Meppadiyan (2022) Movie Script

[Popular Malayalam
song plays on radio]
[Protest against illegal
mining at Muthalamada]
[By DMC Youth Wing Leader,
Thadathil Xavier]
My only source of income,
Ammini Tea Shop,
was burned down by Democratic Malayora
Congress Youth President Thadathil Xavier,
after I shut the shop and left,
on 06.10.2010 Wednesday at midnight,
due to a pre-existing grudge.
I request you to charge a case
against the accused mentioned above,
and obtain due
compensation from them.
Who is this Cheriyan?
That's me.
How are you sure that it
was Xavier who burned it?
There's no one else in this town,
who could do such an atrocity to me.
We will investigate.
Let the Sub-Inspector sir come.
This vehicle is in
top condition, huh?
-What? What happened?
-There's nothing left to happen.
It's time to check the pump
and nozzle of this vehicle.
That's the 'missing' you felt.
The joint has taken
quite a beating.
And the oil seal of the
gear box is damaged.
You do something, sir.
Bring this vehicle
when you're free.
But if you're not
in a hurry now,
I will repair the clutch,
for the time being.
We have to present him at
Ranni Court before 11 AM today.
The court case is fine.
But if you get an escort
duty sometime,
this guy will give
you deep trouble.
Isn't it a police vehicle, sir?
Shouldn't you keep
it in good condition?
Before you came here...
-Jose sir.
-Yes! Jose sir.
When Jose sir was posted here,
there was a CL 550 Jeep.
KL 01 X 9930.
That one was the real deal!
I haven't seen that Jeep in this area,
except for an oil change.
You know even the police Jeep's
number by heart, Jayakrishnan!
He has been like that
since childhood, sir.
He has to see a
vehicle just once!
He never forgets its number.
That's impressive.
So how much for this?
It's alright.
-Take it.
-Okay then. Start the Jeep.
[indistinct chatter]
Up in the sky, is that a
sun that never disappears?
Desires blooming in
the eye, on their own
As colour is sprinkled
All over a summer
While bathing at the banks of this
river, someone is coming over to perch
In the nest of moist dew
Aren't you humming,
o' faraway bird
O' April flower
Aren't you waving
your blue hands?
The clouds rain as an
accompaniment to the morning
The raindrops create
music all over
Come to me quickly, O beautiful
breeze, with dew drops on your wings
Up in the sky, is that a
sun that never disappears?
Desires blooming in
the eye, on their own
As colour is sprinkled
All over a summer
While bathing at the banks of this
river, someone is coming over to perch
Like a silver vessel
The moon shines up above
You are the moonlight that
shines through the snowy night
Has the branch where we waited
all along, blossomed with flowers?
As colour is sprinkled
All over a summer
While bathing at the banks of this
river, someone is coming over to perch
-The power is gone!
-Shucks! What is this?
Switch on the generator!
No power in a house where a
wedding's going to happen?
[phone ringing]
Ichaya, wake up!
[phone ringing]
Dude, how's the idea
I gave you last night?
If you're okay, we can go
to Pollachi today itself.
Dude, don't worry about
how the sales will happen.
Just think about it.
In this Petta town,
there will be at least
15 street food shops.
Just imagine that, on an
average, 50 single omelettes
and 75 double omelettes
will be sold there.
If so, in this town itself, there
will be a requirement of at least
3000 eggs, per day.
So how many will be required
in the whole of Kerala?
Tell me!
We're going to earn profits
for this in 'Paise'.
We'll get a profit of
80 Paise for one egg.
So our per day income
itself will amount to Lakhs!
And I'll tell you
one thing beforehand.
There's no point in
investing funds alone.
Join me, only if you are ready to dedicate
yourself fully and work really hard.
I have decided anyway.
We'll decide when we
meet in the evening.
Okay then.
So be it.
We'll meet at the bar.
[Headlines again...
Chief Minister, Mr. VS Achuthanandan said
he will meet the Central Railway Minister,
to include Shabari rail project,
in the railway budget]
[News continues]
You've got a new necklace, huh?
Your daughter must
have brought it, right?
She spoke about
constructing a house,
but you didn't say
anything about it.
Even if they don't ask anything,
shouldn't we do something from our side?
We can get the chit fund from
Meenachil bank in February.
Adding some more
cash to that fund,
we can buy 10 cents of land for
her somewhere nearby, for her.
Let them build a house
however they wish.
Isn't that fine?
Is it enough if you keep
that in your mind alone?
Shouldn't they also know it?
They will be coming here
for the engagement, right?
I will tell them then.
Satheesh, will he reach on time?
I have to go to the hospital
and see my patients.
Doctor, I called him.
I'm still calling him.
-What should I do for that?
-He is a lazy fellow.
And Doctor, we've cleared
everything else, right?
You do one thing. Come and sign
at Kariyachan's office and go.
But you didn't tell me the full
story of the fight yesterday.
You fell asleep.
-Is it?
Where did I stop?
You told me until you pulled the
shutter of the bar yesterday.
That's just the beginning!
It started when I said that the
chicken curry didn't have enough salt.
The scene there after that...
You'll get that feel,
only if you see it!
It was amazing!
-I'll tell you!
-Satheesh, tell me.
-My dear Varkey,
I've been calling
you for so long!
Couldn't you wake up early at least today,
when there's urgent work?
Doctor and I just
left from the bank.
You do something.
Come to Kariyachan's office,
at the earliest.
-We'll be there.
-Calm down, man!
I'll be there.
Where are you off to,
in such a hurry?
Today I'm writing an
agreement with that Doctor.
Writing an agreement is fine.
Ichaya, even if it's small,
until we buy a house,
I won't step out of this house.
I'm telling you!
Even if you're planning to step out
of this house, will I allow that?
I've arranged everything.
Oh! It's not that.
Our family and everyone else are
saying that you became like this,
because I'm supporting you
for everything you're doing.
If you don't keep your
promise at least in this,
I won't be here to
hear all this gossip.
Our families and
everyone else are talking
about your husband, at
least like that, right?
Am I so irresponsible?
It's not like that.
Don't misunderstand me like that.
Hey! Please push it.
Should I push today as well?
I just have to get it moving.
-I can't do this, Ichaya!
Once more!
You don't have to push!
You just have to touch it.
There's magic in your hands!
Shall I leave, dear?
Aashaan, please check this car.
It's giving me trouble often.
You go now.
I don't have time now.
I'll check it later.
Aashan, you don't have
to check the entire car.
It has a pull towards the right.
So, just check that.
I don't want to get
stuck on the road.
For that I have to remove
the entire front body, right?
Hey Jayakrishnan!
Come here!
Damn it!
Dude, please check this car.
I need to go someplace urgently.
You only get it checked.
You never get it repaired
when I ask you to.
I need time, right?
Oh no! My dear, don't break it.
I'll do it.
Is that enough?
Damn it!
Is it okay?
This is because of
your reckless driving.
Do you know how well your father
used to take care of this car?
But what wrong did I ...
Varkey, this is fully messed up.
The tappet is heavily damaged.
The bearing is gone!
That's the sound!
And did you see this?
The smoke is full of oil.
If you drive it around like this for some
more time, that will be the end of it.
I'm warning you!
Only if I drive it
around like this, right?
There's no problem
for today, right?
I'll bring it here
tomorrow itself.
I've heard this a lot.
Son, I'll go for
a smoke and come.
Saw how young boys
checked it without tools?
Yeah, right!
Get going!
[Varkey Stores
Did the sun rise only
now for Jesus and Varkey?
Last night's hangover
must be gone only now.
That's right!
They don't have any work to do
after waking up early, right?
Do they?
Don't damage your kidney
with all that drinking!
Aashaan, please come here.
Aashaan, don't screw
around with me.
Do that to my car.
Hey! Don't take all the money!
I have to get supplies.
