Medal (2023) Movie Script

If the media knew where this
fleet of cars is heading
reporters from all parts of the country
would have been there.
Sir, this is what is called destiny.
He came here to be a star but turned
into a gangster instead.
He is still a star
not a lesser.
There are many who seek stardom
in what they do.
Dear, does this even work?
Although no idea about this one. Im sure,
theirs definitely do the job.
Sir, how old is the kiln?
You focus on your safety, the
kiln will collapse anytime.
I have heard that Raj never miss the target.
(On phone) Gill, what's happening?
I just came outside the home.
(On phone) Just stay away a bit from Raja.
His time isn't right these days.
Nothing is to worry about. Friends
are for odd times.
I might not be available to celebrate their joys,
but Im always there in their sorrows.
(On Phone) Dear, listen to me
I'll never leave my friends.If needed,
I can even die for them.
My wife said it right that we should
never speak evil.
It saves us from bad experiences.
In a 24-hour long day, Goddess Saraswati blesses
us with what we speak and it happens in real.
Poor fellow, you should have asked for
something else, instead of death.
Greetings to everyone. The one who got murdered
yesterday was my dear friend.
The killer, Billa, who openly sells intoxicating items
and no action has been taken against him.
In the next 24 hours, he will be sent to God.
He can try to escape, but I, Raja will
catch him soon.
This status has been uploaded by
Raja, 15 minutes ago.
Its a plain threat to Billa's life.
Will the Police be able to stop him?
Or will they come back with nothing in their hands?
Sir, we can miss the fair this time.
Your life is still in danger.
DSP also phoned and said that you
should avoid going out.
You take care of the city.
Dont worry, Jagtaar and his men are there.
Raja cant do anything to me.
These six bullets will be like six men with me.
Who will dare to touch me?
Let's go.
Those who publicise to be my enemies,
are killed in the public only.
[ANCHOR ON TV] By killing Billa, Raja proved that
he rules the city and can do
anything he wants to.
No witness is ready to speak against him,
showing his terror among the people.
It is indeed a big failure for the police.
The police never fail,
they only follow the orders.
Sir, too much almonds...
The higher authorities just ask for the
details of the bullets used,
not the people involved.
This fairness cream can
never make you fair.
[SINGING SONG] "brown munde"
[NEWS ANCHOR] Tadka news presenting
Breaking News from Punjab.
The Head of Maidan Garhi colony,
Ram Prakash has been killed.
Its believed that Gangster
Raja has done this crime.
Who is he that is trying to devalue us?
When you are already a criminal, then
don't expect praises.
Raja.. Raja..
Hes the same reporter who went to my home also.
[REPORTER ON TV] Lets ask Rajas mother
about her son.
Greetings, Aunt. Im Rang Harjinder.
How did you feel when you got to know
that your son is a big gangster in Punjab?
He is not a gangster.
He was in fact a tiger.
When he used to run, people would tell me
that he seemed like a tiger.
Boys like yours have ruined the
atmosphere of the state.
And you deny this?
No dear, dont say it like this.
My son hasnt done any such thing.
My brother is innocent.
Dont bother us.
I have already lost my father and my mother
is also not keeping well.
Go. Please go.
One last question. Please.
One last question. Please.
Only one more question
Aunt, listen to me once.
We dont want to discuss this more.
I got to know that her father had
committed suicide.
The mother also doesnt seem to live
for more than six months.
She is Rajas sister.
I dont think that she will get
married either.
Stay tuned to Khabar Tadka News.
This is Rang Harjinder reporting with
Cameraman Naveen Jindal. Goodbye.
Hello everyone!
I have got a big breaking news for you.
Punjabs most disgusting news reporter,
Rang Harjinder Singh has
been kidnapped.
This task has been performed by
none other than Raja.
Mr Rang Harjinder Singh
look at your condition, how much time
of your life do you think you still have?
Answer me.
Think about it.
Lets take a short break till he is
thinking about it.
Bring him down.
Do you have a mother?
Did you have the food cooked by
her in the morning?
Did she give you a peck on your
forehead before you left?
What did she say?
She said, Son, come back to home
before it turns dark.
Breaking News!
Raja shot five bullets into Rang Harjinder
Singhs body and killed him.
My mother must be waiting
for me to come back.
Rang Harjinder Singh
you tell me
what is your mothers fault if you dont
reach back your home?
Raja, please dont kill me.
Now onwards, I wont report about you.
Will you leave my mother too?
If media persons spoke the truth
about Punjab and the whole country,
no ones son would have turned into a gangster.
We are helpless.
