Merry Switchmas (2021) Movie Script

I miss this
I wish this time
could slow down
What is it about Christmas
It's got the whole town
Looking for a reason
To find something
to believe in
Everything looks better
in shining lights
When I'm by your side
Something about the holidays
Makes me feel this way
Everything looks better
in shining lights
When I'm by your side
Something about the holidays
Makes me wanna stay
right here with you
Right here, right here
Right here, something
about the holidays
Right here, right here
Right here, something
about the holidays
Right here, right here
Right here, something
about the holidays
Mrs. Baxter.
Hi, how are you?
Please sit.
Thank you so much
for meeting with me.
Oh sure.
I'm all ears.
As you may know, I'm
graduating next month
with my PhD in engineering,
and I'm looking to leave
my current position.
At your father's company?
I want to be a part of a
younger company, like yours.
Ambitious, I like that.
Now, why should I
consider having you
head up my
engineering department
when I have the
cream of the crop,
just to consider
for the opening.
To date, I've created 17 apps,
I'm fluent in a dozen
programming languages,
including Pearl,
C++, C, and Assembly,
just to name a few.
I manage my own team, I
design my own programs,
I create the code, and I
test the software for bugs.
Yes, I see that.
It is impressive.
But I don't think
you have all the-
- I understand that you
are looking to create
a new sensory network
for energy efficiency.
So I've gone ahead and created
an algorithm for your company
to prevent against signal loss.
Oh wow.
Your work is impeccable.
But how do I know that this move
is not the only reason
that you want to work
for Baxter Enterprises?
Well, there is your son.
Of course.
Denise look, you're
a lovely young lady.
And the fact that you want to
leave your father's company,
one of my closest
competitors I must add,
isn't lost on me either.
Miss Baxter, if
I may be so bold,
yes, I want to leave
and spread my own wings,
and yes, I want to work closely
with my boyfriend, your son.
More than that though,
I would love to work
under the tutelage
of a Black woman
who continues to
be at the forefront
of creating a woman
empowered workplace.
That's quite an
impassioned plea, Denise.
But what would my old
friend Howard think
about you leaving his company
and coming to work for me?
Honestly, he'll go ape shit.
Then, you can
start in two weeks.
Thank you so much Mrs. Baxter.
You're so welcome.
Now, you must let
your father know,
sooner than later okay?
Christmas is just two days away,
so I wouldn't want
to blindside him
during the holidays, you know?
Absolutely, you
won't regret this.
Have a good day.
All right.
All right, where's the fire?
Des, I need your help.
Is Justin here?
No, he's out with the guys.
You're at about a 10,
I need you to bring
it down to a 4.
I need you to promise
me you won't say anything
to anyone.
- OMG, are you pregnant?
- No, I'm not pregnant!
If you must know, Jordan
and I use birth control,
thank you very much.
So if you don't
have a baby on board,
what's the big secret then?
I got a new job
Damn girl, a new
job aint no secret.
Thought you were about to
tell me something juicy.
I got a job at
Baxter Enterprises
and I start in two weeks.
Holy shit, now that's juicy.
Dad's gonna flip.
His baby girl and
most beloved daughter
is leaving the nest
for his competition.
I guess I'm finally
gonna be dad's favorite.
I am not his favorite.
Oh please, you're
basically his clone.
He's been grooming
you your entire life.
Meanwhile, all I ever hear is,
"Why aren't you as
smart as Denise?"
"Why aren't you as
ambitious as Denise?"
"Why don't you make yourself
look as pretty as Denise does?"
Des, stop it, we're
identical twins,
we look exactly alike.
I used to think that too.
Mom and dad love
us both equally,
dad and I just get along better
'cause we have
similar interests.
Similar, try the same.
Sometimes I don't know if
I'm the twin or dad is.
And that's why
I need your help.
Of course dear sister,
anything for you.
Great, I need you to
switch places with me
so you can break the news as me
and tell dad I'm quitting
and starting a new job.
Except that.
Niecy, you've got to
learn to stand up to dad
for yourself.
Besides, Justin will kill me
if he finds out we switched.
I'm already on rocky grounds
over this whole like,
marriage foolishness.
Well you did tell the
man if ever he wants
to end your relationship,
all he has to do
is buy you a ring.
That's right, marriage
is a contract for business
and I refuse to be
contractually obligated
to love anyone.
If he needs a piece of
paper to prove my love,
maybe I'm not the one for him.
Now you're just being silly.
You have a man who actually
wants to marry you.
Meanwhile, I can't
even get mine to think
about popping the question.
Besides, you know
you love that man.
Like Tina said, what's
love got to do with it?
And you know men can only
take so much rejection
before they realize they
should just find someone
who wants the same thing.
Please, he is
not going anywhere.
He loves me.
You know what? I can't
with you right now.
You make no sense.
Well that makes two of us.
I can't believe I'm
the one trying to talk
some sense into
you for a change.
See? The roles have
already reversed.
Please Des, please.
You've always been
able to stand up to dad
without the fear of consequence,
I've never been able to do that.
Plus, I can't
bear to see that look
of disappointment on his face.
A look I've grown used to,
since I've seen it
many, many times.
You're mom's mini-me.
Creative, quick-witted,
social butterfly.
Everything I admire
about you both,
everything that I'm not.
So let's be honest, you've
always been her favorite.
I have not.
We just have similar
interests, that's all.
So? What do you say?
Ugh, when do you want
this foolishness to happen?
At mom and dad's annual
Christmas Eve party?
You're trippin', no.
Des, just think about it.
Everyone's gonna be
drinking and celebrating
and having a good time.
No one's gonna be paying
that close attention to us.
Plus, dad won't have a
chance to make a scene
just in case he decides to go-
He goes ape shit.
Hmm, you might have a point.
But why should I
do this for you?
Because you love your sister.
And you did just say
you'd do anything for me,
and because you
know how hard it is
for me to stand up for
myself, especially to dad.
Plus, you'd be doing
me a total solid
and I'd owe you forever.
Yes, you will owe me forever.
So, does that mean
you're gonna do it?
- On two conditions.
- Okay fine, name it.
Number one, after
this, you grow a pair
and you stand up to
dad moving forward.
And number two, this is it.
No more switching ever again.
We're way too old
for this foolishness.
Promise, I swear.
This is just gonna
be for one night
and no one will ever know.
Fine, deal.
But if we get caught,
Niecy I'm snitchin'.
We won't get caught.
Get caught doing what?
- Baby, hey.
- Hey.
You guys are too busy
in here plotting,
so who's getting
caught doing what?
That's what you
get for listening in
on folk's conversations.
