MEAD (2022) Movie Script

[film reel whirring]
[mysterious instrumental]
[enthralling orchestral music]

MEAD: Oh, my.

MEAD: Oh, he's not going
to be happy to see me.
FRIZ: So, I wonder
what brings you back?
TAM: You know
I can't stay away for long.
MEAD: Oh, I hate
when I have to do this.
Not as much
as he hates it.

TAM: What's wrong, baby?
FRIZ: You said some
pretty hurtful things, Tam.
MEAD: Oh, God.
Here we go.
Meant every one of them.
FRIZ: It's okay to lie
about that, you know?
[lips smacking]
MEAD: Sorry to interrupt,
Friz, but--
Yeah, I'm kind of
in the middle of this, MEAD.
[electric whirring]
Oh, come on, man.
She's glitching. A little help?
-MEAD: This is important.
-Yeah, so is this, pal.
[sighing] Really?
MEAD: Now will you
come on?
I was this close
to not hating you.
MEAD: I'm sorry, Friz.
Really, I am.
[Friz muttering angrily]
Morning, Admiral.
MEAD: Gross.
Hey, wait up!
You're not angry at me,
are you?
[metal door clanking]
He's angry.
What's the big emergency?
MEAD: Martian bounty hunters.
-FRIZ: And how'd they find us?
-MEAD: I imagine
they discovered our waste dump
after the Mars heist,
connected the dots
between locations
and projected our coordinates.
FRIZ: Leading them here?
Heh, see? I told you.
Dumping so soon was a bad idea.
MEAD: You gonna
take this out on me
or deal with
the headhunters from Mars?
FRIZ: Why does everything
you say sound like a bad movie?
MEAD: So, you're going to
take it out on me, then.

[spaceship whooshing]

[door whooshing]

-Where are they?
-They've got to be close.
[spaceship whirring]

There are no asteroids
in this sector.
-But, sir, I'm showing--
-Fakes. Projections.
Blast 'em all.
One of them might be the MEAD.
[laser zapping]
[machinery whirring]
FRIZ: All right,
what do they see?
MEAD: Asteroids. We're blanked.
Well, I've got to tell you,
it looks great.
Uh, but they're going
to figure it out soon and, uh,
we can't run
without leaving an energy trace.
MEAD: Well,
what are we going to do?
They want a target.
Let's give 'em one.

[spaceship whirring]
I've got a heat signature.
[laser zapping]
[laser zapping]
Direct hit.
MEAD: Dirty rats.
They could have killed us!
This could be fun.
[laser zapping]
MEAD: Oh, that's good.
[electric whirring]
No cheese for these rodents.
Keep your finger
on that trigger.
What is it?

It's a trap.
No, I mean it's a trap.
[tense music]
-Full reverse thrust.
-Reverse thrust.
Gunner, fire!
Aye, captain!
[laser zapping]
We're going to hit it!
[spaceship exploding]
No power.
None of this is
actually happening.
They'll make their move,
and then we blast 'em.
You got that?
[fire crackling]
FRIZ: Let's go with duckie.
MEAD: Not duckie.
-What's wrong with duckie?
-MEAD: It's embarrassing.
FRIZ: Oh, it's classic.
You're embarrassing.
[fire crackling]
Stop pushing buttons.
I said stop pushing buttons!
You can't know
what you're doing.
Captain, the MEAD ship...
[doors whooshing]
CAPTAIN: Wait for it.
[sequence reverberating]
Fire on that duck.
[laser zapping]
Guns up!
[laser beam exploding]
MEAD: Oh, that was close.
Yeah, but they grazed
their own hull.
Listen, go dark,
come up behind them.
-I've got another idea.
-MEAD: You're the boss, boss.
They can't run
without leaving a trace.
[spaceship whirring]
You better put this on.
[doors whooshing]
Go. While you still can.
SHIPMATE: Uh, captain,
someone is opening
air lock four
on the inmate deck.
CAPTAIN: Forget about her.
Follow my orders
and keep your eye
on the real prize.
Weapons max power.
Wide dispersal.
[tense music]
SHIPMATE: Captain, I don't know
if you can see this,
but they're coming up behind us.

Guns up this time, hotshot.
GUNNER: Guns up.
Weapons at full power.
Sorry, boys,
but there ain't no up in space.
Let's get rid of those engines.
Come on, pal.
Hit that button for me.
GUNNER: Guns up.
Ready to fire on your command.
Maximum power.
Wide dispersal.
[tense music crescendoing]
Do it.
[laser zapping]
[explosion echoing]
[melancholic music]
MEAD: Oh, no, no, no.
No, no, no.
I only wanted them
to shoot out their engines.
FRIZ: Yeah, well, try not to
fry a circuit, all right, man?
They were trying to kill us.
MEAD: They're dead. All of them.
-FRIZ: Just forget it.
-MEAD: Friz.
I said forget it.
MEAD: A little MEAD
will make you feel better.
Nah, I'm good, thanks.
MEAD: You're not still
sore about the girl, are you?
No, pal. I'm not
sore about the girl.
Oh, come on, man.
I'm in no mood for sequence sex.
My name's Tamera.
We'll be working
very closely together.
Very closely.
[Friz groaning]
MEAD: Just trying to help.
FRIZ: Yeah,
I know pal, it's just...
look, the Tam
illusion isn't real.
She can't do any
of the things the real Tam did,
like surprise me.
It's none of the good stuff.
MEAD: But if she does
what you don't want her to do
because that's what you want,
isn't she still doing
-what you want her to do?
-You wouldn't understand.
-MEAD: Well, I'm trying.
-Well, try harder.
Oh, uh, MEAD.
That's a survivor.
Uh, a woman.
MEAD, I swear, if this is
a sequence you've been hiding--
MEAD: None of my doing.
I'll-- I'll pull her inside.
Be gentle.
MEAD: What, I'm a klutz?

