Meet the Killer Parents (2023) Movie Script

[instrumental music]
[animal howling in distance]
[door rattling]
You're like a parasite
crawling beneath my skin
You know I hate to lose you
love to hate
But lose I will
you're like an animal
You're like a freefall
you're like the pain I crave
I block you out
like alcohol
I'm burning up
in the sunshine in paradise
You're like a nightmare
but I just lie here
You got me paralyzed
and paranoid but I don't care
I'm not saying
it's all your fault
I choose to stay awoke
You're like a parasite
[sniffs] Hm.
[Rob] You packing
everything you own?
[chuckles] You know we're just
going for the weekend.
-I know. But I'm nervous, okay?
From everything you said
about your mom, I feel like
she's gonna be
a tough nut to crack.
Ah, she just wants to make sure
I found the perfect girl.
-[Rob] Woman.
She's just being protective.
See, that's what I'm afraid of.
She probably thinks
I'm some kind of a gold digger.
No, she doesn't. That's crazy.
Unless you really are
and you've just been duping me
all this time.
Hm, you're right.
That's totally me.
I'm gonna take you for
everything you've got, mister.
-Is that right?
-I'm ruthless.
-Sure you are.
-Hm. Wait and see.
Yeah. Uh...
Oh. Get a door,
you degenerates.
-Someone could walk right in.
-[Grace] May!
I thought you guys were trying
to beat traffic.
Yeah, we probably
should hit the road.
-Mm. Okay.
-I'll go pull the car around.
You're gonna help me close this
or what?
Why do you have so much stuff?
You're a mess.
[eerie music]
[May] Hey, are you okay?
You know, Rob's been acting
a little weird lately.
He is always a little weird.
Now I don't even wanna
say this out loud, but...
-I think he might propose.
I mean, I mean,
I don't, I don't know, I just...
-Just this weird feeling I get.
-No, uh...
That's amazing.
I'm happy for you.
It's just, I don't know, you've
known him for three months.
I know, I know, but...
I'm just saying
proceed with caution.
I've dealt with my share
of one percenters.
They treat people like us
like trash.
If they think
you are after their money--
I'm not is the thing.
This could be
the best thing that
ever happened to me.
-Aside from you, of course.
Well, you know I love you and
I just want what's best for you.
Thank you. I just hope
his parents like me.
Of course they will.
Your life is gonna change
so much
when you become
all rich and sophisticated.
Shut up.
A long way
from that shitty basement
apartment I rescued you from.
Which was a step up
from my mom's
rat-infested apartment
before that.
If she had it her way,
I never would have left.
You've worked really hard.
And she's gone now and you don't
have to worry about her.
I just wanna have it easy,
you know, for once in my life.
Yeah, no more picking locks
or stealing wallets or food...
Okay, that was one time.
[May] Okay, call me tonight.
[Grace] I will.
-Promise? Okay.
-I promise.
[both chuckling]
-Love you. Mm-mm.
-I love you.
Okay, just don't,
don't sleep in my bed.
Okay. Bye.
[upbeat music]
-[Rob] Hey. We're here.
This is your parents' place?
[Rob chuckles]
[Rob] Yup.
The house, the land.
-All of it.
-Oh, my God, what?
-Yeah, it's a bit much, right?
-It's gorgeous.
-You ready?
-Come on.
[door opens]
-[instrumental music]
Oh, my gosh!
Are you serious right now?
Is this what you were expecting?
It's way pricier than that.
-You're late.
-Uh, i-it's my fault.
Mrs. Whitby, I took
a little too long getting ready.
Call me Miriam.
I'm Stephen.
We've heard so much about you.
Oh. I hope it's good things.
-Mm, my special boy.
Mm. I've missed you.
[both chuckling]
-Uh, dad. Hey.
Oh, you're feeling lean.
You've been working out?
Your mom's got me
on some kind of low-carb thing.
Your home is gorgeous. It's...
Well, come on, Grace.
Let's give you a full tour.
I'm gonna go grab our stuff,
gonna catch up
with you guys later.
This is beautiful.
It's all Miriam,
she's the brains
behind the whole operation.
-My office.
-What do you do?
Uh, I used to dabble
in all sorts of ventures.
But now I'm retired,
so I mostly pass the time
moving money around creatively.
And now,
for thepiece de resistance.
[Stephen] I designed this room
myself. Sound-proof.
Fitness center. Fresh popcorn.
[Miriam] I'm not a fan.
What's your opinion, Grace?
And if you think this is a test,
it is.
Uh... Honestly, I like it.
See, Miriam, I do have taste.
Now, come see something
we both agree is perfect.
He knows you lied,
but it still made him happy.
Well done.
And this is where we come
for a little R and R.
Huh. So peaceful.
We back on to public land, so
there isn't another neighbor
around for miles.
Hm. What's that
cute little place over there?
That's the garage.
The Jacuzzi
is fully operational, though.
I promise we'll have
a little splash in there later.
Robbie, you must be exhausted.
[Miriam] I know how tired
you get after long drives.
Why don't you show Grace to
your room and freshen up a bit?
And we can reconvene later
for happy hour.
-Sounds great. Come on.
[instrumental music]
Hey, I'm gonna crash for a bit.
My mom was right,
I'm pretty beat.
Okay, you can go for it.
-I slept on the car ride up.
-Hm. Okay.