Denise was just saying
that if we plan it right,
we won't get caught
in the snow tomorrow.
Snow? I didn't
hear about no snow.
It was just on the news.
We don't want it to ruin
our dresses for the party.
How bout that?
I know, you hate
going to it every year.
No, I just hate my
mom buying me an outfit
to wear every year.
- I think that's cute.
- I think that's cute.
This year's party is
gonna be a good time.
Might even have some
unexpected revelations.
Unexpected revelations, huh,
well in that case, I can't wait.
If you excuse me ladies,
I gotta hit the showers
and turn in.
Really? So early?
Is everything okay baby?
Uh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
it's been a long day and
I had a ton of work to do
and I gotta run some
errands tomorrow
and take my mom out to
brunch, so goodnight.
Okay, well rest well.
Have a good night.
Hey, yeah we have a problem.
I just walked in on my girl
and her sister talking,
I think they may be on us, man.
Yeah, look, hold on.
I don't know man,
but I'm terrified.
You swear you haven't
said anything to anybody?
Look man, it's getting
serious around here.
You seen "Snapped"?
That's child's play for my girl.
One second.
Look, things are getting
real around here.
Look, I gotta call you back,
I gotta figure out
this brunch thing.
I'll call you back.
Appreciate it.
- So this is it?
- These are it.
Oh my gosh.
It's been great.
Thanks so much.
- I'm so excited.
- Shall we?
You ready to order?
Um, yeah, but those two?
Oh yeah, they've
been coming in here
for the past few months,
always smiling and whispering.
Never really order
anything besides coffee.
Cute, right?
That lowdown,
dirty, cheating dog.
Okay, that's beginning
to be a very bad habit.
Des, I need to
tell you something.
How about you tell
me that you brought
everything we need in order
for us to pull off this switch.
I saw Justin this morning
when I went to the
cafe to get coffee.
Yeah, okay.
He was meeting his mom, so what?
Did he make you
in that whole get up
you have on?
So how upset would you be
if I told you he
wasn't with his mom?
He was with another woman.
Not at all, it's
probably just a friend.
I have guy friends that I-
He kissed her.
He's a dead man.
Whoa, whoa Des, you
can't go anywhere.
Niecy, if you don't get
out of my way right now.
I'm so sorry I had to
be the one to tell you.
He's gonna be the
one that's sorry.
I knew he was
acting strange lately,
but cheating?
The worst part,
the cashier said
that they'd been
meeting each other there
for the last few months.
Uh-uh, I don't even
get down like that.
I mean, why?
You did tell the man you'd
rather be dead than married.
I never thought that
this could happen.
I love Justin, I
really love Justin.
I'm just not into the
whole marriage foolishness.
Ugh, this is all my fault.
Des, I completely
understand if you don't want
to do this tonight.
Yeah, maybe.
No, no, let's do it.
This might actually be the
perfect way to find out
exactly what the
hell is going on.
Des, no, we have a
plan for you to tell dad
about my new job, and that's it.
Says you.
Here's our new plan.
I'm gonna have your
big talk with dad,
and you're gonna
find out if Justin
is really cheating
on me, and who with.
Otherwise, I'm out, got it?
Got it.
Nice of you to join us Jordan.
Sorry, I got caught up.
You're only
seven minutes late.
It's just brunch bro, chill.
You remind me of your
father, god rest his soul.
However Jordan, you know
how I feel about promptness.
To be early is to be on time
and to be one time
is to be late.
And to be late is
unacceptable, yes mother,
I know but it is
the holidays y'all.
Can y'all just chill
for one day, please.
You see mother, this is
what I'm talking about.
Here we go, water boy,
always trying to kiss
up to mom's favor,
stop that please.
I would slap you, but
that's animal abuse.
I'ma kick your ass
if you keep messing with me.
- Try it.
- Please boys, enough.
Now listen, I've arranged
for two amazing realtors
to meet with you both next week.
She's gonna show you properties,
now is the best time to buy.
We discussed this already.
Yeah, we're grown men,
we do not need you
to run our lives.
Where's the chocolate milk?
Why they don't have
that on the menu?
I'm not trying
to run your lives,
I'm only trying to help you.
Mom, I told you,
I want to wait
'til I'm engaged or
married to buy a new place.
Jordan, did you hear
that I offered Denise a
position with our company?
I did, I think
she's gonna do great.
That girl wants to be
all up on you all the time.
But that's okay, I'm gonna
keep my good eye on her.
That's why you hired her?
Keep your good eye on her?
No, of course not.
She's very talented.
And besides, this will
give me the opportunity
to snag her from our
fierce competition.
You know, eventually you two
will be running the
family business.
And I don't just
want you prepared,
I want the women on your
arm's prepared as well.
You're the only family I have,
not since your dad.
- We know.
- We know.
So anyway, let's just
chill out and relax
like Jordan said.
Yes please.
And order some food.
He's gonna have the
frosted French toast,
and he'll have
the eggs benedict.
I can't have frosted
anything, I am lactose,
this woman should know
that, she is my mother
if you did not know.
This is my brother
here, he's special,
he'll take a kids menu
and a box of crayons.
He will have a
bowl of breath mints.
What I
mentioned, thank you dear.
You can get
him the kid's menu.
I was holding my
breath the whole time.
Come on, stop playing.
Excuse me, what I said.
Okay, thank you.
Yes ma'am.
I'm lactose, I can't
have frosted nothing.
Coffee please? Black.
You didn't even
know I was lactose,
I'm your son.
Just so we're clear, if
we're not successful with this,
our boyfriends will
break up with us.
And our parents
will disown us.
We're gonna have to be careful
and plan this thing down
to the smallest detail.
I'm with it, so
let's get to work.
Hair, makeup, and jewelry.
Check, check, check.
Operation Merry
Switchmas is going down.
So, what do you think?
Wow, we really did it.
Yes, we did.
Now, just a couple of reminders
to bring it all home.
Remember, I always scratch-
Your nose
when you're nervous.
And remember, I always pat-
Your leg when you
get anxious.
And, you always look around
when you're not
entirely being truthful.
Both true.
Here's the thing, mom and dad
are gonna be the
toughest to fool,
but we know their
routine at the party.
So how do we pull
this thing off?
First, we have to make it past
their usually greeting.
My beautiful daughters!
More like a TSA inspection.
Mom will look us up and down
making sure we're just perfect
for the Christmas photo.
This will be the hardest part.
I think now we're
ready for a family photo,
right baby?
Come on.
All we have to do is stay cool
and avoid eye contact.
Once we make it past her,
the rest of the evening
will be piece of cake.
