Memory (2023) Movie Script

I remember...
like yourself, Sylvia,
I too came in.
I was broken, I was lost.
And I was hopeless.
Uh, with no direction, uh...
of where I was
going to go in my life.
So I-I understood
when you shared that day
where you were coming from.
And it brought me back to the
beginning of how it was for me.
I remember I passed you
and you were riding
your bicycle up a hill.
And 90 days sober.
I remember thinking...
"We all got our struggles.
But we don't need
to get loaded over it".
I'm here.
I came.
I made it, I got here.
And, I didn't even know
what was gonna be going on.
But I'm happy to see...
You're what I wish
I could have been.
I don't know how
to explain that
except that I wish my mom...
would have been as
strong as you, Sylvia.
My dear Sylvia,
being your sponsor
has been a gift.
I know you don't
want to hear this,
but my wish for you
is that you find someone
so you don't be alone like me.
Anna is going to grow up
she's going to go away
to make it on her own.
And she will.
- Yeah.
- She will.
You and I, we've been
together for 13 years.
That's longer than
most marriages out there.
Um, I just wanted
to thank everyone.
I'm very grateful for this space
and for all of you and...
definitely nothing
would be possible
with-without this group here.
And I'm very grateful
for my daughter.
How do you feel being here?
- Good.
- Good?
Is it just
what you thought?
- I mean, yeah.
- Yeah?
- I'm so proud of you.
- Thanks, honey.
Happy anniversary!
I'm so happy for you!
All right, I'm glad you came.
You guys, congratulations,
have a good night.
-Dinner later? Dinner later?
You're the
only man that stayed.
The fridge broke again.
I'll call someone to fix it.
-I'll see you later, mom.
-Yeah, have a good day.
-Thank you, bye.
Morning, Karen.
Uh, just so you know,
Mario is having a rough morning.
Oh, great! Okay.
-Hey, good morning, everybody.
-Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Anthony, good morning.
- Come on in.
- Morning, Anthony.
Good morning.
-Good morning, Anthony.
-Good morning.
What's up?
I like eating...
baloney sandwich.
Mm-hmm, take your time,
all right.
And I like eating
a-apple sauce.
And I like eating chips.
If you're gonna go
outside, you need a jacket.
I know you have two things,
but it's very cold, Mario.
Let's put your jacket on.
Let me help...
Do you want to do it yourself?
Okay. I'll carry it down.
All right... come on.
Let's go downstairs,
you're gonna miss your bus.
Yeah, please.
Anyone want more?
All fit, all done?
Sorry, I'll take this one.
This one's better.
No more.
All right.
Hey, do you mind
if I go on my break?
-Of course, take a break.
Lucy, wash your hands.
I already did.
-You were playing with Rocca.
-She probably did.
Tom wants a picture,
can we send him one?
-Not now.
-It's a picture.
Let's have a nice time.
All right, just wait.
That's enough.
Are you staying for dinner?
Thank you, we're
gonna eat at home.
Here, take my seat.
Are you going to the, um, the
party for Woodbury on Friday?
Robert's not going.
I could be your date.
-If you want.
-Thank you, sweetie.
I think it would be
good for you to go
and spend time
with other people.
Who aren't in A.A.
How did the
anniversary meeting go?
It was nice.
Yeah, you...
Did you have a good time?
-What anniversary?
-I'll tell you about it later.
-What anniversary?
Just eat.
I mean, you don't have to
pay me back right away.
It's not Robert's money.
You've become a drug dealer?
No, the students
pay me in cash.
Count it, but it
should all be there.
No, no, thank you.
-I've been meaning to tell you.
Mom keeps asking
about you and Anna.
How long is she gonna stay?
What would she go back for?
She wasn't doing well
without dad.
Huh, Anna, we gotta leave.
-Sorry, do you have an aspirin?
Hi, ma'am, I, um...
You got a situation
with your fridge?
I asked for a repair-woman.
