Mera Saaya (1966) Movie Script

" Look what has happened
to my daughter, doctor"
What has happened to Geeta?
Geeta has been so ill and
you didn't even inform me
l'm not a magician to wave a wand
and cure the patient immediately
How was l to know that
it was such a serious disease?
l thought it was just a fever.
- But you ought to have informed me
" Before going abroad, Thakur saheb
entrusted the responsibility..."
" of this family to me. lf something
goes wrong, what will l tell him?"
" Munshiji, don't just stand
and watch my face"
" Call the nursing home for oxygen.
... wait, l'll make the call"
lmmediately send a cable that
Geeta is seriously ill...
and that Thakur saheb must
return to lndia immediately
" My daughter will recover...
won't she, doctor?"
" l'm back, Geeta. l'm here"
Wherever you set foot...
My shadow will walk with you
My shadow...
A memorial for Geeta
lt looks like the lnspector
" Greetings, lnspector saheb.
- Greetings. How are you, Munshiji?"
ls the Thakur saheb at home
- Yes. ls it something important?
" Yes, it's important. lt's necessary
for me to meet him"
But he doesn't consider it
necessary to meet anyone
lt's like this...
- Ever since his wife died...
neither does he meet anyone
nor does he go anywhere
l know that. Just tell him
that lnspector Daljit is here
That's no good. Neither can you
meet him nor can he meet you
" Greetings, lnspector.
- Greetings"
" Are you here to meet the Thakur?
- Yes, it's very important..."
or l wouldn't have bothered you.
- l'm glad you have come
He'll at least find a distraction.
Please come
Missing me...
should your tears ever flow...
Missing me...
should your tears ever flow...
They will be stopped right there...
by my tears
Every place you head to...
my shadow will move with you
Wherever you choose to go...
my shadow will go with you
This is how he has been
He's always gazing at Geeta's portrait
and listening to her song
He just doesn't eat anything
He prefers to remain like this
The lnspector wants to meet you
Please sit down.
- Thank you
Do you recognise her?
This is Geeta's photo. With you...?
- No. lt's not her photo
Please listen carefully to
what l wish to say to you
" Presently, we're dealing
with a very strange case"
We recently had an encounter
with a gang of bandits
" During the encounter,
two bandits were killed..."
and a fleeing girl was arrested
Arrest them! Don't let them escape
" Does anyone of you recognise them?
- No, sir"
You needn't be afraid.
They're dead
Don't be scared. Go closer
and take a look
" What's there to be scared of?
- Forgive me, sir..."
only the police don't know them
" Or else, every child in the
village is scared of them"
They're bandits from
Suryavar Singh's gang
They're feared far and wide.
They've killed hundreds of men
" But, sir... you have accomplished
only half the job yet"
Why only half?
- You ought to have got their chief
" lf he lives, he'll form another gang."
There's nothing to be scared of
They won't form a gang anymore
Get down
Anyone of you knows this girl?
Anyone of you knows her?
Raise the lamp
l know
Very well too
" At the Goddess's fair last year,
she was dancing near the temple"
lt was night time
My ear-ring fell down...
My ear-ring fell down...
at the marketplace in Bareilly
My ear-ring fell...
at the marketplace in Bareilly
" My lover came home quietly,
with his gaze lowered"
" He insisted on making me
wear the ear-ring"
" l begged him and told him
not to force me"
" l begged him and implored,
but he wouldn't let go of my wrist"
What happened then?
Then...? My ear-ring fell...
in the scuffle we had
My ear-ring fell...
" in the marketplace
at Bareilly"
l once stood on the roof of my house
He joked and told me to come down
" Either come down, or throw me
your ring as a souvenir"
There on the roof...
l blushed and felt so very shy
What happened then?
The ear-ring fell...
while we fell in love
The ear-ring fell...
at the marketplace
in Bareilly'
" ln the garden, my lover
sorted out my knotted tresses"
" He held me tightly and said
he was smitten by me"
" l lowered my eyes,
but l said nothing..."
" l said nothing,
l only smiled..."
" when my lover teased me
we got into a fight..."
there was a fight
What happened then?
" The ear-ring fell...
why must l say how"
" The ear-ring fell in
the marketplace at Bareilly"
She's a bandit! Don't let her go!
She's no woman. She's a witch!
She's a slur on womanhood. A slut!
" Silence, Chaudhary!"
" Constable, record
Chaudhary saheb's testimony"
Seize and list the things from
where this woman was arrested
She looks just like Geeta
- But she says she's Geeta
" You know my wife is...
- l know that very well, Thakur saheb"
But this woman has told the
police that she's your wife
My wife...?
- Yes
" lt's clear, Thakur Saheb"
She bears a strong resemblance
to your wife...
and she's taking advantage of it.
She wants to enact this farce...
and escape the noose
So l've arranged an identification
parade at the police station tomorrow
lf you could come there with
the people in your house...
her lies could be exposed and
it would strengthen our case
Open the door
You... come here
Yes. Come here
Go on
Sit down there
She looks just like Geeta
" Whenever the mistress was upset,
that's how she always sat down"
What's our mistress doing here?
- Moron! Are you high?
" She's a bandit, the
mistress's look-alike"
She wants to take the mistress' place
- Doesn't she have a place of her own?
Moron! You're going to sink me too!
Let's go
l ask you one last time. Will you be
able to the recognise the Thakur?
" l told you, l'm his wife"
" Thakur saheb, please come in"
lt's not him.
- So who else is it?
l don't know
You may go
No 2
lsn't that the Thakur too?
" You're lying! Who's he,
if not the Thakur?"
How would l know. l...
- You said you are his wife!
" lt isn't him, l say! lt isn't !"
You may go
No 3
l'm glad you've come! Take me away!
Tell them that you know me
Tell them that l'm your wife.
He thinks l'm lying
Am l not your wife...?
" l was tired, waiting for you"
l counted every passing moment
l longed for you to come
and take me away
Why're you so late...?
Why're you looking at me like that?
What's wrong?
lt's me... Geeta!
Your wife!
