Message and the Messenger (2022) Movie Script

Father I thank you that I am the head-
and not the tail.
Above only and never beneath.
The lender and not the borrower.
The blessed and not the cursed.
I have been given
and it shall be given unto me.
Good measure,
Press down, shaken together,
running over, shall men give into my bosom.
I am out of debt.
My needs are met
and I have plenty more to put in store.
Money come to me now.
Right now in Jesus name.
Hey baby.
I was just about to hang up.
Did I catch you at a bad time?
I'm doing my makeup mom.
What's up.
I was seeing
if you were coming by after church today,
I made a big pot of red beans and rice.
I was having lunch
with friends after church.
What's going on?
Oh, well, your sister is in trouble.
Ma this is really getting old.
How much does she need this time?
Look, 7,000 or her house
is going to be foreclosed on.
Now I can get 5,000 from my 401k,
but I was wondering
if you could add the rest.
I don't have that money and neither do you.
You've got to start thinking
about your future.
Well, how can I think about me
when my baby is in trouble?
Your baby is grown with a husband.
Let them figure it out on their own.
I wish I could do more.
You can stop making
their problem your problem.
Tell Tiffany to call me.
I could get her a job.
Oh, that is terrific.
Thank you, baby.
Oh, I am so proud of you.
Thank you.
Okay mom no problem.
- See you later.
- Bye.
He's faithful to the finish.
He's working?
He's working it out.
God is able to replenish.
He's working.?
He's working it out right now
Everything that the devil stole.
He's working?
He's Working it out.
He's working it out right now.
Right now right now
Believe God, trust God.
Right now.
Right now right now
what God can do
Right now right now
Right now right now
What He's done for us, He'll do to you
Right now right now.
He's working it out.
He's working it out right now
Trust God believe God.
Well, good morning Abundant Life.
Good morning.
I said, good morning, abundant life.
Good morning.
You sound good this morning.
You look good too.
You look blessed.
You look healthy.
You look wealthy.
You look prosperous.
All right.
Just to ask how many of you
have been saying your faith confessions?
I had somebody, they ask me, they say, Bishop,
how often should I save my faith confession?
I told them.
I said, well, that depends on how broke you are.
See for the rich people out here,
you might only need to say it once, maybe twice a week.
For the rest of us, I'm talking about
the rest of us that need God to show up.
We need God to bring us out of debt
and into our wealthy place.
We need God to bring us
into our level of prosperity,
we got to say that thing every morning,
noon, and night.
Well, Kathy Taylor's going to come.
She's going to sing another song.
After that I am telling you I have
a word for you this morning.
I got a word from God that is going change
your bank account indefinitely.
It is going change
your own checkbook forever.
It is going to bring you out.
I'm talking about wiping debt, clean.
Student loans canceled in Jesus name.
Turn to your neighbor tell them
my money is coming soon.
They didn't hear turn behind you
and tell them get ready, get ready,
get ready, get ready, get ready.
Jessica said that it was- Hey there she is.
Damn late.
Hey y'all, sorry I'm late.
You're right on time.
I ordered for you.
Oh, thank you, ladies.
You can thank me by buying my lunch.
I just gave my last 50
to the kingdom.
I'm going to need you
to stop being so broke.
I'm going to need you to stop being stingy.
Let me hold about 50,000.
Well, anyways, how's the fam, Jess.
Oh girl.
My mom is doing fine.
Good, good.
Tiffany is not.
What's up with Tiff?
She broke, busted, and disgusted.
Never nothing new.
Not like you miss entrepreneur.
Aren't you excited
to be starting your new business?
Girl I am pumped.
I'm soo happy for you.
So good.
Thank you, friend.
I've made so many sacrifices to get to this point,
not to mention the seeds I've been sowing.
Bishop was talking about seed faith giving,
and I sowed another $2,000 today.
Trying to give on my level.
Oh no, I'm not on your level yet sis,
but it's coming.
I'm coming too.
Just as soon as I find my boas.
Anyway, where's the new office?
The Nelson building.
As in Jason Nelson's building?
You moving into your ex's building.
He had office space available.
I sign the lease tomorrow.
Thank you.
Jason is fine, fine.
How can you stand being around him
and not want to rip his clothes off?
Maybe because she lives holy
and doesn't jump in a bed
with every man she meets like you,
because you didn't sleep
with him, right, Jessica?
Spread is a little hard today.
You didn't sleep with Jason, right?
Your hair is so cute today.
Jessica Anne Clark.
Did you sleep with Jason?
Why are you so loud?
Did you?
I did.
Of course you did.
Oh, my God.
You act like we don't remember
when you were single and a certified freak.
Maybe I'm still certified.
That's okay though
because you're married now.
I am done with Jason.
we still praying for you.
Too hard.
A little hard.
I'm going to get there.
So hard.
Let's make a toast ladies.
Let's toast to forgetting the past,
our past mistakes, and focus on the future.
To the future.
This place is so much bigger
and so much nicer.
I figured you'd like this spot.
I have one basically just like it
being prepared for you now.
You know what?
You've got yourself a deal.
Let me sign it.
I guess we're neighbors again,
just like college.
Even more beautiful now than I remember.
You know,
this is such a nice place.
Thank you.
It's the least I could do.
To make up for the pain
that I've caused you.
That was all in the past.
It's all good.
We're good.
It was good.
It was really good.
We were magical.
Don't you agree?
That was a long time ago
and things are different now.
Some things are different.
Other things haven't changed at all.
I never noticed
how beautiful the city skyline is.
It's amazing.
You should see it at nighttime.
Sometimes I come up here
and I turn off the lights in my office
and I pour up a glass of wine
and I listen to some music and just chill.
That sounds nice.
It's going
to be really hard to do that now,
knowing the lady I love so much
is right beneath me.
Well, why is it going to be hard?
Because I would be tempted
to invite you up so we could do this.
I can't believe that just happened.
This is not how I planned
on starting my day.
Well, it was an exceptional start.
You know what Jason--
Look, look, look,
there's nothing for you to be ashamed of.
It's obvious we both still have feelings
for each other and it is what it is.
All right.
Look, I know how expensive
it can be starting up a new business
to lighten up some of that pressure,
I'll waive your down payment
and your first month's rent.
You're sure?
Thank you.
You've already thanked me.
We should do this again tonight though.
Till then I'll be
in my office if you need me.
I'm sorry Lord, forgive me.
You know I am not perfect
and I am still a work in progress.
I know that I've sinned,
but please do not take your blessings away from me
in Jesus name I pray.
Hey, getting any calls?
No, for the 15th time,
girl, pray or something.
That's all I've been doing,
is praying for the past few weeks.
I need some money.
Well, sis if you're going to pray, don't worry
and if you're going to worry, don't pray.
Shut up.
Hey, I know you,
you go to my church, right?
Mr and Mrs. Brown.
Yes ma'am, that's us, 10 years faithful service.
Well, welcome to Jessica Clark's Realty.
What can I do for you today?
We're very excited.
We're here about the house
for sale on Imperial Drive.
Well, let me take you to Jessica office, follow me.
Well I'm so glad you guys like the house.
It is so beautiful.
The asking price is $350,000.
Do you have any financing in place?
Of course we do.
Jesus paid it all
and he shall supply all my needs.
We missed about that.
How much
has the bank approved you for.
We haven't gone through a bank per se,
but this is what you can do.
Draw up the paperwork
because this house is going to be ours.
God is going to position us
to buy this house cash.
I'm telling you that now we sowed
our seed on Sunday
and we are expecting a harvest any day now.
Preach baby.
Let, just get this straight.
You all don't have any money
to purchase this house at all?
Well, technically I'm between jobs,
but she's on disability.
Oh, hallelujah.
She's got some stuff coming in.
I get something in baby.
We don't have to worry about that
because favor is sufficient
and we are going to get this house.
Oh, yes.
You know what?
I feel the sizzling.
Oh, it's all in my spirit, child.
Let me tell you deep down
inside of the recession of my soul,
I know God is going to do something
and I can't wait, honey.
