Meatcleaver Massacre (1977) Movie Script

(Suspenseful music)
(Man shouting on screen)
- Morak, destroyer of the destroyers.
I call upon thee to serve
my warrant of vengeance.
To seek out my enemy no
matter if he were to the ends
of the earth or to the inner plains beyond
and crush him with thine awesome power.
I bear witness as they wither before thee.
By these words shalt he be killed.
Vengeance, blood shalt be yours.
Souls shall be yours until the
fires of time are quenched.
Morak, deadly Messiah, I command thee.
Lights please.
- Professor cantrell, if
this chant is so powerful,
why didn't something just
happened when you said it?
- Good question.
Two reasons.
First, the chant must
be delivered in Gaelic,
since the demon morak confined himself
to central Ireland third century bc,
and that was the language.
Second, because the
spirit can only be evoked
under dire circumstances.
Basically, where devastating
retribution was in order.
Morak was sometimes known
as the great avenger.
- Yeah, like Batman.
(Group laughing)
- True.
A super Batman if you wish.
You see, it wasn't the
police or government
that enforced the law
and order in those days.
It was the spirits, the gods and demons.
They would reward or punish
a person as deserved.
And of all the spirits,
the demon morak was the most awesome.
This morak god was very well depicted
in the 15th century painting we just saw.
They portrayed him as
having no forgiveness.
Once a person summoned morak,
he would owe his soul
to the demon forever.
Until the fires of time are quenched.
(School bell ringing)
Next class meeting, we'll hear
an authentic Irish
vengeance chant in Gaelic.
Class dismissed.
(Students chattering)
- [Man] How's the book coming?
- Fine, fine. Oh, Vicki.
Excuse me just a minute.
Vicki, Vicki, you got a minute please?
How would you like to student-teach
with me next semester?
- I'd be happy to.
- I got a couple projects
that I'd like you
to help me work with, all right?
Bye now.
- [Vicki] Bye.
- So do you have any more?
- Well, I just got a complete saga
from the university of Dublin
on moon ra, seventh century.
(Students laughing)
(Mason growling)
- Morak, destroyer of the destroyed.
- Glad to see you got so
much outta that class.
- Hi, professor cantrell.
- Yes, we really did enjoy it.
It was fascinating.
- Well, thank you, and our next class...
- Do you believe all that shit, professor?
- Look, Mason, it doesn't
matter whether you
believe it or not, all
that matters is that
you attend class and turn in a term paper,
in which, if you like, you
can discuss intelligently
why you don't believe it.
Do you understand?
- Wow.
- For god sake, grow up.
Fine, must go. I'll see
you in class Friday.
(Soft mysterious music)
- Hey, man, don't burn her.
She's the best-looking
card in the whole deck.
- [Phil] Yeah, Sean, she's
probably the only girl
in dirk's life (laughs).
- Mm, why don't you tell
us about your love life?
- Hey, man, how about Debbie?
- Tell us about the time you
brought Debbie to my party
and she went home with blaylock, huh?
- Was it stumbrose or Jimmy
nyborg or smitty (laughs)?
- She's balled every one of
those guys but dirk, you know?
I bet you never even touched
her tits. I bet you ain't.
- Dammit, knock it off!
I'll show you assholes.
- Have you ever killed a man, dirk?
You think you're ready to
go out and raise some hell?
Huh, dirk?
- I can handle it.
If these two bigmouths can.
- All right.
Let's go out
and mix it up.
- [Sean] Hey, get that bottle.
Give me the bottle, give me the bottle.
- Woo! Hollywood boulevard.
(Siren blaring)
We'll go see the professor.
- 0h, far out.
(Soft music)
I'd love to get my hands on his daughter.
- Shit, man, that's tender, ooh.
Dirky baby has been
holding out on us (laughs).
Hey, hey hey.
Dirky, dirky, wild Turkey.
- Hey, man, give me
that bottle, would you?
- Dirk.
Cut the drinking.
- Hey, I drive better when I'm drunk.
- I think you can, man.
Guy crossing the street, man.
Watch that move.
- That close.
- I think dirky's been holding out on us.
