Mechamato Movie (2022) Movie Script

Show me the new stance
I just taught you!
Not fast enough. Again!
Die out already!
Monkey clap!
Stop fooling around, Amato!
That was a great move, Tok Sah!
-You too can be great someday.
But you have to take
this seriously, Amato!
So teach me, Tok.
Then I can use these moves...
...against those bullies in school.
Silat should not be used
for violence, Amato.
It is an art meant
for self defense.
Okay, Tok!
I have to go, Tok. I'm late
for a meeting with Pian.
Very well. Have a safe journey.
Say hi to Pian and
his father, Mr. Aman.
Sure thing, Tok!
Take this!
Boltcorns! Get your boltcorns here!
Get your boltcorns!
Fresh and hot from the foundry!
Get your boltcorns over here!
Bro man! A box for me!
How about two, sir?
Two for the price of two!
Special offer
for a cool robot like you!
Two for the price of two?
Makes sense!
Give me two boxes then!
Excellent choice, robot sir!
You call that a fight?
What a waste of time!
Mister MechaBot!
You're right, it's a waste of time.
Why don't you waste your money
on some boltcorns instead?
What's your flavor?
Engine oil? Grease? Rust?
You think I'm some
bolt-munching robot?
I'm a Power Sphera okay!
I don't eat that kind of junk!
Hey, hey! Ow! Right, I get it.
A Power Sphera huh?
You're a whole different breed.
But I've figured out
what you're eating!
What's that?
-Eating your heart out!
I can see it
on your face, you know!
You're jealous
of those guys, right?
If I had a master,
I could have easily
beat all of them...
...and freed myself
from this prison!
Wow, you sure do dream big, sir.
While you're busy chewing
on the idea of escape,...
...why not chew
on some boltcorns too?
How about it, sir?
Fine. It's free, right?
Come on! You have to pay for that!
Finally, my search is over!
They thought this prison
would be impossible to detect!
Get ready to attack!
-Roger! Form up!
Head for the main deck!
Double time!
The time has come
to finally complete my collection!
A little more to the right!
Nearly done, Pian!
Seriously? You come here late,
and now you're goofing around!
Sorry. I had silat
training earlier!
Besides, I came up
with the idea, right?
You just have to build it!
Just build it?
Easy for you to say!
Hand me that screwdriver!
Did you find it?
-Found it! Here!
How's it looking, Pian?
All done!
I told you it was easy!
The mind-reading Cocoa Mixer!
Cocoway 3000!
I spent three weeks
building this,... you're presenting it!
I'm not presenting
this to Mr. Jamie!
It's a group project, isn't it?
It was your idea,
but I built it,... you present it,
and I'll be the test dummy.
Fine then.
Okay, class! Allow me
to present the Cocoway 3000!
All you have to do
is think about it.
Let me guess! Cocoa-cino?
Iced cocoa, hot cocoa.
You look like a Lemon Cocoa guy.
This low-sugar
cocoa lemon is amazing!
It works!
Wow! It really can read my mind!
Instant "A," Amato!
Who knew my simple sketch
would end up becoming a reality?
Good thing you have a friend...
...who can make sense
of your drawings.
I don't think anyone else can.
My dad's computer!
Hey Pian, why is
the computer beeping?
Beats me.
What's all this, Pian?
-Oh, it's a comet.
He's been monitoring it for weeks.
He's not answering.
Mr. Aman is so awesome.
He's won plenty of awards.
He does charity work too.
-Hey Dad! Where are you now?
I just got home.
What's up, Pian?
Well, your computer is beeping.
It's Comet Aman.
Huh? The comet?
Hang on, I'm on my way!
Comet Aman?
Wait, isn't Aman your dad's name?
He's obsessed with it!
It's the first comet
he's ever discovered!
He named it after
himself, Comet Aman!
How can its trajectory
just change?
Something's not quite right here.
Quick, Pian.
Show this to your dad!
Okay, okay!
Hey, dad! We just finished
our design project!
We spent 3 weeks,
day and night doing it.
That's great, son!
Keep up the good work.
Thanks, Uncle Aman. If you hadn't
lent us some of your equipment,...
...we'd never have
finished the project.
That's right!
-Based on the trajectory,...'s heading towards.....
I have to report this!
-Dad! About my project.....
Oh yeah.
I'll look at it later, okay?
Something urgent's come up.
Ow! Ow! Who's shooting at us?
Hey leave my boltcorns alone, guys!
Secure the perimeter.
Don't stop until you find him!
How dare you!
It's Grakakus!
Critical damage! The planet's
gravity is pulling us in!
Fall back and regroup!
Activate sound dampener
and camouflage.
Relax, don't be sad.
Your dad's just busy.
I'm sure he'll check it out later.
Don't worry, he's gonna love it!
It was just bad timing, that's all.
I guess.
Oh, careful with the Cocoway 3000.