This is like taking a
shirt from the laundry guy.
My dear Chandran,
I'll sort everything today.
We'll get the supplies tomorrow.
That's enough.
Potato - half a kilo.
Tomato - one kilo.
Aunty, can you give me a kidney?
Make way, man!
It's his shop!
His money!
Let him do what he wants!
My dear brother! He ruined
whatever his father made!
If this is also gone, I'll be
starving. Do you know that?
Give me the sack, sister.
[Title Deed Office
Licensee : Vendor Kariyachan]
Since the second party has
seen the original title deed,
the agreement has been
prepared using a copy.
All of us agreed upon that
already, right?
But everything needs clarity, right?
According to the agreement,
within a time period of two months,
before December 16th,
it is written that the sale
deed should be registered.
So since you've heard what's written,
if you sign it,
this will be over.
-Over there.
-Here? -Yes.
-Give it to him.
-I'll keep this.
So both of you, please get up,
and offer prayers to God..
-Is that a custom?
This has Rs. 5 Lakhs.
Wishing you prosperity
and happiness.
Shall I leave?
-Shall we leave?
-Okay, bye.
-Doctor, see you.
-See you.
Okay then!
So, why don't we chill somewhere?
Of course! I need a drink!
Satheesh, okay then!
See you!
Dad and mom said that we both can go
together to buy clothes for the function.
When should we go?
Is this such a big deal?
We can go even on
the previous day.
It's just the engagement
and not the wedding, right?
It may not be a
big deal for you.
But for a girl,
this is indeed a big deal.
If you don't want to come,
just tell me that.
Then you can go
alone for everything.
To write the test,
and to drop you to the school,
don't call me again.
I won't call you.
This is why experienced people
warn us not to fall in love.
If you marry the girl you love,
the girl takes authority
over everything.
Who asked you to
fall in love with me?
I agreed only because you followed
me around and pleaded so much!
And now I am at fault?
It's always like that, right?
That was a 15-year old's mind!
I realized only later,
that there were so many other
good girls in this world.
It isn't too late even now.
Think about it really well
and take a decision.
-I'm hanging up!
-Hey! Wait!
Whoever goes or not,
I need new clothes!
Get lost!
That's quite a lot.
You're in the rank list for
a couple of them, right?
Can't you stop this then?
This is better than them.
Jayetta, please sign on this.
This is for the vehicle
inspector's post.
-Is it necessary?
Now they've invited
diploma holders too.
Do you just want to run
the workshop forever?
If I ask you to send
applications for some other job,
you won't do it.
Since this one is
connected to vehicles,
you don't have any
other problem, right?
Send it!
As if I'll get it right away!
-Don't you want this?
-Take it.
Hey! Those who believe
in their own talent,
don't differentiate between
Government jobs or private jobs.
But people like you who don't
take any risk in your lives,
need a Government job!
Whatever you say,
a Government job is...
a great guarantee in life!
We survived so far only because
my parents had Government jobs!
Don't expect me to just survive.
People like you have
this misconception.
That only Government officials and Dubai
returnees are living in this State.
There are people like me who work
hard to earn a living, as well.
Who do you think I am?
Not an ordinary mechanic!
I am a doctor who treats vehicles.
Like a doctor treats his patients,
I treat my vehicles.
So we share the same status!
-I can't listen to all this.
-Satheesh, what are you doing here?
-There was a registered post for me.
When the postman came home
yesterday, I wasn't there.
-I've come to take it from here.
Is this your fiancee, Jayakrishnan?
The engagement is on the 13th.
-Don't forget.
-No. I won't forget.
What do you do, dear?
I'm a temporary teacher at
Poonjar St. Antony's school.
Oh! Okay then!
Hey Satheesh!
I was going to call you.
I need 10 cents of land.
To build a house?
It's for my sister.
So if I get it somewhere nearby for
a reasonable price, it will be great.
Let me go take it first.
I'll call you after that.
I have a couple of
good deals with me.
-Okay! See you!
So I was saying that your respect
for me has gone down lately.
-I don't like that at all!
[Singing a classic
Malayalam song]
He's not bad.
Quite good, right?
He's singing so well!
He could have sung in movies!
Oh! You were here, Aashaan?
Thommichaya, one strong
black tea please.
You haven't stopped
drinking milk yet?
Let that be.
-What's up with this unusual visit here?
Can't I drink black tea?
You won't get 'that'
black tea here, right?
I'm going back.
-Here you go.
Dude, Satheesh told me that
you're planning to buy some land?
Yes. For Jayashree.
I was looking for
the right party.
-Good that I met you.
-What's the matter?
Dude, an awesome
deal is up for grabs.
Let's go there.
We can come back soon.
-Just come.
Get your car.
Add their money to my tab!
-Which tab?
-I'll pay it!
Mr. Perera!
-This is quite huge!
-So what?
That's all fine.
I just need 10 cents of land.
Do you have paper in your car?
I'll show you.
Get the paper.
This whole property
is 54 cents, in total.
This is the plot
where we're standing.
54 cents.
How much do you want?
-10 cents.
-10 cents!
I also need 10 cents.
This will be my 10 cents.
10+10 will be 20.
How much is left?
-Yes. 34.
Balance is 34.
Jayakrishnan, if you get
it for Rs. 1 Lakh per cent,
can't you re-sell this for 1.5 Lakhs?
You can sell it.
-For 1.5 Lakhs...
I can re-sell it.
You shouldn't re-sell it.
We should sell it
for 2 Lakhs per cent.
Minimum 1.75 Lakhs.
If so, our 20 cents...
We can get it for free,
without paying any money.
The idea is good.
But I don't think we'll get 1.75
or 2 Lakhs for this property.
That's correct.
We'll never get it if
we sell it like this.
We'll buy this, clean it
and bring it to road-level.
And, we will leave 4
cents for a pathway.
If we convert the
remaining 30 cents,
to three different
plots of 10 cents each,
we'll get whatever
price we ask for!
These ideas are great!
if we have to buy this,
we need money in hand.
Even the money for my 10 cents,
will be ready only by February.
But dude, we won't
register it now.
We'll just pay a
token advance for now.
Registration will
be after six months.
We can get the sale
done before that.
It won't happen,
unless we take a risk.
Only those who've taken risks in life,
have reached great heights.
For example,
Bill Gates...
Steve Jobs...
Dude, you know what
your problem is?
You understand everything.
But someone has to make you understand.
Moreover, you are scared
to take risks too.
Before taking the risk,
find out whether
Cheriyan will agree!
He's quite a messy guy!
Why should we ask for
Cheriyan's consent?
Hey! This is not Cheriyan's property.
It belongs to Meklath Jacob Achayan.
Cheriyan was just
running a shop here.
Hey! Satheesh will handle all that.
We're not going to get
such an opportunity again.
If you think too much,
nothing will happen.
Shouldn't we take
risks at this age?
Let's see then!
Let's see!
Hi Satheesh!
Come, dude.
This is Philip,
son of late Varkey,
who used to run a
shop at Ilanjippara.
And this Jayakrishnan runs a
workshop near the main junction.
Achaya, we've come here...
... after seeing your property
at Ambara earlier today.
They really liked the property.
They've come here to talk about
the rest of the proceedings.
That's our family asset.
I don't go there these days.
Ever since I fell ill,
I don't step out much.
Achaya, what's your illness?
Liver cirrhosis.
I am consulting
Dr. Venugopalan now.
Achaya, quote your price
without wasting time.
Satheesh, you know right?
If someone hadn't
burned that shop down,
that Cheriyan would have tried to
stop this too, like every single time.
My father gave him permission to
run a tea shop at a meager rent.
But he never vacated from there.
Now, we won't have any
trouble from him anyway.
You know the place, right?
Tell me the price
you have in mind.
If it's okay for us,
I'll tell you.
