Message, The (1976) Movie Script

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most Merciful
From Muhammad, the Messenger of God
to Heraclius,
the emperor of Byzantium, greetings to him
who is the follower of righteous guys
I bid you to hear the divine call
I am the messenger of God to the people,
accept Islam for yourself
He speaks of the new prophet in Arabia
Was it like this when John, the Baptist
came to king Hsrul out of the desert crying of salvation
To Mephocus, Patriarch of Alexandria
Kisra, emperor of Persia
Muhammad calls you with the call of God
accept Islam for your salvation
Embrace Islam
You come out of the desert, smelling of camel and goat
You stand as Persia kneel?
Muhammad, Messenger of God
Who gave him this authority?
God sent Muhammad as
a message to mankind
The Scholars and Historians of Islam -
The University of Al-Azhar in Cairo,
The High Islamic Congress of the Shiat in Lebanon
Have approved the accuracy and fidelity of this film
The makers of this film honour the Islamic Tradition
which holds that the Impersonation of the Prophet
offends againts the spirituality of his message
Therefore, the person of Muhammad
will not be shown
600 years after Christ died,
when Europe was sunk in the dark ages
and everywhere
the old civilizations were falling,
Muhammad was born in Mecca in Arabia
Mecca was then a rich trading city
ruled by its merchants
whose wealth was multiplied by a
unique privilege They housed the gods
Every year, at the time of the great fair,
the desert priests brought their idols
and the images of their gods into the custody of Kabbaah
Months, the most holyish reign of Abraham,
the Kabbaah has now
become a house of idology hosting
no fewer than 360 different gods
Mecca in 610 AD
Have the other days counted Umaya?
Not yet But this year the Gods are gold
When you put the Gods and Prophet together,
its a pretty bit deal
Oh, more Gods in the place of Kabbaah
Caravans from Syria
mm They must be in running Very thirsty
Put 5 more men in North Wells
How many sheeps will I have to kill for them? 70?
Give them a 100
Macca should keep her name
for hospitality
And 10 lambs for the leaders
Bread and water, do the poets have in the Hakim's house
Where verse and prose are nightly
put to slaughter
And and the bread, I swear in there,
is thinner than the water
Oh, open the space Open the space,
you lovers of poetry
to Abu Sufian, willing and which
patron of the art
When Abu Sufian invites the poet in, there joy is
kids and love is kin
where wines and cakes abound
the skills of Abu Sufian
All revels and all songs begin
when Abu Sufian invites the poet in
Roman silk, worms of China, my lady,
a pleasure to the lin, and as my lady can see,
ravish to the eyes
Yes 7 lengths
20 dinars
Abu Sufian's wife? 15!
Oh, gold!
the gods of the Kabbaah have their needs
They are Acives
Who is that man who stood there,
who looked into my soul?
Cut me away from here
Why did Muhammad come down here?
Why don't you stop him?
He is your nephew
Maybe he will change!
He is 40 years old
Its unnatural, with a rich wife he could afford the best of Mecca
If he chooses to sit shivering in a cave,
it is unnatural
For a man who dares to risk the anger of
Lath-Uzza, who keeps our health,
Mannat, the god of our prosperity,
Allot, the god of our family and tribes
and Hubar,
Hubar, who starts our caravans
and predicts our fate
To challenge the gods within a year
sort of the gods is dangerous
Rebellious, blasphemous
Yes, I'm afraid Muhammad will harm himself
I am always sad
when the great fair is over
I might not see the next one
Abu Talib! Abu Talib!
Catch your breath, Zaid!
Has Muhammad come down from the mountain yet?
He's been there for 3 days
No No, I haven't seen him
Khadija hoped he might have come to you
on his way home
Maybe he's still up there
3 days
I'm afraid for him on the mountain
because I don't know what it means
Men see the world too well from a mountain
Muhammad! Read!
In the name of the Lord who created
man from his sensitive drop of blood
teaches man what he knows not
He's still trembling under the blanket, but he has spoken
Zaid! What happened to my nephew on the mountain?
He was alone in the cave
Suddenly an angel came on to him,
The angel said: Read!
Muhammad replied: I can not read
The angle commanded again: Read!
In the name of our Lord
who created man from his sensitive drop of blood
who teaches man what he knows not: Read!
Who knows if it was Gabriel!
It could have been a dream
When Muhammad was coming from the mountain
He saw Gabriel cleanly
in the shape of a man
standing on the horizon
Wherever he looked, upon every turn of his head
he saw him
Gabriel said to him again: I am Gabriel and
you Muhammad are the Messenger of God
Who has he told about this?
His Wife
and Ali
And his friend Abu Bakr
And you?
I am his adopted son
Be careful to whom you talk
Tell him his uncle who protected him
when he was a child will protect him still
After all, they say the God of Moses
spoke to him under the burning bush
If you do not restrain your nephew, then we will
He's dividing the city, heart against hopes
He's dividing the generations,
child against parent
The young are listening to him, he attract the yound
We are Arabs We obey our fathers
Our children cannot be our teachers
How can we accept that
the man we met in the street yesterday
can be some God's Prophet today?
