Meter (2023) Movie Script

Venkat Ratnam, is the final list ready?
Ready, sir.
A total of 70 members.
Who are you, man?
Your name is not on the list.
Why are you joining them?
Venkat Ratnam!
If you want to move up the ladder,
do what the higher-ups say. Leave it.
How can I, sir?
These guys have trained and toiled hard
to succeed in the selections
to join the police force.
It's not fair to encourage someone
jumping the queue.
Do you know who is behind him?
I am warning you as an MLA.
He is my guy.
Add his name in the final list.
Don't involve the media
or the commissioner.
Or I will have you transferred.
I'll remain a policeman
no matter where you transfer me to.
Get lost then.
Why are you so bothered
about morals and honesty?
You land all of us in trouble.
What did you gain by stopping that guy?
Just another transfer!
Dad, a small hole can sink
even a big ship.
Likewise, the credibility
of the police department can be destroyed
by one individual like him.
So, I won't hesitate to stop
such a person.
Even if it costs me my job.
You are too honest for your own good.
Sadly, you've remained a mere constable
due to this attitude of yours.
Forget about us.
Don't you feel sad about this?
Of course, I do, Dad.
I feel the pain more acutely than you do.
But I do believe that my son
will become a good police officer
and will make me proud and happy.
Will you do it, son?
Don't worry, Dad.
I will become a police officer.
I promise.
- We will vote for...
- People's Party.
What's this nuisance here?
Clear the way.
We won't move an inch
until our leader's convoy leaves.
People's lives are at stake here.
Hell with your leader.
- Hey!
- Hey, get lost.
Clear the way.
Get lost.
They are my followers.
They are more important than my family.
Don't rub me the wrong way.
I got you transferred once,
and I will get you transferred again.
Be careful.
Sir, we are in the wrong.
Everyone is watching us. Let's go.
Hey, clear the traffic.
Please come, sir.
You are hurt.
I can empathize with your feelings.
As his father, it pains me to see him
suffer such insults.
But remember, his dream is
to see you become a big police officer.
He wants to realize his dreams
through you.
So, you must wear the police uniform.
You should become a good policeman
and make your dad proud.
What's the use?
You want me to bear insults
and suffer like him in life?
Why are you talking like that?
Come on, Grandpa.
Would anyone choose to become a cop
after seeing what has happened to my dad?
You get transferred for being upright.
You face suspensions and insults
for doing your job.
You don't get time to spend
with your family.
Personal life gets screwed up.
A peon will be better off
than a policeman.
What are you saying, son?
I find this quite distressing.
What if your dad heard this?
That's why I haven't said this to him.
Why don't you just tell him?
How can I tell him that, Grandpa?
I am not angry with my dad,
but only at the job he loves.
I love my dad
as much as I loathe his job.
How long will you hide it from him?
Until it reaches a breaking point.
So, I will keep quiet until then,
and I request you to do the same.
Hey, cable guy!
I hope the picture will be clearer now,
or else I'll cut it off.
- What?
- I mean, the cable connection.
Switch it on now.
It will be wonderful.
My dear, I want to see you
as a police officer before I die.
Do you like the picture quality?
Hey! Kumara Swamy, Gopala Swamy,
Subramanya Swamy...
It was my dad's wish to see me...
Hail Balayya! a police officer.
I can't do this anymore.
Look, it's okay
if no movies are aired on TV.
But I'll cut it off
if police movies are aired.
What's all this fuss about, son?
Dad, I asked him to air some police movies
so that I can get inspired
to become a cop.
But he says it's not possible.
Oh, my!
From today, every channel must air
only police films.
Or else, I'll cut the connection. Beware.
All three of you are threatening
to cut off the connection.
I will only be left
with cutting pliers then.
I've been saying the same thing
on your birthday for years now.
I joined the police force
to accomplish something.
But it's my misfortune
that I failed to do so.
But you are my dream, son.
You must become the ideal policeman,
someone the society
and the people look up to.
And I want to salute you before I retire.
That's my wish.
Will you fulfill it?
Yes, Dad.
Sir, please wait ten more minutes.
He will meet you.
What ten minutes!
Do you know who I am?
I can influence the stock market.
I do deals with the CM over the phone.
Why do I have to wait here for two hours?
What's the home minister doing inside?
He is thrashing someone inside.
If the earth is revolving, it doesn't mean
that it can do so on its own.
It's the power of the sun
that revolves it.
Who wields the power?
It's you, Byreddy.
Please forgive my mistake.
When your party requires funds,
you guys always seek me out.
But you leave me high and dry
when I need your help.
Is he the only one
who keeps a busy schedule?
What about us?
Sir, I understand your pain.
You've became a sitting duck!
You should be pious before God
and fearful before a stronger man.
Or else...
I swear on my wife and kids.
From now on, I won't even pee
without your permission.
Please trust me, Byreddy.
Sir, please wait.
He should be here in five minutes.
I can't wait any longer.
I'll take this up with the chief minister.
With whom?
The chief minister.
It's the chief minister
who is getting thrashed inside.
How dare you make promises to people
without my consent?
I have made you the chief minister
so that I can benefit from your position.
You are not chosen
for doing your own thing.
Only the position is yours,
but the power resides with me.
I decide who contests
and wins elections in this state
and who gets to make promises
to the people.
If you start taking your own decisions,
you will lose your job
and your life as well.
Get out!
Okay, Byreddy.
Send that guy in.
He left long back, sir.
Please take a look at this.
As per the intelligence reports
and internal survey,
our party is going to lose
the upcoming elections, right?
Well, let me tell you
what is going to happen.
Listen carefully.
The plan is good, but it'll be problematic
if we can't execute it well.
Do you see problems?
I will deal them when they arise.
Are you wondering
why a guy who detested the police job,
and had no interest in becoming a cop,
is now actively participating here?
Come, let's watch it.
Previously these selections took place
in faraway places.
- We somehow avoided taking part in them.
- Yes.
You are a nobody.
We are all your fans!
- Hail Balayya!
- Hail Balayya!
- What happened at the selections?
- I failed the running test, Dad.
Bro, of all the selections
that we gave a miss,
this is the best.
This time I failed the long jump
and high jump tests, Dad.
How can you fail in two events?
Well, I got one event mixed up
with another and I failed.
Now you dad himself is taking you
to the police selections.
Son, come fast. It's getting late.
I'm coming, Dad.
What will you do now?
I don't know.
If I can get away for half an hour,
the selections will be over.
How can you do it all of a sudden?
It's not easy,
but let's see what we can do.
Why did you stop?
Looks like I have found something
that can keep me busy
for the next 30 minutes.
Hey, stop!
Hey! Stop the car!
Please stop.
Bro, you can go ahead now.
Tell me, Dad. Should I attend
the selections and become a cop?
Or should I act like a cop
and thrash these goons?
I think your dad agrees with you.
You can go ahead.
Hey, you!
Are you deaf?
Let's fight and settle this matter.
Come on, get out of the car.
One, two, four, six...
It's ten people.
It will take fifty minutes
if I hit each guy for five minutes.
Let's make it an hour.
The selections will be over by then.
Come on, guys.
Let's fight slowly, calmly, and leisurely.
Like the moon towering above the clouds
Her mere glance draws me closer to her
Like the incandescence of the moonlight
On a full moon day
The image has flashed before my eyes
Like the moon towering above the clouds
Her mere glance draws me closer to her
Like the incandescence of the moonlight
On a full moon day
The image has flashed before my eyes
Could it be a star from the heavens
Marching this way?
Or a stream flowing from a river?
Could it be someone who has stolen
The thunder from heaven!
Like the moon towering above the clouds
Her mere glance draws me closer to her
Thank you, mister.
Let's go away from here.
Let's go.
Come on, guys.
They are safe now. Come, let's go.
The selections must have been over by now.
The second batch selections
start in ten minutes.
