McCanick (2013) Movie Script

Mostly sunny today
with a slight chance of passing,
evening showers.
High, 82. Clear and comfortable
tonight, going down to 58.
Tomorrow morning, we'll have some clouds.
Otherwise, breezy and nice with
a high of about 80.
6:30 a.M. Let's get a look at the traffic.
Steve, what's happening?
It's a little bit of a nightmare
around Philadelphia this morning,
with a backup on 95 north starting around
the Walt Whitman bridge,
going back five to six Miles.
Road construction slowing things up there.
An overturned tractor-trailer
on the schuylkill
by the Conshohocken curve westbound.
That's starting to be cleared.
Other than that,
everything's looking pretty good.
And mass transit's running on time.
All right, thanks, Steve.
Let's get a look at sports.
The Phillies take on Pittsburgh
at citizens bank park tonight
in the first game of a three-game series.
The pirates coming off a tough loss
against St. Louis on Saturday,
as the phills look to extend
their five-game winning streak at home.
Game time is...
Hey. H...
Morning. How you doing, Julius?
Thanks for the rush job.
That Harris tweed's very fine.
Yeah, Jenny, she's the one.
She got that for me.
Let me...
I put it in.
Okay. Thank you.
Here you go, buddy.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no... yeah.
You say hello to Chris.
I will say hi to him.
Julius, you're a gentleman.
This is Eugene McCanick calling again.
I called about reserving
a table for tonight.
Please call back at
your earliest convenience.
It's very important.
Hey. Hey.
It's, uh... baby, we gotta go.
We'll be late. I know.
What is it we have? The, uh...
Is it that dinner tonight?
Yep. And it's pot luck. Crap.
you're shitting me.
Why, because you're
the one that cooks the food?
No, no, because I help.
Really? You kidding me? Of course I help.
Oh, okay, I don't remember that.
Of course. Short-term memory.
How have things been with Eugene?
And there he is.
Hi. Hi.
So scary.
Uh, weirdly but oddly... good.
Oh, is he on meds now?
That's very funny. I don't know.
Last couple days he's just been...
He's been really cheery.
Did you tell him about your promotion?
No, I didn't have the heart.
Okay, gather up, everybody.
I love you.
I love you, too, babe.
Get out of here.
I'll see you later. Yeah.
Come on, come on. Get a move on.
Get the fuck over here.
This is a very special day.
Anybody know why?
Today is the birthday
of one Eugene Wellington McCanick.
Are you shitting me?
happy five-niner, Mack.
hey, know what a cop should
do on his birthday?
What's that?
Not get killed.
All right, that's it.
What are you still doing here?
you're wasting time. Get out there.
How were you not going
to tell me it's your birthday?
It's my birthday.
What's this?
You tell me.
How'd you get this?
I'm arresting.
There's an order for notification.
He's been out three months.
You knew about this? Sit down.
Did you fucking know about this?
Sit down, for Christ's sake.
Look. His behavior at Graterford
was totally clean.
So they let him off with the minimum.
To tell you the truth,
I was hoping you wouldn't find out.
You need to leave this alone, Mack.
What's your problem?
What's my problem?
Jesus Christ.
you're lucky you didn't lose
your job over this.
I need to know
that we understand each other.
You reopen this can,
And the shit flies all over again.
We're friends. Wai... we're friends,
but I'm also your captain,
And I'm giving you an order.
You are not to make contact
with Simon Weeks.
Is that understood?
Captain, the state attorney's guy is here.
I'll be right out.
Mack, is it understood?
All right.
Yes, yes.
Okay, good.
I saw your brother
at the captain's dinner last night.
Yeah... yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
I know he's an asshole,
but he told me that Chris
is getting oriented.
They put him on the street Monday.
I know.
You know? Why, you been speaking to Chris?
No, he wrote back my letter.
I'm seeing him for dinner tonight, 8:00.
That's great.
Forget about Weeks. Make good your son.
Oh, Jim, that's one fuck of a tie.