Do you hear love muffin?
Don't you feel excitement
for us Sister Cark?
So excited.
Sister Washington,
it looks like all of your documents are in order
and you're ready to purchase a house.
Well, actually we'll be purchasing two houses today.
One for me and the kids,
and one for him and his side chick.
Hey, wait.
Oh, you didn't think I knew about you and Sister Jones.
Wait, this ain't--
Yes, they got a thing going on.
This ain't the place for that.
Shut up and just look straight.
Because when I finish with you,
I'll be able to purchase this house
with cash with your trifling ass.
Wait, language baby.
The language?
Step outside, I have some language for you,
and it won't be speaking in tongues either.
Lord have mercy.
I'm saying this.
I can have the money tomorrow.
Only thing I need you to do
is co-sign for me.
See, I got the money at the house,
it's all under the bed, all in the safe.
and everything.
See Deacon, I just can't help you.
I know what you're saying, but the honest thing
is I can't put the money in the bank
with all the child support people,
they're going to take everything away.
Now I know what you thinking.
Once you get the revelation, you'll co-sing it.
Get Liz on the phone.
Hi, Liz, Jessica wants to speak--
Hey Liz, listen to me good,
stop giving those people my number at the church,
they are all freaking crazy.
Hang it up.
Any messages?
Nope, but Jason is in your office waiting for you.
What day is it?
The second.
Ssh, I'll be right back.
Hi Jason.
This is a very nice chair.
Close the door behind you.
I'm not closing the door,
and you need to get up because that's my spot.
Oh, I know exactly where your spot is.
You're acting funny now?
How's business.
Not so good.
I haven't sold any houses.
This is a lot harder than I thought.
So what's your plan
for rent this month?
I don't have it all as of yet,
but I will in about a week or so.
I was hoping that I can get an extension.
That's not how this works, Jessica,
but here's what we can do.
We're both business people,
let's make a deal.
What kind of deal?
You give me 30 minutes
of your time a few times a week
and I'll give you 30 days rent free.
30 minutes.
Come on, Jessica.
You're seen the view,
you know what I want?
I don't know Jason,
just give me a few days, okay.
I will pay your rent.
I'll get it.
You already got it.
You have everything I need.
No, Jason.
I'm not about to let you pimp me
around like I'm some whore.
I am your pimp.
Whether you like it or not, come the first
you're either going to give me money or honey,
to be in this building.
Well, I'll just move
You're going to pay me
for the next 12 months rent as written in your lease
that you just signed,
which clearly you didn't read.
You are such a jerk.
You'll get your money
in a couple of days.
You have until the 5th.
Excuse me, Jessica.
Hey, do you have a moment?
No, not really.
Look, I know this may not be
a good time for you,
but will I be getting a check today?
I have bills I have to take care of.
Join the club.
Jessica I need to get paid today.
Tiffany, I haven't sold any houses.
I understand that sis,
but that's not my problem.
You hired me to do a job and I've been doing that
for four weeks now faithfully.
I need to get paid for my time.
I will need to get paid too.
I've got bills, mortgage car payments.
I have a husband who's not working,
with two kids I have to feed.
Is that supposed to make you better
than me because you're married?
I've got more responsibility
than you can ever dream of.
It ain't my fault you married some broke negro
who can't provide for his family.
You're just jealous.
Of what?
You ain't nothing to be jealous of.
You're on welfare.
You married to a loser.
You about to be homeless
and your kids look dirty.
Look, don't you talk about kids.
Do you hear me?
Don't you ever say anything about my kids?
You them out of your mouth,
do you hear me?
This is not their fault.
It's just that I've going
through a hard time.
I thought that you out
of all people would understand,
but you're too selfish and bitter
to care about anybody but yourself.
Tiffany wait.
No, I didn't mean it.
How you doing?
Are you Ms. Clark?
My name is Michael Junior
from M.A Junior Investment Group down the hall.
Listen, I was coming in today
to see if you could give me a little help.
I'm looking for a property to lease.
Would you happen to have any available?
That's awesome.
There you go.
We do have this property available for lease.
If I may ask, why are you leasing
when you can be owning your own home
Oh, well this won't be for me.
I'm doing this for a friend.
A friend, huh?
Sure it isnt for one
of your little side pieces player player?
Wheres this property located?
Oh, it's just a few miles north of here.
We can go take a look at it if you like.
That won't be necessary.
I'll have my handyman take a look at it
once I make my final decision.
For the most part,
this property looks decent.
How much are you asking for rent?
$800 per month
and I do require one year lease.
Oh, I won't be signing any lease,
but what I will do
is pay you $900 a month
until she's ready to move.
Until she's ready to move?
Is that your best offer?
It's my only offer.
I guess you've got yourself a deal.
Oh, Ms. Clark.
Hey, are you okay?
I'm sorry.
I've been fasting for the past three days.
Got a little lightheaded.
Oh, I think this is a sign
that you need to get something to eat.
Yes, I think you're right.
Thank you
How long have you been in real estate?
About 40 days.
Youre a brand new business owner.
Thank you.
You're actually my first client
Is real estate is something
you've always wanted to do?
Graphic and interior design was my passion,
but it didn't pay the bills
so I had to find another gig.
Why real estate?
Because I can make
a lot of money with no salary cap.
This is true,
but real estate can be tough.
I know.
That's why I've been fasting
and praying like crazy,
but it all worked out
because you're here.
You think fasting and praying
is what brought me into your office?
It could have just been faith.
My faith in God
is what brought you to my office.
Mr. Juniors.
Call it what you want,
but you are the answer to my prayers.
Oh really?
Oh, sorry.
Hello, mom?
Wait, calm down.
I'm on my way.
I'm on my way right now.
I'm sorry.
I really got to go.
Thank you so much for breakfast.
I'm sorry.
Mom, what's the big emergency?
Tiffany and Reginald got evicted
and need a place to stay.
I was hoping
that they could stay in your rental property.
It's not available.
She is lying.
That place has been vacant for months.
I rented it out this morning,
besides I don't rent
to family because they don't pay.
You're right.
They don't pay.
Since you rented out the place,
I guess you can run me my paycheck now.
I need that money
to add a new carpet to the house.
Reginald can put the carpet in.
He just needs to get paid in advance.
What's the matter?
He can't speak for himself?
Look, not today.
All right?
You know what--
Oh my God.
Come on kids.
Let's go.
There he goes.
Running away like he always does.
She follows him around like a little puppy.
You stay out of married folks business.
No, they're pathetic.
From what I hear,
you are not much better off than they are.
You were wrong for what you said
about your niece and nephew.
Just wrong.
I apologized.
Why haven't you paid Tiffany?
I can't give her money I don't have.
Maybe the church can help.
They usually have money
set aside to help people with their bills.
We just want to thank you so much
for your help and your time.
We didn't even know churches
did this kind of thing.
We really are grateful.
I've been going over your file
and you two have a lot of expenses.
If I'm not mistaken,
you got a car payment, medical bills,
some credit card debt, and student loan?
Yes, Pastor.
I was in nursing school,
but I had to drop out.
Can y'all forgive me?
Y'all look so young and healthy.
Look like you're able to work.
Why are all your bills so far behind?
Our son, he had to have emergency surgery
and I got laid off nine months ago.
I've been applying for jobs,
but no one wants to hire me.
Yall got a lot of debt.
I know y'all not expecting the church
to take care of all of this debt.
No, absolutely not, of course not.
Whatever you can do is fine.
Just anything you can do.
Unfortunately Mr. Landry
theres not much that we can do.
You see a church this size
has a lot of members that have financial burdens
and we do the very bare minimum
for our tithing members.
Now, if you look right here,
y'all have not paid tithes in over a year or an offering.
Like I told you before,
our son was hospitalized for five weeks.
All right now, my insurance company
only covered 70% of the cost.
The rest was on us.
You were laid off.
You got a severance?
I had no extra income coming in to tithe from.
401(k), unemployment.