If we dont show news as gossip and
dont ask hurtful questions,
we wont get views on our channel.
Nobody will watch it.
The work that you were supposed
to do, now, I'll do for you.
Ill tell you how one becomes a gangster.
Dear, the age limit for this group
is ten years.
You cant participate.
Sir, he is also ten. Listen to me, please.
Listen to me, please.
Hey my nephew!
You wont be able to run much.
Your shoes are torn.
Uncle, just wait and watch. My feet
wont touch the ground.
Ill rather fly.
He thinks Milkha Singh of himself.
[COMMENTATOR] audience, now the green
signal has been given
and race is about to begin.
All participants have taken the positions.
Today, we'll get to know how much
ghee everyone has eaten
how much they had buttermilk
how much everyone's mother scolded them.
We'll see everyone's preparation.
Rajveer my son.
Let me examine.
Its been one and a half years that I have
been treating his ears.
I have done my best.
I dont think that he will
ever be able to hear.
But I can run. Right, my father?
One day, my son will win a medal.
Isn't it?
Its okay. He has at least learnt to read lips.
Other people can hear him.
He will be able to hear as far as he will see.
See, boss will start after two seconds but will
reach the finishing line first.
Take it.
Do not call me for practice sessions.
These boys wont be able to run a race.
Do you think any of them can give
me a competition?
Dear, Cant you see?
I can.
[Crowd] Give us aside.
Wait, I'm also moving.
Are you also from the Sports quota?
Yes, Athletics.
Which game do you play?
All of them.
Try to run a race with me.
Got scared?
Do not get streesed.
Its all about the diet and Ill
help you with that.
[Rupinder] Oh Hello, the baby elephant!
Let's go.
My name is Lovely Singh.
And yours?
Rajveer Singh.
I think you have watched the film, Jihne Mera
Dil Luteya' many time.
Not really.
Oh really!
Sports quota, right?
What do you know about Sports?
Who is known as Flying Sikh?
She is asking you.
Milkha Singh.
Anyone can answer this question.
Ask him something tricky.
What is the full name of P.T. Usha?
Pilavullakandi Thekkeraparambil Usha.
I think the area of this ground is 80 m2.
Then go and measure it.
I feel like Im dying.
I unnecessarily flexed about it.
Keep running.
Hey, what do you eat?
Shall I complete the round for him too?
Here comes the new sports team.
[LAUGHING] Really?
You wanna bet?
You cannot run fast enough in
the ground to win.
Some people perform well in a race in their
dreams if they compete with camels.
But in your case, you must lose
to camels even.
Never mind. There are two more
races left before the finals.
Ill see you there.
Its about the perfect time.
So, dont you doubt yourself to
be the best always?
There are many newcomers who are
way too better in the game.
They think talent alone can bring a medal.
But no.
One also needs to have enough money.
I guess, he just has one-acre land
which earns 40000-50000.
So, its not easy to win a medal
for a village boy.
(Raja) Brother,
if we do farming ourselves, then the rice
crop gives a return of 80,000 INR.
Can I then expect to win a medal?
Then he can win the medal. [LAUGHING]
Hey, see these shoes. Bullet shoes.
What? Bulle shoes?
Brother, he is saying that these are bullet shoe.
Its not a Bullet shoe. The brand is Usain Bolt.
Brother, how much does it cost?
Come here. Let me have a look at yours.
My shoes are Gold Star brand.
My father got me this pair for five hundred rupees.
Its expensive.
Mine are for 2,49,000. Also, add 850/-
in this amount,
Then only you can also purchase.
These are quite expensive.
But its okay.
I will win a gold medal and then will
be able to buy them.
(Sarcasm) He'll win the gold medal.
Did you yesterday say that you would
win the medal this time?
Yes, Ill win the gold medal.
Do you think that you run
fast enough to win it?
Yes, of course.
In my village, when my fathers scooter
runs at the speed of 50kmph,
and I would run faster than the vehicle.
Then, happily, my dad would hug me
and say that I would certainly
win the Gold medal.
Oh really?
Give me your hand.
Okay, then let me see you run.
Go, show me.
Give the watch back to me.
My watch.
Didnt I run as much as necessary?
You ran well but give me the watch.
Just give it to me.
Wow, my child has worked really hard!
Father, this is just the beginning.
Just wait and watch me do better.
I have now found the perfect man for this.
Sir, please let him also participate.
He is a village boy.
He wont be able to run much.
Its just a practice match.
He will be happy to fulfil his wish.
Thank you.
My god.
Look at the over-smart newcomers.
[REFEREE] Look down.