-[music continues]
I'm just gonna poke around
a little bit.
[ominous music]
-[indistinct song on stereo]
-Oh! Jesus! Stop!
-[stereo turns off]
[eerie music]
-Oh! Oh!
-This door should be locked.
-I'm-I'm sorry about the music.
Nobody ever comes in here.
Not even the housekeeper.
Do you have a sister?
Her name was Jenny.
She, uh, disappeared
about ten years ago.
Oh, my God, what?
Why didn't you tell me?
What happened?
To be honest, it's, um...
it's a little bit
of a s-sore subject.
-O-of course, yeah.
-Especially with my parents.
So I'd appreciate it
if you just don't bring it up.
I won't. I'm...
I-it's just so awful.
Uh, uh, they just,
uh, they never found--
I really don't wanna
talk about it.
-Rob, I'm so sorry.
-I should've told you.
No, it's okay, I get it.
I really do.
I just want this...
to be a special weekend.
I have an idea how we could make
this a little more special.
-Yeah? I'm intrigued.
-Yeah. Yeah.
[both sighing]
Ah. I hope I wasn't too loud.
Loud was awesome.
Okay, I'm gonna pee,
and we need to get ready
'cause we do not wanna be late
for happy hour.
[sighs] Okay.
The bathroom
is just down the hall.
-[door shuts]
I came to make sure
you two didn't oversleep.
But by the sounds of it,
you were already awake.
Yeah, we were just,
we were just getting up.
Well, I hope you got some rest.
You certainly look invigorated.
Oh, yeah, it's probably all the,
um, fresh air out here.
Uh, bathroom is this way?
That way.
Okay, thanks. Good to know.
[Miriam] Robbie's
last girlfriend, Tricia,
now, she was a brat.
-That's too bad.
[Miriam] Talk about loud.
Her voice just cut through
your eardrums.
-Didn't it, Rob?
She was argumentative
and opinionated.
Terrible qualities for a girl.
And she was a picky eater.
You're not a picky eater,
are you, Grace?
No, I am the furthest thing
from it.
Good, because I was taught
to eat everything on my plate.
Miriam's parents
were extremely strict.
[Miriam] Well, nothing wrong
with high standards.
Isn't that right, Robbie?
I mean, just look how fabulous
you turned out.
-[Stephen] Okay.
Tell us about your parents,
Grace. Do you see them a lot?
-Um, no, actually.
-[Miriam] Oh!
[Grace] They both passed.
-Oh, no.
-[Stephen] I'm so sorry.
I barely remember my dad.
He died when I was three.
And my mom was challenging,
to put it mildly.
I left when I was 15
and lived on my own and...
I wasn't in touch with her
at all anymore
when I found out
she died a few years ago.
-Um... Ahem.
-That's a lot.
However did you manage
on your own
at such a young age?
[Grace] It wasn't easy.
Uh, there was a, a dark chapter.
But then I-I-I found my footing
and I-I went back
and finished high school a few
years late, mind you, but...
-Oh. Remarkable. Hm.
Up by your own bootstraps.
I like this one, Robbie.
So far so good.
-Ready for another?
-Uh, no, one was plenty.
I'm-I'm actually feeling
a little lightheaded.
Oh, maybe you're hungry.
Our housekeeper Penelope
will be here any minute
to start dinner.
She'll make you a snack.
[Stephen] You're gonna love her,
by the way.
We've known her
since she was little.
Her mother worked for us
before her.
I-I'm really sorry,
I-I need to excuse myself.
-So sorry.
-Are you ill?
-Do you need me to come with--
-No, I'm fine.
I just, um, I just need
to lay down for a minute.
[Grace sighs]
[ominous music]
[intense music]
[intense music]
Oh, shit!
[Grace sighs]
Oh, there you are.
Dinner's ready.
Oh, you must be Penelope, we
should probably
introduce ourselves.
I already know who you are.
[Stephen] All my fingers
were in different pots,
media, pharmaceuticals,
surgical equipment,
cosmetics, construction...
Philanthropy, political
fundraising, the police board.
-[Miriam chuckles]
-[Stephen] Ugh!
Do you like beauty pageants,
Oh, I don't know, I think
they're a little
superficial, don't you?
I was a beauty pageant queen.
Oh. I-I didn't,
I didn't mean the...
It's all right. Everybody's
entitled to their own opinions.
That's how we met, actually.
I was asked to adjudicate
her pageant.
Ah. I'm sure
you were very impartial.
Ah, I may have played favorites.
You're certainly good at that,
aren't you, darling?
But enough about our story.
I wanna know more about you.
[Miriam] Yes,
it can't have been easy.
S-sorry, w-what, um,
what were you saying?
Losing your parents, fending
for yourself, I can't imagine.
What, uh, doesn't kill you
makes you stronger, right?
Marvelous. Are you sure
you're feeling better?
You haven't even touched
the wine.
The nap helped, thank you.
-And you've had enough to eat?
-Uh, yes, I am so full.
You know, Penelope's mother,
Abigail, made escargot
for very special occasions.
And you've certainly carried
the baton.
-Haven't you?
-I hope so.
-It was amazing, Penelope.
-I'm so glad.
So you've worked here
since you were young?
Yes, I was a teenager, yeah.
Abigail used to bring her along
to help out.
She began by babysitting for us.
Oh. What was Rob like
as a little boy?
