Mediterranean Fever (2022) Movie Script

I killed her.
Look, you're tired, you
didn't sleep yesterday.
Go get some sleep and
we'll talk later. It's all good.
Listen, sometimes sleep deprivation
causes people to talk nonsense.
Something similar happened to
me. I was driving and hadn't slept.
Then, as I'm driving, a cat
jumped in front of the car.
So I ran it over, see?
When I got out to see what'd
happened, the cat ran away
and everything was fine.
Do you get my meaning?
I didn't run the cat
over, I just imagined it.
I kill your mother and
you talk about cats?
Let's say you did kill her. How?
- I pushed her, and she fell.
- Oh, I see.
Perhaps you pushed her,
but it was she that fell and died.
How so?
Push someone, and they
may or may not fall. Right?
- And?
- Ok.
So she, my mother, fell.
But it's not your fault she did.
She could have not fallen.
Is that logical?
How could pushing a 70
year old not make her fall?
Wait, let me finish my theory.
You either push someone or you don't.
Now, let's say you pushed her, ok?
She either falls down or she doesn't,
and here she did. Follow?
When she fell, she
could have died or not.
See? But she went and died.
This doesn't mean you
killed her. God forbid, no.
Everything's good. Feel good.
Are you sure she's your mother?
Wake up, are you still asleep?
Dad, I'll be late for school.
Go get ready.
I've been dressed and
ready for ages. Look.
Did the phone ring?
Yeah, it was Mom.
What did she want?
Dad said no phones at the table.
Butt out, snitch! Always
trying to tell on me.
I've told you, be nice to your brother.
He always gets me in trouble.
And you let him.
"Why don't you tell him off?"
Say it in Arabic.
Why do you scold me and not him?
Put the phone down.
Cucumber or red pepper
on your labneh sandwich?
Red pepper.
Morning, kids. Off to school?
Morning. Yes, yes. Hurry up, kids.
When you get back,
I need you to move the sofa.
The color has faded
from facing the sun all day.
I'll move it, why not ask me?
It's too heavy, darling.
Waleed, stop by, ok?
Dad, can I get lunch
with friends after school?
What day is it? Tuesday?
No, I've told you 100
times. Only on Fridays.
You have dance this afternoon.
How would you fit that in?
- If I finish...
- It was a rhetorical question, dear.
Bye, darlings.
See you at 2 o'clock at the gate.
Have a nice day.
Have you been walking daily?
Daily, no.
Problem is I need to get out of
bed before I can go for a walk.
Most people don't
give it a second thought.
You put on shorts and
shoes and you're off.
Well, you know.
Yes, I understand.
I'm sure it's hard.
What most people regard as "normal"
becomes complicated with depression.
But you refuse any medication.
So you need to do these things.
Things like exercise,
yoga, and eating healthy.
In addition to our sessions of course.
Or are they not helping either?
Can I be honest?
I feel like I'm wasting both of
our time and my wife's money.
It brings me no relief.
I'm going round in circles.
I've been coming for 2 years...
And if I may be even more honest,
I'm even more depressed
on appointment days.
I try to find any excuse to cancel.
I leave your office in utter despair.
I don't know if the problem is me,
you as my therapist,
or this type of treatment.
I don't know.
Listen, Waleed.
Everything you're saying is
normal. Don't blame yourself.
Two years of therapy is not long enough
to raise your hands in surrender.
For any kind of treatment.
From my point of view,
I think we should continue.
Commit to our sessions,
even if you have to force yourself.
These things take time.
Well, your time is up.
See you next Tuesday.
Yes, Ola.
Were you asleep?
Of course not, I'm working.
What's that noise?
Are you watching TV?
No, not at all? I told you,
I'm doing some writing.
Must be the neighbors.
Listen, the school called.
Shams is sick.
He has a bad stomach ache again.
I want you to take him to the doctor.
I made an appointment.
Dr. Yasser is on vacation,
there's a Russian doctor instead.
- What about here?
- No.
Doesn't it hurt here?
- Does it hurt here?
- No.
- Does it hurt here?
- Yes.
I understand.
You can go sit with your father.
I can see that it's the...
4, 5, 6...
The 6th time you've come
with the same symptoms.
The fact that it's the 6th
time with no change at all,
doesn't mean it's normal. It's
actually strange and worrying.