Is that so?
Yes, let's go now.
Hey, run fast.
You don't have much time left.
I didn't find her on Facebook, Instagram
or any other social media.
Where can I find her?
My bird will reveal the secrets
even the internet can't tell you.
I don't believe it.
You can give it a try.
If your bird errs in her predictions,
she will become my dinner tonight.
- See for yourselves.
- All right.
Yes, it's a crow.
Crows eat the food offered to the dead.
We have had to use crows
because of the shortage of parrots.
Dear crow, pick a card
that matches his palm lines.
Did you offer the crow
any booze last night?
Why did she pick that card?
My crow predicts the future accurately.
Accurate, my foot!
Pick the right card now.
Go ahead, bro.
- I'll wring its neck.
- Wait.
As my crow has predicted, this young man
will wear the police uniform.
This my crow's prophecy.
What the...
Your phone is ringing.
It's a good sign.
- Congratulations, son!
- What for, Dad?
You have been selected
for the post of sub-inspector.
To the Punjagutta police station.
Why do you look so pale?
Has the crow's prediction come true?
Don't treat this uniform as a mere dress.
It is ray of hope for people
who need justice.
This job is a responsibility
that God has given you
to protect the society.
You are not taking up this job
to help your family members or friends
but to safeguard justice.
That's how you distinguish yourself
in the police force
and earn respect in the society.
Why do you pursue me everywhere?
I have been saying since childhood
that I hate you.
But you seem to be in love with me.
Stop it!
Why are you flapping and fluttering?
Are you drink?
It doesn't understand your anguish,
and it won't stop moving.
Tie it down, bro.
You are right.
Why am I wearing this dress?
What's wrong with you?
Why are you after me?
I don't like you at all.
This is bothering me so much now.
I must do something about it.
This cannot go on. Where is it?
What are you searching for?
- Petrol.
- Petrol? Oh, my!
- Please listen to me.
- Let's burn it.
I have an idea. Listen...
- Tell me.
- Untie me first.
No, tell me first.
Tell your dad
that you don't like this job.
- Oh, really? Wait a minute.
- Okay.
It's a good idea, isn't it?
You know I can't tell him the truth.
He will be heart-broken if I say it.
I got it.
Well, if you resign from this job,
your dad will be upset.
But you can't continue in a job
that you don't like.
I have an idea.
What is it?
This is my share.
And this is yours.
Make merry.
This is unfair, sir.
This is not even a fraction of the amount
that I looted.
This won't work for me.
The SI in another station is willing
to let me keep 50 per cent of my loot.
Please don't go there. I will be doomed.
I'm buying another house,
so I need your loot.
You can have this.
I'll release you tomorrow.
- Are you happy?
- You are a cunning fellow!
The new SI is joining soon.
Make sure he works with us.
Do you have to tell me?
We have done that many times.
Let him come.
Come on, come on... Constables.
Hurry up!
- Coming, sir!
- Come on, line up immediately.
- I'm Constable Kalyan, sir.
- Did I ask you?
- Your name?
- Writer Madhu, sir.
- How many films did you write?
- Sir?
That was a joke. Pull in your tummy.
Button up your shirt. Zip up your pant.
- Come on. Salute!
- Sir!
Wow! What a performance! This is how
you must salute when the SI arrives.
- Are you not the SI?
- I am a PA.
- To whom?
- To me.
Welcome to the new world.
- Oh boy! What are they saying?
- Bro!
- They will salute you.
- What are they waiting for?
Why do you need a PA, sir?
Should only politicians and celebrities
have PAs, but not the police officers?
All of you can hire PAs.
Don't worry, I will have your backs.
This is an excellent idea, sir.
Go ahead then.
Sir, I am Head Constable Giridhar.
Why waste time with staff introductions?
Introduce the criminals first.
Your ideas are quite remarkable.
Follow in my footsteps then.
Go ahead.
Sir, they were caught for chain snatching.
They are here regarding a land dispute.
These guys are the prime accused
in a big drug case
which we have been pursuing
for six months.
The government is quite serious
about this case.
We are producing them in court tomorrow.
If you act recklessly or negligently,
they will suspend you first.
And they will set up an inquiry
and sack you from the job.
Then, say you got sacked because
the higher-ups didn't like an honest cop.
Your dad will believe it.
How do you like my idea?
Set them free.
What are you saying?
Head Constable,
you need to use your brain.
Do they really look like drug dealers?
They look like rag-pickers.
Release them. Otherwise,
we'll be wasting our time and money.
- What do you mean, sir?
- Don't you understand?
- Bro.
- Yes.
I understand.
You are letting them go?
Sir, please stop them.
Let them go.
Run! Run!
If the media comes to know about this,
we will be doomed.
We will be stripped of our jobs, sir.
Only I'll lose the job.
If you stand by your decision,
we will inform the commissioner
that you acted alone.
You do that.
I am so tense right now.
- I'll complaint about you.
- He's lost his marbles.
This idea of yours is confusing, sir.
See how excited this guy is.
You can just follow his directions.
The land phone sounds like a land mine.
Oh, my God!
What are you saying?
Who is it? Where is he?
Tell him to remain there.
I will come with the sack orders.
Sir, I am going there
to sack the bugger immediately.
Watch the news on TV.
Bro, this goat is dead.
Who the hell are you, man?
He committed an illegal act,
and is now enjoying himself.
How dare you commit such a crime
on your first day at work?
How daring one must be then?
Go away, man.
Let me deal with him.
What is it? What is your problem?
You must talk to his PA
before you can talk to him.
I am his PA.
I am the commissioner.
So what? You may be a commissioner
of this city.
But I am the president
of my village council.
What's your fuss about?
- Bro...
- Oh no!
You better handle this yourself.
He's a bit cranky.
Hey, how much money did you take
to release those guys?
Whom are you working for?
We need to interrogate you first.
Wow! You have the gift of the gab, man.
Please continue.
Do I look like a dancer or a folksinger
to continue my performance?
What audacity!
You show no remorse,
and no fear of losing the job either.
You don't even give respect
to the commissioner.
Look, dude. I didn't join the police force
to respect or salute others.
- Tell me, why are you here?
- Why I am here?
Breaking news.
Three people arrested in a drug case
have escaped from the police station
in broad daylight.
People blame the inefficiency
of the police force for what has happened.
Oh, yeah!
I demand that the commissioner
should resign with immediate effect.
Oh, my God. I should resign?
Yes, you must resign.
Did you hear that? Thanks to you
even a drunkard doesn't respect me now.
Hey, you are a reckless fellow.
- An indecent fellow.
- Yes, I am.
- An irresponsible fellow.
- Yes.
- You cannot be a police officer.
- Exactly, sir.
You will be known as the only policeman
who lost his job on the day of joining.
- Take this.
- Yes!
This is what I want.
Breaking news.
The drug dealers did not escape
because of the police's negligence.
SI Arjun Kalyan devised a clever plan
on his very first as a cop
and blew the lid off
the national drug mafia's activities.
Tell me, Inspector.
All this is a pre-planned operation
by SI Arjun Kalyan, sir.
He deliberately set them free
and made us follow them.
We have caught 50 drug dealers
and confiscated 500 kilos of cocaine.
This is all master-minded by our SI.
He directed me to follow them
and tip off the police department.
I always follow you, sir.
You bloody...
Why is he looking at me strangely?
Is this your plan?
I am ashamed that I rebuked a gem like you
and that I abused
a sincere officer like you.
I spoke ill of you.
Please don't take it to heart.
What is he saying, bro?
It's called dumb luck.
I've been watching your exploits on TV.
I am very happy, son.
Everyone is talking good about you.
I feel so happy.
Your son has become the talk of the town.
All the news channels
are talking about him.
SI Arjun Kalyan says everyone involved
in the drug smuggling will be punished...
Wait a minute.
I was elected as an MLA four times,
and I have served the party for 40 years.