[Grace] Huh? Did you have
to change his diapers?
I mean, I'm sure
he was a wonderful big brother.
-[cutlery clanks]
-[intense music]
I am so sorry.
Rob said not to mention it,
Mr. Whitby.
-I am so sorry. Shh.
-[Miriam gasps]
Shit! Um, I am,
I am so, so sorry.
I didn't,
I didn't mean to, um...
No harm done, dear.
I'll just get you another one.
Clean this up
before it-it stains.
Lemme give you a hand with this.
-Let's get you out of here.
I'm so sorry.
Rob told me not to say anything.
It just sort of slipped out.
How much did Rob tell you
about Jenny?
Nothing. Just that it was
a very sensitive subject.
All right, well...
I suppose all families have
their tragedies, don't they?
Can I ask what happened?
It was ten years ago.
Stephen was at work.
I was by the pool.
Rob was in his room
and Jenny was down by the pond.
When Abigail called us
for dinner, Jenny didn't come.
So I just asked Rob
to go get her.
But she was nowhere to be found.
Oh, no.
So we continued searching
when Stephen came home
and eventually called
the police.
The search went on for weeks.
They even dredged the pond,
but she simply just
without a single clue.
-That's terrible.
-It was.
But especially for Stephen.
They shared a very special bond.
In fact,
he still feels strongly...
that we will find her.
I feel awful for bringing it up.
I'm sure you will find a way
to make it up to him.
[eerie music]
Oh, my God, May,
I am totally blowing it.
Slow down. I'm sure you're not.
Wait. Did he pop the question
or what?
[sighs] No, he hasn't,
but, listen, there's this whole
crazy thing. He has got,
like, a dead sister.
-[Grace]I know, right?
She disappeared,
like, ten years ago,
and the family is still
really messed up about it.
She disappeared?
I never heard about it.
[May]You'd think it'd be
a big deal on the news.
-They're almost famous.
-I mean, I guess.
That's bat-shit. There's gotta
be more to the story.
Well, not everything
is a conspiracy.
You always see the good
in people.
[Grace]And you don't.
[Grace] Please,
just let me choose
to believe that
Rob is perfect, okay?
[May]It's your life.
Okay. Love you.
I love you, too.
[Grace] Creepy.
-[Stephen] Jenny.
-[gasps] Oh, sorry.
I didn't realize you were up
here. Uh, what did you call me?
I said, I think you deserve
an explanation
about my daughter, Jenny.
Uh, care to join me for a drink?
Oh, I'm actually still feeling
a little bit queasy.
Okay. I understand.
But I, I'd love to sit with you.
[Stephen] They try to protect me
from my feelings, but, uh...
I actually love
talking about her.
Keeps her alive in my heart.
She was a beautiful soul.
You remind me of her.
Oh. Well, that's very nice.
Do you like dragonflies?
Sure. I mean...
Jenny loved them.
We used to watch them together
down by the pond.
Did you know that they symbolize
love and prosperity?
Uh, isn't that beautiful?
It's gorgeous.
She was the love of my life.
I would do anything for her.
Uh, I'd better turn in.
But you haven't touched
your drink.
Uh, I'm exhausted.
Would you please tell Rob
that I'm heading to bed?
Thank you
for a lovely evening, though.
Thank you for a lovely evening.
Sweet dreams.
[Grace sighs]
-[Penelope] Watch your step.
-[Grace scoffs]
Okay. Do you have a problem
with me or something?
I'm telling you to be careful.
I think you're jealous.
Okay. Well, don't say
I didn't warn you.
-[Rob] Hey. You okay?
Not, uh, exactly the special
weekend I had in mind.
Yeah, I know. I have
to apologize to you, again.
I really should have told you
about Jenny.
-No, no. I mean, I tot--
It was wrong of me
to drop all that on you,
then expect you
not to bring it up.
I mean...
Yeah, that did, uh...
That sucked.
But I get it, I mean,
I cannot imagine recovering
from a tragedy like that.
Well, as you can see,
we haven't.
Your mom, she said that she just
disappeared from the property.
Like, how does that even happen?
Um, well, the cops thought maybe
someone came in from the back.
But then they scoured
the whole forest
and didn't find a single clue.
That is horrible.
I should have told you all that
right from the start.
But I just wanted this
to be a perfect weekend.
And I wanted my parents to feel
the same way about you as I do.
The good news is that
they definitely do.
Well, I mean,
your dad is a little...
um, uh, affectionate.
-But your mom...
God, I feel like
I totally offended her
with that whole
beauty queen thing and...
She can be hard to read.
But I'm not kidding,
they were very effusive.
-[both laughing]
I'm serious, though.
They think you're perfect.
Well, Penelope
sure doesn't feel that way.
What do you mean?
Come on.
She's giving me stink eye.
The whole night! I mean,
she totally hates my guts.
-You're jealous.
-Ha! Ah, no, I'm not.
-I love it. Jealous of the maid.
-I am not jealous of the maid.
It's actually really endearing.
-Goodnight, Penelope.
-Hey, you...
[both laughing]
-[line ringing]
-[voicemail beeps]
-[Grace]Leave a message.
-Hey, hey.
I know you're probably asleep
right now,
but I gotta tell you
about these
weird Internet rabbit-holes
I've been going down.
So it turns out
little Jenny Whitby
used to be a child
beauty pageant contestant.
