Medium Raw: Night of the Wolf (2010) Movie Script

I could give you
I could lay you down
I could be
The one
Who cares
I could take
The fear
The disappointment
You've had enough
You've had enough...
I saw you, Katie. Now it's your turn.
- Go hide. I'll find you.
- Don't peek.
One, two,
Ready or not, here I come.
Johnny, come out. I found you.
Johnny, are you okay?
It's just another nightmare.
Here at Parker's Asylum,
we strive to reach new levels
of commitment
in bringing new methods of treatment
to our patients.
Parker's Asylum was built in 1929,
but has changed considerably since then.
Although security remains foremost
in the minds of staff at Parker's,
the well-being of the patients
is second to none.
Access granted.
Parker's Asylum is divided
into two sections of treatment:
the atrium and traditional
psychiatric ward on the top floors;
and the extreme cases ward
on the lower levels.
Upon entering the extreme cases ward,
please stow away any personal items.
Any unauthorized personnel
please check in
with the security station to the right.
Have a nice day.
This is a reminder
that patients in the extreme cases ward
are sensitive to certain
forms of persuasion.
Please refrain from casual dialogue.
How's Johnny? Is he sleeping any better?
No, I'm afraid not.
Oh, that's too bad.
Is he still having--?
Nightmares? Yeah.
I don't know, Karen. It's odd.
It's almost like any progress
we made together
is undone by a single night's dream.
I'm sure it'll pass with time, Jamie.
I'm trying to help him, but...
When my husband died,
I couldn't sleep for years.
Were Johnny and his sister close?
Johnny doesn't like to talk about it.
He internalizes.
Mabel, I need you to stay in the corner.
I'm coming in, okay?
Looking forward to the day
that I don't have to wear this anymore.
Access granted.
You be careful.
I brought the picture
like I said I would, Mabel.
You can take a look at it, if you like.
This your husband?
Is it true what they say?
That all the good ones are taken.
I don't know about that.
I think good is relative.
Don't you?
How are you feeling today, Mabel?
I'm hungry, Doctor.
If I'm going to help you,
I need you to trust me.
It's gonna take some time,
but we can do this together.
I know, Doctor.
You've always been there for me,
always treated me like a real person.
You are a real person, Mabel.
Jamie, can I call you Jamie
like your friends do?
Yes, of course you can.
Well, Jamie,
can I ask
for a favor?
That depends, Mabel.
What is it?
I was wondering
if I could
lick your hand.
I wouldn't bite. I promise.
Just a little taste.
You know I can't let you do that, Mabel.
- You know the rules.
- But you said we were friends!
I know, Mabel.
I'm sorry.
Maybe we'll try again tomorrow.
Open the door.
Sorry I got you out of bed
so early, kid,
but I thought it important
that you should be here.
What've we got?
Come on.
Well, it appears to be a double
homicide, but I can't be sure.
The bodies are missing--
a six-year-old girl Lily Abbott
and her 17-year-old babysitter.
Neighbors called in a disturbance
a few hours ago.
How bad?
I called you in here for a reason.
what's in the room?
As soon as I saw it, I had to call you.
I mean
it could be a copycat.
The message is the same,
but Wolf was never this messy.
Are you sure?
Johnny, I never said this to you,
but I have to say it now.
I am so sorry that I did not catch
your sister's killer.
I promise you I did my best.
I hunted him night and day for 10 years.
I got nothing-- nothing!
On my watch he killed
You don't know what it's like
to close your eyes
and see those innocent eyes
looking back at you.
Yeah, I do.
But he's back now
and we've got a chance
to make things right.
Do you understand me?
I will not stop.
But where-- where do we start?
I mean, the lab will find out nothing.
The Big Bad Wolf.
"Little Red Riding Hood."
But what does it mean?
Elliot, could you give me
a minute alone here?
Johnny, come out. I found you.
No! Help!
The message is the same.
The Big Bad Wolf.
"Little Red Riding Hood."
This is Gallant.
Pete, it's Johnny. You got a second?
Hey, Johnny, what's going on?
I'm sitting down at my desk.
Just working on a hunch.
Can you run a check
on any known addresses
on one Gayle Abbott--
G-A-Y-L-E. Got it.
All right, Johnny,
I have two addresses.
One is downtown and the other one--
looks like it's out in the sticks.
Give me that one.
It's 65 North Hill Road.
Thanks, Pete.
I owe you one.
You wanted to see me, sir?
Yes. Close the door.
A new mask for your collection?
It's African.
Masks are held in high esteem
in some African cultures.
They're believed to be
the resting place for spirits.