So Thakur saheb... is this woman
your wife? Or isn't she?
No! Please don't leave me!
For God's sake!
lt's me... Geeta!
l'm your wife
" Please don't leave here.
For God's sake, take me away!"
l can't live without you.
Please don't leave me
l'll die without you!
" Aunt, don't you recognise me too?
lt's me... your very own Geeta!"
You aren't Geeta.
She never called me aunt
" Yes, l forgot. Everyone else
in the house called your aunt"
" When l once called you aunt,
you rebuked me"
You said l must call you Ma.
l started calling you Ma
lsn't that right?
" Sargam, please say something!
Tell him that you know me"
Remember? There hasn't been
a day in 3 years...
when we haven't spoken in the day
What are you looking at me for?
Tell him that you know me!
Don't you recognise your mistress?
My mistress was an angel. Don't even
utter her name with your filthy tongue
" Come on, aunt
- Don't leave me here. Please!"
Hear me out... l'm Geeta!
" You know, Rakesh is always lost
in his wife's memories"
That's right.
- Her funeral pyre...
" hasn't even cooled yet, and
you've started all this"
l'm terribly sorry to have asked
the Thakur and you to come here
" But believe me, l'm helpless too.
l must get over these formalities"
l have a request. Please don't
call Rakesh here again
l want him to overcome
his sorrow
" lf you keep calling him here, he will
never be able to overcome his grief"
" l'll do my best, believe me"
l have all the sympathies
for the Thakur
" As far as possible, l won't
ask him to come here again"
Thank you. Good bye.
- Good bye
The kohl in my eyes...
shines like lightening
" Embrace me please, my love"
As if they hold intoxicating wine...
my two eyes are full of mischief
They shall keep hiding...
behind my eye-lashes
l shall feel shy...
and give you an intoxicating look
l'm madly in love
l'm the woman of your dreams
" Coming from our
previous lifetime..."
l'm your beloved
" Accept me as yours
in this lifetime too"
The kohl in my eyes...
shines like lightening
" Embrace me please, my love"
The Thakur has said it in plain words
that she's not his wife
The proceedings in the court
begin tomorrow
lt's necessary for us
to get to her
Come what may
What a nut you are! l told you l
didn't put my hand in anyone's pocket
You're here again...?
What has she done this time?
" She put her hand in a man's pocket,
right outside our police station"
" When he caught her at it,
she started abusing him"
" Lock her up in the cell.
- This guy's blind, lnspector"
" Ask him to put on glasses!
- Move it, old lady..."
Get up
Case No. 227.
State versus Suryavar Singh
The charges levelled against you
will be read out to you
You are charged for
colluding with bandits...
" Ganga Singh and lshwar Singh
who fell to police bullets,..."
" and Suryavar Singh, who is
a fugitive of the law..."
with whom you formed a gang with the
intention of robbing and killing
" On the night of January 24,
in village Alouni..."
you raided the liquor shop
of one Jhumarmal Paumal
Under the pretext
of performing a dance...
you and your gang assembled the
villagers at one place...
and helped your other accomplices
to rob the place
" Besides, you stabbed and wounded
the village chief with your dagger"
" Under Sections of 1 20, 396 and 326
of the lndian Penal Code..."
you will be tried in court
l have concluded my arguments
in this case yesterday
l have even presented
the eye-witnesses
" lf the accused has something to
say in defense, she may go ahead"
You have heard the charges
framed against you
Do you confess to your crimes?
Please do not speak in gestures
The court would like to
hear you narrate your version
Do not be afraid. Until
your crime is proved...
the court will consider you
innocent and blameless
l once again ask you:
do you confess to your crime?
" No, l have not committed any crime.
l'm innocent"
l'm not the woman against whom
these charges are being framed
" l'm the wife of the renowned
lawyer, Thakur Rakesh Singh"
" Your Honour, Thakur Rakesh
Singh's wife is dead"
Thakur Rakesh Singh was called to
the police station for identification
And he stated there that
the accused is not his wife
Let's concede that Thakur Rakesh Singh
does not take his woman for his wife
But whether this woman
is indeed his wife or not...
" will be decided by this court,
not Thakur Rakesh Singh"
" lf you wish, you can appoint a
competent lawyer to contest your case"
l've just said that my husband
is himself a renowned lawyer
l don't need any other lawyer
Thakur Rakesh Singh will come
to this court only as a witness
lt's obvious that he cannot fight
this case for the accused
Would you like to consult
another lawyer?
" You can present your own defense,
if you wish to"
l'd like that
Do you have any witnesses?
My witness is none other than
my husband Thakur Rakesh Singh
lssue summons in the name
of Thakur Rakesh Singh
You people are heartless.
My son is already suffering...
and you want him to appear in court.
He has already said it...
in the police station that he
does not know that woman
And you bring summons for him.
- l can't help it. That's the law
l only follow orders
Where is the Thakur?
l must serve these summons to him
He's in his room upstairs.
Follow me
What was that woman saying
at the police station?
She said she was our mistress.
- Wonderful
" ln which case, we must
bring her home"
Moron! Our mistress is dead.
- So who was she?
She's a bandit.
- But she said she's our mistress
That's because she wants to
take our mistress' place
" We must help her then, isn't it?
- What nonsense!"
The Thakur is lonely
" lf she comes over, the Thakur
will be happy again"
ldiot! How many opium pills
have you swallowed?
- Have another and make a move
What was the lady saying
in court?
Didn't you get it?
Do you want me to explain?
Suppose your father had died.
- Let him die
And your Mom is young and rich.
- But she isn't
- My mother
Suppose she is. And someone claims
to be her husband. Then?
l'd clobber the bastard...
- Enough! Enough
Do you get it now?
So make a move
- lt isn't a season for that!
lt's time for this Sargam.
Take a look
She's asking for me!
Me too!
We aren't so ignorant
We'll find a way
Where does she go from there daily?
- Let her go
" This is where she'll
come back, isn't it?"
And she'll say...
" To me, she'll say, " Bankeji..."
Now make your move
" Munshiji, what was the lady
saying in court?"