One day, suddenly, poof,
she just stopped competing.
And then way down
the old discussion forums,
I found these posts
by pageant parents
speculating about
what happened to her,
and they have
some whack theories.
I don't know.
Hey, call me back, okay?
Love you.
[intense music]
[line ringing]
[cell phone ringing]
-You got my message.
-[Grace] You're still up?
[May]I don't sleep
when you're not here.
Just kidding.
Anyway, listen to this.
I found these old archived pages
on an unsolved mystery site.
-Okay. What does that mean?
-They were scrubbed.
And only ninjas like me
know how to find them.
-That's crazy.
The crazy thing is
it should've been a big missing
person's case all over
the news, but it wasn't.
For some reason,
the media didn't touch it.
Okay, bear with me for a second,
but remember when Rob mentioned
his dad had stakes
in a big media company?
Well, what if Papa Whitby
pulled his weight
and squashed the story
about his missing daughter?
-Even more importantly, why?
[Grace]Okay, well,
that's a bit far-fetched.
Or sus as hell. I told you,
rich people are psycho.
Okay, they're weird,
but they're not lunatics.
Just keep your head up, okay?
And call me back in the morning.
I will.
-[May]Love you.
-I love you. Bye.
[eerie music]
What are you doing? Oh!
[Miriam] I thought
you were Stephen.
He, uh, sometimes sleep-walks
and wanders in here,
which is why we like
to try to keep the door locked.
You're up late.
-Does Robbie snore?
-No, he--
Oh, he will,
just like his father.
Oh, Stephen sounds
like a recycling truck.
How do you even put up
with that?
[Miriam] When it's beneficial,
one finds ways to put up with
all manner of unpleasantness.
[music continues]
Life is about making sacrifices.
Stephen's very taken with you.
You-you-you mean Rob?
Oh, of course.
I've had too much wine.
It's definitely time
for our beauty rests.
Tomorrow is a big day.
[eerie music]
Sweet dreams.
[Grace] Uh, thanks.
Oh. Dammit.
Oh, boy. Mm.
What the hell?
[blender whirring]
-She has risen!
-I'm so sorry for sleeping in.
-I don't know what happened.
-Well, the house is very quiet.
-[Stephen] Isn't it?
-Um, have you seen my phone?
-That's so weird.
Well, I mean, you did have a
little bit to drink last night.
-So... Yeah, come on.
-I only had one.
This will cure what ails you,
Stephen's patented
hangover cure.
I'd actually just rather,
you know, have a coffee.
It looks a lot worse
than it tastes.
Down the hatch, sweetie.
[Rob] Seriously, it works
like a charm. We all had one.
[Stephen] Doctor's orders,
little lady.
[Miriam] Oh, yeah, it is
too bitter to drink like that.
You must just
down it all at once.
-Oh. Okay.
-Mm, yeah.
That's a good girl.
[both] That's a good girl.
-[Miriam] Ooh!
-Oh! Mm...
Oh. Um, I'm just gonna go
look for my phone.
I promised May
I'd call her this morning, so...
Um, let's have breakfast first.
-All right?
-I... Okay.
[ominous music]
Hey, Penelope,
have you seen my phone?
-I sure haven't.
-Okay, look.
I'm sorry we got off
on the wrong foot last night.
Feeling a little weird, like,
I might be coming down
with something.
-Uh, do you know where Rob is?
Okay, I-I don't have the energy
for this.
Can you, can you please just
give me my phone?
That's beautiful.
Accuse the maid of stealing your
phone. That's really classy.
I have to get groceries.
Face it.
-You're not his type.
Quit trying to sabotage
our relationship.
No, I-I'm not try-trying
to sabotage your relationship.
I'm-I'm trying to warn you.
You aren't the first girl
that he's brought here.
I mean, obviously,
he's gorgeous.
I'm sure he's had
tons of girlfriends.
He has,
and they're all the same.
So he has a type. Who doesn't?
Y-you don't understand.
I mean,
they look exactly the same.
But they're always one and done,
he brings them here
for the weekend,
and then I never see them again.
They are gone.
Thanks a bunch, but I think
I'll take my chances.
Okay. Well, I tried.
You know, uh, my advice to you?
Don't get so drunk,
especially at breakfast.
I'm not drunk.
Oh, God!
What is happening?
I don't know what you're
talking about. She's perfect.
She seems perfect.
And she really likes me, too.
Of course she does.
It's more important
that he likes her now.
He does!
Last night I found her
rooting around Jenny's room.
And this morning
I found this inside her drawer.
How much does her roommate know?
May? Nothing.
She knows Jenny's missing.
This is why we target girls
without families.
All it takes is one person
to talk to one person,
and we lose everything.
Let's just give her a chance.
-I found you!
-What are you doing?
You can't get away
from the monster!
Stop it!
I thought you wanted to play.
-I'm-I'm not feeling well.
-[Stephen] Oh.
Let me make you
another smoothie.
No. No.
What's wrong, honey? Hm?
I, I just,
I just need to get some...
I just,
I just need to get some air.
[intense music]
[Stephen] Miriam!
Oh? Is everything
all right, dear?
-Where is Rob?
-Well, he went for a jog.
I-I just, I need to leave.
I'm-I'm gonna go into town.
But everything's closed
on the weekends.
[Grace] Then I'll, uh,
I'm just gonna,
I'm gonna go for a drive.