I completely agree with you.
But you have done all the tests.
Colonoscopy, gastroscopy,
helicobacter, several fecal tests...
This boy's been through hell.
There's just one test
you haven't done yet.
- Which?
- For Mediterranean Fever.
- What's that?
- It's a simple blood test.
Nothing painful or intrusive,
but the results take time.
Ok, but what is this disease?
Mediterranean fever is a genetic virus
that infects people who
live in the Mediterranean.
The symptoms are the
same your son complains of.
Alright, give me the form.
We'll go to the lab tomorrow.
First we have to fill out an intake form.
You need to answer some questions.
- What's that?
- Nothing, I'll explain later.
I have most of the answers.
What nationality are you?
And... what religion?
What is your religion?
What is this racist question?
What do you mean?
It's the computer, sir.
I don't really care. You
have to fill out the form.
I'm not answering
that. Skip that question.
It won't let me skip.
It's a required question.
You have to answer to continue.
Write "Palestinian."
Are you making fun of me?
Palestinian is not a religion.
It is for me.
Write it. What do you care?
- How is Shams?
- He's ok.
I gave him a painkiller
and he fell asleep.
It's the same as always.
In the morning, the pain is stronger
and in the evening it subsides.
He's sleeping.
I told you, you didn't hear.
Is Nour in bed?
Yes, I sent her to her
room until tomorrow.
- Why?
- Because she's cheeky.
Waleed, don't talk like that.
Ola, that girl is disobedient.
She made a scene
about taking the bus home.
Fine. I'll take a shower and
see her. We'll talk afterwards.
Remember your mom's
birthday party tomorrow?
Yes. I remember her nonsense.
Don't forget to buy her a gift.
Damn it!
A brand new door for nothing!
I'll take it down and
replace it. No problem.
What, so I'll have no door?
Of course not,
whaddya mean "no door"?
You just said you'd take it down.
No, I won't take it down.
Dear Lord! You wanted to replace it.
Listen, I said I could remove it,
and put in a new one
so that you're happy.
And what do I do without a door?
Ma'am, listen, the door is fine.
There's nothing wrong with it.
Maybe it's a little off-kilter,
or needs some oiling.
If I had an assistant,
I'd take it down, oil
it, and put it back up.
You'd see how smooth it was.
When will your son be home?
Forget my son.
Try my neighbor. He's always home.
Put your arm around her.
Smile, please.
How are you, Antoine?
How's your health?
Still breathing, thank God.
But not without machines, is that it?
Of course not. I'd be dead already.
But are you happy?
I'm counting the days.
If we lived in a normal country,
we could have chosen when to...
end it.
Know what I mean?
Take Holland or Switzerland,
they have laws that allow it.
It's not illegal and they
don't call it "suicide."
You just go to a cozy cabin,
a doctor comes. You listening?
An anesthesiologist.
He gives you something,
while a nurse holds your hand.
you go peacefully.
Wouldn't you want that?
It would end your misery.
Come. Take me away from here.
I've been looking all over for you!
Why are you sitting alone?
Why not?
It's not nice for your mother.
My mother's happy, it's her party!
Don't tell me "it's not nice."
You just can't, can you?
You can't.
There's a family photo so get ready.
Of course, the happy family photo.
Shall I bring you a plate, Dad?
No, I'm full.
The food isn't very good anyway.
What are you drinking?
It's fine, I don't want to drink either.
Can't wait for this nonsense
to end so I can go to sleep.
How's your writing going?
It's going ok.
It's not going at all, huh?
By no means.
Don't worry, it'll pick up.
Don't you think you're being selfish?
I'm selfish, Ola? Me?
What, I'm the selfish one?
Having children is anything but selfish.
It's the most selfish thing of all.
- But we already have two.
- Exactly!
Why have another? I don't get you.
I like having a big family
and I want another baby.
You know babies grow up?
You know in a few
years he'll be ungrateful,
and you'll spend your
life worrying about him.
- Kids are a burden.
- Even ours?
A burden?
Not just a burden.
- But a burden.
- Should I lie?
A burden, but not
only that. I adore them.
But I can't handle
another child right now.
I don't have the energy to run,
and carry diapers by the kilo.
