Mazes and Monsters (1982) Movie Script

Look, I've got less
than a minute.
You know
I can't release the name yet.
Okay, tell me, then,
was it a student
at the University?
-Now what was he doing in there?
-How should I know?
John, we're going in.
Okay, be careful.
Look, we heard a game
of Mazes and Monsters
got a little out of hand
over at the University.
Fifteen seconds, Bud.
Mazes and Monsters?
Right. You know how to play it?
-My kids play it.
I know the game.
-Yeah, well...
-All right, up here.
-Five seconds.
Let's go, let's go.
This is Bud Hayden,
live from Pequod Caverns,
where I'll be reporting on
the apparent disappearance
of a Grant University student,
the victim
of a seemingly innocent game,
Mazes and Monsters.
Now, Mazes and Monsters is
a fantasy role-playing game
in which the players create
an imaginary character.
These characters
are then plunged
into a fantasy world
of invented terrors.
The point of the game
is to amass a fortune
without being killed.
It's kind of a psychodrama,
you might say,
where these people
deal with problems
in their lives
by acting them out.
But in this case,
there might be
a loss of distinction
between reality and fantasy,
and possibly the loss of life
in the process.
I'll be back in three minutes
with another live report.
Ah, nice to see you,
Mr. Brockway.
Nice hat.
Thanks, Paul.
Mom, I'm home.
-Thank you, Paul.
-Oh, thank you.
Jay Jay, where are you?
I'm in here.
Oh, darling.
You've grown.
I'm not growing anymore.
This is it.
Well, you have an IQ of 190.
I don't suppose it matters
if you're that tall.
I'm late.
Oh, where are you going?
To the French Consulate
for cocktails
and to a new place
in Soho for dinner.
Got rave reviews.
Everything is less fattening.
Even the champagne
has less sugar.
Before I go,
I want to show you
your new birthday present.
But it's a month
till my birthday.
Oh, it doesn't matter.
You'd see it anyway.
Oh, no... no.
Come on. Come on.
Oh, no.
What have you done?
It looks like a hospital.
Don't scream at me.
I worked my tail off
to get this finished in time.
Where's all my stuff?
My furniture?
I can tell you don't like it.
"Don't like it"?
I hate it.
Jay Jay,
do you know
how many of my clients
would give their eye-teeth
for a Julia Brockway room
like this?
Your clients
put their eye-teeth
in a glass of water every night.
You are still a fresh kid.
Mother, this is my sanctuary,
my nest.
When you change it like this,
which you do
every time I turn my back,
you obliterate me.
You wipe me out.
It's just driving me crazy.
And Merlin hates it, too.
Don't you?
Birds can't talk.
Jay Jay,
you know I would never
do anything to hurt you.
I thought you'd like it.
Well, I guess
I'll get used to it.
And when I do,
you'll probably change it again.
I truly do not understand
why you are so upset.
I thought it would be
such a nice surprise.
Must run.
Actually, Mother,
college was fine.
Oh, well I'll probably get
straight A's again this term.
Thanks, Mother.
I'm glad you're glad.
Poor old Merlin.
Poor Jay Jay.
So Norine
is boring, huh?
Boring is the nicest thing
I can say about Chlorine.
Kate, she is
your father's wife now...
No, you are my father's wife.
Oh, baby,
it's been over a long time.
But I love you for saying it.
Come on now.
when Dad left us,
were you ever sorry
you married him
in the first place?
For about one minute,
but I was really angry.
Listen, we had some
very happy years together.
Life is risk.
Yeah, but I don't know.
The guys at school
are such chauvinists.
I can't be myself with them.
You know,
you have to pretend to be dumb
because bright girls
scare them.
Feelings scare them.
They don't really want
to know me,
they want a little act.
I don't care.
I'm never going
to get married anyway.
I'm going to be
a famous writer.
By the way,
how is the writing coming?
I've got writer's block,
but I finally figured out why.
It's because
I haven't really lived yet.
So how can I write about things
I don't know about?
Well, you could...
you could use your imagination.
I tell you
we're destroying our planet.
They do a satire on television,
and a couple of years later,
it comes true.
And no one's doing
anything about it.
Daniel will. Right, son?
I don't know, Dad.
But you know
where the future is.
Well, I'm not sure.
Your father's right, Daniel.
Have you thought anymore
about transferring to MIT?
I know it's near here
and all of that...
Mom, I think
it's really a good idea
that I be away from home.
If I see you on the street,
I promise I won't say hello.
It's not you. It's me.
I'm just not that competitive.
So Grant is comfortable for me.
I have seen students
in my class,
and I have seen you.
You have a special gift
for computers.
You've always had that.
What I really love
is to make up games
for computers.
There's nothing wrong with that.
You can do it as a hobby.
Daniel, your father and I
are not telling you
not to enjoy life,
we're just telling you
not to waste it.
Who's going to make up
the games in the world?
Other people will. You have
a much more important talent.
Just give me
a little more time, okay?
Daniel, this is
a very competitive world,
and you're going to
have to live in it.
Now. Not later, but now!
Later, you're not going
to be able to find a job.