- 0h, hey hey, dirky baby (laughs).
(Laughing continues)
What do you wanna see
the professor for, mase?
- Maybe because it's
getting close to Halloween.
- Hey, we got to be careful
with that big monster.
A big morak monster.
(Group laughing)
- [Sean] Do you got
something on your mind, mase?
- [Mason] Oh I just thought
we'd go up and knock on the door
and say hello to the old man.
- [Phil] I think that sounds nice.
- [Sean] I think that
sounds like a nice gesture.
I really do.
- [Dirk] Jesus Christ, he lives in kind of
a nice neighborhood, huh?
They must pay professors a lotta money.
(Dog whining)
(Refrigerator opening)
(Dog whining)
- Please, dear, would
you take out the dog?
He's bothering me.
- Yes.
- Thank you.
(Dog whining)
(Crickets chirping)
- All right, Toby, now be quiet.
(Crickets chirping)
Here you go, poopers.
Don't eat my flowers.
(Crickets chirping)
(Light suspenseful music)
(Dog growling)
(Light suspenseful music)
(Lips smacking)
(Dog growling)
- Sh, sh.
(Dog growling)
(Light mysterious music)
(Water running)
(Light mysterious music)
(Suspenseful music)
(Blow striking)
- We were just supposed
to clown around, Mason.
What the hell are you doing?
- You mean the professor (chuckles).
He's just taking a little nap.
- Come on, mase, we gotta get outta here.
- What's the matter, dirk?
Thought you were a big, big man.
- Mase, this is serious.
(Lid screwing on)
(Suspenseful music)
- [Mrs. Cantrell] Oh.
Oh, oh, oh!
(Dramatic music)
(Cloth ripping)
(Dramatic music)
- Daddy?
(Mrs. Cantrell gasping)
Roddy? Roddy?
- Kill whoever's here.
- Roddy?
No! No!
(Dramatic music)
(Dramatic music)
- Again, I'd rather not
comment on that at this time.
- Were there any motives, detective?
- We were going on the idea
of robbery for a while,
but that seems to be
pretty well ruled out now.
- Now, are you saying, detective,
was this a thrill murder or what?
- I'd rather not comment on
that at this time. Thank you.
- All right, thank you very
much, detective wexler.
And so another apparent
senseless murder has joined
the list of other
killings that have become
all too familiar a pattern
in American life today.
Paul Tucker, kpez news.
- Shit, they're pissing in the wind.
They'll never make the connection.
(Traffic passing)
(Monitor beeping)
- [Doctor] It's a
miracle he's still alive.
The blow he suffered was enough
to kill a man twice his size.
- [Fred] When will he
be able to talk to us?
- [Doctor] You don't understand.
He may never be able to talk to you.
- [Fred] What do you mean?
- [Doctor] Professor cantrell received
a massive cranial fracture,
which caused major damage to his brain.
I'm afraid he may never
regain his powers of speech.
- [Fred] Then he won't be any good to us.
- No, he's paralyzed from the neck down.
Here's an X-ray of the professor's head.
There's a major dislocation here,
and a massive fracture of the
occipital area here and here.
Professor cantrell
won't be much use to you
or anybody else for a long time.
Maybe never.
(Monitor beeping)
(Slow dramatic music)
(Machines beeping)
(Dramatic music)
(Air hissing)
- [Doctor] Well, you're
certainly getting a lot
of publicity on this case, aren't you?
Every paper I pick up
or TV station I turn to
has something concerning the murders.
- Unfortunately, the publicity hasn't
turned up a single new prospect.
Nothing new has come up.
So, how's our patient doing today?
- He's resting quietly now.
His heartbeat is steady, and
his blood pressure is down.
It was touchy there for a while.
- He's the only witness I have.
Isn't there something you can do?
- [Doctor] No, only wait.
- Dammit.
- [Doctor] Any idea what
happened that night?
- No, none of the neighbors heard or saw
anything unusual last night.
There's no fingerprints,
no clues, nothing to go on.
Except for this.
They found it near the
boy's body in the kitchen.
We figure it musta been
torn off in the struggle.
(Distorted) We figure it musta been
torn off in the struggle.