-[door shuts]
If you leave, you'll end up
just like Tricia.
-What do you mean?
-Just come back inside.
-You can't drive right now.
-[panting] What is happening?
[Stephen] Well, we need her
docile and suggestible.
That's the important thing
at this stage.
[Miriam] Oh.
She's got a long way to go.
That was sloppy.
You were the one in charge of
micro-dosing her.
I was just guessing
at her body weight.
[Miriam] Don't you remember
what happened with Tricia
when you gave her too much?
You drugged me?
She's awake.
Sorry, kiddo, had to tie you
down, keep you safe.
Don't want you
breaking down doors and
running off into the woods.
Well, where are we?
You're in the salon.
Aren't you a lucky girl?
You're gonna get
a complete makeover.
We'll take care of everything.
Your hair, your nails,
even your eyes.
Which are not easy,
but Stephen's been
practicing on the apparatus.
[Grace whimpers]
[Grace] What is that?
[Stephen] Oh, state of the art.
And it changes your eye color.
Well, your eyeballs, really.
-Permanently! You know...
-[Grace whimpering]
We're going for gorgeous green.
-[Grace] What?
-So you'll look just like her.
-[Stephen] Jenny.
See, our precious Jenny.
But we have lots of work to do.
You're not quite ready yet.
Starting with this hideous top.
[sniffles, whimpers]
No, no, no! No, no, no! Please!
Please help me! Please! Help me!
[sobbing] Please...
-Rob! Rob!
-[Stephen] Rob can't help you.
-She's panicking.
Stephen, you're gonna have
to knock her out.
-No, no! No, please don't.
-Calm down.
-You're gonna hurt yourself.
-[Grace] No, no, no...
-Please don't.
-Hold still.
No, no, no! Ah! No!
[ominous music]
[cell phone vibrating]
[eerie music]
[dog barking in distance]
-[ominous music]
Baby my heart's ice cold
ice cold
Diamond dripping white gold
white gold
Baby my heart's ice cold
ice cold
Diamond dripping white gold
white goldice
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Ice cold
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Ice cold
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Ice cold
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Baby my heart's ice cold
What the hell?
Baby my heart's
Ice cold ice cold
White gold white gold
Baby my heart's ice cold
ice cold
Diamond dripping white gold
white gold
Ice cold
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Ice cold
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Come on.
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Ice cold
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Baby my heart's ice cold
[intense music]
-[electricity crackling]
First get this thing off.
[groaning, panting]
[ominous music]
[music continues]
[intense music]
Oh. What's going on?
Uh, where have you been?
Where have I been?
Where have you been?
I went for a run,
when I got back,
they told me that you got mad
and left!
-[sighs] Just like Tricia.
I really thought
you were different.
What are you talking about?
What's wrong? Is it me?
Why do you all leave?
Your parents tied me up
and drugged me!
Grace, come on.
Yeah, you, you helped them.
You wanted me
to drink that smoothie.
-No. I didn't! What?
-You're in on it!
-Yeah, that is crazy talk, babe.
-Back off.
Okay, I seriously need you
to calm down and think about
what you're saying. It's insane!
who the hell would believe you?
I mean, my parents
are pillars of the community,
and you...
no, you definitely aren't.
You even tried to steal
Jenny's necklace.
-No, I didn't--
-There are cameras everywhere.
Yeah, think about
how bad that looks, hm?
Tsk. Your past
is so unfortunate.
Runaway, dropout.
You even have a juvenile record
for shoplifting.
-How did you know that?
-Like I said...
My mom and dad
are very connected.
-[Stephen] Rob!
-She's in here!
Just go along with it.
[intense music]
Thank goodness. There you are.
Oh, no!
No! No! No!
Be gentle with her.
-No! Ah!
-Stop fighting.
Hey! You don't wanna end up
like the others.
-What others?
Let's get you to your bed.
It's way past your bedtime.
No. May. May! May!
May will look.
May will be looking for me.
-That's what they all say.
-Oh, no, oh.
-No! No!
-Shut up!
What the...
[cell phone chimes]
[instrumental music]
[Miriam] Up you get.
I said, stand up.
I don't want to.
We told you that this apparatus
does very delicate,
precise work.
But what we didn't tell you
is that
with just a press
of this button...
it's also capable
of very blunt work.
Like, rendering one's face
into a, an unrecognizable gumbo
of shattered bone
and shredded meat.
Unless they do as they're told.
Now, walk to the corner
and back.
And don't forget to smile.
[music continues]
[chair screeching]
[Miriam] Chin up. Not too high.
Cross one foot
in front of the other.
Keep your head level, and turn.
No, no, no, no.
Keep your core tight.
And step, step.
No, no, no, no.
Keep your core tight.
How's my precious little
I can't work with this.
She's useless on this dosage,
We need her docile
and suggestible.
That's the important thing
at this stage.
[sighs] I'm-I'm dizzy.
[Miriam] Oh.
She's got a long way to go.
She'll get there.
Come along, sweetness and light.
-Time for another nap.
[clock ticking]
-[Stephen] Hello, sunshine.
-Down the hatch.
-[Miriam] Oh! Darn it!
Bless you. She didn't mean it.
-Did you, sweetheart?
-What a mess.
-[Miriam] Ugh, come here.
All right, arms up.
-[Stephen] What is she wearing?