Yeah, uh,
she wasn't available today.
So you want me to leave?
No, come up.
Kitchen's in there.
It's leaking.
I see that, all right.
Oh, no! Rebecca!
-Oh, my goodness!
-Oh, wow!
-Has it been 15 years?
-M-more, I was pregnant.
-You were, and you look amazing.
-I know, thank you.
-I haven't seen you in so long.
-Nice to see you.
Um, is your sister here?
Oh, she... No!
-She canceled last minute.
-She told me she was...
Gonna be... I was looking
forward to seeing her.
I'm sorry.
We're gonna have
to get her number.
-Yes, yes.
-I can't wait to see everybody.
It looks amazing.
I'm so happy to be here.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-You look amazing.
-Thank you.
Oh, my goodness!
Oh, my God!
I'm so glad you're here!
-You look amazing!
-Oh, no, no!
I didn't tell, I didn't
know how to dress.
-You look beautiful!
-It's so good to see you.
-Is Bill here?
-Oh, I'm so glad!
-He's right over there.
What can I get you?
We have red, white.
Uh, I'll have a still water.
That's it, thanks.
He did both, he taught both,
dance and paint.
Did you have him?
Well, dance was an elective.
But it was worth it...
Hello, hello, I hope you
can all hear me.
I just wanted to say
a very brief, very sincere
thank you so much
for coming out tonight.
It really goes to show
how supportive you all are.
So thank you for that.
And, after all these years,
it is so great
to see so many familiar faces.
And I'm sure
I'm not the only one
who can say that
I've missed this, right?
I have missed Woodbury High.
And what's crazy is that
it really feels like
no time has passed at all.
Okay, I could ramble on, so
let's go ahead, raise a glass
and toast to all of
you beautiful people.
And thank you for being here
and thank you for making
high school the special
period that it was.
- Cheers, everyone!
- Cheers!
Home armed.
Mom, I'll be in my room.
What are you doing?
Get away from the window.
Go to bed, honey.
Go to bed.
Hey, Karen, um, I feel like
I'm having a nervous breakdown.
And, um...
I can't really explain
it over voicemail, but, um...
I tried calling you to see
if you'd pick up
'cause I know you can't...
sleep so much either, so...
call me when
you get this, bye.
What do you want?
Do you have a phone?
Put your hands in your pockets.
Do you have a phone
or a wallet? Or anything?
What do you have?
Hi, there's a guy on my street,
he's been here all night.
You know him?
My address... Honey...
-Who is that?
-Everything's fine.
Get me a blanket. He's fine!
Just, uh, my address
is 264, 39th Street.
Yeah, my name's Sylvia,
this is my cellphone.
All right, see you soon, bye.
Are you all right, pal?
Come on, let's go.
You really, really scared us.
-Come here, you.
-You want coffee?
-No, I'm all right.
-Have a seat.
You came all the way
out here just to see me?
Yeah, I mean...
I mean, you were gone
for a whole night, so...
It's amazing you
didn't catch pneumonia.
Well, I haven't
been sick in years.
You just got lost and made it--
No, I didn't get lost,
I went to the bathroom.
Yeah, and you couldn't
find your way back.
Hey, enough!
Enough! Hey! Enough!
I'm going to get a coffee.
I had to yell.
You know you
cried on the phone?
Did you leave the party alone?
Did you leave the party alone?
I-I don't know,
I don't know.
Do you remember
leaving the party?
That one kind
of looks like you.
-Just a little bit.
-Thank you.
There's something else
for you, too.
This one's smaller, so...
Oh, I see.
"Saul Shapiro,
I have dementia."
"Emergency contact."
I-I don't know if you
should put Isaac down
for emergency contact.
I tried to make it cool.
Can I wear it inside at least?
All right, all right.
I mean you can
still see the beads.
Yeah, now, I mean, the beads
are the main... point.
-Thank you.
I'm fine.
Anna said there
was a man outside.