Heads up. Cop.
What's up?
That's what's up.
Which one of you's Simon?
Simon. Which one?
What do you want?
I just want to ask a couple questions.
I'm homicide, not vice.
Gotta go, Simon. See you later.
How can I help you?
How can you help me?
I'm investigating the murder
of Joe Langley.
You know who I'm talking about?
Yeah, congressman.
People say you knew him.
Who said that?
Is it true?
Look, kid, I'm not pointing fingers.
I'm just asking questions.
Yeah, he picked me up once.
just once?
Yeah, must've found somebody
he liked better.
They shop around, you know.
Okay, who was it?
Who was it?
Raven. Raven.
Is that his first or his last?
Man, Raven's not his real name.
It's a tag. I don't know his real name.
Okay, I see.
Do you know how often Raven
And congressman Langley
got together?
If you had to guess?
If I had to guess?
Yeah, if you had to guess.
Probably three or four nights a week.
They'd go off some place together.
Three or four nights a week.
Where? Hotel?
Raven wouldn't say. All right?
Raven always kept pretty quiet about Joe.
Joe, huh? Yeah, Joe.
Raven's crazy. Nobody fucks with him.
Would you think that Raven
could've killed congressman Langley?
I don't fucking know.
Would you... would you be
willing to come down to the station,
make a statement?
Man... it's just a statement.
It's not a big deal.
Come on.
All right? Come on.
Come on.
Get in the back. Get in the back.
hey, you finally made it, huh?
You believe that shit?
Like we're all shocked.
hey, you're going to
run this place some day.
hey, Mack.
We good?
Oh, yeah.
Let's hit it.
What was that all about?
What's that?
Back there in the stairwell.
Uh... homicide.
I made it.
No shit.
Yeah, no shit.
Well, that's great.
Putting in three months
with the old timer?
Paid your dues?
It's not like that.
Yeah, it's exactly like that.
When I was going gold,
they put me with some fucking dinosaur
who kept telling me
stories from the 1950s.
What's this?
It's a lead that Quinn
asked us to follow up on.
Simon Weeks. Glamour shot, huh?
Who is he?
He's just some kid.
He's a smalltime dealer,
And he and some pals,
they knocked over
a Russian grocery last night.
Why isn't vice covering it?
Well, they beat up
the Russian guy pretty bad.
What else is new?
No, no, no, the thing is
they cut up the guy's
10-year-old daughter.
Raped her.
Those fucking pieces of shit.
So why us?
You know, busy day.
Lot of overflow.
Jerry asked for a little help.
I offered us up.
Know this guy at all?
No, no, no, no, he's just...
He just got out.
Murder at 17.
just fucking younger every day.
All right.
Where do we start?
Kid I know,
he did time with this Weeks character,
And I will bet my nuts...
...they knew each other.
So that's it. You think
this Weeks guy's up there?
I doubt it,
but let's see if this fuck stick
can lead us to him.
Hold on.
I better go alone.
I know these guys.
Need to get a fucking housekeeper.
For this?
Yeah, look at this shit.
There's fluking... what is that?
you're the one with the short hair.
What is this? His is a fucking twig.
Who is it?
I'm selling chocolate.
So. Fuck off.
Let me in.
Chocolate. Give me a fucking break.
Yo, come on, man.
They got kit kats and shit.
Jesus fuck.
You fucking kidding me?
hey, Carl.
Been a long time.
Sit down, fat fuck.
You ain't going nowhere.
Louie, what a surprise.
Have a seat, Louis.
Sit. Sit.
Carl, pass me the bag.
Uh, bag of what?
Bag of coke.
It ain't coke.
Fuck is this?
Is this fucking aspirin?
Oh, and I thought you guys
were making it big.
Something funny, you fat fuck?
You wonder why you're so fucking fat.
Try throwing a ball,
play some games, hopscotch,
duck duck goose.
Love tag.
Oh, I got a better game.
Yeah, I got a great game.
hey, fat fuck, come here.
Join us.
Sit here.