That's a guaranteed "A" for us!
You can be sure of that.
Okay then Pian,
see you at school later!
Bye! Assalamualaikum!
Waalaikumussalam! Bye, Amato!
Brother Bob,
what's for dinner tonight?
Nasi Padang in Padang.
This Cocoway 3000 is so cool!
I bet Mr. Jamie will love it!
Well done Amato and Pian!
I'm giving you
an "A" for your project!
We worked really hard on it.
How about an "A+" instead?
Just an "A+"?
How about I give you an "A+++"!
Well, if you insist.
I'd be happy to accept it.
What in the world is that?
Huh? What was that thing?
That's strange.
I don't see anything.
I swear I saw something.
A crashed spaceship?
Who's there?
Someone survived?
A robot?
Who are you?
-A talking robot?
Hey! Get back!
Wait! Wait!
That was a warning shot!
Get back, or you'll end up
like those trees!
Who dares to attack me?
Oh no!
He's so huge.
It was you, MechaBot?
It wasn't me! I was just
following my master's orders!
You have a new master?
Who's your master?
-You, of course!
Me? Since when?
Just now?
You're just looking
for trouble, aren't you?
Is your name Trouble?
My name's not Trouble!
It's Troket!
Please don't shoot me!
Look! A flying elephant!
Where? I thought flying
elephants were extinct!
Run! Stop following me!
Are you trying to make
me look like a fool?
I'm out of here!
Hey! Wait!
Please don't hurt me! Leave me
alone! I didn't do anything!
Hey, what is this thing?
Piece of junk!
Hey! That was my design project!
I'm presenting it tomorrow!
If we don't lose that guy,
there won't be a tomorrow!
Get back here!
He's gaining on us!
Maybe you wanna pedal instead?
But I don't even have legs!
Then do something!
Oh no!
MechaBot, Mechanize!
What in the world.....
Whoa whoa whoa! What's going on?
My bicycle turned into a motorbike?
Stop right there!
Where did they go?
Wait! Slow down! Brake!
It's too late!
What was that noise?
You still haven't found him?
Not yet, General. But...
...MechaBot was definitely
here recently.
Move out!
Find him wherever he is.
Yes, general.
My room?
Last night I was being
chased by a robot.
Was it all just a dream?
Wake up, Amato. Why were you
sleeping outside last night?
Up all night working
on that design project?
That robot!
That's a cool-looking cocoa mixer!
Maybe you can help me
sell cocoa drinks someday.
Sure, Aba!
It's not finished yet.
Need to iron out some kinks!
Gotta go!
Hey, why did you follow me home?
What? Are you for real?
You brought me here, okay!
-Yeah right. Who are you anyway?
I am MechaBot!
The most powerful destroyer
Power Sphera in this galaxy.
Who are you, kid?
My name's Amato.
My full name is.....
-It's okay, nevermind!
Nobody cares
what your full name is.
Hey, last night, did you actually
combine with my bicycle?
A bicycle? That primitive
thing with the...
...two wheels?
Yeah! Hey, what else
can you combine with?
How about a broom?
That hairy thing? No, thanks.
If you can't do it, it's fine.
Who says I can't?
Check this out!
MechaBot, Mechanize!
A hi-tech broom!
-What are you doing?
That's not how you use me.
Huh? How then?
Aba's not gonna like this!
But this is so cool!
Being your master
sure has its perks!
Hold up! Who said
you were my master?
You did last night!
You have a new master?
Who's your master?
-You, of course!
Me? Since when?
-Just now?
That didn't count!
-Okay, if that didn't count,... do I make it count?
How does someone
actually become your master?
It's not as easy as you think!
In order to become my master,... have to defeat me.
Seize this Mechanizer,...
...and press the
confirmation button!
This button?
Hey! No!
That button.
Oh, this button!
No! Don't!
Yes! Finally,
I am your new master!
That's not how it works!
You still have to defeat me!
Hey, I did defeat you,
using my wits!
Isn't that right?
Huh? What does this button do?
That button's for ordering food.
Oh really? Let's try
ordering some food then.
Huh? MechaBot?
That button is not
for ordering food.
That is the truth button.
The truth button?
Why are you suddenly so polite?
This is how I was designed, master.
That button forces me
to speak nothing but the truth.
That's handy. Okay, tell me.
Who's your master?
You are my master!
You managed to defeat me using
your high level of intellect.
So, it's true! It's a good thing
you're not that smart then.
I dropped out
of high school, master.
That figures.
Hey! What did you do just now?
Oh nothing.
I ordered food, that's all.
That was fast!
So there you are!
Oh no.....
Do you know how many houses
I had to unroof to find you?
Where'd my roof go?
Follow your master!
Hey, you're not my master!
I'm going to destroy you,
and your new master too!
Thanks for recognizing me
as his new master.
How many times do I have to say it?
You're not my master!
Not your master, huh?
