Menjelang Ajal (2024) Movie Script

"For each individual,
there is an appointed term;
when their time arrives,
they can neither delay it for a moment
nor can they advance it,"
I offer the ancestors my greetings.
Come in.
I shall give my ancestors offerings.
Come in. Welcome.
Repeat after me.
"I shall obey the ancestors."
I shall obey the ancestors.
"Give me what I wish for."
Give me what I wish for.
"I promise to be loyal to the ancestors."
I promise to be loyal to the ancestors.
No one can undo this except me
or someone who is more powerful than I am.
"If I break my promise..."
If I break my promise...
"I shall bear the consequences."
I shall bear the consequences.
Do you know what time it is?
Eat your breakfast and go to school.
Don't be late.
Mom, look.
I keep telling your brother
to pick up your new glasses.
I'll fix them later, okay?
Hold onto them.
Just a second. Your brother's pants.
Come on, Dodi. Hurry up.
Peace be upon you.
And upon you.
What is three plus one?
Smart boy. Here.
You're getting smarter.
Ratna, I got my new glasses.
- Okay.
- Here, Mom.
The receipt.
I used the rest for gas.
Why are you always on your phone?
Are you in love?
Quit it, Dani.
- I'm asking a friend about some homework.
- Just admit that you're in love.
- Go on then, read it!
- Okay, fine.
Study hard.
Dod, let's go. Mom.
- Take care.
- I'm going.
Move, I need my shoes.
What is it, Mom?
Why are you looking at me like that?
How long are you going to keep this up?
I'm tired of your behavior.
You stay out late.
You're never home.
I opened the diner and kept working hard
because I wanted my children to succeed
and not end up like me
or your late father.
I've been waiting for you to change
for more than two years,
but it seems like you enjoy slacking off.
I want you to go to college this year.
Take responsibility and take care of
your brother and sister.
Whose responsibility?
Why can't you ever understand me?
I know I'm not a son you can be proud of.
But you need to know
that I have goals, Mom.
Right now, I am trying hard.
I'm learning how to fix motorbike engines.
And every time I tell you this,
you never understand what I want.
I can't keep giving you
what you want, Dani.
For how long?
I can't keep supporting you, Dan.
Nothing ever works out.
Absolutely nothing.
And now you're telling me
I have to listen to you
and let you open a shop here
so your friends
can stay out here late every night
and make a nuisance of themselves?
It's not too late for you
to go to college.
I don't want to go to college!
A degree does not guarantee success!
Fine. From now on,
you figure out your own life.
Out there, out of my sight!
What do you mean?
I want you out of this house, Dani.
I don't want you to set a bad example
for your siblings.
I'll prove it to you.
I'll show you that I can succeed
without your help.
I will remember
everything you said today.
- What type of fish is that?
- Tilapia, ma'am.
- I'll have three kilograms.
- Okay.
- Please clean them.
- Of course.
I need some tempeh.
Just these two.
Sir, I'll have some chicken.
- I need fresh ones.
- Over here.
- Can you cut them into ten pieces?
- Yes.
- How much is it?
- That'll be 20.
I need spinach.
- Lock the door when you're done.
- Yes, ma'am.
I'll take that, ma'am.
- Done with the soup?
- Yes, ma'am. Can you try it?
Fry the tofu and make it crispy.
Let's try something new.
- Yes, ma'am.
- We have just been stir-frying before.
And the spinach.
Saut it with black bean sauce, okay?
Ratna, did you finish the homework?
Hmm, not yet.
- You?
- I did.
It's due tomorrow.
Okay then.
- Hi, Bram!
- Hi, Bram!
Hey, girls.
- We gotta go.
- Yeah.
- See you.
- Bye!
You'll ruin my hair.
No, you're still pretty.
- Dani.
- Mang Dayat.
I would like to thank you.
Since you started working here,
you've been a lot of help,
and we've been getting more customers
because of your work.
This is your pay for the month.
Take it.
- Isn't this too much?
- It's fine.
You deserve it.
- Thank you so much.
- You're welcome.
Ratna. Ratna!
Who are you texting?