Well, Ichaya...
The property is yours, right?
So you must have a
price in mind, right?
I am expecting 1.5 Lakhs
per cent.
Oh no! 1.5 Lakhs
is a bit too much!
Well, I am not asking for an unfair price.
Just that the place is
not maintained well.
If it is cleaned and
converted into plots,
I know I'll get any
price I ask for.
Ichaya, we won't be able to
manage since there's so much land.
I told you my price.
You tell me what
you have in mind.
Hey! Just come.
Let's go there and discuss.
Ichaya, we will just...
.. discuss and let you know.
What can we increase from
what we quoted earlier?
Hey! Just 1 Lakh!
No! He won't agree for 1 Lakh!
Try quoting something above that.
Above 1 Lakh...
Is 1.10 Lakh okay?
Let's try talking to him.
It might happen, if you pay
the token advance today itself.
By the way, do you have any
money to pay him if he agrees?
-Funds, right?
I can manage it.
Do you have it?
We can re-sell this, right?
I'll tell you something.
They don't have any idea
about the current market rate.
I'm saying this only out
of my affection for you.
If you let this go,
you will be making an
utmost foolish decision.
-It's ready!
-Is it?
-Is it okay?
-It's ready.
-Then come.
If 1.10 Lakhs is okay,
we can fix this.
We can pay a token
advance immediately.
Stella, give them some tea.
I'll have very little sugar.
I don't drink tea.
I don't need any sugar.
When you came here,
we were about to start our prayers.
-Is it?
Since that is a good sign,
let's fix this for 1.10 Lakhs.
So, how do we go about the
rest of the proceedings?
Achaya, we'll give you 1 Lakh
as a token advance now.
Then, the agreement.
We can get it done tomorrow or day after,
at your convenience.
Achaya, we can get the registration
done within six months.
Isn't that fine?
That's enough.
And... about the agreement...
If you want it, get it
written and bring it here.
I'll sign it.
In this condition,
since I am not well,
I can't come out.
And I don't believe
in all this, as well.
For me, your word is most important.
It's the same for us too.
We also don't believe in documents.
So if you don't need it,
we also don't need it.
That's all.
I'll be right back.
You took Rs. 3000 from this yesterday.
So it's not 1 Lakh exactly.
-Give me 3000 Rupees.
-We're short of 3000 Rupees. Give it.
-You may go, Chandran.
-Here's 1 Lakh.
-Ichaya, usually this is the north-west.
Hey! Don't bother about all that.
Please accept this.
So as we said!
Sister, the tea was superb!
See you!
Okay then!
[indistinct chatter]
The 'Avial' is good, right?
Yes, it's really nice.
My dear Varkey,
you won't get 2 Lakhs
for that property!
Yeah, right!
Get lost!
We'll sell it for 2 Lakhs
easily and show you!
You have high hopes!
You told me this, fine!
Don't go say this to Jayakrishnan
and make him negative.
-Ask this guy to calm down.
What the hell are you
saying, you loser?
It's been 10-15 days
since the new month began.
No one here had the
time to change this yet.
This is so irritating!
[phone ringing]
Come at 5 o'clock!
Not there.
Over there.
Over there.
Your partner is coming!
Dude, there's a problem.
Jacob Achayan's wife had
called me sometime back.
They want to meet both
of us immediately.
I called you both here to say
something really important.
Jacob Achaya, we were going forward with
the procedures to write the agreement.
I called you to talk about that.
That property is the only
asset we have as savings.
We decided to sell it, to
conduct our daughter's wedding.
So, we can save the
rest for his treatment,
and our son's education.
She has received a good proposal.
The groom works in Dubai.
That's awesome.
People are getting huge
salaries in Dubai now.
Now he has come here on leave.
They have agreed to conduct the
wedding before he goes back.
What I'm saying is that...
if we can register half of
our plot within one month,
I'll give you as much time as you need,
to register the other half of the plot.
You can take even
more than six months.
half the plot would amount to...
around 30 Lakhs, right?
Yes, indeed.
It won't be so difficult for you, right?
You are businessmen, right?
Yes. We are businessmen indeed.
But still,
when you said this all of a sudden,
to arrange the funds...
Well, just let us
think about it.
You can think about
it and tell me.
This is trouble!
What do I say!
Why did you have to smile
at the cleaner of the bus?
Tea is in the kitchen.
Pour the medicine in dad's eyes.
It became an
inconvenience, right?
No! What inconvenience?
Our situation is such.
Ichayan has been
really scared lately.
His illness had aggravated
a bit last week.
That's why he's in such a hurry
to conduct our daughter's wedding.
We'll figure out a way.
Then shall I...?
Why did you say that
we'll figure out a way?
Dude, when she talks like this,
what else should I say?
So, you will promise to do that?
Dude, do you think I'll
say this without thinking?
They have asked to
register half the plot.
That will be around 27 cents.
We came here to buy 10
cents each anyway, right?
It will be slightly more than that.
That's all.
If we register this now somehow,
like he said, we'll get enough
time to find buyers for the rest.
So we need to sell it only when
we get the price we ask for.
In a way, this is for the good.
But shouldn't we make so
much money within one month?
Dude, we'll figure out a way for that.
Just come!
Ichaya... So...
He's our Ichayan, right?
Ichaya, you can go forward
with your plans.
We'll register it next month itself.
We haven't saved any
other money for this.
We should give them Rs. 10 Lakhs
for the betrothal.
-We can give it.
-We'll have other expenses too, right?
So, if I get a
confirmation from you,
I'm thinking of
giving them my word.
Ichaya, we promise!
Promise, right?
So, let us arrange our funds.
The white flower that flashes in
the eyes stretches its hands slowly
To the valley
of endless snow
A cloud in the sky is raining,
gold and flowers aplenty
As a sweet wave
within, endlessly
The sunshine falls on the shy
mirror in the eye, in a rhythm
A hundred colours will come searching,
in the garden of the mind beneath
The bygone winter came back in
a trance, and embraced my body
And threw never before
seen dreams at me
The colours seen
by the eyes today
Shined like a rainbow,
without disappearing
And rode on a
swing, far away
O pigeon who sings within me, it
is time to come back to your nest
To feel the warmth
To fall as a feather on the night
river and flow for the first time
The sunshine falls on the shy
mirror in the eye, in a rhythm
A hundred colours will come searching,
in the garden of the mind beneath
The white flower that
flashes in the eyes
Stretches its hands slowly
To the valley
of endless snow
A cloud in the sky is raining,
gold and flowers aplenty
As a sweet wave
within, endlessly
The bygone winter came back in
a trance, and embraced my body
And threw never before
seen dreams at me
The colours seen
by the eyes today
Shined like a rainbow,
without disappearing
And rode on a
swing, far away
Oh no!
-What is this, Swami?
-Sorry, sir!
Get going!
Jayakrishnan, right?
Who is this?
I am Stella.
That property owner?
Jacob Achayan's wife.
I couldn't reach Philip
when I called him.
That's why I called you.
Sister, he must be
busy with something.
What happened?
Well, I just wanted to
talk about the wedding.
The betrothal is on the 26th.
That's in our Church.
And the wedding is on the 28th.
That's in their Church.
That's how we have decided now.
When will be able to
register it, Jayakrishnan?
I was at the hospital with
Ichayan for the past one week.
I came back home with him,
only yesterday evening.
That's why I couldn't
call you in between.
How's Achayan doing now, Sister?
He is alright now.
Sister, Varkey is selling his house.
The registration is on the coming 15th.
I think we can register
ours after that.
Shall I discuss with
him and let you know?
Will you tell Philip that we have
fixed the date, Jayakrishnan?
Okay. I will tell him.
-What is it, son?
-Hasn't Varkey come yet?
I don't think he'll come today.
Try going to his house.
He might be there.
Okay then.
-Has Varkey woken up?
