Merry Kiss Cam (2022) Movie Script

I don't want
nothin' melancholy
Just a little eggnog
and holly
On this holiday with you
So hurry up
don't keep me waitin'
I'm in the mood
for celebrating
Just want a holiday for two
As long as I'm with you
I don't care what we do
Cozy fire or snowflakes
under the moon
Grab some candy canes
we'll go ice fishin'
As long as we're together
we can only win
When you're around it's
- Jess, my wallflower.
- What?
I am so glad that you're here.
I'm always exactly
where I'm supposed to be.
You, my dear, are not.
See those people there,
those are the ones
that buy the art.
Now go, mingle, be bright.
Sonja, you know
how I hate these things.
Oh, and I hate how my girdle
cuts off my circulation,
but we all must sacrifice
to get what we want.
Besides, I've already
teased everyone
about your first show
in two years. Oh...
- You and your buzz.
- Embrace the buzz, Jess.
That's the only way
my gallery can sell your art.
I'm gonna need a buzz.
Thank you.
How's your progress going,
by the way?
Marching band
It's progressing.
The room isn't gonna
work itself.
You must put in a few minutes
with him, okay?
- Otto! Otto.
- I'm coming.
Otto, Bebe, so good to see you.
Your holiday soiree
is spectacular as always!
So happy you could make it.
Ah, I wouldn't miss it
for the world.
We're so excited for your new
work. I'm dying to get a taste.
- Well, of course.
- Give them something.
I'm sure you've settled
on a title by now.
- Yeah, of course.
- Mm-hmm.
Um, the title
was carefully chosen, uh,
to express
the duality of nature.
- Poetic.
- Winter.
- Ah.
- Light And Dark.
Mm-hmm. Moody, I love.
Good, I'm so glad you like it.
Uh, I'd like to introduce
Jess Woods,
the most exciting voice in our
contemporary arts community.
The Young Collector's Council
has just acquired
one of her pieces
for the museum.
- Greatness is among us.
- Oh.
None of you may leave
without meeting with her.
This is Jess Woods.
- Hi.
- Jess Woods.
Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you.
This is Jess Woods.
- Hi.
- Jess, this is Elsy.
Hi, nice to meet you. Oh, okay.
- Jess Woods. Jess Woods.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Nice to meet you.
- Yeah.
- So, um...
Phillipe, you must meet Jess.
So nice to meet you.
Merry and bright
It's Christmas time
It's Christmas time
Three cheers tonight
With that goal by Cuber,
the Stags take a 5-1 lead
over the Bulldogs.
But what's worse here, folks,
the Bulldogs are on the brink
of a longest losing streak
in team history.
No way to sugarcoat this, Tom.
This has simply been a brutal
stretch for the Bulldogs.
Sheesh! I really thought
this was gonna be the year.
Me, too, Annie,
but we are Bulldogs fans.
And Bulldogs fans are relegated
to a life of pain and suffering
and almost and could-have-beens.
But what do we Bulldogs fans
always have?
Hope, Annie,
you gotta have hope.
Okay, you know what, Danny? I'm
freaking tired of hoping, okay?
The last time we made it
to the playoffs, I was sitting
in a high chair
and I was shoving cereal
up my nose and then eating it.
Wow, uh, image forever burned
in my mind, thank you.
And that's the game.
Now it's in the record books.
What turned out to be
a promising season for
the Bulldogs
has quickly collapsed
into the worst
losing streak in team history.
Oh, man.
One of these days, pop.
One of these days.
You said I could drop it
to find the answers
I need to know
Been overthinking lately
I can't let go
Searching for the answer
Tryin' to find the answers
Oh, ho, ho.
- I brought hot chocolate.
- Come on!
And you interrupted
a serious flow I have going on.
- Sorry, grumpy-pants.
- No, I'm sorry.
Well, Sonja, in all of her
passive-aggressive glory,
laid into me how behind I am
on my show.
So it's going well.
I see the season has brought out
your bright and cheery side.
Hey, yeah,
somebody's gotta be a realist.
Everyone's walking around
all cheery
forgetting that on December 26th
all your anxiety
is just gonna be waiting
to slap you in the face.
- Peppermint?
- Hm.
What's in here?
Extra peppermint.
Oh, oh, oh. Ginger snaps. Okay.
- What do you want?
- Nothing.
I can't just be a good friend?
- Like...
- Hm?
Can you please come with
me to my company party?
Please? Open bar.
- Jared's not going with you?
- He is.
Hopefully, he doesn't get me
fired tonight.
I love you. I can't, no.
I have all this work to do.
Fine. Be prepared
for that 1 a. m. drunk-dial.
I'll be waiting for it.
I love you.
Thank you for the coffee.
It's good, it's good.
Wade in to December
When you're walking
in the night
All the retail stores
are open
With their windows
shining bright
You can try
and shake the grin
But it makes halos
in your lives
Ooh oh oh oh
I can't.
So I watch the snow
And hang some mistletoe
Wait for a miracle
Ooh oh-oh ooh oh-oh
And so I watch the snow
And hang some mistletoe
Wait for a miracle
Um, how much is it?
Keep you warm. Yeah, got it.
You getting a good haul?
- Oh, here, here.
- All right, stay warm.
You, too.
- Here you go.
- Oh, it's okay.
- You can just keep the change.
- Thank you.
Uh, ah, thank you.
Happy holidays.
You as well.
You can give your heart
walking by
Oh oh oh oh oh
- Yes, oh. Hey.
- Hi.
What do you get
if Santa goes down the chimney
when the fire is lit?
- Uh...
- A crisp Kringle.
- A crisp Kringle.
- Uh, I apologize for that.
But, also, to be fair,
you probably should've known
not to sit on the one stool
everybody's obviously avoiding.
Hey, I like a good dad joke.
Oh, you're gonna love
this guy, then.
- Old man's full of 'em.
- Oh, is he your dad?
No. But he's still an old man.
My dad's dead.
Oh, God, uh...
I-I didn't mean to...
But before when you had...
- You, you said, but, but...
- Ah, it's okay, don't worry.
It was a long time ago.
I'm just messing with you.
Honestly, it was kind of fun
to watch you squirm.
Not very nice.
Ah. You look like him.
Yeah, Danny Carmody Senior,
the legend.
I-I inherited this bar
from him, actually.
And the gentleman
with the terrible
Santa joke is my Uncle Pat.
Oh, and from you
he inherited the sense of humor?
And she's sassy.
What can I get you?
How about a Pinot?
And sophisticated.
- Be right back.
- Thanks.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Oh.
- Here you go.
And ginger snaps,
if you're into that.
Just let me take you
for a ride
- I think I like it here.
- Are you from here?
- Hm.
- I've never seen you before.
I take it you know
all of your customers.
Sadly, yes, yeah.
Uh, it's a local bar thing.
Most of them at least.
Um, what brings you out tonight?
- So many questions.
- I'm a bartender.
It's the holidays,
you've walked into my bar alone.
And that means there is a story.
- Sorry, it's my job.
- And blunt.
- I'll stop.
- Don't. It-it's fine.
You know, usually, I only get
to talk to the same ten people
that make it their job
to drink here,
and they're all pretty much
sick of me by now, so...
Uh, I'm Danny. Danny Carmody.
- Nice to meet you.