-I'm sorry, Stephen, I--
-It's inappropriate.
Change her.
Whatever makes him happy.
[Miriam sighs]
Put this on
and take the bra off.
So... you just do
whatever makes him happy?
He knows, though, I'm not
really his daughter, right?
Stephen's an entrepreneur.
He knows that if you invest
strongly enough in an idea,
you can make it real.
But you can't bring someone
back from the dead.
Jenny's not dead.
She just has never been found.
So the search continues.
Rob said that
there were others like me.
Like Tricia.
Mm. Playthings.
Fun for a while,
till he grew tired of them.
What happened to them?
They failed to take direction.
What does that mean?
[eerie music]
No. No.
[handcuffs clicks]
Look the part and play along.
Trust me, it gets easier.
[music continues]
Were you planning
on calling me back, officer?
[man on phone]We looked into
it, and your friend Grace,
she's got
quite the colorful past.
Uh, I-I'm sorry, what?
She goes missing
and you check her record?
She has a juvenile history
of habitual truancy,
among other infractions.
What does that mean?
Grace was last seen
with the man.
But how do you know
he is who he says he is?
He's her boyfriend.
Well, the name you gave us
didn't bring anything up.
I know, that's what
I'm trying to tell you.
How about this, give us a call
if you don't hear back
from her.
So you're not gonna do anything?
-[line disconnects]
-[busy tone]
[music continues]
[footsteps approaching]
Thirsty, baby girl?
[clock ticking]
Ah. There she is.
[clock ticking]
Orange or green?
[Stephen] Silly girl.
Let's try that again.
Orange or green?
-[Stephen] Tsk.
That's my girl!
-[metal clanking]
[Stephen sighs]
-[Stephen chuckles]
[ominous music]
[instrumental music]
Da da da
Da da da
Tell me baby baby tell
Time passes by I wonder why
I'm here without you
The way I fly
despite the nights
And I'm not quiet through is to tell your minds
I've gotten used to
This darkened light
is justified I cannot lose to
In your princess night
Broken is enough
For you to prove yourself
yeah yeah yeah yeah
For you to prove yourself
yeah yeah yeah yeah oh oh
In your princess night
Broken is enough
For you to prove yourself
yeah yeah yeah yeah oh
For you to prove yourself
yeah yeah yeah yeah oh oh
In your princess night
Broken is enough
[eerie music]
[intense music]
[ominous music]
[laptop keys clacking]
[May] "Odonata Holdings."
[laptop keys clacking]
-[dramatic music]
-[May] Gotcha.
[intense music]
Dragonflies are anthropoids
belonging to the insect order
In folklore, they're known
as keepers of the truth,
and they represent
new beginnings.
I wish I could go to the pond
and see a dragonfly soon.
Well, you're not ready
for that yet, sweetie.
We can't have Penelope
seeing you.
I was at the pond
when I disappeared, wasn't I?
Yeah, you loved going there
to watch the dragonflies. Hm.
Can we go to the pond?
Pretty please?
Well, okay.
-Just this once.
All right.
What are you doing?
Miriam, it's fine.
She just wanted to see the pond.
[clears throat]
What happened
after I disappeared?
Uh, Miriam went looking for you,
but you weren't there.
But mom said she sent Rob
to look for me.
I never said that.
You must have misunderstood.
No, Rob was at his friend's
house and he came home after me.
[Stephen] And then we all
looked for you everywhere.
Enough about all this, it's time
for you to drink your juice.
And don't make me ask you again.
But it hurts my tummy
if I don't have it with food.
You drink it right this instant.
Don't talk to her that way.
I'll get you a snack, sweetie.
[door opens]
What are you up to?
You're the one who told me
to play along.
Well, you don't have to act
like a spoiled, entitled brat.
[Miriam] Rob can easily find us
a new Jenny.
He's gotten very good at it.
Now drink every drop.
-[door lock beeps]
-[door opens]
-[door shuts]
-[clock ticking]
[ominous music]
[eerie music]
[eerie music]
-Oh! Ah!
-[screams] Okay.
-What the hell're ya doing here?
Please don't make me go back
to them, they're crazy.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Calm down, calm down.
What are you,
w-w-what are you talking about?
-It's them.
-I thought you left.
-It's Miriam and Stephen.
They kidnapped me and they,
they have been drugging me.
-[Penelope] What? No.
It's Rob, he finds girls, and
then, and then he bri-brings
them here. I should've listened
to you. You are right.
-[car approaching]
-Okay, all right.
Please, you have to get me
out of here, please.
Yeah, okay.
Um, come on, come on, come on.
[Penelope] Come on. Oh, shit.
Come on, come on.
-[Grace panting]
-[wind howling]
-Come on.
-[car approaching]
[car door shuts]
Go, go, go, go.
Come on, come on!
[dramatic music]
[door shuts]
Mom? Dad?
[seatbelt clicks]
[birds chirping]
[ominous music]
[instrumental music]
[Rob] Dad?
Dad, where have you been?
Grace is gone.
She's not in her room.
-I think Penelope took her.
-[Stephen] Who the hell is that?
[Grace groaning]
-Yeah. Oh.
-Please, please, keep calm.
Dammit. Here, come on, come on.
What did you do to her?
Whoa! Whoa!
Who the hell are you?
-Let her go.
-No! No, no, no.
