Mere Brother Ki Dulhan (M.B.K.D.) (2011) Movie Script

Piali, listen to me!
What did you do, Piali!
You broke my new LED TV!
It was so expensive.
I haven't even paid
the full amount yet.
Are you insane?
- I'm not insane, you are!
We've been together for five years...
...but you still can't
be on time for a date.
I was waiting at King's Cross for
the past one hour, Luv. Grow up!
Look, what's the big deal?
Everyone's got some
weakness or the other.
My weakness is that I'm a little lax
when it comes to matters of time... what's the big deal?
Screw you. What's the big deal?
You can't bloody wash
the dishes after you eat.
You can't keep your
side of the bed tidy.
You can't empty out the
ashtray into the dustbin.
You bloody dirty pig!
You know, Luv. Mum was always right.
You will never understand me.
I changed for you. I've
become a proper Indian girl.
Even the way I dress.
I've even learnt how to make
rice and beans, just for you.
Hey, thanks a lot!
But I don't want all this.
I don't like
traditionally dressed Indian girls.
Why can't you
understand this? Listen...
when we first met... had this spark in you.
You were charming, you were wild... were open about things.
You had this really good energy.
But now... you've become a British cow!
And rice and beans?
David on Oxford Street makes
better rice and beans than you.
Mum's right.
Indian guys like you only
come to London for money.
Not love.
You Indians have no
respect for anything.
You are classless and cheap.
Hey coconut!
If I continue to be with you, I'll need
to pop a few pills of Disprin everyday!
Do you think if you're born in
Britain, you're automatically British?
You know what you actually are.
You're a British Born Confused Desi...
...a 'BBCD.'
Enough okay. That's it!
Enough! I just can't take it.
It's finished. Over.
Mum was right.
You are classless and cheap.
You and your mum can go to hell,
Reshmaben Patel from Surat...
...come here with high
hopes to become a Brit.
You are a dog, Luv!
Still better than being a
Gujju Patel from London!
Shit! Shit! Shit!
That was John who just arrived at
the success party of 'lshq Kamina'.
Today was the first day
of the film's release...
...and producers declared it a hit
based on just the Friday collections.
If there's any truth
behind this celebration...
...we'll only get to know at the
box office report in a week from now.
Oh damn! Sorry, sorry madam.
You aren't hurt I hope?
You're live on air.
You're live on air.
Oh, okay! Sorry.
Get out of here.
- Oh, okay. Sorry.
Let's take one more.
Sir, it's a private party tonight.
You can't go in.
We're guests for that very party.
Check the guest list.
Akash Chopra, Raghav Dhawan and Kush.
Just Kush.
Assistant directors of Ishq Kamina!
Okay sir. You may go in.
Guys, we're going to
drink like dogs tonight!
- How are you doing, Kush?
How you doing, baby?
- Good, good.
Hey, I think you're ready now.
Ready for?
Ready to direct your movie!
Hey, the thing is my phone's ringing.
One second.
Sir, excuse me.
Hello Bhaisahab (Elder brother).
Hello Kush, where are you?
What's all that noise in the back?
I'm at a party. Hold on.
I'll step outside.
You are always partying.
Bhaisahab, my film is a hit.
It's a success party for that.
Oh, so it's a hit. Good, good.
Listen, when are you going home?
I'm leaving on Tuesday.
Is everything alright?
You know Piali, don't you?
- Not at all!
You're finding this funny?
She's actually gone this time.
I broke up with her.
- Again!
No, this time it's serious.
She is mad.
She says guys like me come
to London only to make money...
...but deep down inside will
always remain classless, cheap.
You think I'm cheap?
Bhaisahab, relax.
When did this happen?
Some 15 minutes back.
It's okay. It happens.
Have fun for a few days now.
No, enough is enough.
It's time now.
Time for what?
Time to get married.
Bhaisahab. Marriage?
It's not some game.
I know.
But I am very sure.
I just want to get married.
But where's the girl?
That's the reason why I've called you.
Look, you know that
when it comes to women... track record has been a disaster.
I'm always barking up the wrong tree.
And I have made up my mind.
I don't want to
marry a girl from London.
That's why there's ajob for you.
- Look, Kush.
I am a little emotionally
broken because of the breakup.
And to be very honest. It
gets a little lonely here.
I've had enough of this bachelorhood.
I want to settle down.
I want to have a family.
I was thinking I would get
married this year to Piali.
But even that's not
going to happen anymore.
I understand.
Do one thing.
Go to mum and dad.
And find a nice girl for me with them.
Look, they're old school people...
...but you and I are alike.
We both loved Madhuri
Dixit as kids, remember?
I'm absolutely certain,
that the girl you like...
...I would like for sure.
This Christmas, I want
to be a married man.
Oh, Bhaisahab, hold on to your horses!
Girls don't just grow on trees.
Don't worry. I'll do something, okay?
I love my brother!
Love you, brother!
What happened?
Who called?
It was Bhaisahab.
Tell me. What kind of
name is 'Bhaisahab'?
My name is Police Kush. What is yours?
My name?
My name is, Bhaisahab!
A girl for Bhaisahab!
It's a big responsibility, man.
He's trusted me.
I have to do it.
I will find her... brother's bride.
My brother's bride
My brother's bride
Matrimonial eyes
Searches around
Matrimonial eyes
Searches for pretty faces
Matrimonial eyes
Searches around
Matrimonial eyes
Searches for pretty faces
Matrimonial eyes
The one who is beautiful and ideal
The one whose skin
sparkles like silver
The one who has attitude and brains
The one who is pure at heart
And has the world in her pocket
The one who commits and
submits to the man she loves
The one who has Delhi in her
heart and London in her heartbeat
I seek such a bride for my brother
The one who has Delhi in her
heart and London in her heartbeat
I seek such a bride for my brother
Matrimonial eyes
Searches around
Matrimonial eyes
Searches for pretty faces
Matrimonial eyes
Searches around
Matrimonial eyes
Searches for pretty faces
My brother's bride
My brother's bride
The one who is a search engine of love
And can answer every
question in the world
With a click of her
beautiful eyelashes
The one who creates
music with her walk
And is like a dream to my brother
Oh my God, she's a pure prayer
A supermodel with an Indian soul
I seek such a bride for my brother
The one who has Delhi in her
heart and London in her heartbeat
I seek such a bride for my brother
Matrimonial eyes
Searches around
Matrimonial eyes
Searches for pretty faces
Matrimonial eyes
Searches around
Matrimonial eyes
Searches for pretty faces
My brother's bride
My brother's bride
Oh Gorgeous
The one who is as quick as the light
And is yet as tender as a dew drop
The one who understands relations
And has a spotless heart
The one who is a good luck charm
This search is a
responsibility and is still fun
I seek such a bride for my brother
The one who has Delhi in her
heart and London in her heartbeat
I seek such a bride for my brother
My brother's bride
My brother's bride
Will be number one
My brother's bride
Why don't you become
My brother's bride
Will be number one
My brother's bride
Why don't you become
My brother's bride
My brother's bride
My brother's bride
Your film is a blockbuster!
I can't tell you how proud I was
to read your name on the big screen.
It was amazing!
Why all this drama?
This isn't drama, it's a celebration.
Full filmy style.
Have you gone mad?
The cops have come.
Let's get out of here!
Stop this nonsense!
Is it a minister's reception?
Making all this noise!
So this is why
you've come to Dehradun.
Hey, it's only a girl. We'll find one.
Listen, call me later. Alright?
And yes, say my 'hi' to uncle!
Kush. Hello. Welcome.
Hi Dinesh.
How are you?
- I'm good.
My child is here!
You look so weak.
The same line again.
Look, you are the mother of a
soon to be great Bollywood director.
Please, come up with
some better dialogue.
How many men?
That's dad's line.
Where is the Colonel?
- He's waiting for you.
Let's go.
Are you going to speak or should I?
Yes dad?
The poor boy's just arrived.
You know, Kush...
I'm sick of you and your generation.
Your generation, it's the...
...SMS generation.
Totally confused.
Look at Luv.
All these years he'd been saying...
...that he would
marry a girl from London.
But yesterday, he calls and says No!