Some even believe
that the spirits make the masks
and they materialize overnight.
You don't believe that, do you?
But I think it's neat.
Please sit down.
So how's married life treating you?
How's Johnny?
Uh, he's doing well.
We have to work on our schedules
a little bit better, but...
I'm worried about you, Jamie.
I may have made a mistake
putting you on the Hatcher case.
With all due respect, sir,
I'm making progress with Mabel.
I think you're confusing
friendship with progress.
You've gotten close to Mabel, I grant,
but progress-- I'm not so sure.
But friendship is the first step
with Mabel.
I assure you, sir,
that my latest report will show--
Show what?
That she nearly took a bite
out of you just now?
You're lucky it wasn't Mr. Jacobs
who threw that temper tantrum.
Yes, sir.
I need you to remember
what we're doing here, Jamie.
We want to rehabilitate,
but to think that the likes
of Miss Hatcher and Mr. Jacobs
could ever reintegrate--
let's just say that there's a reason
why these patients are kept separate
from the world above.
I won't give up on her, sir.
Nobody's asking you to give up.
It's important-- what we do here.
But-- well,
food for thought:
Years ago it was believed
that those who were afflicted
with mental illness were--
were actually possessed by demons.
Remember that the next time
you let Mabel get too close to you.
Did you find anything?
That truck looks new.
It's gonna be dark soon.
We should call in some backup.
Or not.
God hates a coward.
This guy is a real maniac--
a real maniac.
Is that your professional opinion?
In the event of a medical emergency
or if you require assistance...
...staff members can be recognized
by photo identification...
Benjamin Jacobs.
A real maniac?
All of them.
Now watch this.
He was abused as a kid,
raised in a freak show.
Hates the color red--
hates it.
The beeping lets you know
when he's angry.
- Let me try.
- No.
Come on. Give it to me.
Safety at Parker's
is everyone's responsibility.
Do your part to ensure
a work environment
that is safe for both
patient and worker.
What happened?
- What did you do?
- Nothing. We did nothing.
- Marty.
- She did it.
Grab the tranq gun.
If I can't calm him down
you're gonna have to use it.
Benny, it's Dr. Morgan.
I need you to listen to me, okay?
Listen to my voice and calm down.
Fais dodo
Colas mon p'tit frre
Fais dodo
Tu auras du coco...
Fais dodo
Colas mon p'tit frre...
Fais dodo
Tu auras du lolo.
Are you feeling better, Benny?
Yes, pretty lady.
Good night, Benny.
Reminder that every Wednesday
the cleaning of cell blocks 8, 9...
You are both very lucky.
...and 14 will commence.
We all are.
Please make the necessary arrangements
with scheduling.
God damn it, Elliot. It's not her.
It's just a doll.
He knew that we would find this.
He set a trap.
All right, you stay cool, kid.
I'll find something
that'll pry this open.
Stay cool.
Elliot, hurry up.
The Wolf has been caught.
He's still alive.
We can confirm the identity
of the Wolf as one...
Harold Grierson.
He just let them die.
God hates a coward,
The Wolf has been rendered speechless,
shot in the throat...
It's doubtful
that he'll ever speak again. Detective Johnny Morgan.
They haven't found the girl, Jamie.
you're alive.
I can make him talk.
The location of the bodies
remains unknown.
I'm sorry, Katie.
I'm sorry.
Thanks to the strong testimony
and recommendation of Dr. Parker,
I'm proud to say
that my client, Mr. Harold Grierson,
will finally be released into his
custody where he can begin treatment...
Looks like we're gonna have to
make room for another one.
Also at the courthouse
was Detective Johnny Morgan,
the officer responsible
for catching the Wolf.
Mr. Morgan, do you believe
justice has been served today?
No comment.
Although the victims' bodies
have never been found,
this effectively wraps up
the final chapter
in the gruesome story
of the Red Riding Hood murders.
Season light
Season bright...
...board of directors
at Parker's Asylum,
we would like to wish you...
- Have a good holiday. Bye.
- ...a safe and happy holiday.
Hey, Jam, what's the deal?
Why is everyone leaving early?
Dr. Parker's just in good spirits.
It's nothing, Marty. Have fun.
In the event of a medical emergency...
Are we still gonna go through with this?
Jamie doesn't know anything
about this, does she?
We're separated, Pete.
I wouldn't know how to go
about telling her.
You don't think she'll be
at all surprised to see you?
Look, all I'm saying is
maybe you should give her a call,
let her know.
Mr. Walthrop, you can
open your eyes now.
I got you something.
I hope you like them.
Merry Christmas, Oliver.
This is a reminder that every Monday...
- Hey.