- Oh, Danny Carmody.
- Makes sense.
- That's my dead dad.
- Oh, my God. Come on.
- All right, all right.
I'm done giving you a hard time.
I promise, okay? I'm sorry.
Uh, uh, what do you do?
- I paint.
- Oh, perfect.
Uh, we could really use a new
coat of flat white in here.
Okay, I thought you said
you were
gonna stop
giving me a hard time.
Oh, that's right, I forgot.
Uh, I think the closest thing
we've ever had
to an artist in here
is this guy Frank
who's a sign-spinner
for Superior Mattress.
He's really good, too.
I don't see him now.
Hey, we all got our talents.
But from the looks
of this place,
you could use an
upgrade, junior.
Well, um, you got any pieces
I could hang in here?
I don't think you would be very
interested in my aesthetic.
Hm, dark and brooding,
I take it?
I prefer chic,
yet approachable cynic.
Ah, you sound fun.
Yeah, in an Edward Scissorhands
kind of way.
- Hm.
- Hey, Danny. Oh, uh...
Just give me,
give me one second.
Oh, yeah, go, do your thang.
"Do your thang?"
- So...
- Oh, my gosh!
- You're married?
- What?
Are you married?
- Um, no.
- Oh, gosh, um...
- Danny.
- I'm sorry, buddy.
- Good.
- Hm?
And opened my sky
Get another one going.
Don't need no lie
That's the kind of love
That's the kind of love
that I want
That's the kind of love
that's the kind of love
I say
that's the kind of love
By myself
- So soon?
- Uh, yeah.
I, uh, promised my friend I'd go
to a company Christmas party.
- So alone, but not alone.
- Keep digging.
Well, you're kind of breaking
my heart here.
- Hm.
- Danny.
- Here.
- Thanks.
Hey, Danny, um, we're thirsty.
Could you get a drink over here?
I think you'll be just fine.
It was, uh, nice meeting you,
Danny Junior.
Uh, nice to meet you,
mysterious artist woman,
whose name, your, can I...
Do I get your name?
Oh oh oh oh oh
Ah, dang it.
Dan. Daniel.
Why not? Right?
It's not like you could stop me.
All right.
Hey. You remember that girl
that came in last night?
The Pinot-drinker
you were drooling over? Vaguely.
Um, she, uh, she gave me
her name, but not her number.
Do you think
you could help me find her?
Well, lucky for you, I set up
a social-media account
for your bar.
Remember, with pass code
Which spells,
"Hack me, I'm easy."
Hold on, hold on, okay.
- You got it?
- Ah, I'm in.
Well, if she's well-known,
she should be easy
to search and find.
Oh, wow.
Jess Woods, you're, uh,
kind of a big deal.
Oh, um, oh, no.
- What happened?
- I clicked the like thing.
Ooh, now she knows
you're stalking her.
Uh, send here a DM.
Right, right, right.
What is a DM?
It's a direct message,
like a text.
It's that little
paper-airplane thingy.
Oh, okay, okay, got it, okay.
- Okay, thanks. Bye.
- Bye, Danny.
It's done. It's done. She's...
She's either gonna say yes
or she's gonna say yes.
You weren't there.
You don't know.
No reply yet. Is that bad?
Oh, no.
- Jess.
- Oh, hey.
Cas, uh, can you meet me
at the lounge for brunch?
I will provide
the hangover helper.
- So what bar?
- Carmody's.
- Wait, hockey bar?
- Yeah, he's the owner.
- What, Danny?
- You know Danny?
Everyone knows Danny. He's like
the Duluth golden boy.
- Mm-hmm. Well...
- Crushed on by all the ladies.
Yeah, he was a charmer, funny.
- Smooth-talker, very handsome.
- Oh.
Ah, and he kept calling me out
a few times,
which I, you know...
When are you guys
gonna get married?
Okay, slow down.
He was wearing a moose T-shirt
and he smelled like beer.
That's a Minnesota sex symbol
for most women around here.
Why do you think
she hasn't responded yet?
She definitely gonna respond,
though, inevitably. She...
Yeah, no, still hasn't replied,
in case you were wondering.
And I want youto be happy.
I am happy. I am.
You know, Mark and I,
we spent years
and chasing our big dreams.
And when we finally felt like
we'd made it, we settled here.
And he has roots here,
and, I don't know...
I just, without him, I wonder,
is this where
I'm supposed to be?
I think there's somebody
out there for you
if you open yourself up
to the possibility.
Like, maybe a hockey-loving,
beer-scented possibility?
Does lightning strike twice? You
know that I believe in signs.
Right, and have you ever seen
more of a sign that says
"You're not a match" than this?
What? I don't see a sign.
He wants me to go to
a college hockey game with him.
- Jess, he like you!
- What?
He's taking initiative.
Plus, he's a business owner.
- So what he likes hockey?
- Fine, but for our first date?
I mean, what could we possibly
have in common?
And I have work, right?
I have a show coming up.
Okay, let me remind you
that he is cute and he's nice.
Oh, and also he is cute,
and you really like him.
Stop fighting yourself.
You're a widow, Jess.
You're not dead.
It's one date.
Ooh, fine.
Okay, okay.
- I'm doing it.
- It's a Christmas miracle.
La-la la-la
Fa-la la-la-la la-la la-la
She said yes!
Well, man, she said yes.
Welcome to Bulldogs hockey
in the midst of the longest
losing streak in team history.
It would take a miracle
for the Bulldogs
to come back
this late in the season.
With playoffs
right around the corner,
they don't seem
to stand a chance.
I guess the only question is
when is this losing streak
gonna end?
Wish you a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
Good tidings we bring
to you and...
I gotta admit,
there's a part of me
that thought
you might not show up.
There's a part of me
that thought the same.
Wish you a Merry Christmas
Come on. After you.
Oh, oh.
- Oh.
- Oh, whoa!
- Good job!
- Yeah, I love this sport.
- Well, these are great seats.
- Yeah, uh...
You remember my Uncle Pat,
sat next to you at the bar?
Dad jokes? Who could forget?
Oh, he's retired now,
but he worked for Bulldogs,
for, like, 40 years.
He was in charge of maintenance
on the Zamboni.
What the hell is a Zamboloni?
Say you're not from Minnesota
without saying
you're not from Minnesota.
- Indiana.
- Yup.
I'm from Indiana, Hoosier state.
Hm, uh, why don't you tell me
what you think a Zamboni is.
- Okay, a Zamboni.
- Simple. Yes.
Is it a horn that you blow
when someone gets a goal?
- Maybe?
- This close, so close. It's...
Okay, it's a giant machine that
someone drives on to the ice
to, yes, to shave
and clean the ice,
so it's ready
for the next part of the game.
I can't believe I didn't guess
that extremely technical
insider term.
I can't believe you thought
Bulldogs hired my uncle
to clean a giant trumpet
for 40 years.
Hey, Dogs, let's go, let's go!
Bring it! Whoo!
Let's go oh oh
Let's go
I'm gonna give you
a little basic information.
The white, clear stuff
that they are on,
that's called the ice.
So it's very cold.
The little black thing
is called the puck.
The long, wooden bent thing,
it's called the hockey stick.
- Wow, you don't say.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Very couture. Allow me, sir.
Very handsome.
Well, did you, uh, always know
you wanna be an artist?