I will marry an Indian girl.
And that I shouldn't select any girl.
It's Kush who will do that...
...because he understands me better.
Great then.
Go find.
Kush, don't worry.
Dad has arranged to see some girls.
We'll go and meet them.
Very tasty!
My 22-year-old Mani made it herself.
How many pounds does
your brother earn?
I guess about 80 thousand.
How much is that in Indian rupees?
What do you do?
I do stitching.
I can sew everything.
How nice.
Don't worry, son.
My whole snack factory is in her name.
I shall give you in dowry.
My girl studied in a Delhi College.
We've brought her up with
a lot of love and pride.
So you work in films?
I've heard that Amitabh
Bachchan is about seven and half feet tall.
Is he?
Sir, actually...
Does he have a car?
He has the company's car.
Once during her childhood,
a boy broke my girl's doll.
Oh no!
And these two brothers broke his ribs.
So sweet.
Will you... cast me as a heroine?
One audition?
What is your size?
No I mean...
Shall I stitch?
- What?
No, No. Thank you.
- No.
- Raincoat!
Dollar... money...
Your wedding clothes... Ours.
Tell me that you love me.
- Drink milk!
I am going to be the
mother of your child.
Drink milk. Milk!
...they have money!
What's happening to people?
How can they be so dumb?
Hey, Mr. Bollywood.
You've made 4-5 films and
you've lost track of reality.
This is how it is in real life.
Middle class people
talk about these things...
...and ask these
kinds of questions only.
So what do I do?
Should I tell my brother then?
We aren't getting a girl.
There must be some device with
which we can find that one girl...
...who will adjust nicely
with my brother in London.
I've got an idea.
Isn't it a poster of a hit film?
- Hello.
Is that Mr. Agnihotri?
This is Rakhi Sawant speaking...
...from Rakhi ka Swayamwar 2.
- What?
I saw the ad for Luv. He's
quite cute. Send him to my show.
- Hello.
What happened?
I don't know.
This should be it.
Kush Agnihotri?
- Is that party from London there?
Yes, that's right.
At least the idea was good.
My foot, it was good!
This house has become a call
centre with so many calls!
Don't laugh, you ass.
There's not much time
left before Christmas.
If the alliance isn't
confirmed in the next 10-15 days...
...then Bhaisahab and
my father will kill me.
There's a call for you.
Who is it?
I couldn't understand...
They said someone from the ministry.
From the ministry?
Kush Agnihotri?
Yes sir.
My name is Dilip Dixit.
I am in the Foreign Services,
posted in Delhi right now.
Yes sir.
I've called you because we
saw your matrimonial ad...
...and we have a daughter and we are
looking for a suitable boy for her.
If it's alright, I'd like to call
you and your family over to our house.
Yes, sir. Whenever you
are free, we can come.
Would this Sunday be okay?
Absolutely, sir. Absolutely.
Great, my secretary will call
you to give you the address.
Nice talking to you, sir.
Same here, son. God bless.
Hey, what happened?
Yes! Finally a good proposal.
See, the idea was good.
- Yes, sir.
Nice to see you.
- Hello.
This is my mother.
- Hello.
Hope you had no problem
finding the house? - Not at all.
Please come, I'll
introduce you to everyone.
My wife Rita.
- Hello.
My nieces, Dia and Tina.
- Hello.
And this is my genius son, Ajay.
M.A. In Psychology.
- Really!
Hello, hello. Nice to meet you.
Really nice. Come in, come in.
Please come.
So Luv has been in
London for 8 years? - Yes.
Does he intend to settle there?
I don't think he will be able to
adjust to the lifestyle here now.
He likes London, he's
excelling in his job.
I think its best for him.
Marriage. He'll come to
India for the wedding, right?
Of course he'll come, son.
Anyway, he's right.
If he likes London
then he should stay there.
In fact, we like London a lot.
We were there for 18 years
- Really?
I was the Cultural Secretary there...
...and our daughter
Dimple was born there.
This is the main reason we
wanted to meet with you.
When we saw that ad of yours,
we were quite excited.
And Kush, I must say...
...very well done on the ad.
Thank you, uncle!
Dimple's taking a long time. Dimple!
So where does Luv stay in London?
He stays in Wembley.
Hi aunty.
- Hello, dear.
I'm sure you know the
famous stadium there.
- Yes, thank you.
Oh no!
- What have you done?
He spilled everything.
Son, go inside and wash this.
Dear, show him the bathroom.
- Yes.
Please sit. It happens sometimes.
- Sorry.
What are you doing here?
What the... what are you doing here?
Hey, where are you, D?
Listen, I've put sugar in the tank.
Once the bus goes a little further,
the engine will seize.
And you can come and pick us up. Okay?
You are too good.
I know. I'm the best.
Hey look, it's bus!
Help us! Help us!
Hey D!
- What's up?
Hey guys, this is D.
Hi, D!
D, these are the guys.
Hi guys!
Hi, D!
Soft drinks? Are you serious?
School's over, this is college.
I love you, D!
Hey, Don't you dare say that again.
I'll break your teeth.
But I like hearing it.
So this one's for you.
And you're kinda cute,
so that's for you.
Last one?
Me! Me!
This one is for him.
'Coz he's kinda different.
Have fun, guys!
Kush... Yo.
Where did you find
this high fashion wildcat?
I met her at a rave party last
Saturday in Chattarpur farms.
I see.
She was born and brought up in London.
She shifted here a year back.
I guess, she's studying
some History Honours from LSR.
You seem quite curious.
Should I introduce you?
No, she's not my type.
The further I stay
away from her the better.
What are you guys doing sitting
in the corner? It's time to fly!
Oh my free spirited heart
Oh my free spirited heart
Love breaks all shackles
And my bohemian soul dances to glory
I have lost everything and gained love
Peace is what it desires
Break the walls
Shout out loud
Breathe love, feel love, live love
It's a spell of love (Spellbound)
It's a spell of love (Spellbound)
It's a spell of love (Spellbound)
It's a spell of love (Spellbound)
Oh my free spirited heart
Such is the magic of love that it
makes you vulnerable (like a child)
Find the love within you
Why do you go wandering in the world
when everything exists within you
Find yourself
Break the walls
Shout out loud!
Breathe love, feel love, live love
It's a spell of love (Spellbound)
It's a spell of love (Spellbound)
It's a spell of love (Spellbound)
It's a spell of love (Spellbound)
Breaking News.
Dimple Dixit, alias D...
...a student of Delhi University,
has illegally...
...held a rock concert in Agra Fort...
...because of which huge
crowds have gathered...
...and the Superintendent of Police
has given orders to restrain her.
You are the wind, the water, the fire
You are the right, you are the wrong
You can be what you want to be
My heart feels the purity
of God, who exists within me
You look within, you find him
Break the walls
Shout out loud!
Breathe love, feel love, live love
It's a spell of love (Spellbound)
It's a spell of love (Spellbound)
It's a spell of love (Spellbound)
It's a spell of love (Spellbound)
It's a spell of love (Spellbound)
Oh my free spirited heart
Oh my free spirited heart
What's wrong with you, Dimple!
Just get off me!
- Why are you hitting me!
Robin, get off me!
Get out of here!
You crazy, stupid girl!
You , I'll kill you!
How dare you touch me!
Oh damn.
Who do you think you are?
I'll kill you!
Hey, D!
Just because I am friendly
with you doesn't mean...
...I will sleep with you, okay?
I'll sort you out. Just
come to college! - Come here.
Let go of me!
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
You think I'm a bitch?
A tart?
I'm sorry?
No, you must be thinking I am a slut.
You know what the problem
with this country is that here
If a guy flirts with not one, but
even three or four girls at a time...
...then it's fine, he's a stud.
He's a hero.
But if it's a girl... me friendly, open, carefree...
...then people think she
will sleep with just anybody.
Such narrow mindedness.
I feel stifled here.
D, this not London, this is India.
Every country has its
way of thinking, a culture.
Most girls here aren't open,
carefree, friendly like you.
They are shy and obedient.
And they behave a certain way.
This doesnt mean that you are wrong.
You're right in your own way.
