Meeting Mr. Christmas (2022) Movie Script

[theme music playing]
(SINGING) Christmas is coming.
The snowflakes will be falling.
It's the most
wonderful time of year.
So hang up your stockings,
put the tinsel on the tree
because Christmas
is coming, my dear.
It's the only time of
year the reindeer fly.
You can see them on the
sleigh ride 'cross the skies.
SOPHIE: Every girl in their
right mind dreams of adventure.
Why wait for anyone to
tell you when and where
this adventure can begin?
When wonder lusting
alone, I provide
every single girl
the tools they need
to conquer the solo getaway.
Having traveled 42 countries
over the last four years,
I can honestly say that
adventure is waiting for you.
All you have to do is take it.
From Beirut to Bangkok,
there is no destination
that you cannot conquer alone.
Next week I'll be
reviewing my annual run
away from Christmas getaway.
Until then, this is Sophie's
Solo Travels signing off.
[music playing]
[music stops]
[music playing]
[notification tone]
[notification tone]
Bailey, hi.
How are you?
Great to be back
on solid ground
after three missed connections
and four delayed flights.
Oh, I've been there.
BAILEY: Listen, I loved your
review last week on solo travel
to Bali's luxury resorts.
Your honesty about all the
garbage that's building up
on the beaches was brilliant.
Thank you.
I always try to be really
honest in my articles.
BAILEY: No, you've
been killing it lately,
which is why I am
calling to get everything
lined up for your
annual Run Away
from Christmas travel post.
I just emailed you the location
link if you pull it up.
I've set up a huge review
of the newest luxury resorts
in the Maldives.
It is the most romantic
place on Earth, the top spot
for engagements, honeymoons,
destination elopement, et
cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
So what better
person to review how
to travel single
during Christmas
time in the most
romantic place on Earth
than my favorite solo blogger?
You got it.
When do I leave?
BAILEY: I have you flying
out the 24th, 9:20 PM flight.
Now you know this post is a huge
pull for advertisers each year,
and we have a lot of
big ones riding on this.
I want all that
cynical about Christmas
flair we expect from you.
That will not be a problem.
And post it on all your socials
beforehand to really amp up
the viewership.
Of course.
I honestly don't
know how you do it.
I don't want to be anywhere else
but home during the holidays.
I look forward to reading
your article while I'm shoving
my face full of sugar cookies.
Sounds good.
I'll send you the
deets when I have them.
[music playing]
Hey, sis.
Quiet, guys.
Mommy's on the phone.
Oh, how is the new little bub?
I can't wait to meet her.
Well, I might be
sooner than later.
What's going on?
You guys come to
the city sooner?
It's mom.
She's had a fall.
She was hanging Christmas
lights on the roof alone again.
SOPHIE: I told her not
to do that anymore.
Is she OK?
MAGGIE: I know.
Yeah, she's-- she's OK.
You know mom.
She just always
does things her way.
(WHISPERING) I'm fine.
Kind of like someone I know.
But she banged up
her leg pretty good,
and she's going
to be off her feet
now for a few weeks at least.
Oh my gosh, I should call her.
Yeah, so here's the thing.
You know it's the annual
Christmas fundraiser
at the restaurant next week.
Uh huh.
there's just no way
that mom can organize it now.
And you know I would help, but
with the kids and the newborn
and Jeff away on duty, I just--
I can't handle it all.
Maggie, I have
this huge assignment.
You know that.
I fly out on the 24th.
MAGGIE: Well, that's the
night of the fundraiser.
You could just come and
help organize it until then.
It'd be really good
for you to come home.
Maggie, I--
Look, we haven't been getting
the same amount of donations
the last couple of years.
You know how important
this charity was to dad.
It's been a family tradition
at the restaurant for 20 years.
He would never want
us to let it go.
Look, I know--
I know you don't like coming
home at Christmastime,
but Mom needs you.
OK, we-- we really need you.
I'll drive up tomorrow.
Thank you so-- thank you.
Mom is gonna be so happy
you're coming home.
Love you.
MAGGIE: Love you.
Oh, I can't believe
she's coming home.
Having both my girls
home for Christmas
is the best gift
I could ask for.
Oh, well, don't
get too excited, mom.
She said she's flying
out on the 24th,
so she'll be here long enough
to help you and Dr. Miller
with the charity event.
[music playing]
Is she all right?
I hope so.
I'll drive up to Willowbrook
first thing in the morning.
Wow, going home for
Christmas, you haven't
done that in four years.
I know.
Well, don't worry.
You will be in and
out in no time,
and then you'll be jetting
off to the sandy beaches
of the Maldives.
And who knows?
Maybe it'll be good for you to
be at home for a little bit.
I mean, there are
too many bad memories
at home around Christmas.
It's too painful.
I know it's been four years.
I'm just not ready to
face it all yet, you know.
I think I'd just rather be
alone, and it's what I do best.
But, you know, if I hadn't
taken that trip four years ago
and written that
article, I wouldn't
have the career I do now.
And you never would
have met a certain someone
on your flight home
who just happens to be
your super special best friend.
And you know that would
have been the real tragedy.
Look, I know it's gonna
be tough, but like I said,
I really think it'll
be good for you.
Be at home for a bit.
See your family.
If anything, Christmas
is the time to do that.
Except that running
away from Christmas
is a massive part of my brand.
I mean, Iz, I have 1.5 million
followers expecting my Run
Away from Christmas post.
Yeah, I know that's
a lot of pressure.
And even if I didn't
loathe Christmas, which I do,
that's what my readers expect
from me, not to mention Bailey.
And this is my career.
It's everything to me.
I just have to get in,
help my mom, and get out.
And I'm only a phone call
away whenever you need to vent.
I know.
You're the best.
I know.
Thank you.
[music playing]
the sleigh bells.
It's Christmas.
Hear the sleigh bells.
It's Christmas time.
It's Christmas time.
Grab your coat.
It's getting cold.
Just look--
It's just a few nights.
I can handle it.
[music playing]
I can't believe my eyes.
Is that-- is that the Sophie
from Sophie Solo Travels?
Hi, Sam.
Well, butter my butt
and call me a biscuit.
I haven't seen
you here in what--
Yeah, it's been a while.
No, but it's Christmas.
You haven't been here
Christmas time in--
Four years.
Well, it's really
great to see you.
What can I get for you?
A dozen of my mom's
favorites please.
Shortbread coming up.
And you're just in luck.
It's the last batch of the day,
so you snagged it just in time.
Thank you.
On the house.
It's really good
to have you home.
No, I insist.
Merry Christmas.