You guys know the drill.
Desiree on my left,
Denise on my right,
hubby at the end.
After that,
the house will get packed
with glee, which will
work in our favor.
Here we go.
Let's start with a
little Vogue first,
very Vogue, one,
two, three, Vogue.
We need to
remember the quick routes
in and out of each room
like we did when we were kids.
We can use the guests
to help distract them
from our true identities.
We need to always have
our eyes and ears on mom,
dad, and our boyfriends.
Let's act crazy, one,
two, three, reindeer!
Last one, a little smize.
Shush, smize for me
one, two, three smize.
Speaking of boyfriends,
we need to set some rules.
No sappy looks, no touching,
and definitely no making out.
Absolutely no making out.
We need to be as
indistinguishable as possible
to everyone,
especially the guys.
I said no touching.
A hug is touching,
he's seeing me,
not you, remember?
So stop it.
- The party's this way.
- Sure.
That reminds me,
we need a clear line
of communication for the party.
We can each wear an ear pod,
so that way if we need
to make a quick call,
no one can tell we're
actually on the phone.
Now in order for this to work,
we need to isolate dad so you
can break the news to him.
That's nearly impossible.
Mom is always by his
side at the party.
Except when
mom excuses herself
into the kitchen to hide-
- Aunt Millie's
special fruitcake.
Perfect, that
will give you at least
five minutes to tell
dad about the job.
Can you make that work?
It's as good as done.
After you
break the news to dad-
- And after
you find out if Justin
is cheating.
You will learn if Justin
has truly been faithful.
And you dear sister,
will be the new lead engineer
for Baxter Enterprises.
And you will
forever be my hero.
All right, here we go.
We got this.
You girls look lovely,
and I will see you at the tree.
Wait a minute.
Do you have anything
to say for yourselves.
We need to tell you-
- You're welcome, just
a few minor adjustments
and you ladies look
picture perfect.
Let's go.
Honey, we're ready.
Okay Desiree left, Denise right,
I'll be there, okay good.
Okay, Vogue first, and on three,
one, two, three, Vogue.
Next one,
one, two, three, crazy.
One, two, three, crazy.
Last one, smizing,
one, two, three, smize.
I love you guys,
see you in a bit.
Okay, I've got the parentals,
you take the guys
when they arrive.
They should've
been here by now.
What do I until then?
CP time wasn't factored
into the equation.
Don't panic, that's you.
Just roll with it, that's me.
You're me now, so act like me.
Fun and lively.
Fun and lively.
And you, be nerdy and anxious.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Mrs. Baxter, happy holidays,
thanks for coming.
Justin, hey!
Not in front of everyone silly.
So did your sister
tell you her good news?
She did, and I know she's
very excited about it too,
very excited.
Oh good, I'm excited
to be getting her.
Just the thought of snagging her
right from under your father,
gives me goosebumps.
Has she broken the
news to him yet?
Not yet, but
I'm sure she will.
Well, I hope she does it soon
because I would hate to
have too many holiday drinks
and for it to
accidentally slip out,
you know, before she gets the
chance to tell him.
Oh great, Bailey's here.
I don't know why
you keep insisting
on inviting that woman
to our party every year.
I just-
I know she can be
a bit much, but
Bailey's an old friend.
More importantly,
she's the mother
of both our
daughter's boyfriends.
True, but she is just so.
- Coleen.
- I know, you're right,
you're right, right.
And for the sake
of our daughters,
I will do my best as always
to be gracious and pleasant.
But I'm not making any promises.
- You can do this.
- I can do this.
Bailey, good to see you,
and both of you.
Howie, Colleen.
I brought some champaign
to keep the party going.
Ah, thank you, that's
very kind of you...
- Justin.
- Of course, Justin.
I'm sorry, you and your brother,
it's as hard to tell
apart as our twins.
- Of course.
- Could you do me a favor
and put those over on
the cocktail table?
Sure, I guess I'll leave.
Thank you.
Justin is such a lovely
adult, considering.
So is Desiree, considering.
All right, let's
not start ladies.
Start what Howie?
How long have we been
annoying each other now?
As long as we've been married.
Oh no, it's been
way longer than that.
I've known Howard before
you even came along dear.
The only dear that
I see are the reindeer
on my front lawn.
Well if the retinol fits.
- You know what-
- Okay, okay, ladies,
that's enough, please,
no one wants to get on Santa's
naughty list this year.
Naughty list?
Did you ring the bell baby?
Actually, I couldn't reach it.
Could I impose on you to do it.
You can impose on me to
do a whole lot of things
for your fine self.
How about we get
naughty together tonight
and save Santa the trip?
Hello! Come on in.
It's cold out there,
quickly, quickly.
Aunt Mildred, honey
I see that you've met
our new neighbor,
Mr. Terrell Nolan.
I sure did.
I think he's feeling me,
and if he's single, I
definitely want to feel
all over him.
Yes, he is single.
But I think he may be
here to meet someone else.
Uh, who here hotter
than me Colleen?
You know what? No
one Aunt Mildred.
That's right.
Besides, I'm trying to jingle
somebody bells tonight.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Mr. Nolan,
we are so glad you came.
Please forgive my Aunt Mildred.
Please, call me Terrell,
and she's harmless.
Terrell, if only
that were true.
Well I am so glad
to get the invite,
and I'm still trying to
learn all of the neighbors
around here.
Well you are in luck
because most of these people
are here tonight.
Well great, I didn't
know how many guests
you were expecting, so
I brought the whole box.
Yes, I'm so sorry,
thank you so much.
Now, if you wouldn't mind
putting that over there,
that would be great.
Thank you so much.
Honey, I guess you don't
see me standing here.
My arm's gonna fall
off carrying this.
Let me take that
from you Aunt Mildred.
Yes, so good.
So good of you to make it.
And Aunt Mildred, it
is always a blessing
to have you here with us.
Yes, it sure is.
Yes dear.
Well damn, you
both make it sound
like I should be dead by now.
Be a sugar plum and put
up my favorite fruitcake
until it's time for dessert,
and I added some
extra rum to the dish.
You shouldn't have.
You really shouldn't have.
Oh hub bub, my
mama raised me right.
I never go anywhere
empty handed.
How lucky for us, Howard?
Yes, excuse me.
Aunt Mildred please,
allow me the honor
of escorting you to
your favorite chair.
Of course
Whatchu doing?
Oh! Desiree.
You scared the
mistletoe out of me.
I'm sorry mom, I came
in here to get Aunt Millie
the virgin?
Oh god bless you.