Oh, nicely done.
Hardly any
internal injuries, pal.
MEAD: Sorry.
How is she?
She's alive.
Do you know how long it's been
since I touched a real woman?
MEAD: One year,
five months, two weeks and--
Rhetorical question, MEAD.
-MEAD: I-- I-- I knew that.
Oh, boy.
MEAD: She must've been
picked up by the bounty hunters.
A criminal.
Maybe it's a fashion statement.
MEAD: Either way,
she spells trouble.
Well, just help
me get her upstairs.
MEAD: Sure, I'll grab her
legs with the arms I don't have.
I mean open the hatch, smartass.
MEAD: Fashion statement.
Yeah. Right.
I'm telling you,
this is a bad idea.

[woman gasping]
Don't be afraid.
What's your name?
-Where's my spacesuit?
-I'm Friz. And this is MEAD.
We're all part of... anyway,
the rest is all around us.
He's the ship.
MEAD: Pleased to
make your acquaintance.
MEAD is an acronym for--
Mobile Extrasensory
Autonomous Deceptor.
You're wanted on
every planet in the system.
MEAD: Pst. Sidebar.
Excuse me one second.
What? What's the problem?
MEAD: She knows who we are.
Half the system's
looking for us.
MEAD: She can't stay here, Friz.
Come on, man.
She's on the run, same as us.
MEAD: She'll kill you
if she gets the chance.
-I know, it's awesome.
-Is this a private conversation?
Hi, how about that name?
-Oh, daughter of Gaia,
mother of all life. [chuckling]
Did the google-eyed
marshmallow feed you that?
Or did you actually read a book?
-MEAD: Hey, lady.
-Okay, let's stow the attitude,
you two, come on,
we did save your life.
I was safe in my cell until
you two goons blew up the ship.
Barely got the suit on in time.
FRIZ: Well, if you're
so desperate for a cell,
I can arrange that.
MEAD: So, what did you do
to get a bounty on your head?
Killed a guy
for getting in my face.
Hey, sailor.
Looking for a good time?
[electric whirring]
[Phoebe grunting]
The ex, I take it?
MEAD: She belongs here.
You don't.
It's going to be a long trip.
We should get better acquainted.
All right, quit kidding around.
MEAD, vanish her, please?
MEAD: I should make her vanish.
Come on, let's get comfy.
Shut up.
Knock it off. Now.
Oh, you're no fun.
[voice echoing]
Nice hooker program.
MEAD: Tamera's no hooker.
How come you blink, robot?
MEAD: How come you don't?
-MEAD: Don't "MEAD" me.
You don't "MEAD" anyone.
So, did he deserve it?
-The guy you wacked.
PHOEBE: Worried, Star Boy?
Okay, can you
just drop the tough act?
-Because you're stuck with us.
-Not for long.
Yeah, whatever you say.
They have a device
that blocks your illusions.
Right now,
a ship from Mercury Base
is on its way
to Jupiter with it.
MEAD: Mercury Base?
That's got to be him.
MEAD: I thought he was dead.
What-- How'd you
find out about this?
The bounty hunters
were desperate
to collect the contract
on you and Blinky here.
Before the military got to you.
Looks like the end
of Star Boy and Blinky.
MEAD: Witty repartee from
one wearing the latest from
-the felon fatale collection.
Got a little something
less "15 to life"?
MEAD: Really, Friz?
I'm in charge.
Don't forget it.
PHOEBE: So, how do you do it?
I imagine things
and MEAD projects them.
Call them sequences.
Some are new, some are reruns.
Why'd you go rogue?
They built MEAD to be a weapon,
but he couldn't kill anything.
MEAD: A bi-product of Tamera's
sentience programming.
Tam was MEAD's AI tech.
She made him what he is today.
MEAD: "Who" I am,
thank you very much.
So, the hooker programmed
a killer robot?
MEAD: Again, not a hooker.
I'm telling you,
MEAD couldn't hurt a fly.
[spooky music]
-If only they were flies.
-Well, if they hadn't used
full power they'd have
just shot out their engines.
MEAD: It wasn't our fault.
Keep telling yourself that.
[spaceship whooshing]
So, what's next for you
and the floating head?
We just want to be left alone.
Good luck with that.
Google-eyed marshmallow.

Tell me about Mercury Base.
MEAD: No, and again, no.
There's not much to tell.
-MEAD: Friz.
-What's the story?
I wouldn't want to bore you.
-MEAD: Friz.
-I've got nothing but time.

FRIZ: A year and a half ago,
MEAD and I were in a brig,
sweating out a court martial.
They called it treason
when MEAD refused to participate
in military exercises.
Things didn't look so good.

MEAD: Sorry,
I got you into this, Friz.
Can you control
your body from here?
MEAD: Unfortunately, no.
This field is
blocking communication and...
besides, we're too far away.
No com link, no illusions.
MEAD: What are
they going to do to us?
-You don't want to know.
-MEAD: I'm scared, Friz.
Yeah, me too.
MEAD: I can't be
what they want me to be.
-MEAD: I suck.
-Yeah, yeah, you do.
[door whooshing]
FRIZ: Tam,
they'll lock you up for this.
TAM: That's why
I'm going with you.
-Thank you.
-Don't thank me yet.
MEAD: Tam, please
don't throw away your life
-on my account.
-Her decision, MEAD.
TAM: Come on,
before I change my mind.

MEAD: No. No.
[ominous music]
[crane whirring]
Hey, we've got to go.
MEAD: I'm going to be sick.
Come on, MEAD, it's not you,
it's the other two.
MEAD: That's supposed
to make me feel better?
There's nothing you
could have done to save them.
Look, we're gonna be
next if we don't get a move on.
Hurry up!

[door whirring]
Admiral Gillette, the symbiote
and the droid are loose.
What? How?
One of the AI programmers.
Who else knows?
Just us.
I know where they're going.
We can cut 'em off.