Later they're going to want
the computer expert from MIT,
not a game player
from that Grant University.
Your father and I
love you very much, Daniel,
and you know that.
Otherwise we wouldn't be
so concerned.
Go ahead and eat your dinner.
I've made all your favorites.
Jay Jay!
How are you?
Oh, I'm fine.
Have you seen Daniel?
Oh, I took for granted
he was up locked in some room
with his latest woman
of the week.
I don't know.
Do we have a fourth player?
Well, I've typed up a notice.
I'm going to put it
on the bulletin board. Okay?
Great. Let's go.
We've got to find
a fourth player.
Right. Someone
who doesn't flunk out
or freak out.
Not like last year.
you're starting new at Grant.
All new.
That means no more games.
You know what it did
to your marks at Tufts.
This time you're going
to concentrate
on your school work.
Do you hear?
Yeah, I know, Dad. I will.
I see another D,
you don't see another check.
Oh, Hall, leave him alone.
And you've had
too much to drink. Again.
Threats and accusations.
That's all you know.
I should have driven
Robbie up myself.
Oh, you should?
Well, may I remind you,
whether you like it or not,
we are still a family.
I hate it when you drink.
I drink to get through the day.
I was a talented,
well-educated woman...
Oh, Cat, please.
Let's not start that again.
It's getting very thin.
I could have been someone.
All my life it's been
what you wanted,
not ever what I wanted.
-Nobody ever asked me what I wanted.
-A nice way for
Robbie to start a new school.
Dad, this is it.
You better make this right.
I'm going to miss you, Robbie.
Now, try hard and do well.
Now you know
how proud that'll make him.
I will, Mom.
And promise you won't play
that awful game anymore.
-Promise me.
-Okay. Okay, I promise.
sorry if I sounded cold.
Well, good luck.
Call us collect
if you need anything.
I will. Thanks, Dad.
Hi! I'm Jay Jay Brockway.
Yeah, hi.
Uh, my name's Robbie.
Robbie Wheeling.
I'm sort of new here.
Yeah, I noticed
you pulling up earlier.
Nice car.
You know,
I had a red convertible
once for five minutes.
The Boy Wonder
gave it to me for my birthday,
neglected to notice
I was too young to have
my driver's license.
So I sold it and bought
my myna bird and a motorbike.
The what?
What what?
Uh, what is the "Boy Wonder"?
Oh, that's what I call
my father.
He's the youngest publisher
in New York.
But I don't want to
ruin your lunch
by talking about him.
Although he's ruined
many of mine.
Listen, you play
Mazes and Monsters?
That's my sign there.
Oh, yeah, Jay Jay Brockway.
Uh, I used to,
but I don't anymore.
Oh, that's too bad.
We really need a fourth player.
Uh, wait. Listen,
I'm having an intimate
little party tomorrow night
for Brigitte Bardot.
It's her birthday.
So if you want to show up
around00, second floor,
it'll be the room
with all the noise.
-Is she really going to be there?
Brigitte Bardot?
No, why would she come here?
Although maybe next year
I should invite her.
Yeah, well, thanks for the offer.
I'll be there.
Brigitte Bardot.
Happy birthday.
Robbie. Come on in.
Hi, Jay Jay.
I brought you something.
Oh, 1987, great year.
Kate, a corkscrew please.
Have fun.
Brigitte Bardot.
Oh, nothing. Sorry. It's just...
you're very beautiful.
Thank you.
Uh, I'm Robbie Wheeling.
-Ah, Kate Finch. Hi.
-You're new here.
-Yeah, I am.
-I just transferred
over from Tufts.
Well, before
they threw me out, actually.
I didn't go to class very much
and that's not
the best thing for my marks.
Why didn't you go to class?
Well, I was into some
extra-curricular activities.
I played a game called
Mazes and Monsters
a little too much.
You're kidding. What level?
Uh, nine. Ninth level.
So am I.
Isn't it wonderful
to be finally creating
your own scenarios?
Yeah, and your
own fantasies, too.
I'm really going to miss it.
No, you're not.
We have been looking desperately
for a fourth player.
This is wonderful.
Just... Daniel. Daniel.
I want you to meet Daniel.
Daniel, meet Robbie.
He's level nine.
Hey, you going to play with us?
Well, no, I... really,
I can't. My folks...
Hey, we're not fanatics.
How often do you play?
A couple times a week.
No, I really have
to crack the books
this semester.
-Jay Jay. Come here.
-No, seriously.
He's a level nine!
Level nine!
You didn't tell me that.
Well, sign him up!
No, I can't.
This semester I have to...
-No, no, you can.
-Robbie, look,
please just try
one campaign with us.
-Really, you guys, thanks, but...
-Come on, Robbie.
And if you don't like it, if it's too much,
you can always quit.
if you're going to be there,
I guess I'll have to give it a shot.
-All right.
-Got some glasses?
-Where's some glasses?
I am the Maze Controller,
the god of this universe
I have created.
The absolute authority.
Only I know the perilous course
which you are about to take.
Your fate is in my hands.
I'm Glacia the Fighter.