Okay, you fellas,
you ever play...
You ever play spin the pistol?
Your turn.
What do you hear from Weeks?
I... I don't know.
I met him once.
I don't know that guy.
you're pretty tough.
Staring at a nutso cop.
you're tough.
Yeah, I'm tough.
Yo, Louis.
Take my gun.
Go ahead. It's all right.
Pick up the fucking gun.
Nice piece, huh?
You ever hold a colt .45?
It's heavy...
And delicate...
It's like a newborn baby.
But you gotta be careful...
'Cause newborns
they got a soft spot.
And you push too hard on the soft spot,
you do damage.
Point it at fat fuck.
Name ain't fat fuck.
I don't give a shit what his name is.
Point the piece.
Point the piece.
You don't want fat fuck's brains
all over your shitty-ass apartment, do you?
Oh, no-no-no. you're not
doin' it right. Now...
Come here. Come here.
Now, I told you.
Gentle, like a baby.
All right? Okay.
I don't know.
Where is he?
I just said that I don't know!
Mah! Fat fuck, you stay fuckin' put!
Come on, McCanick!
Leave him alone!
Weeks, Weeks.
Where the fuck is he? Boom!
I...I saw him last week. He's clean!
The old neighborhood.
Thanks, gentlemen.
Good game.
Roach coach.
On Cecil B. and 19th.
Enjoying your salad?
It ain't fuckin' salad.
It's crudite.
What the fuck, what is that?
German? Crudite.
It's French.
What the fuck you reading, anyway?
Well, it's just this, uh...
It's a book on management.
What kind of management?
I dunno. You know like, uh...
Like how to supervise
large groups of people,
companies, departments.
You know? Whatnot, and stuff like that.
I probably should've
read something like that.
It's good you're readin' that book.
Oh, yeah?
It's good for a kid like you.
Oh. just like clockwork.
I hate pawnshops.
They are the unwiped assholes of commerce.
That is a horrible image.
Now, who is, who is the twinkie?
Uh, think the name is "Gubb."
One of the guys?
What guys?
The fucking... the Russians. You know?
That fucked up the...
Oh, yeah-yeah-yeah-yes.
Yes, yes, yeah. Probably.
Let's nab the fucker.
We gotta tail him.
You got him? Yeah, he's up here.
Come on, little minivan.
Well, fuckin' pass this guy.
How am I gonna pass him?
Where am I gonna pass him?
Well, fucking go around!
Go around? Like on the fuckin' sidewalk?
Or go over him?
Where the hell am I gonna go?
Do you see him?
Yeah-yeah, he's still there.
He's still there.
Oh, come on, little minivan lady.
Will you just go?
Will you just go, go, go-go-go?
I hate these fucking minivans.
Go back to the suburbs, would ya?
I hate your fuckin' car.
I hate your fuckin' kids.
Look it. A car full of fuckin'
suburban soccer kids.
I hate 'em.
just a ray of sunshine, aren't ya?
Anything else you don't hate?
Jerry Lewis.
That's random. Jerry Lewis?
Jerry Lewis is not random.
Like, seriously, man.
I-I had no idea it was your birthday today.
So I could... I could just
get out of this potluck thing.
Nope. Can't make it. Got plans.
You fuckin' dog!
That's... that's what the suit's about, huh?
You got a date tonight, don't you?
No, I don't got a hot date!
It's my kid.
He finally hit you back?
He actually wrote me a little note.
He took his time about it, but...
I'm taking him to Barclay.
That is great, man. That's really great!
Did he, uh...
Did he get his placement yet?
Yeah. He's gonna be at the 26th.
Really? Yeah.
Your brother's district.
Good with that?
I don't know.
Sometimes you just...
You gotta let go.
How so?
I never wanted this for him.
None of it.
He just got sucked into
my old man's bullshit.
All he cared about was the fuckin' bars.
"You need to get bars!"
You ain't worth shit without any.
There may not be bars on my chest,
but I have done things on this job.
