Medusa's Venom (2023) Movie Script

(deep rumble echoes)
(flames crackle)
(tense trilling
electronic music)
(dark brooding music)
(crickets chirp)
(female vocals echo)
(people whisper indistinctly)
- It's just not the way I
always meant my first time.
- She's a professional who
really knows what she's doing.
What could be better?
- I can think of
a lot of things.
- We're here now.
- Hey, cutie.
- (chuckles) Hi.
- Who are you looking for?
- I... (chuckles)
- We don't bite.
- Sorry. My friend's
a little shy.
It's his first time.
- That's okay.
- Go on. What
tickles your fancy?
(Gabriel chuckles)
(dog barks in distance)
(Gabriel stammers)
- You like what you see?
- Yeah.
(footsteps shuffle)
- Come on.
(footsteps shuffle)
(soft tense music)
- You interested
in a little snack?
- How much?
- We can arrange something.
(crickets chirp)
(soft eerie music)
- It's okay, relax.
Don't need to be shy.
(Gabriel stammers)
It's okay. Would you
like to talk first?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
What's your name?
- It's Gabriel, well, Gabe.
(both laugh)
- My name's Star.
- That's a pretty name.
- Do you want to touch me?
- Yeah.
- Go on. (chuckles)
See? That wasn't so bad, was it?
- No.
(tense music)
(crickets chirp)
- How much you want?
(dog barks in distance)
- 20.
- That won't get you much.
- It'll get me
exactly what I want.
- I'm sure we can
come to an agreement.
- No agreement.
We do what I say.
I make the rules.
Okay, let's just calm
down for a moment.
- You do what I say.
I'm the customer, and the
customer is always right.
(zipper unzips)
Now am I going to
have to warn you
or will you remember
not to use any teeth?
- Oh, that's nice. Yeah.
- Let's get you a little
bit more comfortable.
(soft dreamy music)
(heels clack)
(Gabriel chuckles)
(heels clack)
- Yeah. Good girl.
(tense music)
(dramatic music)
(Ted pants and whimpers)
What have you done?
(Ted screams)
(flesh sizzles)
- What was that?
(Star hisses)
(Gabriel pants)
(Ted whimpers and cries)
- Ooh, where do you
think you're going?
- She, she burned me.
(dramatic suspenseful music)
(hisses and rattles echo)
What are you doing? Let me out!
- You, you crazy bitch!
- You talking to me now?
- What did she do to me?
Gabe, Gabe!
Gabe, Gabe, we need to go.
Gabe, we need to get out here.
Come on. Gabe, Gabe,
Gabe, come on please.
We need to go.
- Be silent!
(hisses echo)
(tense brooding music)
- You're friends with
this insolent fool?
- Yeah.
- You shouldn't associate
yourself with scum like this.
(woman hisses)
(venom sizzles)
(hisses echo)
(Gabriel whimpers)
- Please, don't.
- If I let you go,
do you promise to never
speak of this night again?
- Yes.
- Gabe?
- What will happen?
- Don't worry about him.
You don't need people
like him in your life.
(Ted whimpers)
- No. No, don't leave me here.
Gabe, please.
(Ted whimpers)
(slow dark dramatic music)
You'll pay for this when
I tell the police about-
- No police.
- You can't tell me what to do!
- We've seen many like you.
Many think that they can
just take whatever they want.
- Who are you?
- There have been
many before me.
I'm just the next one, and
there will be many more to come.
- [Women] We are one, we
are many, we are a legion.
We are a pits of snakes.
(Ted gasps)
(Ted whimpers)
(snake hisses and roars)
(Ted whimpers and gags)
(snake hisses)
(soft tense atmospheric music)
(birds chirp)
(footsteps rustle)
- I lost my family, too.
I was like you
not that long ago,
and my parents got really sick,
and they both passed
away quite suddenly, so.
Yeah, I was like doing
drugs, dealing drugs.
I, I didn't care at all.
(cup clinks)
- Thank you.
- And then I found this place.
Dunno how, I think
like fate probably,
and I've been here
like ever since.
- So who's in charge
around here now?
- Oh, Simone.
Yeah, she went away for a
little while, but she came back.
Everyone always does that.
