Mega Lightning (2022) Movie Script

(energetic music)
(birds chirping)
(suspenseful music)
(grass crunching)
(suspenseful music continues)
(birds chirp)
(footsteps thudding)
- Anything?
- Looks a bit treacherous.
I think we should
keep on moving.
- Oh, come on.
Where's the daredevil
in you, huh?
Let's document it.
I can take a few shots.
(suspenseful music continues)
(birds chirp)
(branch snaps)
(suspenseful music continues)
(birds chirp)
This is amazing!
(camera shutter clicking)
(camera beeping)
If what they're saying
on the news is correct,
this could be the biggest
natural disaster in history.
In a matter of days.
- That's why we've
gotta get out of dodge.
(camera shutter clicking)
(camera beeping)
- Come on, what's a few photos?
I mean, they just said it
might happen in a few days.
- Yeah, and I bet that's what
they said at Pompeii too.
(thunder cracking)
- All right, come on, let's go.
- There's no signal.
We better get back to
the car where it's safe.
(suspenseful music continues)
(thunder rumbling)
(lightning striking)
(tree trunk cracking)
- Ooh, whoa!
Oh shit!
- What is it?
(thunder rumbling)
(thunder rumbling)
(lightning striking)
(tree trunk cracking)
- Run!
(suspenseful music continues)
(lightning striking)
(Linda shouting)
(suspenseful music continues)
(lightning striking)
(suspenseful music continues)
- Go, go, go!
(car engine sputtering)
I thought you said it wasn't
supposed to pick up so fast?
- Everything said it wouldn't.
I just don't get it.
It's not starting.
- Right, come on!
(car beeping)
(suspenseful music continues)
- Get out.
Get out now!
- It won't open!
It won't open!
I can't get out!
I can't get out!
(thunder cracking)
I can't get out!
(suspenseful music continues)
(footsteps thudding)
(investigator groaning)
- Shit.
(thunder cracking)
(investigator groaning)
Linda, no!
(ground cracking)
Linda! (whimpers)
(lightning striking)
(investigator groaning)
(suspenseful music continues)
(lightning striking)
(thunder cracking)
- [Radio Announcer] The
lightning storm last night
has been described
as a mega storm.
Dr. Becker, a
researcher at the NSSL,
warns that these storms
could become more commonplace
in the wake of global warming.
Some of his working
theories on these storms
from research of similar
in Iceland have so far
been dismissed by rival experts.
Another storm has been
forecast in the coming days.
The previous one was
far more aggressive
than experts had believed.
Two people have
been reported dead.
Dr. Becker warns that
further storms could
prove unpredictable
and potentially a
severe threat to life.
(car engine humming)
(car door bangs)
(footsteps thudding)
- Come on, come on, answer.
- Sorry.
- Oh my God.
You scared the crap out of me.
- Didn't mean to startle you.
- Oh, I just think
it's this storm.
It's gotten me a little shaky.
And I seem to have
something wrong with my car,
and I can't get
ahold of my husband
to come out here and fix it.
- I could take a look.
- I don't wanna trouble you.
You know, I just live about
10 minutes up the road.
It's just that I can't seem
to get ahold of my husband
to come out here and
save me. (chuckles)
- What's the matter?
Were there devils here?
Hey, how about I drop
you off on my way home?
How about that?
- Oh, you know, that's okay.
I appreciate the offer,
but no thank you.
- Well, if it's only 10
minutes away, it's no problem.
- Yeah, you know what?
I'm just gonna wait
for my husband.
I'm gonna try and give him
a call again, actually.
Thank you though.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah, thank you.
- Okay, okay.
(footsteps thudding)
(traffic humming)
(car door bangs)
(suspenseful music)
(victim gasping)
(muffled shouting)
(suspenseful music continues)
- The air breathes of
honesty and most sweetly.
(suspenseful music continues)
(car engine humming)
(crickets chirping)
(car engine humming)
- You have a good time?
- Yeah, thanks.
- Maybe we'll go out
again some other time.
- You know, I
actually, I had fun.
I'm not usually...
Well, usually not into
the adventuring style.
- Yeah, well that's why
we practice indoors.
Take it outdoors and
then we'll scale over it.
- Shut up.
- Yeah, we've gotta stay
away from the mountains
near Rough Rock Lake though.
Did you hear about that fellow
getting vaporized by lightning?
- Yeah, I read about that.
- That'll shocking.
- Stop it, that's awful.
- Anyways, you and
your sister will be
able to host tomorrow?
- Yeah, and well I text Sally
and Donal, they're coming.
And Michael And
Charlie can't make it.
- Well, Charlie's a twat.
There's no loss there.
- Yeah, my parents will be
leaving I think early afternoon,
so I'll text you.
- Well, me and Paulie
will sort out booze.
What do you like?
- Don't do anything too strong.
- Girls' drink.
- Right, it's 2022.
You can't say things
like that, you pig.
- Well, what do you want then?
- Something fruity
or like G and T.
- You mean like a girl's drink?
- Right, if I didn't
like you so much,
I'd cut your balls off.
- Well.
- Not.
Not here.
Not in the car, like just
get that out of your head.
- You're getting
me so worked up.
- Not when my parents
are 30 yards away.
- Yeah.
You want the moment
to be worth it.
- Yeah.
Thank you.
- For what?
- For being patient and...
- No, don't be silly, it's fine.
Go home, have a cold
shower, sort myself out.
(Meg chuckles)
- You're fed up with me.
- Look, I don't...
Despite what Paulie
might say about me,
I'm not a player, all right?
- Okay.
- I'm in there
for the long haul.
I don't wanna ruin
this by rushing it.
You should go inside.
- Yeah, okay.
I'll see you tomorrow.
- And we'll keep it PG-13.
- Okay, bye.
- All right.