Do not listen to me.
You are my master, master.
Hi, I'm Amato.
MechaBot's new master.
You be quiet. Only my master
can command me to be quiet.
Get ready to meet your doom!
Let's run, master.
Combine with this into a jetpack!
Okay! MechaBot, Mechanize!
Woah! Pretty good idea, kid!
What was that?
Being your master is so much fun!
Fun? Fun for you, maybe!
Huh, Pian?
Huh? Amato?
Hey, watch it!
Can't you fly properly?
You think you can escape me?
Hey, do something!
What do you want me to do?
Save me, quick!
Try being more specific.
Save you how, exactly?
Just save me okay!
I don't want to die!
If you fall to your death, then
I can find a new master, right?
I know! You can combine with me!
He figured it out! Fine!
Bot what? Hurry!
What is that?
Ow, that hurts.
You, you can combine with me?
Just this once! I had no choice!
What's that?
What is it?
Oh no, he's back!
You can't hide from me!
Take this!
Missile barrage!
-Get out!
You turned this car door
into a high-tech shield!
What do you think
of my Mechanize power?
Help! Help us!
Amato! Wake up, Amato!
You're finished!
What am I going to do?
Mechanize that thing!
I will destroy you!
MechaBot, Mechanize!
We did it!
We won!
Who are you?
No, it's Mechamato.
Okay, we have to go now!
I love our new name.
Wait. This suit
has a jetpack, right?
That's got to hurt.
-Not again.
That hurts.
How could I have lost
to that puny kid?
Prisoner Troket.
Who are you?
My Power Sphera collection...
...that's still incomplete!
Where is the Power Sphera MechaBot?
Spectre, Vendetta, Omega,
reporting in.
General. We've been attacked!
Who dares to damage my droid?
The identity of the attacker
is not in our database.
So he's from this planet.
We managed to repel the attack.
Troket has also been secured,
along with another prisoner!
Troket, Prisoner 091,
Class A, and.....
Prisoner 159, Bagogo.
A model prisoner, sir.
Never hurt a fly.
Come on, what's up
with the restraints?
They have information
about MechaBot.
Tell me what you know, then.
I know so many things, good sir.
I know how to read,
I can do maths...
...subtraction, addition,
even algebra!
What are you babbling on about?
I'm asking about MechaBot!
Oh, MechaBot!
That old buddy of mine.
We even shared a bottle
of motor oil once!
I can tell you anything you want
to know for a price of course!
Pay you?
-Good intel doesn't just fall...
...from the sky you know.
I'm not some public Wi-Fi
service, okay? I don't do free.
We have a comedian over here!
Hey, what are you doing?
Don't hurt me, sir!
Don't hurt me! Please let me go!
Now then, do you have
any information for me?
MechaBot has a new master!
A boy named Amato!
Yes. I saw it myself,
he combined with that Amato boy!
He dares to use MechaBot.
Looks like I'll have
to crush that boy...
...just like I crushed
his previous master!
Get in, MechaBot.
Oh man, I need to tell
Pian about this!
Hurry and pick up.
Who's Pian?
-My best friend.
Pian! You saw me flying, right?
It was so cool!
I combined with that
alien robot and we.....
What? Alien robot?
Is that Uncle Aman?
Where's Pian?
Pian went out. You were saying
something about a robot?
It's nothing, Uncle!
Can you ask Pian to call me
back later? Bye!
Morning, Aba, Umi.
-Good morning.
I made you your favourite dish
this morning.
Thanks, Umi.
Sit here, and be quiet.
Oh yes, I was there at the scene.
There were explosions everywhere!
And if I'm not mistaken,
his name was Mc, McTomato!
Are you sure it wasn't
the vigilante Maskmana?
Really sure?
No! Maskmana is blue, this one
was all red, like a tomato!
She's right! It was McTomato!
It's Mechamato!
-Authorities still don't know...
...who was behind
the attack on the bridge...
...and will continue
to investigate.
I'm just an automatic
cocoa machine.
Yes. And that concludes
our update...
...on the robot attack
at Jambatan Seri Dua.
Back to the studio.
Thank you, Ravi J.
The public is advised
to be cautious.
Please report any suspicious
activities to the authorities,...
...and avoid acting on your own!
What's that?
They said there was a robot attack.
That sounds dangerous, if true!
It'll be fine.
Maskmana will protect us.
Weren't you paying attention?
Don't act alone like that Maskmana!
You hear me, Amato?
-Okay, Aba! Gosh, I'm late!
I have a design
presentation this morning!
See you guys later!
Did you take your lunch money?
I did, Umi! Assalamualaikum!
Oh man.
If Aba and Umi ever find out
about you, I'll be in trouble!
What am I going to do?
Just act normal, that's all.
That's your solution? Act normal?
Huh? Bula? Bili?
Hey, don't say a word.
Where are you headed, Amato?
I'm heading to school.