I can barely stand myself,
Ola, can't you see?
The last thing I want
is to have another baby.
When do we get to the new
house with our new furniture?
Right away.
Be careful with this.
Jalal? Why can't we go already?
Let them get the things first!
Evening, neighbor.
Sorry to impose.
We're your new neighbors.
We just moved in.
The lights are out.
Do you have a flashlight?
What time is it?
What do you want?
The electricity is out.
We can't see a thing.
Happen to have a flashlight?
You mean this?
Exactly. Thanks, man.
Sorry to bother you, but
nobody goes to bed so early.
Good night.
Could you lower the music?
- Say again.
- Could you turn it down a little?
- Well come in then.
- No, thanks. I'm in a hurry.
Come in.
I didn't put sugar in.
It's fine. I take it without.
My wife baked a
cake, but I can't find it.
There's no need. We said no sugar.
What do you do for work?
I write.
What do you mean?
Like a notary? For the courts?
No, I'm a writer. I'm
trying to write a novel.
Oh, a writer!
That's why the music bothers you.
I figured you didn't like George Wassuf.
Good evening.
Evening, neighbor. Where you headed?
Going for a run.
Exercise is the best thing. The best.
Did you hear about
the accident yesterday?
No. What accident?
- On Zionut.
- Al-Jabal.
There was an SUV going
up Zionut, fast as a bullet...
- Al-Jabal.
- What?
- It's called Al-Jabal Road.
- What Jabal?
On Zionut Road.
You hadn't heard so I'm telling you.
I don't care. It's called
Al-Jabal, not Zionut.
It was called that before occupation,
and it still is.
- You're one of those!
- Meaning?
The Palestine Land Day
type, all that nonsense.
Where are you from exactly?
Outer space?
Me? I don't care. You can
take Palestine and shove it.
Know what the problem
is with us Palestinians?
Ignorant people like you.
Sit, sit.
Goodness! He'll bite him!
Careful, they'll bite you.
Khansa, sit. Josephine, sit!
Don't worry, ma'am. She's just playing.
Sit, sit.
Good girl, sit.
What's her name?
Originally she was called Josephine.
One day I took her
and her brother hunting.
A friend shot her brother by mistake.
When Josephine saw it
she went completely mad.
I swear, she cried like a human.
She spent 3 days
mourning, didn't eat or drink.
It's amazing how sentimental dogs are.
Anyway, ever since,
I decided to call her Khansa.
Khansa, the Arab poet, whose
brother Sakher was killed.
She wrote him a eulogy: "Al-Kahnasa'a"!
Alright man, good night.
Sit, sit.
Josephine, sit.
Stop it. Khansa, stop.
Josephine, sit.
She doesn't like her new name.
She'll get used to it.
What's that one called?
Akhtal? Why?
After the poet Al-Akhtal.
I got that, but why?
Al-Akhtal was a Christian poet.
I know.
And he was allowed to drink.
He was a drunk.
- So?
- This dog just loves beer.
I give him a six pack
and he goes right to sleep.
Ever since he was small.
So I called him Akhtal.
You like classical Arabic poetry.
It was the only class
I paid attention to.
We were a fucking great nation.
Yallah, see you.
- Hello.
- Sorry, can you turn down the music?
We're not going to agree on music.
Please, come in.
I'm in a hurry.
Come in and I'll turn it down.
See, we found the cake.
She put it in the fridge. Who does that?
Where else then?
I don't like putting things away.
Just leave things out in clear view.
So that when you want it, you find it.
She's the opposite of me.
She wants everything put away
and tidied.
Tell me, Waleed, this
writing, does it pay?
Not yet.
I still haven't published anything.
But it could.
If the book sells, you
could make a living.
If you don't mind me
asking, what do you live off?
We get by.
How so?
I used to be a bank clerk.
I saved some money while there.
But money runs out!
True, but until it does,
I will have hopefully published a book.
And what does the wife do?
Ola's a nurse at the hospital.
- Now I understand.
- Understand what?
You're like me, you live
off your wife's money.
- Not exactly.
- Yes, you do.
Since Raneen has a steady job,
I choose any job I want.
Those I don't like or
that are outside Haifa,
I don't take them.
You're in construction?
Construction, renovations,
equipment rental, scaffolding,
plastering, painting, tiling,
This is a very quiet neighborhood.