This place just calls to you.
Drink up. It's gonna get cold.
(Lola chuckles)
- I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.
- It slipped
through my fingers.
- [Monica] This place has
seen worse stains. (laughs)
- I'm really sorry.
- No, I'll just make
you one another.
- It's, it's all
right, don't worry.
I, I don't really like tea.
You don't have anything
stronger, do you?
- We don't have alcohol here
'cause of the people that come.
It's just all temptation's
too great, so.
Is that something you
struggle with, alcohol?
'Cause if you wanna stay, like
all vices have to be stopped.
- I just like a drink every
now and then, you know?
I have been walking
for days, so.
- Yeah. (laughs)
Okay. How about I go and find
you somewhere to sleep then?
Yeah? I mean that's
if, if you wanna stay.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Yeah? (laughs) Okay.
(crickets chirp)
(soft tense atmospheric music)
- Hey, new girl. What are
you doing snooping around?
I was just getting
some fresh air.
- What's your name?
- Lola.
- You're far away
from home, Lola.
What's that behind your back?
- Uh-
- You can't drink that.
- It's just a beer.
- It's not just a beer!
We don't tolerate that here!
- What are you so
freaked out about?
- I knew you were bad news.
- Who do you think you are?
I come here with
nothing but the clothes
on my back looking
for sanctuary, and
you accuse me of what?
I thought this was a safe
place and talk of sisterhood.
Sounds more like a regime to me.
- Hey, what's going on here?
- I was just getting
some fresh air,
and now I'm being interrogated.
- (scoffs) Fresh air.
- All right, stop
the both of you.
You're gonna wake
up the whole camp.
Come to my caravan
and get rid of that.
What are you doing
walking around?
- I was just getting
some fresh air.
- And drinking.
- It was one, all right?
The last one.
- Find that hard to believe.
- This isn't kindergarten.
If you would prefer,
you can leave now.
- No, okay, please, just look.
I have nowhere else to go, okay?
I came here especially because
I don't have anyone else.
- You're new here
so I will give you the
benefit of the doubt,
but you can't go
wandering around at night.
- Why not?
- We're very private here.
Everyone's whereabouts
are accounted for
because it isn't safe at night.
- But why wouldn't it be safe?
- I dunno how much you
already know about this place.
We have communal times
and private time.
Outside of that is work.
- You do know what
we do here, right?
- We offer sanctuary to
those that travel through,
but they learn very
little of what we do.
Those that stay have to prove
themselves and contribute.
- So what have I gotta do?
- For now, stay in
your caravan at night
and no more alcohol.
- Respecting our rules is
the first step. All right?
- Well, I'm sorry,
okay? I didn't know.
- It's okay.
Tomorrow we'll show you around,
and we can discuss how
you can contribute.
- Thank you.
(footsteps shuffle)
- I don't trust her.
- She's new.
You don't like change.
We all know that.
When Simone comes back,
she'll let us know if there's
anything to worry about.
For now, she's a guest.
(birds chirp)
(clock ticks)
(rooster crows)
(Lola sighs)
(wind blows)
- Do you...
- (laughs) Spit it out.
- Does everyone
here do sex work?
- (laughs) Not everyone.
I mean, you don't have to
if that's what you mean.
I dunno how else you'd
make your money though.
'Cause that's our
main source of income.
Oh God, you're not
a virgin, are you?
- No.
(women laugh)
You know, all I've ever wanted
is somewhere to call home,
even if that means
I have to work.
- It's not dirty, you know,
not as society would
have you believe.
Like there's a stigma
attached to it, obviously,
but you're in control.
Look, it's just a job, you know?
Some enjoy it more
than others, but yeah,
we make the rules and, you know,
let's just say we don't
respond well to mistreatment.
- You're in charge?
(water drips)
If I do stay, when
will I have to...
- No, it's up to Simone,
but you will have to pay
your way somehow, so.
You safe now, you know that?
(soft tense music)
(water drips)
- Yeah.
(body drags)
(body thuds)
(knuckles crack)
(people chatter and
laugh indistinctly)
- Oh, she's back.
- Oh, she's back.
- The queen has arrived.
- How'd it go?
- Smooth as silk.