I booked more multiples
my first year in homicide than any...
Any detective in the department.
And that...
Fuckin' means somethin'.
But... it don't matter.
If Chris wants that,
let him have it.
It's his life, not mine.
I was not a good father.
And I owe him.
But... I'm gonna make it right with him,
because there's still time.
I can show him what kind of father I can be.
Startin' tonight.
Well, Mack, that's... that's...
That's admirable.
God, those are the guys.
What do we have here?
Simon Weeks.
Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Oh, look at this.
Good boy, Louis.
Now get lost.
All right.
Wait, wait, wait.
You call backup, they scatter.
Mack, come on.
No, no, no, I'm gonna go up.
You... you sit on 'em down here.
They make a move, you nab 'em.
I really want to call this in.
Floyd, trust me. Trust me.
I know how these kind of guys work.
They so much as hear a mouse,
they squeeze through any fuckin' crack.
All right? Don't call it in.
Tall guy with a hoodie just came in here?
Yeah. He went to 1001.
Promised me I wouldn't find you here again.
I just needed money for dinner, man.
You made me a promise.
That doesn't change anything.
Take off your clothes.
And just get in the fuckin' shower.
Yeah, bro. See you later!
Fucking idiot. What the fuck?
hey, I'm... I'm so sorry.
I don't give a shit!
You like raping little girls, huh?
You fucking pedophile.
Fuck is wrong with you?
You know what?
Take it up with your little boy, your buddy,
when he comes back down in a minute.
What buddy?
Oh, what buddy?
Your buddy, Simon Weeks.
Fuck you talking about?
Looking for Simon?
What the fuck?
McCanick, it is your partner!
Answer your phone!
you're McCanick's partner?
So what?
What'd he tell you?
You were coming after Weeks for a collar?
hey, shut the fuck up.
Weeks never killed nobody.
I don't care. I don't fuckin' care.
Your partner framed him for that
dead congress dude, or whatever.
Dirty as fuck.
All you cops are the same.
Dirty. Like an asshole.
Son of a bitch.
What's that?
For you.
Thanks, baby.
What the fuck are you doing here?!
I told you to watch out.
I've been trying to call you.
Get the fuck down there.
I've been trying to call you.
What the fuck is going on, man?
What the fuck are you doing?
I just checked Gubb.
He is a she, by the way.
And she is in the back of the car.
Well, what the fuck is she doing
in the fuckin' back of the car?!
What about my fuckin' suit?
Do you know Simon Weeks?
Do you know anything about
a murdered congressman?
Fuck! Right.
So, Mack, what the fuck
are we doin' here, man?
Oh, shit! Cops!
Philadelphia police department!
Drop your weapon!
Fuck! Get out!
Look out!
Come on.
Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
Oh, fuck, Floyd.
What the fuck did I do?
Call an ambulance. Call an ambulance.
Call a fucking ambulance!
Floyd, I'm here.
Okay, buddy. I'm here, all right?
pal, I'm here.
just stay here with me.
just fuckin' hang on. Okay?
just hang on.
Where's the fucking ambulance?!
Where's the fucking ambulance?!
Detective McCanick,
I'm sergeant Ainsley, the 5th.
You okay?
Quinn's five minutes out.
Your partner's en route to
Roxborough memorial.
Everything we can for him.
He's pretty bad.
But that guy you shot?
Jonathan Papas. A piece of shit.
You did us all a favor today.
Well... you know I gotta ask.
See who shot your partner?
Anything you can give me, detective?
Simon... Weeks.
I'm sorry. One more time?
Simon Weeks.
All right.
Like I said, we're gonna take care of this.
You just sit tight.
Dispatch, it's Ainsley.
I'd like you to run a name for me.
Yes, this is, uh,
this is detective Eugene McCanick.
I'm calling about the status of
another officer.
Floyd Intrator.
You just cost me 50 bucks.
You ever think about getting a real job?
I got a job.
A-And I make really good money
when asshole cops don't fuck it up.
My mistake. Yeah.
We found your boy.