He followed me home
from the Woodbury event.
He's one of Ben's friends.
Are you sure?
Why else would
he follow me home?
-What's his name?
-Saul Shapiro.
Do you want to spend
the night at Olivia's tonight?
Hi, Isaac, this
is Sylvia from...
the other morning
I found... Yeah.
I'd like to come by today.
Can you, um...
Would that be all right?
Great! Send me your address.
Okay, thanks.
I'll get it!
- Hello.
- Hi.
Hi, please come in.
This is my daughter, Sara.
Sylvia found Saul.
Well, I just looked outside
my window one morning.
-Saw him on the street.
-How did he end up there?
Thank God Sylvia found him.
Um, I'll go get him.
Can I get you
something to drink?
Mm-mm, no, thank you.
I need to go to work soon.
Oh, what do you do?
I work at an adult
daycare center.
What's wrong with you?
Invite her in.
-Please, sit down.
Listen, I apologize
if I made you feel
uncomfortable the other night.
Mm-mm, it's fine.
It's-it's not fine.
Have a seat, I'll get you
a glass of water.
He has dementia.
He remembers stuff
from years ago.
But more immediate events,
he tends to...
Childhood, our parents, he's...
The more recent,
the less he remembers.
He just remembered me.
Sometimes he remembers
things for weeks.
Then something like
the other night happens
and we're not sure why that is.
It's changed a lot, right?
I used to play here
when I was little.
-Oh, yeah?
But it was nicer then.
Nobody takes care of it.
Do you remember things
that happened a long time ago?
Oh, yeah.
I think about my wife.
My parents.
Things from my
childhood, my cousins.
Holidays and all that stuff.
What about school?
I remember school.
Where did you go to school?
So did I.
Don't you remember me?
Well, I guess people...
change after many years.
But we didn't go
to school together.
Oh, I remember.
You really don't remember me?
Do you remember Ben Goldberg?
Yeah, we went to
high school together.
He used to get me drunk
after school.
I was 12, he was 17.
He liked raping me.
He liked forcing me
to give him blow jobs.
-Ben Goldberg?
-Yes, sometimes he was alone.
Sometimes he wasn't.
You remember?
I remember Ben.
And you remember
being with him and...
making me suck your dick?
Don't you remember school?
I don't know, I don't know.
Why did you follow me
home from the party?
You remember the
Woodbury party last week.
You were following me home.
I don't know...
I remember the party because
Isaac showed me pictures.
And you followed me home.
-From where?
-From the Wo--
From the Woodbury party.
You were at the Woodbury party?
You followed me home
from the Woodbury party.
And you sexually abused me when
I was 12, and you were 17 or 18.
You like thinking about
what you used to make me do?
Or do you only remember
when it's convenient?
I don't remember.
You know what?
You deserve being
the way you are.
This is the Crosstown G train.
The next stop is
Green Point Avenue.
Isaac, it's Sylvia.
Can you please call me
when you get a chance?
Please, thank you, bye.
Hey, Isaac, how are you doing?
Hi, it's, um,
Sara, Saul's niece.
Um, can I come in?
Yeah, come up.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Thank you. Thank you.
I hope I-I'm not
disturbing you or anything.
Um, so I know this is
kind of random.
Uh, but I leave today.
I go to school in Boston.
And since you
and Saul get along
my dad and I were
maybe thinking
you could care for him
during the day.
I'm not a nurse.
He doesn't want a nurse.
All you'd have to do
is be there.
Go on walks and stuff.
No, I don't think so.
He talks about you a lot.
Here, um...
I'll-I'll think about it
and I'll call your dad.
We're going to pay you
in advance.
In cash.
Even if you say no, we'd really
like you to have it just, um...
as a gesture of thanks
for helping my uncle already.
Try it for a few afternoons.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I made the most of it
and... cleaned the house.
You went
through my stuff?
Yeah, I organized.
You were spying on me!
I found a joint
in your pencil case.