Surely y'all had something
y'all could have given to the kingdom.
I'm sure the kingdom
would understand my situation.
I'm sure God would understand this.
Let me make sure I'm understanding
what you're saying to me.
You won't take care of the kingdom,
but you want God to take care of your house?
Pastor, I don't know what other members do,
but my family come before me giving
a donation to a multimillion-dollar church.
I'm sorry, I couldn't contribute
to buying the Bishop a new Bentley,
but I was trying to take care
of my family.
What we're not going to do is bash the Bishop.
As a matter of fact,
it's the Bishop's reason why you are here today.
He's decided to let me have a meeting
with you all out of his generosity
so thats not what we're going to do.
Now this, and I'm sure Mr. Landry
you can understand, is a business.
Because we're a business, we have a certain set
of rules and guidelines that we have to follow.
Set by who?
I'm sure Jesus didn't ask to see tithing reports
before he helped his people.
You're servant, right?
Look, Mr. Landry, I understand your frustration.
No, you don't understand my frustration.
You have no clue, obviously.
I'll tell you what we're going to do.
Don't worry about this right now.
Let's just take a few moments
and we're going to pray.
We're going to go to God and ask him for--
Pray for us?
Prayer is not what we need right now.
You know what?
I made a mistake.
Baby let's go.
- Mr. Landry.
Let's go baby.
Mr. Landry.
Baby, let's go.
Mrs. Landry, let--
I'm sorry.
Reginald, wait, wait.
Are you okay?
I'll be fine.
You know what you did back there
was not okay.
It's not his fault.
I know.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for everything.
It's not your fault either.
It's my responsibility.
Look, I got to find a way to save us.
We don't need saving Reginald.
Look, God got us.
We're going to be okay.
No, that's my job.
It's okay.
It's not okay.
Stop saying that.
Look, I'm sorry
for yelling at you, all right?
I need a minute.
Go by your mom.
I need a minute.
It's the third.
That means it's not the fifth.
Get out and close the door behind you.
It's the third.
I know.
Ms. Clark.
Jason, I told you--
I'm not Jason.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Mr. Juniors, how are you doing today?
I'm great.
I have some bad news about the house.
Can I sit down?
Listen, the toilet
in the master bathroom is broken,
there's a leak in the roof,
and the AC unit needs to be repaired.
I know.
It's how it is opening up a new business.
Luckily for you,
the leak and the toilet can be repaired easily,
but Carmen has two kids
and she's definitely going to need a new AC unit.
One of my clients is the air conditioner manufacturer
I had him come out
to the house and give me an estimate.
He gave you a discount on a new unit.
Oh, you sure this is discounted?
Yes. Ma'am.
He even gave you 30% off.
Now look, should I call him up and tell him
to go ahead on and install the unit?
No, no, no, no, no.
Could you give me a few more days?
A few days?
Jessica, Carmen is moving in tomorrow.
Yes, I know, but just let me pray about it
and then I'll just get back with you later.
Listen, Jessica, don't worry about it.
I'll take care of it.
My client owes me a favor anyway,
so what I have him do
is install the unit and bill you later.
That way, it'll give you a few weeks
to come up with the money for the unit.
All right?
Ah, yes.
See, I' fixed it.
Problem solved.
No, no, no.
Jesus fixed it.
Not you, my friend.
How is business going for you, Jessica?
After that news business is great.
Aside from the news,
how is business really going for Jessica?
Honestly it could be better.
Did you do your research
on the market before you decide
to open up a real estate business?
My father worked in real estate.
He told me that there would be seasons
where sales peaked and seasons where they don't.
Well, the real estate business
hasn't peaked in years.
Listen, I'm not trying
to discourage you or anything.
Because I wasn't getting that.
Aside from being an investment broker,
I'm also a business consultant.
I was just trying to give you something to think about.
I have some books in my office,
I want you to read, I'll bring them by later.
Oh, and you know what I wanted
to tell you how professional your office looks.
It looks very good in here.
Thank you.
Branding and graphic design
is what I did for five years before I got in real estate.
Do you think you could do something
like this to my office?
Maybe redesign my logo,
put some color on the wall,
just give my office
a new character, you know.
I'm sorry, did you just say paint your walls?
I don't paint for a living, I sell houses.
If you want to add some color to your walls,
you should just hire you a painter or something.
Oh, okay.
Do you know someone?
Because I'm serious,
I really want to change the look in my office.
Yes, I do.
I know his number.
I could put him in.
Put that number for it.
You sure you don't want
to put your touch on it?
Oh no.
It's not in my ministry.
Here you go.
I put it in there.
Jose, okay, got you.
Thank you, Ms. Clark.
Oh yes.
I'll be in contact with you.
No problem.
All right.
Thank you.
All right.
Now sit down, sit down, sit down.
What I want everybody to do,
is I want you to take out a sheet of paper.
I want you to write down something
you are believing God to manifest in your life.
Now, this could be anything,
this could be increase in your financial situation.
Maybe some healing, favor,
a mate, maybe a promotion on your job.
Whatever you want,
I want you to write that down.
What I'm about to do is,
I'm about to show you in the Bible
that God has already given you
exactly what you asked for.
He's already given you exactly
what you've put down on that paper.
We have a part that we play,
and then God has this part that he plays.
Our part is to make a prayer unto God,
decree it and pay that vow.
Then God's part is to hear the prayer
that we've prayed, establish it,
and shine his light upon our ways.
The reason I had you write down
what you would believe in God for
is because I want you to pray about it.
I want you to ask God for it.
According to his word, listen,
he would have never put it in his word
if he didn't want you to have it.
This week, we going to ask God for some things,
and then next week
we're going to do the other part to this faith
and we're going to pay that vow.
Next week, I want you to come prepared
and bring a breakthrough seed
and expect God to give you exactly
what you asked for.
Bow your heads.
Let me pray for you.
Hey, how you doing?
I want to thank you
for sending me to Mr. Junior.
Oh, no problem.
What did you-
That was the easiest $2,000 I've made in my life.
I'm sorry.
Oh, did you say $2,000?
God bless you.
Yes, no problem.
It's no problem.
Thank you.
No problem.
All right.
May I help you?
Excuse me.
May I help you?
Oh, hi.
I'm sorry.
I was just admiring your office.
I thought I heard your voice.
You like what Jose did to my office.
Why didn't you tell me the design job
was worth $2,000.
You know I could have used that money.
I asked you first miss,
"I don't paint walls.
Why don't you go
and hire a professional."
Look, regardless,
I would've did a much better job.
You need to stop hating.
I'm not hating.
Look, have a seat.
I don't want to sit down.
I have much better things to do
than to sit here and watch you pout.
Even though it is kind of cute.
I am not pouting, I'm pissed.
You know you're wrong.
Listen, can we get Jose back on the line?
I want to see if he wants to redesign my logo,
unless you want to do it.
How much does it pay?
How much do you charge?
Oh, I am really expensive.
Just email me the file
and what you want changed.
I'll have it to you
before you get back to your desk.
Thank you.
Watch my door, soft wood.
Knock, knock.
Look, let me give you
a call right back, okay?
I didn't expect you back so soon.
I work pretty fast.
Stop the cap, you couldn't possibly
be finished with those logos already?
Here are three samples
I want you to take a look at
and make sure I'm on the right track.
Jessica, you have a real gift.
Yes, when I worked in corporate America,
I was their best designer.
Oh, so I bet you made that company
a lot of money, didn't you?
Listen, how much do I owe you?
I don't know.
I don't usually do those kinds of things.
How much did you make on your job?
$15 an hour, and I worked on this
for four hours, so I guess you owe me $60.
Jessica, you're an entrepreneur
and you're still thinking like an employee.
Now, if your boss was able
to pay you $15 an hour,
how much do you think he
or she was making?
I don't know.
Double maybe?
Try triple, and that's on the low end.
There's this little thing
on the internet called Google
that you can check the going rate
for just about anything.
Hold up.
Google says you should be
making about $62.50.
See, I was right
An hour.