I have great strength
and courage,
strong armor, many weapons,
and I have won the mighty
talking sword of Lothia.
I am Freelik the Frenetic
of Glossamir,
the cleverest of all Sprites.
Not so strong,
but with enough tricks
and powers
to take me far
and keep me safe.
I am Pardieu, the Holy Man.
In reaching the ninth level,
I have acquired
many magic spells and charms,
the greatest of which
is the graven Eye of Timor.
But I also have a sword,
which I only use
should my magic fail.
There's a wasteland
of gnarled hills
covered with withered trees
and dried grass.
Beneath these hills
is the entrance
to the forbidden mazes
of the Jinnorak.
It is rumored that
within these mazes
live a mutated people.
Once human, they are now
unspeakably vicious.
It is also known that
there are wondrous treasures
within these mazes
for those brave
and clever enough
to find them.
Thus warned, shall ye enter?
Let the journey begin.
I have an older brother.
Name's Hall, Hall Junior.
About three years ago
on his birthday,
it's Halloween night,
my mother threw
this big party for him.
And in the middle of it,
when nobody was paying
any attention,
he ran away.
You're kidding.
We never got a letter,
a postcard,
a phone call, nothing.
Like he disappeared
off the face of the Earth.
And I've always wondered
what it was
that happened to him.
It must be terrible.
Actually, not knowing
is the worst part.
Robbie, I'm so sorry.
That night, he came up
into my room.
He woke me up and said
that he needed all of my money
so that he could go
to New York.
I gave it to him and he told me
that he would keep in touch.
But he never did.
Sometimes I wonder
if I hadn't given him
the money...
I don't know.
It's funny,
I dream about him a lot.
Hall, please stop!
Hall, come back!
It's me. It's Robbie.
Hall. Please stop.
Hall, stop. Please!
Come back. It's me,
it's Robbie.
What I really want to be is
a movie or television star.
I know that I was meant
to do comedy.
I'm not turning out
to be the leading man type.
It'll force you
to be a good actor.
It would help a lot
to look like you.
Not to mention
what it would do
for my social life.
My social life is no big deal.
Not for you, it isn't.
No, really.
Everybody kids me
about being
the great make-out champion
or something.
You know what that does
to any girl
who's sensitive or caring?
She's decided I'm bad news
before I have had a chance
to prove I'm not.
So I spend my time
with strangers,
one after another.
Poor Daniel.
I wouldn't mind
just having a girlfriend.
That would ruin your reputation.
Wouldn't that be nice?
Listen, are we playing tonight?
No, we can't tonight.
We haven't played
in three days.
I've got a physics exam
I really need to study for.
How about tomorrow night?
Yeah, that's okay with me.
Why don't you check
with Kate and Robbie.
Hi, Jay Jay.
What's happening?
Oh, uh, nothing.
Come on in.
No, that's okay.
Kate'll be right out.
Listen, are we playing tomorrow?
Oh, gee, no...
we're kind of busy.
Uh, how about Wednesday?
You sure you don't want
to come in?
No, that's okay.
Well, take it easy, all right?
Was that Jay Jay?
He didn't want to wait.
He seemed real down.
Sometimes I can't figure
him out.
Oh, poor guy.
He acts so together,
but he's really very lonely.
Can you imagine
what it must be like
to be 16 and a sophomore?
We're all alone in the world.
You know that, don't you?
It's just you and me.
Birds can't talk.
Maybe I should smash
my motorbike
into the dorm wall.
It's too ordinary.
They'd think
it was just an accident.
You know that
no Grant University student
has ever committed suicide?
What can I do?
It's got to be the stuff
that legends are made of.
I want them to remember
Jay Jay Brockway.
I know.
The caverns!
The mysterious,
forbidden Pequod Caverns.
"Boy genius suicides
in caverns."
They'd talk about it forever.
I'd be immortal.
Poor Jay Jay.
Don't worry, Merlin.
Someone'll feed you.
Come on.
Okay, close your eyes.
-Come on, Robbie.
-Close 'em. Close 'em.
-Okay, now guess
where we are.
-Okay, ready?
-Yes, ready.
-All right.
-All right.
Keep 'em closed.
-Okay, they're closed.
-All right, open 'em up.
Oh, a double bed.
Now we can...
We can live together now.
Robbie it's, um...
It's too soon.
Okay? You should have
talked to me about this.
Well, what difference
does it make?
We're together
all the time anyway.
Yeah, and you know
how I feel about you.
It's just that...
I'm not ready yet.
It's too soon.
All right.
-All right. Let's get out of here.
-Robbie, come...
You know
that our going together
is the best thing
in my whole life.
We've got lots of time, okay?
So let's not rush it.
You've blindly stumbled
with a dozen
blood-thirsty undead.
However, between you
and the evil undead
is a deep pit,
where, at the very bottom,
you can just see
a faint glitter.
It could be the legendary
Treasure of the Jinnorak,
or it could be a trap.
Freelik jumps into the pit
to gather the treasure.
How much does Freelik get?
It's a trap.
The pit is filled with sharp
gem-encrusted spikes.
the Frenetic of Glossamir
is impaled and dies.
