Megaforce (1982) Movie Script

[Narrator]: Despite official denials
by leaders of the free world...
...sources now confirm
the existence of MegaForce...
...a phantom army
of super elite fighting men...
...whose weapons are the most
powerful science can devise.
Their mission,
to preserve freedom and justice...
...battling the forces of tyranny and evil
in every corner of the globe.
[Aide]: We have removed you
from the facility...
...where your labors,
they're being exploited... help you... your valiant
never-ending struggle...
...against the villains
of tyranny, period.
The Bourgeois Counterrevolutionary
...of that fraternal Camibian People's
Reactionary Party pledges...
[Duke Guerera]: - Oh, God...
[Aide]: - ...its total support... your glorious struggle,
Furthermore, comma...
...we wish to assure you
that our presence... your beautiful and
beloved country... not meant as
an act of aggression...
...against the people, comma...
...but rather is in a valid gesture
to the global powers...
...who try to grab the land
and the wealth...
...from the innocent working
masses, period.
[music in]
[continuous explosions]
[sound of tanks driving]
Wait for me,
I'll try to finish my speech...
...because if I don't talk,
nobody understands. I gotta talk!
[Guerera over the link]: I am
attacking the nearest forces. Sector 4.
[Guerera over the link]: Fire!
[continuous explosions]
I understand.
Move right ahead.
Have hostile armor...
[Guerera over the link]:
...border in retreat.
Can intercept and destroy.
Request permission to interdict.
Permission granted.
It's the 4th time Guerera and his bandits
have crossed the border this month!
They've destroyed everything in sight.
Even the President himself wouldn't...
- ...pass up this opportunity.
- General, you cannot cross the border.
Sorry, chaps, maybe next time,
return to base.
[jetliner engines]
[music in]
[music stops]
Where the hell is this?
No welcoming committee?
Now, careful with that.
Would you mind telling me
where we are?
- Where are we?
- Where they told me to bring you.
Ask a silly question you get
a silly answer, don't you?
This is absolutely preposterous!
[car leaving]
What about that bone-shaking
three-hour ride...
...across those impossible roads?
And that chauffeur.
Yes. What about him?
I wonder what side he's on.
Oh, my God, it's hot.
[ominous music]
Did you notice that in the last 2 and a
half hours of that interminable journey...
...we didn't pass a petrol pump?
Slipshod, that's what it is.
Cremation was certainly
not in my agenda for today.
They didn't even have the decency
to send a helicopter.
Or a cool vodka and tonic.
General, isn't it too hot
to work yourself up?
You know, even in the worst days
of the Yemen desert campaign...
...we received more civilized treatment
and we were prisoners at that time.
General, please sit down.
Yes, you're probably right.
Yes, I've said enough.
[musical stress]
[snake hissing]
[Dallas]: Howdy, folks.
I think I need that vodka and tonic.
Howdy. Sneaky little devils,
ain't they?
They don't always play by the rules.
They're supposed to rattle.
How was y'alls trip?
Would you kindly explain
the meaning of all this?
Why, sure. I'm from MegaForce.
My name's Dallas.
Dallas? What's your rank?
Rank? Why ain't nobody got
a rank in MegaForce...
...except the Commander,
but we all call him Hunter.
Well, Mr. Dallas, I'm a General
and protocol demands...
...that I be greeted by my opposite
number in rank and authority.
Oh, shoot, General.
Now you know there's a big difference
between rank and authority.
And you are Major Zara Bindu,
only daughter to the President.
And the kind of officer that makes
bivouacking in the woods seem...
...downright desirable.
This way, Ma'am.
I'll get your things.
Just follow me.
Bloody barbarian.
Couldn't you possibly have arranged
to have us met in more...
- ...comfortable circumstances?
- Why, sure.
- [car door slamming]
- Hey, Zac?
Give me a 4 x 7 in place of that rock.
[slow Hawaiian music]
Oh, Kari, darlin'.
You're looking prettier everyday.
I just love these holograms.
They're the cat's meow.
That's all folks.
Right this way, Major Ma'am.
We can make anything we want
with these holograms...
...from a boulder to a beach.
Get right on in there.
Make yourself at home.
General, after you, sir.
All right, Beethoven.
Introduce yourself.
Welcome, General, Major.
I'm Zachary Taylor.