A girl has every
right to have fun but... a country like this
if you behave that way...
...then you are likely to find boys
like Robin at every crossroads...
...who looks at every girl in a
miniskirt and thinks they can get them.
So you think I should change?
Not at all.
You are perfect the way you are.
The best thing about you is
that you are so childlike...
...and pure that you do not
see the filth around you.
This madness of yours is
your USP. Don't ever lose it.
And about what people think.
I think that will change with time.
But it will take a little longer.
It's gone cold.
Will you have tea with me?
Some other time.
For sure.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Stop it. It's done.
So soon?
Very funny.
What's with you? You've changed.
I can't believe you're
opting for an arranged marriage.
Listen, everything changes with time.
Whatever craziness I wanted to
do in life, I am done with that.
And my parents never stopped me.
I use to party like mad, go on trips...
...for days I would stay out, they
never asked me a single question.
And I never broke their trust.
I did what I wanted to do
but I never crossed the line.
Now I'm 27 years old, single.
And you know when a girl
passes 25 in this country...
...people around
start talking nonsense.
So they asked me to get
married and I said yes.
I think I owe that much to them.
And I was only born in London,
I'm still an Indian at heart.
You really are a deep
girl Dimple. I'm impressed.
Either way I feel... arranged marriage will be
a different kind of adventure.
And all your boyfriends?
I broke up with them.
They were all bloody dumb.
That's another reason why I decided.
I will marry a rich
sorted out package.
What else? Your
brother is a package only.
He is good-looking.
I am correctly beautiful
and appropriately sexy.
Yes. Definitely.
I've been brought up in London.
I've got an accent as well.
He stays in London.
I will fit in there very nicely.
He earns a lot, in pounds.
I'll spend it.
And think about it.
Our glowing and chubby kids will
call you uncle with an accent.
Isn't that a great package?
Shut up, Dimple!
What shut up? Don't judge me!
Didn't your brother have
any girlfriends or what?
He did, actually he
just broke up with a girl.
See! I'm not judging him.
So why are you? And who are you?
That's a great dialogue.
You should be in films.
Thank you. Come, let's go outside.
Or people will think
we are up to something.
There they are.
What's the matter,
dear? You took so long?
Yes, it went deep down.
That's why.
It looks like he pissed in his pants.
- Yes, dad?
Take Kush inside show him around.
Okay. Come.
Pull it out!
Pull what out?
Say what?
Dimple will you marry my brother?
I've never met a girl as
honest as you in my life.
A little crazy,
different from the usual girls...
...but there is something about you.
My brother said he'll
marry a girl that I like.
And I like you.
Very much.
I know. I'm the best.
She'll never change.
Please come in.
Mr. Dixit!
- Colonel!
Colonel, Sir our daughter Dimple.
Hello, my dear.
Hello, Bhaisahab. Can you hear me?
Yes, yes, I can hear you.
Can you see me clearly?
Mr. Dixit's family is here,
they want to talk to you.
Good bring them here.
Call them, call them.
Please come.
Hello dear.
- Hello.
How are you?
- I'm good. How are you?
Why are you wearing a sweater?
Are you alright?
It's a bit chilly in London... I thought I should wear a
sweater. Shouldn't fall sick.
So, son, tell us. How's
your work coming along?
Oh work it's going great.
Market is going great.
Absolutely fantastic.
Work will keep happening.
Dad, can I talk to him?
Of course. Ajju. Come, son.
Dad, please could you step outside?
I want to speak to him alone.
Of course.
Will you start or should I?
As in?
I mean, will you ask me a
question first or should I?
I don't really have any questions...
...but if you do then I
would love to answer them.
You have 30 seconds and
this is a rapid fire round.
Which is better, UK or India?
Rice and beans or pizza?
Rice and beans.
Who is sexier? Shakira or Beyonce?
I would say. Beyonce.
Aamir Khan in Ghajini or
Shahrukh Khan in Om Shanti Om?
Salman Khan.
Shirt or T-shirt?
Pants orjeans?
Underwear or no underwear?
Time's up. You're saved.
Next time please be
ready with the answer.
Do you have anything you want to ask?
Nice to meet you.
Bhaisahab, what do you think of her?
Oh, she's too good.
I have never met a girl
like her before. So spunky!
She interviewed me like Coffee
with Karan in the very first meeting.
- You won't understand.
Should I confirm things or not?
One hundred percent. Confirmed!
Kush. Thank you.
You're welcome, Bhaisaaab.
So dear, what do you think?
Do you like him?
Oh my God! I'm so happy!
Dimple. These are my
childhood friends...
...Rohit and Shobit.
Warm regards! Sister-in-law!
Sister-in-law? Me?
Just call me Dimple.
- Dimple.
She's quite frank. Isn't she?
Kush, come here.
Excuse me. Colonel, I
have a small request.
Yes, yes. Please tell me.
We would love to hold
the wedding in Delhi.
I would request all of you
to come there for 10 days.
We'll book a big guesthouse.
Both families will stay together
and make all the arrangements.
I think that's a
brilliant idea, Mr. Dixit.
You book the
guesthouse and let us know.
We'll be there with music and drums.
Cheers to that!
- Hi!
LSR College?
No, No. Miranda House.
Have chickpeas.
- Sweets.
It's really good.
Look the one in purple is mine.
I'm the one wearing purple,
she's mine!
She's your sister then.
Just what are you guys doing?
We ordered five
cylinders just three days ago.
Fine, we'll talk later.
What's up, Shobit?
Everything's under control?
A brand new problem
plagues the market.
Will our Bhaisahab
ride a horse or a mare?
Are you kidding me?
Look, there's a budget for everything.
The horse is four thousand per
hour and the mare is eight thousand.
Now it's Bhaisahab's
decision what he'd like to ride on.
Take a look at the card, Sir,
It's like a diamond shaped sweet.
I can't understand anything.
- It will be a sensation.
You called for me.
Son, we've looked at a few card
samples and we don't like anything.
Kush, this is Govind. His
shop is at Chaavri bazaar.
You go with Dimple and
select a design that you like.
Yes, definitely.
- That's not a bad idea.
I think I should
select my own wedding card.
Certainly. And if you're
free then we could go now.
Why not?
- Yes, let's go.
Bye dad.
- Bye sweetheart.
Bye mom.
- Bye dear.
You go ahead, we'll
follow you in our car.
Sir, where will a car fit there?
Let's do one thing. You sit behind me.
We'll all adjust. Let's go triples.
What is it?
Don't do that!
Hey, it's just a scooter.
- Don't move!
C'mon, make way.
Exactly what you are looking for.
Let's finalize a card.
Super! Too good.
Excellent choice.
- Excuse me.
Kush! Don't fall.
- Don't do that, Dimple!
Dimple, I'm riding a scooter
for the first time don't do that.
First time?
I told you not to do that.
You hit me!
Don't you know how to ride a scooter?
Idiot! You don't know
how to ride a scooter?
Have you gone mad!
I've been telling you
since this morning sit steady.
Don't move so much, this
needs to be balanced...
...but you're doing the
disco sitting behind!
Ah! Now it's my fault
you're a bad driver.
I am not a bad driver
you're a bad sitter.
Oh really?
Sir, sister-in-law
is getting very angry.
Don't call me sister-in-law!
I am sorry madam. I am sorry.
Whatever the damages are,
I'll pay for it.
No, don't worry sir, I'll manage.
You just handle madam.
Just pick the scooter and
let's go. Do you want to marry him?
This isn't some show.
Go do your work. Go!
Kush, say thank you.
Why? See how well I acted.
He didn't even ask for any money.
You're amazing Dimple,
first you endanger my life...
...then you ask me to say thank you.
Look Ahead!
It's the time to disco.
Dimple, please.
Kush, don't fall. Don't fall!
It was a good day.
It was a mad day, Dimple.
Cheers everybody!
Colonel, sir. Welcome to the family.
- Thank you, sir.
Kush, when is Luv coming?
On Friday.
Great. This means that the
engagement can take place on Sunday.
Okay, dear?
Excellent. So on this
note once again cheers!
Cheers, everybody.
Check it out, this is damn funny.
Look at this.
I love Taj.
