Mazinger SKL (2011) Movie Script

Gravity anomaly confirmed.
Start mission-zone approach.
Cargo detachment system, check.
Hey, are we gonna make it? You sure
we can handle the gravity curtain?
Don't be scared. We know we can since
the Death Caprice squad went in a week ago.
You mean Kaidou and Magami's squad?
You know about those two, don't you?
Something's not right with them.
"Grim Reaper." "Jinx."
"Battlefield Skull Collector." "Hell's Pilot."
Those are the nicknames
they got in their mercenary days.
Seems it doesn't just apply to foes.
They fulfill their missions...
...but only they return alive. The rest
of their team's sure to get wiped out.
Maybe we're the red shirts this time.
What's wrong, smeg heads?
You all look like you'd
rather run home to mama!
Well, suck it up and listen. We're nearly
above the mission zone on Kikaijima Island.
Comms are cut due to
the gravity curtain's effects... we still don't know
the Death Caprice squad's status.
Maybe shutting down the gravity engine is
taking longer or some problem sprung up.
If this mission fails,
you can say goodbye to our planet!
Our Glen Falcon squad's going in the gravity
curtain to shut down the gravity engine!
Show 'em what marines are made of!
I couldn't hear you!
That's right! Get your
shit together, smeg heads!
Lieutenant Yuuki.
Combat's not your job this time.
Just focus on stopping the engine.
You'll be fine with us supporting you.
Yes, ma'am.
Visual on gravity curtain.
Computing entry route. Transfer to cargo chief.
Computing entry route. Transfer to cargo chief.
Prepare to detach.
Mission and current data
sent to all terminals.
Confirmed. Instrumental navigation
useless due to anomaly. Going in visually.
Prepare for entry!
We've got 66 hours till our time limit.
Glen Falcon squad is now
entering the gravity curtain.
Deploy gravity plasma
emission system!
Entry path confirmed. Begin
penetrating the gravity curtain now.
Starting cargo separation system.
Good luck, Captain Scarlet!
Good luck, Captain Scarlet!
Roger that. Start the engines!
Roger that. Start the engines!
Charge graviton coils!
Captain Scarlet!
Wind shear. Pull up.
Wind shear. Wind shear. Pull up.
Bow down
to Lord Garan, you Kiba brats!
Shut up!
Die, you old Garan farts!
W-What the...
Its pilots...
...are Special Forces
Lieutenants Kaidou and Magami.
Uh-oh, Magami.
Looks like Yuuki's passed out.
Great, a survivor we have to look after.
It's show time!
Here we go!
Stay alive the deadly game you play.
Burn the torch now to light the way.
Stay alive to break down the wall.
The time has come
to make the final call.
Are we standing
on the edge of hope?
The human race is
on its way to destruction.
Fire back to bring us back to life.
We are the soldiers
at the edge of time.
We are the soldiers of eternity. Yeah!
Immortal god machine
sets the world free.
We're gonna fly to the end of the sky.
Mazinkaiser SKL
Come on!
After the great war, a gravity curtain
formed around Kikaijima Island.
Therefore, no aircraft
or ship can get very close to it.
Perhaps it was some automated
defense system, but we aren't even sure.
However, our surveillance
systems recently detected...
...the gravity engine's final alarm
emanating from the island.
If we ignore it
and the engine collapses... will probably inflict
catastrophic damage on the world.
The Skull Force will now launch its
Kikaijima Gravity Engine Shutdown mission.
Focus the shield on the front
of the castle. Protect Lady Aira!
Where's that skull bastard?
There you are. Just you wait!
Kiba's going to finish you off
personally! Get the hell outta my way!
Goddamned peons.
Kaidou! Switch with me!
It's all yours.
This devil... It will be the god
who brings us salvation...
This Kiba dude never learns.
Switch out, Magami!
Switch out, Magami!
Friggin' muscle head.
Don't let it go to your head!
We're not through!
C'mon! C'mon!
That's fine with me!
That's fine with me!
The main Garan force is on the move.
Say what?
Is Garan himself with them?
I see his mech on the scanners.
Looks like he's there.
If he just sat back
and watched as usual...
...we were going to go on
and storm Hachiryoukaku.
You guys just
narrowly escaped death!