Very pleased to meet you.
- Gladys Knight and the Pips?
- Vivaldi.
- Winter?
- Spring.
All right, Einstein.
Fire this thing up.
See if you can find the base.
Hunter, Dallas...
...Zachary Taylor.
Wasn't he one of their president's?
- Hm?
- Never mind.
[car engine starts,
main music theme in]
[continuous steady beeps]
Sparrow 1's inbound
traversing sector Zulu... Romeo post coordinates
in Vector 6.
Egg, we're showing a hostile track
in Sector Charlie 11. Condition, red.
If you're stopping to thrill us with
another of your holographic displays...'s quite unnecessary.
Kindly go on.
Oh no, General. When you
hear that you'd better stop.
Means big brother's watching.
That's hostile all right.
But only to another armadillo.
Judging by his speed, I'd say...
...he's had a pretty hard night.
I envy him.
[Taylor sighs]
Should I wade no more,
Returning where as tedious as go o'er.
- Shakespeare.
- Macbeth, Act 3 Scene 4.
- Yes, of course.
- Oh, Lord.
[disco music in]
[music stops]
Is there something else out there
I'm supposed to see?
No, here, General.
Just listen.
[music starts again accompanied
by electronic motor-bike revving]
[music with stylized explosions
and shots]
Eagle base, this is Red 3
now commencing rock target range.
- Roger, Red 3.
- [continuous firing and explosions]
That's the boss.
- Y'all wanna meet that man?
- Love to.
[jet turbine slowly stops]
Commander Hunter, I presume.
Oh, call me Hunter.
I'm General Byrne-White
Republic of Sandoon.
It's a pleasure sir.
Target sighted and closing.
- Major Vanvuda, I presume.
- Call me Zara.
Commander, we have travelled
half way around the world... learn how our forces
will interface with yours... help destroy Guerera.
I hope your plan reflects greater
precision than we have seen so far.
Well, there are reasons
for everything that we do, Major.
Zara, right?
And do they include leaving your guests
to bake in the middle of the desert...
...greeted by a cowboy,
and be attacked by wild creatures?
If it's a comfortable tour you're looking
for, I have connections at Disneyland.
Target destroyed.
My, my, my. You do have
quite a way with words.
Is that the general consensus?
Battles are won or lost
on quick decisions... Major.
Right this way, folks, if you would.
And that's the way it is.
What you need?
- What wild creatures?
- Oh, just old no shoulder.
No sho--
Oh, snake.
- Hologram?
- No, real.
That long.
- That big around?
- Dang near.
That's a big one.
[music starts]
[Dallas]: Now, General,
I don't want you to think...
...we set this whole thing up
just to show off with y'all.
Everyone of us gets to go through
the same target practice... least once a month.
[laughs] Oh, man. It'll blow
your socks off! I just love it.
What did you think about it?
You know, it was an absolutely
dazzling performance...
...on the part of Commander Hunter.
And those motorcycles.
Unique, I must say.
Delta Mark Four.
Egg's pride and joy.
He's been clucking over
those things like a mother hen...
...ever since he hatched them
on his slide rule.
- Egg?
- The Egg.
He's in charge of research
and development.
The man's got more degrees
than a red-hot thermometer.
Weird, but damn is he smart.
[Male voice]: Call research
and development immediately.
Unit 6 call your weigh station.
Maybe the journey was
worthwhile after all.
My God.
It's fantastic.
Well, here comes the Egg
and that's no yolk. [laughs]
Dallas, when a person doesn't
have less on, they have--
- More on?
- Exactly.
Major Vanvuda, General Byrne-White,
Professor Eggs.
- How do you do?
- We have heard a lot about you.
You're the gentlemen with more
degrees than a thermometer.
We're most impressed
by your Delta Mark 4 motorbike.
Thank you. Anytime you wanna
browse around just come on down.
I'm on level 4.
Wait a minute.
This is level 4.
I just come down here.
Well, how is it coming along?
- It?
- It.
Oh, it. Oh, it's finished.
And I think it's gonna work.
Just remember it's the red buttons.
One and then two.
Oh, you're a genius.
When can I try it?
Well, I'm testing it right now
in the wind tunnel.
But at best, you know,
it's only good for an emergency.
Okay, it's wonderful
to meet everybody.
One, two, huh?
Major, General, it's been a pleasure.