Pardieu, save him.
Use your power
to raise the dead.
Well, I can't.
I don't have enough points
to raise the dead.
Oh, hell!
Oh, Jay Jay,
that was really stupid,
jumping into the pit
without using your sonar first.
Really stupid.
Why did you do that?
Hey, cheer up, Jay Jay,
you can start again
as a new character.
Oh, it'll take him forever
to gather powers.
Well, I didn't kill him.
You did so.
You weren't paying attention.
Hey, let's not fight about it.
Right. What are
we going to do now?
I'd like to propose a new game.
Kind of an evolution
of Mazes and Monsters.
But we'd be playing
at a much more
sophisticated level.
We're not finished
with this game yet.
Yes, but it's not
the same without Freelik.
Well, let's hear the idea.
In all modesty,
it's the most intriguing concept
of the game
I've ever heard of.
Something that no one else
has tried.
I propose we play
Mazes and Monsters
in a real setting...
Pequod Caverns.
I was there. I went in.
Oh, it's fantastic.
Jay Jay, those caves
are too dangerous.
No one is allowed inside them.
We'll get expelled.
Not to mention getting killed.
They're perfectly safe.
I walked around
all inside of them.
It's a logical extension
of the game.
Naturally, I'll be
the Maze Controller.
I'll be great.
A couple of kids
got lost in there once.
They never found them.
It's a new frontier.
It won't be a fantasy...
It really will be
Mazes and Monsters.
All in favor of starting
a new game in Pequod Caverns,
say "aye."
All right.
We'll get expelled.
We'll have to keep it
absolutely secret.
I just need him. That's why.
Okay, dinner for four
on your credit card.
That's what I said.
Anywhere in Pequod?
Well, about the only time
I could sneak
old Basil out of here
is Saturday morning, early.
Perfect. We have a deal.
Just hold on
a minute, Jay Jay.
Me and Basil are pretty close.
I got to know why you need him.
You don't got to know.
You want to know.
Same thing.
You've got to keep it secret.
I don't want anyone invading
my territory and ruining it.
Yeah, right.
Like I got nothing better to do
than run around campus
telling everybody
your dumb little secrets.
I'm inventing the ultimate game
of Mazes and Monsters.
Pequod Caverns.
You are nuts.
I'll pick up Basil
on Saturday. Early.
Dress him warm, huh?
Jay Jay, where did you
get these costumes?
From the
Theater Arts department.
I borrowed them.
Hey, guys,
last chance to turn back.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
You are entering
the secret mazes
of the evil Voracians.
Somewhere within dwells
the wicked Ak-Oga
the most fiendish monster
of them all.
His awesome wickedness
is matched only by the greatness
of his treasure.
Shall ye enter?
This is great.
Come on.
It's cold.
Jay Jay?
Jay Jay?
Jay Jay?
Jay Jay?
Jay Jay?
Your maze controller
is with you,
unseen to your eyes.
Now, let the journey begin.
But which way do we go?
Your decision.
We'll let Glacia lead.
She'll protect us.
Thanks a lot.
Perhaps he was
on a mission such as ours.
Be careful.
Could be a trick.
Some skeletons possess
mystical powers.
You have two questions.
Is the skeleton evil?
Is it helpful?
Time will tell.
Perhaps there is a clue
hidden in the skull.
Beware of the sacrilege.
Glacia the Fighter
is not afraid.
Where the light was pointing.
Who among us can read
this strange writing?
I can.
They are ancient writings
of my people.
I learned them as a child.
They say,
"Eat of the bitter herb."
Will the herb
give us wisdom
or threaten us?
First we must find the herb.
Let us go the way
the skeleton came from.
Oh, I've found the herbs.
No, no, leave the rice there,
so we don't get lost.
Why don't we split up
and each of us look
for the herb?
Oh, no, no, no.
I don't think
that's a good idea.
What's the matter? Scared?
It's just that...
You going to be all right?
Yeah. I'll be fine.
Well, I'm going this way.
Okay, I'll...
I'll go this way.
A monster!
A Gorvil!
A Gorvil!
Glacia! Nimble!
Help me!
Help me!
Robbie, you okay?
- You okay, Robbie?
- Robbie.
-You okay, Robbie?
-'Tis all right.
'Tis all right now.
I have slain the Gorvil.
It's okay.
Oh, Robbie, you were great.
I just thought I was going
to have a coronary occlusion
or something.
Jay Jay,
that place is incredible.
I was so scared. I love it.
Great, Jay Jay, really.
What's wrong?
I'm a Holy Man.
I never kill
unless I cannot overcome
the monster with reason
or spells.
I've got these to compensate
for my lack of warlike skills.
Knock it off, Robbie.
I loved it when Kate saw
the skeleton and screamed.
I was so scared. Jay Jay,
I thought you mixed fantasy
and reality perfectly.
Well, I was gonna build
some monsters out
of paper mache and stuff.
Oh, no.
That would have ruined it.
The most frightening monsters
are the ones that exist
in our minds.
Bless you all.
Knock it off, Pardieu.
Who are you?
I am The Great Hall.
Once you gloried in killing.
