Meninas (Teen Mothers) (2006) Movie Script

Take the cup to the toilet
to pee, then bring it back.
- Was it planned?
- Yeah.
You wanted it?
Are your parents alive?
Only my mother,
my father passed away.
What did he die of?
He was a drug dealer,
he died 13 years ago.
- What was he?
- Drug dealer.
Oh, drug dealer, I see.
Was he murdered?
Do you live with your mother?
Brothers and sisters?
- Four sisters.
- Sisters!
We're five girls.
Are you the oldest,
or the middle one?
The oldest.
How old is the youngest?
Like it?
Fun, isn't it?
I like this one best.
This baby suit.
There are trousers,
blouses and baby suits...
I like this one too.
A friend of my mother's
gave them to me.
Her daughter is 2 months old
and she gave them to me.
They're in this dream world,
but I told them, it 's not a doll...
it 's reality.
I had her when I was 23,
look how old she'll be...
when she has her first child?
What does she know
about being a mother?
His mother even asked me:
"Are you having an abortion?"
A 15 year-old girl having an abortion,
it 's absurd!
But regrettably that 's what
his mother suggested to me.
I told her she's lucky
I'm a church goer, and even...
if I weren't I'd never do that,
but you're lucky...
I'm a church goer or I'd kick
you out the way you deserve.
I hope it 's a boy.
I always wanted a boy.
It 's great living here...
in spite of the violence.
But what are we supposed to do?
I can't afford to go somewhere else,
we have to live here...
putting our lives at risk,
at every moment.
But Rocinha has been
a good place to live...
a lot of peace.
Look at the view.
I still can't believe she's pregnant,
I lie awake...
thinking how I wish
this hadn't happened...
hoping for a better future
for my daughter...
to finish school,
find a decent job...
go to university one day,
but she stopped studying...
she doesn't feel like it.
Her father was very strict
about letting her go out...
but she kept bugging him,
asking her stepmother...
and they ended up letting her go
with her friends to funk parties.
And there are all sorts there,
none of them any good.
I met him at a party on 1st Street.
And since he lives...
up here, we started seeing
each other, chatting.
And that 's how it started,
he kept asking me out.
He gave me this, when he used
to work for the drug dealers.
These letters are made out of gold,
it 's got my name.
Most of the girls only like them
because they're criminals...
and have guns,
guns and money.
I didn't like him like that...
it was love at first sight
and I liked him.
I felt I had to be with him,
he's so cute, I don't know...
he's just really cool.
That was it.
But he got out, thank god, and now
he's looking for a regular job.
The drug dealers
didn't want him to quit...
they told him that
if he quit they'd kill him.
So I went there with him,
and he talked to the guy...
who said okay,
and let him get out.
I used to like hanging out
on the street with my friends...
playing with dolls.
We met here in the neighbourhood,
on the street...
I started noticing her and
approached her straight away...
EDILENE, AGE 14, 7 MONTHS PREGNAN I took away her virginity...
so this whole thing
was only with me.
I'm very gentle with him
and he is with me.
We dated for 6 months, then split
up and afterwards I got pregnant.
I'm only staying here
till the baby comes.
Because he's got another
woman who's pregnant.
I've never been a father before,
this is the first time...
and twice.
It 's not just me in the wrong,
she's wrong too, you know why?
Because she loved me,
she still does...
and she was playing hard to get,
not coming back to me...
because of all
her friends' gossiping.
I said: "Edilene, come back
to me because I love you."
I did everything to get her back,
but she wouldn't, didn't want to.
I hounded her and she
wouldn't come back. So I started...
working and got another girlfriend
in order to try to forget her.
So after a little, while she said
her period was late...
and she was pregnant.
Then the other girl also...
got pregnant,
but still I came back to Edilene.
I dreamed of studying,
of finishing my studies...
and joining the navy.
JOICE, AGE 16, 6 MONTHS PREGNAN Only that 's no longer possible.
Because they won't
take married women...
or if you have a child.
I've liked him ever since
he came to live here.
He asked my father
if we could go out.
But after all this happened,
me getting pregnant...
the other girl also got pregnant.
And then we split up,
but I'm trying to forget him.
I don't know whether it 's
because of the way we split up...
but it sure hurts.
Young kids today, they have
a kid and walk out on it...
have anotherand walk out on that.
The father and mother have
to keep it and somehow get by.
If no one punishes them,
they'll never stop.
They'll keep doing the same
nonsense and fooling around.
I was talking to a judge who
told me it 's a serious matter.