I'll see you later.
May I show you around?
- It puts the pyramids to shame.
- It had better.
It cost a whole lot more.
It's a totally self contained facility
mounted on gyro-leveling stabilizers...
...that will enable it to withstand
a 25 megaton direct hit.
There are seven levels encompassing
10 million square feet.
Right this way, gentlemen.
Shoot. We used 40 thousand dollars
worth of brooms and mops last year...
...just trying to keep this place clean.
- Y'all set?
- Yup.
Now each of the levels
serves a very specific purpose.
They range from living quarters
to satellite communications... imagery and a full array
of training simulators...
...a laser lab, dynamic
and static ballistic test beds.
The ground level
is our weapons ready area.
Oh, this is just one base.
You ought to see where we keep our
boats and all them other gizmos.
It's an awesome set of toys.
That's Russian.
It's they're very latest top secret.
It was.
Good Lord, man, I thought that
was still on the drawing board.
- Or at least still in the testing stages.
- It is.
Forgive me if I appear
to be a little confused.
How did you come by all this?
Well, all we know is every so often
they just back up a truck...
...and unload a whole mess of stuff
in all sizes and colors.
- They?
Supreme Command United Free Forces.
The leaders of every
free nation in the world...
...secretly contribute their best men
and their most advanced equipment.
And they determine
where and when we strike.
A phantom army.
Well, nobody here expects
a ticker-tape parade.
No, no. Every man knows
that he's been written off already...
...and that his files have been altered
to show them either as deserters...
- ...or better yet dead, right?
- Yeah.
And the funny thing is you gotta
volunteer just to get in.
May I show you to your quarters?
[door buzzer]
Just a moment.
[door buzzer]
- Hi.
- Commander.
Well... you look great.
Is everything all right?
The accommodations are quite
beautiful considering I spend...
...most of the time in the field
sleeping along side my troops.
Oh yes, combat al fresco.
In my country there's
nothing unusual about that.
Women fight side by side with men.
I'm sure I've seen at least
as much action as you have.
Well, I don't know?
Oh, I see.
Quite a gear, yes,
the Legion of Merit.
Seems to be one missing.
Which one?
The Good Conduct Medal.
I wouldn't think that was
high on your list.
Tells you a lot about a soldier,
You have me at a slight disadvantage
without your ribbons.
Oh, no, I didn't say that you can tell
everything about a soldier by looking... his chest.
Or hers?
Shall we go to dinner?
How about that?
How about what?
It's a stealth nose.
It's a stealth nose.
They don't even know you're coming.
General, you wanna see something...
...that'll give you
a high speed mach blow out?
Just watch this.
Oh, Egg, I love this one.
This is my favorite.
It's nothing.
Just an inverse photosensitive skin.
We use on everything,
weapons, uniforms, vehicles.
- It's nothing.
- It's nothing, huh? [laughs]
Military installations with three...
...armored brigades
and one infantry division.
There on maneuvers in the vicinity
of the city named Tierra del--
Zara, you won't believe this.
They monitor every conversation in
every military installation in the world.
- Hostile and friendly.
- It's nothing.
It's just an automatic
monitoring system. Nothing.
What's this?
May I?
[Chinese language over speaker]
Now that's the Third People's Republic
Airborne Infantry HQed 40 miles north...
...on the Yaloo River.
I'm calling your mother tomorrow
and see if she could watch the kids.
Don't cook tonight.
After work, I'll go
by Chang-Wa Street...
...and pick up some birds.
Same problems, different language.
Everything they say
is broken down and stored... the computer memory banks.
SCUFF has a profile on everybody in
the world that they deemed important...
...and it is complete. Now.
What else is up there
apart from my name and birth date?
Well, you were born in Essex,
your Daddy's rich...
...and your Mamma's good looking.
Now it says here that you got
a helicopter that's red and white...
...and that you like it so much you
put in shag rugs and air conditioning.
An absolute necessity. I spend
considerable time on that aircraft.
Let's get on to someone
more important.
- Guerera.
- Coming up.
He was born in Costa Brava,
August 14th, 1945.
He's father was Agustos Guerera,
a plantation owner, 300,000 hectares.
Mother's name was
Maria Alvarez Sanchez...
...she was a daughter
of a wealthy mining family.
I see you've memorized
everything about him.