How will I get to know
when to start running?
It's ok. I'll see the movement of the
next participant and get ready.
Thank you God.
Who is this young boy that is trying to
compete with Angad?
[CROWN CHEERING] Angad, Angad.
Stay and remain with us to win
every race like this one.
I ran quite well, didnt I?
What happened?
A muscle has been pulled.
Nothing else!
[ROOP] Something like this has
never happened to you.
Now you should always keep a
pain-relieving balm with you.
You will need it every time.
Leave me!
Take it.
Keep it with you.
You did well in the race because of this.
You shouldnt have challenged Angad.
Thank you.
You showed your daring with a wrong man.
You want Medal?
Thank you.
Get away.
Just take care of yourself.
We will teach you a lesson.
I have got a gift for you.
Take it. Its for you.
Wont you take it back?
No, its all yours.
Isn't it smart?
I want to tell you something.
I have a hearing problem.
And I have a problem with my vision.
Hey, play a song at least.
I don't want want any name or fame
I just want to add your last name with my name
I want you as simple you were
I want to do care of you at every second
How many times we fight and patch up
but we can't stay away for longer
I just follow your foot steps
We can't be separate
We enjoyed a lot today!
The party was lit in the club.
Angad, Lets go for after party.
I'll tell you my father's thought.
My father says, we can win gold medal
only with the hard work.
Keep on running, twenty more rounds.
Enough brother.
The morning is yet to happen.
Hey, keep running. Nothing to worry.
'Those who want to be successful, shouldnt
wait for the right time.
Come, lets complete the target.
Angad, that's my favourite song...
Shut up!
Brother, you will have to win
the race tomorrow.
Today, he'll defeat everyone.
I fear Angad doesnt start running
before the race begins.
I think my son is not interested
in athletics anymore.
It becomes obvious to lose interest
if theres nobody who can defeat him.
Dad, I dont want to lose ever!
Who is the one that is stronger than you?
He is not stronger than me but is faster.
Quite fast!
Its the same.
You should increase your diet.
Its of no use, father.
He eats food in the hostels mess.
But he still is able to run way too fast.
If you have decided that you want to win,
then lets focus on the process.
If your enemy is stronger than you,
first be a friend with him and then betray him.
Say Sorry to him. Go!
Both of you, say Sorry.
Say sorry..
Sorry, brother.
No no.
What happened, brother?
I heard, yesterday, these boys misbehaved with you.
Its okay.
Doesn't matter.
No dear. I apologise to you in their names.
No, please dont say any such thing.
You are senior to me.
It doesnt matter.
My father says
a good athlete spreads good energy around.
And for me, you are the one who
fills my body with zeal.
Please teach me how to run
fast like you do.
Will you?
Yes, I will.
Your hands are quite brawny
but body is lean.
Village people do have such a brawny build.
Come brothers, sit.
Please come.
Thank God that you have come with
us for the dinner.
What will you have?
Brother, you eat the same in the mess too.
My father said, lentils give us strength
and keep us active.
Okay, lets order it then.
Please get some lentins.
Why have we come here? Something special?
I have got something special for you.
For me?
Yes. Who else for?
Boss, this?
Is this for me?
No, no. You will wear this pair on the
day of the final race.
You will win in these shoes.
You have to swear on our friendship.
You won't touch them before the race.
I swear on our friendship.
Will I take them to the hostel and
keep them with me?
Yes, of course. These are for you only.
Lets have our first drink together.
No, no.
I dont consume alcohol.
Dear, everyone starts drinking for the friendship.
Have it.
Guys, listen to me. If my father gets to
know about it, he will
Dude, dont be scared.
You just have the drink.
Well take care of your father.
Yes, yes.
Yes, just go for it.
Lets have it.
Go for it, brother.
Tell me one thing.
How are you able to run so fast?
You just eat lentils.
And my father spends three
lakhs monthly on me.
On the other hand, for you,
lentils alone do the job.
How is it possible for you to run so fast?
Tell me.
Tell me.
These are mine.
Tell me, my friend.
I can answer you only if I
can see you clearly.
Else, I cant hear what you are saying.
But dear, we use ears to hear, not the eyes.
I am sharing a secret with you.
Dear God, please forgive me that
Im disclosing this.
My mother told me not to tell to anyone.
But my father told me that we can share all
our secrets with our close friends.
My eyes help me hear what others say.
You are just high!
Ssshhh..come here.
I read the lips with my eyes and then answer.
I cant hear from my ears.
Come here.
I'll run in these shoes.
Whats the time?
Stop talking about the time.
Please drop me at the hostel.