He hasn't woken up yet.
He is inside.
He slept in the car last night.
He entered the house
only in the morning.
-Then, shall I...?
Get up!
This guy is the limit!
Want some 'Puttu'?
He still eats only 'Puttu'?
I think someone has cast a
spell on him with 'Puttu'.
He's even happy to have
'Puttu' three times a day!
That's nice.
What's happening with the property
deal you both are involved in?
I've come to talk about that.
I'm confident because you
are with him this time.
I've told him that I won't
step out of this house,
until he buys some
land at least.
When did you come?
Didn't I come and call you now?
Is it?
Leave that.
Jacob Ichayan's wife had called.
She said she couldn't reach you.
Last night, my phone also got
switched off, along with me.
Hey! They have fixed their
daughter's wedding date.
The betrothal is on the 26th.
And the wedding is on the 28th.
I was going to call you.
Shouldn't we arrange the funds?
Your registration is
on the 15th, right?
-Won't you get money then?
There's an issue.
It won't happen.
Don't worry.
I'll get my chit fund in February.
I'll pay that money to you.
It's not possible now.
There's an issue.
-Just wait outside. I'll come.
-Tell me the matter.
Just wait outside.
I'll come.
Listen to me.
Wait outside.
What loan?
I had mortgaged my house and property
for a loan, and now they're seizing it.
Seizing it?
You know, right?
If the bank seizes it,
we won't get anything.
Isn't that why I fixed this deal,
taking so much trouble?
I'll tell you.
I'll make you understand.
I sold this house for 35 Lakhs.
I got 5 Lakhs as an advance.
I repaid a lot of my
debts with that money.
And it was the remaining money which
we paid as the token advance that day.
I have to pay 25 Lakhs to the bank,
including the principal amount and interest.
I'll get the title
deed only then.
Before we leave the house,
if I don't buy some land at least,
Annie will leave me.
Oh God!
Dude, my plan was to sell the
remaining 34 cents in 6 months,
and buy 10 cents
with that money.
Did I know that all this
will happen in between?
Can I tell anyone that I'm selling
the house to avoid the bank seizure?
I haven't told anything
clearly to Annie either.
Then why did you
have to promise them?
I didn't want it to
slip away from us.
I have to buy it somehow.
We're not going to get
a better opportunity.
This is such a scam!
I'm going to tell
them the truth.
-That it's not going to happen.
-Don't do anything drastic.
Aashan had warned me that I'll
be in trouble if I join you!
-Don't believe Aashaan completely.
-Get lost!
-We can arrange the funds!
-You and your funds!
Just listen to me!
-Get lost!
Dude, stop!
Since the wedding
has been fixed,
our families are one, hereafter.
What are you doing here?
I just came to meet Ichayan.
It's you who bought their
property at Ambara, right?
I didn't remember that.
We haven't bought it yet.
We just saw the place.
Don't hide anything from me.
Achayan told me everything.
Isn't that why he fixed his
daughter's wedding immediately?
Go ahead.
Don't you go for outings usually?
No. Nothing like that.
We hadn't planned to fix his
wedding during this holiday of his.
So he came with a return ticket.
My daughter was planning
to join a B.Ed. course.
Don't bother about that.
He will take her there
within 2-3 months.
Ah! Jayakrishnan!
Come, sit down.
Sit down.
This is Jayakrishnan.
He runs a workshop nearby,
at Ilanjippara.
We have some land at Ambara.
Jayakrishnan and his friend have bought it.
These are Nisha's groom's parents.
Okay then. So let everything
happen as we planned.
-Let's leave. Come.
We're leaving, dear.
Okay then, dear.
Call once you reach.
Come, let's go.
Shall I change my clothes, mom?
Okay. Go!
What's up, Jayakrishnan?
Every time Ichayan feels sick,
he's always in tension.
Then he keeps asking
me to call you both.
Even while we were at the hospital,
I had called Philip.
I didn't have your number with me.
And then I called
Satheesh this morning,
and got your number from him.
To be frank, I am not
worried about you people.
But, when Ichayan
is not feeling well,
I feel really anxious.
So if everything happens,
at least one day earlier,
we will feel so relieved.
Well, I...
I went to meet Varkey,
but couldn't see him.
So I thought I'll tell you
when I was passing this way.
Anyway, I will meet him,
and let you know when we
can register the plot.
I'm so relieved.
Okay then.
That Philip never picks up the call,
whenever I call him.
So I will call only you hereafter.
But, when Ichayan
is not feeling well,
I feel really anxious.
That Philip never picks up the call,
whenever I call him.
So I will call only you hereafter.
I had warned you when you
joined that reckless fellow,
that something like
this will happen.
He's an incautious fellow.
Now there's no point
thinking about it.
Meet him at the earliest, and ask
him to find a solution for this!
Don't play such cheap tricks!
I set forth to do this,
believing your words.
They don't have health or
anyone to support them.
You're playing with
the life of a girl!
Remember that!
He's the reason for all this!
He doesn't say anything,
and promises to do everything.
What can I do now?
We've paid 1 Lakh
as token advance.
Now, once I sell my house,
after I settle the
bank debt as well,
I'll get one more Lakh.
So, that...
Why did you set forth to do this,
if you don't have money?
Ask him!
I had told him that I'll get
the money for my 10 cents,
only in February.
Then he told me,
we'll get six months
time to register this.
I believed all that and...
got involved in this!
Jayakrishnan, if we separate
twenty cents from that property,
and sell the rest,
will the problem be solved?
How can you clean the
place up within 15 days?
Well, if that's possible...
let's see!
One problem still remains.
Will anyone pay the
full amount all at once?
Like you gave them, they will
give you a token advance and go.
Jayakrishnan, don't worry.
We'll figure something out.
Get lost!
Let me see if I
can find a buyer.
Don't worry.
Let's try that out.
It will happen!
I'll join there for
the time being, right?
I have entered two
more rank-lists.
If I get one of them,
I'll see then.
Though it's a little far,
Dad also told me not to
let go of what I got.
-The money is not ready!
I'm really worried about that!
Didn't I tell you not to get
involved in unnecessary things?
You can still say no, right?
Didn't I tell you what
happened when I went there?
It's always like that, right?
You never know how to say no.
How many cents is it,
in total?
Around 54 cents.
You have only written the
agreement for this now, right?
Yes, Sister.
Jayakrishnan, what about
the money to buy the gold?
Sister, I need some more
time to arrange the money.
Don't worry about that.
There's a gold shop owned
by a close friend of mine.
You can select the gold from there,
for the time being.
We can pay the money
when it's ready.
If the gold rate increases,
we can pay today's rate.
Or in case it goes down,
we'll manage accordingly.
Well, that...
Isn't it risky to keep
so much gold at home?
Isn't it okay if we buy it,
when the money is ready?
Just call me.
I'll come.
I'll tell you.
I didn't know that you
needed it so urgently.
The sale of another property
of mine, has been fixed.
But its registration
will be slightly delayed.
And the price is
quite high as well.
Brother, can you roll this money from
somewhere else, for the time being?
I don't invest by
borrowing money.
Try finding some other buyer.
If the sale doesn't happen,
call me after three months.
Okay then.
Such a long queue!
Keep it there.
These guys planned it together!
Burned my shop down and...
We need to sort this immediately.
Come, brother-in-law. I need to have a
couple of drinks to get over this grief.
I need to curse them after that.
Even after trying
all possible ways,
nothing is working out.
There are only very few days left.
How will you make so
much money by then?
I'll tell you all something.
If this doesn't happen,
it will be a huge problem.
You do something.
Try if you can get a loan.
They can get a loan.
But they need to give something
as collateral, for that.
That's right!
Will we get a loan?
Why not?
Well, if we'll get it for sure,
I'll talk to my mother,
and give the title deed
of my house as collateral.