What do you want?
I'm thirsty. I need water.
Then go downstairs and get it yourself.
But Ratna...
I'm busy. Get it yourself.
I can't do it.
I'm scared.
Fine, I'll get it for you.
So annoying.
Don't let flies into the food.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Light some candles.
- Yes.
- To keep the flies away.
Go get the candles.
See you.
- Peace be upon you.
- And upon you.
Who dropped you off?
A friend, Mom.
Which friend?
Why wasn't he wearing a uniform?
I'm not saying you can't socialize
and make friends.
I'm just worried you might get hurt.
Especially seeing that that guy
is much older than you.
Okay, Mom.
Your brother has lost his way.
I don't want you to end up like him.
Okay, Mom. I can take care of myself.
Here. A letter from the school.
This is for you and Dodi.
There's egg and fried chicken.
Thanks, Mom. See you.
Kang Bismo, hey!
Stop staring and come in.
Come on in.
What do you want? Tell me.
As long as you don't ask for me.
I'm not on the menu.
- What can I get you?
- I'll have these, eggs.
Eggs and?
Mixed tempeh and oncom.
Just one serving?
I don't mean to offend you,
but from the outside,
your diner looks dull and dirty.
- Like something's wrong.
- What do you mean, dirty?
It's just in your head.
Look, it's clean.
Here's the chili.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Thank you.
Come back soon!
- Miss.
- Oh, hello.
Look at this.
It's spoiled. The food stinks.
Oh God.
- When did you cook this?
- Just now, of course.
- What is this?
- What's wrong?
- It's spoiled.
- Oh God no.
I'm so sorry.
Do you want it replaced
or do you want your money back?
Just give me my money.
Oh dear...
I am so sorry. There has been a mistake.
Why is it spoiled? When did you make this?
I don't know why it's like this, ma'am.
It was fine before.
It stinks, Rodiah. It's all spoiled.
Oh God. You just cooked it right?
I did. It's still warm.
I don't know how that happened.
I have no idea how either.
I'm also confused.
- Rodiah.
- Yes, ma'am?
Come with me.
- Where are we going?
- Just come.
Where are we actually going, ma'am?
Stop asking questions. We're here.
Did someone die?
Excuse me.
When did Mak Ambar die?
Around four in the afternoon.
May I ask what happened?
I don't know exactly what happened.
But I heard that before Mak Ambar died,
she was screaming.
She went crazy
and kept scratching her face.
Excuse me. I should head home.
- Peace be upon you.
- And upon you.
Oh God, forgive us.
Miss, what happened?
What is it? Oh God!
Forgive us, God.
- What happened to you?
- What's wrong?
Mak, oh God.
Close the door!
Ratna, open the door!
Ratna, the door!
What are you doing?
Bram, I have to go.
My brother is bothering me.
- Come on!
- Bye.
- Ratna, open the door!
- Just a second!
Hurry up, open the door!
Coming, Dodi!
Mom came home but she's being weird.
She won't talk to me.
What's weird about that?
Usually, she tells me to come in
and kisses my forehead,
but she didn't do that.
She told me to close the door.
- Well, maybe she's just tired.
- That's not what I meant.
I mean, I don't think that's...
What the heck, Dodi?
This is why you shouldn't
watch horror movies.
- Peace be upon you.
- And upon you.
- I should get going.
- Thank you, Auntie.
What's wrong with you?
You said Mom had come home.
She's right there.
And thus malice starts to creep in
Counting bodies and lives
Who return to its nature
A mere reflection of the heart
Yes, come in.
Excuse me.
- I'm Ratna Darma Sekarwati's mother.
- Yes?
I was wondering if I could have more time
to pay her tuition. Just until next month.
Of course, let me check first.
It says here
that Ratna Darma Sekarwati
has completed all the payments
for her tuition.
It's been paid?
Yes, it says here
it was all paid yesterday.
- By whom?
- It's there, ma'am.
The signature is there.
Thank you.
Hello, Mom?
Did you pay for Ratna's tuition?
Yes, Mom. I paid.
Where did you get the money?
Praise be to God, thankfully,
I am working now, Mom.