Dead ones can live again, he says
because he who created man
can also make man return from the dead, he says
The Gods might leave us and
give their benefits to another city
Tell him we will give him authority, position,
and key to the Kabbaah,
and money what money he wants
Tell him we will give him anything he wants
Muhammad, spare yourself and me
Do not put a great burden on
an old man who can't bear
In your childhood, you were in my arms,
I cannot see you hurt
If you refuse them, they will hurt you
He said this to me:
Were they to put sun in my right hand
and the moon in my left
I would not renounce my message
which is from God
When I am dead, you may do as you please
but last time in your life,
you will believe your father
Why did you hurt your father?
If I'd be drunk every day and played dice
every night, you'd call it high spirits
You'll be more my brother than you are now
You are all my children
I give you everything I could, but it seems
not to be enough
Muhammad gives me more, he give all the world more
Get him out of here father!
Its not worth it He's our father
You torture him
Wait Hudaifa, wait
How can they say its an invention, Musab
when it isn't new?
In Mecca it's new
If God has said it all before, to Noah, Moses, Jesus, to all of Prophets,
but people changed it, turned it, forgot it
Now God said it to Muhammad again,
and it is new again
What is it?
It Jafar
What have you brought with you?
The very word of God
When the sun is overthrown
when the stars fall
when the mountains vanish
when the camels bid with yound abandoned
When the wild beasts are herded together
when the seas rise
When the souls are sorted
when the female infant who is buried alive
asks for what crime she was killed
when the books are opened
when the sky is torn away,
then every soul will know what it has done
You were there Jafar when God
gave him these words?
Dawn is coming up
Ammar you first, then you Jafar
Ammar, you keep your mother awake
all night with worry
I am sorry father
Where were you?
Have you been with Muhammad again?
What will happen now?
Forgive him It was my fault, I did it
That God has helped us all our lives
If it fell, it could not help itself
What talks have you been listening to?
The real god is unseen,
he's not made of clay
Ammar, we see the Gods in the Kabbaah every day
I am afraid for you
You are listening to people who will hurt you
I'm listening to Muhammad, mother
Muhammad is generous, yes He gives, he shares,
he pass no man without a smile,
but he is spreading dangerous ideas
Dangerous ideas that no man should start
that the rich should not afload the poor,
the strong should not oppress the weak
Are these dangerous ideas?
Girls should not be forced into marriage,
but be able to choose or refuse
But only tonight, he said to stop
the burial of new-born girls
I was fortunate, always fortunate with your mother
Yes, but you know that you and I nearly never met Yassar
and you were nearly never born
I was to be buried
like my 2 sisters
but my father couldnt' do it
He couldn't do it at that time
When the second girl was buried,
when my father was putting sand over her,
finger raised him as do babies,
told her mother afterwards
she took hold of his finger the way baby does
He told my mother afterwards, that it was a minute before the tender little grip eased
and he had taken away his hand
When I was born, my father ran out of the house
screaming that he couldn't do it again,
that he could never do it again
Sumaya, it is the custom
But it is wrong
The Gods that let such things be are no Gods
I promised to go to Muhammad's house mama
and pray there
Yes! He is a good man
Yes, yes, you go
Two men are following him
Muhammad can neither write nor read
Muhammad can speak
What did you say?
He can speak? Well, so can you
So now, you speak up yound man
What does Muhammad say umm?
They are God's words, not his
Which god's? What words?
A speaking god?
Your Muhammad speaks only to himself
When god reveals his message to Muhammad,
he remembers every word and
then he tells it to those who can write
It is the Qur'an
Muhammad has starved himself into dreams,
he hides under a blanket with his eyes shut
His eyes are shut but his heart is open
You! kick him for his cleverness
There, is no need for hasts
Doesn't Muhammad realize that we live by housing
to the Gods?
We own the Kabbaah
Every year, the tribes of Arabia come here
to Mecca to pray and to buy from us
Now, were we to replace 300
gods with just one?
whom we cannot even see, was supposed to be in Taif and Medina,
here in my house, in Jerusalem, on the moon?
Where would Mecca be then?
The gods are both our vision and our revenue
You cannot buy and sell God
Young man, you are close to be whipped
Ammar, be sensible boy
I have a question
Muhammad teaches you,
a slave is equal to his master
This black Bilal, I paid money for is equal to me?
Yes Muhammad says before God all
men are equal as the teeth of a gum
This is a very pleasant idea to slaves and beggars
It gives them pretensions
Bilal! Teach this man the difference between the Lord of Mecca and a slave
Take that whip
Lash his face to teach an enormous lesson
Whip him! Whip him!
Cut him!
Whip him!
Do it Bilal!
Obey them! They will kill you!
So you want anarchy to bring
They even infected our slaves
If you're human enough to have gods,
remember that there are gods for your owner
I bought humanity Bilal
when I bought you
You will be corrected
One, one god
There is only one God
Who is stronger now, your master
or this one god of yours?
One god There is only one God
Bring the stones
One god, One god! One god!
Crush him!
Are you finished with him?
