Measure of Revenge (2022) Movie Script

Round about
the cauldron go,
in the poisoned entrails throw.
Sweltered venom, sleeping got,
boil it first in
charmed pot.
Double double
toil and trouble.
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
He's here.
He's here, sweetheart.
Oh wait, one sec.
You okay?
Here we go.
Like he'll notice.
- You ready?
- Mmhmm.
Oh sweetie, don't
forget to breathe!
- You look beautiful.
- Thank you.
Oh you promised me this is
the last time, sweetheart.
An addict's promise
ain't worth shit.
You know that.
Oh, come on.
Hi. Mike, right?
I've got to go.
Check in soon.
Like we said on the phone,
don't let him
out of your sight.
These first few days
can be very delicate.
Don't give him any money.
Make sure he shows
up for the I.O.P.
Oh, okay.
Okay. It'll be great.
Oh, thank you.
Thanks for everything.
Thank you, Mike.
- We'll see you again, right?
- Absolutely.
- Thank you, bud.
- Of course.
Okay. Okay. Come on.
Okay, okay, okay.
Oh my god, you look so good.
You know, I think he would
have liked my last album.
Oh, he would have
loved them all.
We got our son back, Raffy.
Yeah. I don't know.
I don't think he's, uh,
listening from up there.
I think it's kind of a,
eh, Pops how's the
party going down there?
So I, uh...
she's pregnant.
You don't like it.
No I...
It's, it's beautiful.
It's gorgeous.
I know what I'm doing, Mom.
I am thrilled,
for both of you.
I thought they
canceled the tour.
They did.
What's that?
That's a full page ad.
It costs a lot of money.
I don't know.
Well, is there something
in your contract
- obligating you to do the...
- No, no. It's fine.
Don't worry about it.
I'll take care of it, okay?
Don't worry.
Where are you going with
my crossword puzzle?
Oh! Watch out.
Yeah, hi.
I want it.
I want it. I
want it really bad.
Really, really bad.
Oh, Curtis.
You got to smoke?
Use an ash tray, please.
One vice at a time, Mom.
One vice at a time.
...not if you screw up
this Goddamn audition.
I'm sorry you had to see that.
Don't apologize to me.
Apologize to your guitar.
And you may have
hurt an old friend.
Benny's not my friend. Okay?
He's my manager.
He's always just
been my manager.
Since when? What?
And Ronin? You're
screaming at...
Baby, what happened in there?
I don't think I can...
I can't go back in
that world right now.
I can't.
It's not for me.
It's okay, sweetheart.
I'm sorry.
No, no, no.
Oh my God.
You scared the shit out of me.
You scared the
shit out of me.
Oh my God.
Where's Olivia?
Olivia's working late tonight,
so I was just...
I was just working
on some stuff.
Mom, you've got to start...
you've got to start trusting
me at some point, okay?
You hungry?
I got Chinese.
Give your mother
a heart attack.
I had laid
the daggers ready.
He could not
have missed them.
I'm afraid they have awakened,
and 'tis not done.
The attempt, and not the
deed, must confound us.
Had he not resembled
my father as he slept,
I'd have done it.
I have done the deed.
This is a sorry sight.
And a foolish thought,
to say a sorry sight.
These deeds must not be
thought of after these ways.
So, it will make us mad.
Romantic attachments can
make things complicated.
She's giving him
a reason to live
and I could not have done
any of it without Olivia.
It was very nice.
And I hope that
they get very close.
But you know what they do say
about girlfriends and moms?
Like oil and water.
It's the truth. I'm
just saying, it...
Hey, could you
pass that powder?
You know, I actually feel
kind of like her mom now too.
You know?
She doesn't have any one.
Her parents both died.
She's a nurse?
What about it, Mona?
It's perfect.
Yeah. But she does have
access to pharmaceuticals.
Oh, good point.
Were you
the first responder?
Yes, sir.
Sponsor stopped by
and found two bodies.
Curtis Cooper and...
Olivia Jones.
No bruises.