Thank you.
Oh my-- I am so sorry.
I-- I didn't even see you there.
Let me get you another batch.
It was the last
batch of the day.
I'm so sorry.
Well, you should
apologize to my mom.
They're her favorite.
They were for her.
Your mom's favorite?
Don't-- I can come
back tomorrow--
- Wait, no, are you--
- It's fine really.
Don't worry.
Don't worry about it.
But I think I--
It's fine.
I'm just gonna--
Excuse me.
Why don't-- yeah, yeah, yeah.
[music playing]
Mom, I'm home.
Oh, sweetheart.
Oh, come here.
Come here.
Give me a scrunch.
Mom, what are you thinking?
Are you OK?
I'm fine.
Well, let me
make you something.
Some tea?
Ooh, that would be lovely.
Oh, and actually--
Mom, you'll never guess.
I went to Sam's to get you some
of your favorite shortbreads
and this absolute doofus of a
man just rammed right into me,
and they all went
all over the floor.
And it was-- you.
Sophie, this is doctor--
Dr. Doofus.
Dr. Finn Miller.
I was trying to tell you.
Just call me Finn.
And I actually knew
exactly who you
were as soon as you
said that shortbread
were your mom's favorite.
I was there to pick
up some for her, too.
Such a dear.
So I'm sorry.
I didn't realize doctors
still made house calls.
Oh, well, your mom,
she's a special case.
I was just telling Dr.
Miller that you've come home
to help with the charity gala.
Yes, Maggie has
sent me the checklist,
and I'm ready to get started.
You and Dr. Miller will
be working together
to get everything up and
running at the restaurant
while I'm off my feet.
Oh, no, mom, I'm sure
I can handle anything
you need help with on my own.
Dr. Miller and I have been
organizing the charity gala
for the hospital together for
the past few years, which you
would know if you'd been home.
Montgomery's Restaurant
and the hospital
have a very close relationship,
and I want to keep it that way.
We're raising funds
for the new children's
wing this year, which Dr.
Miller is the head of.
It's very important to
make this year special.
It's been a rough go
the last few years.
Yeah, donations have
been kind of dwindling.
HELEN: So you two have one
week to get everything up
and running, and
Dr. Miller will show
you the ropes and everything
that we've got so far.
Mom, really, I can--
HELEN: Sophie Montgomery,
this is not something
that you will be doing alone.
You came home to
help me so help.
We can start tomorrow.
I'll pick you up
bright and early.
8:00 AM?
I'm not really
an early riser--
8:00 would just be great.
See you then.
Thank you for having me, Helen.
HELEN: Thanks, Finn.
[music playing]
SAM: Sophie Montgomery
and you working together?
Well, good luck
to you, good sir.
Thanks I think.
Seriously, who doesn't come
home to see their family,
and who doesn't come
home at Christmas?
It's a bit more complicated
than not just coming home.
Her fianc called off their
wedding on Christmas Eve.
Their wedding was supposed
to be on Christmas Eve.
It was before you moved here.
Needless to say, I don't
think she's a fan of Christmas
I mean, I get that I guess.
No, Christmas is
about coming together.
I mean, I'm sure her family
would have been there for her.
Her mom doesn't stop talking
about how much she misses her.
Well, not everyone
handles loss the same way,
and she took what
happened to her
and spun it into her
career for herself.
The travel blog.
She took what was supposed to
be their honeymoon vacation,
wrote a blog about it, and the
whole thing just went viral.
You know, single
girl, traveling solo,
breaking away from traditions,
all that kind of stuff.
I was really surprised to
see her in town this close
to Christmas to be
honest with you.
She's always does
this post about being
alone over the holidays.
She's always flying
off somewhere new.
But to dislike
Christmas, I just--
I don't know.
No, I can't wrap
my head around it.
I mean, it's the best
time of the year.
The way the kids light
up around the hospital
and just the way it feels
around town, I don't know.
Well, if I know
anyone that could
turn a Christmas cynic
into a Christmas lover,
it would be you.
Alls I'm saying is is
working with Sophie,
you've definitely got
your work cut out for you.
As wonderful as she is,
she's as fiery as they come.
[music playing]
(SINGING) Christmas is
knocking outside our door.
Let's let it all in.
Children have been waiting.
They can't wait for
the festivities--
(SINGING) To begin.
Let it snow.
Let the bells ring out.
[music stops]
I gather you don't
like Christmas music.
You gather correctly.
Oh, thank you.
It is way too early.
I need espresso
hooked up to my veins.
Actually hot chocolate.
Thought we'd start the day
with some Christmas cheer.
Is 8:00 AM a little too
early for hot chocolate or--
I know.
It's just thought we'd
boost our Christmas
spirit before we got started.
We can stop and
get an espresso--
Yeah, let's do that.
[music playing]
Mom wasn't kidding when she said
the earnings have gone down.
[music playing]
Last year's donations
were way below normal.
Ticket sales are down, too.
I mean, we're just not
pulling in the people
from neighboring
towns like we used to.
Oh, and looks like the
theme hasn't changed
in the last few years either.
Whose idea was that?
How boring.
Oh, look, I'm just
saying I just think it
needs like a little innovation.
With Christmas?
Yeah, I mean,
nobody wants to go
to the same stuffy
winter wonderland ball
every single year.
You know, I just think it
needs a little shake up.
I don't know I think
people like traditional,
something they're used to.
You know, it's--
it's comforting.
Do they?
Or do they like excitement
and newness and adventure,
you know, like a--
like a Christmas carnival?
Yeah, I saw one in
Costa Rica two years
ago on my way to a surf lesson.
Seemed really popular.
Christmas carnival?
Yeah, we could set
up games and stalls
on one side of the restaurants.
Make it more interactive.
And on the other side, we
could have dinner and dancing.
You know, bring in new people,
new faces, more donations.
I don't know.
It seems--
I'm supposed to help, and
I think this could help.
OK, I guess we can
think about trying that.
OK, this one is
perfect for the event.
Oh, no, no.
No, no, no.
Way too small.
So this one though, this
one is gonna look great.
[music playing]
OK, first order of
business is done.
Now I will contact rental
places for the carnival games,
and you can do whatever
it is you need to do.
Go back to the hospital.
Do doctor things.
I'm sure you're
very busy, and I've
got the rest under control.
I thought we were
working on this together.
And I took some vacation
days, so I have time.
I work better
alone, and I've got
most of the organization handled
from here on out anyways.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hey now, I have been running
this event with your family
for the past three years.
I think I have a pretty good
idea of what needs to get done.
And to be honest,
I don't want you
taking out any
Christmas traditions
that are important to the town.