What, what about you?
Only dummies go to school.
I'm already smart, so why do
I need to go to school?
Indeed! Correct, boss.
You got straight A's in your
mid-year report card.
He's right!
Do you want me to tutor you?
Since we're friends,
only 10 ringgit per minute!
Don't what?
I don't have that much.
How about 5 ringgit?
Since we're friends, all right!
What a loser.
3 ringgit, 4 ringgit,
5 ringgit. 50 cents. Here!
What's this for?
-That's your change.
My tuition fee is only 5 ringgit.
Don't spend it all
in one place, okay.
-You're so generous, boss.
Why didn't you stand up to them?
I could've taught them a lesson!
I can't, my master forbids me!
Besides, we have to be careful.
We don't want everyone
to find out about you!
Enough of that!
You have one job today!
To be Cocoway 3000! Got it?
Hey, Amato! Good morning!
Deep! Morning.
Have you seen Pian?
Nope, I don't think he's here yet.
Whoa, you finished it! Your design
project looks really cool!
Did you finish yours?
Of course I did!
Behold, my genius invention.
Speed! Split!
They're just regular combs.
Hey, no they're not!
These combs are revolutionary!
Check this out! See? See?
With twice the number of combs,...
...users can cut
the amount of time needed... comb their hair
by 50 percent!
Whatever you say, Deep.
Where's Pian?
Class is about to start.
There he is!
You were awesome yesterday!
Where did you get
that cool jetpack?
Yeah, that's what I wanted
to talk to you about.
Okay, okay, sit down. Yester.....
-All rise!
Good morning, sir!
Good morning!
Okay, sit down!
Before we proceed with
the design presentation,...
...I would like to introduce
your new classmate!
New student?
-Stop it.
Is it a boy or a girl?
...the girl from yesterday.
-Mara! Introduce yourself!
Hi, my name is Tamara,
you can call me Mara.
Do you know her?
-Amato! Pian!
Yes, sir!
-Are you ready to present...
...your design project?
Come, Amato!
You can sit over there, Mara!
Okay, sir.
...the Automatic
Cocoa Mixing Machine.
Cocoway 3000.....
What is this thing, Amato?
It looks different!
I made some upgrades to it.
What are you waiting for?
Give us a demonstration!
How does it work?
-It's okay, I'll do it!
Okay! To begin,
we add some cocoa powder,...
...and then some hot water...
...and we stir.
Dude, what am I even
watching right now?
We're not done yet.
Next we.....
Open your mouth!
Pour water into the cocoa machine.
Hot! It's hot!
Finally we shake it,
shake it, and shake it...
...and it's ready to drink!
Cocoway 3000 hey.....
Careful, it's hot, okay.
What do you think, sir?
-I think you both.....
F, A, I, L!
What am I going
to tell my dad, Amato?
We failed!
Just tell him, MechaBot!
Back my story up.
I'm just an automatic
Cocoway 3000 cocoa mixer.
Yes! I passed!
Speed Split Combs!
Lucky him.
MechaBot, say something!
Why you little.....
You know you're
my best friend, Amato.
But, this whole "robot" story,...'s putting a strain
on our friendship.
I forgot about this thing!
Hey! Wait! Wait!
He can talk?
Please don't press that button.
Well? Show him
your Mechanize power!
Make-up nice?
He'll make you up
so you'll look nice!
What make-up nice? It's Mechanize!
Like this! MechaBot, Mechanize!
Check this out!
He can change
a broom into a blaster?
What did I tell you?
You shouldn't have doubted me!
That's amazing!
Now Mechanize with this bicycle!
You think I'm your servant robot?
No, thank you!
It's okay, Pian.
Everyone has their limits.
Maybe that's all he's capable of.
I guess. Even my dad says that
what's important is we try.
It's okay if we fail.
Hey! I never fail!
Feast your eyes!
MechaBot, Mechanize!
He can turn into a cool motorbike!
Told you.
But you can't tell
anyone about this!
Tell anyone what?
Huh, Mara.
Check out "ma" ride!
What are you guys doing?
Nothing at all. Just taking
this bike out for a spin.
Just a motorbike,
not related to any red robots.
Cut it out!
What are you doing here, Mara?
I want you to replace
my wheelchair!
Why should he?
He pushed me when
we were on the bridge!
Pushed you?
-I saved you, okay.
But who said that was me anyway?
-You can't fool me!
You're that McTomato, right?
It's Mechamato, okay!
Not McTomato!
Huh? What robot is that?
Oh no!
MechaBot! Surrender yourself!
My hand!
Eliminate any opposition.
You can't bring guns
to a fist fight!
That's not fair!
Get on, Amato!
More of them?
MechaBot! Let's go!
Transform into McTomato!
It's Mechamato, okay!
It is with great pleasure
that I, Mayor Andy,...
...proudly officiate this year's
Decorative Beca Competition!
