Merrick (2017) Movie Script

In a near future,
an unknown, deadly virus has spread.
Quickly, the entire population
is annihilated. Chaos reigns.
Survivors are gathered in camps
under military control.
Outside these camps,
chances of surviving are very slim...
- Esther!
- Dario!
What's happening?
3 infected people broke
through the quarantine;
we have to shoot civilians at sight!
I'm taking you to zone 6!
Come on, move!
Don't move.
I'll send them away
and I'll come back!
The director of the camp ordered
the residents of other zones
to report to the medical centre.
We have not yet received
the names of the victims.
Security patrols on the outer walls
were doubled,
as reported by the chief of security,
because this intrusion was linked
to the recent increase
in refusal of admissions to the camp.
The gates of the camp were closed
until new order
and applicants are requested
to go to another camp
and not to stay by the outer walls...
I'm not infected.
What's your name?
Where do you come from?
From a survivors' Camp.
Which one?
The General-South Camp.
It's three hours from here.
What are you doing here?
I ran away.
Because some infected people got in.
They all come for food.
Is there anybody else with you?
Are you alone?
How did you get out?
By some kind of sewer.
I discovered it when I was a kid.
Did someone follow you?
Have you got somewhere to go?
At my parent's.
They are dead.
They had a restaurant
before the epidemic started.
In the town.
And what's your name?
You'll sleep here
and tomorrow you'll leave.
Attention please:
all the residents from zone 1 to 5
must present themselves
to the medical center.
- What's going on?
- I got you water.
Your house.
You left the light on.
I found a girl in my car.
Tomorrow, I'll take you into town.
I need to find some fuel.
You'd better sleep,
it's quite far from here.
You know where your place is?
Yes, above the restaurant.
Where is it?
Van Vogt Street.
- Where is that?
- I don't know.
If we find the area,
I can find the street.
And where is the area?
I don't know.
Why do you look at me like that?
I was young.
There is a park nearby, I think.
I used to go there a lot.
And a hospital, where I used to go.
You think or you're sure?
I am sure.
Put your mask on.
It's here!
Take it out!
Drop your stuff here and leave!
Come on, go away!
Let me see.
Ok, it's nothing. You'll be fine.
Put your mask back on.
Wait, wait, wait!
I am looking for a girl,
with a beanie.
Her name is Esther.
If you see her,
tell her Dario will wait for her at
the restaurant at least once a day.
Are you hungry?
Come on.
Let's talk.
Come on kids, go.
Thank you.
Where do you come from?
The General-South Camp.
The girl you are looking for:
is she your daughter?
Is she running from you?
Who lives there?
Who is she?
A woman who lives there.
She's not dangerous.
She lives up on the hill?
With you?
I mean, do you know her?
Do you help each other?
A little.
What does she do up there?
I don't know. You'll have to ask her.
So she'll send me back
to ask you what you do alone here.
What is going on?
I simply won't ever be able
to go back to the camp.
I don't even know
if Dario is still alive.
Who is he?
He is the man who has taken care
of me since my parents died.
Ok, it's done.
Thank you.
Come on, go to bed.
Are you alright there?
Is the belt real?
Were you a champion?
Here, look.
Is it your real name?
Stan Merrick?
Stanislas Merrick.
Did you have to wear this?
No, I didn't...
When I'm in the changing room,
I put it on and...
I feel ready.
My mind is completely focused.
It's comfortable.
You know,
in the end, you are quite nice.
Do you really live here alone?
Do you have family?
No, I don't.
So you didn't lose anybody?
Yes, I did.
Come on, you need to sleep.
Are you ok darling?
Are you Mila?
Stan told me about you.
Did he go into town?
I don't know.
He left with his bike.
Do you need a hand?
What are you planting?
Maybe I can help?
No, it's okay, I'm done.
I'm going to go back up.
Do you want to come with me?
What happened to your leg?
Nothing I'm okay.
Do you live in the church?
I moved here.
Because it's big.
I feel less confined.
- Here.
- Thank you.
What are you doing here alone?
I was looking for my old house
and got lost.
Where are your parents?
The Epidemic.
Long time ago?
How long have you lived here?
Soon it will be 30 years.
And Stan?
12 years.
You knew him before the epidemic?
I gave him his work as a keeper,
I used to work in the town council.
Keeper of what?
Keeper of the lake.
Wasn't he a boxer?
