Medeas (2013) Movie Script

Everyone get outta the water.
Come on.
Get close to your ma.
Get close.
Come on.
All right.
Forward, hup.
Forward, hup.
Forward, hup.
Forward, hup.
Forward, hup.
Giddy up.
I'm scrubbing dada.
Okay, come here.
Mama was soaking.
Can you pass the salt?
Pass your sister the salt.
Don't feed the dog.
Keep doing that,
I'll give it away.
Eat your food.
Seventeen, eighteen,
nineteen, twenty.
Here I come.
Found you!
What's a S-P-I-G...
Do insects go to heaven?
Only people go to heaven.
Good people.
No one ever knows how bad...
If you're in the middle
of a doubtful day...
It's okay, it's okay.
Come down, come on.
I wanna see!
You know how it's been.
Ain't no food
out there for them.
Ain't no rain either.
Can't do it.
I'd like to help you out.
You know I would.
We've gotta do something
about that bill of yours
for the past couple months.
Been just as tough around here.
He has it!
It's not it.
Try moving.
Move over a little bit.
Get back, like, this way.
Go back.
Yes, right there.
No, I feel it.
If you could take only one,
who would you save?
Dad or Mom?
Mom has AIDS.
You have AIDS, too?
I dunno... maybe.
She's gonna die.
That's what happens
to people with AIDS.
Jacob, come on!
Come on.
Let's go.
Why are you walking
so slowly, buddy?
And then he landed
on the trampoline,
jumped over the moon,
and landed in a China shoe,
then went back home
to see his friends,
June Bug Head and Hairy Head.
...jumped over the moon,
and landed in a China shoe.
And then he went back home...
To see his friends.
To see his friends...
what were their names?
- June Bug Head and Hairy Head.
- June Bug Head and Hairy Head?
Are you serious?
"I give you Navar the Great,
the last of a renowned family
of fire eaters whose history
goes back
way back to Napoleon's days.
That preliminary there
was just, shall I say,
a warm up, because I want you
to be prepared
to be amazed now
with what Navar will do.
First, he will consume
five cigarettes."
Wait, Dad, no, please.
Just a little bit longer.
Bed, now.
Come on.
Goodnight, Dad.
Where do you think
you're going like that?
We're not leaving until
you wash that off your face.
Still don't see it.
"Do you know how sweetly
he once said to him..."
What's going on?
What happened?
Dad, no.
Let's go.
Where are you taking him?
- Get up.
- He didn't do anything.
Get in the car.
Come on.
When are you gonna
stop doing that?
Instead of doing that,
should be doing
what you're supposed to.
Fill her up.
Fifty five.
One, perform it on a hill.
Two, make sure you have
a lot of room,
so you don't run into anything.
Three, spin around
in clockwise circles.
Four, yell it while spinning
around in circles.
It should be rhythmical
and fast.
Five, if you're trying
to get rid of rain,
spin in counterclockwise circles
and say your chant backwards.
It works more effectively
in an open field,
and it won't work straight away.
"From waters of the heavens,
to waters of the sea,
bring my will upon me, I cast
this spell so mote it be.
From waters of the heavens,
to waters of the sea,
bring my will upon me, I cast
this spell so mote it be."
Here, let me see that.
This is supposed to help.
Is it better now?
Yeah, much better.
Stop it, Dad, stop!
Mom, Mom!
What did you do?
Que bonito es estar
hasta arriba
Cuando tienes
bastante dinero
Te resultan resto de amigos
Que te dicen que son
muy sinceros
Pero el dia que
se acaba la plata
Te das cuenta fueron
Hay amigos que
si son sinceros
Pero existen
de todos senores
Son muy pocos los
que se te acerquen
Y que tienen
buenas intenciones
La amistad
de aquellos companeros
Eran flasas
por puro dinero
You look like you wanna dance.
Hay un dicho
que dice la neta
Come on, dance with me.
Te visita si estas
en la carcel
I don't dance, sorry.
Everybody dances.
I don't.
I'm sorry.
So you see
I love you so much
That I don't want
to watch you leave me, baby
Most of all
I just don't
I just don't want
to be free, no
I was just,
I was just
I was just
sittin' here thinkin'
Of your kiss
and your warm embrace, yeah
When the reflection
in the glass
that I held
to my lips now, baby
Yeah yeah
Revealed the tears
that was on my face, yeah
Baby, baby,
I'd rather
I'd rather be blind, boy
Than to see you walk
away from me, child
So you see
I love you so much
That I don't want
to watch you leave me, baby
Most of all,
I just don't
I just don't want
to be free, no
I was just,
I was just
I was just
sittin' here thinkin'
Of your kiss
and your warm embrace
Look at me.
You're my wife.
You're my wife.
You're my wife.
Wanna see something?
Do you wanna touch it?
It doesn't hurt, look.
Dad says it won't
even leave a scar.
Look at mine.
What happened?
I was just chasing a cat and,
just as I was
about to capture it,
fell on a bunch
of broken bottles.
I was a cat in a past life.
So I've got a couple lives left.
I don't wanna go.
You're coming with us,
end of story.
Let me see it.
Put it away.
Don't do that.
Put it away right now.
When I head on out
For an evening
To stretch out
my wings and soar
Dad, I gotta pee.
The End
+ |T|h|e| |D|e|a|f| |B|o|y|s| |F|o|r| |B|o|y|s| |G|r|o|u|p| +
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