(car door bangs)
(gravel crunching)
(door knob rattles)
(door creaks softly)
(door bangs)
(thunder rumbling)
- [Bernie] Kiddo?
(loud rumbling)
(soft chattering on TV)
- Dad, did you feel that?
- Yeah, they said on the news
to expect some heavy thunder.
They've even told us the
warning stay indoors.
It's a load of crock, isn't it?
Who was in the car?
- Spanish Inquisition?
- No, it's Mastermind,
Dad's edition.
- Just a friend, whatever.
- Mm.
How was uni then?
- Yeah, it's good.
Looks all right. (laughs)
- Look, when your mother
and I go on this weekend,
we don't want any shenanigans.
- Shouldn't it be you
two I'm worried about
causing the shenanigans?
- No, well, but we've got plenty
of experience, haven't we?
And we pay the bills.
I don't wanna come back here
and find this place trashed.
- Okay.
What are you reading?
- Oh, it's a report on the
lightning the other day.
Says that we could be getting
in for more occurrences,
sometimes even more dangerous.
(chuckles) Some
crackpot in here says
that he thinks the
lightning is tuned
to the electric current
in the human body.
- Should you even
be going away then?
If it's that dangerous?
Why can't you just stay here?
- Look, your mother will lose
her shit if we don't go away.
We booked this trip ages ago.
It's a fairly safe journey,
and it's only two
hours on the motorway.
- I know, I just
don't want you going,
and then the roads
are gonna be closed,
and then you can't find a way
back if something happens.
- Your mother's
not gonna complain
if we get stuck in the resort.
- Okay.
Just drive safe.
- Oh, Man United lost.
- Dad, you know we
have the internet.
I could have told
you that last night.
- Isn't it passed your bedtime?
- What time is it?
- 10:30.
- 10:30.
Yeah, I'm not 12
anymore, Dad, seriously.
- Avante.
- Love you.
- Love you too.
- Bye.
- Bye, love.
(thunder rumbling)
(rain pouring)
(muffled screaming)
(prisoner panting)
(suspenseful music continues)
(muffled screaming)
(suspenseful music continues)
- Thou hast now to
wait 12 winters.
Don't you realize no
one's coming for you?
This is your life now.
They've already stopped
talking about you on the news.
All they're talking
about is this lightning,
and how everyone
has to stay indoors.
(suspenseful music continues)
They didn't even mention you.
(kidnapper chuckles)
(prisoner whimpers)
Temper and his wizard,
delicate wench. (chuckles)
(thunder rumbling)
(spoon clanging)
- You've used all the milk.
Can I have your yogurt then?
- Don't look at me.
- Oh, you're such a dickhead.
- (chuckles) One of them,
but you owe me another.
- Yeah, I'll get
you a luxurious one
with gold sprinkles on top.
- Sounds good.
(cereal crunching)
- That is rank.
It's out of date.
- Why do you think
I'm having cereal?
- Oh my God, asshole.
- Come, you all set for later?
- Yeah.
- Okay, the boys are
definitely coming.
Is Sally and her
boyfriend still coming?
- Yes.
- And what about...
- Oh yeah, Paulie
and Sean said they
were gonna do a booze run.
- Okay, okay.
Well, as long as they're
not getting any cheap cider
like in college.
- No, I told him to
get G and T, obviously.
- Good. (laughs)
- Are you two contemplating
how much is it gonna cost me?
- Nothing, Mom.
- I know what you two are like.
What are you scheming?
- No, I just, I
think we're gonna
watch some films with
Sally, aren't we?
She's gonna be around.
- [Di] What movie?
- It's like a disaster
movie about fire tornadoes.
- You know, when I was your age,
we'd usually have to be
drunk before we could
watch a silly movie
about a killer doll.
Then we scared ourselves so
much that we couldn't sleep.
- Creepy dolls are so the
early noughties. (chuckles)
- Who's had all the milk?
- Dad.
- Dad.
- Black tea it is then.
When we're gone, right, no
boys, no parties, no boozing,
but for a couple of
beers in the fridge,
and that's your limit, ladies.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Thanks, Mom.
She still thinks we're
kids, doesn't she?
- But don't tell her
because she'll parent.
(sisters laughing)
- Kiss a slice?
Right, please tell me
that your mother's ready.
- No.
- Ngh-ngh.
- Look, I wanna get away soon.
I wanna get off before those
bloody storm clouds come in.
So what are you two doing today?
- Just movies with Sally.
- Look, get yourselves some
drinks or something, aye, girls?
Have a nice time.
- Oh.
- Bye.
- Bye.
All right, that should get us
an extra couple of bottles.
- You know, he's still
working on 1980s time.
Probably could buy
a house with that.
Thank you.
- Hey, what are you doing?
- That's what you get
for being a milk thief.
- Right, so Mom and Dad will
be gone in a couple of hours,
and then we need to get ready
'cause then the boys are coming.
Hey, what is it?
- Nothing.
It's just like Sean stuff.
- Right, well, you don't need
to feel any pressure, right?
It doesn't have to
be this weekend.
- I know.
It's just with
everything that happened
with my ex and stuff.
I just, I don't want him to get
like put off me or anything.
- Look, if he does, he's
not worth it, right?
But I don't think he will.
- Okay.
- Besides he can take care of
himself for the time being.
Choke his chicken to
his heart's content.
- That's grim.
(both laughing)
- It is a bit. (laughs)
(somber music)
(birds chirping)
- I must have missed it.
I think it might
rain soon, you know.
Did you hear about the
thunder om the news?
- Yeah, that's why we're going
to Meg's for the weekend.
We'll be fine here
until the bus comes.
- Yeah, but how long?
- An hour.
- I know, we'll
get an early start.
(both chuckling)
Promise me something.
- What?
- No silly, drunken dancing.
- When have I ever
drunken danced?
