Memories of the Sword (2015) Movie Script

"LEE Byungyhun"
" AEON Dawson"
"KIM Go-eun"
"LEE Kyung-young, KIM Tae-woo, LEE Jun-ho"
I did it!
You really jumped over it?
You did it!
I've outgrown this!
But what about sparring?
You're no match for me!
Come back!
What if Morn finds out!
Don't worry! I'll be back soon!
Thief! Get him!
Let's gm!
Giddy up!
That's it!
He's amazing.
Twenty-four! Winner!
Who are you?
What's your number?
Who cares? I'm here to fight!
Take him away!
Sins of Blood must be washed in blood.
Hong-yi will take our lives.
Hong-yi is dead.
Mark my words!
We will die by Hong-yi's hands.
Seize the kid!
Seize him!
General Yu-baek grams big posts
to the combat games' winner.
They'll do anything to win.
Now, any peasant who can
fight can gain a post.
General Yu-baek's power is unstoppable.
Be careful.
What General!
He doesn't even know how to spell his name!
What is the world coming to?
Right, Wol-so?
But I cannot see the world.
The streets are humming!
Don't just drink tea!
My, my!
What's the matter?
Yu-baek held his combat games today.
An incredible kid showed up!
About 5 feet tall.
With a body so slim
and face so tender for a man...
The kid was pretty!
He looked like a girl to me,
but that kid fought like a man!
It can't be.
Come back!
Come back!
Where is she?
Who are you?
You have a long tail.
Who are you?
Don't you know who you fought for?
I was impressed by your feats.
Forgive me for chasing you,
but you just vanished.
Why didn't you finish the fight?
I could've beaten him.
But there's no need to see blood.
I just went (here to stretch.
Not only a skilled
fighter, but clever, too.
Your name?
K's Ganvcho.
Whose pupil are you?
I know enough to withold my master's name.
But if you value mind over moves,
You can lose focus.
Your feet are swift, but
your hands are clumsy.
Unmask me in 3 attempts.
Then I'll acknowledge you.
What clumsy hands?
It's time I told her.
It may be too early.
Yu-baek will find us and come.
What if Hong-yi gets hurt?
Freshly picked tea leaves have no scent.
But the more you crumple and harm them...
...the stronger their scent will be.
This may be the last tea I brew for you.
Where have you been?
Forgive me!
Just out...
This is for you, Morn.
It's a beautiful red shade.
Whom did you meet?
I just won it in a duel.
He appeared to be an aristocrat.
Did he ask your name?
He asked who my teacher
was, but I didn't say.
I'm really sorry!
I won't do it again.
Why do you train?
Two people. They'll die by my hand.
They killed my parents.
Blood must be washed by blood.
When I turn 20, I will kill them.
You have two enemies.
One saw you for the first time today.
The other...
has followed you for years.
Who are may?
I'll kill them no matter what!
This is...
Once you hold that...
...there is no turning back.
You sure you won't regret it?
It's Sul-rang's sword...
of the Three Great Swords.
Pung-chun's sword set goals.
Sul-rang's sword fought injustice.
Duk-gi's sword gave protection
and helped achieve the goals.
They were close like siblings
who pledged to die together.
And Sui-rang and Duk-gi
were dear lovers.
The Governor's son!
W ewe captured LEE Jumbo"!
I'm Pung-chun of the Three Great Swords!
Governor LEE!
Listen to the people!
It's Hons-vi!
Though you stooped to this...
I'll fight!
I've made up my mind.
They promised me.
If you change your mind, all of us...
- and your family will be safe!
- Quiet!
The three of us can do even greater things!
What is greater than
fighting for the people!
I swear...
I'll never forgive you!
Many died that day
due to Sui-rang and Duk-gi's betrayal.
Including your father...
and your mother.
That sword pierced your father's heart.
You lie.
I am Sui-rang.
Duk-gi, the man who gave
you the red mask...
and I, Sui-rang, are your enemies.
