Medusa (2021) Movie Script

-Come back, bitch!
We'll nail you to the cross!
-Stop running!
-God knocked you down!
-You slut!
-You sinner!
-Filthy slut!
-You pervert!
-Satan's child!
-Filthy pig!
Help me, please!
Please! Help me!
I didn't do anything!
-Turn around!
-"Of the woman came the sin
and through her, we all die."
Do you deserve to be punished?
Can't you admit your sins?
Sinful slut!
Do you want a worse punishment?
-Here we go again.
-No, please!
Do you deserve to be punished?
Do you promise to accept Jesus
into your heart
and become a devoted, virtuous woman,
submissive to the Lord?
I promise.
A horrifying evening
in southeast Brazil.
Another blackout wreaked havoc
and uncertainty among the population.
It is the third blackout
in less than a month.
This time, human error has been
claimed as the probable cause.
Yet, the lack of rain in the region
has brought concern.
The water level
of hydroelectric reservoirs has plunged,
and the government
is considering rationing measures.
More about this in the 11 p.m. edition.
Many, many years before Christ came,
evil and corruption
spread over the face of the Earth.
Abominable and lascivious unions
between women and fallen angels
gave birth to giants.
Chaos reigned
and the Creator had only one solution:
to put an end to an entire generation.
Yet, amid the depravity,
there was a just, righteous,
and God-fearing man.
His name was Noah...
She cried all night, poor girl.
She misses her parents,
her siblings, her friends...
But my sister did right
by sending her here.
Here, she will be able to graduate
from a good Christian school.
And find a good catch.
If she stayed at that dumpster,
she would have wound up
marrying a loser.
You can imagine the rest...
My dream is to see Clarissa
with you and the other girls,
on the temple stage.
Will you help me
in the name of the Lord?
Of course I will.
I want her to be like you,
to walk the righteous path.
Count on me.
your aunt told me you're going
to The Holy Messiah.
That's a blessing!
Down on Main Street is Michele's
favorite store:
the "Fearless".
It's a bit expensive,
but if you want,
I can take you to this great outlet.
See these pants?
You wouldn't believe
how much I paid for them.
What is it?
Clarissa. What's going on?
I miss home so much,
and my parents,
my friends, my school,
Don't get me wrong,
but I don't know you,
we met five minutes ago.
I don't even know my aunt!
And that fancy school.
What if I do something wrong
or say something stupid?
That's not going to happen.
If you're not sure,
keep quiet.
Remember, your parents want
what's best for you now.
You'll have more opportunities here.
I've always dreamed
of studying at that school.
I had to take
vocational training, though.
You will make new friends,
you will have a new family,
much bigger
than the one you had there.
And although we met
five minutes ago,
I see you as a friend already.
Let me straighten you up.
You don't want to be weeping
on your first day of school.
They can't even tell
you've been crying.
If a shooting star crosses the skies
And the divine flame is kindled
I will make a wish and call you
The Lord shall make
my dream come true
When He descends from Heaven
The whole universe will quake
The stars will spin
like a merry-go-round
You and me, witnesses of faith
Our heartbeats at last
Shall be appeased after the blast
When the apocalypse arrives
Oh, I will survive!
The Lord knows how long I've waited
I've prayed and prayed
And Jesus knows
I've become enlightened
The Messiah is real
And soon you will feel
Oh, Jesus is my true love...
Who can feel Jesus' presence?
Jesus is here with us.
A round of applause!
Michele and The Treasures
of the Lord!
So beautiful! Well done.
That was awesome.
Thank you, my angel.
Such pretty, talented women.
And faithful too.
Lord, my Father,
we thank Thee for the privilege
of being Thy servants on Earth!
My brothers,
for a long time,
the Church has been estranged
from the nation's decisions.
How much time have we wasted
believing that the Church
shouldn't decide the country's future?
Do you remember that Brazil?
Where everything was allowed.
When we used to say:
"There's no way out, it is what it is."
Men who thought themselves
more powerful than Christ,
beyond good and evil.
Above the law!
And where was God when
our nation needed Him most?
He was in us!
And where was God
when our nation needed Him most?
In us!
That's right!
Christ was in us.
In Corinthians 15:33,
the apostle Paul warns us:
"Do not be deceived!
Bad company
ruins good morals."
Those who have no commitment to God
do vain things.
Bad things!