The two of you met there
for the first time, right?
Who told you that?
Dimple doesn't hide
anything from me. Dimple-Ajju.
Kush, I have a wish.
Tell me.
I'm not sure about my wedding,
if it will ever happen or not.
But I want Dimple's
wedding to be held at Agra.
At a place from where
one can see the Taj.
Beautiful white Taj.
Dimple. Wedding.
Let Luv get here.
I will speak to him.
I like you. I like you.
You're okay?
I'm feeling weird, Kush.
This Sunday I'll be engaged.
And in a week... married.
So I will soon be a married woman.
Bound by responsibilities,
my whole life will change.
I won't have all this freedom.
You're such a drama queen.
Shut up, Kush.
C'mon, my brother is
not a circus ringmaster...
...who'll keep you
locked inside a cage.
That's not the issue.
You won't understand.
I understand.
You're a little nervous.
And for good reason.
But everything is
going to turn out great.
I know that but I'll miss this.
What I am right now.
So what do you want to do?
You have 48 hours.
Miss Unmarried Dimple Dixit.
Kush, before I get
engaged I want to live... how I've lived
for the past 25 years.
Free as a bird.
I want to dress how I used to. I
want to attend a class in college.
I want to eat what I want.
I want to get drunk.
I want to disappear
completely into this world.
Do everything and I mean everything.
We'll live it up.
The next 48 hours like never before.
Come let's disappear
Let's hide from our own selves
Let's be invisible
Let's find a new world
Without realizing where we are
Touch the earth, and the sky
Come on now
Let's be friends with ourjourney
Let me rule myself my own way
Let's be friends with ourjourney
Let me rule myself my own way
Let's wander somewhere
Like vagabonds we travel uninhibited
Let's search
For something that we've never lost
Come let's disappear
Let's hide from our own selves
Let's be invisible
The flower of the dream in my eyes
Blooms with the warmth of my desire
The flower of the dream in my eyes
Blooms with the warmth of my desire
Hey, stop there
Let's search for love
Hey, in every way
Heart is always filled with desire
Come let's disappear
Let's hide from our own selves
Let's be invisible
Let's find a new world
Without realizing where we are
Touch the earth, and the sky
Come on now
Okay, Dimple. Just
shut up. You are drunk.
I am not drunk. I am just happy, Kush!
Listen Dimple, I need to pick
up Bhaisahab from the airport.
I'll drop you off at
the guest house. Okay?
Are you crazy.
I can't go to the guest
house in this condition, Kush.
Okay, so what do you suggest?
Should I drop you at a friend's place?
No way. I am not
going to anyone's house.
Okay, so what do we do then, Dimple?
What do you mean?
I will come with you to pick up Luv.
- No, no.
Kush, I'm getting married to him.
It's my right to pick him up.
In this state?
- Ya!
You're going to get me in trouble.
Okay. Do one thing.
Stop at a dairy and
get half a kilo of curd.
Because with curd, the
buzz goes a little, fine?
C'mon Kush. C'mon.
- Really?
C'mon. Take a left.
Dimple, one second.
You've made a mess of it now.
Hold on for a second.
Curd. Give me some curd.
Relax. Who eats curd like this?
- I do!
Give it to me quickly, Kush!
See, much better.
C'mon, you're fine now.
Look, don't say anything
stupid in front of Bhaisahab.
Hey, Kush!
I know how to control myself. Alright?
Don't teach me, okay!
He'll never change.
Hey, Bhaisahab!
Kush! My brother!
How are you?
Great. You tell me.
Are you ready?
Ready and how.
What a nice girl
you've found for me. Dimple!
What a beautiful name!
After I had that l-chat with her...
...I haven't once thought about Piali.
Damn good, Bhaisahab.
How's dad?
You know dad.
- Oh damn! Kush?
Bhaisahab, she's come to pick you up.
Meet my Bhaisahab, Luv.
Nice to meet you in person.
Nice to meet you too.
Are you alright?
Me, yeah!
It was my best friend's birthday
party so I drank a little too much.
You don't have any
problem with drinking?
Drinking? No, I love drinking.
Kush, shall I?
- Drive.
Yes. Yes.
So how are you feeling?
What do you mean?
Meaning, in 'Swades' when
Shahrukh Khan comes to India...
...he starts hearing music in his ears.
The cows on the road. Indian
population, colours all around.
He starts loving all this.
Are you feeling the same?
Not really.
Then why do they show
it like that in films?
Kush, why do you make such films?
Hey, Kush.
I'll show you what films are...
...what dialogues are
and what acting is.
C'mon Kush. Call action.
- Just say action. Action!
Thank you.
People. You see this Basanti.
I was about to get married to her.
But this old hag of an aunt
sitting behind messed it up for me.
Old hag aunt.
Now it's impossible
for me to stay alive.
People. I bid my final adieu.
Everyone is asleep.
Goodnite. Kush, Luv.
Luv, Kush. Goodnight.
Old aunty?
...she's nothing like that.
However she is...
...she's good.
I like her.
Well done.
Oh bad omen, may you be shamed.
From the left, right and centre.
Enough granny, you've
shamed the omen completely!
Go son. Meet him.
Good morning, dad.
Has the bad spell been cast off?
- Yes.
You've finally had
enough of London girls?
Yes, yes, yes.
You'll marry for sure or...
My dear Colonel.
Oh, Mr. Dixit. Come, come.
You've completely
forgotten us after your son came.
How are you, sir?
I'm good, I'm good. You
tell me, how are you feeling?
I am feeling a bit weird...
...everything's happened so quickly,
I didn't even realize.
I still can't believe it.
You should thank Kush.
He's done everything.
I will, Ajju. I will.
Hello dear, have you met him?
Yes. We had a short
meeting last night.
A short meeting at night!
Ajju, that's enough.
Dad, we have to go and
collect those wedding cards.
Oh yes. Colonel, don't
we have a lot of work?
Definitely. Yes. C'mon.
Let's leave.
Will you come along?
We need to go to Chaavari bazaar... collect that wedding card?
Why don't you do one thing?
You go with Bhaisahab.
I have some work.
Kush, just come.
Come. Come with us.
No, I have some urgent work.
Someone says it is
as deep as an ocean
That's how love is
Someone says it is
as lonely as a desert
That's how love is
Someone says it is
as deep as an ocean
That's how love is
Someone says it is
as lonely as a desert
That's how love is
Sometimes it is as golden as gold
Sometimes it is as pure as the earth
Sometimes it rips
through a like a silver dagger
It is unpredictable
It is uncontrollable
It's dangerous
That's how love is
It's risky
That's how love is
It's risky
Hello, madam. Come. How are you?
Here is your wedding card.
Wow! Brilliant!
Do you like it?
Ya, it's nice.
Kush designed it himself.
Here's the design.
It steals the sleep from the eyes
It can bind a relation
with a dream, without a thread
Without knowing
Your beloved will come
and steal your heart
lts neither yours neither mine
It belongs to no one
It has no language
lts omnipresent
lts in our stories
Make me learn it
without learning it. Oh God
That's how love is
It's risky
That's how love is
It's risky
That's how love is
That's how love is
That's how love is
See you at dinner.
You know, beer is the
only thing in the world...
...which makes your weariness
disappear in a split second.
You should drink some.
What's wrong? You've had
this long face all day.
Say it.
I don't know.
I am just feeling lost.
Oh c'mon, it's your
brother's wedding not your sister's...
Let me tell you ajoke.
This one time a... - Kush.
I need to talk to you, in private.
Ya sure, go ahead, talk in private.
Something is wrong, Kush.
- What happened?
I don't now, I just
can't understand it.
But there is something wrong.
I spent the whole day with Luv.
He is the man I am getting married to.
I should've been excited.
The whole day I was missing something.
I don't know but it's weird.
How was your day?
Totally rocking.
- Really.
Dimple you're over-analyzing
and that's why you are confused.
My brother will... will
keep you very happy.
I promise.
I hope you're right.