You can bet we'll finish this next
time we meet! Don't forget that!
Sure, he talks big.
He's so stupid I can't believe it.
Who are you to talk?
Kiba forces or Garan forces...
There's still a risk when you leave
your fortress. Guess that's how it is.
Hey, did you say something
weird in the confusion back there?
Don't be so jumpy.
We don't exactly plan
to eat you or anything.
This is Hachiryoukaku.
This is Hachiryoukaku.
I'm Hurricane. This is Flash.
Who are you?
Glen Falcon squad
first lieutenant Tsubasa Yuuki.
You came in from
the outside, didn't you?
We won't have much of
a conversation if you're that wound up.
It's okay. Let's take her to meet Aira.
It's okay. Let's take her to meet Aira.
I guess that's the quickest way.
I guess that's the quickest way.
We're ready
to attack Hachiryoukaku.
Yeah, we'll settle things
tonight as planned.
Then we'll have all the women
waiting on us we could want!
Neither Garan nor the Hachiryoukaku women
would ever expect two raids in one day.
That takes guts.
That's right, boss! Well said!
Come on, men!
Let's go kick some ass!
Lord Garan.
Yes, sir.
How shall we arrange our forces?
Standing by on this side of the ridge.
Kiba's after Hachiryoukaku.
And there's the skull mech. We'll
watch the battle for an opportunity.
As you wish.
He who loses his
patience loses the battle, Kiba.
I am Aira, leader of Hachiryoukaku.
That's strange...
I sense warmth from her.
Our parents were imprisoned on
this island when the great war ended.
Conflicts have been
going on here ever since.
It's simply because
this environment...
...lets us endlessly produce
the tools of our warfare, robots.
They're on the move.
We'll go once we eat.
These are this island's
three fortresses.
This is Hachiryoukaku, Kiba's coastal
fortress, and Castle Garan in the mountains.
Each is equipped with
a robot-manufacturing plant.
Are you aware this island's
gravity engine is nearing its limit?
We came here to keep
the gravity engine from exploding.
At this rate, the giant explosion will
collapse Earth's magnetic field...
...probably wiping out all life.
I didn't know it progressed that far...
And the engine controls?
It can only be controlled
from each of the three plants.
This current situation is likely caused
by Kiba's or Garan's fortress...
...extracting more than
the maximum allowed energy.
If we explain it to them...
The fighting's been going on
so long that it's everything to them.
No! But they'll both be destroyed too.
The pleasure they derive from fighting
means even more than death.
We brought a combat robot with us.
Perhaps Kaiser can...
So you people call that devil Kaiser...
That skull mech?
It's definitely powerful.
But it's just one mech.
A large group of Kiba
robots is headed this way!
There are so many!
But nearly all our robots are docked
after the fighting earlier today!
Lord Garan.
The Kiba forces have mobilized.
Now to see what the outsiders do.
Keep a close eye on them.
Certainly, sir.
Today's the day you, Hachiryoukaku,
and the other women become mine!
I don't mind some damage, boys!
Show 'em real good now
who the boss of this world is!
We recovered your mech.
The pilder... If I can contact Kaiser...
Hurry! Hurry!
The safe-shutdown
deadline is in about fifty hours.
Hey! You're not
fighting in that, are you?
I'll try calling Kaiser.
I'll try calling Kaiser.
Even if you do, what good's one more ally?
Even if you do, what good's one more ally?
Let's go! Quickly!
I'm gonna make you my woman
and have my way with ya.
Yuuki of Glen Falcon
calling Death Caprice.
Amon Six, Lucifer Four,
please respond.
Lieutenant Kaidou! Kaiser!
Looks like she survived.
Lieutenant Kaidou, respond.
She's calling you. Say something.
I can't stand dealing with her.
The kid's too serious and stiff.
I agree.
Lieutenant Magami, please respond.
Hey, how come she said
please to you and not to me?
This is Lucifer Four.
This is Lucifer Four.
Please respond ASAP.
Requesting backup for Hachiryoukaku.
Say what?
Technical Officer Yuuki, I don't think
you have the authority to give us orders.
Everybody else in
Glen Falcon was wiped out.
Including Captain Scarlet?
Including Captain Scarlet?
So as a regular first lieutenant,
I am now in command.
