Me, Myself & The Void (2023) Movie Script

[sentimental music playing]
[monitor beeping]
[woman 1] Hello, there he is.
-[woman 2] Good doggy.
-[woman 1] You are a little ham, mister.
[man] We are sleeping in the car.
[man] Three, two, one.
-Get that?
-[man] That was awesome.
I totally got it. Don't worry.
-I did. Kind of weird for me and...
[slurping noises]
I'm here with my best friend, Jack,
before his first stand-up comedy show,
and he's gonna do so, so...
-Oh, how'd it go?
-Not great. I bombed.
-You gotta start somewhere, though.
-Okay. Can we actually not film?
Oh, got it. Yep. Got it.
[Chris] This is
Backyard Barbecue Cam on...
Hang on.
[indistinct chatter]
[Jack] Jack, nice to meet you.
-Do you want to get a drink?
-Yes, I do.
-[Chris] Oh, yeah.
-Thank you.
[Chris laughing]
[Jack] Hold on. I'm gonna get it.
No, it's a photo. I'm taking a photo.
I'm taking a photo.
I hate you.
-I love you.
-Happy birthday.
-Thank you.
[Jack] What are you doing?
-When the last time you crunched leaves?
-These are good.
These are good moves.
[Jack] One of the funniest people
I have ever met.
Ladies and gentlemen,
this is Anna Spencer.
[Anna] Thank you.
-Thank you.
-[Anna] Keep it going for Jack!
He's incredibly funny.
He's gonna be everywhere.
HBO, Netflix, you have him.
Share the password.
-Thank you.
-Please welcome to the stage...
Please welcome to the stage...
Now, please welcome
to the stage Jack Dennis.
[Jack] Hello. Hello. Hello.
How are you?
[scattered laughs]
Look, I'm a nice guy.
And I know what you hear
when I say that, but don't worry.
I'm not a nice guy. I'm a nice guy.
It's very difficult now to express
that I'm a guy who is nice
because those two words, like,
aren't allowed
next to each other anymore.
Nice guys ruin it for guys
who are genuinely nice.
I think of myself as a generally,
you know, not perfect,
but as a generally nice guy.
And I say all of that in a desperate
attempt to have you on my side
before I start talking
about my very ugly breakup.
[scattered laughs]
It was a tough one. It was a tough one.
Sincerely, it was a tough one
because the lease was in her name.
Winning an argument
doesn't feel as satisfying
when the reward is not
having anywhere to sleep.
Get the fuck out!
Go be a professional failure!
[man coughing]
-No? Okay. [chuckles]
-[microphone feedback whines]
It was, I'll say, it was a, you know,
it was a justified breakup on my part.
If I sound like an asshole,
it was, you know,
it was fair because I found out
she'd been snooping in my phone
for ages, apparently,
even though all she ever
found was a Notes app
full of all these jokes
you guys are loving.
-[microphone feedback whines]
Yeah, then I, you know, I showed up
on my friend's doorstep, like:
"Hi, I live on your couch now."
-I would have appreciated a heads-up...
...but he was afraid to send text messages
because, well, you know.
-My actual friend Chris, everybody.
-Hi, everybody.
[woman] Whoo!
Your best friend is the person who says:
"Hey, you can crash on my couch
for as long as you need."
Or in my case, you have five days
because my lease is up,
and I'm about to move in
with my girlfriend.
[audience laughs]
-What's going on?
-You're doing great.
I don't-- I don't understand
what's happening. I'm dying.
I'm here to help you.
We'll-- We'll get them back to you.
-Thank you.
So this guy tells me not to move in
with my girlfriend, at all, right?
Pitches me this dream bachelor pad,
where we can get high
and order food every day.
And, yeah, yes, it sounded great, right?
But Julia and I had been dating
for a little over a year,
so moving in with her
just made more sense.
But this motherfucker had said he was in!
It is a nice pad, I'll say,
I have a very nice, uh, sofa.
I will give him that, folks.
It is a nice sofa.
That's my actual couch.
[Chris] Of course it is.
And that's your actual TV.
Beautiful wooden table.
Top-of-the-line fridge.
And get this. Fucking doors.
[eerie music playing]
Uh-huh. What is, um--?
What's going on right now?
Can we bring the house lights up
for a second, please?
Um, just for a sec.
Okay. Um...
-Uh, Chris?
-What's up, buddy?
You tell me, man. Where are we?
What? We're in your apartment.
-No, there was a crowd.
-Oh, yeah, they loved you, dude.
Where did they go? They're gone.
Where did they go?
-Why were you on-stage with me?
-I was helping you.
That's not a thing. You're not a stand-up.
That's not a thing we do.
I looked like a stand-up.
I was telling jokes.
Kind of. You were kind of telling jokes.
You were kind of just ending sentences
like they were punchlines,
and then people were
laughing uproariously, and...
-[water running]
What is that sound?
What sound?
Dude, what's going on? Are you okay?
-It's your bathroom. What's going on?
[ominous music playing]
Oh, man.
You don't look so good.
[echoing] You don't look so good.
What the fuck? Where am I?
Where the fuck am I?
Somebody help!
[panicked breathing]
[breathing slows]
[knocking on door]
Oh, thank God.
Oh, thank God.
[knocking on door]
[Jack] Coming.
What's up?
-What is up, dude?
-[Chris] Hello.
Oh, man. Look at this place.
Still settling in a little bit,
but, yeah, it's good.
-Which way's the bathroom?
-Uh, right up there on the right.
-I want you to take note of my new soaps.
[Chris] Oh, fancy!
The bathroom is so clean.
[Jack] I don't know why everyone
assumed Mia was the clean one.
[Chris] Patriarchy, man.
[Jack] Wow. Deep. That's deep, man.
[Chris] So have you and Mia talked
at all since the, um...?
[Jack] Talk to me
when you're done peeing, weirdo.
[grunts] At least now
I can get stoned on a workday.
Figured we could, uh,
christen the new pad.
[Chris] Oh, hello.
[Jack] Yeah, I'm like a shaman.
To singledom.
[Chris] To your singledom.
Those take a while to kick in,
so, in the meantime...
-Oh, wait. Your roommate doesn't mind?
-He's never home.
Except for right now, apparently.
Hey, Bob. You don't-- You don't--
You don't mind, do you?
Marijuana's legal
in the state of California
and thus will not attract law enforcement.
-Which is preferable.
-[dramatic music sting]
-Well, that's extremely chill of you, Bob.
-Totally chill.
Thank you very much for the chillness.
Have a great day, Bob. I hope...
-Good to see you, Bob.
-What's with the purple light?
-Don't know. I think he's a photographer.
-We should order pizza.
-All right!
-Dude, you just spaced out for ages,
wandered around muttering to yourself,
and then just stopped
and said, "All right."
Are you okay?
Probably not, no.
I think I just walked through a memory,
like Christmas Carol style.
Was it something important?
No, not at all.
It was, uh, us sitting on this couch,
getting stoned.
My roommate was vaguely threatening.
Might've imagined some of that.
Yeah, man, I mean, not ringing a bell.
Chris, if you are Chris.
-I am.
-Okay, where are we?
Well, I thought
we were in your new apartment.
I can see that it is my apartment,
but it also isn't my apartment.
What, it's like a sublease situation?
I don't understand, man.
No, uh...
[dramatic music sting]
Dude, uh...
I think I'm dead.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I... died.
[dramatic music sting]
-What's it feel like?
I don't know.
I'm not in agony or anything.
It's not like... [imitates zombie]
It's just like-- I don't know.
It doesn't seem that bad.
If eternity's just gonna be me
remembering random times
-I got baked with my best friend.
-Sounds like it was a fun night at least.
-Yeah. But you can't remember it?
-To be fair, I don't really remember
anything from before
I was on-stage with you.
Like, I can't remember
my parents' faces, for example.