And I need to see
what's on your computer.
You change your password?
You don't need to see
what's on my computer--
Yeah, don't talk back to me.
You don't need to see
what's on my computer--
Anna! I'll take your
computer away.
I'm not staying here tonight.
I'm going to Olivia's.
A month ago, I...
I didn't think it was
possible to-to get sober.
And this has been the hardest
month of my entire life.
And a part of me still
doesn't want to be sober.
But I have heard
some of you guys say,
you know, "I wouldn't trade...
my worst sober day
for my best...
days out abusing... partying."
You never met Saul at school.
Yes, I did.
His family are from Reading.
And they moved here in '86.
And that's the year that
you stopped going to Woodbury.
How do you know that?
Phone calls, yearbooks.
So how do you think she's
doing? Is she doing better?
That's good.
I don't love this
neighborhood they live in.
I mean, is it even safe around
here for Anna to grow up?
I'd be happy to give them
some money
so they could get a
better place to live.
-We've offered.
-You offered, yeah.
-You did offer?
Oh, you're a good sister.
Thank you, it's nice of you.
-It's nice on the inside.
-It is?
It's very sweet.
It's her.
-Do you want to come in?
Wanna sit down?
I thought
you couldn't come.
I could stay now
if you want me to.
Oh, great, let me just
get my stuff for jogging.
- Can I get you something?
- No.
- I'm okay.
- Change of plans.
You can just ask them
to push it about 15 minutes.
I would really love
the opportunity
to meet with them in person.
Great, well, just...
Well, offer them
whatever they want.
Yes, whatever we have to just--
Yes, I'll be right there, okay?
What I said to you
in the park...
I made a mistake.
It wasn't you.
You and I hadn't even...
seen each other until...
a few nights ago.
Yeah, you didn't register
until '86, and that was the year
that my parents forced me
to change schools, so...
My mom didn't
believe me about Ben.
So she just thought it'd be...
easier if I was
at a different school.
Why didn't your mom
believe you?
You feel like talking about it?
Why did you follow me home
the other night?
I don't know.
Can I write down what you
just told me so I can remember?
I don't want to buy it.
Which one was it?
Park Place.
For 3.5 million.
Too rich for your blood, huh?
Um, what's that? Atlantic?
Okay, I'll buy it.
Now prove to me
you know how this...
You're kidding! God! Your turn.
Hello, Sylvia.
-You did it.
-Just did it.
-Little genius.
-You wanna buy the other one?
Yeah, I think I do, but
I might need Ashley's help.
I'll go while
you deal with that.
-You forgive me?
-Do you like it?
Hey, who's up?
-A case, too.
I just went.
There you go.
Uh, how can you afford it?
Oh, I got a second job.
Doing what?
I'm, uh...
working for the guy
from Woodbury.
Let me see that.
-I'll buy it.
That's really pretty.
So, I was wondering if maybe
Anna could come
to a party on Friday?
Are there gonna be
other kids your age there?
-Then no.
Told you.
Is it because you're afraid
people might be drinking there?
There's not gonna be drinks.
Do you want a beer,
Aunt Sylvia?
No, thank you.
Why don't you ever drink beer?
Well, because
I'm alcoholic, Lucy.
What, she asked me
a question, Robert.
But, what if you just had one?
haven't had a
drink in 13 years.
-Since Anna was born.
Okay, this conversation's over.
Did you take drugs too?
-Or just drinks?
-That's enough! That's enough!
Why? I'm asking her
an important question.
Let's play the game.
Did you?
What did I say?
I'll go ahead and grab that.
Is there anything you
want to do after breakfast?
Whatever you want.
I'm gonna go use the restroom.
-Is it down the hall?
-Right at the end.
-I'll pause the film?
-No, no, no.
I'll be right back, don't move.
What happened?
Did he get her number?
I can't rewind it.
It's okay.
Are enjoying the movie?
I really don't understand
anything, I can't watch films.
