Messengers 2: The Scarecrow (2009) Movie Script

- Miranda.
- Jude?
I'm so sorry.
I hope you know the whole town's talking
about you walking out of church today.
Yeah, well, they'll talk about
somebody else tomorrow, right?
What's wrong?
The crops are dying of thirst.
I gotta fix this pump.
I don't care about our crops.
I care about you.
I was raised on a farm.
You think I'd be good at this by now.
You are good at it.
Well, you're a great father.
That must count for something, huh?
Well, as soon as great father
pays 40,000 a year, I'll be fine with it.
John, come on.
I'm sorry.
Wanna kiss and make up?
Hey, you got something on your nose
right there.
All right, I'll go make lunch.
- What's so funny?
- Nothing.
All right, come help me with lunch.
Come on.
Michael wants you to tuck him in.
How long did it take
before they shut off the power last time?
- Two months.
- They're late.
You are all knotted up.
You need to relax. Come to bed.
I'd love to.
But you're not going to.
I just... Let me finish this, all right?
Then I'll come up.
All right.
Good night.
What's wrong?
- Should I be worried about you and Mom?
- Why?
- You slept on the couch last night.
- No, baby, I was up late paying bills.
I accidentally fell asleep.
You've been accidentally falling asleep
on the couch a lot lately.
- Mr. Rollins.
- Hey, Randy.
Yeah, Mr. Fitterson wanted a word,
if you're not too...
I get to guess?
Yeah, of course.
Guess the weight and your purchase is free.
That figures. Just put them on my tab.
Mr. Rollins, I can't. You're supposed to...
Never mind. I'll put them on your tab.
Randy, I thought I told you.
Leave those bags for now, Rollins.
You and I, we need to have a word.
I'll be right back.
Lindsey, let's go. Come on.
Don't be like that, John.
I'm trying to run a business here.
I'm not the bad guy here.
You tell your father to pay his bills,
this won't happen.
You're a class act, Jim.
Lindsey, let's go.
- Hey, munchkin.
- Who's he?
It's not a he. It's an it. It's a scarecrow.
I don't like it.
- Well, hopefully the crows won't, either.
- The crows?
Yeah, that's how it gets its name.
It scares crows.
It's bad, Daddy.
It's not bad. It's not good.
It's just a bunch of clothes
stuffed with straw.
You all right?
Please, Daddy, get rid of it.
I won't put it up, all right?
- Promise?
- Scout's honor.
How about another driving lesson?
Mom said I can't drive the tractor.
It's too dangerous.
You're a natural. We won't tell Mom.
You better get rid of it first.
Jesus Christ.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Since when do you use his name in vain?
You startled me.
What are you doing back there?
I'm just getting this old stuff ready to sell.
Won't bring in much,
maybe some grocery money,
but every little bit counts.
- Who's gonna buy that old junk?
- Tommy said he'd buy it.
He's gonna use it for his rental properties.
He said it makes it more homey.
You sure spend a lot of time
with Tommy lately.
- Well, that's something.
- What's something?
You being jealous. Means you still care.
I'm not jealous. Of course I still care.
So, what's the verdict?
Well, it's not good.
If we harvest now,
maybe we can sell about half.
If I wait for the rain,
the crows may not leave anything at all.
You'll make it work. You always do.
Lord, if this is your will, then I'll try...
I'm really trying.
Forget it.
You're Rollins, right?
Sorry about the trespassing.
- I'm Jude Weatherby.
- Weatherby.
A sharecropper. I'm working
the widow Lockett's spread till harvest.
Weatherby. That sounds really...
Your family used to own
a lot of land around here.
Yeah, until the banks came along.
It's a hell of a thing,
going to war with the rich.
- I brung you a little neighborly gesture.
- Yeah, I don't... Thank you.
I figured, since we're gonna be neighbors,
I should get the initial trespassing
out of the way.
You can trespass around here anytime.
Well, thanks.
Nice setup you got here.
Yeah, except for the crows.
They're killing me.
Yes, sir, the corn matures,
and the crows come out of the woodwork.
Nasty creatures.
They shit where they eat, you know?
Trust me, I know.
Well, that's a hell of a thing, ain't it?
- Yeah, I was just about to get rid of it.
- Ugly son of a... Get rid of it?
Why would you want to do that?
I think I need about 50 of those
to do any good.
You're thinking too much.
You're a farmer, right?