Okay, so that's weird,
but I think you might just be, like,
a projection of my subconscious.
-Does that make sense?
Would I even have,
like, a subconscious
if I'm unconscious
or post-conscious?
I feel like I'm here
to help you figure this out.
-Or something.
-Yeah. Okay.
-Yeah. All right.
-Thank you.
-Yeah, you got it.
So, uh,
what religion's afterlife is just, like,
a weird community-theater version
of your most recent apartment?
Well, I haven't read all the texts.
Maybe the Torah or something?
What's the last memory
you had before you died?
You know, me moving in here,
you coming over to visit.
So right after I bailed
on moving in with you.
Sorry I didn't move in with you.
Your roommate is terrifying.
Yes, traitor.
Was there anything after that memory?
Like a post-memory memory?
I feel like I was maybe
supposed to be somewhere,
like, right before I died.
Like a show or something.
[Mia] Saw your post
about the Laugh Factory.
Maybe that's it. Oh, okay.
We're supposed to,
like, give you closure so you can move on.
-Move on?
-Yeah, yeah.
Like something unresolved emotionally,
you know? How was your life?
Like a four out of ten.
Kind of an abrupt ending.
Let's just focus
on what killed you, right?
You said we were getting stoned.
Did we try anything else more hardcore?
It's possible, yeah.
But what would put a gash on my forehead?
-[intriguing music playing]
-Or who? Hmm.
I'd say
your roommate is our prime suspect.
[echoing] Prime suspect.
You said he was...
-vaguely threatening?
-Stay out of my room.
I did?
[Chris] Whoa,
what's with the purple light?
He's gonna murder us, Chris.
I also said something about, like,
lead or asbestos or something.
Maybe it's just something
to do with this shitty apartment.
-How'd you get it so cheap?
-[echoing] Asbestos. Asbestos.
Or something.
I thought it was a bastion
of your independence.
Well, it is. Mia doesn't live here.
[echoing] Mia!
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
We can't rule her out.
[echoing] We can't rule her out.
Perhaps a bitter quarrel
with jilted lovers gone too far.
-Perhaps a bitter quarrel...
-'Cause you went through my fucking phone!
Don't swear at me, Jack!
Sorry, I'll put a fucking penny
in the swear jar.
Are you gonna borrow it from your stepdad?
Or do you want me to pay for it, just
like I pay rent every fucking month?
-[pipe bubbling]
No, we're on good terms.
I was afraid of this.
We can't rule you out.
-Young man. Pushing 30.
Going through
an emotionally vulnerable time.
-I'm fine.
-Struggling comedian.
-No, I'm booking gigs.
-Lying on his own bathroom floor.
Perhaps an overdose.
Clich? Yes.
Probable? Also yes.
Okay, or maybe it's like
a fucking real cool, like, CIA hit,
'cause I invented
a new kind of plutonium.
-I've done it.
-Or something rad.
No, no, it'd be lamer than that.
Perhaps you urinated on the floor
and slipped in your pee,
-cracking your skull in half.
-Okay, yeah. A lot of good theories.
A lot of good theories.
Well, thanks, Sherlock.
Thanks for fucking narrowing it down.
Whoa, dude. Hey, no, no.
I'm just spitballing here.
No bad ideas,
but I feel like at the very least,
we gotta, you know, gather some intel.
We don't even know
what's behind that front door.
-Right? Explore the space.
Okay. Sorry.
-Let's do that.
-Sure. [chuckling]
Man, it feels good to have a purpose.
[door creaking]
[ominous music playing]
This has got to be something.
[Chris] Oh, interesting.
Death by tape recorder?
That's, um...
My, uh...
My dad used to make all these, like,
home movies of us,
and there was this one that I loved,
and I'd just watch it over
and over again, and then it got...
taped over for my brother's fall recital,
and I flipped out and just threw a fit.
Oh, so you and your brother didn't have
the best relationship growing up. Hm.
Any reason
he'd want you out of the picture?
No. No. Also, he lives in Maine.
Got it.
So you're saying he's our main suspect.
He's definitely not,
but that's very funny.
You are technically complimenting
yourself when you say that.
[Jack chuckles]
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
That seems to be calling to us.
Are you really suggesting
we go towards the light right now?
-Let's go. Come on.
[Jack] Okay, just my shitty car.
[Chris] Well, I wonder
what's so significant about it.
-Are you secretly a car guy?
-Yeah, man.
My Toyota Corolla, my one true love.
All the bird shit's there on purpose.
-[cell phone ringing]
-Okay, sarcasm.
[cell phone continues ringing]
[Jack] Damn it.
-Hey, Mom.
-Hi, Hon.
You look like you're in your car.
-You're not driving, are you?
-Uh, no, I'm parked.
Okay, good. Now, is now a good time?
Not really. I'm actually--
I'm meeting up with Mia to get--
Back together?
Oh, honey, that is so wonderful.
I-- I knew you guys would patch things up.
No, Ma, to get, uh, some stuff back.
She has some of my stuff.
Okay, well, you know what?
Maybe when you guys talk it out,
you know, something will work out.
Oh, hey. Hey, do you want to talk to Mark?
Uh, I don't really have time.
Hey, buddy. How's it hanging, huh?
Tell me, are you crying yourself
to sleep every night,
or are you going to clubs,
bringing home chicks?
-Stop that.
-How's the new place working out?
Uh, no, no, and, yeah, it's good.
Okay, that's good, that's good.
Your mom and I were more than happy
to help out with the deposit,
but when you become a big-time comedian,
you gotta pay us back.
-Okay, I...
-No, you don't.
-Just keep working hard.
-You know, actually, I gotta go.
You know what, though, honey?
Your brother's having
an engagement party on the 14th.
-Oh, yes, yes.
-And we would love to have you.
So we can buy the tickets, okay?
-[Mark] Yes, we will.
-We will.
Yep, yep, yes.
I'll be there. Okay, love you guys.
[phone beeps]
-[knocking on window]
-What are you doing?
Uh, I'm in a memory.
Yeah, I know. It's just, it's unnerving.
Can you just warn me next time you sit
in a car and stare off into space?
Okay, yeah, sorry. I'm at the park.
I'm waiting for Mia
to come drop off some stuff of mine.
Any clues?
No, I was just on the phone
with my parents.
-I thought you said it was a Mia memory.
-It's gonna be a Mia memory.
I don't know how to-- I can't, like,
fast-forward or, just, you know what?
Come here.
Whoa. Whoa, it is so colorful in here.
-How'd you know it was gonna work?
-I didn't.
Honestly, I don't know
how any of this works.
-Yeah. Fair enough.
-[Jack] Thanks for doing this.
I feel like I am winning the breakup game
because I kept all of your stuff.
[laughs] Are you sure
you don't need any of the furniture?
Oh, yeah, I'm positive.
-Besides, you love that couch, so...
-Oh, I do.
Yeah, I was thinking
anything but that couch.
[both chuckling]
Um, are you doing okay for money?
Yeah. Yeah, really. Totally.
Um, booked a paid gig
at the Virgil coming up, so...
-That's amazing.
-Um, other stuff, too, obviously.
-Yeah, that's really exciting.
Yeah. Forgot about these.
Oh, hang on, hang on. What's that?
Okay, mysterious medical condition?
-That could be something.
-It's just a Xanax prescription.
I just get it, like,
as needed for anxiety.
Oh, remember, the doctor said
to go easy on those.
Yeah, I know.
I actually got, like, a shockingly
clean bill of health recently.
Like, absolutely no red flags heart-wise.
Blood work was all good. No hard stuff.
I have, like,
a very slight vitamin D deficiency.
Or a lethal vitamin D deficiency.
[Jack] And, uh...
How you doing? Everything...
Yeah. It's been, um...
I'm sorry. I, um... God.
No, you don't need to--
It's okay. You're...
[tender music playing]
All good.
I just, um...
