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, say, what about
these reports I'm supposed to turn in?
I don't know anything about that.
You can make them out for me,
couldn't you? How about it?
Well, sir.
Well, that would be a little unusual,
Mr. Gargan, you know?
But still, if you want me to, I...
Then we have nothing to worry about.
All set.
Guys, loosen up, have a drink.
What's the matter?
Fighting in the dormitory, Mr. Thompson.
When I said behave yourself,
boy, I meant it.
Now, we got a place for boys like you,
and I'm going to show it to you.
I'll handle him.
Look out, Thompson,
I think he can take you.
Come here.
- Put that down.
- Come here.
Keep away from me.
Get him.
Keep away from me, all of you.
Keep away.
Sound the alarm! Searchlight!
Get to those fences.
Which way did he go?
There he is.
Get down.
Get down!
Get down.
Get down.
Get down.
Now, wait a minute, Thompson.
- Give the kid a break. He's had enough.
Here, lock him up.
You can't lock him up.
He's very badly cut.
Am I going to have trouble with you?
Back where you belong.
Mind your own business.
- Lock him up.
- No, you can't.
- Do as I tell you.
- Now, wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Right. This kid's had a bad fall.
He needs attention.
Mr. Gargan.
Very well, sir. Whatever you say.
- Take him to the infirmary.
I'll take him.
No, no. It's all right. Let these two lugs
do it. Go ahead, carry him.
I'm sorry, Mr. Gargan,
this had to happen on your first visit.
Well, this kind of thing is very unusual,
you know.
But you've got to show
an iron hand from the start.
Yeah. These little monkeys are tough.
But after all, he's only a kid.
Yeah, well, you take this boy, now.
He comes up here, a product of the worst
environment in the world, the city slums.
That's where I come from. There's nothing
the matter with me, is there?
- Oh, well, of course. L...
- Oh, nuts.
Hello, this is Thompson
up at the state reformatory.
- Is Sam there?
- Yeah, this is Sam.
Say, who is this Gargan,
this new deputy?
Oh, now don't get excited.
You got nothing to worry about.
He's just a cheap ward heeler.
- Well, how did he get up here?
- Well, it's a reward.
The old man had to do it.
Yeah, they promised him a park department
job but they couldn't take a chance.
All he wants is that little velvet.
You know, side money.
Yeah, that deputy's salary.
All right, goodbye.
How you feel, kid?
It's all finished.
Grab hold. I'll carry you into bed.
No, no. Wait a minute.
Wait a minute. I'll get him.
Please be as quiet as possible.
There's some boys asleep in here.
Anything else I could do for you, kid?
What's the matter with these kids?
Mr. Thompson will answer any questions
for you.
- That kid's cut up pretty bad, ain't he?
- Yes, he is.
Say, what's the idea,
all that barbed wire, anyway?
That's another question
Mr. Thompson will have to answer.
Oh, just a minute.
I'm a deputy commissioner.
The reason I'm asking questions is
I wanted to find out about conditions.
- Did you?
- Yeah.
- You got a good picture tonight.
- Yeah. That was tough.
Remember, that kid's plenty hard.
That's nothing to what he'll be
when he leaves.
What are you going to do with a kid?
Show him plenty or he'll run over you.
Bound to wind up in a joint like this.
The reason they don't send him
to the pen is, he's young.
- That's all, ain't it?
- In a sense.
You don't seem to consider...
...that a school is where they're
supposed to be shown the right things.
It's implied that they
can learn that better here.
- Yeah.
- But that's not true.
Not at this school, at any rate.
- Well, what do they teach them here?
- You'll have to find out for yourself.
I've already said much too much.
Well, um...
What I wanna know is, how does a gal
like you get into this racket, anyway?
How did you get the job?
Pull, like everyone else.
But I don't use my position
as a means to line my pockets.
Meaning what?
Those boys aren't fed properly,
that's enough.
- Why don't the kids bellyache?
- To whom?
Lots of people around.
- There's no one interested enough to listen.
- Well, I'd like to do something.
- Would you?
- Mm-hm.
I don't think so.
Come on, now, come on.
Put away that hammer.
You seem to have a lot of ideas.
I've been asking questions,
now tell me your ideas. What's it about?
- What would you do?
- Well...
First of all, I'd give the boys a chance
to be human beings.
I'd let them make an attempt at
self-government. Under supervision.
I'd let them decide that they wanna be
honest and responsible, not force them.
I'd let them have their own court.
I'd let them govern themselves.
I'd let them punish themselves.
That's swell.
- Do you really think so?
- Mm-hm. Yeah, go on. Go ahead.