You just have to close that
loan soon enough, right?
What say?
A buyer had come to see the
property at Ambara today.
... he said he can buy it
only after three months.
Even if that doesn't happen,
we'll get our chit fund by then, right?
For the time being,
the only option
is to take a loan.
I have only one
thing to tell you.
Don't get yourself
cursed by that girl.
They fixed that wedding,
trusting your word.
Now do whatever you want.
-Yes, Sister.
What's happening?
Everything is getting ready. Now we're
just waiting to get the cash in hand.
I called to say that...
the wedding is going
to happen, right?
So if we clean and
paint the house now,
that will be done with.
It will be really great if we could get
some of the money you owe us, right now.
Sister, you can start
the painting works.
I'll bring the money.
I can give you a loan.
But after submitting the documents,
it will take 15 working days.
I've brought some money
for the time being.
Let the works happen, for now.
We'll have such a delay,
because the amount is quite huge.
You do one thing.
If you have gold or something,
bring that.
I'll sanction the
loan within one hour.
If we had gold, there are other people
to give us money in five minutes.
This is how it is here.
If you can get it outside,
do that.
Let's go.
how can I give you so much money,
until all this is sold?
Please try somehow.
You do one thing.
Call me after two weeks.
We'll see if we can
arrange something by then.
So you're leaving, right?
Hey Jayakrishnan!
What the hell are you doing?
She's calling me all the time.
I'm trying!
We'll try to arrange it.
I have to join tomorrow.
Won't you come back on the 24th?
That means you're not
coming to drop me.
Get into the car.
I'll drop you home.
It's already the 20th of the month.
But we haven't got any money yet.
During such a crisis,
why are you behaving like this?
Couldn't you say no,
back then itself?
You wouldn't have had to run
around like this now then.
More than buying it,
my priority is to arrange the
money for the wedding somehow.
They fixed the wedding,
trusting our word alone.
But you didn't give
your word alone, right?
Where is he now?
That Varkey?
I am calling him now.
I can't reach him, as usual!
Didn't Varkey come today?
He came in the morning,
took all the money and went somewhere.
Who knows where he went!
Hey! Did Varkey come here?
No. He didn't come today.
Yes, Sister.
Ichayan wants to talk to you.
Shall I put him on?
Okay, Sister.
Ichaya, here you go.
We should keep our promise
made to the groom's family.
My daughter has to live
here in the future as well.
I decided everything,
trusting you!
Don't worry, Ichaya.
Everything will happen well.
-I'll call you later.
Hey Shahrukh!
For how long will you
live as a slave to Malayalis?
Shall we start a Spa in the town?
I'll invest the necessary funds.
You know your job, right?
We'll deal this in a partnership.
No, brother.
Let me live my life somehow.
I know that you
were born a scoundrel!
But, you shouldn't have
done this at this time!
Keep whitening your face here!
Now it's upon me to
do everything, right?
You're a fraud, huh?
You can arrange at least
some money, right?
Well, I understand.
But still...
if you try really hard...
Shall I call you again tomorrow?
What's happening?
What's going to happen?
I think your problem will be solved,
only if you get someone who
can pay ready cash all at once.
it's my responsibility
alone now, right?
-Hey! I...
-You don't say anything.
I'm trying in every way I can!
Here! There's no one left on this
phone's contact list to ask for money.
What more should I do now?
We have come with a solution.
There's no point in arguing
with each other now.
This is not as simple a
problem as you both think.
How much have we
paid them so far?
We paid 1 Lakh initially.
Then, 4 Lakhs...
Altogether, we've paid them 5 Lakhs.
You've paid them 5 Lakhs.
You paid 5 Lakhs.
And you have to pay
the remaining 25 Lakhs.
Who's going to give
so much money now?
Or else, you'll have to
mortgage your title deed.
Or there's someone else!
Ashraf Hajiyar, who's
into cement business.
Hajiyar will understand the
seriousness of the situation.
And since the amount
we need is quite high,
you will have to register the title
deed of your house in his name.
We were about to mortgage it
at the bank anyway, right?
Is registering a sale deed
to someone, like a bank loan?
It's a dangerous plan!
It's a dangerous plan indeed!
I know!
But, in our present situation,
we have no other way to make so much
money, and we don't have time either.
If you are okay,
I'll introduce you
to Hajiyar tomorrow.
Rest will depend
upon your smartness.
Only Hajiyar can help you now.
Jayakrishnan, there's
nothing to think about.
The problem will be solved
if we repay the principal amount
and interest within 3 months.
we had already decided
to take a loan, right?
Let's go and see.
You've landed yourselves
in a complex situation.
Shouldn't you think twice before
setting forth to do such things?
It just happened somehow, Ikka.
If you could do something...
What you said is true.
I have money with me.
But lending or borrowing
money on interest,
is against our faith.
So I can't do anything to
help you, in this matter.
My dear Ikka,
please don't say that.
You should help us somehow.
We've come here
with a lot of hopes.
Please don't abandon us.
Giving money after registering a
plot in my name, is not my business.
Ikka, only you can help
them in this situation.
It's the matter of a girl's life.
And they don't have the time
to find someone else either.
The plot we spoke about,
belongs to Jayakrishnan.
You won't have any risk.
Why don't you come and see it?
We'll buy it back
within three months.
And... the amount we need
right now is Rs. 25 Lakhs.
And that plot is worth double
that money for sure.
They're in deep trouble, Ikka.
If you can do something,
please do it.
I'll come there after
offering the Asr prayer.
I'll see this property
you spoke about.
Then I'll see if I
can do something.
-That's all I can say, for now.
-That's enough, Ikka.
But don't depend on me alone.
You can try other ways too.
[phone ringing]
-Whose name is it in?
-Mine, my mother's and my sister's.
I'm not going to give
money on interest anyway.
But I'll tell you
something I can do.
I will buy this property.
I don't have time to register it
and then register it back again.
what are you saying?
I just told what I can do.
That too, only because
you compelled me so much.
If you want to buy a property,
why don't you check out
the property we bought?
It's an amazing property.
We bought it for 1.75 Lakhs per cent.
You can buy it for that rate.
That's not necessary.
It's not because I'm
in need of land now.
I just felt like helping you,
when I understood your situation.
And I liked this house
and property as well.
[phone ringing]
It's that girl's wedding,
5 days from now.
Do you think someone else
will come if we let him go?
This is your last hope.
Don't forget that.
It's all solid wood.
I can't handle this tension anymore.
Tell him that I am ready to sell it.
I will tell him.
He has agreed to sell it.
Hey! Come here.
Now you quote a price, Ikka.
Price? I'll give the amount
which they are in need of.
You need 25 Lakhs, right?
I will give that.
If you say okay,
we can register the title deed immediately.
But Ikka..
Think about it really well.
But I can give ready cash!
That's a really low price, Ikka.
This property is near the town, right?
We can get at least 50 Lakhs
easily for this property.
That's your price.
I told you my price.
Only if you are okay with it.
But I am giving you ready cash, right?
Decide quickly.
I need to go to the Mosque.
Hey Jayakrishnan!
What the hell are you doing?
Why aren't you picking up
Jacob Achayan's wife's calls?
She has been pestering me.
Look! She's calling again!
Pick up and talk to her!
Jayakrishnan, you're tormenting
an ailing man. Don't forget that.
We set forth to do this,
only because we trusted your word.
There's not even a week
left for the wedding.
I'm not able to face my
daughter, Jayakrishnan!
What should I tell
all the people here?
The wedding won't be cancelled
because of me, for sure.
Dude, he's taking
advantage of our situation.
But we don't have any other option.
I'll sell it.
We'll give it.
We can register the title
deed whenever you want.
But I need to talk to
your mother before that.
You can talk to her.
But my mom shouldn't know,
what price I'm selling it for.
This is Ashraf Hajiyar.