I really wish you would have told me
where you were at sooner.
But I really...
-I thought we could work through this.
Look, I'm not excusing
the phone thing, okay?
You were always my person.
And then, one minute, you're just...
Not gone. I'm still here.
I'm still here, you know?
You're... Yeah, you're my...
You're my best friend, so...
Look, um...
Can we still talk?
Yeah, call me anytime you want.
Great. Okay.
-Okay, cool.
-Okay, great.
Oh, that's sweet. You guys still care.
[distorted voices echoing]
What is that?
-That sound, what is that?
-You're hearing that again?
-Yeah. What is that?
-This is new!
-What is?
Are you not--? It's so loud.
-It's like heavy machinery.
-Is it coming from your apartment?
-It's not my apartment.
-What is it, boy? What do you hear?
-I think it's knocking.
-Someone's at the door.
-That door where we just came from?
Yeah. Hello?!
-Can anybody help?!
-Maybe it's your roommate, dude.
The killer often returns
to the scene of the crime.
He's got a key, dummy.
[high-pitched sounds]
[distorted sounds and voices]
[Mia] Jack!
-It's Mia.
-Mia? She came for you?
-Yeah, sounds like it.
-Hang on, hang on.
If you can hear her,
that must mean...
I'm not dead!
Holy shit, dude!
Let's go! Here we go!
Come on, buddy, come on! Get up!
-[water running]
-[knocking on door]
[knocking continues]
[suspenseful music playing]
Oh, man! Oh, fuck. I'm fucking heavy.
-[Mia] Jack!
-Hey, hey, hey, hey.
You just put on a little extra weight
since the breakup.
-I for sure did, but not this much.
-[Chris] Just lift with your legs!
-[Mia] Let me in!
You're a real asshole. You know that?
You're a fucking asshole.
What happened? Why'd you stop?
Mia might not be here to save me.
Piece of shit.
[knocking continues]
Oh, yeah, she's like yelling,
she called me an asshole, piece of shit.
I hope you fucking die.
Okay, that's not nice!
-What's she saying?
-She told me to fucking die.
Well, she might be in luck.
I'm sorry!
I-- Whatever I did, I...
[water running]
Mia, that was a good apology.
It was heartfelt, right?
She was so angry.
I think you're missing
the big picture here, man.
You're alive!
Kind of. Hang on, hang on.
Maybe this is why I'm here.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
To help you get back up there.
Huh. You must have said something to upset
her before you wound up on the floor.
I don't know, man. I give up.
Wow, wow. Wow, wow, wow, wow.
Buddy, is everything...?
[dramatic music playing]
Holy shit, dude, I was just--
I was just-- I was gone.
Don't do that again, okay?
I think if you give up here...
-then that's it.
-[dramatic music sting]
So if we don't keep my mind active,
we're gonna, like, fade?
Don't like that.
-No, thank you.
-That's not fun.
-No, thank you.
-No, let's not do that.
-Let's keep your mind going, right?
So, okay. You're sure
that we can rule Mia out as a suspect?
Yeah. Yeah.
I mean, you saw us at the park.
We were on good terms.
Before-- Whatever that was.
-Fucking asshole!
-You said you guys fought a lot.
Yes. Hence the breakup.
-She's not a murderer!
She's just, like, she can be
a little intense sometimes.
You know, a little...
Were you about to say crazy?
I wasn't.
-Okay, 'cause that's problematic, man.
-I know that is problematic. I--
Look. [sighs] It's not pretty,
but we got like that.
Kind of a lot sometimes,
especially towards the end.
Mia's very, she's really,
she always puts everybody else first.
You know, she's very present, and she'll
always come through for you, you know?
She's honestly amazing.
-[Chris] She sounds like a great woman.
-She is.
So why'd you guys break up?
That can be a lot. That was a lot.
She's-- It's kind of suffocating.
You know, trust-issue stuff.
Do you even want to be here
with me right now?
Where are you getting that from?
Her last boyfriend was a total dickhead
who took advantage and cheated on her,
-and I don't think she ever got over that.
-Get the fuck out!
I feel like you guys could
have worked it out.
It's not that simple, man.
Also, just FYI,
just to fill you in as Chris,
Chris is not necessarily in any position
to give me relationship advice.
Your lady threw a Crock-Pot at your head.
-She did?
You told me right here in this kitchen.
She threw a Crock-Pot at me, man.
No, it was full, dude. It dented the wall.
Jesus, man. That's scary.
-And a total waste of food.
-[laughs] Yeah.
Are you, uh...?
-Are you okay?
-Oh, yeah, no, I'm fine.
Yeah, dude, I'm fine now.
I mean, it's just, like,
she's got that temper.
-Is that true?
But, uh, I guess you guys are,
you know, going to therapy, so...
-Oh, we are?
[Chris] We decided to...
-We decided to go to therapy.
-Okay, nice. How's that?
Good, yeah.
Been going for a few months now,
and it's been, like, rewarding and...
-It's been tough.
I mean, don't get me--
It's, like, weird, right?
But it's also, you know, she's gotten
to kind of confront some of her
past traumas, getting
to the root of stuff, and then, um,
you know, to be fair, like, I've kind of
figured out some stuff about myself,
kind of some of the...
kind of more unhealthy
behavior stuff, you know?
Like, for example, are you, like,
throwing, like, large objects at her head?
-I am not doing that, no.
You know, look, I like,
just 'cause, like, I'm, you know,
I'm glad that you guys are talking
to somebody and trying to get help
and work through it and stuff,
but it just, seems like maybe
she needs therapy
-more so than...
-Yeah, maybe. Um...
How come you didn't bring this up before?
Can I be real?
-Yeah, it's awkward, right?
I mean, we've just been dating
for, like, a year.
It's just kind of... uncomfortable
to talk about that stuff, I guess.
-I get that.
Well, listen, I would hope
that it goes without saying,
but if ever anything like this happens
again and you ever need, like, a...
Sofa to crash on.
Thanks, dude. Thank you.
I'll get Bob kicked out if you want.
I'm ready for you.
Please. Talk to me.
Dude, thank you.
Mia and I talked about going to therapy.
-We never talked about this.
-Yeah, we never went.
Just seemed like a whole, you know...
I don't know. It wasn't really for me,
but I'm glad you're doing it.
-Do you want another beer?
No, man, I should probably not be going
to therapy tomorrow hammered.
Ooh, I don't know. Could be good.
Roll straight through. Keep drinking.
You're very honest when you're drunk.
Here's my impression of you
when you're drunk. Ahem.
-These are all my feelings.
-That is an impeccable impression.
-You should do stand-up.
-Yeah, come see me at the Virgil.
Yeah, I think I'll do that.
I'm sorry, man. I know that's not easy.
But you saw, at least it's nice,
you know, we're there for each other.
And we'll always be there for each other,
as long as I am not about to die
on my bathroom floor.
Right. [chuckling]
Hey, no!
-Come on!
-No, no, no!
-That was not me giving up!
-No, no, no, no, no!
[suspenseful music playing]
Oh, oh, oh, oh!
-Stop doing that, dude!
-I'm very sorry.
-I thought it would understand jokes.
-When you get out of here...
-If I get out of this?
When you get out of here, there's
so much great stuff waiting for you, man.
Like you're starting up
your stand-up career again.
Yeah. No, yeah.
I mean, if I survive this,
I could get booked a second time.
Dude, you have so much to live for.
[Chris] I swear you budged you before.
Okay. Well, let's start small.
Yeah. Good thinking.
[water running]
-[Chris] Did it work?
-What do you see?
[water running]
Oh, the mirror's cracked.
That must have been how you got
the gash on your forehead.
What else do you see?
Makes sense. Okay, let's, uh...
-Right, okay, arm to phone. Hand to phone.
[both] One, two, three!
-No, wait! My shoulder!
-Sorry, sorry.
Oh, that's no good.