You're lying!
You were rash in showing
off your swordsmanship.
See how you've been fed and
clothed by your enemy!
Think you can kill us both?
And avenge your father's blood
with that sword?
Childish fool!
Still see me as your mom?
Mark my words.
I'm your enemy, Sul-rang!
Leave this house.
The next time we meet, you and me?
One of us will die.
Bring me tea.
He'll have tea!
Yes, sir.
The tea house at the Arabian Market...
Find Gam-cho and his mother there.
The mother...
Bring her to me unharmed.
Yes, sir!
- No!
- Gam-cho?
Watch out!
Run away!
Seize her!
When ihe water starts i0 boil,
it looks like shrimp eyeballs.
Then crab eyes, fish eyes,
and small marbles float up.
Not now.
The water isn't boiling yet.
The woman is blind!
Don't harm the boy!
He has nothing to do with me!
Gam-cho! Say something!
Listen to the water bubbling up.
At first it pitter-patters.
It taps like wheels turning.
The sound of earth shaking...
Then horses trotting...
Then comes the soft, whispering
sound of the wind.
Soon, even the wind fades.
When no sound can be heard...
It's ready.
The water is boiling.
Let's drink.
I, Yu-baek, have arrived, sir.
You're late again.
I was detained by mischief
from street rascals.
Just a bunch of naive kids, Your Majesty.
I am not amused.
Their lack of skills is a bore.
How about it, General?
Show them how it's done.
An exquisite idea, sir.
General Yu-baek is
Goryeo's top swordsman.
Why don't you show us?
Fight harder!
Hit him hard!
If you beat him, you can be general!
Will there be a new general today, sir?
What happens to Yu-baek?
- Return to his place.
- Where is that?
- The streets, of course!
- Really?
Try harder, General!
Oh my!
I want liquor!
Get me a drink, now!
It was you!
Let's finish the fight!
You're a mess.
Got kicked out?
Yes! I did.
I'm not telling!
Fine. Whatever.
But how long has it been?
Hey, kid!
You're crying?
Crazy fool! Can't even drink.
You crazy fool!
Get Up!
Stay still!
Living like this isn't so bad, right?
Drinking all I want.
Eating when I'm hungry.
Sleeping when I'm tired.
And waste your skills?
I can't kill or save anyone, anyway.
With your skills, who can't you kill?
There is.
I can't kill...
I'd rather die.
Look at yourself!
Why do you always come to me like that?
Pung-chun, Sui-rang, Duk-gi...
I never thought you fools
would grow to be so heartless!
You'll go through with
committing that horrific sin?
Pungychufis swam...
That's what you want?
Take it and go!
This is my last request.
Please give this to Hong-yi.
The chief carpenter, sir.
You came?
I've been waiting.
Yes, sir.
This way.
Watch your step, sir.
We're here.
I've come a very long way.
The king's future throne...
It's as I expected.
Mu-ryung Palace is superb!
A great carpenter like you...
will never be matched
in G0ryeo's history.
At the victory banquet,
you said you didn't want a post.
Yes, sir.
Want it.
Seek things with greed.
What will save you in the end...
is your desire.
Yes, sir.
Do you trust me?
Yes, sir!
I don't trust you yet.
Kill LEE Jon-bok.
Who are you!
Who are you?
Identify yourself!
I came to meet General LEE Jon-bok
That wretched bastard!
But why should I listen to you?
Prove you're not lying.
I am the proof, sir.
General Yu-baek ordered
me to kill you, sir.
I'm the assassin.
Go ahead and try.
Will you kill me?
The sword...
I will aim it at him.
Yu-baek ordered the kill...
and promised to make rne a colonel.
He can only make rne colonel-not a general.
You want to make a deal with me?
Forgive me, sir.
Yu-baek's troops are the best in Goryeo.
Yu-baek is also a master fighter.
How will you beat him?
There is a way...
to kill without the victim ever knowing.