Like you said, it's my responsibility too.
Well, I hope it's an honest job.
Excuse me, miss.
Your sweet iced tea.
And hot tea for you.
There you go.
Who ordered iced tea?
- Was it you?
- Yes, two.
Mrs. Sekar!
- Mrs. Siti.
- Why is your diner closed?
But it's open.
I wanted to buy food
from your diner yesterday
but I saw that it was closed.
- I have to go.
- All right then.
- Goodbye.
- Bye.
- Done with the tea?
- Yes, one second.
Hurry up.
- Inah, take these to table five, okay?
- Okay.
- Over there.
- Yes, ma'am.
Let's keep it up.
Come on now. Look, it's packed.
Praise God, our diner is crowded today.
Here's the iced tea you ordered.
And your hot tea.
Ma'am. Ma'am!
Look at all the money we made today.
Look at that.
Thank God.
But it doesn't make sense, ma'am.
I don't know what happened
at the diner either.
- You wouldn't understand, Yah.
- But what I felt was real.
- Is this a shaman's place?
- Shush!
Excuse me.
Excuse me?
- Can I help you?
- Oh.
I need your help, sir.
My business has been slow
these past three months
and I've been experiencing strange things.
Can you tell me why my business
has been slow?
Write down your name
and your birth date.
Bring your head closer.
O ancestors in the universe,
please guide us towards the truth.
Why is her business failing?
O all-knowing ancestors, enlighten me.
Who is it?
I am Nyai Wengi.
Who are you?
Stay out of this if you don't want to die.
Get out!
Enough. I know now.
Get out!
There's something in your body.
That's the cause.
You made a deal with a jinn.
Her name is Nyai Wengi.
She is a wicked jinn.
If you fail to give her offerings,
which you did,
because the one
to give her offerings is gone,
that jinn will destroy you
and your family too.
What am I supposed to do?
You should get it out of
your body immediately.
Before it's too late.
And this
won't be easy.
- Can you help me?
- No.
I can't help you with this.
You have to go back to the person
who put it in you
or someone related
or someone with higher powers.
Now you should go.
Get out of here!
Get out!
No one is here, ma'am.
Just wait, someone will come.
I wonder why
nobody wants to tell us about
what happened to Mak Ambar.
Yes, I'm not sure why.
I think someone is inside.
I don't see anybody.
- Let's just go inside.
- Wait, ma'am.
Can I just wait here?
- Don't take too long.
- Okay.
Excuse me.
Excuse me?
Excuse me.
I'll just wait here, honey.
You won't take too long
getting your stuff, right?
Just come inside, keep me company.
Bram, do you have clean sheets?
These are dirty.
What's that, babe?
- Do you have clean sheets?
- Sheets?
- Just leave it.
- It's fine.
I said...
- Just leave it.
- Bram.
Bram! Ow! Stop it!
Bram, stop it! Bram. Bram!
- I know you want it.
- No, I don't.
I don't, Bram! Bram, stop! Let go! Move!
Bram, stop. Move!
Bram, I swear I will scream.
- Bram, stop!
- Just shout, no one will hear you.
Ratna. Ratna, I'm sorry.
You're horrible, Bram.
Who is it?
It's Auntie.
Auntie, what happened to Mom?
I don't know.
She hasn't said a word.
All right then, I should go.
If something happens, let me know.
- Thank you, Auntie.
- You're welcome.
I saw something following Mom.
What do you mean?
Something is following her from behind.
It's scary.
Stop it, Dodi.
Don't be weird. Stop it.
It burns...
It burns...
I'm burning.
It burns...
Mom, what's wrong?
- It burns.
- Mom.
It burns.
- Mom.
- Hot.
Oh, dear God.
Dodi, get a towel for Mom!
It burns.
It burns.
Dodi, a towel!
What the heck?
What took you so long?
Oh God, forgive us.
Hot. It burns.
- Hot.
- Oh God, forgive us.
If you need help at the diner,
just tell me.
Mom, how did you get these wounds?
You should eat, okay?
Oh God! Mom!
Dodi, go upstairs and get my phone.