He has agreed to buy this property.
So we thought we'll fix this.
You don't have any
objection, right?
He shouldn't be the
cause of a girl's tears.
We can earn money
and wealth anytime.
That's all I have to say.
I wanted to know that.
There's a Vendor Kariyachan who
writes title deeds at Petta.
I know him.
Give the documents to him then.
After that, tomorrow or day after,
just let me know when.
Please come.
Do you need a token advance now?
No. You can give the
full amount together.
Is that okay?
-Where have you reached?
Is the train late?
Call me when you're
about to reach Kottayam.
-I'll come there.
Was there any case
upon this property?
If you ask so...
There was a case when
my father was alive.
But it was over back then itself,
and the judgement was in our favour too.
-What's the problem, sir?
The case might be over.
But the attachment on this property,
hasn't been lifted yet.
When there's a dispute over a property,
the petitioner naturally obtains an order
to attach the property from the court,
so that the opposite party cannot sell
or hand over the property to anyone else.
This property has
such an attachment.
Won't your be able to sort
this out somehow, sir?
This is not something like that.
Even if I give you the
tax receipt from here,
the same attachment will be at
the sub-registrar's office too.
Since that's there,
you cannot trade or
sell this property.
[Tax receipt paid by Narendran, s/o
Kalarikkal Sivaraman, in the year 2000]
This is just a clerical matter.
Since the case is over,
there are no other hurdles
to lift the attachment.
You just have to obtain an order.
Give the case number
and details and go.
Call me after two weeks.
Oh no, sir! We can't
wait for two weeks!
We need it today or tomorrow.
That's not possible.
The court is on vacation now.
So, nothing is possible until
the Christmas vacation is over.
Oh no, sir!
We must get it at
least by tomorrow.
What's the urgency?
The vacation court is
the only option now.
But they accept only
emergency cases over there.
Hey! Just call James at the Munsif
Court and ask him to enquire there.
Okay, sir.
You will have to spend some money!
That's not a problem, sir.
We can arrange the funds.
I just want this to happen somehow.
James is the one who
goes as a messenger,
for such out-of-court
You should give the
case details to him.
He will keep everything ready.
I'll call and tell him.
The Collectorate March led by
RDP leader Pious Paruthikkadan,
will happen on December 30th.
Against the inhuman
acts of this Government,
At what time should we reach there?
Don't hurry, man!
We'll reach now.
Ask him to come with the file.
What happened, man?
He's the driver of
a superfast bus.
He joined just 2 days back.
He had the flashlight on and went
head on to the Judge's car.
And the Judge got really angry.
We've been asked to
wait here since morning.
We can leave only in the evening.
The Judge seems to be
really sweet, right?
Munsif Court, Eeraattupetta.
Your Honour,
the decree is already been passed by the
Honourable Munsif Court of Eeraattupetta.
So the attachment may be lifted,
Your Honour.
It's an old case, right?
Get it from the Munsif Court itself.
The petitioner has to
make an urgent land deal.
The vacation court is
not meant for such cases.
The judgement was passed, right?
Get the order to lift the attachment
from there, after the vacation.
You didn't say it strongly, Advocate!
If you had explained the situation clearly,
the Judge would have agreed.
Hey! To deliver long
monologues and get applause,
this is not the court
seen in the movies.
Just like I felt like helping you,
the Court should also feel so.
Only you can do that now.
Keep it on the bench,
post lunch.
Hey! They are coming.
-What happened?
-We got the memo.
-When do you need the order?
-The registration has to happen tomorrow itself.
As James said,
we should take this to Petta Court,
as soon as possible.
This order is enough, right?
We can give the order for
the village office, by hand.
But the order for
the sub-registrar,
can only be sent as a
registered post from the court.
If it's sent today,
will he get it tomorrow itself?
But it's already 3:30 PM.
If you go immediately,
that will be done,
and everything else will be done too.
-Shall we drop in here and go?
-We're going there only.
Send this order immediately, man.
It's been 10 minutes
since the post was sent.
Sort this out somehow.
-It's really urgent.
Give him something!
Yes, Sister.
Everything is sorted.
We can do the registration
tomorrow itself.
Please bring your
documents in the morning.
And you can come to the
office for registration,
after 1 PM in the afternoon.
Our documents are
with Mary Sister,
who writes title deeds in
her office near the theatre.
Can you collect it from there?
Okay, Sister.
I'll go there in the morning then.
-Look who's here!
-Hey Jayakrishnan!
What all are you doing?
Please don't ask me
anything now, sister.
I will tell you after
everything is over.
Jayetta, you should think
about my situation as well.
I don't have any idea how
all this is going to end.
You could have asked my father
at least once, before doing this.
Only the engagement is over now.
Don't forget that
we're not married yet.
Don't you have anything to say?
I will call you later.
-What is it?
I'm really worried
about our daughter.
Don't imagine things unnecessarily.
I heard that Jayakrishnan
is in some deep trouble.
First of all, he
doesn't have a good job.
If he's playing some reckless game,
our daughter's life
will be ruined, right?
You should call him
and talk to him.
I don't think this
is going to end well.
Described in the
list mentioned below,
at Block 43 of Ilanjippara village,
in Meenachil Taluk,
resurvey 118/1,
21.856 cents of the east side of
54 cents of the scheduled property,
west of the property of
Thekkuvadakkathi Mandapam,
south of the property of
the above-mentioned,
east of the Panchayat road,
and north of the
rest of the land.
It has been decided to grant the sale deed
of this property to the above mentioned.
So, if you need anything,
just call me.
Nothing more is required, son.
I'll handle this.
-Won't you reach on time, Sister?
-Yes, we'll be there, Jayakrishnan.
-Shall we leave then? -Okay.
Let's go.
[Mini Civil Station, Meenachil]
[Mohankumar V
Get the thumb impression.
You carry on.
Sir, has our registered post reached?
It hasn't reached.
Please wait outside.
Get his too.
What happened?
Our registered post
hasn't reached yet.
He hasn't got it?
Let me call our Advocate.
Our order hasn't reached here.
The buyer will be here for
registration in some time.
Jayakrishnan, send someone here.
I'll get you a copy of the
order we sent from the court.
Try to get the registration done
with that, for the time being.
I'll send Aashaan.
You should go to the
Advocate's office immediately.
He'll give you the copy of
the order we got yesterday.
Please bring it.
-Aashan, I'll also come with you.
-You can drink it later.
Come, let's go.
-Hey! Do you want tea?
-Tea for two, Sister.
So milk-water for him,
and tea for me.
Jayakrishnan, the order which was sent
yesterday should be here by now, right?
-That quarry's sale is almost done.
-Hey! Jacob Achayan is here.
They sold it to my man finally.
Bye then.
-Hi Sister.
-Come, sit down.
Hajiyar will reach now.
We'll be downstairs. Come!
We'll be right back.
Hey! Take care of Ichayan.
We've got the copy.
-Let me just...
I'll bring it, sir.
The order hasn't reached.
Wait outside.
No, sir.
I've brought a copy of the order.
What's your name?
You should understand
something, Jayakrishnan.
This is a court matter.
So we can't do anything hastily.
How can I believe that you
haven't manipulated this?
We don't know each other, right?
Oh no, sir.
I haven't...
This is a Government office.
We have our own due procedures.
We can work only according to that.
You said the court has
sent the order, right?
Let it come.
Wait outside until then.
Wait outside.
So you call him today itself.
Everything else is okay.
He's not agreeing to
do it with this copy.
Let's do one thing.
I'll try talking to Xavier.
Who is Rajesh?
Check if this is okay.
Sit there.
This is my mother.
-Who's this Abdu Rahman?
-My husband.
So ask him to come. This
can be done only then!
He's abroad.
-He has to come if this has to be registered.
-But sir...
I want to drink some water.
What is it?