- of cell blocks 3, 13...
There you are.
Oh, I thought I told you
to not run off like that.
I told Dr. Parker
about Sabrina's condition
and he thought he might be able
to help her.
She still not talking?
No, I'm afraid not.
Ever since her mother died,
she's been so withdrawn
from everyone and everything.
I can feel myself losing her
and I don't even know where she's going.
If anyone can get through to her,
it's Dr. Parker.
She's in good hands.
Quick, follow me.
Stay behind me, okay?
Please check in
with the security station to the right.
Have a nice day.
Follow me.
Mr. Grierson,
I want you to listen to me
very carefully.
What I'm about to put around your neck
is a proximity restraint collar.
It'll shock you into submission
if you break the 2' distance regulation
with any of my personnel.
And I can assure you, Mr. Grierson,
it's not a pleasant feeling.
Release him.
Mr. Grierson's collared
and ready for you, sir.
Oh, may I remind you
of your meeting today
with Mr. Grierson's attorney--
Miss Garvey?
She'll be arriving shortly.
She's fairly keen on making sure
that her client's adequately cared for.
He stopped being her client the moment
he was wheeled through that door.
I'll handle Miss Garvey.
Yes, sir.
Do you know who I am?
I know who you think you are.
The Wolf.
You like that, don't you?
It makes you larger than life.
It scares your victims into thinking
they're being hunted by a monster
from their nightmares.
I bet you think
you can smell their fear.
Well, you'd be wrong.
Fear has no smell,
no taste, no sound.
It's simply a state of being.
Your name is Harold Grierson
and you're an animal.
And as an animal,
you can always be counted on
to react in a certain way
when placed in a certain situation.
Behind me is an open door--
your ticket to freedom.
All that stands in your way
is me.
Surely I'm no match
for the Big Bad Wolf.
Well, come on, Grierson,
take me down.
Claim your prize.
if you won't come to me,
I'll just have to come to you.
Come on, Grierson...
howl for me.
Wolves are smart, cunning,
They're not easily caught.
You are but a common dog.
Lock the door.
If you'll have a seat,
Dr. Parker will be with you momentarily.
And don't touch anything, huh?
Hello again.
I'd put that down if I were you.
That mask works like a bear trap.
Touch it in the wrong place
and the teeth slam shut
like so.
Sorry. I had seen it.
I just wanted to touch it for myself.
The teeth on that thing--
they're huge.
Of course they are.
The better to bite you with, my dear.
I thought something like this
would be in an evidence locker.
What's it doing here?
An addition to your collection?
I had it sent over for study.
Well, if you understand the outside,
you have a better chance
of understanding the inside.
But yes yes, it would make
a great addition.
Well, shall we begin?
Unauthorized personnel,
please check in with the security
station to the right. Have a nice day.
I'm sorry, you don't have
clearance to be down here--
Hello, Karen. It's good to see you.
Johnny, how are you? It's been so long.
About a year, a year and a half maybe.
I take it you're here to see Jamie.
I was hoping to surprise her.
I understand.
I am so glad
that the two of you
are giving it another shot.
Between you and me,
she has not been the same
since the two of you separated.
Thanks, Karen.
I'm just gonna wander around
until I find her, okay?
Okay. Good luck.
Here at Parker's Asylum
we strive to reach new levels
of commitment
in bringing new methods of treatment
to our patients.
- We're in.
- We're in.
And this is?
A gift for helping me on the case.
Merry Christmas.
It's fruit cake-- a little joke.
Let's get on, shall we, Miss Garvey?
Fine. I'd like to see my client.
I'd like to see that--
He's just begun a delicate treatment.
It would be a detriment
to interrupt him.
Dr. Parker, forgive me if I sound rude,
but I'm gonna need more than your word.
Are you telling me things have changed
since the inquests of 1955 and '60
regarding the asylum's
mistreatment of patients?
When my father ran this hospital,
psychiatry and the treatment
of the criminally insane
were uncharted territory.
Perhaps some of the treatments
at that time may have seemed radical,
but I can assure you
they were undertaken
with the best interests
of the patients' welfare.
Including the drowning machine?
Aquatic reinforcement.
My father believed in techniques
which utilized
the concept of operant conditioning--
rehabilitation through punishment.
He had built a machine
that submerged a patient in cold water
if they responded or acted out
in an incorrect manner.
But as I said, we've--
we've learned from my father's mistakes.
Times have changed.
You currently use restraint collars.
The possibility for misuse is--
Nothing goes on in this facility
that I'm not fully aware of.
You have to remember we're dealing
with dangerous offenders.
Precautions have to be taken.