I've heard all about your blog.
Oh, really?
Look, I let the Christmas
carnival thing slide
because, sure, that
might be a good idea.
We can give it a try.
And let you pick
the tree you liked
even though the one
I picked had branches
that were way more lush.
We have been doing just
fine with this event,
and I think there
are some things
that people here would want
to keep just the way they are.
OK, but I'm the one
who grew up in this town.
Yeah, and you abandoned it.
I did not abandon it.
I moved on and--
do you know what.
Can you just keep your Mr.
Christmas vibe to yourself?
OK, I'm just here
to help my mom.
I will meet you in the car.
I just have to
get some inventory
sheets from the office.
[music playing]
Can't wait.
Mr. Christmas?
I just got them down now.
They're so excited about Santa
coming in a couple of days,
I can barely get them
to shut their eyes.
HELEN: Oh, I remember
when you two were that
excited about Santa coming.
You used to stay up all night
together writing letters
telling him about your day.
Yeah, you remember.
Sophie's letters were
always like novels.
Oh, they were.
You have always
had a lot to say.
Oh, do you remember
how we used to bake
a big batch of sugar cookies to
leave for him on Christmas Eve?
Of course I remember.
And then dad would
always have to taste
test the cookies
to make sure they
were good enough for Santa.
Do you remember that?
Yes, he did.
He was such a character.
He loved this time
of year so much.
Oh, that reminds me.
Sweetie, can you stop
by Sam's this week
and pick me up one of
those gingerbread houses?
I want to decorate
one with the kids.
Sure, mom.
Thanks for the help.
It's been really great.
Of course.
HELEN: Speaking of help, how was
your first day with Dr. Miller?
Yeah, fine.
Though he does seem a
little opinionated on how
we run our family charity.
HELEN: Well, he has been
helping me for years,
and he cares a lot
about those kids.
It's his event now as
much as it is ours.
I'm just saying he
seems a little unadaptable
stuck in his ways.
I don't know.
That is very interesting
coming from the most stubborn
person that I have ever met.
HELEN: He may be
fairly new to town,
but this is important to him.
And he has really
taken it all on.
Now I know how headstrong
you can be so go easy on him.
That's all I'm
asking, all right.
MAGGIE: Well, you
know, it might be good
for you to learn how to do
things with other people,
not solo, right?
FINN: You weren't kidding.
This is gonna be way
harder than I thought.
She wouldn't let me
get a word in edgewise,
and she wants to take
over the whole thing.
Yeah, I was afraid
that might happen.
FINN: I mean, she
clearly doesn't
want to work together, and she--
she wants to change everything.
What did I tell you?
Soph is a force to
be reckoned with.
She was the wild one out
of the Montgomery clan.
It's just I've worked
so hard with Helen
over the past few years,
and I don't want to throw
away everything we built.
Well, you could tell her
how you feel if you could
ever get her to sit
still long enough
to actually listen to you.
I mean, OK, obviously I wanna
raise more money for the wing.
Of course.
It's just-- I don't know.
I don't wanna turn into some
social media worthy thing.
Would that be bad?
FINN: You know what
I mean, something
flashy instead of the town
coming together to help.
Yeah, well, I
guess you're just
gonna have to get
through to her somehow,
turn on that home
grown Dr. Miller charm.
Yeah, right.
Yeah, you're right.
Show her what she's been
missing these past few years.
SAM: Yeah.
Christmas here is pretty great.
Maybe try reminding her.
I'm sorry, you closed?
The light was still
on, so I wasn't sure.
No, it's fine.
I-- I have a closed
up the till yet.
What can I get for you?
Well, tomorrow's the last day
of school before the holiday
break, so I was hoping
to get the students
some special treats.
Oh, so that's why you're
always voted favorite teacher.
You bribe them with sugar.
Hey, you're probably gonna
need one of those big boxes
from the back, right?
I'll-- I'll grab you one.
[interposing voices]
Well, I was just going to ask
if you had any big festive plans
for the holiday?
I don't know.
Probably just grading papers
and nothing too exciting.
Well, I-- if you--
There you go.
Got one of everything
in there for you.
I know Sam wants the
kids to have a good mix.
That's coming up
next week already?
FINN: That's right.
Sam puts on a good
show every year.
And, you, Ms. Morrison,
will you be there?
I'll be there.
And please call me Mary.
She wants you
to call her Mary.
I think that went well.
Me, too.
She said call her Mary.
OK, so now that
we've got the tree,
the carnival games are being
delivered to the restaurant
Next order of business
is silent auction.
That seems a little dated.
Well, we've been doing it
for the last three years.
It's become sort of a--
I know, but it's really
not working for you,
not bringing in the money.
Like barely broke even last
year after paying out the staff.
We just need to shake
things up a little.
OK, fine.
You wanna shake things up?
What would you change?
The food.
The food?
It's your family's restaurant.
I mean, that's--
that's crazy, right?
No, because no one
will be expecting it.
They'll think it'll be the
same boring Montgomery turkey
dinner like it is every year.
We-- I think we should bring in
some newness, something fresh.
There's this new French
place called Chez Josephine.
I found it online.
It's just been blowing
up with followers.
It's getting insane reviews,
and it's just one town over.
Maybe they could cater.
You know, let's bring a little
bit of Europe to Willowbrook,
elevate the cuisine.
I think I should call and
see if we'll take the order.
People are expecting a
traditional turkey dinner,
not something so shi shi.
Look, we're really not trying
to reinvent the wheel here.
We're just trying to raise
some money for some sick kids.
Which is exactly
what I'm trying to do.
I'll keep everything
a Christmas tradition
but actually bring
in some money.
I just have to get this.
Bailey, hi.
BAILEY: Hello.
I just wanted to check in, let
you know that I emailed you
your flight and
hotel arrangements.
I have you in a window seat
as you've requested and-- hon?
The connection is
really scratchy.
Are you heading into
a tunnel or something?
Just had to pop back to
Willowbrook for a few days
Should I be worried?
Oh, no.
No, no.
Just helping my mom with
our family charity event.
Yeah, it's this new angle I
thought I would try starting
the article at home in
my country bumpkin town
where everyone is
annoyingly obsessed
with everything Christmas.
Mmm hmm.
starting the article
before I escape on the 24th.
OK, tell me more.
[music playing]
Well, there's this one
subject in particular
that I have to spend time with
here that I'll be focusing on.
Yeah, Mr. Christmas if you will.
It's this guy who is so
tradition and Christmas
obsessed, it's, well--
it's too much.