Your mom wants to
drink some water.
We'll be right back.
We'll be back.
Hey! Everything is okay, right?
-Nothing is okay.
The registrar is saying that
he can't accept this copy.
What if he forgot to
send it yesterday?
Then I'll go and enquire
at the post office.
Let the survey be done on the 27th.
There are no other hindrances.
Sit down, Ikka.
Have you brought all the
documents I asked for?
Give it.
Here you go, sir.
-We can get it done tomorrow.
-Okay sir.
What happened?
Everyone is here, right?
Shall we start then?
One more person has to come.
He'll come now.
-Dude, that postman rascal is not here.
Try requesting once again.
We don't know if his intention
is to get some bribe, right?
I'll try talking to him.
Should I come?
Take a copy of the prior document.
You might need it later.
Can't you understand
what I'm saying?
You wait outside.
Let the order come.
Sir, please listen to me.
I have struggled really hard,
and overcame so many problems,
to come before you.
You should get this
registration done today, sir.
Tomorrow is a holiday
as it is Christmas, sir.
I'm saying this out
of my helplessness.
Each person who comes here has
a hundred problems and needs.
If I try to listen to all that,
can I do my job?
Just wait outside.
Oh no, sir!
With the money that I
get by selling this,
we have to conduct
a girl's wedding.
I have heard many stories like this.
Go say this to someone outside.
-Get their thumb impressions.
-I'm saying the truth, sir.
Go! Go!
Wait outside.
Get the impressions.
If you want to talk on the phone,
do it outside.
The postman is saying that he gave
the registered post over there.
Shall I put him on?
You talk to him.
Please talk to him.
There were three posts in total
to the registrar office today.
One of them was the registered
post from Eeraattupetta Court.
I gave all three to
the registrar himself.
I've given it before 12 PM.
Sir, I was told that the post
has already reached here.
Who told you?
From the post office...
-Did the postman say so?
Hey! Did we get any post today?
Yes, sir.
All this nuisance when I
have a hundred things to do!
Ah! I think it's this one.
This is your order indeed.
But there's a problem. This one doesn't
have a seal. So I can't register it.
Sir, how can you say that?
You didn't accept the
copy which I brought.
If you say that the order
from the court is not proper,
what can I do?
What can I do without
the court's seal on this?
-Don't interrupt my work. Go outside.
Sir, I'll do everything I can.
I will fall at your feet.
Don't fall at my feet.
Just go outside.
We can't do as we
please in such matters.
If I'm going outside from here,
I am answerable to some people.
You should get this
registration done today.
This registration must happen today.
Oh! Trying to act over-smart?
Okay then! Whatever you say, I won't
do this registration here today!
Let me see what's
going to happen.
Go outside.
He's trying to pull
off a scam and fool me!
I've been doing
this for many years.
I know when trouble is coming.
Go outside.
Coming up with false stories?
I'll be right back.
Aashaan! Why did Hajiyar leave?
I don't know.
Let's go and see. Come!
-A fight at the registrar office.
-A fight?
Come, come!
Jayakrishnan! What
nonsense are you doing?
Let go of him!
Ask him to let go of
me! I'm not holding him!
Jayakrishnan, let go of him!
This is a Government office!
If you go to jail,
you won't even get bail.
What are you doing?
What's the problem?
I told him about our situation!
He doesn't have the
heart to listen to it.
Do you know much I had to
struggle to reach till here?
Move! Move!
What's happening here?
-Hey! It's the police!
-What is this? Leave me!
-Hey! No!
Hey! If you wanted more,
you could have asked me.
I'd have shoved it
down your throat.
-Let go of him!
-Didn't you understand?
It's a bribe case!
The common man cannot live here,
due to the greed of such people.
He wants money to get the
registration done, it seems.
So much greed!
-But I...
-All of you go outside.
Send everyone outside.
All of you step outside!
Don't worry about anything.
He will figure out a way.
You can go for the time being.
You still haven't told
me what happened here.
If we leave, how will
the registration happen?
It's nothing, Sister.
There will be a delay for
the document to be ready.
You needn't tire yourself
waiting here till then, right?
We can come back
when it's ready.
You should charge a
case against him, sir.
He has attacked a Government official,
in a Government office.
Sir, a Government office is
meant to help the common man.
And not to torture us like this.
Hey! It's the Advocate.
Jayakrishnan, that order does
not need a seal from the court.
The Sheristadar has signed it and sent
it to him directly as a registered post.
And if he's saying that he
can't do it with that order,
whatever that reason may be,
get it from him in writing.
I'll file a case for contempt
of court against him.
You can charge a case against me.
he has to give it to me in writing,
the reason why he can't do the
registration with this order.
Well, am I supposed to
give that in writing?
Sir, you can state the reason in writing.
There's no other problem, right?
-Well, problem..
Let him give it to me in writing.
I'll take him to court with that.
I will make him answer in court,
for all the problems,
which includes stopping
that girl's wedding too.
The rest can wait till then.
-But Jayakrishnan...
-Sir, just a minute.
What is this, Jayakrishnan?
Hey Xavier!
Talk to him and sort this out.
No! Since the Sheristadar has signed it,
the seal is not necessary.
Don't give it in writing,
come what may.
If they go to court with that,
it will be a contempt
of court case.
Got it?
-Xavier, let's compromise this somehow.
-I'll talk to him.
Sir, it's not because
of anything else.
Since you have all intervened,
I'll get this registration done.
-Will your dad buy it now?
Sir, do you know?
How many losses I had to
face to reach till here?
Calm down, man.
Who's the buyer?
I understood all that you said.
But the problem is that...
when I saw that this sale
is not going to happen,
I spent some of the money which I brought,
for another purpose.
-Now there's no money here.
How much do you have now?
You can give the rest later.
I told you, right?
It's not because I need this now.
When they said that it's for a girl's
wedding, I thought I'll help them.
How much did we spend
from the 25 Lakhs?
Two Lakhs!
Two Lakhs?
If the balance amount is fine,
I'll come there.
When you both come and tell me this,
how can I say no, Sirs?
The registration time is over, right?
Is it possible?
That's okay.
I'll get it done.
-It's possible?
Then I'll come there
after going to the Mosque.
Okay then.
Shall we leave?
-So all the problems are solved, right?
Don't charge a case against
me for ransacking the office.
He created all the problems.
For that, he needs to
give me a written apology.
Since he has no complaint,
I'm not charging a case.
Isn't that so, sir?
Come, Jayakrishnan.
Move away.
First you go and get
the registration done.
We can think about
the apology later.
Shall we go?
Just drop them home.
Okay, Aashaan.
Sir, I am leaving then.
I'll call you.
Xavier, what's happening?
-Everything is over, right?
-Yes, sir.
What is this?
Do we need this?
Sir made a small mistake.
Forget it.
Whatever said and done,
he holds such a position, right?
If this is with you,
it will always be a
problem for Sir.
So, we don't need this.
So I'll tear this.
So this is over!
Just a minute.
I didn't get my share.
Yes, commission.
Haven't you heard of it?
Xavier, between us...?
Business is different,
friendship is different.
you were with me all along,
for this?
Of course.
That's how it is, right?
let me give this to them,
and solve this problem.
After that,
I'll give you your commission.
That's not going to happen.
If I don't get it from you now,
I'll be in trouble later.
Give it.
Okay then!
Do you have any more
friends like this?
-Here comes the next one!
Did you know?
-What happened?
The 2 Lakhs that Hajiyar swallowed,
and the 40,000 that bloody
Xavier took from us.
We're short of 2,40,000 again.
Oh! I'm saying that you don't
have to worry about all that.
We made so much, right?
-Let's go and give it.
-We're not giving what we have!
If we can lose everything
and make this much money,
we'll give it back,
only after we make the full amount!
Sell this.
Mom will have the rest.
Mortgage that.