Then I'm sure you wouldn't mind
if I take a quick peek
at the living conditions of my client.
No offense, Miss Garvey,
but the reason Mr. Grierson is not
in the electric chair right now
is because of me,
no matter how good you look
in the business suit.
If the next words out of your mouth
are not "Thank you and goodbye,"
I'm not interested.
I run this facility
and I make the rules.
And you can just get used to it.
And don't pout when you don't get
what you want.
It's not becoming.
Have Dr. Morgan give Miss Garvey
a tour of the facility
and then escort her off the grounds.
Only doctors should engage
in personal discussion.
This is the one.
This is it?
And how are you planning on getting in?
You stole it from Jamie?
And I guess you know
the pass code too, right?
If she hasn't changed it.
Access granted.
Sometimes I hate you.
Dr. Morgan, are you sure
you can't let me see Mr. Grierson?
You know I can't.
You know, I saw your husband
almost every day in court.
It must be really hard on him
knowing that his sister's killer
is just a few feet away from his wife.
- We're not together anymore.
- Access granted.
Sorry to hear that.
Have a nice day, Miss Garvey.
I'm sure you know your way out.
You gave me this, remember?
Yeah, and I gave you that.
But we're not even close to being even.
It's okay.
I just want to talk.
And since you can't talk,
this is gonna be a little one-sided.
Do you remember her?
You killed my sister,
you son of a bitch.
Not so tough
without your costume, are you?
Attention all staff,
Dr. Morgan, please report
to Harold Grierson's cell immediately.
Dr. Jamie Morgan
to cell 22A immediately.
Thank you.
We've got to get out of here.
Johnny, you heard the--
What the hell are you doing?
Mind your business, Pete.
Johnny, you said you wanted some time
to make him sing.
He's not singing.
Sure he is. He just don't know the tune.
I'm sorry, but I can't let you do this.
Yes, you can.
Let me do this.
You know why we came, Pete.
You can pretend like you don't,
but you do.
Let me do this, Pete.
I figured if I was gonna do
something crazy,
this would be the place.
What are you gonna do?
Access granted.
God damn it.
What the hell are you guys doing here?
Back to your corner, Harold, now.
Come on, we're gonna get you
out of here before D--
Dr. Parker.
I'm surprised to see you here, Johnny.
Well, I was just in the neighborhood
and I decided to drop by personally
and thank you
for all your tremendous
insight at the trial.
You don't think a man who dresses
as a wolf has psychological problems?
Not my call to make.
No, it's not.
I can appreciate
your emotional predicament.
Johnny Morgan, age five,
witnesses the death of his sister
at the hands of a costumed killer;
age six through 16-- a problem child,
moves from school to school;
age 18, he finds a purpose,
find Jesus, studies to be a cop;
age 25, he's top of the class,
becomes a detective,
hoping to make a difference.
Shortly thereafter
his sister's killer reappears
and kills his partner.
How am I doing?
You flatter me.
Let's just say I could write a book
about a boy who has the opportunity
to kill his childhood demon and fails.
Of course it would be
a very short book, but nevertheless...
The night's still young, Bob.
Listen to me, son.
I let you play your little game
in there, but your fun's over.
The only reason I'm not having you
hauled out of here in handcuffs
is because it would be
an embarrassment to this institution
and damage its reputation,
not to mention the reputation
of its lead doctor.
I assume you still care
what happens to her.
I mean, someone has to,
what with you obsessing
about the past and all.
I assume I can count on you
to make sure he doesn't cause
any more trouble.
Hey Jamie.
Jesus, Johnny, he could have
had you arrested for this.
You stole my ID card.
Do you have anything
to say for yourself at all?
You're not wearing our wedding ring.
Our wedding ring--
you're not wearing it.
We're not together anymore, Johnny.
I kept your name.
I know this has been tough on you.
If you want to talk, we can--
Don't. Don't do that.
I'm not one of your patients.
That's not what I meant.
If you want to stick around,
we can hang out
after my session with Mabel.
What about you, Pete?
Point me in the direction
of the kitchen and I would.
Although security remains foremost
in the minds of staff,
- So how have you been?
- ...the well-being of the patients...
I've been okay. You?
Hey, you two. Johnny,
I have been looking all over for you.
You just disappeared on me.
Yeah, sorry about that.
Listen, Dr. Parker said
that he is not going to be able
to see Sabrina after all today.
And I don't know what to do.
We still have that session with Mabel.
Don't worry about it, Karen.
We'll figure something out.
I can look after her.
You will?
I'm here.
You might as well put me to some use.
She doesn't talk very much.
That's okay. Neither do I.