" Doctor, one spoonful of sugar?
- Yes, just one spoon"
Right too
" We get great tea at your place, sir.
What brand do you use?"
l won't tell you the name.
- Why not?
lt at least brings you over somehow
lt's good for my health to
spend some time with you
Thank you.
- We get to discuss so many things
Or it's the same old story
of crime and criminals
" Believe me, l spend a whole day
standing in the court"
" You're right, it takes patience.
l'm fed up with just one case"
What are we to do with this woman?
We've examined over a dozen witnesses.
And every kid in town knows...
that the Thakur's wife is dead.
But this woman continues to say...
that she's the Thakur wife.
She's just not scared
Why would a woman who
isn't scared of bullets...
" be scared of a lawyer's arguments?
- That's okay, lnspector."
But she has made a very big mistake.
- What?
She has got Rakesh Singh to attend
the court as her witness
But she doesn't know what a great
lawyer she's dealing with
lt'll be difficult for her
to face him even for 2 hours
Come on
Thakur Rakesh Singh
" Say it on oath, " l will speak only
the truth and nothing but the truth"
" l will speak only the truth
and nothing but the truth"
Your name?
- Thakur Rakesh Singh
Do you recognise the accused?
Take a careful look at her.
She claims to be your wife
ls that true?
- lt's a lie
My wife is dead
So the accused's claim of being
your wife is not true?
The accused's claim is
absolutely false and baseless
" What bigger proof do we need than
the witness, the accused flaunts..."
who denies in no uncertain terms
that she's his wife?
Which means that the accused
is indeed a killer and a bandit
The charges pressed against her
are absolutely right
l request the court...
not to let the accused waste any
more of the court's precious time
Would you like to question Thakur
Rakesh Singh to defend yourself?
l have some questions for him
l hope he will
answer them truthfully
" l don't want to waste
time, Your Honour"
Everybody knows that my wife is dead.
And l don't want anyone...
to raise questions about my late wife.
lt would hurt my feelings
" l tell you once again, Your Honour.
l don't know this woman"
" Thakur Rakesh Singh, just as the
court gave you a patient hearing..."
l wish to give this woman an
opportunity to present her defense
All you have to do is to answer
the questions she asks you
What do you want to ask him?
l want to know...
l mean... what will l ask him?
" Your Honour, l can't understand
what this woman wants to ask me"
l want to know...
how is this possible?
You can't do this
l think she doesn't want
to ask me anything
She's wasting the court's time
You need not be afraid. Relax.
And ask him whatever you want to
You will be given an opportunity
to have your say
Do you remember...
- What?
lt's three years since
we were married
You were never married to me
" Yes, it's three years
since l was married"
Our wedding was held according
to vedic rites
So what's new? All weddings are
held according to vedic rites
We were married on
the 7th of March
l was married on the 7th of March
Why do you look away when
you answer my questions?
Look at me when you answer me.
- l don't think that's necessary
Just ask your questions. l'm
giving the court my reply
" For the sake of your wife, you
don't even want to look at me"
Think of how she looked
You lovingly called her Geeta
and sometimes Geete
You could lay down your life for her.
You loved her with all your heart
l implore you in her name.
Place a hand on your heart...
and tell me... am l not the woman
you were thinking about?
Your wife... Geeta
Answer me... am l not the same woman?
Am l not?
There's no doubt...
that you look just like my wife
Your face looks just like Geeta's
Wherever you choose to tread...
my shadow will walk with you
My shadow...
Missing me...
should you ever shed tears...
" they will be stopped
from flowing..."
by my tears
" Any direction you choose
to take..."
my shadow will follow you
Wherever you go...
my shadow will go with you
My shadow...
Should you be ever be sad...
l'll be sad too
Whether you see me or not...
l'll forever be with you
Wherever you choose to go...
my shadow will move with you
Wherever you go...
my shadow will walk with you
My shadow...
" Mr Lawyer, it's morning already"
" Wake up, you've got to attend court"
Looks like you won't get up
on your own. l'll have to awaken you
What are you doing?
- So wake up
l'd say you go to sleep too.
- You have so much of work to do
l'll do it at the next hearing.
- Next hearing indeed
" You take the house for
your court, do you?"
" Not the court, my love.
l take it for something else"
- A temple of the goddess of beauty.
And you are the goddess.
- Stop flattering me
" Wake up, your tea's getting cold.
- l don't want any tea"
So what do you want to drink?
- What do they drink in the heavens?
So let the nectar flow
from your lips!
ls the court on a holiday?
You're upto mischief in bed
The court is working.
But l'm not going today
What will you do all day
sitting at home like a woman?
ln bed... l'll chat with you
- Shameless man!
What will people at home say?
- She'll say you're so beautiful...
you have me in your clutches
as soon as you've arrived
Maybe that's why she suggested it.
- What?
To visit the temple with you.
- You can go to the temple
Why're you dragging me there?
- You don't understand
So explain it to me
To make a wish.
- To make a wish?
You're so dumb!
" You mean, to wish for a baby?
A little Thakur?"
But what has the junior Thakur
to do with the temple?
That wasn't my idea.
Aunt Radha suggested it
At aunt Radha's behest l married
you. So l'll go to the temple also
You're so lovable!
- Did aunt say that too?
" Don't ask me all that.
Just get up, will you?"
" One little nap, okay?
Make some tea for me..."
l'll join you in five minutes.
- lf you don't ...
l'll pour cold water on you
" Wake up, sir.
You've got to attend the hearing today"
Where did you spring from?
Go and send your mistress
" l don't know what to do, doctor"
You see the condition of my boy.
- l do
He stands glumly before
Geeta's picture...
and spends hours at her memorial
He shuts the doors and listens
to her voice for hours
And this case has now begun.
What will he go through?
Please don't worry.
l'll handle everything
" Doctor, can't we send him away
somewhere? London, France... anyplace"
Going away will take his mind
off these things
He won't need to go anywhere.
This case is a false case
lt'll get over in a
couple of hearings
Thieves can't get away
" Mr Public Prosecutor,
you agree that this woman..."
resembles Thakur Rakesh Singh's wife?