Don't watch their TV shows,
don't read their newspapers!
We live in the world,
but we don't belong in it.
Our home is elsewhere.
Don't let yourself be influenced
by the worldly people.
It is you who must influence them!
All who have not accepted
Jesus in their hearts
as their Savior!
That is your mission!
That's what
we have been summoned for!
To light the path of the deviants,
to make everyone see the light.
Whatever it takes.
Check your phone!
When David fought Goliath, he said:
"You come to me with a sword,
a spear, and a javelin.
But I come to you
in the name of the Lord of hosts,
the God of the armies of Israel,
whom you have defied."
Ten thousand likes!
I promise to accept Jesus
into my heart
and to become
a devoted and virtuous woman,
submissive to the Lord.
I thank you, Lord,
for living another day.
Keep everything that is wrong
out of my way,
and bless me with
everything that is right.
That happened many years ago.
She must have been my age,
but she was the most sinful,
most promiscuous woman ever.
Worse than Messalina,
worse than Lot's daughters.
Her name was Melissa.
And yes,
maybe she was beautiful,
but deep inside,
she was a vicious homewrecker.
She was an actress and a dancer.
And she lived here, in our town,
always out, drinking and dancing.
Every night with a different man.
But those were different times.
Dark, sinful times.
The town was full of bars,
nightclubs, and artists.
So, Melissa reigned!
She starred in a movie,
such a weird movie.
She even did a nude scene.
But there were those
who enjoyed it.
We keep reporting it,
but they always find a way
to upload it again.
The truth is
that Melissa tainted our town.
She'd walk around the streets,
obscene, smiling at everyone.
But someone had to stop her,
to stop that demon.
Such immorality
could not go on like that.
It was Good Friday.
But for Melissa, it was Carnival.
And as always, she went out.
So, there she was, in a club,
surrounded by every sin
one can ever think of.
Everybody was dressed in costumes.
Until a holy woman showed up.
A woman,
dressed like an angel,
wearing a white mask.
In one hand,
she carried a gasoline can,
and in the other one, a lighter.
She approached Melissa,
very slowly,
and did the only thing
she could ever do:
She set her face on fire.
-That's awful!
-No, no.
It wasn't like Hell's fire.
It was a cleansing fire.
Is she dead?
We don't know, but we believe
her penance is to be paid in this life.
Nobody knows where she is hiding.
But we know that her face
was never the same again.
She was deformed, disfigured,
turned into a monster.
Poor girl...
You don't get it.
That had to be done, you know?
And now she's ready to serve God,
wherever she is
and whatever she looks like.
I'd give anything
to see her face now...
What about the other one?
The angel.
Nobody knows who she is.
But we honor her to this day.
Watchmen of Sion!
We have the solution!
Power, glory, honor!
Our foes in the dungeon!
We are the Watchmen.
We are alert day and night.
The guardians of the family,
the morals, and the Lord.
The time has come.
To crush the sinners!
Do you want your salvation?
Come and join the winners!
Help me!
Where are you?
I'm here!
Where, sis?
I went to the urgent care
to have it cleaned.
They stitched it up
and gave me some painkillers.
I'm taking care of it,
there's no risk at all.
I promise to change
the gauze every hour.
It won't happen again.
You know that in this business,
looks are everything.
This is a beauty
and plastic surgery clinic.
My mission is
to make people feel beautiful,
surrounded by beauty and youth.
At this point, your looks
frighten our patients.
I was walking alone, Doctor,
I couldn't know
a mugger would attack me.
-It was late...
-Mariana, you know well
that a worthy woman doesn't walk
at night by herself.
I'm sorry, but...
I'll have to let you go.
The brutal attack
on the beautiful Melissa Garcia
shocked an entire generation.
As of now, the promising actress'
whereabouts are unknown.
She vanished without a trace,
and her assailant has yet
to be identified.
Melissa is missed by all of us.
I'm done with this.
I dreamed about her
again last night.
I was looking in the mirror
and my face was covered with cuts,
and it was writhing and writhing...
I became a monster, just like her.
You're tripping.
I thought it would cheer you up.
You always liked the show.
I know.
Listen, Mari.
Does it look bad?
It does.
But you don't have to freak out.
You just haven't found
the best way to cover it up.
Wearing your hair
over your face looks cute.
I can't even see right, Michele.
It goes along with the job.