Yes, quiet.
It was at least.
Hello, neighbor.
You must be Ola, Waleed's wife?
I'm Jalal, your new neighbor.
Do you need help parking?
There are no spots.
I'm about to go, take mine.
Really, thanks a lot!
We have to find a solution.
This lot is for tenants,
not any old bastard.
If he hadn't given me his
spot, I couldn't have parked.
Shams, enough water. You'll get full.
Park in the street and walk.
Why make a big deal?
I'm not. Who said it's a big deal?
I had a long day,
I just wanted to find
a spot near the house.
And you found one.
- Dad!
- What? Your belly's full of water.
What, Ola?
What do you mean you had a long day?
Not a thing.
Come on Nour, we're waiting.
Coming, Dad. Just a minute.
He seems so nice and helpful.
He's not nice. He's rude and obnoxious.
Let me get Jalal.
He'll know how to fix it.
Forget Jalal. Spare us his vulgarity.
Go get the mops,
I washed them yesterday,
and hung them outside.
How will mops fix a leak?
Ola, get the mops!
And the bucket too.
Admit you don't know
how to fix it. Call a plumber!
A plumber, on Sunday?
I told you, call Jalal.
Fine, call that asshole.
I know.
I understand.
Could I have a glass of water?
Yes, of course.
I need more time!
I don't have that kind of money.
What am I, an ATM?
I'm not raising my voice,
I'm explaining I can't
get it by tomorrow.
Give me a little time.
That's all.
Here you go.
Look, neighbor.
I've fixed it for now,
but you have to replace
the pipes, they're rusted.
Will it last till I get a
plumber tomorrow?
Till tomorrow? It'll last you a year.
I did a bang-up job.
And what's this about a
plumber, I'm here, aren't I?
Thank you so much. We appreciate it!
You're welcome, neighbor.
What are you doing?
People help each other
out. Don't insult me!
If you want to thank me
come over for dinner tomorrow.
We're having a little
gathering for the neighbors.
You know, a house warming.
I'll be offended if you don't come.
Whatever you do, don't burn the kebab!
I like it almost raw, just barely singed.
"Rare" as they say in English.
A burnt kebab is inedible, right?
I'll go watch the meat.
Sit down, you're our guests.
Waleed, you're not eating!
It's all good, I am...
Is Jalal here?
Yes, just a sec.
No, we'll come in.
We need a quick word.
Have a seat.
Drink with us, have some food.
We'll be on the balcony.
Be right there.
Raneen, darling, get us some plates.
Friends from work.
Go inside and close the door.
You'll have to be patient.
More than we have been?
It's a lot of money.
I don't have it on me.
I don't care. Figure it out.
Gotta get something.
I'll be right back.
Why aren't you eating?
We're not hungry.
Do you have a cigarette?
Where is it? Did you take it?
Yeah, why?
What? Give it here!
I was keeping your friends company.
Ok, I'll be inside.
We've been patient
with you. Very patient.
Have a good night.
Good morning.
We had a great time last night.
Thank you so much.
You're welcome.
Really, everything was just amazing.
So who were those guys at the end?
I feel like I've seen them before.
Who are they?
You going for a walk?
No, getting something from my car.
Your car's there.
Sorry, I haven't had my
coffee. Come for a coffee!
- I'm busy.
- Where are you going?
To get something.
On foot? Where's your car?
Drop by when you're back!
Where have I seen
them? I have to remember.
You haven't seen them.
You don't know them. Stop asking.
Ok. Sorry.
Jalal, I want to be honest with you.
I'm writing a novel
about the world of crime.
The main characters
are a lot like your friends,
and lot like you even...
Now, I'm quite detached from this world,
and I want you to help me to research it.
What's your point
exactly? That I'm a criminal?
No, no, no... Let me try again.
For my novel, I have to do research.
I got it. Why're you tripping?
I'll help you, with pleasure.
Yes, Ola.
Ok, I'm leaving now.
Ok, I'll call you for sure.
My son's sick. I have to go.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Can you give me a lift?
Where you going?
What do you care? Take me?
Nour, get in the back please.
Bye, kids.
Where to now?
Take a left at the traffic lights.
Where are we going?
To collect some debts.
Here's good, stop.