No indication of who it belongs to.
- Want a cracker? You dirty rat.
If you wanna get Polly something,
get me a parakeet, in heat.
I know a guy had a dog
that could do Peter falk.
Hold on, but was it great though.
Pardon men, am I bothering you people?
I don't mean to bother you,
but you people gotta put
some paper down here or
I'm gonna go on the rug.
(Audience laughing)
I'm from the south.
- Hey, dirk, you're getting
on my nerves with that ice.
- Would you get off my case, huh?
- Give it a rest, will you, guys?
- Do we have any Italian
people in the audience tonight?
Hey, paisans (speaks Italian).
- Hey, there's mase.
- I'm Greek and Italian.
And because I'm Italian,
people assume naturally
you gotta have a godfather, which is true,
I do have a godfather,
but I don't talk about it.
You know what I mean?
My godfather's a hairdresser.
He made me an offer once I had to refuse.
(Audience laughing)
I'm from the south. South Philadelphia.
- Where in the hell have you been, mase?
- Since when do I have
to check in with anyone?
- Don't get upset, mase,
we're just a little nervous, you know.
- Yeah, you know you can do
whatever you wanna do, mase.
- Why thanks.
Thanks a lot.
What's with you guys?
- It's just that we've been
waiting here a long time, Mason.
- I don't care if you gotta camp out here!
You feeble-minded parasite.
Learn to control.
- Supposed to be having
a good time, right?
Yeah, yeah, so let's
have another drink, huh?
Come on, do ed Sullivan voice. Do Eddie.
Well all right, what do we have?
But before I bark or start my show
(monitor beeping)
- [Voice] I call you.
- Morak.
- [Voice] I call you to avenge the
death of my daughter.
The injustice.
(Heart beating)
(Dramatic music)
(Lid creaking)
(Dramatic music)
(Crow cawing)
(Soft mysterious music)
(Dog growling and barking)
(Soft mysterious music)
(Water lapping)
(Soft mysterious music)
(Wood creaking)
(Body thudding)
(Dramatic music)
- [Voice whispering] Destroyer.
Find the evil souls.
It's possible.
Find it, morak.
Make them feel the pain.
- Please no!
(Voice whispering)
- [Voice whispering] They'll
feel no peace in hell.
- Hey.
What's the matter, huh?
Boogeyman after you again?
- Come on, let me alone.
- Sean?
If you could tell me what's bothering you,
maybe I could help.
- Ain't nothing the matter.
Everything's fine.
- Yeah, like your
nightmares? Skipping classes?
Quitting your job?
Getting loaded all the time, oh,
things are just great, aren't they?
You've been spending
so much time with your,
your so-called friends, I
- now look, my friends haven't
got a thing to do with it!
- Then why don't I see you anymore, Sean?
- Now look!
Now look, there's nothing wrong!
I've just gotta get off
by myself for a while
and get my head together.
Now come on.
- [Radio announcer] The high 405 tonight.
It's currently 59 at pacific
center, 54 at the beaches
and in the desert it's a
beautiful, clear 72 degrees.
The San Fernando valley will
have light smog today and...
- I gotta go hiking or something.
- Hey, Sean, why can't
we go together, huh?
- I wanna be by myself.
(Suspenseful music)
(Soft suspenseful music)
(Wind whistling)
(Soft suspenseful music)
(Voice whispering)
(Woman screaming)
- [Voice whispering] Morak.
I call you.
I call you to avenge
the death of my daughter.
The injustice.
I ask you.
the evil soul.
It's possible.
Find him, morak.
(Suspenseful music)
(Voice whispering)
Give him the pain that she felt.
(Suspenseful music)
(Voice whispering)
(Dramatic music)
(Music stops)
- Well?
- Ah, his old lady said he's
out hiking out by the rocks.
He's always hiking or something.
Hey, can I have a piece too?
- Sure, go ahead.
There's some beer in the refrigerator.
- All right.
- [Dirk] Mase?
- Yeah.
- [Dirk] I could go out
to the rocks and get him.
- He'll be here.
- Mase?
- Yeah.
- Can we talk?