No one disagrees
that she's a look alike
But she claims to be Thakur
Rakesh Singh's wife
And we have proved that
his wife is already dead
Anyone could have known what
you asked Thakur Rakesh Singh
And it does not prove
that you're his wife
Very well
l'll now ask him questions which
will prove that l'm indeed his wife
" Remember, after our wedding, a part of
my sari was jammed in the car's door?"
And you had it freed
When our car had driven
far away from the city...
" we saw the Moon, looking
beautiful in the skies"
You would look at the Moon
and then at me
You suddenly took my hand
and said...
" O Moon, you are
going to be eclipsed"
You will soon hide
But the Moon here with me...
" is the Moon which brings
love and happiness"
" You stand no comparison
with her"
ls that she says true?
- lt's true
" All this is already published
in my novel " Sushma"
She must've taken this extract
from that book
" Thakur saheb, let's agree that
this girl has read your book"
But how would she know that
this what you told your wife?
My chauffeur was driving the car.
He must've spoken about it somewhere
That's possible
ls this hear-say too... ?
- What?
That which l'm going to ask you.
- Go ahead
Do you go to the temple?
Have you never been to a temple?
" Oh yes, l remember"
l went to the temple once.
- Who forced you to go there?
My wife did
Should l tell you how and why
your wife took you to the temple?
" Since you remember everything,
you will also recall..."
that l came to awaken you
that morning
You wanted to sleep
for some more time
" But l didn't agree.
l said, if you didn't wake up..."
l'd pour cold water on you
You forced me to sit down
and tried to placate me
lt was then that l got you to agree
to visit the temple
Do you remember?
l remember it well...
because l'm your wife!
Nobody except me could
know about this
" Nonsense! Of course,
there'd be people who knew"
Word about it had spread in the
locality and people laughed at me
They had got to know that l had
been to the temple to pray for a son
You have been asking him things
everybody would know about
Ask him something that must've
happened only between the two of you
Take off your shirt
" Take off your shirt, l say"
l'll tell you something about
yourself which even you don't know
" To the right on your back,
you have a mole"
" What farce is this, Your Honour?"
She's asking a decent man to take off
his shirt in packed courtroom!
You ought to be thankful that he's
only being asked to take off his shirt
" Why should you object to take off
your shirt, Thakur Saheb?"
" You didn't employ a servant when
l was abroad, did you aunt?"
" Not at all, son"
" You haven't spoken about it after
your dose of opium, have you?"
Please leave
" l remember, sir. When you were away,
there's a burglary in the house"
A burglary?
- Yes. But nothing was stolen
What rubbish are you talking?
Go away
" Aunt...
- Yes, son?"
How could she have known that
l have a mole on my back?
How did that woman get to know that
the boss has a mole on his back?
l didn't tell her.
- You're the best too!
" When you're dead, l'm going to stuff
your body and keep it in a museum"
l hope you and l will be together?
- Shut up!
She's crying
What else will the poor girl do?
She's so very sad
Neither you nor l
pay her any attention
" She can't talk to herself, can she?
Youth is crazy, Bankeji. lt's crazy"
So what are we supposed to do?
- That's just what l'm thinking about
She calls out to both of us
That grace of hers...
- What's grace?
lt's something girls possess.
- Not boys?
Moron! How many pills
have you swallowed?
None as yet.
- So have one now. And make a move
Your move
How did she get to know that
the Thakur has a mole on his back?
How did she get to know that
the Thakur has a mole on his back?
l give up. l've seen the
best of lawyers at work...
but l haven't seen anyone twisting
things like this woman does
" ln 25 years of my practice, l haven't
come across a more complicated case"
" But it's so interesting,
l'm really enjoying it"
" You're enjoying it, Mr Lawyer.
But think of the poor Thakur"
He has lost his wife recently. And
there's a woman who lies in court...
that l'm your wife!
lt would drive anyone mad
" l've told you, Your Honour.
My wife is dead!"
l don't know this woman!
- You do know me. And very well too!
But you're refusing to recognise me
Why don't you admit
that l'm your wife?
Can't you understand what l'm saying?
Are you blind?
" Are you blind, deaf, dumb...?
Here l am, right before you"
" And you say l'm not your wife!
- Yes, you're not my wife!"
You're a cheat. An impostor!
You want to take my wife's place
You want to torment her soul.
But l won't ever let you do that
l'm not answering any questions.
This case is over for me!
Thakur Rakesh Singh
l can't be stern with you
because of your state of mind
But should you do something
like this again...
Can you throw light on how this girl
could know so many details about you?
" l'm myself amazed, Your Honour"
l can say nothing. Nothing
" To prove the fact that l'm his wife,
l wish to present some evidence"
What evidence?
l'll give it to him.
lf the court permits...
l'd like to meet him in privacy
" This lady wants to meet you
in privacy, Thakur saheb"
Do you have any objections?
" No, Your Honour"
l'll meet her
" Please wait...
- What's up, lnspector?"
The Thakur and the girl are
discussing something in privacy
Please go in from that door
The court would like to know what
you and she discussed in privacy
She told me things only a wife
would know about her husband
" Despite that, she can't be my wife"
Because my wife breathed
her last in my arms...
and l personally lit
her funeral pyre
" lf she's claiming to be my wife,
she's lying and deceiving the court"
" As you said, she told you things..."
only a wife would know about
her husband
How would you answer that?
The answer is that this woman
resembles my wife. She's a look-alike
She's trying to take advantage of
that to avoid going to the gallows
" But l wish to end this story
once and for all, Your Honour"
" l wish to prove that this woman is
a cheat, a fraud... she's not my wife"
l would therefore request the court
to allow me to cross-question her
You are here as a witness. How can
you cross-question the accused?
That's bad in law
" l'm a lawyer too, Your Honour. l wish
to appear on behalf of prosecution..."
so l can ask the accused
some questions
Because this is a very strange
and complicated case...