No, I didn't have to do that.
I know him.
Guerera and his bunch of fanatics
have been roaming up and down...
...the continent, toppling
one country after another.
Just for the record, General, there's
one thing that Guerera is not, a fanatic.
Everything that he does
he does for money.
Is that a personal insight?
Guerera and I go back
quite in a long ways.
Jump school, counterinsurgency,
staff command college.
We served together for 18 months.
He was decorated twice
for Valor Under Fire.
And when things got a little shaky
in Costa Brava, he was called home.
To command a crack armored regiment
assigned to protect the capital.
But he was never allowed to fire a shot.
The politicians, to save themselves,
ordered him to surrender.
And he had to watch his country die.
Political expediencies.
But I saw him again
about three years later in Nice.
I call him mercenaries
in Rhodesia.
He was taking his R and R
on the Cote d'Azur.
He had quite a bank roll
and he was buying...
...anything that he can get his hands on.
I spent a few drunken days with him.
I came...
...that close
to getting him back on our side.
What happened?
He stole my lighter.
That's the way it is.
Operation Hook, Line and Sinker.
Primary objective is
to trick Guerera to cross the border...
...bringing him in your territory
at a predetermined time and place.
Phase One, the Hook.
Our three air craft will cross
Camibian airspace at 0328...
...flying terrain avoidance radar
at no more than 900 feet.
At 0330 our re-supply plane will take
a new heading south-southwest... its drop zone at 0400...
...allowing the remaining aircraft
to continue on to the primary objective.
[electronic beep]
Now Guerera's forces
are in two main units.
Heavy amour here by the border,
and here...
...headquarters, fuel
and ammunition dumps.
Our remaining planes
are over the DZ...
...with first vehicle
out of the door at 0421...
...last at 0423, on the ground
combat-ready at 0426.
It's 5 kilometers to the dumps.
We will strike at 0430, destroy fuel
and ammo dumps...
...and as much equipment as we
can withdraw and regroup by 0434.
Four minutes?
Isn't that a bit ambitious?
The faster to go cut straight through
the base, split our forces in two...
...divert the amour from the dumps,
blow it and be out before...
...he knows what hit him.
By 0435...
...Guerera's second armored unit
has been alerted...
...and will definitely be on the move.
Phase Two, the Line.
It is 82 kilometers
to our re-supply area.
First light is 0507, sunrise at 0535.
We arrive at 0538...
...are refueled,
reloaded and moving by 0558.
Eagle Base will start live time
monitoring of Guerera...
...and relay his speed and course
to TACCOM...
...will triangulate us towards an intercept
point 5 kilometers from the border.
Adjusting our speed to arrive
there 5 minutes before Guerera.
Phase Three, the Sinker.
We move in our final leg allowing
Guerera to maintain visual contact...
...and close in on us until we cross
the border there at approximately 0717.
And he is all yours.
I can't wait.
Now, the team's all packed
and ready to go.
We'll leave sometime
within the next 48 to 72 hours...
...depending upon Guerera's movements
and the weather conditions.
Any questions?
If you succeed, I shall not only be
waiting with my armor for Guerera...
...but for you with chilled champagne.
- Dom Perignon
- For 60.
Dallas, that was the best hologram
we've seen yet.
[music jingle]
Bee-dee. That's all, folks!
[music stops]
[clears his throat]
The Dom Perignon make it for 61.
I'm going with them on this mission.
I beg your pardon?
I'm a soldier, not a politician.
Major, my men are the finest soldiers
that the free world can provide.
Excuse my presumption...
...but I find it difficult to believe that
you possess the same expertise.
Try me.
[plane engine]
Now, remember, you keep your arms
and your legs out like this... you don't go into a spin.
And you're gonna use your hands
and your feet as airfoils, right?
Now, to gain vertical air speed...
...just drop your head down
and just fold your...
...arms at your side like wings.
Got it?
Now, when this light goes out, hit it.
Now, there's nothing to be afraid of.
If you want me to...
...I can take you out by the hand...
...and if you freeze up,
I can pull the rip cord for you.
- Is that all?
- U-huh.
[music starts]
[music stops]
You know, my dear,
at the rate you're going... may well end up
commanding MegaForce.
[helicopter engine starts]
Everybody buckled up?
May I?
Be my guest.
[Zara]: Activate the field of
transponder and give me...