[spaceship whirring]

FRIZ: Good luck getting another
job in this solar system.
That's the least of my worries.
MEAD: You should not
endanger yourself on my account.
The skyway's
just ahead. Go right.
MEAD: Someone's going
to get hurt, I just know it.
-Just shut up and keep moving.
-[lasers zapping]
MEAD: I knew it!
[lasers zapping]
MEAD: Oh, this is a catastrophe.
We're all gonna die
and it's all going to be on me.
It's my fault. Does that weapon
have a stun setting?
Shut up!
Focus. Are you in range?
-MEAD: Yeah, I-- I think so.
-Okay, head down the skyway.
When you get close enough,
prepare for takeoff.
-MEAD: On it.
-[lasers zapping]
FRIZ: MEAD. Spider sequence.
MEAD: Done and done.
Spider sequence?
I don't know that one.
Yeah, it'll be fun. Come on.
SOLDIER: We're clear.
They're on the run. Come on.
[suspenseful music]
[creature growling]
SOLDIER: Admiral!
GILLETTE: It's fake.

[sequence reverberating]
-This way.
-I don't think your blaster
will cut through these.
[door whooshing]
That was easy.
[ominous music]
-FRIZ: What now?
-MEAD: More doors?
This one's on you, MEAD,
if they haven't already
-locked you out.
-Hey, man. You got this.
MEAD: You've got
the fingers, cross 'em.
[machine beeping]
Whoa, little scan shiver there.
FRIZ: Dark matter.
TAM: Never installed.
We have to go without it.
MEAD: Use a diversion, Friz.

What the hell is that?
A choo-choo?
Open it.
[train blaring]

Get up. Come on.
-FRIZ: Let's go.
-TAM: We've got to close
these blast doors
and scramble the code.
-[laser zapping]
-[Tam moaning]
MEAD: Tam!
[Tam screaming]
-End of the road.
MEAD: She's right, Friz.
Come on.
Bad idea, robot.
MEAD. Help me.
[sequence reverberating]
Let her go.
I expected more from you
than a fake flamethrower.
Yeah, who said it was fake?
You've already been deleted.
Now, you just have to die.
[Tam yelling]
[laser zapping]
-[thunder clapping]
Now that was the real thing.
And so is this.
[machine beeping]
[Friz moaning]
Now, it's your turn.
[laser zapping]
What are you waiting for?
Get him!
[lasers zapping]
[Friz moaning]
They're taking you apart
as we speak.
It's over.
Why don't you die, robot?

[dismal music]
MEAD: Oh, Friz.

MEAD: Can you make it?
FRIZ: I'll try.
MEAD: Hurry, I think
this corridor is about to go.
[flames crackling]

[machinery whirring]

[explosion booming]

So, we've been running
ever since.
[calm instrumental]
I was hurt pretty bad,
but MEAD nursed me
back to health.
MEAD: Well, I'm no doctor.
So, Tam was real.
She died saving us.
We wouldn't have
made it without her.
I'm sorry.
Melville wrote,
"The whale took Ahab's leg
"as a mower a blade of grass."
So, this is your Ahab's leg?
-That's disgusting.
-MEAD: For once,
I enthusiastically
agree with you.
Maybe you're not the ruthless
killers you're made out to be.
Maybe you're not
the heartless bitch
you make yourself out to be.
I wouldn't count on that.
MEAD: If story time's over,
children, we need to go.
-MEAD: Now.
MEAD: We won't make it
out of the solar system
on conventional fuel.
We need dark matter.
We can go anywhere,
and much faster.
All right,
what are you thinking?
A Saturn moon? Titan, maybe?
MEAD: Too far.
Jupiter is our only hope.
A Ganymede or Io outpost
may have what we need.
Whoa, didn't you hear me say
your friend is heading there?
That's all the more reason.
-Pick a moon.
-MEAD: Okay, Ganymede.
Ganymede it is.
MEAD: I don't think she's
100 percent behind the plan.
[door shutting]

[spaceship whooshing]
"Leap up, and lick the sky.
"I leap with thee;
I burn with thee;
"would fain be welded with thee;
"defyingly I...
"worship thee?"

[engine whirring]

[spaceship whooshing]

[engine slowing down]

[staircase whirring]
-Admiral Gillette.
Our new fighters are ready.
Pilots trained.
We can bring the MEAD 3 in and--
Do not bring in. Destroy.
Those were not my orders, sir.
Command wants to make sure
the deceptor
-is properly dismantled.
Oh, it'll be dismantled.
I'll see to that personally.
[door whooshing]
[machinery clicking]
[electric whirring]

[door whooshing]
[Phoebe sighing]
[leg thudding]
[door whirring]
MEAD: Okay, I lose the bet.
She didn't steal the shuttle.
Yeah, I told you
she wasn't that bad.
MEAD: That remains to be seen.
[space rumbling]
[machinery beeping]
I know what I'm doing.
It's a trap, you know.
Yeah, but choice do we have?
Look, if you and the robot
want to get yourselves killed,
that's one thing.
I'd rather not,
if you don't mind.
You've got to trust me.
I don't trust anybody.
Neither should you.
[classical piano music]
I don't.

sorry to interrupt again.
-But we're approaching Ganymede.
Yeah, here's the new
approach sequence.
MEAD: That's some
weird shit, Friz.
All right,
you want to go back to the duck?
MEAD: You are a cruel,
cruel man.
Sky sequence teddy it is.
So humiliating.
Yeah, showtime.
[ominous music]