Oh honey, and if could put
this awful fruitcake somewhere
while you're at it.
How's right here?
- All done.
- Thank you baby.
You know, you have always
been my little helper.
And partner in crime.
You know what, I'm not
gonna admit this under oath
but I am so glad
you and I are close.
Even though your father and
I do not have favorites.
Of course not.
I just feel that
your sister and I
just don't have a
connection like we do.
I've always felt that
she's been disappointed in me
for being a simple
old housewife.
I don't think she feels
that way at all, mom.
Maybe it just seems like that
because she has more
in common with dad.
Yeah, she's always
been a career girl
that I've never been.
I think I embarrass her.
No way mom.
How do you think she
became so orderly
and well functioning?
She learned that from you,
watching you run this household.
I mean, when dad was first
starting his business,
not only did you have
to raise twin girls,
but you acted as
his receptionist
and his accountant.
If anything, I think
Denise is probably
the one that's embarrassed.
She probably feels like
she could never be as good
as you are, managing
so many things,
especially your cooking skills.
But she's had
everything I've had.
And I just think you
know, she just hasn't
been in a position
to utilize them yet.
I don't know, you really
think she's had them?
Well, maybe not the
cooking skills though.
Your father and I,
we have the best girls ever.
And I just you know,
in some ways, I just
think that we each got
our very own girl.
Is that a terrible thing to say?
No mom, it's not.
Well, as you've
gotten older however,
I want to have the
same relationship
with your sister too.
I think she would really
love the same thing.
When you see Aunt Mildred,
and if she says anything
about not tasting
enough rum, just tell her that
she lost her taste
buds years ago.
She did?
No, but she's not gonna
remember that anyway.
Thank you darlin'.
Thanks mom.
Can you marry me?
Stop saying can.
You can do this.
Oh gosh, I'm so nervous.
Hey, how you doing?
Hey, what was that for?
No kissing, or touching, or
making out during the party.
Where is this coming from?
I just want our
passion to build up
so we can ravage
each other later.
What is? What?
Um, I mean, I really
want to smash tonight.
Speaking of smashing,
are you happy
with the way our
relationship is going?
Well this is an
odd transition,
and a weird thing to ask.
God damn it, come one.
One in the random
acts of flyness is this?
No, I told you
not to wear the suit
that mom bought us.
Me? You need to change.
I look kinda fresh.
The fact that you said fresh
makes you look all
the more ridiculous.
Besides, mom said I
look good in it, so.
Mom said this suit
was made just for me.
You guys know you
are identical, right?
We don't.
You're not even
wearing it right.
Look, you gotta pull
this up, pull this down,
wipe the makeup off your face.
We'll be right back.
We have a problem.
Damn right we do.
I don't plan on looking
like you all night long.
I gotta tell you something.
I kissed Denise.
What, come again? I
don't think I heard you.
That wasn't
Desiree I was with,
that was with Denise.
Are you sure?
Positive, I know my girl.
Whenever I kiss my girl,
she has that little smirk
at the end, wasn't there.
Why would they switch?
I don't know.
Do you think they
saw you with Melanie
right before brunch?
I don't see how,
I was super careful
when I met with her.
Okay, how was she?
Melanie, she was the best.
I was nervous at first
but she made me feel
real comfortable.
I know my girl,
she'll take care of you.
So you're sure
no one saw you two?
All I did was give her a hug
and a kiss on the cheek.
There it is.
Hug, kiss on the cheek.
How much you want to bet
that Desiree followed you
and saw you somehow?
So you think Desiree knows?
Crazy Desiree?
Hell yes she knows.
She probably thinks
you're cheating right now.
- That would be awesome.
- Yeah, huh?
Well let's see.
So here it is.
- This is it?
- Mhmm.
Bro, y'all did y'all thing.
Melanie was right,
she is the number one
custom jeweler in Chicago.
Meeting up with
Melanie was a risk
but it totally worked out.
So, what do you think
the girls are up to?
I have no idea.
But I say we trip them up
a little bit, you know?
Change a couple things
about these suits.
So I'll be you
and you'll be me?
Well sort of.
Bro, I don't know man.
I wanted tonight to be special.
And it will be, I promise.
But I'm not suggesting
we do the same,
but we should have a little fun.
Okay, okay I'm in.
But anything goes wrong,
I'm pulling the plug.
- All right.
- Cool.
Give me something.
You know what, none
of that corny shit man.
All right, let's do this.
Take these glasses here,
be super careful
with them please.
You acting like a lame.
Hey, everything
okay baby girl?
Baby girl.
Yes dad everything's fine.
I just wanted to tell you-
Actually, I'm glad
we have a moment to ourselves
'cause there's something
I need to tell you.
Dad, I really need to tell you
that I've been thinking
about it a lot-
- You know that I love you
and your sister equally.
Yes dad, I know.
I'd be lying if I
said you don't hold
a special place in my heart.
Go on.
You have brought so
much meaning to my life,
and especially my work.
Following in the
footsteps of dear old dad.
Well, you know I've always
looked up to you daddy.
See that's why it's
been so important to me
that you're working with me
in the company that I built.
And I want to show you
all the ins and outs
in the hopes that one
day, you'll take over
the business for yourself.
Now I know that you kids today,
you're used to getting
everything so quickly,
but if you just be patient,
stick with me a few more years
until you grasp every
aspect of the operation
and I'll be able to rest easy
when the time comes to
hand it all over to you.
What about Desiree?
Oh come on, you know
how your sister is.
She wants nothing to do with me,
she's never been interested
in the family business.
I don't think
that's true at all.
Maybe she just felt like
there was never a place
for her with you.
I don't know.
I'm not creative.
And I've never really felt like
I could relate to her.
You may be corporate, but
you have creative departments,
like marketing and media.
We all have some
balance of corporate
and creative inside of us.
So maybe you can think of
her in terms like that.
Yeah, you are absolutely
right Denise, thank you.
Now getting back to
what I was saying.
I appreciate that you have
been working so hard with me
while simultaneously
working on your PhD.
I want you to know
that your efforts
have not gone unnoticed.
And that is why I'm
going to promote you
to Executive Director
of Engineering.
Dad, that's great.
Look, I'm sorry
I was so excited
I had to go first,
but I didn't forget
that you said you had something
you wanted to share
with me as well,
so what was it?
Um, you see, well,
what happened was...
I just,.
I just wanted to say that it's
been great working with you
and getting to know
you even better.
Aw, thank you baby girl.
Can't wait to tell your
mother the good news.
No, dad, wait!
Young man, could
you please be a dear
and pour me a fresh
glass of that eggnog?