All you can do is plant your seeds.
The reaping what you sow comes later.
Same goes for a scarecrow, don't it?
You hang your scarecrow,
and the rewards come later.
Jesus loves me, this I know
- Hey, were you playing on the field today?
- No, I wasn't.
- What's wrong with your brother?
- He's mad at you.
Something about a scarecrow.
- Where are you going?
- Movie night at Cindy's house.
All right. Go. Have fun.
Hey. I kept your supper warm in the oven.
Crops are dying, crows are eating our corn,
the water pump's busted,
now we got kids in our field.
- Kids?
- Yeah.
John, I know
you've been under a lot of stress,
but why is there a six-pack in the fridge?
New neighbor brought it over.
- Didn't want to be rude.
- New neighbor?
Yeah, he's working
the Lockett tobacco farm.
Nice enough guy.
- You kept the beer because...
- In case he stops by. I'll offer him one.
Get out of the heat.
Weather said there's gonna be a front
moving in later in the week.
- Soda?
- Sure.
- Why are you being so nice to me?
- Why are you being so grumpy?
- I guess I've been a bear lately, huh?
- Grizzly.
Yeah. Just ignore me.
I don't want to ignore you.
I want you to come to me
when you're stressed.
You're beautiful.
You've always been beautiful.
Everybody knew
you'd get out of this dead-end town.
Why would I wanna do that?
I don't know. You could have married
somebody rich, a banker, lawyer...
You could have married Tommy.
Car lot, property.
I mean, what's he worth now?
- I got you pregnant.
- Enough.
I don't ever want to hear you
talk like that again.
Lindsey is the greatest gift
you have ever given me.
You were too young.
I stole your youth.
I love my life, I love my kids, and I love you.
Come here. Kiss me.
Hey, Rollins. Hey.
Did you drag me all the way out here
on purpose?
I mean, look at my shoes.
You know,
I'm not here to take away your farm, John.
Good. Grab a hoe. You can help me out.
Come on.
You gotta give me something
to go back to the board with.
Why? You gave me a 60-day extension.
Well, yeah,
and a lot of good it's gonna do you.
I mean, look at this.
You're never gonna sell this crop.
Did you even consider irrigation?
Yeah. I came to you six months ago
for a loan for a water pump.
You turned me down, remember?
Well, you know what, John?
Times are tough on everyone.
That's a nice watch.
You know, John,
I think you should really consider selling.
Look around.
I wouldn't even make half the money back
that I already owe the bank.
And what if you could? I may have a buyer,
and I think I can convince him
to make an offer
that would allow you to walk away debt free.
I don't know.
Man, come on, John.
Listen, I'm here as your friend.
I have a meeting with the board tomorrow,
and I have no option
but to recommend foreclosure.
You're gonna lose your farm, John,
and I'm doing everything I can
to soften the blow.
- Lf I sold, how much would you make?
- Come on.
Will you quit being so stubborn? It's over.
Think of your wife and kids.
Don't mention my family. We're not moving.
My crows are dead. My luck is changing.
I'll bring the harvest in on time.
Okay, John. We'll see.
Hey, you got the irrigation working.
Supper's on the stove.
Kids are out, so it's just you and me tonight.
John, dinner's gonna...
John, come on.
I should go down.
John. John!
Stop it. John, you're hurting me!
Stop. Stop. John.
What is wrong with you?
I'm sorry.
Listen, if he won't sell,
I'll convince the board to foreclose.
Well, relax.
I've known guys like Rollins before.
Yeah. He's stupid,
and he's easy to manipulate.
Well, yeah.
Yeah, well,
when he sees these foreclosure signs,
he'll be bending over backwards to sell.
Right. Right.
Tell him to draw up the papers.
I'll have them signed by tomorrow morning.
Right. Okay.
Okay. Yeah.
Sounds good.
No, everything's under control.
Hey, I gotta call you back.
- Milton.
- Hey, John.
- You have a minute?
- Yeah, come on in.
I understand George Chapman
paid you a visit yesterday.
- Yeah, that's right.
- Can I ask what you two talked about?
We talked about the money I owe the bank.
Where were you last night between, say,
He was here with me.
- And you were here all night?
- Yeah.
Yeah, he was here all night.
What is this about, Milton?
- George Chapman is dead.
- He's dead?
- Oh, dear.
- Found him this morning.
You knew he was foreclosing.
Well, he threatened as much yesterday but...