You read the brief?
I didn't realize the extent
of the deceptor's capabilities.
My people aren't
quite up to speed on--
They'd better learn quick.
The MEADs are like nothing
they've ever experienced.
Why risk a raid here?
Dark matter.
I thought the MEADs
were equipped with DM drives.
They are.
They need the fuel pods.
And I've got three
in the hold of my ship.
Why go after yours?
Because they're mine.
Sounds personal.
You might say that.
STERNHAGEN: Your attach
delivered this at 0600.
You say the device
blocks MEAD illusions.
It's performed well
in simulations...
but it has to be tuned
to a specific individual.
And that individual would be?
I'll be your men's eyes,
their ears.
No one so much as presses
a button without my say so.
Your say so?
You got a problem with that?
No, sir.
GILLETTE: This project
is need to know only.
And that's all you need to know.
517 to standard control.
517 to standard control.
316 report to control.
KAWOLSKI: You know, Spunkmeyer,
command's looking
over our shoulder today.
SPUNKMEYER: Yeah, yeah, yeah,
I heard.
Big stuff going on.
I'm just two days left
-until my next review.
-SPUNKMEYER: Oh, here we go.
KAWOLSKI: And a five-star
general visiting means
no idle chatter on the comms,
no stupid jokes,
and for the love of God,
no limericks.
Breaks the monotony.
I am not getting dogged out
so you can rhyme
something with "Nantucket."
[Kawolski blowing]
[machinery whirring]
Holy Mary, Mother of God.
What are you going on about?
Holy Mary, Mother of God.
Well, it's got to be
some kind of marketing stunt.
Hey, it's, uh,
it's like a parade thingy.
You know,
like a Thanksgiving Day--
You have got to be kidding me.
The teddy bear, though.
It's cute.
We going to report it?
No, "we" aren't.
Oh, man.
That's cold-blooded.
[machinery beeping]
General, uh, Sternhagen, sir?
STERNHAGEN: What is it?
SPUNKMEYER: Sky control here.
Uh, scans detect
an incoming object
from the Northeast.
The MEAD ship?
-Tell him!
-Would you--
I-- I am telling him.
[clearing throat]
not exactly.
[Spunkmeyer clearing throat]
It's big.
Uh, about 40 meters tall,
floating about 200 meters high
and approaching
the command tower.
You should have
a visual out your north window.
They seem to be approaching
the west hangar block.
Let's see what
your fighters can do.
[energetic retro music]
[machinery whirring]

[engines whirring]

F1 Mitchell.
Moving in to engage the...
It's not all tactical, though.
We have a visual.
Stand by.
[sequence reverberating]
Moby's a ghost.

MEAD: Oh, my.
[electric whirring]
[sequence reverberating]
[T-Rex roaring]
What the hell is that?
MITCHELL: Uh, Juno Base,
a dinosaur just materialized
on deck.
Please advise.
Gillette here.
It's an obvious illusion
for the MEAD ship.

MITCHELL: Firing on target.
[laser zapping]
It's a mirage, I tell you.
MITCHELL: Your mirage
is eating my ship, Admiral.
Whoa! Mayday!
I'm losing control.
Going down.
Repeat, we're going down!
[spaceship crashing]
Let's get out of here, Parker.
[spaceship whirring]

Squadron leader, listen up.
You're still in the air.
Your men are morons.
REED: Squadron leader is down.
This is F2 Lieutenant Reed
and Gunner Stewart taking point.
Lieutenant, we have incoming.
Airborne at 11 o'clock.
-Roger that.
Three big-ass birds
at 11 o'clock.
Closing in.
What are you smoking, Stew?
[pterodactyls shrieking]
This man does not know
his pterosaurs.
What's a terror sore? Terror?
Late Cretaceous
flying dinosaurs.
I'm just going to go with
big-ass birds.
a science teacher weeps.
[pterodactyls shrieking]
REED: Stew, can you
get 'em off of us?
STEWART: I'll try.
[gunfire blazing]
[T-Rex grumbling]
[machine gun firing]
Closing the hangar dome!
Get that thing off of us!
I'm trying to get us airborne!
You're not even phasing in
at all.
Control, we need backup now!
MEAD: Careful, Friz.
FRIZ: Easy, pal.
Nobody's getting hurt.
MEAD: This looks
really unsafe to me.
FRIZ: Just keep
your eye on the prize
and leave
the entertainment to me.
STEW: This bird
should be Swiss cheese.
REED: F3, a little help?
F3: Roger F2.
Moving in to assist.
[robot rumbling]
TIMMY: I am Timmy,
the Wunderbot.
Defender of the nine planets.
We got another problem.
TIMMY: Entering battle mode.
Timmy to Space Force.
Battle stations!
Battle stations!
Eat my blue death rays.
Eat my blue death rays.
Die, alien scum!
[lasers zapping]
Timmy was
my favorite toy as a kid.
Timmy is still
your favorite toy.
TIMMY: Resistance is pointless.
F3: Permission to engage?
TIMMY: Eat my blue death rays.
Sensors indicate you have
a rocket in your pocket.
STERNHAGEN: Bring it down. Now.
[missile blasting]
TIMMY: Daisy, Daisy,
give me your answer do...
[voice deflating]
F3: Oops.
We can't see through the smoke.
What happened?
F3: We, uh,
we broke a few windows, sir.
TIMMY: Die, alien scum.
Timmy the Wunderbot
[voice deflating]
[spaceship whirring]
FRIZ: I can't keep 'em busy
much longer, MEAD.
MEAD: Booty's in this hangar.
Crack it open, but be careful.
That stuff's volatile.
MEAD: Eh, sit back, relax,
and watch the master at work.
[MEAD humming]
[blowtorch whirring]
[explosion booming]
MEAD: Sorry.
It's okay.
[MEAD humming]
[explosion booming]
[fuel pod scraping]
MEAD: See? No worries.
We're all going to die.
You know that, right?
[alarm blaring]
Those alarms are
coming from the hangars.
GILLETTE: Then stop playing
around with these illusions
and get your men over there!
[buzzing sound]
Now what?
[T-rex grumbling]
Is that our backup?
[planes buzzing]

[bombs whistling]
Yeah, I don't think your review
is going to go so good.
[bombs whistling]
[planes buzzing]
[explosions booming]
[T-rex roaring]
-MEAD: What now, Friz?
-FRIZ: Stash those pods
and get us the hell outta here.
MEAD: You don't
think we hurt anyone?
-FRIZ: Just go!
-MEAD: Okay, okay.