Mm, you know,
for the longest time,
I thought my art would only
hang on my parents' fridge.
But then I had
the most amazing teacher
who made a living selling
her art, and it lit a spark.
I was, um, studying in Indiana,
and the university here
offered me
a teaching fellowship.
So I painted and I taught,
you know?
There's a very loyal collector's
scene here in Duluth,
and, well, the paintings
sort of took off, and here I am.
You're still teaching?
It's just not the time
right now.
- Pretzels.
- Yeah.
Zamboni. That's it, right?
That's a Zamboni.
The magic of
the magic of Christmas
Oh, no! It looks like we have
a penalty for the Bulldogs.
- Come on, ref!
- Bull crap! Are you blind?
You're the one that needs
to get off the ice!
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
- No sweat.
- Okay.
Kidding me! Rip that stripes!
It's not your pattern!
Try paisley!
Time out. Bulldogs.
Forty seconds left
in regulation.
The Bulldogs
are taking their timeout.
It would take a miracle
for them to pull out this win.
Right now it's just about
keeping the Blazers from
scoring. Lord knows we'll take
a tie at this point.
Let's end this streak, huh?
Pucker up, Bulldogs fans.
It's time to get your kiss on.
Let's get into
that loving Christmas spirit.
Here we go, matching hats
and all! That's nice.
Oh, God, Kiss Cams
are so embarrassing.
Yeah, don't worry,
I have been to, conservatively,
like, 300 games, never once been
on the jumbo-tron.
So we're good,
we-we're gonna be fine.
Oh, it's
deer-in-the-headlights couple.
Never seen this before,
- Oh!
- It's our first date!
- Cut us a break.
- Put that pretzel down.
Let's make some noise.
Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss.
- Come on, you two.
- You don't have to.
- It's for the win!
- You do not have to.
It's for the win.
Can't live like this
no more
Time for me to say goodbye
Open up my eyes love
Kiss the old me goodbye
Stay strong, Bulldogs!
- Oh, my God!
- Yeah!
- We won? We won?
- Yes!
- We won, yeah!
- Yes!
Bulldogs win!
Bulldogs win!
A Turpin last-second goal.
And the dreaded streak is over!
- Unbelievable!
- Yeah!
Give it up for these two
and their lucky lips, huh!
Shake shake shake
shake shake it loud
- Hey! It's Carmody and Pretzel!
- Oh, my gosh!
Okay, I gotta say,
I can't believe
what a good sport you've been
about all this.
Hey, I didn't wanna
incur the wrath
of angry hockey fans
if they lost.
Is that all it was?
This was fun, right?
Getting to see you wear that hat
made the whole day.
It was great. I loved it.
So let's do it again soon.
The inspiration
behind my most recent series
comes from my fiance, Mark...
He said he enjoys
Lake Superior most
when it's frozen,
so I started to...
And they were engaged
when he passed away?
Yeah, I know. And it was only,
like, two years ago.
Hey, listen, listen, listen.
"In addition to his success
in business,
Mark was also known
for his charitable spirit.
He was the driving force
behind the construction
and programming
of the Duluth Art Institute,
which will now be named
in his honor."
The guy's building's
named after him.
You have a bar
named in your honor.
Hey, come on, Rick, my dad
named this place after himself.
Named after your family,
which makes it legacy.
Look at this guy's
Wait, wait, wait. Are you
reading me his obituary?
- Is that weird?
- Yes!
That's weird and creepy.
I guess I'm just surprised that
sh-she didn't mention anything.
Okay, well, not everybody
is like you and spills
their whole life story
at the drop of a coaster.
Everybody processes grief
Uh, think about
when you lost your dad.
Yeah, yeah, you're right, um...
You're right. What do I do?
Closing the window with his
obituary would be my first move.
Oh, my God.
You really like him, don't you?
Okay, I'm trying
not to go overboard.
But, yes,
we had a good time. Hi.
And he gets you
out of your dark little cocoon.
You know, which I thought
I would hate.
But... that kiss.
Mm, that kiss.
Do you think it was too forward?
It was a Kiss Cam, okay?
I was under a lot of pressure.
And heat. Well, just saying.
- Oh, wait.
- Oh!
- No, no, I've...
- Take it, take it.
I've been avoiding.
It's the art institute.
They want me to help them
with this after-school program.
Why would they bother you
with that?
Maybe because I promised them
that I would do it.
- Jess!
- I know.
I know.
It was always important to Mark.
And then it gets me thinking
about Mark.
And with this, you know,
whatever this thing is
with Danny...
You're moving on.
It's perfectly normal.
I just don't know if I'm ready.
No one is ever ready,
but life goes on,
whether we like it or not.
- So have you told Danny?
- About Mark?
He's probably
figured it out already.
Well, that's not the same
as telling him.
And I doubt he figured
anything out about you.
The man has a flip phone.
You know, you're always
talking about how honesty
is the most important thing
to you?
- Then just be honest.
- Maybe you're right.
You know, he did say
he wanted to see my work.
A terribly normal response.
Are you gonna take him
to one of the galleries
that has your stuff?
I think I have a better idea.
Okay, settle down. Come on.
Shall we stop right here
for gas?
Oh, I guess
I didn't screw up too bad.
- What's that?
- Someone got a second date.
- Ooh.
- Yeah. Oh, shit.
That's weird. She wants to meet
exceedingly early for dinner.
- Mm, that's strange.
- Yeah.
Um, have you been to Apostle?
Apostle? They opened back up?
Ah, okay, now I need a jacket.
Oh, you made her dress down,
so now she wants you
to dress up.
Okay, I have a jacket.
- Not a rain jacket.
- No, I know.
- Like a, like a, like a...
- Straightjacket.
- Yellow jacket?
- It is this guy jacket, but...
I'm coming down the chimney
I just want you
here with me
And let's slide away
Near the fireplace
And I'm real and I'm
- Hey, guys!
- Hey!
- Grab me a stout.
- Got you.
Hey, I, I forgot about the Santa
Crawl, I-I thought it started
at 9:00. I mean, I gotta go.
I really gotta go.
I'm not stopping you. Just
cursing you under my breath.
Yeah, thanks. Okay, good luck.
And, Uncle Pat.
As your favorite nephew
and main source of inebriation,
I need you to get back here
and help him pour beers.
I'm on it. I can handle that.
All right.
Oh, oh!
Oh, man!
The sport coat's
in the trunk of my car.
It's open, go!
Hey, are you okay?
I wanted to get here early
so you could
see the view of Lake Superior.
Once it gets dark,
you can't really see much.
Lived here my whole life.
I've-I've never been up here.
It's beautiful, huh?
Yeah, it is.
- May I take your coat?
- Oh, thank you.
- I'll get this.
- Thank you so much.
Um, my, uh, dinner jacket
suffered an occupational
hazard earlier.
I dig it. I mean...
You know, the peekaboo
of the wrist, it's very sexy.
Thank you. Uh, this was in the
trunk of Pat's ancient Buick.
I'm pretty sure he wore it
to a Huey Lewis concert in '89.
- Ms. Woods.
- Oh, hi.
Your table's right this way.
Thank you so much.
- Good to see you.
- Good to see you.
- Wait. Are these yours?
- Mm.
These and, um, a few others.
- Jess, they're amazing.