I think my father would have got to know.
Yes, tomorrow is an important day for you.
He can just read the lips but he cant hear anything.
Sir, may I come in?
Whats your name?
Rajveer Singh.
What is your fathers name?
Sardar Ajit Singh.
Where do you belong?
Lokha village.
Sir, he can read the lips.
Turn your face around.
What is the world record for the 100m race?
Sir, I told you that he cannot hear.
See for yourself.
Answer me.
Dont you what the world record for
the 100m race is?
Sir, its 9.58 seconds.
For what?
Today is the birthday of sirs wife.
He has to go home by 4:00 pm.
How do you know about it?
People who work with you were saying that today
Sir must reach home on time,
else hell be scolded.
Hey, you told me that he cant hear,
but he does it more than we do.
Go and continue the practice.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you, sir.
You must be confirmed about the complaint
before taking any action.
My time got wasted.
What happened? Where did you go?
Someone told the Principal sir that
I have a hearing problem.
So, he wanted to see me.
What did he say?
I answered every question of his.
Now, its all set.
He is a nice man.
If your relationship goes further, will your
father agree with this match?
You know him. He likes sportspersons a lot.
The way he runs, he will definitely win in
the Asia Commonwealth Games.
On the basis of his rank, he will get a job
in the government sector.
Hell get a job but what about us?
You know that my parents always wanted
to send me to the UK,
but I only want to live in Chandigarh.
Greetings, friends.
As you can see, we have reached into the stadium.
Now, we'll watch the final race.
Every racer, player and coach wait for this day.
As we all know that winner of this race will
directly participate in national race.
Yes, you heard it right.
Yes, it's absolutely right that winner
will be qualified for national.
The race is about to begin.
Players are ready,
refree is also ready.
Are you ready too, to witness?
Yes, yes.
You, scoundrel! You sell drugs in college.
Its a sports college.
Are these shoes yours?
You are still in all this.
I told you many times to stop selling this stuff.
How long has he been in this business?
Since he joined the college, he has made many
boys addicted to the substance.
He must be punished for what he has done.
You will wear these for the final race.
You have to swear to me
that you wont touch them before that.
Take him.
What happened, Rajveer?
See him at the police station?
we'll tell his mistakes there.
But he is an innocent person.
Why did you arrest him?
He was into selling drugs. He is
not a decent man.
Police have arrested Ajit's son
He used to sell drugs.
Ajit, your son, Rajveer has got some work.
Therefore police is taking care of him.
I think its true that Rajveer was involved
in the selling of drugs
Therefore, the police have arrested him.
Ajit, wait.
Your son has got his honour,
you should also take it.
He also used to be very ambitious
in his young days.
The father got insulted
and his son had handcuffs.
What was it for?
The fault was having the dream
of winning a medal.
Someone, please save me.
Dont hit me. Someone, please save me.
Arent you sleepy?
Let's get out everyone, it's lunch time.
Hurry up.
Are you a guest here?
Can't you hear at once?
Do you want to eat the food?
Then you should eat your share of food.
As soon as you finish the food which is
destined for you to have here,
youll be out of the prison.
Food in the prison is more expensive
than a five-star hotel.
The tiffin that is going out for someone,
costs five thousand rupees.
Ill manage with water.
You! Dont go there.
Do you want to have water?
Why are you crying?
Show me your smile.
Without my permission, no one
can go near this pot!
This rule is for everyone.
Give him a lesson.
Be careful.
Did you get hurt much?
That man is an oppressor.
He was punished and imprisoned for one killing.
He did four more here only, for the water.
Now he has five murder cases in his name.
He doesnt give anyone a drop of water
and you dared to take a whole mug.
No one can drink water without his permission.
Whenever you feel thirsty,
Im here for you.
In case you need me.
Move and make some space for me.
Im not feeling good here.
Please get me out of here.
Rajveer, we know that you are innocent.
You dont worry.
We have discussed your case with a lawyer.
How is my parents?
After so much struggle we got
permission to see you.
Your parents' meeting permission got rejected
numerous times.
People here are very bad.
Not even a single person is nice.
Rajveer, have some faith and patience.
You will win the medal next year.
Every week, my father would go to the
lawyer for my release.
He spent the money which he had saved
for my sisters marriage.
The piece of land was also given in mortgage.
I was cheated.
What was my fault?
What was the fault of my parents?
Just the dream of winning a 'Medal'?
Media persons like you will not show
a truth like this one.
After spending time at the lawyers office for one
and a half years, my father got me out on bail.
Just because of you, I lost my medal.
You betrayed in the friendship.