[spaceship thudding]
-FRIZ: You see? Nobody died.
[machinery beeping]

[reverb instrumental]
Damn it!
[alarm blaring]
[fire crackling]
[sequence reverberating]
[pterodactyls shrieking]
[sequence reverberating]
[sequence reverberating]
Parker, weren't we just
standing on sand
next to our crashed,
burning ship?
And now we're flying.
Okay, then.
[sequence reverberating]
REED: It was all fake, boys.
MITCHELL: What about
the south tower Timmy crushed?
F3: F3, on our way.
What do you see?
STEWART: Timmy's gone.
MITCHELL: Where's the debris?
[sequence reverberating]
PARKER: Will you look at that?
[jet engines roaring]
MITCHELL: The hangars.
They're the only thing
still burning.
Admiral Gillette's ship!
Get me coffee.
REED: Forget it.
Bogey is absconded.
SPUNKMEYER: Uh, General,
uh, Sternhagen, sir?
Oh, he's pissed.
Uh, Admiral Gillette, sir...
-Oh, you're brave.
-Shut up.
Come again, private?
Oh, uh, not you, sir.
Uh, your ship is, uh,
SPUNKMEYER: And they got away
with the dark matter pods, too.
Get me to Achilles.
[ominous music]

[indistinct speaking on radio]

[spaceship whirring]
[engine rumbling]
[thunder rumbling]

[spaceship whirring]

F5 squadron leader Diaz, here.
Taking point position.
[spaceships whirring]

I'm almost impressed.
-What's our status, MEAD?
-MEAD: After we install
dark matter,
we're good for the next century.
May I say, sir,
your illusions were epic.
We do rock, don't we?
Shouldn't we just
install the dark matter now?
We have to power down
to do that.
Got to put some distance
between us and them first,
so, full steam ahead,
if you would, sir.
MEAD: Already there.
We'll be okay.
-I hope you're right.
-I am.
MEAD: He is.
-PHOEBE: Right.
-FRIZ: I am.
MEAD: He is.
-PHOEBE: Better be.
-FRIZ: Heard that.
MEAD: I'm flying.
-FRIZ: We get it, pal.
-MEAD: I'm flying!
PHOEBE: Your robot
has profound issues, bud.
[tense music]
Officer on deck.

At ease. Status report.
We've a pretty good idea
of their 20.
Our fighter squadron is
assuming intercept position.
Once the fighters
neutralize the MEAD unit,
we'll pull them in.
You sound pretty
confident, mister.
Yes, sir. We've been
in war games all year.
Just give us the word.
Grab that case.
Listen up.
The MEAD unit is
going to mess with your mind.
This helmet
blocks their illusions.
So, ignore your lying eyes
and follow my orders.
Is that clear?
ALL: Yes, sir.
Carry on.
bothering me, Admiral.
Now what would that be, General?
The MEAD unit is
a priority one threat.
Priority one.
It has traditional weapons
beyond deceptor capabilities.
Guns, laser ordinance.
GILLETTE: State of the art.
So, why hasn't it fired
a single shot?
[spaceship rumbling]
[teapot clinking]
[glasses clinking]
This is really good.
Honey, lemon,
just the way I take it.
An illusion?
So, what about Tamera?
What about her?
Are you satisfied
with an illusion?
[machinery beeping]
[door whooshing]
MEAD: Define illusion.
And, for that matter,
Reality is vastly overrated.
Wouldn't you prefer
a real woman?
She'd have to surprise me.
MEAD: I'm so out of here.
-Knock it off, MEAD.
[machines whirring]
[electric chiming]
Show me Tam.
COMPUTER: Loading data for Tam.
TAM: Gentlemen, gentleness...
gentle sex.
Oh, won't be needing that one.
You're a good boy.
I hope I'm pronouncing
that right.
MEAD: Emotional information
confuses my neural pathways.
That's how I'm programmed.
We'll give you a better voice.
You sound like a robot.
MEAD: But I am a robot.
No, MEAD. You're much more.
FRIZ: Just-- just reprogram it
and make it learn
how to follow orders.
It doesn't work like that.
He has a mind of his own, now.
It's not a he. He's gonna get me
We wouldn't want
you to lose your job.
No, no, no,
it'll be way worse than that
if that stupid robot doesn't
learn how to do what they want.
Like it or not,
you and MEAD are equals.
He's your partner.
You're a symbiote.
-Act like it.
-No, we're not equals.
It's a robot.
And it's nothing without me.
Maybe you're
nothing without him.
[sequence reverberating]
You had no right.
Was she wrong?
No, she wasn't.
MEAD: We're being tailed
and it's really, really big.
-FRIZ: Okay, what is it?
-PHOEBE: It's him.
You know,
the guy with his thing.
-MEAD: What do we do?
-FRIZ: What we always do.
-Mess with their heads.
-I'm telling you, it's him.
MEAD: The guy with the thing?
Battleship Achilles.
Four fighters.
MEAD: And as our guest
has most brilliantly deduced,
commanded by our friend,
Admiral "Oh, look,
"somebody chopped off my hand."
Yeah, I guess
we're really popular.
MEAD: You got anything?
-A little five card MEAD?
-MEAD: Oh, can I cheat?
-What are you two talking about?
[military music]

Our fighters are closing in
on the target, sir.
-GILLETTE: Squadron. Report.
-DIAZ: Diaz here.
In position and ready to engage.
HENDERSON: Four [indistinct]
ready, scanning for vectors.
Target is blank.
Trust my eyes this time.
Uploading targeting coordinates.
You heard the man, Diaz.
They're out there.
We'll find 'em.
Achilles, we've got something.
A moon, maybe a small planet.
And it lines up with your
target coordinates, Achilles.
GILLETTE: Of course it does.

HENDERSON: I've got a glitch
on my weapons array.
What kind of glitch, Henderson?
Never mind. Target locked.
You, uh, seeing what I'm seeing?

Uh, that's no moon.
Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.