- Uh, my sister's wedding, prom.
Literally every single
night at student union.
- Okay, fine, point taken.
(somber music continues)
(thunder rumbles)
- Thunder really freaks me out.
(suspenseful music)
- Bloody hell, love.
You turn the water mains off
before you pulled the sink out?
- Very funny, could you help?
- Don't worry, girls.
We'll be back.
Even though your mum's
packing off for a migration.
- Yeah, you paid the mortgage
off though, aren't you?
We'll be fine.
- Did you hear that, Di?
That's our little 'un that is.
- Dad, I'm not a kid!
- Oh, you'll always
be my baby. (laughs)
- Okay.
- If there's anything you
need, all right, I've got this.
My fifth limb.
So don't be thinking
that you can't call.
I can hunt you down
all over the country.
- I'll see you, Mom.
- Bye, Mom.
- Bye, Meg.
- Love you.
Bye, Dad.
- Bye, Dad!
- See ya!
- Bye.
I wanna beat this storm front.
- Bye!
- Bye!
- All right, so I reckon
we get some drinks,
and we start getting ready.
(rain pouring)
(thunder rumbling)
Sally and Donal are running
late, missed the bus.
(rain pouring)
(suspenseful music)
(thunder rumbling)
(water dripping)
(thunder rumbling)
(suspenseful music continues)
(food slopping)
(suspenseful music continues)
(thunder rumbling)
(suspenseful music continues)
(spoon clanging)
(thunder rumbling)
(footsteps tapping)
- Oh forgive me my sins.
(thunder rumbling)
(keys jangling)
(door creaking)
(thunder cracking)
Awake, dear heart, awake.
Thou hast slept well.
(head butting)
- Help me, help me,
somebody help me!
- Silence, one more word
and I will chide thee!
(thunder rumbling)
Lie there, mine heart.
Wipe thine eyes.
Have comfort.
(thunder rumbling)
(spoon clanging)
You will behave tonight.
(thunder cracking)
(spoon clanging)
(mouth spits)
- Please, just let me go.
I won't tell anybody, I promise.
- Just a few more
days, then I'll
set you free.
- Why are you doing this?
- (chuckles) Because I can.
- Please.
- No one's gonna stop me.
- Please just let me
go, I'm begging you.
- Well demanded, wench.
(thunder rumbling)
I want to show you something.
It's very special.
For your eyes only. (chuckles)
- Who are these girls?
How, how could you do that?
- It was quite simple.
Strangely therapeutic.
It takes great
patience to do my work.
To put a cut precisely
where it needs to be.
- You're a fucking maniac.
(suspenseful music)
(prisoner groans)
(muffled screaming)
(thunder cracking)
(suspenseful music continues)
(muffled screaming)
(thunder cracking)
(muffled screaming)
(knuckles knocking)
(fist tapping)
- Afternoon, girls.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Hi, how are you?
(lips smacking)
- You two took your time.
- Yeah, well, we
were circling around,
waiting for a green light.
Look what we got.
- Sally and her boyfriend
are running late.
They couldn't catch the bus, so.
- You didn't tell me
we was hanging around
with those two, did we?
(bottles clanking)
(hands tapping)
(footsteps tapping)
(liquor splashing)
What do you think, they good?
- Yeah, thanks.
- Well.
- Thank you.
- Here's to a delightful
weekend in the country.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
- So when are Donal and Sally
actually gonna get here?
- You know what,
I don't even know.
My phone's been
lighting up as well so.
Can't even get a hold of them.
- Why did you park so far away?
- It's easier to get out.
- Sean can't parallel park.
He'll hit anything
and everything he can.
Cars, bikes, people,
small children.
- Yeah, laugh it up, dickhead.
How you getting home?
- All right, children, stop it.
- Right, I'd like to
propose a proper toast.
To loved ones and good times.
And to Meg.
- No, what?
- No, seriously, even
though you're the youngest,
you're the the most grounded.
- Okay. (chuckles)
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
- So you got a jacuzzi?
- Yeah, why?
- You fancy a dip?
- Okay.
(crickets chirping)
(suspenseful music)
- Ugh, no signal.
- Probably because we're in
the middle of nowhere, Donal.
- Maybe the storm's messing
with the connection.
- Jesus, those clouds
are getting really close.
Do you think we're safe here?
(thunder cracking)
- I could feel that one.
- I'm scared.
- Sure it's nothing
to worry about.
(thunder cracking)
- Are you crazy?
- What?
(suspenseful music continues)
(Sally whimpers)
(wind howling)
(Sally groans)
(lightning striking)
- We have to run, run!
(thunder rumbling)
(suspenseful music continues)
- Wait!
- What?
- I need to tell you something.
(lightning striking)
(Donal groaning)
- Donal?
(thunder cracks)
(suspenseful music continues)
- What time can we check in?
- Any time we get there, love.
- I am excited.
- So am I.
- But...
- What?
- You bring the massage oils?
- Bernie, get your mind
out of the gutter. (laughs)
Yes, I did, along with the
kitchen sink, you silly sod.
(Di chuckles)
I'm slightly worried.
That storm seems to
be getting aggressive,
and it's getting closer.
- I think we're safe, love.
These modern cars are
lightning proof, I think.
- Lightning proof?
They tell you that on
the forecourt, did they?
- No, I think I saw
it on Top Gear once.
- Did you see that?
- Hope the rain
doesn't get any worse.
Right-hand wiper
doesn't work very well.
- I keep telling
you to replace it.
- I'll get around to it.
- How are you
enjoying the log cabin
in the garden by the way?
- What cabin?
- The one you said you were
going to build five years ago?
I think the last update on that
was, "I'll get round to it."
- You're winding
up me now, dear.
- 25 years and counting,
darling. (chuckles)
(thunder cracking)
(crickets chirping)
- Hey, sure you're okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
- Well, you look great.