So Special Forces is a demotion?
So Special Forces is a demotion?
Please tell me your current position.
There's no need.
Damn it! I wish they'd hold still!
W-What the?
Is that Kaiser?
Here we go!
It's the skull mech!
Him, huh?
Take this!
They're powerful enough, but it
takes forever for them to come back.
Yuuki, have
Hachiryoukaku's robots fall back.
They're in the way of combat.
They're in the way of combat.
please respond. This is Yuuki.
Hachiryoukaku here.
Please leave this battle to Kaiser, fall back,
and focus on defending your fortress.
The men piloting it are dangerous.
You'll get hit too if you're too close.
All right, I'll notify them right away.
I won't go down easy!
Fall back to the fortress wall!
How can we trust that
robot we know nothing about?
We'll defend our territory ourselves!
I see you!
Well, aren't you a beaut?
Damn it!
That's why we said to fall back!
It's about time we switched.
Sucks for you that we're here.
Now, where would you like to be shot?
Answer within five seconds
and I'll honor your request.
Who do you think you are?
Time's up.
I'm not through!
Impossible... How could
my entire army get wiped out?
Just one mech...
They've cornered Kiba.
They've cornered Kiba.
What is that thing? A monster?
But of course. This is the kind
of fight I've been waiting for!
Hey, skull bastard!
Can you keep up with me?
Look out. Kiba just drew his sword.
I'll leave the swordplay to you.
Neither of you really feel
alive unless you're fighting!
It's funny how you can
get along while killing each other!
Less talking, more fighting!
I'm happy you showed
up to challenge me.
But I can't stand you either.
You think you can show up
here and do as you please?
That's cool if you
resent me! Bring it on!
You'll pay for that!
H-How dare
you head-butt me, asshole?
Hey, hey. Go easy on the cockpit.
A spoiled kid who can't even assess
a battle shouldn't be runnin' an army!
That's what you get!
Want to switch, Kaidou?
Want to switch, Kaidou?
Shut up! I've got this one!
Shut up! I've got this one!
When we meet a god,
we cut him down.
When we meet a demon,
we shoot him down.
We fight 'cause we want to!
We smash because we want to!
We smash because we want to!
We don't have any just cause!
We don't have any just cause!
I'll be waiting for you in hell!
There's no point in doing that.
We are hell.
They took down Kiba...
Is this really the god
that will bring us salvation?
The fangs that stroke
the darkness cry. The fallen sky wails.
Listen to the melody
of survival and death.
If you're confused, open your eyes
and try to pierce the beating in your chest.
A state of desolation,
a state of pleasure.
See if you can predict the ending.
The destruction is right before your eyes.
Voices quarrel with
each other fearlessly.
On a night when a fake can go mad...
...that's the time to get lost in fantasy.
Dark dreams wash away reason...
...and burn away the passing time.
The fangs that stroke
the darkness cry. The fallen sky wails.
Listen to the melody
of survival and death.
The black world that calls out
for bloodshed. The fallen red tears.
Look at the haunting
memories of demise.
That ominous mechanical silhouette...
Stay alive the deadly game you play.
Burn the torch now to light the way.
Stay alive to break down the wall.
The time has come
to make the final call.
Are we standing
on the edge of hope?
The human race is
on its way to destruction.
Fire back to bring us back to life.
We are the soldiers
at the edge of time.
We are the soldiers of eternity. Yeah!
Immortal god machine
sets the world free.
We're gonna fly to the end of the sky.
Mazinkaiser SKL
Come on!
What has Death Caprice
been doing up to this point?
What, isn't it obvious?
We were dragged into the conflict,
and everyone but us was wiped out.
Didn't your team get wiped out too?
I just wish
Captain Scarlet were still around...
She's dead, huh?
I can't say I didn't like her.
Himiko. What do you think
exists in the outside world?
A new land, where we could live in
peace? Or do you wish for even more war?
My opinion is the same
as yours, Lord Garan.
My dream is a warrior's dream.
So long as somebody
cares for this martial hell...
...someday we may yet see
a world of blessedness.
Aira Mu Gebet.
Why have you appeared
in this form, devil?
The place is empty, huh?
Did all of them really
go out into battle?
That's impossible.