- I'm calling Auntie.
- I don't want to.
Dod. Look at Mom!
Wait here, I'll get it myself.
I'm coming with you!
God is great.
God is great.
Dodi, wake up!
Dodi, look at me, Dod!
Dod, wake up! Oh God! Dodi!
Look at me, Dod.
Oh God! Dodi.
Hello, Ratna?
Why are you crying?
Mom keeps throwing up black liquid.
And now Dodi has a fever.
He had a seizure.
I don't know what to do. I'm scared.
Okay, calm down.
Ask for Aunt Rodiah's help.
Call me back later, okay?
Okay, I'll go get Auntie now.
I'll head home now.
- Peace be upon you.
- And upon you.
Aunt Rodiah!
- Auntie!
- Who is it?
It's me, Ratna. Please help me, Auntie!
Auntie, help me.
- Dani! Let's go!
- Ratna. Okay.
- Come on.
- Ratna.
Oh, dear God, forgive us.
Oh, dear God.
Dani, hold this.
He was here.
Maybe he's upstairs.
Let's check.
Let's go.
Oh God.
Oh God! Mom?
Dodi's body is hot. He needs a bath.
- Mom!
- Dodi.
That's enough.
Oh God, forgive us.
His body is hot. He needs a bath.
- Oh God! Mom.
- Mom, please wake up.
- His body is hot. He needs a bath.
- God help us.
Dani, how did this happen to Mom?
Thank you for coming home.
I'm sorry.
And I promise, I will never
leave the two of you alone again.
Look after Mom.
I'll go buy some food.
- Dod, I'll be back.
- Okay.
I need to go outside for a second.
Not for long.
What are you doing here?
Tell me,
why are you avoiding me?
I don't wanna see you anymore.
- I said I was sorry.
- And I've forgiven you!
So why are you avoiding me?
I said I'd forgiven you.
But I don't want to be with you anymore.
You should go.
And don't come looking for me again.
You don't want us to be together again?
Then I'll show these pictures to your mom.
- Bram, delete them.
- No.
- I said delete them.
- No, move it!
- Bram, are you crazy?
- Move!
- Hey!
- No, Bram!
- Hey!
- Ratna, move!
- Hey!
- Bram, stop it!
Wait, wait!
I'm Ratna's boyfriend.
I don't want my sister
dating someone like you.
Get out of here.
We're over.
Is your brother home?
It's me, Dani.
I'm home.
I miss him.
When your dad died,
I promised to take care of all of you.
I promised to never make you suffer.
But I lost my way.
I offer the ancestors my greeting.
I asked a shaman for help.
To keep the diner crowded
so I could take care of you
until you were all grown up.
I just want the three of you
to be successful.
To stand on your own feet.
Not like me.
I love Dani.
I love Ratna.
I love Dodi.
I'm sorry, Mom.
I was wrong.
Ratna, Dani.
Someone is here.
Dodi! Ratna!
Mom! Mom!
Mom! Mom!
It burns!
Leave my mom alone! Get out of her body!
Hot. It burns!
It burns!
Dodi, open the door!
I can't!
Dodi, step aside.
Ratna, come! Come on!
Ratna. Ratna.
- Let's get some rest.
- It hurts.
Let's get you to bed. I'll help you.
Come on, Mom.
In the name of Allah,
The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.
God is great.
Feed me.
Feed me!
I haven't eaten since yesterday!
- Mom?
- Feed me!
Feed me, I'm hungry!
- Mom!
- Feed me!
- I haven't eaten since yesterday!
- Ratna, get her some food.
- Feed me!
- Mom. Mom. Mom!
Oh, God. Mom! Mom!
Dodi, get a rope. Hurry!
- Mom. I'm right here.
- Feed me!
Feed me!
Ratna, hold her.
- Oh God, forgive us!
- Oh God! Mom!
Dodi, hold down her legs!
Feed me! I'm hungry!
Oh God! Mom.
Feed me! I'm hungry!
Mom, come back to us.
Come back to us, Mom.
Come back.
Oh God, forgive us.
- Peace be upon you.