It can make life difficult
It can make you do anything
It can change your being
This boundless love
Takes you on ajourney through fantasy
It can make life difficult
It can make you do anything
It can change your being
This boundless love
Takes you on ajourney through fantasy
No one ahead or before
It races on regardless
My heart's been struck by love
lts in you, its in me
lts in our fables
Make me learn it
without learning it. Oh God
That's how love is
It's risky
That's how love is
It's risky
You love her, don't you?
Have you gone mad? Just shut up.
Mr. English, listen. Drop it.
I've been your friend since childhood.
In seventh grade, when you proposed
to a girl for the first time... was me who got you
that huge card that read...
...'I miss you too.'
You're a kid.
What's with the sudden
burst of love for your friend?
I think today you both
should speak in private.
What's wrong, Kush?
Dimple, I'm very confused.
Dimple, I've been having this
weird feeling since yesterday.
I'm thinking about you all the time.
That day when you were with Bhaisahab.
I missed you.
I missed you a lot.
I know it sounds weird.
But it's happened for
the first time to me.
Complicated. Everything
is getting complicated.
I guess what I'm trying
to say is... is... is that.
Tell me, Kush.
I love you, Dimple.
Damn it!
When I told you yesterday
that I was missing something... couldn't
understand then I was missing you!
What's my fault in this?
I didn't think and fall in love...
it just happened.
Stupid, see this.
What are we going to do about this?
I don't know! I just wanted
to tell you that I love you...
...what to do about it. I have no
idea. - Shut up, Kush, just shut up!
You are confused. I was confused.
Let me think.
- Yeah, think.
There's only one way out.
We'll have to run away.
Today itself. Before
anyone suspects us.
Run away?
- Yes.
Have you gone mad?
This isn't some film. Run away.
And what will people say.
Kush ran away with his
soon to be sister-in-law.
Kush, so you will spend
all your life knowing...
...that you love your sister-in-law?
But Dimple, we can't do that.
Whatever you needed to
do you're done with it.
From now on I'll do everything.
We're going to run away. That's final.
Tonight at 12.
You spilled everything!
Dimple, listen.
Look what you've done.
You had to fall in love
with your own brother's bride.
Coming, Bhaisahab!
Oh damn!
Dimple, what are you doing?
Where did you get the gun?
I stole it from the guard.
- Why?
Because if you don't run
away with me, I'll shoot you.
Dimple! The gun will go off.
We are running away.
I'm not running away.
You have to.
- I won't.
You have to.
Dimple, shoot me if you have to,
but I'm not going anywhere.
She makes me fall off the scooter,
she slaps me, threatens me with a gun.
Is this a girl or a Bandit Queen?
I can't take any more of this.
Can't believe what
I've gotten myself into.
Okay, we won't run.
Now don't get upset.
Sleep well.
Return that gun.
Kush... are such a wuss.
Granny...'re roaming
around so late at night.
Go to sleep.
Oh Heck.
Excuse me. Wake up quickly.
What happened, madam?
He's really unwell. We
need to go to a hospital.
Please hurry.
- Okay, let's hurry.
Remove your glasses at least.
How will you see?
Don't worry about these. These
glasses have power. Sit quickly.
Where do you want to go?
Just drop us at the highway.
I'll manage from there.
Please hurry.
Oh Shit.
Where are we?
What's happening?
On the highway.
What are we doing here?
You idiot!
Don't you remember? We've run away!
Run away?
When did we run away?
Oh shit!
Dimple, what have you done!
What's wrong with you!
Shit! Shit!
What other option did we have?
I love you.
Why are you crying?
I was scared that you
died off an overdose.
Dimple, please try and understand.
We can't run away.
But why?
Because I'm not Aamir Khan...
...and you're not Juhi Chawla
from Qayamat se Qayamat Tak.
What were you thinking? We'd climb
a mountain and make a house there?
And I'll work in a factory and you'll
bring lunch for me tied in a cloth?
Shut up, Kush!
...I love you.
But please try and understand.
We're middle class people, we've
grown up with middle class values.
No matter how progressive we become...
...some things will
never change in this country.
I can't live my entire life
away from my parents and brother.
And I'll become ajoke for
the whole society, right?
A brother ran away with
his brother's to be bride!
And just think about your family.
Will you be able to live away
from your dad, mom and Ajju?
And the shame that you'll bring
to their name. What about that?
So what should I do?
Fine, I'll marry your brother!
Okay! Let's not complicate anything.
Hey listen.
We are in love, right?
You are going to get married to me.
But Dimple, the
situation is very complicated.
You are my brother's fiance.
How are we going to
solve this problem?
I'll have to rack my brains.
Rack something you have.
How do we go back home?
I've got an idea.
You look great. C'mon.
What happened? Why are you
pulling down everything?
The programme got cancelled, Sir.
Cancelled? Who said so?
Your father. Who else?
Rakesh, there's a
thief somewhere here.
He took my wheelchair.
You don't worry.
Hey, Dimple's here.
Where's your phone? I've been
calling you since this morning.
I forgot to take it in all
that hurry. - You come outside.
I want to speak to you in private.
Why didn't you tell me?
Bhaisahab, everything happened so
fast. I just didn't get the time.
Fast! Do you know what
drama happened because of you?
- Sorry my !
He's been crying
away since this morning.
Ajju told you that he wanted...
...Dimple's wedding to
take place in Agra...
...from a place where
you can see the Taj.
Did or did he not tell you this?
I forgot.
- You forgot!
How can you forget such a
romantic sweet cute thought?
How could you, you
should have told me at least.
Now what?
- Now what!
The wedding will happen in Agra.
Luv, do you want to go to Agra or not?
Almost. We'll leave in 15 minutes.
Everything under control?
Of course. I'm a Complan boy.
Everything is good.
Give me a break. You've told him too?
What did I tell him?
He already knew it.
It's written all over your
face that you love her. Got it?
What will you do now?
We'll have to think of something.
How much beer do you have with you?
Please get down.
The bus will halt here for an hour.
You get everything here,
from cold drinks to Complan.
Yes Ma'am. Yes Madam.
Yes Miss. Fantastic.
Salman Bhai, where is the bathroom?
Right for Gents. Left for Ladies.
Feel relaxed.
Got it, right?
- Yes.
Let's have a showdown! I'll cut yours.
Yeah? Show me!
Come on. Bring it on.
Easy guys! You're spilling all over!
What's this Bhaisahab?
We're really bored.
It's supposed to feel like a wedding,
feels like a drought.
What do you want?
Let's have a couple of beers.
That will cool us down.
No way. We're with family.
It won't look nice.
So then let's have some of that.
- That?
Bhaisahab, you're in UP...
...but if you haven't tasted
the bhaang (Opium) here...
...then you haven't
experienced the real UP. - Bhaang!
It's on the terrace.
You come to UP and don't
taste the bhaang. It's a shame.
What's going on?
- Nothing much.
Bhaisahab's having a little bhang.
Even I want to have some bhaang.
Dimple, you can't have bhaang.
Oh, I see. Fine.
Then you can have my share too.
Your share. My share.
Wonderful, Bhaisahab.
I'll have your share too.
Wow. Now that's something.
You'll have one more.
Give me.
It's healthy.
Last one.
He's the bhaang boy.
I spin, ripples form in my head
My heart collides with yours
I am lost, or is it you?
I spin, ripples form in my head
My heart collides with yours
I am lost, or is it you?
I spin, ripples form in my head
My heart collides with yours
I am lost, or is it you?
I can see what isn't there
I can't see what is there
What is happening to me?
I can unlock this
madness without a key
How high am I feeling!
Dancing all around
Dancing all around
Madhubala is dancing everywhere
Dancing all around
Madhubala is dancing everywhere
Dancing all around
Madhubala is dancing everywhere
My heart beats a thumping beat
Don't you stop me from moving
You are like a dream to my eyes
You are allowed to do anything to me
I have lost my mind
It's wandering like
a vagabond everywhere
Everytime it searches
for something, it finds you
I have lost my mind
It's wandering like
a vagabond everywhere
Everytime it searches
for something, it finds you
My love flips in the air
And the dimples are
taking my life away
Dancing all around
Dancing all around
Madhubala is dancing everywhere
Dancing all around
Madhubala is dancing everywhere
Dancing all around
Madhubala is dancing everywhere
Hey guys, tired already?