Even if this were all-out war... never empty out
your headquarters completely.
Ask and ye shall receive.
Seems they won't listen to reason.
You're going to kill them?
You're going to kill them?
You gonna get killed?
Let's have some fun!
Seems you at least paid attention when
they trained you to take down enemies.
You'd best get a better
grasp on the situation...
...or you're not going to survive it.
Now, it's your turn.
How's the radiation level?
Low enough to be
fine for protective gear.
Watch out for rips.
Relax. We'll recover your body.
If there's anything left!
Give it a rest.
I know. If she screws up,
we're as good as dead too.
I was lightening the mood.
Well? Think you can stop it?
It's all right.
I'm not disarming a time bomb.
It's antiquated, but I'll grasp
it all if it's a standard system.
Sounds promising.
A trap was set.
Say what?
But it wasn't a professional job.
They applied a basic firewall.
It'll reject stop commands
and contaminate this area.
Really? Can't you cancel it?
It's just an amateur trick.
No way I'd fall for it.
Proceed with care.
It may be misdirection.
Naturally. I checked.
Wanna know the trick? It's the red wire...
Wanna know the trick? It's the red wire...
Keep quiet.
That's one down.
Lieutenant Yuuki, didn't that priestess Aira
promise to help with Hachiryoukaku's plant?
Let's hurry and stop that one too.
Garan's plant is the problematic one.
I'll use Himiko's mind as a mirror
to show me Garan's true intent.
Aira Mu Gebet.
Aira Mu Gebet.
Himiko, show me the truth.
What's wrong?
You know all there is to know.
About the gravity engine and
the people who came from the outside.
Now that Kiba's gone, there's no reason
for us to fight on this tiny island.
You are the one
who should lead the island.
Himiko, what are you hiding?
This is Garan's true goal.
If you assist us...
...we will accept Hachiryoukaku
as our Kikaijima brethren.
But if you won't follow us...
I cannot.
Then you leave us no choice.
Sometimes I feel
jealous of your powers.
Surely you jest.
We'll win control of Hachiryoukaku!
We'll win control of Hachiryoukaku!
Yes, my lord.
We have our orders!
We're going to attack Hachiryoukaku!
Begin the advance!
Begin the advance!
Yes, sir!
What will you do next,
Lieutenant Yuuki?
I'll return to Hachiryoukaku and stop
the second remote control device.
They promised to cooperate, so I don't
suppose they'll just sit and watch.
We'll go ahead to Garan's fortress and
make your job easier by cleaning it out.
Is that necessary?
Is that necessary?
Don't be naive.
Garan will fight,
no matter what happens.
There's no time, so I'll permit it.
Now get going!
The nuisance is finally gone.
Garan's forces have declared war on us.
Psycho gear interceptors, to the defense line.
Those with psycho barrier abilities,
please stand by at your assigned positions.
Garan is attacking...
It's like things are getting
hectic since that devil showed.
This was bound to happen.
It's not that devil's fault at least.
Of course, it's probably still a jinx.
Garan's forces?
Hachiryoukaku is
now deploying its shield.
I'm on my way.
It'll be a battlefield.
It's not safe, so stay back.
Yuuki, how did it go at Kiba's plant?
Yuuki, how did it go at Kiba's plant?
We shut it down.
We shut it down.
All right. Now stay back.
We'll contact you again.
The gravity engine's
safe-shutdown deadline is in 44 hours...
We can't hope for Kaiser's help
in the Hachiryoukaku battle...
Look. It's a castle.
That's a bit much,
as anachronisms go.
Enemy attack! Return fire!
They're attacking my headquarters
to protect Hachiryoukaku...
What fools.
Our front-line units are in position.
Order them to begin.
Don't let them get any closer!
Let's get them!
Let's get them!
Stand your ground.
We need to stop them here!
Stupid bitches!
You don't stand a chance!
Bow down to Lord Garan!
Then we'll at least spare your lives!
Shut the hell up!
Never underestimate a woman!
Shit, can't get closer.
So now what?
I'll just do this from the inside!
That must be Garan.
You're an amusing fellow.
Even with my abilities,
I fail to comprehend your actions.
Why barge in here?
We don't have any just cause.
We fight 'cause we want to.
We smash 'cause we want to. That's all.