I'm gonna try to imagine you
with bigger muscles.
[Chris] Hard to get bigger than they are.
Oh, God!
[both] One, two, three!
All right. We're gonna mix it up.
We're gonna try another strategy here.
Element of surprise?
-Love it, yes.
-All right, we're done with this.
-Oh, boy.
I should wash my hands
for health and cleanliness.
Always important to have hygiene.
[both yelling]
[dramatic music playing]
-Oh, it moved!
-Get the phone.
-Okay, got it, got it, got it.
-[Chris] Yeah.
-Okay. Grip it.
Anna! Missed call from Anna!
-Missed call from Anna!
-[Chris] Missed call from Anna!
[both sighing]
[Chris] Dude.
Dude. Who's Anna?!
Uh, uh, a friend of mine for years.
She's a comic.
She's, like, killing it right now.
She just booked, like,
the comedy role in a Marvel thing.
About to blow up.
I don't know. We get along really well.
Haven't been able
to hang out for a long time.
Is it 'cause she's too busy
with Hollywood?
Or too busy murdering?
No, neither. But, uh, Mia wouldn't let me.
Like, I don't care about
these stupid comedy people, okay?
Oh. So she's cute, then.
It's not-- No, it's not, it's not, it's...
But it's not, it's like, she's very cool,
and she's great to be around,
and it's also like, you know--
Like, part of comedy is doing the set...
And then part of it is... the hang.
-The hang?
What are you even talking about right now?
Right. So now you're free to hang
with Anna because you're single.
Yeah, I guess.
You think that's why she called?
[audience laughing]
[Jack on TV]
I just got out of a relationship.
Kind of long overdue.
You know, I was getting around to it.
Uh, living on my own
for the first time in years.
It's nice. It's a fresh start.
I got a roommate. I met him online.
I know his first name.
That is all that I know.
You look good up there, dude.
-I'm wearing that.
-You are, dude.
Wearing the hell out of that jacket.
Last thing I remembered
was something about a show,
and we're in the same clothes.
-...we share a bathroom?
-[scattered laughs]
[Chris] Hang on, hang on,
hang on, hang on, hang on.
-Are you saying...?
-What if this is tonight?
[Jack] A buddy of mine moved in
with his girlfriend.
[groaning] I don't know. I don't know.
She's a little iffy to me, I don't know.
Could be 'cause I just got out
of a relationship,
or it could be because this lady
threw a rice cooker at his head.
You know, I didn't name names,
and I changed the details.
It just made for a good bit.
No, I know, man.
It's, yeah, no, it's just jokes. I get it.
I genuinely really admire you guys,
the therapy and stuff.
You know, you'll see.
I take this bit to an absurd place.
-It gets weird.
-Totally, dude. Yeah, it's fine.
Just out of curiosity, has anyone
ever tried to pick up a rice cooker,
like, even when it's empty?
They're not light! They're not light!
I have no idea how you launch
one of those things.
You have to get, like, a twirling start,
like you're doing, like,
shot put in the Olympics.
That's a bad fight when your girlfriend
does something and you're like:
"Oh, God,
have you been training for this?"
[chair clatters]
All right, anyways, thanks, y'all.
That's my time. Have a great night.
Thank you very much.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
-Thank you.
-Who are you looking at?
All right, give it up for Jack, everybody.
-All right, all right.
-That's Anna.
That's Anna?
She is cute.
-[Jack] So it's a voice thing?
-[Anna] Yeah.
I mean, I didn't even really
get to meet the cast.
But, you know, I'm probably
like a rodent or a plant.
This is very cool.
It's just very-- It's very cool.
-I'm basically Vin Diesel.
Look at you.
You see? It's the hang.
We're talking shop.
[softly] Okay, got it.
-Why are you whispering?
-I don't want to be rude.
We're not here. Hello?
Yeah, so Ratatouille is actually
the name of the food.
The rat's name is Remy.
[Jack] The rat is
a different thing altogether.
[Anna] Yeah. Oh, so where to, Jackaroo?
Uh... You know, my new place
isn't actually far from here.
Oh, are you inviting me back
to your bachelor pad?
[Jack] Well, I was more putting--
Yeah, I was doing that.
I was-- Yeah, that was what I was doing.
-Yeah, I picked it up.
-Yeah, so there you go.
Yeah, is your creepy roommate
gonna be there?
-He is not usually home.
I can't make promises, but I'd say
in general, no, he's not usually there.
-[romantic music playing]
-Yeah, no, but, okay.
-No, I want to hear you.
-I want to hear you explain this.
-No, I didn't remember this.
-I didn't rem--
-You didn't remember this?
I didn't remember that part until now.
-[woman] Hey, Jack.
-Okay, who's this?
-[Jack] Okay.
-Tanya, hi.
I'm Tanya.
-Me and Jack go way back.
-Tanya, Anna.
Don't we?
[Jack] That's Mia's best friend.
Oh, my God. This is tonight, dude!
Think about it.
Look, you were making out with the very
woman Mia was most insecure about.
Her best friend, Tanya--
[distorted] I'm Tanya.
--saw you guys, so she's obviously gonna
call Mia the minute she leaves the club.
-I'm Tanya.
-[cell phone buzzing]
Mia's worst fears are confirmed.
She drives over in a fit of rage,
and boom goes the dynamite.
-She tells you to die.
-I hope you fucking die.
Well, but what puts me on the floor?
Or who?
[distorted] I'm Tanya.
-You're really pretty.
-Oh, thank you.
Yeah, no worries.
-She's pretty.
-Got a little something.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Good to see you.
Thank you. Great to see you.
-Loved that.
-[Anna] Mmm.
-You okay?
-Yeah, I'm good.
That's gonna be a problem
for future Jack.
Great. I don't care. Where do you live?
What's up with the purple light?
[suspenseful music playing]
You better not be a pimp
'cause I'm not doing that again.
I'm kidding. I'm kidding.
-[both laughing]
That's just-- I don't know
how to respond to that.
I wouldn't assume that,
but then also, I'm not judgmental
-about sex work.
-So the light, yeah.
-That's my roommate's room. Uh...
My buddy's convinced that he's a drug
dealer, but I think the light's just like,
I don't know,
maybe he's very into photography.
-Wouldn't that be red light?
-I don't know. I don't know.
Whatever it is, he's very weird,
and he's given very explicit
instructions not to go in there,
-so I don't think I'll ever know.
-So have you been in there yet?
Did you not hear what I just said?
I gotta know what's in there, man.
I'm so curious.
[Jack] Anna, actually, please.
Please actually don't.
Okay, yeah.
-Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
-[door opens]
Holy shit.
-[water dripping]
-[ominous music playing]
-[Anna] Holy shit.
-[Jack] Wow.
[Anna] Oooh.
[Jack] Okay, so, uh, yeah,
so my buddy Chris was right.
This is-- he's a drug dealer.
-Okay. Cool, we know that.
-Called it.
-Have you ever done shrooms?
-Yeah, a couple times.
-Lie. Never done mushrooms.
-[Jack] Very fun.
-Yeah, cheers.
Oh, you guys are gonna freak out.
Are you good?
No, yeah. Yeah, these are delicious.
Okay, no one likes the taste.
I lied to you. I've never done mushrooms.
And I'm not--
I just wanted to impress you.
This is not nice. This is not nice.
Well, uh, I guess I'll be your shaman.
[gong rings]
Here you go.
Thank you.
Hey, I just want to apologize
for, um, for kissing you earlier.
I think I just had, like, a lot
of adrenaline coming out of the set.
You thought your set was that good?
I'm kidding. I'm kidding.
I'm sorry. It's a joke.
It's just like, it was very, um--
I just got out of this thing with Mia,
and it's just very, like,
I really respect you.
So you didn't want to kiss me.
-Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm fucking with you.
-I wanted to kiss.
I did want to kiss you,
and I enjoyed the kissing.