MEAD: Step right up, gentlemen.
Jokers are wild and ace is high.
Where you boys from? Cleveland?
My aunt Netty is from Cleveland.
Speaking of my auntie, ante up.
What's going on out there, Diaz?
MEAD: Nothing up my sleeve, see?
Got no sleeves, so you know
I'm on the level, capiche?
-GILLETTE: Sternhagen.
GILLETTE: Why have my ships
stopped advancing?
Admiral, the squadron
has encountered an obstacle.
Probably a MEAD illusion.
Of course, it's an illusion.
MEAD: Okay then.
Whoa, babies.
PHOEBE: You're such a cheater.
MEAD: Am not.
PHOEBE: What are the odds
of a royal flush?
MEAD: 649,739 to one.
-MEAD: Friz said I could!
FRIZ: I did.
PHOEBE: Right.
MEAD: Betting it all, eh?
Dealer takes.
No cards. Think you're bluffing.
He thinks we're bluffing?
None of this is real,
Henderson. Stay on point.
GILLETTE: Wing commander.
You are seeing an illusion
projected by the MEAD ship.
Get on with it!
Affirmative. We're on it.
MEAD: Read 'em and weep.
Royal flush
and dealer takes all.
[MEAD laughing]
Man, I am good.
A bit over the top,
don't you think?
MEAD: You. Are. Jealous.
Okay, enough of this nonsense.
Here we go.
MEAD: Aw, don't be sore, boys.
Here's a full house for you.
PILOT: What can we do
when all we see is this?
-It's worse than being blind.
-Instruments don't see any of it
and they don't
see the MEAD, either.
DIAZ: And how do
we know the projections
don't affect our instruments?
HENDERSON: We don't.
MEAD: Nope, you don't.
DIAZ: Everything's
changing again. Hang on.
[sequence reverberating]
Giant alien cocoons?
PILOT 2: No, it's, like,
giant packing peanuts.
MEAD: Fra-gee-lay.
-FRIZ: Is that enough postage?
-MEAD: Nope.
Postage due is
the ultimate insult
and I happen to be
in that kind of headspace.
What are your orders, sir?
Jackass Drive.
Military conduct, gentlemen.
Russell, do we fire
on an illusion?
We brought down
the robot at Juno base.
Because the MEAD let it.
There is nothing to fire upon.
Punch through.
Diaz, you have your orders.
DIAZ: Ten-four.
Achilles says we punch through,
we punch through.
HENDERSON: Squadron in position
and ready to fire on your mark.
DIAZ: Heat 'em up.
Squadron ready to fire, admiral.
GILLETTE: Go ahead. Fire.
You might
accidentally hit something.
[laser zapping]
[booming & rumbling]
Now, that's fireworks.
You've got to be kidding me.
[Old Western showdown music]

MEAD: Boys,
There's a new sheriff in town.
I'm calling you stinkin',
no good, sidewindin',
foreflushin', slumguzzlin',
fiddlehead scallywags out.
I reckon this system ain't
big enough for the both of us.
Unless you're chicken.
HENDERSON: He wants us to shoot.
[MEAD imitates chicken]
DIAZ: We believe the deceptor
is drawing our fire, Achilles.
GILLETTE: Give it to them.
All ships, fire on the target.
My pleasure.
Wait a second.
Fire on that target, mister.
That's an order.
HENDERSON: Roger that.
[ships powering down]
You just dumped our fuel pod.
What the...
Switched the buttons on us.
I got nothing. We're dead.
Emergency life support online.
[sequence reverberating]
MEAD: Oh, vitamins.
Don't mind if I do.
They're coming, Friz.
MEAD, quit playing around
and get us gone.
MEAD: Suckers.
To infinity and, uh, you know,
far away from here.
It's been real.
It's been fun. But not real fun.
Bye now.

They got
the best of us, Achilles.
They're all yours.
STERNHAGEN: Copy that.
Perry, slow down
so we can pull them in.
PERRY: Aye, sir.
Aligning for rescue intercept.
GILLETTE: Leave them.
Continue pursuit.
Those are my men, Admiral.
Was my order not clear, General?
Fighter squadron.
Sending Juno
to sweep you guys up.

Heat signature.
MEAD ship on the move again.
They won't get far
on conventional fuel.
Stay close and keep them busy.
Uh, busy, sir?
GILLETTE: When they stop
to switch to dark matter,
we'll blast 'em to kingdom come.
-Got it?
GILLETTE: Align weapons
along their last trajectory.
Let's make 'em sweat.
-Aye, sir.
-GILLETTE: Hail the MEAD ship.
RUSSELL: Aye, sir.
Are you sure that's a good idea?
On speaker.
Curly's barbecue.

I'm going to give you
one last chance
to turn yourselves in.
Yeah, that's-- that's not
going to work for us, Admiral.
MEAD: I think we should send him
a nice fruit basket.
GILLETTE: You can't win this.
Give up now
and I might go easy on you.
MEAD: I'm sure you'll
catch us singlehandedly.
It's your funeral.
Not today, Admiral.
Please hang up and try again.
Adjust weapons intensity.
-GILLETTE: Full power.
But, sir, that would
obliterate them, sir.
30 degrees starboard, ten down,
and don't trust your damn eyes.
-Clear the bridge. Lock it down.
-Aye, sir.
GILLETTE: I'll tell you when,
I'll tell you where,
all you do is pull the trigger.
-RUSSELL: Aye, sir.
-PERRY: Aye, sir.
how foundling fire,
thou hermit immemorial,
thou too hast
thy incommunicable riddle,
thy unparticipated grief.
STERNHAGEN: Orders were
to take them alive, Admiral.
I give the orders now.
God bless America.
God bless planet earth.
You're all going to be heroes.

-Why are we stopping?
-MEAD: Fuel's low.
We need to
switch to dark matter.
Are you kidding me?
We don't have time.
-They're right behind us.
-MEAD: We have plenty of time.
[laser zapping]
MEAD: Are you crazy?
We don't have time!
They're right behind us!
[suspenseful music]

MEAD's right.
We have to switch power soon.
MEAD: They're trying to
run us dry before we can switch.
-PHOEBE: We've got to lose them.
-Yeah, um...
-alter course to throw them off.
-MEAD: I already have, twice,
but they're staying
with us somehow.
Great, so, just stay calm.
We'll do what we do best.
How about a nice meteor shower?
MEAD: We like meteor showers.
Yeah, do that.
Great, uh, okay, uh, MEAD,
go full defense mode.
We're going to throw everything
we've got at them.
Let 'em have it.

-I know, right?
-RUSSELL: Meteor shower!
-PERRY: Evasive--
GILLETTE: Negative. It's fake.
MEAD ship dead ahead!

Brace for impact.
Damage reports coming
in from decks 14 through 17.
GILLETTE: There is no damage.
Stay on course.
I hope you know
what you're doing.
Get with the program, General!
Sending coordinates!
Keep firing on the target!
-What target?