You must be joking.
Come now and see
if you can finish me!
You'll regret that!
Let's do this!
You're good at charging in close.
But all you're doing
is getting closer to hell!
That's just the way I like it!
I can only assume
that was meant as an insult.
It just means
I'm gettin' a little serious.
You're determined too.
So you're one of
that skull devil's pilots.
I want to fight the skull devil.
Are you sayin' a flesh-and-blood
one-on-one fight isn't good enough?
If you die, I'll no longer get
to have a bout against your robot.
That might end up
being a terrible thing.
Now, face me with it.
I'm going to make use of a robot too.
Pilot it or be crushed
where you stand!
Say what?
Hey! Don't you turn
your back on me!
Okay, have it your way!
Shit, that dude's crazy!
I don't think you can talk.
If he wants to see it
that bad, let's show him good!
Pilder on!
Pilder on!
Here we go!
Guess what...
This place just became
a little piece of hell!
These guys are a pain in the ass.
I can deal better with projectiles.
I can deal better with projectiles.
You got me there.
If this battle lasts too long, the invokers
will run out of spiritual energy.
We have to finish this fast.
You hit me!
There he is.
Isn't he a little old
for the "long jacket" look?
How did your mech
end up looking so ghastly?
It's kind of a long story.
Nobody but us can handle piloting it.
You two can't defeat me. That's
going to end up being your destiny.
Destiny, huh?
That man...
Switch out, Magami! Let me take him!
No, let me stay in control.
What for?
I don't mind his philosophical ego
or condescending arrogance...
...but I can't stand people
who use the word "destiny"!
If it means that much
to you, Kaiser's yours.
But if you think you're in trouble...
But if you think you're in trouble...
Yeah, I know.
I'll take you on.
Why don't you come
kill a little time with us?
That sounds good to me.
I have the edge
in power, speed, and armor!
And I'm the better pilot!
You don't like the word "destiny"?
Shut up!
You're the kind of man
unavoidable destiny loves to trifle with.
You can't escape your destiny.
It's why you were born.
So... he's one too...
What's wrong?
I can tell you're unsettled.
Lord Garan.
About the man currently piloting it...
So... that means you're
an erbsnde just like us!
Shut up!
Hey, Magami, what's wrong?
Bten Gefhl al Kvar...
The psycho barrier is weakening.
The psycho barrier is weakening.
Hold on, everyone...
What are you doing, Magami?
All too easy...
Screw you! I'm my own man!
I'll live the way I want
and die the way I want!
My life belongs
to me and nobody else!
I happen to feel
the same way about mine.
Magami, switch with me!
Gefhl al Kvar...
Switch out, Magami!
No, I'm the only one!
It's nap time, asshole!
What's going on?
That was a bit of a letdown,
but it was fun all the same.
The rocks are in the way,
so the payload won't open.
Don't think you've won just yet...
How could this happen?
This is boring.
You son of a bitch...
You lost your cool...
...and now we're in hell.
The fangs that stroke
the darkness cry. The fallen sky wails.
Listen to the melody
of survival and death.
If you're confused, open your eyes
and try to pierce the beating in your chest.
A state of desolation,
a state of pleasure.
See if you can predict the ending.
The destruction is right before your eyes.
Voices quarrel with
each other fearlessly.
On a night when a fake can go mad...
...that's the time to get lost in fantasy.
Dark dreams wash away reason...
...and burn away the passing time.
The fangs that stroke
the darkness cry. The fallen sky wails.
Listen to the melody
of survival and death.
The black world that calls out
for bloodshed. The fallen red tears.
Look at the haunting
memories of demise.
That ominous mechanical silhouette...
Time for an all-out assault!
We've finished off that skull devil,
so why do I still feel uneasy?
The skull devil,
your great hope, is no more.
a gravity-curtain disturbance...
Gather data and relay it to HQ!
Yes, sir.
Damn, there's no end.
There's too many of them.
There's too many of them.
We can't afford to lose!
Is that on our side?
I'll fight too.
I don't know how long I'll last...
...but I'll try.
...but I'll try.
Stand firm.
Let's go.
Captain Scarlet would be proud.
Not bad, Yuuki.
W-What's that?
W-What's that?
Not good!