The juxtaposition will
really amp up the cynicism
you're used to seeing from me.
I think people are just
going to eat it up.
BAILEY: I love it
because big news.
Avanti International Online
has picked up your publication
and wants to run it on
all of its platforms.
This is huge for you.
Your viewership is
going to skyrocket,
and the direction you're
going could be gold.
Keep it up and send me the pages
with this new Mr. Christmas
angle as soon as possible.
Sounds great.
OK, bye.
So how about this?
I get to change the
food which will likely
bring in more people
and more money,
and you get to keep
your silent auction.
Oh, is that a genuine
Sophie Montgomery compromise?
They only come around
once in a blue moon,
so you best jump on it.
So you're saying you're
ready to finally start
working together on this thing?
Well, it would appear that
that is what I'm saying, yes.
Hat, what do we think?
Absolutely not.
Like, wait.
Like the size?
I think it fits.
SOPHIE: All the things.
I like it.
Are you trying
to fatten me up?
You're working on
your article already?
Yeah, trying to.
It's not going well.
I-- this new angle
I thought it would--
don't worry about it.
Actually I wanted to ask you.
So I bought Lily a make
your own airplane kit
because I know she
loves to build things,
and I got Jack a train set.
Is he still into trains?
Oh, he's definitely
still into trains.
I know more about trains than
any normal, sane person shit
Cool I guess.
They always love
everything you get them.
You're their favorite auntie.
Well, I'm they're
only auntie but sure.
It's true.
That's true.
You know, it might
be nice though if you
were home to watch them
open up gifts in person.
You know.
It's OK.
It's just been really
nice having you home even
for a little bit, you know.
I missed your stupid face.
I missed your stupid face.
I'm gonna check on mom.
She's probably feeding them
enough sugar to keep them
up for three days straight.
She does love doing
that, doesn't she?
Being the cool grandma
means she gets to spoil them
too much for their own good.
Night, dummy.
Love you.
Love you.
SAM: Let me guess,
cranberry danish?
You know what, normally
yes but I think it's
a plain croissant kind of day.
You picking up, Soph?
Going over the prizes
for the silent auction
so lot to get through.
Thank you, sir.
Hey, beers later?
You know it.
All right.
Good morning, Ms. Morrison.
Good morning, Dr. Miller.
What would Ms. Mor--
Mary, what can I get for you?
Oh, well, actually
I came to sign
up for this as a contestant.
Great, that's-- well, I'll
add you to the list right now.
And after the competition, I--
well, are you--
would you like to--
The answer to whatever
you were going to ask
is yes I would like that.
I-- well, I'll
look forward to it.
See you then?
I'll see you then.
[music playing]
Well, this one here
I'm willing to donate
for the auction.
Did all the engravings
on her by hand.
She's a real beaut.
Sure hope this helps those kids.
Yeah, every little bit helps.
Thank you so much, Jack.
It really means a lot.
I know someone's going
to be very excited to get
this for Christmas.
Oh, my pleasure as always.
Hey, since you're here,
how about the two of you
to take it for a spin on the
hill, see what you're selling?
Oh, no.
Thank you.
We still have loads to do.
Our checklist is stacked.
Oh, come on.
Our checklist can wait.
Let's have some holiday fun.
When was the last time
you did something festive?
Festive's not my jam.
It'll be fun.
Come on.
- No.
We're doing it.
- There you go.
- Finn--
It'll be fun.
FINN: I have the keys--
FINN: You can't
leave without me.
OK, Mr. Christmas,
let's get this over with.
Mr. Christmas, huh.
You keep calling me that.
I like it.
I am festive and oh so jolly.
I'm not sure how much further
back I can roll my eyes.
[music playing]
Oh, go on, Ms. Scrooge.
Get on the dang sled.
Oh, no.
No, no, no.
I'd really rather not.
What is it that
makes you dislike
Christmas so much anyway?
Oh, come on.
I'm sure you already
know why I don't come
home this time of year anymore.
I know how much Sam talks.
OK, maybe I know a little bit.
But I wanted to hear from you,
straight from the reindeer's
mouth as they say.
Do they say that?
They do now.
I am-- OK.
Well, as you must already
know, four years ago,
I was supposed to get
married on Christmas Eve
to the love of my life.
Didn't work out.
End of story.
So let's go.
Why miss out on
Christmas because of that?
Maybe because
everything associated with
it reminds me of it and
the holiday's tainted.
And I really don't
want to talk about it.
So let's just not, OK.
We don't have to talk about it.
Let's go down once.
I mean, we're already up here.
It's faster if we
go down together,
then we can get back to
the pressing checklist.
Fine, OK.
- All right, let's do it.
Come on.
You ready?
Ready as I'll ever be.
3, 2, 1.
[music playing]
Ho, ho, ho.
Merry Christmas!
OK, we did it,
so can we go now?
Oh, come on.
I'm just trying to boost your
Christmas cheer a little bit.
You haven't had a real
Christmas in a long time.
And I don't want
to or need to.
I'm just here to help my mom
and leave as quickly as I can.
Can you please, please just
stop trying to boost my cheer
or whatever, and can we
please just get back to work?
OK so let's go.
You know what.
I left my keys at
the top of the hill.
Must have fallen
out of my pocket
as I was getting on a sled.
So we should probably head back
up there and get them and then
come back down.
Hey, wait up.
IZZY: Ooh, OK, handsome doctor.
Mmm hmm.
But no.
Not like that at all.
He's actually driving
me kind of nuts,
and now I have to
include him in my post
because I opened my big
stupid mouth to Bailey
and she loved the idea.
I was on the spot.
I didn't know what to say.
IZZY: Well, to have the
opportunity to be in Avanti
International is massive, babe.
I wouldn't give that
up for anything.
I know, but I'm not sure how
much more of his Christmas joy
I can handle.
IZZY: Oh, come on.
To be honest, the
sledding sounded
kind of fun, and who knows?
Maybe some of this Mr. Christmas
spirit will rub off on you.
Yeah, no.
I would rather be
spirited with a mai
tai in my hand on the
beach thank you very much.
All I'm saying
is that it sounds
like you're gonna have
to work with this guy,
so you may as well
make the best of it.
And you can pour all of
that festive pessimism
into the article.
Bailey will love it.
You're right.
I'm gonna go check on my mom.
Love you.
Love you.
Ooh, and let me know if
this handsome doctor needs
a date to the charity event.
I would drive-through
some treacherous snow
conditions for that.
OK, I will let you know.
IZZY: Bye.
[music playing]
Hey, mom.
Can I get you anything?
Maggie dropped off
some of those savory
cheese tarts earlier.