I like to see you burn up.
I like to see you get excited.
- Do you?
- Sure.
When you start blazing away that way...
...why, you give me ideas.
Oh, now, wait a minute.
Wait a minute. Don't get me wrong.
I didn't mean anything by that.
Open up, will you? Will you, Miss...?
Will you, Miss Griffith?
Hello, Mike. Bring the car over here
and wait for me.
- Is Miss Griffith inside?
- Yeah.
All right. I'll be right with you.
- This is your idea of a weekend?
- What's the matter, don't you like it?
Like it? Why, you rat. I got a notion
to slug you right in the button.
Lay off. Lay off.
You don't see me climbing any trees,
do you?
No, you ain't smart enough.
Oh, hello.
Hey, I just left Jimmy.
He's doing all right.
Sorry about last night,
I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Wait a minute.
Give me a chance to explain.
Now, wait a minute, will you,
Miss Griffith?
Come on, warden.
Well, goodbye, Mr. Gargan.
- Oh, goodbye.
- Yeah, let's hear from you.
You will.
Well, that's that for another year.
I don't agree with you, Mr. Gargan.
And I don't think you are the man
to instigate such reforms.
- Now, listen...
- You know I opposed your appointment.
I opposed it violently.
A political job for services rendered.
- Well, what's that got to do with it?
- I don't know what your object is.
But it seems to me to be very dubious,
to say the least.
All I'm trying to do
is to give the kids a break.
I'm afraid I can't discuss
the matter any further.
Send them a night letter?
Yes, it'll save a lot...
Johnson. Who is this Judge Gilbert?
What's he got to do with us?
- I told you what I want. I'm gonna get it.
- Listen.
I've been listening enough. I didn't squawk
when you crossed me on that job.
This is different.
The judge don't want you.
He don't want? I'm telling you what I want.
I'm gonna get it.
- My boy...
- Or else I take my votes elsewhere.
Oh, listen, Pat...
Now, no stalling. I won't stand for it.
It's not so easy. Gonna have to go
to the old man and see the governor.
Go to him. Go to the president.
I don't care where you go.
I want the job
of running that joint my way.
- Why do you want it?
- That's my business. Do I get it or don't I?
All right. Suppose we get it for you.
You think you can hold your voters
in line while you're away?
Leave that to me.
I haven't failed yet, have I?
Now, come on. How about it?
All right, Patsy.
I'll speak to the old man.
Now you're talking, sweetheart.
Report to me every week.
The routine is gonna be the same,
only Joe's in charge. Understand?
- All right.
If McCaskey doesn't come across with
that 10th Street building, let him have it.
No monkey business.
Find me at the school.
- I got a tintype of you playing nursemaid...
- That's enough out of you.
You just go on making those collections
and shut up, see?
You know what to do, Joe. Come on.
Shaw, Mayo...
...Atler, Morgan.
Assigned to the canning factory.
- Go on, take them away.
All right, come on. Let's go.
Well, hello, Mr. Gargan.
- How do you do, sir?
Go right ahead. Don't wait for me.
- Yeah.
Our weekly work assignment.
Oh, I see. Yeah.
- Mr. Thompson, sir?
- What is it?
- Can I go to the woodshop instead?
No, boy. Go to the laundry.
Why must he go to the laundry?
Why can't he go where he likes?
Efficiency, Mr. Gargan.
There's work to be done there.
I like the laundry too, sir.
I'll go there if you like.
All right, come on.
Hello, fella.
What do you wanna do?
Well, why don't you answer
when you're spoken to?
What do you wanna do?
I wanna get out of here.
Why don't you smarten up?
You're in now. Make the best of it.
What do you wanna do?
Still tough, huh?
You chump.
I'll take care of him.
Now, I've had about enough
of your insolence.
I never wanna see you lay your hand
on a kid again.
That's the last time. Do you hear?
As deputy, you've no right
to interfere with...
You kids are dismissed.
You, you and you, inside.
- Mr. Gargan, I'll not stand for...
- Never mind.
Here. Get a load of this.
So you are going to run the school.
That don't lie and I'm gonna run
this racket my way from now on.
Well, I'm glad.
I mean that sincerely.
For 12 years, I've tried to do
my duty to the state. Well, maybe I...
I wanna know, you gonna
string along with me or not? If not...
- Mr. Gargan, I don't know what you're...
- Thompson?
I think you better take a vacation.
- A month. Starting tomorrow.
- No.
- No. I don't need it.
- Yeah, you better do that.
You're looking a bit green
around the gills now.
I'll see you later.
Remember, one month starting tomorrow.
Do you a world of good.