You haven't seen anything yet.
Get ready to stomp your feet!
Dancing all around
Dancing all around
Madhubala is dancing everywhere
Dancing all around
Madhubala is dancing everywhere
Dancing all around
Madhubala is dancing everywhere
Dancing all around
Madhubala is dancing everywhere
Oh Madhubala
Oh Madhubala
That was a blast.
Bhaisahab, now it's totally happening.
Earlier it didn't
seem like a wedding... seemed like we
were sitting in a classroom.
Hey, Bhaisahab. Tell me...
...are you ready for the wedding?
Ready. Of course I'm ready.
I'm Eveready.
Dimple, what a girl she is!
I'm besotted, completely
bowled over by her attitude!
So you're finally over Piali?
Piali? Piali who?
I don't know any Piali. I only know...
C'mon, Bhaisahab. I'm
sure you miss her sometimes?
Piali... Piali... Piali...
I miss her a lot even now.
We were in a
relationship for 5 whole years.
Somewhere deep down I
still have feelings for her.
Bhaisahab, that's amazing,
Bhaisahab, really deep.
Don't ask, Shobit.
We were this close to getting married.
We'd even found a school in London
for our future kids, last Valentine.
You know what, I really think
we were made for each other.
I truly loved her.
Sorry, I get a little
too emotional when I drink.
Don't worry,
Bhaisahab, even I carried away.
Bhaisahab. Do you still love her?
No way!
Everything's over now.
So even Pia must have
gotten over you then.
Gotten over?
She still loves me.
Ever since I broke up with her...
...she's called and
texted every single day.
I love you, I miss you,
come back to me baby.
Look I just received a text from her.
See. Her text.
The least you can do is have a bath.
I can still smell the beer.
Yeah, it is pretty bad.
Have you seen Dimple around?
Oh crap.
Hello. Ajju.
Good morning. Good morning.
Kush, Even Ajju is with us.
Meaning... Dimple doesn't
hide anything from me.
Come on guys!
What the hell is going on?
Are you sure this
idea is going to work?
You've managed to weave a
filmy story into real life.
If Bhaisahab finds out,
we're done for.
Nothing will happen.
Just make sure that no one other
than us gets to know about this.
Okay, Ajju?
- Good.
So you are going to
make the first move.
I just love eating hot
puri's in the morning...
You're very different from Kush.
Really. How so?
The way you had bhaang
and danced yesterday.
I was quite impressed.
You have a spark.
Thank you.
And see how boring your brother is.
Oh him, he's always been like that.
I was always, the wild one.
Hey, what are you doing? Oh, Ajju.
Is this your phone?
Yes. This is my phone.
Do you have games on it?
Yes. There are. There
are a lot of games on it.
Can I play?
Of course you can.
Too sweet.
- C'mon, anything for Ajju.
Come bhaisahab, let's go.
- Where?
We need to go see a
location for the wedding.
That's today?
- Yes, right now.
Luv, shall we leave...
There are bad traffic jams in Agra.
You've organized
everything for today itself.
Well my phone is with Ajju.
You take it from him and
I'll take it from you.
And listen.
Come back soon.
You guys are just
standing there. C'mon.
Take the leap of faith! Go for it!
What happened?
Where were you? She's
already called three times.
What did you say?
- I asked her to call in ten minutes.
Ten minutes!
Who is it?
It's me, who else?
Hurry up.
She called?
- Three times.
It's her. It's her. Pick up, pick up.
- Relax! Relax!
You relax!
- Yeah, I'm relaxed.
Dimple, you speak to her.
Ask her where she's staying.
We'll go meet her, okay?
Yeah, right.
Yeah, Dimple here.
Where are you staying?
Okay. Right.
Do one thing, stay there, I'll
come meet you in half an hour.
Right. Bye.
It's fine. It was perfect.
Listen, I'm leaving.
Pick me up in 10 minutes outside the
guest house, in a cycle rikshaw okay.
Ajju, Shobit, Rohit. If anyone asks
about us just make up something, okay?
Let's do this.
Dimple, wear this and come.
Got everything?
- Yeah, got it.
Oh my bundle ofjoy!
Hello. How are you?
Dad, do you have a minute?
Yes. What is it?
Yes, the things have come. Keep
that properly. Near that tank.
Madam, who are you?
What happened to your height all of
a sudden? How did you grow taller?
Salmaan Bhai, don't you know.
I'm a Complan girl.
Complan girl!
Complan is working for sure,
Jameela grew so tall.
Who're you, sir?
That's so strange.
Didn't you recognize me?
Akbar, Master Akbar.
I'm with Jameela. I was here
for the ladies' measurements.
Ladies measurements. Master Akbar!
Madam, who are you?
It's me, Jameela.
- Jameela!
- Silly?
You scared me!
Please take us to the Taj Hotel.
What was the need for all this drama?
My dear, Agra is a tiny
place about the size of the palm.
Half the family is
shopping in the market.
Anybody could see us.
Stop doing that.
- Greetings.
- Greetings.
C'mon dad.
Excuse me, could you please hurry up?
Please slow down.
Go slowly. Easy.
Are you crazy?
Go and park it at the hotel parking.
- Yes.
We'll be back in ten minutes.
I told you not to do that.
- Excuse me.
- Greetings.
Shall we go, dad? This has
turned into 'Amar Akbar Anthony'.
Why are they following us?
Shit. I forgot. Today they had a
meeting here for the catering.
C'mon. C'mon.
Do you wanna have some more tea?
Oh C'mon, Piali.
Let's cut the crap and
come straight to the point!
Do you know my future was
about to be ruined because of you?
I just about managed
to escape the ordeal.
When I read your SMS on Luv's phone...
...and I came to my senses.
Means he loves you damn it!
But he told me that he
didn't love me anymore.
Oh, but he does.
He just doesn't want to admit it.
I don't believe it.
- Oh?
Well, you will soon.
See this.
I still think of her a lot.
We were together for 5 years.
We were this close to getting married.
You know what, I really think
that we were made for each other.
I truly loved her.
Look what he's done to himself.
How could I possibly marry someone...
...who still loves you so much?
Why don't you call off the marriage?
Oh, Piali.
This is India, Piali.
If you call off an
engagement after marriage...
...then whatever be the reason,
it will only mean one thing.
Humiliation for me and my family.
That's why I've called you here.
Because you are the
only one who can help me.
Tell me this first,
do you still love him?
A lot.
Do you want to marry him?
- Yes.
But how?
- Control him!
How will I control him?
He's marrying you.
Piali. Don't you know this.
Boys are suckers...
...and a sucker only needs a lollipop.
Dangle a lollipop to a sucker, he
will automatically be in your control.
Got it?
- Yes.
But just remember one thing.
You are my childhood
friend from London...
...not Piali, just Pia.
Tomorrow evening there's a youngsters'
party, at Lootharpur farms, okay?
Go. Get your love.
Good evening, everybody!
I welcome you all to this
mansion in Lootharpur farms.
On this happy
occasion of their wedding...
...we present an item program
for our dearest Luv and Dimple.
And I must add that the
program is a little naughty.
A little naughty.
It should be a little naughty.
So for tonight's performance...
...Luv's character
will be portrayed by...
...our Bollywood boy Kush!
And Dimple will be played by...
Who. Who?
Not so fast.
Hold on with bated breath.
I present to you...
sensational performance...
'Double-edged sword'
The sword of your eyes
Cuts me into pieces
When the blood of my love,
drains from my heart
I get intoxicated
Oh sharpshooter
Oh sharpshooter
You hunt with your eyes
You are a double-edged sword
You are a double-edged sword
You have more venom than a snake
You are a double-edged sword
You are a double-edged sword
You're a little sweet,
but also a little poisonous
As hot as the summer wind
Ever so silently,
you enter one's heart
that he dances with pure joy
You can dictate one's heart
You hunt with your eyes
You are a double-edged sword
You are a double-edged sword
Again and again, your body countours,
your walk, your smile
What the...
What are you doing here?
That's what I want to ask you.