Hey, come here.
Where's your dad?
He can't walk, he has hemorrhoids.
He sends his regards,
and says this isn't much,
but he'll have the rest in 2 days.
- Why not in school?
- Got expelled.
- What?
- Expelled.
- Who expelled you?
- The principal.
Get your bag and go to school.
Tell the principal, "My dad
says if you don't let me in,
"he'll come break the school." Ok?
But Dad can't, he has...
Hemorrhoids, I got it.
Don't worry. Just tell him.
Yallah, go.
come here!
- Your name?
- Tamer.
Buy yourself a new pair of shoes.
Thank you.
Let's go.
These schools and principals...
They expel kids then wonder
why there's more crime.
Know what, Waleed?
I would've burned the school down.
Yes, sweetie.
No, I'm not alone.
So send it.
I'm on my way.
- Continue straight here.
- Where to?
"Shorten a rainy day,
by spending it with a
beautiful woman under a tent."
Stop here.
Wait 15 minutes.
Sorry, was I long?
Where should I drop you? I'm late.
Right here.
Listen, my friend.
You want to know about us?
It won't always be pretty.
You're disgusted?
I can understand.
Don't hang with me. But
remember you asked me.
Spare yourself the sour
face and the high horse.
And don't you ever, ever, judge me.
Get in.
No, you have something to do.
Just get in.
I canceled it.
Wait, don't drive.
What's up, Yousef?
Where's your brother Issa?
He's not answering my calls.
I shot some partridges, and
I know he likes them grilled.
Where he always camps?
Alright, I'll give them to him.
Don't say anything, it's a surprise.
Cheers, bye.
To the Sea of Galilee.
Anything the matter?
What were you late for?
My therapist appointment.
Here's the plan.
I'm gonna go see this bastard.
Park the car facing the road,
between the trees.
When you see me, start
the engine. Understood?
I'm leaving my phone.
If I'm not back, call this number.
Tell them Jalal's with Issa. Got it?
Wait, what?
And stop wasting your time on shrinks.
Come out, I need to talk to you.
What are you doing here?
Come here.
I want my money.
What did you do? Kill him?
Of course not.
Just pricked him a little.
- But why?
- Because!
Is he tied to those 2 guys?
For God's sake! You're
still asking about them?
Man, forget about those two,
they're nothing.
They were sent by some
guy I owe loads of money to.
Can't seem to pay it back.
Now you understand? Happy?
And this guy you killed?
I didn't kill him!
Why don't you get it? I'm not a killer.
But that prick hasn't
paid me back in a year.
If he had, those guys wouldn't
have threatened me in my own home.
How much time did they give you?
Not enough.
Watch the road. You're
giving me a headache.
Find a gas station.
I have to wash my hands.
Mom, tell the kids to
come down. I'm downstairs.
Yes, love. Come up, we miss you.
No, I'm in a hurry. Besides,
my friend is with me.
So what? Bring your friend.
I made shishbarak, come eat.
Thank you, it's delicious.
You're most welcome!
Nour, you should've used la soupire.
- What's that?
- A soup bowl.
Just say soup bowl, Mom.
This new generation is clueless.
So am I.
Come on, hurry up.
What's the rush?
Your father will be
disappointed not to see you.
Shams, wake up granddad.
No, there's no need. Leave him alone.
Hana, do we have guests?
Bless him, he woke himself up.
Come, it's Waleed and his friend.
- Hello.
- Hi, sir.
This is Jalal, my new neighbor.
Nice to meet you.
- Want some shishbarak?
- No thanks.
Why is the house so damp?
As soon as it rains, the roof
leaks and the paint peels.
That's bad,
not just for the paint,
but for your health too.
Hear that, Aziz?
I've been telling you!
Why are you smoking? Dad'll cough.
It's nothing, open the window.
Anyway, your father's always
coughed. It's not the smoke.
Thank you, ma'am.
I'll come put asphalt on your roof.
I'll scrape the walls and
ceiling and repaint them.
You want the same color,
or something else?
Are you serious? Is this your work?
Exactly. I do everything, ma'am.
If you need something fixed, call me.
Have you lost your mind, Hana?
It'll make a mess!
If we do it your way,
the roof will collapse.
He doesn't like to do renovations.