Where's our rock star?
Right over here.
You know his music?
What did he play?
He was a singer.
He had a big hit like
three summers ago.
You know?
Oh yeah.
I kind of recognize him.
No bruises here either.
I'm sorry.
You're saying you think
his death was accidental?
I'm sorry to say, but yes.
That's how it looks.
Now, did you have any indication
that he was using again?
Any signs?
No, quite the contrary.
No, no, no changes in his
behavior and his mood?
Detective. I don't
know if you're aware,
but my son recently returned
from a very serious rehab.
Yes. Ma'am I am aware
about a month ago.
It just...
I got my boy back, huh?
Last night.
Last night of all
nights. It just. He...
Why is that?
Because he was
about the propose?
Well, yes. But,
but more than that,
oh, he and Olivia were
starting a life together.
And she's pregnant.
Is it possible that they may
have wanted to celebrate?
No, no. Not like that.
Olivia is a nurse. She...
I know this can be very
difficult to hear Mrs. Cooper,
but we found traces of a
very powerful amphetamine
in both their systems.
How can you explain that?
You want me to figure that out?
I'm very sorry for your loss.
I'll be in touch.
I fear thy nature.
It is too full of the
milk of human kindness.
Be not lost so poorly
in your thoughts.
Hey guys, can I, uh...
talk to you three for a minute?
Of course, Lillian.
We all owe Curtis and
massive gratitude, Lillian.
Not only for his music,
but for his friendship.
I know y'all got high together.
No, I'm not blaming anyone.
I just, if Curtis was
going to use again,
who would he call?
Billy, you must know.
Isn't that one of
the jobs of the manager?
Lillian, I can understand
why you might think that,
but no.
I've been handling the fallout
from the canceled tour.
I have lawsuits
coming in every day.
I haven't spoken to him.
I haven't seen him.
No, before that.
I've been setting up this tour
for the past year, Lillian.
Coordinating with the
record label, promoters,
merchandise vendors,
people that handle
social media, branding.
I don't have time, Lillian.
You are going to write the
name and number of his dealer
on this, for me.
Curtis was a private guy.
Ronin, on the day of my
son's funeral. Please.
Dealer's name is Taz.
Thank you, Ronin.
Thank you.
And when the rain fell,
you took control
Out of the shadows, you
brought your own
I know 'cause I'm with it
what happened here?
What killed Curtis
Cooper and his fianc
is paramythoxyamphetamine.
A designer drug dealers sell,
passing it off as a
substitute for another drug,
more popular ecstasy.
PMA is cheaper and
has similar effects,
but it's more toxic so it
can kill in much lower doses.
You're a girl.
So are you.
No, I...
Get in.
What are you in to?
Something tells me that's
not really your flavor.
Are you a cop?
No. Just a concerned citizen.
Actually, I'm Curtis
Cooper's mother.
- Shit.
- Mmm.
I'm really sorry for your loss.
this is a very
sensitive subject.
So I'm going to need you
to get out of my car,
At any time,
before my son died,
did you speak with him?
I said get the
fuck out of my car.
It's a simple yes or no.
Yes. Or no?
I heard Curtis dried out.
I hadn't talked
to him in months.
Look, I've got rules, okay?
I never saw anyone
fresh out of clean up.
Too much fallout.
Too many OD's.
And I never move PMA.
Like I said, I'm really
sorry for your loss.
But if I have to say get
to fuck out of my car
one more time...
Thank you,
Miss Taz.
Lady Macbeth.
Esther Prenn from
the Scarlet Letter.
That A gives her away.
The Deathly Light. I
don't know that one.
What's that?
Yeah. It's a play
loosely based on
an Edgar Allan Poe short story.
Poe always gave me the creeps.
Is there a role you haven't
played you'd like to?
She swallows fire.
She eats hot coals and
burns from the inside.
And how would you
show that on stage?
Oh, well usually it's not shown,
but I'm actually
talking about, you know,
telling the historical
truth of Portia,
a woman who would
do such a thing.