Why didn't you tell me?
I'm so sorry.
So you could watch.
-Is it good?
You got it.
Wow! Look at you!
You're good at this.
Hi, sweetheart.
Hi, Ashley. Hi, honey.
I brought you guys
some presents.
-Thank you!
-You're welcome.
Oh, Anna...
Hi, I-I was...
I would have brought
something for you too.
I'm sorry, I just...
You want to get Sylvia
even more upset?
Yeah, well, um...
Should I, should I leave,
do you think?
I don't, I don't want to,
you know...
I don't want to make
things worse.
Do you want some coffee?
Yes. I would
actually like some.
-That would be great.
-That's fine.
-Thank you.
-Um, Anna?
A Coke.
Oh, Anna, I-I...
I-I've seen pictures of you,
of course.
Olivia shows them to me,
and so, but it's like...
Well, it's just so nice...
to... you know,
to see you in person.
Y-you look a little
like your mother.
-We all look alike.
Well, thank goodness
nobody took after your grandpa.
May he rest in peace.
-I'm gonna...
-Yeah. Let's get some coffee.
How do I get it back?
Okay, that's...
You like it.
Okay, so we got one eel bowl,
marinated tuna roll,
one edamame and two miso soups?
-All right.
-How's your new job?
-Oh. It's great.
Does that mean
you're gonna stop working
at the residence now?
No, I'm gonna still work there.
But I'll also work
at Saul's on the weekends.
-Would you like some water?
-Yes, please.
-With or without ice?
Actually, with.
-How old are you?
What are you doing
working at night?
It's my dad's restaurant.
-With or with...
-No, no. I'm good.
I wanna go on a date.
Oh, my God.
I'm the only girl in my class
who doesn't have a boyfriend.
What would you do
with a boyfriend?
Forget it.
You are gonna drive me insane!
I see it.
Okay. I'm going
to open the door.
I'm in. Thanks. Bye.
Hey, Saul. I'm here.
I'm here!
Are you okay?
I'm going to come in.
All right.
I'm opening the door.
All right? Come...
Okay. Did you fall down?
Are you hurt?
Can you...
Did you hit your head?
Are you all right?
Okay. I'm gonna call Isaac.
No, no.
Okay, let me help you.
Can you sit up?
Come on. Let's stand up.
Let's try standing up.
How long have you
been lying there?
I don't know. I don't know.
Come on.
One, two, three, go.
Let's... You know what?
Let me get dressed.
-Okay. Stand up, Saul. Come on.
-Don't worry. Don't worry.
-You're all right.
-Hey, hey...
-I'm gonna help you up.
-That's my job.
I'm gonna help you up.
All right.
That part. Whoa!
That's a, uh, type of organ
that they use in,
uh, you know,
in the South, where people...
uh, in churches in the South.
My wife loved them.
And she wanted one, like,
right over there.
But they're huge.
I didn't know you were married.
I was ma... Um...
Yeah, she passed away
a long time ago.
I want to do
the same thing here.
And I've already reached out
to a few organizations,
so we'll see.
You pay for
the wheelchairs?
No, I find the donors.
Yeah. Look at those kids.
Oh! It makes them so happy.
Does that mean
you can stay here now?
Well, I don't know why
I'd go back to Miami
when you're here.
What would I go back for?
Why did you and mom
stop talking?
Oh, oh.
When your mother was, uh...
was your age, she was,
uh, she was going out with boys
and drinking and...
I... She was out of control.
Um, and I...
I just couldn't...
I couldn't handle her.
-And she started lying.
Yeah. She was making
these things up.
Similar to what's
been happening recently
with the man
that she's working with now.
Uh, she has accused him of...
doing things that, uh...
he's just not guilty of.
And then, she's always been...
She's always been hard
to deal with it, I guess.
-Not with me.
Oh, no, no, no.
She's a wonderful mother.
That's, that's different.
Is this your favorite?
I like it.