I just don't want it now to be weird.
It's fine. Relax, okay?
Look, we're on the same page.
Well, I'm just, I'm glad
that we're hanging out again.
Yeah. Why did we stop?
There was just, like, this tension
with Mia whenever you came up.
No, really?
[Jack] Yeah. I don't know.
She just, like, she just felt very--
-I don't know.
-[Anna] Jealous?
Insecure, maybe? I don't know.
-Left out, I guess?
-I don't know.
Maybe she just needed
a little reassurance.
No, I told her that, like, it was just,
you know, we were friends,
and it was, fellow comics like to hang
and everything, but she just got weird
about it to the point
that I was just, like,
I would rather not deal
with that weirdness,
so I just kind of stopped, um,
having to bring it up.
Yeah, I mean, it's not really
reassurance, though, right?
It's just a justification
of our friendship,
which makes you look defensive,
which in turn makes her think it's,
like, a way bigger deal than it is.
[inaudible dialogue]
[Anna] I've been with as many men
as I've been with women,
and we're all emotionally
repressed in one way or another.
You've, like,
really got your shit together.
-Yeah, okay.
-You do.
And you're, like, a superhero now?
You're Spider-Man
and you're not allowed to tell me?
-How'd that even happen, by the way?
Honestly, dude, I think I just had
a good set at the Laugh Factory
and the right person saw me.
Hey, let me know if this is overstepping,
but if they ever have, like, an open slot,
I'd love to throw my name in the hat.
So you just want to hang out
so you can get stage time?
Yeah, exactly. That's all this is.
Kidding. [chuckles]
No, seriously, that was a joke.
I was kidding.
No, it's fine.
I don't want to make this like a bad trip.
Okay, that's actually my shit. Uh...
My recurring cycle is that
I think people are using me.
You know, and with the movie coming out,
it's definitely worse than ever.
So... no new friends, all that.
I'm really sorry.
It's fine. Actually, there's a show
on Valentine's Day.
-Could see if I could get you on that.
-Do not have to do that.
We're friends. You asked.
It's important to you.
Just let me see what I can do.
You should be real with people more often.
It works. People like it.
-[keys jingling]
-Oh, fuck. That's-- Fuck, my roommate.
You said he was never here.
He never is, except for at
the worst possible times, apparently.
[Anna] I'm on drugs!
[Jack] That's my bathroom.
Go to the-- That's the--
Hey, Bob.
-Hey, this is, uh, Anna.
-[ominous music playing]
Jack, can I talk to you for a moment?
You think I don't know
what you two are up to?
-It's your girlfriend, isn't it?
Oh, uh, no, that's...
-She's just...
-Ah. A moonlight tryst.
Regardless, we are obliged to inform
Mrs. Eggers of any overnight guests,
as you must recall from the contract
you signed when you moved in.
I didn't read it.
But I believe what happens
in a man's bedroom is his business,
so you can trust
that your secret is safe with me.
[Anna] You should be real
with people more often.
It works. People like it.
Bob, you should know.
We went into your room.
I told you not to.
Yeah, I know. We saw it.
-So are you a drug dealer?
No, no, no.
I was just holding those for a friend.
How come you're never here?
I spend a lot of time
at my girlfriend's house
-'cause this place sucks.
-Why do you have a gun?
That's an heirloom. It doesn't even work.
Okay. And what's the purple light about?
I like botany.
Why are you so weird about
people going in your room?
It just makes me very curious.
Because I'm holding illegal drugs.
Also privacy.
-[cell phone buzzing]
That all checks out.
-Are you gonna get that?
-You can hear it too. Thank God.
[Bob] Wait.
You ate some of those mushrooms,
didn't you?
I'm gonna pay you back for these, yeah.
Um... Are they intense?
'Cause I took, like, four.
She took four. Are we gonna be okay?
Honestly, I don't know. But...
you might want to take it easy,
unless you want to wind up on the floor.
Okay, thanks, Bob.
[cell phone buzzing]
[tender music playing]
Whoa, whoa, whoa, dude, dude.
Shrooms are gonna knock you out.
Mia, she pounds at the door.
That wakes Anna up.
She's disoriented.
You're gone, so she calls,
like, where are you?
Not realizing
that you're passed out next door.
Uh-huh. Well, why wouldn't
she just come looking for me?
We don't know how time works here.
For all we know, you've been on the ground
for two minutes in the real world.
[suspenseful music playing]
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay.
It's happening, man. Here we go.
I told you, man. This is it!
[both groan]
Oh, gross!
I'd rather have seen you naked, man.
Oh, don't puke in my brain.
Don't puke in my brain.
-This isn't it, man.
-You might still pass out.
-No, the mirror isn't cracked.
What about your clothes?
They're exactly the same.
Well, I probably just wear
this outfit a lot.
I don't know. I don't have
a lot of clothes that fit me nice.
-[tender music playing]
What difference would it make anyways?
How would finding out, like,
what put me on the floor...?
-Or who.
-What difference would that make?
-[Jack gargling]
-I don't know.
[Jack coughs]
Catharsis, maybe?
Like, give your brain
the juice it needs to kind of, like,
set you on track, wake you up,
jolt you, you know?
That's a lovely idea.
That's a very nice sentiment.
I like the way you see things.
I just don't assume that that would be
how anything would fucking work.
Hang on, you're not giving up, are you?
I don't want to disappear again, man.
Okay? It's scary.
There's nothing, but it also hurts.
Well, I don't know what to tell you.
It just--
It just sucks. It just--
I felt like just as I was starting
to take control of my life,
I go and I get myself killed.
Like, the comedy, living on my own,
everything felt like it was finally
heading in the right direction, and...
What if none of that matters?
Then don't stop taking control, man.
You're here right now, right?
Some part of you wants to stay alive.
You know how I know that?
'Cause I'm some part of you.
You know, I gotta say, I know
you're not actually here or whatever,
but it's, uh, pretty nice having
my best friend around.
Yeah. Somewhere up there, I'm real, right?
I'm working on a novel,
got a girlfriend, and, yeah,
she throws things at me sometimes,
but the point is, I'm real,
and I would love to talk
to my best friend again.
[Jack] Mm-hmm.
And you really think if I figure out,
like, what put me on the floor or who?
-Thank you.
-You think that'll save me?
I do.
Okay. I believe you.
-You're not giving up?
-I'm not giving up.
-Let's go!
-Yeah. All right!
So we know that you didn't get
the gash in your forehead that night.
-What happened the next morning?
-Uh, well, Anna was here, so...
Wait. Do you hear that?
[water running]
Yeah, the tap. Is it still running?
No, this is different sounding.
This is more like, uh...
[water splashing]
You know what? I have no idea.
Don't worry about it.
[Jack] This is awkward, but I was supposed
to FaceTime my parents,
like, ten minutes ago, and they're just,
they're, I had stressed--
They just have a very, like,
tight timeline always.
Do you want me to, like,
walk by in the background
and show them
you're living that L.A. lifestyle?
-I very badly do not want you to do that.
-Right, okay, well, fuck you.
Thanks for the shrooms. I'm gonna go.
-[Jack] Thank you.
-I'm leaving.
-Hey! Hey, guys, sorry I'm late.
-[Mom] Oh, sweetie.
Hey, you doing okay, son?
Yeah, honestly, can't complain right now.
I had a good show last night.
-Did you get paid?
It's not really about that,
like, at this phase.
-What's it about?
Networking, honey. You know, the hang.
-[Mike] Oh, okay, okay.
-Right? Did I get it right?
Actually, last night, this comic got me
booked on a show at the Laugh Factory.
-What's that?
-Oh! What?!
One of the, like, biggest
comedy venues in L.A.
Oh, wow.
-Honey, wow--
-That's great.
Wow, honey, when's the show?
Uh, it's the-- I don't remember.