You're not worth of friendship.
You have hit DSP.
You dared to hit the police.
Turn him around.
He has to get something that he never forgets.
Go and get it heated.
[IN PHONE] crying sounds
[Mocking Bark]
He asked me, whether you want to
have a tea or milk? I said, only milk.
Hello number one.
The Number One has come for the second time too.
Yeah. People go mad in my love.
How are you?
[IN PHONE] crying sounds
[In Phone] go, run.
Run. Run. Run.
Look, she ran.
Hey, it's lunch time.
Youre late by fifteen minutes.
Cold food doesnt taste good.
You are no more a prey.
You have become the hunter.
I saw your performance.
I liked it.
But never try to become the king.
If you become habitual in living here,
you gradually lose interest in going out of this place.
I realised late.
My family called me Raja.
I have got to know that you cannot hear properly.
Is it true?
Its been ten years that I have been living here.
My name is Bakhtawar.
Dont try to fool me.
I can read anyones eyes from a
distance of 100 meters
and make out what the person must be thinking
and what his action will be.
I can do the same from a distance
of five hundred metres.
I can read the speakers lips.
The stories of our lives are similar.
As Punjab started growing,
I had a share in every small and big
business, running in my area.
I had an employee, Sajjan Singh.
I raised him like my own son.
He knew my in and out everything.
When he got to know about all
my unlawful trades.
then he cheated on me and informed the
police about my dealings.
And he captured all of my business places.
Now, your old friend, DSP Angad has come
along with Sajjan Singh
and the duo are running drug factories
in different parts of the state.
The whole world is full of fraudsters.
Whats your plan now?
I have decided not to plan anything.
Then uncover the water vessel.
Call for the water.
Someone get water for Brother.
Next week, my men will get you out of here.
You will get bail.
Just choose a nice day for this.
Any day will do.
Ill make it nice myself.
You can give me what I need.
So can be done in return.
What do you think I need?
To get free from here.
What else?
I need DSP.
I dont want to kill him.
I want him to chase me
as he used to.
How powerful your friends are
who save you every time from jail
You face court trials like a snake facing a mongoose
You don't even even eat normal food
You don't even even eat normal food
All the trades that you just saw and this
transport business once belonged to us.
Other than Mukhtiyar sir, no one could
take any decision.
Sajjan was just a gunman.
Now whatever he does, your old friend,
the new DSPs sharp mind behind.
They both are into the smuggling of narcotics.
And he has big connections with
all the ministers and bureaucrats.
It is rightly said, some people
feel their right on a piece of land
even when they dont own it anymore.
This is also true that one shouldnt be boastful
about rented land and a lady of one night
because their owners change
after a certain time.
Youve got a new boy in the group.
Its better, he should be inside the house only.
If he'll try to roar outside, other lions
will eat you up and he'll scream.
Yes, there will be screams.
Only time will tell who will cause it and
who will be made to do it.
You Rascal! Do you know even who my dad is?
and neither he himself.
Tell your friend that this whole stuff will be cleared
from here in the next 24 hours.
You, a small insect in the pond are trying
to capture the entire pond.
I'll bury you at a place where you'll crave water.
I have already been built hard, water
can do nothing to me.
Now, your time is over.
Here you go.
Without this no gang, becomes a star.
This is king of all guns.
It's time to separate the king from the queen.
You are happy as if youve kidnapped
Sajjans daughter.
What happened?
What shall I tell you?
I knew that he would create a problem for us.
Sajjan called me up.
and said that we have to apologise to him.
Otherwise, he will kill us one by one because of him.
He wants Raja in exchange for our lives.
I see.
He has ruled in the areas which
are not under him.
And you want to capture his land.
Sajjan is like a snake that can barge into anyones house.
Let's kill him.
He has made many people like you anonymous.
Where are you taking me?
Where are you taking me?
Brother, should we come?
Uncle, are you alright?
I just wanted to show you
that no one can make me anonymous.
Who is there?
I used to think that world is dangerous.
But now I know, not dangerous than me.
You wanted apology from us.
What were you threatening me?
Will bury me...
Crave water...
If there is any measuring tape to measure courage,
you wouldnt have mistaken between
frog and tortoise.
Im giving you three chances.
Ill leave you alive if any one of your men
will receive your phone.
[ON SCREEN] No one becomes powerful withe support.
[ON SCREEN] One needs to become strong himself.
[ON SCREEN] I'll become powerful myself.
Call the second one.
You have lost your third chance.
If you want to rule over the kingdom,
then the king must die.
DSPs empire of drugs mafia got finished
after Sajjans murder.