Savages have infiltrated
our territories up north.
The people are suffering.
Elite troops must go quickly
and eradicate this enemy.
Should the royal troops be sent out now...
it may weaken the defense of the capital.
There is a way to eradicate them
without sending the royal troops.
How about sending out
General Yu-baek's troops?
With General Yu-baek in the lead...
troops must be sent north immediately, sir.
When he goes north, he
won't make it back, sir.
How did your father end
up adopting Yu-baek?
Have you heard of the Three Great Swords?
What is that?
It's a group that raised a revolt, sir.
One spark that tried to
burn down the order.
But one of them betrayed the others.
And the fire was extinguished.
That deceiver was Yu-baek.
His name was Duk-gi then.
Let's proceed with your son's
marriage to Princess Hun-hwa.
How about on the day of
Mu-ryung Palace completion?
Thank you, Your Ma...
What's the matter?
I am...
Are you all right, sir? Subjects!
You won't die right away.
How long did your father last? 3 months?
I hope you last that long.
I want you to see everything you created
crumble in my hands.
And see Goryeo placed
completely under my feet.
Do you know when the fire
within me first sparked?
The father is the most
powerful in the land".
But his son is now a beggar.
Do me a favor.
I want to bathe.
I couldn't believe it.
Hunger is the hardest to bear,
but you wanted to bathe.
It was then.
The awakened man within me whispered...
People are all born the
same, naked like that
What that measly fool has...
why didn't you ever covet it?
Want it!
Have it!
Everything you desire...
Have it all!
But for old time's sake...
I've brought the antidote.
Who will own Mu-ryung Palace?
Mu-ryung Palace is mine.
General Yu-baek promised!
This isn't what he promised!
He said to bury any trouble!
What trouble can this little one be'!
Please, sir.
Not my granddaughter!
No one must know his secret!
We won't say anything...
A few days after you left, they attacked.
They looked for Gam-cho.
Your name?
It's Gam-cho!
Wol-so fought hard to protect him...
But she got injured too.
I don't know if she's okay or not.
Then where's Garwcho'!?
All hail Chancellor Yu-baek!
- Assassin!
- Seize him!
He went that way!
- That way!
- Seize him!
Why'd you come here?
I came for Yu-baek.
For what?
No need to know. Just tell me where he is.
That way!
Do you know or not?
Hold on!
Wait righi here.
Suhranqs sword...
I haven't seen it in years.
Take your filthy hands off it!
I like the fire in your eyes.
Ne they Pung~chun's eyes?
You're Hong-yi, the one
who came for my life?
Yes, I am!
I'm Hong-yi, the one who came to kill you!
You came for me with such measly skills?
How did Sui-rang raise you?
Sui-rang makes the best tea.
Your father always said that, too.
I wonder why the tea I brew smells fishy.
So fishy.
Sul-rang warned me.
You'd come for my blood one day.
But Hong-yi...
I miss the taste of Sul-rang's tea.
I long to taste her tea once more.
For that...
Before you claim my blood...
I have use for yours!
You're not Hong-yi!
Toss her out!
Wake up!
Wake up!
Open your eyes!
Let the blood flow!
I'm... I'm too late.
My baby!
I warned you to cut off
personal feelings...
Go and tell Yu-baek.
I am Sui-rang!
Do people know how hard
you work (o offer them tea'!
It doesn't matter.
What good is eating grass like this?
They'd be happier with meat.
Of course they'd like that.
But the best things come
slowly without knowing.
What a saying!
'Without knowing'.
That's such a great saying.
How did you think of that?
I don't smell anything.
It's hard to tell like that.
Good, isn't it?
When I set out to do something...
For instance...
If it's my first time".
How will I know if it's right?
There's only one thing I know.
No matter what it is,
what you do is right, Duk-gi.
Promise me...
You won't let me go.
I promise, Duk-gi.
We've captured Sui-rang.
Stop Yu-baek!
I didn't come to see you.