There is only one God!
You could swear the slave was preaching!
Lord Umaya!
Abu Bakr will pay 100 dinars for this slave
Wait now!
It's against our social order
to sell a slave during his punishment
The offer is to Lord Umaya!
If the price of slaves is raised,
we shall have to pay ourselves next year
Take him He is no use to me anymore
Kill him or take him more I'm finished with him
We are declaring ourselves
God has told his messenger to declare Islam to all men
Open the windows!
Let the world hear
We are coming out of the darkness
Hear well the word of God
Hear well the messenger of Lord
There are no other Gods, but God and Muhammad is his messenger
We have come into light, join us on the way to the Kabbah
God is most great, God is most great!
God has no partner, we have come into light
Join us on the way to Kabbah
Muhammad and his rebellion called Islam
are coming out
to fall our gods
and de-throw our religion
Don't let them reach the Kabbaah
Throw them back! Defend your gods
There is no gods but God and
Muhammad is the messenger of God
Protect the prophet!
There is no gods but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God
God is great!
Blasphemy! ldiot!
God is great!
There is no gods but God and
Muhammad is the messenger of God
Now's the time to break them,
there are only 30 of them
No! we've done enough
More will only create sympathy for them
God is great!
In the name of God, most gracious, most merciful
say: O you who reject faith
I worship not other
Get out of Kabbaah!
Silence, you'r a false prophet! Stop!
Back to the corner!
Hamza! Hamza!
You are brave
He is the bravest man in the desert
and he meets men unarmed
Muhammad is a liar
Liar? If you don't let him speak!
Where's the lie and where's the truth
when it hasn't been spoken yet?
Muhammad is a fraud
Stand up! Hit me back if you dare!
I affirm my nephew's religion
and I say what he says
Who ever has the courage to fight,
to fight with me!
Muhammed, when I hunt the desert at night,
I know that God is not kept in a house
Who'd have thought that Hamza, Hamza above all,
with his wine drinking, lion hunting
will come to join Muhammad?
More we attack, more seem to join him
Where does he find his words?
I don't know
How can an illiterate man go up on a mountain
and come back 3 days later blazing with poetry?
It wasn't just only poetry, he says it's God's
How do we fight someone
whose strength we do not understand?
Muhammad promises heaven, trees in the skies
It's natural he found audience
Then we must make that audience
less eager to listen to him
We will begin with the weaker ones
Have mercy!
Left hand!
Who is your God? Answer me!
Say it! Say who is your God?
Say it!
There is only one God and
Muhammad is the messenger of God
Your father and mother are the first martyrs of Islam
You are promised Paradise
How much are you men prepared to suffer?
The Prophet has said we must leave Mecca
If we stay, they will kill you
One by one
Mohamed says in Abinisia, there is a Christian King
No man is wronged in his country
We must leave now, today
Lord is great
Let us go
We found their tracks and followed them
But they just disappeared
They were there, in the desert, under the vultures
And you let them escape you
Escape? They vanished!
If Muhammed has stayed, then only the weakest are gone
Weak or strong, they blacken our name
We are honest merchants, we buy and sell in good faith
We cannot afford scandal
You are a friend of Najjasi, the king?
can you use that friendship?
I think I can bring them back
Rise up Amr
Please, nothing you may ask for that we will not give
Lion of Judah, I.. I don't know where to begin
you have our friendship, begin there
certain run-away slaves have escaped from us into your kingdom
Slaves go back
or you agree to return your slaves back to us
there are however some free men among them
If there are disagreements in Arabia,
why am I not informed?
They are rebels in religion
at one time are another
all religions were rebellions
The bodies of slaves of the world
if bidden are in-disposed
But as Jesus Christ as a shepherd,
the souls of men are his sheep
These are Arabs who have betrayed
the religion of their fathers
they follow a lunatic they call.. Prophet
But I cannot put souls into chains
without hearing them
good, they'r stiff.
Next they will hang them
Do you not now yourself before your prophet?
Muhammad is a man,
We kneel only to God
Where are Muhammad's miracles, Jafar?
If he were a prophet,
he'd lit the sky with miracles
indeed, this is true.
God has given his prophets signs of miracles that we may recognize them
The miracle of Muhammad is the Holy Qur'an
A book! A book! Written by an illiterate
attributed to God
I think the emperor's heard enough
A mind full of pedicast
When God set down
tons of fire upon the heads of christ of puzzles
so that they can speak the many languages of the world
that they knew not before
But do such miracles happen in our time..
I've heard enough. You've made a poor case
When we suffered persecution in Mecca,
Muhammad told us go to Abyssinia
the land of the righteous king,
where no man is wronged
What they call persecution was fair punishment,
that is order...
Why did your prophet send you to me?
Because you believe in the book of the one God as we do.
He sent us because
in your heart God will protect us
Talking with him is like
drawing water from a mirage
But now, they'd let the judy on me listen to them, my friend.
Go on!
For years, we worshiped wood and stone,
images of our own manufacture
we lived in ignorance of God
we had some earthly laws
and no heavenly laws. The rich neglect the poor.
