Mercury Plains (2016) Movie Script

Any job interviews this week?
Any applications?
There aren't any jobs.
9 beg your pardon?
None this week.
I saw something
over at Times Market.
Yeah, they need cashier experience.
Does your daddy have a job?
Does your daddy have a job?
I never met the man.
Well now who's the man
that shares that residence with you?
That's my mom's boyfriend.
Well, is he gainfully employed?
Yeah, he rents porta potties.
You know shit houses.
He rents them out.
Now who rents shit houses?
You know, for the pickers.
OK, for the Mexicans.
They're Guatemalans now,
at least that's
What I've been told.
Have you talked to your daddy,
your step-daddy about a job?
Well, maybe
those shit house renters
could use a hand for the summer.
Frontiers of the Indian
linking Pakistan
with remote Afghanistan.
- You hear that!
- Don't slam my door.
I'll slam whatever I Want to!
I can't believe you said
that to me in public.
I apologized.
You said don't worry about it.
Yeah, you worry too much.
You're such an asshole.
Now you gonna apologize to me?
How was school today?
I called you.
Well, I'm here now.
Is that your dad's truck?
Can you get the keys for it?
What for?
Well, some people are saying
they're going to Mexico.
I don't know, could be fun.
Why don't we take your car?
My car is a piece.
It'd break down halfway there.
Yeah, your car does suck.
Alright, hang out here
in your underwear and boots.
I'll be down with the senoritas,
drinking margaritas.
Is that it?
They just let you drive across?
I guess if you were coming back
is the important part,
cause no one ever
smuggled their ass into Mexico.
Four dollars.
How much is it for sex?
- Fifty-
- Fifty-
What's the one on the ends name?
- Rosalinda.
- Rosalinda.
- What about that one?
- Rosalinda.
How many Rosalinda's you got?
As many as you want.
Do you have money
for your friend?
You have money for your friend?
Everybody thinks he
can not pay for her.
If you're his friend, you pay.
Or What?
I beat his shit.
Well, that sounds like it's
between you and him.
You're friend's not here.
Where the fuck is he?
He fucked my wife,
Went out the Window
and took a taxi to America.
Well, that sounds like
you're shit out of luck.
Well, fucking is not for free.
How much does it
cost to fuck your Wife?
Two-hundred dollars.
Pancho over there says
the going rate is 50.
Your friend hit her face.
No, he didn't.
She has bruises.
The Way she's looking at you,
you hit her face.
Never mind about
your friend then.
You fuck my Wife then.
Now I'm fucking your Wife?
That's What I'm
gonna tell the police.
You fucked my wife,
then you hit her face, my Wife.
The fuck she's your Wife.
Listen to me my friend,
you're a long ways from home.
My cousin, he's the police.
My uncle is the
captain of the jail.
It is very simple for
you to go to jail.
Two-hundred dollars and,
you can go back home.
That's just about the sorriest
Mexican shakedown
I've ever heard.
Two-hundred dollars.
I saw you in there.
Sorry I didn't help.
Can I buy you breakfast?
What for?
Well, aren't you hungry?
So are you looking for Work?
You look like you are.
Well, I got something
you might be interested in.
What is it?
You wanna be a
rich son of a bitch?
Stay right here.
Mitch, this is the Captain.
Mitch is from Texas.
Is that so?
Yeah he's got a
bad ass black SUV.
No shit.
What do you need me for Mitch?
I never said that I did.
Well, it's like this.
You know Halliburton right?
You do?
It's a company.
- OK.
- They're in Iraq.
They've got private security
working for the government.
A Halliburton truck driver
makes five times.
What a four star general makes.
You know why?
I guess cause it's a rip off.
Cause they get the
fucking job done.
And when you get the
fucking job done,
you get to name your price.
Do you wanna name
your price, Mitch?
Hell yeah, he does.
Look, Jesse's a dip shit.
Anybody can see that.
He likes to talk a good game
but you,
you don't like to talk.
So I'm not gonna
say shit to you.
I'm not gonna tell
you how you could be
a freedom fighter
on the front lines,
on the war on drugs,
saving I don't know
now many sisters
from a life of
prostitution and whoring,
just to get their next fix.