Why close the window
if you're still smoking?
I'm freezing.
She's freezing...
Your grandmother wears
skirts and she's cold!
Always the same story.
All to show off her nice legs.
"...and how can he do that
"when I never did him any wrong?
"All I did was wish him well.
"And hope..."
Where to?
Going out with Jalal.
Is it Jalal every day?
Waleed, what's going on?
How did he become your best
friend when you despise him?
You've been seeing him
every day. I don't get it.
There's nothing to get. Yallah, bye.
Let's continue, darling.
Did you finish the work at my parents'?
Yeah, I finished.
They're safe from the damp
for at least 5 years.
Why didn't you stop by?
Your folks are so nice.
What's nice about them?
They're great. If mine were alive,
I'd visit them.
Shall I ask them to adopt you?
Very funny!
You don't appreciate what you've got.
Jalal, I need a favor.
Help me find a trained killer.
- What?
- You heard me.
It's not important.
I need someone you trust.
What's this nonsense?
Will you do it or not?
So this is what you wanted?
Hanging out with me
for your so-called novel...
- You could've told me.
- Really?
Tell you from day one
I'm looking for a hitman?
A hitman?
Who do you hate this much?
It's Shams. The teacher
said to come pick him up.
Ok, I'm coming.
Stay with him till I get there.
I can't, I have class.
Take the bus home.
I'll take him to the doctor.
You don't have to tell me.
Every Tuesday it's the same story.
Nour? What did you say just now?
What's wrong, Dad? The teacher said...
You said, "Every Tuesday
it's the same story."
Yes. Every Tuesday. Why?
You mean that every
Tuesday, Shams gets sick?
Dad, I have to go to class. Bye.
How are you, Shams?
I'm gonna see the principal, ok?
Hello, come in.
I want to ask you...
What classes does
Shams have on Tuesdays?
Shams is in class 3A, right?
Does he have gym?
No, not on Tuesdays.
So what does he have?
Just normal lessons. Look, he has...
Arabic, Math, English, Science,
Geography, Grammar.
How many times a week
do they have science?
Science is on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
And geography... only on Tuesdays.
Who teaches geography?
Ms. Randa.
- Ok, thanks.
- You're welcome.
Shams? Do you like Ms. Randa?
Do you like her?
Kind of.
Do you like geography class?
I don't know.
What do you learn in geography?
Tell me.
I don't know. I never go.
You don't attend geography class?
- No.
- But, why?
Ms. Randa, in the first class,
read us the world capitals.
She said Jerusalem
is the capital of Israel.
I said, "No, it's the
capital of Palestine."
She started to shout,
and the kids laughed.
She kicked me out of class.
Afterwards, she said I
shouldn't talk like that.
I told her you said that.
She said she'd talk to you.
- Did she talk to you?
- No.
- Are you angry?
- No, of course not.
Before every geography
class your tummy hurts, right?
Yes, but I don't know why.
Tomorrow I'll drive you to school
and we'll both see Ms. Randa,
and give her a lesson in geography.
And maybe in history too.
Let's go.
So much energy this morning. Wait up!
I'm getting Mom's car tuned-up.
Wanna come?
Yeah, why not?
Did you think about it?
I should ask you that! Are you sure?
I've been thinking
about it for a while now.
But why kill him?
There are other methods.
We can beat him up,
break his bones. But kill him?
If you won't, I'll find someone else.
I just wanted you to get the commission.
Frankly, I'm playing along
because I need the money.
Even though it's not easy
to take money from you.
First of all this is work.
Second, you get your commission
from the hitman, not me.
Who are you?
You're starting to scare me!
Before the tune-up, we'll make a stop.
A stop?
That's our man.
- Him?
- Don't point! Are you nuts?
- Him?
- Yes.
He doesn't look like a hitman.
Weird. 'Cause you look like
someone who would hire one.
Are you sure?
But why does he work here?
Ask him.
No, really, go ahead.
Ask him, and talk it over.
It's amazing how dumb
you can be, know that?
Are you gonna ask him?
It's not that simple.
First of all, not here.
He shouldn't know who you are.
Most importantly,
we have to decide
how we want him dead.
So it looks like an accident.
That way if he gets caught,
it isn't traced back to us.
Go ahead.
Go, pull up.