...the heading
and IFR frequency, please.
Yes, ma'am.
[motor-bike jet engine
and multiple explosions]
[Speaker]: Laser just been off limits
until 0300 hours.
Well, Commander, a perfect score.
What else would you like
to see me do to prove...
...I'm capable of going
on this mission?
No. No, you have more than
proved yourself.
- I have an apology to make.
- An apology?
Yeah. For allowing this to go on
as long as I did.
It was unfair of me.
But I have to congratulate you.
I didn't think that you--
I'm so sorry.
I just can't take you with us.
Is it because I'm a woman?
Then why?
You have got to understand.
Those 60 guys...
...they have trained,
they have fought and lived as one man.
They think alike to the point
that they each know...
...what the other man would do
under any circumstance.
And an outsider like--
Any outsider...
...would create enough uncertainty
to jeopardize the entire mission.
And more importantly, their lives.
And I just can't allow that to happen.
No, Commander.
It's not that you can't.
It's that you won't.
Like it?
But that's what makes you
what you are.
A great leader.
[sound alert]
You best be packing your bags,
they just confirmed your reservation.
Okay Cap, hold down the fort.
All MegaForce personnel,
Operation Hook, Line and Sinker is a go.
- Hunter?
- Yeah.
Oh, Hunter, wait. Wait.
Now, I did tell you
about the one-two.
No, one... two.
[pats him]
Oh, right.
But I did tell you!
Did tell you.
[music starts]
I'll jet back by Concorde and meet you
at the border with my division.
I don't expect you'll have
too many problems.
Good luck, also.
Even though I'm not going,
I'm happy I came this far.
So am I.
Hey, listen, I know this great little hotel
in London. It's called the Lion's Head.
Why don't we have our drink there
when this is over, okay?
Hang on back there, girls.
[plane engines building up]
Good hunting, fellows.
[music stops]
Let me go over this one more time
so I got it right.
Now we move in as a unit
spearheading up to this point...
...then Anton and Suki make
a flanking movement around here... we continue--
You might as well have
brought her along.
- We'd have got some work done then.
- What?
Oh, you know I couldn't do that.
Couldn't or wouldn't?
Well, I know how you're feeling,
I've been there myself.
Let me see.
One time before I made jump into
Da Nang, an old buddy of mine...
...told me something that made me
feel a whole lot better.
What, what, what?
What did he tell you?
Well, he said... love them in blue
and you love them in red.
But most of all,
you love them in both.
It's totally inapplicable to anything
that's going on here and it's dumb.
- Who told you that?
- You did.
But it's very wise,
very wise.
I thought you say something
like that, now won't you help me out?
[plane engines]
Is he kidding?
I've been working on that thing
for a month...
..and haven't gotten two sides
that match.
It is not just him.
All Americans are strange.
Sixkiller, what movie star played
a famous Indian chief with nine letters?
[plane engines]
[someone whistles]
[foreign language]
When I find this silly cube, as
interesting as what is really important.
I will get this done
in a second.
Eagle 3, departing formation
for resupply drop.
Since you're gonna be home early
call my girl, will you?
- Tell her I'm gonna be a day late.
- I was gonna call her anyway.
Very funny.
For this unexpected turbulence,
the pilot sends his apology.
And your usual.
[plane engines]
Stand by, you guys.
We're approaching the drop zone.
[foreign language]
Hey, Lopez.
I got it.
- Now you tell me!
- Yeah!
Here we go.
- Who was that Indian Chief he played?
- Geronimooooo!
[vehicle engine]
Check. [laughs, claps his hands]
Having fun?
I don't know what you mean.
I mean, do you like being out here
in this garden spot of the world?
- It is necessary.
- For what?
For the revolution.
Give me another bottle.
All right.
Colonel, what do you--
You won.
One minute.
This is your friend, TACCOM,
begin systems check now.
Gentlemen, start your engines.
[music in,
clicking of the switches]
[engines fire up]
All systems go.
Follow me, good buddy,
and you won't get lost.
[rumble of engines]
[main music theme in]
Pull the line here, George.
Systems are stabilized.
TACCOM in final position.
Start your four-minute countdown.
[continuous explosions]
Additional contact.
Proceeding down main corridor.
Split up, guys.
[machine guns firing]
Continue down the corridor.
We're under attack!