And I have faith
that the scar will go away.
Give me your hand.
I have faith
that the scar will heal,
that your skin will look
smooth as ever,
and that you'll rub it
in that doctor's face.
I know.
I'll miss working there,
you know?
You're too good for that clinic,
don't worry about it.
Everybody is looking at me
as if I were a poor wretch,
as if I were dying.
I think the girls are right.
I'll never have a boyfriend,
nor will I ever get married.
I'll end up like those old ladies
at the boarding house.
-Who wants someone like this?
-A good man.
He will fall for what you are
on the inside, remember?
And if that scar doesn't go away,
we'll set up a raffle
for your plastic surgery.
We'll figure it out.
Relax, you're going
to find your Jonathan.
Come on, let me help you.
It's getting late.
-Did you put the camera away?
-It's right there.
-What have you planned for today?
-Try and guess.
"Ten ways to take a selfie
for the glory of God."
Hello, my angels, my treasures!
Welcome to "The Call of Michele".
Today I'll talk about something
you've been asking a lot:
which is how to take
a perfect Christian selfie.
The first thing to know
is how to hold your smartphone.
It is very important to keep it
always straight, like this.
A selfie from below
is Hell's gaze,
we don't want that.
And from above,
who are we to mimic
God's gaze anyway?
The straight position is ideal
to hide unwanted body parts
and avoid a double chin.
The second question
you've been asking is about filters.
Guys, I know you love "Lana",
but did you notice
how it saturates the reds?
It conveys a carnal presence
that is not cool,
so it should be avoided at all costs.
"Lola" is different,
it gives a serene
and angelic touch to photos.
That one is 100% approved,
you can always use it.
And don't forget "Babyface"
to keep your skin flawless.
The Minister told me something
I'll never forget.
We can't meet a person
and get married
without a solid foundation,
based on an Internet profile,
as the infidels do.
And what good is it to say that
you love Jesus on your profile
if later on,
you watch pornography,
which is how the Devil
manifests himself online?
The boys will have five minutes
to talk to each girl.
Then, you should tick who you want
to know better on your card.
At my call.
Two... One.
Can I be honest?
Today's women have lost
their Christian values.
Their true essence,
their role in the Kingdom, you know?
We see that on TV, in magazines,
women are always showing off
their bodies, lewdly.
You want to call attention
to your bodies at any cost.
I think it's disgusting.
For me, a good woman
is a clean woman.
If she's not clean,
then she's not a good woman.
He was staring at me,
then he came at me'.
I said: "Hey, brother,
we're the Watchmen!"
I pointed to my shirt,
and he got pale as a sheet.
You should've seen it.
No wonder.
Few guys are brave enough
to confront my biceps.
For me, a righteous woman
shouldn't even be here.
Aren't you ashamed
of offering yourselves like that to men?
How is Melissa Garcia now?
Is she a monster?
Has she undergone surgery?
Is she locked away in her house?
Or in a mental institution?
That mystery
has yet to be solved.
A person who wishes
to remain anonymous
claims to have seen Melissa
wandering around Ibirapuera Park,
in Sao Paulo.
Others say she's had
multiple operations
and now lives in Miami...
Then the eyes of both were opened,
and they knew that they were naked.
They sewed fig leaves together
and made loincloths,
and heard the Lord
walking in the garden
in the cool of the day,
and they hid themselves,
Adam and his wife,
from the presence of the Lord.
But the Lord called Adam
and said to him, "Where are you?".
And he said:
"I heard Your sound in the garden,
and I was afraid because I was naked,
and I hid myself."
God said: "Who told you
that you were naked?
Have you eaten of the tree
of which I commanded you not to eat?"
Adam replied:
"The woman whom you gave
to be with me,
she gave me the fruit."
And God asked the woman,
"Why did you do this?"
And she replied:
"The serpent deceived me,
and I ate it."
She arrived there disfigured,
with third-degree burns.
Damage to the nasal cartilage.
They gave her a painkiller,
a strong one,
then removed the skin
that was left,
before proceeding with the grafting.
Can you see it?
That's why the doctor removed
all reflective surfaces from the room.
Then what?
That I don't know.
I think one day she couldn't
help herself and ran away.
No, I mean, one day she waited
for the nurse to nap,
stole her cell phone
and went straight to camera mode.
Then she saw her face...