- Thanks.
- Hey.
(thunder rumbling)
- Hmm?
Oh, I'm fine.
I'm just a bit worried
about Donal and Sally
'cause I've not heard
from them, like all night.
- Well, it may be
that their parents
are just being strict to them.
It's been kind of mad
lately, hasn't it?
Like all these streets,
locking them down.
- Yeah, I know, I'm just
worried that they're out there.
They're stuck in the storm.
(thunder cracking)
- Oh shit, that was nearer.
- What, you think we should
just check the weather report?
- No.
- What do you think?
- I think...
I don't think we
should be in here.
I think we should get out.
- Just relax, we're here
to have a good time.
- Yeah, just relax.
Everything will be okay.
- What if Donal and
Sally are stuck in it?
- Well, then they're gonna get
struck by lightning. (laughs)
- Paulie, that's not funny.
- [Sean] Well, it
is a little bit.
- I'm gonna go and
check on them anyway.
(water splashing)
(thunder rumbling)
(phone beeping)
(phone beeping)
No signal.
(suspenseful music)
(button clicks)
(thunder cracks)
(suspenseful music continues)
(light bulb shatters)
(Meg gasps)
(suspenseful music continues)
- She's just worried about
her friends, that's all.
- Yeah, but she's making a
big thing about going in.
- She's not making a big
thing, just leave her alone.
(thunder rumbles)
Oh shit.
Oh shit, Meg.
(Paulie laughs)
Paulie, it's not funny!
- Well, it is a little bit.
- No, it's not!
(Paulie laughs)
(thunder rumbling)
Are you all right?
- Will Mom and Dad be okay?
- Yeah.
Yeah, they'll be
fine, don't be silly.
Hey, don't be
dramatic now, okay?
That's my job, yeah?
- Okay.
- Fine.
(rain pouring)
- Should we find
cover somewhere?
- Where?
Look, we're just
under an hour away.
- It's pretty bad out there.
I thought they said it was
fine to be out on the roads.
- Well, technically
they didn't say that.
They actually said, "You
shouldn't leave your house
"unless it's an emergency,
"and you were coming
in from the East."
- Maybe we should turn back.
- Look, it's only
supposed to get rough
in a couple more days.
We're almost through this now.
- Watch the road, love!
Pull up, pull off the road!
(tires screeching)
(lightning striking)
- Shit!
- Watch it!
Ah, quick, Bernie!
(lightning striking)
(tires screeching)
- Babe, we burst a tire!
(tires screeching)
- Quick, just pull up, pull up!
(thunder rumbling)
We have to move.
Did you see what
happened back there?
Christ almighty.
- I think we're by Riley's farm.
The house is a couple
of fields over.
- Okay.
(suspenseful music continues)
(car doors banging)
- Bloody tire's blown.
- Look, the fields
are out in the open.
It's too dangerous.
- The tele says it's
better to be out here
than under one of these trees
or stuck in this tin box.
- Could we not just
stay in the car?
- Look out, Di!
(lightning striking)
(explosion blasting)
(suspenseful music continues)
- Oh.
(suspenseful music continues)
- Get down.
(suspenseful music continues)
(Di panting)
- What the?
- Jesus Christ, the car.
They shouldn't let anyone
leave their houses.
- Oh my God, there is no signal!
I just want to call the girls.
I can't get a signal.
- Love, there's a house just...
If we get to it first,
we can use their phone.
(thunder cracking)
Oh come, come on.
Come on, love, calm down.
It's gonna be all right.
You got me.
- Yeah.
- We're gonna be all right.
- Yeah.
- Come on.
- Okay.
- Look, you've
always been there.
I don't know what
these things mean.
I forgot my glasses anyway.
(Di laughs)
- Okay, right.
- [Bernie] Let's get to it.
- Quick.
It's okay, I've got the map.
Come on, Bernie.
(suspenseful music continues)
Bernie, move!
(lightning striking)
(tree cracking)
(leaves rustling)
(suspenseful music continues)
(lightning crackling)
(suspenseful music continues)
(Di whimpers)
(suspenseful music continues)
(thunder rumbling)
- It seems to have
subsided a little, I think.
- Yeah, maybe it's
run it's course.
(radio buzzing)
Is there anything
on the radio, man?
- Nothing has changed.
Can we just go back
in the hot tub now?
- I can still see
the clouds above.
Yeah, I can still see some
lightning crackling inside.
- Hope Mom and Dad are okay.
- There's no phone signals,
we're not gonna know anything.
Just stop overthinking
it, all right?
- Hey Meg, they'll be fine.
- All right, what do we do?
- Why don't we go back
out to the jacuzzi
and chill the hell out?
It's meant to be a party, guys.
Bunch of sad sacks.
(thunder rumbling)
(rain pouring)
(door creaking)
(suspenseful music continues)
- Hello?
(door creaking)
(suspenseful music continues)
(thunder rumbling)
(Di groans)
(thunder rumbling)
(suspenseful music continues)
- Darling, stop freaking out.
- Okay.
- No, it's fine, I'm here.
- Yeah, thanks.
Sorry I don't like give you
what you want sometimes.
It's just, I, like I have
to just take it slow.
- There's no rushing, right?
You know I like you a lot, yeah?
(radio buzzing)
Now we're talking.
- [Radio Host] Reports are
saying this mega lightning storm
is the worst ever recorded.
Vehicles and buildings
have been destroyed.
Old buildings like listed
buildings, cottages
and farmhouses have been more
susceptible to the damage.
One house in Meltonville
was completely destroyed
with lightning
causing severe damage
and triggering a house fire.
(phone ringing)
- Oh my God.
It's my Mom.
Mom, Mom?
- Meg, I'm fine.
All right?
I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm...
I'm at the windmill
cottage, Southeast.