I'm not gonna tell you,
you could make big
money carrying a gun
and wearing a badge
and getting sweet look
from every senorita
that walks by.
And I'm not gonna tell you
that it feels like a
shot of mainline heroine
to be kicking ass
and taking names,
all in the name of Uncle Sam,
all the While knowing that
you've got diplomatic immunity
under section 434.8680,
passed by the US.
Senate last year.
What I am gonna tell you...
is I'll Pay You'
5,000 dollars a week
to ride by my side.
What do you say cowboy?
I don't know.
Look... I know you've got
a crap ass situation to go back to.
We all do.
Nobody spends one
night in Mexico
if they've got anything
to go back to up there.
But you know deep in your gut,
that whatever might
happen down here,
can't be half as bad
as that crap ass situation
you have to go back to.
So why go back?
It'll be easier if I drive.
Come on.
Take your pick.
Wake up, girls.
Come on!
Line up!
Come on!
Come on!
Four mile, double time hike.
I don't want any talking,
belly aching, or grab ass.
I'll see you in the mess.
Camarillo, get Mitch an outfit.
No one goes in the big house.
What's this for?
That's your weapon.
Am I supposed to
hit somebody with it?
It's your rifle.
Am I supposed to
shoot somebody with it?
You will get a real weapon
Whenever you earned it.
So, how'd you get here?
Just came down.
Aren't you gonna
ask how I got here?
- You Want me to?
- Yeah.
How'd you get down here?
My daddy stole me out of
Oklahoma, away from my mama,
who had no right to me.
They say I'm on a milk carton,
but I don't believe them.
Your daddy?
The Captain's my daddy.
Stole me away.
Say he'd Waited a year,
then couldn't Wait no more.
That's quite a
story you got there.
That's why I made you ask me.
So how long you
all been at this?
Where's it going?
Around the tree,
all the Way to the corral.
What's it for?
Protection against What?
It builds character.
OK, back to work.
You can't mean him right?
Hey, we can pick up the pace.
We're not gonna miss one saw.
We have orders.
You ever been bit by a scorpion?
There's a lot of things
worse in war than scorpions.
This isn't fucking war.
We're just digging
a fucking ditch!
If this soldier talks back to me again,
you silence him.
Paul, you touch me
and you'll see What happens.
Money says it's on, it's on.
Benito, go back to cutting.
Don't move.
Discipline the soldier.
Don't do it, Paul.
I can see you.
No you can't.
Come on Jack, let me out.
You know I can't.
- Is it piss or Water?
- Water.
- Are you lying?
- Smell it yourself.
Do you have any food?
Thank you.
God bless, let's eat.
I Want my money, I'm going home.
Mitch, I can't
keep building fences,
knowing they ain't gonna hold.
That's not 5,000 dollars.
You're lucky you're
still breathing.
I Want What was promised to me.
You Want to be great?
You are great.
It's itching inside of you,
just Waiting to get out,
but there's no Way to prove it.
There's no playing field.
You go back up
to the States now...
no one will ever know it.
But here...
When you look out on the
desert, What do you see?
You see sand.
I see shimmering horizons.
I see silver and gold
that flow like water.
You see a mirage,
I see mercury plains.
I see women, I see music.
I see love,
and I see a whole lot of money.
There's no money down here.
Oh, that's Where
you're wrong son.
There's more money down here
than all the banks
in Texas combined,
you can thank the
cartels for that.
What's in it for me?
The only Way to find out,
is to measure yourself
against the mercury plains.
Whatever we confiscate,
you keep half.
But I need you here.
Boys are starting to look up to you,
they need a leader.
Mitch Davis.
Paul Whitesall.
Pleased to meet you.
I'm here to kick ass.
Who's ass, I don't care.
As long as it's spic,
Injun, or white trash.
Which is pretty much
a damn near certainty,
considering this line of work.
Wouldn't you say?
That's a pretty gun Paul.
Thank you.
There's suddenly a
time in any mans life.
Where he can look back
and see a turning point.
But for a soldier,
every moment is a turning point.
Who wants it?
Paul the apostle.