Jessica, you trouble me.
Because you know nothing about business.
I resent that,
I may not know much about compensation,
but I know everything there is
to know about real estate.
I highly doubt that.
Try me.
How many properties
are under your company?
I was a little nosy last week and I saw
that you had a property in the Waterford subdivision.
How many square feet is that house?
I don't know.
I don't have that listing in front of me.
What about the property tax.
Are there any property tax in that area?
I'm not sure.
Not sure.
What about homeowners association fees?
Are there any in that area?
And if so, how much are they per year?
I don't know.
I just told you I don't have
the listing in front of me.
I can't answer those questions
off the top of my head.
You should be able to answer
those questions off the top of your head,
because this is your business.
Now, when you put that sign on the lawn
and that business suit and smiling,
you're telling the world
that I'm an expert at this property.
If you seem uninformed or disorganized,
people are going to take that business elsewhere.
I'm not disorganized,
I just don't know everything about every listing.
That's what the iPad is for.
Check this out.
My company is presently involved
in over 20 investment projects.
I can talk to you for about five minutes
about each of those projects,
because I'm well informed.
With only 12 listings under your company,
there's no reason you should know
the basic information
about those properties without the use of an iPad.
Maybe one day I'll be on top
of my game like you.
That's if you survive.
I will survive, because God
isn't going to let my business fail.
If God, before me,
who could be against me?
You Jessica,
you can be against yourself.
Now the common denominator that determines
whether you succeed or fail
is not God's love, it's you.
I bet you don't even have
a business plan, right?
I sell houses.
Why would I need a business plan?
Look, I know that you may not believe
in God, but I'm a Christian.
I am saved, sanctified, and a faithful member
of Abundant Life Cathedral.
That right there explains a lot.
I love my church and I love my pastor,
so please don't speak negative
about them in my presence.
Look, bill me $250
for the logo design.
I'm going to need some business cards,
letterhead, and envelopes.
Just send me an invoice for that as well.
You have a nice day Ms. Clark.
You too.
You're not going to answer that?
No, and I transferred
all the money out of the accounts
into one that he has no idea exist.
I cancelled all these credit cards so yes,
don't try to play with me.
He's going to learn today.
I meeting
with my attorney first thing in the morning.
We're going to talk about
this lawsuit and this divorce.
Kelly, are you sure about this?
Yes, I'm sure.
I mean, if he going to cheat
then he going to pay.
Yes, but maybe you should talk to him
or maybe you should hear him out
For what?
I mean, I've seen everything I need to see.
Ain't no coming back from this,
at least not for me.
I mean, he think he can just-
Mom, where's daddy?
Hey sweet pea.
Hey aunty Rose.
Come, you want to play a game?
Okay, come, let's go.
I know that you're angry Kelly,
but what about the life that you've built?
What about your kids?
Look, I'm not about
to let John get away with it.
Have you thought about praying about it?
I mean, do you really want
to ruin 10 years worth of marriage?
Look, you're supposed to be my friend.
Why are you advocating for him?
No, I'm both of your friends.
I just know how much
you two love each other.
I just don't understand.
You seem like the perfect couple
with the perfect life.
I mean you both make six figures.
You have this beautiful home,
beautiful kids, luxury cars, and a killer wardrobe.
I guarantee 90%
of your followers secretly hate you.
One look at your life
and you make us all look like failures.
I'm real good at posting a dream,
but this right here, this is reality.
Honestly, I haven't been
a wife to John in years.
My career, it came before my marriage,
before my children, even before God.
John wanted the simple life,
I was the one who wanted to be rich.
I wanted the material wealth
that Bishop preached about, that was me.
It just seems like no matter how much money I made,
it was just never enough.
I just kept taking on new projects.
Exploring new business ventures.
I was never home to cater to
or care for John.
I don't blame him for cheating.
I just can't believe that he would.
It's my fault.
No, listen to me.
Listen, there is no excuse for infidelity
I just don't think that your marriage
is unrepairable.
God can fix anything.
Can he fix my broken heart?
How do I forgive him, I don't know.
Hey, hey, hey.
Damn it.
Daddy, why are they taking your car?
Oh my God.
It'll be all right son.
It'll be all right.
It's all right son,
get your sister go in the house.
Okay, this too shall pass,
we just have to have faith.
I know.
I should go and console him.
No, you give him a moment.
I know your first instinct is to run and console him,
but you give him some time, okay?
But I don't want him to think I'm angry.
Reginald knows that he has your support,
but I don't think that he knows that he has God's.
He has been carrying his family on his shoulders,
now he is being forced to trust God.
I just wish there was something
I could do.
You can pray for him baby
and ask God to give him a clear direction
on what he should do with his family.
Fix it Jesus.
I know sweetheart.
I know.
Oh, fix it Jesus.
Fix it.
It's okay.
God, what do you want?
I have two beautiful children
and the sweetest wife.
I would be okay if it was just me.
God, I have a family
and it's killing me to see them go without.
I don't know what's going on.
I've been applying for jobs,
no one will hire me.
I've lost everything we have, everything.
God, I need to know if you're real.
I need to know if you hear my prayers.
I don't see you,
I haven't heard from you.
I don't even feel you moving in my life.
Do you even care that life is standing
on my neck and I can't breathe?
Don't you see me?
I'm a loyal faithful husband
to my wife.
I'm not doing drugs or alcohol.
I live my life with good intentions
every day and this is what I get?
All I want to do is provide
for my family, that's it.
God, I can't do this alone,
I need your help.
Help me.
God, help my family.
God, please help us.
Now look, I know some of you are going
through some tough situations I get it,
but today
is a defining moment for you.
Today is going to define
if you are trusting in God's word,
or you're trusting in the doctor's report.
If you're walking in faith
or if you're walking in fear.
Now, I'm not going to tell you what to give,
I'm not going to do that.
I believe that's between you and God.
What I am going to say, is,
what you give needs to cost you something.
The widow woman gave her last meal.
Abraham was willing
to sacrifice his son.
The woman with the alabaster box
was willing to give a year's salary,
but that's not how their story ends.
They gave God their best
and then they experienced the overflow.
My question to all of you to here
is how bad do you want it?
How far are you willing to go
to experience the overflow?
Never hesitate to give God the best,
because He gave you his best
when he sent you His Son Jesus Christ.
Abraham gave 1,000 burned offerings.
The widow woman gave her last might.
I'm not telling you what to give,
but make sure you make it count.
Michael, Wait,
can I talk to you for a minute?
What is it?
I know that the rent
for the house isn't due until the first,
but I was hoping
that your friend could pay me in advance
because I really could use it.
I'm not paying you anything for next month.
Because you didn't pay for the AC unit
like you said you would.
My client did a favor for you based
on the integrity of my word.
Okay, I'm sorry, stop tripping.
Stop tripping?
Jessica, you could have put
our business relationship in jeopardy,
and you act like you don't even care.
The money I paid you for the stationery alone
was more than enough
to take care of your responsibilities.
Certain things in my life take priority
over other expenses.
I had to pay tithes.
Okay, well, you still could have been able
to take care of your tithes
after you pay for that unit.
Not after I paid my vow.
Paid your what?
It's a special offering I give
for my breakthrough.
Listen, I know that you are a sinner
and you can't understand why I give, but I do.
I truly believe in God's system and I know
that he's going to increase me financially.
Why would God give you more money
when you're already a poor steward.
That is not true.
Oh, it's very true.
I don't even have to see your checkbook
to know that your whole life is out of balance.
I am not out of balance.
I'm just doing things God's way,
it's just a matter of time.
Well, Jessica you are out of time,
at least with me.
I'm about to lose my business.
I read all of the books that you gave me.
It said that every successful person
had a business mentor.
I was hoping that you can be my mentor.
Mentor you?
Not in this lifetime.
Please, Michael.
I really need help.
look if you want me to help you,
you're going to have to lose
your self-righteous attitude.
You cannot question my judgment,
and you're going to have to trust me enough
to do exactly what I tell you to do.
I basically be letting you run my life.
I'm going to have to pray.
See, that's your problem.
You keep trying to mix your religion
and business and it doesn't go together.
Either we do this my way or you can continue
to do things the way you've been doing it.
Do we have an understanding?
Yes, so, when did we officially start?
7:00 AM, tomorrow morning?
Jesus, why so early?
Because we're going to a business seminar, okay?
And look, you're no longer
doing real estate.
Wait, why?
Because number one, you suck at it.
Number two,
no one is buying houses right now.
Number three, you're running around
chasing money instead of your purpose.
That's why you broke.
What am I going to be doing?
Everything you're good at,
graphic design and branding.
I'll see you in the morning.
You wanted to see me?
Yes, Jessica.
Come on in, have a seat.
I took a look at your finances.
It's the worst credit score
I've ever seen in my life.
I mean, a 420?
You are in debt up to your eyeballs.
I don't know how you surviving out here.
I do it by the grace of God.
Look, I set up a new budget for you.
You're going to have
to cut back in every area,
especially the money you give to the church.
No, wait a minute, Michael.
I can't let you cut me off
from God's blessings.
I have to sow a seed
in order to receive my harvest.
It sounds like you were questioning my judgment,
which is a breach of your contract.
I was wondering if I needed
to tear this thing up.
No, but Michael.
I'll take a look at the budget
and then I'll get back with you.
How are things going out there?
I've been to every business within
a two-block radius in every single office in this building.
I've had a few people show interest,
but no one has signed the contract.
which is bad because their branding is horrible.
You should see their stuff, it's all faded
and cricket with cheap templates
and outdated stock images.
If only they knew what I can do
for their business, they'd all be hiring me.
Why don't you show them?
What are you talking about?
You go to a Presbyterian Church, right?
So you understand my next statement,
sow a seed.
I thought you said I had
to cut back on my giving.
Take those brochures and those business cards
and redesign it for free.
I can't do any work for free.
I need money, you've seen my bank account.
When successful businesses want consumers
to buy the new product
they give it to them for free,
by giving them all free samples.
You should do the same thing.
Create a before and after image
and then drop it off to their office,
or you can even email them.
Okay, but what if I do all of that,
and I still don't utilize my services?
It's a seed Jessica, I mean,
it may produce a harvest and it may not,
but you will never know it
until you sow it.
Are you making fun of my church?
No, I'm just trying
to expand your thinking, that's all.
You should expand your thinking
by coming to church [chuckles].
What makes you think I don't go to church.
Do you?
I think that you would really love it.
Especially a progressive church
like Abundant Life.
You are poking up the wrong tree Jessica.
If I do the work,
and I get at least three new customers.
Will you come to the kingdom
Builders Conference with me next Saturday?
No, not at all.
You are just scared.
Scared of what?
I just don't want to go to your church.
It's not at a church,
it's at a convention center.
God, you are so persistent.
Okay, check this out.
If you can get five clients by Friday,
I'll consider going
to your little convention.
I'm going to make you sign
a contract on that,
but until you sign a contract,
we will just shake our hand.
Unsanitized fingers right.
Yes, okay.
Now listen, don't you have work to do.
All right, get out of my office
and get to work.
Yes, I do.
Yes, get up out of here.
Okay, I'll see you on Saturday.
I'm seeing you wearing that suit Saturday.
For what?
Are you trying to take me out on a date?
God, I knew you wanted me.
I just signed my sixth contract.
See you at the conference.
You met budget?
Not yet, but we believe will.
Why believe.
Let's just make it happen.
You start and I'll finish and we'll just split whatever
is left after we meet budget.
You know what to do.
The apostles taught you well.
Well, I have the honor
to introduce our keynote speaker
for this year's Kingdom Builders
Business Conference.
Dr. Travis Johnson.
Oh, man, you know,
Dr. Johnson has been a mentor
and father forgive me
ever since my father passed away.
He's given me insight
and vision that I've truly needed
to help my ministry grow,
and I'm so Godly grateful.
Before he speaks,
I want to do something special.
Dr. Johnson on behalf of Abundant Life Cathedral,
we want to present you with a check.
This check is for your faithfulness
to God and to this ministry
in the amount of $50,000.
Now, I see I see some
of y'all looking at me, I do, and I hear you.
You say, "Why you got
to give him that much money.
Why why do you have to sow that much into it?
He's already rich.
You could have given that to the poor."
As my father would say,
let me correct just think and thinking.
You see poor people
are poor for a reason.
Don't get me wrong.
I give to the poor,
but that's not my preference.
I'd rather sow into ground that is rich.
Listen, I've identified
where the blessing is resting.
I see where the anointing
is flowing and that's where I'm sowing.
The Bible says that if you sow into the prophet,
you shall then reap a prophet reward.
If I want to live on the level that doc
is living, I got to give.
I need a new airplane.
I need a bigger house.
I need my ministry to grow, so I must-
Come on, come on.
Come to me.
I hear the spirit
of the Lord saying complete, complete somebody.
Shout, complete.
Say, complete.
If you want God to bless you,
completely I dare you
to put your money where your mouth is.
Since seven is the number of completion,
I dare you to sow a seed of $777.
Oh, come on now don't do me like that.
Don't do me like that.
Don't get quiet on me.
Don't get quiet on me now.
This is not the time to be discouraged,
but the time to be encouraged.
God has set you up.
Especially if you are a business owner.
Dr. Johnson
has multiple successful businesses.
I hear the spirit of the Lord.
Everybody lift your hands.
Yes, yes, yes,
yes, yes, yes.
Do you think
that he is here by chance?
God wants to bless you completely.
If you want to get
in on the anointing that Dr. Johnson has on his life,
pull out your checkbooks
and get in on this.
Can I do $770.
It's been low--
Right here?
It's okay.
It's fine.
Thank you.
I put it.
Thank you.
All right.
Blessed the Lord.
Michael, what are you doing?
Are you crazy?
Jessica, this is some bullshit, okay?
I'm out of here.
Oh, but Johnson's going
to bless the business.
Yes, brother, brother.
I see that we have an issue.
Listen, there's not going to be any walking
or moving during the offering.
Go ahead and have a seat.
Thank you.
- Are you serious?
I have to use the restroom,
man I'm pressed.
Ah, yes, brother.
I'm still here.
Listen, look down, down, and focus.
There'll be no walking
or moving during the offering.
Let's go--
You're going to shoot me in church?
I've done it before.
Let's go ahead and have a seat.
Brother, brother.
Excuse me.
You have a serious attitude problem.
Where's the money
you took off that offering plate.
Now you're following me behind
this foolishness right here.
No, no, no no, no.
Where's the info?
I need the info brother.
It's okay.
Look, look it's the--
Jessica what are you--
Thank you.
It's the full.
What are you doing?
Look, I appreciate you helping my business,
but my offerings have
to do with my beliefs.
I can't let you interfere with that.
Jessica, I'm trying to help you.
Help me by respecting my faith.
Your car payment is three months behind,
the rent for the office is late
and your lights are about to get cut off.
You cannot afford to give.
I cannot afford not to give.
I make my living through my giving.
You make your living through your gift,
and right now you have
too much financial responsibility
to be giving your money away.
I'm not giving it away.
Dr. Johnson
has a special anointing that is going
to help our businesses grow,
and I have to sow into him.
Listen, if you work hard
and build your brand,
your business will grow,
but you rather buy a blessing
from a counterfeit profit who's anointing
I'm sure you want nothing to do with.
Who are you to think you can buy a gift
from God with money?
It's not like that.
When we sow into him, he is going to pray
and ask God to bless our business.
You're paying him to pray for you?
Jessica, are you really that naive?
Oh God.
It is not like that.
It's not like he's stealing our money.
He doesn't have to steal it
if you're giving it to him.
No problem.
I'll be able to pick up the kids shortly.
All right.
Oh God, please help me.
Who is it?
It's Michael.
Michael, what are you doing here?
You haven't been to the office all week.
I've been working from home.
You working from home have anything to do
with this eviction notice?
Well, they put it on the front door
so that way everybody can see it.
This is where you live?
I didn't invite you in.
Oh, you didn't have to.
No lights.
It figures.
You know what, Michael,
if you're coming over here to tell me, "I told you so",
I really don't want to hear that
from you right now.
You promised that you would help me.
You promised that you would listen,
but you didn't.
These candles are the result of that.
God is just testing my faith.
This is not God's fault.
It's yours.
God already provided you
with everything you needed
to take care of your responsibilities,
but you gave it away.
I don't want to hear that from you.
If I have to suffer for righteousness' sake,
then so be it.
You're suffering
because of your poor choices.
I don't care about
what you say because in the end,
God is going to get the glory out of all of this.
Wait a minute.
Do you think God is glorified
by you sitting in the dark,
kicked out of your office,
and drowning in debt?
What kind of testimony
are you of His faithfulness?
I don't know.
I do everything that he asks me to do.
I pray, I fast, I serve at the church,
I pay my tithes,
He just refuses to bless me.
Jessica, it just sounds
like you're upset with God.
Listen, it's just that your heart
and motive for prosperity is in the wrong place.
How can you say that?
You can't see what's in my heart.
I don't have to see what's in your heart.
I see your actions,
but it's not entirely your fault.
It's just the way the prosperity message
has been taught to you.
I am so tired of unbelievers talking
about preachers who preach about money.
Prosperity is all over the Bible.
You're right.
You're absolutely right.
Prosperity is all over the Bible,
but somewhere along the way,
the prosperity message has been perverted.
You see the perversion is in the pews,
even more than the pulpit,
but it's the people and the pews
who flood the alters with money,
trying to buy blessings
and purchase promises.
I give because I have bills
and I need God to bless me.
You don't give to get something in return,
out of fear of some curse
or out of your necessities.
Your needs, Jessica.
You don't take your light bill money
and pay your tithes with it.
God loves a cheerful giver,
and how could you be cheerful
about giving away something that you need?
What about seeking first the kingdom of God?
When they did that,
God makes them rich, Michael.
He made Solomon a billionaire.
Okay, but why did
he make Solomon a billionaire?
Was it because it was a good idea or was it
because being a billionaire
was a part of his purpose.
How else would he be able
to build the kingdom if he didn't have billions?
God does everything for a reason.
You seek first, the kingdom of God,
because of your love for Him
not because of what He can add to you.
I can't accept that
because I have been through too much.
I have sacrificed too much for it
to just all be a lie.
It says, so right here.
It says that wealth and riches--
Wait, listen, listen, do you even love God
or do you just love what he can do for you?
Jessica, listen.
It's God's will for you to prosper
and have nice things,
you just have a lot of growing up to do.
Mr. Nelson what's going on, bigtime.
Listen, I was coming to see you today
to pay the rent for Jessica Clark's realty.
Mr. Juniors?
Jessica is an adult, man
she can take care of her own responsibilities.
That's cool,
but she doesn't have to this month.
This is for you, man.
You didn't have to do that.
Yes, I did.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
I love Him.
I really do love God,
not just what he can do for me.
I already knew that.
Why didn't you tell me
you were a Christian?
See, look.
There you go, assuming again.
Why are you being so nice to me?
Because I know where you're at, Jessica
and I don't want you
to make the same mistakes I did.
Listen, do you have a minute?
Come take a ride with me.
I used to live here.
No way you used to be homeless.
Yes, ma'am, I sure was.
When I got here, I was depressed,
suicidal, I was just angry with God.
Why was that?
I gave my heart and soul,
everything I had into the ministry,
I still ended up with nothing
but the director of this shelter,
he prayed with me and ministered
to my life every single day
and I'll never forget that.
In return for his kindness,
I'm going to write a grant to reopen this shelter.
Where did you learn to write grants?
Well, I have a master's degree in business
and finance and even though I was broke,
and homeless at the time,
I still knew how to make money.
After a few short months of planning
I opened my own investment business,
and shortly thereafter, I had major,
major investors added to my group.
Here I was, a former homeless man
and I had multimillionaires entrusting me
with that money.
I couldn't think for the life of me,
why this was happening for me.
I wasn't in the church, I wasn't tithing,
I didn't even ask God
for anything but He gave me everything.
I had unknowingly fell into God's Grace.
I could do nothing
but give him all the praise and glory.
I can only imagine and hope
that something like that to happen to me.
Now it can, after I reprogram you.
Oh, yes.
You got some bugs in your system,
and it's bugging me,
but now I'm going to get you right.
Believe that.
Let's get out of here.
Now, money doesn't have
a moral conscience,
it simply flows into
the hands of whoever's attracting it.
You can be a teacher, or a prostitute,
a drug dealer,
or a priest,
Megan Thee Stallion or Meagan Good,
it doesn't matter,
as long as you're doing
what it takes to attract money it will come.
Now, being a Christian doesn't exempt you
from experiencing hard times, that's just life.
Systemic racism doesn't prevent you
from experiencing the promised blessings of God,
that's an excuse, and contrary
to whatever these prosperity pastors say,
being the righteousness
of God does not entitle you to wealth and riches.
I thought the Bible says
that God blesses the righteous.
Well, an empowerment
is different from an entitlement.
The blessing is an empowerment
for you to prosper
but you still have to attract money to you.
How do we attract money to us, Jessica?
Oh, by saying,
"Money come to me, now." It comes.
I wish I could punch you in the face right now.
Listen, working, investing,
producing, creating, buying,
selling and trading are all natural elements
that bring money into your hands.
Now, praying, fasting, giving,
living holy, confessing, meditating,
and reading God's words
should all go into conjunction
with the natural elements of making money.
Now, do you understand?
Yes, I got it.
Now, let's get this money.
Monday and Tuesday
are you day's for designing.
You're at your desk
all day being creative.
you make deliveries and cold calls.
Now, Thursday and Friday,
you're networking and meeting potential customers.
Don't be afraid to show off your skills.
You have a gift, let the world know.
Jessica, the key to achieving anything
you want in life is summed up in one word, faith.
Get in faith and stay there.
Look, I'm going out of town for a few days,
and I need you to stay focused.
We'll catch up later.
Good morning.
How are you doing, man?
Good morning.
Sit right here.
Good morning.
How are y'all doing?
Good morning.
Everybody, this is Mr. Junior President
and CEO of MAJunior Investment Group.
Mr. Junior, represented here
are all of our business partners
for all of our business projects overseas.
Well, nice to meet you guys.
You as well.
You too.
All right.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Plain and simple,
we're building a building, a very large building.
A 2 million square foot shopping,
skyscraper hotel.
We seem to hit
a little bump in the road,
and we need an additional partner to come in
and give us the leverage we need
to continue our building process.
We believe,
we feel that Junior Investment Group
could be the missing component to that
and we're willing to give you
an equal partnership share of 20%.
Well, excuse me, I'm looking over these files,
but I'm not familiar
with any of you guys' business.
What line of work do you guys do?
We're all in the people business.
I see ALC Investments here,
is that a nonprofit as well?
ALC is actually Mr. Ayers's investment company
and it's actually one
of the largest in our organization.
Okay, so ALC is an acronym I suppose.
What does ALC stand for?
ALC stands
for Abundant Life Cathedral.
A church.
A church is supporting
the building of a mall and a hotel?
Not the church,
but ALC Investments.
Is ALC Investments supported
by the church
or is the church supported by ALC investments?
Financially supported.
Oh, ALC Investments
is supported by our church.
Is the church aware
of your business ventures?
We are all senior pastors, Mr. Junior,
and where our how our businesses
are funded, does it really matter?
Well, obviously it does,
or I wouldn't be asking.
Miss Dillon, Gentlemen,
would y'll mind giving Mr. Junior and I a second, please?
Mr. Junior, is something wrong?
Well, actually--
I think that Mr. Junior just needs to see
a clear separation between church and business.
I'd like to share that with him in detail, privately.
Yes sir.
Mr. Junior.
Is what you're calling yourself these days?
What exactly do you want?
I don't want anything.
Your business partner's initiating me
into this merger.
Well, I definitely didn't know
the MAJunior Investment was you,
that's for sure.
Well, now you know.
How can I help you?
Well, you can start by putting
your personal feelings aside
and making a very wise business decision.
It's not that wise.
There's a reason why builders
decided not to build in this location.
It's a risk but with any investment,
there's going to be risk.
Well, yes, I take risks with people that I trust,
certainly not you and your wolfpack.
What's your number?
How much is it going to cost?
I'm guessing 20% is not enough for you.
I can't be bought and I definitely
don't accept stolen money.
That money was given to us by our ministries.
Yes, by people who thought
they were giving it to God,
or at least something to do with God.
Certainly not a shopping mall or a hotel.
Listen, I've got millions
of dollars tied into this project
and I'm not about to let you ruin it
because you're jealous.
Jealous of what?
Certainly not you.
Why not?
Everything I own belongs to you.
Oh, you forget, you were called
to pastor Abundant Life, not me.
Daddy put you away
then I inherited your dream.
Put away?
I walked away.
I wanted nothing to do with that garbage
that dad was pushing off on those people, man.
Come on, Michael it's not garbage.
Faith and prosperity
have always been the vision
and foundation
of this ministry you know that?
Yes, but I remember
when it was love, loving God,
loving God's people,
and ministering to their needs.
Then all of that changed, man.
Yes, you're right.
Let's see daddy started teaching prosperity,
people started giving,
he was able to keep food on the table,
keep the lights on, clothes on our backs.
Teaching prosperity
changed the quality of our life.
It certainly changed
the quality of your life, didn't it?
Mr. two mansions, a helicopter,
a private jet, and a whole fleet of foreign cars.
Michael, Michael, Michael.
Is it not God's will
for His children to be blessed?
You're telling me that all of your members
are going to live lavishly like you do?
Prosperity is like salvation, okay?
It's available for all
but not all are going to receive it.
Well stop telling them
that they're all going to be rich.
Stop having them sow seeds
for millions, mansions,
and Mercedes when you know half of them
won't even see it.
Stop, man, just stop.
Stop having them give money
to you believing
that they're going to live life at your level.
When most of them don't even
have the influence that you do.
How many of your members
can stand in front of a crowd of people
and raise thousands of dollars
in minutes in minutes?
When people step out on faith and give,
they put that in God's hand.
He sees that,
and He blesses them accordingly.
God can do anything.
Yes, anything but violate His word.
Man, you got more whores, hostiles,
and homosexuals in your church than in the club.
They all pay their tithes, huh?
As if the money can put them
in a right standing with God.
I don't control the sin in their lives.
I don't know what's
in their heart when they give.
Do you even care?
Are you concerned that they have ill motives
and hidden agendas when they give?
Look I got members in my church
that are very, very successful.
Some of them have more money than me.
That's a select few, Abraham.
Most of them have regular jobs
with regular salaries,
who know nothing about economics
and how to make their money work for them.
That's not my assignment.
My job is to preach the Word,
I'm not responsible for their level of education.
You may not be responsible,
but you are accountable.
God is going
to hold you accountable, Abraham,
because you know that the prosperity message
is a promise that's obtained
by spiritual and natural application.
I'm not asking for your job description,
I'm asking you to give a damn.
Some of those people give the very last
because of the things you say from the pulpit.
Some of them even go into debt,
just to pay their tithes.
That's stupid.
That's very stupid.
You don't make it any better
by having them give their tithes
and offerings on a credit card.
What do you want me to do?
You want me to stop preaching
a principle that is clearly in the Bible
because a few people are using it
as their winning lottery ticket?
I am just as responsible and accountable
for the person who has the right motive,
as I am for the one who doesn't.
If you want to teach the prosperity message, that's fine.
Care enough for the people
that God has placed in your hands,
to give them some balance.
It's out of balance, and it's been
that way for years, Abraham.
I ain't no con man.
Prove it.
Name one member of your church
that has came near broke,
applied the principles that you told them
will make them rich
and now they're wealthy.
Look, I'm not talking about some doctor or lawyer
or someone with an extensive education.
I'm talking about the average Joe
that came there broke,
applied your principles
and now they're rich.
Come on, Abraham.
You have 10,000 members.
I'm sure that somebody
with a pure heart and right motive
and obtained the wealth that you told them
they would have if they give.
Prove me wrong, and I'll sign
this bogus deal right now, come on.
Oh, you can't can you?
You see, it's misleading to tell people
that all they have to do is give
and they'll be rich.
"Give and it shall be given
unto you good--
"Good measure, pressed down,
shaken together and running over".
Look, Luke chapter 6
is not about the law of prosperity,
it's about the law of love.
Do you see how misleading it could be
when the prosperity message
comes out of the mouth of a preacher
who takes God's Word out of context?
He gave me the mission
for this church, not you.
I promised him that I would carry it out.
Our father is dead,
and that mission should have been buried
along with him especially
when it doesn't benefit the people.
That's the thing,
the people are benefiting.
My members are very, very blessed.
Is that what you think?
I know a few personally
and they're not doing so well.
You see the people need more than just
some pipe dream about a wealthy place.
They have real issues
that are hitting them hard.
Look at what's going on in the world,
mass shootings, a pandemic,
political corruption, social injustice,
horrible weather.
Things are hitting them hard
and they are not ready.
I get it.
I get it, but you don't understand.
I got major financial responsibilities.
My staff they're not going to understand me
having to lay them off because what?
The people stopped giving.
Where's your faith, Abraham?
Where's the same faith you require
from your members?
God can pay small bills,
He can't pay megachurch bills?
You know what?
I'm disappointed in you, man,
because at one time you agreed with me.
Yes, but then I got a revelation.
No, no, no.
You got a Bentley,
and you forgot about what the ministry was.
You know what?
I'll make no apologies,
not for my success.
Everything I teach is in that Bible.
I've done very well for myself.
You're right.
Your father has made you very rich
and you're just like him.
What's going on, Jessica?
Look, I'm sorry I'm late.
Have you been waiting long?
No, no, no.
I just got here.
You're looking good.
Thank you.
Things must be going well for you.
They are.
I just submitted a proposal
to the Texas Mobile Web project.
Now you know that's a huge company.
I play golf with the CEO.
Well, then hook a sister up.
There you go with the foolishness.
Oh, see there you go.
Okay, that's fine.
It's cool, God's got me.
It's okay.
Indeed he does, indeed.
Hey, are you okay?
You don't seem like yourself.
It's just been one of those weeks,
unproductive meetings,
project delays, and a family feud.
I didn't even know you had a family,
you never talk about your personal life.
That's because I don't want you in my business.
My parents are deceased
and I only have one brother.
This week was the first time
I spoke with him in years.
Let me guess, he wants some money.
You better believe it.
Family never call
unless they want something.
What line of work does he do?
He's a pastor.
Bishop Abraham Ayers.
You are lying.
There is no way that my Bishop
is your brother, y'all don't even favor.
Well, Abraham takes after my mother.
I favor my father,
Pastor Michael Ayers Senior.
That's why they called me Michael Junior.
Oh my god.
Why are you just now telling me about this?
You know, I'm a member of ALC.
Why does Bishop need money?
He's already a millionaire.
That's cool with you?
Preachers continue to get away
with fraud because people like you fail
to check their credentials.
Y'all call them men of God
with no real evidence.
No signs, no wonders, no miracles.
Y'all even consider some of these clowns doctors
when they barely even finished high school.
You know what?
I'm convinced,
it's not the shepherds that have the problem.
It's the stupid sheep that follow them.
Hold on now.
See I'm not stupid, you just bitter.
You're like the prodigal son
that never came home.
You're the heir apparent.
Well, my father chose me to lead ALC,
but God chose Abraham.
If God chose him,
then why don't you support him?
Because he's a coward.
Yes, but I don't--
Well, look, Jessica,
this is not a subject I like speaking about, all right.