I don't know if I
can find a writer.
Mm. Very good.
You know you committed a felony
when you got into the
drug dealer's car?
It's illegal to be in a motor
vehicle containing contraband.
I'm just trying to get
to the bottom of this.
And I was able to get
in touch with a person
that sold my son
drugs in the past.
I wouldn't take
a criminal's word,
for anything.
I think I can tell when
somebody is telling me
the truth or not, Detective.
That is my job.
And what do you think
my job is Mrs. Cooper?
Don't play detective.
We have the lab results.
We know what happened.
And you really think it's
just as simple as all that?
You're not alone in
what you're feeling.
A lot of parents have
gone through this.
I see it all the time.
So, just business
as usual for you?
No, no. Look.
Curtis may have gotten a
hold of some bad stuff.
He may have had a bad reaction.
I wish to hell that wasn't
the case, but it is.
Don't you think that
there's just a...
tiniest possibility
that somebody set them up to
make it look like an overdose?
No. No.
There's just no
evidence of that.
The case is closed
Mrs. Cooper.
Now, our guy's out of there.
You can do with the
apartment whatever you want.
Now promise me you won't go
talking to any more drug dealers
or anything like that.
Lil, are you okay to do this?
Yeah, I'll be fine.
You know, I can stay.
That's okay. I'm really, I...
I'll stay a little bit.
You don't need to. I thank
you so much for your help.
You don't need to thank me.
I'm going to make us coffee.
Is there coffee here?
I don't know if there is any.
I am going to go out and
I'm going to get us coffee.
How's that? Okay? Yeah.
You need a little pick me up.
That's what I'm going to do.
I'll be right back.
I got a little
something for you.
For me?
Well, it's not
exactly for you, but
I hope it's okay.
Oh my God.
I just couldn't resist.
It's so adorable.
- Are you expecting someone?
- MmMmm.
You get it.
Are you all right?
No, I'm not.
Ms. Cooper, thanks again
so much for coming by.
I'm sorry I couldn't
make it to the service.
I was traveling. I hope
you got the flowers.
This is your idea of how
to exploit my son's death?
Exploiting is not
what we're about.
We want to do right by Curtis.
The tribute album
and the memorial
concert, it's a...
to honor your boy's memory.
We want to make sure we
pick the best images.
This label's like,
like a family.
You know, every
artist matters to us.
The truth is you
could put me back
in my old studio apartment
with nothing, but you know,
a view of a brick wall.
As long as I had my records.
That's what it's about.
That's why this record
is so important.
And that's why I insisted
on having your input
as his mother.
I imagine actually you
need my input as his mother
for the approval of
his likeness, right?
Well, I mean, we
don't need it per se.
It's, we could go in
another direction,
but a photo of your boy
would be a nice thing.
And you know, Curtis
is going to be
a bigger star now than
ever before.
What makes you think
I care about that?
Because his talent...
I mean, he had the kind
of talent that deserves
to be remembered forever.
Not bad.
This is, this is my boy.
I like that one.
What's the matter?
Do you know this photographer?
That is from the Dangerous
Star photo shoot.
So I'm not sure.
I like, I like that one.
Do you want... is that the
one you want to go with?
Uh, yeah.
Yeah. This one.
I love it.
Uh, too much.
Little, three quarters.
Oh yeah. That's nice.
This is good.
I'm sorry guys. I have a guest.
I'll, uh, just give me a minute.
So, uh, what brings you over?
Well, I understand you
shot photos of my son
for his album,
and I wonder why you
didn't tell me that.
What was I going to say?
You could have told
me you knew him
in a different
context than the...
Well, he didn't use my photo.
Why did you really come here?
To apologize for the whole
knife in my car thing?
No, actually I came to
see if you could help me.
Look, I know you're
not responsible
for the death of my son,
but you did supply him
along the way, right?
So what, what do you need?
I don't dispense
info for anyone.
That's kind of a major tenant
for staying in business.
I understand. I do.
They're using your photo now.
I just never imagined
my photo would end up
on an album cover like this.