Yes, time flies when
you're having rum, mmm-mmm.
There you are!
Yay! Time to celebrate.
Don't throw anything
back just yet.
I didn't tell dad.
What do you mean?
What happened?
Dad happened.
I'm sorry Niecy I tried.
But he was so nice.
He's always nice to me.
Yeah but, he's never
nice to me like that,
and because he
thought I was you,
he was even nice when
he spoke about me.
By the way, he's
giving you a promotion.
Wait, what?
This is not happening right now.
It's already happening.
He rushed out to go tell mom.
None of this is going
according to plan.
First Justin, and now this?
Justin? What
happened with Justin?
He kinda kissed me.
Hold up, so the person
cheating on me is you?
No silly, he kissed you
but obviously, I'm you.
He came from behind
me, spun me around
and then just planted one on me.
I mean, who does
that type of thing?
My man does that
kind of thing.
So what did you do?
I sort of smacked him?
He and Jordan are
wearing the exact same suit
so now they really look-
- This is not good.
- Not good at all.
Justin said that
he's not really happy
with the way our, well,
with the way your
relationship is going.
He said that?
I'm losing my man?
Damn Des, what
are we gonna do?
You gotta clear
things up with Justin
and I gotta go tell dad
before Miss Baxter does.
She wouldn't.
She very much would.
I'm starting to think
this whole thing
may be a big mistake after all.
What am I gonna do?
Don't look at me, I'm
just as confused as you are.
We better pray.
Coleen, lovely
party as always.
Thank you Bailey,
I'm so glad your
family could join us.
You know, I'm surprised
you didn't have
one of your black tie events
to attend to tonight.
I did, but I declined.
I wouldn't dare miss
one of Howard's events.
Mine and Howard's event.
Of course, Freudian slip.
- You know what? How about I-
- Ladies, how is everyone
enjoying the party?
Just splendid Howard.
I was just telling your wife
that I wouldn't
dare miss a chance
of all of us being
under the same roof.
Let me tell you,
Bailey, don't start.
I'm just saying my boys
are dating your girls,
so it's nice for us to share
family moments together.
We love your boys, and
they're always welcome here.
And you know how I
feel about the girls,
I love them too.
Especially that Denise.
Beautiful, intelligent,
and ambitious.
That girl's really going places.
Yes she is.
Absolutely, one day she will
be CEO of Dodson Industries.
And what's so
funny about that?
Well is that
your dream or hers?
Are you implying
that we're forcing
the family business
on our daughter?
Oh no, I would
never imply that.
But if I'm driving
down your street
and happen to pass your house.
- You pompous-
- Wait, wait,
now Bailey, Coleen and I are
very proud of our daughters,
but we have always
let them be free
to make their own
choices and decisions,
apart from us and
from each other.
Now I don't think the same
could be said about your sons.
Grown sons that you
insist on still dressing
in matching Christmas outfits.
I think it's lovely,
and besides, they love it.
Do they? Or do you love it?
I have no idea what
you are implying.
I'm not implying anything,
but if I happen to
drive down your street,
and pass by your house,
I'll be sure to
honk, beep, beep.
Stealing from me
again Howard, I see?
Desiree you look amazing.
Denise, fantastic.
As do you.
Mhmm, this eggnog
is the truth.
Already seeing double.
Why do I feel like I'm stuck
in a "Sister Sister" episode?
Jordan. Jordan?
Yes baby.
I'm sure glad you
guys fixed your suits,
now you look like
your usual selves.
Yeah, you know,
I can't look like
Black Hogwarts over there.
I don't know what
you're talking about,
my man looks good okay?
And he's wearing the
hell out of that suit.
Thank you my love.
Of course baby.
Don't you all look
handsome together.
Now this is the Christmas
card photo op right here.
Glad I picked those
suits out this morning.
Well, speaking
of this morning,
where did you go for brunch.
- Ooh.
- Ooh.
Well we all went to
our favorite little spot,
Dorothy's Cafe.
Oh, lovely.
And around what time was that?
Uh, mom.
Desiree, you and your sister
will go on plenty of
brunch dates with us,
you need not worry about that.
Jordan, let's get the
ladies some of that.
Of course.
I'm not worried about it.
But he should be.
Aunt Mildred, now you know
you're not supposed
to have any alcohol.
Who said?
I said.
Colleen, I'm a grown woman
and I can handle a little
taste of champagne.
Alright, one glass.
But that is it.
You promise me.
Promise me.
I promise.
I'm watching you.
I'm having a flashback
of our other fiascos.
The new plan is,
there is no plan.
I mean, I'm a grown woman,
I should be able to look
my father in the eye
and say, "Dad, I am
leaving Dodson Industries"
to go to Baxter Enterprises."
Yes, you should.
Great, I'm gonna do just that.
Three, two, one.
I can't.
I knew you couldn't.
No I can't because
I'm you and you're me.
If I'm gonna do this
than I have to do
it as the real me.
My girl, look at
you growing a pair.
I know, right?
It kinda feels liberating.
Before we switch back,
are you absolutely sure?
Because we can still
pull this thing off.
I am.
Des, this whole thing has
been way too stressful.
Plus, I really
think I can do it.
Then let's switch back now.
Okay, help me
with this zipper.
Oh sorry, I am not
looking, I am not looking
but peek-a-boo.
Jordan, what are you doing?
Is everything okay?
Um, I just really
need to talk to you.
Could you just give
us like, 20 minutes?
We'll be right out.
I'm sorry, but this
really can't wait.
Can you excuse us?
What's so urgent?
And why are you looking
outside the door?
I'm just making sure
Desiree can't hear us.
Oh really, and why is that?
I know we're twins and we
tell each other everything,
but you gotta promise me
you won't say anything
to your sister.
I absolutely promise
I will not tell Desiree.
Okay, I think Justin is
cheating on your sister.
Come again?
I mean, why
would you think that my love?
Remember when my mom
asked him about brunch?
Well, he wasn't with
us the entire time.
Oh really?
Where was he?
He met some chick a few
weeks ago, business deal.
But he's with her
every single time,
like, every night.
And you're just
now telling me?
I didn't think
it was a big deal,
I thought it was just business.
But now I'm thinking
it's something serious.
I'm going to kill him.
Hey look, I get it,
I'm upset with him too,
but no need for violence.
That's easy for you to say,
he's not cheating on you.
Nor you, so you
can't say anything.
They'll sort themselves out.
You're kidding, you think
I'm just gonna stand by
and let your brother
betray my trust?
Don't you mean
your sister's trust?
We're identical twins,
our trust is one and the same.
I hate to admit it
but I kinda saw this coming.