And the natural pity of man
thereby lifts up when his brother has fallen
This is described by them as upsetting
social order
To this inhumanity has come a man
whom god chose and in that we believe
You've overcome. I beg you to collect yourself.
I speak of the messenger of god. Muhammad teaches us to worship one god,
to speak truth
to love our neighbors as ourselves,
to give charity, even a smile can be charity
to protect women from misuse,
to shelter orphans
and to turn away from gods of Wood and stone
I cannot be still and hear this blasphemy
We are an ancient civilization,
to call our gods wood and stone
is to speak ignorantly of them
The idol we home is not what we worship,
but the spirit that resides within the form
I agree that idolatry is
not always fully understood Thank you
Now, let me bring him back to the women
God made woman to be the proper companion of man
she is different but equal
Equal? We buy them,
feed them, perl them,
use them, distorb them,
women equal to us?
God created man from one male and one female
Amr, you must respect the woman's womb that bore you
Why are you 300 guards so tongue-tied?
what is only god is rependent.
God has spoken to us before
through Abraham, Noah, Moses and through Jesus Christ.
Why should we so surprised when god speaks to us now through Muhammad?
Who taught you those names?
they are named in the Qur'an
I knew Muhammad when he was an orphan minding sheep
And you knew Christ as a carpenter
What Christ says and
what your Muhammad says
is like two raised from the same land
They'r lieing to you
They deny Christ You worship 3 gods they say, father son and holy ghost they'r saying
What do you say of Christ?
They say God can not have a son,
Christ is not the Son of God
speak to me of Christ
we say of Christ what our prophet has told us,
that god cast his holy spirit into
the womb of a virgin named Mary and that
she conceived Christ the Apostle of God
Apostol he says, not a son, not a son!
What does your miracle, your Qur'an,
say of the breadth, by the Lord Jesus Christ?
may I relate the words?
Come closer to me
In the name of God, most gracious, most merciful
relate in the book, the story of Mary.
how she was grew away from her family
to a place in the east.
How we sent her an angel called Gabriel who said:
''I am a messenger from your God
to announce the birth of a holy son to you"
she said: How shall I Mary have a son when no man has touched me?''
And Gabriel replied: For your Lord says,
it will happen"
"We appoint him as a sign on to man"
and a mercy from us!
It is a thing or didn't"
The difference between us and you
is not bigger than this line
Not for a mountain of gold
will I give them up to you
you may live in Abyssinia in peace as long as you wish
May God's blessings be upon you when you return
lntolerable! Mohamed disturbs
even our foreign alliences
Very well! we will make him give up on him
Abu Talib has his arms around him
Very well! we will throw uncle and nephew out
In one bundle, his whole family out
we will expel them from ourselves
No merchant make trade with them,
no land remain to them
no roof shelter them,
no beggar pay for them
no woman marry them
until they renounce their trend.
These were the worst years of Muhammad's life
For 3 years they suffered the hunger, thirst,
cruelty of the open desert,
but the year of grief was still to come,
when Khatija, Muhammad's wife for 24 years died,
when Abu Talib his old Protector died
With his last breath Abu Talib tried again
to reconsile Mecca and Muhammad
He never asked more from you,
when one word,
one.. one God
If it was only a question of one word
I'd have given him 10 words,
but the word he wants would dethrown all the gods
You were afraid even to hear him
with the death of his uncle, Muhammad has now
lost all protection
He was no longer safe in Mecca
Alone with Zaid, his adopted son,
he went to the hillside town of Taif
He asked to be taken in, to be allowed to preach
But the children of Taif were turned loose to stone him back into the desert
What are you doing?
Stop! Stop! Leave him alone! Wait!
Muhammad called this, the bitterest day of his life
Then miraculously, when Muhammad's mission
seemed to have failed, his entire situation changed
A deputation from the rich, but self-destroying
city of Medina met him by night at the Rock of Agaba
asking him to come to them to stand between their factions
to mediate their continual quarrels and civil wars
Muhammad agreed, provided they gave him a pledge
that they worship the one God only
Wait! When we take this pledge
we expel ourselves from the rest of Arabia.
So, wait!
War is in this pledge.
We'll make enemies of brothers
we'll make firewood of our gods
That is the meaning of the pledge
If we take it, there can be no turning back
for Muhammad is indeed the messenger of God
foretold to Jews in our city
So if anyone has doubt in this pledge, go now
and if you have no doubts then you do as I do
I pledge myself to the one and only God
and to you Muhammad, the messenger of God
He is of us and we are of him
Leave him bring his followers,
our brothers, to use, to Medina
It was a journey that changed the world
The Hijrah of flight to Medina
Only 70 people split up into small groups
walking 250 miles of desert
yet, so profound with the consequences
so lasting with the effects of this walk
that from it the muslims take their calendar
In this moment, Islam found its future
Muhammad himself stayed in Mecca
in the greatest danger until all his followers had left safely
Muhammad has become a nation,
he has received a city, entering into pledges and treaties
and you Salool who claim to be king of Medina
lost the kingdom last night while you were in bed
you should worry about yourself Abu Sufian
Every time you trade a whif of perfume of the city,
you must creep past that man in Medina
he is across your merchantile throats as we speak
And what do you intend to do?
l intend to wait
And how long will you wait?