- Thank you.
You said you wanted to see
some of my work,
and I thought my dining room
was a little stuffy.
- No, this is perfect.
- Oh, good.
Ah, this is lovely. Thank you.
So the owners were
some of my first collectors.
Normally when I sell the piece,
I don't get to see it again.
But with these, I get to stop in
and say hello.
- Nostalgic.
- I mean, that was the thought.
But suddenly I'm feeling weird.
Like, a...
It's a tad bit, um, narcissistic
to be having our second date
just surrounded by my art.
You know, I'm glad you brought
it up because I am actually...
- Very uncomfortable right now.
- Another thing we agree on.
- I should go.
- Don't forget your jacket.
Oh, I will never forget
this jacket.
- Oh. Oh.
- Oh.
I took the liberty
to order for us.
- Is that okay? Great.
- Yeah. Thank you.
Beats the heck out of a pretzel,
I don't know.
I think they both have a place.
Ah, cheers to that.
- Cheers.
- Mm.
I basically grew up at that bar.
My dad would fix me cherry Cokes
and I would sit on the bar
and listen to all the old-timers
tell stories about, you know,
how Bob Dylan was born on their
street. All of them liars.
Wait, I thought
Bob Dylan was born in Duluth.
Oh, he was,
just not on their streets.
- Ah.
- Now, this was in the heyday.
Like, the Bulldogs
barely lost a game in the '90s.
By the time I was 12 or 13, I
was clearing and pouring beers.
- You were pouring beers at 12?
- A different time.
And my mom died
when I was just a kid,
so, um, the bar just...
always felt like home, you know?
I'm sorry.
Even though they're gone, uh,
this feels like
where my family is.
You didn't ever wanna do
anything else?
When I was a kid,
I wanted to be a dinosaur.
And then an astronaut.
But, um, before I had any time
to put any real sincere thought
into my future,
uh, the path with the bar
was already laid out for me.
Uh, it feels really good
to get out of my little world
for a night.
I like your story.
Which part? The Dinosaur part?
The honesty part.
Hey, you know you can, uh,
you can be honest with me, too.
Of course.
- So, question. Um...
- Hm.
Do you wanna do something
really dumb with me tomorrow?
Yeah. But how dumb?
Oh Christmas tree
oh Christmas tree thy lea...
Oh Christmas tree
oh Christmas tree
Thy leaves
are so much changing
- Yes. Yes.
- Wow.
You know,
back before this slump,
you couldn't hear
yourself think.
It'd get so loud in here
on game days.
Okay. Well... Well...
I'm going to risk
my brooding-artist reputation
and say I wouldn't hate
going to another hockey game
at some point.
Well, there is another game
Uh, I said at some point.
Is that a no?
- Can we get those seats again?
- Uncle Pat!
Can we get seats again?
- Nope.
- Come on...
- Uncle Pat.
- Uncle Pat?
Fine. Only because
she brought us luck.
Oh Christmas tree
oh Christmas
Oh, Mark, Mark, Mark.
"Mark meets challenges
with a unique creativity
which sets him apart
from others in his field.
Faced with difficulty,
Mark is fond of quoting Picasso,
'Everything you can imagine
is real.'"
I mean, come on!
With this guy...
He's perfect.
I know. I know.
All right, okay, all right,
this is not healthy. Enough.
Hey! Glad you two are back.
Sure could use some more of
your, uh, luck tonight.
Huh? Big game.
We're on a roll, baby! Yeah!
You're cute,
but, you know, superstition
is just the figment
of your imagination?
Ah, you gotta let him believe
whatever he wants, right?
You know what they say,
"Everything you can imagine
is real."
That's Picasso.
Is it? You know, I knew
I heard that somewhere.
I-I-I never would've been able
to tell you it was Picasso.
Aw. Oh.
You're a little more
sophisticated than you let on.
Oh, oh, yeah, game's starting.
The puck is controlled
by Larouex
who fends off a few defenders
and now making...
- No.
- God!
- Oh.
- Oh!
Turpin streaming down
the white way,
Closters takes the shot...
- Come on!
- Ah!
That's a timeout, Bulldog fans,
and you know what that means...
Well, hey, at least we know
we couldn't possibly
be on there twice, right?
Okay, who's next?
- Uh-oh!
- Yeah, here we go!
Smoochie, smoochie, smoochie!
Wait a minute here.
Am I imagining...
- Is that, is that Danny?
- Look, Casey.
At least we have practice now.
- Look at the TV!
- Luck from the last kiss...
- Can happen again.
- Oh, my God!
Come on, come on, come on.
Let's do it. Here. Come on.
Come on.
Can you feel the
electricity in the building?
These two are on!
- Oh, my God!
- Oh, look at them!
Whether they're
good luck or not,
the crowd loves these two!
Settle down. Settle down.
- It is just a kiss.
- Yeah, not just any kiss.
I bet you anything
we're gonna win tonight.
- I bet you next play is a goal.
- Uh, you're on.
"Just a kiss."
"It's just a kiss." Okay.
No way!
No way! No way!
Amberge with the puck...
I don't believe it,
ladies and gentlemen,
the Bulldogs are off to...
Well, I knew it!
Pay up, guys! Yeah!
Uh, we didn't,
we didn't bet anything.
Yeah, I know! Yeah!
And this time
we don't play no games
Ups and downs
but no strangers to chase
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
Okay, so now that we won that,
where does that put us
in the whole playoff thing?
Ooh, do not say the P word.
We don't say that.
- We can't jinx anything.
- So superstitious.
- Yoo-hoo! Lovebirds! Hello?
- Yes!
What? Otto? I didn't know
you were a fan.
Oh, nobody's a bigger fan
than Bebe.
And to see you on Kiss Cam
gave Bebe and I
the warm fuzzies all over.
Right, Bebe?
Mm. Yes, I see that. Um...
Uh, Danny,
this is Otto and Bebe,
two long-time supporters
of my art work.
- She's the best. Such an eye.
- Thank you.
- Well, it-it's nice to meet you.
- Likewise.
- What do you do, Danny?
- Oh. Uh, uh...
Uh, I am a-a bar owner.
Yes, only the nicest,
coziest bar in the city.
How splendid!
We'd love to come in sometime
for a splash of Madeira.
Oh, I-I love to hear that. I am
fresh out of business cards...
- Allow me.
- Oh.
Fantastic. I'll reach out.
How's the painting coming along?
- Great. Just great.
- Good.
I'm glad you're getting
so much accomplished
because I have a feeling
they're going to want
a lot more of your time,
right, Bebe?
My, my time?
For the games.
We're a superstitious lot.
- Aren't we, Bebe?
- Yes. Yes.
I can see that.
- Well, uh, we should go.
- We should go.
- Yeah.
- Very nice talking to you.
- Enchante.
- Mm, um...
- Yes. Thank you.
- Bye.
See, this piece I love.
It's-it's mix-media.
It's water color with etching...
- It just is about starting.
- That's beautiful.
- You just have to start.
- Well, yeah.
Isn't that the case
with everything?
- How does it feel?
- It feels good.
I'm waiting for the scene
when the music starts
Goin' in my head
till I know it by heart
You're sitting real close
- This...
- Be honest.
It does bring out
the green in your eyes.
There you go.
It's getting real late
And the pressure is on
So can you tell...