Me too.
-There he is.
-All right.
- Sorry, I'm late.
- Bye.
It's okay, uh...
There's some leftover pasta
on the counter if you're hungry.
Oh, great.
I thought it would be better
if you had your own.
My kid's waiting on me.
-So, really, I have to go.
-Yeah, can you come tomorrow?
Tomorrow? Uh...
Can I bring my daughter?
-Of course.
-Okay, yeah. Bye, Saul.
Freeman asked about you.
Remember the Freemans?
I thought that was
a good question,
but obviously not.
Does she have gray hair?
I have to take my pills.
Hang on a second.
Oh, wait, wait. No, no, no.
You stay and play.
I-I'll go get them.
-Whose turn is it?
-My turn.
-Okay. Does she have gray hair?
Bye, honey.
Have you decided
if you're quitting yet?
Uh, yeah. I talked to
Karen about it.
-I never liked it there.
-I know.
-Lots of weird people, right?
Hi, you must be Saul.
I'm Olivia, Sylvia's sister.
Thank you for taking
Anna tonight.
-Hurry up. It's raining.
Honk one again, please.
-We were watching a movie.
He started crying.
I was just trying to help him.
No, it's...
Home armed.
- Hey.
- Hi.
-How was school?
-It was good.
-Are we going to Olivia's?
No. She's not answering
her phone.
Probably with Samantha.
Uh, why aren't you with Saul?
Does she ever mention her
when you're around?
No, mom.
- Can we talk?
- Yeah.
Come with me.
Here, the keys.
Why did you...
Why did you leave?
Well, I got my old...
I'm getting
my old job back, I...
It's better that
I just stick to a routine.
Things were...
were getting complicated
and I don't...
What do you mean?
Home armed.
They're not coming in?
They didn't want to
or you wouldn't let them?
Are you mad at Saul?
-What did he do?
You never tell me
what's going on.
Right. Okay. Well, let me know
if anything changes,
'cause I'm gonna cancel
my afternoon appointments
Okay. All right.
Thank you, Sylvia.
Why isn't she coming?
She said she couldn't,
I didn't ask why.
All right, I'm gonna cancel
my date with Rachel.
Unless you want to go.
No, I don't want to see Rachel.
And you really don't have
to cancel your appointments.
What are you gonna do? Stay
around here locked up all day?
Yeah, I'd rather stay here
than be taken
on your date like a pet.
I couldn't find any help today,
so you're gonna
have to stay alone.
Unless you want to go
to the neighbors'.
Unless you want to go
to the neighbors'.
All right, call me
if you need anything.
-Hello, can I help you?
Yeah, I'm looking
for Feinstein House.
-This is the Feinstein House.
-Is Sylvia here?
Yes, she's here.
And your name is?
Just wait right here.
I'll get her for you.
- Hi.
- Ooh. Hey.
Uh, what are you doing here?
Uh, I just needed to talk.
Can we go outside?
-Yeah? Okay.
- Is this okay?
- Yeah.
Saul came by, so he's going
to join us for dinner.
Can we get pizza?
No, I was going
to make something
with what we have at home.
I told you I wanted pizza.
-I'll go get pizza.
-Uh, we can call and get pizza.
We're not giving in
to this behavior.
What behavior?
I just wanted pizza.
It is spicy.
Yeah, exactly.
You know I don't like spicy...
Now both of you guys are...
-He finished it.
-Belittling me as a chef.
No. I think it's really good.
Spicy good.
Spicy bad.
Hi, Sylvia,
it's Isaac...
- Yeah, come on up.
- Oh.
What are you doing here?
Why are you here?
What are you doing here?
No, what are you doing here?
You specifically do
what I ask you not to do.
I forgot, sorry.
Hey, you forgot?
Fuck off, man!
Hey! Wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait.
Please, don't.
I don't know what you're doing.
I don't want to know.
No, I'm talking! Okay?
-I don't want to know.
-What are you talking about?