Till you and the rest of Arabia remove him
to save your way of life
and while you wait?
I should accept his call of course
To think I will give him my birth-rite...
I will not..
Medina is worth the conversion
Of course, its the healthy hypocrisy
King Salool, why put your head on the floor
5 times a day praying? I don't believe you
He may not have to.
Well, we do know we should have done it before
kill Muhammad
Come and see
They say that practice leads to perfection
7 young men each from a different family,
my own son Ikrima is with them
they will stab him together
If the responsibility for his death
is shared, where lies the guilty? My idea
I'm not sure I'm part of it
Muhammad's body contains too much
his mind, his words
But it is an ingenious solution
And a final one
Ali, his cousin, laid there to die for him?
Who are we fighting?
They cannot go far, all the tracks are watched
We must take to the desert
Bakka will give 100 camels to the man
who brings back Muhammad
or his head
Look for 3 of them
Muhammad, Abu Bakr and Uriqat, the Bidune guide
What is it?
These are drains of camel
Maybe two days, that from the city
Why are you here?
Medina is to the north
They made the tracks, not I
Know much? Traveling West?
I know my art
They say that you can track a bird by smelling the air
we go with him
he may be in that cave over there
Muhammad, if you come out, we will
take you to Mecca alive
Muhammad, come out
they cannot be in there
This web is unbroken
And these pigeons
they would not build
we were wrong to follow them
we should have gone north
Let's move then
we still have time to head them off
A few threads of a spider's web
was all that was then
between Muhammad and murder
But he was a man not to be killed
The Bidune guide led him
and his companion Abu Bakr in their escape
through untracked spaces of the desert
and the heat of the June days
At Medina, his followers waited with their welcome ready
but in great fear for his journey
anything? No nothing
this shows that he is only a man
no man can survive that heat
There! I see them! Look!
Run and hide! I might be obliged
to free you as a gesture
Welcome to the city of Medina, the blessed,
your city, the messenger of god
You will stay with me, messenger of god,
I have the best house in Medina
you'll give me the honor of keeping you
Stay with me!
Please! Please! Please! How can the Prophet
choose between so many welcomes?
Where God guides his camel to stop,
there he will build his house
All agreed
We turn Quaswa, his camel loose
and where Quaswa sits, the Prophet stays
Clever man!
A choice made by camel
can offend no one
Here we will build the house of the Prophet
And our first meeting place,
a prayer house
the first mosque of Islam, here!
Repair and Synch by
What's got the prophet to start doing it?
carrying bricks?
Give me that Look, you are doing too much,
please go and sit down we will do it
Look! He went for more
"Work is a worship" he says
he's 53 years old
How old are you?
There is something missing.
Maybe a bell to call people in
the Christians use a bell
what about a horn, like the Jews?
A drum?
There's too much blood in a drum
Why not the human voice
as in Omar bin Kattab's vision?
The Prophet agrees?
he means you, Bilal
You have a good voice, use it!
climb up there!
Brothers, today a man of Medina
will embrace a man of Mecca
Each will share half and half,
reach out, embrace your neighbor and brother
I'm tired of the politics of kissing slaves
Read this
The prophet should concern himself with the after-world
What is my son?
Praying like a horse
does it burn your hands?
It's not upon us to burn down the house
he's making laws like a king.
He's declared that loyalty to Islam
is more than loyalty to tribal family
All muslims are next of kin to one-another?
Don't be mislead by that...
They must change the nature of the tribes before that
The danger is here, the quality:
a man's neighbour is as good as himself
The Lunatic means it
Jews and Christians
have equal rights with Muslims,
the Jews who attach themselves to a common wealth
will be protected
Women have rights of inheritance... Rights
Next, he will be giving the camel rights
He has! the lunatic has!
You can't overload them
he's remaking a city, my city...
damn him..
He's taken our sons from us, he took the children, our future from us. His rights are wrongs
no more...
This time there will not be any regret
it will take everything of value they left in Mecca
their rugs, their houses, their silver
and with it, large of caravans to Damascus
My friends, listen to me!
I have news from Mecca
everything you have left behind is gone
the Thieves! Abu Bakr's shops,
the prophet's house... sold
Every cup or piece of cloth,
every rag or bone
you ever owned is thrown on the market
You are a people of nothing.
Don't you even fight for what you own?
Who talks of the fight?
What other way is there, Hamza?
When the Prophet says Fight!,
we fight, now he says Peace!
you are a peace loving people
up to your necks and fore bearers
go back to work!
We have to defend ourselves.
You are the Messenger of god.
Yet, they mock, abuse and plunder us and we do nothing
In the pathage of war, we are pathetic
But they are led by greed, we are
led by god and you
I know how you hate the sword, but
we have to fight
they've stolen our property, they are taking it to Damascus
right past our own door our door.
I say, by God turn back
I'm sorry I got carried away
Its pounding in my head
Please, fight them!