As the Bulldogs continue
their winning streak, you know,
if the season ended today,
they'd be in the playoffs.
Two local fans are being
touted as The Lucky Lips,
and superstition-prone
are calling for their presence
at every game.
Hey, there's my little
four-leaf clovers. You're up!
Seems this Kiss Cam couple
is creating
quite a ruckus around town.
- One. Mm-hmm.
- No!
Kiss me kiss me
What will your wish be?
I know what love means
As a artist, Rose Masterpol.
She's a woman.
- Yeah.
- And a professional artist.
And she just kills it.
It's so beautiful.
And she makes a living
painting abstract art.
I know another woman that makes
a living painting abstract art.
She's pretty cool, too,
last time I checked.
Here you go.
Art-gallery acumen.
Oh! That was cheating.
Oh! Darn it!
Just when you thought they were
out, they pull you back in.
And back in they are,
ever since they broke
the losing streak,
they've been on a roll,
collecting three consecutive
wins and slowly
creeping back in way up
at this juncture.
Send ripples down my spine
- Choo-choo!
- Wow!
Oh kiss me kiss me
What will your wish be?
Oh, you're so magical!
Thrill me thrill me
Tingle and chill me
It's unbelievable!
The Bulldogs have won again!
Don't know what it is.
This is amazing!
But I like it!
Kiss me kiss me
What will your wish be?
I know what mine is
nothing can touch this
Thrill me thrill me
tingle and chill me
Kiss me one more time
Well, speaking as someone
who never had an ounce
of school spirit, I, for one,
am sort of titillated
by all this.
Titillated, are we?
I guess I'm saying I think this
is exciting and fun.
She thinks it's exciting
and fun, ladies and gentlemen!
Well, since everyone's
in a jolly mood,
now's a good a time as any
to announce.
The powers that be have asked me
to invite you two
to host the Bulldogs
Annual Holiday Shootout!
What do you say?
- Uh...
- Um, heck. Why not?
- What did I just agree to?
- Oh, man.
Oh, my family's gonna flip.
We make a whole day out of it.
We take my nieces out
to ice-skating
and pizza afterwards.
It's a whole thing.
You're gonna meet literally
my entire family.
Like, everyone.
The whole Carmody clan.
- Wow, that's some...
- Yeah.
That's-that's great.
That's so great.
It's-it's, um... Yeah.
- Ahem.
- You guys!
- Hi!
- Hi!
Danny, you remember Jared?
- Good to see you, man.
- Likewise.
- Yeah.
- Hi.
People are officially
losing their minds over you two.
Today I literally saw someone
with a sweatshirt.
- With both of your faces on it.
- You think that's crazy?
I walked past St. John's
and the priest
yelled, "Pucker up, Pretzel!"
Well, you're kind of screwed
'cause no one
can change anything,
because if they lose,
they'll blame you forever.
- Do you want people to hate you?
- No one?
- No!
- Not anything at all?
You haven't had the conversation
about Mark.
I can't.
Everything is so perfect.
I don't wanna cast a shadow
over it all.
You know what they say
the worst conversation is?
- Illuminate.
- The one you're not having.
Look, we always think
it's worse than what it is.
I'm just saying,
it's not gonna get any easier.
I can't be the first girl
you've danced with in your bar.
Mm. Is that a little jealousy
I'm sensing?
Maybe. Look.
All I've ever heard is that
everyone is in love with you.
So you being single
doesn't add up.
I-I live here. I work here.
I know everybody here.
It's, it's been hard
to meet someone.
Can't be mine holding
Mm. I'm glad I happened in.
Me, too.
Hey, you wanna do something
I've never done with anybody?
Promise, I've never done
with anybody?
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay. Come on. Come on.
These red and green lights
- Nice view, huh?
- Yeah. It's beautiful.
- Yeah.
- Um...
Um, at the risk
of ruining the moment,
uh, uh, there's something
I gotta tell you,
and it's kinda hard to say.
Whatever it is,
I'm here for you.
It's okay. You can tell me.
I, I'm feeling kind of nervous
about spending a whole day
with your family.
I don't even do that
with my own family, ever.
- Yeah, I'm-I'm sorry.
- No. No, no. Don't be. No.
It just, I get,
uh, weird around the holidays.
Hey, it's, it's fine.
You do not have to do anything
that you don't wanna do.
Can I ask why the holidays
are hard for you?
It's just, um...
I... It's deadlines.
Uh, Sonja always schedules
my show around this time.
I am in the middle
of painting this series
and I am really behind.
Yeah, no. I didn't realize.
And Sonja,
she gets here tomorrow,
and when she see my progress,
she's gonna lecture me...
Uh, I, uh, wish
there was something
I could do or say to... help.
Someone once said to me they
liked the lake best in winter...
how the sun melts it one day
and then refreezes it
the very next day.
Reminded him it-it was alive.
Um, should we go inside?
I, I feel like
if you need to work
or, you know,
I can give you a ride home.
No, stay.
For a minute.
I like this moment.
- Now, that is a party.
- Yeah.
Hey, you and Jess
looked pretty cozy last night.
Things are getting serious, huh?
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I...
- I think so.
- You don't sound so sure.
There's something that we need
to talk about, but we aren't.
Ah! That's half of what makes
a relationship work.
Ignoring the right things.
But, uh, you think
it's something
that could end you two?
I mean, I, I hadn't been
thinking that, but, uh, maybe.
Let me give you
a piece of advice.
I would actually really
appreciate that right now.
Drag it out
until the season's over.
I don't care if you mess up
your relationship.
It wouldn't be the first time.
But don't mess up this season.
We're too close.
Thank you, Uncle Pat,
for your kind words
of comfort and support.
That's what uncles are for.
- I wanted to...
- Jj-jj! Unh!
I haven't exactly figured...
- Jess. Jess.
- What?
What is it exactly
that I'm looking at here?
- Um...
- Mm.
I, I, I haven't exactly
figured out
what I wanna say.
- Well, that much is clear.
- But...
I promise you,
I am going to buckle down.
I-I feel a breakthrough coming.
- Uh-huh? Really?
- Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Oh, great. Wonderful.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
You know, I saw a familiar face
puckering up
on the, uh, local news
this morning.
I mean, you seem
to have become a big hit
in this town.
I'm not laughing.
It is nothing, okay?
Really, Sonja, it's nothing.
Dating is not nothing for you,
Jess. It's a big deal.
I-I'm aware of that.
And I'm proud of you.
And that's your friend Sonja
talking. Hm?
The gallery owner who has
invested a great deal of time
and resources into you
is gonna talk now.
I do not represent artists
who aren't focused,
who miss shows,
who don't take opportunities
sitting right in front of them
- Are you dropping me right now?
- No! No, no, no!
Most certainly not.
Well, not right now anyway.
But, look,
I need you to know this.
Your friend Sonja
will always be here. Understand?
- Understood.
- Okay.
Yes, well, I-I-I-I... Yeah.
Well, I'll-I'll just leave you
to it. Yeah?
Whatever that is.
- Hello? It's fine.
- Hey. How's work?
Uh, can I get you
anything? Uh...
A coffee or a gingerbread latte
or something?
No. Um, thanks, though.
It would just be another way
to procrastinate.
Oh. Got it. Okay.