It 's a serious matter because
she's a minor and he's an adult.
And the law says whether
it was by consent or not...
it was attempted sexual
assault, you see?
I have an appointment.
This is your baby's face, see?
The mouth and nose.
Do you already know
what sex it is?
A little girl.
- Girl.
- Yes.
I'm working.
Girl... a girl... yes, a girl...
it 's amazing.
Don't be surprised.
Ah, Luana...
Is the baby, all right?
Trust you!
We didn't always have protection...
I used to get condoms from
the Pedro Ernesto hospital...
because they're free,
but they didn't always have them...
so we didn't always use them.
JUNINHO, AGE 18 I was the one who
kept telling him I wanted a baby.
He thought I was crazy...
that I shouldn't be thinking
about that now...
that it 's not the right time.
So when it happened, it happened.
Neither of us expected it.
And what made you want a child?
I used to look after Talita.
So I wanted a child of my own...
having looked after my sister.
Because she came from the
hospital and I already started...
Iooking after her,
and I still do, to this day.
I still have this dream,
and that one day it 'll come true...
before I die this dream will come true.
I want to be an actress...
do comedy, for TV...
and I did these photos
in the hopes...
of getting somewhere,
but it 's so difficult, isn't it?
People say I look a bit
like Cludia Raia...
here's one as
Maria Zilda, actress...
there's Evelin when she was 3...
there's another one,
that dress was from Recife.
Some say: "oh, it 'll change
your body", stuff like that...
no one will date you anymore...
but I don't listen to what
everyone says.
I've still got the results
in this folder.
Can I see?
On 23rd October,
I went to do the exam...
to see if it was true...
that 's my birthday,
and afterwards I went straight...
to his place took him the results.
He was pleased,
smiled from here to here.
I like waking up in the morning,
take my birds down to the gate...
I sit there listening to them sing,
I don't fly kites anymore...
now I have a son, a wife...
and also because I'm looking
for a job, so I can't.
I'm no longer single, when I was
single I used to dance, sing...
dance funk, mostly funk.
I was a ladies man,
I used to date a lot.
Now, that I've started liking
Edilene I've stopped.
It 's my star sign and
my wife's name.
The same day I did it she had one
too, with my name on her foot.
And this baby Edilene is expecting,
it 'll be my greatest dream...
which I want to fulfil with her,
because I love her.
I dreamed of having a betterlife,
but I never made it.
I thought I wouldn't get
pregnant anymore...
but my daughter's father was
always coming here to visit...
we had sex and I got pregnant.
But he says he
won't take responsibility...
he says I'm now pregnant because
I wanted it, but I didn't want it.
I did everything to get rid of it,
he even had me drink special teas...
to get rid of the baby,
but nothing worked so I let it come.
Love, I think it 's something you
feel inside, and I do like him...
I mean sometimes I get angry
at him, but I still like him.
He wasn't my first man.
To be honest I was
I was curious to see what
it would be like.
On my first time I only used
condom, didn't take any pills...
I never took the pill.
And he didn't like condoms much...
we only used it to start with then
later he didn't want to anymore.
Even so it 's a sort of miracle,
because he always used to...
come inside me and nothing
ever happened, not till now.
But it 's better like this...
My child can grow up
together with me...
and we can go out together,
to parties...
it can go out with me
and hang out.
I think I've still got
a childlike side to me.
It was a shock for me, because
she's still my young daughter.
She's still so small she plays
with dolls, sometimes I go to...
her bedroom and she'll be combing
her dolls, arranging her room.
She sucks her thumb when
she sleeps, watching TV.
Just a child. If we'd given
her a little more attention...
a little more love,
she wouldn't be pregnant.
I swear she wouldn't.
I'm guilty too.
I told him: "If you want
my daughter...
you've got to
change your lifestyle.
You're putting her life at risk,
and her family's.
This isn't good for us,
so see what it is you want...
because if the worst suddenly
comes to the worst...
and you're in here with us,
they'll come looking for you...
and then what 's going to happen?
They come here and shoot you...
shoot my children,
you'll destroy my family.
So think about what you're doing.
Juninho, he's shy...
a joker like me,
we're like two children...
together with all my sisters
here at home...
a bunch of clowns,
all fooling around.
Sometimes he dresses up as
a woman to make us laugh...
and the girls dress up as men.
But as soon as my mother arrives,
Juninho the clown dies...
Juninho goes all quiet.
My mother goes on about
getting married...
but we don't want to marry.
I don't know...
I don't like the idea,
we'd have to wear a ring.
Things are fine just
as they are.