- What are you up to?
- Oh, I just had some
unfinished business.
It's all sorted now. (laughs)
- Could have given you hand.
- Well, don't worry about
it. It's my burden to bear.
- As long as you're all good.
- We're good.
So what are we playing?
(speaks indistinctly)
You play poker?
- [Lola] I dunno how to
play anything, actually.
- No, I'll show you. It's easy.
You know how to bluff, right?
- Is that like lying
about what card you have?
- Sort of.
- Okay. (laughs)
(people chatter and
laugh indistinctly)
(dog barks in distance)
(tense eerie music)
(crickets chirp)
(hisses echo)
(Tina whimpers)
(Tina whimpers)
- [Tina] What is this?
What have I done? Why am I here?
- Be quiet.
- This isn't funny.
- You've been dishonest, Tina.
- What?
- There's no use lying now.
- No, I didn't mean to.
- That's no excuse.
- No.
- You know the punishment
for dishonesty.
- Please. I won't do it again!
- You fed without the sisters.
- [Tina] Please. There
has to be another way.
- [Woman] We are one, but
you think you're alone?
- No.
(Tina whimpers and sobs)
(dark dramatic music)
No. No!
(venom sizzles)
(Tina gags and gasps)
(crickets chirp)
(door clicks open)
(soft music)
- Hey.
Who are you? What
are you doing here?
- I'm sorry, (speaks
indistinctly) to you before.
I didn't mean to bother ya.
- So what are you doing here?
- I'm, I'm looking for someone.
- Who?
- A friend of mine.
I felt like he was over here.
- Well I haven't seen any
visitors here tonight.
- Anyway, like I should go.
Gonna go check
Ted's house again.
It was nice talking to ya.
(door creaks shut)
(soft tense music)
(movement creaks)
(footsteps shuffle)
(footsteps shuffle)
(door opens)
(footsteps shuffle)
(door clicks shut)
(birds chirp)
(footsteps shuffle)
(knock taps)
- Tina?
(footsteps crunch)
(footsteps shuffle)
(birds chirp)
(door opens)
- Hey.
- Hi. (chuckles)
Have you seen Tina?
- She's no longer with us.
- Oh.
- She broke the rules,
so we asked her to leave.
- What role did she break?
- She was being selfish and
we share everything here,
not take things for ourselves.
- I see.
- The rules are there for a
reason. They keep us all safe.
- Do you know where she went?
- I don't know. Wherever
the wind takes her.
- I liked her.
- We all did.
She was one of us, but
sometimes we lose our way,
and we have to say goodbye.
- Yeah, do you think
she'll be back?
I mean, Monica said something
about sometimes we leave,
but then something
pulls us back.
- [Woman] I don't think so.
(crickets chirp)
(knock taps)
(slow dramatic music)
You again?
- Hey.
- Come inside before
someone sees ya.
(footsteps shuffle)
(Gabriel grunts)
- Sorry.
(both chuckle)
- Did you find your friend?
- No.
His parents haven't
seen him either.
- [Lola] It's strange.
- But you haven't seen
anything just weird going on?
- Like what?
- Don't really know.
There's just something
about this place.
You know, I feel like
I've come here once.
Just I don't really remember
what happened and, you know,
I haven't seen my
friend in a few days,
and I just felt like
he was here, too.
- (laughs) You're funny.
- Why?
- (laughs) It don't
make any sense.
What, you thought
you came here once,
but you can't remember?
Sure you would.
What's your name?
- Gabe, well, Gabriel. (laughs)
- Well, I'm Lola.
- It's nice to meet ya.
- So did you really come
here looking for your friend,
or was that just an
excuse to come see me?
- No, he, he really is missing.
- Oh.
- But yeah, I like
talking to ya.
- I like talking to you, too.
I was hoping you'd come back.
- Really?
- Mm.
- Quite interesting. (laughs)
- (laughs) Interesting.
Is that it?
- I mean, sure. You're pretty.
- Look, I really have
to go find my friend.
- Hmm. Surely it can wait.
(feet thud)
(Gabriel grunts)
- Can I see you
again another time?
- If you want to.
See you then.
- Yeah, okay. See ya.