- What about?
- What do you think about?
- Okay.
So what?
Hey, Darlene?
- What?
- Why don't you take a walk or something?
- Why do you want me to leave?
- Just go.
- I don't wanna go.
- Huh.
- Now you have to change, won't you?
- Right.
- Well, what is it?
- I'm nervous.
- Me too.
- I'm getting so paranoid
I can't stand it.
- I can't sleep. I keep
thinking about what happened.
- Well, what does a rock picker think?
Same as you two I bet.
You fold on me...
- It's not that.
It's just wondering if that
knock on the door's gonna come.
- That's right. We're nervous.
- Why? We left no clues, right?
Nobody saw us.
What's to be scared of?
- But, mase, cantrell's not
dead. He's in the hospital.
- And what if he comes out of that coma?
- Have you read the papers?
Watched TV?
You heard.
He's paralyzed. He can't
move, and he can't talk.
Besides, he didn't see
us at all. We wore masks.
You guys are worrying about
nothing, nothing at all.
The professor is not about to do nothing.
And besides, if he does, what can he do?
I mean, he's just lying in that bed,
like a carrot (laughs).
A big carrot.
- I never did like carrots.
(Intense dramatic music)
(Mysterious music)
- Police commissioner
azarella stated that he has
no doubt that in the able
hands of detective wexler,
suspects will be apprehended soon.
Jesus, I just got a promotion
to night shift mechanic
at the gas station, and part-time job
cleaning up the biology lab.
Life was starting to treat me really good.
Now there just doesn't seem
to be much to live for.
(Mysterious music)
Bye, mom.
Bye, dad.
Goodbye, Debbie.
Oh, Jesus. This is gonna
make an awful mess.
I sure hope the landlord isn't gonna be
super upset about it.
(Mysterious music)
(Intense dramatic music)
Oh, Jesus, I'm late for work.
(Crickets chirping)
(Soft rock music on radio)
J tomorrow's going to be a better day I
(Suspenseful music)
(Engine sputtering)
(Suspenseful music)
- [Voice whispering]
- Souls shall become yours.
Yours until the fires...
- [Doctor] Increase
the voltage two points.
- [Nurse] Two points, doctor.
Brain waves are overresponding, doctor.
Doctor, I've never seen brain
wave patterns like this.
(Dramatic music)
(Voice whispering)
- [Voice whispering]
- Souls shall become yours.
Yours until the fires
of time are quenched.
Fires of time.
(Dramatic music)
- [Voice whispering]
- Souls shall become yours.
Yours until the fires
of time are quenched.
(Voice whispering)
(Horn honking)
- [Driver] Come on, what the?
Hey, anybody here?
- [Man on radio] Until next
week, this is the reverend
Deacon Garber thanking you for joining us
in this hour of gospel worship and prayer.
The lord always watches
over his children of Jesus.
(Radio chattering)
- Got your call. What do you got?
- Well, the kid named, uh,
dirk Kramer, Caucasian, 20.
Couple of drunk okies found
him hanging outta the car.
' [Fred] Where are they?
- Downtown drying out.
I really don't think
they'll be much help anyway.
They're too wasted.
- What happened?
- Well, kinda hard to tell.
Looks like the kid was working
on the engine here and,
well, the hood fell down on him.
The hook went right through his skull.
Looks like an accident.
- Hey, you think this fell on him, man?
- He's right.
- No fingerprints?
- Nothing.
(Traffic passing)
- Is this his jacket?
(Suspenseful music)
Did he belong to any club or organization
that could have used this as an emblem?
- I really don't...
- Come on, think now, it's important.
(Traffic passing)
- [Radio reporter] In Washington
today, progress was slow
in the search to solve our energy problem.
Discussions continue,
but the high-level talks
with representatives of
the oil-producing nations
have failed to stem the
rise of the oil crisis.
And now, kpez local news.
In encino, the police
investigation of the recent
brutalities against
personnel from valley college
was further complicated
this morning, when the body
of a second student, identified
as dirk Kramer, age 21,
was found violently slain
in the topanga garage where he worked.