Where's granny's tummy?!
Let 's see granny's tummy!
So, I'm there at work
feeling nervous...
waiting my mobile phone to ring.
My God!
I get so anxious,
waiting for Edilene to phone...
on the landline or on the
mobile phone. I'm there waiting.
When I heard she was pregnant,
we went to Dr. Dieter's clinic...
to do the ultrasound.
I cried,
I couldn't control my feelings.
I'm not just a mother-in-law,
I'm a mother, I'm her mother too...
because she's so young, so's he.
I was 16 when I had Alex, 16 to 17.
I was also very young when I had
him. So what I couldn't give...
my children, I'm giving my
grandson, with all my love.
- Are you staying here?
- No.
- Why not?
- You know why not!
- Why?
- Because! You know.
Edilene, look,
put yourself in my place:
Dating you I'd have sex without
a condom, right? For ages.
- With her too!
- No, not with her!
- With her too. You told me.
- No, wait a minute!
Let me finish!
For ages I had sex with you with
no condom and did you get pregnant?
- So what, Chuleco?
- Did you get pregnant?
So what?!
It happens quicker to some women.
- It was my bad luck.
- Bad luck!
It was my bad luck!
My bad luck!
I'm not talking to you.
I'm not talking to you.
You say you're not
going to argue anymore...
and before long
you're arguing again.
I don't understand you.
I'm going to wake Evelin,
sleepy head, she's still asleep.
Went to the party last night.
The party on 1st Street,
went partying, big time.
She went out at 1 am, with her
brother and sister-in-law...
they'll be round soon.
Her boyfriend went with her,
too, they had a big fight...
if he hadn't gone they would
have broken up.
She said if they didn't go
she never wanted...
to see his face again.
They arrived home late, arguing.
I woke up with them arguing.
Teenager stuff.
But I think they sorted it out.
I don't know if he's in
there sleeping with her.
Open up!
- What is it?
- Open up!
What 's wrong?
Speak to your mother
properly, Evelin!
Open up!
Oh mom, give me a break!
What 's wrong with you,
young lady?!
That 's terrible,
slamming the door in my face!
Well I did, so there!
Hey, get dressed, get up,
go on, get out of there!
Hey, lvan!
Come here!
What a lot of candles!
And we haven't even
reached my age yet!
I used to think Luana
was happier...
more of a teenager.
And suddenly, all at once,
she wants to be a married woman...
to have this responsibility
she knows it 's not the right time...
and at the same time
she wants none of it...
wants to swap her mind with
that of Talita, who's 5.
Sometimes I even lose my
patience, I even slap her...
because you're talking
to your daughter...
who thinks she can answer you
back only because she is pregnant...
I don't accept that!
I said: "Luana, when the baby is
born, I'll do everything I can...
to get by,
but help me a little!"
That 's all I ask, a little help.
I'm tired.
I start working at 6, 7 am...
I hardly have time for lunch.
I get so tired, sometimes I get
home wanting to rest a little...
and I never can, an argument
here, shouting, fights...
when I finish my day at work,
I often think I'll just walk off...
and not go home,
because everything I do for them...
it 's as if it were no use,
I do so much.
Not all mothers would accept
a15 year-old daughter living...
with a boy in her own house...
feeding them, washing their
clothes, it 's simply not on...
usually the daughter who gets
pregnant goes after the boy...
because it 's his, so he should
take responsibility for the child.
But I don't want Luana
to go through this.
When these two children are born,
I don't know how I'm going to...
support them.
The money I earn I already give
my mother to buy clothes for them.
There's none left for me.
I work here,
but it 's a major headache.
I think about when she leaves,
and I'll be left alone.
Whenever I get home I try
to persuade her to stay.
And the answer is always
that she's going to leave.
She won't change.
The thing she wants me to do to
forgive her, I won't do, I can't.
To let my other child be born
without giving it anything.
That 's what she wants me to do.
Evelin Rodrigues dos Santos.
You see that, that white ball,
that 's the bone of the baby's head...
that round white bit is
the bone of the baby's head.
At the point of the arrow, can you
see that? You see three lines...
a white one, black and then
a white one, know what that is?
That 's your little
princess's vagina.
What, were you expecting
a little tomcat? It 's a girl...
so tell your hubby you have
a little pussycat inside you.
By tomorrow you'll
have your baby.
It 's kicking.
- Are you relaxing?
- Yes?
Then when the doctor tells
you to push, you help.
By tomorrow you'll
have your baby.
God willing.
Jaqueline, are you drinking
that from the bottle?