And she was no longer
the same person.
She was completely deformed.
She freaked out, and started
to scream and scream...
That's why her record says
she had a hysterical attack,
a displacement of reality,
a nervous breakdown!
She totally collapsed.
Michele, I'm going to find Melissa.
Since I saw the ad,
I knew I had to work here.
It felt like a call
to my vocation.
That's why I studied nursing,
to help those in need.
And who could be more in need
than these poor comatose creatures?
-Do you have a resume?
And have you always worked
with aesthetics?
always with aesthetics.
But everything changed
after the accident.
-That one?
It feels like the penny dropped.
I think my dream
is to work here now.
I'm glad to hear that.
The number of patients
has grown a lot lately.
Almost nobody wakes up,
almost nobody really dies.
Our workload only increases.
Are you really interested?
Maria and Ana.
-You can call me "Mari."
this is the Platinum Plan corridor.
These are the private rooms,
with the best equipment,
but you don't have to worry
about them for now.
meet the new nurse, Mariana.
Welcome, Mari.
Can you check the serum stock?
There's a batch about to expire.
Shall we go?
This is the computer
where the patients' data are stored.
It's crucial that we update
the digital files at the end of the day,
especially the use of medication
or other supplies.
I'll teach you how to fill out
the form later.
This is the locker room,
it needs no introduction.
Here is the pantry.
You should bring your own food.
That is the storeroom.
And this...
is the couch.
It is used when a relative
comes to visit, which is quite rare.
If you ever need to take a rest,
I don't object.
This is the Standard Plan ward.
You are going to assist
these patients,
taking care of each one,
along with the rest of the team.
Are you renovating this ward?
For more than ten years...
It was supposed to be
a research center,
but the government changed
and the renovation stopped.
This way.
A bit more to the right.
Move to the right, please.
There we go.
It's so horrible there, sis.
I guess I wasn't
in my right mind.
It's nothing like the clinic.
I have to clean people,
change diapers.
-But it was your idea, wasn't it?
Besides, it's not easy
to get a job looking like that.
Focus on the sacrifice
you're making for us.
Focus on the moment when you find her,
and we post her picture.
Her face all deformed,
when it all began...
"Melissa Messalina..."
They're coming.
Come on, smile.
I take leave of my past
and of world's evil influences.
These cursed objects
shall burn in hellfire,
as I walk towards God's light.
Today I'm a Treasure of the Lord,
and so shall I remain.
I take leave of my past
and of the world's evil influences.
These cursed objects
shall burn in hellfire,
as I walk towards God's light.
Today I'm a Treasure of the Lord,
and so shall I remain.
Today I declare myself a Treasure,
I declare myself pure.
Today I declare myself a Treasure,
I declare myself pure.
I am a Heaven's Child
and here I am to follow His path.
I am a Heaven's Child
and here I am to follow His path.
May this flame burn my sins
and give me the strength
to be an agent of the Lord.
May this flame burn my sins
and give me the strength
to be an agent of the Lord.
Put your hand here.
You can use
a little more firmness there.
A bit more pressure.
Push it.
See how it stretches?
Pull it.
Well done.
One hand behind the knee,
the other one on the heel.
Back and forward.
I know it's a little weird,
but you'll get used to it.
You're doing good.
Kind of.
But trying hard is what counts.
Time to moisturize,
you can grab that lotion.
You should use a lot, so that no one
will get eczema or dry skin.
How long have you worked here?
About three years.
Who's been here for longest?
Karen, of course.
I mean, in a coma for longest.
There's a Platinum Plan patient
who's been here for about 20 years.
Nobody knows exactly
why she's in a coma.
She can breathe
without any respiratory aid,
but even after all the tests,
nothing can seem to wake her up.
A doctor thinks
she's gone into shock,
that something horrible
must have happened to her.
The truth is that she went to sleep,
but never woke up again.
Every now and then,
her grandchildren come to visit,
but they've been coming
less and less.
Does she have grandchildren?
Mrs. Laura had ten children.
Can you imagine?
Now spread it on his lips.
I dreamed of a house with a garden
Of which I could take care
I'll never worry or dare
I shall be a modest
and pretty housewife
If I listened to the worldly people
I would never save myself
With my faithful brothers
I shall escape from Hell
Fellow believers, watch and pray
Go tell those who received the blessing
In October there will be election day
We shall vote for Minister Guilherme
And remember to donate anyway
OK, time out.