Long live Mayor Andy!
Keep it up, Mayor Andy!
And now,...
...we will be entertained by
a special performance from BBB!
Out of the way!
Watch out, MechaBot!
Hey! Watch where you're going!
The camera's too close!
Bravo! Bravo!
I guess they're alright.
This beca looks great!
What do you call it, sir?
I call this beca, the Book-cha!
Come one, come all!
Read more, at my Book-cha!
That's a lot of books!
It's like a library on wheels!
It's full of books,
where would people sit?
Check out my beca!
It's spacious!
This one looks like a limousine!
I call my beca the...
And what about that one?
This is not a beca.
It's just junk, right?
That's not nice, Kamis.
What a mean thing to say.
Oh no!
Mechanize with that piece of scrap!
Did he say scrap?
MechaBot, Mechanize!
Get in, Amato!
What are you gonna do
with my beca, kid?
This must be
Amato's new science project!
Is this your ride?
Mind if I borrow it?
Sure, kid. But, go easy
on the pedals, will you?
Watch out, kid!
Slow down, kid!
I'm too young to die!
Yes, MechaBot!
Oh no!
I think this is my stop.
Let's go, Amato!
My goodness!
Let me off, son!
Look out, Amato!
Hey! That's a dead end, kid!
MechaBeca: Flight Mode!
My beca!
Wow! This is the owner of the beca!
Yes! Yes, yes, yes!
How are you? Thank you!
He's not answering my calls,
or my messages!
Pian, Mr. Aman Iskandar
is your dad, right?
How did you know?
I did some research on this town
before moving here.
Maskmana has been spotted
around here too, hasn't he?
That's right!
Maskmana is a local hero!
Cool, right?
You don't think it's curious?
Maskmana wears
a very high-tech suit.
-And your dad is a pioneer...
...of cutting-edge technology.
And you think Maskmana
is actually my dad, right?
Here, take a look.
They're both in the same picture?
We're safe.
They're no longer chasing us.
Chasing us?
They're chasing you, right?
What do they want with you?
They're just jealous of me.
I'm serious!
-It's true!
They hate me for my good looks.
So, you don't want to answer me?
0001, counter 1.
How can I help you?
Who were those robots?
Why were they after you?
Those were General
Grakakus' robots,...
...tasked with hunting me down
so he can use me for evil.
-Yes, Grakakus.
A dangerous and obsessive collector
of armor-type Power Spheras,...
...especially handsome
ones like me.
Yeah, right.
But what are Power Spheras?
Power Spheras
are high-tech robots...
...with the ability
to grant powers to others.
So your power is Mechanizing?
Correct, master.
How long have you been
on the run from Grakakus?
A long time, master.
Since he killed my old master.
Killed your old master?
Yes, that's why I willingly
surrendered myself... the Space Prison.
To avoid being detected.
But I'm your master now.
If Grakakus wants me,...
...he would have to kill you first.
Kill me?
-Don't worry.
The probability of it
happening is only 99 percent.
Think positive.
Think positive, you say?
Yes. My previous master
always taught me to be positive.
Right until the day he was killed.
Oh no, what am I gonna do?
Evade, MechaBot!
Brace for impact,
and also certain death, master.
Ow, that hurts.
Who shot at us?
Where do you think you're going?
You again?
-What do you want now?
Don't ask me, ask.....
We meet again at last!
General Grakakus?
Don't be afraid, MechaBot.
You're MechaBot's new master?
Yeah! Get back!
Time to die!
Out of the way, Amato!
MechaBot, Mechanize!
You'll never take MechaBot!
How dare you use him!
Watch out, Amato!
Come out!
Do you think you can hide from me?
Find something to Mechanize!
What are you doing?
Stop controlling my movements!
So sharp!
What's wrong with you humans?
None of this stuff is useful!
Stop hiding,...
...come out and face me!
Some kind of trash?
Let's wipe that smirk
off your face!
Why, you!
How do you like
my toilet paper bomb?
It hurts.
My systems.....
There, Amato!
Going somewhere?
MechaBot, Mechanize!
Fire, MechaBot!
MechaBot! What's wrong?
Move, MechaBot.
You've lost!
Now surrender MechaBot to me.
I may have lost...
...but MechaBot
will never be yours!
Goodbye, my friend.
You won't escape me this time!
How dare you cause trouble here!
Get ready. You're about
to meet your match!
You were the one
who destroyed my droid!
Advance, drones!
Come! It's your move!
You'll pay for that!
You've got some fight in you.
Where do you think you're going?
Take this!
My eyes!
To me!
Curse you!
I will find you, and destroy you!
Look at that view!
You're so lucky you can come up
here anytime you want.
I don't really come up
here that much.
Are you there?
It's so dark.
It's so huge.
What a collection.
Looks like he's not here.
What are you doing here?
-Looking for you.
You weren't answering my calls,
or my messages.
Where were you?