That's a beautiful
picture of him.
A side rarely seen, I mean,
and you captured it.
Maybe you brought
it out in him.
Taz, don't tell me
you don't give a shit.
What would you like me to say?
I liked him a lot.
We had fun. Okay.
I'm sorry. I feel
really fucking shitty
about everything
that happened.
I have other photos
from this shoot
of Curtis and the band.
If you want to see them.
Oh my God. I've known that boy
since he was a
little tiny thing.
Billy. Billy knew my
husband back when.
Oh my God, that guitar.
He loved that pattern
in grade school.
He got a pair of sneakers with
spots on them like a cheetah.
He thought it would
make him run faster.
Do you, um.
Oh, no thank you.
When did you say
these were taken?
Two years ago.
Could you print up a copy of
this one for me too, please?
Of course.
So you're going to help me?
I stayed so far away
from all of that shit,
and I have very
high-end clientele,
and I don't need them
croaking on me for some
bad PMA.
You don't grow your
own pot or mushrooms?
You don't have a cocoa
plant in the closet, right?
Of course not,
you have suppliers,
and surely someone knows how
PMA moves through the city.
Sniffing around can get
me really up fucked up.
Just ask me any other favor.
No, I'm not asking.
You are going to find
out who gave my son PMA.
I'm falling back
into the darkness
You took my hand
Told me a take a gram
Don't make a sound
Feel the pulse around
Find our connections to
the life force around
First comes the impulse
Then it's the action
And when the rain falls
There's no more
You stand tall with your
crown in your right hand
Guess it keeps us sane
and turns the pain
into a reason to care
Stand tall with your
crown in you right hand
Always keeps a reason
She's not afraid of
all the eyes that will stare
I hate playing concerts,
to tell you the truth.
You're in a rock band.
I prefer recording.
I like the studio life.
I talked to that Taz.
I was surprised
to learn that she
is actually a
decent photographer.
And you knew
Olivia pretty well.
I don't know why they
wouldn't have told you.
Maybe they felt guilty.
They were seeing each
other for a full year
while we were together.
Must've upset you?
You know, I was no angel either.
Especially on tour.
Where the problems began.
I got to get back.
Ronin. Did Olivia ever use?
I really don't know.
I'm about to play a
song I wrote for Curtis.
I'm still working on it,
but I want it to be
ready for the memorial.
Want to hear it?
No. I don't.
Yeah. Just don't
make me regret it.
Oh, I really
appreciate it. Really.
Those are the three guys who
move PMA through the city.
So what are you going to do?
I don't know.
Add just a splash of water
once every week to 10 days.
Now these can get to root
rot as quick as look at you,
if you sit in soggy soil,
even for short periods.
Can I help you?
Just looking.
Do you have a pit?
This can be toxic to animals
if they eat the leaves.
So make sure they don't...
Put it up off the floor,
keep it up on the
table, for example.
So the dogs and cats
don't get to it.
I want you to know this
label is like family.
You know, every artist matters.
Curtis is going to be a bigger
star now than ever before.
Look like
the innocent flower,
but be the serpent underneath.
...and no water. Just in
about four or five days,
just a little splash around
the outside of the pot.
For fuck's sake.
You better fucking answer
my calls, little man.
The yellow brick road
doesn't lead to Oz, mate.
It leads to me.
I'm the bloody wizard and we
have a major fucking emergency.
Lillian Cooper calling
Detective Eaton, please.
No, please, please
don't put me on hold.
Well, this is the third time
I've left a message for
Detective Eaton, so.
Yes, Lillian Cooper.
I'm sure the detective
will know what it's about.
Thank you.
Revenge his
foul, unnatural murder.
not one...
Like a captain, we're found
They say Elvis is worth
more dead than alive.
So sick fucks are making
a shit ton of money
off Curtis's death.
Yeah. Cops just don't
want to hear it.
Now look at that
son of a bitch.
Oh, God Look.
That guy is really
fucking scary.
They call him "The
Gardener" because...
he slit a guy's throat
with gardening tools.