There's a drug runner working
out of Monclova.
It's a smaller town,
and he's keeping a low profile
for a white man.
But last week, a little
girl turned up dead
in Houston, on some bad meth,
his operation sold to her.
I got a newspaper article
with a picture on it
if you wanna let that
little girl's face
burn into your
brain a little bit.
But you shouldn't
need the motivation.
This guy is wrong,
and you are right.
But he's smart,
and he's well protected.
So We're gonna need to use
a little diversion.
Look at that bastard.
Beautiful fucking shirt.
YO, guys.
- Sir, you need taxi?
- No.
You're going to the airport, yes?
You need a taxi.
I sent for a car thanks.
They're not here.
Taxi's better and less money.
Yeah, you know What, I'm gonna
give him another minute OK.
Come to my brothers taxi.
No, you know What, no alright.
It'll be here.
OK, don't, we'll see.
You're gonna be late.
Kid, What are you doing?
Come on, Benito!
Get out!
I'll light you up! Get out!
Get out!
On your knees,
on your fucking knees!
- What the fuck?
- What the fuck is pin number?
Come on!
It's... it's a credit card,
it doesn't have a pin number.
Where are the drugs?
The blue one,
the blue one has the number.
What's the pin number?
- One, one, four, four.
- What?
- One, one, four, four.
- Where are the drugs?
- They're not here.
- Alright, let's go guys.
Let's go!
Get the fuck,
get out of the Way.
Where are they!
Paul, Paul!
Paul, let's go! Hey, come on!
Paul! Let's go!
We gotta put him in the taxi.
We gotta...
We gotta take him to get help.
Let's go!
Paul, put him in the cab.
Paul, put him in the taxi,
come on!
Let's go!
We gotta go.
We gotta go.
Come on, Benito.
I think he dies now.
Benito, let's go!
- Yeah.
- Do you know how to read?
I found the letter,
in the shirt.
Maybe from the girlfriend.
No, no, I don't
know how to read.
Yes, you do.
It's not from his girlfriend.
What's the problem?
Come on.
Read it.
"Dear Brad, I'm writing
early in the morning,"
before anyone else is up.
Things are clear in
the morning aren't they?
I've been planting a new garden
behind the shed.
Sometimes I think
planting is the best pan.
And if so, why plant
the garden at all?
I guess that's life.
"I hope everything is going
well for you down in Mexico."
What is it?
Shut up!
Jesse... shut your mouth.
"We pray for you each night
at the dinner table."
Eliza insists on it.
She always says for
Jesus to guide you,
and keep you from harm.
"Just those Words every time."
Aye yai, yai, yai!
Hey, everybody would
you shut the fuck up!
We've got a letter in here.
"We all wish that Jesus
would guide you back home."
I understand your reasons
for staying so long.
You say you love the country
and that it's good
for your career.
But I can't help but think that
your fight with your father
has clouded your thinking.
I talked to him and he said
that he's sorry
about What happened
and he would say as much to you.
And you know how
hard-headed he is.
If staying in Mexico is What
you truly think is best,
we will understand.
But we miss you.
We Want you here
and we will Welcome you back
if you'd Want to come home.
"Love always, Mom, Dad, Eliza."
We go to four ATM's.
The daily limit is maxed.
We can try for more tomorrow.
Hey, Mitch.
I could not sleep.
Take your pick.
We approach them.
We're from out of town.
Nobody knows us.
We're rich, we got a car.
We got bodyguards.
We're looking to
make a big purchase.
We act like dip shits,
we offer too much money,
too much to refuse.
Now they don't trust us,
but they Want the money,
cause they're greedy bastards.
Let them set the time,
let them set the place.
It means they're be more
off guard, when we hit them.
Now... let's go act like dip shits.
I gotta go for a second baby.
Oh, I Want to dance.
You don't dance in a
place like this alone.
Go get her guys, come on.
Come on.
Hey, partner.
You gotta go.
No, I'm gonna sleep.
When the rebels
stormed Kinshasa in '97
and the government troops for the
repressive regime, ran like girls,
you know what they found at the
front lines of the Rebel Army?