But you overlooked me and gave
the party ticket to Govardhan Reddy.
I don't like it, Byreddy.
Stop indulging that oldie. Send him away.
Have a seat, old man.
You are unable to sit properly,
yet you want a seat in the state assembly!
You can't beg for votes
to win elections nowadays.
You need to rig at polling booths.
Can you do it?
You need to spend crores of rupees.
Can you afford it?
You need to eliminate those
who come in the way. Can you do it?
You're getting too old.
Leave it.
- PA.
- Sir?
Throw him out. Now!
You want an MLA ticket?
Get out of here.
We may have to put beds instead of chairs
if you get into the assembly.
Don't you respect senior politicians?
You haven't married me, but at least
give me the house that I asked for.
Do you know whose house that is?
It's Virat Kohli's. He is a great batsman.
He gifted it to Anushka Sharma.
If I try to take over that house,
the union government will come after me.
I have found another house for you.
register it in my name within a month.
Otherwise, I will squat in your house.
It's been long since I hit the gym.
I'll come over tonight.
Be ready.
We need to talk.
Someone has found out
about our secret plan.
If you give me the go-ahead...
Let's not take any risk
during the elections.
Just keep an eye on him.
If everything happens as we wish,
what do we need God for?
I am already feeling low.
Do you really have to sing this song?
- Let's sing our power star's song then.
- Power star!
Bheem... Bheemla Nayak
Who makes you sing wrong prayers...
Bheem... Bheemla Nayak
Shut up!
Won't you let me drink in peace?
- Bro...
- He is her dad.
I saw you there, and now I see you here.
It's a long story.
Where's your daughter?
I wonder what would have happened
if you hadn't saved my girl the other day.
- Thanks a lot.
- You don't have to thank me.
Where's your daughter?
I can never forget
your help that day, son.
I won't let you forget it.
Tell me where your daughter...
Shut up!
Oh, my God!
Don't ask me about her. I came here
to forget the pain she's causing me.
Did she elope with someone?
- Bro!
- Sorry.
I wish she had eloped.
Why do you say that, sir?
I mean...
Why do you hesitate? Come on, say it.
It's not hesitation.
I've already finished my drink.
I need more drink
if I have to get into flashback mode.
- Bro!
- Drinks, please!
It all started when my daughter
graduated from school to college.
My dear, a girl who steps out of her house
must be cautious all the time.
If someone catches hold of you,
that'll be the end of you.
I tell you from my vast experience.
All the guys out there
are like famished animals,
ready to devour any girl they see.
So, don't look at boys
or strike up a conversation with them.
Okay, Dad.
Stop there.
She is addressing someone else as dad.
You will get clarity in the end.
Oh! Okay, please continue.
Like any father,
that's how I used to caution my daughter.
So, if someone gave her something,
she would immediately bring it to me.
Oh, my!
- What?
- Someone has called me.
Couldn't it wait until morning?
Love letters, Dad.
Why don't you give me a break?
Oh, God!
- What?
- Someone has given me a gift.
What is it?
A love letter.
Are you in love with me, dude?
Hell no! This is meant for your daughter.
I'm giving it to you
so that she doesn't have to.
Please set me up with your her.
What the hell!
Do I look like a pimp to you?
I need to talk to your mother.
Please take a look at this.
This is the matter.
Oh, my God!
I will crush those nuts, beware!
Is this how she understood it?
My advice to my daughter
began to affect me adversely.
Meanwhile, my elder daughter fell in love
with some guy and married him.
He ditched her within two months
after getting married.
She went into depression
and committed suicide.
My advice against mingling with boys
and her sister's death, caused by
a broken relationship with a guy,
has made her think
that every man is an insect
that she needs to keep at a distance.
Over the course of time,
many acid attacks happened.
Your daughter was attacked?
No, she threw acid at others.
Oh, my God!
One day, a guy tried to escape her attack,
and the acid fell on me.
I sold off all my property
and visited many hospitals for treatment.
And finally, I got plastic surgery.
I used to like a 30-year-old guy.
Now I look like a 50-year-old.
What the hell!
Bring your face nearer.
You look good now.
- I agree.
- Thank you.
Stop blushing and continue the story.
We began visiting temples and hospitals
to make her change her attitude.
During one such visit,
she again threw acid at some guy.
That guy's gang kidnapped her,
and that's when you came and rescued her.
I thought she would change her mind
if I got her married.
But she threatened and sent away
the guys who came to meet her.
I poured acid on men's faces
when they tried to propose to me.
And if you say you want to marry me...
I don't know which part of your body
I will pour acid on.
Shut up!
If you scare away every guy,
then who will marry you?
What's your plan for your future?
Don't tell me you will become
a nun or something.
It is a good idea, Dad.
What nonsense!
My elder daughter ended her life.
And my other daughter
is making her life miserable.
What do I do?
Tomorrow she is going to become a nun.
I won't allow that to happen, sir.
I'll change her mindset, believe me.
She even burned her clothes
which you touched when you rescued her.
So, I don't think this will work out.
Are you wholeheartedly ready to dedicate
your life to the service of God?
Yes, sister.
I hope there is no objection
from any of your family members.
- No.
- I object.
Who is this boy?
I need to talk to you in private. Come on.
Did you slap me with your hand
or a flower? It's so gentle.
It's all right.
You look even more beautiful now.
Come, let's go.
What the hell!
Do you have any sense?
Who bothers about sense or common sense
after seeing a beauty like you?
Let's go.
- Hey...
- Hey...
Close your eyes.
Why do you want to be a nun
when you have many emotions and feelings?
Chicks like you exist for guys like me.
What should we do
if girls like you become nuns?
What is happening here?
I don't even know this guy.
Why did he come here to meet you then?
Sister, please...
Look, dear. He came here to see you
on your very first day.
If you remain with us,
he will come here every day.
And you'll lose all self-control.
No! I can control myself.
Maybe you can, but...
And this handsome young guy
is likely to tempt others.
Please, sister.
Sorry, you can leave.
You too, leave.
You too.
Wait, wait... Wait, baby.
So, you don't like men!
You want to become a nun!
What should I do if you join a nunnery?
I mean, what will happen to my heart?
You burned your dress
because I touched it.
You just slapped me.
So, will you chop off your hand?
Hey! How do you know all this?
Because I am in love with you.
You know many things about me.
Don't you know
that I don't fall for anyone?
Yes, I know.
But you don't realize that it is easy
to win over girls like you.
Whereas it is more complicated to get
into a relationship with other girls.
But in your case, I don't have to compete
with anyone else.
You have no choice but to fall for me
and I...
Get lost.
You dazzle me with your beauty
That's just out of my reach
Your image is embedded in my heart
Even if you walk away from me
Here I am offering you my love
Why do you abhor men?
Why do you breathe fire at me?
How can I ever woo you?
Oh baby, don't slip away like that...
Don't leave me
Why do you keep your distance from me?
Don't waste your youth,
Fall in love with me
Let me alter your fate
And show you the way
You dazzle me with your beauty
That's just out of my reach
Your image is embedded in my heart
You will outshine the moon
If you are a star
The moonlight pales before your radiance
You need to bond with someone
No matter how beautiful you are
That bond becomes your source of strength
We have got one life to live,
Let's not fritter it away
I will be your pillar of strength
And wipe your tears
Oh baby, don't slip away like that...
Don't leave me
Why do you keep your distance from me?
Don't waste your youth,
Fall in love with me
Let me alter your fate
And show you the way
Please show it to us, too.
He wants to show us something. Come on.
- Please don't touch me.
- Such a handsome guy.
Hey, no... Don't touch me.
Wow! Nice cheeks.
Well done.
Come on, go ahead.
- Bro.
- Yes?
You seem to have forgotten
about your job of late.
No, I haven't.
It's been a week since I went to work.
If I continue this for another month,
they will kick me out.