I've come to die with you.
Lock her up.
Her eyes...
Be strong.
I know you're awake.
This old man is tired.
I'm sleepy and hungry.
Well done, child.
What are you peeping at?
What are you praying for?
I prayed for Hong-yi.
For her not to be shaken.
As Pung-chun's only daughter...
to avenge her father's blood.
And I prayed for myself.
His blood is on my hands.
I did the unforgivable.
I couldn't kill you.
I'll never be forgiven for that.
I also prayed for you.
For your internal organs
to be hacked to pieces.
And for that pain to be nothing
compared to your regret.
For you to realize all the sins
you've committed in this world.
What a preposterous thing to pray for!
You're the one who will die in regret.
Pung-chun cared for us
dearly, especially you!
Pung-chun! Pung-chun!
Enough about him!
Why didn't you kill
yourself after killing him?
Why are you still alive?
Why couldn't you kill me?
Admit it!
Even if I killed our master...
You can't leave me.
How dare you!
You can't leave me.
You can't forget me.
It wasn't Hong-yi.
That girl is not Hong-yi.
Her eyes do not resemble
Pung-chun's at all.
Who else would Pung-chun's
daughter resemble?
And the scar on her back...
It's not from my sword, it's from yours.
You must've taken in an orphan
and raised her as Hong-yi.
Blinded by greed, that's
what you want to see.
It is regrettable that
you've lost your sight.
I wanted to show you...
what I have gained and will own.
You must see.
How I became Yu-baek...
and will soon marry the princess.
Then you'll finally feel...
regret that will last forever.
Does anything cause you pain?
If so, dispose of it.
If your tooth hurts, pull it out.
If your finger hurts, cut it off.
What is most painful to you...
will make you weak.
Yes, sir.
Same goes for people.
Mu-ryung Palace is complete.
Well done, Chancellor.
I have a request, Your Majesty.
Give me Mu-ryung Palace, sir.
What did you just say?
Give me Mu-ryung Palace.
Enough nonsense, Chancellor.
You said Mu-ryung Palace
belongs to Princess Hun-hwa.
Then give me the Princess, too.
You dare throw contempt on this court.
You marrying the Princess?
You of low birth!
How dare you speak of her!
Such a pity.
Nothing but your temper is left of you.
What did you just say?
Born as the son of a king...
you were spoiled your whole life
without leaving the palace.
You think you can rule the world
without even seeing it.
That you can rule the people
without even seeing them.
Those who killed your father
made your brother king.
Then those who killed him
put you on the throne.
You're just a scarecrow, fool!
Did you really think you owned your life?
Born from a slave,
I, Duk-gi, the lowest of them all...
I'm staring at the one upon the throne.
Who's the one trembling now?
Are you my master? Or am I your master?
In trying to marry your daughter,
I may get killed like LEE Jon-bok.
But at this very moment...
I am your master.
Guards! Guards!
Just kill me now!
I can kill you at any time.
Still don't get why I'm letting you live?
Your Majesty.
Chancellor Yu-baek and
Princess Hun-hwa should be wed.
The Princess' grand wedding
at Mu-ryung Palace...
will strengthen your reign!
Yes, Your Majesty!
Cool down, kid!
What use in hitting that?
Fool! What good is hitting a tree!
That's what!
You scared the fish away!
There's nothing to eat.
In your next life, be born a king.
Are you really a master swordsman?
Of course!
I am the 9th Head Master here.
And the one who taught
the Three Great Swords.
I'm the master of masters.
The Great Master!
Ow! My back...
Do you want to train?
For what?
I have vengeance left in my heart.
Please, sir!
Take that!
The sword has a heart.
It's the heart of the sword's owner.
Thus, the sword has love- and hatred, too.
UP here!
She's just like Sui-rang.
If you pass the test...
I'll give you this.
This is Pung-chun's sword,
the best in all the world.
Oh my.
Go fetch it.
Fetch it.
Bu! there are lots.