(dark tense music)
(hisses echo)
(soft tense atmospheric music)
(leaves rustle)
(birds chirp)
- (gasps) Hi.
- Are you busy?
- No.
- Simone wants to see you.
(heels clack)
(dark brooding music)
(footsteps shuffle)
(rocks thud)
(hisses echo)
- Hello, Lola.
I have been dying to meet you.
How have you found
it here so far?
- Yeah, good.
- I'm glad.
We're a very close family here.
Your presence is both a
blessing and an inconvenience.
- I don't understand.
- We have to be careful
who we let in our camp.
There are many who
wish to see us perish.
- Well, I'm not one of those.
- Why are you here?
- I have nowhere else.
- You still have family?
- No, they're not my family.
Not anymore. That part
of my life is over.
- [Simone] They out you?
- I don't wanna talk about it.
- The pain that you feel,
they hold power over you.
You will forever be running
from it if you don't address it.
I can help you with
that if you wish.
- How?
- There is more to this place
than what you think you know.
- I don't know much of
anything about this place.
- You know more than you let on.
- Well, I know it
can be dangerous.
- Danger is relative.
(dark dramatic music)
(snakes hiss)
There is danger from outside
and danger from within.
Which category do
you fall under?
- I dunno what you mean.
- Who's the boy?
- That's Gabe.
- And why is he here?
- Honestly, I dunno.
Oh, he's just curious.
He thinks his friend is missing.
- Curiosity can be the beginning
of something dangerous,
but first, you have to
earn your place here.
We all have to earn our
place. Will that be an issue?
- No.
- The body is a vessel,
a conduit before we shed
our skin and emerge anew.
What we do here, it is
nothing to be ashamed of.
- I don't-
- If you want to,
if you wanna be a part
of this, you'll have to.
I don't want you talking to him.
- Why not?
- We have to be careful.
You might say the wrong thing.
He might get the
wrong impression.
So I can't talk
to whoever I want?
(snakes hiss and rattle)
- You can talk to him, but
don't get too attached.
He's pure.
- What do you mean pure?
- Untouched.
- (chuckles) That
explains a lot.
- I only say this to save
you from the inevitable.
Once you're a part of
us, you'll understand.
- Can I ask you something?
- Why did I come back?
- Mm-hmm.
- I don't know.
There was something
drawing me here,
like a voice calling to me.
I see something in you,
Lola, something special.
(tense brooding music)
(birds chirp)
- Hey, new girl.
That'll be you soon.
When are you gonna contribute?
- Soon.
- You just come from Simone's?
How'd it go?
- Yeah, fine.
She's very strict.
- She can be tough, but
it probably didn't help
that you were with
that guy last night.
- How do you know that?
- Little birdie told me.
Well, you didn't do a
very good job hiding it.
I just assume you wanted
everyone to find out.
- I wasn't trying
to hide anything.
- Doesn't matter. We
don't do interlopers.
- You think I'm an interloper?
You really are
something, aren't ya?
Oh, what do you actually
have against me?
- I don't trust you. The young
ones, they're all the same.
They just take, take, take,
and when things get real,
then they leave.
- Well, if you knew me,
you'd know that's
not my intention.
- Well, I don't know you,
but I want you to
prove that you want
to be here and stay here.
Till then, I'll just
hold my opinion.
- Bitch.
- Takes one to know one.
(man screams in distance)
(tense brooding music)
(tense music)
(sheets rustle)
(wind blows)
(door clicks shut)
- I can't keep doing this.
- It wasn't my fault.
- It wasn't your fault?
- It just happened.
- [Simone] Really? We can't
do this clean up all the time.
(door thuds)
(dog barks in distance)
(birds chirp)
(door opens)
- Thanks.
- Okay.
(door thuds shut)
(knock thuds)
- [Monica] Did you forget
something? Come in.
(door opens)
- Is this bad time?
- No, come in.
(footsteps shuffle)
(door thuds shut)
- What can I do for ya?
- Did you hear what was going on
in Star's caravan last night?
- No, I was working. I
didn't hear anything, why?
- It was like screaming.
- (laughs) It was probably
screams of joy. (laughs)
Men do that sometimes.
- It wasn't screams of joy.
It was like painful.