You make things up
and end up out of tune, Vivian.
-Come on!
-I'm not out of tune.
What did you say?
I'm not out of tune, Michele.
I've been practicing hard.
-I came up with an arrangement-
-Less is more.
Let's try it again.
Girls, let's take a break.
We'll be right back.
Look at me
when I'm talking to you.
Do you have any idea
of what you've put me through?
I once read that girls' names
starting with the letter "M"
are names of malicious women...
Mary Magdalene...
Shall we?
Do you want to know her story?
She wanted to be young.
Forever young and beautiful.
She was finding it harder
to look in the mirror.
She couldn't recognize herself.
So, she started going
to Botox parties.
Until she had her first surgery.
Once, twice,
three times, ten times!
One day she had a reaction
to the anesthetic.
She went into a coma right away.
How about him?
Can you guess who he is?
Marcos Rezende. Age 35.
Admitted with cranial trauma.
But how did he end up here?
I don't know...
Was it a fight?
He was at a wedding party
and hit on a girl.
But he didn't know
that she had a boyfriend.
So, the guy came at them.
The girl died right away,
and Marcos is here now.
That's gloomy, isn't it?
So, I think it was a fight too.
But not motivated by jealousy.
I think it was a hate-crime.
One day he was coming home
with his boyfriend.
It was late and dark.
He thought they could hold hands,
that nobody would notice.
Then a bunch of idiots showed up
and came at them.
One of the guys had a nightstick.
His boyfriend managed to run away.
But Marcos is here now.
Relax, I used to freak out
when they did that too.
It's just a reflex,
it doesn't mean anything.
Hey, Cla. I'm sorry.
Yes, I'm still at work.
Things are messy around here.
Are you at the boarding house?
I think I'll have to spend
the night here.
It's the only way,
it's pitch black outside,
it's getting late and dangerous.
Don't worry.
Tell your aunt and Ms. Francisca.
Tell them there was no other way,
but they can chill out,
everyone here is a Christian.
All right.
Please remind Ms. Francisca
to take her blood pressure medication.
It's the bottle with the green cap.
Yes. Bye.
God be with you.
Mari, what happened?
Did that bitch hurt you again?
-I fell.
-You fell?
Look at Mari!
What happened?
-She's bleeding.
-Your hair!
That slasher attacked her again!
My sister-in-law saw the bitch
working out at NiceFit.
She must be hiding
at someone's house.
-We're going to find that sinner!
-Mari fell, didn't you?
-How unfortunate!
-No, it's horrible!
As if a scar wasn't bad enough.
-Let Mari catch her breath.
-We have to put a patch on that!
We're messing up the boys' practice.
-Take care.
-Thank you. Go on.
It's going to be all right.
Those are Christ's wounds.
-You know you deserve it.
-Thanks, sweetheart.
Are you feeling better?
Are you feeling bad
because you couldn't find Melissa?
I know you must be feeling awful,
but you have to focus.
You already have this scar
and now you fall.
You have to help me to help you,
you can't be like-
-Will you marry me...
-She had to marry before me.
...before God
and our congregation?
I do!
Congratulations, my love!
I've sinned.
I've sinned big time.
Burn them, Lord!
Burn my sins!
Cleanse my body from the lust
of the flesh and my sins.
Burn them, Lord!
Burn my sins!
Cleanse my body from the lust
of the flesh and my sins.
Burn them, Lord!
Burn my sins!
Cleanse my body from the lust
of the flesh and my sins.
Burn them, Lord...
What are you doing here?
I heard a noise
and came to see what it was.
It must have been the cat,
he loves to walk around here.
What happened to you?
-Are you hurt?
-I fell.
When I woke up yesterday,
it was still dark.
I see...
That's why you disappeared.
I was worried.
Are you sure it was a cat?
I've just fed him.
Want to try and see him?
Maybe you'll get lucky,
he doesn't like people.
I heard a song too. Did you?
Want to listen to another song?
Are you sure there is no one else
down here?
Just the two of us.
Are you scared?
Heal this devoted woman,
I beg you.
Bring the beauty
that hides inside to the outside.
May these wounds heal,
in the name of Jesus!
For Thine is the kingdom, and-
I'm sorry to interrupt,
but I'm here for another reason.
I think I saw an obsessive spirit,
an evil being.