Again and again, your body countours,
your walk, your smile
Intoxicate me with your beautiful eyes
Oh poisonous beloved, come to me
I can overthrow any power
I can bring down the dictators
I am a beauty, beware
I can make or break your destiny
Don't deny me, I submit to you
Please don't play with my heart
I beg you, I plead you
I have no other
place than your doorstep
You're a little sweet,
but also a little poisonous
As hot as the summer wind
Ever so silently,
you enter one's heart
that he dances with pure joy
My words are my weapons
You hunt with your eyes
I am a double-edged sword
I am a double-edged sword
Dimple's a childhood
friend of mine from London.
- I've come for her wedding. And you?
She's getting married to me!
- What!
What's gotten into you?
What are you wearing?
When did you get this
tattoo on your back?
And who is the white guy with you?
I don't owe you any explanation.
We're broken up. Remember?
Just three days back you
sent me emotional SMS's.
I miss you. I miss you.
Did you reply?
No, right? So I got over you.
Got over you. In three days!
See... there is
nothing between you and me.
We are free.
So let's just enjoy ourselves.
- Pia. Come.
Let's dance.
- C'mon.
Pia. You've changed your name?
Bhaisahab, what are you doing here?
Dancing, Bhaisahab, dancing. Come.
My love with cost you dearly
It will kill you
with it's poisonous eyes
It won't let you live,
It won't let you die
Such is my venomous love
I want you, I need you
I won't be able to go on without you
All you wishes, all your desires
I will obey your every command
You're a little sweet,
but also a little poisonous
As hot as the summer wind
Ever so silently,
you enter one's heart
that he dances with pure joy
Don't play with fire
You hunt with your eyes
I am a double-edged sword
I am a double-edged sword
You are a double-edged sword
You are a double-edged sword
Luv, your tea.
You still can't hit it.
Okay wait. Now I'll try.
You can't hit the shuttlecock.
I'm trying, Pia. I'm trying.
Okay, try again. Here.
Okay, try this one.
C'mon, Kush.
Are you hurt?
- Come here!
Don't go.
Right now!
Just a minute. I'll be right back.
What happened, Bhaisahab?
What the hell is going on outside?
Last night, Pia told me
that she loves badminton.
So, we've been playing
since this morning. - What!
Enough. I'm tired now.
Even I'm tired.
- No, you can't give up.
- Oh dear!
She is a rocket man. So fast.
This is what you call a bombshell!
I'm totally bowled
over by her attitude.
Morning uncle.
I want you to meet Pia. She's
my childhood friend from London.
And these are Luv's parents.
Oh, hello uncle.
Oh, from London?
- Hello, aunty.
What a sweet girl.
And very fit. She motivated us both.
Bhaisahab, I must tell you.
I'm feeling something flutter in
my heart, after a very long time.
What happened?
Should I go?
Not today.
Okay, again. One more.
Got the second one! Let's try again.
Listen, I like Pia very much.
Good girl.
She's a nice girl.
What do you think of her, Luv?
I feel she will be
just right for Kush.
What do you think? Should we ask her?
If Kush likes her then
why not? Absolutely.
Then let's ask him right now.
Sure, ask.
- Yes?
Excuse me, I will just come back.
- Okay.
How is she?
- Who?
Very nice.
- Like her?
Should we discuss your
marriage proposal with her?
Ma, you are the best mom in the world.
Drink water.
Did something get stuck?
Did something get stuck?
I was choking.
Now it's cleared.
Be careful, dear.
- Who the...
Hello. Yeah, it's me.
What I'm trying to say is...
I wanna meet you.
Yes. Let's meet today.
We'll meet at five in the evening.
There's that Shimla caf. In the
main market. Let's meet over there.
Thank you. I'll see you. Bye.
- Greetings.
What will you have, dear wife?
Bread pakoda.
Excuse me.
Yes, Sir. - Two cups of
tea and one bread pakoda.
Hi Luv.
- Hi.
Couldn't find a shorter
skirt to wear in Agra?
You've changed, Luv.
- How?
You are actually on time for
a date for the first time.
This isn't time for fun, Piali.
What are you doing?
What have I done now?
- You're flirting with my brother!
He's just a kid. He
has started liking you.
Does your brother wear diapers?
No, right? He is not a child.
He likes me, so what's wrong in that?
- Wrong?
What's wrong is that my mother is...
...about to ask for your
hand in marriage for him.
Really? That's a good thing.
Even I'm reaching a marriageable age.
Even I want to get settled.
And can I tell you something?
There are a lot of his
mannerisms that remind me of you.
I think that's so sweet, Luv.
Have you gone mad?
This cannot happen!
Why not?
- Because you're my...
I'm your what, Luv?
Listen Luv, stop it.
Not everything in life can
happen according to your convenience.
You were the one who broke up
with me, not the other way around.
And how is it my fault if the
girl you are getting married...
...turned out to be a
childhood friend of mine...
...and in that wedding your
brother ends up liking me.
And if you are feeling that
bad about it then be a man.
Show some courage and call
off your wedding with Dimple...
...and marry me.
Tell me.
Do you have it in you?
You know what, Luv.
When you have the
answer then we'll talk.
We're done. C'mon, dear.
C'mon, let's go.
Luv, you've really done it now.
I'll have to think of something.
If you ask me, this
plan has failed, Kush.
The wedding is the day
after and up till now.
Dimple, just relax. It
will take some time.
Really, some more time?
Do one thing.
You sit here relaxing while I'll
be over there getting married.
Okay? Good plan.
Who is it?
- It's me, Kush, open the door.
I'm just coming, Bhaisahab.
In a few seconds.
Almost there. Coming.
On my way. Reached.
What were you doing?
I've been knocking forever.
Oh nothing. Nothing.
What happened?
Kush! I don't know how
to say this to you, Kush.
Do you know, when I
first came to India...
...I was a little
confused about marrying Dimple.
She was a little too wild for me.
But then I realized
she's a great girl.
And then I wasn't confused anymore.
For the first time in my life I
was very clear about what I wanted.
But then everything went for a toss.
Bhaisahab, what happened?
I can't go through with this marriage!
I cannot marry Dimple!
But why?
Because of that Pia!
The one who you were
playing badminton with.
She's Piali Patel.
My ex-girlfriend from London.
Oh my God! Why didn't you tell me?
Sorry, I wanted to I just
couldn't muster up the courage.
Ever since she's come
it feels like there's...
...a tennis match being played
in my mind between her and Dimple.
It goes on and on.
You know that day when the two
of you were playing badminton...
...I felt very jealous.
- Sorry, Bhaisahab.
I can't do this.
What can't you do?
- I'm in love with Pia!
I'm in love with Pia.
Yes! Yes!
When I see her face...
...I start seeing the
faces of my future children...
...whose names we had
enlisted in a university in London.
I've been thinking about
it since this morning...
...and I've finally decided...
...and this is my final decision.
Final. Trust my word...
...that I...
...want to spend...
...the rest of my life with Pia.
Save me, Kush, Save me.
Do something.
- No, no.
You make great plans. Do something.
You know I've always been like these.
Not these, this.
- Yes, this.
Yes. Okay.
Are you sure you
love Pia... I mean Piali?
You want to marry her?
Do one thing,
Go to your room.
I'll think of something.
I really love you brother.
Everything is finally coming together!
You've packed everything, right?
Yes. Sweater. Jeans.
Underwear. Packed everything.
Relax, Bhaisahab,
everything will be alright?
So you guys are running away?
You are really lucky, Piali.
Not many boys have the guts to
actually run away with a girl.
The temple is on Gandhi road.
The priest will reach
there in half an hour.
Okay. Alright.
All this happened...
...because of a stupid
breakup between me and Piali.
I was confused as always
and didn't realize that...
...I wasn't even ready for
marriage in the first place because...
...I was in love with someone else.
...Piali is a great girl.
I think you made the right choice.
I really love you.
I love you too, brother.
Dear dad. I love you.
Dear uncle. I love you too.
Dad, Mom and you are the two
most important people in my life.
But I've made a huge mistake.
I cannot marry Dimple...
...because I've
fallen in love with Pia.
Pia too loves me a lot.
So much so that I want to
spend the rest of my life with her.
This is why Pia and I have
run away and got married.