If you're
really going to do this...
Death is the only water
to wash away this dirt.
Where did you get your gun?
Your gun. Where did you get it?
I got it for protection.
Look having a gun isn't
always such a clever idea.
You go waltzing around
these sketch balls
and bad things are
bound to happen.
Bad things have
already happened.
What do you want me to do?
Go dig around on
Craigslist? I will.
These three assholes
have to pay.
But it's still not
going to bring him back.
But justice will be served.
Don't spoil your appetite.
Hey, just don't go without this.
Active ingredients.
You were just amazing.
And when you kicked
that cop in the nuts.
"There's your blow job." I love
that. What movie was that?
- Uh, Cookie.
- Your Medea was superb.
- My what?
- Madea.
I've never seen it
done quite like that.
So "capital B Bitchy"
with a twist of Hepburn.
Audrey of course.
Oh yeah. And what
is the capacity?
Uh, 95.
Have you also directed before?
Oh, well summers Coop and I
up in Vermont,
children's theater.
I think I know what I'm doing.
Of course you do.
Trap door.
Oh! Addie.
I missed you so much.
I think there's
a do very nicely.
I greatly appreciate the help.
So, this is
the emergency exit.
In case the shit hits the fan.
Goes right to the alley.
Depending on the
size of the cast,
we can usually provide
one or two senior members
of the company with
their own private space.
I gave up my space
once for Tony Danza.
I'm assuming you want your own.
A Tony spot would be great.
Ah. Okay.
It's our finest and
largest dressing room.
I call it the
presidential suite.
That vanity was a gift for
my mom on Julius Caesar.
Oh, pardon me, thou
bleeding piece of earth
that I am meek and gentle
with these butchers.
That cot is special.
It's where I get
all my beauty sleep.
Not that you need any.
I, well, it...
It will be my last play.
Don't say that.
Every exit is an
entrance someplace else.
What do you mean?
Could you, um, give
me a moment here?
Yes. If you need
anything, please.
If thou didst ever
thy dear Mother, love.
Revenge his foul,
unnatural murder.
Fare thee well ones,
the glowworm shows
the matin to be near,
and 'gins to pale her
uneffectual fire.
Adieu, sweet Hamlet.
Adieu. Remember me!
What the fuck are
you suppose to be?
Oh fuck.
The fuck is this?
What do you want?
I know what you did.
What did I do, love?
What have I done?
I want to know how you did it.
Get your fucking PMA in my son.
Fucking priceless.
Mommy, dearest huh?
But you're not going
to use that gun.
You're not going
to use the gun.
You don't know how to.
Now give it to me.
How'd you do it?
You are not going to
use that fucking...
Why don't
we try to schedule something
once we get closer?
Back on in two Mrs. Cooper.
That one may
smile, and smile vehemently.
Are you okay?
Oh yeah.
How do I look?
Like a ghost.
An award-winning ghost.
The villain, the slave,
is not twentieth part,
the tithe of your
precedent, Lord.
A king of shreds and patches.
Save me and hover o'er
me with your wings.
Oh, heavenly guards.
What would your
gracious figure?
Alas. She smat.
Do not forget.
This visitation is but to whet
thy almost blunted purpose.
Oh, look amazement
on thy father sits,
step between him and
his fighting soul.
Speak to him, Hamlet.
How you doing?
Ah, great.
What happened to your leg?
Ah, nothing. I... sorry
about the shoe.
I've always been a fan.
You don't have to say that.
I've always been a fan.
If it happens again.
What? The audience
got a kick out of it.
Lillian Cooper is
a serious actress.
A real tragedienne.
Just because you're
the director doesn't
mean you can change a
costume at your own whim.
Hamlet is a tragedy,
not a fucking farce.
I'm, It
won't happen...
If you're really
going to do this,
do it courageously.
Do it gloriously.
Do it right.
Speak. I am bound to listen.
As you are to revenge.
I am thy mother's spirit.