Boys, covering 30 miles a day on foot
against a western trained army
with tanks and APCs.
Average age 14, meanest fucking
fighters in the world.
Too young to fear death,
but just old enough
to like '(he taste.
And when they stood
and overlooked the Congo River,
the city laid out before them,
they were like Adam,
the day he created fire.
Scattered the beasts
into the jungle,
leaving man the
cities and the plains,
and the valleys to
do what he wanted,
to take what he wanted.
You are standing at a precipice.
The world lies before you.
Go and take What is yours.
Hold it.
Target is moving.
Black truck.
Yes, over.
Trouble, We've got some cars moving
in different directions.
Mitch takes the truck,
you take the other one.
Good... again!
Put the lights on, the wires.
Benito, pull the Window down.
Pull it down, all the Way.
HEY, Dull over!
- Pull over!
- Hey!
Pull the fuck over!
Pull over!
Pull over!
I'm not getting out.
Camarillo, Where's that backup?
We're coming.
On, shit!
Hey, just stay back in the car.
FBI, just get back in your car.
Benito, just...
FBI, tell him to put
his hands oh his head.
Come on, yeah, there you go.
Jesse, pull up over there.
Jesse, come on.
Paul, Paul, there's
someone in the back.
Get out of the car.
Get out of the... get the fuck
out of the car, amigo!
Let's go!
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Turn around, turn around, amigo.
Spread your legs, come on.
Stay down.
What the fuck are they saying?
He wants badges.
Benito make them
shut the fuck up.
Benito, fucking keep them quiet!
Jesse, come on!
I can't get his hand cuffs,
the hand cuffs aren't Working.
Hold his hands!
I'm not holding
his fucking hands!
Just hold them!
I'm not holding
his fucking hands!
Hold his hands!
Stay down.
Get back.
Come on, let's go!
Come on!
Benito, we gotta go.
- Come on!
- Benito!
- Benito!
- Come on!
Where'd you steal that from?
The Captain.
I thought the big
house was all locked up.
It is.
- So how'd you get in?
- The cellar.
What are you gonna do about it?
Have you seen my coke?
You seen my coke?
For a special live report.
Police raided a cartel
safe house in Juarez...
in a month-long
operation against the cartels.
Melinda Hinojosa is embedded
with the tactical unit
that led the raid.
Confiscated 40 kilos
of high-quality cocaine.
Holy fuck.
Reporting live from
the city of Juarez...
I Want everyone packed tonight.
We leave at 0600 hours.
We have an assignment at Juarez.
God bless.
What the fuck is Juarez?
It's the city across
the border from El Paso.
All the drug cartels
are fighting for power,
there's a war clown there.
Holy shit!
Yeah, holy shit.
What the hell's that thing?
A gun.
No shit.
Only has one shot.
But look, it's so small,
it can go everywhere.
Even in butt
for if you're in jail.
I'm a gun fighter.
Hey, buddy.
Baby, can you give us a minute?
Sit down.
Can I get you a Jack?
Mitch, you're my favorite.
You know that don't you?
You're a quiet motherfucker.
That means you think too much.
I like that.
I think too much.
It's a bad thing for musicians
lovers, and soldiers.
Stop thinking so much.
But not just yet.
Right now I want you to think
just a little bit.
If you say so.
You ever wonder
What soldiers are for?
- War.
- And What is war?
I mean take out the killing
part. What's its purpose?
To take and keep territory.
And What is territory?
If you think about it, I own this,
you don't, get off my property.
It's the foundation
for the power structure.
Armies are all about keeping
power structure in place.
Keeping the rich folks rich,
and the poor folks poor.
And the places Where
there's no power structure...
those armies are worthless.
But out here in the third world,
the power structure
is all fucked up.
They've got hospitals for shit,
police for shit,
but they also
don't have the man,
locking you in place.
Down here, any one man can be
as powerful as any one other man
at any point in time.
That's the beauty of it.
It means, if I'm sharp up here,
and if I've got guts,
I can own the whole World.
Back in America, I'd probably
just be another fucked up vet,
living in an apartment,
driving a used car,
be a security guard
at some place.
But down here... look at me.
I've got my family.