You don't understand, I just...
Oh, God! No, my eyes!
I knew you were a dirtbag.
[Rob] Shut up!
I could snap your neck.
-[May groaning]
-Sweetness, you're safe.
[eerie music]
I'm so disappointed.
[sobbing] I'm so sorry.
[Miriam] Your mom knew
how to mind her own business
and she said you would, too.
In exchange,
I promised to look after you.
I won't tell.
-I-I-I swear I won't.
-Oh, you swear?
-[Penelope] Yes!
-You swear?
[Penelope screaming] No!
[ominous music]
-[intense music]
[instrumental music]
Just don't hurt May.
Oh, I would never hurt you.
And no one will ever take you
away from me again.
She's... uh, my best friend.
You're my best friend, too.
My baby girl
My sweet child
I'll protect you forever
[Stephen shushing]
I'll protect you forever
Do you have any idea
how much I've sacrificed
to make this perfect life?
People think Stephen
is the brilliant investor.
But he couldn't do any of it
without my guidance.
Everything we have
is because of me.
Penelope almost ruined it all.
That's why she had to die.
You're not gonna ruin it for me
either, Grace.
Do you know why?
Because I have
your little friend.
May's alive?
I'll refrain from using
the apparatus on her
as long as you can show me
that you can be the most perfect
little Jenny we've ever had.
Do you think you can do that?
Don't fuck up.
[intense music]
-[door lock beeps]
-[door opens]
[door shuts]
[cutlery clinking]
[Grace] That was delicious.
[Stephen] She's right.
[Stephen] You've done
a remarkable job
picking up the slack in the
kitchen without any extra help.
[Miriam] Thank you
for the compliment.
Mom's cooking is way better
than that old Nelope's.
She tried to take me away.
Yes, she did. And that's why
she's not here anymore.
Where did she go?
She had a bad car accident,
didn't she, Rob?
Sure did.
She spun off the road, tree
smashed through the windshield,
got her right in the face.
Let's not talk about that
at the table.
What happened to that girl
in the woods?
Oh, you won't be seeing her
But I-I thought she was nice.
I thought maybe we could have
a play date.
Your sister's quite the cut up,
isn't she, Rob?
No, she's a natural performer.
Speaking of performing,
I think it's time for a show.
-What do you say?
Well, let's get ready then.
Robbie boy!
Why don't you clear the table
tonight, hm?
[claps] Ready?
[upbeat music]
The dress is extraordinary,
[music continues]
[music continues]
[no audio]
-Uh-uh! Not for you.
[Stephen] Ginger ale
for the little lady.
-Hm. Cheers.
I love this house and the yard.
Is it really all ours?
Every bit of it?
[Stephen] It sure is.
And what's on the other side?
Oh, just forest
in all directions, sweetie.
Nobody around for miles.
Hey. What's the matter?
It's just so beautiful.
You know
what else was beautiful?
Your performance tonight.
You learned so much
in so little time.
-Didn't she, Miriam?
-She's a quick study.
Did I do good, mama?
Oh, you did so well
that I think you deserve this.
-She's ready?
-I think she is.
[Miriam] And tomorrow
we'll complete
your transformation.
Spa day tomorrow.
Night, sweetie.
[Grace] I love you,
mommy and daddy.
Goodnight, big bro. I love you.
Goodnight, Jenny.
[Stephen] Bye, sweetie.
-[Grace] Daddy?
-Can we do a story?
-[Stephen] Sure.
[door shuts]
[Grace] But not a book.
Can I tell you a story?
[Stephen] Oh.
Once there was a little bird
named Grace.
And her bird daddy died,
and her mommy pecked her
with her sharp beak
and wouldn't let her
leave the nest.
But one day
Grace tried to fly away,
but her wings wouldn't work,
and she fell into the streets
that were cold
and-and wet and dirty.
But then,
she met a mouse named May...
who was sort of like a mommy.
She was...
brave and, and scrappy...
and she protected Grace
when no one else would.
Then Grace...
was really, really sad...
because she wanted
to thank May...
for everything she did for her.
The end.
Now that reminds me of a story
about another lost bird.
The wind blew her away,
and her daddy bird
never got to say goodbye.
And he would give away
everything he had
just for one chance
to say he's sorry.
He would give it all away?
He doesn't deserve it anymore.
I'll try to arrange for you
a visit with your mouse friend.
She's in the salon.
But I can't promise anything.
You know what mommy's like.
Mm, hm.
[door opening]
[door shuts]
[ominous music]
[music continues]
[Rob] Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Sneaky, sneaky.
I actually was coming
to find you.
I miss you.
Yeah. Really.
I was waiting until
your parents were asleep,
and then I was gonna come
to your room.
What for?
Well, tomorrow
I become your sister.
And I was hoping
for... one last night
as your girlfriend.
-I like the sound of that.
On our first day,
you promised me
a little splash in the Jacuzzi.
This might be our last chance.
[eerie music]
[music continues]
Let me warm you up.
Wait, I...
I can't go in there
with this thing on.
Don't worry,
Dad's thought of everything.
It's waterproof.
[water splashing]
I've missed you, too, Grace,
ever since
you started becoming Jenny.
What happened
to all the other Jennies?
Oh, you don't wanna know.
Yes, I do.
[water bubbling]
Where do you dump them?
Who told you about that?
-Your mom.
-Of course she did.