Doomed for a certain term
to walk the night
and for the day confined
to fast in fires
'til the foul crimes done
in my days of nature,
are burnt and purged away.
Were I not forbid to tell
the secrets of my prison house,
I could a tale unfold
whose lightest word
would harrow thy soul.
If thou didst ever
thy dear mother love...
Oh God.
Revenge this foul,
unnatural murder.
You have that much talent.
And I don't know how you could
just walk away from it all.
I'll never understand it.
Plaque went up pretty fast.
Yeah. You getting a lot of
work off this masterpiece?
That's a great picture, but
don't quit your day job.
Night job.
You have the best candy.
I don't like being
left out in the cold.
I'll keep that in mind.
Every color in the rainbow.
The usual.
Always a pleasure
doing business.
Goodbye Claude.
In the chest, you say?
Yes, in the chest.
What the fu...?
Much lower actually,
below the stomach.
Um, you've got the wrong guy.
And now sir,
I am going to shoot you.
Do you think they'll make
a tribute album for you?
Oh, there you are.
I just knocked.
One of the stage
left lights is out.
It's fucking annoying.
So as you enter just
stand more stage right.
Oh, yeah good.
Got it.
See you later.
Oh, sweet Hamlet.
A murderer and a villain.
The slave is not twentieth part
the tithe of the
precedent, my Lord.
No more!
Mrs. Cooper?
Mrs. Cooper?
A king of shreds and patches.
- I'm not saying anything.
- I know, I...
- Hey, hey.
- Goodnight.
- Hey, um, Lillian.
- What?
I just want to say,
I'm so impressed.
You know that you're
getting back out there
and doing this play after...
Thank you.
What you've been through,
and it's inspiring.
All right. What
do you want? What?
Do you want me
to say I'm sorry?
Why would you
say you're sorry?
You only sent the audience
out of the theater,
all expecting a refund.
I'm out $20,000.
I've got everything in this.
Why would the great
Lillian Cooper apologize
for any of that?
I don't know what
you've been up to.
What crazy rituals we've got
going on here, but you're out.
Out? Hey, you know.
I, I directed this
play. You can't just.
It's my theater,
my production.
No, it was my idea.
No, it was Shakespeare's idea.
Newsflash women have
been playing Hamlet
since the 1800's. Okay?
The first Hamlet recorded
on film was a woman.
The first radio
Hamlet was a woman.
Your idea? No. No.
You can't do that!
You can't!
- Hey!
- You can't let this happen!
Hey, hey!
Okay. I'm sorry. I'm
sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I don't know. Walls
are pretty bland,
And you're kind of tense.
Maybe you should
loosen up a little.
Well, you got anything
that can help with that?
Well, the record label paid
me to take a photo of you,
not get you high. So.
Can't it be both?
I'm going to use that plant
to liven up this photo.
Hey, how are you doing Taz?
How's it going?
Ronin, can I get
a word with you?
Hey Billy.
All right. Call me
when the shoot's over.
Oh. That looks great, right?
Curtis' mom was a
big fan of your work.
Has she got in touch with you?
Yeah. She's pretty intense.
Yeah, she's an intense woman.
What did she want?
Um, she just wanted some
old photos of Curtis.
Messy situation, isn't it?
I guess so.
He hired me to take
some photos of Ronin.
So I went over to his
new place yesterday.
And I don't know. It just,
it creeped me out.
He even has Curtis's
brand of cigarettes.
Who, I know. Like what?
Why? He doesn't even smoke.
He used to give Curtis
such shit about it.
And then Billy came
over, and they go outside
and they're all hush hush.
And I, it just...
It just felt like...
Ronin is in on the whole
fucking thing.
It all felt so fucking weird.
Hey, man.
Look man, I hated
the way things ended.
I mean, we can't
part ways like that.
That shit that Billy said,
it was totally uncalled for.
And I said some stuff
too that I really wish
I could take back.
You know. Do what you gotta do.
Start a new life. Start fresh.
I really don't want there to
be any bad blood between us.
Hey Mrs. Cooper.