If there's another show
and I had a missed call from Anna,
what if that's
where I'm supposed to be right now?
Maybe there's still time.
It's the, uh, 14th.
-Oh, that's too bad.
-It's your brother's party.
I'm really sorry.
I'm just, like, not gonna be able
to make it out there.
Jack, this is family.
It's just, like, not a thing
that I would be able to move.
So if I don't, I just... I'll pay you guys
back for the tickets and stuff.
I'll talk to Nick, obviously. I, um...
Uh, what's going on?
[dramatic music playing]
[Chris] What's going on?!
I moved.
-[car alarm blaring]
-You hearing this?
-I'm hearing this one, yeah.
[car alarm continues]
Oh-- We're going in?
Where the fuck do you want me to go?
Where do you want me to go? Sorry.
Uh, I'm very sorry.
This is-- You saw that.
That's not-- Sorry.
Why are we seeing this?
-Why are we seeing this?
-[Jack] Right up here.
Okay, well, thank you so much.
Have a good one.
[up-tempo music playing]
Get in here.
God, you get in here.
I'm in here. Get in here.
[man] Yo, if you get us there
in ten minutes, bro?
I'll do what I can.
[speaking in foreign language]
Right up here is good?
Sorry, so this, uh, actually,
isn't the address.
I don't know what this is leading to, no.
[man] Motherfucker.
[indistinct chatter]
Hang on, are these guys
gonna turn out to be the killers?
'Cause that would be way out of nowhere.
How's your night gone so far?
Call the free-drug friends. Rad!
You good back there?
Hey, Jack. Been a while, huh?
-Yeah, good to see you again, Tanya.
-You too. You too.
So how's the comedy thing going?
I didn't get to watch your show
at the Virgil the other week,
but congrats on getting booked.
Thank you. Yes, it's going good.
Don't worry.
If you missed it, you can come
see me at the Laugh Factory.
I just got a couple minutes
coming up there, so...
That's great. Congrats.
Oh, uh, yeah. Thanks.
Do you get any good jokes driving Uber?
[Mia shushes]
What? I'm serious.
I bet you see some real characters.
Yeah, but, uh, most riders aren't half
as funny as they think they are.
Neither are most comedians.
[Jack] Goal.
[Tanya] I'll be right there.
I'm just right there.
Hey, I'm sorry about that.
All good. You're not the worst passengers
I've had tonight.
I meant, about calling you
the other night. That was out of line.
Oh, yeah. Uh, 20 times was,
like, maybe a bit much.
Yeah, um... [laughs]
Tanya told me about seeing you
and Anna at the show, and I...
Yeah, Mia, that wasn't--
Yeah, it's none of my business
now that we're broken up,
and I shouldn't have blown up your phone.
That was way uncool.
Well, um...
you look great.
You guys are gonna party it up tonight?
Yeah. Thanks.
I haven't worn this thing in ages.
Great. Well, have fun.
Don't waste your time sitting
in an Uber with your ex.
Yeah, I'm gonna go.
Have fun.
Yeah, it was, um...
nice to see you.
-[Jack] Have a good night.
-You too.
Ahh! [groans]
[suspenseful music playing]
Yeah, man, I don't know if, uh,
Mia wanted you dead in that moment.
Yeah, no. I don't know.
You okay, buddy?
Yeah, I'm good. I'm just-- I don't know.
Some part of me, uh, really misses her.
[Jack and Chris scream]
-What are you doing here?
-I don't know. Where's here?
I didn't know
you had other projections in here.
-Hi, Mia.
Oh, man,
-I must really be spazzing out up there.
-Wait. Projections?
-[Chris] Yeah.
-Uh, uh, uh, uh,
kind of hard to explain, but basically,
all of this, everything you're seeing,
is, uh, my subconscious.
[Mia] Huh.
-It's very Dogville.
-Thank you.
Yes, that's been driving me crazy.
[chuckles] Wow!
The inside of Jack's brain
is, like, really empty.
Oh, yeah.
Again, this is just the subconscious part.
For sure. Yeah, yeah.
No, I'm sure we'll find a magical corner
that'll take us into a huge mind palace
filled with books on philosophy.
-Ooh, a mind palace?
-I'm sure.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Loving this.
Loving all of this chumminess.
That's fun.
Hey, why am I here?
I'm your girlfriend, right?
Uh, ex.
Oh, maybe I'm here because you
and I have unresolved business.
[Chris] Catharsis.
That's what I've been saying
this whole time.
Yeah, maybe he has to resolve all of his
earthly problems before he can pass on.
Okay, yeah, 'cause we were thinking
he might wake up,
but no, no, no, I think peace before death
so then he can move on.
Let's not--
None of the move-on talk, okay?
And this doesn't make sense
'cause you and I,
we don't have
any unresolved business, right?
Yeah, I guess not.
Mia and I, we broke up three months ago,
so there's nothing left to say.
-It's cool.
[groans] This keeps happening.
Give me a second.
[speaks indistinctly]
[mystical music playing]
-[music stops]
-What's the deal?
I'm doing the opposite
of giving up right now.
Just put it back.
Oh, man. I might be running out of time.
[dramatic music playing]
I gotta get to the bathroom.
-The bathroom?
-That's where he passed out.
-Oh. Okay.
[groaning] You gotta get up, buddy!
Come on, you gotta get up!
[Mia] Um...
-You don't look so good.
-That's what I said.
You're missing the biggest show
you've ever booked.
Had you tried this before?
Oh, yeah. All the time.
He loves to do this.
I thought
the willpower would change things.
The will to live wasn't enough?
I don't know. Do I now want to get up?
No, of course I want to get up!
I want to get to the Laugh Factory, man.
This show's gonna make it all worth it.
The unpaid gigs and the shitty day jobs
and missing my brother's engagement party,
it's all gonna be worth it.
And we're so close, but now it's...
Buddy, buddy, it's gonna be all right.
I know it's stupid and it seems, like,
really small, but I just really want this.
Uh, let's get you to your comedy show.
-Yeah. Yes.
-[Mia] Right?
Okay, okay, okay.
We can just do this again.
-I'll take the leg.
-Okay, I will take this part.
Oh. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What the fuck? How the fuck?
What the fuck?
[Mia] This is really light.
No, no, this is usually really hard!
It really wasn't that hard.
[exciting music playing]
-Should you call 911?
-No, no, I gotta get to the show.
Call me. I can come over and patch you up.
[line ringing]
[recording] Please leave your message.
[voicemail beeps]
I'm hearing--
It's going straight to voicemail.
Uh, text him! Text him.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
[text message sent]
-[Mia] Oh, shit!
-Yeah? Yes!
You're gonna come, right?
Of course! I mean, I-- I think so.
Yeah, just 'cause it went straight
to voicemail, so it was...
Come to think of it,
when's the last time we...?
[audience laughing]
[Jack] Could be 'cause I just got
out of a relationship,
or it could be 'cause this lady
threw a rice cooker at his head.
Just out of curiosity, has anyone here
ever tried to pick up a rice cooker,
even when it's empty?
It's not-- They're not light, they're not.
I have no idea how you'd launch
one of those things.
You'd have to get, like, a twirling start,
like you're doing, like,
shot put at the Olympics.
That's a bad fight.
If your girlfriend does something
and you're like, "Oh, God.
Have you been training for this?"
All right, thank you very much.
That's my time.
Y'all have a great night!
[Julia] Why would you tell everyone
in there our personal information?
I told Jack in confidence.
No, you told them everything
about my worst, worst day.
This is why you've been ghosting me.
That's kind of rough, man.
She's working on herself.
She's working on it.
She's throwing things at you, dude.
You shouldn't stand
for that kind of abuse.
That's not for you to decide.
I'm choosing to work through it with her.
Well, it's not easy standing by
and watching while somebody hurts you.
Oh, so the best way
you could think to tell me that
was to put it in your fucking set?
Dude, I told you that in confidence.