" l give you the permission,
in order to solve it"
Court is adjourned till tomorrow
lt was on this day that happiness
had come to this house
Geeta came here as a bride
The mansion was full of guests
We used to celebrate this day
in such grand style every year
We had so many guests
even last year
The lady sang such a beautiful song
at the party
And today... there's nothing
" Neither do we hear her melodious
voice, nor her chirpy laughter"
Everything is so lonely
What must my boy be going through
You're very fond of taking pictures?
My camera just won't see reason
" lt says, " Just take pictures
of this beautiful girl"
What will you do with
all these pictures?
" A few pictures of
an arrogant beauty"
" lt was what was found
after l died"
Wow! So you're a poet too?
l don't know what you're
going to make out of me
" Darling, if l were a poet, l'd ...
- You'd what?"
Would you say something like...
" Lest the shadow of her eyelashes
pierces my heart"
Wonderful! What next?
" l tell the one
who lingers in my eyes"
Excellent! That's wonderful
" What couplet would l recite,
if not this one?"
You'd say something like this...
" The doe-eyed beauty
has stolen my heart"
" The innocent looking,
fortunate one, has stolen my heart"
The doe-eyed beauty...
the innocent looking one...
has stolen my heart
" The doe-eyed beauty
has stolen my heart"
Your voice resonates...
like spring making its
way through the mountains...
or pining for the love
on earth...
a star from the skies descends
You've pinched that one!
You ought to say...
" She came smiling and swaying,
with her tresses open"
" Even the nightingale pauses
when her anklets tinkle"
" She entranced me with
innocent looking eyes..."
The doe-eyed beauty...
has stolen my heart
" Every desire of hers,
shall be fulfilled"
No desire will l deny her
l'm madly in love...
how can l ever
get a hold on myself?
" Watch out, prisoner of love!"
" Once she holds you captive,
you can't escape"
" A million ties be severed...
but not this bond"
" She has robbed me of my sleep,
making false promises to me..."
The innocent looking one...
" The doe-eyed beauty
has stolen my heart"
Why're you silent?
l don't know what l'm
going to say today
l'm tongue-tied.
My voice is stifled
You wouldn't say that
if you really loved me?
What would l say then?
" When she takes off
the veil before the Moon..."
" the moon blushed in shame
and fell at her feet"
" The stars would wonder
what is wrong"
The doe-eyed beauty...
" a naughty girl
has stolen my heart"
" A doe-eyed beauty,
an innocent looking girl..."
has stolen my heart
" Munshiji, she came and went away.
She didn't even call out to us today"
You're a nut! lt's the man
who must make the first move
We've got to find out whom
she really loves
Suppose she chooses me?
So what? Where d'you apply the butter?
- On the bread
" That's it. You marry or l marry,
it's one and the same thing"
l've thought of something
" Just swallow your pills.
lt isn't for you think, okay?"
" What's wrong if l do, once in a while?
- All right, speak"
" lf you like my idea, it ends the fight.
- Are you going to speak or not?"
Sure l will. And we will
remain friends forever
Won't you speak? Damn you!
- Right away
l think we ought to
get married together
Good idea. l love it
We can share the expenses
" You can bring the lentils,
l'll get the flour"
" You buy her a salwar,
l'll get her a choli"
You pay the rents and l'll
look after whatever else
" Say it on oath. " l'll speak the
truth and nothing but the truth"
l've only spoken the truth.
- Please repeat it after me
" l'll speak the truth
and nothing but the truth"
Your name?
- Geeta
" Your name is Raina, not Geeta.
- My name is Geeta, sir"
" Whatever your name is,
these proceedings are..."
being carried out against you
in the name of Raina
So you must answer
to the name of Raina
Must l lie even after swearing
to speak the truth?
" These are legal proceedings, you see.
- l'll do it, if you say so"
My name is Raina
This case against you has been
going on for a long time
Why didn't you call
any of your relatives?
l did.
- Whom?
My husband. You
You know l'm not your husband.
Do you have other relatives?
" Did your wife have other relatives?
- l'm doing the questioning, not you"
" Answer my question. Apart from the
husband, do you have other relatives?"
She wants to know if your wife
had other relatives
My wife was all alone.
Her parents were dead
Did she have any brothers or sisters?
Please note that and let
the proceedings continue
lnspector Daljit Singh arrested you
from the hills of Lalgarh
ls that true?
- Yes
How did you get there?
Some bandits had abducted me.
- So bandits had kidnapped you!
Which means the bandits got
into your house quietly...
" your servants were fast asleep,
you made no noise..."
and you quietly left with
the bandits. ls that it?
That's not how it was.
- So how was it?
l had gone out of my house
when the bandits ambushed me
They gagged me and carried me away.
- On which date did it happen? When?
The 16th of October.
- At what time?
At 1 1 :30 p.m.
- So the bandits already knew...
that you'd step out of the house
at 1 1 :30 on the 16th of October...
and they'd easily abduct you.
- l don't know anything about that
" All right. Now tell me, when you
were kidnapped by the bandits..."
why didn't your family
report it to the police?
You were abroad then.
- l was abroad...
but your family was very much here.
Answer my question
" When you were kidnapped, why didn't
your folks report it to the police?"
l don't know anything about that.
- You don't know it. But l do
The fact is that you are not my wife.
My wife was seriously ill then
" Everybody at home was attending to her.
- No, that's a lie!"
" lf this is a lie, what
is the truth? What?"
Can you prove that the bandits
had indeed kidnapped you?
" Do you have any proof, l ask!"
l don't have any proof.
Where will l find the proof?
" Of the bandits who kidnapped me,
two fell to police bullets"
And one escaped
The accused says two of her
accomplices fell to police bullets...
and one isn't yet apprehended.
- They were not my accomplices!
l have nothing to do with them.
l don't even know them!
You don't know the ones you lived with?
- l didn't live with them
You were part of their
robbery and pillage
l did nothing of the sort.
- You know things about me you...
aren't even remotely connected with.
- l'm connected in that l'm your wife!
" You are lying!
- l have witnesses, and l'm lying?"