Fall back inside the barrier!
Not good!
Fall back inside the barrier!
W-What the?
Stay alive the deadly game you play.
Burn the torch now to light the way.
Stay alive to break down the wall.
The time has come
to make the final call.
Are we standing
on the edge of hope?
The human race is
on its way to destruction.
Fire back to bring us back to life.
We are the soldiers
at the edge of time.
We are the soldiers of eternity. Yeah!
Immortal god machine
sets the world free.
We're gonna fly to the end of the sky.
Mazinkaiser SKL
Come on!
What's going on?
What was that just now?
W-What's happening?
What the hell is happening?
It's the gravity engine...
So it's finally begun.
Lord Garan.
Gravity swells from the out-of-control
gravity engine generated a shock wave...
...which has apparently
destroyed our army.
Become the cornerstone
of my ambition...
...and wait together for me in hell.
Make sure.
You have to make sure.
Stay alive.
Keep on surviving and make sure.
As long as you're alive...'re getting closer to the answer.
Hey, how long are you
gonna sleep? Wake the hell up!
We're in deep shit thanks to you.
You're still alive?
You bet! It'd make the devil himself
cry if that's all it takes to kill us!
Looks like you're back.
Yeah, and I remembered
something important.
I have to make sure
what my reason for living is.
Did I hit you too hard?
Ow, damn!
I'm bleedin' again.
The gravity engine...
It's meteorologically unheard of. The
randomly expanding weather disturbance...
...has already caused damage
to all Pacific coastal areas.
If this keeps up...
The gates of hell will open.
Well, well...
Our fight's not over yet.
It's time for round two.
I praise your tenacity
at the very least.
But if it's like our last fight... don't stand a chance in hell.
Let's find out!
Very well!
Lord Garan...
What good is a just cause?
It's just an idea you use
to fool people, including yourself!
No matter how an ambitionless man
speaks, it is nothing but a stray dog's howl!
You seem totally
different than before.
This should be fun.
Take your time and savor it.
I'm taking the you-know-what.
You mustn't use it...
You're so high and mighty...
Power only exists to be used!
Now, Magami!
To think I'd weigh my ambition against
my feelings for just one woman...
He doesn't know when to quit.
You two speak of hell!
Well, come join me,
because I'm on my way there!
We were born with the same power.
We had the same
feelings for our people...
...but we followed different paths.
But originally, we were
guided by the same power.
Guided by the same power...
It's the same with that devil.
The power...
If it's returned to its source...
...our divided wills will return to the pure
power they were before their division.
But it will mean
the loss of one of them...
You should've just told me...
I already know this is where it is.
Why the hell did Garan
leave himself open like that?
Hey, that can't be good...
Lieutenant Yuuki, respond.
This is Lucifer Four.
Lieutenant Yuuki, respond!
Lieutenant Magami.
Lieutenant Magami.
The island's center gravity engine
went wild, causing a gravity swell...
...and generating a shock wave
that wiped out the Garan forces.
Are you guys okay?
We're protected
by Hachiryoukaku's barrier.
How do we stop the engine?
At this point, none of
the methods we planned will work...
You're giving up?
Finding a way to stop it is your job.
Find one already.
Shut up!
I had enough trouble
trying to launch the Wingle!
You did?
Awesome. Good for you.
Keep quiet!
What is that?
It looks like an energy cable.
There's an enormous amount
of energy being transmitted...
That mech...
Iron Kaiser?
Kaiser? Are they related?
What's that doing here?
I know who's in it...
Time to settle the score, Skully!
There must still be some way.
Himiko told me this
the moment she died.
We're holding all the cards.
You're goin' down, pal!
I'll make you grovel,
you skull bastard!
Go on and try it!
Guided by the same power?
Yes. She said those
two devils are the same.
The devil sleeping in this land
was using that vast power... suppress, control,
and seal up the gravity engine.
That's true, when you think
of it in terms of energy...
I'll find out. Thank you, Aira.
God damn it... Where's that Wingle?
Comm from Lt. Yuuki.
This is Lieutenant Yuuki
of Glen Falcon. HQ, please respond.
Lieutenant Yuuki?
What's the situation?
There isn't time.
I'll report that to you later.
I need detailed data
on Iron Kaiser and the graviton reactor.