- What are you doing there?
- There was an
accident, on the road.
- Mom, are you okay?
- I'm fine, I'm fine, all right?
I'm still a little shaken.
Look, I'll check back
in with you later.
Are you girls all right?
- Yeah, we're fine.
Now I'm gonna come, I'm
gonna come and get you.
- No, it's dangerous.
- No, I'm gonna come and
get you and Dad now, okay?
Send me the address.
- Just leave it.
Meg, listen to me for
once in your life, okay?
It is not safe to be out
on the roads, all right?
I'll call back on you later.
- I love you.
- Love you too.
(phone beeps)
- Will you take me to
go find my mom and dad?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- They've been in an
accident and we need to go.
- Okay, yeah.
- We need to go now.
(rain pouring)
(Corin laughs)
Corin, Corin!
- What?
- Listen to me.
Mom and dad have been
in an accident, okay?
- What?
- It's all right, they're fine,
but I need you to stay here.
Be safe and I'm gonna
go get Mom, okay?
Just stay there.
- Right, okay.
- I, what do I say?
- Okay, I told her.
Can you get the car
ready for me please?
(thunder rumbling)
I don't think we're safe her.
I'll go get her.
- Hope they're okay.
- But in the mean time, we've
got the hot tub to ourselves.
- I don't know, I feel like
I should go check on her.
- Oh, it doesn't
matter what's going on
with your weird sister
right now, it's fine.
- Don't call her weird.
- She's causing a
lot of drama tonight.
- Yeah, well, she's
been through a lot.
You don't know half of it, okay?
- Well, how would I know what's
going on with her, Corin?
(thunder rumbling)
- Paulie, get out.
- It's just the lightning.
- Paulie, that's getting close.
Paulie, get out now.
Paulie, get out of
the tub, Paulie!
(lightning crackling)
(suspenseful music)
(Corin screams)
(lightning crackling)
(suspenseful music)
(water splashing)
(thunder rumbling)
(suspenseful music continues)
- Hello?
(thunder rumbling)
(steps creaking softly)
(thunder cracking)
- Paulie?
(Corin cries)
- Paulie!
- What is it?
- We're gonna die!
We're all gonna die!
- Corin, look at me, look at
me, look at me, look at me.
It's okay, it's okay.
- Paulie!
- No, you need to calm down.
Calm down.
Calm down, look at me.
Calm down.
Calm down, okay?
Okay, it's gonna be all right.
We're gonna make a plan,
we're gonna make a plan.
(Corin whimpers)
It's okay, it's okay.
- [Sean] Go, go, go!
Go, go, go!
(suspenseful music continues)
(thunder cracking)
(lightning striking)
- Oh my God.
- Right, this place is
gonna cave any second.
(Corin whimpering)
(thunder rumbling)
(ceiling cracking)
- Okay.
We gotta go.
- Yeah, yeah.
- We gotta go.
- Go.
- Come on.
(suspenseful music)
Come on, this way.
(thunder cracking)
- Wait.
- What?
- I've noticed usually
before the ground strikes,
which comes in flurries,
there's some kind of
like build up lightning,
all right, in the clouds.
And it seems to build up
before it hits the ground.
- Right, and you think
we've got a warning?
(thunder cracking)
- So that's like the last
surge has passed or something.
- Well, literally
it's clear over there.
There's nothing in in
the clouds, let's go.
- Oh, so we should
go that way then.
- Yeah, yeah, we're gonna
get your parents first.
And then once we got
them, we get the fuck out
of this danger zone, yeah?
- Okay, yeah.
- Yeah.
- All right, let's go.
(suspenseful music continues)
- He's dead!
He's dead, we've
gotta get inside!
- Sally!
- Sally, come here!
- Get in the car!
- Sally, get in the car now!
- Sally, get in the car!
- Sally!
- Sally, come over here!
Come over here!
(thunder cracking)
(sparks crackling)
(Corin screaming)
- Sally, no!
- Sally!
- We've gotta go,
we've gotta go!
- Sally.
(thunder cracking)
(suspenseful music continues)
(thunder rumbling)
(thunder cracking)
- Any luck yet?
- No, I can't get any signal.
I'll try, no, I'll
call the police after.
It's just not working.
- Oh my God, Sally! (cries)
How can this be happening, Meg?
- Paulie, was he...
Paulie, was he definitely dead?
(Corin cries)
- Can you call his parents?
Can you call his parents?
After you call the police,
can you call his parents?
They need to know!
- Okay.
- No, they need to know!
- Okay.
(thunder rumbling)
I can drive if you want me to.
- No, no, I'm clear, I'm good.
I'm good.
(thunder rumbling)
You know we're driving right
into the eye of this storm.
- Yeah, I know, but we just
need to go and get my parents
and just pick them up and then
we can get out of here, okay?
Just focus on that.
(thunder rumbling)
- The storm's gotta be at
like 10 miles at least.
I reckon we just, we
just get them both,
and we just get out
the danger zone, okay?
- I heard reports last week,
and they said the lightning
was knocking out electronics.
Depending on the proximity,
it's working like an EMP.
This is bullshit, man.
(thunder rumbling)
(prisoner groans)
- Please help me.
Can you please get
me out of here?
(suspenseful music)
(thunder cracking)
- By Providence Divine,
how on earth did
you wind up in here?
- Please, don't.
- I should be pinched to death.
- Put away the knife.
- I have to be careful.
I've already been attacked
by one intruder tonight.
- He's lying, you're lying!
(suspenseful music continues)
- The lightning, we
have to get out of here.
- Do you not want to
be struck by lightning?
- My husband died
in this tonight.
- You really don't need to
worry about lightning anymore.
- What, why?
- I mean, you were trespassing.
It was self-defense.
(suspenseful music continues)
- Run, get out of
here, get out of here!
- How didst thou escape?