Raven's name is Peter Curtner.
He's from Queens, New York.
Is he okay? I don't know.
He disappeared the same day
that Langley was shot.
Look, nobody out here seems to know
anything about Raven
or Langley besides you.
I need you to think.
If there is anything, anything at all,
anything you didn't tell us,
anything that you forgot.
Friends? That Raven might have mentioned?
Places that he wanted to go?
When's the last time you ate?
I eat. Not some crap.
Real food.
Get in the back. I'll buy you breakfast.
Go on. Get in the back.
Come on.
All units advised to be on the lookout
for detective Eugene McCanick,
last seen wearing a long-sleeved,
blue pullover shirt and blue jeans.
Detective McCanick is...
Why you runnin', Louis?
'Cause you're chasin' me, man.
just want to talk, Louis.
Weeks... you said that he was clean.
He is!
Are you scared of him? Is that it?
No, man.
He's... He's... He's good people!
He is a fucking... scumbag... hustler.
No, He's... He's helping kids out now, man!
They, like, look up to him and shit.
Get the fuck...!
He's a fuckin' killer.
He's a fuckin' killer!
No. No.
What the fuck is he doing back here?
He's helping kids
get off the street now, man.
Helping 'em? How's he fuckin' helping them?
I don't know!
It's... he fuckin' set it up
with his old school!
School? What school?
Go tell it on the Mountain?
Over the hills and everywhere
go tell it on the Mountain
take it easy.
Doesn't your mother feed you?
I don't have a mother.
Your father, then.
I'm by myself.
Where do you live?
I get by.
Did you ever know your parents?
Well, who took care of you?
Alice. She...
Whoever Alice was...
Bet she's worried about you.
So... Langley.
You said that you saw him a few times.
Was that the same time
that Raven was seein' him, or...
I'm not gay, you know.
Uh... I don't care.
I just do this 'cause it's easy.
I don't like it or anything.
Okay, okay.
So, you got a family?
Yeah, a wife.
Any kids?
I have a son.
Yeah, I thought so.
Bet you're a good dad.
Nice! Need a break?
All right. Get outta here.
Take five, get a cookie,
get some juice...
No pushing, no pushing, no pushing.
Come on, come on, come on. Let's go!
Sounded pretty good.
you're Alice?
I'm detective McCanick.
I remember you.
The trial.
That's right.
I'm lookin' for Simon.
I understand that he's
running a program out of your place.
helpin' children, or somethin'.
you're mistaken.
I don't know where Simon is.
you're aware he's been paroled?
I wasn't.
Obviously, you knew.
Or you would have said,
"I haven't seen him.
He is still in prison."
I heard he was released.
So you know where he's staying?
What do you want with him?
He paid his debt. Isn't that enough?
He killed a cop today.
He killed...
Ah, I heard you.
Simon was brought to us at six.
His mother had been institutionalized.
When he was 15,
I caught Simon dealing pot to
some of the other boys.
He ran away.
Rumors started.
He was livin' on the streets, selling himself.
I even went out lookin' for him once.
Then they called to say
that he'd been arrested.
That he had shot a man in a hotel.
I know Simon.
He's done bad things.
But he is not a killer.
You don't him as well as you think.
The guy that he shot?
He was a John.
He was a creep.
Well, maybe...
Maybe he roughed up Simon.
Maybe he said the wrong thing.
If there was a boy in that situation
like you're talking about,
that kind of boy...
They could lose control.
He killed Joe Langley.
He killed a cop today.
I don't believe it. He killed...
A cop.
He killed my partner.
"Each day out here,
"I feel better. Like I'm exactly
where I'm supposed to be."
"I think my birthday
"may finally be
a happy day..."
"Feel like I'm exactly
where I'm supposed to..."
"Lord, let me accept
the things that..."
"A cheesecake.
I had cheesecake for breakfast."
No, I am not, I am not
gonna hit our son, all right?
I'm not gonna hit him.
That's just paranoid bullshit.
Because I'm angry. That's why.