Let's not.
I guess I struck a nerve.
Well, at least I know you're human.
You always be so cut and dry.
Do you even have a girlfriend?
I date occasionally,
but it's nothing serious.
What about you?
Are you seeing someone
or are you still sleeping with Jason?
How do you know about Jason?
Did he say something?
Oh, he didn't have to.
Seriously have you ever been in love?
There was this dude that I met in college,
I just knew that he was the one.
What happened?
Well, I brought him home
to meet my family.
He fell in love with my sister.
They're married now with two kids, still.
That's one of them-- You know what?
Let me go ahead and pour you a--
Pour it down.
You know what I'm saying?
You might need a little bit more than I do.
It's cool now.
It's cool.
Seriously, have you ever forgiven your sister?
Have you forgiven your brother?
You know what, Jessica?
I'm not about to do this dance with you.
Speaking of dance, let's.
I want to cut a rug.
What do you know about the dancefloor?
I know a little bit.
I know a lot of it.
Make it happen.
Gone too long.
When you coming back?
Back to the world.
When you coming back?
Back to the world.
You're so [?].
Oh, man.
Do you want to come in?
Do you have lights
in this spot because [crosstalk]-
I have lights.
You see my lights.
You know you got to be paying your bills and stuff.
No, I think I'm going
to have to decline your invitation tonight.
I don't bite.
Well, I'm just trying
to do things a little differently now.
I've been celibate for about two years,
and I really don't want to come inside
and be tempted.
I respect that.
Plus, I've been celibate for--
A lot less than two years.
Seriously though Jessica.
I really like you.
If we want to do this thing,
then we need to do it the right way, all right?
You're quite amazing, Michael Juniors.
So are you, Ms. Jessica Clark.
See you later.
Pastor Thompson.
Yes [?].
Do you have that list I asked you for?
Yes, sir.
That's the tithing report.
Good, I plan on making some home visits.
When are you doing that?
Because you're not doing it by yourself.
I appreciate your concern,
but I'll be fine.
I'm going to ride this one solo, all right.
I'll be fine.
I will.
Don't sweat it.
Y'all lock up.
You're telling me that all of your members
are going to live lavishly like you do?
Prosperity is like salvation, okay.
It's available for all,
but not all are going to receive it.
Well, stop telling them
that they're all going to be rich.
Stop having them sow seeds
for millions, mansions,
and Mercedes when you know half of them
won't even see them.
Stop man.
Just stop.
Stop having them give money to you believing
that they're going to live life at your level.
My members are very, very blessed.
Is that what you think?
Because I know a few personally
and they're not doing so well.
God, am I pleasing you?
I am doing everything I know.
All that I know to do
and it doesn't--
Bishop, I'm glad I caught you.
I have some exciting news for you.
Doc, I could really use some good news right now.
I'm about to give you the biggest platform
you've ever had in your ministerial career.
I met with the board
for the International Prosperity Conference,
which consists of the most prolific faith
and prosperity teachers in the world.
We decided you would
close out the conference next month.
Wait a minute.
Wait-- me?
Doc, I don't understand how--
why would y'all choose me?
there is no one in ministry
that can get the people
to empty their wallets like you.
You've been chosen to put yourself
and us in a position for our abundance.
You've got to do that
"Seven, seven, seven, complete" thing again.
Man, that was genius.
Your father was good,
but man you are much better, much better than he was.
He'd be very proud of you son.
What do you say?
I believe.
Every day I believe.
I did it.
I did it.
I stood in front of the congregation
and I said it in the same manipulative way that you did.
Even after you died,
I continued to do it
just because I wanted you to love me
and I wanted you to be proud.
I love you, daddy,
but I can no longer carry your mantle.
I denounce everything
that you have taught me about ministry.
I'm sorry.
Oh, amazing grace,
amazing grace
God's grace
is truly amazing
Amazing grace,
amazing grace
God's grace
is truly amazing
Good morning.
Good morning.
I know many of you may be wondering
why I look such a mess.
The truth is,
I've been a mess long before today.
As I looked at the state of this church
and where you are naturally and spiritually,
I was disgusted [sniffles] mainly with myself.
I'm not going to shift the blame
or adopt the saying that the church
is some hospital for sick people.
That's not what the Bible says
and that was never his intent for this church,
specifically this church.
I know what God said
and I've repented because I was disobedient.
Now, I repent to you the people
because I have failed you as your pastor and I am sorry.
I'm sorry for teaching you
to seek God's hand instead of seeking His face.
I'm sorry for requiring you to give God your money
before you even give him your heart.
I spent the last 48 hours seeking God
on where to go next,
how Abraham moves forward with this ministry,
and He told me to let it go.
I'm letting go of the mission
my father asked me to carry out.
I'm letting go of these mentors
that taught me to steal from you.
I'm letting go of the--
I'm letting go of the message.
That misled you
and gave you false hope.
I'm letting go of the old way
and I'm willing to let God have his way.
I know, today, I am not the only person
that has something to let go.
If you are here today
and you are ready to truly and totally commit to God,
I want you to stand on your feet.
I want you to stand on your feet and God wants
an offering from you today and it's not money.
It's not money.
As a matter of fact,
if you have your tithes and your offerings,
take them out and give them
to somebody that has a need or financial desire
because, today, the only offering
that God wants from you is your heart.
we let go of our sins and our selfish ambitions
and we take up our cross
and we are going to follow Jesus.
I love y'all.
Let me pray for you.
Father, we thank you
for these people, these souls,
that you have allowed me
to be the shepherd over.
I love you, and from this day forward,
I commit to serving them.
I commit to always listen
to your voice.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Amen, amen.
Okay, I'm good.
Is it too late to join the church, man?
Mr. Andrew,
I want to let you know that you do have the job.
Thank you.
You're welcome, son.
Clap your hands in the air,
stump your feet on the floor,
Clap your hands in the air,
stump your feet on the floor,
Clap your hands in the air,
stump your feet on the floor,
Good job.
Have I won
Oh yes.
All right.
My brother and I are starting
a school of business.
We plan to teach people how to establish
and maintain successful businesses.
We're going to build this community,
but we're going to build it
by building up the people spiritually
and financially.
We're no longer living to just receive
a blessing, but to be one.
I've learned it is way better to give than it is to receive.
The Bible actually says
that whatever you purpose in your heart,
that's what you ought to give
and that's what ALC will live by from this point forward.
What's going on, baby?
Didn't you play golf today?
I did.
I got the contract for Texas Mobile.
Girl, look at you,
and the blessings of God, it's all over you.
I believe that.
I also believe that you had something to do with it.
Listen, I'll take the credit,
but as long as you give God the glory.
Blessings have been chasing me down
since you came in my life.
I can say the same about you.
What did I do to deserve you?
Well, you did say you've been praying, right?
I have been doing a lot of that.
I'm just so grateful.
My life is so different
than it was a year ago.
Well, He's not done yet.
I believe blessings of God
is all over our future.
Oh my God.
Oh my God, Michael.
You didn't even see that coming, huh?
I didn't.
It was slick.
Oh my gosh.
would you do me the honor
of being Ms. Jessica Ayers?
Yes, I will.
Baby, it's beautiful.
It's not as beautiful as you, though.
Do you like my dress?
I love your dress.
Do you want to take it off?
I'm joking.
I definitely do.
That's what--
Now, hold on, y'all.
- Hey.
Where are you going?
The reception is that way and I got
to get my dance with this beautiful bride.
- Not before I get my dance.
We in the room with the bishop.
Y'all haven't even cut the cake yet.
I'm about to cut the cake right now.
Oh God.
Bye, Bishop.
Guess I'll see you later, brother.
Y'all can't be serious.
I have a spiritual question for you.
Is cosigning a sin,
because I had some implications, demonic implications,
that said I wasn't able
to get what I wanted out of life?
I just figured another signature
of the Lord's that could be used
and provided to take me
to high aspirations in life,
because life is all about cosigning.
You have to have a signature.