Now you are of a higher level.
To attain the highest level,
you must be holy
in all your life.
You must be pious,
humble, celibate.
But I walk
with Glacia the Fighter.
The Holy Man must walk alone.
No, wait.
Please, Great Hall.
I need you.
When you are worthy,
then you will come
to the Two Towers
and be one with The Great Hall.
Wait. Hall, please!
Well, studying hard, I see.
Any way I could, uh,
convince you
to take a little break?
Kate, please.
What's wrong?
Kate, I can't be
with you anymore.
I mean, I really like you,
but I just can't be
with you any longer.
Robbie, why?
Uh, what do you mean?
What did I do?
You didn't do anything.
Are you mad at me?
No, no, no, no.
Why would I be mad?
Robbie, I don't...
I don't understand what you...
Look, don't get upset.
I love you
and I will always love you
but I just can't touch
you anymore.
What's going on?
Look, if you've met
somebody else
or you don't want to go out
with me anymore,
then that's fine.
But just don't lie to me
and say that you love me
but you can't touch me.
But I do love you.
It's possible for me
to love you
without making love to you.
I can't believe
this is happening.
This is exactly like last time.
This is deja vu.
What is it? Is it me, Robbie?
You can tell me. No.
You can tell me, is it me?
No, no, no.
It's got nothing to do with you.
It's got nothing to do with you.
It's just me.
So, you and Robbie
are officially over?
It's been over for a while now.
I think I scared him off.
Daniel, do you think
I'm too tough?
He said that?
No, no.
I was just wondering.
I would say you're guarded,
but you're not tough.
Why is it every man
I've ever cared for
just says goodbye
and walks out of my life?
Like my father...
and Steven
last year, remember?
Now Robbie.
I don't know.
I guess I just don't know
very much about men.
Well, you're the most
perceptive woman I know.
Thank you.
Kate, uh,
do you want him back?
It was a shock at first,
but we're good friends now.
It's not romantic,
but it's a lot more real.
Have you noticed
that Robbie's been acting
a bit weird lately?
What do you mean?
You haven't noticed anything?
What about his blessing
people all the time
and giving his stuff away
and acting so holy?
He's just staying in character.
Yes, I know.
And that's exactly
what I'm worried about.
He's taking
his fantasy character
so much into real life,
that he has changed.
Come on, Kate, don't worry.
I don't think Robbie's turning
into Pardieu.
We work out our problems
in the caverns
and then we leave them there.
What problems do you work out?
Trying to be me
and not a copy of my father.
You know, you really
are a lot different
away from the game.
So are you.
Next you must find
the secret city under the Earth.
When you have purified your mind
as you have your body.
But how will I know?
Why are you so impatient?
Because I love you
and I want you to forgive me.
Remember all that you see.
I'm making a map.
When you are ready,
you will need no map.
Daniel, answer me.
Daniel, help me. I'm lost.
Daniel, help me. I'm lost!
Kate, keep calling.
I can barely hear you.
I'm here, Daniel.
I'm here!
Keep calling, Kate.
Keep calling!
Daniel, I'm here!
I'm here, Daniel!
Daniel! Oh, God, I thought
I was lost in here forever.
You okay?
Yep. I'm fine, now.
I want to tell you
why I was in the caverns.
You were burying a body?
I was cheating.
I was trying to figure out
where Jay Jay hid
the treasure.
Do you want
to win that badly?
My father would be thrilled.
But I know you wouldn't cheat
at something really important.
This is only a game.
It's become a lot more for me.
Will you tell Jay Jay?
No, I didn't learn anything.
Besides, he'd be too flattered.
You know,
I was always like
Mr. Spock from Star Trek.
I thought I had no feelings,
like a Vulcan.
I never thought
I could fall in love.
You're not like
Mr. Spock at all.
You're like the, uh, the Tin Man
from The Wizard of Oz,
who thought he had no heart,
and all along, he had
the biggest heart of all.
You know,
I was always afraid
to get involved with you
because you're so attractive.
Happy Halloween!
Hey, welcome to the party.
Happy Halloween!
Perry, this is supposed
to be a costume party.
Everyone else is dressed up,
why aren't you?
That's pretty funny, Jay Jay.
Who are you supposed
to be anyway?
Noel Coward.
Now, Pardieu.
You will know how to find me.
Now you are ready.
Hey, Robbie?
Hey, have you guys
seen Robbie?
Not since last night.
Robbie can get
pretty out of it,
but even he wouldn't go
away for the weekend
and leave his door unlocked.
Well, then he's got to be
around here someplace.
Hey, guys.
He wasn't
in his class this morning.
I mean,
I've talked to everybody
and no one's seen him.
If he went away for the weekend,
then he would've come up
to one of our rooms
and told us the second
he got back.
Maybe he got sick or something
and he went home early.
Where would he go
without clothes or his wallet?
Where are you going?
To phone his mom.
Hello. Is Robbie there, please?
No. Robbie's at school.
Who's calling?
This is Kate,
uh, a friend of his.
Uh, he wasn't
in class this morning
and I just wondered
if he'd gone home.
Has he skipped class before?