Put it in neutral, foot off the
brake, don't touch the steering.
Close the window!
Yes, that's probably best.
Hands off the wheel!
I don't like these machines.
Foot off the brake!
What the hell are you doing?
Take your foot off the brake!
What's wrong, Waleed?
What's wrong?
What's wrong, Waleed?
I can't, I'm gonna die!
I'm gonna die!
Waleed, what's wrong?
Breathe, Waleed!
Stay with me!
Stay with me, brother.
Breathe, man!
Wake up! Don't worry, I'm
taking you to the hospital.
Waleed, stay with me, brother!
Stay with me, Waleed!
I beg you!
What do I do now?
Wake up!
Breathe, buddy.
Easy, easy.
It's over.
Don't worry,
just a panic attack. Nothing new.
Why didn't you say you
were claustrophobic?
We wouldn't have gone in!
Breathe, take it easy.
Can you drive?
I dunno why he won't do it.
Says he doesn't do that
kind of stuff anymore.
But I have someone else.
What do you care?
Question... Can I mix
beige with white laundry?
What's beige?
A beige blouse.
Can I mix it with the whites?
According to my wife,
only whites can mix with whites.
I can ask her.
No, it's not important.
I'm going hunting with the guys.
Want to join us tomorrow?
Wow, neighbor.
You're full of surprises.
Kind of.
Shall we, or are you too full?
I'm not moving an inch.
In fact, I'm going to sleep.
All you're good for is barbecuing
and lying.
Come on, let's go.
- Keep an eye on the dogs.
- Sure.
- Don't fall asleep.
- I'm awake.
Let's go to sleep.
Quiet, Akhtal.
Come on, Waleed.
Try not to make noise.
Now what?
Nothing. We wait.
I'm going back to camp.
Don't move.
What is it?
Jalal! You're a hunter!
You put a bullet through its head!
So you could hunt anything
that comes your way?
You could shoot anything?
Let's say you saw a partridge,
could you take it down?
Of course.
And if I accidentally got in
your way, I'd be done for?
- Dead meat.
- For real?
You'd smoke me?
How much do you want to kill me?
For you it's free.
- Really?
- Sure, man.
No, this is business.
So how much?
Don't insult me, neighbor.
No, I want to pay for it.
Run and you'll see.
- You'll kill me?
- Yes.
I'm serious.
Yes, I'm serious too.
I'm serious. You'd shoot me?
- Really?
- Yes.
I'm not kidding, Jalal.
There's about 70 kg here.
Jalal, leave your phone and listen.
Jalal, I lied to you.
I've been lying all along.
What do I need a hitman for?
I'm desperate.
I don't want to live
anymore. I want to die.
We all want to die. Life sucks.
I want you to kill me here in the woods.
How you killed the boar,
that's how I want to die.
I saw how you did it. It
will look like an accident.
Are you high?
- Did you smoke with Saeed?
- No.
I'm totally sober.
I'll pay you a lot of money.
It'll cover all your debts and more.
You're serious? You're really serious?
Why not?
I'll help you, and you'll help me.
You're looking for someone to
kill a man, right? That man is me.
And you're the man to do it.
You animal!
Who are you?
What kind of person are you?
Just now you were singing
and strumming.
Do you hear yourself?
Do you hear what you're saying?
How can you ask me to kill you?
You're not human!
Look here.
Don't you ever come near me
or talk to me again.
Jalal, call me.
Yes, Ola.
Yes, I know. She called me.
I just don't want to.
No reason. I don't feel like it.
You go. Take the kids and go.
For God's sake, Ola,
why are you hassling me?
I don't want to see anyone. I
can't stand people. Accept it.
- Guess what's for lunch.
- What?
- Pickled cucumber?
- No.
What would you like?
I'd like rice and yogurt.
Raneen, where's Jalal?
I don't know. He didn't
come home yesterday.
He won't take my calls.
Same here.
Where could he be?
Go inside, girls.
If anyone knows, it's you.
- Good morning, Lina.
- Good morning!
I'm Waleed,
Jalal's friend and neighbor.
- Who's Jalal?
- Don't be embarrassed.
I'm his friend. Don't worry.
I don't know a Jalal. You're mistaken.
I'm not mistaken.
Jalal talks about you constantly.