Hey! How you doing Ronin?
So we're going to
sit down for dinner.
You're welcome to join us.
Yeah. Place looks nice, man.
Some things you
can't quit. Huh?
They may not get you high,
but they'll kill
you just as quick.
How was the run?
Run of your show.
Oh. We, we closed.
Had a great time though. Yeah.
Hamlet. Can't go wrong.
There was, um, some
new developments.
Maybe think might be
related to your son's death.
I'd like to talk
to you about it.
Mind if I come up?
We can talk about it
here. I'm listening.
The man who ran your
son's record label
was murdered a few days ago.
Claude Felson.
I heard about
that. It's a shame.
You were at the theater
Tuesday, between 9:30 and 10.
Well yes, I was.
What about last week?
Same gig.
You know this man?
We think there's a connection
between his death and Claude's.
Well, does it have
something to do with my son?
Both were killed with the
same make and model firearm.
Ballistics is checking to see
if it's the exact same gun.
And this guy is one of the
biggest importers of PMA
in the city.
That's the drug that killed
your son Mrs. Cooper.
Yes. I know what that is.
It's starting to sound like
you might think my son's death
was not so accidental.
I'm just asking questions.
Now you're asking questions.
You have a good
night, Mrs. Cooper.
You as well, Detective.
Stay safe.
Thank you.
Any update?
They followed me.
And I'm scared.
I think we just have to be
more discreet this time.
Can we meet in a
couple of hours?
I've got to pick
up some things.
Oh the last glimpse of sun
Seems to not matter now
Families hold their young
In their undergrounds
What beast has been summoned
From beyond the clouds?
If he sees you...
I'm just getting something
I left in the dressing room.
I'll be super quick.
Hi Lillian.
Hi Ronin.
When I heard you
got a new place,
I had no idea how grand.
Recording set up.
Just like you always dreamed of.
Well, business is good.
Sorry. I'm feeling a
little off, you know,
just losing two close
friends in a few weeks.
what happened to Claude is just.
Oh, you told me you had a
song for Curtis or something?
Could I hear it?
It's not finished, but you sure?
Yeah. I'd love to hear it.
I just want it to be perfect.
I bet you do.
He always liked things perfect.
Even as a little boy.
He was like a brother to me.
He was my son.
Why don't I play
that song for you?
Yeah. You do that.
Supposing the pistol
was not stolen,
and the owner was discovered.
You know, it may
not be a single, but
I think it's my
favorite track so far.
Oh. For your solo album.
I have thought of death.
Dreamt of it.
Would have even prayed.
If it were fit that such as
I should pray for anything.
But if death be in this cup,
I bid thee think again,
before thou beholds
me drink it. Please?
Even now, it is upon my lip.
Oh, shit. Lillian.
How old was Curtis when
he made these recordings?
I don't know. Uh,
15, 16 years old.
I found them. I just, I don't
know what to do with them.
These are priceless.
Yes. These are demos
of some of his hits,
acoustic versions.
There's a lot of material here
that I'm not familiar with.
Now, if it's okay with you,
I'm going to take them.
I'll have them
digitize, cataloged,
and then I'll be in touch
with you about a release.
You know, what's best.
None for me. Thanks.
You know, that
stuff will kill you.
All right, you twist my arm.
To Curtis.
To Curtis. All right.
That's some
seriously cold vodka.
You ever seen this before Billy?
Yeah. That's beautiful.
He was going to
give it to Olivia.
The night they died.
That's sad.
You don't know the
half of it, Billy.
She was pregnant.
Coop's grand baby.
I've got to go.
Is there a role you
haven't played you'd liked to?
She swallows fire.
She eats hot coals
and burns from the inside.
Why do
we make our music?
Oh, dark strings reply.
Because we live
in a strange land
and we remember a lost sky.
We ask no leaf of the laurel.
We know what fame is worth.
But our songs break
out of our winter
as the flowers, break
out on the earth.
Just bear with me,
it's some new ones, so.