Share some with me?
Yes, I haven't had
one of those in ages.
So good.
Mmm hmm.
So how are you and
Dr. Miller getting on?
I don't know if I happened to
mention, but he is very single.
Just information I
thought you should know.
He is quite handsome and kind.
Mom, please, come on.
When was the last time
you went on a date anyway?
It's a little off
brand, don't you think?
I am Solo Sophie.
You have always been
such a free spirit,
and I never want you to
let that part of you go.
Though it might be OK to think
about letting someone in again.
You have so much love
to give, sweetheart.
Yeah, I just don't
know where to put it.
Did you always know
dad was the one?
Oh, no.
No, not at first.
You know, it's strange.
All of the things that drove
me crazy about your father
when I first met him
were all of the things
that I grew to love most.
Funny that.
I wish he were here.
I miss him.
Me, too.
[music playing]
Anyway I better get to bed.
Finn is picking me
up really early.
Dr. Miller has made an
early riser out of you.
I never thought I'd see the day.
Night, mom.
Good night, my love.
[water running]
I was waiting in the car.
I thought we said 8:00.
Yeah, sorry.
I'm running late.
I'm just trying to find my--
OK, let's go.
Oh, before we go to
the restaurant, do
you mind if we stop at Sam's?
I want to pick up a
gingerbread house for my mom.
SAM: There you go.
And there's icing and all
the candy fixings in here.
Anything else?
No, thank you.
You know what, actually
I might get one more.
The drinks table looks
a little bare right now.
It could use the
gingerbread house on it.
It could look good
for decoration.
Are you going to decorate it?
Yeah, I can do it while
you set up the games.
I don't know if we
can trust you with such
an integral
Christmas-themed task like
gingerbread house decorating.
[music playing]
Are you saying you
don't think I can
decorate a gingerbread house?
No, no.
I'm saying I don't think you
can decorate it gingerbread
house as well as I can.
Oh, is that a challenge?
I think it might be.
Sam, we're going
to another one.
One more please.
So here's the deal.
One hour, winner gets
their house as decoration
for the party, and the loser--
we'll eat the loser.
And go.
So decorating
gingerbread houses
something you did before
you gave up on Christmas?
I did, but this is
for the event and more
that I want to beat you.
Aah, jujubes for the roof.
Interesting choice.
Hey, eyes on your
home gingerbread house.
You know, there's lots
of places in the world
that don't do gingerbread
houses at Christmas.
It's just not a tradition
in some countries.
Oh, yeah.
Mmm hmm.
Where have you that has
different traditions than home?
Well, two years ago,
I was in Venezuela,
and they shut down the streets
so that people can roller
skate in the early mornings.
Roller skate?
Yeah, it's wild.
Just floods of people.
I think the legend goes
something like the children
used to tie a piece of
string around their toe
and the other end
would dangle out
the window and the skaters roll
past in the morning and tug
on the string so
the children know
when to strap on their skates.
That's so cool.
Oh, and in Sweden, there's
the burning of the yule goat.
Burning of the yule goat?
Mmm hmm.
I need so much
more information.
You really have seen the world.
I highly recommend it.
Your door is a little lopsided.
It just-- it's an
artistic choice.
You know what?
Eyes on your own
gingerbread house.
Mmm hmm.
Well, I think it's
clear who the winner is.
Indeed it is.
Good effort though.
Oh, you think you won.
No, I commend your effort,
but mine is the clear winner.
I think you went a little
heavy on the candy canes, no?
Well, I think your
icing skills need work,
and your front lawn
is just too busy.
What-- we're not gonna come
to an agreement on this, are we?
Maybe we take them
to the hospital.
Let the kids vote?
They'll love that.
But first--
Back to work.
Mmm hmm.
[music playing]
(SINGING) Santa, I've
been good this year.
Make your list and
check it twice.
Carols and bells,
none of them help.
I still feel blue.
I just wanna fall in
love this Christmas.
I don't need a fancy watch.
You can give the elves a break.
You can make it in the shop.
You can put it on your sleigh.
You know me so well.
Nobody else can do what you do.
I just wanna fall in
love this Christmas.
I-- I--
I just wanna fall in love.
Save the wrapping paper,
your ribbon and bow.
I don't need that extra stuff--
[music playing]
SOPHIE: From a self proclaimed
solo gal who has sworn off
the festivities of
the month of December
in lieu of my single
adventures, having
to work alongside
the Mr. Christmas
has been exhausting at best.
The sand and sun of the
Maldives are calling my name,
and I cannot wait to step
away from this forced
partnership from the past week.
I look forward to
shedding all things
Christmas and donning a bikini
in just a few more days.
It could not come soon enough.
RADIO: This is Jackson
Carter here playing
all the Christmas
hits all day every day
and just a friendly reminder.
Christmas is only
a few sleeps away.
[music playing]
(SINGING) Grab your coat.
It's getting cold.
Just look at the falling snow.
This season--
Oh, why not?
(SINGING) [inaudible] oh
and a little bit of mistletoe.
They're decorating the
Christmas tree with the star
on top for you and me.
Can you hear the sleigh bells?
It's Christmas time.
It's Christmas time.
Way up north, they're making
toys for every little girl
and boy who mailed
in letters 'cause
they been better, so much
better than the year before.
Santa's crossing off every wish.
Even moms and dads
have made the list.
Can you hear the sleigh bells?
It's Christmas time.
The sound of sleigh
bells on reindeer--
Only come this time of year.
[music playing]
Well, that was--
that was something.
Could it be that maybe
some of my Christmas cheer
has started to rub off on you?
I will admit
that some cheer may
have unwillingly
transferred, or maybe
I just like that one song.
Here, can I help you with this?
No, I'm fine.
Thank you.
Ooh, that was more of a
statement, less of a question.
We're working together for
the next couple of days,
then you can feel free
to go back to doing
things all by yourself.
[music playing]
Oh, wow.
FINN: What's that?
This box, it must
have come from the back.
It's from when my dad
used to decorate the tree
for the charity each year.
I haven't seen these in years.
Every year, my
sister and I would
sit down and make a Christmas
ornament with our dad.
And then we would come here and
set up the tree for the event.
It was our little contribution.
Felt like we were
helping in some way.
Oh, yeah?
And we would stand right here.
And right before we put
our ornament on the tree,
our dad would tell us to hold
it in her hands like this,
close our eyes, and
make a Christmas wish.
And then when we'd
hang it on the tree,
our wishes would go up
to the Christmas angels.
No, no, it's--
it's sweet.
Your dad sounds like he
was a pretty special guy.
