Medieval (2022) Movie Script

After the death of Bohemian king
and Holy roman emperor Charles IV
Everything has changed to the worse.
The darkness started to spread
And much of Europe sank into chaos.
The continent was engulfed in war, plague and famine.
The Catholic Church also fell into such disarray...
that two Popes were elected.
One in Rome...
and another under the protection of the King of France in Avignon.
Only the coronation of a new
emperor can restore the rule of law.
But Charles IV's first born son, Bohemian king Wenceslas
Who was chosen for that is drowning in debt.
He can only be crowned in Rome by the pope.
And all those who supported the second Pope in France...
are now trying to stop
his coronation at all costs
Inspired by the true story of Jan Zizka.
Forgive us...
for what we're about to do
Italy, 1402 AD
Six left
And against 2000 or more now
We won't hold much longer, Jan.
Five now
You wait till you see my last knight dead and then you show up?
You are alive.
Are you insane?
Maybe next time, you pay on time.
And we want groschen, no florins.
When have you not been paid by me?
When have you not been protected by us?
Jan, Prague is ten days away.
You know the importance of what I'm doing!
If I don't get there on time,
everything is gonna get worse.
I need to know who sent the assassins for me.
Who sent you?
just kill me.
Or... you can join us.
You are the last like most of us... and the luckiest.
The lord that hired us
wore czech coat of arms.
It was Henry of Rosenberg.
I'm supposed to trust a man who just tried to kill me?
Death brings life.
Lord Rosenberg...
if you do not loan those funds for my brother to go to Rome...
you may find men waiting
on the doorstep of your castle.
King Sigismund...
just because your half-brother
here gave you a bit of power...
We will not allow you to behave
like you do in your own kingdom.
This is not Hungary.
You allow me nothing!
I'm here solely to help my brother get to Rome.
To be crowned by the only true Pope.
Winter is coming. In a matter of weeks,
his journey will be impossible.
There must be a way to address your concerns.
I only have one concern.
If you were killed on this journey...
We will not only lose the money you ask now...
but also the substantial sums you already owe.
This will not happen.
God brought our father through Italy safely.
For the same crown.
And God brought your great-grandfather
back from Italy as a box of bones!
Great-grandfather did not have this!
I hold safe passage for our king
to it's coronation as emperor in Rome.
This will address your concerns, Rosenberg.
You look as though you've seen a ghost.
Girl... will trouble you for something to drink?
Or would fierce warriors such as yourself
prefer something more robust?
Do your worst, girl.
She can smell a real man.
I can smell one too, back off.
Thank you.
Somebody, somewhere is not to happy about sending the king to Rome.
Lord it's have to pay for it..
You must be very rich.
I can't spend it all, perhaps you'd like to help.
Maybe she would loan some to the king.
Yes, well no matter what the king manages to get...
...nobody poor or even outside that room will benefit.
Rosenberg, wait! You cannot just leave.
You promised your support if I brought the safe passage.
I promised that before Sigismund arrived.
Before he started to blunder and
brought our kingdom close to a civil war.
Forget about my money.
Thank you.
Lady Catherine.
Lord Boresh.
My father has missed you since your last visit.
If things keep going as they are...
I may come more often.
- Torak.
- It surprises me to see you back home.
Just passing through.
Still working for Sigismund?
We're recruiting... to support his brother's trip to Rome.
You're still as generous with the pay?
Even more so my friend.
Never been a better time for you to come back.
They are very soft and gentle.
they almost volunteering.
We'll think about it.
Well, unless you work for me,
you think about it in another kingdom.
Keep in mind, we're doing God's work here!
The God's work!
Henry, do something.
Stop hurting him!
Anybody else who doesn't want to join your king's army?
Every citizen has to be properly judged...
according to the law decree given by Emperor Charles IV.
He's dead.
Sigismund is the new judge and jury here.
Do something, we can't let them do this.
That's Sigismund's soldiers recruiting, I'll deal with it...
But we might need the help of your father.
Whatever it takes.
We have come to the conclusion
that kidnapping is the only way...
to help Rosenberg keep his word.
I'll give you a discount for taking him.
Not him, his fiance, Catherine.
We, we don't kidnap women.
Good rule.
This is the king and his rules.
It makes no difference.
If you still believe that things could be changed for the better...
I need your help.
There is something you should know, but keep it for yourself.