(thunder rumbling)
(suspenseful music continues)
(thunder cracking)
I do smell of horse kiss.
(thunder rumbling)
(door creaking)
(thunder cracking)
(suspenseful music continues)
Oh, woe the day.
(thunder cracking)
(suspenseful music continues)
(thunder cracking)
(prisoner panting)
(suspenseful music continues)
(thunder cracking)
(kidnapper grunts)
(prisoner groans)
(kidnapper laughs)
(kidnapper groans)
(suspenseful music continues)
- It's so weird.
Like no one being on the road.
- How did this happen?
I mean, what's causing it?
- Mother Nature fighting back.
- Yeah, Dad mentioned this
story yesterday in the paper.
- What's the story?
- It was a theory about
one of the storms,
that the lightning
tunes to the current
of the human body or something.
- That sounds impossible.
- Yeah, people have been struck
by lightning a lot more
recently, haven't they?
- I mean, it's the
second storm in days.
What if this is our time?
- It just felt a lot
worse than what we've
been experiencing until now.
- I hope not.
- Sorry about Paulie.
- I should have got
him out of there.
Should have got
him out of there.
I should not, I should
have got him out of there.
- [Corin] Sean.
It was a freak of
nature, all right?
- No, I should, I should
have got him out of there!
I should have got
him out of there!
(thunder rumbling)
- Paulie's dead!
(Corin cries softly)
I don't think it's
safe to drive anymore.
We should...
We should head out on
foot on the backfields.
- Okay.
(suspenseful music)
(thunder cracking)
(prisoner panting)
(prisoner groaning)
(thunder rumbling)
(prisoner panting)
(kidnapper imitating
animal hooting)
(kidnapper laughing)
(thunder rumbling)
(suspenseful music continues)
(kidnapper imitating
animal hooting)
(kidnapper laughing)
(prisoner grunting)
(kidnapper groaning)
(footsteps thudding)
- Damn!
(hand thudding)
(thunder rumbling)
(prisoner groaning)
(prisoner panting)
(footsteps thudding)
(thunder cracking)
- Alas.
The storm has come again.
These are not natural events.
They strengthen from
strange to stranger.
(suspenseful music continues)
(thunder cracking)
All lost to prayers.
To prayers all lost.
(lightning striking)
And so the elements
we free! (laughs)
(footsteps thudding)
(thunder rumbling)
Let them all be hunted soundly.
(thunder rumbling)
(lightning crackling)
(thunder cracking)
(Corin panting)
- No.
It's the birds I think.
(thunder rumbling)
(suspenseful music continues)
(thunder rumbling)
(Corin cries)
- What is it?
- Meg, just don't look, okay?
- What is it, who is it?
- Just stay over there, okay?
- What is it?
- No!
(suspenseful music continues)
He's dead!
(sisters crying)
- No.
Mom, Mom! (cries)
- Oh no, Dad.
- Mom!
Mom! (cries)
- Meg, Meg.
- I need to find my mom.
- Meg!
- I need to find my mom.
She said...
She said she was in a
house and they left her.
She mustn't go out there,
she mustn't go out there.
Something must have
happened to her!
- I know, I know.
You said it sounded weird.
But we just need
to find the house
and she might be in there.
- Yeah, okay. (cries)
(thunder cracking)
(lightning striking)
- Meg!
- Meg?
(thunder cracking)
Where are you? (whimpers)
- You know you are not
going to get away with this.
- Oh, the heavens.
(suspenseful music continues)
(Di groans)
That's what all the girls say.
(Di groans)
(thunder cracking)
(footsteps thudding)
(thunder cracking)
(suspenseful music)
(footsteps thudding)
- Meg, Meg?
Meg, oh my God, Meg.
Are you okay?
- Sean?
Where's Sean?
Where's Sean?
- He didn't make it.
- Sean?
Sean! (cries)
Sean, Sean, Sean,
Sean, Sean, Sean, Sean.
Sean, no!
(thunder cracking)
No, I can't see him!
- I'm sorry.
- I can't do this
anymore. (cries)
I can't do this anymore!
I can't, please!
- It's okay, come here.
- I can't do this
anymore, I can't!
No, I can't. (cries)
(sisters crying)
(thunder rumbling)
- It's okay.
- I can't, I can't, I can't.
(thunder rumbling)
- Meg.
- What?
- We need, we need
to go find the house.
We need to go find Mom, okay?
We're gonna go,
we're gonna get Mom.
- Okay.
- And I need you, I need
you to be strong, okay?
I need you with me, okay?
- Okay.
- Yeah?
Okay, let's go.
- Okay.
(sisters grunting)
- That's it, that's it.
(thunder rumbling)
(suspenseful music continues)
Okay, look.
That could be the house
that Mom was talking about.
That could be where Mom is.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, come on.
(twigs cracking)
Come on.
- Yeah.
- Okay. (panting)
- No.
- Hello?
We need help.
- No, no one's in.
(hand knocking)
(muffled screaming)
No one's in.
- We need to find the door.
- They could be gone.
(muffled screaming)
(suspenseful music continues)
(thunder cracking)
(shovel thudding)
- She who dies pays all debts.
(thunder cracking)
(shovel thumping)
(kidnapper laughing)
(thunder rumbling)
- [Meg] We can't!
- Look, we need shelter.
And you need to be more warm.
- Okay.
- All right?
- Why don't you try again?
Try the door.
- Okay, okay.
- [Meg] Wait, there's a car.
- All right, well if someone
comes back while we're
in there then
we'll just explain.
- Okay.
- All right?
- Just go, just go.
- Come on.
(door creaking)
- Hello?
(suspenseful music continues)
(muffled shouting)
(Di panting)
(muffled screaming)
- We're looking for
shelter from the storm.
(switch clicking)
No power.
- Let's go.