All the illegal business of DSP were handled by Sajjan.
DSP went insane after the loss.
Then he didnt leave any mark left in
search of Sajjans killer.
He didnt know the identity of the killer.
Therefore, I sent him my photo myself
to inform him about my arrival.
Raja, he would like to join you.
Before you begin your job, you should be
informed that theres no U-turn in this field.
Go back to your town.
I have advanced even in the face of punishment
Friends call me and invite me
I have spread my influence among enemies
After drinking alcohol, goats are sacrificed
Today, friends have initiated a battle with the enemy
Dare someone to touch us.
Today, friends have initiated a battle with the enemy
Dare someone to touch us.
When an athlete with a 'gold star' holds
a '30 star' gun
then other gangsters get scared of him.
Have a peg.
No sir, Im on duty.
As the sun sets, the environment becomes
such that everyone craves it,
be it a policeman or a common man.
Go and set them right!
Yes sir.
Where is your son?
I dont know.
I insulted you off before the whole village.
You didn't die of shame.
Arent you people ashamed of
all that happened?
Sir, why are you troubling him?
What did he do?
Where is your parents place?
Theres no one inside.
I'm pleading you, please leave.
Why are you hitting him?
Inform your son that wherever he is,
Ill find him out.
I request you to stop bothering us.
Play some song, dear.
Brother, our father has died.
he has left us alone.
He is not moving any bit.
Dad, wake up.
Raja, don't get out. Keep sitting inside.
Nira, you move the car.
Raja stop.
Raja got down.
Nira stop the car.
Have you lost it?
Son, go back.
I cant see one more of my family
members burn into ashes.
All of you, take him back.
Go back.
Mom, I want to cremate my father's body.
Just go back.
Take him away.
Raja, police is here.
Death is looking for you. Get aside
Hey, leave me.
Hello brother, I just saw Gora.
I'm on my way.
Follow him.
Hey, pick them too.
How are you, Ruldu?
Your desire has been fulfilled
by Raja. Enjoy Now.
I knew, Raja's time will come.
How are you doing Ruldu?
We were also waiting for clouds to get clean
for hunting our prey. Isn't it?
Sajjan's son killed my two men by cheating to
take his father's death revenge.
And Raja doesn't like betrayal.
[Mocking Gun Shot]
Wherever our uproar occurs, there will
be section 302 imposed.
Update the status.
He killed Gogi.
[LAUGHING] No sadness.
It's a film day.
I told you, no sadness
only happiness.
Change your clothes.
Let's go.
Have you seen your latest status?
You threatend him to kill him in next 24 hours.
Are you aware of his daring?
Where are you right now?
Usual place.
I'm watching one and only my
favourite Lokha Devgan's film.
Reach home. I'll see you there.
Mind your own business.
Hey, Bikka.
[ON SCREEN] You both have betrayed
me. You both will die.
You both will die.
You both will die.
Should I kill you?
Should I kill you?
Should I kill you?
Shoot shoot.
Ting tong.
People like you insult reprobation by just
uploading the status of reprobate.
Need courage to be a villain.
I was waiting for you only.
Put down your gun, Raja.
Put down.
Give the gun to him.
Good boy.
Why are you scared?
Come, sit.
Save me brother.
Speak again.
Save me brother.
Why will he save you?
Because of him only, your father died.
Do you want to save him?
We are back at the point where we started.
We'll do a race.
and you.
Me as well?
You have one minute extra.
Save him.
Stop, stop, stop.
Come out.
I told you, I dont't want to kill you,
just keep you like a dog following me.
This is just a beginning,
wait and watch.
He is a king
He is defamed
The one with a big name
Has a lavish lifestyle.
He receives greetings from every class of people
The one with a big name
Has a lavish lifestyle.
He receives greetings from every class of people
He has a unique aura and is known.
for his 30-star personality.
He is a big brother, a troublemaker,
The big brother is a troublemaker
The big brother is a troublemaker
He is special to us
The big brother is a troublemaker,
He is special to us
The big brother is a troublemaker,
He is special to us
He is talked about, praised, and spends extravagantly
He creates chaos and showers his glory.
All arms reside in his luxurious car
and they also crave blood as him
He stands tall at night
Carrying six pistols with him
Where can the world trap him
When he has the power and authority
The big brother is a troublemaker,
The big brother is a troublemaker,
He is a king
He is defamed
He is a king
He is defamed
The big brother is a troublemaker,
He is special to us
Yadav, elections are at the corner.
What is the update about funds?
Sir, we can't win Delhi only with Delhi's fund.