Her uncle is the king of France.
More wine for everybody!
And a toast for Havier.
- We will miss you brother.
- He died a good death.
One to God.
That's enough son, just one more, okay?
Come on dad, I know.
Grab the bucket.
No, agh!
There is someone up there, a knight.
Well, ask if he can help carry buckets.
I'm not lying, he's coming down.
Stay back, Jan.
So is it true you killed a boar with your bare hands?
Don't believe everything people say about me.
I had a knife.
And the boar was small.
So was I.
Not much game left, but there is a...
But they're still fighting with your army in Italy?
How many men have you kill there?
- Hello.
- Hi.
Barbara, Matthew...
This is my brother Jan.
It's a pleasure sir.
Your father spoke a great deal about you.
- I'll come back later.
- Good night.
Good night.
Thank you, Jaroslav.
Your wife?
No, my mother died of the plague, they're rebels.
Shush now boy, time for bed.
Grandfather didn't like anyone to touch that.
I know.
This was given to me...
by emperor Charles IV's imperial chamberlain.
This boar tusk will make you fast and strong.
So are you here to kill someone?
In bed now!
Are you?
Of course not.
No, come on!
You need it among other things.
I can repair all of the Truknov with this.
My father was proud of you, you know?
You should've been there.
You get 1000 for each of us who makes through this.
A 3000 total to be split.
Kidnapping a woman may bring bad luck.
For 1000 groschen I'll buy you some good luck my friend.
Will you join me for service?
And have people think
I'm a supporter of Jan Hus?
If you came to the service...
you'll realize that's not just what Jan Hus preaches.
Those people hate Sigismund just as much as you do.
You do realise that many of them also hate me.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
But to support Hus...
who speaks sour against the very doctrine of the Catholic Church.
Jan has put the Jesus' doctrine over that of the Pope.
It might be what the church needs to come together.
And Hus might be right...
Until I know with absolute certainty, I will be outside.
Bless you my lady, bless you my lord.
Bless you...
I will pray for you.
Not out loud please.
Thank you.
While you're in there, pray to God
for forgiveness for failing to kill Boresh.
These kings and lords are fighting each other...
- Welcome Lady Catherine.
- Hello Lady Catherine.
instead of going to war to survive.
Look around, king Sigismund is recruiting our innocent brothers...
to build an army for Wenceslas' coronation in Rome.
But at the same time, he is plundering
our kingdom in the name of the Lord.
Is this how he imagines the path to unifying the Holy Church?
Which two Popes have now brought to the edge of the ruin?
It was the ambition of those cowardly rulers who let it tore asunder.
They only act for themselves.
These kings and lords, they act like they own...
Lady, would you please.
- The brothers would like a word with you about your generous donation.
- Everyone is equal in His eyes.
Be strong and spread the word to your neighbors.
Let us sing.
Ye who are God's warriors
and of his law
Pray to God for help
and have faith in Him.
Lord forgive us, for what we are about to do.
Lady Catherine?
Lady Catherine?
Lady Catherine, is everything alright in there?
My lady?
- Open that.
- Yes, sir.
Stop, stop! What are you doing?
- You have the key?
- Well, go and get it!
- You, go with him!
- Yes, sir
- Get inside.
- Yes, sir.
Move on!
Get the door!
Damn it!
Come on! Come on! Search those houses! Come on!
Did you enjoy the ride?
Not really horrible, smelled almost like your feet.
My feet?
Do you have any idea what you've done?
And in a church? Don't you understand that is the house of God?
If it means anything, I refused to go inside.
But take the groschen, don't ya?
Admiring your fianc's handywork.
He wouldn't do this.
I'm gonna miss this once you're married.
Oh no, you won't.
'cause the things you do for me.
My little princess wouldn't even dream of it.
Open the gate!
Open the gates!
My God!
Search there.
Lord Boresh.
He'll take her to your hunting castle in the next few days.
Good, so we don't have to worry about money anymore.
Perhaps we should use more of her political value.
I don't want anyone to recognise who you are.
My fianc will take off your corpse.
I need you alive.
I'm not cold.
I wouldn't be surprised...
I assumed your brother was behind this.
But your involvement makes much more sense.
I'd watch your tongue if I were you, I'm here to help.
To help me? So you're saying it was your brother.
Once I return your lovely fiance...