No, no. Uh, he's probably
around here somewhere.
Sorry to have bothered you.
Thanks a lot. Bye-bye.
Why'd you hang up like that?
I don't know.
I suddenly got scared.
Hey, this isn't our maze.
Do you think Robbie was
involved with another game?
No, no. If he'd been
playing with another group,
we would have known.
"The Two Towers."
That's Tolkien.
What's "The Great Hall"?
You know,
maybe he was hitch-hiking
and got picked up
by some maniac,
you know, like that
Freeway Killer in California.
Jay Jay,
Robbie wouldn't hitch-hike.
And where would
he be going anyway?
It just doesn't make any sense.
He's flipped into the game.
Come on.
No, I know it.
I tried to tell you.
He's been acting weird lately.
Maybe he went to the caves.
To start his own game.
So he could be
the Maze Controller.
And got hurt or something.
Come on, let's go.
If Robbie's in there,
it's my fault. All my fault.
Calm down.
It's not anybody's fault.
Let's just hope
that he's all right.
This map just doesn't make
any sense.
Well, maybe he invented
his own maze.
Holy Men are supposed
to see things
that aren't there, remember?
If we just consider
this a second,
there's really nothing
that says Robbie thinks
he's Pardieu.
Daniel, give me another
plausible explanation.
All right, so what
do we do now?
Tell somebody.
And get expelled?
No, I got an idea.
But first, we gotta clear
all our stuff out of here.
I'll get the torches.
A lost weekend
does not make a lost person.
Yes, but Robbie Wheeling
isn't the kind of guy
who would just run off
without telling anybody.
Even his parents
don't know where he is.
Maybe he met a young lady.
Not Robbie.
There is one possibility.
Robbie was really fascinated
with those caves
off the two-lane.
Oh, you mean Pequod Caverns?
Yeah, I think that's
what they're called.
Maybe he got lost in there.
You were a good friend
of Robbie's, right?
Uh, yeah, he...
Excuse me, you said "were"?
Oh, sorry.
What were you going to say?
What I was going to say is
that Robbie is a terrific guy.
Everyone likes him.
When you last saw him,
was he depressed? Or moody?
Anything out of the ordinary?
I don't think I've ever seen
Robbie depressed.
He's a very peaceful guy,
into spiritual things.
Like Mazes and Monsters?
You mean the game?
We know he played.
We found a map in his room.
You play?
Oh, I used to,
but it takes up a lot of time.
I'm a straight-A student.
I know.
What about the caverns?
What about them?
We heard some of the students
were playing Mazes and Monsters
in there.
Yeah, I heard that, too.
What kind of bird is that?
It's a myna bird.
Does it talk?
Birds can't talk.
Funny. You teach him that?
Does it bite?
Oh, all birds bite.
Who else was in the caverns?
I don't... I don't know.
I don't even know
if Robbie was playing in them.
But you said
he was your "good" friend.
Yeah, but he doesn't
tell me everything.
All I know is that
he mentioned them once or twice.
Why would Robbie go
into the caverns alone?
I really have no idea.
Yes, Robbie
was getting peculiar.
It was, uh...
It was like the game
was becoming his whole life
and sometimes
he was more interested
in it than me.
So, we broke up.
Who'd he play with?
Uh, I don't know.
He never really talked
about that, that part of it.
I don't think he really realized
how dangerous the game was.
Robbie a doper?
Well, you know, like anybody...
a little wine or beer. But...
You and Kate Finch
go together now?
Yes, sir.
And you're still friendly
with Robbie?
Oh, sure. I didn't take
her away from him.
They were all over with
when I came along.
What do you guys
think happened?
One of the players
Robbie played with
got carried away and killed him.
That's kind of far-out.
Mazes and Monsters
is a far-out game.
Swords, poison, spells,
battles, maiming, killing.
It's all imagination.
Is it?
I'll be talking to you.
But then,
why do I feel so guilty?
It's like
we're covering up a crime.
But it wouldn't have
helped Robbie
to tell the cops
we played the game with him.
But will you look at
what we have done?
We have taken
all the game stuff,
everything from the caverns,
and we have hidden it.
But it had our fingerprints
all over it.
Yes, but Jay Jay,
that is withholding evidence.
If Robbie's
in those caverns,
and is dead because of
Mazes and Monsters,
we're involved.
We're really involved.
You two keep talking
like something really awful
has happened to Robbie.
Well, I think so, too.
So what are we going to do?
We could give my map
of the caverns to the cops.
What map?
I thought you said
you hid everything.
Well, I was so proud of it.
But this is going
to implicate us.
We could mail it.
No, it'd take too long.
I got a better idea.
Look, I've got less
than a minute.
You know
I can't release the name yet.
Okay, tell me, then,
was it a student
at the University?
-Now, what was
he doing in there?
-How should I know?
John, we're going in.
Okay, be careful.
Look, we heard a game
of Mazes and Monsters
got a little out of hand
over at the University.
Fifteen seconds, Bud.
Mazes and Monsters?
Right. You know
how to play it?
-My kids play it. I know the game.
-Yeah, well...
-All right, up here.