Okay, listen, sweetheart.
Now you be a good girl
and you listen to Mr. Morgan.
And I'll see you real soon, hmm?
You little sneak--
taking my earring. When did you do that?
Thank you.
Now you be good. Promise?
Both of you.
So that was cool of Santa
to give you his hat, right?
Dear Santa
I'm writing this letter
To ask...
- My mama's dead.
- ...a favor of you
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
I don't remember her all that well.
I don't like to.
It hurts, you know?
A reminder that every Tuesday
cleaning of cell blocks 5 and 15
will commence.
Please make the ne--
Nothing to worry about.
I'm sure the power is gonna be
back on in no time.
You want to hold the flashlight?
Miss Garvey.
Excuse me.
What are you doing still here?
Wrong turn.
Unlikely. Regardless,
I don't have time for this.
Does this happen often?
The whole asylum is in lockdown.
It happens whenever
there is a power failure.
It's a safety precaution.
No one gets in or out.
What do we do?
We flip the switch and reset the system.
If you want to make yourself useful,
you can give me a hand.
We should probably check to see
if Dr. Parker's okay.
Everybody calm down. I'm sure
the lights will be back up in no time.
Sabrina. Oh, sweetheart.
Were you scared?
Why isn't the power turned back on?
I'm not sure.
There's the emergency lights now.
Here, hold this.
There we go.
And voil.
And voil what?
Wait for it.
We would like to wish you
and safe and happy--
system error code 1.
Now listen carefully.
I'm sure the patients are a little
frightened by the power outage,
so be extra calm and speak...
Temperature gauge--
was founded in 1929--
Good morning.
Cell door unlocking.
- You have to remember--
- Hey Jamie.
Unlocking. Unlocking.
- Listen.
- Unlocking. Unlocking. Unlocking.
Unlocking. Unlocking...
Oh my God.
System restored.
Everybody just stay quiet for a second.
Please do not panic.
The asylum is in lockdown.
Something's beeping.
Find safe quarters
and wait for assistance
from the local authorities.
I got it.
Okay, we do it your way.
But I hope you know what you're doing.
Please do not panic.
The asylum is in lockdown.
Find safe quarters
and wait for assistance
from the local authorities.
Benny, I need you to listen
to my voice, okay?
Fais dodo
Colas mon--
Marty, don't move.
Sabrina, where are you?
Benny, no.
If you don't tell me exactly what's
going on, I'm calling the police.
Don't bother.
We're separated by 8' of rock.
There's a landline in my office.
What was that?
Come with me
and stay away from the doors.
Why do I need to stay away from the--?
That's why you stay away from doors
and that's why we have
proximity collars.
Hey, little chicken,
Chicken Little.
All right, young, tender fried chicken.
I'm going to chicken-finger-fry you.
Hey there, little one.
Are you okay?
This bad man is not gonna
hurt you anymore.
I'm going to the kitchen. Want to come?
Well, come on.
I'm famished.
- Hey, stay with us. Stay with us.
- What happened?
What happened? What happened?
Do you know your way
around here in the dark?
Yeah. Why?
I need you to take me
to the Wolf's cell.
Why would I do that?
Why would I do that?
Because I need to make sure
he's still there or that he's not.
Why me? Why not him?
He knows his way around here
just as well as I do, so...
You, Pete, walk with me.
Do you have any weapons that we can
use to round up the patients?
No, all we have is these tranquilizer
guns in case Benny ever got loose.
They're supposed to have enough sedative
to take down a large animal.
One hit him in the neck
and he didn't go down.
Maybe he's a bigger animal
than you thought.
You know how to use this?
Good. Don't be afraid to.
I want you to split up into teams of two
and find that girl.
She's gone, Jamie.
She's gone.
She'll be okay, Karen.
I looked all over for her.
I can't find her anywhere.
I can't even think about that.
What about you, Johnny?
We'll be fine.
Everything's gonna be fine.
You take care of her, okay?
Sabrina. Sabrina.
We should split up like Johnny said.
That's a good idea.
Pete and I will go this way.
And you and Greg go that way.
Do you still have your proximity box?
Good. Be ready to use it.
Just stick together
and we'll all be fine.
Karen, we're going to find her.
I know.
Sabrina. Sabrina.
The asylum is in lockdown.
Please find safe quarters
and wait for assistance
from the local authorities.
The asylum is in lockdown.
Find safe quarters
and wait for assistance
from the local authorities.
I don't see anything.
I'm getting help. I'm getting help.
Round two, you bastard.
Who the hell are you?
I'm the hand of God.
I came for ye
who bathed in the blood
of the innocents.