He was.
Anyways, stop slacking.
We should get this done
before it's too late.
No, no, we should
put these on the tree.
It'll add some homemade
Montgomery charm.
All right.
Mmm mmm.
I believe you're
forgetting something.
The angels will be very
disappointed if they
don't hear your Christmas wish.
Here, I'll-- I'll do it, too.
[music playing]
OK, so like this?
Mmm hmm.
Now close your
eyes and make a wish.
Ladies first.
I hope you get
your wish, Sophie.
OK, ready?
So ready.
I think we have
to do a countdown.
Is that a Christmas rule or--
Yes, I believe it is.
[music playing]
OK, on 3.
3, 2, 1.
Hey, I think we make
a pretty good team.
Decorating team.
Oh, right.
Of course.
And you know what, we're done
just in time for the Christmas
carol competition.
Oh, no, no, no no.
No way.
I'm not going to that.
You have to.
It's a town tradition.
I know.
My dad used to
take us every year.
Actually you know what.
Why not?
OK, yeah.
After you.
[music playing]
(SINGING) We wish
you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a merry Christmas
and a happy new year.
Give it up for Ms. Morrison.
Now we have five more
brave contestants competing
for the very prestigious title
of Willowbrook's carol king
or queen.
FINN: Woo woo!
So without further
ado, performing
for her very first
time, the wonderfully
talented Emma Addison.
Break legs.
(SINGING) Dashing through
the snow in a one horse
open sleigh--
[music playing]
(SINGING) Over the hills
we go laughing all the way.
Bells on bobtails ring
making spirits bright.
What fun it is to ride and
sing a sleighing song tonight.
Oh, jingle bells, jingle
bells, jingle all the way.
Oh, what fun it is to ride in
a one horse open sleigh, hey.
Jingle bells, jingle
bells, jingle all the way.
Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one horse open sleigh.
Give it up for Emma Addison.
Hope it's still not too
early for hot chocolate.
Thank you.
You know, that was really
sweet what you did back there.
Least I could do.
Town's done a lot for me.
You know, I don't think
I know why you moved here.
Oh, that is because
you never asked.
Well, I'm asking now.
So how did Dr. Finn Miller,
pediatrician, end up
in sleepy old Willowbrook?
Well, it's not some grand
adventure story like yours.
I'm from a sleepy town just
two hours north, Brentwood.
Father was the town doctor there
and passed the torch on to me.
Parents passed away.
I got offered a job at the
hospital here, and that's that.
Oh, come on.
That's that?
I think there might be more
to the Dr. Finn Miller story.
That's the thing.
I rarely got a chance to
make more to the story.
I guess I always felt like
I was living in my father's
shadow a little bit.
Always expected me to become
a doctor so that's what I did.
Always expected I stay
close to home so I did.
Don't get me wrong.
I love my job, and I
love this community.
I don't always think
there has to be
some grand adventure in life.
Find beauty in the
little things, you know.
Like what?
Like how Sam knows everyone's
order depending on the mood
they enter the shop that day
or how Mr. Tilton will hand
make a toy nutcracker for
every kid in the cancer ward
each year even though he
retired a million years ago.
It's how it feels different
around here at Christmas time.
There's a little bit
of magic in the air.
Little things.
Simple things.
I like that.
I guess there's always been
a part of me that thinks there
could be more out there for me.
Take my work anywhere.
They need doctors everywhere.
Guess I always just
kind of played it safe.
Kept my cards a little
close to the chest.
Well, it's never too
late to play a new hand.
I'm not very good
at card metaphors.
What I'm saying is it's
never too late to start
a new adventure in life.
I mean, life's too short
not to follow your dreams.
As cheesy as that sounds,
I think it's true.
There's a saying I like.
If your dreams don't scare
you, they're too small.
I like that.
Maybe it's time to let a little
healthy fear into my life.
Take a step back from my safe
path, you know, all of my--
Hey, traditions are important.
You're never going to
shake those out of me.
I don't think I
could if I tried.
Speaking of traditions,
would you like
to join me for one at Sam's?
I know for a fact our
checklist is done for the day.
Why not?
[music playing]
You go on in.
Where are you going?
Meet you in there in a minute.
So glad you could make it.
What's this?
Ben started it a
couple of years ago.
Thought it'd be a
great way to get
the kids out of the
hospital so it feels
more like a normal Christmas.
Ho, ho, ho, merry Christmas!
Hello, everybody.
How are you all today?
You're good?
Does anybody wanna tell me
what they want for Christmas
this year.
Oh my goodness,
thank you so much.
It's a rainbow.
I love it.
Eve, why don't
you come right up.
Oh, I think we can find
something to do about that?
Thank you so much, Eve.
Does anybody else
wanna come on up?
I do.
I do.
Hey, you.
Thanks for bringing
me here today.
You're welcome.
You have fun?
I really did.
Oh, that's the
caterer for tomorrow.
One sec.
No, no, no, no, no.
No, we put the
order in days ago.
Isn't there anything you can do?
It's for charity, and I mean--
OK, I understand.
What's going on?
That was Chez Josephine.
They can't cater
the event tomorrow.
They messed up, and
whoever I talked
to never even put the order in.
And they've only just
realized their mistake now.
It's like they didn't even care.
So we have no
food for tomorrow.
Oh my gosh, what
are we gonna do?
My mom already let all the
staff from the restaurant
go for Christmas, and no
restaurant can cater event
of this size the day before.
And being so close to
Christmas on such short notice,
most places aren't
even open anymore.
Oh my gosh, I really messed up.
I was trying to
change everything.
I just thought if I
could make it different,
I wouldn't be like so--
Hey, it's OK.
Look, we're gonna figure
this out together.
People are gonna be
expecting a dinner so--
I know.
We've sold a ton of
tickets this year.
We've got lots of people coming
in from neighboring towns, not
to mention basically all of
Willowbrook will be there.
That's it.
What's it?
Town Willowbrook.
You saw how everyone
came together
at the carol competition.
That spirit runs
through the entire town.
Maybe we can get everyone to--
Yeah, yeah.
We could reach out
to our neighbors,
see if they could make
a different dish each.
And maybe we go
traditional turkey this time.
No more fancy pants.
My neighbor Mrs.
Taylor makes the best
cranberry sauce I ever tasted.
Let's start knocking on
doors, seeing who can help.
We provide the groceries.
Let's do it.
Finn, do you really
think people will
be willing to help like this?
Sophie, I think
in your travels,
you may have forgotten how
special this place really is.
Come on, we gotta go,
and we gotta go now.
[music playing]
Wow, OK.