- I didn't hear anything.
- You didn't or you
just won't tell me?
- Do really want to go there?
- Yeah, I wanna know
what's going on.
- (sighs) All right.
Give me like two
minutes to get dressed.
I'll take ya.
(tense brooding music)
(frogs chirp)
Well, you wanted to see it.
- Oh my God.
- We call it a snake pit.
It's just a fun thing
we throw around.
- Who are they?
- Just bad men.
- What did they do?
- They just got out of line,
and they had to pay
the consequence.
- That's murder.
- That's a gray area.
Yeah, they got murdered,
but it's just self defense.
Like when put in a position
where you're taken advantage of
by a man, the only
option is to fight back.
- That is not fighting back!
- Yeah, sometimes
it goes too far,
but sometimes they go too far.
Look, right? You're beautiful.
You're young.
How many times has a guy
said something inappropriate,
or how many times has a guy
done something inappropriate?
It's only a matter of time
before they don't
take no for an answer.
There's a lot of those.
We're not here to be abused.
- How often does it happen?
- Not often.
We have regulars
that are harmless,
so we'll set you up with
one of them to start.
- So you all look
out for each other?
- Yeah, always,
like safety first.
- I think I'm ready.
- Yeah?
- I wanna contribute.
- Okay. (laughs)
All right, tomorrow night, me
and you. I'll do your hair.
- What's wrong with my hair?
(Monica chuckles)
(eerie dramatic music)
(footsteps rustle)
(soft mysterious
electronic music)
Can I ask you something?
That first day when I arrived,
what was that thing you
tried to put in my tea?
- [Monica] It's just,
it's just something that
helps you to transform.
- [Lola] Drugs? What was it?
- [Monica] It's like a
cleansing healer thing.
- [Lola] Can I take it now?
- He knows?
Okay, just a little bit.
You won't feel the full
effects, but it'll help.
(loud rumble echoes)
(whispers echo)
(loud rumble echoes)
(deep laugh echoes)
(soft tense music)
(crickets chirp)
(dog barks in distance)
(dark dramatic music)
(Lola pants and moans)
(man pants and grunts)
- Gabe.
(soft tense music)
(footsteps shuffle)
(door rattles and creaks)
(sighs) What are you doing here?
- I'm sorry, I just,
I wanted to see ya.
- You can't keep
showing up here.
- Yeah, I know, but
I need to talk to ya.
- About what? About
what happened last time?
- No, just, I don't
think you're safe here.
- Gabe, I'm fine.
- No, listen.
- No, this is a bad place.
Bad things happen here.
- I know.
- You know?
- You know, I've
seen what men can do.
I've experienced
what men can do.
- Yes, this is a bad place,
but we look after each other.
We're like family.
- (laughs) They're
not your family.
- They're more family
than my own ever was.
- All right, it's not the men
you have to be careful of.
- It's the women who work here.
- What are you talking about?
- Look, I did not come
to argue with you.
I've come to warn ya.
- All right, well, you've
warned me. Can you please leave?
- Look, I am pretty sure
me and my friend were here.
It's all just fuzzy
like in my head,
but that is the only
thing that comes up.
It's like a dream
you never forget.
Look, he never came home.
No one has seen him,
and I am pretty sure-
- Well, he is not here if
that's what you're implying.
- I just want you to be safe.
- You can't come in here
like Prince Charming
and try to sweep me
off my feet, all right?
Things like that don't
happen to people like me.
- That is not what I'm doing.
(Lola sighs)
I want you to leave please.
- Lola, please.
- No.
I don't wanna see you again.
Just go, all right? Now.
- Yeah. Yeah, fine.
(footsteps shuffle)
Just promise me you'll
look after yourself.
That's all I ask.
(Lola sighs)
(dark brooding music)
(flames crackle)
- I wanna talk to Simone.
- She's busy.
- She's not too busy for me.
- There are rules.
- Well, I don't care
about the rules right now.
- Lola, this isn't
how we do things here.
(hisses echo)
- I need to speak with you.
- What is it?
- I wanna know what's going
on here, okay? All of it.
- I can't tell ya.
I'd have to show you.
You ready for that?
- Yeah, I'm ready.