- John.
- I didn't think he'd pull it off.
You didn't see him at all last night?
You can't possibly think
that John had anything to do with it.
Look, don't jump the gun here.
I'm just following procedure.
It's probably an accident anyway.
What do you mean probably?
Hit-and-run, sort of, 18-wheeler.
Driver thought he hit an animal,
kept on rolling.
Didn't realize what he'd done
until he got to Valentine truck stop
and found Chapman wedged
beneath his truck.
Oh, dear Lord.
Yeah, but Valentine's,
that's three hours from here.
What makes you think he came here?
Found his SUV parked on the highway
near a foreclosure sign,
them Calvin Co shoes
he always boasted about in the road.
Figure that's where he was struck.
Well, I'm just following procedure.
I should get back.
- You know where to reach me.
- Yeah.
I wonder how Peggy and the kids are.
I can't even imagine.
Maybe I should fix them something.
Make them a roast or some French bread
and bring it over there.
- John.
- What?
I was just saying, maybe I should
fix something for Peggy and the kids,
- French bread and a roast.
- Why?
- Why? What do you mean, why?
- Why you gotta make them food?
- Well, I don't have to. I want to.
- I don't think they need our food.
He was one of the richest men in town.
I think they're gonna be all right without us.
- You could show a little more compassion.
- Look, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry he's dead.
At least he's not calling in the note
on the farm anymore, will he?
This I know
For the Bible tells me so
Good God, man. What's gotten into you?
You lost? What's the matter?
You look like you seen a ghost.
- You believe in ghosts?
- Ghosts?
Are you serious?
You mean, like haunted houses and such?
Like fields, corn fields.
Well, I don't reckon
I've ever heard of no haunted corn field.
Now, what exactly did you see, anyway?
It's not what I saw. It's what I heard.
I heard screams,
and I heard a little girl singing, chanting.
Is that all?
I've heard me some voices plenty of times.
A man works in his field, gets tired...
Listen, that's not fatigue. It's...
I heard voices.
Okay, okay. Calm down.
And this.
Belonged to a man that was killed yesterday.
- George Chapman? That's his watch?
- Yeah. You know him?
You sure that's his?
There's a lot of fancy watches in the world.
Not out here. He was here visiting yesterday.
Well, there's your answer, then.
He must have lost it out there is all.
What about the voices?
John, you done found the silver lining.
Stop focusing on the cloud.
If it was me, I'd take that watch
and find me the nearest pawn shop.
No, my wife's gonna make me
give it back to his family.
Well, then we can see
who wears the pants in your house.
I tell my wife everything, Mr. Weatherby.
It's Jude. And suit yourself.
You know, she's probably right.
I'm sure that Chapman's millionaire widow
needs that watch more than you do.
You planted the seeds, John.
A smart man would consider it good fortune
or karma or whatever you want.
Pawn the watch, John.
Buy that wife of yours a dozen roses
or that daughter of yours a new dress.
You deserve it. We all do.
You mind telling your son
to stop playing on the tractor?
Why? He can drive it just fine.
I don't want him driving it at all.
And where are you going?
I need you to get rid of the throw rug
in the living room.
Call Tommy.
Throw it in the barn with the rest of the junk.
No, I can't sell it. It's filthy.
I need you to throw it out.
Well, you wear the pants in the family.
You decide.
Hey, Randy.
Mr. Rollins, please don't make this harder
than it has to be.
How much do I owe you?
- You're not gonna take a guess?
- Yeah, sure.
- That's right.
- Really?
Hey, everybody.
Mr. Rollins here just guessed it right.
Thank you for coming.
I don't know what to do. He's changed.
He stopped going to church.
He started cursing. He started drinking.
The way he reacted to Chapman's death
today, it was so cold.
Mary, Chapman was about to toss you all
to the curb.
I mean, I can't say for sure,
but I probably would have reacted
the same way he did.
No, I don't think you would have.
You should have heard
the way he talked to me today.
The man that I married
never would talk to me that way.
- Have you tried counseling?
- No.
John would never even consider that.
It's just not his thing.
You deserve better.
John hasn't exactly
kept his end of the bargain, has he?
Please don't.
I've seen you there, Cherry Tree Park,
where we first met.
I mean, I know you wonder
what could have been.
I think you should go, Tommy.
You and the kids have a place to stay
if you need one.
- Night.
- Night.
- Hey, you.