I trusted you.
[stuttering] Well, I'm sorry.
Whatever's going on between us, if I text
"help," you're gonna reply to that, right?
-I don't know, maybe I muted you?
-You're my best friend.
Don't-- You're not gonna put...
[dramatic music playing]
Chris, are we still friends?
I don't know.
So, uh, I wonder
what put you on the floor.
Or who. It could have been Chris, right?
-Maybe he was the accomplice.
His girlfriend had a history of violence.
Oh, my God, maybe she knocked
you out with the rice cooker.
-[pot bangs]
It wasn't a rice cooker.
It was a Crock-Pot.
I changed the detail for my set.
It wasn't actually a rice cooker.
-It was a Crock-Pot. Doesn't matter.
-[softly] Right.
Why did you tell that story?
I don't know.
I didn't think they'd be there, obviously.
Well, you must really not like her.
I mean, I can give her credit
for working on it, I guess.
Wait, aren't they both in therapy?
Doesn't that mean he's willing
to work on his stuff too?
Chris isn't at fault.
Oh. So that's why you put her up last?
Yes. And also just 'cause
I thought it was funny
and I didn't think that hard about it.
-I've been a dick, haven't I?
-Yep. Absolutely big...
Just big dick.
[clears throat]
I gotta get out of this so I can
make things right with Chris.
And with me.
-What, you?
I mean, it seems like you and Chris
had unresolved business after all.
Do we have unresolved business?
No. No reason to assume.
I mean, all of our--
I think all of our business is resolved.
[Mia] You are being so mean.
'Cause you went through my fucking phone!
[echoing] Went through my fucking phone!
[dramatic music playing]
I think you're on borrowed time.
-[Jack] Oh, shit.
-What is this?
I fucking forgot that Mia's supposed
to come over to pick up weed.
Well, I mean, it's good that you all are
on good terms after everything happened.
Oh, yeah. No, we're good.
Like, for a minute there, she was kind of,
like, blowing up my phone every time
she got upset, like, really leaning on me
for emotional support.
I think we both agreed that it was good
to take a step back, so...
Yeah, that's why she's coming over here
for weed in California on Valentine's Day.
You think she's,
like, still kind of attached?
I don't know. What?
Am I supposed to be scared?
Is she gonna be mad?
Like, do I need to hide?
-Could you?
-[Anna] Seriously?
No, like, no, no, no.
Like, genuinely, if you don't want to.
I just, I wonder if it could, like,
kind of maybe make things less tense.
Actually, not in my bedroom,
in the bathroom, because the weed's in...
I cannot believe I'm hiding for somebody
I'm not even hooking up with.
Thank you.
[knocking on door]
[soft knocking on door]
-Thanks again for...
-You know, weed's legal in California.
Yeah. Um...
I know, I told you,
I've just never done it before,
and the dispensary intimidated me.
Yeah, sorry, let's just, uh...
Come on over.
We'll take care of this real quick.
All right.
Got some good stuff for you to try.
Tanya's organizing a weekend in Big Bear.
Sounds fun. Love Tanya.
I just hope I don't have a bad trip.
I'm anxious on a good day.
It's not called Big Bear
for any reason, right?
-I wouldn't overthink it, no.
-I think you're okay.
-[both chuckling]
-Oh, it's...
-That's you.
Oh, thank you.
Great, yeah, uh, I'll just put it in.
Yeah, yeah, again, it's all legal,
so none of that is, it just, you're good.
-Um, cool, all good?
-Great. Yeah.
Is your roommate a photographer?
[Jack] Oh, no, that'd be red light.
I think it's just, uh,
he's really into botany.
-For real?
-Yeah, I don't know, he's weird.
I have no idea
what all he's growing in there,
but we actually tried some of his shrooms.
I've heard of shrooms,
should I do shrooms?
No, I don't think you should.
I would just ease in if I were you.
Did you, uh, vet your roommate
before moving in with him?
Uh, no. Kind of all happened pretty quick.
I don't know if you remember.
So... didn't have time to be picky.
But he's, you know, he's barely ever here
and he pays rent on time, so...
-[door opens]
-It's like living with fucking Beetlejuice.
-Hi, Jack.
-Hey, Bob.
Uh, this is Mia, my ex-girlfriend.
We're on good terms,
and she's here buying weed.
-I can't keep track of all the women.
-Ah, that hurts.
Just be sure to let Mrs. Eggers know.
-Can I...?
[Mia] Yeah, I'm sorry.
Okay, wait. If he had shrooms,
doesn't that mean he's a drug dealer?
He said he was just holding them
for a friend.
Isn't holding them for a friend
what people say
when they're definitely dealing drugs?
-He's a little drug dealer-y, yeah.
-He also owns a gun.
Yeah, but he said it was just
for sentimental reasons.
Oh, sentimental reasons.
Yeah, okay, then I feel
perfectly fine about that.
I saw your post about the Laugh Factory.
Would you and Anna hook up--?
Did Anna hook you up with--?
Did she help you get that?
-[Mia] Great.
She did, yeah.
I feel like I was always really straight
with you about the Anna thing,
Mia, you know.
Anna's really more of just,
like, a business contact.
[softly] Like, knowing her is,
like, good for my careers.
Why are you whispering?
Am I whispering?
-Well, kind of. A little bit.
-[door opens]
Different girl.
-[door closes]
Hi, Mia.
Okay, so this looks bad.
Go fuck yourself, Jack.
Mia, we were just-- I was helping
her prep for an audition.
It's not a fucking... [groans]
It's good to know
I'm just a business contact.
Anna, that's not-- I'm sorry.
I just said that
'cause I didn't want to upset her.
-Oh, so you were just lying.
-You saw how she just reacted.
-She's very raw right now, and I...
-It's probably because she was lied to.
She's an adult, all right?
She doesn't need you to coddle her.
She can handle a few fucking boundaries.
Okay, look, I said I'm sorry. Are we good?
No. Don't come to the show tonight.
We don't need you.
[tense music playing]
[Mia] Unresolved business.
Whatever puts me on the floor
is about to happen.
[line rings]
[Mia on phone] Jack, can we not?
-I want to talk to you.
-What is there to talk about?
I just want to let you know that there's
not anything going on with me and Anna.
How come we never went to therapy?
[Mia] ...fucking weird,
and I just want to take a step back.
I kept suggesting that we go.
We weren't always like this.
I don't know if that's fair.
You get to just walk away?
[Jack] I don't know.
Sometimes people grow apart.
What is going on up there?
I-I've been there for you
throughout this whole breakup.
So do you ever think maybe you
were leaning on me a little too much?
Yes, all the time, actually.
Okay, see, right there.
Now, why did you call me?
Because you were wrong.
There's nothing really going
on with me and Anna.
That's not why I was mad, though.
You lied to me.
[Jack] I'm hurting too.
That's why I kept asking
if you needed space.
You asked, but you didn't mean it.
[Mia] Did you think it was all me?
That I was the problem?
No, Mia. You're great.
I know you. I know your heart.
You're, like, the best person I know.
[Jack] 'Cause I know you, Mia!
You're an overbearing,
neurotic, codependent mess.
It's kind of incredible.
You know what, Jack? You flipped it on me.
You hurt me because you lied,
and still I'm the bad guy?
Well, it's true.
I was there for you during the breakup.
You can't see how I felt humiliated
when you didn't tell me that Anna was
in the other fucking room earlier?
There are things
that I need to work on, but...
-I'm actually seeing someone.
-Oh, God!
So you're allowed to just start
seeing someone whenever you want.
But for me, it's very fucking weird.
I meant a therapist, you asshole.
[Jack] Well, I don't envy
whoever that person is.
What are you talking about?
Do you think, like, a couple months
of therapy is gonna change anything?
Please stop.
God forbid I try to be friends with Anna.
I dropped that friendship because of you.
I never asked you to do that.