But look at the sun!
It's not the time of prayer
It is newly revealed by god to his messenger
Fight, but fight in the way of god
against those who fight against you
Drive them out of the places from where they drove you out,
for persecution is worse than slaughter
Fight them until persecution is no more
and religion is God,
but if they stop, let there be no more war
for god never loves the slaughters of wars
so, fight in the way of god
against those who fight against you
God is great!
God is great! God is great!
These are the disciplines that the Prophet
puts upon you
you may not harm a woman, a child or any old person!
you may not harm cripples
you may not harm the man that works in the field
You may not cut down trees
Strike only at those who have expelled you
who have stolen your rights and
riched themselves with your possession!
now, to the wells of Badr
News from Medina!
Arms... Arm yourself... Arm yourself...
defend your wealth
Muhammad has come out of Medina to attack the great caravan
- How many men?
-300 Two horses
- We have more than 100 horses
How many camels?
- 17
- We will bring 117
- And wine,
20 of mine with wine.. we will make a feast of it
That is a war I'd like to fight
a war we can not lose!
ride to Abu Sufian's caravan.
tell him to turn towards Badr
We will join forces tomorrow
near sources of Beder
Wells of Badr... here
Muhammad's march... here
my charge of the caravan.... here
One day's march...
meet them at the wells
I don't like it
There is too much of Mecca on my caravan to be risked
put out the fires...
hold the camels...
We are turning west, away from the wells
you can't...
You must meet them at Badr
we can bring them down like raw eggs
- If I run all night, I'll be out of
Muhammad's reach by morning
Where is your honor, Abu Sufian?
- My honor's on the backs of my camels
Yes, I run...
Muhammad has occupied the wells
- he has moved directly into our line of march
- Abu Sufian has broken camp
He's moving west, away from Badr
- The Caravan is safe
So, there is no need to fight
not fight?
- If we fight, we will start blood feuds between brothers
between father and son, you mean
Hudaifa, your own son is with them.
He should have been with....
Mecca is greater than your family
Walid, your second son.
he is your true blood
I say: Fight! We stand in the present
and the future will look after itself
Utbah is not a coward
we will finish them tomorrow.
We fight! we fight!
are you finished?
All right! Take your positions!
Each man to his own place
Go back to your columns
move it. move back
So Muhammad's filled the wells
Now everyone will have to fight for this
we fight
Brothers! we hold the wells
we stand in the name of god and his messenger.
we wait
Send us your champions
Who are you?
we expect our peers and our equals
Come back!
my brother, Shaiba
my son Walid and myself
Not you! Ubaida and I and Ali
Are we your equals?
There is only one God and
Muhammad is His messenger
Archers! Advance!
Still! stretch!
Archers back...
they are regrouping
God is great!
Attack! God is great!
God is great!
God is great!
The Prophet is seeing you!
You are not to rob or try to perish this
And if a rogue does, cut him loose.
I said, cut them loose and give them water
and share your food, equal mouth-fulls.
And if they walk, walk beside them
Any prisoner who can teach 10 Muslims
to read will go free
Why don't they go away?
Because, they blame me Hind,
whatever it is, good or bad
I should have joined them
and drown in the wells of bitter with them
But, I saved the caravan and our future with it
The sing at me?
Why sing my father and my brother is not with me?
Do you think I need you to remind me?
Muhammad, Ali, Hamza!
With my nails, Hamza,
I will give you mesher and mesher, with my nails...
killer, cut throater, butcher
murdering beast, you slaughtered my father
Hamza! I will hunt, like a lion
I will make Hamza, my lion, my prey.
And when you are dead Hamza, I will cut your heart out,
taste the blood, cut in pieces
I forbit this weiling.
this cannot go on
What we should do, we will do
we will call in our allies,
lead the new one against them
This time, we will prepare it.
We'll plan it
come to prayer...
come to prayer...
come to victory...
come to victory...
God is great
There is no god only God
Is it a plague?
what kind of an upside down town have we come in to?
You could fill your pockets very nicely here
No merchant is minding his shop
God is minding the shop
where do you come from?
did you stop in Mecca?
It is on the road
you didn't answer my question
did you stop in Mecca?
long enough to rest my camels
Camels rest better in Mecca
than anywhere in the world
Yes What is the word on the desert?
Oh... It is bad for you
they are gathering..
Each young man with a sword is on his way to Mecca
Our strength is here
Do not underestimate them.
they are summoning up their courage. In Mecca there is music in every house
Abbisinian slave, watch him, he is good, vicious, watch him
I'll free you. give you your weight in silver,
and your height in silk
for one throw like this
So they've come at last
We'll know how many soon enough
It's a big army
3,000 men, hundreds of horses
I bet them at Badr
That was a year ago
They've come to revenge Badr
Go and get your swords!
Soldiers of Mecca!
Blood master blood
avenge the dead of Badr
There is Hamza can you see him?
He is your fortune
Ubada! Those horse-men on the flank out there
they are replaced
they are under Khalid.