- You're not ready.
- I am ready.
There's no need to rush.
The destination is not the
answer to your questions.
- Have I not earned
my place here?
Okay, what more do I have to do?
- You've only just started.
- I am ready.
All right, look me in the eyes
and tell me I'm not ready.
- Once we do this,
you can't go back.
- I wanna know.
- I'll call the sisters.
(dark ethereal music)
(flames roar)
(flames roar)
Are you ready?
- Yeah.
- Deep breaths.
(breath echoes)
(electronic beeps trill)
(Lola pants)
(dark dramatic music)
(sharp intense sounds echo)
(Lola whimpers)
(Lola whimpers and cries out)
It's begun.
(Lola groans and whimpers)
(dark suspenseful music)
(whimpers echo)
(snake hisses)
(teeth pierce flesh)
(Lola's cries echo)
(snake growls)
(Lola groans and cries out)
(hisses and snarls echo)
(Lola cries out)
(birds chirp)
(Lola sighs heavily)
(items shuffle in background)
(Lola groans)
(intense disquieting
music intensifies)
(Lola screams)
Look at me, look at me,
look at me, look at me.
Sh, sh, it's okay.
It's okay, yeah?
It's okay, it's okay. Sh, sh.
- What happened? I
could've sworn...
- You're gonna see a
lot of crazy things
over the next three days, okay?
- That red powder, does it
have something to do with that?
- Yeah. It just
helps you adjust.
The dose should've
been given gradually,
but the bit you were given
last night was a lot more.
- (sighs) What happens now?
- Rest. The next few days
aren't gonna be easy, okay?
But when you feel better,
Simone will talk you
through what to do, yeah?
- (speaks
indistinctly), are you?
(soft tense music)
(people speak indistinctly)
(footsteps shuffle)
(hisses echo)
(Lola whimpers)
(hisses echo)
(Lola whimpers and screams)
(man grunts)
(spoon clinks)
(birds chirp)
(Lola gags)
(soft tense music)
(Lola coughs)
(skin thwacks onto floor)
(footsteps shuffle)
(Lola coughs)
(Lola wretches)
- What is that?
(Lola whimpers)
(footsteps shuffle)
(tense music)
(Lola gasps)
(Gabriel shushes)
- [Gabriel] Hey.
- What are you doing here?
- I came here to see you to
make sure you're all right.
- You can't be here.
- Yeah, I know.
Where you going?
- I don't know.
It just, I can't stay here.
- It's okay. What happened?
(dark brooding music)
- Look, I can't
tell you, all right?
I just, I can't be here anymore.
- Where are you gonna go?
- I dunno.
Ooh, ooh.
(Lola pants and groans)
(hisses echo)
(Lola grunts and screams)
(Lola coughs and whimpers)
(dramatic suspenseful music)
(Lola grunts)
(Lola cries out)
(birds chirp)
(Lola pants)
(light clicks on)
(footsteps shuffle)
(steps creak)
- Hey.
- How did I get here?
- I, I brought you here.
- Why?
- You fainted.
I didn't really know
what else to do.
Look, you've had a fever
since you got here.
That is, I think.
Like you were saying
some pretty weird stuff.
Snakes come up a lot.
- I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.
I just want you to be safe,
and you can say as
long as you like.
My parents won't mind.
- Oh God, no. I couldn't.
You barely know me.
- I know enough.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Where are you parents?
- There away at the moment.
They'll be back in a few days.
(Lola sighs)
- I don't feel so good.
- Oh, oh, hey, hey, hey.
Come on, sit down, okay?
You haven't eaten in a few days,
but I'll make you
something, yeah?
(Lola sighs and
breathes heavily)
(water pours)
(dark tense music)
- Bring him to us.
- You okay?
- Yeah, nothing.
Nothing, I'm fine.
- Okay.
Just need to step
out for a minute,
but back in about half an hour.
(deep rumbling echoes)
(crickets chirp)
(Gabriel sighs)
(floorboards creak)
(soft atmospheric music)
(Gabriel breathes shakily)
(Gabriel pants)
(hisses echo)
(Lola snarls)
(dark dramatic music)
(Lola roars)
(Gabriel screams)
(Gabriel pants and gags)
(Lola whimpers)
(dark dramatic music)
(dog barks in distance)
(Lola pants)
(footsteps crunch)
(footsteps crunch)
(footsteps crunch)
- Hello?