You think I don't see what he's doin'?
Huh? He doesn't wanna be a cop.
He's just doin' it to piss me off.
And you think I'm gonna let him
throw his life away with that bullshit.
you're out of your fuckin' mind... will you
stop fuckin' yellin' at me?
just stop yellin'.
You... hello? Hello?
Oh, you motherfucker.
hey, hey, hey, what the fuck?
Stay in the car. hey, what the fuck, man?
Let me go! you're supposed to
get in the car.
Let me go. What the fuck, dude? Come on.
just get in the car. Let me go!
Fuck! hey!
Like fucking little boys, huh?!
You like fucking little boys!
Suck on that, you fucker!
Suck on that, you fucking
sick son of a bitch!
What do you want?
I just wanna talk.
Hold on.
Go to 18th and morse.
It's all bombed out.
There's a brownstone.
I'll be there.
I said get the fuck outta here.
I said get the fuck outta here!
Get outta here.
Get down! Shut the fuck up!
Where the hell is Simon Weeks?
Where the fuck is Simon Weeks?
What? You gonna shoot me?
Go ahead, motherfucker, and shoot me!
I'm a fuckin' Philadelphia police officer.
Where's Simon Weeks? Where the fuck...
Drop those motherfuckin' guns!
Get the hell down.
Get on your fucking knees!
Get down here. Get the fuck over there!
All right, you.
Where the fuck is Simon Weeks?
Who? Where the fuck
is Simon Weeks? I don't know...
The fuck you think you are?
The fuck you get off?
Fuck you.
No, fuck you.
You stupid fuckin' moron.
Who the fuck told you
to come bust this place up
by your fucking self?!
What are you? Fucking popeye Doyle?!
I put out an a.P.B. On you this morning.
You know how that looks?
A captain putting out an a.P.B.
On his own detective?
You know how many calls I've gotten?
I didn't know it was an undercover op.
Fuck the op!
I don't give a shit about the op.
So, what then?
Right, Floyd took a shot
in the chest this morning!
And you told Ainsley it was Weeks.
What the fuck happened?!
Uh... listen, I, uh...
What happened, Mack?
I just wanted to talk to him.
I just wanted to make sure
that he wasn't planning something.
His partner... he, he just,
he fuckin' blindsided me.
And Weeks went crazy.
I... I...
Yeah, Weeks shot Floyd.
He shot him, Jerry.
Jesus. What happened
seven years ago was one thing.
Right? You were in the middle of it all,
with your marriage and Chris and everything.
And you took it out on your case.
It happens. And I could either
let you go down or
put some junkie kid in jail,
who'd probably be dead in
a year anyway, right?
But this isn't some junkie!
Cop gets shot, it doesn't go away.
The department asks questions.
They don't stop till
they got the right answers.
Do you know how lucky you are that
that kid kept quiet all that time?
I tell you to leave it
in the dark, and here you come
And shine a bright fuckin' light on it!
Somebody finds out what we did to that kid,
it's not just you that goes down!
It's me, it's Bronson, howeth, gage.
The whole fuckin' crew!
I know. And then we go down,
And we do time with ten thousand scumbags
that we put away.
Do you understand that?! Yes, yes.
Now, this is what's gonna happen.
you're gonna go down to the hospital.
you're gonna see your partner.
Then you're gonna go home,
And you're gonna stay there.
And that's it.
No more Weeks! No more nothin'!
Floyd, then home. Is that clear?!
What about my dinner with Chris?
I'm gonna have to take your gun.
The gun, Mack.
Floyd gonna make it?
Hmm. Pray he does.
Ballistics come back in the morning.
It'd better be what you say, Mack.
Hi. This is detective Chris McCanick.
I officially start on Monday,
but leave a message,
And I'll get back to you.
Uh, Chris. It's, uh, it's dad.
I, um... I, uh,
I just, I want to, um.
I just wanted to call and say
thanks for seeing me tonight.
I got the restaurant all worked out.
It's gonna be real classy.