I was just calling
to, uh, to see what time
you wanted me to pick you
up, the-the game starts at 7:00.
Didn't know if you wanted
to get dinner first...
Oh, Danny.
I can't tonight.
I-I-I have so much work to do.
Oh, okay. Uh, okay. Thought we,
thought we had a plan.
I know, we did, and I'm sorry.
But I just really, really need
to pull my show together.
Uh, are you sure, maybe just
if you wanna come
for the third period?
Just a little distraction
for you.
Distraction is the problem.
I can't go to every game. Okay?
I can't... I can't take on
that kind of pressure.
Yeah, no, totally.
Um, I get that.
- I hope so.
- Okay.
I'm so sorry.
Call me later.
- Hi. What's all this?
- Where's Jess?
- She's working.
- What? No!
I told you about your shootout
costume-fitting at the party.
At least I think I did. Did I?
- Uh...
- Arms out, please.
We-we can reschedule with Jess.
There's still time
before the shootout.
Where is she?
We'll just go to her next.
- No, you will not.
- Danny-boy!
- There is a schedule here.
- Well, what can I say?
She's busy.
We'll-we'll-we'll figure it out.
You know, if your Aunt Laurie
and I had the opportunity
to dress up like
big, kissing lips...
You know, we went
as Barbra Streisand
and Kris Kristofferson
for Halloween one year.
What? Why are you
telling me this?
I'm just saying. Got pretty
steamy when we got home.
Your aunt looked pretty sexy
with that beard.
- Oh, no.
- I can see it.
I don't like it,
but, but I see it.
Can't unsee it.
Hello? Oh. Danny.
Hey. Oh. I-I, I guess Pat did
tell you about the fitting.
- You call this an emergency?
- Wait, what?
Wait, I said I was
on a deadline. I'm painting.
- No, I-I thought you were.
- Well...
Wait, did you trick me
to get me here?
Whoa! What? No...
W-what are you talking about?
Um, I... Oh, no. I'm sorry.
Please. Can you just...
Yeah. Not-not right now.
Thank you.
Look, okay, Danny,
I'm sorry, but I, I can't.
I can't risk my career
over a superstition.
I can't do the shootout,
I can't do the games.
I'm not a mascot. I'm sorry.
No, I-I get that. I-I'm sorry.
Um, but I-I-I promise
that I didn't...
- What did you do?
- Technically, uh...
I'll give you the truth
it's a lie
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
Give you what you want
but it's a lie
Walking to the dark
calling towards the light
Whisper secrets kept
But it's a lie
If you want that
you have to try yeah
This is my world
This is my world
Love me hate me
heroes try to save me
One more heart on the fire
call me crazy
Love me hate me
heroes try to save me
One more heart on the fire
call me crazy
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
Ooh ooh ooh
This is my world
Ooh ooh ooh
This is my world
Jess, Jess, I-I don't know
if you're in there,
but, uh, that was all my fault
Danny told me
we shouldn't bother you.
Uh, uh, there's some coffee
and donuts.
I'm just gonna leave 'em
out here.
Sorry again, Jess.
Don't blame him.
Hey, did you know Santa's
biggest regret every year
after the hubbub of Christmas?
No. What is it?
Lack of elf-awareness.
It was me, Jess.
Danny had nothing to do with it.
I-I'm sorry. Forgive me?
Show's over, Pretzel.
Better late than never?
- Hi.
- And I hate letting people down.
And I see that I missed it.
I'm sorry.
No. I-I... I'm the one
that should be sorry. I...
No, it's okay,
Uncle Pat stopped by
with donuts, bad jokes
and an apology.
I'm sure he did, because I was
about to ban him from the bar
for life.
I am sorry.
I lost my temper yesterday.
I never should've made you
feel pressured into anything.
Yesterday when I got home,
I was so overcome with emotion,
I haven't painted like that
in a long time.
- I didn't mean to upset you.
- It was good.
- It was good?
- Cathartic, really.
Look, I, uh...
Uh, I have to tell you
What is it?
I was engaged.
And my fiance, Mark...
he died two years ago.
And I didn't wanna ruin
anything, so I didn't tell you.
Jess, uh...
I'm-I'm sorry. That's terrible.
And I'm not proud of myself
for keeping it from you.
So much has been coming up,
well, emotions and-and confusion
and, uh, pressure
from work and...
It's okay. It's okay. I'm-I'm,
I'm really glad you told me.
- Yeah?
- I understand.
See, you say that,
but Idon't even understand.
- And... Well...
- What?
Look, I realize
it's not fair to you
for me to pretend
like I'm single
when I-I don't have
the first clue
of how I separate myself
from him.
that's the honest truth of it.
But you don't have
to separate yourself.
He's just a part of you now.
- And I'm okay with that.
- You're sweet.
I, I gotta get back to work.
- I'll-I'll call you later, okay?
- Okay.
It's all out there now,
but somehow it feels worse.
Gosh, she was all set
to marry this great guy.
She knows that I know, but
she doesn't know that I knew,
and I think she just thinks
it all feels weird and wrong.
Are you keeping track of all
this, 'cause I-I got a little
lost there myself,
but bottom line is that
I can't give up, I can't
give up, I gotta figure out
how to let her know
that it's okay, it's...
Yeah. I know.
I gotta do something.
Where are you taking me?
It's, uh... We're almost
there, we're almost there.
Wait, what? Wh...
Wait, wait. What are we doing?
What are we doing here?
Hey, Danny,
what are we doing here?
Uh, this is the surprise.
Look, I don't think
you understand.
No. No, no, no. I do.
I understand that...
You, yesterday you told me
about Mark.
I need you to know
that I'm okay with it.
Really? Wait, hold on. Hold on,
what are you talking about?
Yes, yesterday
I told you about Mark.
I didn't tell you
about this place.
No, but, um...
- But, I, uh...
- What, you, like, looked it up?
Well, yeah, I guess. Is that...
I haven't been here since Mark.
Hey, I-I didn't mean to...
That was
the worst year of my life. Uh...
When did you find out
about this?
How long have you known
about it, about Mark?
Uh, I knew, okay?
I got curious. I felt
that was a natural reaction.
I, but I knew it wasn't my place
to bring it up.
No, it wasn't. It wasn't your
place. This is not your place.
No, I know.
I know it's not my place.
That's what I'm trying to say.
Let's see, what else?
What else
did you find out about?
- Oh, the lakes, okay.
- No, Let's-let's not do this.
- Um, his businesses.
- I tried to ask you about it.
Get you to tell me
that you, you...
Did you read the interviews?
Oh, my God.
"Everything you can imagine
is real?"
So that wasn't a coincidence
at all.
You knew about it
and you used it.
Oh. No, no, no.
That was an accident, okay?
- Jess, can you hear me out?
- No, I...
I need to be alone.
I have to think.
It's freezing, just let me...
I'll give you a ride home, okay?
Danny, I'm sorry. Okay?
I thought I was ready for this,
but I'm not.
Sweet dream sweet dream
Sweet dream sweet dream
Sweet dream sweet dream
Sweet dream sweet dream
Sweet dream sweet dream
Sweet dream
It's a tale seemingly
as all this time, once again
the Bulldogs just can't seem
to get out of their own way.
With that loss,
the team is on the verge
of being eliminated
from playoff contention.