It's our commissioner.
My name is Bharani.
I have been trying to meet you
at the police station for a week.
Finally, I came here looking for you.
I've been running an orphanage
for the past 15 years.
I don't need money. I need justice.
Sorry, sir.
I am least interested in this job.
That's why I stopped going to the station.
You better seek help elsewhere.
The commissioner is annoying me.
Go to the two-town station.
Falling in love is an amazing feeling.
Bro, this commissioner is worse
than those customer care executives.
Answer his call. Or else,
he may come in person to meet you.
Let him come. We can deal with that idiot.
He is here.
Don't back down.
I rang you up umpteen times.
Didn't you have the courtesy
to pick up at least once?
You didn't have the courtesy
to leave me alone.
Why haven't you showed up for work
for the past one week?
We won't come to work this week
and the next week, too.
We won't come to work at all.
What will you do?
Thrash me with your shoes
if I meddle in your affairs again.
I'll take my leave of you, sir.
What if your subordinates
take a cue from you and become negligent?
That's why we demand the resignation
of the commissioner immediately.
Who the hell are you, bugger?
Yes! You must resign!
Resign immediately.
Constables, take him to the police station
and bring him back to his senses.
You must resign.
Do you know how many cases will pile up
when an SI doesn't turn up for work?
A farmer must to his fields,
a doctor must go to his hospital,
a lawyer must go to court,
and a teacher must go to his school.
A policeman must rush to every place
where there is a problem.
That's what you have done, my boy!
Did I?
Hey, this city is so peaceful today.
Everyone is attending
to their work happily.
And the media is not accusing
the police department of any negligence.
They are not hauling us over the coals.
It is all because
of your undercover operation.
Undercover operation?
What are you talking about?
An undercover operation?
Come on, tell me.
Say something, you buggers!
Each one of you arrived in this city
a week ago.
You did a recce of the entire city.
Who are you guys? What are your plans?
Tell me. Come on, speak.
I'll tell you. We planned a blast.
A blast?
What do you mean?
We are Al-Qaeda sleeper cells.
We received orders
to carry out bomb blasts in this city.
Where did you plant the bombs?
We couldn't do that.
He intercepted us wherever we went.
Who is he?
SI Arjun Kalyan,
the one who busted the drug mafia.
My goodness!
The first couple of days
we thought it was a coincidence.
But he followed us everywhere we went.
Then we figured out
that he knew all our plans.
So, we decided to leave
before he could catch us.
But the intelligence team caught us.
My dear boy...
Who called the media here?
Hey, these guys
force their way everywhere.
They don't need an invitation.
Come on, guys. He is all yours.
Now you have prevented bomb blasts.
What is your next operation?
He doesn't even tell me.
So, why would he tell you?
- Am I right? Next question.
- Yes.
Is it true that your dad inspired you
to become a police officer?
- I'm getting a call from him.
- Will you answer it now?
Do you want to crush my life?
Talk. It's your dad.
Your son credits all his success to you.
What do you say, sir?
I just wished to see him as a cop.
But it is he who made it his mission.
What if you ever had to work
under your son?
I am going to retire in three months.
If I get an opportunity
to work under my son,
I will request the department to extend
my service by two more years.
Arjun Kalyan,
who recently cracked a drug case,
has prevented bomb blasts in the city...
We planned it so meticulously.
Who is this guy obstructing us?
What were you doing, DGP?
You should have taken care of it.
Sir, please cool down.
There's a solution for this problem.
First, let's talk to that Arjun.
If he doesn't toe our line,
we can get rid of him.
You got it?
Your talk sounded like a code language.
I didn't get it.
Bring him here.
Got it, sir.
No amount of drink
seems to give me a high.
The way things are going,
I am afraid I may soon become
an assistant or deputy commissioner.
It's all because of that crow astrologer.
Whatever he said...
...has come true.
Who is calling me at this late hour?
Why is Dad calling me now?
Answer it.
Did you eat?
What are you doing now?
Nothing, Dad.
Guess what I am up to?
I am boozing.
I wanted to have a drink
for the first time.
Out of joy, not sadness.
On August 15, 1990,
I joined the police department
with a sense of commitment and mission.
But I had to face transfers
and suspensions for doing my job.
It instilled a sense of fear in me.
I couldn't press forward boldly
as I was afraid that it would cost me
the job that I loved dearly.
That fear kept me on a tight leash
for 25 years.
And I was afraid
it would dictate my life until death.
But now you helped me kill that fear.
I see my younger, fearless self in you.
You make me feel victorious
by winning your battles there.
What more can I ask for?
I am very happy.
I can now die in peace.
Dad, what are you saying?
Don't worry, son.
I'm just blabbering
as I feel unburdened now.
Don't mind it.
Take care of your health.
I feel sad thinking about your dad.
Why don't you change your decision?
I won't. This is who I am.
You have got a good reputation,
and you get a good salary.
What more do you want?
No matter what you say...
I will not change my decision.
You're making a mistake.
Your dad will be heart-broken
if you lose your job now.
That's why I fear this job
and want to quit.
What are you saying?
If I start to doing my duty sincerely
just because things are going great now,
I will eventually come up against
the same system that crushed my dad.
Unlike what we see in the movies,
it's never easy to go against that system.
You must control your impulses
and emotions, and swallow insults.
Like my dad,
I'll also have to live a compromised life.
Every sincere officer
in the police department
is a mirror image of my father.
He can't bear it if I become like him.
A father can accept his own defeat
but will be devastated
to see his son defeated.
That's why I wanted to get out of this job
and put an end to his pain now.
I will.
I will put an end to all this.
I may not have succeeded the other day,
but soon I will put an end to all this.
I will end it.
The commissioner is calling you.
Bloody bugger! He calls me at odd hours.
I have some good news for you.
What is it, sir? Are you sacking me?
Why will I allow that to happen, dear?
The home minister wants to meet you.
I am not interested in meeting him.
Hey, it's not a watchman who called you.
It's the home minister.
He is the boss of our department.
He is one who decides
the fate of our jobs.
So, don't rub him the wrong way.
Go and meet him.
Bye, bye.
The solution for our problem is at hand.
We need to lock up the home minister
in order to wriggle out of our problem.
The house looks like a fortress.
Can we get out of it easily?
Don't worry. Come with me.
If he agrees to work with us,
it's all right.
Otherwise, he must not get out of here.
Wow! Home Minister Kantham Byreddy.
What a man!
The elections are going to happen
in two months.
The public believes
you're trying your best to win again.
So, how would you feel
if you are thrown in jail right now?
Is that a threat? Going to prison
is nothing new to our boss.
Am I right, sir?
Do you think jailing a home minister
is as easy as catching a drug smuggler?
I can sack you from you job right away.
That's what we want, right?
Don't involve me in this.
Why are talking to him, boss?
Hey, if he is jailed,
he will still get whatever he wants.
But you goons will have to find
another boss. Okay?
How dare you?
I am not saying I will send you to jail,
but they will.
Who are they?
The income tax officials are going to raid
your house and office in an hour.
Better be prepared.
Income tax raid?
A tax raid?
The number you are calling
is currently switched off.
It's switched off.
The officials switch off all the phones
before a raid, Byreddy.
He seems certain about the raid,
and the phones are switched off.
I think we need to make our move quickly.
Go and search.
Give me your phone, sir.
Sir, we didn't find anything here.
Sorry, ma'am.
We had some wrong information.
We came with a new team,
but still you were tipped off.
I think you have a strong network.
See you again.
Sir, It's Rs. 2,000 crores.
If he hadn't tipped us off,
we would have made news
for all the wrong reasons.
We called you here to settle a few issues.
But you really saved us.
What do you want?
- You want a promotion?
- No.
- A transfer?
- No...
Sir, just sack me from this job.
What's wrong with him?
People usually beg for a job,
but he wants to lose his job.
Sir, I can't explain this again and again.