We'll just have a nice meal,
maybe a couple drinks.
Treat ourselves.
And, uh, it's not a big deal.
I just, it's just to,
just to start
to get to know each other again.
just nice.
And also...
Ah, I just,
I want to say that...
People are gonna start to
say some things about me,
And it's not true. All right?
So don't let them get you worried.
And it's just...
Everything got all fucked up.
Aw, it doesn't matter. Forget all that.
I just want to tell you.
I just want, uh, I mean I just,
I w-want you to hear this from me!
All right. I just want you to
hear this from me.
No matter what happens,
I want you to know that I'm proud of you.
All right? And I know that,
back in the day, I said some things,
I treated you bad, not like a father should.
I just...
That's over now.
And whatever, uh,
whatever you do with your life,
it's okay with me.
Uh, so no matter what happens,
I'll always want you to remember...
That... that I'm your father.
And you're my son.
And nothin' anybody says
can make that go away.
What do you want from me?
just let it go.
Gene. Wow,
um, come in. I guess.
Want a towel or something?
I found Raven.
Is he okay?
He's dead.
Wait... what?
They found him in a motel.
In Jersey,
with his wrists cut.
He's in the morgue as a John Doe.
I'm sorry.
Maybe we should, um...
Maybe we should think about this.
Maybe Raven didn't kill
Joe Langley.
Um, see...
We never considered that.
Fact is, it could have been anyone.
He's dead. I know, I know.
And maybe...
Maybe we've been hasty.
You know?
There are a hundred options.
I... we, you know,
we... we should...
We should...
We should keep working on this.
I just... I just wanna make sure
we get the right person.
Look. Raven, he's dead.
There's nothing I can do about him.
But... but I can help you.
You don't need to live like this.
You could stay with me.
No! Goddamn it!
What do you mean, "stay"?
I just mean, you know...
I got a small apartment here in the city.
And, uh, you know,
a lot of cops keep 'em.
I'm stayin' there right now.
You could...
You could move in for a while.
You know, just... uh, just till,
till you get your feet back under you.
And it's not a...
It's not a big deal!
You know? It's just, uh,
you know, it's a nice place.
And small. But it's nice.
It's just nice.
I could live there?
If ya wanted.
With you?
You don't really want me to live...
No, it could work out. It could work out.
Well, what about your wife?
Oh, well...
She's, uh, she's at
the house down the shore.
So, then she wouldn't even have to know.
If that would make you feel any better.
Your son?
My son, he's gone.
Stop it! You fucker!
You fuck!
Oh... oh.
What are you doin'?
I want your fucking car.
What're you doing?
That's my fucking car, man!
Uh, we're experiencing
some technical difficulties.
Uh, we'll be up and running here
in a few minutes.
Come on. It's okay.
Oh, no-no-no-no-no.
Look... look, you got the wrong idea.
You got the wrong idea.
No, don't say that.
You got the wrong idea.
No, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
No. No, just...
just stop.
All right? just stop.
just let it happen.
Jesus Christ.
How long were you cruising me for
before you picked me up?
How long was it?
Two Weeks?
Or... or maybe a month?
Do you actually think I would wanna
fucking live with you?
I just, I thought...
You know, you... you old closet cases
are all the same.
You finally figure out
who gets your rocks off,
And you think it's love.
Shut up.
What is it?
What, uh, do I look like your...
Like your best friend from high school?
Shut your mouth.
Or maybe your wife,
with a dick.
Fuckin' faggot.
Shut your fucking...
I said, shut up!
Fuck you!
Dispatch, this is unit 417.
Requesting backup to 1527 Gerard.
Murder suspect is in residence.
Fuck you!
Why did you make me do this?
I didn't wanna hurt you.
I just...
I just wanted to talk.
Why didn't you say anything?
Why didn't you tell people about me?
About what happened that night?
What I did?
Answer me.
Because it's not your fault.
No. No.
Please, gene, I don't wanna die.
Don't do this.
Get out.
I'm sorry.