This is a full scale invasion.
I want the armor out.
Doesn't anybody here
speak English?!
I said I want the armor out!
[multiple explosions]
Hey, George. Watch your sensor replay.
The only thing hurt was his pride.
I think I'll make him a tape
so he can show it to his friends.
TACCOM, I have some malfunctions.
My dashboard looks like
the red light district.
Hey, I hope you're gonna be able
to unload that vehicle.
Why don't you just put it on remote,
step out...
...and I'll just drive it down
and use it for a detonator.
Bon voyage!
[throws a kiss]
[continuous explosions]
You still up there?
Where else would I be?
You expecting any company,
No, no, no company.
Then we've got
some uninvited guests.
[electronic pulses]
Well, you talk about high tech?
The Egg must have worked overtime
on that thing.
With all his technology, we're liable
to get automated right out of a job.
[burning sounds]
[shouting in Spanish]
I don't care if you don't speak Spanish.
- They're blowing the whole thing.
- What are you doing here?
- They want a report.
- Don't wanna hear about it.
Take this.
Get in that.
- And follow them.
- But Colonel, I--
Idiot, move!
Don't wanna hear it!
[music in]
Eagle Base, I'm transmitting visual of
60 happy guys minus three vehicles.
We've been waiting for sunrise
so you could see our true colors.
It's right on schedule guys!
[glasses shatter to pieces]
We have reached the enclave.
Are you safe Colonel?
Yes. Yes.
No. No.
Yes. Fine.
I'm not talking.
[music stops]
[loud thud]
I don't believe it.
I get all dressed up to go to battle
and what happens?
We end up spending two hours
stacking rockets.
Now you tell me how I'm gonna talk
to my people when I get back home.
It's gonna be downright embarrassing.
Tell them anything you want.
Who'll know the difference?
- Hey, I'm gonna know the difference.
- Sixkiller...
[in Spanish, then]:
Stop complaining.
We were the heroes in
the last three missions.
What more do you want?
How much further, Daddy?
Just over the ridge.
- Got your ears on?
- We hear you.
ETA in five minutes.
Don't answer when I talk.
Just listen...
...and do what I tell you.
Don't talk. Period.
- You are quite sure there's no mistake?
- No, Sir.
It came straight from Denver.
Damn it.
[helicopter engine speeds up]
- You take American Express?
- Gas only.
Fill me.
Come on, Dallas.
Did you bring back any scalps?
No, we take no scalps,
Crazy Horse.
But I tell you, son.
We did raise some kind of hell.
[painful yells]
Colonel, I'm happy to report.
I find their secret base.
You idiot, that's no secret.
Is that all you're gonna tell me?
Well, Colonel, something else.
The cars, the motorcycles,
the uniforms.
- They painted them!
- Painted them? Estupido!
[shouting in Spanish]
Oh, Kari.
Show that man your magic.
[Hawaiian music]
Are you there?
Are you there?
Of all the idiots I have around,
you're the worst.
Siberia's too good for you.
I'm gonna send you to East Germany
unless you tell me what's going on!
Nothing. Nothing else, Comrade.
[in Spanish]
That armored column is 40 miles
north. About an hour away.
Oh, and the inbound chopper
we've been checking?
It has no armament on board.
Let's hope not.
Why would Byrne-White
send us a Medivac?
- We didn't order one, did we?
- No.
Shoot, man, it just might be
your very own Florence Nightingale.
- Ace!
- Duke!
Is he putting us on?
Compadre, it's been too long.
You don't have to fly out here
just to say hello.
My feelings were hurt. You skipped
town. You didn't call me.
I left you a message.
Ace, you were always the card.
Duke, you was always a prince.
Very nice.
One piece, zipper.
That's chic.
Not a bad layout.
You been here long?
What's going on... Ace?
Film at 11.
Mano, you stole my lighter.
You were so drunk.
You forgot.
You gave it to me.
I loaned it to you.
You forgot to give it back.
Here, it's yours... Compadre.
- You got another friend?
- General Edward Byrne-White.
Oh, heard a lot about him.
Always wanted to meet him.
- Got a minute?
- Yeah.
- Come on.
- Okay.
[helicopter engine]
Nothing's changed, Ace. You're here 25
minutes and you're flying them in.
That's the daughter
of the President of Sardoon.