" And you're not lying,
you have no witnesses!"
l don't know anything...
l know nothing
Except that l'm your wife.
l'm your Geeta... your Geeta
lf you are my wife...
lf you are indeed my Geeta...
" you must certainly believe in duty?
- l do, you know that"
" As a Hindu, you must also be
believing in our texts"
l do.
- So tell me...
" if you're a married woman, where
is your matrimonial necklace?"
My matrimonial necklace...?
When the bandits kidnapped you...
were you wearing the necklace?
- No
You claim to be a Hindu woman
" And yet, you take off your symbol
of marriage when you go out?"
Can you tell the court
why you did that?
l can't .
- Why not?
Because you don't have the necklace
" Because you never had it,
nor will you ever have it"
Because the necklace is with me!
This is my wife's
matrimonial necklace
lt's a practice to burn
the necklace with the body
But l broke this age-old custom
When people were carrying
my wife's body away...
l took this necklace
off her neck
" Because, without her, l had
no support in life"
" And this necklace has been with
me every moment, ever since"
l can prove that the
necklace belongs to me
- When my husband was going abroad...
the necklace had snapped.
Nobody apart from my husband and l...
knows about this. Taking the breaking
of the necklace as a bad omen...
he was putting off his visit abroad.
l reasoned with him with all my love
" As a result, he agreed
to go abroad"
He took the necklace to the goldsmith
and had it fixed immediately
Don't do it.
- Guess who it is
l know. Let go.
- Utter my name first
" Kalwa, the laundryman"
l don't know
" Don't you know, really...?
- Spare me, Thakur Saheb!"
You utter my name at last.
But half of it actually
You're so shameless! What if
someone sees us?
" You've done it, my love.
You bought me out"
l could even say that in court.
- You're late...
and you're using sweet words
l do all the slavery and
yet listen to your taunts
What slavery have you done for me?
Here you are!
- ls it fixed?
Now tell me where it snapped.
- l can't tell!
But l'm not going abroad.
- There you go again
You don't know. The breaking of the
matrimonial necklace is a bad omen
As if you ever believe
in such things?
l've got to beg to you
to visit a temple
You must go abroad.
- On one condition. Come closer
You're going with me
Your studies are all over then
Ask him. ls this true?
Or isn't it?
" Well, Thakur Saheb?
ls what the accused says, true?"
She's right
Court is adjourned till tomorrow
" lnspector, if science had not
made such progress..."
" l'd have told you that she isn't
a woman, she's a spirit"
How did the necklace snap?
And where was it fixed?
When was the Thakur supposed
to leave for abroad...
" it's amazing, she has
all the answers!"
" That's okay, but l don't find
anything amazing about that"
When servants in the family
mingle outside...
the tiniest of things
is not a secret anymore
" For example, we have about
four or five goldsmiths in town"
" She must've asked one of them.
- l believe, lnspector..."
that woman is a ghost!
- Munshiji
" Believe me, sir.
l'll tell you a true story"
lt happened in my own village.
There was this beautiful woman...
" who married a wrestler. She lived with
him for years, bore him children..."
and it was discovered that
she wasn't a woman at all
She was a demoness
" To be honest, l have all
the sympathies for the Thakur"
" To begin with, he has lost his wife.
And from morning to evening..."
he's faced by a woman
who looks just like his wife
God alone knows what
he's going through
Forgotten tales...
l'm recall again
Wherever you walk...
my shadow will walk with you
Wherever you tread...
my shadow will walk with you
My shadow...
Missing me...
should you ever shed tears...
they will be stopped....
by my tears
Any direction you choose...
my shadow will walk with you
Should you ever be sad...
l'll be sad too
Whether you see me or not...
l shall always be with you
Wherever you go...
my shadow will walk with you
Wherever you tread...
my shadow will walk with you
A forgotten story...
l now recall
l'm amazed how that woman
could even think of it
Whether she achieves something or not
from her line of defense...
she'll surely get the
benefit of doubt
l don't think it has happened suddenly.
lt's a well-planned conspiracy
They get to know every detail
about his family
Maybe you're right. But who
lets them into the details?
Before or after you went abroad...
did you employ someone new
or have a guest at the house?
Surprising. She talks
so confidently about you...
as if your life were an open book
for her
A book...?
Hurry up. The master's angry.
He's turning everything upside down...
looking for something.
- Let's go
What's all this?
" What happened, son?
- l can't find the diary! Where is it?"
Which diary?
- Geeta's diary
The diary she wrote every day.
- l don't know son
Has someone touched Geeta's things?
- No
Nobody has touched her belongings.
Everything is as it was
Then where is the diary?
" l told you, sir. There was a burglary
in the house, when you were abroad"
Maybe the diary was stolen...
- Yes. You're right
That's when the diary
must've been stolen
That woman has the diary
" No wonder she knows so much
about me, my house and Geeta"
She knows it all
lt's two years since we were married
But my husband loves me as much as
he did on the day of our marriage
What are you doing? lt's wrong
to read a personal diary!
Give my diary to me.
- One moment... listen to me
You're mine. And so's the diary.
So why not read what's mine?
Please give me my diary.
l'm not going to fall for the trap
Since when are you writing the diary?
- l always wrote it
Did you? l caught you today
Let me see what my wife
has to say about me
Don't bother me! Give that to me.
" l wonder what good deeds l have done
that my husband loves me so much..."
so much...
he takes my breath away
... Really?
" l have an idiot for a husband
- Have l written " idiot" ?"
Anyone who loves his wife so much
is considered to be an idiot
l only made a correction.
- ldiot is fine. Write it too
" l will, after l've read
what you've written here"
" He's going abroad for
further studies tomorrow"
l'm so happy... l can't describe it
" He wasn't willing to go.
l forced him to"
So you forced me?
" l want him to be a great lawyer
so the world respects him"
" l'm happy, and l'm sad too"
" l've never been separated from him
after our marriage"
Not even for a moment
" For a whole year, he's going away.
Miles away from me"
" How will l bear the separation?
How will l reason with my heart?"
Are you really going?
For a year?