I'll happily go back to my town
and tell people that the home minister
has sacked me for just doing my job.
Please, sir.
Consider you are sacked. You can go.
Sounds so good to hear.
Please say it again.
Consider you are sacked. You can go.
Pinch me.
Pinch him, sir.
Wow! What a naughty touch!
I'll be in touch, sir. Thank you.
Is it okay now, DGP?
Yes, sir.
- You gave me a shock.
- I had to do it.
We need help from people in power.
So, I phoned the tax officials
and made it happen.
Now I need to relax.
Ask your management
to add more speed bumps on this road.
It will be comfortable.
- You find it comfortable?
- Don't you?
Remember, be there at 7 o'clock sharp
in the evening.
Let me first lose my job,
then I will think about it.
You need another job, don't you?
So, I requested my CEO and convinced him.
It's just a formal interview.
- Don't forget.
- Okay, leave now.
- She's too eager to get me a job.
- Bye.
If your husband jumped into bed
with another woman when you are sick,
you'd be enraged, won't you?
Likewise, I was enraged when your husband
tried to switch to another party
as my party is a bit weak right now.
He should have stood by me,
but he back-stabbed instead.
He left me no option.
If you listen to me,
I'll help you contest the elections
and win your husband's seat.
I will send you to the state assembly.
Think carefully.
Do you want to perish with him
or do you want to join me?
Sir, he tricked us.
What are you saying?
He pretended to agree to our offer,
and he ran away.
What the hell were you doing?
Anyone who walks away from us
is a dead man walking.
Send me his photo.
Okay, sir.
Someone has found out
about our secret plan.
Our collection is very poor today.
This will go towards my car loan.
Who will pay my home loan?
He might be carrying money
if he's in a hurry.
Maybe he can pay my home loan.
- Start the car.
- OK, sir.
- What happened?
- The police are here.
What should we do?
What are they doing there now?
Sir, Arjun Kalyan,
the guy who wants to be sacked...
He is also passing by this route.
Why is he calling so late in the night?
Tell me, sir. Am I sacked?
You must bump someone off to get sacked.
Why are you asking me kill someone?
We must give a reason for sacking you.
So, you want me to murder someone?
It's a murder if you kill a good man.
But killing a criminal is an operation.
There's a guy running ahead of you.
He raped and killed a girl a week ago.
That's why the police are chasing him.
He has to be produced in court tomorrow.
Somehow, he has escaped.
That's why I am asking you to kill him.
What if your department promotes me
as a special task force officer
for killing this guy?
You need to follow a lot of rules
before you shoot someone dead.
If you don't follow those rules,
you will be suspended, pending an inquiry.
I will take care of the rest.
Got it, sir.
Hang up and turn on the TV.
There is nothing wrong
in killing a rapist.
Dad, wake up. Don't close your eyes.
- Nurse, make the arrangements.
- Dad...
Excuse me!
Sir, please go out.
You brought me into this world
With so many dreams
Today I have destroyed everything
Like the destructive waves of an ocean
You brought me into this world
With so many dreams
Today I have destroyed everything
Like the destructive waves of an ocean
You pinned your hopes on me
I meant the world to you
Did I erase your smile?
Did I commit this sin out of ignorance?
Will God ever forgive me for this?
Please get this medicine.
Caught in the web of lies and deceit
I must have committed unspeakable sins
Back-stabbed the man I am indebted to
This pain and anguish are scary
You brought me into this world
With so many dreams
As of now, he is out of danger.
But what, Doctor?
He is in a coma.
While doing the surgery, we have noticed
that his mind is in a state of shock.
More than the bullet injuries,
it's the emotional shock
that's caused him the emotional trauma.
Please observe the monitor.
Call him once.
He can see, he can observe...
But he can't react.
- What is the solution to this?
- Only time will tell.
But still, there's a chance.
It was proven several times
in medical history.
If we can re-create the same emotions
that shocked him
and caused him the trauma,
he will come out of coma.
Hope for the best.
I just wished to see him as a cop.
But it is he who made it his mission.
Don't treat this uniform as a mere dress.
It is ray of hope
for people who need justice.
Sir, just sack me from this job.
Sir, my job...
We didn't sack you.
How can we sack you when you don't have
the job in the first place?
The job you had been doing was not yours.
You are not a sub-inspector.
You were never in the police force.
We learned in the process of sacking you
that you were never recruited
in the selections.
The appointment order
was meant for someone else
with the similar name and profile.
It was sent to you
because of a clerical error.
It was a wrong appointment order.
Your dismissal orders
must have reached the station by now.
Sir, that is...
That's what you wanted.
What else is there to talk about?
Keep in touch.
Sir... Sir...
The city municipal authorities
have cremated an unidentified body
found on the city outskirts.
An innocent guy lost his life
because of me.
Who is he?
Why did the minister want him dead?
And why did my dad come in between?
Kantham Byreddy is behind all this.
Let's go and talk to him.
There's no use asking him
because he's the one who did it.
Seeking revenge against him
is not our priority now.
We need to take care of Dad.
And I must become a police officer
to keep my dad alive.
What is this, Arjun?
I made many calls and sent many messages.
Do you know what happened?
Whatever it is,
you should have replied.
I lost face in front of my CEO
because of you.
You don't have to feel humiliated
because of me anymore.
So, what are your plans?
You said you weren't interested
in that job.
The situation has changed now.
I am very confused, Arjun.
Will you please hear me out?
Please listen to me.
Did she hang up on you?
Let her be.
Let's do what we have to do.
What? Do you need a job?
You asked me to sack you.
Now, what's this?
The rules don't allow it.
You are the boss.
How do rules matter, sir?
Please, sir.
Not possible.
I will get you another job.
Sir, I want a police job.
Then, I'll get you selected
in the next round of recruitment.
I want it right now.
You seem to be ordering me
instead of requesting.
I told you, it's not possible. Leave now.
I have come to you
thinking you'll help me.
I know how to get my job.
What will you do?
I did many things to lose my job.
Now, I want it back.
I will do anything for it
and get it back somehow.
See you.
No one must know about
the wrong appointment order.
Does it matter, sir?
Didn't we handle such cases before?
If the media learns about this,
there will be a ruckus.
Okay, sir.
What happened?
The media is here.
The drug case and blast case
are just the beginning.
My actual work starts now!
What is your plan, sir?
A platform for justice.
It doesn't matter
which police jurisdiction you live in.
If anyone has any problem,
you just make one phone call.
The police on wheels.
You are just an SI. Who gives you
the right to control the entire city?
Who else will give me such an opportunity
other than my mentor, the commissioner?
Oh, my!
And the DGP too.
He mentioned you too.
As the crime rate is shooting up
in the city,
they both have come up with this plan
and put me in charge of it.
Looks like he is up to something.
Bring him immediately to my chamber.
You are talking a lot of rubbish
out of frustration.
You are not a cop anymore
to carry out police operations.
As your well-wisher,
I see a bright future for you.
Don't fritter it away
by acting on impulse.
I will recommend you
in the next round of recruitment.
I don't have much time.
Let me do what I want to do.
Don't stop me. Don't come in my way.
Look, Arjun.
We are keeping silent
because we made a mistake.
I want you to stay calm.
we'll initiate legal action against you.
I know the law, too.
I have the appointment order
from your department.
There's CCTV footage that confirms
that I performed my duty.
And I have a good image in the media.
Imagine if I went to court
with all this evidence.
And do what?
What can one guy possibly achieve
by going out against the department?
Hear me out first.
Why will I do it alone?
I will call for a press meet
and tell all those candidates
who appeared for the recruitment test
that they have also been wronged
by the police department.
If I instigated them...
Just imagine what would happen
if hundreds of such youth
file cases against your department
and drag you to court.
Just Google it once.
You will find out that no one
in any police department in this world
has lost his job because
of a wrong appointment order.
If this news gets leaked,
it will dominate the headlines
in the media for weeks.
The breaking news
will shake your department.
And the Central Bureau of Investigation
will enter the scene.
You know what happens
once it enters the scene.
As if we will let that happen.
It won't affect you.
It's our DGP who will get into trouble.
He will be suspended and investigated.
It will reveal all the irregularities
and crimes he committed,
including what he did to me.
And he will have to go to prison.
Oh, my God!
Your blackmail is more formidable
than the great wall of China.
How can you become a police officer
without any logic?
Where emotion starts, logic ends.
So, the meter starts!
A raindrop from the sky
Changes form in its descent
Breathing life into the clouds
It has detached from
Leaving the dark path of sin
Begins to walk on fire
Like the blazing sun
That burns to brighten the world
God bless you, son.
SI Arjun Kalyan saved an orphanage
from land grabbers.
He rises like a high tide
You can write it down
Today, my daughter has been served justice
and justice is alive.
Arjun Kalyan has closed down
an illegal beer factory
and provided water to slum-dwellers.
Our every grain of food
and every drop of water bear his name.
As bright as lightning and thunder
He fights against the evil everywhere
Creates dread in the minds of wrongdoers,
Beats them all to a pulp
Creates dread in the minds of wrongdoers,
Beats them all to a pulp
You rescued the abducted kids
and returned them to their parents.
God bless you and your parents.
It seems to work. Step up your efforts.
Arjun Kalyan arrested the real culprit
and saved an innocent person.
Arjun Kalyan delivers justice to customers
cheated by a chit fund company.
Who is this fellow
settling disputes in my area?
It's you! Okay.
Terrorize them
Is this my jurisdiction or his?
Hit them
Take aim
Smash them
Bring them all down
- I'm a friend of your commissioner's.
- So what?
Doctor, please save my daughter.
Arjun Kalyan saved a mother and her child
when a doctor refused to treat them.
Arjun Kalyan rescued a girl
from a gang of lustful predators.
AND LIVING IN A PUBLIC TOILEAs the story takes a new turn
A new door opens...
If his appointment issue leaks out,
it will be the end of us.
He has the drive and the gumption
To confront anyone
He beats them all to a pulp
He will bash them up
He beats them all to a pulp
Policemen physically abused us
when we asked for help.
But Arjun Kalyan gave us a new life.
If every policeman is like this man,
no girl will ever face injustice.
Venkat Ratnam will live
to at least see his son's success.
Venkat Ratnam realized his dream finally.
Arjun Kalyan is known
as son of Venkat Ratnam.
Now, Venkat Ratnam is known
as father of Arjun Kalyan.
Someone masquerading as a policeman
has the entire city on a tight leash.
Why are the higher-ups
not taking action against this guy?
There must be something fishy going on.
He's taking the land we have grabbed
and returning it to the rightful owners.
Our call money business is shut down.
He cracked down
on women and child trafficking.
He has cut off all our sources of income.
He crushed all our businesses.
Now he will come after you.
Just say the word, boss. We will...
You both can get together
and start dancing.
We are losing money here.
Sir, let us not clash with him
during elections.
That guy just wants
his puny little job back. Give it to him.
Say something.
Call him now.
You crazy idiot.
Hold on, hold on...
He isn't at home.
Where is he?
What will I get if I tell you?
Can I get a bottle of liquor?
She is as crazy as that commissioner.
Arjun went to the home minister's office.
You can meet him there.
How long should we wait? Call him.
Don't be impatient.
We can't always dictate terms to others.
We need to accept that.
We're already worried about the elections.
Why are you troubling us now?
I agree what happened to you is unfair.
Now you need a job, right?
I will get you posted to the same station
that you got ousted from. Okay?
That's not enough.
Not enough? Do you want the DGP's job?
You can become the home minister.
What do you want?
Reinstate those 3,000 people
into the police department.
The plan is good, but it'll be problematic
if we can't execute it well.
I will deal them when they arise.
- Will you take me to Punjagutta?
- Costs Rs. 200.
Hello, sir.
Hello, Venkat Ratnam.
What brings you here?
My son is here
for the police recruitment selections.
What about you?
My driver is here for the same.
I just wanted to encourage him.
- Sir, I've qualified in all the tests.
- Amazing. Very good.
Come on. There he is.
Catch him.
Hey, he's hiding here somewhere.
Search every inch of this place. Go.
- Did you find him?
- No, boss.
Let's go to that side and search.
Son, aren't you the DGP's driver?
Who are those people?
Why are they chasing you?
Don't worry.
My son is a sub-inspector here.
He will help you.
Tell me what happened.
Don't worry, sir. I will take care of it.
Okay, sir.
Karthik, you don't need to come to work
from tomorrow.
- Sir?
- You are fired.
Sir, what did I do?
The rules don't permit an inspector
to work as someone's driver.
What are you saying, sir?
You have got selected
in the recent SI recruitment.
You will receive your appointment order
in two weeks.
You have made it!
You are my inspiration, sir.
All right.
- Take me to the home minister's house.
- OK, sir.
- Hello, sir.
- Come, please have a seat.
Thank you.
Here is the final list you asked for.
- Take it.
- Sorry, sir. I don't drink.
You called me to discuss
something important.
It's not good to have such a strong drink.
Don't you know?
As if you know.
DGP, my party earned a bad name
in the last ten years.
I doubt if we can even retain
our deposits in many places.
The voters are now politically active,
so we cannot bribe them with money.
Your police force doesn't support us
in rigging the elections.
I can't sleep peacefully
without having a drink
or without being in power.
That's why I have a plan.
How many candidates did you select
in the last recruitment?
Ten thousand, sir.
We are in the process of sending
their appointment orders.
Stop it immediately.
Here is my list.
Take 3,000 names out of your list,
and replace them
with the 3,000 candidates in my list
and send the appointment orders.
Post those guys in constituencies
where my party is weak.
They will bring us back to power
by helping my party rig the elections
and they will silence our opponents
by using violence if necessary.
Then we can rule peacefully
for another five years.
Sir, we have already entered the names
in the database.
Don't worry about the database.
We run the show in this department.
What do you say?
Why will he refuse if he gets
Rs. 50 crore in his bank account?
He will agree. You can convince him.
It's been a dream of my parents'
to see me as a police officer.
They too have worked very hard
to help me.
They will be so thrilled to know
that I've been selected as an SI.
I was worried that I might not make it.
Sincere people like you must not fail.
I won't let you fail.
Please, sir. It's 3,000 people.
It's a crime to recruit unfit people,
who didn't even attend the selections.
It would damage the reputation
of our police force and of our state.
If someone knows the truth about me,
either he should join hands with me
or he must cease to exist.
Think again.
Sir, it is not just swapping some paper.
It affects the lives of 3,000 people.
I won't do it.
He replaced the DGP with someone
who toes the line and executes his plan.
I started collecting evidence
related to this scam to expose them.
But they have caught me.
These are the people
who should get those jobs.
A youth ended his life
as he could not become a police officer.
He cleared all the tests.
But his name was missing
from the list of selected candidates.
He couldn't bear it.
He should have been a police officer.
Instead, he's lying dead
and waiting for an autopsy.
I promise you.
My son will do justice
to these guys and you.
Boss, there he is.
Sir, please don't get into trouble
because of me. Give it to me.
Come on, guys.
Not only did you not fulfill
the promise I made him
you also dashed the hopes of many people
thirsting for justice.
The lives of countless others,
who want to be sincere police officers,
are in limbo.
There were times I didn't tolerate
even one guy breaking the law.
Now I am pained
that I'm not able to do anything
when so many people are breaking the law.
Now I understand why I got
the wrong appointment order, Dad.
Wrong appointment order?
I got the wrong appointment order
because of his recruitment scam.
And he came to know about it.
Let's call Arjun and talk to him.
Let's give Arjun's job to Karthik.
The problem is solved.
Is it okay now, DGP?
Karthik played along with them
to gather the evidence. It got him killed.
No, I killed him.
But don't you worry, Dad.
I will fulfill the promise you made him
and deliver the justice that I obstructed.
It's your retirement gift from me.
As Lord Krishna
exposed Duryodhana's watery hideout,
I will expose all the fake cops
hiding in the department.
This might lead to a war.
I'm ready to fight,
and I'll kick them out of the department.
I feel so proud
just listening about myself.
Make a biopic on me. I will fund you.
But don't waste your time blackmailing me.
I haven't come to blackmail you,
but to settle the matter.
Let's do it.
What if I don't?
You must do it.
Even the most senior police officers
stand before me with folded hands,
ever ready to do my bidding.
You are not even a cop. What can you do?
Sir, we put a book back on the shelf
after we finish reading it.
But the self-confidence it gives us
stays with us forever.
Likewise, the police uniform gave me
so much in my brief stint as a cop.
My body felt some unknown vibrations
when I wore it.
When the blood carried those vibrations
from the brain to the blood veins
and finally, to the surface of my skin...
And this happened every time.
That uniform gave me immense happiness.
It made me fearless.
It made me feisty.
Everything pales in comparison to it.
I don't leave behind any evidence.
I will dig it up.
You won't find a single witness.
I will find them.
No evidence.
I will gather it.
What will you gather?
Do you know who I am?
I am Kantham Byreddy.
I'm like a high voltage transformer.
I'll blast anything in my way.
Hey, mister!
Do you think you can scare me
with such talk?
You cannot face my swagger.
It always remains the same.
It has no deviations and limitations.
It will crush everything on the way.
What do you think of yourself?
Hey, what are you doing here?
Don't you have any sense?
Hold on. Is it necessary for us
to say nasty things to each other?
This is what we both want. Come on.
He just made you sweat.
Now he's ready to serenade her.
He surely has got swag.
I asked for Miss Beautiful,
And they pointed me towards you
But your dad was standing outside
When I came all the way to see you
I will be on the terrace
When the moon comes out
I will wave at you
But it's your bad luck if you miss it
I saw you on the terrace
And jumped over the wall
I assembled the stars in the sky
To ward off the evil eye
You are crazy about me,
And I love you for that
Come and savor the bounty
As there is nothing to hide now
My shining beauty...
The rhythm of my heart
Your waist is like a shining desert
Please don't sway so much
My shining beauty...
The rhythm of my heart
Your waist is like a shining desert
Please don't sway so much
I asked for Miss Beautiful,
And they pointed me towards you
But your dad was standing outside
When I came all the way to see you
Among all the couple who are in love
We must be the source
Of all the trending gossip
In every celebration
At every love junction
We should be talked about in cutest ways
We should be the envy of everyone
Let's make it happen
Let's take a step further
And prepare for the wedding
You are the one delaying it,
Fix the date soon
My shining beauty...
The rhythm of my heart
Your waist is like a shining desert
Please don't sway so much
My shining beauty...
The rhythm of my heart
Your waist is like a shining desert
Please don't sway so much
You are the DGP, but you don't have a clue
whom to recruit for a job. What a shame!
You are the one who handpicked him.
I mean, you appointed him as the DGP.
Check again, DGP.
I hope you haven't left any clues.
Don't worry, sir.
All routes are closed,
and all doors are locked.
Why did you come here?
I said I would meet you tonight.
You get reminded of me only at night.
Oh, God!
PA, what's the update on that house?
We are negotiating with them.
I don't want a house. I want my son back.
Someone has kidnapped my son.
I'm sure it's Arjun Kalyan.
Sir, he is targeting you politically.
If the public comes to know about her,
forget about the elections,
your life will be ruined.
I don't know what's going on
between you people.
I want my son back.
Or else, I will call the media.
You know about me, right?
Sir, I have a question.
Does she have you by the balls?
Hey, DGP.
Deal with this case all by yourself.
- Okay, sir.
- Don't involve anyone.
Not even your security guards.
Sure, sir.
Give me the number of the caller.
Sir, her son is safe.
But the DGP has been kidnapped.
The DGP is the witness we need.
Why did we have to kidnap this boy?
We can't kidnap the DGP
as he's protected by police security.
We need to draw him away from them
and catch him alone.
Wait, I got it.
What is it? Asthma?
- Diabetes.
- Diabetes? Wait...
- Diabetes.
- Here you go!
What else?
Are we running a pharmacy to supply you
with the medicine you need?
By the way,
why do you carry so many diseases?
Hey, you guys are making a big mistake.
Really? What is that you do
in cahoots with the home minister?
The home minister won't spare you
if anything happened to me.
This guy seems to have many expectations
from the home minister.
Shall I tell you a story
about your friendship?
A lion used to hunt for prey
in the jungle every day.
Other animals became cautious
and began to hide
since they knew the lion's routine.
Realizing what had happened,
the lion made friends with a fox.
The fox would share the whereabouts
of other animals with the lion
and the lion would get its food easily.
But soon, a hunter came to the jungle.
He would hunt animals
wherever he found them.
Now, the food was getting scarce,
and the lion grew hungry.
Since the lion wanted to stay alive,
it hunted down the fox,
which was a friend,
and killed it and ate it.
I hope you know who the fox is
in your story.
I will solve this case
whether you confess to your crime or not.
You will be his next target.
If I confess,
I will be jailed along with him.
How can I do that?
You should act like a wily fox
before the lion comes to eat you up.
Put the blame on Byreddy,
and wash your hands of the whole thing.
You will be safe
and can continue in your job.
Think about it.
I will always win
no matter what my opponents do.
I'll shoot them down.
You can play this game
as long as you want,
but its result is already fixed.
You may have fixed the game,
but let me finish it.
Just wait and see.
We just lost our only option.
What next?
He knocked out our witness.
Now, let's go after him.
If you speak out to the media,
many other victims like your son
will get justice.
I can't afford to lose my other son.
Please leave.
Ma'am, please listen to me.
Please don't make me beg you.
All right.
Boss, he has left.
He is like a bouncing ball.
No matter how many times you hit him,
he will keep coming back at you.
Finish him off for good.
They look dangerous.
Let's not wait for them to come at us.
Let's thrash them.
You said you will thrash them,
but you're the one getting thrashed.
I'm gonna entertain you all.
You just cut the power, man.
Now enjoy the fun
that happens in the dark.
Let's watch it.
He is playing tricks on us.
Let's bash him up.
He can see the paint on our dress.
Remove your shirts.
Remove it.
Don't let him get away.
Hey, he can see you. Take off your shirt.
Don't you want me to whack you?
Hey, find out if they have killed him,
or not.
He doesn't let me go to bed.
He isn't answering, sir.
Try again.
He isn't answering.
Try calling another guy.
No one is answering.
He is calling. Please pick up.
Pick it up, sir.
I am afraid what he will say
if I answer the call.
You will look like a coward
if you don't answer. Pick it up.
Kantham Byreddy is confident
of returning to power again.
My ego doesn't accept it.
I must get the data
of those 3,000 fake candidates.
All the recruitment data is stored
in the department database.
Why don't you try there?
The department is in his control.
I have no access.
Can someone access
that information anywhere else?
No chance. No one has the rights.
Can someone access
that information anywhere else?
No chance. No one has the rights.
Yes. The right to information.
It is an act meant
to provide transparent information
about government activities.
We have a right to ask.
The government has to give us that info.
Let's ask for that data
as per the RTI Act.
He added those 3,000 names
in the final list.
But they didn't participate
in the first three tests.
We will know those names if we tally
the final list with other lists.
First, tally it
with the medical test list.
Tally it with the written test list.
Tally it with the physical test list.
He manipulated all the data
that is under his control.
We can't do anything.
What did you say now?
He manipulated the data
that is under his control.