So much for
a Merry Christmas miracle.
Just turn it off, Rick.
Anyhow, how about another IPA?
It's on me.
IPA? I don't want anything
from you. Gross.
Rick, our sweet friend, we would
love another drink from you.
Wow, you guys are really
blaming this on me.
You really know how to kick
a guy when he's down.
I told ya.
And you had to go screw it up.
Sorry, bud.
All right, listen up,
everybody, okay?
On the subject of Danny, now I'm
sorry that our team is losing,
but this is Danny's entire life
we're talking about.
So let's cut him a little slack.
- No!
- Okay, tough crowd. Um...
There's gotta be a way
to get the magic back. Big J!
- Yeah?
- You're in a relationship.
- You're on, baby.
- Whoo-hoo!
Pat, cough up the tickets.
Uncle Pat! Uncle Pat! Uncle Pat!
I see sky so clear...
Oh, now here's
a couple. Here's a couple.
When you're near...
Sadly, the Bulldogs lose again.
I know...
It's not
from a lack of effort, though,
by the superstitious
Bulldog fans,
who's been desperately
trying to see
if they can replicate the luck
of the lucky-lips duo,
and find
another kissing combination
to stop the skid once again.
Unbelievably, all of the teams
in the conference
are separated by just one game.
One win or loss by any team
can make the playoffs
a destination
or a dream of the past.
Which one it will be
for the Bulldogs, though,
remains to be seen.
My heart was...
It's kissing time, everybody.
Oh, this could work.
Clouds fogging up my mind
My hope was slowly fading Ooh ooh
But then this angel
walked into my life...
All right,
warm up those lips, folks,
it's kissing time!
Maybe you two. Give it a shot.
Come on, we need some real love.
Little too lucky, wow.
The story goes...
Come on, make it happen.
I got a good feeling about
these two.
Whoa I've waited for
'Cause you are...
Fans are starting to wonder
if the Bulldogs
really have a chance
at the playoffs.
That one
This is ridiculous, you can't
just sit on your hands here,
I know, I know.
I-I gotta do something, right?
Hey, does she have a dog?
You can go to the same park,
you can...
Hobie's leash could get
all tangled up with hers
until you're so wrapped up that
you kiss her or something.
Dogs are good that way.
Christmas ain't the same
without your
Why don't you have
another one, Pat? Heh-heh.
- Got it. I got it.
- Got what? Uh...
Those Christmas bells
That's good.
Yes, and-and just make sure
it's even on both ends, please.
And then on the other si...
Other side, um,
if I could get measurements
of those two in the middle,
- Sonja? Hi.
- Yes?
I-I see that you're very busy,
but I was hoping
that we could talk.
- Nope. Show canceled.
- Wait, sh-show canceled?
- Why didn't you tell me?
- Oh, I'm-I'm sorry.
I thought it was implied
in my, oh, I don't know,
100 conversations or texts.
Oh. I've had a huge breakthrough
and I'm halfway there.
Oh! This is good news,
isn't it?
- Oh.
- Oh, it will be fine.
What will be fine?
Okay, although you're definitely
on Santa's naughty list,
I really can't complain because
somebody's already bought
every piece of
Winter: Light And Dark.
- Way to bury the lead!
- I know.
This is, this is, this is
amazing. Who? Who is it?
They told me not to get
into any details with you,
they will meet you
at your place at 1:00 today.
Sonja, I mean, thank you.
Shh. Not another word.
And, Jess...
Do you think I don't understand
what you're going through?
It's been heartbreaking for me
to be a part of it.
I just felt like you needed
to get back into your painting
just as much as you needed
to get back into life!
So as your rep and your friend,
hm, I love you.
Mm-mm! Watch the dress.
- Mwah. I know. Mm-mm-mm!
- I love you, too.
- Okay.
- Go, go, go.
I said the middle. Uh!
Bebe? It's you?
I-I... Where's Otto?
Oh, he had
a previous engagement.
I know you must be a little
surprised to see me here.
It is very unexpected.
Well, come in.
Um, yeah, come in.
Oh, my God. How did you know
I needed a buyer?
Oh, we stopped in Danny's
for a drink on Tuesday night
after he extended an invitation.
- It's very charming there.
- Mm. You can't deny that.
Uh, do you mind
if I take a closer look?
You know, I can't tell you how
much your support means to me.
I mean, the-the color,
the light, the texture.
Ah. These are tremendous.
I've been terrified
to show them to anyone.
Yeah, this must have been
a very difficult series.
Hm. I, I didn't wanna
be disappointed. I-I...
I can't take on
much more disappointment.
Ah, but that's life, Jess.
You knew that.
Without a bit of risk,
what would there be
to gain, in art and in love?
Now, I understand, this is only
half of what we purchased,
Yes, um,
this is Winter Dark. Um...
Some of the pieces
are wrapped up, but I,
I haven't started
on Winter Light.
Well, we'll have Winter
Dark picked up by courier
tomorrow morning,
and as for the other pieces,
I'd like you to choose
their home, where you see fit.
- Hm?
- You let us know.
We wanna make a donation.
What? Bebe!
That is so generous. Thank you.
No, thank you.
I haven't had this much fun
with a surprise
since I hid inside
Otto's 60th birthday cake.
Imagine his face
when his twin sister popped out.
Twin sister!
So d-do you have a place
in mind?
- I think I do.
- Good.
Well, this is it, folks,
this is the game
Bulldogs Nation has been
waiting for.
Thanks to some timely losses
by the Stouts
and also by the Whirlers,
the Bulldogs
playoff hopes are still alive.
Yes, and the Bulldogs
are now in a position
where they can control
their own destiny.
And it's really
a very basic principle.
Absolutely. Win, they're in,
lose and...
Oh, well, we'll know
what happens then.
Who would've thought,
after that epic losing streak,
that we would both be sitting
here right now?
- Hey. Jess!
- Hey, Jess.
Hey. Uh, Is Danny around?
- Up on the roof.
- Okay.
Hey, stranger.
Uncle Pat told me
you were up here.
Hey, I just came
from the art institute.
- Is that a good thing.
- Mm.
Yeah, after you talked to Bebe
the other day, she decided
to purchase all my paintings
and donate the unfinished ones
to wherever I choose. Thank you.
Uh, that must feel amazing.
It does. Yeah, feels great.
Jess, I don't know
what I was thinking.
We weren't thinking or...
Maybe we were thinking too much.
Every day I wanted to tell you,
but every day I was
just falling
harder and harder for you.
And I did a dumb thing.
I mean, Mark didn't know
anything about art either.
But like you,
he just knew what he liked.
And he was kind and generous
like you, too.
- You don't have to...
- No.
I know that I don't have to.
But you need to know
that you have inspired me
more than I could ever tell you.
But I do still miss him.
I still see my dad every day.
Um, every time I walk
by the place
where he used to add up
the receipts at his desk,
any time my uncle cracks
his dumb smile.
- Yeah.
- Uh...
I'm-I'm so thankful for the ways
that he's still here,
and the things he left behind.
It's different, but they're
never gone. They're never gone.
I appreciate that.
And I'm trying and I'm...
I've made mistakes, too,
and you've been amazing.
I just, um...
I'm not good
at all of this right now.
It's okay, it's okay.
Come here, Jess.
I just... I can't.