I got a ranch.
I'm a king.
A funny thing happened
on the Way to the castle.
Now I gotta protect
my power structure.
I didn't see it
coming but here I am.
That's why I need
soldiers like you.
What a fucking hassle.
Food, water, love.
You boys are worse than horses
and I got a stable for them.
Gotta keep my eye
on every one of you.
But... at least I'm the king.
It's good to be the king.
Long live the king.
Are you fucking my girlfriend?
Will you read it?
If you read,
I will give you sunglasses.
We interrupt this program
for a live report.
Just moments ago, Federal Police...
in the holiest state of matrimony,
will though love him,
comfort him, honor and keep him,
in sickness and in health,
and forsaking all others,
giving only unto him,
so long as you both shall live?
- I will.
- Hello.
"stormed a compound
on the outskirts of Juarez.
Melinda Hinojosa is live
in the La Questa neighborhood.
La Questa neighborhood.
La Questa neighborhood.
We're on it.
'1 O-4.
Police seized ten vehicles
and over a million dollars in cash.
Brown van, brown van.
West on Paseo de Santa Clarita.
Alright, Camarillo,
We're at... and San Mateo.
Mitch, I got a...
intersect point for you.
You're gonna take a left
at Ignacio...
Then a right at Angola.
They should be there.
Camarillo, I don't see him.
The brown van!
Brown van!
Camarillo, I don't see him.
They should be right there!
Mitch, Mitch.
Got him.
Turn the fights on.
You ready?
Jack hold on.
Hold on!
Come on, come on.
Go to the ditch.
Go that Way.
Come on, Mitch,
he's gaining on us.
- I don't see it.
- That way, that Way.
Right turn, right.
There he is.
Turn right at the tree.
What are we doing here?
Waiting on a paper.
For What?
Find out who took that move.
You steal from federal police,
they're bound to find us.
Yeah, but not that fast.
Maybe you did it.
Did you do it?
Nah, that's not your style.
What have we got?
Gang, operating
from a farmhouse.
May have been connected
to other acts of violence.
Jesse... of Macon, Georgia,
found dead in Monterrey.
Paul Whitesall, of Houston,
shot dead in Juarez, by federal agents.
Captured at the scene was
Ruben Gustavo Hernandez, 13.
Material Witness,
Alyssa Booker, 19,
of San Antonio, Texas,
was taken into custody.
Jack Barnes 14, thought to be
the son of Barry Barnes, the leader...
was killed in the shootout.
He's not listed there.
Oh, Benito.
How you doing, son?
I made it out alive.
Glad you did, too.
Let's go for a
little walk, Benito.
What for?
Just Want to have a little talk.
No, no, that's OK.
- Come on, let's go.
- No.
Get out...
Sometimes, a great man have to do...
terrible things.
Sex, hunger...
We are animals!
There's one alone that sets us
apart from the beasts.
What is war?
Not to bind us.
It gave us castles
and cities and nations.
Inside the walls,
we built cities.
Around the armies
we formed nations.
You see, there is a beauty
in the darkness.
A Purpose.
Parley, son!
Parley and talk!
Come to me and parley, boy!
Come to me!
I alone know you.
You suspected you were
meant for greatness,
but I knew, I told you,
I birthed you!
And now that you have tasted
that hot salt of life,
you are high.
Your blood runs with
a quicksilver pulse.
But you are afraid.
Boldness is best tasted
in the first gulp.
But the buzz is wearing thin.
A step faltered...
and breath out short.
Shallowness in the belly.
For greatness is
too much to bear alone.
And now you long for
another shoulder.
Come to me.
Come and rest your head.
Have you told
yourself you hate me?
Come here.
Do you hate me, boy? Huh?
David thought he hated Goliath.
Then he stood alone
on that field,
the Israelite's in their tents,
the Philistines in theirs.
One man joined him
on that battle field.
Enemies, who do we have,
but each other?
Come to know What
you've always known,
What you were born knowing!
War, war is how men love.
Now come...
Come and kiss.
Welcome to Cow Town.
Sir, can I help you?
What are you doing?
What is going on?
He says he was a friend
of Brad's in Mexico.