Luana, I'm going to need Juninho.
- The fridge!
- The fridge?
Wow, Pereira sure
is strong, look!
Wesley dropped it
on the floor.
Who asked you to buy
more Guaran?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Okay.
- I know what it is.
- What is it?
- Another girl!
- Feel here.
Didn't I tell you it was a girl?
Didn't I?
To play with Raiane!
It 's so cool.
Look, the head.
- That 's the head?
- Yes.
He told me if I took 4 bread rolls,
in my hand...
that would be her weight.
I'm right here, I'm staying
with you. All right, honey?
Cute, isn't he?
That 's it. Hold him well up.
Look at all those stretch marks.
Stretch marks, like hell!
- You Stop!
- Then stop!
Stretch marks!
The navel will puff out.
No it won't, because it 's so deep,
the lady said it wouldn't.
Kids are great, you know,
but they're so much work.
People who haven't, want kids,
and others who have, don't want them.
That 's the truth of it.
I'll take him to court
to pay an allowance.
Oh sure, he doesn't work,
how's he supposed to pay?
So if he's not working he'll
go to jail, I feel sorry for him.
Spend a few days in jail so he
can see how great it is...
getting girls pregnant.
If he were setting up a home,
living with her and being...
the father, that would be okay,
he could do as he liked, boss her...
around and all that, but he
refuses to act like a man!
He's only a man in
age and size.
- Shut up!
- Watch your mouth.
It 's colic.
Hadn't you heard her yet, grandma?
Now you'll be wanting your...
granddaughter, you see, rejection
has turned to passion! See?
The child is hers, don't you
go looking after it, you hear...
let her be the mother!
I don't really know whether
I'm ready to be a mother...
only after it 's born...
I'll see that it 's mine...
I'll have to take care of it.
I already told my mother to...
keep an eye on Jssica,
because Jssica's so flirtatious.
If she's dating she
won't care...
if a boy comes on to her she's all
smiles and loves the attention.
My mother is scared of criminals, she's
always wearing tight clothes...
the criminals
these days, where I live...
they've no respect.
They used to respect you,
but not nowadays.
For instance if I walk by and they
watch me, and if I look round...
and smile, then they
think I'm flirting.
The next time I pass by they grab
me and do whatever they want.
I was going to break up with him,
but he doesn't want to.
I told him I don't want anything
more to do with him.
Because one time
I went to a party...
I was pregnant...
he wants to be my boss but
he isn't, and he pushed me...
really hard in front of everyone,
I fell on the floor.
I was wearing high heels.
Really hit me hard.
And when I got up he punched
me in my mouth.
My mother told me, when he
was involved in all that stuff...
that it was my choice...
she said a criminal's girl...
is bound to get beaten up,
that sort of thing.
And I didn't believe her.
And nowadays I regret it.
What do you regret?
Having gone out with him.
Although I like him.
But what was I supposed to do?
It 's the heart which rules.
I'm leaving!
I'm leaving because he's got
to give his daughter things...
and I don't accept that.
She'll have to come here.
Just to think of her walking down
the street makes me angry.
I asked him if he'd see her
after I leave and he said no.
That he wants to
stay with me.
Now she's going I don't know
what 's going to happen.
I feel this emptiness
inside me.
The only thing I don't want is her
father to stop me from seeing the baby.
Because I've been acting like
a man...
and take responsibility for everything
I've done. He mustn't bar me.
I've been very hurt by her.
Although I like her...
I'm still angry with her.
Are you taking him upstairs,
Takes it with you.
You know the days you have
to bring him here.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
I know.
- Friday, Saturday and Sunday?
- Not this one, next Friday!
She'll bring him Friday,
Saturday and Sunday.
It 's going to cost a lot
of money.
- Okay.
- Bye!
Jesus is precious to me
Jesus is precious to me
Sinner come into the light
for He came down
from the cross
You need Jesus
Oh Lord, censure all evil in
the name of Jesus...
save the family, marriages, I deliver
each one here today, Lord!
Come on, let 's start,
let 's go!
Mosquito net?
A cot sheet,
give me the lipstick.
My God!
That 's a hard belly, huh?
A lotion.
It was you who gave it to me,
I'll paint you.
It 's so embarrassing!
Juninho hasn't been
painted yet!
How cute!
I want to be a baby!
I like Rocinha because it 's so
busy, it 's got a lot going on...
places for people to go,
everything nearby.
Some people don't like it
because of the gunfights...
but I love the noise.
I think it 's great.
My mother gets nervous when
there's a gunfight in Rocinha.