Iron Kaiser?
Please transmit
the data to the Wingle ASAP.
But that's level-6 classified info.
Tell us what's happening.
I don't know if we can
stay in contact. Hurry!
Just explain yourself.
I'm telling you there's no time for that!
Quit wasting time!
It'll be your fault if Earth
blows up! Make it snappy!
She's got balls.
H-How dare you!
I'll permit it. Lieutenant Yuuki,
I'll make him transmit the data.
Just send it!
We're counting on you,
Lieutenant Yuuki.
Yes, sir.
I knew it. Iron Kaiser's energy
source is like the gravity engine's...
...a graviton reactor.
The gravity engine's out of control!
Everyone, get inside the fortress!
This energy is so wicked...
What was that?
A graviton reactor.
A graviton reactor.
Iron Kaiser has the same
energy source as the gravity engine.
What's the matter? Done already?
We're getting our asses handed to us!
Lieutenant Yuuki,
time to use it! Can you do it?
I'll try dropping it from high altitude
to avoid the gravity disturbance.
Tiara Aile and Ange Guard, detach!
The Wing Cross!
The Wing Cross!
Good. It's accepting
our commands now.
You weren't the only one
holdin' on to a trump card!
Iron Tornado!
Rust Stream!
The gravity engine
went into meltdown...
Pulse beam mode, fully charged.
Now, where would you like to be shot?
Screw you!
You're better than I expected, Kiba!
Yuuki here.
The gravity engine's melted down.
If it reaches the core, Earth's doomed!
If it reaches the core, Earth's doomed!
Who cares?
Smasher Punch!
Quit copyin' us!
Tornado Crusher!
Here I come!
Dumb-ass! There was
no need to launch our pilder!
Sorry, got carried away.
Now you get to see
how good I am in a dogfight!
I found a way.
Like what? Not that I have time
to deal with you right now.
Lieutenant Yuuki, I'll listen.
Come on, hurry and say it!
It involves...
...colliding particles with antiparticles,
which will cause energy decomposition.
Got it. You're talking annihilation.
But I'm asking you to kill yourselves!
If you're positive there's
no other way, then that's fine by us.
We just have to blow Iron Kaiser
up with the gravity engine, right?
We have a lot more fun blowing
the shit out of something...
...than just switching it off anyway!
Go ahead...
Shoulder Blaster!
That thing really hurts.
That's the last time
you get to show off, punk ass!
Thor Hammer Breaker!
That didn't do a damn thing!
Let go of me!
Calm down and quit struggling.
The fun's only just beginning!
A-Are you trying to die?
Shut up. You're supposed
to be dead anyway.
It should be fun to gamble
on who dies first, you or us.
So let's treat ourselves
to a boiling pot of hell.
You want to settle
the score in the afterlife?
Life, afterlife, whatever.
You're already in hell.
You guys really are idiots!
Inferno Blaster!
We came to Kikaijima Island after detecting
an irregularity with the gravity engine.
The place was practically a miniature
garden ruled by antique science.
Thanks to the gravity curtain,
their giant combat robots...
...their plants,
and their manufacturing facilities... was a microcosm
of never-ending warfare.
It was Kaiser the devil
that put an end to the fighting.
And Iron Kaiser, which was once
researched using the same data...
...slumbered here.
That was probably no coincidence.
The devil still has a job to do.
The fangs that stroke
the darkness cry. The fallen sky wails.
Listen to the melody
of survival and death.
If you're confused, open your eyes
and try to pierce the beating in your chest.
A state of desolation,
a state of pleasure.
See if you can predict the ending.
The destruction is right before your eyes.
Voices quarrel with
each other fearlessly.
On a night when a fake can go mad...
...that's the time to get lost in fantasy.
Dark dreams wash away reason...
...and burn away the passing time.
The fangs that stroke
the darkness cry. The fallen sky wails.
Listen to the melody
of survival and death.
The black world that calls out
for bloodshed. The fallen red tears.
Look at the haunting
memories of demise.
That ominous mechanical silhouette...
Captain Yuuki,
we're nearing the mission zone.
All right, open cargo bay doors.
Begin drop!
Good luck, emissaries from hell.
We're no emissaries!
The two of us...
...are hell itself!