" A year's nothing, Geeta.
l'll come back before you realise it"
Whatever you have stated
in this court till now...
goes to prove that you're my wife
l've always said that l'm your wife
Let's suppose you are my wife
" Remember, you used to write a diary?
- Yes, l do"
" You used to write in the diary about
every incident, big and small?"
" Yes, l used to write the
tiniest of things in the diary"
You also wrote about the
love between you and me?
All those things about me which
you have stated in court...
" ought to be in the diary too?
- Yes, l wrote that too"
You used to take such
good care of the diary...
you wouldn't even let me touch it
- Absolutely
" lf you really valued the diary so much,
if you kept it so safely..."
it means you must still be having
the diary with you. Right?
" You're my wife, aren't you?
- Yes"
You loved the diary.
- Yes
You kept it very secure.
- Yes
Which means you ought to have
the diary right now too
" Try and recall... the
diary's with you, isn't it?"
Why don't you speak?
Where is it?
" When l left the house, l didn't
carry the diary with me"
So it must've been at home then?
- Yes
" lt ought to be at home right now?
- Certainly, it should"
So where is it?
ln my safe
- No
Maybe on top of the cupboard.
- No
" ln my suitcase then...
- No, no, no!"
l've searched every inch of the house
" Cupboards, suitcases and trunks...
l've ripped all of them"
But there's no trace of the diary
That's where l kept the diary.
- That's what l want to know. Where?
Where did you keep it?
- l don't remember
You don't remember! You don't !
You loved it more than your life.
You always kept it with you
And you can't remember
where you kept it?
l'll tell you why you can't remember.
lt's because you are not my wife!
That's right! You are not my wife!
You are not!
You are a fraud! You came
as a dancer to the village...
you are the one who
attacked Patel with a knife
You were the one who
stole at my house
You stole my wife's diary and got
to know every secret of my life!
You are my wife's look-alike.
You look just like her
You're taking advantage of that
to save yourself from the gallows...
you're playing with my life!
You want to take my wife's place
" Today, however, l taken
the mask off your face"
You are exposed. You can't fool
the court anymore
You can't pull wool
over the law's eyes
l have proved it in court today...
that you are not my wife
You are a bandit! A murderer!
A killer!
Yes! l'm a killer! A murderer!
A bandit. A bloody bandit!
l'm going to shoot all of you
l'm going to kill everyone
Let me go...
but please don't kill him
don't kill him!
He's the one l love
He's innocent!
" To you l come...
and l weep"
" My tale of woes l narrate...
and l cry"
" To you come l come...
and l weep"
" Whenever l have been
lonely in life..."
" you are my goal,
to you, l come"
" l lower my head...
and l weep"
" To you l come...
and l weep"
" Whenever l faced
a tearful evening..."
" whenever a pall of gloom
descended everywhere..."
" l lit lamps of my memories...
and l wept"
" To you, l come,
and l weep"
" This sorrow of separation
l can no longer bear"
Without you...
l can no longer live
" l have lost so much in love.
l weep"
" l weep, as l narrate
my tale of woes"
" To you l come...
and l weep"
Your name Sardarji?
- l'm Ranjit Singh
He's Chaudhary Karnail Singh.
- Where are you coming from?
" What a question!
From my house, of course"
" Which city are you from?
- Tarn Taran, district Amritsar"
Please sign here.
- l don't know to sign
" l'm a farmer. l've sold my produce
and here l am, sight-seeing"
l can put my thumb-impression.
- Please
- Here
Keys for Room No. 10
- Which way?
Show the gentleman the room.
- Let's go
" l bet, the Thakur will someday be
one of the best lawyer in lndia"
You're right.
- What a turn he gave this case
He has turned it on its head.
- During his argument...
he convinces the culprit that he
has weakened and has lost the case
" The twist the case takes thereafter,
the accused is left stunned"
Not just stunned.
The accused goes mad
" Take this woman, for instance.
Remember l told you...?"
This woman has made a mistake by
summoning the Thakur to the court
And where is she now?
ln the mental hospital
How is she now?
- The doctors say it's a...
temporary phase. She'll be all right.
- And what happens to her?
That which must happen to her
She has admitted it in court
that she's a bandit
" You mean, she'll be hanged?"
" Doctor, are you going to hang me?
When will you hang me?"
Hang you? What for?
Nobody's going to hang you.
- But l want to die
As soon as possible
" But before l die, l want
to meet my husband once"
He's a very nice man
Sure. do meet him.
l'll see that you meet him
" l want to meet him just once.
Before l'm hanged, just once"
" Where's my diary, doctor?
Where is my diary?"
l want my diary! My husband
thinks l'm a fake
He won't let me go home.
He won't talk to me!
" l want to go to him, doctor...
where is my diary?"
Where is it? l want my diary...
Relax... sit down
You will have your diary
l think she can be cured.
And very fast at that
Here's what l want you to do
We're walking into the jaws of death.
The place is swarming with cops...
and there's a reward on your head.
lt's not easy to get to her
And what will we achieve
even if we get to her?
We can't help her in any way.
We'll get caught too
Shut up! You guys are worried
about your own skin
You don't see how many people
that lone woman is taking on
" On one hand, the public prosecutor
poses awkward questions..."
everyone is against her.
She has no one to offer any sympathy
" She's a woman, after all.
How long will she fight them?"
So tell us what we are to do
" We must send word to her that we're
around, in this very city..."
so that she isn't scared
and stands her ground
The Thakur will have to admit it some
day that she is indeed his wife
Let's see how this girl is doing
But l don't know what l will do here.
- You're right too
" lf you are idle like this,
you're bound to be scared"
You ought to be doing some work
" Look, how dirty the window panes are"
" Nurse, get her piece of cloth"
Clean the window panes
" lf you work, you will soon tire.
And that will help you sleep well"
Am l right?
What happened?
- He knows everything. Get him!
Catch him before he runs away.
He knows l'm the Thakur's wife
" Doctor, catch him! He'll escape.
- Who will escape...?"
The bandit... catch him
Shut up!
Come with me... come
Sit down
" Look, you're a very nice girl.
You mustn't say such things"
Do you understand?