(muffled screaming)
What are you doing?
- [Corin] Finding something
to do you up with.
(suspenseful music continues)
(zipper clattering)
Okay, here we go.
That's a bit better.
- Okay.
- Hey, it's magic healing.
(both chuckling)
- Yeah, when I was younger,
the wounds always seemed
to heal like faster,
you know, when Dad kissed them.
And then when I got
older and he stopped,
like they just seemed to
hurt a bit more, do you know?
- Yeah.
I don't know how we do this.
- The storm?
- No, I mean, after the storm.
I don't think I can.
- You can.
- I mean
like when the dust
settles and...
I just think it's
gonna be even harder.
The reality of what's
happened and...
How do we do this?
- Together.
Come here.
- Love you.
(bed creaking)
(Di panting)
(bowl clanging loudly)
- Something's off.
- I don't know.
(thunder rumbling)
(muffled screaming)
What the fuck?
(mouth spitting)
(Di panting)
(Di groaning)
(Di panting)
(Corin panting)
Is anyone there?
- What do you think's happening?
That he's like hurt or is
it like someone dangerous
or something, I don't know.
What should we do?
- I bet it's locked.
Should we go in?
- I think we should go in.
- Yeah.
- Jesus, Corin.
- What?
- What?
- I need to open it.
- Yeah, okay.
Go, go, go, go.
Go, just go.
- All right, come on.
- Yeah, go.
- Okay.
(mallet bangs)
(lock thuds)
- [Meg] Okay, go.
- Mom?
- Girls!
Just fucking help me!
- Oh my God, Mom!
- Girls.
- Mom, Mom.
- Get me out of here.
- Okay.
- We need to get out
of here really quickly.
The guy who owns this
place is fucking crazy.
He kidnapped me.
If he finds you here,
he'll kill us all.
- How long's he been gone?
- Oh, I've got no idea.
I heard him head out.
I don't know where he is.
- All right, well.
- Quick!
- It's okay.
People have been
dying left and right.
If he's out there, he
might have been struck.
- Oh, I hope so.
I want that bastard to die!
- Yeah, we need to go.
Please, just go.
- I saw a knife.
I'm gonna go and grab it, okay?
I'll be back.
- What happened?
- There was another
woman here before me.
(thunder rumbling)
(suspenseful music)
(birds chirping)
(door creaking)
(door bangs softly)
(suspenseful music continues)
Then he said he was gonna
replace her with me.
He grabbed me from behind.
He put something over my
face, he knocked me out.
And then I woke up
tied up in this room!
- Mom.
- Thank God you came!
Oh God. (cries)
- It's okay, Mom.
It's okay.
- After you, I know.
He showed me some vile
and horrible pictures.
- Of what?
- Other girls, here before me.
I recognized a couple
from posters around town.
After your father...
- We found his body.
- I should have told you.
I'm so sorry, Meg.
- It's okay.
- I just wanted
to keep you safe.
What happened with your
father was just all so sudden.
(footsteps tapping)
- He's here, quick, come on.
- Please, come on
quick, help me.
- Let's go.
- Come on, Mom, Mom, Mom.
Just come with me.
(suspenseful music continues)
- Shit.
- What?
- I forgot my phone downstairs.
(suspenseful music continues)
- Mom, what are you doing?
- I'll deal with him.
- No!
- He doesn't know who you are.
You need to get out
now, both of you.
- No, I think we
should all go together.
- We have to get through
him first, okay, yeah?
- Oh!
- Oh no, what do we?
What do we do?
Let's hide, let's hide.
(suspenseful music continues)
(stairs creaking)
(thunder rumbling)
(lock rattles)
(latch rattles)
(suspenseful music continues)
(Di grunts)
(kidnapper groans)
- [Di] Run!
(kidnapper coughs)
(footsteps thudding)
- Wait!
We can't just leave her,
we can't just leave her.
- Oh fuck!
- Okay, wait, just stop, stop.
We need to come right back.
We need to find some way
to protect ourselves, okay?
- Meg, Meg.
- What?
- Look.
The storm, it's
coming back this way.
Oh shit.
(thunder cracking)
(both gasping)
- What do we do?
(Di grunts)
- Hostile spirit. (grunts)
(mallet bangs)
(kidnapper grunts)
(Di groans)
(head butts)
(suspenseful music continues)
(footsteps thudding)
It won't be so quick
and painless for you.
I shall flay each
of you in turn.
(both panting)
- Oh fuck.
- Go!
Quick, down here.
(suspenseful music continues)
(kidnapper whistles)
- If I knew I'd have
guests, I'd have cleaned.
The spirit torments me, ugh!
(suspenseful music continues)
(floor creaking)
(footsteps thudding)
(kidnapper whistles)
Hell is empty and all
the devils are here.
The hour has come.
You know what I'm
going to enjoy?
Making you choose who dies first
and who gets to
watch the suffering.
The god of thunder
calls to me once again.
Perhaps he wants a sacrifice.
(suspenseful music continues)
It's not enough.
I'm going to need more blood!
(Corin screams)
- Go, go!
(suspenseful music continues)
Stay back.
- No.
(knife rattles)
- Ow.
(kidnapper chuckles)
(Corine groans)
(lips smacking)
(kidnapper chuckling)
(head butting)
(Corin groaning)
(kidnapper grunts)
(Meg grunts)
(shovel smacks)
(kidnapper groans)
(kidnapper mutters)
- Hag's here, hence!
(shovel thuds)
(Meg groans)
You're feisty, I
like that! (chuckles)
(lips smacking)
(laughs) Give me thy hand.
I do begin to have
bloody thoughts.