No, but you acted insane about it.
I never knew
that you resented me this much.
The second I was out of our relationship,
I realized how much time I've been wasting
and how much I've been missing out on.
You don't mean that.
Yes, I do, Mia. You're broken.
Why would you say that to me?
Well, you won, I guess.
You brought me right back to a bad place.
I overreacted. Hang on.
You never paid me back for those shrooms.
-Bob, I'm sorry.
-Too late.
It was Bob.
I kept saying that we should go
to therapy together.
Bob did it!
I mismanaged the Anna thing
from the start. I see that.
Wait, wouldn't I be,
like, missing my face?
This didn't happen.
Would it have hurt for you
to assure me that I was your girl?
-[line rings]
-Hey, what's up?
Hey, um, are you gonna be home soon?
Mia, I was shitty, okay? I know that.
-Then why did you do it?
-I don't know.
-Did you ever love me?
God, are you gonna do this forever?
Just move into a different bachelor pad
every time it gets hard?
Because it's easier! Because...
Because living with you,
I-I felt like a failure.
I-I couldn't understand how you ever
doubted how I felt about you.
Are you gonna be home soon?
I can be. Are you okay?
Yeah, I was, um, just thinking
we could do movie night.
I-- I love you so much.
I care to, like, a stupidly high degree
what you think.
And I would drop plans at,
like, a moment's notice
whenever I thought you were,
like, sad or anxious, anything.
I would do anything for you.
I never asked you to drop plans for me.
[line rings]
I don't want to bother you if you're...
No, no, no. It's good. It's good.
It's good. That sounds fun.
Um, let's do that.
Cool. I'll see you soon.
-I love you.
-I love you too.
I kept asking if you were okay, and...
you never opened up to me.
Are you okay?
Yeah. Yeah, good.
I can't read your mind, Jack.
[dramatic music playing]
Yeah. I mean, I don't know.
It's like... it's embarrassing.
I'm a hack.
Booking unpaid bar gigs, pushing 30.
And I know, like,
I wanna have a family, and I...
You know, your parents want me
to get my act together,
and my parents want me
to get my act together,
and I want that,
and I don't know how to do that.
I don't care about any of that.
And I would have...
I would have wanted to help you.
I would have wanted to help you.
You could have been vulnerable with me.
You just kept telling me
that you were fine.
You okay?
Uh, yeah, yeah.
I knew that there was something
you weren't telling me, and that...
that silence made me question everything.
You're it for me, Jack.
You went through my fucking phone!
-Don't swear at me, Jack!
-Sorry, shit, I'm sorry.
I'll put a penny in the fucking swear jar.
Oh, are you gonna borrow it
from your stepdad,
or should I cover it
along with rent this month?
Okay, oh, okay.
I would have done anything,
anything to fix us.
[Mia] Jack, I'm sorry.
Sorry, okay?
It just, it makes me feel unsafe
when you swear at me.
Okay, well, I don't want you
to feel unsafe, so...
Where are you going?
[Jack] I've got to get out of here.
[Mia] Wait, Jack, stop.
You're being dramatic.
You're insane, and I get now
why he cheated on you.
Get out.
Get the fuck out!
Go be a professional failure!
I really hurt you.
I'm really sorry.
I know you mean that, Jack.
Now you just have to tell her.
How about these?
Oh, remember, the doctor said
to go easy on those.
It's just a Xanax prescription.
Do you want another drink?
Remember, the doctor said
to go easy on those.
Xanax prescription.
Do you want another drink?
[Chris] Perhaps an overdose.
Yes. Probable?
Also yes.
[ominous music playing]
We're very disappointed in you.
Why can't you be more like your brother?
You're a hack.
-[knocking on door]
-[Mia] Let me in!
You're never gonna make it.
I wish you were a friend worth saving.
[emotional music playing]
[monitor beeping]
[beeping stops]
[cell phone chimes]
[poignant music playing]
Yeah, thanks, Mia.
I'll be right over there. Hang on.
-[Julia] Who was that?
-Uh, that was Mia.
-Jack's in trouble. I gotta go.
Okay? Um, all right, yeah, I'll be--
I'll be right back.
[Chris] Hey there, Jack, you all right?
Jack, you all right, buddy?
-[Jack] The alcohol?
-[Chris] And the Xanax, yeah.
Oh, man, I fucking OD'd?
You sure did, dude.
Oh, God, that's such a lame way
to almost die.
I'm really... I'm sorry
it wasn't something cooler.
-That's fine.
-How'd they find me?
Well, these guys knocked your door down.
You're gonna have
to explain that one to Bob.
-[Chris] Yeah.
All right, buddy.
We'll see you when we see you, okay?
Chris. Chris, Chris. I want to apologize.
-I'm really sorry about the show.
-No, it's fine.
I want to say
that was really shitty of me,
and I just completely betrayed your trust,
and I feel like I have a lot of stuff
that I need to work on myself,
but that was, like, really unfair.
Thank you. Seriously, thank you.
Apology accepted. We're good.
Just rest up, all right?
Just 'cause I know that you maybe
muted me on your phone,
and I want to say that I genuinely
understand that because I feel like
if you needed some space, if you needed
a moment, I hope that we can be friends.
Well, I genuinely unmuted you on the way
over here, so we can text, we can call,
preferably after you've had
some fluids in your system.
-Okay, that's fair.
-Okay? Yeah?
-Just take care. They're gonna get--
-Maybe I'll text you.
I'll text you when I'm out of here.
I don't think this will be--
This won't take that long, right?
Just a quick little...
[makes sound effects] Real quick.
-So, what are you up to tonight?
-Maybe, like, put a pin in that for now?
-It doesn't have to be tonight.
-Very soon, okay? So drive safe.
-Drive safe. Everything's good.
-Thank you. Thank you.
Oh, hang on, dude.
Did you ever figure out what was up
with the purple light in Bob's room?
Yes, dude. It fucking-- It was botany.
Botany! How did we not even consider that?
-He loves plants.
-All right, we'll talk.
-We'll talk.
-We'll talk.
-All right.
[poignant music continues]
[Jack] Mia, I realized far too late
that I was using comedy,
everything here in L.A. to fill a void.
I thought if I could just keep grinding,
then one day it would all fall into place
and I'd be happy.
But I never stopped to realize
I was hurting friends, family,
and most of all, you.
You were always willing to come
to the table and try, but I shut you out.
I let us down. I want to work on myself.
I want to be better
for everybody in my life.
I'm not sending this
with any expectations.
I don't even know if you're reading this,
but if you are reading this,
I hope you're well.
I hope you're continuing to be
the amazing person you've always been.
Thank you for saving my life, Mia.
Sincerely, Jack.
[Jack speaking indistinctly]
["Anybody Else" playing]
She asked me, baby, did you burn
That deal before you knew me?
Like she knew me
She said I'm lovely with a lonely time
Till your blood goes blue
Yeah, I know you
She said I've been dead in your
High school bed since you met me
She said with friends like these
Who needs anybody else?
[music fades]
You know, I'm not really
feeling these gummies.
I feel like I could take another.
She said I get cold
In your ex's clothes that you left me
She said with eyes like these
Who sees anybody else?
[music fades]
You know, I do think
the gummies just kicked in.
I'm gonna take another.
Oh, but you're holding on
You're holding on
Holding on, holding on
Holding on, holding on
On and on and on
On and on and on
On and on and on
She said I'm screaming warnings
Dressed like mornings
Black tattoos doing voodoo
Pouring out together
In any weather you'll come
She asked me, honey, ain't it
Getting hard to hold and love me?
Like she loves me
She said, I'm older
Than the golden rule
But we can say I'm new
And she said, I'm in bed
In a good girl's head and you let me
She said with friends like these
Who needs anybody?
She said with eyes like these
Who sees anybody?
She said with dreams so strong
You belong to nobody else
[intriguing music playing]