I was in the lab,
and I forgot my phone. Why?
We were hoping you could help us
find Amato, Mr. Aman.
This is Mara. Our new friend.
Hi, Mr. Aman. How do you do?
I'm fine.
Amato, you say?
You just missed him.
Was he okay, dad?
Nobody was chasing him or anything?
I don't think so.
Well, sorry to bother you
then, Mr. Aman.
Let me take a look at that.
It's not so bad.
It's just a temporary fix.
Swing by tomorrow
and I'll see what I can do, okay?
Thanks, Mr. Aman.
You're welcome.
Bob! Send these kids home.
How about you?
I have some work to do.
See you at home, okay?
Send them home, okay?
-Yes, Mr. Aman.
Where am I?
You're awake, Amato?
Tok Sah?
MechaBot. Where's MechaBot?
Lie down, Amato. You're hurt.
What happened to MechaBot?
Maskmana's mask?
You're Maskmana?
It's good that you're awake, Amato.
Take this medicine.
-Mr. Aman?
Is Tok Sah Maskmana?
-But that mask.....
Is it you?
-Not just him.
We are all Maskmana!
Mayor Andy?
Try not to move too much.
Here, drink this.
It's so bitter! What is it?
A combination of modern
and traditional medicine.
Drink up, Amato.
Were you the one
who saved me earlier?
-Thanks, Tok.
If you hadn't been there.....
Don't waste time
on ifs and maybes.
Be thankful I arrived
just in time.
Yes, Tok.
How can there be three Maskmanas?
Using this.
We take turns using this suit,
when the need arises.
The suit is made from a very rare
metal called Spheranium.
That looks like a piece
of the spaceship.
Yes. That's why Mr. Aman
was tracking the comet.
But who could have known,...
...the comet hurtling towards
Earth was a space ship!
Using A.I. and
machine-learning technology,...
...the suit is able
to learn from its users.
That means.....
The more people use the suit,
the more it learns from them.
A self-learning suit?
Yes. Asah was chosen
for his martial arts,...
...and Andy
for his tactical insight.
Also to help with the cover up.
One suit, but multiple users?
No wonder nobody knows
who Maskmana really is.
Come here, Amato.
So many robots!
These are just a few.
There are many more out there.
If that's the case,
you're going to need my help!
No, Amato. Haven't you learned
anything from last night?
This is not a game! You can't go
around playing the hero!
But I have MechaBot's
Mechanize power!
And you think that
makes you a hero?
Amato, a hero
isn't born from power.
A hero is born from courage,
and responsibility.
We've been working hard
to keep this operation a secret.
But you led those robots
into crowded places!
Sorry. It was an accident.
What you did
at the bridge the other day,...
...was it an accident too?
You have to be more
responsible, Amato.
MechaBot wields incredible power.
And he's yours, right?
Yes, Tok.
-It's a pity...
...he synced
with such a foolish kid!
I need to go, I've got
some cleaning-up to do.
Don't take what
Mayor Andy said personally.
He can be a bit harsh,
but he means well.
If it wasn't for
that masked clown...
...MechaBot would have been mine!
To me,... Power Sphera collection!
It's time to show them
the real Grakakus!
Imagine, if I could
Mechanize all of this!
Get ready to take off!
How did you get hurt?
What kind of moves
were you practicing?
He's fine. Boys get
carried away sometimes.
You're lucky it happened
at Tok Sah's place,...
...what if there
was no one there to help?
It's just a scratch, Umi.
Yes, with me right now
is Mayor Andy.
Congratulations on the success...
...of the Decorative Beca
Competition yesterday.
Yes, yes. Thank you to everyone
who attended the event yesterday.
What a phony.
Smiling for the cameras.
There were a variety of decorative
beca on display yesterday.
And a special robot
chase performance!
Yes, correct.
The robots were donated
by Mr. Aman himself,...
...owner of the Destar Corporation.
And what about the flying beca?
Was that a gimmick or.....
Of course it was.
Totally a gimmick!
We couldn't have done it without...
...Mr. Sasau here!
That old man from yesterday?
Mr. Sasau is the
Decorative Beca champion!
Are you kidding me?
Why'd you turn the TV off?
Nothing, Aba. I'm going
to hang out with Pian for a bit.
You're going out in that condition?
I won't be long, Umi!
Where am I?
Amato, where are you, Amato?
That's a piece of metal
from the spaceship.
Yes, MechaBot.
You're Maskmana?
What are you doing?
Don't worry, I just want
to fix you. And...
...separate you from Amato.
What? You think Amato
deserves to wield your power?
Of course you don't.
Your power is too great,...
...and dangerous
for a boy like Amato!
But, I've already
synchronized with Amato.
Is it even possible to.....
-It has to be!
If not, Amato's life
will always be in danger.
Any system can be bypassed.
I just need some time
to decode your system.
You want to use me?