(Meg groans)
(kidnapper laughs)
(kidnapper groans)
(kidnapper coughs)
(suspenseful music continues)
(thunder rumbling)
(footsteps tapping)
(kidnapper grunting)
(thunder cracking)
(Meg whimpers)
(thunder rumbling)
(suspenseful music continues)
(Corin groans)
(suspenseful music continues)
(Corin groans)
(suspenseful music continues)
(thunder rumbling)
- Mom?
Mom, Mom!
Are you okay?
- Did you get him?
- No, come.
Get up for a sec.
(Di groans)
(thunder rumbling)
That will do.
(suspenseful music continues)
(thunder rumbling)
(door rattling)
(footsteps thudding)
(footsteps thudding)
(Meg panting)
(suspenseful music continues)
(loud banging)
(suspenseful music continues)
- Peek-a-boo, cherub!
(kidnapper panting)
(footsteps tapping)
(suspenseful music continues)
(thunder rumbles)
(footsteps tapping)
(sword scraping)
(sword scraping)
(thunder rumbles)
(suspenseful music continues)
(door slams)
(kidnapper laughs)
(Meg groans)
(suspenseful music continues)
Do you like that, cherub, hm?
(Meg grunts)
(suspenseful music continues)
You got me good
there, didn't you?
Ah, move and I'll slice you.
(Meg panting)
You know, my first
girl was a redhead.
Can't have been more
than a teenage girl.
She squealed, she did. (laughs)
She begged me to let her go.
I told her she would just
be mine for the weekend,
and then we'd have to
go back to her daddy.
I fileted her from ear to
eat before the end of Sunday.
(kidnapper laughs)
(kidnapper groans)
(corkscrew squelches)
(kidnapper screams)
(mouth spits)
(suspenseful music)
(thunder rumbling)
- Meg.
(wind howling)
(thunder cracking)
(suspenseful music continues)
(kidnapper groans)
(Meg groans)
(kidnapper laughs)
(suspenseful music continues)
- Oh, a Turk. (chuckles)
(thunder cracking)
(suspenseful music continues)
Can you feel this energy?
(thunder cracking)
- You're crazy, you know that?
- Crazy people have no
clue what they're doing.
I'm perfectly sane.
I just do whatever
makes me feel alive.
(wind howling)
- You're a fucking psycho.
- Good wombs have
formed bad sons.
- What, what?
(thunder cracking)
- Be brave, child.
We'll see how brave you are
when you meet your maker.
(thunder cracking)
I grant it.
Or he will.
(thunder cracking)
(sword whooshing)
(kidnapper laughing)
(knife slicing)
(thunder cracking)
- No.
- You've bored me enough, girl.
(Meg cries)
(thunder cracking)
- [Corin] No!
(suspenseful music continues)
- Time to die!
(lightning striking)
(lightning striking)
(kidnapper groaning)
(suspenseful music continues)
(thunder cracks)
(windows shattering)
(sisters panting)
(Corin shouting)
(sisters chattering)
- Come on!
(sisters chattering)
(lightning striking)
Mom, come on!
That's it.
Come on, we need to get out.
(windows shattering)
(Corin shouts)
Come on, we need to go.
We need to go now, come on.
That's it, come on.
Oh my god!
All right, we need to get
out, it's coming down.
(lightning striking)
(windows shattering)
(thunder cracking)
(lightning crackling)
(lightning striking)
(windows shattering)
(suspenseful music continues)
- It's over.
- We made it.
(Corin whimpers)
- Let's go, let's go.
- Come on.
(thunder cracking)
- Come on.
- Go on.
(thunder rumbling)
(somber music)
(crickets chirping)
- Hey, there.
- You okay?
- Yes.
He would be so proud of you.
Your courage that night and
what you did to save me.
I have so much to thank you for.
- [Corin] Meg?
- Go on, go to your sister.
- Okay, I love you.
- Love you.
(lips smacking)
(footsteps tapping)
(Di sighs)
(footsteps tapping)
- What are you doing?
- All right, so I've
decided I'm gonna
paint the ceiling in Dad's
study because it needs it.
But I'm not sure whether
to use emulsion or gloss.
- I don't know.
(both laughing)
- Well the WiFi's gone
so I can't look it up.
- Oh, that's weird, I
thought the signal was back.
- Yeah, it were,
but it's gone again.
Might be some like faulty
wiring or something.
- Or have you even like
read the cons properly?
'Cause you know
what you're like.
- Yeah, obviously, you dick.
(Meg laughs)
- You know, maybe
emulsion or something.
- Yeah.
- Yeah 'cause I
mean gloss is shiny.
So do you want shiny walls?
- Shiny!
- Shiny.
- I'll pick up my brush and
I'll come help you, huh?
- Okay, cool.
Right, I'll go
with this one then.
- [Radio Announcer] Research
into the lightning storm,
which struck a few months
ago is still ongoing.
Dr. Becker addressed a summit
yesterday with his theory
of electrical charge frequency
within these unique storms.
"In the far north of Iceland,
in largely uninhabited areas,
"these storms have
been more frequent.
"What my research has suggested
is that a particular charge
"of lightning is drawn to
the small electrical charge
"found within mammals.
"Like most storms, the
striking points are random,
"but during flurries
of lightning,
"the energy within the
storm begins to hone in
"to particular striking points.
"These can be satellites,
electricity pylons,
"but as we have
found, mammals too.
"This would account for the
significant loss of life
"in the last storm."
Dr. Becker had correctly
predicted the last storm,
the power of which
was unprecedented,
and which the weather
service has denied.
With a lightning storm due
to come across the East
of England this
afternoon and evening,
Dr. Becker has made
the same warning.
We'll have more...
(static buzzing)
Office has issued an
only Amber alert so far.
In other news, the Prime
Minister has come under...
(static buzzing)
His alleged ties
to Russian Mafia.
(static buzzing)
(lightning striking)
(window shattering)
(wind howling)
- It's back.
(thunder cracking)
(wind howling)
(suspenseful music)
(energetic music)