-Five seconds. Let's go, let's go.
This is Bud Hayden
live from Pequod Caverns.
There's Martini's car.
You guys wait here.
Hey, uh, Martini?
Yeah, well, stay on it.
Hi. What's happening?
Well, that's what
we came to find out.
We haven't had much luck.
We've looked in the caverns.
Someone even conveniently
supplied us with a map
of the game.
But the caverns go on for miles.
We have no idea
where the body is.
Actually, we're not sure
Wheeling's in there at all.
You want to know the truth?
We don't have idea one
where Robbie Wheeling is.
And I don't know
if we ever will.
The only thing I know is that
if he's in those caverns,
he's dead.
Happy Halloween.
Happy Halloween.
Merlin, be quiet.
Jay Jay, you're wasting
your time.
You heard what Martini said.
What if he is dead?
What if he isn't?
That's right. And as long
as we don't know for sure,
then he's alive.
Jay Jay, that is
an exact duplicate
of Robbie's map.
How do you do that?
Some people get great tans.
Okay, now what do we do?
Now we try to find Robbie.
By using
our game-playing skills.
Accepting the premise
that Robbie's become Pardieu,
then this was created
by Pardieu.
Therefore the solution
is right here on this map.
But if it's not a map
of the caverns,
what is it a map of?
Happy Halloween.
Merlin, enough.
-Oh, my God. That's it.
The Great Hall.
It's not a place, it's a person.
Robbie's brother's name
was Hall.
The one that ran away.
Ran away?
What are you talking about?
Oh, oh, Robbie told me
that years ago his brother
ran away on Halloween,
at his own birthday party,
and they've never seen
him since.
Now, the last time
we saw Robbie
was the day
of your Halloween party.
That's right!
What else did he say?
Oh, he said that he was dreaming
about him a lot.
-What else, Kate?
Kate, there's got
to be something else.
What else did he say?
-Come on, Kate.
-Oh, I'm trying!
It's like looking
for a needle in a haystack.
We're not getting anywhere.
Okay, well, let's go at this
a different way.
I still say
because of Halloween
and The Great Hall,
that it has to do
with his brother.
Okay, I agree.
But the big question
still remains.
Is Robbie being Robbie?
Or is he being Pardieu?
Let's say he's being Pardieu.
Okay, where would
a Holy Man go?
On a quest.
To find The Great Hall?
If The Great Hall
is a person,
could The Two Towers
not be people?
They could be his parents.
We're going in circles.
Let's call it a night.
Hey, what is that?
Give me that.
This is my spells.
I guard them with my life.
Oh, my God.
My God!
I have a collect call
from Robbie Wheeling.
Will you accept the charges?
Yes. Robbie?
Kate, I'm in New York.
New York? Robbie,
are you all right?
What happened?
I don't know.
I can't remember.
Robbie. It's going
to be all right.
Where are you exactly?
There's blood on my knife.
Knife? What happened?
And it's on my hands.
I think I killed somebody.
I know I killed somebody.
Robbie, just tell me
where you are.
Uh... Uh...
40th and 8th.
Okay, Robbie.
Now, I want you to listen
to me very carefully.
It's going to be all right.
Okay? Okay?
Now Jay Jay, Daniel, and I,
we're going to come
and get you just
as soon as we can.
It's going to be all right.
I want you to listen
very carefully.
I want you to meet us
at Jay Jay's place.
It's 605 East 70th Street.
605 East 70th.
Jay Jay's.
Good. Just go there
and wait for us.
What are you doing
with that stupid bird?
Oh, come on,
Merlin's good luck.
The maze.
Please. There's no reason
to fear me.
I am Pardieu. I am a holy man.
I'm the King of France.
Your Majesty.
I have been
on a very long quest.
Yeah, well, haven't we all?
How long have you been
in the mazes?
I don't know, years.
I keep meaning
to find another place,
I just don't seem to.
Can you tell me
of the giant dragon?
On my travels here,
I heard him.
Dragon, you say?
Yes, the giant dragon.
The one above.
-There he is.
Does he stand guard
over the treasure?
Stay away from up there.
They catch you,
they'll throw you out.
They don't get down this far.
I see.
You are very wise.
Perhaps you can help me.
I am in search
of The Great Hall.
Uh, beats me, pal.
And the Two Towers?
Yeah. Yeah, I know those.
Oh, sir, I would be greatly
in your debt
if you could tell me the way.
Good morning, Mr. Brockway.
I haven't seen your friend.
But he said that he'd...
I'm sorry,
I've been here the whole time
and no one's been here
asking for you at all.
Maybe he already went up.
What do we do now?
I don't know.
Come on in.
Oh, no,
she's redecorating again.
Hey, let's go up
to my room, guys.
Well, I guess
anything would be better
than hospital modern.
I love it.
I love it!
Don't you love it, Merlin?
Birds can't talk.
Oh, my mother
just redecorated my room.
It's nice.
It's different.
Well, I propose we start looking
for Robbie in the last place
he was seen.
Somewhere around 40th and 8th.
I've marked every location
where a Holy Man
might go on the map.
Good. Well,
now we're starting
to think like him.