Yes, we need all the firepower
we can get to defeat Grakakus!
Aman, do you think
he will accept our decision?
Whether he accepts
or not is not the issue, Asah.
Okay, Bili. Let's find
a victim to bully.
Amato! That's dangerous!
Watch it, Mara!
Where's MechaBot?
He was damaged.
What happened yesterday?
You said everything was fine.
He's being repaired.
Who would have
the ability to repair MechaBot?
-Maskmana? Are you for real?
It's true. He helped me defeat
the robots yesterday.
Lucky guy! Did you manage
to get his autograph?
Of course he didn't, silly.
I'm pretty sure
he was too busy fighting.
Aww man.
What a wasted opportunity!
Big deal. Just get one
from your.....
Get one from who? Who?
No one.
Hi, Amato.
What are you doing?
Bula and Bili?
You know what day it is, right?
Teacher's Day?
That's incorrect.
Today is the day you get bullied.
Are you sure?
You should check your schedule.
Of course I'm sure.
Show him, Bili.
Two days ago it was Deep,...
...yesterday was Ah Wang,...
...the two of you get today,...
...and tomorrow!
Why do we get two days?
-Friends get a discount.
I didn't know bullies
had schedules.
Give us some credit.
Successful bullying
requires discipline...
...and strong
organizational skills.
Amato. Use your silat.
Hey, I wish I could use it.
But Tok Sah forbids me
from using silat for violence.
Using what for what?
Nothing. Hey, Bula.
Look over there! A swimming goat!
Where? I've never seen
a swimming goat before!
Boss! Amato's getting away!
I can't use violence,
but I can use my wits!
Catch me if you can!
How dare you!
Go and get him, Bili!
We're safe.
Good thing Amato lured them away.
What kind of bullies are these?
He's not over here, boss.
Where are you hiding, Amato?
You're late for your bullying!
Maybe he's out front, boss!
Hey, what are you doing?
We're bullies,...
...not bullying victims!
This robot again?
Target acquired.
Target trying to escape.
No visual on MechaBot.
No MechaBot?
Eliminate the boy,...
...and find out
where MechaBot is hiding!
Unable to locate target.
Looking for me?
What happened?
Attack! And keep attacking
until he reveals himself!
Huh? Sam, dear.
What's that up there?
Oh, it's just an airshow, darling.
Stop! Stop that train!
The track has collapsed, darling!
Where? Where, my dear Samdol?
Oh no!
What just happened?
Everybody get out! Out!
He's here, Amato!
Finally, there you are!
Where's MechaBot?
Why is he not with you?
Hurry, drones!
Amato! How is he?
You again?
Bad aliens!
How dare you, child!
Stop! If you're looking
for MechaBot, I have him!
He's with you, huh?
How's the progress on MechaBot?
85 percent!
I'm nearly there!
Prepare the.....
Surrender MechaBot to me now.
Are you okay?
We're so high up!
So this is where
you'd like to be buried?
I need you, Asah!
When will MechaBot be ready?
Nearly there.
Hold on a bit longer, Aman!
Tok Sah! MechaBot!
Activate, Kerisis Drones!
Tok Sah?
You'll regret ever coming here!
You think I'm afraid of your toys?
Mode: Keris Kerisis!
Take this!
That's what you get...
...for daring to come here!
You think you've won?
Don't move, Aman!
Your spine is fractured!
I can't let him.....
Weak! Pitiful!
You're no match for me.
Hand MechaBot over, now!
Over my dead body!
Only yours?
Your body's not the only
one I'm stepping over.
But their bodies as well.
That's Maskmana!
-Help us! Help!
Asah, we need you here now!
MechaBot has been separated.
Hey, MechaBot.
You're nearly fixed.
That doesn't mean he's fixed.
Then what?
That means he's being
separated from you.
Separated? What do you mean?
You're no longer MechaBot's master.
Hey. Is that true, MechaBot?
It's true, Amato.
They managed to bypass my system.
-Sorry, Amato.
We need MechaBot.
There's no other weapon
that can defeat Grakakus.
But, you can't do this.
MechaBot is my robot.
You can't separate him from me!
We have no choice, Amato.
It's too dangerous
to let you be his master.
But, you said it yourself.
I have to be responsible.
I can't just run away
from responsibility...
...every time something
dangerous happens!
But, this isn't a game, Amato.
Lives are in danger.
I'm not playing around, Tok.
I've seen what happened
to MechaBot's previous master.
Goodbye, my friend.
So what, you want to end up
like my old master too, Amato?
I don't know what's going
to happen, MechaBot.
But I know, you're my robot.
You're my responsibility!
...I don't want you
to be my master.
Why not?
I'm afraid
of losing another friend.
Afraid, huh?
Why didn't you just say
that from the beginning?
Afraid of losing a friend!
Not other things!
What's going on with these two?
The bad destroyer robot
is a softie on the inside!
What are you talking about?