Thank you.
Thank you.
That was the last house.
We got the Johnsons
doing the mashed potatoes.
Miss Robson's
doing the stuffing.
'Course, Sam's
doing the dessert.
I can't believe it.
I think we got it all covered.
See, coming together
this time of year
is what Christmas is all about.
Oh, wow.
I am Mr. Christmas.
You really are.
You know all
this talk of food,
it's really got me starved.
You wanna grab a bite?
I think we earned it.
I mean, it's getting
pretty late now.
I'm not sure if anywhere in
town's gonna be open but--
Well, I don't mean to brag,
but I make a pretty mean turkey
sandwich with potato chips.
Very fancy.
Very gourmet.
Sounds like you might
be giving Chez Josephine
a run for their money.
I like that.
After you.
[music playing]
Those kids really love you.
Yeah, they're amazing.
You know, the new
wing is not just
about updating the facilities.
It's about enabling
the newest treatments
to be available here, giving
the kids access to the best
medicine in the world.
That's why this year
really means a lot.
I hope we can come
through for them.
Me, too.
So I see you've put
your decorating skills
to work at home.
It's a beautiful tree.
I don't think I've heard you
say something so positive
about something so
quintessentially Christmas.
I'll have you know that
at one point in time,
Christmas was my
favorite holiday.
I mean, why do you think I was
having a Christmas Eve wedding?
It was my favorite.
Do you mind if I ask?
What happened?
Well, I don't
even exactly know.
He called it off a few
hours before I was supposed
to walk down the aisle, and I
just remember feeling really
heartbroken and so embarrassed.
I'm sorry.
But it was more than that.
I'd allowed myself
to really lose
who I was in that relationship.
So what happened
after he called it off?
Well, I picked myself up after
peeling myself off the floor,
and I went on our honeymoon
vacation by myself.
So that's what
people connected with?
I guess so.
I just tried to write openly
and honestly as it was all
happening, you know, about how
you should never let anyone
or anything give you happiness.
It was all a realization for me.
I was just getting
out how I felt,
and I guess people
connected with that.
You know, back then I used to
think that if I checked all
the boxes, you know, perfect
house, get married, have kids,
I would be happy.
But I realized that
that just wasn't true
and not even something
I really wanted.
Just more of what I thought
was expected of me, you know.
So you started the blog.
Yeah, I started
doing all the things
I'd always wanted
to do by myself.
I really wanted to open
the conversation for women
who maybe wanted to
take a different path
to the traditional one.
Come on, keep going.
I'm-- I'm invested now.
Well, I guess after a few years
of doing these Christmas posts
specifically, I
feel like I've kind
of got myself stuck in a brand.
You know, I never really
slowed down enough
to see how I really feel now.
And how do you feel now.
I don't know.
I'm so used to being alone and
doing my own thing, and I--
I don't really know
what I'm trying to say.
I just I've never stopped
to think about all this
to be honest.
I just kept running.
You're a very interesting
woman, Sophie Montgomery.
I think what you
did was very brave.
I mean, what other
person would go
out after something like that?
Trek halfway around
the world by herself,
start a community
of women who aren't
afraid to go out and be who
they want to be on their own.
Braver than me, that's for sure.
I'm not so sure about that.
I mean, you get up every
day to help other people.
To me, that's brave.
Here, get your coat.
I wanna show you something.
Time for dessert.
It's snowing and
freezing outside.
Why would we go
outside for dessert?
[music playing]
Do you trust me?
What on earth are we
doing out here, Dr. Miller?
It's Dr. Christmas,
thank you very much.
And because you showed me a
Montgomery family tradition,
I wanted to show you a
Miller family tradition.
Snow candy.
Snow candy?
That's right.
Every year the first snowfall I
always got so excited because I
meant I got to make snow candy.
Show me how it's
done, Dr. Christmas.
Well, first off, we
have our maple syrup,
which I have boiled and
added fresh ginger to.
Nurse Sophia, I will
now be needing my tools.
Popsicle stick.
Popsicle stick.
Second popsicle stick, stat.
Second popsicle stick.
Sea salt.
Sea salt.
The perfect winter treat.
Oh, no.
Hey, let go of my snow candy.
Oh, man, here, you have--
you have a bit, umm--
[music playing]
Sorry, I have to take this.
BAILEY: Soph, if
I read the pages
you sent on Mr. Christmas.
Oh, yeah.
BAILEY: They were phenomenal!
Listen, Bailey,
I was thinking--
I was thinking maybe
we don't go that angle.
I just think--
Soph-- Sophie, you're
breaking up, babe.
Listen, if you can
hear me, I just
wanted to call to say that
I sent the pages to Avanti,
and they loved them.
They thought it was hilarious.
I mean, people love
to hate, right.
Anyways they're running it not
only on their online outlets
but on their printed mags, too.
They're going to be in the
lobby of every single high end
hotel in the world.
You're going to go from 1.5
million followers to 10.5.
They're sending me the mock
up for the article tomorrow
I'll email it to you
as soon as I get it.
OK, they're going with
"Escaping Mr. Christmas."
I love it.
Bailey, I-- I--
BAILEY: Babe, I can't hear you.
I'll send it through
tomorrow for you to see.
And congrats.
You deserve it.
It's OK.
It's getting late.
Big day tomorrow.
Yeah, big day.
Thank you for dinner
and snow candy.
It was--
OK, well, I'll see tomorrow.
Hey, sweetheart.
Your sister just left.
She said she stopped by
the restaurant today,
and everything
looks really nice.
Aht, aht, aht, aht, no.
Come here.
Mom, I just wanna go to bed.
HELEN: Sophie
Montgomery, come over
here and talk to your mother.
I know my daughter, and I know
when something's going on.
OK, talk to me.
[music playing]
I don't know.
I just-- I feel a bit lost
like I'm messing everything up.
I think I've made a huge mistake
and don't know what to do.
You are not lost.
You are exactly where
you're meant to be.
Every person has her own
journey, and you're on yours.
I am very happy
that your journey
led you home even if you
can't stay for Christmas Day.
I have loved having you here.
I've missed you, mom.
I'm sorry I've been
away for so long.
I just couldn't--
Oh, oh, oh, oh, uh uh, no, no.
You don't have to explain
anything, my love.
I know.
You know, your father would be
so proud of the woman you've
become, and you
just know no matter
what, no matter where you are
in the world, you can always,
always come home to the
people who love you.
We will always be here for you.
I love you, baby girl.
I love you, mom.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas, sweetheart.
[music playing]
SAM: Well, maybe you should
tell her how you feel.
What's that gonna do?