I don't really know what it is,
but I'm scared to death.
Do you think I'm possessed?
My angel,
you don't seem possessed.
But I've had unholy thoughts.
That happens.
Women have a fertile imagination,
you know?
The difference is
you are a faithful young woman.
Temptations come,
what's important
is to get rid of them.
-Have you been praying lately?
So, I'm going to pray with you.
My Lord, I beg you,
cleanse this young woman.
Purify her spirit.
Keep away the evil
and obsessive spirits.
Come into the light. Come.
Make her pure, my Lord!
"How God anointed
Jesus of Nazareth
with the Holy Spirit and power,
and how he went around
doing good
and healing all who were
under the power of the devil,
because God was with him."
Lord Jesus Christ...
Lord Jesus,
this is Mello.
I'll be right back.
Speak up, Mello.
Then what?
Soares' funds
have already been credited.
Is everything ready for the rally?
Of course!
We must guarantee his support.
-You slut!
-Delilah! Whore!
-Ridiculous feminist!
-Hold her!
-Keep still!
-Hold her!
Repeat after me:
"I promise to accept
Jesus into my heart
and become a modest woman,
submissive to the Lord."
Shall we?
Come on, say it:
"I'm a sinful slut."
-I'm a sinful slut.
-There we go.
And I'm proud of it.
What? That's gross!
You're crazy!
You must regret your sins!
What I regret is not fucking
many more people.
Or sucking more dicks
and licking more pussy!
That's disgusting!
I could be coming now
but I'm here putting up with you!
-Shut up!
The time of your judgment
has come!
What is it, Mariana?
Won't you do anything?
She passed out,
why would I hit her?
Because I'm telling you to!
Jesus doesn't love you!
Filthy dyke!
Shall we go?
Darlings, the secret to cover up
bruises and wounds
is quite simple:
You just need the right concealer.
Since bruises tend
to be purple or reddish,
it's very important to have
a greenish concealer.
That will soften the purple
and make it look natural.
I always apply it with little pats
so that my skin gets smooth.
The second layer of concealer has to be
one shade lighter than your skin tone.
Since my model is a bit tanned,
I'll use this one.
I'll put it on.
Always pat it onto your skin.
Our third step is going to be
the liquid foundation.
This is crucial, you can text me
when you go shopping.
You should test it on your hands
like this, you see?
You have to check if the face
and the body are the same shade,
otherwise, it won't look good.
And don't forget to try hard.
Let's see how it looks.
Knowing how to show yourself is vital
for the modern Christian woman.
Looks are everything.
our husbands come home
after a hard day's work,
accidents happen,
and we must be ready
and prepared for whatever happens.
And always beautiful.
A woman who neglects her appearance
is renouncing one of the greatest gifts
that God has given us.
Now let's move on to our last step,
the powder foundation.
You need the liquid
and the powder foundation, darlings,
because it will help it to set...
What's wrong, Mari?
I never ask you anything, is it
so hard to concentrate a little for me?
Now I'll have to do another take.
Go wash that face.
Go wash that face.
We'd better finish this
some other day.
What do you mean?
I have to upload this tomorrow.
I know, but I'm not feeling too well.
-Then try harder!
-I can't do it.
-I can't!
You're so selfish!
Whatever, Michele. If you say so,
then I must be very selfish.
How's it going, brother?
Depression, anxiety,
it's plain hell.
Do you take medication?
-Which one?
Bromazepam and clonazepam.
Listen to that.
Who knows that?
We know they're not good for you,
don't we?
-Did you see a psychiatrist?
He said I'm doomed.
He said I'll take this
for the rest of my life.
But the pain won't go away.
-Where does it hurt?
-My head...
My back and my heart hurt.
Look at me.
Your life will change today.
Who else suffers from anxiety
and depression here?
Let us pray together
to save this servant of God.
Spirits of depression, spirits of anxiety,
I command you to leave this body.
What thoughts have you injected
into his mind?
Pain, death, anguish.
What did they pay you to do?
To make him suffer!
Go away, demon of depression!
Demon of anxiety!
Go away, demon of anguish!
I command you to leave that body!
I command you in the name of Jesus!
Go away!
Thanks, you can take him now.
Our brother will rest for a while,
then he'll be back
for his testimony.
In the meantime,
I want to ask you,
who feels that there is
an obsessive spirit
walking with you?