What are you talking about?
Look at them, they
don't have what we have.
Yes, your sister loves him
but she don't want
a real commitment.
It's best it goes this way.
That's not true, this
is not best for them.
Desiree is committed to him.
Yeah, all on her terms.
My brother may act fine with it
but he's a romantic.
Fresh hairline,
handsome, he wants kids,
marriage, the whole shebang.
Your sister thinks
that's kinda whack.
Not whack, just not for her.
Like a silly fairytale maybe.
Exactly, like a
silly fairytale.
My brother wants the
happily ever after.
You're right, maybe
I should go tell her.
No, I'll tell her.
She should hear it from me.
Glad to hear that business
is going so well for you.
Your company has come
a long way since-
- Since I left yours and
my dearly departed husband
started our own, yes it has.
And I have you to
thank for that.
No thanks necessary.
I wasn't actually
thanking you.
You were just the
catalyst for my departure.
Well, you said you needed
to get out of the boat
and go your own way.
What else was I
supposed to say?
I'm still in love with you?
Working with you
every day was torture.
Bailey, our college
years were way behind us.
I had moved on and
married an amazing woman.
You had moved on
and married William.
I know his death has been
extremely difficult for you.
More than you'd like to admit.
But you still have two amazing
sons by him to cherish.
You've always been
a perfect gentleman,
which makes it even worse.
But yes, we both have moved on.
But I've never forgotten.
Forgotten what?
Howard, has your
wife forgotten
that I knew you first?
How could I with the
constant reminders?
- Colleen honey-
- No, I got it
this time, Howard.
You see, I've allowed my husband
to manage this relationship
because it is his
responsibility to,
but you continue to push.
See, we both tolerate
it because despite that,
we see the good in
you, and your sons,
and all the things
you've accomplished.
But let me make one
thing perfectly clear,
you are the ex-girlfriend
from college,
I am his wife for
the rest of his life.
Are we clear?
Have some more eggnog.
I would, if you
had better rum.
Enjoy the party.
- Oh hey.
- Hey.
- How are you?
- Good.
Well I think your sister
is gonna do great
at my mom's company.
Yeah, she's really
pumped about it
but you know how anxious
she can get about things.
She plans on telling
our dad tonight.
Wow, that's huge.
I'll say a prayer
for her strength.
Boy, does she need it
I think she might be
having second thoughts
about the whole thing.
Second thoughts?
She should, I mean,
you know, I don't
even think my brother
wants her working there.
Doesn't want
her working there?
- I mean-
- Did he say that?
Those were not
his exact words,
it was more like, a concern.
How he's going to
manage his mother
and his girlfriend
all at the same place.
I guess I never thought that
it was such a conflict for him.
I thought he loved the idea
of them working together.
He does, I mean,
how do I know?
Hey, look, whatever
decision she makes,
it will be the right one.
From your lips to
baby Jesus's ears.
You know, when people
are ready to change,
they'll change, and they'll
never do until then.
Sometimes people just
need the right reasons
to change, right?
You were my reason to change,
to be less selfish, to
make you a priority,
spend all my time only with you.
And I was totally
worth it, right?
Yes you were.
And I can no longer
pretend being companions
is just okay.
I want more.
It's time to go.
I've grown tired of
this holiday party.
I'm not Jordan, I'm Justin.
Boy, I birthed you,
I know who you are.
Mom, I'm Justin, see?
Mrs. Baxter, this
is Justin, see?
Yeah, mhmm.
I think you had a little
bit too much of the eggnog.
I had a bit too much of this-
- Yes.
- I don't even know.
Let's get you a nice
big cup of coffee,
shall we?
That's just between my,
I know you better keep.
Boy, come on let's
go, I'm tired-
- A naughty nog, a naughty
nog always gets her.
Mom, the cookies
right over here,
let's get you some bread.
Go Millie, go Millie,
go Millie, go Millie, go Millie,
go Millie, go Millie,
go Millie, go Millie.
- Go Millie, go Millie.
- Millie yes!
Come on Millie, go Millie,
go Millie, go Millie.
Jingle yourself
right down here, come on
baby, come on.
Whoo, I think I
jingled all the balls
out of here.
I'm so glad you have
the Christmas spirit.
Yes, actually I think
someone got a little
too into the Christmas spirits.
Well I think someone
is trying to get
on Mr. Kringle's nice list.
Yes, actually, I want
to get on Mrs. Kringle's
naughty list.
Oh Howard, yum.
You're on my list every year.
And even when I forget
to say it, thank you.
For what?
For loving me,
for being my rock.
If you hadn't taken
care of things at home
the way you do, there's
no way I could've gone out
into that crazy world, and
built a successful business.
You are so welcome my love.
I'm just thankful that I
was able to do what I could
you know, to get you started.
Stay home and raise
our beautiful girls.
You have provided a
beautiful life for all of us
and I am so proud of
you, and our girls.
Speaking of our girls.
I miss all of us being
together as a family.
I'm usually out with Denise
and you're with Desiree,
and actually I have
a confession to make.
What's that?
It may not be obvious,
but I secretly favor Denise.
No, really?
Not obvious at all.
Oh it's that bad?
It's okay baby, I've done
the same thing with Desiree.
But I'm telling you, this year,
all of that is gonna
stop, it's gonna stop.
I'm gonna make amends
and give each of our girls
the equal attention
that they deserve.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
I decided to the
exact same thing.
- Really?
- Yes.
Should we go
tell them together?
No, 'cause I think
this is the very
time that we owe them
one-on-one time.
I agree.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Good, makes me so happy.
- Me too baby.
Love of my life, come on
let's go and gets
some cocktails.
So, everything went
according to plan on my end,
I told Denise not to
take the job with mom,
and your dirty laundry,
what about you?
I planted the seed of
cheating with Desiree
with Denise, and she
totally bought it.
Hey man, that's awesome.
I cannot wait to see their
faces when we bust them.
Speaking of busting,
mom almost busted us.
- That's not good man.
- Yeah, relax bro.
I told her spidey
senses were off
due to one too many
holiday spirits,
you know how she gets.
I can't relax.
I'm feeling bad about
this whole thing.
Don't do that.
Now don't do that.
You know they
started this first.
We just have to follow
through with it.
Yeah but, when I told
her about the cheating,
she was really hurt.
I honestly, I know it's just
supposed to be a joke like haha
but I don't want to
hurt either of them.
I don't either.
But we're almost at
the end of the night.
They'll come clean, and
then we'll come clean.
I hope it's as easy
as you say it is.
Bro, this is the big finish.
All we have to do
is bring it on home.