- Hi.
- I saw Tommy.
- Yeah.
- Did you guys talk?
- No.
He just stopped by
to see how we were doing.
We've been better, right?
Look, I know you've been
under a lot of pressure,
and you've been working really hard. I...
We've been better, right?
Look, I've been thinking.
Maybe we should get counseling.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I mean, I've been thinking about it
for a while.
I just didn't want to tell you.
Why? Why wouldn't you tell me?
I don't know.
Men are supposed to be strong, you know?
I thought maybe you'd think less of me
or something.
I would never think that.
- Yeah?
- I love you.
- Should we get counseling?
- Yeah.
- It would mean a lot to me.
- Yeah?
Thank you.
- Come to bed with me.
- I'll be up in a minute.
I got a few things to think about, you know.
Michael, buddy,
what are you doing out here?
Get rid of it.
Get rid of what?
It knows that I know.
It knows that I know.
It knows that I know.
What are you talking about?
It knows that I know.
Come here. Come here.
It's you!
Hey. Hey.
- You fell asleep out here, sweetie.
- Where's Michael?
He's taking a bath.
You all right?
Is he okay?
Yeah, he's okay. He's just...
Wow, would you look at your corn?
- It grew.
- It did.
You been drinking?
I made an appointment for us,
tonight at 7:00 for counseling, all right?
I just got a call.
What happened?
It's Tommy.
He's dead.
I know. I know. I couldn't believe it.
Milton doesn't believe it, either.
He hung himself in Cherry Tree Park.
Oh, Jesus.
What's that?
It's... I found it out in the field.
- That's Tommy's ring.
- What?
You heard us last night, didn't you?
- You heard us.
- I didn't hear anything.
- What are you talking about?
- Maybe you should go.
- I think you should leave.
- What?
You said that he was here.
Maybe he just dropped it out in the...
- No!
- Calm down.
- It's... It's gonna be all right.
- No! Please!
- Come on!
- No!
I can fix it, really!
Fix it? Tommy is dead. How can you fix that?
It's not about Tommy.
That's not what I mean.
That's not what I mean.
- Look, I think I know what's happening.
- Tell me.
- I can't tell you, Mary.
- Please.
I haven't figured it out yet, but...
Nothing's gonna happen to you, all right?
You just have to trust me.
All right? Can you do... Can you trust me?
- I don't know.
- We've been together 16 years, Mary.
Sixteen years.
I love you. Just trust me.
No, we're okay. It was just...
I was so shocked.
Oh, my God, what happened?
- Come on. I'll drive you to Doc Sanders.
- Just pull it out.
- You sure, John? It's gonna hurt.
- Yes. Just pull it out.
John, that's gonna get infected.
Won't take us 20 minutes
to get to Doc Sanders.
I'll do it.
I guess you heard about Tommy.
Yeah. Mary told me.
Well, Mary, like I was saying,
he left a lot earlier last night.
Some of the boys said he got a call
that he was coming to see you.
- You called him?
- Yeah, that's right. I called him.
He is buying some furniture from us.
He was here maybe an hour.
Okay. I just thought it was odd, is all.
He never leaves early,
workaholic that he was.
Still, if he was contemplating...
He didn't seem depressed?
No, he was fine. Just like his old self.
Nothing odd or out of the ordinary?
No. No, nothing.
All right.
I should get back.
John, seriously,
you should get that hand looked at.
Why didn't you tell him?
Because I know how it would have looked.
How would it have looked?
I didn't do anything.
I didn't have any reason to hurt Tommy.
But people will think you did.
Look, John,
I've... I've been talking to Tommy about us,
our relationship.
I know. I'm sorry.
But it has been a really, really rough year,
and I just...
Well, I'm sorry.
But what if... What if he told somebody?
You know how this town gossips,
and I didn't want you holding
a dead man's ring in your hand.
Look, John, are you okay?
Can I take you to Doc Sanders now?
I'm not finished yet.
Who are you?
My daddy thought he would protect us.
Daddy was wrong.
He only protects the land, not the man.
What are you talking about?
Do you know where your wife
and children are?
Take your brother inside
and both get ready for bed, all right?
Hi, honey.
What are you doing?
Getting rid of this.
I've tried, John,
I really have.
And I love you,
- but...
- But what?
If you're not even gonna make an effort,
I think maybe we should
spend some time apart.
Come on,
our counseling appointment, John?
The one you didn't even bother
to show up to tonight?
- That was tonight?
- Yeah, it was tonight.
You told me to trust you.
You told me
that you were gonna fix everything.
So what have you been fixing?
What have you done all day?
Got rid of this.
- Great, that'll help.
- No, it will.
You don't understand, but it will.
Tommy is dead, and you had his ring.
Help me understand that.
- Hold on!
- Forget it.
Hi. I'm looking for Jude.
Have a seat.
- Want some tea?
- Yeah, sure.
Are you a friend of Jude's?
I'm Miranda.
Jude's my husband.
So, your wife kicked you
out of the house, huh?
We just had a little argument.
- Wow.
- Sorry.
Jude likes to spike it with moonshine.
Yeah, that's good. Has quite a kick.
Where is Jude?
He ain't here.
Do you know when he'll be back?
He went up to Valentine
to pick up some grain.
Won't be back till morning.
I'm sorry. I should take off then.
What happened to your hand?
It's nothing.
It won't be once it gets infected.
I don't know. The way I've been acting lately,
there's just no excuse for it.
I'm just a shitty husband.
You're under tremendous stress.
Your wife should understand that.
Yeah, but the things I'm going through,
I don't think anybody could understand.
I bet I would.
You have strong hands.
It's a good thing 'cause,
contrary to what people believe,
corn doesn't really grow itself.
I saw you watching me.
- What?
- It's okay.
I knew you were there.
I wanted you to see me.
I've been watching you, too.
In your field, you were filthy,
sweating, you looked angry.
It made me wet.
I should go.
I should really get going.
I can't do this.
You already are.
He ain't here.
I love my wife.
I love her, too.
Now fuck me like you fuck her.
You gonna sleep all day?
Jude'll be home soon.
Might be best you weren't here.
So stupid.
So stupid.
Where's your mom?
She saw you coming.
She asked me to take Michael for a walk.
She still angry?
Tell me this, was it worth it?
Was what worth it?
Putting your precious corn field
before your family?
Look, you have every right to be upset.
I'm fine.
You don't sound fine.
Oh, really, John? How exactly do I sound?
I'm sorry I missed our appointment.
I've messed up on so many different levels.
- I'm really sorry.
- Yeah, I'm sure you are. Just forget it.
- Come on, Mary...
- Just leave me the fuck alone, John.
You don't like it when your innocent
country wife talks like a sailor?
No, I don't.
No? But it's okay for you
to stop going to church?
- Come on.
- Start drinking, staying out all night?
I came here to apologize.
I'm so sorry.
John Rollins is apologizing again,
and this time he means it.
- This time is gonna be different.
- Come on.
- Who is she?
- Stop.
It's the only thing that makes any sense.
You must be seeing somebody.
So what is her name?
Is she young? I know you like them young.
You certainly liked me when I was young.
- Does she like it rough, John?
- Enough!
Just go. It'll blow over. It always does.
John, I'm asking you nicely to just leave
before I take this knife
and I stab you in the heart.
Hey, John!
This a bad time?
I guess you want to talk to me.
- Look, I don't know what got into me...
- Miranda said you stopped by.
Said you and the little lady had a tiff.
Are you okay?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay.
Yeah, yeah, something's wrong. Talk to me.
Last night, I burned my scarecrow.
I mean, I burned it down to the ashes.
Your scarecrow.
John, I just walked past the thing
in your field.
I know. That's what I mean.
Look, two people are dead,
and I think that that thing has...
I'm starting to think things,
and I don't know if...
Yeah, you need to see my wife.
My wife, Miranda, she knows stuff, John,
stuff what ain't exactly Christian,
if you get my meaning.
Come on.
I got John with me.
He's gonna need that book of yours.
It's the blackest of magic.
Miranda's daddy got it off a dead Indian.
It's true.
- How do I get rid of it?
- Why?
You've already received its blessings.
Your crows are gone. Your crop flourishes.
It only did what you wanted.
- I never wanted...
- Of course you did.
The banker meant to take your farm.
The seducer meant to take your wife.
You planted the seeds, John,
and now you complain
about your blessed harvest?
You're insane.
I'm not saying it's perfect.
Your scarecrow is unfocused, John,
because you're unfocused.
It's about the land, John.
The land is all that matters.
You knew.
How do you think a poor Irish family
like mine came to control so much land?
That's right.
And now it can all be yours.
Stay focused.