" lf you continue to behave like this,
l'll be angry and l won't talk to you"
Get that...?
" Heard something, lnspector?
- What happened?"
The bandit Suryavar Singh
is in town
l knew he would come.
- Did you?
Long ago.
- And why is he here?
Two reasons why he's here
The first is to finish the Thakur
So that this woman can
inherit all his wealth
" On the other hand,
if this scheme doesn't work..."
he'll himself kill the woman.
- What for?
He's afraid that we might get the woman
to tell us everything about his gang
Send men to stand guard
at the Thakur's house
And ask the Thakur to be careful
" Sargam, go upstairs and tell Rakesh
that the inspector is here to see him"
Come... sit down
l have good news for you.
- What?
You're absolutely all right
They'll come and take you away
tomorrow morning
Who? Thakur saheb?
l don't remember where
l kept the diary
And he won't believe me.
Till he believes me...
" Look, we're giving you a discharge
because you have recovered"
" lf you keep talking like this,
we'll have to keep you here"
But doctor...
You know who you are. You know very
well that you're not his wife
" Despite all your tricks,
nobody could believe you"
And why? Only because you
are not Geeta. You are Raina!
You needn't be afraid. You must
accept the wrong you have done
You must leave yourself
to the mercy of the court
You're a young woman. You have
a long life ahead
Why mustn't you leave the dark world
of loot and plunder...
and start a new life?
So you have escaped
from the asylum?
Police station...?
- Please don't call the police
Give me just a minute
For Geeta's sake
What is it?
l wish l had not lied
" One lie, that ruined my life"
What lie?
- The lie l used...
to enter your life
l never told you.
- Why didn't you?
Because l had fallen
in love with you
" l thought, if l told you
the truth,..."
the fair name of your family
would be tarnished
" l thought you would hate me,
that you would leave me"
What truth is that which could
have tarnished my family name?
That would make me hate you
and leave you
The fact is that my mother
was a loose-moralled woman
l even had a twin-sister.
An absolute look-alike
She looked just like me
" Like my mother, she went wayward too
and ran away from home..."
" to join a gang of bandits
After she had left,..."
my mother intended to push me
towards her evil ways too
" l was so fed up,
l decided to commit suicide"
When l was about to kill myself...
" you appeared, as my new life,
and saved me"
l'm really your wife
" That woman who died in your arms,
whom you even cremated..."
wasn't me... it was my twin-sister
lt happened when you were abroad
One night
lt was late in the night
l was reading a book and l don't
know when l went to sleep
What do you want?
Open the door
Hurry up
l haven't eaten for two days
My enemies are after me
Please save me
Please give me shelter
for a night
l'll leave tomorrow
l'll never bother you again
" l'll never show you my face.
One night, please...?"
She was running a high temperature
l was afraid what l would
tell someone who came upstairs
Nobody knew about Nisha.
Not even you
l was awake all night
" ln the morning, l was scared
that someone would come upstairs..."
and the secret would be exposed
" Aunt...
- What is it, dear?"
l've decided to fast today.
- What's special about today?
l want to fast for my husband.
- What a noble woman we have
" He's abroad, and my dear girl is
worried about him back home"
l want to read the Holy Gita
till l see the Moon
Don't let anyone come upstairs.
- Very well. Go on
Nobody will come
" That night, Nisha's condition worsened"
" lnstead of subsiding,
her fever had increased"
l didn't know what to do
lt was difficult to hide her
in that condition
" l knew, at daybreak, someone or
the other would come upstairs"
Nisha's secret would be exposed.
l was very scared
" lf l had called a doctor, the whole
household would have got to know"
Then l thought of going out myself
and fetching some medicines...
so that Nisha would feel better
and leave in the morning
l gave her a sari
of mine and said...
" Nisha, wake up and wear my clothes.
l'm going to bring some medicines"
" Even if someone comes upstairs,
keep lying down. Get up"
" Wear this, Nisha. Even if someone
comes, he'll think l'm lying here"
lf you had indeed given her
a sari of yours...
where are the clothes
your sister was wearing?
The clothes are right here.
Come with me
They're in there
My diary! l've found my diary!
l had kept it on the table
where l also kept Nisha's clothes
" When l hid the clothes, the diary
must've been carried with it"
" Yes, l remember now..."
Hats off to you
When did you keep the clothes there?
And when did you keep the diary?
" That's a nice drama you've enacted.
- No,.. this is no drama"
Shut up!
l know your men are in town
You got someone to hide
the diary in the clothes...
and he informed you in the asylum
that the job was done...
and you escape from the asylum to
show that the diary's right here!
" What is this if not a drama?
- Believe me, l'm not lying"
" Believe me, l'm speaking the truth!"
Look at this
This is my mother
And that's my twin-sister. Nisha
And this is me... it's a picture
of our childhood
Any news?
- We're still at it
Let's go either ways.
But remember...
l want a cross-fire
when l start firing
" Do we have men outside?
- Oh yes, sir"
" He's dead-meat, if he steps out.
- So let's go"
Thakur! The bandit Suryavar Singh
is in the courtyard
Stay there.
Don't come down
" No, don't kill him!
Don't kill him!"
Don't kill him! Don't !
He's been hit by a bullet.
But why did the girl interfere?
Hold the fire!
lt'll kill the girl
Thakur saheb...
l want to meet only you
Step back. Stay here
lf you guys are still suspicious...
here you are
l'm the Thakur. What do
you want to say to me?
Thakur saheb...
l wanted to tell you that...
your wife is alive.
- What are you talking?
" lt's true, Thakur saheb.
Your wife is alive"
She's your wife
And this woman...
the one you have built
this monument for...
is my Nisha
She was my wife
Nisha was angry with me
She wanted me to give up
loot and murder
" One day, she ran away from me
and came to the city"
l came to the city
to take Nisha back...
" and in a case of mistaken identities,
l carried Geeta with me"
Sister Geeta...
" because of me, you've had to
go through a lot of trouble"
Please forgive me
Everywhere you go...
my shadow will follow you
Everywhere you go...
my shadow will follow you
My shadow...