I'ma finish this cookie,
you want anything?
No, I'm good.
What happened?
Justin is seeing someone else.
Jordan just told me thinking
he was confiding in you.
Thinking I was
you, Justin told me
that he wants to reevaluate
your relationship.
This officially is
the worst switch ever.
I'm so sorry sis.
It's not your
fault, it's mine.
He really wants
marriage and a family,
and I've been so selfish
thinking only about
what I wanted.
I guess all Justin wanted
was a happy ending,
no pun intended.
Let's hurry up and switch
so I can deal with this
bad news as my true self.
And I can finally face
dad as my true self.
Operation Merry Switchmas.
Abort mission.
I have been looking
for you everywhere.
What are you two doing?
I need to speak
to Denise alone.
Not again.
Niecy, honey why
are you leaving?
I just said I need
to speak to you.
Oh right, silly me.
I'm sorry, my mind is all
over the place right now.
Denise, Desiree, you know.
Okay, you two have been
acting awfully strange tonight.
What's going on.
We're all good.
Okay, Des, I need
to speak to her
for a few minutes please.
But we were just
about to, going.
Thank you.
I'm sorry dad.
It's okay, I was just
looking for your mother.
Oh, she's in the
bedroom with Denise.
Is Denise okay?
Yeah, they're fine,
they just needed a
minute to catch up.
Well, when she comes out,
let her know I'm
looking for her.
Actually, there's something
I need to say to you.
Yeah, what's up?
Is everything okay mom?
That is a loaded
question tonight.
No, everything is fine.
I just, I just need a
moment to talk to you
for a little bit.
I want to apologize to you.
Oh mom, wait a minute.
Can we maybe have
this talk tomorrow?
I'm not really feeling like
my usual self right now.
Honey please, just let
me get this out okay?
I have prided myself
on being a great mother
and a great role model
for the both of you girls.
But I realize I may
have only been that
to your sister.
No mom, you're
an amazing mother.
Honey, if that was true
you and I would have
the same relationship
your sister and I have.
Why would we?
Because we're identical twins?
We may look identical
but we have different
I owe you an apology.
You know dad, can
this wait 'til tomorrow
'cause I'm not quite
feeling like myself.
No, I need to say this now.
I've been a terrible father.
You've been great dad.
Let me finish Desiree.
Now, I know we've
had our ups and downs
and we rarely see eye to eye,
but that doesn't take
away from the fact
that I love you dearly.
I know that.
I know I'm not as
close to you as Denise
but it's okay.
No, it's not okay.
I haven't been the
kind of father to you
that I've been to your sister.
But I just haven't
embraced your differences.
You've always been
more of a daddy's girl,
and I let you be that.
And that was wrong of me.
Mom, I have learned everything
about being a woman,
a good Christian,
and overall good
person from you.
Not dad.
I look up to you so much,
I may have always
been dad's favorite
but mom, you've
always been mine.
Dad, I know it's not like
what you and Denise have,
but I've always
felt loved by you.
Sure, I may get, I mean she,
she may get the
best version of you,
but the version I get
is still pretty great.
Desiree, can you
ever forgive me?
Of course daddy.
Now I may not be as open
and imaginative as you are,
but I'm willing
to give it a try.
So you willing to
let your old man
learn some new things?
I would love that.
We can start with
something simple
like you come with me
to one of my shoots
and watch me work my magic.
Or, you can allow
me to style you
for you and mom's upcoming
anniversary party.
I'm thinking casual daddy chic?
Casual daddy chic?
I don't know how
that's gonna turn out
but I'm willing
to give it a try.
Want to go for
some naughty nog?
- Yeah, let's do it.
- All right.
How did I not know that?
Well, I always thought
you already knew.
I always tried to
be just like you,
I just couldn't
really get it right.
You don't have
to be just like me,
you're already better than me.
You say that, but have
you seen me in the kitchen?
Yes I have.
Honey, if cooking is
what you want to learn,
I'd be more than
happy to teach you.
I would love that.
You and me?
Just you and me.
I love you mom.
I love you baby.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Okay, I'll see you downstairs?
- Okay.
- Okay.
Now I know I gave
Colleen my fruitcake.
What the hell she do
with my fruitcake?
I know what she did, she must,
she must be trying to keep
it all for herself again.
I bet you that heifer
stole my damn wig,
I bet you she stole my wig.
I can't find my damn fruitcake
and she stole my damn wig.
There's my baby, yes.
Come to mama.
Did she put my wig in there?
You're pretty, you're so pretty.
Aunt Mildred!
Aunt Mildred, are you okay?
Oh Lord, am I dead?
No, you're not dead.
Well then I guess I'm okay.
All right then, let's
get her in the other room.
Just wanted a slice
of my fruitcake.
All right, here's a
step, here's a step,
here's a step, one
step, here we go,
you got one more step.
There you go, okay come here.
A few more steps.
Get her over to the couch.
Okay baby.
Come on.
Aunt Millie, are you okay?
Good girl.
Thank you baby.
I don't understand.
Why my fruitcake was
put away so high up
on a shelf.
We didn't want
anyone to get to it
before we were
ready to serve it.
Ah, 'cause it's so good.
No, because we hate it.
No, Howard I can't take
one more thing tonight.
Aunt Mildred,
we hate your fruitcake.
There, I said it.
I can't go one more moment
pretending about
anything anymore.
Things have got to
change, starting now.
Aunt Mildred, no more fruitcake.
Bailey, where you at?
No more drama.
And girls, no more favorites.
Tonight, this family
is gonna start
a new tradition.
A tradition of love,
and honor, and truth
in all things in our
lives, are we good?
Mhmm, okay.
No, now that's a
tradition I can get behind.
Thank you.
Everyone, can I have
your attention please.
Mrs. Dodson, I would like you
join you in that tradition.
My love.
- Jordan honey-
- Would you hold this?
What are you doing?
My love.
What is happening right now?
From the moment I saw you,
I knew that I
would want to spend
the rest of my life with you.
Will you marry me?
Excuse me, I'm sorry to
break up this wonderful moment
but you can't propose to her.
Babe, I know you don't
believe in marriages
but your sister does,
let them have their moment.
No, you don't understand.
I'm sorry, I think
she had a little bit
too much to drink tonight.
Who snitched on me?
Snitches get stitches.
He can't propose to her
'cause that's not Denise.
I'm Denise.
This party is getting
better and better.
You two need to explain
yourselves right now.
Mom, dad.
We didn't think anybody
would know the difference
and it was only for tonight.
So that heart-to-heart.
It was really me.