That's better, it's like thoroughbred.
You can't beat those bloodlines.
I'll deal with this.
The very model
of a modern Major General.
I don't believe it.
At last we got him.
- You've captured him, good show.
- No.
He just flew in for a light.
General, it seems we're here
for the same purpose... give him some
terrific bad news.
- May we have a word in private?
- General...
Don't waste our time.
You know, I know, she knows.
Now, he's the only who doesn't.
Either you tell him now
or I will.
[Guerera laughs]
Ace... this is gonna kill you!
Keep them working.
Commander, you and your men
have done a splendid job.
You've achieved the impossible.
But one of those exigencies
mentioned earlier seems to have arisen.
Which one?
You chaps seem to have done
rather too good a job.
The other fellows have advised us
that this operation may be regarded... a blatant act of war
instigated by our side.
- Now, in point of fact--
- In point of fact.
If you allow us to cross your border,
you'll probably be at war within 24 hours.
- How did I do?
- I'm glad you understand.
This rotten business we're in.
Fortunes of war and all that.
As SCUFF says,
that's the way it is.
You know, General, in all my years
of soldiering, I've learned one thing.
- It's all on the wheel.
- The wheel?
It all comes around.
Well, if you'll excuse me, I have a press
conference in a couple of hours.
I really should be off.
So let's wrap this up, shall we?
Good luck.
[slow music in]
Are you okay?
I tried.
I'm sorry.
- I know.
- I wanted it to be different.
- I know that too.
- Geopolitics, political expediencies... never changes.
[helicopter engine starts]
I'll see you.
Remember where?
Lion's Head Hotel, London.
[music builds up]
Come on, Compadre,
walk me to my chopper.
You know, whenever you call me
Compadre, it always cost me something.
Let's get serious, what the hell
do you want?
My friend, you're in bad trouble.
You have violated the integrity
of a sovereign nation.
And to tell you the truth,
it makes them very angry.
Now, on my flight here
I flew all over entire Gambian army.
And they should be here
in about an hour.
Which means you better start
moving out of here pronto.
But where can you go?
Our modern Major General isn't
letting you cross the border.
And where can your planes come in?
At the Capital?
There is only one place,
the Dry Lake.
We both know that.
And my tanks are there right now.
Ace, it's all over.
For old time's sake,
I'm gonna make you an offer.
You give me your word that your men
will lay their weapons down...
...and I will guarantee
your safe passage out of here.
Not enough seats.
Ace, you are the best
commander that ever lived.
Maybe you're even better than me.
But you have one fatal flaw.
You've never understood
that they are-- they are just numbers!
You're an idealist.
In the '70s we could be idealists.
But today, it's too expensive.
You know, there's one thing
you never understood...
...that there are some things
that you can't put a price on.
If you were to say anything else,
I would have been disappointed.
I love you, but you're hopeless.
See you, Ace.
[helicopter engine starts]
You idiot, come here!
We've got to get going!
[engine starts]
Yes, Colonel. All right.
I see them, I see them.
[paper tears off]
Bring them in.
Now, that is something.
Gentlemen, we have
a little problem here.
As I see it we've got two choices.
One, is we split up...
...and everybody heads
for the border on his own.
Oh, now, Ace.
You know that ain't gonna work.
If I don't have somebody to follow,
I'm gonna get lost.
[all laugh]
All right, choice two...
The Dry Lake bed is surrounded
by mountains on three sides.
Now, Guerera has moved his army
so the mountains are at his back.
He knows that the only way in
is straight down his nose.
As we hit those flats,
he's gonna shoot us like fish in a barrel.
But sometimes what was working
for you can work against you.
Now, Egg has done an infrared
topographical scan of these mountains.
There is a minor trail...
...that we could conceivably
move our equipment across.
And as we come up the backside, we'll
use our electrics and run in silence.
So therefore they can't hear us.
And while they're distracted
by the planes...
...we'll come off the mountain
and punch a hole through their amour...
...and meet the aircraft
in the middle of the Dry Lake.
But the critical factor is
getting over fast enough...
...and out of the lake bed
before they see us.
And that's the way it is.
[foreboding music in]
[helicopter engine]
The place is totally evacuated?
- Any reports on border activity?
- No, sir. None.
Where can they be?
[plane engines]
TACCOM, this is Eagle Flight,
do you copy?