Sara told me what she saw.
Saul, let's go.
Saul, get your stuff
and let's go.
Can I stay here tonight?
-Just for the night.
-Yeah, of course, yeah.
There you go.
That's just...
-I'm really sorry.
Good night.
Thank you for letting me
borrow your room. Okay?
-Do you need anything?
-I'm fine.
All right.
See you in the morning.
Honey, we're leaving
in five minutes.
- Yeah, come in.
- It's me.
Is it okay
if I stay with Ashley
if Saul's staying tonight?
He doesn't have to stay here
if you don't want him here.
You like him. He should stay.
Okay, yeah.
Hey, good morning.
Uh, I'm taking Anna to school.
Are you, are you all right?
-Am I all right? Yeah.
-Oh. Okay, good.
Uh, is there anything
you need or...
No? All right. I'll be right
back after I drop her off.
Hey, have a nice day at school.
Hi, welcome back.
Can I get you
anything to drink?
I'll have some water, please.
Okay. The usual for you?
-The usual?
-Oh, yeah.
What's the usual?
I don't know.
- No?
- No.
-Do you remember her?
-I don't think I know her.
But you do remember
that the food is good?
Oh, yeah.
It's memorable.
Um, the card
isn't going through.
Wanna try it again?
It's okay.
Oh, man,
it's not going through.
My brother.
Do you think
Isaac blocked your cards?
I tried it a couple times.
-It's not working.
-Use mine.
I was, I was literally
on Argyle Street,
two blocks away...
I mean, how nice would it be,
to be that close. great to be
close to you guys.
Hey, Anna. Come here
and sit with your grandmother.
Yeah, I'd love that. I also
want to look at Park Slope.
Yeah, that's what
Olivia was saying.
Right, yeah.
Hello, darling.
-How are you?
Hey, you know, I wanted
to ask you something, um...
You don't drink with
your friends, do you?
Uh, no.
-My mom hardly lets me go out.
But I don't like
drinking anyways.
Right. Oh.
I think Mark does.
Mark, he likes a beer
now and then, doesn't he?
Does he smoke too
or does he just drink alcohol?
I-I-I think he stopped smoking.
Oh, well, that's good.
You are such a good girl.
Why, why, why did you
let mom drink, though?
Oh, well, you think
she asked me for permission?
I'll take this one.
Thank you.
Oh, your mom, she was...
She was such a sweet child,
just like you.
She was so sweet,
and Olivia was
even jealous of her,
you know, because I think
she might have known
that your mom was my favorite.
Home armed.
Listen, listen to me...
-Think I'll just wait outside.
-No, no.
-Yeah, yeah.
-It's nice.
You don't know
what you're doing.
You're not able to make
rational decisions right now.
Hey, you better
unblock my account
or I swear I'll kick you
out of my house!
Uh, I thought the three of us
were gonna have
dinner together.
Okay. That's fine.
I love you, see you tomorrow.
Okay, bye.
Anna's gonna stay
at Olivia's again.
Oh, okay.
I have just made myself
your new emergency contact.
Where's Anna?
Would you like
to come and sit down?
Hello. You must be Saul.
-Where did you get that dress?
-Grandma gave it to her.
You'll take it off at home.
-Let's go!
-Anna. Anna.
Uh, tell your mother you want
to spend some time with me.
Don't, don't talk to her.
Oh, so you'd have her live
with a man who's mentally ill?
Well, you protected
a pedophile.
That's not the king of language
you use in this house.
I so hoped you'd stopped
making these things
up after all these years.
And you...
Just stop lying. Stop.
Are you finally going
to remember or you just gonna
keep saying that
nothing happened?
You saw me in his room.
Many times!
I was eight years old.
What happened?
-Tell her.
Anna, would you rather
live here with Olivia?
I hate you.
Oh. I hate you so much.
I loved you so much.
I always loved you
and cared for you.
And this is what
I get in return?
I mean, this...