And the one I thought
I had with Desiree was?
If it helps, we told
each other what you said.
So sweet.
No, it doesn't.
Why would you fool us like that?
It was my idea.
No, it was my idea.
Really Denise?
I'm sorry dad.
That look right there is exactly
what I was trying to avoid.
You see, Mrs. Baxter
offered me a position
to head up her
engineering department.
- You know-
- But I didn't know
how to tell dad and
risk breaking his heart
so I asked Desiree
to switch with me
so she could tell
you instead dad.
And I went along with it
because I thought Justin
was cheating on me.
So I asked Denise if she
would try and find out
if it was true.
And what exactly
did you two think
would come of this
charade of yours?
Mrs. Baxter, I love
that you see enough in me
to manage your
entire department.
Dad, I know that
you really want me
to take over the family
business one day.
And I love that you
trust me that much.
But my mind is made up.
Denise, I know this move
must be very hard for you
but it is my pleasure
to have you work
at Baxter Enterprises,
where you'll be
your very own boss.
Thank you so much Mrs. Baxter,
I'm really glad to hear that.
Unfortunately, I won't be
able to accept the position.
Oh thank you Jesus.
I had really good
intentions for this evening,
but tonight has shown me
that I have a lot more
growing up to do.
Before I can be
anyone else's boss,
I have to first become my own.
Desiree, do you have anything
you want to say for yourself?
Mom, dad,
I thought a traditional marriage
like yours wasn't for me
so I fought against it.
And I fought so hard that
I pushed Justin away.
I needed to know if I
had lost him for good.
I can't believe
the two of you.
Especially you Denise.
How can I trust you to
run my company one day
when I can't even trust you
to discuss important
business issues with me?
Your mother and I expect
more of you, both of you.
Clearly, things need to change.
Yeah, like your father said,
in light of what's
happened tonight,
things need to change.
Mom, dad, I'm so sorry.
I understand if you
no longer want me
working at the family business,
I don't deserve to be.
And I'm sorry too.
I never wanted to
betray your trust.
I take whatever
punishment you see fit.
Desiree, Denise,
I'm extremely disappointed.
Just let me finish.
More than anything, I'm
disappointed in myself.
I created a relationship
where one of my daughters
is afraid to be honest with me
and the other feels like
she's second fiddle.
I love you both equally.
I'm responsible for all of this.
I'm sorry that I put
you in a position
where you felt like
you had to switch.
Me too.
I mean, even though you're
both identical twins,
you each have your own
individual uniqueness.
From now on,
we are going to embrace
those differences
instead of shying away from it.
Thank you guys.
Now Denise, there's no place
I would rather have you working
than with me at the office.
But the choice is yours.
And as for that promotion.
Don't worry about it dad.
I want to earn it back,
along with your trust.
We're really sorry
for deceiving you,
and everyone else tonight.
We both promise, this
will never happen again.
Never happen again.
I think we can all
promise as a family
that from this day forward,
we will be our
true selves, okay?
All right, come here.
- Thanks dad.
- Love you baby.
Thanks mom.
- Never do that again.
- Okay dad, I'm sorry.
You heard that, don't
ever do that again,
don't ever.
Colleen wait.
Howard, boys, ladies.
I want you all to hear this too.
Colleen I owe you an apology.
I'm sorry for the way
I've been behaving lately.
After William passed
away, I wasn't prepared
to deal with his sudden
death, nor being a widow.
I was alone.
And there was a void in
the shape of my husband
that I filled with
snarky remarks
and endless work.
And most embarrassingly,
shameless flirting
with an old college boyfriend.
And for that, I owe
you both an apology.
I'm so sorry.
It will never happen again.
And boys,
I owe you an apology as well.
I miss your dad.
And you were all I had
so I thought I had
to hold on to you
for fear of losing you too.
But now I know that
that was wrong.
You two are grown men
and I need to treat you as such.
And that changes
right here, right now.
I love you both so much.
And lastly Denise,
I'm so sorry for
using you as a pawn
against your father.
You are an exceptional engineer
and I only wish that I
could have had a chance
to have you work for
Baxter Enterprises.
As for you and Desiree,
I couldn't think of two
lovelier young women
that I would want
to date my sons.
That was, I'm so sorry.
That was a lot to get out.
I've been a real maniac.
Could you all ever forgive me?
Bailey, I'd like you
to meet Terrell Nolan.
New neighbor, he just
moved up the street
from our house.
Recently divorced
and owns his own
medical practice.
Well it's a pleasure
to meet you Terrell.
The pleasure's all mine.
Justin, I'm so sorry.
I was so against marriage
but when my sister said
she saw you in the cafe
kissing another woman, I
thought maybe you found someone
who wasn't.
And then when Jordan
got down on one knee
and proposed to me thinking
I was really Denise,
I realized, I do
want to be married.
That was Melanie, who
specialized in engagement rings.
I'll ask again,
will you marry me?
Duh Jordan, keep up.
I'm not really Denise remember?
Yes, I do remember.
And I'm not Jordan, I'm Justin.
Wait, so if you're him
and he's you, then...
But how did you both know?
I figured it out after
I kissed your sister.
So Jordan and I pretended
to switch as well.
So you really do know
who you're asking to marry?
I do, and I'm about
to ask a third time.
Will you marry me?
Yes, I'll marry you.
I miss this
I wish this time
could slow down
What is it about Christmas
It's got the whole town
Looking for a reason
I'm so sorry, I
promise I'll never
do anything like that again.
I'll accept that
apology on one condition.
Anything, I'll do anything.
Denise, will you marry me?
You know I did not
come all this way
to watch Aunt Mildred
eat fruitcake.
Will you?
My babies getting
married, oh my god,
double wedding.
Oh it really is
a merry Christmas.
- Oh merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas everybody.
Oh my gosh yay!
Let me see that ring,
get that ring out.
Let me see, let me see.
Oh! Yes.
Yes, yes, yes, and yes.
I'm getting married!
Congratulations sister.
We almost lost our parents.
And our boyfriends.
We still managed to get
the outcomes we wanted
and keep them all.
It definitely
wasn't what we planned
but it all worked out.
A Christmas miracle.
To Christmas miracles.
To Christmas miracles!
Right here, right here
Right here, something
about the holidays
Right here, right here,
Right here, something
about the holidays
Right here, right here
Right here, staying
right here with you
Something about,
something about
Something about the holidays
Makes me feel this way
Something about,
something about
Something about the holidays
Makes me want to say
I miss this
I wish this time
could slow down
What is it about Christmas
It's got the whole town
Looking for a reason
To find something
to believe in
Everything looks...