He's in love, and says he's only happy
when he's with you.
He's waiting for his girls
to grow up to be with you.
If you don't want to talk, I understand.
Sorry I bothered you.
He came late last night.
He said he'd be away for a while,
and that it's best I
don't know where he is.
That's all I know.
Hi, Jalal.
Are you still mad?
Don't you want to make up?
Early on, you asked I not judge you,
that I understand you.
Why can't you try and understand me?
Do you know what depression is?
How it feels to wake up
and feel like there's no point?
No point in...
In any case.
I'm going to do it on my own,
with or without you.
The main thing was for
my children not to know...
that their father committed suicide.
If you're so worried about your kids,
then live for them.
You're right. I know
nothing about depression,
or your condition,
but I know you're a coward.
I'm not a coward.
A coward is afraid of death.
A coward is afraid of life.
If anybody commits
suicide, it should be me.
Where is Jalal?
What is it?
Give us a minute.
What brings you here?
Can I talk to you?
Make it quick. I have work.
Sorry to bother you, but
I've got nowhere else to turn.
I don't understand.
It's about Waleed.
You must've noticed,
he's really depressed.
It's nothing new for us.
He's always been sort of down.
But ever since he met you,
he's changed drastically.
Suddenly he got more
cheerful and energetic.
So if you could take
him out for walks again,
or get him to talk again.
I'd be really grateful.
Would you do me that favor?
You don't get it, do you?
Listen, Jalal, I know
Waleed can be a drag.
I know he's hard to be around,
but he's a good man,
and a good father too.
I can't just watch him ruin his life.
Think about it, ok?
Do it for the kids, not for him.
I have to go.
Jalal Sabbagh's funeral will
be held tomorrow at 10 a.m.
- Where's Jalal?
- What do you want?
Oh my God.
He's inside, come in.
Jalal, come look at this!
How much time will I get?
I looked it up.
is from 6 months to 2 years.
Depends on good behavior inside.
I still can't believe how you tricked me.
You lied to me from day one.
When we were young,
my sisters used to get mad if I
lied, they'd go tell our mother.
My mom didn't like it. She'd say:
"Don't call him a liar,
"it's his wild imagination."
If only you used your
imagination to write,
instead of planning your own death.
I have nothing to write about.
Nothing to write about?
The occupation? Palestine?
You told me to shove it up my ass.
I was teasing you, man.
Day after tomorrow. What time?
When they built the
cable cars in Jericho,
a friend who used to work there told me
that when they built it,
they used donkeys
to transport materials and tools
from the valley up to Qarantal.
They had no other choice
but to walk them up to the monastery.
You know the place, right?
Jericho is always hot.
In summer and winter.
Imagine them working through
the summer.
Can you imagine?
Those poor donkeys were loaded up,
going up and down nearly
50 times a day.
One day, one of the donkeys
reaches the mountaintop.
He's unloaded,
but instead of going
back down with the rest,
he stops.
My friend saw it with his own eyes.
He stands by the mountain's
edge, looks down...
Throws himself off,
and falls to his death.
He committed suicide.
Because he was exhausted. Tired.
He couldn't take it anymore.
Why are you telling me this story?
Day after tomorrow. What time?
It's sensible to go back to work.
Forget about writing, it
doesn't put food on the table.
Right, Aziz?
Finally, darling. I'm so relieved.
I'll go get the coffee.
Jalal did a great job.
Come, sit down.
How'd you get this?
Belongs to my parents.
They saved it for a rainy day.
I put it in my will.
They'll get it back, and more.
How did you convince
them to give it to you?
I told them I'd invest
it for them at the bank.
You're a professional liar.
I have a wild imagination.
Shall we?
Let's go.
Here they come.
Waleed, stay with the
guys. I want to hunt alone.
Why the long face?
- None of your business!
- Leave him alone. He's not himself.
Keep it with you.
Yallah, let's go.
Where'd he go? Wasn't he with us?
He's too delicate for this.
What fine day!
Can't choose whether to
drink tea or to hang myself.
Anton Chekhov
I'm your new neighbor.
Good morning. Waleed.
It's very quiet here, right?
Yes, it is. Dead quiet.
Tell me, what do you do for a living?
I'm an anesthesiologist.
- Drop by for coffee one day.
- Sure.