The photos are in the envelope.
Please try and forgive us.
Give us your blessings.
Lots of love, Luv.
What happened, dad?
Oh! Now what?
Colonel. Whatever's happened,
has happened.
Whoever's fault it may be...
...both the families are going
to have their names tarnished.
What we have to figure out, is
how do we get out of this mess?
Dixit Sahab, you don't understand.
All the guests have arrived.
The wedding is tomorrow.
Where do I find another Luv?
I suggest, get Dimple married to Kush.
Dimple weds Kush.
No, Rita.
I think that is a very good idea.
Colonel, Ajju's right.
We like Kush a lot.
If you get him to agree to marriage...
...then we're saved
from embarrassment.
But will Dimple marry Kush?
Look dear. She was your friend.
She ran away with Luv.
I don't think we're at fault at this.
I had asked him.
If he'll get married or...
He was confused even then.
If the guests return this way... will be very humiliating.
Everything is in your hands.
Kush is a very nice boy.
He'll keep you very happy.
Please marry her for our sake.
They are right, say yes.
I want to speak to Dimple.
In private.
- Yes dear, of course.
Yes, of course! Of course!
Kush wants to talk
to Dimple in private.
Very good. Dimple would
also like to do the same.
Good, good. Go ahead son.
Come. Shall we sit there till then?
- Come, come.
Wait. Wait.
Just hope they say yes...
...then we'll be out of this mess...
...or else Luv hasn't
left us with any options.
Mr. Dixit, but my son cannot be
blamed entirely for what's happened.
What about Pia and what she did?
Propose to me.
- Propose to me.
Are you mad? I am not
going to do anything proposing.
Then forget about marrying me.
C'mon, what do you want?
That I should go down
on my knees and ask...
...Dimple, would you marry me?
Don't waste time. Just do it.
Pia was just a poor girl.
Poor girl!
The girls nowadays are
more cunning than the boys.
They've got 3-4 boys vying for
their attention at one time.
But colonel...
...Luv must have a
loose character for him...
,, to fall into this trap so easily.
What did you say?
That my son's character is loose!
And your daughter's friend Pia.
Was she an innocent angel?
Tell me.
You are the most
beautiful girl in the world.
You are the most
beautiful girl in the world.
I will keep you happy forever.
I will keep you happy forever.
I will never burp in front of you.
What? Is this a proposal?
I know after marriage when
husbands become shameless...
...they burp in front of
their wives and I hate it.
So get down and say it.
I will never burp in front of you.
I will never leave you alone.
I will never leave you alone.
I will always love you,
will never let you cry.
I will always love you...
...and I'll never let you cry.
I will kiss you every day.
I will kiss you every day.
...will you marry me?
Dixit Sir! What are you saying!
Why are you screaming? Talk properly.
What do you mean, talk properly?
That Pia has trapped my poor
son with her games and you're...
...standing here talking
all sorts of nonsense.
Excuse me, Colonel, but your
son wasn't born yesterday...
...that you are
putting all the blame on Pia.
The manner in which
you are defending her...
...we are starting to get
doubts about your family!
Colonel, listen, don't say
anything about my family!
Just because I'm listening, does not
mean you can go on talking rubbish.
What more can I say?
Everything is in front of you!
You are insulting me.
Only if you had some
integrity left could I insult you!
Dad, cool down!
What cool down! The older
son has lost it completely.
Should I let you spoil your life?
- Okay! That's enough, Colonel!
What's he trying to say?
You'll call off the wedding?
I call off the wedding right now!
Go on then, we don't want to give
our girl to such a family. - Dad!
Yes, even we don't want to
have a marriage in such a house.
You go get tickets arranged quickly.
Dad, this is very childish.
Hey, You keep quiet! Shut up! Enough!
What I say, will be done!
And that's an order! Draw the fences!
- Draw it!
And let's get the
bloody hell out of here!
Let's also get the hell out of here!
Wedding cancelled!
Hear me? Wedding cancelled!
Atleast hear me out. Dilip!
Here we go again.
We're doomed.
Kush, get ready to run away.
- Meaning...
...lf you love Dimple
then run away with her.
Let's go.
Dimple, I cannot run away.
Because, once I've
made a commitment...
...then even I can't stop myself.
I'll give you one tight slap and
all this filminess will disappear!
I'm being serious here!
It's a question of our entire life!
Dimple. Listen. I love you.
Please, just listen to
me this one last time.
If this doesn't work...
...then I'll do, whatever you say.
I promise.
Last time?
Last time.
Both father's have had a fight.
Fences have been drawn.
Both groups have had a big division.
Everything is ready?
- Fully ready.
Okay. Remember only one car
should remain after everything.
Okay boss.
Guys, hurry up!
Take it straight to the station.
Don't stop for anything.
Anyone left? Come Ajju. Have a seat.
Dad, It's the last car.
I think everyone else has left.
We'll have to go in this.
Dad, please sit. We'll miss the train.
In this car?
Hello. Yes.
She's giving birth. Tell her to wait.
I'm coming. I'm coming.
Kush, I'm very sorry.
I won't be able to come with you.
Yes, please go. I'll drive.
Take care.
See you.
Come, dad. Uncle.
You'll be more comfortable in
the back. I'll sit in front.
So Kush, will you go to
Dehradun or straight back to Mumbai?
Mumbai. I've been off
for quite a few days.
And in any case what's
there to do in Dehradun?
I'll have to listen to
people talk nonsense.
You don't know what
Delhi people are like.
With all their taunts, I
will land up committing suicide.
Forget it, Dimple, its
useless talking about it now.
You're right, anyway.
At least there was one good
thing that came out of this.
What's that?
I found a good friend like you.
I will miss you.
I will miss you too.
Come to Mumbai sometime. We'll meet.
I don't know about Mumbai...
...but make sure you
send me your wedding card.
I'll definitely make it for that.
Yes. Of course.
What kind of girl will you marry?
It's a little hard to explain, but...
What but?
She has to be exactly like you.
I am serious. I'm not kidding,
You are a very nice girl, Dimple.
And this is not just me, but
my entire family, my friends.
Everyone loves about the way
you laugh, you talk, you dress.
Anyone would fall for you.
Even you are really nice, Kush.
In fact dad says you
remind him of Amol Palekar.
Amol Palekar?
You are so cute.
So innocent.
I will miss you a lot...
...more than you can imagine.
...I want to tell you something.
How do I say this. This
isn't the time or place.
Just say it, Kush. All we
have are these few moments...
...and it's possible we
may never meet ever again.
No, I can't. I can't.
Not in front of Dad and Papa.
Kush, for me, just say it.
I think, I...
I think, I...
What are you mumbling?
Just say it, Kush!
Dimple, I lo...
Stop the car!
Stop the car now. Right now!
...the two of you step out of the
car and leave us for two minutes.
I need to talk to Mr.
Dixit in private.
Sure, sure. C'mon.
Mr. Dixit.
They've got a point.
We will really have to face
the insult when we go back.
Yes, Colonel.
And the way these two
are talking to each other.
I'm afraid they might run away.
C'mon, sir.
The two of you, please get married.
- What?
Get married?
Yes dear, this is what's best for you.
I mean, best for all of us.
Best for everybody.
What say, Dimple?
Get down on your
knees and propose to me.
Have you lost it? I'm
not doing any proposing.
Fine. Then I won't marry you!
- Kush!
- What's wrong with you?
What's there in proposing?
Hurry up. Do it.
Be a good boy. - If she
wants you to propose, then do it.
C'mon hurry up.
Dimple, marry me.
Marry me.
- No.
Say, I love you, Dimple.
Please will you marry me?
What nonsense. Dad, I only
agreed to a marry me...
...l'm not saying all this crap.
Then forget about any marriage!
I don't want to marry you.
- Kush! Just say it.
Kush, be a little romantic.
What's the problem? C'mon... it for us.
Dimple, I love you.
Please marry me!
One minute.
Not so fast.
Dad, I have one condition.
Oh god, what's your condition now?
The condition was that, Luv
and I, both get married together.
I kept a condition, then how
could Dimple be far behind.
World's first bride...
...who came riding...
...a horse to her own wedding!