Bulldogs with the puck
out of their own zone,
they get to the red line
and move it up to the blue line
and dump it in
the Stingers' zone.
Yeah, so far, Tom, I've really
been impressed
what those Bulldogs
have done in the offensive zone.
Hey, Jess?
In case I don't see you again,
I just wanna give you a hug.
Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Don't give up.
Don't ever give up on love.
Okay, Uncle Pat.
Come on, walk you out.
So is this goodbye?
For now.
Uh, I can, uh,
I can give you a ride.
No. Uh...
It'll be fine.
Come on, you got a bar
full of customers.
It's not my first time
taking a cab.
Uh, Brooklyn and Fourth, please.
Delacruz back out to
neutralize, they have to reset,
time 20 down on the clock,
an opportunity for...
How did it go?
Uh, well...
She's gone and I'm in here,
so, I'd say, not good.
What do you always say
we gotta have?
Not sure it's in the cards
on this one, guys, but thanks.
Let me pour you a beer,
from your own bar?
- Sorry, Danny.
- Yeah, thanks.
Back all the way
to the other side.
Back into the corner.
Then it goes to the high spot.
There's a shot,
there's a chip...
They gotta go back
all the way to the other side,
now across the blue line,
they get to the red line
and across to the blue line.
Now the intensity is
picking up...
Come on, Dogs! Sorry.
I-I can change it if you'd like.
No, uh, it's fine.
You can leave it.
In this period. Close game
between both these teams.
The puck goes inside the zone,
back into the corner,
back to the high top.
Then it goes back
over the other side,
back toward
the high neutral spot.
Then it goes into the corner,
it goes
from one side
to the other side...
Come on. May as well
check out the game.
Only halfway through the second.
May as well.
- Oh, no. No! No! No! No!
- What?
That... My lucky silver dollar!
I don't have it!
- Where is it?
- Must be at home.
- Well, go get it!
- Go on!
- Here's your ticket.
- Okay, all right.
I'll see you there.
I'll see you there.
Break up!
Pat forgot the silver dollar!
It's all over now.
I can't believe it. I thought
we really had a chance.
As the time feels like
it's flying off the clock
faster than we've seen
this Bulldogs season
slip away from us.
Wait, there might be hope.
It appears half
of our lucky-lips duo is here.
That's right,
"Lucky Lips" Danny Carmody
is seated and ready,
but no Pretzel in sight.
Let's see if he has any impact
on the Bulldogs.
Where's Pretzel?
Uh, just-just gonna be me
and Uncle Pat today.
Oh. Screwed it up, huh?
You suck, idiot.
- I don't disagree.
- All right.
I was a little harsh
on the "idiot" there, right?
- Thanks.
- But you still suck.
Uncle Pat.
I'm sorry, just...
just don't go back
'cause, it's, um...
- I'm sorry.
- Please don't apologize.
- You shouldn't feel sorry.
- No, no, no, no, no, no.
It's fine.
- Go! Go, go! Let's go!
- Let's go!
It's hard to believe,
but they just might have
a Christmas playoff miracle
in them after all.
- What's the score?
- It's all tied up.
Probably not for long.
It's now or never
for your Bulldogs.
You mind if I just sit here
till Pat gets here?
Be my guest.
- Time out, Bulldogs.
- Cool.
All right, Bulldogs fans,
it's time to get lucky.
And, boy, do we need it,
so pucker up!
Oh, wow.
The family sandwich kiss.
Haven't seen that in a while.
Okay, who's next?
Oh, foam-finger guy says,
"Pick me."
Damn, he doesn't waste any time.
And there is the trench coat
in the cheap seats.
Oh! She turns him down.
This is it. Do it.
Oh, boy.
Anything for luck, right?
One half of our lucky-lips...
It's okay. It's just a kiss.
Is that Jess?
It appears Pretzel
is back in the building.
Wait a minute.
Is that Pretzel?
- Oh, thank God.
- What? Thank God what?
- I'm not good enough for you?
- No, you're great, you're...
- Adorable. Yeah. Just...
- Okay, okay, uh...
Pretzel's more my type.
Oh. I'm...
She... Totally.
- Please.
- Oh!
I'm all right. Yeah. I'm good.
I'm-I'm sure
your time is coming,
but first, all about these two.
So, uh...
falling for me, huh?
Late head over heels in love.
Maybe that kiss
really was lucky.
- Wanna find out?
- For luck.
For luck. Yeah.
Let's make some noise!
And there's the kiss
we've all been waiting for.
- No!
- Back together again.
Pretzel! Pretzel!
Pretzel! Pretzel!
Pretzel! Pretzel! Pretzel!
Pretzel! Pretzel! Pretzel!
Uncle Pat, I thought you were...
I saw that little devil sneak
the tickets in her pocket.
- Good move.
- Good going, Pat. Come here.
- Hey, cheers, everyone!
- Hey! Look, look...
Oh, my God!
Oh! Oh, look!
- Five seconds to go.
- Oh, my God!
Oh, my!
The Stingers' defender has...
- Get it in!
- Fallen down! Oh!
Larouex has done it again!
He has done it again!
That's it, folks.
The Bulldogs are going
to the playoffs.
Oh, my gosh!
So art is not about
making things within the lines
or keeping everything
in its boxes.
Art is not only about
making you think,
but it's about making
your thoughts and your mind
feel free.
So paint what makes you
feel free. Yeah?
- Oh, Theresa, I gotta go. Okay?
- Oh.
Um, gang, keep up the good work,
and I will see you next week.
This is gorgeous.
I'm not mistaken,
you gave me this vest,
uh, four years ago,
and I gave it back to you.
- Wait, wait. Shh.
- Shh. Shh. Shh.
Don't tell me
what you want for Christmas.
I'm just gonna get you
another plaid shirt.
I know you don't need another...
What-what are you...
What's going on?
Why aren't you people drinking?
We all wanted to get you
something real special
for Christmas this year,
and, uh,
Jess came up
with a perfect idea.
I hope you like it.
Okay, everybody, ready?
One, two...
Oh, it's just a mock-up,
the real one is gonna be here
in a couple of weeks. Oh.
And these.
Merry Christmas, Danny!
Oh, my gosh!
This is only the coolest thing
anybody's ever done for me.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Yeah. Okay. Now we can drink!
Hurray! Yes!
All right, pour the whiskey
and shake 'em.
it's your day, baby. Whoo!
Look at him, that's some
lettuce right there, baby.
That's a salad
coming out of that helmet.
Oh! Oh! Great!
She wants to play six on four.
Awesome. Why don't you just
hand him the dummy?
Let's gift-wrap it.
Let's throw a party!
We'll have nice picnic basket,
we'll put the win
into a picnic basket,
we'll get a blanket,
we'll go to a park...
I'm gonna vomit. I'm gonna
vomit on these people.
This is like playing backgammon
with my sister's kids.
I will eat my foam finger for
an actual referee. Argh! Argh!
I'd sell some of that
hair, but it looks too good.
Hey, it really does.
I love the show here.
Great flow back here,
tell you what, I-I don't know
whether to watch the game
or, or this match.
What, what's the product
in there? Little Aqua Net?
I know your grandma, dummy!
This is gonna be impossible.
Jingle bells jingle bells
jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh
Jingle bells jingle bells
jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh