Merry Textmas (2022) Movie Script

Good morning, family!
And... done!
Everything should work fine now.
Seriously, Mike, I thought MIwould've taught you
better coding skills.
- I would've figured it out.
- Yeah.
Less is more.
Simple and succinct
is the way to go.
Plus, with this done,
looks like we won't have to work
over the holidays.
Thanks, Gaby.
You need to get that?
It's my family; they
love their group texts.
And with Christmas coming up,
forget it,
I'll be lucky if my phone
doesn't overheat.
So, big plans for the holidays?
Every year my family goes to
my Abuela's house in Mexico.
There's a week-long festival
with great food, music, parades.
They even have fireworks
on Christmas Eve.
That sounds amazing.
Hey, dad. How are you?
Hi, sweetie. How are you?
Good! So, I had an idea.
I'm creating a group chain
so we have one chat dedicated
to Christmas stuff.
You and your need
to organize everything.
But it's a good idea.
Your brother-in-law
has a new number since
he got that new job.
- Are you ready?
- Yeah.
- It's five, three...
- Snowy Dream.
Six, two...
Gaby, Snowy Dream Latte
for Gaby!
Seven, one...
Give me a second, dad.
Just give me one second.
- Hey
- Gaby?
Yeah. Thank you.
So, do you think
there'll be another
son-in-law to add
to the group text soon?
Dad. Seriously? I love how
you're not even subtle anymore.
Your mom and I worry.
We want you to be happy.
I would love to find
that someone special...
But I am happy, dad, okay?
I don't need a guy for that.
You're right, you're right...
Love you.
Love you.
- Talk to you soon, okay?
- Bye.
Well, I just got the e-mail.
The client finally signed off
on the sitemap,
looks like we can start
on the wireframes.
That's awesome.
It's about time.
Alex, what are you thinking
about the general design mood?
Yes, I was thinking
something clean and simple.
That really seems
to fit their aesthetic.
- I like that.
- Great.
Do you need to get that?
Sounds like someone
is blowing up your phone.
Unrecognized numbers,
probably spam. So, uh...
They're really trying to get
your attention.
Sorry, just one second.
Looks like someone
had the wrong number
and added me
to their family group text.
You have a new girlfriend
you haven't told us about?
Very funny.
This is obviously a mistake.
But what are they saying?
Something about...
in Mexico.
Alex? Hey, Alex.
Sorry! My bad...
Well, actually,
partially my bad.
See what happens when you make
me respond to a mistake text?
It's okay,
we're done here anyway.
So... what are you all doing
for the holidays?
Well, I'm going with my family
to Utah...
Gonna get some skiing in.
Nice. Alex, what about you?
Nothing really.
My parents are off on some
bucket-list trip to Australia,
and my brother's going
to his in-laws,
so I'm having
a kind of bachelor Christmas,
play some video games,
see some movies.
Should be fun.
That's cool, sounds amazing.
Should be fun...
So, uh, we have to start
right away.
The client is really excited.
- Hello?
- Alex?
Hi, it's Gabriela.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Yeah, see... you're so nice
saying you don't wanna,
you know, get out of the text
chain, but...
Really, it's no problem.
I was gonna leave, but then
your mother said that
she was gonna give me
her recipe for her tacos.
And I've been craving
tacos all week!
And she hasn't given me
the recipe yet, so...
does that sound weird?
A little bit, but okay.
You know what?
You're right, I'll just...
say goodbye to your family,
leave the chat.
No. I know that sounds like a
good idea, but if you tell them,
they would instantly suspect
I was behind it, so...
Gotta love family, huh?
No worries, I appreciate your
concern but really, it's fine.
I'm sure you're gonna have
"Oaxaca of a time" in Mexico...
Did you really just say that?
Yeah... Sorry. It sounded
way better in my head. Promise.
Okay, so... Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
I am so glad we came
to spend a few days here
in Mexico City before
the holidays.
I miss having you in Texas.
It's been like, what?
Fifteen years since we left?
Kind of, yeah.
Yes, and we miss you,
Mom and Dad.
I can't wait to see Gaby,
it's been too long!
What's new with her?
Is she seeing anyone?
Because she never
tells me anything.
Well, if she is,
only Abuela would know.
I like that guy, Alex.
He seems like
he could be good for her.
Here we go.
He does seem like a good guy.
And he's in Austin.
Such a small world.
Hey, why don't we take a picture
and we send it to the group?
He's alone for Christmas?
- Maybe we should...
- No.
I know what you're thinking...
I can see it coming
from a mile away.
We should invite him
to Abuela's.
She always says
the more the merrier.
There's an extra room and it's
an easy flight from Austin.
We'll surprise Gabriela.
This has disaster written
all over it.
Hi. Soy latte for Alex, please.
Thank you.
Hey, Gaby?
Do I know you?
It's me, Alex.
I recognized you from the photos
that your family has texted.
Wait, what?
- This is weird.
- Weird.
I didn't recognize
you without the...
- The Santa hat.
- Yeah.
So, do you work around here?
I'm just next door.
No way. The APP developer?
I love their stuff.
You in tech, too?
Yeah, one of my clients
is just around the corner.
I do U.X.
That's user experience,
but with a focus on design.
I know what U.X is.
- Alex.
- Of course you do.
Soy latte for Alex.
Oh, that's... me.
But... It was nice meeting you.
In real life.
"In real life...".
What was I thinking?
- Hey, Alex.
- Yes?
We should send a pic
to my family, they'll love it.
- Sure, yeah, of course.
- Is that okay?
- Sure.
- Yeah, okay.
So... Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
And say hello to your family.
Will do.
G'day, mate!
Have you figured out your plans
for Christmas yet?
I don't know.
Hey, the weirdest
thing just happened.
Remember that family
that mistakenly added me
to their Christmas group chat?
Well, they just invited me
to join them... in Mexico.
That sounds lovely.
You're not actually suggesting
that I go, are you?
You said they were nice.
And it would make me feel better
knowing you're not just sitting
all alone in your apartment.
Sure, but...
Anyway, you guys
enjoy your trip and Dad,
watch out for those kangaroos!
- Merry Christmas.
- Bye, my son.
Talk to you later.
There we go.
Okay, this was a huge mistake.
I couldn't understand a word
that the cab driver was saying
and I think...
I think I got out,
I got out at the wrong place...
Now I can't find the house.
You know this all
could have been avoided
if you had taught me Spanish.
Okay, um. Mom, Dad,
I need to figure this out.
I'll call you
when I'm at the house, okay?
Hey, uh, excuse me?
Could you help me?
I'm looking for Calle de...
- Hi.
- What are you doing here?
- Hi...
- Gaby.
I remember that.
- Thank you.
- Yes.
We're so glad to see you, honey.
Hi, Dad.
And happy to have you
with us, Alex.
- Hi, Mom.
- Thank you. Okay.
It's Mexico, it's okay.
- Hello, Alex.
- Hello.
- Nice to meet you.
- Thank you so much.
Did you had any trouble
finding the house?
A little bit, but I'm here.
Nice to meet you.
The way I reacted
at the front door?
I was thrown... This was... Unexpected.
No worries, I totally get it.
I was a little nervous myself
about coming, so...
You should still be nervous.
Who knows what else
my family has in store...
I'm sorry,
I don't speak Spanish.
This is for you, thank you
again for having me.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
I know you both had a long trip
and must be tired.
I think we could all use
a good night's sleep.
Alex, here.
Let me show you to your room.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Good night, Alex.
- Bye.
Uh, listen, I know the family
can be a little overwhelming...
No, they're awesome. But now I
kinda feel like an interloper.
No, no, don't feel
that way, man.
They mean well, I promise.
Have some rest.
I will.
So, Alex,
I'm curious about something,
last night you said
you didn't speak Spanish...
Yeah, uh, my parents tried,
but you know how it can be.
I didn't really keep up with it
so I kinda lost it.
That's unfortunate.
But I'm hoping to learn
a bit more while I'm here.
Well, this is the
place to do it.
Oaxaca is an amazing blend
of traditional
and modern influences,
with great art,
architecture and food.
But it really comes alive
at Christmas. It's magical.
You know,
Gaby probably knows this town
better than anyone
in the family.
You can see it for yourself.
Maybe wander around a bit
while we're out getting
the decorations for the house.
Well, it never feels like
Christmas until the tree is up
and we have poinsettias everywhere.
The only thing Abuela put up
so far were the stockings.
I want to show you mine.
Alex, come with me.
Come on.
We're gonna head out to get
the decorations for the house.
It's the first thing in our
"12 Challenges of Christmas".
"12 Challenges of Christmas"?
What's that?
It's this amazing tradition
where you have a list
of 12 Challenges to complete
before Christmas...
Things like putting up
your Christmas decorations
and baking goodies,
to giving back to the community.
It's actually pretty fun.
And since this year
I'm in charge,
I created an app to help
keep track with everything.
We all know my Abuela
has a crush on this guy.
That's terrible.
That's one of my favorite things
Oaxaca does for Christmas!
I think we better make the most
of it, then, this year.
Hey, guys?
So, this year, we're gonna do
things a little different.
I created an app
to help keep track
of everything we're doing,
the "Twelve Challenges."
The only thing
we all need to agree on
is the final group challenge
something we all need to be part
of and contribute to.
So I was thinking...
How about we do the "Calendas"?
Wait, what's that?
What's Calendas?
It's a traditional procession
where family members
stop by several homes asking
for shelter, or posada.
You get dressed up
in traditional outfits,
and it's fun because
some sing, others dance.
We've always loved watching
other families take part,
but we've never
done it ourselves...
so, if this is gonna be
the last year
I think we should do it!
I want to break open the piata!
And sing.
But Mateo, to keep things fair
and so no one gets stuck doing
something they don't wanna do,
the app can randomly
choose who does what.
- So let's see what happens.
- Okay.
Mateo, you got your wish,
you and your dad
are gonna be our main singers.
Mom and Dad, you guys are gonna
be in charge of the float.
Lili, you're in charge
of the outfits.
- Okay.
- Which leaves...
Alex and I
are gonna be the dancers.
Are you sure
that's what the app says?
Cause I have two left feet.
Nope, you're not
getting out of it...
plus, you need to learn to move
those hips like a real Latino!
You'll be in good hands,
Gaby was a dancer
back in the day.
Oh, really?
I took some dance lessons
and maybe had a recital or two,
so let's not blow things out
of proportion here, please.
Thank you, okay.
So, with that decided
let's move forward
with the Christmas decorations.
So, Mom and Dad, can you go get
the poinsettias for the house?
And Lili, Mateo and Daniel,
can you guys go get the tree?
- Sure.
- Right.
Okay. So, I'm gonna get
the pom-poms,
papel picado and piata
to put up in the courtyard.
What about Alex?
Why don't you take him with you?
Show him the town along the way.
- My family's subtle, huh?
- What do you mean?
What do I mean?
Haven't you noticed?
This is a set-up.
- You don't say.
- Yeah.
I did wonder what was going on
when your dad specifically said
"don't tell Gabriela".
But don't worry, it's not like
I came here for a relationship.
- Can you hold this for a second?
- Sure.
Thank goodness...
but don't tell my parents.
Ever since
my sister got married,
they're dying for me
to settle down
and each year that goes by
with me still single
seems to up the pressure.
Thank you, I have everything.
Let's go.
I have an older brother
who recently got married
so I feel you.
How do I say "I love this"?
I love this.
- I love...
- I love this.
I love this.
- Unbelievable.
- Isn't this beautiful?
I don't think I've ever
tasted anything this good
in my entire life.
- Isn't this great?
- This is insane.
This is so cool.
For you.
Look at this one.
What about the piatas?
So many to choose from.
See how these piatas
have seven points?
They are the ones traditional
to Christmas.
Let me help.
No, no, no. I can do it.
Which ones do you want?
Hold my papel picado.
This one?
She did it.
No, I didn't.
I have to ask...
Why don't you have a stronger
connection to Mexico?
Growing up there weren't
a lot people...
like us in our neighborhood
and I got teased a lot
for being different.
After that, I just decided
to do everything I could
to fit in and be like all
the other kids...
You know, that reminds me.
You know how everyone just
wants to shorten your name
just because
it's easier to pronounce?
My parents hated that.
They thought
they were trying to make me
more "American" somehow.
Same with my sister,
you know how everyone
just calls her Lili. I'm Gaby.
So... yeah.
My real name is Alejandro...
Makes more sense.
But I guess I never thought
about how it kind of...
white-washes your true self.
It's only as you get older
you begin to appreciate
how those differences
are what make you...
well, you.
I hope this trip
helps you reconnect
with the real Alejandro.
I'll always remember
these moments
with you whenever
I look at my "Alebrije".
Here you go, Dad.
You're so strong...
looking great, guys.
- Thanks.
- Thank you.
Say "cheese".
Wait for me.
Can you text that to me, please?
Mom, the whole point
of having one app
is to have one centralized
place for photos and stuff,
instead of a never-ending
text chain.
Yeah, but you're the only one
with the app.
Fine, I'll give you all access.
That'll be easier for me, anyway.
Something's not right...
I might go work on this.
Hey, I'm pretty much done here.
You want some help? I know
a thing or two about apps.
I appreciate that,
but I can easily bang this out
in an hour or two.
Okay. Sure thing.
Oh, and thanks, I guess.
I mean...
who wants to work
on their vacation?
Thank you.
She's upstairs. Working.
You computer, no?
I offered but
she'd rather work alone.
That smells amazing.
It's Ponche Navideo,
a traditional hot fruit punch.
And for a little zing, you can
even add a little tequila.
You wanna help?
Of course.
Here, help me cut up
some of the fruit.
Do the guavas.
Thank you.
In small parts.
Honey! We made some punch,
have some.
Thanks Mom. I'll definitely
drink some later.
All right.
Hey, Alex.
I could use a second set of eyes
for what I've been working on.
Do you wanna see
what I've done so far?
- Do you mind?
- Not at all.
I knew once Abuela went up there
that this might happen.
I'm impressed.
The functionality is great,
but I think you can make it
even more interactive.
Oh, really?
Yeah, you know.
More user-friendly and...
well, fun.
But I bet a lot of people
would love an app like this.
Really? You're just saying that.
No, I'm telling you!
This could be... big.
Think about it.
Well, now that you say it,
it could be like
the ultimate Christmas app.
It could help people organize
and keep track of everything
holiday related.
Families can upload
photos, and recipes,
and get wish lists and plan
activities, you name it.
One hundred percent.
If you'd like, I could design
some cool graphics for it.
And as thanks,
there's something I want
to share with you tomorrow
and I think
you're gonna like it.
Okay... deal.
- Shall we?
- All right.
You look so beautiful.
You better be ready
for the best mole
you've ever had in your life.
Bring it on!
So, Alex.
Tell us more about you.
We know you live
and work in Austin,
and grew up on the East Coast.
And you went to school
in Rhode Island, right?
Wait a minute,
how did you know all that?
They may or may not have done
a background check on you.
Well... yeah.
I work in graphic design,
but more from the perspective
of the end user,
so we call it U.X.,
or user experience.
It's my job
to make sure websites
and apps are easy to use.
That's impressive.
Thank you.
Something funny?
Well... it's really the coders
that make all the work.
You kinda just make it
look pretty.
And here I thought we were
just beginning to get along.
U.X. designers care about
the person using it,
whereas coders
only worry about
how the computer executes it.
Well, without the coding,
you don't have anything to take
into consideration, so...
Without design there wouldn't
even be an app to start with.
We need each other.
Yeah. That's exactly what
she said. We need each other.
Can I have a fork?
Are you sure you're Mexican?
It's spicy.
I was not expecting that.
I should have warned you.
This is not like the Mexican
food back in Texas.
It's okay, it's okay. I mean...
What do I really need
my taste buds for, anyway?
Don't worry,
we'll toughen you up.
If not, it's gonna be
a long week.
You know, this is one of
my favorite parts of the city.
I wish I had the talent
to do something so beautiful.
You know?
Something that moves and
inspires people like this does.
I wish I had more time
to do my own artwork.
Usually, the only time
I have to work on it
is during the holidays.
Which gives me an idea:
you know we could use
elements of these murals
as the backplate artwork
for the app.
I mean, the imagery, patterns
and colors are all so great
and it would help celebrate this
place that you love so much.
You know, if we head back now
and start working on the app,
we could have something to show
to my family for tomorrow.
Seriously? You want to work
on it right now?
They can be our beta testers!
- Yeah, sure. Okay.
- Great.
- Let's do it.
- Let's go.
- Come on!
- All right.
What do you think of this?
This is much more exciting
than my usual work.
For one, I'm building
something that I created,
not just coding someone
else's project.
And two, I usually like
to work on my own,
but I'm kinda having fun.
- Right.
- With you, yeah.
I'm always alone at a desk,
staring at a computer all day.
This is so much better.
I think we should
call it a night.
But it's ready.
Yeah, yeah.
Wish we could test it right now.
But, um, we should probably
wait until tomorrow
for your family to try it out.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Oh, honey.
I should have known
I'd find the two of you
down here making all that noise.
Always thick as thieves.
I'm sorry,
we're trying to be quiet.
Nah, you're fine.
I couldn't sleep anyway.
Why couldn't you sleep?
Well, I wasn't going
to say anything, but...
I applied to law school.
- What?
- What?
Yes, and this week
I find out if I got in.
Why didn't you want to tell us?
I dunno. What if I get rejected?
No, you won't.
But I'm so proud of you.
Working a full-time job,
raising a kid,
now applying to law school?
I don't know how you do it.
Not sleeping mostly.
But I'm not in yet,
so let's not make a big deal
of it until I know.
Well, I'd like to have
a problem like that someday.
Well, speaking of...
you and Alex were working late.
You do make a good pair.
Remember how he couldn't handle
my Abuela's mole.
I don't think
I could date someone
who can't handle a little spice.
Even if he is cute.
Who said anything
about him being cute?
But the spice thing...
that's a dealbreaker.
You girls...
Come on.
You don't really believe that.
I don't want to chance it!
Plus, you're already married.
I'm only doing this
so you're not single forever.
Merry Christmas.
Thank you.
So, Alex and I have been working
on the "12 Challenges" app
and want you all
to be our beta testers!
Alex will help
put it on your phone.
We added a bunch of features,
which should be helpful
for the remaining challenges,
including today's.
Plus, you get to upload
photos, recipes,
whatever you want
to share with everyone.
- Now...
- Thank you.
They say giving is the true
spirit of Christmas,
so what can be better than...
- The 100 Pesos Challenge!
- Yes.
My favorite.
This is the challenge where we
put 100 pesos in an envelope
and hide it
for someone to find it?
Yes! But this year we added
instructions in the envelope,
so when someone finds it,
they're asked to take a picture
of what they do with the money
and upload it to the cloud!
It makes it more interactive,
plus, you'll see
how your 100 pesos
hopefully made
that person's day better!
And, we can geotag
where we stash the envelope
to keep track of them all.
That was my idea.
How's yours?
- Not a gentleman, apparently.
- This is so good.
But you can have
as much as you'd like.
Thank you.
You want a little bit of mine?
Yeah, sure.
The good part is in the middle?
I just eat that?
This is insane.
So, tell me: are your parents
always playing matchmaker?
They mean well.
Most times.
I have to say,
they did throw me with you
and you should have
seen it coming.
Your dad made it sound like
I was gonna be a surprise
and I figured any family
who would go out of their way
to include a stranger so they
weren't alone for Christmas
must have good intentions.
Good intentions, yes.
Good taste, no.
Excuse me?
No, I didn't...
I didn't mean it like that.
I meant...
Usually, the guys
they set me up with
get along better with them
than they do with me.
Luckily my family stays out
of my love life,
for the most part.
They do drop hints like
"We just want you to be happy",
which, to me, translates to:
"We just want to see you married
and have kids".
"And a house".
"White picket fence".
Shall we?
It's time for a surprise.
It will be fun.
- Well, come on!
- Wait.
not gonna wait for me?
You said this would be fun.
Ow, just trust me.
You need to learn this
for our Calendas anyway.
Plus, you said you wanted
to reconnect
with our culture, didn't ya?
I guess I did.
Just remember you gotta be
straight like this...
and your arms go like this,
because you're gonna be
holding me.
Oh, that's why we were... okay.
- That makes sense?
- Okay, I didn't get that.
Okay. You wanna try it?
- Yes.
- Okay.
Right, right, left. Then...
- I remembered.
- Nice.
You were lying
about having two left feet.
Under promise and overdeliver.
That is my philosophy.
Selfie time!
How did you get so good at this?
My Abuela and I had a deal.
I could spend as much time
as I wanted on the computer
as long as I did something
active each day.
So I came here.
She's a smart woman.
That she is.
I love that when you're dancing,
you can be whoever
you want to be.
You know?
Each dance requires you
to be strong,
And of course, I wanted
to be the one to lead.
Always pushing boundaries, huh?
I guess. I'm a little...
My family says I march
to my own drummer.
I think is why they meddle
in my love life.
My parents do it
for the opposite reason.
They worry I stick
to myself too much.
Growing up I was...
always the one
trying to draw as little
attention to myself as possible.
I definitely
did not have that problem.
I can imagine that.
That's one of the things
I really like about you.
Look at all the pictures
from the 100 pesos challenge!
Oh! I haven't checked the app.
You're right,
it does make you feel good.
Okay, let's...
Alright, break's over!
- Okay.
- Okay.
Ready to put together some
of the moves that I taught you?
You're a quick learner.
I think I am, yeah.
You really are helping
me find my Latin soul.
Remember, it's all about...
passion, confidence, strength!
- All right.
- Okay?
I can do this!
You can do this! Are you ready?
How could I have known
My Christmas gift was on its wa
As soon as I laid eyes on you
The night turned into day
How could I have known
That it would feel
So right to stay
And now I just
Can't wait to start
This path we're about to share
And now you're by my side
Under the moonlit sky
I just wanna be with you
No matter what
All your traditions
The little things you do
Make my wish come true
And now we're face to face
Under the mistletoe
And I promise...
I don't know why I did that. God.
I just got caught up
in the moment.
But it was...
- nice.
- It was.
You know, I was thinking...
this app, it could be huge.
And not only for Oaxaca.
People are leaving comments
in the pictures,
wondering how they can get
the app as well.
Wait, that's what you were
thinking while you kissed me?
Not exactly...
but you know, maybe you should
think about releasing it wider.
That's the goal, not... yet.
There are too many variables.
I don't want to release it
to the general public
until it's perfect.
Yeah, that's the thing.
Nothing is ever perfect.
There are things
you can never anticipate.
I told you, I don't want to
release it until it's ready.
And it's not, okay?
I just want to keep it
in my family this year.
Is that okay?
Thank you.
- Come on.
- Gaby, wait!
Hey, bud. Where's everybody?
Um, I don't know.
Just relaxing, I guess.
And what are you doing?
Waiting for you!
I want to do another challenge,
and mom said to ask you
for help.
I'll let you two do
what you need to.
Hey, no, no, no.
You have to do it too.
What do we need to do?
Come with me!
So how about we show Alex
how to make Rosca de Reyes?
What's that?
What's that?
It's this bread covered in fruit
that we make for Three Kings Day
in January.
Yeah! And I need
to practice making it.
So, we'll each make
our own Rosca de Reyes,
and then we'll rank them from
worst to best on the app.
- Look at me.
- No, no, no, not all of it!
- Not all of it?
- No.
Throw the flour like that, yeah!
Look at this.
- I'm gonna have this.
- No.
- Nice, you guys ready?
- Kinda good, right?
What do you think?
You're missing a spot.
Right... there!
I expected more from you.
Okay, from you I expected that.
You two are going down!
Oh, no! The oven!
- No.
- No.
Luckily it was only yours
that got burned.
What do you mean, "luckily"?
So, I guess we can all agree
the winner is...
Great job, Mateo,
I'm so proud of you!
And guess what the winner gets?
- What?
- Bedtime!
Do I have to?
Honey, you've been late every
night this week. Come on.
Alright. Good night!
This was fun.
- It was.
- It really was.
Seriously, guys? You're just
seeing what you wanna see.
You just don't want to admit
that maybe we finally
got it right.
Oh, so you admit
it was a set up.
So, who cares if it was?
How does he make you feel?
Well, if I tell you something
you promise you won't
use it against me later?
- Promise.
- Promise.
We kissed.
When we were dancing,
but I don't know.
You don't know?
Ew, is he a bad kisser?
No, he's great.
Better than great.
But... I don't know.
He pulled back and then he
started talking about the app.
And let's not forget,
he's a complete "Rando"!
You've spent the past
few days with him,
and before that
we were all texting.
So, you have a good sense
of who he is.
You know what?
You need a software upgrade
so you can enjoy
a moment of happiness.
You deserve that.
- Hey, Carlos.
- Hi.
Can I have a soy latte?
- Please.
- Of course.
Thank you.
I'm sorry, my Spanish is pretty
remedial. Do you speak English?
A little.
- This?
- Yes.
It's an app for the
Twelve Challenges of Christmas.
One hundred pesos.
Oh, yes! 100 pesos.
Yes. That's us.
You see...
Works? How?
Yeah, yeah. Okay.
I think I know what you mean,
yeah. I'll show you.
Check it out.
We've got the challenges...
- Whole family, recipes...
- Amazing.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, amazing.
Pay, pay. Money.
- Money.
- Really?
Well, Gaby would love that.
Gabriela Daz?
Well, she created this app.
Oh, she created it.
- Yes.
- Yes.
To use it.
Check the app out? Is that it?
Oh, okay. Alright.
Let me see your phone.
I will drop you a link.
There you go.
And you can check it out
and see how we're using it.
- Yes.
- Thank you.
No problem.
Thank you.
By the way,
just between you and me.
I want it to be a surprise
in case, you know,
it all works out.
Thank you.
Isn't it wild?
"The Night of the Radishes"
is so weird, but I love it.
Wait, those are radishes?
What? I don't think I've ever
seen radish sculptures.
What on earth is this?
I almost forgot about this.
It's a tradition that goes back.
It's about
taking out your frustrations
and starting fresh the New Year.
By breaking plates?
When's the last time
you could do something
totally reckless
without consequences?
- Okay, I'm down.
- Okay.
- Great.
- Let's do this.
So cute.
- Are you ready?
- I am.
- Okay. One...
- One.
- Two...
- Two.
- Wow!
- Yes!
Oh, man, that feels good.
It got chilly fast!
I always think
"Oh. It's Mexico,
it's gonna be warm...".
But, you know, it's winter.
- You need a jacket.
- No, no, no. But it's fine.
- Gaby, come on.
- Really, really.
It's not that far away.
I'll just be right back
Thank you.
There you go. What did I miss?
I don't even know what to say.
About the jacket?
No one needs to say anything.
What's wrong?
Can you tell me why the Mayor
has the Christmas app
on his phone?
Oh, shoot. That was...
that was gonna be a surprise.
I ran into him the other day
and he was
asking questions about it.
He said you shared a link so
he could share it with everyone?
Wait, what?
- No. I...
- What?
I thought I was clear
when I said I didn't want it out
there until it was ready.
I know, I know that. But...
Okay, the Mayor said
that the app could
really help the town.
He said the city
might even wanna...
Buy it?
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
You did say you want to create
and sell an app someday.
Gaby, come on.
That was never my intention.
But wait, wait.
Isn't this a good thing?
People are using
and enjoying the app.
I just wish you would have
respected what I told you.
You know what? This...
This whole thing
was a huge mistake.
None of this would have happened
if you hadn't come here.
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.
- What is it?
- What happened?
It's the e-mail
from my top choice school.
I'm too scared to open it.
Come on, mom. Open it.
Go on.
Yeah, open it.
Oh, honey...
I got in!
I'm so proud of you!
Thank you.
Where's Alex?
I'll go get him.
We have to tell him.
Thank you.
Hey, family.
Family, hey, listen.
Alex is gone
- What?
- What did you expect?
But, why?
Maybe he got up early
and went out like yesterday.
- Sure.
- No. No.
All his bags are gone too, so...
Gaby, do you know where he is?
I have no idea.
We have to find him.
I mean... we need him
for the Calendas.
He's supposed to do the dancing.
Well, if I'm being honest...
we had sort
of a situation last night.
He shared the app with the Mayor
who then shared it with
the rest of the town.
But... isn't that a good thing?
It wasn't ready to be released.
I haven't had the chance to make
sure it worked perfectly.
But it is ready.
We've been all using it.
And all the posts
from people this morning
have been super positive.
You don't understand.
I asked Alex not to share it
with anyone.
I feel more disappointed
than angry.
What are you...?
How did you find me?
I guess it was a bad idea
to add the geotagging.
What happened, dude?
How could you do that to Gaby?
What are you talking about?
Gaby thinks you tried to force
a deal for the app.
I couldn't care less
about the deal or the money.
The Mayor said that the city
might want to license the app
from her.
I thought it was gonna be
the perfect Christmas gift.
Well, somewhere
some wires got crossed.
What exactly did the Mayor say?
I don't know.
I thought I was just
giving him the link
for him to check it out
in private,
but there was a little bit
of a language barrier,
he kept switching between
English and Spanish.
I couldn't really
understand anything.
Now it's making
a little more sense.
Yeah. He would
ask questions and I...
would just nod
and say "yes, yes, s, s".
But I honestly thought
that Gaby would like it.
You and your family
have been so kind to me.
Why are you leaving, then?
Gaby made it really clear
that none of this would have
happened if I hadn't come,
so I thought
it would be the best thing
for everybody if I left.
It looks a bit much more
like you're running away.
No, it's not what I'm...
If you like her, let me help.
Listen, I...
I already changed my flight.
I think it's best if I just go.
You and your family
should just...
enjoy the holiday together.
It's fine.
You're like family now.
At least think about it!
- Hey.
- I found Alex.
We have to do something.
I know! It's all
a misunderstanding.
I have an idea.
My love.
Gaby, I'm sorry.
No, I'm sorry.
This has been a weird week.
- Get on!
- For us?
- Yes, get on.
- Yes.
- Let's go.
- Okay, let's do it.
Wow, what's this?
We love you.
This is bananas.
I hope you know
I never meant to...
I know.
It's just...
This whole week...
Well, up until
the last 12 hours or so
has been incredible.
And about the app,
I swear, I was...
I couldn't have done it
without you.
I mean, I could have,
but it wouldn't have been...
as good.
Or as fun.
I really was
just trying to help.
I know.
I do think
you need to study Spanish.
I know, I know.
If only I had stuck with
my Spanish lessons early on,
none of this
would have happened.
How about I teach you
a very important word?
Alex, Alex!
I have something for you.
Figured you could use it.
To learn some Espaol.
And... it's for kids.
Thank you.
Okay, I think we're
a little underdressed.
- Should we take care of that?
- Agree! Yeah.
Yeah, okay.
We'll be right back.