How many places
are there?
Dozens. We've got
to figure out which one.
The Cloisters. That's Medieval.
No. We have to be
in Pardieu's mind.
He never heard of it.
St. Patrick's Cathedral.
That's something
he would have seen.
Along with a hundred
other churches.
Remember, he's on a quest.
He's not going to stop to pray.
I just hope the cops
don't have him.
We would have heard.
I'm out of ideas.
We can't give up.
He's one of us.
But where do we look?
I don't know. We've got to try.
The Two Towers... Wait...
Not the book, real.
Oh, where's my brain?
The Two Towers
are the Twin Towers!
The World Trade Center!
Pardieu is...
Going to join his brother.
The Great Hall.
Who's probably dead!
Oh, no.
Let's go.
The Towers.
Come on, let's move.
Let's try
the observation deck.
Excuse me.
-Excuse me.
- Excuse me, please.
- Thanks.
Okay, which way?
Uh, over there.
I don't see him anywhere.
Maybe he's back downstairs.
Let's go back down
to the lobby.
Excuse me.
Where could he be?
There he is. Robbie! Robbie!
Robbie! Robbie!
Which way?
The elevators.
Let's go, Daniel.
Where is he?
He's got to be
up here, somewhere.
The door!
Hurry up!
- Robbie!
- Robbie!
Pardieu. What are you doing?
I am going to join
The Great Hall.
You can't. It's a trap.
I have spells. I'm going to fly.
You don't have enough points.
I am the Maze Controller.
Maze Con...
-Maze Controller?
And I have absolute authority
in this game.
Jay Jay, what am I doing here?
Kate? Why can't I remember?
You don't know
how good it feels to be
finally writing my novel.
Yeah? What's it about?
It's a surprise.
Come on, Kate.
Tell us.
Well, it's about the four
of us playing the game,
and how we conquered
our fears through it,
the terrible thing
that happened to Robbie...
It's hard to write
about those feelings,
but I'm not afraid anymore.
Well, I'm sure
it'll be a best-seller.
You know, I think
we're all going to be
famous one day.
-I'll tell you, Jay Jay,
the Theater Arts department
is in for a real shock
with you
in the Directors' Program.
I hope so.
Well, I'm the quiet type.
I'm going to be perfectly happy
as a future captain of industry
in computer software.
I only wish Robbie
was coming back
to school with us.
But his mother says he has
to keep seeing that doctor.
But the important thing is,
he's going to be okay.
Maybe he'll be
back next semester.
We should be there
pretty soon.
I'm so glad to see you all.
Oh, glad we could come.
Listen, Robbie's friends
don't come around much anymore.
He'll be thrilled.
-How's he doing?
-Oh, he's fine.
He's around the back,
getting some air.
But before you go,
I want you to know
I don't blame any of you
for what happened to Robbie.
You didn't know it,
but he was fragile at the time.
Well, the game was
an outlet for him, I guess.
Anyway, I...
I just want you to know
it had nothing to do
with any of you.
-Thank you.
-Yeah, thanks.
Well, come on now.
He's right around in back.
Robbie! Hi!
You look terrific.
Yeah, you really do.
Aren't you dead?
Didn't you die
when you leaped into the pit?
Hey, come on, Robbie.
Stop fooling around.
It is you, Freelik.
You have been restored
to the living.
Whoever did that
is a great Holy Man.
A greater Holy Man
even than I.
Oh, Robbie.
Oh, Glacia!
Nimble, too!
Perhaps you are preparing
for yet another quest?
Oh, Robbie.
Glacia, has someone
placed a spell
of forgetfulness on you?
-I am Pardieu, the Holy Man.
I had many strange encounters
since last we met.
A great dragon. A Gorvil.
This is a good place to stay.
Warm, very clean,
and the food
is good and plentiful.
Oh, Freelik.
I have something
you may be interested in.
I have
an Eternally Renewing Coin.
Every night, I give it
to my innkeeper's wife
to pay for my lodging,
and every morning
when I awake,
it is in my pouch again.
Well, shall we not begin
the quest?
This lake is enchanted.
And beyond there,
you see The Great Forest.
Now, the innkeeper
and his wife
fear the forest,
and they warn me
to stay away.
I feel there must be
some evil force
dwelling within it.
If we could vanquish that evil,
the innkeeper and his wife
could live happily
and in peace.
Do you know of this forest?
Yes, uh...
I am the Maze Controller.
There is a...
Kingdom of the Evil Voracians.
Ruled by the wicked Ak-Oga.
Within this forest
lies terrible danger
and also a wondrous treasure.
Shall ye enter?
Follow me. I know the way.
I have seen the spirits
dance in this lake
in the evenings.
They sing a song
not unlike yours, Freelik.
Not unlike the sprites.
I haven't been
beyond this ridge,
but the paths to the forest
are clearly marked.
And so we played
the game again,
for one last time.
It didn't matter
that there were no maps
or dice or no monsters.
Pardieu saw the monsters.
We did not.
We saw nothing
but the death of hope
and the loss of our friend.
And so we played the game
until the sun began to set
and all the monsters were dead.