My God, tell them.
Tell them that...
dad abused me
when I was a kid.
-Oh, my God!
You've been lying
ever since you learned to talk.
Your sister never gave us
any, any trouble,
but you gave us
nothing but grief.
Olivia wasn't raped
since she was eight!
That's enough! Get out!
Is it my fault
you're a failure?
Is that what we're...
Saul, do you, do you know
that she's a sick woman?
Do you know that?
Dad used to take her
into his room
and shut the door.
And he'd say that they were
watching a film together.
But then he never let me in.
So-so you, so you remember them
watching movies together? So?
You knew what was going on
in that room.
Really? Why didn't you
say anything then if...
I was confused.
I thought that he was loving
Sylvia more that he loved me.
And I told you...
what I saw once.
And you slapped me.
You slapped me
every time I said
I didn't want to be with dad.
I, um...
Get the fuck away from me!
He never touched you!
It's Olivia.
How can I help you?
We were just hoping
to talk to Sylvia.
She's not available
right now.
Oh, fine. Yeah, okay.
Uh, please tell her
that we're thinking about her
and that we'll come back.
I just watched...
I just washed this one!
Yeah. Would you drink
out of that, though?
It doesn't smell
like fish, though.
Okay, okay.
Okay. I'm coming in. Okay.
I don't think...
I miss this stuff.
You okay?
She's sleeping.
That's why I knocked.
Why did you keep talking
to grandma?
It's not my fault.
You knew all along
and never said anything.
I was a child.
That's not an excuse.
If I had a sister,
I would never do that to her.
Hey, Sylvia.
- Hi, Sylvia!
- Hi, guys!
-You going to the movies?
-Okay! Have a good time.
-Thank you.
Have a good time.
-See you later, Rick.
-Thank you.
Well, these two, different.
-Mm-hmm. They're different.
-That's right.
-This one is warmer...
-For winter.
-It's more for winter.
And it's warming up outside,
now, so maybe...
What about this dress?
'Cause, look, if you get
too warm inside,
you can take off...
-What do you think?
-With no sleeves.
-So this one?
-The other one too.
You like that one?
I would wear for my birthday.
please come to the office.
Ah, well, I'll be right back.
-And then we'll try.
-Are we decided yet?
I'll be back.
Woodhall Hospital called.
Saul is there. You need to go.
-Saul is in the hospital?
-Keep me posted.
Hi. I'm looking
for Saul Shapiro.
One second.
-Your name?
Yes. Sylvia's here.
Someone will come get you.
Thank you.
-How is he doing?
-You shouldn't be here.
Why? I don't...
You care for my brother,
right? Yeah?
Then you should
stay away from him... okay?
Will you just tell me
what happened?
Please, just tell me what...
They found him
lying unconscious
in the street
outside your house.
Hey, Saul. It's Sylvia.
You're not, um...
not answering your phone,
and I'm...
worried about you, so...
Give me a call if you get this.
Any word on Saul?
- Hey!
- How you doing?
How are you?
- God.
- God.
Grant us the strength
to accept the things
that we cannot change,
the courage to change
the things we can,
and the wisdom
to know the difference.
And I've asked
a friend to read
what is the AA Program?
"Alcoholics Anonymous
is a fellowship of people
who share their experience..."
You should eat.
Coming down?
-You're all right.
This is my friend.
Um, you wanna sit down?
-Uh, yeah.
-Give us a little privacy.
Yeah, sure.
Can you go upstairs
or are you just going
to stand right there?
You okay?
How are you doing?
-I'm okay...
Why haven't you answered
my mom's calls?
Well, because
they took my phone.
I'm having a really hard time.
-They don't let me go outside.
They won't let me go
in the kitchen.
They won't let me...
You sure
you don't want something?
-How are you?
-I'm fine.
Let's leave.
Where do you want to go?
Just trust me.
Let's go. All right.
How did you get here?
I don't know.
I think she helped me.