No. Don't trouble her again.
I'll manage it.
Start the car.
No one's home?
They are inside.
What is it, Jayakrishnan?
What do you want now?
I was in some trouble.
Nothing was intentional.
Here's 25 Lakhs.
Tomorrow is a holiday, right?
Shouldn't we register our
property in your name?
Don't worry about that.
Let everything happen well.
We can do the registration
after the wedding.
-Shall we leave?
Whatever had to happen,
has happened.
What's the point feeling
sad about it now?
Try to build a house at the
property in Ambara, at the earliest.
Searching for the
borders of a new sky
Let's go this way and
disappear, far away
Let's search for
another shore
Shining bright like the
morning sun, far away
Don't disappear far away
Won't you come back?
As a petal of a
lullaby, near me
The huge tree was
covered in sunlight
And I came searching for
a shade, without a sound
Did the flowering tree go
away, burning in ember?
As two footprints,
you are all alone
Did someone search near
the half-closed door
Memories that shined
like the morning rays
Did someone cry near
the half-closed door
During the dusks,
in absolute silence?
Did the moonlight on
the edge of my eyes
And my guiding light,
disappear far away?
On this path, on their own
Searching for the
borders of a new sky
Let's go this way and
disappear, far away
Let's search for
another shore
Shining bright like the
morning sun, far away
Don't disappear far away
Won't you come back?
As a petal of a
lullaby, near me
The huge tree was
covered in sunlight
And I came searching for
a shade, without a sound
Did the flowering tree go
away, burning in ember?
Jayakrishnan, son!
I have to tell you something.
What is it, Chechi?
You are all alone
[phone ringing]
Where are you going,
so early in the morning?
Jacob Ichayan is in the
hospital in a serious condition.
-He's in the ICU.
Whatever it is,
tell me and go.
That property in Ambara?
That was in Jacob's
father's name,
and it was registered in Jacob's
name only two months back.
Since the sale was fixed, the
mutation of the property wasn't done.
His sister and brother-in-law are upset
that the land was given only to him.
You know Jacob's
condition, right?
If something happens to him,
and if they claim ownership
over this property,
it will be difficult to get
it registered in your name.
after Jacob's demise,
the ownership will be with
his younger son, as well.
And he is a minor.
Even then, you can't register
the property quickly.
So, as soon as possible,
even if it's tomorrow,
try to get it
registered in your name.
Sister, you should check his vitals.
Okay, Doctor.
Please come to my cabin, Stella.
Doctor, when will he be discharged?
We've started two new medicines.
Let's see how he
responds to them.
Stay confident, Stella.
From such a worse condition,
we brought Jacob till here, right?
And now he's happy that your
daughter's wedding is over.
Everything went well, right?
Doctor is calling you.
Sir, he's here.
Please come.
Stella told me everything.
What are you planning to do,
staying here?
Once Ichayan is discharged...
We can't say anything about the
discharge in this situation.
Can't you get that
registration done over here?
There's such an option, right?
Doctor, I had also thought about it.
.. there are quite a lot
of formalities to do that.
And however we try to do it,
it will take a few days.
Jayakrishnan, I'll tell
you something openly.
In Jacob's present condition,
we can't say anything!
If you can get that registration done,
at least one hour earlier,
you can reduce that much risk.
I'll tell you a way out.
Can you do it?
What is it, Doctor?
Can you arrange an ICU ambulance?
You should take Jacob
to Meenachil in it,
get the registration done
and come back.
But you need to get Stella's consent.
Isn't that too risky?
As if...
you're not at all
at risk right now?
Shut up!
When Ichayan is ill
here, you want to...
get a land sale done?
Don't you have any decency?
Jayakrishnan, come.
Where do these guys come from!
-We want to see Jacob Achayan.
We didn't register the
property in his name, right?
Now he needs to get the
property registered urgently.
Jayakrishnan is saying that he has
found a way to get it registered.
You want to remove it?
Can you remove his mask?
My daughter's wedding
was my greatest desire.
I was afraid whether I would die
without being able to see it.
The help that you did
to make it happen...
I won't forget anything.
I know about the losses you
had to face because of it.
I don't have the health to
get up and come from here.
If there's some other way,
please proceed.
I am ready to do anything.
Oh no!
Oh no! Sister!
Close it.
As Stella has given her consent,
we are safe,
if something happens
to Jacob on the way,
the moral responsibility
of that, will be yours.
Oh no!
-We're in trouble, Jayakrishnan.
That scoundrel is saying that
he won't come downstairs.
Oh no, Chechi! Ask him
to come down somehow.
I tried telling him.
He's adamant that he
won't come down for you.
What is it, Jayakrishnan?
What happened?
-What happened?
-That Registrar won't come downstairs.
Oh God!
You have such rotten luck, Jayakrishnan!
Why did you even think
of setting out to do this?
-Aashaan, please call the SI.
-Stop! Stop!
-Pay your insurance dues at least.
At least your family
can benefit from it.
-Hello sir.
Sir, he's not coming downstairs.
Didn't I tell you that he
will put me in trouble?
How much time do you
need to reach there?
I'll be there in fifteen minutes.
Not just him!
I'll get even his dad out from there!
Don't worry about it.
Just come!
Okay, sir.
I'll come.
Hold this.
Ask them to start the vehicle.
Start the vehicle!
Come on!
Resign and step down!
Lead us bravely, our leader Paruthikkadan!
There are millions behind you!
Hail RDP!
Hail RDP!
Kerala has never seen such a rotten rule!
O' corrupt Chief Minister,
resign and step down!
An ambulance is coming to the civil
station, with an emergency case.
Give them pilot escort
to cross the town.
-Okay sir.
Hail Paruthikkadan!
Hail RDP!
Hail RDP!
[slogans continue]
Both of you go downstairs.
One of you stand near the gate.
See to it that other
vehicles don't block it.
Clear all the people from there.
That's enough!
Come, sir...
This registration is happening
with his full consent, right?
Stamp pad.
The tax register had an error.
-I have corrected it.
-Okay sir.
Thumb impression.
Over here.
Your signature too.
God is with us, Aashaan.
We should be thanking that Doctor.
That's true.
If we were late by 12 hours,
we wouldn't have been able
to stand here like this.
Did you know?
Hajiyar re-sold our house
and property for 45 Lakhs.
Shabari railway.
It will pass right through
the middle of your property.
The survey was
done 10 years back.
Will it be a problem?
There's no problem in
building a house now.
This is presented in
every Government budget.
If funds are allocated
for this project someday,
Indian Railway will demolish
your house then!
This should remain between us.
Come on!
I need to meet Xavier.
Why do you want to meet Xavier?
After doing all this without
thinking about its consequences,
you lost your only house,
and you don't have money
to build a new one either.
You know everything, right?
You should sell this
for me, somehow.
This is the property, Ikka.
They bought it for
1.75 Lakhs per cent.
Due to his present condition,
we can get it for 1.5 Lakhs.
If you want to buy land, why don't
you check out the land we bought?
It's a great property.
We bought it for 1.75 Lakhs per cent.
You can buy it for that rate.
How many cents is this, in total?
54 cents, in total.
This road will be
widened in two years.
If you buy it now,
and build a commercial building,
you can change the
face of this junction!
Moreover, it will
always be an asset.
Let's go.
'Ammini Tea Stall
You bought it because
I told you then, right?
And now it's an asset for you.
The central railway budget will be
presented in the Parliament today.
Kerala is hoping for the
Shabari rail project.
[Central Railway budget - 1642 Crores
commissioned for Shabari Rail project]
[The above-mentioned]
Sister, Payasam.
Take it, sister.
[Shabari Railway is becoming a reality]
- How many cents is your school situated on?
Shouldn't you know that?
-Ikka, Payasam.
-Hi dear.
Thank you.
[Devotional song for Lord Ayyappa]