Forget it, then.
Okay! I'll fetch it.
But keep your promise, sir!
I like the fire in your eyes.
Are they Pung-chun's eyes?
Her eyes...
Don't resemble Pung-chun's at all.
Who else would Pung-chun's
daughter resemble?
Found it!
I found it, sir!
But there's a grave.
Want to know whose grave it is?
It'll upset you.
Still want to know?
Long ago, Sui-rang came to me.
What are you doing!
That's forbidden!
You want to die, too?
You could lose your eyesight!
I don't care if I go blind.
I'll die if I have to.
Please save Hong-yi!
Hong-yi is already gone.
No... Master!
Please save Hong-yi!
Please... Bring Hong-yi back!
Who's the girl?
Hong-yi is dead! Don't lie!
She didn't die.
I buried Hong-yi here.
You're not Hong-yi.
You're Sul-rang's daughter, Sul-hee.
Even if you never see light again...
this is your retribution.
I understand, Master.
Pung-chun knew.
Even as my sword pierced
him, he trusied me.
'I will let your baby with Duk-gi be born.'
'But promise me one thing.'
'Please promise you'll protect Hong-yi.'
When this baby is born".
I will name her Hong-yi
and I will raise her...
Once she's old enough to know...
I will tell her...
to kill Sui-rang and Duk-gi,
who killed her parents.
It's only right.
This is (he only reason
to keep my sinful life going.
My baby, Sul-hee...
To think of something so horrific...
Do you despise me that much?
I will kill you!
If this is so...
Why didn't you hold on to me?
I couldn't let you go.
What did you see?
That's right.
He is Duk-gi, the man Sui-rang loved.
You killed him!
The young man I loved.
You killed the one I'd love even in death.
Even if he should be born again...
A thousand times!
He can never be born as Duk-gi again!
I despise you with my entire life.
And I'll despise you in death.
With every last drop of blood
in me, I despise you!
It won't be long.
I'll take your life after the wedding.
Even in death, watch me.
After killing Duk-gi and
becoming Yu-baek...
You and I must die. This is our fate.
I'll never drink tea again.
I'm sorry, Sul-hee.
I'm sorry.
The day will come when
you'll feel you're lost.
Just think about what is right.
Then you'll see.
What is right is right for all.
For those who judge sin and those who pay.
If feelings get in the way...
make your sword stronger with them.
Cutting off personal feelings
is the way of the sword.
In order to strengthen the court's reign...
my only daughter, Princess Hun-hwa...
shall marry Chancellor Yu-baek.
The wedding will be in 3 days
upon Mu-ryung Palace's completion.
Prepare the greatest celebration
in the history of Goryeo!
Long live His Majesty!
Long live Goryeo!
Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!
Give me the sword.
It's Hong-yi.
Since Mother gave birth to me,
I've been Hong-yi.
You're We one who saved Sukhee.
Please, come in.
She is well.
She'll be here soon.
Why would you give your life for her?
It's citron tea.
It's good, both in scent and taste.
You must do me one favor.
Please. Take me to where she is.
The bride is coming! Quick, prepare!
Light the lanterns!
- How old is the Princess?
- 2 years younger than you.
- We'll live in the palace now?
- Yes.
Pung-chun's daughter, Hong-yi!
I've come for Yu-baek's blood!
It's an assassin!
Stop for a moment.
It's heavy.
Take my armor off.
Try. If you dare.
With this...
I don't owe you anything.
That's Pung-chun's sword.
Are you really Hong-yi?
Are you afraid?
Hong-yi or not, it doesn't matter!
That's it!
Put all your anger into your sword.
What was my father like?
He was truly...
He was a daring man who never failed.
What about mom?
What was she like?
I wish you were my real morn.
Did they love each other a lot?
Tell me how my mother
and father loved each other.
Your morn...
she truly loved your father's smile.
His smile?
Such an innocent smile.
She loved it more than the flowers.
She loved him so.