- Mang Dayat?
Hang in there.
Thank you for coming.
You're welcome.
Come on in.
The prayer is starting soon.
Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you,
and God's mercy and blessings.
This way.
In the name of Allah,
The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.
This is the book!
There is no doubt about it.
A guide for those mindful of Allah
who believe in the unseen,
carry out prayer, and donate from what
We have provided for them,
and who believe in what has been
revealed to you, O Prophet,
and what was revealed before you,
and have sure faith in the hereafter.
Calm down. Everybody, keep reciting.
It is they who are
truly guided by their Lord,
and it is they who will be successful.
As for those who persist in disbelief,
it is the same whether you warn them
or not... they will never believe.
Shut up!
Your prayers are all useless.
It's all in vain.
Ratna, Dodi, go to the bedroom.
Inah, Ani.
I seek refuge in Allah from Shaitan,
the accursed one.
I seek refuge in Allah from Shaitan,
the accursed one.
In the name of Allah,
The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.
Say, O Prophet, "I seek refuge
in the Lord of the daybreak
from the evil of whatever He has created,
and from the evil of the night
when it grows dark,
and from the evil of those witches
casting spells by blowing onto knots..."
Oh God! Ustad!
Help me!
God help us.
Oh God, forgive us! Ustad!
Help me, Ratna.
Dani, help me.
I don't want to be tied up.
Let me go!
Help me.
I don't want to be tied up.
Aunt Rodiah, Mom...
- Mom was...
- I know.
I heard about it. Stay strong, okay?
I've just found someone
who can help your mom.
His name is Kyai Bagja.
We can go to his place tomorrow.
I'll pick you up in the morning, okay?
- Thanks, Auntie.
- You're welcome.
Let me go.
Let me go.
- Any luck?
- She's not picking up.
It's not even connecting.
Mang Dayat.
What should we do?
We have to go to Aunt Rodiah's now.
If we wait too long, we'll be late.
- Come on then.
- Okay.
- I'll be right back.
- Okay.
Excuse me, I'll be right back.
Hurry, Dani. Be careful.
Early in the morning,
I came here like I always do
before we go to the diner.
I found something in her pocket.
I know this place.
Thank you, Inah.
Come on.
- Ratna. Ratna!
- Okay, okay!
- Come on!
- Okay.
Come on.
It burns!
I know. We're getting you help, Mom.
Come on, Dan, hurry.
Be careful.
Oh God, forgive us.
There is no might nor power
except with Allah.
There is no might nor power
except with Allah.
We should stop for maghrib prayers.
it'll be too late when we get to
Kyai Bagja if we do that.
But Dan,
by praying,
we can beg Allah for help
and ask Him to protect us.
- Okay.
- Come on.
In the name of Allah...
Go on, Dodi, open the gate.
Let's go. In the name of Allah.
God is great.
God is great.
God is great.
Allah hears whoever praises Him.
God is great.
God is great.
God is great.
God is great.
Peace be upon you, and God's mercy.
Peace be upon you, and God's mercy.
Oh God, forgive us.
Dodi? Dod?
What's wrong?
Dani, Mom is gone!
- Mom!
- Oh God.
Ratna, you stay here with Dodi.
I'll go find Mom with Mang Dayat.
Guys, please help me.
Let's split up.
Dani, wait. Flashlight.
Come on then.
Let's go.
Mrs. Sekar?
- Mrs. Sekar?
- Ma'am?
No, please, Mrs. Sekar!
Please no.
Mom! Mom!
Over there maybe, Dan.
Mang. Mang!
- Oh God!
- Angga! Angga!
- Oh God!
- God, no...
Oh God, forgive us.
To God we belong and to Him we return.
Oh God.
Nizam! Nizam!
Oh God. Nizam...
To God we belong and to Him we return.
Mang? Mang Dayat?
Mang Dayat!
Mang Dayat!
Mang Dayat?
Mang Dayat.
Oh God! Mang.
Mang Dayat.
It's Mom.
- Ratna!
- Dodi!
- Help!
- Dodi!
Help me!
Mom! Stop, Mom!
God is great!