Come on.
Get your books and bring them upstairs.
Have a seat.
Everybody turn and face me.
Come on. Come on.
You got nothing to be afraid of.
That's it.
Fellows, I wanna meet you.
My name's Gargan,
new deputy commissioner.
From now on, all orders come from me.
So all the guards, all the guards,
right up here in front.
All of them. Come on.
I've got things to say to you.
Listen carefully.
Beginning tomorrow,
there's not gonna be any more of this.
And no more double-quick.
When you hear that mess-hall bell, drop
what you're doing and come and get it.
Oh, yeah. I've got one bit of bad news.
The only time you don't eat in here... when you come in
with dirty hands and faces.
No wash-ee, no eat-ee. Get it?
All right. Well, that's that.
Now let's all sit down and eat.
Let's go.
All right, boys, bring it in.
All right, boys, bring it on.
- Hey, Stupe, I'll do business with you.
- What do you mean?
The bacon for the eggs.
Oh, no.
All right, so take it.
Can I help it if I lose?
Carry all that.
Hurry up.
I suppose you're wondering
what this is all about.
Well, this is a birthday.
The birthday of a new kind of school.
The self-government republic.
We won't go into it,
but after we've taken care of this...
...Miss Griffith and I
will give you the whole lowdown.
And now, I'm going to ask Uncle Mike
to cut the cake.
- Uncle Mike?
- Uncle Mike.
Come on, fellas,
three cheers for Uncle Mike.
Hip, hip...
Hello, Tiny.
Want another piece of cake?
- Sure.
- Okay.
Give me another piece of cake.
Well, now, look, this is the way it is.
It's all very simple.
Just suppose this is a city
like any other city.
That's the way it's gotta be run.
We have a mayor, a treasurer,
a district attorney and a chief of police.
The whole works,
all the way down the line. You get it?
And then... You see, uh... Now, uh...
- Uh...
- The store.
Oh, yeah. The... Yeah.
Look, there's going to be a store
where you can buy things.
But the only way you can buy anything
is by working.
But we'll all go into that later.
- What we have to do here now is, uh...
- Nominations for officers.
Oh, yeah, yeah. Now, look.
Look, nominations for officers.
Of course, the first officer
will be that of mayor.
Uh, who do you want for mayor?
Come on, everybody knows everybody else.
Who do you want?
I nominate Jimmy Smith for mayor.
Oh, attababy.
Ask him why he nominates Jimmy Smith
for mayor.
Johnny, Johnny, why do you nominate
Jimmy Smith for mayor?
Well, because he can lick any kid
in this school.
Oh, yeah?
That's what you say.
I got put in this joint for blowing a safe.
That's more than any of these mugs did.
I'll fight you any time you want for the job.
Yeah, all right, let's go...
Now, wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Mr. Chairman, Mr. Chairman,
I have a nomination for chief of police.
I'd like to nominate Butch Kilgore
for chief of police...
...because he's the best man for the job.
Jimmy Smith. Jimmy, your nomination
for mayor was unanimous... will you second Butch Kilgore
for chief of police?
Come on, fellow, be regular.
Attaboy, Jimmy.
Hm. That was close.
Well, now... Now we'll, uh...
We'll take up the nomination
for treasurer.
Who do you want to handle your dough?
It's a very important job.
Now, come on. Who do you want?
So that's the way
this school is gonna be run.
So you see, we won't need you anymore.
You're through.
Just a minute, Mr. Gargan, but I happen
to be Mr. Thompson's brother-in-law.
- Thompson's brother-in-law. No kidding?
- Yeah, sure.
Well, then it goes double in spades.
You guys can get out of those uniforms.
And leave your whips. I might need them.
Listen, Mr. Gargan. I'm not turning
on the weeps about losing the job.
But I think you got a swell idea.
And I'd like to stay here
and see how it works out.
I know all about you, Wilson.
I know your record. It's okay.
But we're not making any exceptions.
All the guards have to go for the present.
Hello. How do you like the bookshelves?
- Oh, they look fine.
- Thanks.
Miss Griffith, may I see you a minute?
What do you do
when a fellow returns a book?
Oh, you stamp the borrower's card.
Then you take one of these cards,
stamp it "returned," and put it in the book.
Oh, I see, thanks a lot.
- How do you feel, Johnny?
- Oh, I feel swell.
Why, how are you, Mr. Thompson?
Well, what's this?
This is another one of Gargan's ideas
of self-government.
This is the courtroom
where the kids try their own cases.
They use it as a recreation
and study room as well.
And this is a reformatory, huh?
Well, well, Thompson.
- Well, how do you do, Mr. Gargan?