I want the full support of your nobles' union for any and all activities here.
You'd go so far as to take the Bohemian crown off your brother's head?
And don't look so shocked, you and your nobles' union already make plans to take it.
That's why you tried to kill Boresh.
What about the business I could lose with her father...
for making an arrangement with you?
You know how much he hates you.
If I was king here, I would let you take so much more.
And as you know, her family hates most
to see my brother being crowned emperor.
On top of everything...
If you haven't found her by now, you won't.
What makes you so confident that you can?
I don't need to find it, God will deliver her to me.
It's so far, you're stronger than I am.
Where is Jan?
In the house maybe.
- Do you tuck it in here?
- Yes.
- Just let it go of your arm.
- Yeah.
Stand steady, you heard?
Put your arm down.
- Do you see your target?
- Yes.
You see?
Run! Go! Run!
I don't know if I would let him play with this.
Do you see how dangerous it is?
Leave him!
- Leave him be!
- Run!
Leave him!
He's the real Zizka huh?
Jan? Come over here.
Look, it's Truknov, we're moving!
Search the houses!
I know, you fought bravely.
No, Sigismund's man, Torak.
He let me alive to give you a message.
Your brother will hang if she's not returned to him.
Death brings life.
It doesn't make sense.
Why would Sigismund want to steal her from our king?
Maybe he wants the ransom only for himself.
We can't trade her.
Of course not.
We're not doing this, no girl, no money.
We don't leave our men behind.
He wasn't one of us.
He did help with the caves.
Torak warned us not to work in this area.
So even if we trade, you know he'll never let us go.
Your brother will die anyway... but right along with us.
We need your help.
Speak with the rebels.
You'll be payed well.
You don't have to pay us.
Jaroslav is a good man, one of us.
This is business, not a rebellion.
Not for us.
We are here to fight for justice.
To keep her fianc from taking our land.
If we die without a son...
Rosenberg's law deeds our property to him.
I'm here for my daughter.
I'm just here to kill every Rosenberg soldier in southern Bohemia.
And then him.
I need your help sending a message.
Where are your weapons?
We just killed two of Rosenberg's men.
You're welcome here.
I can trust you to protect her.
My Lord...
You know my brother is too weak to unite the Holy Church...
under Rome.
This task is mine.
With your blessing, I will use Catherine...
to keep the French king from getting in my way.
So we can achieve our goal.
King Sigismund...
God answered your prayers once again.
Has He?
Tomorrow she will be yours.
What about Zizka?
He will be prepared 'cause I trained him.
But I'm better.
Push back! Yes, again.
And one!
Hands forward.
Like this?
I need a blacksmith and big nails.
He first saw you in the church of Jan Hus.
What were you be doing there?
He is the only one who's not afraid of the Church.
And how it twists what's really in the Bible.
Maybe there is a thing or two we can agree on.
None of your fianc's men didn't like my cooking.
Something more must have happened.
A lot more.
It is nothing compared to what some have suffered.
Nobody wants to be here.
We can only take so much.
Why are you running?
You cannot betray Sigismund you don't know who he is.
It's good enough for your fianc.
Sigismund does this on his own!
By rescuing me, he'll force my fianc to do his bidding for him.
I can't live with that!
God's will.
Because you believe that kings
are placed on the throne by God.
Please tell me more about God's will.
Tie her up.
Your nephew was murdered because of you.
Is that God's will?
If you hadn't have done this, he'd still be alive!
Take that off!
Let's move!
Come on!
Let's go! Hurry up!
I went too far bringing up your nephew.
We're here.
You built yourself a real army, right? I am proud of you.
Preferred if it was just the two of us.
I warned you, didn't I?
Little shit was a thief anyway.
Or did you give it to him as a token of your affection?
Bring out my old friend's brother!
I'll never go with your king.
You prefer to stay with your kidnappers?
Captain Martin...
Did Rosenberg give you permission to impale children?
- Lady Catherine...
- I'm in charge here
This is all in the name of the church and saving you, my lady.
I am in charge now.
And if this animal comes near me,
you'll lead your men against him.
Lady Catherine, he gives...
You're not in your kingdom with your sisters anymore.
Building your uncle's grand alliance
with your legs spread, my lady.
What have you done? You killed him!
If father was alive, he'd be ashamed you are his son!
Come here!
Turn around, we're here.