Not me, it 's really wild, I start
dancing, my brother starts crying.
That 's no good.
This'll have to do.
They're clean.
I've suffered so much,
how I've suffered, I've cried so much...
because of this baby.
But I couldn't stop her...
it was her choice to leave.
She says she left because of Joice.
Edilene said she left
because of Joice.
I don't think that 's a reason.
Because when a woman likes a man
who has a good mother-in-law...
like me...
she could have stayed.
I think Edilene pities her mother,
who is also having a baby...
and the mother needs to work,
and she's always been...
the woman of the house...
she looked after
the little one...
and she'll look after this one.
That 's the problem,
that 's why they took her away.
I know I told Edilene that I'll
give whatever I can to my...
and so will Alex, I know R$ 75
isn't much for a baby.
- That 's Alex's allowance?
- It 's what he earns!
If he earns 2OO it should be
I couldn't wait for the day when
she would finally be born!
Her birth was rather complicated,
because when the time came...
I had no strength, I couldn't
push to help the baby out...
so the doctor had to put his elbow
on my belly and force it.
After she was born I didn't
think about anything else...
the only thing I could do was
stare at her.
Nothing else, just gazing.
I hope that,
if he's really interested...
he'll come to see his daughter.
It 's only normal,
he's the father...
so he'll have to come
and see her.
Oh, boy!
No, let 's go!
I can't believe this girl.
It hurts more now.
Easy, easy now.
Your mother's right
here with you.
That 's it.
Oh I'm going to die!
Pull her out, doctor,
pull her out!
I'm taking her now because she
needs to stay in a warm cot, okay?
You can't go any further, guys!
Excuse me.
Today I was asleep when milk
started coming out of my breast...
I woke up in the night and
my arm was all sticky...
I thought I was dribbling.
Then I saw my blouse was wet,
the sheet was wet, me.
So much milk coming out of
my little breast, all this?
I don't know, it must be weird
when the baby's so delicate...
I told my mother,
I can't bathe it...
how are you supposed to hold
such a delicate child?
I can't wait for it to be born,
to see the face, what it 's like.
Some pregnant women don't
have sex, say they don't like it.
I don't think it 's bad,
it 's good.
They say it bothers them but it
doesn't, it doesn't bother me.
You're tired, it 's lunchtime.
You like her, Paulinha?
Come here, Talita!
Who are all these girls?
Who is it?
You see?
Isn't she cute?
Look at her little hand.
Life is rather difficult now.
When one baby cries,
the other also cries...
if one cries the other wakes up.
I have to look after both of them,
mine and my mother's.
So it 's tough.
I'd like to study but it 's
impossible now.
I can't stop him crying.
Not even the other one...
- How old are you now?
- Twenty-one.
you'll still suffer plenty!
It 's so tough,
having children.
I know because I've been through it,
I know what I went through...
what I lost because
of my children.
Your fingers will have to dig,
wrench with your bare hands...
your bloody nails. Because
there's one to look after...
and the other, if they play
tough you go to jail.
Is he chubbier than his father?
Strong, aren't you?
I can't stand it anymore,
I can't stand it!
Luana, give her to me!
It 's more work than
I expected.
Because being a mother is getting
in the way of a lot of things.
I used to make sports...
I've had to stop going to my
course on Saturdays...
I can only go to school
at night.
Last night I couldn't go
because of her.
Now I see how much I regret
having done this...
because my mother is doing
everything on her own...
and she has run up a lot of
debts because of me.
My dream is to get a job,
bring up Kamyle...
and take the weight of my
mother's shoulders.
The anger has passed, mostly.
When I see him it
makes me happy.
We talk and are
back together.
But on the one hand it was good to
have split up, because everyone...
said he'd go back to her and
now I can see he didn't...
he hasn't gone back
to her so far.
It 's nothing like what
I imagined.
Now it 's no use thinking of myself...
because I've got
to think of her first, before me.
I'm fine alone with my daughter,
enough, it 's over.
Just me and her is fine.
And anyway, apart from that
I still like her father...
so what 's the point of finding
someone else?
Just for me to suffer and make
someone else suffer? It 's no use.
This one's the same.
Go on, then.
Lower your hand a little.
There, there!
There we are, Mariana,
enough already!
There, finished!
Pain in the neck!
Cry baby!
Push the dummy out.
She's my doll.
I'm back playing with dolls!
Three months after we
finished filming,
Evelin's boyfriend was killed in
a confrontation with the police.
He left a four-month-old daughter
and Evelin, a widow at 13.