- When did you get back?
- About an hour ago, sir.
- Uh-huh.
Yeah, Walters has just been showing
me around.
It's wonderful, the improvements
you've made here during my vacation.
- The boys get along well, don't you think?
- Yes, wonderful. Yeah.
Yeah, I didn't think it was possible.
Oh, I'm with you all the way. Believe me.
Oh, you are? Well, that's fine.
Excuse me.
If I can only think of some way
to discredit this...
Something important
for me to be able to go to the judge...
...and force him out of here.
I don't know. It won't be easy.
He's smarter than I thought he was.
He and this Griffith woman
have got their system working like a charm.
Come in.
Oh, hello, Charlie.
Hello, Charlie.
Oh, hello, Mr. Thompson.
What is it, Charlie?
Uncle Mike went back to the city.
Charlie's been doing some good work
for me the past month.
- Uncle Mike?
- Yeah.
The guy that Gargan brought up here
with him.
All right, Charlie.
Uh, Charlie.
Come here a minute.
Say, Charlie... would you like
to get away from this school?
Make a little money
to take with you besides.
- You really mean it, Mr. Thompson?
- Sure, I mean it.
You've been a good boy, Charlie,
and I'm gonna let you go.
Walk clean away.
On one condition:
That you get Jimmy Smith, the mayor,
to go with you.
That ought to be easy.
There is nothing hard about that, is there?
I don't know. Everybody kind
of likes it here now. I mean...
Jimmy Smith doesn't like it,
does he, Charlie?
He's still sore, isn't he?
- Yeah, he's kind of sore.
- Sure, he'll go with you.
Now listen, Charlie.
I'll tell you what you'll say to him, you see?
Sure, I know. I know Patsy ain't a bad guy,
but he can't be here forever.
- And Thompson's back, ain't he?
- Yeah.
Things is gonna be tougher
than they ever was, I'll bet.
We ought to beat it now
while we got the chance.
No, not me.
I don't wanna get stuck in any swamps.
Swamps? Oh, they don't even watch
the road gate no more, you know that.
Now listen, we can sneak out the back way
and grab a hitch down the road.
Sure. In these clothes,
they'd spot us in a minute.
I'm not as dumb as you think.
I grabbed some new fishes' clothes
and bunked them in Thompson's office.
Thompson's office?
...I'm assigned at the administration
building, ain't I, you sap?
Yeah, I know. But what did you
put them in Thompson's office for?
Well, I put them
where he'll never find them.
And besides, we can sneak out
when he ain't around.
Listen, we can be across the state line
by tomorrow morning.
My cousin's got a swell dive up there.
Girls and everything.
Okay, now, thank you.
Hey, give me a chocolate bar,
will you, Izzy?
You had your bar already today.
- No, I didn't.
- No?
- What's this?
- Look, Izzy, what do you care?
What are you arguing for?
What I'm making...
...I could put in my right eye.
Will you beat it, please?
- Izzy, I want a box of those crackers.
- Crackers, yes.
Stop, crook. You dirty pickpocket.
- Bring me in the chief of police right away.
- All right, Izzy.
I'll fix you, you ganef.
Raise your right hand.
Swear to tell the whole truth,
nothing but, so help you God?
All right, tell us what happened.
Petey comes to my store,
I should give him chocolate.
I'm telling him,
"No, you had one already today. "
So I'm turning around.
But I'm watching him, you see?
When all of a sudden... like that.
What's the use of talking? He's guilty.
Now, wait a minute.
One bar ain't enough. It goes to prove it.
The man was hungry and there should
be two bars a day because...
He eats as much as we all do.
Say, are you gonna let him
bust in on me like that?
What do you mean,
talking to the judge like that, you mug?
I'm sorry, Your Honor,
but let me explain something.
There should be two bars a day.
One in the morning
and one in the afternoon.
Do I have to put up with
that little slug interrupting all the time?
You two guys better get along together.
I'll kick you both out of court.
Okay, the state rests.
What do you do?
Oh, we rest too.
Then the jury will retire
and consider a verdict.
- Hey, Butch.
- Yes, sir?
Come here.
- When did you see Jim last?
- Oh, about an hour ago in the dormitory.
I'll look him up and have a talk with him.
Didn't I tell you
everything would be all right?
Slug. Suppose Thompson walks in.
If he walks in his sleep, he'll walk in.
He's upstairs snoring his head off.
What did you turn that light on for?
Listen, are you on the level with me?
Oh, that's okay.
What's the matter?
Are you getting yellow?
Just careful, see?
Hello, kids.
Don't you think you need some dough?