Could I have a little?
Shield! Lift it up!
They fired!
Wait! Attack!
We need more of Rosenberg soldiers, now!
Go! Run!
Watch her!
Pull back!
Pull out!
What are you doing? You cowards! Fall back!
Rosenberg's foot soldiers
Ye who are God's warriors
and of his law.
Pray to God for help
and have faith in Him.
That always with Him you will be victorious.
- Too much?
- No, sir!
The groschen are back in our pocket.
Indecipherable dialogue.
It was a trap.
They have her back! I know where they are!
This is not a good way to go.
It've been an honor fighting alongside you.
I hope she's worth it.
Her uncle is the king of France.
Zizka, what's the plan?
Catch him!
Come on! This way!
- Zizka!
- There!
Come on, let's go!
Jan! Jan!
Hey, up here!
- We have to go back.
- We can't.
It's a dead end.
Follow the smoke to all the exits, got it?
Give my dogs their tracker.
Torak opened Jan's head, we have to get back in there and help him.
No! We follow his plan.
And regroup at the meeting point near the hunting castle.
All of this because of his brother.
All of this because of you!
They have our tracks, we can lead them away from Jan.
But we have to go now.
Jan! Help!
No! Anna!
Death brings life.
There must be a reason for all of this.
Keep the way!
My mother gave me this ring.
Before I lost it...
Who is Anna?
You mentioned her in your sleep.
Don't disturb that.
How long do you think it will be
until the water is low enough?
I have to go home soon and solve this all out.
We have to wait a bit longer.
You're not letting me go?
I saved your life.
Ask God where we hide from her father if they killed her...
because of this incapable animal.
I'd do this differently.
I'd just give your brother what he wants.
Why would you break our agreement?
Less chance of her dying and me along with her.
Not necessarily.
Out of my way, you animal!
If you change our agreement
I'll do whatever it takes to kill her.
I will burn every tree I will burn every man
in the forest and I will put and end to her.
And even the King of France will go after you...
So... if you are not with me, you're against God.
Thought I mention that earlier?
Where is Zizka?
Maybe we should let the dogs play.
No, please.
Did you see the woman?
Come on, faster!
Look, down there!
Thanks for the armor.
I'm gonna need more sticks.
Conrad is gone.
Son of a bitch!
That smell brings back memories.
Conrad, since what do we owe this honor?
They will deliver her to the king's hunting castle.
But I can take you to where they regroup before that.
Ten thousand groschen.
Have you seen this so so many times you no longer feel a thing?
Jan Hus teaches us...
I heard him preach, but he's never been to war.
What happened to Anna?
She's gone.
I can see that you cared for her.
Those feelings may be the only thing
you ever know that's true.
If there's one thing that was given to us by God...
maybe that's all we're given.
Did you love her?
I ask as much of myself.
I'm not certain you can feel this.
My father gave me the freedom to follow my heart.
Just as he did his people.
But my mother, she felt it and unlike me she wouldn't marry for love.
And if the marriages of my sisters and I were arranged, well...
It could serve the greater good.
Because of you, Zizka will be close to deliver her to king Wenceslas.
Get the horses ready!
Let her go!
You must kill him, father.
They enforce the laws, Jan.
God will not allow this.
God's blessings are not what He gives...
but what He takes.
Go get help!
Let's go!
God's will.
I'll give you time to get some distance.
The one who paid to murder Lord Boresh was your Rosenberg.
There's much of him that you don't know.
- Alright! Let's keep moving!
- Yes, sir!
Get the horses! Go!
I won't let them use me, anymore.
My will.
Hunting castle.
He's here? Rosenberg with our money?
Your brother now helps Rosenberg try to rescue her.
Then my brother doesn't know we are behind it.
You'll get word to him.
He knows.
We can always go to Rome next spring.
You must unite the Church
and you must unite Europe.
Tell me, do you want to be emperor?
What can we do to make sure that Catherine escapes my brother?
Pray for them and for me.
This must be punished without mercy.
According to laws passed down by emperor
Charles IV extended hand of God.
By order of Lord Rosenberg...
I sentence you to hang for treason.
Let him go, he done nothing.
We have to do something.
Too many.
Please sir, just tell us what he's done.
We will punish him.
This pastor helped Zizka!
How can you live with this?
Hang him!
No! No!
No, David! No!