Okay, it's just a flesh wound.
Let's put out the fire
and return the favor.
-Is he okay?
-Yeah, he's fine.
[sequence reverberating]
Plasma ordinates
changing course.
-Coming back at us, general!
-That's impossible.
You will address me, Gunner.
I'm in command here.
Maintain course!
Prepare to fire again!
Hull breach on the centrifuge.
Damage and casualty reports
coming in
from starboard
levels 22 through 31.
GILLETTE: Ignore them
and man your weapons.
-Keep firing.
-I need coordinates.
GILLETTE: There! There!
They'll send them
right back at us.
[enigmatic harp music]
[sequence reverberating]
All decks calling in.
Canceling damage reports.
Because there is no damage.
It's all fake.
RUSSELL: What is that?
[mysterious music]

I almost feel sorry for them.
-MEAD: No.
-FRIZ: Ah, come on.
MEAD: Friz.
Want us to shoot at that?
Is that fake, too, admiral?
You've got to put
a stop to this, now.
GILLETTE: Stand down, General.
Back me up or get off my bridge.
Full forward.
[epic music]
FRIZ: Oh, come on.
MEAD: Okay, okay.
[sequence reverberating]

It's got us by the centrifuge.
We'll roll over.

Shut down centrifuge rotation
and reset artificial gravity!
I'm trying!

What in God's name?

It's eating us!
Hang on!
Fire down it's throat.

[sequence reverberating]
Did we get them?
They're still out there.
Just empty space on my tactical.
I can get us
above the rings, Admiral.
Might give us a better view.
[spaceship whirring]
[sequence reverberating]
My screens are blank.
-Mine too.
-GILLETTE: Dead ahead!
We can't fight like this.
Nobody's trained
for this kind of combat.
GILLETTE: Stand down.
-This is insane.
Sight? Sound?
We can't even
trust our instruments.
Call it off, Admiral. Let it go.
I smell a court martial
when we return
to Ganymede, Sternhagen.
Your prerogative, Admiral.
GILLETTE: Now fire, damn you!
[laser zapping]
MEAD: That was way too close.
It's the thing. The device.
One of them is
tipping off the others.
Yeah, well, we're thinking
too big, all right?
We-- we--
we can't beat their ship,
so we have to beat them.
MEAD: We're still coming.
What have you got for me?
We've got to show Gillette
for the monster that he is.
This one is new.
[sequence reverberating]
Closing in, Admiral.
I've locked in your
last set of coordinates, sir.
[sequence reverberating]
[monster grumbling]
you seeing this?
[monster grumbling]
-Me neither.

[Friz groaning]
-They're getting closer.
-I know.
He can't take much more of this.
[sequence reverberating]
From Beast Battalion 3.
-The video game?
-Level 14.
Oh, God, it stinks.
-I'm going to throw up.
[monster grumbling]
What are you looking at?
Get back to your post.
Keep firing, you idiot!
It's no good, Admiral.
One helmet is not enough.
We need to abort. Now.
[monster grumbling]
Ugh, how can an illusion
stink like that?
Oh, God. It's getting mad.
It's standing up.
[Russell screaming]
[laser zapping]

Are you okay?
MEAD: Lost my primary
power cells.
I can still project,
but I can't move.
-The dark matter.
-I can hook it up.
-Are you sure?
-Let me help.
MEAD: The crates are too heavy
for her to move by herself.
All right, well,
I'll go with her.
MEAD: Are you kidding?
I need you here.
The vitamin.
-The canister in the airlock.
-From the Juno fighter.
-Okay, MEAD, what do you think?
MEAD: It's dark matter.
It should work.
All right. Go.
I'll keep 'em busy.
MEAD: Friz?
Have a little faith.
Come on, buddy, I've got a plan.
[monster grumbling]
GILLETTE: You see? Direct hit!
We got 'em! There!
Right there! Sitting ducks!

[monster grumbling]
-Perry, call security.
-Aye, sir.
Russell, keep an eye
on that thing.
-My pleasure, sir.
-PERRY: Security to the bridge.

All right, the squid monster
is working, but we've got to
sink this battleship
once and for all.
And speaking of sinking ships,
what do you think about this?
MEAD: Oh, that's good.
FRIZ: You do the honors.
First mate, full steam ahead.
Damn the torpedoes.
MEAD: Doo-doo,
doo-doo, doo-doo-doo!
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo!
Iceberg dead ahead!
[heroic music]

There's a ship approaching
at ramming speed!
What ship?

-Hard to starboard!
-I can't turn in time!
Brace for impact!

FRIZ: Phoebe,
how're we doing down there?
PHOEBE: Just dandy.
Where's the power conduit?
MEAD: Big doors
under the E.V.M. Hurry!
This thing's heavy, you know.
Go, girl.
Risk your life for two morons
who fly to Ganymede
into an obvious trap
to attack a fully armed
military base
with dinosaurs and toy robots.
FRIZ: Heard that.

It's gone.
Damage reports rescinded
on all decks.
She needs help, MEAD.
Get Tam down there, now!
[sequence reverberating]
Power down the main coil
before connecting the D.M. pod.
-Get lost.
[Phoebe yelling]
A sudden, unexpected
power surge may occur.
[suspenseful music]

FRIZ: Get us out of here, MEAD!
MEAD: You don't have
to tell me that twice.
Whoo, yeah!
Ain't no stopping us now!

MEAD: I am totally aroused.
Wait, you're what?
MEAD: That might not be
the word I was looking for.
Hey, still a bit woozy here.
Uh, I'll give you the benefit
of the doubt on that one, pal.
Hey-- hey, Phoebe!
Get up here! You did it!
On my way.
You're welcome.
[monster grumbling]
I'm in command here, damn you.
It's over, Admiral.
They've got dark matter online.
We've got to blast them
while we still can.
Delay that order.
I'm pulling the plug
on this nightmare right now.
I'll see you hanged.
I'll take my chances.
That goes for me, too.
I'm taking command here.
Arrest this man.
Yes, sir.
A deceptor.
[laser zapping]
Drop it! Drop it!
Hold your fire.
Move over there.
One stray blast could
end this party pretty quick.
Pretty darn quick,
don't you think?
Move away from that console.