When asked if this incident,
the murder of another student
two days ago and last week's
apparent thrill killings
at the cantrell home were
related, police declined comment.
Last month's unemployment
figures just released
showed the number of jobs...
(Mysterious music)
Recent brutalities against personnel
from valley college was further
complicated this morning
when the body of a
second student (echoes).
(Upbeat suspenseful music)
(Voice whispering)
- [Voice whispering] No peace.
(Blowing raspberry)
- [Phil] You rotten little bastard!
- Hey, Fred, how long do you think
that body was out in the desert?
- Oh, I don't know.
Two, three days.
We'll have to wait for the lab report.
- You know, Fred, I've
been talking to some
of the students at the university.
- My name is shaye, detective frank shaye.
Did you know professor
cantrell by any chance?
- [Frank] Everybody who knew the professor
liked him very much.
Couldn't find a soul
who could be suggested
as an enemy of his.
- Yeah, I've been doing
some digging around myself,
trying to get some light on all that
mystic mumbo-jumbo he
was teaching his class.
Seems he was quite a prominent figure
in the psychic research circles.
- [Frank] You mean ghosts
and shit? Aw, come on.
He probably believed all that crap.
- [Fred] Yeah, so do
a lot of other people.
You know, I checked libraries,
straight bookstores,
weirdo bookstores, you name it.
Cantrell's name was listed as
reference in almost every book
I saw pertaining to the occult.
- Yeah, okay, Fred.
Well, maybe I oughta go back
to his house and check...
- [Fred] No no, I'll take care of that.
Why don't you continue your investigation
over at the college?
More students, faculty,
anybody who knew cantrell
or the Kramer kid from
the garage, all right?
- [Frank] Oh, sure, okay, Fred.
- Excuse me, my name is
shaye, detective frank shaye.
You worked with doctor
(mysterious music)
(Birds singing)
(Mysterious music)
- Dirk Kramer, Sean Allen,
Phillip Jones, Mason harrue.
(Rock guitar music)
(Soft upbeat music)
- Hey, I'm going in the back for a while.
(Soft upbeat music)
(Knocking on door)
(Door buzzing)
(Soft upbeat music)
- What can I do for you tonight, preach?
- A storm of passion has
entered my forest of Serenity.
The icy winds of lust threaten
to blow me from my center.
- Oh, I get it.
That'd require a $20
donation to the oral fund.
(Upbeat music)
(Rock guitar music)
(Knocking on door)
(Door buzzing)
(Upbeat music)
- Find what you came for, Jack?
- I'm looking for a girl named Patty.
She's supposed to work here.
- If you're looking for a handout, pal,
you came to the wrong place.
You dig?
- [Phil] Yeah, well, I'm
not, so why don't you just go
tell her I'd like to talk to her, okay?
- I'll see if she's not too busy.
(Upbeat music)
- [Radio announcer] Movers and groovers,
here's a cut from the latest album...
- How are you?
- Let's go in here.
- Okay.
(Upbeat music)
Rap on the door if the boss comes.
Now what are you doing here, Phillip?
- A better question is
what are you doing here?
- Easy money. I have to
pay for my books somehow.
- Books.
- I hope you have something
particular in mind.
- Well, I was on my way
to work and I thought
I'd stop in to see if we
could get together later on.
- Later on? How about now?
- I'd really like too, honestly,
but I have to get to work, really.
No, no, really.
- Oh, don't go.
(Soft music)
(Patty moaning softly)
Come on, Phil. Quit teasing me.
(Soft music)
(Soft moaning)
I wish all the guys that
came here were like you.
(Soft music)
(Suspenseful music)
What's wrong? What's the matter?
- Huh?
For a minute, I, oh, nothing.
Nothing at all.
- I don't blame you
for being uncomfortable
in a place like this.
(Soft suspenseful music)
(Dramatic music)
Now what's the matter?
What's wrong?
(Soft suspenseful music)
(Music stops)
- If he's lied to me, I'll shoot him.
Her hands are cold.
She must come back, Mary.
Wait, she's breathing. Look.
She's coming around.
- Mary, my darling.
Checkmate, I think. Eh, masters?
- You think so? Hands up!