Yes, he was.
But many boxers had
other part-time jobs.
So, you were the town's Mayor?
I mean...
No I wasn't, only deputy mayor,
I was a florist.
Thanks for the clothes,
it's nice of you.
Where were you?
At Mila's.
- You said I could go if I wanted.
- Next time, warn me before leaving.
She is nice, I like her.
Careful! There is some resin there!
It's ok.
Can I sit here?
It feels good!
There is some silt, it's gross.
Let's go!
Have you ever thought
of leaving here?
The floaters...
What 'floaters'?
Point the light on them!
I am serious.
Have you ever thought
of leaving here?
To go where?
I don't know...
A survivor's camp for example.
No. I'm good here.
Don't you get bored here alone?
I keep myself busy.
Could you explain?
There's nothing to explain.
I'm fine as I am.
I make decisions on my own,
it's simple.
That's not a good reason.
Yes, it is. I'm fine.
Everything that's happening now,
in this exact moment,
is just the consequence
of what has happened before.
Ok and...?
If you change the smallest detail...
a leaf that falls or someone sneezing
anywhere in the world,
the second after will not be
exactly the same.
And so what?
You say that you decide for yourself
but it's not entirely true.
Because your decision is determined
by what happened before.
So you don't really decide,
you see?
It doesn't change a thing.
You should be aware of it.
It means that everything you do
influences others and the future.
If you came back to the camp with me,
I might be happy.
That's your way of asking for it.
Why not?
Aren't you meant to point the light?
I don't think
your technique is working.
Because we have to wait.
We have to wait...
We can't leave her like that.
We grew up in a nearby village.
We used to come back here
every year to see our home.
Near a lake, La got bitten by a dog.
We decided to go back.
When we got here, they attacked us.
I couldn't do anything.
Did you meet anybody coming here?
I am looking for a young girl
with a beanie.
I am not sick.
We'll be sure in few hours.
What are you up to?
You have some yellow paint here.
What do you want?
I thought about it...
I would like to go with you
and Mila back to the camp.
We can talk about it later.
Where were you?
At Mila's...
Didn't I tell you to let me know?
I'm letting you know now:
next time I feel like going, I will.
I was here and bored,
I just went up the hill to see her!
What will you do to that girl
when you find her?
I will bring her back to her home,
in the camp.
Near the lake,
we heard a voice.
We didn't dare to go but...
It was a girl's voice.
What do you mean 'a girl'?
She sounded like she was playing,
in the water.
A young voice.
Why didn't you talk to me before?
I thought you might hurt her.
I need to rest.
You are hurting me...
Go away!
Hi darling, let's go.
Yes, come on sweetheart.
Come on.
Say goodbye to daddy.
Come on, let's go.
Why didn't you tell me
that he had a daughter?
What happened?
I got into her bedroom.
And what?
Why did you go in?
What do you mean 'why'?
Why did you get in
with no permission?
This isn't really the problem, is it?
Calm down...
No, I won't calm down!
Can't you see that he hurt me?
And you are defending him!
- No, I'm not defending him.
- Yes, you are!
No, I'm not!
- He shouldn't have touched you...
- He lost his daughter and that's sad
but he's not the only one!
You should have seen his eyes.
I thought he was going to kill me!
And you are telling me
that it is my fault!
You two are exactly the same,
aren't you?
That's what happens
when you live on your own.
How did she die?
The virus killed her, right?
Or was it appendicitis?
Was she assaulted?
- Was it because of him?
- No!
So why don't you tell me?
- It was his fault, wasn't it?
- It was mine!
She disappeared,
just before the virus started.
I was baby-sitting her.
Stan had left for
the French boxing championship.
Her name was Alice.
She loved going to the 'caverns'
as she called them.
They are old caves that we can visit.
There are many around here.
As soon as we got there,
I slipped on a rock
and I hit my head on the floor.
I woke up the day after
in the hospital,
the police were there.
We never found her body.
And if you want to know
why I'm still here,
it's because I cannot leave
Stan here by himself.
I can see it in his eyes,
he waits for her...
He waits for her to spring out
of a bush, or from behind a wall.
Each day, each second, he awaits.
I'll prepare your bed.
Sleep here tonight.
I must go back to the camp.
I'll prepare your bed...
She left! 30 minutes ago!
Don't come close Stan!
I'm cold.
- Stan?
- Yes...
I want to see the caverns...