I copy, Eagle flight, go ahead.
What's your ETA?
0742, how are you boys doing
up there?
Son, we're flying so low...
...that every time we pass a jackrabbit,
I'm looking at it square in the eye.
Begin stealth and silent running.
[electronic humming]
If that's not a holograph...
...we're sure in big trouble.
Eagle Flight,
when you make your downwind...
...they're gonna throw everything
they've got at you.
They're gonna be preoccupied with you
just long enough for us to get moving.
Now we're gonna punch a bunch of
daylight right through their armor...
...and meet you smack
in the middle of that lake.
Oh, lovely.
I want you to hold for exactly two
minutes, no more--
No less.
And then pack your bags
and get the hell home.
Thanks a bunch, Hunter. And I thought
it was tough landing at O'Hare.
Well, ole buddy...
Eagle Flight, you boys
in position to play decoy?
That's affirmative. If you look around,
you should be able to see us.
I guess it was meant to be.
Reverse left!
Aircraft at 10 o'clock.
- Ready.
- Let's do it.
Do it!
[continuous explosions]
Numerous malfunctions. Eagle One,
you're on your own.
- Mind if I call your girl?
- Why not? Everybody else does.
TACCOM, you just lost
half of your seats.
Which means you boys will have
to leave your toys behind.
All units, set equipment for self
Texas International flight through to the
Dallas will be landing in five minutes.
And it will be standing room only.
Terminate silent running
and release first volley.
[rockets launching]
[continuous explosions]
[laser pulses]
Give cover to corridor E, all units.
TACCOM, Dallas, come in?
Weakest part of the perimeter,
Commander, is the dead centre.
I'm gonna blow them out of the sky.
Get the plane!
You idiot, get the plane!
They can't leave without it!
TACCOM, it's been pretty hot
out here...
...and I've got
a major domestic problem at home.
Can't help you
on the home front, Eagle Flight.
But we can take care of your
problems here. Watch this.
Mayday! Mayday!
I read the Commander's down.
His monitor's malfunctioning.
His monitor's malfunctioning.
You copy that, Dallas?
You heard the orders,
we all get on that plane.
[rushing steps]
Get in there!
Move it, move it!
Come on, get in there.
Move it!
Come on, let's go.
Move it!
Get on in there.
Come on, move.
Moving out!
Forget the stalled!
Faster! Faster!
Come on, move!
[shouting in Spanish]
Come on!
Suki, quit playing around
and get in here!
- We're the last ones.
- Didn't see anybody else.
Hunter's still out there. Now get on
in there. Get on. Move it! Get in there!
Hunter, come on back.
Hunter, come on in.
Come on in.
Come on back to me now.
- Ace!
- Hi, Duke.
Oh, listen, I just wanted
to say goodbye and remind you...
...that the good guys always win.
Even in the '80s.
See you, Duke.
[in Spanish]
All right, let's get this thing moving.
Fire one.
Okay, Egg, it's you and me, buddy.
[jet engine starts]
It's Hunter!
It's Hunter!
Get this crate back on the ground.
The boss is coming.
Dallas, I'm only a pilot, not a magician.
Never mind, just hold what you got.
Just hold it really steady.
Right where you got it.
That's a boy.
Bring it in here.
Get over here! Get that damn thing
in here. Bring it in!
Boy, you gonna get sick
doing that kind of thing.
Bring it on home.
Yeah, I see you too.
Bring it here, baby, come on.
Come on, bring it in here.
[laughs aloud]
[hands clapping]
[motor bike closing in]
Colonel, what happened?
Alright, compadre.
All right, Ace!
All right, I'll see you another time!
Now, let me say again that while our
country deplores the unfortunate...
...incidents that have occurred within
the sovereign boundaries...
...of our law abiding neighbor, Camibia,
we disclaim any involvement.
And we deny
any prior knowledge whatsoever.
[whispering] It's an airplane
and I think it's theirs.
Take her down to 100 feet off the deck!
It's them.
Oh, I am glad.
What a sport,
good old Hunter.
You rotten sot.
It's all on the wheel, old chap.
It all comes around.
All right, let's push it.
I've got a date in London!
- Ace!
- Hi, Duke.
Oh, listen, I just wanted
to say goodbye and remind you...
...that the good guys always win.
Even in the '80s.
[music stops]