Stop! Stop it!
Lady Catherine?
Take him down! Take him down! STOP IT!
Get him down!
Get your hands off her you fool!
Take him down! Get him down, you fool!
No! Stop! Take him down, now!
They have her.
You can take her, but let Zizka go.
You better back off!
Or everyone of you is gonna die here.
Let him go!
- Yeah.
- Let him go!
Stand back!
We can still get them, it's not far...
You alright?
Don't know...
May be the first thing I ever done that actually changed me!
He killed ten men to save me.
And she... she killed the captain herself.
Zizka...there' so many joining us.
We no longer need to run.
We'll help you take Catherine to the king.
I'm taking Catherine to her father.
Her father?
She's the only chance we have against Rosenberg here.
When he hears what's happened, he'll do more
damage to Rosenberg than you ever could.
Let's go!
We have to take her to the castle.
Her father is in France.
We can get paid here tomorrow.
Her father will pay, you can have my share.
It's a waste of it.
Torak has ten more days to find us.
It's an order!
Come on!
You're really going against your own king?
Do you remember what we were taught?
Father was wrong.
You look as though you think, you might be staying.
Well, your hospitality has me thinking about it...
But please, no more is necessary.
How could you help Rosenberg against us?
Against you?
I thought helping him might put us in his good graces.
For that money you need.
I could never imagined that you would be part of such a thing.
I assume that as you now know, you will cease.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised to see you.
I need any soldier you can spare to help your mercenaries bring her in.
And if you do that, I'll support your trip to Rome.
For all this extra trouble, we also need you to lower the taxes...
for the people in your region.
How many times has my good brother told me...
that God will always find a way for us?
Why are you doing this?
When I was boy, all I wanted to be was a king's knight.
I trained in the woods, I trained... hard.
Then one day king's knights hanged Anna for killing a falcon.
I tried to stop them, but...
My father made me understand that
what had happened was right...
because the king's law is God's law.
The kings may be chosen by God...
But they still make the mistakes of men.
Stop! No!
France is too far.
I will carry on faithfully in the duties which were entrusted to me at birth.
I'll work tirelessly against all those who work against us.
And until our work here is done, the world may be mine.
But the power and glory belong to You for ever and ever.
Thank Lord for helping me to get.
You will never get away with this.
Rosenberg and I already have a deal.
That was just to convince you to empty your castle
which meant that I could come along and...
take it.
And in return for my help, the support of lord Henry Rosenberg...
will give me not only your crown but...
maybe even the crown of the emperor too.
I don't remember anything about that.
Did I forget to mention that?
How distracted am I?
I'm here!
Lord Boresh is looking for you.
He was attacked to the hunting castle
but his captain got him out.
Where is Catherine?
She's heading to the castle with my men.
Sigismund has taken it... the castle.
He cannot be allowed to get Catherine.
He cannot be allowed to get her.
That will be the end of the kingdom.
When even those who rule can sink this low...
it is not possible to change anything.
And to think I overlooked these people.
There's a way... for you...
all of you.
If you choose to fight, you may die.
But for your cause!
And that is a good death!
I have already lost too much.
Please, stay here.
David, bring more help from other villages.
Your compensation.
Where is Lord Boresh?
Hunting with the king.
Why so anxious?
Do it again!
Hold your arrows!
Show us another way out.
from here
Go get it!
Go get it, you idiots!
Protect this door!
Stay back!
Once we're out with the money, she's yours.
Cover us!
Let's go!
Don't move!
No! No!
It's mine!
No! Zizka!
Look at me! Look at me!
No rules.
You are the last, come and work for me.
- As you wish.
- You will kill him for no reason.
Death brings life.
Do you understand what you've done to me?
I got you out.
You should be alright.
Better than ever.
Because now I know how it feels.
Ye who are God's warriors
and of his law.
Pray to God for help
And have faith in Him.
Ye who are God's warriors
and of his law.
Pray to God for help
And have faith in Him.
After the death of his brother,
Sigismund became king of Bohemia.
But the people revolted against him.
When Sigismund branded them heretics...
and orchestrated Europe's crusades against them.
Jan Zizka led the vastly outnumbered peasants.
Lord, forgive us for what we're about to do.
Jan Zizka is considered one of the
greatest military commanders
and innovators of all time.
He was never defeated.
Dedicated to all those who fight for freedom.