I often thought of that yound man
Prophet asks if you have noticed those horse-men
Yes I have. I don't like them
he's sending our 50 archers to watch them
no matter what happens,
the archers must hold off those horse-men
Zaid, tell the Prophet that we are ready
What do you think Hamza?
Besides their numbers, I'd say its a fair fight
we see them and they see us
what faces me has never frightened me
All praise be Hubar!
When Muhammed gives the word, we'll go to them
Weapons ready
we march now!
they've killed Hamza!
tackle them
Fight! Fight!
This is a moment of victory
Running away from us. Let's get the loot
Stand where you are told to stand
come back to your positions
all of you, come back!
Its a road
Their centry is gone
We've lost the battle, Khalid
Not yet
hold on
Where is the prophet?
Muhammad is dead
I saw him fall
No No! He's alive! Find him!
back. back to the mountains
I thought we were beaten!
Now, victory is yours, Khalid!
We have no victory until
we've finished Muhammad
he's up in those rocks
We've finished our business. we've avenged Badr
But we can end Islam and him forever!
Some of his fenatics are still with him!
They have the advantage of the mountains
The risk is too high
Muhammad, listen
A day for a day! the day of Uhub for the day of Badr
Our dead have answered to your dead
Our dead are in Paradise,
your dead are in hell fire
Hamza! Hamza! do you hear me Hamza?
ok You know that I am with you, I, Hind!
do you remember anything Hamza?
How you killed my father and my brother?
now you too are dead!
now, my heart is light
do you hear Hamza? Light!
But I haven't finished with you!
Death is too small
Wahshi, Cut him open, cut him!
They lost a battle and what do they do?
They came home and dig the ground harder
They are mad
I agree with you!
They defy reason,
they are even happy they lost
god send the defeat they say
to trial in their faith
Oh yes! they are fighting with the sky!
They'll get what they want!
They want Mecca!
They'll get Mecca
when we see the stars at noon....
immm... don't underestimate him, I learned that on my cost
my friend, Mecca is more than their home
It's where God spoke to man
Mecca is like a home-sickness to the soul
This year they are going as pilgrims
Abu Sufian will slaughter them in the dessert
If you believe in God as they do,
it might be possible not to get slaughtered
But I agree with you, they probably will be
Be still, do not let them provoke you.
That is what they want. stand firm
Peace be upon you!
Prophet says: All who love God
must renew their Oaths to him
under the tree....
They've sent someone else!
Its Salool.
That means we might come to an agreement
Muhammad, you have been given conditions of truce
between yourself and Mecca
Have you agreed to them yet?
What is this?
In the name of God, the most gracious
Who is this new God they call gracious?
I do not know him. strike him out
And I cannot agree with this...
"Muhammad, the messenger of God?"
If I have thought you were the messenger of God
I would not have fought you
Make it "Muhammad, the son of Abdullah
agrees with Suheil, the son of Amr"
That is the more fact
well, so I understand
good, that is better
Now, it is agreed
that you do not continue your pilgrimage,
you must turn around and go home
Mecca is home
However, you may continue your
pilgrimage next year
and for 3 days only
in and out.
we also agree to the truce
for 10 years...
During that time you will not attack any
tribe or ambush any caravan
or any individual associated with us and vice versa
If you injure any one of us, the truce ends
and vice versa. Is that clear?
10 years... 10 years of peace....
We need that time
We will use that time
These letters, from Muhammad, the messenger of God
to rulers of the world
Call the world to Islam.
to Heraclius, emperor of Byzantium
Kisra, Emperor of Persia,
Mephocus, patriarch of Alexandria
God is great
There are no different races in Islam and
Arab is not superior to foreign
not a white man superior to a black.
All return equally to god
Unless you desire for your neighbour,
what you desire for yourself.
You don't have faith
A man goes to bed with his belly full,
while his neighbor is hungry.
He isn't a Muslim
The Ink of a scholar is holier than
the blood of a martyr
A man reading is handsome in the side of god
So, learn to read and when you have learned
The people of the book,
Jews with their Bible, the Christians with their testament
must be respected by you for their books likewise came from god
you must all think of Muhammad as more than a man
He was collecting firewood one day.
Let me do it, I said
Why? He said,
You're the prophet of god,
you can't go round scratching for firewood
But he looked at me mumbling
God does not like the man
who considers himself above
other men, he said.
So, I laid back and watched him
Suddenly he stopped.
he stood to his full height and came to me
I am the Prophet of god, he said,
but even I do not know what will become of me
Arm. have you come to take me again?
I've come to ask you to take me
I witness that there is only one god
and that Muhammad is His messenger
May god forgive me the times I have fought against you
lslam does the way with all that went before it
I'm sorry, I came here wearing...
Here are my jewels,
what they are worth
I give to the poor
And may I offer you my ?
But you were the bitterest sword against Islam
Now by the will of god,
I will be the raised sword of god
Ah, its all easy to god
Just as he might gain in losing
be may lose in winning
2 years agon we thought we were beaten
when we had to sign that truce
Look at us now! charging from victory to victory in the hearts of men
What's that?
Abu Sufian is coming
Why am I insulted like this?