It's pretty late to get a hitch around here.
I think you better take some.
Here you are. Go on, take it.
No, we don't need your dough.
We'll get along okay.
Yeah, sure you will.
Well, so long, kids.
Good luck.
There, see? He don't care.
Come on.
Gee, he's nuts, ain't he?
Come on.
- Have you seen Jimmy?
- Yeah. Everything's all right.
What's the matter, Patsy?
Just playing a long shot.
Order in the court.
Everybody rise.
One minute with this court.
Mr. Gargan, this has gone far enough.
Your system has blown up.
Two of your boys ran away tonight...
...and had the gall to change their clothes
in my office. Look here.
Is that so?
Well, sit down a minute, will you?
- Go ahead. Sit down.
- I'm gonna notify the board at once.
Don't do that.
You're holding up the court. Sit down.
- You realize responsibility rests with you?
- That's all right.
Sit down for a minute.
Go ahead, and you too.
- Have you reached a verdict?
Well, what is it?
He's guilty.
The court says you don't get no candy bars
for two weeks.
Okay. Sit down, will you, kid?
Listen, fellas.
I wanna tell you...
...I wanna tell you,
because I think you ought to know...
...that you've done a swell job
here tonight.
You've got everything down pat.
And I'm proud of you.
All right. And that's that.
Court dismissed.
Well, I told you.
Keep your mouth shut or you'll be sorry.
Jim, come here.
Come here
and let a guy talk to you, will you?
What brought you back?
What's the difference?
We're back, ain't we?
Charlie, I think you'd better go up
and get fixed up. Go ahead, kid.
Sit down, Jim. Sit down.
I'm not going to ask you why you beat it.
I can guess that easy.
Well, we'll let that go.
I wanna ask, I want you
to tell me the truth. What's the matter?
Don't you like the way we treat you?
Don't you like us? What is it? Let's have it.
Give us a break.
There must be something you like to do.
Patsy wants to help you do it.
You're the mayor of this place.
You don't act like it.
Well, I didn't ask for the job.
Listen, kid.
I'm gonna tell you something
and it's just between us.
You're the one who makes me
feel I've made a flop out of this.
I'm telling you, the only one.
Say, Jim, that's not bad.
That's good work.
- Have you always been able to draw?
- Yeah, a little.
Come on. Let me see you draw me.
Come on.
Let me see if you can get
my puss on paper. Go. Come on.
A professional tried to draw me once.
He couldn't get me. Couldn't touch me.
Well, you shouldn't be hard to do.
Well, come on. Let me see you do it.
How do you want me, full face or sideways?
Look over there.
You're a cinch.
You know, the more I see it,
the better I like it.
The pan or the picture?
Oh, why, the picture, of course.
Hm. I'm crazy about you, baby.
You know that, don't you?
- Are you, Patsy?
- Mm-hm.
Gets worse all the time.
It's got me worried.
- Why?
- Oh, the setup is all wrong.
I'm bound to wind up
behind the eight ball with you.
What do you mean?
Well, by your standards,
I'm a wrong guy.
- You're the sweetest guy in the world.
- No, you don't know what I mean.
- You don't know my racket.
- I don't care about your racket.
You sure?
Not now, I don't.
That guy gets in your hair.
- Hello, what do you want?
- I'll tell you.
- You better get down here fast tonight.
- For what?
This Joe is on the loose.
They're stringing with him.
I'm telling you straight,
the guy threw me out. You're frozen out.
Tell him to get here.
Tell him what he tried to do.
Louis is burned too.
He said Joe tried to hold him up today
for cash.
Oh, yeah? Well, listen,
you tell Louis I'm getting right down there.
- Yeah, right away.
- Yeah, okay.
- What's wrong, Patsy?
- Oh, no, nothing. Nothing at all.
I'll fix that guy's wagon. I gotta go to town,
but I'll be back tomorrow.
- But, Patsy...
- I gotta go change my clothes.
I'll see you in a few minutes.
Funny, right over...
It would've been nice...
It's just a hair...
See a beautiful life in this...
Hey, boss.
What is it?
Been doing all right for yourselves,
haven't you?
And Joe's been doing himself
plenty of good.
- Well, what do you say?
- We thought you was through.
What gave you that idea?
- You're a reformer now, ain't you?
- Who's running this racket?
You was.
Who is now?
- Me.
- Oh, yeah?
You think I built this racket up for seven
years to let you guys walk away with it?
I'm telling you all something.
You're through.
And as for you...
- Wait a minute.
Dirty son of a...
Keep those gats in your pockets.
- Come on, let's get out of here.
- Yeah, go ahead.