I mean, she leaves tonight.
I can't.
Maybe I can-- I--
I don't know.
I can honestly say that
I've never seen you this way,
this fired up.
She makes me feel
like I can do anything.
I don't think I've ever
felt like this before.
You know, my
mom used to always
say you should hold on to what
makes you feel most alive.
[music playing]
That's it.
That's it.
Oh, Finn, you forgot the--
FINN: Right, yeah.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Good luck.
Iz, I feel awful.
I mean, I know it's my career
and I have a lot riding
on this, but, you
know, I always said
I would write with integrity
and tell the truth.
And this just doesn't feel
like the truth anymore.
Oh, you like him?
I do.
I really do.
But it's more than that.
Like, none of this feels right,
leaving, writing the article.
It just all feels, like, wrong.
Well, do you think
you're willing to give
up the Avanti International
article, the exposure?
I don't know.
Thank you so much.
I hope the kids are good.
Of course.
You're the best.
Say hi to your mom.
You sleep OK.
A big day.
I wanted to make sure everything
was going go really well.
Hard to sleep.
A lot on my mind.
I had some things on my mind
I wanted to talk to you about,
Where should I put these?
Oh, yeah.
Here is great.
I'll just-- oh!
So now I can check
Sam off the list.
That's right.
To just-- where's my--
I must have left in the back.
Don't go anywhere.
Oh, hey, Sophie,
it's-- it's here.
[music playing]
Mr. Christmas's infatuation
with injecting jolly spirit
in every menial task
has my stomach turning,
my disdain for Christmas growing
with every day that passes.
Oh, there it is.
What's wrong?
"Escaping Mr. Christmas."
Really nice.
It's a-- it's a great title.
I had no idea I was gonna
be a cover story for you.
So I-- I guess I was just
material for your article--
No, Finn, of course not.
To further your
career, some fancy post
to boost your profile?
It's just I--
I didn't mean what I wrote.
I don't even know--
You were the one
who called me Mr.
Christmas in the first place.
Yeah, but--
Was it your idea to
include me in your article?
Yes but no.
It wasn't like that was
before we and then--
I don't even think I
know who you really are.
You know, maybe you should go,
and you have a flight to catch.
Finn, please, I can explain.
If I-- if I--
Actually you
know what, I'll go.
Goodbye, Sophie.
Have a safe flight.
[music playing]
SOPHIE: To my solo
soldiers, I feel it's
time to set the story straight.
There was a time when my
negativity towards Christmas
was very real, and it came
from a place of truth.
But it's time for me to
let that negativity go.
I've held on to it
for far too long,
and I realize now that I wasn't
running away from Christmas.
I was running away from
myself, from things
I wasn't ready to face.
I allowed that
negativity and cynicism
to fuel a narrative that now I
no longer believe and follow.
I need to come clean.
There is a time
for big adventure
and for seeking new horizons
beyond your daily norm.
And then there are times
to pause, reflect, and be
close to the ones you love.
To me, that is what
Christmas is all about.
I lost sight of
that along the way.
I will never stop
traveling the world.
I will never stop
craving adventure.
But I have come
to the realization
that I will never again
take for granted the beauty
and the joy of the
comforts of home,
to cherish the ones
you care about.
Hold them tight.
Wrap yourself in love.
It's all around us.
It took a very special
person to open my eyes
to all that was
right in front of me
if I just took the time to look.
And for that, I am
forever grateful.
You can travel the
world, but there
really is no place like home.
So for the first
time in a long time,
this is Sophie's Solo Travel
saying Merry Christmas.
We should probably start
getting ready, honey.
Yeah, just one more.
We can go.
You almost done packing?
It's a long way to
the airport, honey.
You should get a move on.
Actually there's something
I need your help with.
[music playing]
FINN: On three, I want
everyone to say Christmas, OK?
1, 2, 3.
Oh, hi.
Good to see you.
You guys look--
whoa, you clean up nice.
Look at you.
Thank you.
Anyone want a drink?
I'm good for a drink.
Shall we?
See you in a bit.
See you.
FINN: Ladies.
You both look lovely.
Oh, God.
Thank you.
You look very nice.
The restaurant
looks so lovely.
I can't thank you enough, Finn.
You and Sophie did
a wonderful job.
And the carnival
theme, just fabulous.
The kids are having a blast.
You just beat me four
times at Santa's coin toss.
I always had a good arm.
Yeah, the carnival
theme was Sophie's idea.
You should thank her.
It was a good idea.
Glad people are enjoying it.
Did you get a chance to
read her Christmas post?
Yeah, no, I--
I don't think I need
to read the rest.
I think you should.
Really, you should.
[music playing]
There's an online donation
link down at the bottom there
for all her followers to
help donate to the hospital
wing, all 1.5 million of them.
We have already raised
more money this year than we
have in the past 10 combined.
The airport, if I leave
now, do you think I could--
[music playing]
Umm, if you'll excuse me.
You stayed.
I did.
You look-- wow.
Thank you.
You look very handsome.
What about your work?
The Maldives?
I thought you'd be halfway
around the world by now.
I called it off.
I stopped the article
from being published,
and I wrote what I really felt.
I saw.
Thank you.
Please don't thank me.
I feel terrible for what I
wrote about you and for letting
it get that far.
I didn't mean any of it.
I know.
I'm gonna stop running away
from people who care about me.
The world can wait.
I wanna be here.
I wanted to tell you
something earlier and--
ever since I met
you, it's like a fire
has been lit inside of me.
I've never felt more alive
than when I'm with you,
and I have never
felt more at home.
You feel at home with me?
Look, I know that your
work takes you everywhere
and I have the
hospital here, but I
think maybe I'm ready to
see what else is out there.
You mean, you--
you want to come with
me, see the world?
Sophie, wherever you are,
that's where I wanna be.
Well, I do have one condition.
What's that?
That we always, always
come home for Christmas.
[music playing]
[end theme playing]
(SINGING) The snow is
falling, and the cold wind
is blowing hard.
I'm locked inside tonight, but
my heart is somewhere else.
I'm thinking of you, babe,
and all your crazy ways.
I miss you more right now.
It must be these hard days.
You know you're my everything,
the only present I want,
and, oh, what I'd give to be
with you under the mistletoe.
Merry Christmas,
Merry Christmas.
Yeah, I got you on my mind.
Merry Christmas from a distance.
I wish you were here tonight.
Merry Christmas,
Merry Christmas.
Yeah, I got you on my mind.
Merry Christmas from a distance.
I wish you were here tonight.
Oh, what I'd give to
have you here my dear.
We could sing--