It means, he couldn't have manipulated
anything outside his purview.
He manipulated the lists
under his control.
But he can't forge the list of applicants.
These guys didn't apply for the jobs.
We can get them if we tally the final list
with the list of applicants.
Do it.
Try to match them.
This is more than enough
to put him behind bars.
Oh, dear!
That bugger really did it?
Yes, sir. I am going to meet the governor
with all the evidence.
I need your support.
Not just me,
the entire police department is with you.
Thank you, sir.
We just got the information.
If he meets the governor
with all the evidence,
you will end up in jail.
I know where his girlfriend lives, boss.
We will soon hear some breaking news
which will rock our state
as well as our country.
You are giving a great gift to your dad
on his retirement.
If you wanted to give
a retirement gift to your dad,
you could have given him
a farmhouse or guesthouse.
But you want to snuff out my life
as a gift to your dad?
Since you want to give a gift to your dad,
I want to give you a gift as well.
Head Constable Venkat Ratnam.
What happened?
If I must dig deep,
I can go deeper than you.
But I wanted to save the best option
until the last, so I waited.
Come, let's settle the scores.
I know where his girlfriend lives, boss.
Blood relations are stronger
than romantic relations.
Go and bring his dad instead.
Blood relations are more powerful
than anything else in the world.
It is going to bring your son here.
Why are you laughing?
I would rather die
if he compromises his duty and comes here.
But if he chooses his duty over me,
my spirit will live on even if I die.
My son knows
what kind of a life I want to live.
Many police officers
do their job honestly.
But only a few of them get an opportunity
to lay down their lives
in the line of duty.
Do not waste such an opportunity.
I am sure he won't come here.
He will come here
at least to save your life.
He will deliver justice
to those whom he failed before.
He won't come.
If my experience is anything to go by,
he will come here.
I raised him. I say with certainty
that he won't come.
He will be here in ten minutes.
You will see.
Your story will beam on every news channel
in ten minutes.
as election candidates file nominations,
you will be put under investigation.
Those 3,000 deserving candidates
will join the police force.
And you will go to jail.
Your story has reached its climax.
I kidnapped him,
but he is the one blackmailing me.
The father and the son
share the same traits.
Hey, deploy our men on all the routes
that lead to the governor's house.
Kill him the moment you see him.
You were so confident
that he wouldn't come here.
Take that evidence from him and kill him.
Perhaps you don't know me.
This is what I can do.
I was anyway heading towards you
when you called and blackmailed me.
You wasted time and money
by hiring these goons to kidnap his dad.
He will be put behind bars.
If I go to the governor.
And thousands will get police jobs.
If people face any problem,
they approach the police.
But if the police department
is so corrupted,
it damages the reputation
of the entire force.
I don't want to risk
the reputation of the whole department
to punish this scoundrel.
What about those 3,000 men then?
I have a plan.
I have come here to strike a deal
with your boss.
If it doesn't happen,
then let's have a freewheeling fight.
Wait until then. Just wait and see.
I have the names
of all the fake candidates.
But you have
the list of all original candidates.
If they receive
their appointment orders right away,
I will leave this matter here.
Don't refuse this deal.
You don't want to get into more mess.
Don't mess with us young men.
Once we decide to fight back,
there is nothing that can stop us.
The choice is yours.
Do I look like a fool?
I have done all this
to claw back to power.
Why will I agree to a deal
that makes me a loser?
I have a plan that will keep you in power.
Please come with me, sir.
This home minister is very fickle-minded.
I wonder what that guy is saying to him.
Your mistress is amazing, sir.
You were like sworn enemies,
and now you're acting like lovebirds.
What did you say to my boss?
What do you think?
He is my partner.
Oh, my God!
Mr. Venkat Ratnam, I am happy
with the deal your son has proposed.
Hey, immediately send appointment orders
to everyone in the original list.
But what about those
who paid money for the jobs?
Give it back,
and also pay them some extra money.
This is about my future.
Kalyan, I just wanted justice
for those candidates.
You delivered it and saved the reputation
of the police department as well.
I wanted you to become
a policeman who helps people.
But you have helped the police force too.
I am proud to be your father, son.
We are very proud to have
such a police officer like you.
You and your son helped us recruit
3,000 police officers into the department.
This is the best recruitment
in the history of our department.
And also, this is the best retirement
in the history of the police department.
Considering the services
you rendered to the department,
we confer on you the honors
usually reserved for higher officials.
About turn!
And one more important thing is...
Arjun Kalyan went beyond the call of duty
to safeguard the reputation
of the police department.
So, I appoint him as an SI
under special recruitment process.
Forward, march!
We are not even campaigning.
What is his plan?
We can't win these elections.
I don't understand what's happening.
What are you up to?
Don't panic.
We will sweep these elections.
How can you be so confident?
What did that guy do to you?
Please select your party symbol
and press it.
Now click on another party's symbol.
What is this? My party is receiving
the votes cast for others.
This is called the latest tampering
technology, from Korea.
Trump and Kim have collaborated
and created this technology.
Install this software
in the voting machines.
All the votes will be transferred
to your party.
The opposition won't stand a chance.
This is top secret and it's expensive.
Take it, and let me give
a good retirement gift to my dad.
Wait a minute.
- Hey!
- Hey!
Just shut up!
Trump and Kim collaboration, my foot!
It is nothing but some cheap Chinese app
for kids to improve their math skills.
An app?
You couldn't even figure out
that it's an app.
Shame on you!
And shame on me for working for you.
The political equations are going to shift
in the next 24 hours
with the imminent arrest
of the Home Minister.
Come on. You have been sorely missed.
Commissioner, what's happening here?
You name has entered
the Guinness Book of World Records, sir.
How did this happen all of a sudden?
In an unprecedented manner,
3,000 cases have been filed at once
against the Home Minister.
This is a record not just in India,
but also in the entire world.
First time, prime time...
It is an all-time record.
Three thousand cases?
Thefts, rapes, murders, assaults,
land-grabbing, looting...
So many crimes.
Cases have been filed against you
for all the crimes you've committed.
Except for one crime.
The recruitment scam.
Though you are being arrested
for other cases,
you will be punished only for that scam.
You played politics with us.
My department also knows
how to play politics with you, sir.
Arjun Kalyan has cut you down to size.
No comment. Move aside...
Hey, Commissioner!
What is he doing here?
I won't move aside
until the commissioner resigns.
Won't you give me a break, man?
Hey, why are you being a pain in my neck?
They cut my water supply
because I didn't pay the water bill.
So, I have been drinking liquor
ever since, and it damaged my liver.
You should go
to the municipal commissioner.
I don't care.
A commissioner is a commissioner.
I'll continue to drink until you resign.
I will make you resign from your job.
I asked for Miss Beautiful,
And they pointed me towards you
But your dad was waiting outside
When I came all the way to see you
I will be on the terrace
When the moon comes out
I will wave at you
But it's your bad luck if you miss it
I saw you on the terrace
And jumped over the wall
I assembled the stars in the sky
To ward off the evil eye
You are crazy about me,
And I love you for that
Come and savor the bounty
As there is nothing to hide now
My shining beauty...
The rhythm of my heart
Your waist is like a shining desert
Please don't sway so much
My shining beauty...
The rhythm of my heart
Your waist is like a shining desert
Please don't sway so much
I asked for Miss Beautiful,
And they pointed me towards you
But your dad was standing outside
When I came all the way to see you
Among all the couples who are in love
We must be the source
Of all the trending gossip
In every celebration
At every love junction
We should be talked about in cutest terms
We should be the envy of everyone
Let's make it happen
Let's take a step further
And prepare for the wedding
You are the one delaying it,
Fix the date soon
My shining beauty...
The rhythm of my heart
Your waist is like a shining desert
Please don't sway so much
My shining beauty...
The rhythm of my heart
Your waist is like a shining desert
Please don't sway so much