Take care of that rat.
I'm telling you,
Joe pulled a gun on Patsy.
A guy like him, self-defense?
Not a chance.
- Lf you killed him, you're out of luck.
- But I didn't kill him.
You're okay. Better dive in somewhere
till you find out for sure.
You gotta get out of the state.
Mike, find a hideout. Quick.
For what?
You've got that much head start.
Keep in touch with the hospital.
When he goes, you start going.
Laying down on me?
You gonna cover me?
Not if he passes out.
He's living, I can cover you.
Newspapers won't print a word.
They won't look for you.
If he goes... Patsy, I don't have to kid you.
- You're all washed up, you're through.
Listen, get across the state line.
Get in touch with Nasetti.
He'll help you find a safe place.
Go ahead.
Take your hats off.
- What's the matter?
- I don't know.
Doesn't seem like Sunday
without Patsy around.
Yeah, I know. He's in the city
on important business.
- He'll be back soon.
- Uh-huh. That's what you think.
Everybody says he quit us
for something better.
- That's a lie.
- What did he hang it on a limb for?
He didn't run out on us.
I'll beat up any guy that says he did.
Well, I was only telling you
what everybody's saying.
What's the matter? Don't you like it?
What's the difference, if it's a nice room?
Besides, you're only gonna be here
a little while.
- Get down to that hospital. Go ahead.
- I'll keep calling you.
Get that mug anything.
I don't want him to die on me.
What's the matter?
Just when I get everything set up at school.
I have to knock off that gorilla.
Don't tell me you're worrying
about that joint?
Yeah. Go on.
Get down to the hospital.
- Go ahead. Beat it. Go ahead.
- Okay, okay.
Who is it?
It's Gargan. Long distance.
- Huh?
- Gargan.
- At this hour?
- Yeah.
Hello, Mr. Gargan.
Oh, listen, Thompson, I'm gonna be
out of the state for a week or 10 days.
Oh, well, I'm sorry to hear that, Mr. Gargan.
We'll miss you.
Yeah. I can imagine.
But listen, I gotta make a business trip.
When I come back, I'm gonna have
a conference with the governor.
- You get me?
- Sure, I understand, Mr. Gargan.
I don't know
how long it's gonna take me...
...but meanwhile,
I want you to get this straight.
I want everything run
just exactly as I left it. No changes.
If there's any argument,
whatever Miss Griffith decides, goes.
You understand?
- Is she around there now?
- No.
I think she's in her cottage, Mr. Gargan,
I could get her for you if...
No, no, that's all right. Never mind.
Just tell her I called.
Yeah, so long.
And remember, no changes.
All right, Mr. Gargan. Yeah, I understand.
What's up?
I don't know.
Sounds kind of phony to me.
Hello, is that you, Sam?
Say, uh, Sam, I just had a long-distance
from Gargan.
Yeah, he sounded kind of funny.
Is there anything wrong?
Is there anything wrong?
Oh, not very much. Only Gargan put
a bullet into one of his monkeys.
Sure. And from the dope I get,
he's hiding out.
And they're trying to keep it quiet.
But if the guy dies,
you'll never see that deputy again.
Out of the state on business.
A conference with the governor.
Giving me orders.
Why, that dirty, little crook.
When I go to the penitentiary,
I'll throw peanuts at him.
- What did he do?
- Nothing.
He just put a bullet in somebody,
that's all.
And he has the gall to...
Let me look at those accounts
for the last two months.
We're going to make up for lost time.
You ain't on the level about me
going back to that hospital again.
- Yeah, get back there.
- But I've been there 40 times.
Forty more. After two weeks,
they don't know if the guy will live or not.
Well, it ain't my fault, is it?
If you're worrying about that dame,
I'll call her up.
No cracks.
I don't want her to know
anything about this or me.
Yeah, I see.
- Get back to that hospital and find out...
- Jeez, I've been sleeping in the halls.
Get out of here.
Get back to that hospital.
Stay with him. Get in bed with him.
Back. Move it on those two sides.
Stay in line.
Move it faster.
Come on. Come on, get in here.
Come on. Come on, boys, hurry up.
- Mr. Thompson, look at that.
- Well, what's the matter with it?
- Can you eat it? Those boys can't.
- Well, they don't have to.
It's worse now than it ever was.
Miss Griffith, kindly understand
that I want no more interference... things that don't concern you.
This does concern me.
We started something. It was successful.
Every day, bit by bit, you're tearing it down.
- That will do.
- No, it won't. Who do you think you are?
- You can't treat those boys like animals.
- I'll treat them any way I like.
- And if you don't like it, you can leave.