You came for the Wolf?
And you found me--
honest mistake.
I'm willing to overlook
the whole choking bit
and turn the other cheek.
You're no better--
a sinner just like the Wolf.
Take it back.
Soon I will bathe in your pagan blood
for I am the instrument
of the almighty and righteous Lord God,
He who--
I will kill you.
The hand of God is absolute
and just.
My God.
Sit down.
Please mercy.
There is no mercy here.
Sabrina, Sabrina, are you in there?
Greg, is that you?
Oh my God.
O Come...
O Come...
All ye faithful
Joyful and triumphant
O come ye, O come ye
To Bethlehem...
It's okay.
Come and behold Him
Born the King of angels
O come, let us adore Him
O come
Let us adore Him
O come, let us
Adore Him
Christ the Lord
Laeti triumphantes...
Mabel, it's Jamie.
Go back to your room.
I don't want to hurt you.
Drop the gun.
Dr. Morgan, so good of you to come.
Please don't kill me.
It's okay.
I'm not one of the crazies.
You scared the crap out of me.
Johnny Morgan?
Oh, it's you.
- Small world.
- Small world.
I'm just here checking on my client
and making sure he's okay.
What a coincidence.
I was just gonna go
check on your client.
And you know where his cell is?
Yeah, but he's not there.
He's not in his cell?
And how does that make you feel?
Better or worse?
That's not fair.
I thoroughly researched this case.
There is no physical evidence
linking Grierson to your sister.
Listen, there's an eight-year-old girl
down here somewhere
and so is he.
I'm not willing to give your client
the benefit of the doubt.
Oh God.
I don't want any trouble.
Oh shit.
Dr. Morgan, would you be a doll
and drop your little gadget
into that pot of water, please?
Mabel, you don't want to do this.
Oh, I'm pretty sure I do.
Mabel, please.
Do it.
I did what you asked.
Now let him go.
This isn't your husband, is it, Jamie?
Girls' night!
This is everything
I ever wanted, Jamie--
just you and me,
two gals alone in the kitchen,
cooking up a storm.
what have you done?
Oh, let's get started.
Override lock.
- Error code 1A.
- Come on, come on.
- Access denied.
- Please please.
- Error code 7.
- Come on, come on, come on.
- Access denied.
- Work. Work, damn it.
- Override lock. Error code 7-1.
- Come on, come on.
Access denied.
Please find safe quarters
and wait for assistance.
How many fire codes is this violating?
I see you've removed your collar.
You're smarter than I thought you were.
Shall we end this now?
In the event of a medical emergency
or if you require assistance
staff members can be recognized
by photo identification badges.
Although security remains foremost
in the minds of staff at Parker's,
the well-being of the patients
is second to none.
What the--?
Damn it.
I'm only gonna take one--
just one, only one.
- Get the hell away from me.
- But I only need one--
just one toe.
Oh, Jamie told me about you.
The blood is traveling to your head--
leaves less blood in your feet.
Won't hurt as much. Won't be as messy.
If you even look at my feet,
I will kill you.
I was only gonna take one--
the second from the last.
You wouldn't miss it.
I know it's not needed for balance
or stability.
It's not needed for anything really.
It's the little piggy who had none.
It's just not important.
They're all important.
Let me down.
Where did you get that hat?
The kitchen.
The same place I got these.
The kitchen.
They're leftovers.
Yeah. They--
they won't be needing them anymore.
No. Mabel.
Sorry. I'm so sorry.
Don't think I'm done with you.
Now, Jamie, the trick is
to gut them while they're still fresh.
Now I know some people would disagree,
but that's the way I like to do it.
And you can maximize the amount of meat
you can freeze for later.
Now the next step is
to take off the head just like a fish.
We'll get the eyes later.
Mm, they're such a delicacy.
Now then
you take a sharp cutting knife like this
and you pierce the flesh
just under the ribcage.
Here, I like to call this
a gutting knife--
you know, cutting knife-- gutting knife.
Anyway, so then you make a straight line
down from the abdomen
just-- just above his wee-wee.
Ooh, looks like he's been cut before.
Oh, I can be so nasty sometimes.
Now comes the fun part.
Okay, hold these.
Come on, hold these.
Oh, Jamie, that is so gross.
You scream like a girl.
So do you.
You don't see me judging.
Where's Dr. Parker?
I was gonna go check his office.
What are you still doing here?
It's a long story.
You think we should go in?
Dr. Parker?
He's not here.
This doesn't make any sense.
What is it?
This is Dr. Parker's file on Grierson.
You shouldn't be reading this.