[laser zapping]

[Friz groaning]

The ship is suffering
substantial power loss.
The elevator may malfunction.

But the ladder still works.
Will you please
control alt delete yourself?
Of course.
This sequence is terminated.
PHOEBE: I hate you.
[sequence reverberating]
[laser zapping]

[laser zapping]
[laser zapping]

MEAD, evasive!
Get us out of here!
MEAD: Friz, I'm hit.
Yeah, just hang in there, pal.
Can you do that?
MEAD: It's bad, Friz.
How bad?
Die! Die, you son of a bitch!
[laser zapping]
You fools! Holster that firearm.
You'll kill us all!
[Gillette screaming]
"He burst
his hot heart's shell."
Chapter 41.
PERRY: I'm sorry,
I did not mean to kill you.
I did not mean to kill you,
but my God,
you're a raving lunatic.
Who-- who quotes Melville
with a hole in their chest?
General, it's all our fault.
This is what we deserve.
Couldn't have said it better.
[explosions booming]
[somber music]

I don't know how, pal,
but we got 'em.
[distorted] It's bad, Friz.
Systems are failing, Friz.
Blacking out...
can't keep up the illusion.
Hey, just-- No, no, no.
Just stay with me, okay?
You're going to be okay.
MEAD: I'm sorry, Friz.
I'm dying. Friz, I'm dying.
No, you're not going to die.
MEAD: I'm afraid. Afraid.
Don't be afraid. I'm here.
MEAD: I'm so-- so-- so-- sorry--
sorry-- so--
sorry about the girl.
Don't worry about that, pal.
Don't go.
MEAD: Good... bye... Friz.
[sorrowful music]

What happened?
He's offline.
We can still get away.
They're hurt worse than we are.
They're not.

Plasma grenade.
It can still work.
Once he's better,
MEAD will bring back
the illusion.
MEAD's dead.
It's over.
It's over. It's all over.
We have to turn ourselves in.
You're right.
You're right, you should go.
You can't stay here.
Yes, I can.

Take the E.V.M.
Now leave.
Leave! Now!

Take Gillette's hand.
I don't want it anymore.

I'm sorry, Friz.


FRIZ: It's been real.

I'm nothing without you.

I'm nothing without you.

[door shuts closed]

[door shuts closed]
[door opens]

[engine bursts]

I'm nothing without you.

[gas hissing]
[door opens]
[spaceship whirring]
[fuel burning]
[mysterious music]

[clothes rustling]
[zip opening]
[zip closing]

[beeping sound]

[gas hissing]
[door opening]

[electricity surging]
[machine charging up]

[thunder roaring]
[calm music]
[Friz groaning]
MEAD: She's gone, Friz.
You're alive.
MEAD: Sorry if
I was overdramatic.
-I-- I didn't account for--
-I thought we were toast.
MEAD: Well, the dark matter
gave me just enough energy
to reboot my power grid.
You can do that?
MEAD: Who knew, right?
I-- I did repairs
while you were out.
Well, place looks great.
MEAD: You had me worried, buddy.
So, Phoebe saved us?
Maybe she wasn't
so bad after all.
MEAD: Yeah, I'll miss her.
No, you won't.
MEAD: Not for a minute.
Friz, I heard what you said.
What'd I say?
MEAD: I'm the one
who'd be nothing without you.
Thanks, pal.

PHOEBE: You stupid,
google-eyed marshmallow.

She was real, wasn't she?
MEAD: Yeah, that she was.
And me?
Just another one
of our damn illusions.
That makes two of us.
All right,
now's not the time, pal.
Can you just
please end Tam sequence?
MEAD: Uh, it's not a sequence.
What do you mean
it's not a sequence?
Tell him.
MEAD: Well, while you were out
I sort of cut her loose.
Cut her loose?
He doesn't control me anymore.
Neither do you.
MEAD: She's like me now.
Bonified A.I.
Don't know why it
never occurred to me before.
Jealousy, maybe?
MEAD: No, and again, no.
Yeah, but she's not, like,
the real Tam, though, right?
MEAD: Au contraire, mon frre,
she was initially assigned
as a proxy symbiote
during my early development,
so her cerebral scans
were recorded
and uploaded into
all three deceptor units.
Enter me to screw it all up.
MEAD: This dramatically altered
the temperament of all of us.
We inherited her conscience.
That's why we
were all decommissioned.
MEAD wouldn't kill, so--
It's all my fault.
You tried to save us.
It was the least I could do.
And you knew you
would die trying.
Those are my calculations, yes.
So, I made it aboard MEAD
in a scientific, creative way.
-MEAD: Ugh.
-Thanks again.
I'm back from the dead.
Does that creep you out?
Kind of, yeah.
So, this new Tamera is, uh...
she's the--
the same as the old Tamera?
Oh, much better.
New and improved.
MEAD: She can disobey
to your heart's content.
God help you.
TAM: I can disobey you, too.
We should redecorate.
Hardwood floors. More plants.
-A throw rug.
-Uh, my controls.
Don't be such
a control freak, Friz.
I have good ideas too, you know.
MEAD: Oh, what have I done?

-So, what are you thinking?
-I'm thinking we got lucky.
I'm thinking next time,
they're all going to have
those helmets and I'm thinking
they're going to be
pretty pissed off at me
for busting up the Achilles.
Big galaxy,
and we've got dark matter.
MEAD: Well,
what do you want to do?
Yeah, Friz. What
do you want to do?
Let's go somewhere.
[bold orchestral music]

[MEAD burping]

THE DIRECTOR: And action!

You're thinking about her.
Well, she's looking at prison.
Possibly a death sentence.
-You've got to be kidding.
It's the last thing
they'd expect.
TAM: You're serious?
MEAD: I'm telling
you, this is a bad idea.
Spectacularly bad.
Look, I know you're both right.
MEAD: What are we going to do?
We're going to Ganymede.
[energetic retro music]

I am Timmy the Wunderbot.
Defender of the nine planets.

TIMMY: Eat my blue death rays.