You can come,
my faithful one.
What ails you?
I've seen
a monster.
I've seen the devil.
And the devil
is a woman.
She has changed me.
And I'm no longer the same person.
We're going to free
our faithful sister
from this evil spirit.
Not only her,
but this entire congregation.
My Lord, today I beg You
for something special.
I beg You to besiege this temple
and every place in a 1000-mile radius
where a demon may be lodged,
and I will give these demons
five seconds to go away,
or else they will be consumed
by the power of Your glory.
And I want such a powerful light
to strike this Earth,
so strong that it will crush
all sinners in this flock.
Starting from this one,
who's possessed our sister!
Come on, my fellow believers,
let's count to five!
Four! Five!
Glory to God! Hallelujah!
Geez! Somebody call a doctor!
-Open it, open it!
-What's going on?
-Oh my God!
-Call an ambulance!
Excuse me!
Well done.
Cardiac massage!
Don't miss the beat.
One, two, three, four.
Stay calm, help is on the way.
That's right. Ventilation now.
Every five seconds!
Keep the pace.
One, two, three, four.
Please save the Minister,
we need him here.
Save the faithful,
crush the sinners.
Don't do that my Lord,
be fair to our Minister...
I call upon you, my Lord,
my Supreme Commander,
to bless Minister Guilherme,
so he can go home,
to his temple,
and follow his faithful path,
and help to spark faith
in everyone's heart...
Thank you very much, Doctor,
you've saved the Minister's life,
Brazil needs you.
Thank God.
I need to hug you.
Thank you so much, Doctor.
Thank you, you are wonderful.
Dr. Arnaldo, I lack words
to thank you
for what you did for the Minister.
I didn't do more than my duty.
I'm just one more servant of God.
That douchebag doctor
just wanted to show off.
He did nothing
but everyone believed him.
I think I was too hard on you.
I'm sorry.
I did it because you've been careless
and sloppy lately, you know?
It seems you're not really here.
You're my best friend,
but you won't tell me anything.
Do you promise not to tell anyone?
I promise.
I think I've seen the monster too.
I wasn't sure, but now I know.
What are you talking about?
The demon that possessed
that woman.
It may be not a dem-
Those people were trying
to show off.
Michele, you don't understand.
-I found her.
-Found who?
What do you mean "who"?
-Show me a picture! For God sake!
-I couldn't take a picture.
I think it's a sign for us
to forget about that.
-But that's our dream!
-Michele, let me finish.
You must stay away from her.
Everybody must.
There's something weird over there.
She's there. Or she was.
She's gone,
but I can feel her close.
I think the people at work
know something, but they're hiding it.
Michele, I saw Melissa just like
I see you now.
"Behold, the dwelling place of
God is with man.
He will dwell with them,
and they will be His people,
and God himself will be with them
as their God.
He will wipe away every tear
from their eyes,
and death shall be no more,
neither shall there be mourning,
nor crying, nor pain anymore..."
What are you doing here?
I've come to convert the patients.
They are in a coma.
It's never too late
to save these lost souls.
And yours too.
You inspired me yesterday.
That's nonsense!
Fine, I came to do
what you couldn't.
To find Melissa for good.
There are strange things
about this place.
If I report it to the Civil Defense-
Michele, this is my job.
It's none of your business.
"Then the angel showed me
the river of the water of life,
as clear as crystal,
flowing from the throne of God
and the Lamb."
I get off at seven.
I'll wait outside
so that we can finish this.
You've been pretty bossy lately.
Knock it off, Michele!
Damn, I asked you to stay away!
I know, but I just can't let
Melissa get away.
Why can't you?
Tell me. What did she do to you?
To me?
It's not that,
it's not just about her.
It's more about you,
who's been sloppy.
Do you think I didn't see you
flirting with that worldly guy?
So you're the one
who was spying on me?
-Go get a life!
-It's for your sake!
Leave me alone, then!
-You're so ridiculous!
-You are ridiculous!
You are! What are the girls
going to think,
when they hear
that you want Melissa on the loose!
-You promised.
-And that you have a boyfriend!
They wish you well,
but I don't know if they will be
as benevolent as me.
You know what waits for you. Slut!
-You wouldn't do that.
-I wouldn't?
I wouldn't do that?
Then behave, honey!
Wake up, goddamn it!