Okay, but I am. Look.
if I'm reading it correctly, it says
Grierson was already a patient here,
but under Dr. Parker Senior's care.
But the name on the file is Mason Crane.
Well, I'm sure there's
some sort of explanation for this.
Of course there's an explanation for it,
but this is the first time
I've heard of it,
and I'm gonna ask Dr. Parker why.
Where are you going?
We should wait here.
Oh, I could get used to this.
On behalf of the board of directors
at Parker's Asylum,
we would like to wish you
a safe and happy holiday.
Merry Christmas.
Jamie, are you paying attention?
Now the next thing we do
with our rib dish--
we put it in the oven for 88 minutes,
not 90. 88,
and cook it at 375 degrees
on the top rack,
because we don't want to lose
the vitamins now, do we?
And then ta-dah!
Simple as dimple pie.
Between us,
I'd say you have a better rack
than old buddy boy in there.
But friends just don't eat friends.
I mean, what kind of person would I be
to eat you for dessert, huh?
I'm not saying you wouldn't taste good.
On the contrary,
I'm sure
your tight legs
are juicy.
And with a cherry glaze--
mm mm mm.
Oh, sometimes I get so carried away.
Let's make the eyeball spread.
I gotta say I'm having a wonderful time.
I'd rather be here with you
than with anyone--
Now what did you have to go
and do that for?
Oh my God.
We were having such a good time.
And then you had to go and ruin it
by stabbing me in the back.
Jamie, I thought we were friends.
We were, Mabel.
We were friends.
But what do you expect?
You're cooking half my staff for dinner.
And Pete--
oh my God.
we're not that close.
No, but we're close enough.
Aww, did Jamie have a boo-boo?
Mabel, please.
No more "pleases," Jamie.
I think it's time we made
Jamie a la mode.
it's me--
your attorney.
Harold, listen to me.
Listen to me.
I found a file that shows
that you were treated here before
by Dr. Parker's father.
Now they're trying to cover it up
and I don't know why.
But this is new information.
We can get you a new hearing.
We can get you to a new
treatment facility,
take you to somewhere
that has some goddamn windows.
Oh God.
I just-- I just--
I just want to help you.
I just--
I just want to help you.
I don't-- I don't--
I don't want to die.
What a shame
To miss this
Time of year when all is white
We've been all so busy lately
Now I'm asking you to stay
Let's stay home...
Shh shh shh.
It's okay. It's me.
There's a really big guy
around the corner.
And we don't want to make him angry.
- Where have you been?
- Jamie's in trouble.
- Where?
- In the kitchen.
Okay, I want you to stay here
and only open the door if it's me,
Jamie or your grandma. You got it?
Got it.
I'll be right back.
Could I have the flashlight back?
I got an idea.
Hey big guy.
Remember me?
Beat it.
I can't.
Jamie's in trouble.
The pretty lady?
Yeah, the pretty lady.
Go away.
I wish it didn't have to come to this
and I hope I'm not making
a giant mistake,
but, big guy,
it's time to get nuts.
Yeah, that's it.
Come and get me.
Hey, Mabel, chew on this.
Okay, big boy,
let's see what you got.
Shh, it's okay. I got you.
Johnny, Mabel-- she--
I know.
I saw.
She killed Pete, Johnny.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I need you to be strong.
Sabrina's waiting for us.
Where is she?
Please make the necessary arrangements
with scheduling.
Johnny, wait.
I just wanted to say something.
Jamie, there will be time for all that
when we get out of here.
Johnny, I never stopped wearing
your wedding ring.
I just want you to know
I never stopped wearing it.
Sabrina. Sabrina, you can come out now.
Sabrina. Sabrina, you can come out now.
Holy Father Who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done!
- Sabrina.
- Sabrina.
Johnny, I'm over here.
- Sabrina.
- Jamie.
We're over here, Sabrina.
Johnny, I'm over here.
It's okay.
We got you.
Thank God we found you.
Hey, kid, it's okay. We got you.
He's here.
Go. Get out of here.
I'm not leaving without you.
Just go.
Sabrina, go go go.
If you want them,
you're gonna have to go through me.
Jamie, run! Run as fast as you can!
Jamie, he's gonna cut you off. Go go go!
It's gonna be okay.
Be strong.
What the hell do you want?
I'm sorry,
really sorry.
I'm over it. Now get out of here.
She's gone.
I'm sorry, she's gone.
Oliver, if you know where Jamie is,
by God you'd better tell me.
The walls-- if you listen
they tell you secrets--
secrets only the walls could know.
I know secrets too.
The spirits--
they're crazy too, you know.
What are you babbling about?
The land, this building.
Listen. Listen.