You and I together
We could find forever
And get lost
in the stars
No flags, no laws
We could leave all
our baggage behind
Two clouds in the wind
Drifting pure on a whim
We could flow right
past the beyond
Knocking, I'm runnin'
you're waiting
I don't want to let you in
Fallin' for you
doesn't change
That I don't want to
let you in
There's nothing
here but pain
Nothing here to gain
You said find a reason
To get close to the sun
I thought we were searching
You thought we were done
Ain't no point
in shedding tears
No point in taking love
The legends you shed
will just tear us apart
Oooh ooh
Oooh ooh
I had a vision.
I just fell asleep and...
the road...
opened up to the sky
like a fog.
And on it, there were...
dark things.
One grew into a
body without a head
with a gun by its side.
The other was a man
sitting, huddled,
nursing a wounded leg.
And then it all went black.
And there was this woman thing
creeping toward the
one without a head.
And she reached
down and touched it.
Sprang back and cried,
"He's dead."
Good to see you
back on stage again.
Detective Eaton,
what a surprise.
You were simply amazing.
So, you get a lot of
time to kill backstage?
Even when an actor's
waiting backstage,
they're still working.
Oh yeah. Yeah.
I never thought of it like that.
Oh, um, I finally read
that Edgar Allen Poe story
that your play is based on.
Killing with a candle that
emits poisonous vapor.
A Deathly Light.
That's one tricky
son of a bitch.
I thought you said something
about coming to apologize?
Yeah, I did.
You were right about
Curtis and Olivia.
their death not
being an accident.
I wanted to acknowledge
that and say I'm sorry.
Just let me help you.
He even has Curtis'
brand of cigarettes.
I know. Like what? Why?
He doesn't even smoke.
He used to give Chris
such shit about it.
You were right.
About Curtis and Olivia.
their death not
being an accident.
I wanted to acknowledge
that and say, I'm sorry.
Thank you.
I also wanted to say that
I underestimated you.
I won't do that again.
will be served.
Justice will be served.
Justice will be served.
Justice will be served.
As I'm standing on the ledge
Reminiscing all
our thrill rides
To love's battlefield
feels like
Falling in a ring of fire
Day by day, time after
time it feels like
Just yesterday, Baby you and
I were meant to be together
Remember those
vows that we made
throughout the
summer of 1995
I apologize, not making
through the pits and trials
Step by step I promise
you we'll make it
Through all the pain and
hurt 'cause you and I
We're meant to
breathe together
Here in my arms
I'll take you by my side
We hold our arms,
to make it known
Nothing can separate us now
Let me be the one
that I should be
This lonely path
that I was in
Has come to pass
because you're here
Wonder where I'd be
without your love
I'll never be the same again
Never be the same again
Never be the same again
My tears, they crawl
Screaming out your name
As they fall
As they fall
Flowing down like a river
Your soul felt like a sea
With waves of emotion
Waves of emotion
Never be the same again
I'll never be the same again
Never be the same again
Here in my arms
Here in my love
Here in my soul
Here in my mind
Here in my heart
Here in my soul
You and I together
We could find forever
And get lost in the stars
No flags, no laws
Leave all our
baggage behind
Two clouds in the wind
Drifting pure on a whim
Could float right
past the beyond
Knockin', I'm running
You're waiting,
I don't wanna let you in
Falling for you
Doesn't change that I
Don't wanna let you in
There's nothing
here but pain
Nothing here to gain
You said find a reason
To get close to the sun
I thought we were searching
You thought we were done
Ain't no point in
shedding tears
No point in seeking love
The legends you shared
will just tear us apart
Knockin', I'm runnin'
You're waiting
I don't wanna let you in
Fallin' for you
doesn't change that I
Don't wanna let you in
Knockin', I'm runnin'
It's easy
I don't wanna let you in
We were on our way
Edgin' closer to the sun
We went all the way
We tied a knot
And then we forgot
This trip that could turn
Love is to learn
Little by little
We're reaching the sun
We're reaching the sun
We're reaching the sun
Ooh ooh ooh