Now make it quick.
Keep your never.
- [Man in movie] We have
nothing against you.
Do you know how to use
the antitoxin to bring me
around before they can separate us?
- Take no chances. Shoot first.
(Guns firing)
(Woman screaming)
- It's too late.
Look, now the antitoxin is gone.
- Cheer up, darling.
I'm heavily insured.
(Closing music on screen)
- [Phil] Dammit, not again!
(Phone dialing)
- Yeah?
- Curtain's stuck. I'm gonna
have to stick and fix it.
Yeah, okay, I'll stick and close up shop,
and you guys go home.
Yeah, yeah, I got the keys.
Right, okay, bye-bye.
(Projector clicking)
I know I turned that goddam thing off.
(Suspenseful music)
Oh, man, I know I turned it off.
(Suspenseful music)
(Woman moaning)
(Suspenseful music)
- It was a very lousy turnout tonight.
- Yeah, we gotta stop
booking these monster movies.
(Suspenseful music)
(Voice whispering)
(Suspenseful music)
- [Voice whispering] Morak.
I call you.
(Wolf howling)
(Wolf howling)
(Waves crashing)
(Children shouting at play)
(Water lapping)
- [Fred] Dirk Kramer, Sean Allen,
Phil Jones,
Mason harrue.
Well, well, well, now
isn't that interesting?
Dirk Kramer, 21, mechanic,
student at valley college.
Cause of death, severe puncture
woods of neck and head.
Sean Allen, 23, student at valley college.
Cause of death, lacerations
and multiple injuries,
massive internal hemorrhaging.
Phil Jones, 22, projectionist,
student at valley college.
Cause of death, third-degree
burns on face and chest.
Mason harrue, student at valley college.
I better find this one
before it's too late.
I'll bet I can get some
information from that kid.
- Here's my theory.
Sean, dirk and Phil weren't killed
by the fourth man to keep them silent.
The professor did it.
Somehow, he's been able to
call up some sort of power
and send it after the people
that he thinks killed his family.
Now what do you think of that theory?
- What kind of power?
- I don't know,
but it sure tore hell outta
those friends of yours.
- I said I was in the same club.
I didn't say we were friends.
- Hey, hey, now listen I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to jump to conclusions.
The only reason I'm here is because,
well, you knew the three guys
and you were in the professor's class.
I just wanted to get an objective opinion.
- Well, that's quite a theory all right.
- Yeah, but there are two possibilities.
First, if dirk, Sean and Phil were killed
by the fourth member, we're gonna have
a hell of a time finding him.
- And the second?
- If the professor is
somehow causing these deaths
to happen, I guess there's
no way we can stop him
from killing the last remaining
name on his list, is there?
Now wait a minute. You were in his class.
You probably know this already.
As I was going through
the professor's notes,
I kept noticing that, for
every spell or incantation,
there seems to be another that
cancels the first one out.
All you have to do, I guess,
is find the counterspell
and the killer's worries
would be over, right?
- Sure.
(Suspenseful music)
- [Mason] I don't like it.
- I don't like it one bit.
It's a stupid theory.
Then again, I can't
take any chances, can I?
(Mysterious music)
(Suspenseful music)
- [Fred] Well, well, well,
now isn't that interesting?
Mason harrue.
(Dramatic music)
- Morak.
(Dramatic music)
(Hard breathing)
(Suspenseful music)
(People screaming)
(Suspenseful music)
(Soft suspenseful music)
- This is real nice, professor.
I wonder if this is where you keep
your deep, dark secrets.
(Soft suspenseful music)
Hm, filing cabinet.
(Suspenseful music)
(Morak growling)
(Suspenseful music)
- Morak.
(Suspenseful music)
(Blade striking)
(Blade striking)
(Suspenseful music)
(Dramatic music)
(Morak groaning)
(Dramatic music)
- The patient actually
believes he was attacked
by some sort of monster.
Even insists his own eye
was torn from its socket.
(Soft suspenseful music)
- Hey, this is my first nut.
- Hey.
You don't believe all that
shit, do you, professor?
Do you really believe it?
(Upbeat dramatic music)