I don't hear anything.
If you want to know, then listen!
They hide
deep in the ground.
Your answer
lies there.
Are you the Woodcutter?
Let's find out.
if we get out of this alive,
do me a favor,
put some clothes on.
Sabrina! Oh God.
Wake up, Sabrina.
Sabrina, over here.
Sabrina, we have to get out
of here, okay?
We-- we--
we have to get out of here.
Sabrina, wait.
Run, Sabrina, run!
Leave her alone.
Go hide, Sabrina.
Johnny, run.
Johnny, no.
Stay away from him.
Who-- who--
who are you?
Hello, Johnny.
Dr. Parker?
You're the--?
How could you do this?
Do you want my professional opinion
or do you want the truth?
My professional opinion is
that as a child
I was neglected by my mother
and at the same time
severely beaten by my father.
During one particular example
of patriarchal brutality
my father drowned me repeatedly
until I promised never to question
his authority again,
drowned me in the same cage
where he would drown his patients.
But with me
it was different--
very different.
The truth, you see,
is much more interesting.
You see, Jamie, when he raised
the cage for the last time
he brought up not only
his waterlogged son
but something from deep inside the well,
something evil,
something powerful,
something with an unquenchable
thirst for life.
I don't understand.
Grierson-- how does he fit in?
Grierson is nothing,
like a piece of clay
at the hands of a sculptor--
easily manipulated, easy to train.
Wolves hunt in packs.
But ultimately he was a fool.
Yes, I'd let him wear my suit,
but a man is not the measure
of the clothes on his back.
I created in Grierson
a perfect scapegoat for my past crimes.
I brought him here so that
I could watch over him forever.
But when your husband decided
to take justice into his own hands,
I couldn't resist.
I saw the opportunity
to tie up all my loose ends
in one night.
You see, Johnny, in the grand scheme
that's all you are--
a loose end.
You didn't have to kill everyone.
Karen had nothing to do with this.
Well, the irony of a grandmother
and a granddaughter
wasn't lost on me.
Speaking of which,
I'd better get about finding Little Red.
Why did you stop
after all of these years,
after Johnny's sister?
Why did you stop?
Who said I stopped?
You won't get away with this.
I can see the papers now--
"A Christmas Miracle.
Harold Grierson the Wolf
is Killed by Dr. Parker
in Horrific Holiday Massacre.
A Hero for our Time."
But the Wolf won't be gone for long.
He will return
when the hunger gets too great.
You killed my sister.
I killed lots of little girls.
And like all those beautiful girls,
you too will find what evil awaits
in the bottom of the well.
Little Red.
Sabrina, run.
Get out of here. Run and hide!
Johnny, Johnny, you have to get up.
You can't hide, Sabrina.
Johnny, wake up. Johnny, wake up.
...five, six,
seven, eight,
nine, 10.
Ready or not,
here I come.
Johnny, I can't play now.
You have to get up.
I'm dying.
I don't think I can.
You don't have a choice.
Get up!
Johnny, please.
You have to get up.
Oh my God, Jamie. How do I stop it?
You can't. He broke the lever.
There's got to be another way.
There isn't.
Johnny, you gotta go.
Save Sabrina.
Don't let him get her too.
I'm not leaving you.
Listen to me, Johnny.
You have time
to come back and save me.
But you gotta go now, okay?
Jamie, there's not enough time.
God damn it, Johnny, just go.
You can't hide, Sabrina.
I will find you.
Hey, little girl, come quick.
Quick quick. Here, you hide in there.
Go on. Go on.
where is the girl?
Uh, I don't know
what you're talking about, sir.
Aren't you a little overdressed?
Aren't you?
Where is she?
Hello, Little Red.
where were we?
Come here. Come here.
- Go.
- Johnny.
I love you.
Johnny, you found me.
Johnny, wake up.
Johnny, wake up.
No, Johnny.
Johnny, no, wake up.
Hey babe.
Access granted.
Good morning, Dr. Morgan.
Waiting waiting waiting
Waiting waiting waiting
Waiting waiting waiting
Waiting waiting...
When your hands
Are cold
When the leaves on your flowers
Start to fall
When the trees
Lie bare
I will be there
I will be there
We won't speak of bitter words
We'll lay them down
Lay them down
We'll talk of blessings heard
And hold them close
Hold them close
When we walk
When the time we have together
Is too short
I will take
Your hand
And I will keep you on the road
So you don't fall
These days will shine so bright
And lead us home
Lead us home
They'll light the time we have
And keep us warm
Keep us warm
And when the memories call
I need them
I need them
But when I scale that wall
I'll leave them
I'll leave them.