We need funds from nearer states too.
Other states have no problem sir
but in Punjab.
What's wrong in Punjab?
Raja is in Punjab.
He has a hearing problem and he
doesn't listen anyone's.
Fix a meeting with Raja.
Now watch.
Isn't I'm looking a gentleman?
Where to?
You forgot?
Today we have a meeting with Delhi's minister.
Don't you have to meet him.
Oh yes.
Let's go.
Let's go?
Change your clothes.
He is a minister.
Minister wants to meet me or my clothes?
then you do one thing, you
just come only in vest.
What an entry like a South film's hero.
Minister sir
They are reel heroes.
and he is a Punjab's hero.
You shoot with it
and we order to shoot.
Raja, yours and my story...
We'll have tea.
Order tea for them.
Yes sir.
We'll have extra sweet and
extra strong tea.
Ok sir.
Raja, yours and my story are
almost same.
I also belong from a very poor family.
To reach my school, I had to cross river everyday.
My family couldn't afford to provide
me tiffin in the school.
I used to eat small portions from
my classmates food.
Then only my hunger had satiated.
now circumstances have changed.
now, I eat everyone's tiffin alone
but my hunger never satiate.
Minister, there is a slight difference
in yours and my story.
You used to bring your food in the tiffin
but I used to get my chapati
packed in kitchen cloth.
Then one day,
my senior snatched my chapatis
from my kitchen cloth.
Then what,
I stabbed compass in his glutes.
That was the last day.
And today I'm big enough.
Now I don't have Chapati wrapped
in kitchen cloth.
But my compass and my
aim are still same.
Tell me the purpose.
World knows that food of
Punjab is very tasty.
I want Punjab's tiffin.
And this can be done by only one man
that is you.
Whatever you need in return. I'll give.
Can you bring back my Medal?
Let it be.
I have a friend.
Best friend.
He is a DSP.
I want him to be promoted as SSP.
I think, this is possible for you.
I love this man.
What we call in punjabi,
'You are great'.
I know.
Yadav, his work should be done.
Alright sir.
It's a deal. Today onwards arms
are yours and licence will be ours.
Send tea in the glass.
Send him tea.
I have the blood of a lion,
the status of a lion
Watch how this Jatt walks
with pride
I play with bullets and iron rods,
You can't match my
cleverness like I do
Don't try to challenge us,
you won't find success
We become a threat when we
become determined
Even God thought before creating us
Did He create the lion first or the Jatt
Even God thought before creating us
Did He create the lion first or the Jatt
It's a saying Raja.
We are talk of the town Raja.
One becomes famous after becoming
a talk of the town.
We are the kings of this town.
I am taller than the enemies
A fold of the court proceedings
Even the judges are astonished
hearing the bravery.
I move forward and backward,
breaking obstacles
The Jatt walks with pride,
lifting the weapon high
Raja, far enough property you can see is ours.
Not full but half.
But the minister did the deal with 20%.
Rest 30% is mine.
Even God thought before creating us
Did He create the lion first or the Jatt
Even God thought before creating us
Did He create the lion first or the Jatt
But what's the use of them
when you wear your uniform
with a dead conscience?
You were promoted to DSP because
of me and now an SSP too.
Because I wanted you at my level.
Raja keeps his enemies at
the same-level of himself.
You failed in friendship too.
But Raja wins in animosity too.
Police always fail in friendships.
They win the medals by
redeeming the animosity.
I have taught lessons in jail to
many people like you.
Throw him in his car.
Im not an easy fish to catch.
Putting me in jail is another thing,
you try to turn my face towards it.
If youll succeed, then Ill
become innocent.
If you will fail, then send me
your measurement.
Ill gift you a skirt of my choice.
Sir, the minister wants to talk to you.
Yes sir.
Leave him.
Sorry, sir.
Please come, sir.
Is he your relative, for whom
you are serving him?
Mr Bansal
Mr Bansal
you start the preparation of
constructing the warehouse.
They have to vacate the land at any cost.
I don't care if few of them
will die for that.
Sir, they are too many in numbers.
This is the advantage of
India's large population.
Here, more people laugh at
the funeral than cry.
May Raja bless peace to their soul.
We are against them
We are not afraid of anyone.
[LEADER] We are against them
[CROWD] We are not afraid of anyone.
We are against them
We are not afraid of anyone.
Stop, stop..everyone.
Now, no one can stop Raja
except he himself.
This colony won't get vacated.
I'll repay you for the damage done.
I have been informed, in this colony,
children are selling drugs.
But this girl opened my eyes.
And I got to know that she has
the same dream as mine.