Help me!
My boyfriend saw two guys kissing!
They were smoking pot at the party.
Oh, my God! Pot?
I want to go home,
I can't stay here.
Stop it!
Can you see what's going on?
This town is a mess!
People are having
orgies in the woods.
Men and women are sinning!
I'm freaking out!
Did you see the Minister passing out?
That was a sign of the end of times!
The boys are on it.
They're doing a great job.
But how about you?
Go preach the word out there,
instead of just reading the Bible!
Stop it!
While the Watchmen work,
what are you doing?
I bet you've been watching
soaps all day!
Girls, I think we should keep up
appearances now.
We are the Treasures,
we are role models for this community.
By the way, Mari,
it's nothing personal,
I know we're all upset
about what happened yesterday,
and to the Minister, too.
But you can't walk around
with no makeup on!
-You're worried about your hair?
-Of course!
I want to know
who these sinners are!
Where they are hiding.
This town is full of sluts
and Salomes.
Did you completely forgot
about that pervert
who refused to accept Jesus
as her Savior?
We must crush them!
What if one of those perverts
attacks me?
I don't want to leave
my house anymore!
-It's dangerous.
-They're all junkies!
Sex maniacs and sodomites!
What if one of them rapes me?
Can you imagine?
Take it easy!
The Watchmen will handle it.
Shut up! You forsook us!
I'm getting married!
That's enough, Vivian!
There are sex maniacs
out there,
sodomites, murderers,
suicidal people,
and communists on the loose!
I vote for a curfew!
Michele fell!
Are you okay, sis?
Michele and Jonathan had a fight,
so this meeting is over.
-What do you mean?
-The meeting is over.
-But we haven't voted my proposal!
-We'll do it tomorrow.
Tomorrow is the Minister's
Then we'll do it after the service.
Michele needs some rest now.
Here is Michele
and Jonathan's invitation.
Bye. The meeting is over.
Thank you.
I'll help you.
I'll get a towel.
Don't forget to get your invitations.
-Are you sure I'm not there?
-Yes, I am.
I've watched it a few times,
I zoomed in.
There's nothing here. Stay cool.
I think I'll change this blouse.
How do you like this one?
You look great, Michele,
don't worry.
-They won't notice, will they?
Remember to breathe deeply.
Count with me:
You all remember
the Garden of Eden, don't you?
There was a tree
of the knowledge of good and evil.
Why is it that when man decides
to eat the fruit of knowledge,
he gets no better
than what he was before?
Because he was already perfect.
The fruit corrupts man.
It has brought death into life,
and destruction upon Earth.
What is a man doing
when he decides to eat the fruit?
He's choosing to walk all alone.
That's insane!
Nobody can walk without God.
Nor believe they're more than God!
And that's the lesson
we should teach to the corrupted,
who prey on us
and hide in the darkness.
I've been through a divine ordeal.
But God has kept me
standing right here,
for I am a man of God!
A man of God who wants everyone
to follow the only law,
the Divine law!
That's why I'm back to this temple
as strong as ever!
I shall resume my mission
more tirelessly than ever!
And together, we shall win!
And now, at this moment
of fervor and faith,
I invite our princesses
onto this stage:
Michele and The Treasures of the Lord!
Come on, girls!
Stay cool, okay?
It's going to be all right.
If a shooting star crosses the skies
And the divine flame is kindled
I will make a wish and call You
The Lord shall make
my dream come true
When He descends from Heaven
The whole universe shall quake
The stars will spin
like a merry-go-round
You and me, witnesses of faith
Our heartbeats at last
Shall calm down after the blast
When the apocalypse arrives
Oh, I will survive!
The Lord knows how long I've waited
I've prayed and prayed
And Jesus knows
I've become enlightened
The Messiah is real
And soon you will feel
Oh, Jesus is my true love...
Jesus is my true love...
Hello? Michele?
You're the love of my life.
The first time I laid eyes on you,
I knew you were the love of my life,
the mother of my future children.
A devoted woman,
virtuous and worthy.
That's why I stand here,
before the Lord,
to ask for your hand in marriage.
Michele, my love,
will you marry me?
Michele, will you marry me?
No, I don't want it!
I don't want it!
I don't want it!
Get hold of her!
She is possessed!
In the name of Jesus!
Take control of her!
Go away, Satan!
Go away, Legions of Hell!