- I will.
But I warn you...
...if I can get to the authorities,
you haven't heard the end.
Miss Griffith, I demand
your resignation immediately.
And you can have it.
- I've been waiting for that.
- Yeah.
Come in.
- Hello, Miss Griffith.
- Hello, Jimmy.
- Going somewhere?
- Yes.
Where you going?
I'm leaving.
You're kidding.
No, I'm not.
First Patsy and then you.
I'm not quitting you, Jimmy.
I've been fired. Thompson fired me.
Quite a delegation of our boys
to see you, chief.
A delegation?
- What do they want?
- I don't know, sir.
- How did they...?
- They got a hold of Walters.
He seemed a little scared
and he told them they could see you.
- Send them in.
- Yes, sir.
All right, boys, come on. Hats off.
Well, what do you want?
Why aren't you at your work?
Well, Mr. Thompson, sir,
we wanted to ask you.
Please don't fire Miss Griffith.
Get back to your work.
But, Mr. Thompson, please...
- Get back to your work, I said.
This is no Boy Scout camp.
Those days are over.
This is a reformatory.
Now get back where you belong.
You can't do that.
Can't I?
Now the rest of you boys,
get out of here.
You stay.
I'll show you what I can do.
Watch that door.
It don't work, huh?
Shh. Not so much noise, you guys.
Are you crazy?
We got enough food here
to feed all the kids in the dormitory.
Shh! Here comes somebody.
- It's Charlie.
Get away from that door.
Oh! Hey! Ow!
- Thanks, Butch.
- That's okay.
- How's everything?
- Not so good.
It's plenty cold. The wind blows
through that roof a mile a minute.
- Gee, that's tough.
- I'm okay.
Go on. Beat it.
- So long.
- So long, Butch.
Who was the gang?
Well, I know Johnny Stone
was one of them.
How do you know?
- Because I heard him cough.
- Get him.
- Who else?
- Well, that's the only one I heard.
All right, Charlie, go ahead.
We'll find out the rest
from Johnny Stone.
Come on. Come on. Answer me.
Who were those other boys?
Now, I'm asking you for the last time.
Who were they?
Now, you're not going to eat until you talk,
so you may as well talk now.
Now listen, Johnny, here. Listen to me.
Now, you tell me who those
other fellows were and I'll let you go, see?
Come on, who were they, huh?
Who were they?
- Lock him up.
- Mighty cold for this kid in there.
Well, maybe it'll freeze him
into talking.
Okay. Come on.
I'm gonna find out who those other
kids were if it's the last thing I do.
All right, kid. Come on. Get out of there.
You got enough.
Go get your chart
and report to work detail.
- I'll try and get you some grub later on.
- Thank you.
Wrap this around you.
I know you don't squeal.
Skinny didn't squeal.
Skinny didn't squeal.
Skinny didn't squeal.
Skinny didn't squeal.
Skinny didn't squeal.
Skinny didn't squeal.
Skinny didn't squeal.
Skinny didn't squeal.
Here you are, kid.
- Kid.
- Mm?
Why, what...?
It's Skinny.
This is gonna take guys. Just get him.
Let's get Skinny.
Let's go, come on.
Oh, Skinny.
Get back.
All right, come on.
Hey, get back.
Quick, get something.
If you boys...
Where's this boy's bed?
Skinny. Right here, sir.
Turn down that blanket, Walter.
Get some alcohol, rub him down.
- What happened?
- They carried Skinny out.
- Where is he now?
- In the dorm.
- Get the rest of the gang.
- Okay.
You boys stay here with him.
I'll be back in a minute.
Come on, Skinny.
Wake up.
Skinny, it's Jimmy.
I'm scared.
Come on, Skinny,
everything's gonna be all right.
I'm scared.
All right, call up Dr. Loring at Peakstown.
Mr. Thompson.
Johnny's dead.
- Where is he?
- He's in his bed.
He killed him.
Look what he's done.
He killed him.
Well, what are we waiting for?
- Come on. Let's get him.
- Come on, gang.
Out this way.
- Come on.
- Come on, gang.
- Wait...
Come on, come on, out this way.
- Yeah?
Message from Mr. Thompson.
You killed him, huh?
Get the essentials out of there.
Come on, get those guys out of here.
Get them out of here.
Now, I'm going to Peakstown to get
Dr. Loring to sign the death certificate.
You phone him and tell him I'll be there
in 15 minutes.
The line is dead. Hello.
All right, use the one in your office.
Every man in this room is under arrest.
Stand where you are.
You, come on. Start walking.
Come on. Get going.
Come on.
- Who's there?
- Mike.