Let the scarecrow help you.
You'll need it to remove obstacles.
I don't have any obstacles.
Well, that family of yours,
they're a distraction, John,
an obstacle.
You think I'm gonna let something happen
to my family,
- to my kids...
- Come on.
You've already turned your back
on your family.
The wheels are already in motion.
Honestly, I'm surprised they lasted this long.
John! John!
Lord, John, what's gotten into you?
- Where's my wife?
- She's fine. I just spoke to her.
- My kids?
- They're fine. They're all fine.
John, come on. Calm down.
What's happened here?
You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
Try me.
Look, I don't think Tommy killed himself.
I don't think Chapman's death
was an accident.
Me, neither.
Come here, I want to show you something.
What, John? What do you want to show me?
What was Chapman doing
in your field that night, John?
He wasn't in my field. He was putting up
foreclosure signs by the side of the road.
We found his wallet
in the middle of your field.
Funny thing, no cash in it.
Randy said you had a wad of cash on you
the day after Chapman's death.
- Do you mind explaining that?
- Yeah, I found it. I found it in my field.
Is that right?
Would you mind explaining
how it got there?
I'm about to.
You know there's a door here.
This is where it all started.
This is where I found it.
- Found what?
- The scarecrow.
Help me out. Come here. Help me.
Lift this up.
Help me.
Give me that.
The flashlight, you idiot.
You coming?
John, what are we doing in here?
This is where it all started.
- What?
- The scarecrow.
It protects the land. It's protecting me.
- You're serious.
- Think about it.
Chapman wanted to foreclose.
- Tommy was clearly after my wife.
- John, stop.
I'm gonna have to ask you
to come to the station with me.
Are you listening to me?
What, do you want it
to come after you next?
Wait, is that a threat?
What? John, what?
Just leave him.
The fool is safer where he lays.
Don't give me that look.
You made a mess of everything.
You don't deserve
the blessings you received.
Get off my property.
Look, calm down, John.
Your field is glorious now.
It's just the beginning.
All these lands could be yours.
You lied to me. Get out!
- Who are you talking to?
- Mary, please, they're just leaving.
Who is...
Jude and Miranda. I told them
we don't want them on our property.
There is no one here. You're alone.
- What's the matter with you? They're right...
- What's the matter with me?
I'm not the one that's screaming
at people who aren't there
and burning our living room rug
in the middle of the night.
I mean, first Chapman and Tommy
and now you're behaving like this?
I just don't know...
I don't know what to think, John.
- I think you need help.
- No, no, no, no. It's the scarecrow.
- The scarecrow?
- Come on, don't look at me like that.
You haven't seen what I've seen. Look.
It's all right here. Look. See for yourself.
- What? What am I supposed to see?
- It's a book of black magic.
The scarecrow, everything is here.
I... It's not. It's just your old Bible,
the one your father gave you.
- No, no, no. No, that...
- What have you done?
- No, no, no!
- Let me go!
Michael! Lindsey!
- Mom, what's wrong?
- Hurry up, we're leaving.
- Where's Daddy?
- Daddy's not coming with us.
- But I want Daddy.
- We have to go now.
I think he's gone.
Lindsey! Lindsey, quick,
the keys to your car.
- I don't have mine.
- They're in my room.
Okay, we'll run to the Lockett farm
and call for help. Go! Go, go, go!
Run! Run!
No! Come back!
No! Michael, Lindsey, come on.
No! Come back!
Where are you?
That's Daddy. We have to go back for him.
- No, no, no. We've gotta go.
- Go this way.
Where's Michael? Where is he? Michael?
Go this way. Go, go, go. Go, go.
Oh, no, no, no. No.
I tried to save my family,
and look what it got me!
Don't make the mistake I did, John!
Let the scarecrow take them.
You planted your seeds.
Go reap your reward.
Michael. Michael.
Let's go! Come on!
- Where's Michael?
- He's not with you?
What have you done with him?
Oh, no. Michael!
Michael. What's going on?
Michael! Michael!
Mary, no!
- Michael! John!
- Daddy!
John! John! What happened?
Where's Michael? John.
- Lindsey?
- Michael!
- Michael.
- Lindsey?
- Lindsey?
- Michael.
Is he still down there?
Stay back.
Stay back.
Mary, run!
Come here. Come here. Come here.
Come on.
It's okay.
Go on. Go to your mom.
Are you all right? You're okay, you see?