Abu Sufian
I expect some courtesy
we are not at war
we have a truce
I've come to speak to Muhammad
Where is he?
he is in the mosque
Muhammad we did not break the truce
I have come to re-affirm the truce
I speak for Mecca
Muhammad, why do you turn from me?
Don't go
Muhammad, don't go
Biduns broke the truce, not us.
The night was dark
I am here to testify that the night was dark
Baara! This is your city
Hudaifa, you are my kin
and descendant
why must you be hard?
I am Mecca, I am the leader of Mecca
Why am I insulted like this?
Because you keep no promise
and respect no pledge
I've heard what I thought
I'd never hear
Abu Sufian asking for pity
To be out-fought, out-fought
who we knew to be a one time shepherd
you saw that shepherd's religion grow from a speck (dust)
speck was in my eye
I could see nothing
Tell Mecca that the gods are dead.
It is useless to resist god
Travel fast or every man here
will curse behind you
Its you who have broken the truce
For tonight will be 10,000 men from every tribe
Now we can fight them. you are back
we will close the streets, and defend from the houses
Its no use
There are thousands of them and they are joined by more
You coward!
Hind, go home!
You coward! Are you the leader of Mecca?
Look at yourself!
You are broke, they swallowed you and sput you out
When my father and brother die, my husband ran away?
You go home! You!
We can not resist! Mecca is taken
No, no!
We are to camp here for the night
We can see Mecca even through the mountains!
So many fires, I can not count them
It is very beautiful
When we drove them out of Mecca, I did not know
that he carried Mecca with him
we can smell the bread they are baking
It means they don't intend to plonder,
though I do hope at least thats what it means
They don't want blood on our walls and doorsteps
I can bargain with that
Take me to him!
So you are giving us your city
you offer me no bread
I understand
You may decide to kill me
Say what you have come to say
I saw your fires, the men around them
and I know what power you put into them
We can no longer resist Muhammad
Now if you agree
you dare to come here and ask for conditions
Isn't it yet time enough for you to recognize who Muhammad is?
Muhammad, there is still doubt in my heart
If I were to cut off your head, it would remove all your doubts
there is no composion in religion
A man may take many years
or only need minutes
its god who decides the time!
So respect his doubts
You're a black slave, you have the best school
I am only what God has given me
The Gods that I worshipped,
have never been in use
It would have helped me
I require no composion.
There is one God,
and you are the messenger of god.
Now, let me go.
get inside
No doors may be broken down,
nothing plondered, nothing seized
no one abused, all behind closed doors are safe
All in hAbu Sufian's house are safe
All by the side of Kabbalah are safe
At least, he kept his word,
they haven't forced any door
He's stolen hearts, not walls.
Its a permanent victory
I dread going out
we must... we must in the end
were we so wrong?
The way we lived, yes. that was wrong
we were trapped in our own faults
our gods were less than us
Now there he is, making his entrance to the Kabbaah
In the name of god, most gracious, most merciful
God gave this house to Abraham to be a sacred place,
worship no other God but Him
and cleanse his house
so it was
Muhammad took no revenge and allowed all.
He declared Mecca a holy place
Noone may shed blood
or cut down a tree,
or kill a living thing in Mecca
all Arabia was converted not only to the new worship
but to the new laws, manners,
attitudes contained in Islam
The Prophet had lived to see his work done,
and now he began to feel the nearness of death
One great act of his Prophet would remain
the setting of its seal
He called the people to him
and he spoke for the last time
His message was to surrender to god
and humanity to man
''Oh, mankind! Listen well!
I may not be with you much longer
the weak among you
feed them and watch what you eat
Dress them as you are dressed,
you will meet your god
and he will call you
to count your actions
Let those who are present warn those who are absent
You are all are descendant from Adam
and the best among you
is he who most regards god
Think deeply about what I say.
Let all your feuds be abolished
you must know that every Muslim
is the brother of every other Muslim
and all Muslims are brothers of one-another
Between Muslims, there are no races and no tribes
Not must you take anything from your brother
except what is given freely
Do not oppress and do not be oppressed
O my people!
I'm but a man,
It may be that the angel of death will visit me soon
and death will overtake me
But I have left you a book,
revealed by god,
The Qur'an, which is light and guidance
Now he repeated to the people
the final repetition of the Qur'an,
the sea of determination
not Muhammad's words, but god's word
''This day I have perfected your religion for you
and completed my favour to you
and I have chosen for you Islam as your religion''
ON June the 8th 632
in his 63rd year
Muhammad died
Many of his followers
could not believe the fact
How can such a man die?
But Abu Bakr, the Prophet's friend
stood up in the mosque:
"If anyone worships Muhammad,
Let him know that Muhammad is dead
but who worships god
Let him know that god is alive and can not die''
They buried Muhammad beside his mosque in Medina
But the religion he preached
found its place in the heart of man
It endured. It multiplied.
Still to Mecca, they come, the mankind
The people of Islam dressed in their pilgrim white
all equal before god,
all united in this place of prayer
Each individual soul joined in a community of worship
... "ONE GOD"