Long live, Raja.
Long live, Raja.
Long live, Raja.
Long live, Raja.
Long live, Raja.
Long live, Raja.
Sir, Raja has refused to vacate the colony.
He has to get it done at any cost.
Minister, I havent come to inform
you that the colony didnt get vacated.
In fact, I'm saying don't even
try to vacate the colony.
Got it?
If you still plan the other way
then I'll disappear your backbone.
You won't be able to either sit or stand.
Okay sweatheart?
What Raja doesn't like?
Minister did the same.
It's late now.
Your mother must be waiting.
Drop him at his home.
Pay my regards to your mom.
Come, let's go.
One more thing
Wait, whoever is there.
They have eloped.
No idea, who were there?
I know.
Shocked to see me alive.
I think you have a good fortune.
But it's okay. You won't live long.
Now, you have to die before time.
Are you threatening me?
Not even a leaf move without my will.
It's alright, you got saved this time.
Next time you won't be spared.
Not now.
You had only one chance.
Yadav, what is wrong there?
I'll check, sir.
Sir, the road is blocked.
Yes, sir.
Hey, hey, hey..
What is this?
Hey, where the hell all of you have gone?
Oh, you are.
I didn't born at your time.
If I would have, then I wouldn't
let you born.
I remain four steps ahead
than people like you.
Shoot him.
Mastan Reddy
Gaurav Chaudhary
Harpal Singh
Mohammad Ali
And Yadav
His wife is a banker but her phone is
switched off since yesterday.
He has small kid. He hasn't come
home since yesterday.
Show your magic.
You were claiming that leaves
move only at your will.
Move them.
Leaves and world don't move anyone's will
someone has to make them move.
Tiffin of Punjab
You wanted to have.
We never send anyone hungry from Punjab.
and corn
Now, 9mm sweat dish.
Cabinet minister got murdered
during his recent visit in Punjab.
This incident has shook the
entire government system.
It's being said that gansgster Raja
has done this murder.
A Special Task Force has been
formed to arrest Raja.
And 'shoot at sight' orders have been issued.
Now, horse riding will be a fun.
Special Task Force and Punjab
Police are searching Raja
and trying to figure out his current
location and next plans.
Your passport.
This is yours.
This is yours.
Where is Raja's passport?
His passport will come tomorrow.
Don't worry for that.
Why are you taking tension?
Raja will meet you tomorrow
4:00 Pm at our own spot.
I'll come with you only.
Uncle, someone has to do
preparation for leaving.
Pandit, you do preparation with uncle.
We'll meet at 4 O'clock.
Okay brother.
Drop this money at my place.
My sister's wedding should be grand.
Don't let my mom know about it.
See, it's all about your fortune.
When I had ground to run then
I didn't have shoes
and now, when I have shoes,
then there is no ground to run.
I want to participate at national level.
I want to run as far that
world would left behind.
You can still run.It's not a big deal.
Make some tea na.
Even I want to have.
What about sugar and tea-leaves?
Here you go.
Raja, they are 50-60 policemen.
We can fight with 20 each.
Raja, they have arrested our uncle.
Uncle will be killed.
Raja, he shot our uncle.
He wasn't ours, he was a stranger.
What do you mean?
He was a cheater.
My mom used to say, friendship of a
bad man can put your life in danger.
Raja, we are about to die.
Till we are alive, time is ours.
We should let fox taste the grapes.
When fox isn't eating the grapes
then take back the grapes from it.
They are asking us to surrender.
Raja, you are doing wrong.
Raja has done wrong all his life.
First mistake to be born in the poor family.
Second mistake to dream for
winning national competition.
Third mistake, to trust friendship.
Fourth mistake, Raja knows that
earth is into wrong hands.
Till when this toy is in the hand
earth also bears me happily.
And sky also ready to bow.
Tell me if you have any last wish?
I want to win a race from you.
By cheating?
It'll be honest.
Ask your men not to interfere.
They won't.
From here to Kiln bridge.
Again you lost the race at the winning line.
I didn't lose.
You lost.
You were behind me in the race of life,
in college.
and in uniform too.
I'm ahead of you in the race of death.
I'm coming.
Who are you?
I didn't recognise you.
Raja has sent me.
This house has a bad omen
over happiness.
Don't crack jokes like that.
What do you want?
This Medal belongs to Raja, as
much it belongs to me.
Mr Raja can you see me?
If you will get a chance to run
for Punjab. Will you?
I was born to run.
This is syestem's problem.
Can you tell us your current location?
Weather you in India or abroad?
You'll be informed soon.