I've only got wires on the inside!
Why did you abort it?
You really are Amato's robot!
You were meant for each other!
Thank you for not taking
MechaBot away from me!
Time to do your duty, Amato.
You have to stop Grakakus.
Yes, Tok.
Come on, MechaBot!
MechaBot, Mechanize!
Where are you, Grakakus?
I'm going to teach you a lesson!
Where'd Grakakus go?
I bet he ran away. Coward.
Coward, you say?
I'm General Grakakus!
You think I'm afraid
of a kid like you?
Why this kid, Asah?
That's Amato!
Save us, Amato!
Help, McTomato!
-Pian! Mara!
Huh? Maskmana?
I thought we separated
MechaBot? Why.....
Put your trust in Amato!
Good! You've brought
MechaBot to me.
Come to me!
Are you just going to dodge?
I'm trying here!
What can this kid even do, Asah?
I hope you made
the right call, Asah.
MechaBot, Mechanize!
Why a mop, out of all things?
Is that it?
Make sure he's
squeaky clean, Amato!
You fools!
Close your eyes, MechaBot!
I'll control our
movements by myself!
Trust me!
You're going to be sorry!
Sorry? Who? Me?
Hey, close your eyes!
Woah! That's my friend out there!
Give up, or I'll make you!
That's right! If you don't,
we'll keep beating you up!
Don't be so confident.
Drop them!
Hey, hey, let us go!
No, don't let us go!
What are we gonna do?
Did you really think
you could save them?
Oh no!
No, Aman!
Your spine!
MechaBot, Mechanize!
Your spine!
Get up!
Are you.....
Are you okay, Pian?
Maskmana knows my name?
Thank you, Amato.
Watch out, Mara!
Get over here!
Look at me, MechaBot!
It hurts!
Time to separate, MechaBot.
From this kid!
Now,... just need to die for me!
Goodbye, my friend.
Your master is dead!
Finally, you will be mine,...
...oh MechaBot,
the Power Sphera!
Witness, the perfect form
of General Grakakus!
MechaBot, Mechanize!
Why is nothing happening?
I said Mechanize!
That's a long drop!
My friend!
Amato's still alive!
MechaBot! Help!
Don't you know how to die?
MechaBot, Mechanize!
What did he Mechanize with?
Mega Mechamato!
You're still using him?
Hand MechaBot over to me!
You wanted MechaBot, right?
Come and take him!
Take this!
How's that?
We need to fly, MechaBot!
Where do you think you're going?
Close your eyes, MechaBot!
No need.
We can defeat him together!
We are...
Boo, you missed!
Now brace yourself.
Monkey Clap!
Use the Kerisis Drones, Amato!
Take this, Grakakus!
It can't be.
You've lost, Grakakus!
I am General Grakakus!
There's no way I will lose to you!
To me? No, not to me. To that.
We did it, Amato!
Help, Amato! Amato!
Hey, we need to help them!
Let's go!
Are you guys okay?
Have faith, Aman.
Everything happens
for a reason. Yes?
How is your father, Pian?
Mr. Aman is paralyzed.
-It's true, Amato.
I'm sorry, Uncle Aman!
You're sorry? I'm the one who
should thank you for your help.
If it wasn't for you,...
...things would've been much worse.
But, it looks like you'll have
to shoulder the responsibility...
...of being Maskmana's
successor now.
There's no need.
Asah and I are still here.
Amato has already
proven himself, Andy.
We have to put our trust in him.
There's a robot
disturbance in town.
I'll head out.
It's okay, Mayor Andy.
We'll deal with it!
Come on, MechaBot!
Hey, why aren't you moving?
Because it's a Saturday, right?
It's my day off.
Heroes don't get days off!
What kind of people work weekends?
Oh, talking back, huh?
Courtesy Mode!
Yes, master.
How can I help you?
Do robots get days off?
-They do, Master.
But I'm a servant robot,...
...servants don't get days off.
I thought so.
In that case,...
...MechaBot, Mechanize!
Okay, I'll Mechanize right away.
Excuse me.
And then Grakakus was crushed
by his own spaceship!
Yay! Grakakus deserved it!
I love this story
of how you met MechaBot.
Dad, I want a Power Sphera too!
Just like you have MechaBot!
Okay, okay.
Let's eat?
Aww, can I, dad?
Pretty please?
Okay, fine.
What color do you want, BoBoiBoy?
Yellow, huh?
This will take some time.
You'll have to wait
until you're older!
It's okay.
I can wait!
Which do you prefer?
Orange? Striped? Spotted?
You receive one Troket for free
if you purchase them all.
You want to sell me,... you're suddenly
giving me away for free.
Please don't take this the
wrong way, it's just business.
Yes, yes. There is no
special price for friends.
We've never been friends.
Oh no! Wait a minute.
There are walk-in customers.
Yes, sir.
Can I help you?
Who is this alien?