(dark dramatic music)
(mechanic screams)
(flesh squelches)
(door creaks open)
(heels clack)
- [Gabriel's Dad]
Ah, home sweet home.
- Ah, really is the
best part of the trip.
I mean, I have loved it,
but it's great to be home.
- Gabe, we're home!
(crickets chirp)
Huh, must've gone out.
- Oh, well maybe he's
asleep. I'll go check on him.
- All right. I'll
do the unpacking.
- Ah, just leave
it till tomorrow.
Put anything dirty
in the hamper.
- All right. Whatever.
(tense brooding music)
(footsteps shuffle)
- Gabe?
(trunk door slams)
- Everything all right?
(footsteps crunch)
Did you find him?
It really annoys me when
people (speaks indistinctly).
(hisses echo)
(dark dramatic music)
(flesh squelches)
What the hell?
(Lola hisses and roars)
(venom sizzles)
(man screams)
(dog barks in distance)
(flesh squelches)
(man cries out)
(dark tense music)
(Lola whimpers)
(engine revs)
(crickets chirp)
(door slams)
(footsteps shuffle)
(Lola grunts)
(footsteps shuffle)
- Hey.
Oh my god, I thought
I'd never see you again.
- I don't know what to do.
- I told you it wouldn't easy.
- No, it wasn't.
- Whose car is this?
- I had to take it. Simone,
she kept calling me back.
- What else did she say?
(slow eerie music)
(trunk clicks open)
I'll get Simone.
- We need to dispose of the
car, too, before anyone sees.
(flames crackle)
- I'm glad you're back.
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left.
- You're home now.
That's all that matters.
I think it was too soon.
Your body didn't
have time to adjust.
I thought you could handle
it, but I was wrong.
- I can handle it.
It was just too much.
I panicked.
- It's okay.
We all had to go through it.
What happened? What did you see?
- Snakes, blood.
- It will get better in time,
and then you all feel
the power within you.
- I just want the pain to end.
(dark dramatic music)
- Did you bring him?
- What are you gonna do to him?
- We're gonna
sacrifice him to Manasa
to complete your transformation.
- No. No, no, he's pure.
Like you said yourself. We
don't hurt those who are pure.
- You got too close.
I told her you
shouldn't. I did warn ya.
- Is there no other way?
Please, I don't wanna kill him.
- We're not killing him.
One thing you need to understand
is we are setting him free,
free from hardship, free from
oppression, free from pain.
This is the only way.
(dark dramatic music)
(soft eerie music)
(Gabriel pants)
- Where am I?
What's going on?
(hisses echo)
- We are here today
to welcome Lola.
She has lived with us, learned
our ways, observed our rules.
She survived the first
part of the ritual.
Imbibe in the vish so that
her body can appropriate.
This is no easy feat.
It takes everything you've got,
mold you so that your body can
complete the transformation.
We must be proud of Lola,
as I was proud of
you when you did it.
- Lola.
- Go to him.
(Gabriel breathes shakily)
(Lola shushes)
- Look at me. Look at me.
- I don't know what (speaks
indistinctly). I'm sorry.
- You didn't do anything.
- [Simone] Lola has
brought us the offering.
- What's that mean?
- Sh, you will see. It's okay.
- This isn't right.
I never wanted this.
- It'll be over soon.
- [Simone] We'll
make it painless.
- No, no, please, please.
(hisses echo)
(Gabriel gags)
(venom sizzles)
- We call to you. Please
bless this offering.
We are your servants.
We call who you.
We call to you! Please
accept this offering.
(Lola roars)
(Gabriel screams)
(flesh squelches)
We call on you. Please
blessed this offering.
(Lola roars)
We call on you. Kalana.
- We call on you.
- Kalana.
Please accept this offering.
- She has come.
- Sisters,
we are witnessing
something great.
(flesh squelches)
(Gabriel cries out)
- Witness Manasa.
(roar echoes)
(snakes hiss)
(haunting vocals echo)
(dark dramatic music)