- Patsy.
- Oh, sweet.
I had to bring her.
I made him bring me, darling.
I had to see you. I just had to.
Now, I know all about everything.
You know if you're found,
you'll be in a terrible jam.
- I don't care.
- Oh, sweet...
- What are you doing away from the school?
- I'm out. Thompson fired me.
- He what?
- That's nothing. That's part of it.
You should know all he's done.
- Tell me.
- We had a terrible row over the food.
That's why he fired me.
The boys can't eat it.
It's worse now than ever.
They won't stand for anything more.
All they need is a spark
and they're capable of anything.
Defendant, you're charged
with the murder of Johnny Stone.
He knew Johnny was sick
and he put him in the cooler.
And you knew it too, didn't you?
You dirty, squealing rat.
And you, Thompson, you killed Skinny.
No, no. No, I didn't, boys. I didn't.
I didn't know he was so sick.
I never would have done it.
- I ain't gonna let you throw yourself...
- Mind your business.
- They can put the finger on you.
- Quit waiting there, will you?
Keep in touch.
Let me know what the doctor says.
- Get our doctor if you have to. Come on.
- Wait a minute.
Listen, Patsy, I'm asking you,
don't go up there, will you?
All right.
Wouldn't that mean...?
Now, boys. Now, wait.
Now wait. Now let's be sensible.
Now, let's start all over again.
I'll change everything back
to what it was before.
- I swear I will. I'll change and...
You're a liar.
We, the jury, find you guilty of murder
in the first degree.
Where did...? Where...?
Let's go. Get him.
Hurry up.
Hurry up and get him.
Let's hurry up and get him.
Come on, boys, let's go.
Come on.
Hurry, Patsy.
He's dead.
Hey, come on.
Hey, come on.
Get that out of here. Come on.
- Jim, Butch, Mac, where you going?
- Get out of here.
- Get out or we'll give it to you too.
- What are you trying to do? Go to the pen?
You can't get away with this.
Go back there and put out that fire.
- We're gonna finish the job.
- You're playing into Thompson's hands.
- He'll hang you for this.
- Thompson's dead.
Thompson's dead?
- Yeah, we took care of him.
- Listen, kids, you gotta stop where you are.
Whatever you do
will be another rap to beat.
I wouldn't give you a bum steer.
I'm in as bad a fix as you are.
- You think I ran out on you? I didn't.
- Sure, you ran out.
You ran. Go on.
I didn't. I meant to come back
the day after I left.
I got into a fight and shot a rat.
I think I killed him.
I'm on the lam now.
If they get me, it may mean the chair.
What do you get for...?
Boys, boys.
Boys, stop. It's the truth.
I swear Patsy's telling you the truth.
I'm willing to take my chances,
see this thing through.
We're in the same boat. I'm not leaving
here until they come and take me.
If there's quitting to be done,
you're gonna do it.
Don't be chumps.
Don't let them pin anymore on you.
We've got a rap to beat.
The way to start beating it
is by putting out that fire.
Now, what do you say? Do we do it?
Jim, Butch, Mac, do we do it?
Casey, what do you say?
- Okay, come on.
- Come on.
Come on...
- So that's it, eh, Charlie?
- Yes, sir.
All right, boys, you can go.
There's no doubt that this tragedy
was Thompson's own fault.
- You agree, coroner?
- The sheriff and I both agree.
Mr. Gargan, I owe you a sincere apology.
Oh, forget it.
Hey, wait a minute.
They can't do nothing to him.
The guy's gonna be okay.
Besides, he pulled a gun on Patsy.
- Shut up.
- Who is this man?
Just a guy that works here.
Little bit screwy.
Go on, stand over there, will you?
He gets excited.
Well, we'll be going, judge.
We'll make our report to the state board.
- Goodbye, judge.
I want you to do me a favor, Mr. Gargan.
I want you to stay here.
For a time, anyway.
And run this place.
Don't worry. I'll be here.
- Goodbye, Miss Griffith.
- Goodbye, Judge Gilbert.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- And good luck.
- Thanks very much.
- So Joe's all right?
- I'm afraid he's gonna live.
You can go back,
tell him the racket is his.
- What?
- The racket and the whole 5000 votes.
- After you nearly killing the guy?
- Go on. Beat it.
- Are you staying here?
- Yep.
- So am I.
- No, you can't.
I'm staying.
All right, on one condition.
That you play uncle.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
So long.
- Uncle Mike.
Uncle Mike.
- So long, Uncle Mike.
So long, Uncle Mike.
- Happy?
- You know I am.
How happy?
Well, you can't get much happier
than that.
Come on.