The body
is still your mother's.
But the soul is no longer hers.
Reach out your hands.
Rub it on your face while reciting prayers
so you'll know who is inside
your mother's body.
Oh God, send your blessings on Muhammad
and the progeny of Muhammad.
Open your eyes.
Oh God!
I seek refuge in Allah from Shaitan,
the accursed one.
God is great.
A deal with a jinn is a cursed act
and is hated by Allah.
We need to remove the jinn
and the amulet from your mother's body.
You, take a single green coconut
from a coconut tree with only one fruit
and take some soil
from the grave of the shaman
who helped put the cursed amulets
into your mother's body.
Do it tonight.
Aunt Rodiah told me
that Mak Ambar lived in Weton Village
and she was buried not far from there.
please look after my brother and sister
and my mother.
Take care, Dani.
Promise me that you'll come back
in one piece, okay?
I promise.
If something tries to stop you
from doing this,
splash it with this water.
Thank you, Kyai.
- Peace be upon you.
- And upon you.
Can you recite the Quran?
I haven't learned it yet, Kyai.
It's all right.
Just recite what you know, okay?
Excuse me, is this Mak Ambar's house?
Do you know where she's buried?
Just walk past the house.
Go straight ahead
and you'll find the place.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Let's keep going.
I seek refuge in Allah from Shaitan,
the accursed one.
In the name of Allah,
The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.
Oh my...
Don't take the soil from this grave.
You could get hurt.
The decree of torment has already been
justified against most of them...
Keep reciting.
...for they will never believe.
It is as if We have put shackles
around their necks
up to their chins,
so their heads are forced up.
I seek refuge in Allah from Shaitan,
the accursed one.
In the name of Allah,
The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.
Take a single green coconut
from a coconut tree with only one fruit.
Keep reciting.
There is no god but Allah.
Stay back.
Both of you stay back.
I seek refuge in Allah from Shaitan,
the accursed one.
There is no deity but Allah,
and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
You, stay out of this.
You will die!
God is great!
God is great.
I seek forgiveness in God.
I seek refuge in Allah from Shaitan,
the accursed one.
There is no god but Allah.
God is great!
Stay here.
God is great!
I love you.
Don't you love Ratna?
Don't you love me?
And Dani?
You do, right, Mom?
I love you.
You love us too, right?
You love Ratna.
You love Dodi.
You love Dani.
Don't you?
- Mom!
- In the name of Allah.
- The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.
- Wake up, Mom!
In the name of Allah the Great.
O my Lord, I seek refuge in You
from the whispers of Satan,
and with Your grace...
God is great!
Mom, wake up!
...from the whispers of Satan,
and with Your Grace...
God is great!
Come closer.
You must wash your mother
with this coconut water
and put the soil
from the grave on her body.
You, put it along your mother's arms.
You, put it across your mother's face.
And you, put it all over her legs.
We'll pray with you.
I seek refuge in Allah from Shaitan,
the accursed one.
In the name of Allah,
The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.
I seek refuge in the perfect words of
Allah from the evil of His creation.
I seek refuge in the perfect words of
Allah from the evil of His creation.
I'm thirsty.
I'm thirsty.
In the name of Allah,
The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.
My children.
Forgive me, Dani.
I was wrong.
I kept forcing what I wanted on you.
Take care of your brother and sister, Dan.
I will never ever leave home again.
I will do whatever you want me to do.
Please don't go.
I still need you.
You should be yourself, Dan.
Do whatever you want to do in life.
As long as you don't hurt others.
Be good to your siblings.
Help your mother say the shahadah.
I bear witness that
there is no God but Allah.
I bear witness that
there is no God but Allah.
And I bear witness
that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
And I bear witness
that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
- Mom!
- Mom, wake up!
Mom, wake up!
To God we belong and to Him we return.
How is everything?
Yes, this is easy.
That's because I taught you.
My brother is so smart.
Excuse me?
- Excuse me!
- Yes! Be right back.
Where's the chicken stew I ordered?
- One moment, please.
- Okay.
Ratna, where's the chicken soup?
- It's almost done.
- All right then.