Just tell me.
-Who were they?
-You really wanna know?
[Rob] They're nobodies.
Carefully chosen.
Like you.
There is something
a little different about you.
It's like dad really started
to believe that you are Jenny.
And even mom seemed convinced.
That's when
you started to hate me...
because you hated Jenny.
Daddy's little princess.
With her dumb little jokes.
You know, she knew that
dad loved her more, and she
always rubbed it in.
Your mom said she sent you down
to get Jenny for dinner,
and that she was playing by the
pond, that the dragonflies...
I called her over
to go swimming,
and she said,
"We aren't allowed."
Please, Rob.
See, but I told her
that we were allowed,
because mom said it was okay.
Mom told me to do it.
-Daddy! Daddy, please--
You know, mom hated her
just as much as I did.
-[Grace screaming]
-[water splashing]
I held her under there
and just waited...
What did he do?
He, he killed her.
-What? Who?
-[ominous music]
-[Grace panting]
-You! You--
-[Miriam] Stephen, no!
It was an accident.
-You knew?
You would have killed Rob
if you found out.
Miriam, she knew,
she covered it up,
and-and Penelope's mom
helped her.
I knew that you could not
live with the pain
of losing both children.
You never loved Jenny.
Rob was always your favorite.
They both hated Jenny.
Hey, shut up! You Liar!
You can't trust anything
that comes out of her mouth.
She stole Jenny's gold necklace.
She's trash,
just like all the others.
[Grace] None-none of the Jennies
were good enough
for you, Miriam, were they?
Not even the real Jenny.
Which is why
you had Rob kill her!
You did, didn't you?
It's true.
Why are you even listening
to her? She's a thief.
You're the thief! Huh?
You stole my Jenny from me.
After all
I've sacrificed for you
to give you this perfect life?
I don't want a perfect life!
-I want my daughter back!
-Stephen, you're hurting me!
-Shut up!
What have we done?
All those poor girls.
They're dead because of you!
I loved you, Stephen.
But you never loved anyone
but yourself!
-[Grace screams]
-Oh, God.
-Uh, no.
-[intense music]
What did you do? Oh...
-I thought you needed help.
-Why is everyone so stupid?
[Rob] Is he dead?
[Miriam] No.
Oh, but it's ruined.
It's all ruined.
Mom, hey. Tell me how to fix it.
I want you to tell me
how to fix it.
We have to clean
this whole place up.
You have to tie up your father.
Just tie up your father,
and let me think!
[intense music]
May. May, oh, God! Okay.
Hey, we have to get to that car.
Come on.
Listen, I'm gonna explain
everything later, okay?
Just get yourself out of there.
These people are dangerous.
-[intense music]
-You little shit!
-This is all your fault!
[both screaming]
[Grace grunting]
[both grunting]
Ow! No! No! Aah!
-[intense music]
-[machine whirring]
-What is this?
-How do you turn it off?
-[grunting] Oh, don't.
-We don't.
-[Miriam] No! No! No!
-We turn it up.
-No. Uh...
-Oh, God!
Oh, God! Stop!
[whimpering, screaming]
No! Oh! No! No!
[screaming] No!
But you can
never really mess with me
Oh I'm a dangerous woman
Oh I'm a danger...
Let's go. Let's go.
is my middle name
[intense music]
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
-Help me, help me untie him.
-Are you crazy?
No. No. He... It wasn't
his fault. He was nice to me.
That's Stockholm Syndrome.
Come on, let's go.
-We have to get out.
-Where's my mom?
Getting a much needed make-over.
Get off.
Stop it!
-[water splashing]
[Grace grunting]
[Rob] Aah! I can't breathe!
I'm trapped!
-[Rob] Ah!
-That'll kill him.
[May gasps, screams]
No. This will kill him.
[Rob groaning]
Help! Let me out of here!
No! Grace,
we have to call the police.
Did you really mean
what you said?
That you would give it all away?
Every dollar in every account.
The house. The houses.
Do you really mean that?
[sobbing] I just want someone
to be proud of.
Found my phone. My pepper spray.
And your wallet's in here, too.
Please, please, he,
he just lost his whole family.
Yeah, you killed them.
But don't worry.
I'll let them know
it was self-defense.
No, no. D-don't call the police.
We can...
We could turn this
into something good.
Grace, you're okay now.
I'm here. I'll look after you.
That man is gonna go to
jail, and he deserves it.
I don't need you
to look after me, okay?
-Calm down.
I am so sick
of you smothering me.
I don't need you
to protect me, okay?
I can take care of myself.
Are you out of your mind?
-Give me my phone now.
I'm warning you.
I am not gonna let you
ruin this for me.
-Oh, my God!
-[Grace screaming]
[Grace] No!
No! No!
[both grunting]
[intense music]
[ominous music]
[Grace]My sincere thank you
to each one of you
for joining me for the opening
of this breathtaking
performance space,
The Whitby Fine Arts Center.
[audience applauding]
I would like to take this time
to dedicate this space
to the thousands of individuals
that go missing in our country
each year.
A portion of every ticket sale
will go towards the National
Missing Persons' Fund.
[audience applauding]
As you all know...
I was once lost.
But because of the persistent
dedication of my father...
I was found.
And now I have a family...
a future.
And, yes, a fortune.
[audience applauding]
[eerie music]
[audience applauding]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[music continues]